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Building Leadership that Builds Business
How We Work With Your Organization:
To identify the elements of worker engagement, research firm Gallup
conducted many thousands of interviews in all kinds of organizations,
at all levels, in most industries, and in many countries. These 12
statements -- The Gallup Q12 -- emerged from Gallup's pioneering
research as those that best predict employee and workgroup
1. I know what is expected of me at work.
2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right.
3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day.
4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good
5. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person.
6. There is someone at work who encourages my development.
7. At work, my opinions seem to count.
8. The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is
9. My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work.
10. I have a best friend at work.
11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my
12. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.
(The Q12 items are protected by copyright of The Gallup Organization, 1992-
1999. All rights reserved.)
The 12
of Great
“Authentic Life: Helping Leaders and
Executives to finally GET A LIFE!”
Most of us are not taught personal leadership skills:
self-awareness, values, intrinsic motivation and life
balance, least of all empowering others. Without
feedback, support and accountability, we try new
thoughts and behaviors without lasting results. This
shows up in profitability. This is where MSBCoach
steps in. We partner with you to develop authentic
leadership and build high-performance teams by
investing in individuals…
-turning potential into success!
Michelle Braden, CEO MSBCoach | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 3
4 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate
the vision, passionately own the vision, and
relentlessly drive it to completion.”
-Jack Welch
Former chairman and CEO of General Electric | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 7
1. Gain an objective opinion.
2. Create a strategic plan that
will direct how you, your de-
partment and organization will
3. Learn how and why strong
leadership is vital to growth
and success.
4. Increase the productivity in
yourself and your team.
5. Uncover skills you did not
think you had.
6. Stretch your mind.
7. Locate what is missing in your
plan in order to develop in-
creased action.
8. Reduce the stress in your per-
sonal and professional life.
9. Reach and achieve what you
once thought were unrealistic
10.Re-discover your passion.
The higher executives advance up the organizational ladder they
are less dependent on technical skills and require more
effectiveness in interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence.
Coaching is an effective tool for improving bottom line
performance in executives and organizations.
Coaching builds skills and capacities for more productive working
Coaching paves the way for decision makers to create higher
levels of organizational effectiveness through dialogue, inquiry
and positive interactions.
Coaching helps identify when teamwork is important; the how
and when to apply the skills necessary to foster it.
Coached executives have reported improvements in the following
a. 53% in Productivity
b. 48% in Quality
c. 48% in Organizational Strength
d. 39% in Customer Service
e. 34% in Reducing Customer Complaints
f. 32% in Retaining Executives who Received Coaching
g. 23% in Cost Reductions
h. 22% in Bottom-line Profitability
a. Harris Interactive Research Study
b. The 8th Habit – Stephen Covey
c. The Center for Creative Leadership
8 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
Who Hires a Coach?
The International Coaching
Federation surveyed coaching
clients for demographic data and
feedback/opinions about the
value and use of coaching. Of
these respondents, 94% were
employed professionals. All had a
formal, on-going relationship
with a coach for an average
duration of nine months. Over
80% of the respondents had
undergraduate degrees and over
one third had master’s degrees or
Outcome Attributed
to Coaching
67.6% higher level of
62.4% smarter goal-setting
60.5% more balanced life
57.1% lower stress levels
52.9% self-discovery
52.4% more self-confidence
33.8% health
33.3% better staff
33.3% better family
25.7% stopped a bad habit
24.3% change in career
22.9% more free time
70% - Very Valuable
28% - Valuable
84.8% - Sounding Board
78.1% - Motivator
56.7% - Support
50.5% - Mentor | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 9
“Whether you think you can or
think you can’t, you’re right!”
- Henry Ford
10 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
Those who hire coaches are
visionaries. They have a drive
to achieve the most out of
their career, business, family,
and personal life. The coach is
their partner, mentor,
facilitator and encourager to
help individuals discover their
dreams (tapped and
untapped), map out a plan and
accomplish the impossible.
WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 11
Based on the above formula, the cost of turnover for a leader whose annual salary is $75-
$150,000 is $24,375 to $48,750 annually per person
** This formula attributed to Saratoga Institute and Kepner-Tregoe Inc.
For more details on this report go to
Bottom Line – The Cost of Turnover
12 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action
without vision just passes the time. Vision with
action can change the world.”
-Joel A. Barker,
Independent Scholar & Futurist | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 15
At MSBCoach we promise to
coach, train and lead by our
values. We:
1. Provide superior
2. Conduct ourselves with
3. Foster trust
4. Create an environment for
collaboration and teamwork
5. Provide excellent quality
6. Exceed expectations
7. Deliver creative, competent
breakthrough leadership
training and coaching
8. Remain committed to your
To provide the highest quality coaching and training through
developing partnerships with our clients to empower
breakthroughs necessary for professional and personal
At MSBCoach our mission is accomplished through partnering
with clients to articulate what they want to accomplish: defining
their own success, creating new ways of thinking, and executing an
action plan.
Coaching and training will meet and exceed the needs of each
individual client in all aspects of personhood through a
commitment to self-leadership, enhancing relationships, and
building high-performing teams.
Fundamental to our success, our values set us apart through our
partnerships, actions and behaviors:
a. Integrity
b. Affordability
c. Operational excellence
d. Superior service
e. Respect
f. Personal & professional growth
g. Accountability
h. Trust
i. Confidentiality
j. Relationships
16 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
At MSBCoach our coaching
model consists of three
components - I.S.C.
1. “I” - Identify challenges and
opportunities with individuals
and teams.
2. “S” - Shift the mindset.
3. “C” - Create breakthroughs
and a new future for
individuals and teams.
Our philosophy is to coach, train and journey alongside our
clients, forming partnerships, alliances, forging strong
relationships and developing well balanced, top level leaders who
create high performance teams.
a. Support
b. Encouragement
c. Thinking Partner
d. Sounding Board
e. Accountability
f. Assisting our clients to:
• Envision
• Empower
• Execute their professional and personal future
a. Break through mindsets
b. Create new vision and thought patterns
c. Be accountable to process outside the norm
d. Discover what is possible for your future
e. Execute to make it happen
We know each individual and team is distinctive and has its own
culture. Our coaching model ensures each program is
customized to the client’s needs. We ask probing questions to
help our clients discover their own vision and solutions. This
results in critical and creative thinking - not always looking to
find “the” answer, rather to explore all the possibilities through
engaged thinking. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 17
At MSBCoach we not only strive to bring our clients the best
measurement tools and coaching, we also evaluate ourselves and
work hard to deliver consistently the highest caliber Executive
Leadership resources available. We do this through measurement
and implementation. Below are just a few examples of what you
can expect when working with MSBCoach:
We begin the process with a comprehensive questionnaire
designed to get to know each candidate’s unique talents and
coaching needs.
Questions from the MSBCoach New Client Packet
“Management is doing things
right; leadership is doing the
right things.”
-Peter F. Drucker
18 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
Questions from the MSBCoach Workshops and Feedback Questionnaires
Along the way, we ask for your
feedback. This helps MSBCoach
with process improvement and pro-
vides us with valuable insights re-
garding what works best for each
client’s needs. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 19
Just as our clients expect to see return on their investment from
coaching, MSBCoach does the same. We have added a team of
skilled coaches and support staff who work diligently to bring the
best in leadership information and innovation to every MSBCoach
client we serve.
As we continue to grow, we look forward to a successful
partnership with you.
“Don't tell people how to do
things, tell them what to do
and let them surprise you with
their results.”
-George S. Patton
20 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
“If you want to succeed you should strike out on
new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of
accepted success.”
