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Building Leadership that Builds Business
Copyright © 2012 MSBCoach, LLC
“MSBCoach trainers have great energy
when presenting material to a group.
Very passionate about MSBC’s approach
to developing strong leaders!”
-Randy B.

Did You Know

The higher executives advance up the
organizational ladder they are less
dependent on technical skills and require
more effectiveness in interpersonal skills
and emotional intelligence.


Create a strategic plan that
department and
organization will grow.


Learn how and why strong leadership is vital to growth and success.


Increase productivity in yourself and
your team.


Uncover skills you did not think you


Stretch your mind.


Locate what is missing in your plan in
order to develop increased action.


Reduce the stress in your personal
and professional life.


Coaching is an effective tool for
improving bottom line performance in
executives and organizations.

Gain an objective opinion.

Reach and achieve what you once
thought were unrealistic goals.

References of Coaching Statistics
a. Harris Interactive Research Study
b. The 8th Habit – Stephen Covey
c. The Center for Creative Leadership

10. Re-discover your passion.

Coached executives have reported improvements in the following areas:
 34% in Reducing Customer

 53% in Productivity


 48% in Quality

 32% in Retaining Executives who

 48% in Organizational

Received Coaching


 23% in Cost Reductions

 39% in Customer Service

 22% in Bottom-line
Who Hires a Coach?
The International Coaching Federation
surveyed coaching clients about the value
and use of coaching. Of these respondents,
94% were employed professionals. All had a
formal, on-going relationship with a coach
for an average duration of nine months.
Over 80% of the respondents had
undergraduate degrees and over one third
had master’s degrees or higher.

Outcome Attributed to Coaching

67.6% higher level of self-awareness
62.4% smarter goal-setting
60.5% more balanced life
57.1% lower stress levels
52.9% self-discovery
52.4% more self-confidence
33.8% health improvements
33.3% better staff relationship
33.3% better family relationship
25.7% stopped a bad habit
24.3% change in career
22.9% more free time


Value of Coaching Investment
70% - Very Valuable
28% - Valuable
Main Role of a Coach
84.8% - Sounding Board
78.1% - Motivator
56.7% - Support
50.5% - Mentor

15% of employees feel their organization holds them
accountable for results.
85% of all other employees do not.

17% of all employees feel that their organization

fosters open communication and respects opinions
resulting in better jobs
83% of all other employees do not.

85% of employees feel that they work in a low trust
15% of all other employees do not.

20% of employees have a clear line of sight
between their tasks and organizational goals.
80% of all other employees do not.

50% of employees feel satisfied with their
accomplishments at the end of the week.
50% of all other employees do not.

37% of employees have a clear understanding of
organization, purpose, and goals.
63% of all other employees do not.

Based on the formula to the right, the cost of turnover for a
leader whose annual salary is $75- $150,000 is $24,375 to
$48,750 annually per person

** This formula attributed to Saratoga Institute and KepnerTregoe Inc. For more details on this report go to

“MSBCoach assisted me in rebuilding my
self-esteem and sense of confidence and
helped me to recognize my strengths and
VP, Morgan Keegan & CO

Our Mission:
Building Leaders and Teams Who Make A Difference.
At MSBCoach our mission is accomplished through partnering with
clients to articulate what they want to accomplish: defining their own
success, creating new ways of thinking, and executing an action plan.
Our Vision: MSBCoach is the preferred coach and trainer of high performing

professionals and their teams.
Our Values: Fundamental to our success, our values set us apart through our
partnerships, actions and behaviors:
 Integrity
 Excellence
 Service

 Trust

At MSBCoach we promise to coach,
train and lead by our values.

Provide superior performance
Conduct ourselves with integrity
Foster trust
Create an environment for
collaboration and teamwork
Provide excellent quality service
Exceed expectations
Deliver creative, competent
breakthrough leadership training and
Remain committed to your success
Our philosophy is to coach, train and journey alongside our clients, forming
partnerships, alliances, forging strong relationships and developing well
balanced, top level leaders who create high performance teams.
Our contribution to the partnership is Support, Encouragement, a Thinking Part-

ner, a Sounding Board, Accountability, Assisting our clients to Envision, Empower, and Execute their professional and personal future.
Our client’s contribution is to: Break through mindsets, Create new vision and

thought patterns, Be accountable to process outside the norm, Discover what is
possible for your future, and Execute to make it happen

At MSBCoach our coaching model consists
of three components - I.S.C.
1. “I” - Identify challenges and
opportunities with individuals and
2. “S” - Shift the mindset.
3. “C” - Create breakthroughs and a new
future for individuals and teams.

We know each individual and team is distinctive and has its own culture. Our
coaching model ensures each program is customized to the client’s needs.
We ask probing questions to help our clients discover their own vision and solutions. This results in critical and creative thinking - not always looking to find
“the” answer, rather to explore all the possibilities through engaged thinking.
Ongoing Commitment to Excellence
At MSBCoach we not only strive to bring our clients the best measurement
tools and coaching, we also evaluate ourselves and work hard to deliver consistently the highest caliber Executive Leadership resources available. We do
this through measurement and implementation.


