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Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 1
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7
Semester 2
Let’s Have Fun Learning English
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 2
Dengan mengucap syukur alhamdulillah kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah
melimpahkan rahmatNya, sehingga dapat terselesaikan pembuatan diktat Mata Pelajaran
Bahasa Inggris SMP/Mts Kelas 7 Semester 2 ini.
Berangkat dari anggapan semua pihak bahwa Bahasa Inggris itu sulit, penulis
termotivasi untuk menyusun Modul ini agar bisa membantu peserta didik dalam
mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, Modul ini disusun dimaksudkan untuk membantu
serta menunjang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai pegangan dasar bagi peserta didik.
Modul ini disusun berdasarkan beberapa buku acuan serta pengalaman penulis selama
mengajar mata pelajaran ini serta berdasarkan silabus yang ada. Dalam kesempatan ini
penulis mengucapkan pada semua pihak yang telah membantu hingga tersusunnya Modul
Akhirnya penulis menyadari bahwa Modul ini masih banyak kekurangan, untuk itu
adanya kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan agar membuat Modul ini
menjadi lebih baik serta membuat karya-karya selanjutnya lebih bagus juga.
Bukittinggi, Desemeber 2014
Sasmirido Doni
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 3
1. Pendahuluan
2. Halaman Depan
A. Kata Pengantari
B. Table of Contentii
3. Bagian Isi
Chapter I : Do You Like?1
a. Congratulation Card 11
b. Name Cards 12
c. Birthday Invitation 13
d. Greeting Card15
Chapter II : What Do Think About? 16
Chapter III : Simple Present Tense 21
Chapter IV : She Is Tall and Thin 23
Chapter V : Could You Help Me, Please? 28
a. Asking for Clarification 28
b. Asking For Thing 35
c. Asking For and Giving Services 39
d. Giving Interporsonal Responses 40
e. Lost Notice 42
Chapter VI : Simple Past Tense 44
List of Irreguler Verbs53
4. Penutup : 54
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 4
A. Spoken Activity
Exercise 1
Pay attention to the dialogue and observe the bold typed sentences/expressions.
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 5
Exercise 2
Observe the dialogue below, and then answer the questions orally.
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 6
In the dialogue, you find the following expression:
Exercise 3.
Read the dialogues carefully, and then complete the spaces with the expressions of
1. Dedi : Hi, Bayu. What are you doing?
Bayu : Ouh, I’m finishing my drawing. It’s about a small island.
Dedi : That’s a nice picture. … (1) .. ?
Bayu : Yes, I do. I like drawing very much.
2. Maya : Den, is this your lunch box?
Deni : Yes, it is. Where is yours?
Maya : Here it is. My mother cooks me fried noodle with scramble eggs. It’s my
favorite. What about you?
Deni : Hum… . I (2) .. eggs and noodle. For me vegetables are healthier. I bring
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 7
cassava leaves soup and fried bean cake. They are very delicious. Just try it.
Maya : Okay… Hum… that’s right.
3. Sinta : Look at that dancer. She’s so beautiful. ...(3)… dancing very much. I want to
be a famous dancer just like her.
Santi : Not for me. ..(4) … dancing but I prefer reading. It gives me a lot of benefits.
4. Hendro : Is Mathematics your favorite subject, Har?
Harni : Oh, No, not at all. I .. (5)… However, English is the subject ..(6).. very
much. I want to be an English teacher when I’ve grown up.
Hendro : So do I. I ..(7).. English, too. It’s so interesting and fun for me.
5. Frida : ..(8).. Mrs. Santi, Mega?
Mega : Yes, I do. She teaches clearly and patiently. I understand her lesson very
well. What about you? .. (9).. her?
Frida : Yes, I’m with you. I ..(10) .. her class very much. It’s so alive.
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 8
Exercise 6.
Complete the dialogues with the appropriate expressions.
Exercise 7
Ask your friends if they like/dislike about the following things.
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 9
Expressing likes or dislikes
Study how to express likes and dislikes for different subjects below.
I Like music.
She Likes cookies.
He Likes camping.
We Like swimming.
You Like bicycle riding.
They Like cooking.
I Dislike hard music.
She Disikes cookies.
He Disikes hiking.
We Dislike smoking.
You Dislike mountain climbing.
They Dislike smoking.
Do/does not like
I do not like hard music.
She does not like cookies.
He does not like hiking.
We do not like smoking.
You do not like mountain climbing.
Study how to ask likes and dislikes for different subjects below.
Do They Like smoking?
Do You Like mountain
Does She Like cookies?
Does He Like hiking?
Listen to your teacher and read the dialogues.
1. Andi : Do you like apples, Budi?
Budi : Yes, I do.
Dona : Does Budi like apples, Andi?
Andi : Yes, he does.
2. Dedi : Do you like smoking, Cipto?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 10
Cipto : No, I don’t. I dislike smoking.
Dona : Does Cipto like smoking, Dedi?
Dedi : No, he doesn’t. He dislikes smoking.
3. Dewi : Do your parents love music, Fenti?
Fenti : Yes, they do.
Dona : Do Fenti’s parents love music, Dewi?
Dewi : Yes, they do.
4. Karyo : Do you like chilli, Sion?
Sion : No, I don’t. I hate chilli.
Karyo : What about you?
Sion : Yes, I do.
To express like, we say:
I like…… or
I love…….
To express dislike, we say:
I don’t like….
I dislike…..
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 11
Answer these questions.
Do you have a cake on your birthday?
· What does the number of candles tell you?
· What is your birthday?
· Who have birthdays this month?
· Who had birthdays last month?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 12
· Did you get presents?
· Did you give a party?
Invitation card adalah kartu undangan yang ditujukan kepada seseorang untuk menghadiri
acara tertentu, seperti acara ulang tahun, pesta perkawinan, sunatan, dll.
Exercise 1
Write an invitation for a birthday party from you to your close friend!
Exercise 2
a. Your two friends will read the dialogue for you. Listen carefully. Talking about personal
Brilly : Excuse me, what’s her name?
Hanum : It’s Diajeng.
Brilly : How do you spell that?
Hanum : D-I-A-J-E-N-G.
To: Andi
My special day is coming
I am 14 years old now
My parents are having a special party for me.
Your smile and laugh we hope.
So come to the party, and it will be lots of fun
The party will be held at three to five p.m.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Aryoso’ house
105 Siberia street
To: .......................
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 13
Brilly : Where is she from?
Hanum: She’s from Semarang.
Brilly : What is her telephone number?
Hanum: It’s (024) 8315843.
Brilly : Thanks
b. Answer these questions.
1. Brilly opens the conversation by saying ………
2. What does Brilly want to know about?
3. Who answers Brilly’s questions?
4. Does she know her name?
5. Does she know her telephone number?
6. What does Brilly say to end the conversation?
 Greeting cards
Greeting card yaitu sepucuk kartu ucapan selamat yang biasanya ditulis pada kertas
yang tebal dan diberi hiasan.
Exercise 1
Answer the questions below
1. Who wrote the card?
2. What is the writer purpose to send the card?
3. What is the relationship between Kasmonah and Paijem?
4. What achievement does Paijem achieve?
Exercise 2
Write a greeting card to one of your family!
To: Paijem
Finally you did it friend!
You have finished your study excellently and accepted by the best senior high
school in your city. Your achievement proves that you’re the best. Keep your
good job!
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 14
On the birthday, Ella got a school bag from her aunt in Bandung. Here is a short note she sent to
her aunt to thank her for the gift.
Exercise 3
Individually, write a short letter to thank your close friend. He moved to another town and
left you his story books. Send him the letter.
Tell her that the books will always make you remember her/him.
On special occasions we often get some presents from our
family, relatives or friends.
To appreciate it we may write a greeting card to:
thank them.
say something good about the presents.
Here are some expressions we might use:
Thank you/thanks (very much, a lot) for the...
It’s so.... (beautiful, cute, etc.)
I like it (very much).
I like the....(model, colour, etc.)
Dear Aunty,
Thank you very much for the bag. It’s very cute. I like
the model. And I love the colours, too.
With love,
___________ (date)
Dear ……………..,
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 15
Name card adalah sebuah kartu nama yang menunjukan identitas seseorang yang berguna
untuk menambah relasi antara satu orang dengan orang lain.
Exercise 1
Fill in your own name card below!
Exercise 2
Interview your friend and complete the following personal information form.
Personal information form!
(Your name ………………………..)
Home address:
Email address: ……………………….
Telephone number: ………………….
Surname: ……......................
First Name:……...................
Age: ………...........................
Date of birth: ……................
Nationality: ………..............
Address: …….......................
Telephone number: …………..
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 16
A. Spoken Activities
Expression : Asking and Giving Opinion
Exercise 1
Pay attention the expressions of asking and giving an opinion.
1. Putri : This is my bedroom, Rizki, my favorite room in my house.
Rizki : O…. really?
Putri : Yes. What do you think about my bedroom?
Rizki : I think it is a nice bedroom.
Putri : Do you think so Rizki?
Rizki : I think so. Your room is clean and neat.
How many times a week do you clean it?
Putri : I sweep it everyday. I change the bed sheets once a week.
2. Amir : What do you think of this house?
Bani : I think is very nice and beautiful
Amir : Yes, I think so
3. Desi : I think this room is clean and comfortable.
What is your opinion?
Dian : I think so. I must say this room is nice and comfortable.
These are the expressions of asking and giving opinion:
Asking for Opinion Giving Opinion
- What do you think of…? - I think…
- What is your opinion about…? - In my opinion…
- What would you say about…? - My opinion is…
- What are your feelings about…? - According to me…
- Do you think that…? - According to my opinion…
Exercise 2
Complete the dialogues below with the right expressions.
1. Anita: . . . . . my hand phone?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 17
Laila: . . . . . it is comfortable to use it. Is it your hand phone?