-John D. Rockefeller
Founder of Standard Oil Company | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 23
As a leader or team member you are creative and whole. As a leader or
team member you are the core. Each leader and team member makes the
gears in this process turn.
In the I Phase the team will partner with your coach to identify
challenges, opportunities and discuss what you want to accomplish.
Together we gain understanding by using tools such as: Strength Finder,
DISC Personality Profile, 360° Feedback, and Emotional Intelligence.
The S Phase allows you to be mentally and emotionally prepared to
accomplish what the team has identified in the I Phase. This phase is not
about finding “THE” answer but rather opening
your mind to explore all the possibilities to the
1. Shift mindsets where there are mental
2. Discuss probing questions regarding:
A. Barriers in reaching goals
B. Energy
C. Work-life balance
In the C Phase we will discover ways to create
breakthroughs for the team’s future. We will
combine information from the I and S Phases to
create an environment for personal and team success.
1. Set goals and timeframes
2. Create a plan of action
3. Execute your plan of action
24 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
"Surround yourself with the best people you can
find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long
as the policy you've decided upon is being carried
-Ronald Reagan,
former United States President | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 27
“Of the best leaders, when
their task is accomplished,
their people all remark, “We
have done it ourselves.”
- Lao Tzu
MSBCoach recognizes that not all businesses are created equal. We
partner with you to develop a program custom-fit for your business
culture. To determine the exact needs of your organization we conduct
"on-boarding" meetings, interviews with key players, and surveys. We
develop a coaching plan that is a personal fit to those receiving coaching.
We customize workshops that work best based on the available length of
time and days of the week within the organization’s culture.
Through contracting with MSBCoach, you provide your company and team
with the advantages needed to be successful. Rome was not built in a day
and neither are strong leaders nor high performance teams. The process
of building takes time, commitment and dedication. MSBCoach is
dedicated to you, your staff, and this process. We provide training
sessions each month and individual executive and leadership
coaching sessions. This program provides executives and their teams
with structure, an outcome-based thinking partner, strategic planning
partner and any of the specialty services provided by MSBCoach.... yourself, your team, and your organization. The alternative cost is
much more in turnover and lost morale. You will see results in
productivity that will affect the bottom line and yield a greater return
on investment!
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin
28 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
“A leader has the vision and conviction that a
dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and
energy to get it done.”
-Ralph Lauren,
Designer and founder of Ralph Lauren Company | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 31
MSBCoach partners with your business to custom develop onsite
Together, we empower
your success!
Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations
Organizational Leadership
Situational Leadership
Coaching Tools for Leaders (See page 57 for
certification program)
Leadership Communication
Talent Recruitment & Retention
Power Partnerships & Accountability
Leadership and Relationships
Lincoln on Leadership Series (See Page 63)
Leadership that Builds Customer Service from the
Inside Out
The Setup to Fail
Creating Your Leadership Legacy/Succession Planning
Creating Your Future Using The Empowerment
Leading a Culture for Change and Innovation
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Risk and Leadership
Ethical Lens Inventory
Building Organizational Trust through Leadership
Power Thinking: The Strategies of Outstanding Leaders
Strategic Planning, Using the Balanced Scorecard
32 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
Our personalities emerge from
our genetics and are further
shaped by our ongoing life
experiences. Emergenetics is a
unique and flexible approach to
personality profiling that is
based on the latest brain
Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations
Empowering & Emerging Leaders Program (See Page 45)
Organizational Leadership
Situational Leadership
Coaching Tools for Leaders (See Page 57 for certification
Leading Virtual Teams
Managing Up
Leading through Change
Leadership Communication
Multigenerational Leadership
Talent Recruitment & Retention
Power Partnerships & Accountability
Managing Stress, Wellness, & Work-Life Balance
Business Etiquette, Common Courtesy, and Executive
Engage Yourself and Your Team in Meaningful Work
Appreciative Inquiry
Leading Yourself
Leadership & Listening
Lincoln on Leadership Series (See Page 63)
Leadership That Builds Customer Service from the Inside
Creating Your Future Using The Empowerment Dynamic
Leading a Culture for Change and Innovation
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Risk and Leadership
Ethical Lens Inventory
Building Organizational Trust through Leadership
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Employee Engagement
Moving From Manager to Leader
Motivating Employees to Be Their Best
Goal Setting for Success
Adapting Your Style
Juggling Multiple Priorities & Time Management
Interactive Interviewing Skills
Performance Management & Resolving Performance
And Conduct Problems
Leadership and Relationships
Leadership Characteristics
Power Thinking: The Strategies of Outstanding Leaders
Creative Problem Solving
Delegating for Growth
Dynamic Decision Making
Strategic Planning, Using the Balanced Scorecard | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 33
Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations
Authentic Leadership Program (See Pages 39, 73)
Empowering & Emerging Leaders Program (See Page
Situational Leadership
Coaching Tools for Leaders (See Page 57 for
certification program)
Leading Virtual Teams
Managing Up
Leading Through Change
Leadership Communication
Networking for Leaders
From Strategy to Execution
Multigenerational Leadership
Managing Stress, Wellness, & Work-Life Balance
Managing Teams
Business Etiquette, Common Courtesy, and Executive
Goal Setting for Success
Adapting Your Style
Juggling Multiple Priorities and Time Management
Interactive Interviewing Skills
Performance Management & Resolving Performance
and Conduct Problems
Leadership and Relationships
Leadership Characteristics
Engage Yourself and Your Team in Meaningful Work
Appreciative Inquiry
Leading Yourself
Leadership & Listening
Lincoln on Leadership Series (See Page 63)
Leadership That Builds Customer Service from the
Inside Out
Creating Your Future Using The Empowerment
Leading With Emotional Intelligence
Ethical Leadership
Building Organizational Trust through Leadership
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Employee Engagement
Moving from Manager to Leader
Motivating Employees to Be Their Best
Power Thinking: The Strategies of Outstanding Leaders
Creative Problem Solving
Delegating for Growth
Dynamic Decision Making
34 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations
High Performance Teams Program (See Pages 53)
High Performance Virtual Teams
Embracing Change on the Team
Stress Management and Wellness in the Workplace
Engage Yourself and Your Team in Meaningful Work
Project Management
Customer Service Excellence
Building a Culture that Works
Team Building & Team Foundations
Emotionally Intelligent Teams
Creating the Team’s Future Using the Empowerment
Effective Team Communication
All leaders are highly encouraged to participate in all team training
with their team.
“The trouble with most of us
is that we would rather be
ruined by praise than saved
by criticism.”
- Norman Vincent Peale | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 35
Strength Based Leadership & Teams
360 Feedback
DISC Personality Profiles
Emotional Intelligence
Situational Leadership
High Performance Team Assessment
Authentic Leadership
Emergenetics - The New Science of Success
Ethical Lens Inventory
See pages 73-77 for more details.
36 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
Authentic LIFE “Get a LIFE”
Lincoln On Leadership Program—3 levels available
Coaching Certification Program
Empowering and Emerging Executive Leaders Program
Leading High Performance Teams | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 37
"The very essence of leadership is [that] you have a
vision. It's got to be a vision you articulate clearly
and forcefully on every occasion. You can't blow an
uncertain trumpet."