We begin the process with a comprehensive questionnaire designed to get to
know each candidate’s unique talents and coaching needs. Below are just a few
examples of what you can expect when working with MSBCoach:

Questions from the MSBCoach New Client Packet


Questions from the MSBCoach Workshops and Feedback Questionnaire

Along the way, we ask for your feedback. This helps MSBCoach with process
improvement and provides us with valuable insights regarding what works
best for each client’s needs.


Just as our clients expect to see return on
their investment from coaching, MSBCoach
does the same. We have added a team of
skilled coaches and support staff who work
diligently to bring the best in leadership
information and innovation to every
MSBCoach client we serve.

“Don't tell people how to do
things, tell them what to do and
let them surprise you with their
-George S. Patton

As we continue to grow, we look forward to a successful partnership with

Questions from the MSBCoach Workshops and Feedback Questionnaire

“The self exploration exercises helped me
to communicate and interact better with
my colleagues.”
Director of Compensation,
University of Virginia Health System

As a leader or team member you are creative and whole. As a leader or team
member you are the core. Each leader and team member makes the gears in
this process turn.

In the

The S

I Phase the team

Phase allows you to be

mentally and emotionally prepared to
accomplish what the team has
identified in the I Phase. This phase is
not about finding “THE” answer but
rather opening your mind to explore
all the possibilities to the answer. In
this phase we: Shift mindsets where
there are mental barriers and discuss
probing questions.

partners with your coach to
identify challenges and
opportunities, and to discuss what
you want to accomplish. Together
we gain understanding by using
tools such as: Strength Finder, DISC
Personality Profile, 360° Feedback,
and Emotional Intelligence.

In the C Phase we discover
ways to create breakthroughs
for the team’s future. We
combine information from the I
and S Phases to create an
environment for personal and
team success.
This is the ACTION PHASE where
we: Set goals and timeframes,

create a plan of action, and
execute the plan of action.


"I have witnessed a remarkable
improvement in the leadership team’s
individual self-awareness,
understanding of purpose and
confidence to lead others.
“Given the quick, positive impact on our
leadership team, we are committed to
continuing the executive coaching and
tailored training programs. I really
appreciate MSBCoach’s passion,
expertise and dedication to deliver
customized services for our needs.”
President and COO
Clinical Care Options

How We Work With Your Organization:

“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.”
- Benjamin Franklin


MSBCoach recognizes that not all businesses are created equal. We partner
with you to develop a program custom-fit for your business culture.
To determine the exact needs of your organization we conduct "on-boarding"
meetings, interviews with key players, and surveys. We develop a coaching
plan that is a personal fit to those receiving coaching. We customize workshops
that work best based on the available length of time and days of the week within the organization’s culture.

Through contracting with MSBCoach, you
“Of the best leaders, when
provide your company and team with the
their task is accomplished,
advantages needed to be successful. Rome
their people all remark, “We
was not built in a day and neither are strong
have done it ourselves.”
leaders nor high performance teams. The
- Lao Tzu
process of building takes time, commitment
and dedication. MSBCoach is dedicated to
you, your staff, and this process. We provide training sessions each month
and individual executive and leadership coaching sessions. This program
provides executives and their teams with structure, an outcome-based thinking
partner, strategic planning partner and any of the specialty services provided
by MSBCoach....
This is a minimal time and monetary investment… yourself, your team, and your organization. The alternative cost is much
higher in turnover and lost morale. You will see results in productivity that
will affect the bottom line and yield a greater return on investment!

“MSBCoach worked with me to improve
communication issues with colleagues.
My coach helped me identify my
strengths rather than focus on my
weaknesses. This has been liberating
because I have always looked at ways
that I need to improve rather than how I
can use what I already do well!”
Piedmont Virginia Community College


of Great

To identify the elements of worker
engagement, research firm Gallup conducted
many thousands of interviews in all kinds of
organizations, at all levels, in most industries,
and in many countries. These 12 statements -The Gallup Q12 -- emerged from Gallup's
pioneering research as those that best predict
employee and workgroup performance.
1. I know what is expected of me at work.
2. I have the materials and equipment I need to
do my work right.
3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I

do best every day.
4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for
doing good work.
5. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a
6. There is someone at work who encourages my development.
7. At work, my opinions seem to count.
8. The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is
9. My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality
10. I have a best friend at work.
11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my
12. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow.
(The Q12 items are protected by copyright of The Gallup Organization,
1992-1999. All rights reserved.)

Most Requested Workshops:
MSBCoach partners with your
business to custom develop
onsite programs.