Anita: . . . . . Yes, it is. I just bought it yesterday
2. Sofyan: . . . . . our new computer?
Yusuf : . . . . . it is a good and nice computer.
3. Nayla : . . . . . . my new jacket?
Nana : Which jacket?
Nayla : The blue one. I just bought it yesterday
Nana : O,the blue one. Well, . . . . . your blue jacket is nice. But I like the red one.
4. Rasya : . . . . . my new television?
Diana. :. . . .
Rasya : I just bought it last month.
Diana : Well, . . . . .
Exercise 3
Work in pairs, make a short and simple dialogue consists of expressions of asking and giving
Choose one of this five topics:
•T.V. programs (dull/interesting)
•Your school (modern / old)
•Food in the canteen (good / bad)
•The English language (difficult / easy)
•Your teachers (boring / nice)
Exercise 4
Try to make dialogues based on the situations given.
1. Your mother will buy a new refrigerator. She asks you for your opinion.
2. Your aunt buys a new washing machine. She thinks the old one is broken. So, your aunts
ask for your opinion. But you think the old washing machine is still useful.
3. Your father will buy a new television set. Your mother thinks that it will cost a lot of
Exercise 5
Last week, my students talk about how to ask and give their opinion in English and I
want to share you our activities in the classroom. Maybe this can help you to improve your
Read the following dialogue. It is an example of dialogue consists of expressions of asking
and giving opinion:
Chiko : Chica, what do you think of pop music recently? I mean, do you like them?
Chica: Well, I’d say I don’t really like them. I’d prefer jazz
Chiko : Why? I think pop music is very entertaining
Chica : In my opinion, jazz music is relaxing
Try to answer the following questions based on the dialogue above.
1. Who are talking in this dialogue ?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 18
2. What are they talking about?
3. Can you find any expressions of asking opinion? What are they?
4. Can you find any expressions of giving opinion? What are they?
5. What is Chica's opinion?
6. What is Chiko's opinion?
Exercise 6
Complete the following dialog with the correct expressions from the box.
Gea : Yenni, what are you wrapping?
Yenni : (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The day after tomorrow is her birthday.
Gea : Oh. May I have a look?
Yenni : Sure. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Gea?
Gea : Wow! (3) . . . . . . . . . . . it’s the nicest watch I have ever seen.
Yenni : Really? Thanks. (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . my sister like it.
Gea : I’m sure (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
B. Spoken and Written Activity
Ask about your friend’s opinion about them!
What’s your opinion about ...... them /
In my opinion...
-They are ....
-He is ....
-Mr Bean is ......
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 19
Write your opinion about them!
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________
Exercise 7
Look at the picture . Then answer the questions
1. How does this man look like?
2. How old is he?
3. How is his complexion?
4. How is his figure?
5. How is his height?
Exercise 8
Read the following words aloud and find their meanings in your dictionary
A. Looks Meanings
1. ugly : _____________________
2. sexy : _____________________
3. plain : _____________________
4. charming : _____________________
5. cute : _____________________
6. pretty : _____________________
7. handsome : _____________________
8. cool : _____________________
9. beautiful : _____________________
10. attractive : _____________________
B. Age Meanings
1. old : _____________________
2. eldery : _____________________
3. young : _____________________
4. middle-aged : _____________________
5. young : _____________________
C. Complexion
1. dark : _____________________
2. fair : _____________________
3. black : _____________________
D. Figure Meanings
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 20
1. stocky : _____________________
2. fat : _____________________
3. big : _____________________
4. slender : _____________________
5. plump : _____________________
6. slim : _____________________
7. small : _____________________
8. skinny : _____________________
9. muscular : _____________________
10. obese : _____________________
D. Height Meanings
1. tall : _____________________
2. short : _____________________
3. average height : _____________________
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 21
We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We are not only thinking
about now. We uae it to say that something happens all the time or repetedly or that
something is true in general. It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of
Exercise 1
Study this pattern!
a. Subject + Verb + Object
Subject Verb Object
b. Subject + don’t / doesn’t + verb + Object
Subject Don’t / doesn’t Verb Object
Play Volleyball
c. Do / Doest + Subject + Verb + Object + ?
Do / Does Subject Verb Object
We Play Volleyball
Exercise 2
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 22
Choose the correct verb.
1) Abdullah (get up/gets up) at 5.00 a.m
2) He (eat/eats) his breakfast at 6.00 a.m
3) He (take/takes) a bath at 5.30 a.m
4) Abdullah and his sister (go/goes) to school at 6.30 a.m
5) His father (drive/drives) the car
6) The class (start/starts) at 7.30 a.m
7) Abdullah and his friends (play/plays) basketball at 8.00 a.m
8) They (have/has) their lunch in the canteen
9) The school (finish/finishes) at 1.00 p.m
10) The students (leave/leaves) the school happily
Exercise 3.
Arrange these jumbled words into proper sentences
1. want-to talk-they-to-you.
2. Vegetables-Mrs. Chandra-in the kitchen –cooks.
3. Lisa- the floor-sweeps-everyday.
4. always- to do-try-my homework- I.
5. speaks-our-English-teacher.
Reading Activities
My uncle, Bob is my mother’s elder brother. He is my
favorite among my mother’s brother. He is a very interesting
man. He lives quite near us with my aunt Barbara, my cousins
Anne and Andrew. I often go to his house.
He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good
looking. He is tall and well built. He has blue eyes and a strong
face. He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He takes them off
when he doesn’t work.
Uncle Bob is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm
in the city. He travels widely in his job. He is an expert in
solving problems with machines. At present, he is in the United
States. He is visiting the firm’s customers there.
He is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at the seaside.
He goes there every weekend in summer to sail it. I sometimes
stay with my cousins at their house on the coast. When my
uncle Bob is at home, he usually takes us out in the boat.
Exercise 4
Answer the questions based on the text above.
1. Who is Uncle Bob?
2. How old is he?
3. What is his profession?
4. Where does he work?
5. What is he like?
6. How many children does he have?
7. Where does he go every weekend in summer?
8. Which paragraph talks about the physical description of Uncle Bob?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 23
Teks deskriptif adalah jenis teks yang mendiskripsikan (ciri-ciri) seseorang, benda keadaan
atau tempat tertentu, bukan bersifat umum.
Ciri-ciri “lexico-grammatical :
- Dominasi oleh bentuk “The present form.”
- Banyak menggunakan tobe : is, am, are.
- Banyak menggunakan verb : play, run, like, want, love, think, etc.
Struktur generik (Generic structure) umum descriptive text terdiri dari
a) Introduction / definition
b) Description of physical features
c) Description of purpose
d) Description of appearance
e) Etc.
1. Action verbs/material process:
Adalah “verbs” yang menunjukan aktivitas/perbuatan dan perbuatan tersebut
dapat disaksikan.
Contoh: run, walk, jump, go, hit, read, write, eat, dan lain-lain
2. Mental process:
Adalah “verbs” yan menunjukan aktivitas pikiran, perasaan, persepsi, dan
Contoh: think, feel, know, dan lain-lain.
3. Relational process:
Adalah “verbs” sebagai perangkai antara subject dan unsur lain. (Linking
Contoh: to be (is, am, are, was, were), seem, have, etc, dan lain-lain
Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress.
1. Sick
2. Happy
3. Hungry
4. Thirsty
5. Hot
6. Cold
7. Sad
8. Tall
9. Short
10. Old
11. Thin
12. Fat
13. Young
14. Kind
15. Patient
16. Dark
17. Long
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 24
Read the following words aloud. These words are descriptions of appearance and personality.
1. A little heavy
2. A little unfriendly
3. Beautiful
4. Cute
5. Friendly
6. Funny
7. Good-looking
8. Grumpy
9. Interesting
10. Kind
11. Nice
12. Pleasant
13. Pretty
14. Serious
15. Shy
16. Slim
17. Smart
Exercise 1
Read the text and answer the question based on the text.
My mother is a beautiful woman. She has a beautiful smile. She is not short. She has
curly and brown hair. Her eyes are round, and her skin is light brown.
She is a very kind woman. She is very lovely, friendly and patient. I love my mom,
because she is a good woman. She loves being in the Mosque and she likes singing and
She always takes care of her family. She likes her house clean and tidy. She is a very
perfect woman, and all things in the house are in the right place.  
She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. She always helps and
gives all her love to us.
1. What is the title of the text?
2. What kind is the text above?
3. Which paragraphs tell about my mother’s identify?
4. What is the purpose of the text?
5. Mention the relational process of the text. What are they?
6. Is the writer’s mother short?
7. Does she like singing?
8. What color is her hair?
Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks by choosing the word in bracket!
Here is a woman’s…………..(face, fast, first ). Her………….(eyes ,highs, ice) are
shut, but her………..(mouse ,mouth, must) is open. You can see her…………(tongue, town,
turn) between her…………(lamps, lips, lives). The woman has a small…………..(noise,
nose, nurse ), and a long, thin…………(neck, nest next ). She has rings in
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 25
her………………(ears, eyes, idea). Her………….( checks, cheeks, chickens) are round, and
her skin is soft and………….. ( smell, s mile, smooth).
Exercise 3
Listen to the teacher, then fill in the blanks.
David Holbe …1…….a good boy. His nickname is David. He is handsome. His
…2……. is pointed and his skin is not black. His father is Guy Holbe and Monique is his
mother. They …3……. proud of him because he is clever and diligent. David is in Indonesian
David Holbe ……4…. Indonesia because Indonesian people are kind. His hobbies are
reading and travelling. He …5……. to go to Jogjakarta. He would like to visit a museum and
Borobudur temples.
B. Seaking
Who is this? Describe these pictures oraly. Look at the photos of famous people below.
Choose one of them whom you know well. Search as much as information about him or her.