-Theodore Hesburgh
President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame
38 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 41
Authentic LIFE develops genuine leadership with perceptive
self-awareness, true ability to empower others, and create sustain-
able organizations.
a. An understanding of Authentic Leadership and what it
means to you
b. Self-discovery and heightened self-awareness
c. Knowledge of your natural strengths and how to
channel them into effective leadership
d. Reconnection with your passion in ways that will
revitalize your business relationships and decisions
e. A new sense of freedom through being your true self
across all areas of your life
f. A support team to empower you to grow beyond what
you can be on your own
g. Knowledge of how your life story affects your
h. An understanding of your personal values and
principles and how you lead according to them
i. A working familiarity with how you are motivated
intrinsically & extrinsically
j. The ability to empower others to become authentic
a. Leaders cannot succeed on their own
b. Create support and advice to stay on course
c. Develop mutually beneficial relationships
d. Provide accountability
e. Provide a safe environment to share concerns, successes
and gain feedback
42 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
A series of six sessions
Work on self-discovery in leadership individually as well
as with a partner
Learn something new each meeting and have open
discussions about progress
• Exploring the aspects of Authentic Leadership
• Self-awareness and your life story
• Discovering your values and principles from your life story
• Defining intrinsic and extrinsic motivations
• Defining staying grounded and integration
• Empowering others
For more details and course description, please visit
44 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 47
Our Mission is to empower executive and emerging executive leaders to
be authentic in self-leadership and lead high performance teams and
You will see real-time differences immediately
You will gain an integrated perspective
You will be more successful in practical affairs
Our approach is outcome oriented
We do not give you the answers but the tools to explore all
the possible answers
You will learn to engage in critical thinking
Are you looking for ways to enhance your business success, make
impactive leadership decisions, and use creative and strategic problem
solving? Would you benefit from a support team of experienced
business owners, executives, and like-minded peers? Are you a current
or emerging executive leader? Have you looked at MBAE programs but
are not sure what the right fit is for you? Have you completed your
MBA and still want more? Or have you looked at MBA programs but
are not sure if they are the right for you?
If you answered yes to two or more of the above questions our
Empowering & Emerging Leaders Program (EELP) may be exactly
what you are looking for. Through EELP, you will see immediate
return on investment. EELP is for both current executives and
emerging executives. You will improve leadership skills as you
collaborate with relevant, real-life, successful executives and
entrepreneurs. The EELP program provides a flexible learning
environment for information exchange in an executive friendly format.
All topics are real-time applicable to issues leaders face on a daily
basis. There are programs designed for emerging executive leaders,
current executive leaders, and combination sessions.
48 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
EELP can be done on site with your leadership team or
individuals may participate in our nationwide EELP
Competitive pricing
Real-world experience of instructors vs. the traditional
educational/theory experience
Smaller classes for collaboration and relationship building
One-on-one time with instructors
Peer group coaching
Individual coaching
Real-time experiences and whitepapers to express
practical application of what is being learned
Class flexibility
Our Faculty is one of the many attributes that sets EELP apart. You will
learn from real-world, experienced executives and business owners.
Our faculty is highly engaging and inspiring. They are passionate about
investing in other leaders to empower their lives and careers.
Our EELP will empower you to become exceptional as you lead with
authentic leadership. Authentic leadership begins with self-discovery.
This is where a leader explores what drives them. Out of self-
awareness, true leaders emerge. Seventy-five percent of Stanford
Graduate School of Business Advisory Council recommended self-
awareness as the most important capability for a leader to develop.
This is the very reason Phase 1 of the EELP is dedicated to self–
leadership, and Phase 2 to team and organizational development.
70% of leaders will fail in their newly promoted roles. This is a direct
result of the leader's inability to connect with the team. EELP sets
leaders apart. It ensures they will be a part of the 30% who succeed.
EELP begins with a leader's self-awareness and moves to applying
this awareness to building strong teams and organizations.
Out of self-awareness, true leaders emerge. The EELP is an Emerging
& Empowering Leaders Program designed to develop leaders from
the inside out. This is not a theory class. Emerging executives train
with successful entrepreneurs and executives who coach them in
self-leadership and developing high-performance teams. This is
real-life, real-time training, so you get immediate results. EELP is a
unique program that is successful by combining executive coaching -
in tandem - with powerful, interactive workshops.
Seventy-five percent of Stanford Graduate School of Business
Advisory Council recommend self-awareness as the most important
asset for a leader to develop. This is why we begin by evaluating a
person’s true intrinsic and extrinsic motives, through discovering
authentic leadership. We increase awareness of one's strengths and
discover the importance of:
emotional intelligence
relationship management
social awareness
values, ethics, goals
personal wellness and leadership
balance in processing
work/life integration
executive presence
Visit for more info
We embrace a holistic approach to leadership for the leader and the
organization. This approach opens a leader's understanding to the
interconnection of every department within the organization.
50 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
The second phase of the program focuses on leading high-
performance teams and organizations. We work with leaders to
engage in critical thinking and encourage their teams to do the same.
We explore the best practices in:
talent recruitment and retention
dealing with conflict
tough conversations
project management
managing laterally and managing up
managing different generations
stimulating creativity in the workplace
running effective meetings
situational leadership
We take pride in our approach. We do not give our participants the
answers but the tools to explore all the possible answers.
Get more information about the program at
“To grasp and hold a vision, that is the very essence
of successful leadership.”
-Ronald Reagan,
former United States President
52 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 55
Leadership Would Be Great if It Were Not for People
Does Self-Awareness Build Stronger Managers & High
Performance Teams?
Managing Meeting Madness to Create Purpose and
Applying Management Skills to Produce Results
Managing Different People in Different Situations
Managing the Functional - High Performance Team
Expand their leadership skills to build and sustain high-
performing project teams
Increase effective team performance
Build a strong team identity through vision, purpose and
Cultivate positive and productive team communication and
define ground rules
Manage conflicts and convert them into assets
Be able to apply the concepts, models and tools following
each module
Tools - EQ Profile, Emergenetics, Situational Leadership,
5 Dysfunctions of a Team, Strength Based Leadership
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want
done because he wants to do it.” - Dwight Eisenhower
56 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
“Nothing limits achievement like small thinking.
Nothing equals possibilities like unleashed
-William Arthur Ward,
author and columnist | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 59
The MSBCoaching institute is a three-day workshop
where executives, managers, HR professionals and leaders, learn crucial
coaching skills and competencies. Individuals gain an in-depth under-
standing of the coaching process and how to use it as leadership tool.
Today’s highly competitive business environment demands that
individuals and organizations perform at higher levels and with greater
speed than ever before. Leaders and employees alike must place a new
emphasis on individual and collective learning and creativity.
Through the MSBCI, organizations and individuals can:
Discover coaching as a powerful model of management,
mentoring and leadership.
Experience and practice “state-of-the-art” coaching tools.
Learn the structure and skills to immediately enhance
Position the organization for rapid growth.
Make major advances in professional and personal
connections as well as apply learning within the workplace
Learn self-awareness through Emergenetics and how to better
understand those you coach.
Gain an understanding of Situational Leadership/how and when
to use coaching as an effective leadership tool.
MSBCI effectively trains individuals in the skills necessary for coaching
within an organization. It is a fully developed model, which managers,
leaders and coaches can implement immediately in their organization to:
Promote innovation and accelerate results.
Effectively develop and retain valuable organizational members.
Improve organizational communication and team effectiveness.
Deepen commitment to personal, professional and organizational
MSBCI challenges participants to raise their standards for their own skills
and competencies.
MSBCI– MSBCoaching Institute
"A clear vision, innovation
and employee buy-in are key
components for the growth of
an organization. The best way
to create that kind of
environment is by creating a
coaching culture".
- JoAnn Auger
Executive Coach and Trainer,
60 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
Taking a Coaching Approach as a Manager/leader
The Coaching Conversation Model
Personal Paradigm Shifts
Context For Coaching and Roles
Coaching Skills
Coaching practice
Personal Coaching Styles Inventory® (PCSI)
Coaching in Organizations
Action Plan to implement coaching personally
Situational Leadership
Human resource professionals
Quality development professionals
Leaders at every level who want to learn advanced
communication and organizational leadership skills
Leader's Coaching Resource Binder - includes assessments,
processes, coaching tools
Written assessment
Assessment of coaching sessions
Emergenetics Profile
Situational Leadership Assessment Certificate
Coaching practice opportunities
MSBCI-MSBCoaching Institute
“It’s not what we don’t know
that gets us into trouble— but
rather what we don’t do with
what we already know that
gets us into trouble.”