The Art of Possibilities
The Balanced Score Card
Work Life Blance
Building A High Performing Team
Building and Leading a Culture of Trust
Coaching as an Effective Leadership Tool
Creating a Performance Plan
Creating and Leading a Shared Vision
Creating New Paradigms
Discovering Authenticity in your Leadership
Executing the Operational Plan
Execution: From Concept to Reality
Executive Presence
Fundamentals of Strategic Planning
Generational Leadership
Goal Setting And Leadership
Identifying and Retaining the High-Potentials
Innovation Tournament
Is Innovation a Culture or a Person?
Key Characteristics of an Exceptional Leader
Leading Through the Strategic Plan
Leadership and Personal Development Plans
Leadership and Delegation

Full details for workshops at

Most Requested Workshops (continued…):
Leadership and Public Speaking
Leadership and Relationships
Leadership and Time Management
Leadership Communications Skills
Leading Change through The Empowerment Dynamic (TED*)
Leading White-Boarding Sessions
Leading With A Spirit of Ownership
Lincoln on Leadership
Listening – the Key to Superior Leadership
Living and Leading in a World of VUCA
Managing the Human Behavior Aspect of Change
A Model for Change Management
The Operational Plan
Performance Management
Power Thinking
Prioritizing Work in a World of “Everything is a Priority”!
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
Shifting the Paradigm – the first step to successful change
Social Awareness and Relationship Management
Strategic Communication
Strategic Pathways and Initiatives
The Strategic Plan
Trust-Based Leadership
Wellness in the Workplace & the Bottom Line
Moving from Victim of Circumstances to Creator of Your Future
Leading Through Different Situations
Strength Based Leadership – and or Teams
Situational Leadership
Leading Strong Customer Service Oriented Teams – both internally and

Full details for workshops at

Experiential Learning:
MSBCoach offers Experiential Learning
Opportunities for leaders and teams to
move out of the classroom (from
theory) and apply what has been
learned in the classroom to "real time,
real life" experiences.
Our Experiential Learning
Opportunities (ELOs) create actual
experiences in collaboration, team
building, independent thinking, stress/
time management, crisis intervention,
communication, self-awareness/self-management, relationship building and
much more in order to simulate real-life experience. Through the ELOs, each
participant has "real life experience". These experiences create metaphors that
provide learning opportunities. We leverage these learnings as we debrief and
"connect the dots" throughout and at the end of the ELO.
More info at

Open Enrollment Workshops:
 Lincoln on Leadership
 Jefferson on Leadership
 The Authentic Leadership Summit
 Experiential Leadership Experiences
 The Brand You
 Emerging Executive Leader’s Program–
 MSBCoaching Institute–
Workshop details at

“I believe that through mentoring and
training, MSBCoach has helped me to
accomplish my career goals thus far.

The motivation and confidence that I
have gained gives me the opportunity to
help others get to their level of success also.”
Human Resource/Finance Director
Beaufont Towers

MSBCI– MSBCoaching Institute
MSBCoaching Institute:
What is MSBCI? The MSBCoaching institute is a three-day workshop where
executives, managers, HR professionals and leaders learn crucial coaching
skills and competencies. Individuals gain an in-depth understanding of the
coaching process and how to use it as leadership tool.
MSBCI provides Strategic Skills for Managers, Leaders and Coaches

Today’s highly competitive business
environment demands that individuals
and organizations perform at higher
levels and with greater speed than ever
Leaders and employees alike must place
a new emphasis on individual and
collective learning and creativity.

"A clear vision, innovation and
employee buy-in are key
components for the growth of an
organization. The best way to
create that kind of environment is
by creating a coaching culture".
- JoAnn Auger
Executive Coach and Trainer

Through the MSBCI, participants can:
 Discover coaching as a powerful model of management, mentoring and


 Experience and practice “state-of-the-art” coaching tools.
 Learn the structure and skills to immediately enhance performance.
 Position the organization for rapid growth.
 Make major advances in professional and personal connections as well

as apply learning within the workplace immediately.

 Learn self-awareness through Emergenetics , Situational Leadership, and

how and when to use coaching as an effective leadership tool.
“My Coach utilizes a remarkable method
of asking key questions; knowing that the
answers will reveal self understanding
on how to solve the issues at hand”
Forward Magazine

Coaching Tools:
Emergenetics is a self-descriptive test
— You answer a series of questions
about yourself, your responses are scored
and the results are compared with a
group norm. Whether you are teaching,
training, hiring, leading, or interacting
with your team, Emergenetics methods
facilitate communication and promote
greater job and personal effectiveness. It
is unlike any profile or assessment process with which you may be familiar.

360 Leadership Profile The results of
this confidential survey assist us in
co-developing a strategy that increases
productivity and work satisfaction, both
leading to increased bottom line
These profiles are administered on an
individual or organizational basis and
open the door for increased
communication and a greater
understanding of the Leadership
Development process.
DISC Personality Profiles: Being an
effective leader and team member
involves understanding yourself and
others. Learning your personality style and other personality styles will help
you be more successful in work and personal relationships. Over 70% of
career failure is due to an inability to get along with and relate to others, not
the technical skills, as one may think. They are misunderstandings of how
people think, feel, and act.

DISC helps us discover and understand different types of personalities,
allowing us to live and work more effectively with others. Learning how to
recognize individual drives can be enlightening so enjoy the process!
DISC is an acronym for:
The DISC profile consists of a series of words where you choose the words
most like you and the words least like you to get results in two areas, the first
being “This is what is expected of me” and the second being “This is me.” DISC
is available in several different versions for leaders, teams and wellness.
Emotional Intelligence: Logical intelligence will set leaders and team
members up for one level of success in their job. But to move to higher levels of
effectiveness you must also develop your emotional intelligence (EQ). When
you combine both intelligences together, you understand yourself better, get
along better with colleagues and lead more powerful and successful
organizations. You learn how to identify and handle your emotions as well as
gear them towards a positive outcome. You learn how to respond proactively,
communicate more effectively, build stronger relationships and inspire others
to do the same.
Building a Functional Team Assessment: This assessment is a tool from the
Five Dysfunctions of a Team and is geared to provide you with a sense of your
team’s unique strengths and areas for improvement. For the most accurate
and holistic analysis, we encourage your entire team to complete the
Assessment. While the assessment itself provides an interesting perspective,
its most important aspect is the discussion and training from the “Building a
High Performing Team” series MSBCoach offers (
coaching/high-performance-teams/ ). This course covers Trust, Conflict Resolution,
Clarity, Buy In, Accountability and Results.