C. Reading
Mrs Shofia is my Biology teacher. She is a good teacher. She likes teaching very
much. Mrs Shofia is rather tall. She is about 165cm tall. Her skin is white and she has wavy
hair. Mr Herman is Math teacher. He is fat and short. His skin is dark brown. He looks very
fierce but actually he is very good teacher. Most of the students like him.
1. How many persons are there in the text?
a. 4 b. 2 c. 3 d. 1
2. Does Mrs. Shofia have a white or black skin?
a. Yes, she does c. White skin
b. No, she does not d. Black skin
3. Who teaches Math?
a. Mr. Herman does c. The writer
b. Mrs. Shofia does d. the reader
4. Is Mr. Herman a Math teacher?
a. Yes, she is c. No, she is not
b. Yes, she does d. No, she does not
Mr. Abraham is Malaysian. He is 42 years old. He is a staff of a big company. He
has a pointed nose and wears glasses. He lives at Mahatir street 14 Kuala Lumpur.
Mr. Harun is a Indonesian. He is 50 years old. He is a reporter of private TV
station. He is a bold headed man, with mustache. He lives at Kyai Mojo street 25, Semarang.
Fatimah is a student of SMP 1 Semarang. She is 13 years old, 150 cm tall. She has
long hair and lives at Kakap street 13, Semarang.
5. Who is from Malaysia?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 26
a. Mr. Harun is c. Kiai Mojo is
b. Mr. Abraham is d. Fatimah is
6. Who is 50 years old?
a. Fatimah as c. Mr. Harun
b. Abraham as d. Fatimah is
7. How old Mr. Harun?
a. 42 years old c. 50 years old
b. 25 years old d. 13 years old
8. How is Mr. Abraham?
a. He has pointed nose and wear glasses.
b. He has moustache.
c. He has long hair.
d. He is with bold headed man.
9. Where does Fatimah live?
a. Mahatir street c. Kakap street
b. Kiai Mojo street d. Malaysian
10. Andi : . . . . .
Fajar : He is very strong.
a. How is Mike Tyson like?
b. How does Mike Tyson like?
c. How are you like?
d. What is Mike Tyson like?
11. Mr. Hendi is not very kind . . . is my English Teacher.
a. She c. We
b. He d. They
12. Andre’s nose is not pointed . . . is flat
a. It c. We
b. She d. They
13. Abdul and Ratna are my friends. . . . live near my house.
a. He c. They
b. We d. She
14. A man usually has . . . fingers in each hand.
a. ten c. seven
b. five d. four
15. One year consists of . . . months.
a. 12 c. 14
b. 11 d. 10
16. People usually hear with . . .
a. eyes c. nose
b. ear d. leg
17. The first month of the year is . . .
a. December c. January
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 27
b. February d. March
18. What is the fifth month of the year?
a. April c. July
b. June d. May
19. Every day Taufik Hidayat …..badminton.
a. practice c. has practiced
b. is practicing d. practices
20. My mother is a good woman. She always … the kitchen every morning.
a. cooks c. cook
b. is cooking d. cooked.
My name is Andika and I am an pilot. I am from Jogjakarta. My sister’s name is
Annisa. She is 22 years old and she is a student. Her university is in UNDIP, but she is in
Jogja now, because she is on holidays. She is very tall and her hair is black. My brother,
Alfian, is a doctor and he is 33 years old. He’s at work now. He’s short and fat. His eyes are
brown. We are a very happy family.
1. What is Andika? 4. How is Annisa?
2. What is Alfian? 5. How is he?
3. Are they happy?
D. Writing
Write a short paragraph about the description one of your friends in your class.
1. A descriptive text describes the characteristics of a specific thing, for example a
specific person, animal, or object (for example name, age, job).
2. The descriptive text has main parts:
a. The introduction that gives general information about a specific person, animal, or
b. The main part that describes the thing in details (for example how he/she/it looks
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 28
like, how tall, how slim, his/her eyes, its shape)
3. Sometime a descriptive text has a general comment at the end, for example: He is a
good person and we love him so much.
A. Spoken Activity
Pay attention to the dialogue below, and observe the italic expressions.
 The italic expressions are the expression of asking clarification.
 We use the expressions if we are not sure about something.
 Observe the table below on how to ask and give respond of clarification.
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 29
Exercise 1.
Complete the dialogue with the expression in the box, the perform the dialogue with
your friends.
Exercise 2
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 31
Exercise 3
Observe the text below.
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 32
Read the text below then answer the questions.
Exercise 4
Read the text below, then complete the missing words by using the words provided in the
The Statue of Liberty is a giant …(1) … of a …(2)… dressed in flowing robes and wearing a
spiked …(3) …. Her right hand holds a gold …(4) … high above her head. Her left arm
holds a …(5) … of law with the date July 4, 1776, the date …(6) … declared their … (7) …
from Britain. The …(8) … from base to torch is 305… (9)… or (93 meters) high. The
…(10) … herself stands 151 feet (46 meters) tall.
Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 33
a. lady f. statue
b. sculpture g. woman
c. book h. torch
d. crown i. Americans
e. independence j. feet
Exercise 5
Read the text below then find the meaning of the underlined words or phrases by matching
the words or phrases from the column A with the meanings in column B.
Mr. John’s House
Mr. John’s house is big and clean. There is a large yard in front of the house and a
garden behind the house.
The house has a large living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a
dining room, a small library and a garage.
There are two sets of sofa in the living room. It has a beautiful painting on the wall. In
each bedroom, there is a bed, a wardrobe, shelf, dressing table and a desk. There is a TV set
on the shelf.
There are dining table and six chairs in the dining room. There is also a refrigerator
and cupboard, There is a small table and magic jar on it.
There are kitchen utensils in the kitchen, such as gas stove, frying pans, pans, etc.
there is bathtub and a shower in the bathroom.
1. house a. a place where books are kept
2. large b. an electrical appliance to keeps food and drinks cool and
3. library c. a kind of furniture to keep or store food items or
domestics things
4. garage d. a building made for people to live in.
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 34
5. beautiful e. comparatively big in size, quantity
6. wardrobe f. a low table with mirror and drawer for having a make up.
7. dressing table g. a building for storing or keeping motor vehicles.
8. refrigerator h. large closet or freestanding cupboard for keeping clothes.
9. cupboard i. an electrical device for cooking rice and keeping it warm.
10. magic jar j. very pleasing and impressive to look at.
Exercise 6
Give the synonym of these words.
1. enjoyable =
2. appliance =
3. beautiful =
4. wardrobe =
5. large =
6. keeping =
7. refrigerator =
8. comfortable =
9. clean =
10. domestics =
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 35
Excercise one
Read the following sentences, and say them quickly.
A sailor went to the sea, to see what he could see. And all he could see was
sea, sea, sea.
Exercise two
Study the situation below. Pay your attention to the speech bubbles. Then answer the
Alright, Dad. I’d be glad to.
Could you help me take my bag,
Excuse me! Could you
give me a piece of paper,
Yes, sure. Here you are.
Yes, what’s up, Dad?
Jane, come here, please.
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 36
Tom Edi
Answer the questions below based on the picture you see above!.
1) What do you think about the picture 1?
2) What will father say to Jane? He wants her to help him take his bag.
3) What will Jane respon? She accepts to help her father.
4) What about the picture 2.
5) What will Edi say to Tom? He asks for a piece of paper from Edi.
6) What will Tom respond? He fulfils Tom’s request.
Excercise 3
Dramatize the following dialog. Do it in your group.
Dialog 1 for group one:
Andi: What are you doing, Jack?
Jack: I’m cleaning our classroom. But I can’t remove this desk alone.
Budi: Okay. Let me help you!
Jack: Thanks a lot.
Wawan: Budi, could you help take the broom, please?
Budi: Yes, sure. Here you are.
Wawan: Thank you.
Budi: You’re welcome.
Dialog 2 for the group two:
Mary: Excuse me, Shinta.
Shinta: Yes. What is it?
Putri: May I borrow your ruler, please?
Shinta: Why not. Here you are.
Putri: Thank you.
Shinta: It’s okay.
Diana: Mary, could you give me some money, please.
Mary: How much do you need?
Diana: I need one thousand rupiahs.
Mary: Don’t worry. Here you are.
Diana: Thank you very much.
Mary: Don’t mention it.
Thanks a lot
You’re welcome.
To ask for things, we can use:
Can I…., please?
May I…., please?
Can you…., please?
To give the things, we can use:
Here you are.
Of course.
To refuse to give the things, we can
I’m sorry. I’m using it.
Not now. I’m using it/them myself.
Sorry, I’m using it/them right now.
To show our gratitude, we say:
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 37
Dialog 3 for the group three:
Aldi: Excuse me, Beno.
Beno: Sure. What’s up?
Aldi: Could you lend me a pencil sharpener.
Beno: I want to, but I don’t have it.
Aldi: Okay, I’ll find another one.
Anto: I’m sorry, Met.
Memet: What’s the matter with you?
Anto: Could you give me a piece of paper, please?
Memet: What do you want to do?
Anto: I will write an anouncement.
Memet: Yes, sure. Here it is.
Anto: Thanks a lot.
Memet: You’re welcome.
Dialog 1:
Adi: Yud, do you ...(1)... color pencils?
Yudha: I think so.
Adi: May I borrow ...(2)...?
Yudha: Sure. Here you are.
Adi: Thank you very much.
Yudah: Don’t mention it.
Dialog 2:
Rudi: What are you ...(1)..., Ben?
Beni: I’m doing ...(2)... homework.
But I don’t ...(3)... understand.
Rudi: Okay, let me ...(4)... you.
Beni: Thanks, Rud.
Rudi: No problem.
Ayu: Lis, I have a ...(1)... of biscuits.
Listy: Can I have ...(2)...?
Ayu: Sure. ...(3)... you are.
Listy: Thank you.
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Ayu: It’s alright.
Mother: Dina, could you ...(1)... me the
...(2)..., please!