- Michelle Braden, CEO,
MSBCoach | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 61
“A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes
from passion, not position.”
-John Maxwell
American Author and motivational speaker
62 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 65
“None of us are likely to achieve the leadership of Abraham Lincoln, but
what an example from whom to learn and emulate. He was authentic.
The principles he practiced have been reaffirmed with time. He was rare
in that he eschewed the autocratic style of power and authority common
in his day for one of humility and service. He exhibited “emotional
intelligence” long before we coined the term.”
-Ken Karr,
Executive Coach/Trainer MSBCoach
In an informal and highly interactive setting, participants read
assigned material in advance and come together to discuss content
and share related personal experience during the sessions
(individually and in teams).
The goal of this series is to strengthen one’s knowledge base of
leadership and to enlarge one’s sphere of relationships in the
leadership realm – with like minded leaders – increasing one’s
leadership support network.
You Knowing You
Vision, Goals, Strategy: Pathways to Success
People; Essential to Success
Learning, Innovation, Creativity
Communicating with Clarity and Impact
Materials for all sessions included
“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more
important than any other.”
-Abraham Lincoln
66 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
“Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the
self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in
themselves, it’s amazing what they can
-Sam Walton,
founder of Wal-mart and Sam’s Club | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 69
The 360 Leadership Profile is a coaching tool designed to raise
self-awareness. The results of this confidential survey assist us in
co-developing a strategy that increases productivity and work
satisfaction, both leading to increased bottom line profitability.
These profiles are administered on an individual or organizational
basis and open the door to increased communication and a greater
understanding of the Leadership Development process.
The sample below shows one such profile:
360 Leadership Profile
70 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
360 Leadership Survey | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 71
“You do not lead by hitting people over the head –
that’s assault, not leadership.”
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
Former United States President
72 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 75
Emergenetics is a self-descriptive test — You answer a series of
questions about yourself, your responses are scored and the results
are compared with a group norm. Whether you are teaching, training,
hiring, leading, or interacting with your team, Emergenetics methods
facilitate communication and promote greater job and personal
effectiveness. It is unlike any profile or assessment process with which
you may be familiar.
360 Leadership Profile The results of this confidential survey assist
us in co-developing a strategy that increases productivity and work
satisfaction, both leading to increased bottom line profitability.
These profiles are administered on an individual or organizational
basis and open the door for increased communication and a greater
understanding of the Leadership Development process. (see pp. 67)
DISC Personality Profiles: Being an effective leader and team member
involves understanding yourself and others. Learning your
personality style and other personality styles will help you be more
successful in work and personal relationships. Over 70% of career
failure is due to an inability to get along with and relate to others, not
the technical skills, as one may think. They are misunderstandings of
how people think, feel, and act.
In this workshop you will discover and understand different types of
personalities according to DISC. By identifying personalities, we can
live and work more effectively with others. Learning how to recognize
individual drives can be enlightening so enjoy the process!
DISC is an acronym for:
The DISC profile consists of a series of words where you choose the
words most like you and the words least like you to get results in two
areas, the first being “This is what is expected of me” and the second
being “This is me.” DISC is available in several different versions for
leaders, teams and wellness.
76 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
Emotional Intelligence: Logical intelligence will set leaders and team
members up for one level of success in their job. But to move to higher
levels of effectiveness you must also develop your emotional
intelligence (EQ). When you combine both intelligences together,
you will understand yourself better, get along better with colleagues
and lead more powerful and successful organizations. In this session,
you will learn how to identify and handle your emotions as well as
gear them towards a positive outcome. You will learn how to respond
proactively, communicate more effectively, build stronger
relationships and inspire others to do the same.
The EQ survey helps to identify strengths and opportunities for
growth in the following areas:
Social awareness
Relationship management
The profile consists of a series of questions in each category and takes
about 15 minutes to complete.
Building a Functional Team Assessment: This assessment is a tool
from the Five Dysfunctions of a Team and is geared to provide you
with a sense of your team’s unique strengths and areas for
improvement. For the most accurate and holistic analysis, we
encourage your entire team to complete the Assessment. While the
assessment itself provides an interesting perspective, it’s most
important aspect is the discussion and training from the “Building a
High Performing Team” series MSBCoach offers (page 53).
Authentic Leadership Profile and Assessment— Discover Your
Authentic Leadership Style; Live for a higher purpose – this tool takes
you through a series of questions to help you become more self-aware
of where your values are and what is important to you. This
assessment is very self-reflective and includes a profile to help you
determine where you are in your Transparency, Ethics, Balanced
Processing and Self Awareness.
I. Authentic leaders have a strong sense of Self-Awareness
II. Authentic leaders know their values and principles
III. Authentic leaders know and balance their intrinsic and
extrinsic motivations
IV. Authentic leaders have a strong support team
V. Authentic leaders are grounded through integration
VI. Authentic leaders empower others to lead
COACHING TOOLS | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 77
Strength Based Leadership Assessments: The question leaders should ask
themselves and their team members is, “Do you have the opportunity to do
what you do best every day?” Chances are, the answer is “no”. Too often
natural talents go untapped in the workplace and we devote way too much
time to fixing our shortcomings rather than developing strengths. This
survey was developed by Gallup to help leaders and their teams understand
and value the strengths they bring to the table. When you combine the
Strength Based Leadership and Team training with the survey, we are able
to begin to create a Strength Based organization where people thrive in
what they do and love to come to work. Through the assessment each per-
son will learn their top five strengths.
Contingent Leadership Profile: Leadership requires different styles in
different situations. The Contingent Leadership Profile tool helps leaders
to process through work simulations that involve leaders, peers and direct
reports. The individual taking the profile assumes they are they leader and
answers the questions based on the situation and what they view as the best
response. Once scored this allows the leader to have an understanding of
their default leadership style. Through the training on Contingent
Leadership leaders learn they need to be more aware of the person, the
situation, the time and the place in order to engage in the most effective
leadership style for the success of the person and the team.
MBTI: The key to successful leadership and strong teams is communication.
The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) is a tool that can be used to
achieve effective and productive communication. People receive, process,
and act upon information differently. If you understand their preferences
and then communicate in a way that they understand, chances are you will
not only get what you expected, but those with whom you communicate will
feel good about how they received and acted on your communication. Here
is how MBTI benefits leaders:
Provides insights into the best way to coach employees
Builds a management framework that affirms differences and allows for
Identifies the rewards and motivators for individuals based on their
preferences and not rules and regulations
Explains how different preferences approach goal setting, problem
solving and decision making
Maximizes a team's diversity in order to reach more useful and
insightful conclusions
FIRO-B: The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior
(FIRO-B) is a highly valid and reliable tool that assesses how an individual’s
personal needs affect that person’s behavior towards other individu-
als. Leaders can use the FIRO-B to:
Maximize the impact of your actions at work
Identify options for increasing your job satisfaction and productivity
Explore alternative ways to achieve your career goals
Improve team effectiveness and explain team roles
Identify leadership operating styles
"Hide not your talents. They
for use were made. What's a
sundial in the shade?"