Authentic Leadership Profile and Assessment— Discover Your
Authentic Leadership Style: Live for a higher purpose – this tool takes you
through a series of questions to help you become more self-aware of where
your values are and what is important to you. This assessment is very selfreflective and includes a profile to help you determine where you are in your
Transparency, Ethics, Balanced Processing and Self Awareness.
The EQ profile helps to identify
strengths and opportunities for growth in
the areas of self-awareness, selfmanagement,
social awareness, and relationship
The profile consists of a series of
questions in each category and takes
about 15 minutes to complete.
Strength Based Leadership Assessments: The question leaders should ask
themselves and their team members is, “Do you have the opportunity to do
what you do best every day?” Chances are, the answer is “no”. Too often
natural talents go untapped in the workplace and we devote way too much
time to fixing our shortcomings rather than developing strengths. This survey
was developed by Gallup to help leaders and their teams understand and value
the strengths they bring to the table. When you combine the Strength Based
Leadership and Team training with the survey, we are able to begin to create a
Strength Based organization where people thrive in what they do and love to
come to work. Through the assessment each person will learn their top five
Contingent Leadership Profile: Leadership requires different styles in
different situations. The Contingent Leadership Profile tool helps leaders to
process through work simulations that involve leaders, peers and direct
reports. The individual taking the profile assumes they are they leader and
answers the questions based on the situation and what they view as the best
response. Once scored this allows the leader to have an understanding of their
default leadership style. Through the training on Contingent Leadership leaders learn they need to be more aware of the person, the situation, the time and
the place in order to engage in the most effective leadership style for the success of the person and the team.

MBTI: The key to successful leadership and strong teams is communication.
The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) is a tool that can be used to
effective and productive communication. People receive, process, and act upon
information differently. If you understand their preferences and then
communicate in a way that they understand, chances are you will not only get
what you expected, but those with whom you communicate will feel good
about how they received and acted on your communication. Here is how MBTI
benefits leaders:
 Provides insights into the best way to coach employees
 Builds a management framework that affirms differences and allows for
 Identifies the rewards and motivators for individuals based on their preferences and not rules and regulations
 Explains how different preferences approach goal setting, problem
solving and decision making
 Maximizes a team's diversity in order to reach more useful and
insightful conclusions
FIRO-B: The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior
(FIRO-B) is a highly valid and reliable tool that assesses how an individual’s
personal needs affect that person’s behavior towards other individuals. Leaders can use the FIRO-B to:
 Maximize the impact of your actions at work
 Identify options for increasing your job satisfaction and productivity
 Explore alternative ways to achieve your career goals
 Improve team effectiveness and explain team roles
 Identify leadership operating styles

360 Leadership Profile
360 Leadership Profile:

The 360 Leadership Profile is a coaching tool designed to raise selfawareness. The results of this confidential survey assist us in
co-developing a strategy that increases productivity and work
satisfaction, both leading to increased bottom line profitability.
These profiles are administered on an individual or organizational
basis and open the door to increased communication and a greater understanding of the Leadership Development process.

The sample below shows one such profile:

“MSBCoach is always well versed when
facilitating coaching sessions as well as
having a lot of energy and passion that
becomes contagious with an audience.”
Mack Trucks, Inc. / Volvo Trucks North

Join Today to Take Advantage of Special Perks:
The MSBCoach Partnership
Program is perfect as a self-lead
introduction to the MSBCoach
Enrollment in the Program is
offered at no cost to MSBCoach
clients for one year. All
components of this program are
thoughtfully developed to keep
you on the fast track. The
benefits and services offered will
assist you in your leadership

Benefits include:
 The MSBC Leading Edge Newsletter delivered directly to you with featured

articles, suggested reading, and updates on MSBCoaching events

 Access to new blog posts as they are published, and unlimited access to all

archived blog posts
Access to exclusive MSBCoach white papers as they are published
Sign up for MSBCoach Leading Edge webinars FREE
5% off all MSBCoach events including the Authentic Leadership Summit
Peer-to-peer coaching through the MSBCoach Partners forum
Self-coaching through our Monday Motivation and Friday Reflection email
coaching program
 Access to all archived MSBCoach Leading Edge webinars with unlimited
replays at your convenience.