Dina: All right, ...(3)....
Here you are.
Mother: Thanks, ...(4)....
Dina: It’s okay, mom.
Part one: Listen to your teacher’s expressions and write their responses.
1) You will hear : ................................?
Your response : ___________________
2) You will hear : ....................... ....................?
Your response : ___________________
3) You will hear : .....................................?
Your response : ___________________
4) You will hear : ....................................
Your response : ___________________
5) You will hear : ................................
Your response : ________________
Part two:
Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is not correct based on the dialog
you hear.
1. Andi wants Rudi to lend him some money. (______)
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 39
2. Andi needs Rp 10.000. (______)
3. “Could you lend me some money.” The underlined utterance is used to ask for a
4. The similar meaning of the words of “pay back” is return. (______)
5. “Here you are.” The underlined expression is used to refuse something. (_____)
Write short conversation based on these situation by using the expressions of asking
for, and giving a help, asking for and giving a thing.
1) You see your friend is cleaning the classroom and you offer a help to him.
What will both of you say?
2) Your friend has some mangoes and you want one of them.
What will both of you say?
3) Your friend wants to borrow some money from you. What would both of you
4) You and your friend are in canteen now. You want him/her to pass you the chili.
What will both of you say?
Exercise 1
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
Dialogue 1
Santi is in the classroom during the class.
Santi : Excuse me, Sir. Could you help me, please? I cannot do this homework?
Teacher : OK. Now, listen carefully. Just complete the sentences with the appropriate verbs.
Santi : Thank you, Sir.146 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII
Dialogue 2
To ask for services, use:
Can you help me?
Could you tell me….?
To give services, use:
Of course.
To offer services, use:
Can I help me?
To respond to offering services, use:
Yes, please.
No, thank you.
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 40
Dona is in the library.
Dona : Excuse me, could you help me to find a grammar book by Betty Azar?
Librarian : Sure. Let’s check the catalogue.
Dona : Thank you.
Dialogue 3
Susan is at the stationery to buy some school supplies. Here is her dialogue with the
shop assistant.
Shop assistant : Can I help you?
Susan : Yes, please. I need some pencils.
Shop assistant : What make do you want?
Susan : Any make but it should be of good quality.
Shop assistant : OK, you should buy “Best Pencil”.
Susan : Could you tell me the price?
Exercise 2
You are showing some friends the pictures of some animals at the zoo.
Here are the names of the animals and the pictures. Ask them to find which is which.
You may ask: What’s this in English?
Answer : It’s a..... or
It’s an ....
Exercise 1
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
1. Rani : Did you hear about Budi?
Tika : No. What happened to him?
Rani : He broke his leg.
Tika : Oh, poor Budi.
To attract others’ attention we often say:
Did you hear about...?
Have you heard about...?
When we hear something bad about others we can say:
Oh no, that’s too bad.
Oh poor, ....
When a friend of yours has an outstanding achievement, and you are happy for it you may
Monkey Panda Leopard Lion
Zebra Kangaroo Ostrich Hippopotamus
Elephant Tiger Giraffe Bear
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 41
2. Rani : Have you heard about Andi?
Tika : No. What happened with him?
Rani : He won the badminton game.
Tika : Excellent.151 Unit 7 - Could You Help Me Please?
Exercise 2
Read the following text. Then, answer the questions.
Tina met her Australian friend, Mary, at her house. They are pen friends. Mary is in
Indonesia for a holiday.
Tina : Hi, Mary. Where were you last week?
Mary : Hello, Tina. Well, I visited mount Bromo.
Tina : That sounds great! What do you think of it?
Mary : It was very beautiful, you know.
Tina : Was it?
Mary : Yeah. The scenery was very amazing. Well, Tina, I must go now. Bye bye.
Tina : See you, mary.
After a week, Tina met Mary, at school.
Mary : Hello, tina. How are you?
Tina : Fine, thanks. And you? Tell me. What did you see at Mount Bromo?
Mary : The beautiful sunrise. The sky was yellow, orange, and red. It was really beautiful.
Tina : Wow! I want to go there too.
Mary : Well, Tina, I must be leaving. Bye for now.
Tina : Bye.
1. How did Tina and Mary open the conversations?
2. Do you think they enjoyed the conversation?
3. Are they nice to one another?
4. What expression is used to ask for information?
5. What did Tina say to ask for Mary’s opinion?
6. Say the expressions used to close the conversations.152 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII
Conversations that have opening and closing. We usually begin a conversation by saying hi,
hello, or excuse me. That is what we normally do.
The expressions: “Was it?”, “Well, …” in the dialogue above make a conversation go on and
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 42
Lost notices adalah media pemberitahuan tentang sesuatu yang hilang bisa berupa benda
atau binatang atau orang.
Please read a lost notice below. Then, answer the questions.
Excercise 1
Answer the questions below:
1. What’s the dog name?
2. What colour is it?
3. What happened with the dog?
4. Where was it lost?
5. What is phone number of the owner?
6. What will be given to the finder?
Exercise 2
With your friend(s) write a short notice about your lost pencil case. You lost it at school
Describe the colour, what it is made of (plastic, metal, etc.), the content, and the contact
Use the following format:
Brown male dog, named Bobo, lost on Sunday, 2 January at
Simpang Lima.
If you find this dog, please call 0248448082.
(Reward will be given)
A……….case……….yesterday morning.
Made ………
If found, please call …………..
(Reward will be given)
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 43
Exercise 3
Write a notice to be published at the public information board about your lost cat. Inform the
readers about:
Its name and colour;
The place and time when it lost;
Who or where to contact, and
The reward will be given.
LOST Kenari
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 44
1. Sentence Pattern
Pola Keterangan waktu
1. S + V2 + O/Ket
2. S+ did not V1+ O/Ket
3. Did + S + V1+ O/ket
Last …….
at that time
To be: was, were
2. Function
To express an activity that is done in a single time in the past.
3. Examples
1. They held to meet two days ago
2. Indri bought some fruits yesterday
3. Fathur visited his village in Aceh in 2004 when Tsunami destroyed it
4. I wrote a letter to my grandpa last week
5. Sherly came to see me yesterday morning.
Exercise 1
Change the verbs into past tense
1. The Minister of Transportation (launch) a new ship last month.
2. Steven Spielberg (direct) the movie of the year, Jurassic Park.
3. World famous tenor Pavarotti (cancel) the concert in Solo?.
4. Gus Dur (not, decide) to sign the letters yesterday.
5. Many reporters (interview) the Kalpataru Winners.
6. Intan (enter) the Poltek in 1998 ?.
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 45
7. The flood (happen) to the city of Cilacap last week.
8. The people (not, stay) at the refugee camps anymore this morning.
9. They (be ) here last night.
10. Yesterday, the Governor (visit) them in the camps.
Exercise 2
Put the verb in the bracket in the past form
Lightning (1)……(strike) twice by our house last night during rainstorm. One flash
of lightning (2)…….(hit) at 9:10, and then the second hit at 9:20. We (3)……..(hear) the
sound of thunder and we (4)…….(smell) the lightning in the air.
First flash struck our neighbor’s chimney. The chimney (5)…….(be) very tall, and it
(6)…….(act) like a lightning rod. It (7)……(pull) the lightning to it. When the lightning
struck, it tore out a whole row of bricks. Our neighbors said it sounded like glass was
breaking when the bricks (8)……(fall).
The second flash hit another neighbor’s tree. It tore the bark off the tree. Because it
was raining, the tree didn’t start to burn. However, our neighbor said that the lightning
(9)……..(kill) the tree.
We (10)……..(be) lucky. The lightning missed our house. And we were all happy
that nobody was hurt.
4. Sentence connectors
Sentence connectors are certain words used to
connect between a sentence to the other sentence or between paragraph to paragraph. The
examples, among others, are:
 First, at first
 Second, secondly
 Next
 Then
 After that, afterwards
 Later
 When
 Thus
 Finally
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 46
Exercise 3
Complete the text with the most appropriate word or phrase from the samples above. Then
read it aloud.
The Day I Became a Hero
I was as amazed as anyone else ________(1) I found Brian. I was flying low over an
area of forest, miles from anywhere, ______ (2) I noticed smoke. _______(3) I pulled round
and flew in low for a better look.
_______(4), I noticed that someone had cleared an area of trees. _____(5) I saw the
camp. I had to circle round a couple of times. _______(6) a while I was ready to fly in low
and put the plane down on the lake. _______(7) I paddled across to where Brian was
standing, staring at me as if I was a ghost. Suddenly, he spoke and said his name. You could
have knocked me flat _______(8) I realised that I had found the kid!
(NLS Year 6 Booster Units. : 2001)
Exercise 4
Your teacher will read it aloud , learn the generic structure and the language feature of the
Visiting Glendi Festival Language Features
Orientation Yesterday I went to the Glendi Festival with
nine other kids from my class to take part in
the dancing and to have a good time. This
festival is held in March each year in a big
city park
Relational Processes
Event 1 At first we went together to eat in one of the
tents. We bought souvlakia, yiros, chips, roast
corn on the cob and drinks. Everything was so
Material Processes
Event 2 Afterwards we visited the school tent where
we viewed the student projects from many
Time conjunctions
Event 3 Later we gathered in front of the large stage.
The announcer was calling the school teams
one by one to dance Greek dances. Our turn
came! We danced two dances, a kalamatiano
and a hasapiko. The crowd gave us a great
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 47
Re-orientation At the end of the day we were all tired but
happy because we had a wonderful time
Adapted from : www. English
Answer the questions
1. What kind of activity was visited by the writer?
2 When was it held?
3 Where was it held?
4 What were presented in the festival?
5 What is the purpose of the text above?
6 Who are the participant
7 What tense is mostly used?
8 What is the text called?
Exercise 5
Fill the blank with the correct form of the material processes, find the meaning then
pronounce them loudly.