-Benjamin Franklin
78 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
28 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | | 804-502-4319 |
501 West Main Street, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC
Building Leadership that Builds Business

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MSBCoach Business Manual

  • 1. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 1 BUSINESS MANUAL MSBCOACH, LLC Building Leadership that Builds Business
  • 2. How We Work With Your Organization:
  • 3. To identify the elements of worker engagement, research firm Gallup conducted many thousands of interviews in all kinds of organizations, at all levels, in most industries, and in many countries. These 12 statements -- The Gallup Q12 -- emerged from Gallup's pioneering research as those that best predict employee and workgroup performance. 1. I know what is expected of me at work. 2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right. 3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. 4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. 5. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. 6. There is someone at work who encourages my development. 7. At work, my opinions seem to count. 8. The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important. 9. My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. 10. I have a best friend at work. 11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. 12. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow. (The Q12 items are protected by copyright of The Gallup Organization, 1992- 1999. All rights reserved.) The 12 Elements of Great Managing
  • 4. “Authentic Life: Helping Leaders and Executives to finally GET A LIFE!”
  • 5. Most of us are not taught personal leadership skills: self-awareness, values, intrinsic motivation and life balance, least of all empowering others. Without feedback, support and accountability, we try new thoughts and behaviors without lasting results. This shows up in profitability. This is where MSBCoach steps in. We partner with you to develop authentic leadership and build high-performance teams by investing in individuals… -turning potential into success! Michelle Braden, CEO MSBCoach
  • 6. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 3
  • 7. 4 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | “Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” -Jack Welch Former chairman and CEO of General Electric
  • 8. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 7 10 REASONS TO WORK WITH A COACH 1. Gain an objective opinion. 2. Create a strategic plan that will direct how you, your de- partment and organization will grow. 3. Learn how and why strong leadership is vital to growth and success. 4. Increase the productivity in yourself and your team. 5. Uncover skills you did not think you had. 6. Stretch your mind. 7. Locate what is missing in your plan in order to develop in- creased action. 8. Reduce the stress in your per- sonal and professional life. 9. Reach and achieve what you once thought were unrealistic goals. 10.Re-discover your passion. The higher executives advance up the organizational ladder they are less dependent on technical skills and require more effectiveness in interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. Coaching is an effective tool for improving bottom line performance in executives and organizations. Coaching builds skills and capacities for more productive working relationships. Coaching paves the way for decision makers to create higher levels of organizational effectiveness through dialogue, inquiry and positive interactions. Coaching helps identify when teamwork is important; the how and when to apply the skills necessary to foster it. Coached executives have reported improvements in the following areas: a. 53% in Productivity b. 48% in Quality c. 48% in Organizational Strength d. 39% in Customer Service e. 34% in Reducing Customer Complaints f. 32% in Retaining Executives who Received Coaching g. 23% in Cost Reductions h. 22% in Bottom-line Profitability a. Harris Interactive Research Study b. The 8th Habit – Stephen Covey c. The Center for Creative Leadership WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS
  • 9. 8 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | Who Hires a Coach? The International Coaching Federation surveyed coaching clients for demographic data and feedback/opinions about the value and use of coaching. Of these respondents, 94% were employed professionals. All had a formal, on-going relationship with a coach for an average duration of nine months. Over 80% of the respondents had undergraduate degrees and over one third had master’s degrees or higher. Outcome Attributed to Coaching 67.6% higher level of self-awareness 62.4% smarter goal-setting 60.5% more balanced life 57.1% lower stress levels 52.9% self-discovery 52.4% more self-confidence 33.8% health improvements 33.3% better staff relationship 33.3% better family relationship 25.7% stopped a bad habit 24.3% change in career 22.9% more free time WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS 70% - Very Valuable 28% - Valuable 84.8% - Sounding Board 78.1% - Motivator 56.7% - Support 50.5% - Mentor
  • 10. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 9 WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right!” - Henry Ford
  • 11. 10 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | Those who hire coaches are visionaries. They have a drive to achieve the most out of their career, business, family, and personal life. The coach is their partner, mentor, facilitator and encourager to help individuals discover their dreams (tapped and untapped), map out a plan and accomplish the impossible. WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS
  • 12. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 11 Based on the above formula, the cost of turnover for a leader whose annual salary is $75- $150,000 is $24,375 to $48,750 annually per person ** This formula attributed to Saratoga Institute and Kepner-Tregoe Inc. For more details on this report go to Bottom Line – The Cost of Turnover
  • 13. 12 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.” -Joel A. Barker, Independent Scholar & Futurist
  • 14. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 15 OUR MISSION + VISION + VALUES At MSBCoach we promise to coach, train and lead by our values. We: 1. Provide superior performance 2. Conduct ourselves with integrity 3. Foster trust 4. Create an environment for collaboration and teamwork 5. Provide excellent quality service 6. Exceed expectations 7. Deliver creative, competent breakthrough leadership training and coaching 8. Remain committed to your success To provide the highest quality coaching and training through developing partnerships with our clients to empower breakthroughs necessary for professional and personal success. At MSBCoach our mission is accomplished through partnering with clients to articulate what they want to accomplish: defining their own success, creating new ways of thinking, and executing an action plan. Coaching and training will meet and exceed the needs of each individual client in all aspects of personhood through a commitment to self-leadership, enhancing relationships, and building high-performing teams. Fundamental to our success, our values set us apart through our partnerships, actions and behaviors: a. Integrity b. Affordability c. Operational excellence d. Superior service e. Respect f. Personal & professional growth g. Accountability h. Trust i. Confidentiality j. Relationships
  • 15. 16 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | At MSBCoach our coaching model consists of three components - I.S.C. 1. “I” - Identify challenges and opportunities with individuals and teams. 2. “S” - Shift the mindset. 3. “C” - Create breakthroughs and a new future for individuals and teams. OUR MISSION + VISION + VALUES Our philosophy is to coach, train and journey alongside our clients, forming partnerships, alliances, forging strong relationships and developing well balanced, top level leaders who create high performance teams. a. Support b. Encouragement c. Thinking Partner d. Sounding Board e. Accountability f. Assisting our clients to: • Envision • Empower • Execute their professional and personal future a. Break through mindsets b. Create new vision and thought patterns c. Be accountable to process outside the norm d. Discover what is possible for your future e. Execute to make it happen We know each individual and team is distinctive and has its own culture. Our coaching model ensures each program is customized to the client’s needs. We ask probing questions to help our clients discover their own vision and solutions. This results in critical and creative thinking - not always looking to find “the” answer, rather to explore all the possibilities through engaged thinking.
  • 16. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 17 OUR MISSION + VISION + VALUES At MSBCoach we not only strive to bring our clients the best measurement tools and coaching, we also evaluate ourselves and work hard to deliver consistently the highest caliber Executive Leadership resources available. We do this through measurement and implementation. Below are just a few examples of what you can expect when working with MSBCoach: We begin the process with a comprehensive questionnaire designed to get to know each candidate’s unique talents and coaching needs. Questions from the MSBCoach New Client Packet “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” -Peter F. Drucker
  • 17. 18 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | OUR MISSION + VISION + VALUES Questions from the MSBCoach Workshops and Feedback Questionnaires Along the way, we ask for your feedback. This helps MSBCoach with process improvement and pro- vides us with valuable insights re- garding what works best for each client’s needs.