Sign up at

51 | 804-502-4319 |
501 West Main Street, Charlottesville, VA 22903

Copyright © 2012 MSBCoach, LLC

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Msbcoac hbusinessmanual 110513

  • 1. BUSINESS MANUAL MSBCOACH, LLC Building Leadership that Builds Business Copyright © 2012 MSBCoach, LLC
  • 2. “MSBCoach trainers have great energy when presenting material to a group. Very passionate about MSBC’s approach to developing strong leaders!” -Randy B. UPS 2
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  • 7. WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS Did You Know 10 REASONS TO WORK WITH A COACH The higher executives advance up the organizational ladder they are less dependent on technical skills and require more effectiveness in interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. 1. 2. Create a strategic plan that department and organization will grow. 3. Learn how and why strong leadership is vital to growth and success. 4. Increase productivity in yourself and your team. 5. Uncover skills you did not think you had. 6. Stretch your mind. 7. Locate what is missing in your plan in order to develop increased action. 8. Reduce the stress in your personal and professional life. 9. Coaching is an effective tool for improving bottom line performance in executives and organizations. Gain an objective opinion. Reach and achieve what you once thought were unrealistic goals. References of Coaching Statistics a. Harris Interactive Research Study b. The 8th Habit – Stephen Covey c. The Center for Creative Leadership 10. Re-discover your passion. Coached executives have reported improvements in the following areas:  34% in Reducing Customer  53% in Productivity Complaints  48% in Quality  32% in Retaining Executives who  48% in Organizational Received Coaching Strength  23% in Cost Reductions  39% in Customer Service  22% in Bottom-line 7
  • 8. WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS Who Hires a Coach? The International Coaching Federation surveyed coaching clients about the value and use of coaching. Of these respondents, 94% were employed professionals. All had a formal, on-going relationship with a coach for an average duration of nine months. Over 80% of the respondents had undergraduate degrees and over one third had master’s degrees or higher. Outcome Attributed to Coaching             67.6% higher level of self-awareness 62.4% smarter goal-setting 60.5% more balanced life 57.1% lower stress levels 52.9% self-discovery 52.4% more self-confidence 33.8% health improvements 33.3% better staff relationship 33.3% better family relationship 25.7% stopped a bad habit 24.3% change in career 22.9% more free time 8 Value of Coaching Investment 70% - Very Valuable 28% - Valuable Main Role of a Coach 84.8% - Sounding Board 78.1% - Motivator 56.7% - Support 50.5% - Mentor
  • 9. WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS 15% of employees feel their organization holds them accountable for results. 85% of all other employees do not. 17% of all employees feel that their organization fosters open communication and respects opinions resulting in better jobs 83% of all other employees do not. 85% of employees feel that they work in a low trust environment. 15% of all other employees do not. 9
  • 10. WHY COACHING & COACHING STATS 20% of employees have a clear line of sight between their tasks and organizational goals. 80% of all other employees do not. 50% of employees feel satisfied with their accomplishments at the end of the week. 50% of all other employees do not. 37% of employees have a clear understanding of organization, purpose, and goals. 63% of all other employees do not. Based on the formula to the right, the cost of turnover for a leader whose annual salary is $75- $150,000 is $24,375 to $48,750 annually per person ** This formula attributed to Saratoga Institute and KepnerTregoe Inc. For more details on this report go to 10
  • 12. “MSBCoach assisted me in rebuilding my self-esteem and sense of confidence and helped me to recognize my strengths and weaknesses. -Robert VP, Morgan Keegan & CO 12
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  • 15. Our Mission: Building Leaders and Teams Who Make A Difference. At MSBCoach our mission is accomplished through partnering with clients to articulate what they want to accomplish: defining their own success, creating new ways of thinking, and executing an action plan. Our Vision: MSBCoach is the preferred coach and trainer of high performing professionals and their teams. Our Values: Fundamental to our success, our values set us apart through our partnerships, actions and behaviors:  Integrity  Excellence  Service  Trust At MSBCoach we promise to coach, train and lead by our values. We: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Provide superior performance Conduct ourselves with integrity Foster trust Create an environment for collaboration and teamwork Provide excellent quality service Exceed expectations Deliver creative, competent breakthrough leadership training and coaching Remain committed to your success 15
  • 16. Philosophy Our philosophy is to coach, train and journey alongside our clients, forming partnerships, alliances, forging strong relationships and developing well balanced, top level leaders who create high performance teams. Our contribution to the partnership is Support, Encouragement, a Thinking Part- ner, a Sounding Board, Accountability, Assisting our clients to Envision, Empower, and Execute their professional and personal future. Our client’s contribution is to: Break through mindsets, Create new vision and thought patterns, Be accountable to process outside the norm, Discover what is possible for your future, and Execute to make it happen At MSBCoach our coaching model consists of three components - I.S.C. 1. “I” - Identify challenges and opportunities with individuals and teams. 2. “S” - Shift the mindset. 3. “C” - Create breakthroughs and a new future for individuals and teams. We know each individual and team is distinctive and has its own culture. Our coaching model ensures each program is customized to the client’s needs. We ask probing questions to help our clients discover their own vision and solutions. This results in critical and creative thinking - not always looking to find “the” answer, rather to explore all the possibilities through engaged thinking. Ongoing Commitment to Excellence At MSBCoach we not only strive to bring our clients the best measurement tools and coaching, we also evaluate ourselves and work hard to deliver consistently the highest caliber Executive Leadership resources available. We do this through measurement and implementation. 16