  • 18. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 19 OUR MISSION + VISION + VALUES Just as our clients expect to see return on their investment from coaching, MSBCoach does the same. We have added a team of skilled coaches and support staff who work diligently to bring the best in leadership information and innovation to every MSBCoach client we serve. As we continue to grow, we look forward to a successful partnership with you. “Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” -George S. Patton
  • 19. 20 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | “If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” -John D. Rockefeller Founder of Standard Oil Company
  • 20. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 23 As a leader or team member you are creative and whole. As a leader or team member you are the core. Each leader and team member makes the gears in this process turn. In the I Phase the team will partner with your coach to identify challenges, opportunities and discuss what you want to accomplish. Together we gain understanding by using tools such as: Strength Finder, DISC Personality Profile, 360° Feedback, and Emotional Intelligence. The S Phase allows you to be mentally and emotionally prepared to accomplish what the team has identified in the I Phase. This phase is not about finding “THE” answer but rather opening your mind to explore all the possibilities to the answer. 1. Shift mindsets where there are mental barriers 2. Discuss probing questions regarding: A. Barriers in reaching goals B. Energy C. Work-life balance In the C Phase we will discover ways to create breakthroughs for the team’s future. We will combine information from the I and S Phases to create an environment for personal and team success. 1. Set goals and timeframes 2. Create a plan of action 3. Execute your plan of action ISC: INDIVIDUAL & TEAM COACHING MODELS
  • 21. 24 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | "Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out." -Ronald Reagan, former United States President
  • 22. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 27 CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMS “Of the best leaders, when their task is accomplished, their people all remark, “We have done it ourselves.” - Lao Tzu MSBCoach recognizes that not all businesses are created equal. We partner with you to develop a program custom-fit for your business culture. To determine the exact needs of your organization we conduct "on-boarding" meetings, interviews with key players, and surveys. We develop a coaching plan that is a personal fit to those receiving coaching. We customize workshops that work best based on the available length of time and days of the week within the organization’s culture. Through contracting with MSBCoach, you provide your company and team with the advantages needed to be successful. Rome was not built in a day and neither are strong leaders nor high performance teams. The process of building takes time, commitment and dedication. MSBCoach is dedicated to you, your staff, and this process. We provide training sessions each month and individual executive and leadership coaching sessions. This program provides executives and their teams with structure, an outcome-based thinking partner, strategic planning partner and any of the specialty services provided by MSBCoach.... yourself, your team, and your organization. The alternative cost is much more in turnover and lost morale. You will see results in productivity that will affect the bottom line and yield a greater return on investment! “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin
  • 23. 28 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | “A leader has the vision and conviction that a dream can be achieved. He inspires the power and energy to get it done.” -Ralph Lauren, Designer and founder of Ralph Lauren Company
  • 24. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 31 WORKSHOPS MSBCoach partners with your business to custom develop onsite programs. Together, we empower your success! Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations Organizational Leadership Situational Leadership Coaching Tools for Leaders (See page 57 for certification program) Leadership Communication Talent Recruitment & Retention Power Partnerships & Accountability Leadership and Relationships Lincoln on Leadership Series (See Page 63) Leadership that Builds Customer Service from the Inside Out The Setup to Fail Creating Your Leadership Legacy/Succession Planning Creating Your Future Using The Empowerment Dynamic Leading a Culture for Change and Innovation Leading with Emotional Intelligence Risk and Leadership Ethical Lens Inventory Building Organizational Trust through Leadership Power Thinking: The Strategies of Outstanding Leaders Strategic Planning, Using the Balanced Scorecard
  • 25. 32 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | WORKSHOPS Our personalities emerge from our genetics and are further shaped by our ongoing life experiences. Emergenetics is a unique and flexible approach to personality profiling that is based on the latest brain research. Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations Empowering & Emerging Leaders Program (See Page 45) Organizational Leadership Situational Leadership Coaching Tools for Leaders (See Page 57 for certification program) Leading Virtual Teams Managing Up Leading through Change Leadership Communication Multigenerational Leadership Talent Recruitment & Retention Power Partnerships & Accountability Managing Stress, Wellness, & Work-Life Balance Business Etiquette, Common Courtesy, and Executive Presence Engage Yourself and Your Team in Meaningful Work Appreciative Inquiry Leading Yourself Leadership & Listening Lincoln on Leadership Series (See Page 63) Leadership That Builds Customer Service from the Inside Out Creating Your Future Using The Empowerment Dynamic Leading a Culture for Change and Innovation Leading with Emotional Intelligence Risk and Leadership Ethical Lens Inventory Building Organizational Trust through Leadership Giving and Receiving Feedback Employee Engagement Moving From Manager to Leader Motivating Employees to Be Their Best Goal Setting for Success Adapting Your Style Juggling Multiple Priorities & Time Management Interactive Interviewing Skills Performance Management & Resolving Performance And Conduct Problems Leadership and Relationships Leadership Characteristics Power Thinking: The Strategies of Outstanding Leaders Creative Problem Solving Delegating for Growth Dynamic Decision Making Strategic Planning, Using the Balanced Scorecard
  • 26. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 33 WORKSHOPS Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations Authentic Leadership Program (See Pages 39, 73) Empowering & Emerging Leaders Program (See Page 45) Situational Leadership Coaching Tools for Leaders (See Page 57 for certification program) Leading Virtual Teams Managing Up Leading Through Change Leadership Communication Networking for Leaders From Strategy to Execution Multigenerational Leadership Managing Stress, Wellness, & Work-Life Balance Managing Teams Business Etiquette, Common Courtesy, and Executive Presence Goal Setting for Success Adapting Your Style Juggling Multiple Priorities and Time Management Interactive Interviewing Skills Performance Management & Resolving Performance and Conduct Problems Leadership and Relationships Leadership Characteristics Engage Yourself and Your Team in Meaningful Work Appreciative Inquiry Leading Yourself Leadership & Listening Lincoln on Leadership Series (See Page 63) Leadership That Builds Customer Service from the Inside Out Creating Your Future Using The Empowerment Dynamic Leading With Emotional Intelligence Ethical Leadership Building Organizational Trust through Leadership Giving and Receiving Feedback Employee Engagement Moving from Manager to Leader Motivating Employees to Be Their Best Power Thinking: The Strategies of Outstanding Leaders Creative Problem Solving Delegating for Growth Dynamic Decision Making
  • 27. 34 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | WORKSHOPS Conflict Management & Difficult Conversations High Performance Teams Program (See Pages 53) High Performance Virtual Teams Embracing Change on the Team Stress Management and Wellness in the Workplace Engage Yourself and Your Team in Meaningful Work Project Management Customer Service Excellence Building a Culture that Works Team Building & Team Foundations Emotionally Intelligent Teams Creating the Team’s Future Using the Empowerment Dynamic Effective Team Communication All leaders are highly encouraged to participate in all team training with their team. WORKSHOPS “The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.” - Norman Vincent Peale
  • 28. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 35 Strength Based Leadership & Teams 360 Feedback DISC Personality Profiles Emotional Intelligence MBTI FIRO-B Situational Leadership High Performance Team Assessment Authentic Leadership Emergenetics - The New Science of Success Ethical Lens Inventory See pages 73-77 for more details. WORKSHOPS
  • 29. 36 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | WORKSHOPS Authentic LIFE “Get a LIFE” Lincoln On Leadership Program—3 levels available Coaching Certification Program Empowering and Emerging Executive Leaders Program Leading High Performance Teams
  • 30. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 37 "The very essence of leadership is [that] you have a vision. It's got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet." -Theodore Hesburgh President Emeritus of the University of Notre Dame
  • 31. 38 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
  • 32. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 41 Authentic LIFE develops genuine leadership with perceptive self-awareness, true ability to empower others, and create sustain- able organizations. a. An understanding of Authentic Leadership and what it means to you b. Self-discovery and heightened self-awareness c. Knowledge of your natural strengths and how to channel them into effective leadership d. Reconnection with your passion in ways that will revitalize your business relationships and decisions e. A new sense of freedom through being your true self across all areas of your life f. A support team to empower you to grow beyond what you can be on your own g. Knowledge of how your life story affects your leadership h. An understanding of your personal values and principles and how you lead according to them i. A working familiarity with how you are motivated intrinsically & extrinsically j. The ability to empower others to become authentic leaders a. Leaders cannot succeed on their own b. Create support and advice to stay on course c. Develop mutually beneficial relationships d. Provide accountability e. Provide a safe environment to share concerns, successes and gain feedback AUTHENTIC LIFE– LEADERSHIP INTEGRATED FOR EXECUTIVES
  • 33. 42 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | A series of six sessions Work on self-discovery in leadership individually as well as with a partner Learn something new each meeting and have open discussions about progress • Exploring the aspects of Authentic Leadership • Self-awareness and your life story • Discovering your values and principles from your life story • Defining intrinsic and extrinsic motivations • Defining staying grounded and integration • Empowering others For more details and course description, please visit AUTHENTIC LIFE– LEADERSHIP INTEGRATED FOR EXECUTIVES
  • 34. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 43
  • 35. 44 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
  • 36. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 47 EELP– EMPOWERING & EMERGING LEADERS PROGRAM Our Mission is to empower executive and emerging executive leaders to be authentic in self-leadership and lead high performance teams and organizations. You will see real-time differences immediately You will gain an integrated perspective You will be more successful in practical affairs Our approach is outcome oriented We do not give you the answers but the tools to explore all the possible answers You will learn to engage in critical thinking Are you looking for ways to enhance your business success, make impactive leadership decisions, and use creative and strategic problem solving? Would you benefit from a support team of experienced business owners, executives, and like-minded peers? Are you a current or emerging executive leader? Have you looked at MBAE programs but are not sure what the right fit is for you? Have you completed your MBA and still want more? Or have you looked at MBA programs but are not sure if they are the right for you? If you answered yes to two or more of the above questions our Empowering & Emerging Leaders Program (EELP) may be exactly what you are looking for. Through EELP, you will see immediate return on investment. EELP is for both current executives and emerging executives. You will improve leadership skills as you collaborate with relevant, real-life, successful executives and entrepreneurs. The EELP program provides a flexible learning environment for information exchange in an executive friendly format. All topics are real-time applicable to issues leaders face on a daily basis. There are programs designed for emerging executive leaders, current executive leaders, and combination sessions.
  • 37. 48 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | EELP can be done on site with your leadership team or individuals may participate in our nationwide EELP Competitive pricing Real-world experience of instructors vs. the traditional educational/theory experience Smaller classes for collaboration and relationship building One-on-one time with instructors Peer group coaching Individual coaching Real-time experiences and whitepapers to express practical application of what is being learned Class flexibility Our Faculty is one of the many attributes that sets EELP apart. You will learn from real-world, experienced executives and business owners. Our faculty is highly engaging and inspiring. They are passionate about investing in other leaders to empower their lives and careers. Our EELP will empower you to become exceptional as you lead with authentic leadership. Authentic leadership begins with self-discovery. This is where a leader explores what drives them. Out of self- awareness, true leaders emerge. Seventy-five percent of Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council recommended self- awareness as the most important capability for a leader to develop. This is the very reason Phase 1 of the EELP is dedicated to self– leadership, and Phase 2 to team and organizational development. EELP– EMPOWERING EXECUTIVES LEADERSHIP PROGRAM
  • 38. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 49 EELP– EMPOWERING EXECUTIVES LEADERSHIP PROGRAM 70% of leaders will fail in their newly promoted roles. This is a direct result of the leader's inability to connect with the team. EELP sets leaders apart. It ensures they will be a part of the 30% who succeed. EELP begins with a leader's self-awareness and moves to applying this awareness to building strong teams and organizations. Out of self-awareness, true leaders emerge. The EELP is an Emerging & Empowering Leaders Program designed to develop leaders from the inside out. This is not a theory class. Emerging executives train with successful entrepreneurs and executives who coach them in self-leadership and developing high-performance teams. This is real-life, real-time training, so you get immediate results. EELP is a unique program that is successful by combining executive coaching - in tandem - with powerful, interactive workshops. Seventy-five percent of Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council recommend self-awareness as the most important asset for a leader to develop. This is why we begin by evaluating a person’s true intrinsic and extrinsic motives, through discovering authentic leadership. We increase awareness of one's strengths and discover the importance of: emotional intelligence self-management relationship management social awareness values, ethics, goals personal wellness and leadership balance in processing work/life integration executive presence Visit for more info We embrace a holistic approach to leadership for the leader and the organization. This approach opens a leader's understanding to the interconnection of every department within the organization.
  • 39. 50 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | The second phase of the program focuses on leading high- performance teams and organizations. We work with leaders to engage in critical thinking and encourage their teams to do the same. We explore the best practices in: delegation communication motivation talent recruitment and retention dealing with conflict tough conversations project management managing laterally and managing up managing different generations stimulating creativity in the workplace running effective meetings innovation situational leadership We take pride in our approach. We do not give our participants the answers but the tools to explore all the possible answers. Get more information about the program at EELP– EMPOWERING EXECUTIVES LEADERSHIP PROGRAM
  • 40. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 51 “To grasp and hold a vision, that is the very essence of successful leadership.” -Ronald Reagan, former United States President
  • 41. 52 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
  • 42. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 55 Leadership Would Be Great if It Were Not for People Does Self-Awareness Build Stronger Managers & High Performance Teams? Managing Meeting Madness to Create Purpose and Achievement Applying Management Skills to Produce Results Managing Different People in Different Situations Managing the Functional - High Performance Team Expand their leadership skills to build and sustain high- performing project teams Increase effective team performance Build a strong team identity through vision, purpose and commitment Cultivate positive and productive team communication and define ground rules Manage conflicts and convert them into assets Be able to apply the concepts, models and tools following each module Tools - EQ Profile, Emergenetics, Situational Leadership, 5 Dysfunctions of a Team, Strength Based Leadership HIGH PERFORMANCE LEADERS BUILDING HIGH PERFORMANCE TEAMS “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.” - Dwight Eisenhower
  • 43. 56 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | “Nothing limits achievement like small thinking. Nothing equals possibilities like unleashed thinking.” -William Arthur Ward, author and columnist
  • 44. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 59 The MSBCoaching institute is a three-day workshop where executives, managers, HR professionals and leaders, learn crucial coaching skills and competencies. Individuals gain an in-depth under- standing of the coaching process and how to use it as leadership tool. Today’s highly competitive business environment demands that individuals and organizations perform at higher levels and with greater speed than ever before. Leaders and employees alike must place a new emphasis on individual and collective learning and creativity. Through the MSBCI, organizations and individuals can: Discover coaching as a powerful model of management, mentoring and leadership. Experience and practice “state-of-the-art” coaching tools. Learn the structure and skills to immediately enhance performance. Position the organization for rapid growth. Make major advances in professional and personal connections as well as apply learning within the workplace immediately. Learn self-awareness through Emergenetics and how to better understand those you coach. Gain an understanding of Situational Leadership/how and when to use coaching as an effective leadership tool. MSBCI effectively trains individuals in the skills necessary for coaching within an organization. It is a fully developed model, which managers, leaders and coaches can implement immediately in their organization to: Promote innovation and accelerate results. Effectively develop and retain valuable organizational members. Improve organizational communication and team effectiveness. Deepen commitment to personal, professional and organizational goals. MSBCI challenges participants to raise their standards for their own skills and competencies. MSBCI– MSBCoaching Institute "A clear vision, innovation and employee buy-in are key components for the growth of an organization. The best way to create that kind of environment is by creating a coaching culture". - JoAnn Auger Executive Coach and Trainer, MSBCoach
  • 45. 60 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | Taking a Coaching Approach as a Manager/leader The Coaching Conversation Model Personal Paradigm Shifts Context For Coaching and Roles Coaching Skills Coaching practice Personal Coaching Styles Inventory® (PCSI) Coaching in Organizations Action Plan to implement coaching personally Emergenetics Situational Leadership Executives Managers Supervisors Human resource professionals Quality development professionals Leaders at every level who want to learn advanced communication and organizational leadership skills Leader's Coaching Resource Binder - includes assessments, processes, coaching tools Written assessment Assessment of coaching sessions Emergenetics Profile Situational Leadership Assessment Certificate Coaching practice opportunities MSBCI-MSBCoaching Institute “It’s not what we don’t know that gets us into trouble— but rather what we don’t do with what we already know that gets us into trouble.” - Michelle Braden, CEO, MSBCoach
  • 46. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 61 “A great leader's courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” -John Maxwell American Author and motivational speaker
  • 47. 62 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
  • 48. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 65 “None of us are likely to achieve the leadership of Abraham Lincoln, but what an example from whom to learn and emulate. He was authentic. The principles he practiced have been reaffirmed with time. He was rare in that he eschewed the autocratic style of power and authority common in his day for one of humility and service. He exhibited “emotional intelligence” long before we coined the term.” -Ken Karr, Executive Coach/Trainer MSBCoach In an informal and highly interactive setting, participants read assigned material in advance and come together to discuss content and share related personal experience during the sessions (individually and in teams). The goal of this series is to strengthen one’s knowledge base of leadership and to enlarge one’s sphere of relationships in the leadership realm – with like minded leaders – increasing one’s leadership support network. You Knowing You Trust Vision, Goals, Strategy: Pathways to Success People; Essential to Success Learning, Innovation, Creativity Communicating with Clarity and Impact Materials for all sessions included LINCOLN ON LEADERSHIP SERIES “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” -Abraham Lincoln