  • 17. Evaluation: We begin the process with a comprehensive questionnaire designed to get to know each candidate’s unique talents and coaching needs. Below are just a few examples of what you can expect when working with MSBCoach: Questions from the MSBCoach New Client Packet 17
  • 18. Measurement: Questions from the MSBCoach Workshops and Feedback Questionnaire Along the way, we ask for your feedback. This helps MSBCoach with process improvement and provides us with valuable insights regarding what works best for each client’s needs. 18
  • 19. Growth: Just as our clients expect to see return on their investment from coaching, MSBCoach does the same. We have added a team of skilled coaches and support staff who work diligently to bring the best in leadership information and innovation to every MSBCoach client we serve. “Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” -George S. Patton As we continue to grow, we look forward to a successful partnership with you. Questions from the MSBCoach Workshops and Feedback Questionnaire 19
  • 20. “The self exploration exercises helped me to communicate and interact better with my colleagues.” -Melissa Director of Compensation, University of Virginia Health System 20
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  • 23. ISC: INDIVIDUAL & TEAM COACHING MODELS As a leader or team member you are creative and whole. As a leader or team member you are the core. Each leader and team member makes the gears in this process turn. In the The S I Phase the team Phase allows you to be mentally and emotionally prepared to accomplish what the team has identified in the I Phase. This phase is not about finding “THE” answer but rather opening your mind to explore all the possibilities to the answer. In this phase we: Shift mindsets where there are mental barriers and discuss probing questions. partners with your coach to identify challenges and opportunities, and to discuss what you want to accomplish. Together we gain understanding by using tools such as: Strength Finder, DISC Personality Profile, 360° Feedback, and Emotional Intelligence. In the C Phase we discover ways to create breakthroughs for the team’s future. We combine information from the I and S Phases to create an environment for personal and team success. This is the ACTION PHASE where we: Set goals and timeframes, create a plan of action, and execute the plan of action. IDENTIFYSHIFTCREATE 23
  • 24. "I have witnessed a remarkable improvement in the leadership team’s individual self-awareness, understanding of purpose and confidence to lead others. “Given the quick, positive impact on our leadership team, we are committed to continuing the executive coaching and tailored training programs. I really appreciate MSBCoach’s passion, expertise and dedication to deliver customized services for our needs.” -Linda President and COO Clinical Care Options 24
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  • 26. How We Work With Your Organization: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn.” - Benjamin Franklin 26
  • 27. CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMS CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMS MSBCoach recognizes that not all businesses are created equal. We partner with you to develop a program custom-fit for your business culture. To determine the exact needs of your organization we conduct "on-boarding" meetings, interviews with key players, and surveys. We develop a coaching plan that is a personal fit to those receiving coaching. We customize workshops that work best based on the available length of time and days of the week within the organization’s culture. Through contracting with MSBCoach, you “Of the best leaders, when provide your company and team with the their task is accomplished, advantages needed to be successful. Rome their people all remark, “We was not built in a day and neither are strong have done it ourselves.” leaders nor high performance teams. The - Lao Tzu process of building takes time, commitment and dedication. MSBCoach is dedicated to you, your staff, and this process. We provide training sessions each month and individual executive and leadership coaching sessions. This program provides executives and their teams with structure, an outcome-based thinking partner, strategic planning partner and any of the specialty services provided by MSBCoach.... This is a minimal time and monetary investment… yourself, your team, and your organization. The alternative cost is much higher in turnover and lost morale. You will see results in productivity that will affect the bottom line and yield a greater return on investment! 27
  • 28. “MSBCoach worked with me to improve communication issues with colleagues. My coach helped me identify my strengths rather than focus on my weaknesses. This has been liberating because I have always looked at ways that I need to improve rather than how I can use what I already do well!” -Connie Piedmont Virginia Community College 28
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  • 30. 12 The Elements of Great Managing To identify the elements of worker engagement, research firm Gallup conducted many thousands of interviews in all kinds of organizations, at all levels, in most industries, and in many countries. These 12 statements -The Gallup Q12 -- emerged from Gallup's pioneering research as those that best predict employee and workgroup performance. 1. I know what is expected of me at work. 2. I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right. 3. At work, I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day. 4. In the last seven days, I have received recognition or praise for doing good work. 5. My supervisor, or someone at work, seems to care about me as a person. 6. There is someone at work who encourages my development. 7. At work, my opinions seem to count. 8. The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important. 9. My associates or fellow employees are committed to doing quality work. 10. I have a best friend at work. 11. In the last six months, someone at work has talked to me about my progress. 12. This last year, I have had opportunities at work to learn and grow. (The Q12 items are protected by copyright of The Gallup Organization, 1992-1999. All rights reserved.) 30
  • 31. MOST REQUESTED WORKSHOPS Most Requested Workshops: MSBCoach partners with your business to custom develop onsite programs.                        The Art of Possibilities The Balanced Score Card Work Life Blance Building A High Performing Team Building and Leading a Culture of Trust Coaching as an Effective Leadership Tool Creating a Performance Plan Creating and Leading a Shared Vision Creating New Paradigms Discovering Authenticity in your Leadership Executing the Operational Plan Execution: From Concept to Reality Executive Presence Fundamentals of Strategic Planning Generational Leadership Goal Setting And Leadership Identifying and Retaining the High-Potentials Innovation Tournament Is Innovation a Culture or a Person? Key Characteristics of an Exceptional Leader Leading Through the Strategic Plan Leadership and Personal Development Plans Leadership and Delegation Full details for workshops at 31