  • 49. 66 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | “Outstanding leaders go out of the way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.” -Sam Walton, founder of Wal-mart and Sam’s Club
  • 50. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 69 The 360 Leadership Profile is a coaching tool designed to raise self-awareness. The results of this confidential survey assist us in co-developing a strategy that increases productivity and work satisfaction, both leading to increased bottom line profitability. These profiles are administered on an individual or organizational basis and open the door to increased communication and a greater understanding of the Leadership Development process. The sample below shows one such profile: 360 Leadership Profile
  • 51. 70 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | 360 Leadership Survey
  • 52. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 71 “You do not lead by hitting people over the head – that’s assault, not leadership.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower Former United States President
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  • 54. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 75 Emergenetics is a self-descriptive test — You answer a series of questions about yourself, your responses are scored and the results are compared with a group norm. Whether you are teaching, training, hiring, leading, or interacting with your team, Emergenetics methods facilitate communication and promote greater job and personal effectiveness. It is unlike any profile or assessment process with which you may be familiar. 360 Leadership Profile The results of this confidential survey assist us in co-developing a strategy that increases productivity and work satisfaction, both leading to increased bottom line profitability. These profiles are administered on an individual or organizational basis and open the door for increased communication and a greater understanding of the Leadership Development process. (see pp. 67) DISC Personality Profiles: Being an effective leader and team member involves understanding yourself and others. Learning your personality style and other personality styles will help you be more successful in work and personal relationships. Over 70% of career failure is due to an inability to get along with and relate to others, not the technical skills, as one may think. They are misunderstandings of how people think, feel, and act. In this workshop you will discover and understand different types of personalities according to DISC. By identifying personalities, we can live and work more effectively with others. Learning how to recognize individual drives can be enlightening so enjoy the process! DISC is an acronym for: Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness The DISC profile consists of a series of words where you choose the words most like you and the words least like you to get results in two areas, the first being “This is what is expected of me” and the second being “This is me.” DISC is available in several different versions for leaders, teams and wellness. COACHING TOOLS
  • 55. 76 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | Emotional Intelligence: Logical intelligence will set leaders and team members up for one level of success in their job. But to move to higher levels of effectiveness you must also develop your emotional intelligence (EQ). When you combine both intelligences together, you will understand yourself better, get along better with colleagues and lead more powerful and successful organizations. In this session, you will learn how to identify and handle your emotions as well as gear them towards a positive outcome. You will learn how to respond proactively, communicate more effectively, build stronger relationships and inspire others to do the same. The EQ survey helps to identify strengths and opportunities for growth in the following areas: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship management The profile consists of a series of questions in each category and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Building a Functional Team Assessment: This assessment is a tool from the Five Dysfunctions of a Team and is geared to provide you with a sense of your team’s unique strengths and areas for improvement. For the most accurate and holistic analysis, we encourage your entire team to complete the Assessment. While the assessment itself provides an interesting perspective, it’s most important aspect is the discussion and training from the “Building a High Performing Team” series MSBCoach offers (page 53). Authentic Leadership Profile and Assessment— Discover Your Authentic Leadership Style; Live for a higher purpose – this tool takes you through a series of questions to help you become more self-aware of where your values are and what is important to you. This assessment is very self-reflective and includes a profile to help you determine where you are in your Transparency, Ethics, Balanced Processing and Self Awareness. I. Authentic leaders have a strong sense of Self-Awareness II. Authentic leaders know their values and principles III. Authentic leaders know and balance their intrinsic and extrinsic motivations IV. Authentic leaders have a strong support team V. Authentic leaders are grounded through integration VI. Authentic leaders empower others to lead COACHING TOOLS
  • 56. | 804-502-4319 | Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC 77 COACHING TOOLS Strength Based Leadership Assessments: The question leaders should ask themselves and their team members is, “Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?” Chances are, the answer is “no”. Too often natural talents go untapped in the workplace and we devote way too much time to fixing our shortcomings rather than developing strengths. This survey was developed by Gallup to help leaders and their teams understand and value the strengths they bring to the table. When you combine the Strength Based Leadership and Team training with the survey, we are able to begin to create a Strength Based organization where people thrive in what they do and love to come to work. Through the assessment each per- son will learn their top five strengths. Contingent Leadership Profile: Leadership requires different styles in different situations. The Contingent Leadership Profile tool helps leaders to process through work simulations that involve leaders, peers and direct reports. The individual taking the profile assumes they are they leader and answers the questions based on the situation and what they view as the best response. Once scored this allows the leader to have an understanding of their default leadership style. Through the training on Contingent Leadership leaders learn they need to be more aware of the person, the situation, the time and the place in order to engage in the most effective leadership style for the success of the person and the team. MBTI: The key to successful leadership and strong teams is communication. The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) is a tool that can be used to achieve effective and productive communication. People receive, process, and act upon information differently. If you understand their preferences and then communicate in a way that they understand, chances are you will not only get what you expected, but those with whom you communicate will feel good about how they received and acted on your communication. Here is how MBTI benefits leaders: Provides insights into the best way to coach employees Builds a management framework that affirms differences and allows for them Identifies the rewards and motivators for individuals based on their preferences and not rules and regulations Explains how different preferences approach goal setting, problem solving and decision making Maximizes a team's diversity in order to reach more useful and insightful conclusions FIRO-B: The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B) is a highly valid and reliable tool that assesses how an individual’s personal needs affect that person’s behavior towards other individu- als. Leaders can use the FIRO-B to: Maximize the impact of your actions at work Identify options for increasing your job satisfaction and productivity Explore alternative ways to achieve your career goals Improve team effectiveness and explain team roles Identify leadership operating styles "Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?" -Benjamin Franklin
  • 57. 78 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 |
  • 58. 28 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC | 804-502-4319 | | 804-502-4319 | 501 West Main Street, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Copyright © 2011 MSBCoach, LLC MSBCOACH, LLC Building Leadership that Builds Business