  • 32. MOST REQUESTED WORKSHOPS Most Requested Workshops (continued…): Leadership and Public Speaking Leadership and Relationships Leadership and Time Management Leadership Communications Skills Leading Change through The Empowerment Dynamic (TED*) Leading White-Boarding Sessions Leading With A Spirit of Ownership Lincoln on Leadership Listening – the Key to Superior Leadership Living and Leading in a World of VUCA Managing the Human Behavior Aspect of Change A Model for Change Management The Operational Plan Performance Management Power Thinking Prioritizing Work in a World of “Everything is a Priority”! The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Shifting the Paradigm – the first step to successful change Social Awareness and Relationship Management Strategic Communication Strategic Pathways and Initiatives The Strategic Plan Trust-Based Leadership Wellness in the Workplace & the Bottom Line Moving from Victim of Circumstances to Creator of Your Future Leading Through Different Situations Strength Based Leadership – and or Teams Situational Leadership Leading Strong Customer Service Oriented Teams – both internally and externally                              Full details for workshops at 32
  • 33. MOST REQUESTED WORKSHOPS Experiential Learning: MSBCoach offers Experiential Learning Opportunities for leaders and teams to move out of the classroom (from theory) and apply what has been learned in the classroom to "real time, real life" experiences. Our Experiential Learning Opportunities (ELOs) create actual experiences in collaboration, team building, independent thinking, stress/ time management, crisis intervention, communication, self-awareness/self-management, relationship building and much more in order to simulate real-life experience. Through the ELOs, each participant has "real life experience". These experiences create metaphors that provide learning opportunities. We leverage these learnings as we debrief and "connect the dots" throughout and at the end of the ELO. More info at Open Enrollment Workshops:  Lincoln on Leadership  Jefferson on Leadership  The Authentic Leadership Summit  Experiential Leadership Experiences  The Brand You  Emerging Executive Leader’s Program–  MSBCoaching Institute– Workshop details at 33
  • 34. “I believe that through mentoring and training, MSBCoach has helped me to accomplish my career goals thus far. The motivation and confidence that I have gained gives me the opportunity to help others get to their level of success also.” -Lawanna Human Resource/Finance Director Beaufont Towers 34
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  • 37. MSBCI– MSBCoaching Institute MSBCoaching Institute: What is MSBCI? The MSBCoaching institute is a three-day workshop where executives, managers, HR professionals and leaders learn crucial coaching skills and competencies. Individuals gain an in-depth understanding of the coaching process and how to use it as leadership tool. MSBCI provides Strategic Skills for Managers, Leaders and Coaches Today’s highly competitive business environment demands that individuals and organizations perform at higher levels and with greater speed than ever before. Leaders and employees alike must place a new emphasis on individual and collective learning and creativity. "A clear vision, innovation and employee buy-in are key components for the growth of an organization. The best way to create that kind of environment is by creating a coaching culture". - JoAnn Auger Executive Coach and Trainer MSBCoach Through the MSBCI, participants can:  Discover coaching as a powerful model of management, mentoring and leadership.  Experience and practice “state-of-the-art” coaching tools.  Learn the structure and skills to immediately enhance performance.  Position the organization for rapid growth.  Make major advances in professional and personal connections as well as apply learning within the workplace immediately.  Learn self-awareness through Emergenetics , Situational Leadership, and how and when to use coaching as an effective leadership tool. 37
  • 38. “My Coach utilizes a remarkable method of asking key questions; knowing that the answers will reveal self understanding on how to solve the issues at hand” -Olga Forward Magazine Founder/Editor 38
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  • 41. COACHING TOOLS Coaching Tools: Emergenetics is a self-descriptive test — You answer a series of questions about yourself, your responses are scored and the results are compared with a group norm. Whether you are teaching, training, hiring, leading, or interacting with your team, Emergenetics methods facilitate communication and promote greater job and personal effectiveness. It is unlike any profile or assessment process with which you may be familiar. 360 Leadership Profile The results of this confidential survey assist us in co-developing a strategy that increases productivity and work satisfaction, both leading to increased bottom line profitability. These profiles are administered on an individual or organizational basis and open the door for increased communication and a greater understanding of the Leadership Development process. DISC Personality Profiles: Being an effective leader and team member involves understanding yourself and others. Learning your personality style and other personality styles will help you be more successful in work and personal relationships. Over 70% of career failure is due to an inability to get along with and relate to others, not the technical skills, as one may think. They are misunderstandings of how people think, feel, and act. 41
  • 42. COACHING TOOLS DISC helps us discover and understand different types of personalities, allowing us to live and work more effectively with others. Learning how to recognize individual drives can be enlightening so enjoy the process! DISC is an acronym for: Dominance Influence Steadiness Conscientiousness The DISC profile consists of a series of words where you choose the words most like you and the words least like you to get results in two areas, the first being “This is what is expected of me” and the second being “This is me.” DISC is available in several different versions for leaders, teams and wellness. Emotional Intelligence: Logical intelligence will set leaders and team members up for one level of success in their job. But to move to higher levels of effectiveness you must also develop your emotional intelligence (EQ). When you combine both intelligences together, you understand yourself better, get along better with colleagues and lead more powerful and successful organizations. You learn how to identify and handle your emotions as well as gear them towards a positive outcome. You learn how to respond proactively, communicate more effectively, build stronger relationships and inspire others to do the same. Building a Functional Team Assessment: This assessment is a tool from the Five Dysfunctions of a Team and is geared to provide you with a sense of your team’s unique strengths and areas for improvement. For the most accurate and holistic analysis, we encourage your entire team to complete the Assessment. While the assessment itself provides an interesting perspective, its most important aspect is the discussion and training from the “Building a High Performing Team” series MSBCoach offers ( coaching/high-performance-teams/ ). This course covers Trust, Conflict Resolution, Clarity, Buy In, Accountability and Results. 42
  • 43. COACHING TOOLS Authentic Leadership Profile and Assessment— Discover Your Authentic Leadership Style: Live for a higher purpose – this tool takes you through a series of questions to help you become more self-aware of where your values are and what is important to you. This assessment is very selfreflective and includes a profile to help you determine where you are in your Transparency, Ethics, Balanced Processing and Self Awareness. The EQ profile helps to identify strengths and opportunities for growth in the areas of self-awareness, selfmanagement, social awareness, and relationship management. The profile consists of a series of questions in each category and takes about 15 minutes to complete. Strength Based Leadership Assessments: The question leaders should ask themselves and their team members is, “Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?” Chances are, the answer is “no”. Too often natural talents go untapped in the workplace and we devote way too much time to fixing our shortcomings rather than developing strengths. This survey was developed by Gallup to help leaders and their teams understand and value the strengths they bring to the table. When you combine the Strength Based Leadership and Team training with the survey, we are able to begin to create a Strength Based organization where people thrive in what they do and love to come to work. Through the assessment each person will learn their top five strengths. Contingent Leadership Profile: Leadership requires different styles in different situations. The Contingent Leadership Profile tool helps leaders to process through work simulations that involve leaders, peers and direct reports. The individual taking the profile assumes they are they leader and answers the questions based on the situation and what they view as the best response. Once scored this allows the leader to have an understanding of their default leadership style. Through the training on Contingent Leadership leaders learn they need to be more aware of the person, the situation, the time and the place in order to engage in the most effective leadership style for the success of the person and the team. 43
  • 44. COACHING TOOLS MBTI: The key to successful leadership and strong teams is communication. The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) is a tool that can be used to achieve effective and productive communication. People receive, process, and act upon information differently. If you understand their preferences and then communicate in a way that they understand, chances are you will not only get what you expected, but those with whom you communicate will feel good about how they received and acted on your communication. Here is how MBTI benefits leaders:  Provides insights into the best way to coach employees  Builds a management framework that affirms differences and allows for them  Identifies the rewards and motivators for individuals based on their preferences and not rules and regulations  Explains how different preferences approach goal setting, problem solving and decision making  Maximizes a team's diversity in order to reach more useful and insightful conclusions FIRO-B: The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation-Behavior (FIRO-B) is a highly valid and reliable tool that assesses how an individual’s personal needs affect that person’s behavior towards other individuals. Leaders can use the FIRO-B to:  Maximize the impact of your actions at work  Identify options for increasing your job satisfaction and productivity  Explore alternative ways to achieve your career goals  Improve team effectiveness and explain team roles  Identify leadership operating styles 44
  • 45. 360 Leadership Profile 360 Leadership Profile: The 360 Leadership Profile is a coaching tool designed to raise selfawareness. The results of this confidential survey assist us in co-developing a strategy that increases productivity and work satisfaction, both leading to increased bottom line profitability. These profiles are administered on an individual or organizational basis and open the door to increased communication and a greater understanding of the Leadership Development process. The sample below shows one such profile: 45
  • 46. “MSBCoach is always well versed when facilitating coaching sessions as well as having a lot of energy and passion that becomes contagious with an audience.” -Steve Mack Trucks, Inc. / Volvo Trucks North America 46
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  • 49. THE MSBCOACH PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM Join Today to Take Advantage of Special Perks: The MSBCoach Partnership Program is perfect as a self-lead introduction to the MSBCoach experience. Enrollment in the Program is offered at no cost to MSBCoach clients for one year. All components of this program are thoughtfully developed to keep you on the fast track. The benefits and services offered will assist you in your leadership journey. Benefits include:  The MSBC Leading Edge Newsletter delivered directly to you with featured articles, suggested reading, and updates on MSBCoaching events  Access to new blog posts as they are published, and unlimited access to all archived blog posts Access to exclusive MSBCoach white papers as they are published Sign up for MSBCoach Leading Edge webinars FREE 5% off all MSBCoach events including the Authentic Leadership Summit Peer-to-peer coaching through the MSBCoach Partners forum Self-coaching through our Monday Motivation and Friday Reflection email coaching program  Access to all archived MSBCoach Leading Edge webinars with unlimited replays at your convenience.      Sign up at 49
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  • 52. | 804-502-4319 | 501 West Main Street, Charlottesville, VA 22903 Copyright © 2012 MSBCoach, LLC