No Base form Past form Past participle Meaning
1 Buy
2 Come Came
3 Dream
4 Drove
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 48
5 Eat
6 Fall
7 Found
8 Give
9 Go
10 Hang
11 Have
12 Hear
13 Met
14 Read
15 Run
Exercise 6
Make a sentence using verbs available in Simple Past Tense Pattern
1 Fall : ____________________________________________________________
2. Read : ____________________________________________________________
3. Give : ____________________________________________________________
4. Go : ____________________________________________________________
5. Open : ____________________________________________________________
6. Buy : ____________________________________________________________
7. Come : ____________________________________________________________
8. Dream : ____________________________________________________________
9. Run : ____________________________________________________________
10. Eat ____________________________________________________________
Exercise 7
Work in group of three. One of the group members will ask another from his or her groups
these questions.
The questions
1. What did you do last ……?
2. Where did it take place?
3. When did it take place ?
5. What did you do first?
6. What did you do after that?
7. What did you do then?
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 49
8. What did you finally do?
9. What do you think of your experience?
Group member number 1. (example)
Name : ________Lutfindra__________
No. Questions Answers
1. What did you do last ……? I went shopping
2. Where did it take place? Supermarket
3. When did it take place ? Last night
4. What did you do first? In the evening, I prepared my motorcycle in the
5. What did you do after that? I rode to supermarket alone
6. What did you do then? When I came there I bought some vegetables and
7. What did you finally do? I rode my motorcycle back home
8. What do you think of your
I felt happy buying things in the supermarket
because the prices are cheaper than in the
traditional market.
Group member number 2.
Name : ____________________________
No. Questions Answers
1. What did you do last ……?
2. Where did it take place?
3. When did it take place ?
4. What did you do first?
5. What did you do after that?
6. What did you do then?
7. What did you finally do?
8. What do you think of your
Group member number 3.
Name : ____________________________
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 50
No. Questions Answers
1. What did you do last ……?
2. Where did it take place?
3. When did it take place ?
4. What did you do first?
5. What did you do after that?
6. What did you do then?
7. What did you finally do?
8. What do you think of your
Exercise 8
Put the answers in the table below as the example.
Group member number 1.
No. Name Lutfindra
1. What happened to him/her? Lutfindra went for shopping
2. Where? and When ? To the supermarket last night
Series of Events
3. What did he/she do first? At first, she prepared her motorcycle in the garage
4. What did he/she do after that? Then, she rode to supermarket alone. When she came
there she bought some vegetables and fruit. Finally, she
rode her motorcycle back home
5. What did he/she think about
their experience?
She felt happy buying things in the supermarket
because the prices are cheaper than in the traditional
Group member number 2.
No. Name
1. What happened to him/her?
2. Where? and When ?
Series of Events
3. What did he/she do first?
4. What did he/she do after that?
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
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5. What did he/she think about
their experience?
Group member number 3.
No. Name
1. What happened to him/her?
2. Where? and When ?
Series of Events
3. What did he/she do first?
4. What did he/she do after that?
5. What did he/she think about
their experience?
Exercise 9
When finished with note-taking, the whole group will discuss and write the draft together.
Here is the example
Group member number 1.
Shopping to Supermarket
Last night, Lutfindra had a motorcycle ride to the supermarket in her
town, Karanganyar.
Series of Events
First, she got into the garage to get her motorcycle ready for the ride.
Then, she got her motorcycle cleaned up and heated up. After that she got
on the saddle and started to run the engine and rode along the way to the
supermarket carefully. When she arrived at the supermarket she bough
some vegetables such as cauliflowers, lettuce, cucumber. She also not
forgot to buy her favourite fruits, durian. Finally she rode back home.
She felt that it was happy to go shopping in the supermarket due to the
less price of the goods.
Group member number 2
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Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 52
Series of
Group member number 3.
Series of
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Base form
Kata Dasar
Past tense
Past participle
Kini Selesai
Ing form
Sedang Berlangsung
Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don
Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 54

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Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII Semester 2

  • 1. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 1 Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Let’s Have Fun Learning English WRITTEN BY SASMIRIDO DONI 2014 ACEA ENGLISH COURSE 12/27/2014 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 2. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 2 KATA PENGANTAR Dengan mengucap syukur alhamdulillah kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah melimpahkan rahmatNya, sehingga dapat terselesaikan pembuatan diktat Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP/Mts Kelas 7 Semester 2 ini. Berangkat dari anggapan semua pihak bahwa Bahasa Inggris itu sulit, penulis termotivasi untuk menyusun Modul ini agar bisa membantu peserta didik dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, Modul ini disusun dimaksudkan untuk membantu serta menunjang mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai pegangan dasar bagi peserta didik. Modul ini disusun berdasarkan beberapa buku acuan serta pengalaman penulis selama mengajar mata pelajaran ini serta berdasarkan silabus yang ada. Dalam kesempatan ini penulis mengucapkan pada semua pihak yang telah membantu hingga tersusunnya Modul ini. Akhirnya penulis menyadari bahwa Modul ini masih banyak kekurangan, untuk itu adanya kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan agar membuat Modul ini menjadi lebih baik serta membuat karya-karya selanjutnya lebih bagus juga. Bukittinggi, Desemeber 2014 Penyusun Sasmirido Doni NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 3. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 3 TABLE OF CONTENT 1. Pendahuluan 2. Halaman Depan A. Kata Pengantari B. Table of Contentii 3. Bagian Isi Chapter I : Do You Like?1 a. Congratulation Card 11 b. Name Cards 12 c. Birthday Invitation 13 d. Greeting Card15 Chapter II : What Do Think About? 16 Chapter III : Simple Present Tense 21 Chapter IV : She Is Tall and Thin 23 Chapter V : Could You Help Me, Please? 28 a. Asking for Clarification 28 b. Asking For Thing 35 c. Asking For and Giving Services 39 d. Giving Interporsonal Responses 40 e. Lost Notice 42 Chapter VI : Simple Past Tense 44 List of Irreguler Verbs53 4. Penutup : 54 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 4. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 4 CHAPTER I DO YOU LIKE…? A. Spoken Activity Exercise 1 Pay attention to the dialogue and observe the bold typed sentences/expressions. NOTE : NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 5. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 5 Exercise 2 Observe the dialogue below, and then answer the questions orally. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 6. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 6 NOTE : In the dialogue, you find the following expression: Exercise 3. Read the dialogues carefully, and then complete the spaces with the expressions of like/dislike. 1. Dedi : Hi, Bayu. What are you doing? Bayu : Ouh, I’m finishing my drawing. It’s about a small island. Dedi : That’s a nice picture. … (1) .. ? Bayu : Yes, I do. I like drawing very much. 2. Maya : Den, is this your lunch box? Deni : Yes, it is. Where is yours? Maya : Here it is. My mother cooks me fried noodle with scramble eggs. It’s my favorite. What about you? Deni : Hum… . I (2) .. eggs and noodle. For me vegetables are healthier. I bring NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 7. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 7 cassava leaves soup and fried bean cake. They are very delicious. Just try it. Maya : Okay… Hum… that’s right. 3. Sinta : Look at that dancer. She’s so beautiful. ...(3)… dancing very much. I want to be a famous dancer just like her. Santi : Not for me. ..(4) … dancing but I prefer reading. It gives me a lot of benefits. 4. Hendro : Is Mathematics your favorite subject, Har? Harni : Oh, No, not at all. I .. (5)… However, English is the subject ..(6).. very much. I want to be an English teacher when I’ve grown up. Hendro : So do I. I ..(7).. English, too. It’s so interesting and fun for me. 5. Frida : ..(8).. Mrs. Santi, Mega? Mega : Yes, I do. She teaches clearly and patiently. I understand her lesson very well. What about you? .. (9).. her? Frida : Yes, I’m with you. I ..(10) .. her class very much. It’s so alive. Exercise 4 Exercise 5 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 8. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 8 Exercise 6. Complete the dialogues with the appropriate expressions. Exercise 7 Ask your friends if they like/dislike about the following things. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 9. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 9 Expressing likes or dislikes Study how to express likes and dislikes for different subjects below. Like SUBJECT VERB NOUN I Like music. She Likes cookies. He Likes camping. We Like swimming. You Like bicycle riding. They Like cooking. Dislike SUBJECT VERB NOUN I Dislike hard music. She Disikes cookies. He Disikes hiking. We Dislike smoking. You Dislike mountain climbing. They Dislike smoking. Do/does not like SUBJECT VERB NOUN I do not like hard music. She does not like cookies. He does not like hiking. We do not like smoking. You do not like mountain climbing. Study how to ask likes and dislikes for different subjects below. DO/DOES SUBJECT VERB NOUN Do They Like smoking? Do You Like mountain climbing? Does She Like cookies? Does He Like hiking? Listen to your teacher and read the dialogues. 1. Andi : Do you like apples, Budi? Budi : Yes, I do. Dona : Does Budi like apples, Andi? Andi : Yes, he does. 2. Dedi : Do you like smoking, Cipto? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 10. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 10 Cipto : No, I don’t. I dislike smoking. Dona : Does Cipto like smoking, Dedi? Dedi : No, he doesn’t. He dislikes smoking. 3. Dewi : Do your parents love music, Fenti? Fenti : Yes, they do. Dona : Do Fenti’s parents love music, Dewi? Dewi : Yes, they do. 4. Karyo : Do you like chilli, Sion? Sion : No, I don’t. I hate chilli. Karyo : What about you? Sion : Yes, I do. Notes: To express like, we say: I like…… or I love……. To express dislike, we say: I don’t like…. I dislike….. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 11. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 11 CONGRATULATION CARDS, NAME CARDS, BIRTHDAY INVITATION, GREETING CARDS  CONGRATULATIONCARD     Answer these questions. Do you have a cake on your birthday? · What does the number of candles tell you? · What is your birthday? · Who have birthdays this month? · Who had birthdays last month? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 12. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 12 · Did you get presents? · Did you give a party?  BIRTHDAY INVITATION Invitation card adalah kartu undangan yang ditujukan kepada seseorang untuk menghadiri acara tertentu, seperti acara ulang tahun, pesta perkawinan, sunatan, dll. Example: Exercise 1 Write an invitation for a birthday party from you to your close friend!   Exercise 2 a. Your two friends will read the dialogue for you. Listen carefully. Talking about personal details Brilly : Excuse me, what’s her name? Hanum : It’s Diajeng. Brilly : How do you spell that? Hanum : D-I-A-J-E-N-G. To: Andi My special day is coming I am 14 years old now My parents are having a special party for me. Your smile and laugh we hope. So come to the party, and it will be lots of fun The party will be held at three to five p.m. Sunday, February 16, 2014 Aryoso’ house 105 Siberia street Love, Shinta To: ....................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ Love, NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 13. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 13 Brilly : Where is she from? Hanum: She’s from Semarang. Brilly : What is her telephone number? Hanum: It’s (024) 8315843. Brilly : Thanks b. Answer these questions. 1. Brilly opens the conversation by saying ……… 2. What does Brilly want to know about? 3. Who answers Brilly’s questions? 4. Does she know her name? 5. Does she know her telephone number? 6. What does Brilly say to end the conversation?  Greeting cards Greeting card yaitu sepucuk kartu ucapan selamat yang biasanya ditulis pada kertas yang tebal dan diberi hiasan. Example: Exercise 1 Answer the questions below 1. Who wrote the card? 2. What is the writer purpose to send the card? 3. What is the relationship between Kasmonah and Paijem? 4. What achievement does Paijem achieve? Exercise 2 Write a greeting card to one of your family! To: Paijem Finally you did it friend! You have finished your study excellently and accepted by the best senior high school in your city. Your achievement proves that you’re the best. Keep your good job! Love, Kasmonah To: .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................... Love, NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 14. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 14 NB: Example: On the birthday, Ella got a school bag from her aunt in Bandung. Here is a short note she sent to her aunt to thank her for the gift. Exercise 3 Individually, write a short letter to thank your close friend. He moved to another town and left you his story books. Send him the letter. Tell her that the books will always make you remember her/him. On special occasions we often get some presents from our family, relatives or friends. To appreciate it we may write a greeting card to: thank them. say something good about the presents. Here are some expressions we might use: Thank you/thanks (very much, a lot) for the... It’s so.... (beautiful, cute, etc.) I like it (very much). I like the....(model, colour, etc.) 6/8/2006 Dear Aunty, Thank you very much for the bag. It’s very cute. I like the model. And I love the colours, too. With love, Ella ___________ (date) Dear …………….., .………………………….………………………….………………… ………. ………………………….………………………….………………… …….…………………. Yours, …………. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 15. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 15  NAME CARD Name card adalah sebuah kartu nama yang menunjukan identitas seseorang yang berguna untuk menambah relasi antara satu orang dengan orang lain. Exercise 1 Fill in your own name card below! Exercise 2 Interview your friend and complete the following personal information form. Personal information form! (Your name ………………………..) Home address: ………………………………………………………………. Email address: ………………………. Telephone number: …………………. Surname: ……...................... First Name:……................... Age: ………........................... Date of birth: ……................ Nationality: ……….............. Address: ……....................... ................................................. Telephone number: ………….. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 16. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 16 CHAPTER II WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT ...? A. Spoken Activities Expression : Asking and Giving Opinion Exercise 1 Pay attention the expressions of asking and giving an opinion. 1. Putri : This is my bedroom, Rizki, my favorite room in my house. Rizki : O…. really? Putri : Yes. What do you think about my bedroom? Rizki : I think it is a nice bedroom. Putri : Do you think so Rizki? Rizki : I think so. Your room is clean and neat. How many times a week do you clean it? Putri : I sweep it everyday. I change the bed sheets once a week. 2. Amir : What do you think of this house? Bani : I think is very nice and beautiful Amir : Yes, I think so 3. Desi : I think this room is clean and comfortable. What is your opinion? Dian : I think so. I must say this room is nice and comfortable. These are the expressions of asking and giving opinion: Asking for Opinion Giving Opinion - What do you think of…? - I think… - What is your opinion about…? - In my opinion… - What would you say about…? - My opinion is… - What are your feelings about…? - According to me… - Do you think that…? - According to my opinion… Exercise 2 Complete the dialogues below with the right expressions. 1. Anita: . . . . . my hand phone? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 17. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 17 Laila: . . . . . it is comfortable to use it. Is it your hand phone? Anita: . . . . . Yes, it is. I just bought it yesterday 2. Sofyan: . . . . . our new computer? Yusuf : . . . . . it is a good and nice computer. 3. Nayla : . . . . . . my new jacket? Nana : Which jacket? Nayla : The blue one. I just bought it yesterday Nana : O,the blue one. Well, . . . . . your blue jacket is nice. But I like the red one. 4. Rasya : . . . . . my new television? Diana. :. . . . Rasya : I just bought it last month. Diana : Well, . . . . . Exercise 3 Work in pairs, make a short and simple dialogue consists of expressions of asking and giving opinion: Choose one of this five topics: •T.V. programs (dull/interesting) •Your school (modern / old) •Food in the canteen (good / bad) •The English language (difficult / easy) •Your teachers (boring / nice) . Exercise 4 Try to make dialogues based on the situations given. 1. Your mother will buy a new refrigerator. She asks you for your opinion. 2. Your aunt buys a new washing machine. She thinks the old one is broken. So, your aunts ask for your opinion. But you think the old washing machine is still useful. 3. Your father will buy a new television set. Your mother thinks that it will cost a lot of money. Exercise 5 Last week, my students talk about how to ask and give their opinion in English and I want to share you our activities in the classroom. Maybe this can help you to improve your English. Read the following dialogue. It is an example of dialogue consists of expressions of asking and giving opinion: Chiko : Chica, what do you think of pop music recently? I mean, do you like them? Chica: Well, I’d say I don’t really like them. I’d prefer jazz Chiko : Why? I think pop music is very entertaining Chica : In my opinion, jazz music is relaxing Try to answer the following questions based on the dialogue above. 1. Who are talking in this dialogue ? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 18. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 18 2. What are they talking about? 3. Can you find any expressions of asking opinion? What are they? 4. Can you find any expressions of giving opinion? What are they? 5. What is Chica's opinion? 6. What is Chiko's opinion? Exercise 6 Complete the following dialog with the correct expressions from the box. Gea : Yenni, what are you wrapping? Yenni : (1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The day after tomorrow is her birthday. Gea : Oh. May I have a look? Yenni : Sure. (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., Gea? Gea : Wow! (3) . . . . . . . . . . . it’s the nicest watch I have ever seen. Yenni : Really? Thanks. (4) . . . . . . . . . . . . . my sister like it. Gea : I’m sure (5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Spoken and Written Activity Ask about your friend’s opinion about them! What’s your opinion about ...... them / him? In my opinion... -They are .... -He is .... -Mr Bean is ...... NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 19. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 19 Write your opinion about them! 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________________________________ Exercise 7 Look at the picture . Then answer the questions 1. How does this man look like? _________________________________________ 2. How old is he? _________________________________________ 3. How is his complexion? _________________________________________ 4. How is his figure? _________________________________________ 5. How is his height? _________________________________________ Exercise 8 Read the following words aloud and find their meanings in your dictionary A. Looks Meanings 1. ugly : _____________________ 2. sexy : _____________________ 3. plain : _____________________ 4. charming : _____________________ 5. cute : _____________________ 6. pretty : _____________________ 7. handsome : _____________________ 8. cool : _____________________ 9. beautiful : _____________________ 10. attractive : _____________________ B. Age Meanings 1. old : _____________________ 2. eldery : _____________________ 3. young : _____________________ 4. middle-aged : _____________________ 5. young : _____________________ C. Complexion 1. dark : _____________________ 2. fair : _____________________ 3. black : _____________________ D. Figure Meanings NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 20. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 20 1. stocky : _____________________ 2. fat : _____________________ 3. big : _____________________ 4. slender : _____________________ 5. plump : _____________________ 6. slim : _____________________ 7. small : _____________________ 8. skinny : _____________________ 9. muscular : _____________________ 10. obese : _____________________ D. Height Meanings 1. tall : _____________________ 2. short : _____________________ 3. average height : _____________________ NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 21. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 21 CHAPTER III GRAMMAR FOCUS: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We are not only thinking about now. We uae it to say that something happens all the time or repetedly or that something is true in general. It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of speaking. Exercise 1 Study this pattern! a. Subject + Verb + Object Subject Verb Object I You They We Study English He She It Studies b. Subject + don’t / doesn’t + verb + Object Subject Don’t / doesn’t Verb Object I You They We Don’t Play Volleyball He She It Doesn’t c. Do / Doest + Subject + Verb + Object + ? Do / Does Subject Verb Object Do I You They We Play Volleyball Exercise 2 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 22. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 22 Choose the correct verb. 1) Abdullah (get up/gets up) at 5.00 a.m 2) He (eat/eats) his breakfast at 6.00 a.m 3) He (take/takes) a bath at 5.30 a.m 4) Abdullah and his sister (go/goes) to school at 6.30 a.m 5) His father (drive/drives) the car 6) The class (start/starts) at 7.30 a.m 7) Abdullah and his friends (play/plays) basketball at 8.00 a.m 8) They (have/has) their lunch in the canteen 9) The school (finish/finishes) at 1.00 p.m 10) The students (leave/leaves) the school happily Exercise 3. Arrange these jumbled words into proper sentences 1. want-to talk-they-to-you. 2. Vegetables-Mrs. Chandra-in the kitchen –cooks. 3. Lisa- the floor-sweeps-everyday. 4. always- to do-try-my homework- I. 5. speaks-our-English-teacher. Reading Activities Identification My uncle, Bob is my mother’s elder brother. He is my favorite among my mother’s brother. He is a very interesting man. He lives quite near us with my aunt Barbara, my cousins Anne and Andrew. I often go to his house. Description He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good looking. He is tall and well built. He has blue eyes and a strong face. He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He takes them off when he doesn’t work. Uncle Bob is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job. He is an expert in solving problems with machines. At present, he is in the United States. He is visiting the firm’s customers there. He is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at the seaside. He goes there every weekend in summer to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousins at their house on the coast. When my uncle Bob is at home, he usually takes us out in the boat. Exercise 4 Answer the questions based on the text above. 1. Who is Uncle Bob? 2. How old is he? 3. What is his profession? 4. Where does he work? 5. What is he like? 6. How many children does he have? 7. Where does he go every weekend in summer? 8. Which paragraph talks about the physical description of Uncle Bob? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 23. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 23 CHAPTER IV SHE IS TALL AND THIN Teks deskriptif adalah jenis teks yang mendiskripsikan (ciri-ciri) seseorang, benda keadaan atau tempat tertentu, bukan bersifat umum. Ciri-ciri “lexico-grammatical : - Dominasi oleh bentuk “The present form.” - Banyak menggunakan tobe : is, am, are. - Banyak menggunakan verb : play, run, like, want, love, think, etc. Struktur generik (Generic structure) umum descriptive text terdiri dari a) Introduction / definition b) Description of physical features c) Description of purpose d) Description of appearance e) Etc. 1. Action verbs/material process: Adalah “verbs” yang menunjukan aktivitas/perbuatan dan perbuatan tersebut dapat disaksikan. Contoh: run, walk, jump, go, hit, read, write, eat, dan lain-lain 2. Mental process: Adalah “verbs” yan menunjukan aktivitas pikiran, perasaan, persepsi, dan koknitif Contoh: think, feel, know, dan lain-lain. 3. Relational process: Adalah “verbs” sebagai perangkai antara subject dan unsur lain. (Linking verbs) Contoh: to be (is, am, are, was, were), seem, have, etc, dan lain-lain Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the stress. 1. Sick 2. Happy 3. Hungry 4. Thirsty 5. Hot 6. Cold 7. Sad 8. Tall 9. Short 10. Old 11. Thin 12. Fat 13. Young 14. Kind 15. Patient 16. Dark 17. Long NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 24. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 24 Read the following words aloud. These words are descriptions of appearance and personality. 1. A little heavy 2. A little unfriendly 3. Beautiful 4. Cute 5. Friendly 6. Funny 7. Good-looking 8. Grumpy 9. Interesting 10. Kind 11. Nice 12. Pleasant 13. Pretty 14. Serious 15. Shy 16. Slim 17. Smart Exercise 1 Read the text and answer the question based on the text. My mother is a beautiful woman. She has a beautiful smile. She is not short. She has curly and brown hair. Her eyes are round, and her skin is light brown. She is a very kind woman. She is very lovely, friendly and patient. I love my mom, because she is a good woman. She loves being in the Mosque and she likes singing and dancing.  She always takes care of her family. She likes her house clean and tidy. She is a very perfect woman, and all things in the house are in the right place.   She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. She always helps and gives all her love to us. 1. What is the title of the text? 2. What kind is the text above? 3. Which paragraphs tell about my mother’s identify? 4. What is the purpose of the text? 5. Mention the relational process of the text. What are they? 6. Is the writer’s mother short? 7. Does she like singing? 8. What color is her hair? Exercise 2 Fill in the blanks by choosing the word in bracket! Here is a woman’s…………..(face, fast, first ). Her………….(eyes ,highs, ice) are shut, but her………..(mouse ,mouth, must) is open. You can see her…………(tongue, town, turn) between her…………(lamps, lips, lives). The woman has a small…………..(noise, nose, nurse ), and a long, thin…………(neck, nest next ). She has rings in NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 25. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 25 her………………(ears, eyes, idea). Her………….( checks, cheeks, chickens) are round, and her skin is soft and………….. ( smell, s mile, smooth). Exercise 3 A.Listening Listen to the teacher, then fill in the blanks. David Holbe …1…….a good boy. His nickname is David. He is handsome. His …2……. is pointed and his skin is not black. His father is Guy Holbe and Monique is his mother. They …3……. proud of him because he is clever and diligent. David is in Indonesian now. David Holbe ……4…. Indonesia because Indonesian people are kind. His hobbies are reading and travelling. He …5……. to go to Jogjakarta. He would like to visit a museum and Borobudur temples. B. Seaking Who is this? Describe these pictures oraly. Look at the photos of famous people below. Choose one of them whom you know well. Search as much as information about him or her. C. Reading Mrs Shofia is my Biology teacher. She is a good teacher. She likes teaching very much. Mrs Shofia is rather tall. She is about 165cm tall. Her skin is white and she has wavy hair. Mr Herman is Math teacher. He is fat and short. His skin is dark brown. He looks very fierce but actually he is very good teacher. Most of the students like him. 1. How many persons are there in the text? a. 4 b. 2 c. 3 d. 1 2. Does Mrs. Shofia have a white or black skin? a. Yes, she does c. White skin b. No, she does not d. Black skin 3. Who teaches Math? a. Mr. Herman does c. The writer b. Mrs. Shofia does d. the reader 4. Is Mr. Herman a Math teacher? a. Yes, she is c. No, she is not b. Yes, she does d. No, she does not Mr. Abraham is Malaysian. He is 42 years old. He is a staff of a big company. He has a pointed nose and wears glasses. He lives at Mahatir street 14 Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Harun is a Indonesian. He is 50 years old. He is a reporter of private TV station. He is a bold headed man, with mustache. He lives at Kyai Mojo street 25, Semarang. Fatimah is a student of SMP 1 Semarang. She is 13 years old, 150 cm tall. She has long hair and lives at Kakap street 13, Semarang. 5. Who is from Malaysia? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 26. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 26 a. Mr. Harun is c. Kiai Mojo is b. Mr. Abraham is d. Fatimah is 6. Who is 50 years old? a. Fatimah as c. Mr. Harun b. Abraham as d. Fatimah is 7. How old Mr. Harun? a. 42 years old c. 50 years old b. 25 years old d. 13 years old 8. How is Mr. Abraham? a. He has pointed nose and wear glasses. b. He has moustache. c. He has long hair. d. He is with bold headed man. 9. Where does Fatimah live? a. Mahatir street c. Kakap street b. Kiai Mojo street d. Malaysian 10. Andi : . . . . . Fajar : He is very strong. a. How is Mike Tyson like? b. How does Mike Tyson like? c. How are you like? d. What is Mike Tyson like? 11. Mr. Hendi is not very kind . . . is my English Teacher. a. She c. We b. He d. They 12. Andre’s nose is not pointed . . . is flat a. It c. We b. She d. They 13. Abdul and Ratna are my friends. . . . live near my house. a. He c. They b. We d. She 14. A man usually has . . . fingers in each hand. a. ten c. seven b. five d. four 15. One year consists of . . . months. a. 12 c. 14 b. 11 d. 10 16. People usually hear with . . . a. eyes c. nose b. ear d. leg 17. The first month of the year is . . . a. December c. January NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 27. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 27 b. February d. March 18. What is the fifth month of the year? a. April c. July b. June d. May 19. Every day Taufik Hidayat …..badminton. a. practice c. has practiced b. is practicing d. practices 20. My mother is a good woman. She always … the kitchen every morning. a. cooks c. cook b. is cooking d. cooked. My name is Andika and I am an pilot. I am from Jogjakarta. My sister’s name is Annisa. She is 22 years old and she is a student. Her university is in UNDIP, but she is in Jogja now, because she is on holidays. She is very tall and her hair is black. My brother, Alfian, is a doctor and he is 33 years old. He’s at work now. He’s short and fat. His eyes are brown. We are a very happy family. 1. What is Andika? 4. How is Annisa? 2. What is Alfian? 5. How is he? 3. Are they happy? D. Writing Write a short paragraph about the description one of your friends in your class. ………………………………………………………………………………………….……… ……………….............................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................... Summary 1. A descriptive text describes the characteristics of a specific thing, for example a specific person, animal, or object (for example name, age, job). 2. The descriptive text has main parts: a. The introduction that gives general information about a specific person, animal, or object. b. The main part that describes the thing in details (for example how he/she/it looks NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 28. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 28 like, how tall, how slim, his/her eyes, its shape) 3. Sometime a descriptive text has a general comment at the end, for example: He is a good person and we love him so much. CHAPTER V COULD YOU HELP ME PLEASE?.....  ASKING FOR CLARIFICATION A. Spoken Activity Pay attention to the dialogue below, and observe the italic expressions. NOTE :  The italic expressions are the expression of asking clarification.  We use the expressions if we are not sure about something.  Observe the table below on how to ask and give respond of clarification. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 29. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 29 Exercise 1. Complete the dialogue with the expression in the box, the perform the dialogue with your friends. Exercise 2 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 30. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 30 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 31. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 31 Exercise 3 B. WRITTEN ACTIVITY Observe the text below. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 32. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 32 Read the text below then answer the questions. Exercise 4 Read the text below, then complete the missing words by using the words provided in the box. The Statue of Liberty is a giant …(1) … of a …(2)… dressed in flowing robes and wearing a spiked …(3) …. Her right hand holds a gold …(4) … high above her head. Her left arm holds a …(5) … of law with the date July 4, 1776, the date …(6) … declared their … (7) … from Britain. The …(8) … from base to torch is 305… (9)… or (93 meters) high. The …(10) … herself stands 151 feet (46 meters) tall. Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 33. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 33 a. lady f. statue b. sculpture g. woman c. book h. torch d. crown i. Americans e. independence j. feet Exercise 5 Read the text below then find the meaning of the underlined words or phrases by matching the words or phrases from the column A with the meanings in column B. Mr. John’s House Mr. John’s house is big and clean. There is a large yard in front of the house and a garden behind the house. The house has a large living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a small library and a garage. There are two sets of sofa in the living room. It has a beautiful painting on the wall. In each bedroom, there is a bed, a wardrobe, shelf, dressing table and a desk. There is a TV set on the shelf. There are dining table and six chairs in the dining room. There is also a refrigerator and cupboard, There is a small table and magic jar on it. There are kitchen utensils in the kitchen, such as gas stove, frying pans, pans, etc. there is bathtub and a shower in the bathroom. A B 1. house a. a place where books are kept 2. large b. an electrical appliance to keeps food and drinks cool and fresh 3. library c. a kind of furniture to keep or store food items or domestics things 4. garage d. a building made for people to live in. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 34. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 34 5. beautiful e. comparatively big in size, quantity 6. wardrobe f. a low table with mirror and drawer for having a make up. 7. dressing table g. a building for storing or keeping motor vehicles. 8. refrigerator h. large closet or freestanding cupboard for keeping clothes. 9. cupboard i. an electrical device for cooking rice and keeping it warm. 10. magic jar j. very pleasing and impressive to look at. Exercise 6 Give the synonym of these words. 1. enjoyable = 2. appliance = 3. beautiful = 4. wardrobe = 5. large = 6. keeping = 7. refrigerator = 8. comfortable = 9. clean = 10. domestics = NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 35. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 35  ASKING FOR A THING Excercise one Read the following sentences, and say them quickly. A sailor went to the sea, to see what he could see. And all he could see was sea, sea, sea. Exercise two Study the situation below. Pay your attention to the speech bubbles. Then answer the questions. 1) FATHER JANE 2) Alright, Dad. I’d be glad to. Could you help me take my bag, please? Excuse me! Could you give me a piece of paper, please? Yes, sure. Here you are. Yes, what’s up, Dad? Jane, come here, please. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 36. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 36 Tom Edi Answer the questions below based on the picture you see above!. 1) What do you think about the picture 1? 2) What will father say to Jane? He wants her to help him take his bag. 3) What will Jane respon? She accepts to help her father. 4) What about the picture 2. 5) What will Edi say to Tom? He asks for a piece of paper from Edi. 6) What will Tom respond? He fulfils Tom’s request. Excercise 3 Dramatize the following dialog. Do it in your group. Dialog 1 for group one: Andi: What are you doing, Jack? Jack: I’m cleaning our classroom. But I can’t remove this desk alone. Budi: Okay. Let me help you! Jack: Thanks a lot. Wawan: Budi, could you help take the broom, please? Budi: Yes, sure. Here you are. Wawan: Thank you. Budi: You’re welcome. Dialog 2 for the group two: Mary: Excuse me, Shinta. Shinta: Yes. What is it? Putri: May I borrow your ruler, please? Shinta: Why not. Here you are. Putri: Thank you. Shinta: It’s okay. Diana: Mary, could you give me some money, please. Mary: How much do you need? Diana: I need one thousand rupiahs. Mary: Don’t worry. Here you are. Diana: Thank you very much. Mary: Don’t mention it. Thanks a lot You’re welcome. Notes: To ask for things, we can use: Can I…., please? May I…., please? Can you…., please? To give the things, we can use: Here you are. Sure. Of course. To refuse to give the things, we can use: I’m sorry. I’m using it. Not now. I’m using it/them myself. Sorry. Sorry, I’m using it/them right now. To show our gratitude, we say: Thanks. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 37. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 37 Dialog 3 for the group three: Aldi: Excuse me, Beno. Beno: Sure. What’s up? Aldi: Could you lend me a pencil sharpener. Beno: I want to, but I don’t have it. Aldi: Okay, I’ll find another one. Anto: I’m sorry, Met. Memet: What’s the matter with you? Anto: Could you give me a piece of paper, please? Memet: What do you want to do? Anto: I will write an anouncement. Memet: Yes, sure. Here it is. Anto: Thanks a lot. Memet: You’re welcome. Dialog 1: Adi: Yud, do you ...(1)... color pencils? Yudha: I think so. Adi: May I borrow ...(2)...? Yudha: Sure. Here you are. Adi: Thank you very much. Yudah: Don’t mention it. ADI YUDHA Dialog 2: Rudi: What are you ...(1)..., Ben? Beni: I’m doing ...(2)... homework. But I don’t ...(3)... understand. Rudi: Okay, let me ...(4)... you. Beni: Thanks, Rud. Rudi: No problem. BENI RUDI DIALOG 3: Ayu: Lis, I have a ...(1)... of biscuits. Listy: Can I have ...(2)...? Ayu: Sure. ...(3)... you are. Listy: Thank you. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 38. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 38 Ayu: It’s alright. LISTY AYU DIALOG 4: Mother: Dina, could you ...(1)... me the ...(2)..., please! Dina: All right, ...(3).... Here you are. Mother: Thanks, ...(4).... Dina: It’s okay, mom. DINA MOTHER POST LISTENING TEST. Part one: Listen to your teacher’s expressions and write their responses. 1) You will hear : ................................? Your response : ___________________ 2) You will hear : ....................... ....................? Your response : ___________________ 3) You will hear : .....................................? Your response : ___________________ 4) You will hear : .................................... Your response : ___________________ 5) You will hear : ................................ Your response : ________________ Part two: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if it is not correct based on the dialog you hear. STATEMENTS: 1. Andi wants Rudi to lend him some money. (______) NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 39. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 39 2. Andi needs Rp 10.000. (______) 3. “Could you lend me some money.” The underlined utterance is used to ask for a favor. (_____) 4. The similar meaning of the words of “pay back” is return. (______) 5. “Here you are.” The underlined expression is used to refuse something. (_____)  HOMEWORK Write short conversation based on these situation by using the expressions of asking for, and giving a help, asking for and giving a thing. SITUATION: 1) You see your friend is cleaning the classroom and you offer a help to him. What will both of you say? 2) Your friend has some mangoes and you want one of them. What will both of you say? 3) Your friend wants to borrow some money from you. What would both of you say? 4) You and your friend are in canteen now. You want him/her to pass you the chili. What will both of you say?  ASKING FOR AND GIVING SERVICES            Exercise 1 Listen and repeat after your teacher. Dialogue 1 Santi is in the classroom during the class. Santi : Excuse me, Sir. Could you help me, please? I cannot do this homework? Teacher : OK. Now, listen carefully. Just complete the sentences with the appropriate verbs. Santi : Thank you, Sir.146 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII Dialogue 2 To ask for services, use: Can you help me? Could you tell me….? To give services, use: OK. Sure. Of course. To offer services, use: Can I help me? To respond to offering services, use: Yes, please. No, thank you. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 40. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 40 Dona is in the library. Dona : Excuse me, could you help me to find a grammar book by Betty Azar? Librarian : Sure. Let’s check the catalogue. Dona : Thank you. Dialogue 3 Susan is at the stationery to buy some school supplies. Here is her dialogue with the shop assistant. Shop assistant : Can I help you? Susan : Yes, please. I need some pencils. Shop assistant : What make do you want? Susan : Any make but it should be of good quality. Shop assistant : OK, you should buy “Best Pencil”. Susan : Could you tell me the price? Exercise 2 You are showing some friends the pictures of some animals at the zoo. Here are the names of the animals and the pictures. Ask them to find which is which. You may ask: What’s this in English? Answer : It’s a..... or It’s an ....  GIVING INTERPERSONAL RESPONSES Exercise 1 Listen and repeat after your teacher. 1. Rani : Did you hear about Budi? Tika : No. What happened to him? Rani : He broke his leg. Tika : Oh, poor Budi. To attract others’ attention we often say: Did you hear about...? Have you heard about...? When we hear something bad about others we can say: Oh no, that’s too bad. Oh poor, .... When a friend of yours has an outstanding achievement, and you are happy for it you may say: Excellent. Monkey Panda Leopard Lion Zebra Kangaroo Ostrich Hippopotamus Elephant Tiger Giraffe Bear NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 41. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 41 2. Rani : Have you heard about Andi? Tika : No. What happened with him? Rani : He won the badminton game. Tika : Excellent.151 Unit 7 - Could You Help Me Please? Exercise 2 Read the following text. Then, answer the questions. Tina met her Australian friend, Mary, at her house. They are pen friends. Mary is in Indonesia for a holiday. Tina : Hi, Mary. Where were you last week? Mary : Hello, Tina. Well, I visited mount Bromo. Tina : That sounds great! What do you think of it? Mary : It was very beautiful, you know. Tina : Was it? Mary : Yeah. The scenery was very amazing. Well, Tina, I must go now. Bye bye. Tina : See you, mary. After a week, Tina met Mary, at school. Mary : Hello, tina. How are you? Tina : Fine, thanks. And you? Tell me. What did you see at Mount Bromo? Mary : The beautiful sunrise. The sky was yellow, orange, and red. It was really beautiful. Tina : Wow! I want to go there too. Mary : Well, Tina, I must be leaving. Bye for now. Tina : Bye. Questions. 1. How did Tina and Mary open the conversations? 2. Do you think they enjoyed the conversation? 3. Are they nice to one another? 4. What expression is used to ask for information? 5. What did Tina say to ask for Mary’s opinion? 6. Say the expressions used to close the conversations.152 Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas VII Note: Conversations that have opening and closing. We usually begin a conversation by saying hi, hello, or excuse me. That is what we normally do. The expressions: “Was it?”, “Well, …” in the dialogue above make a conversation go on and on. NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 42. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 42  LOST NOTICES Lost notices adalah media pemberitahuan tentang sesuatu yang hilang bisa berupa benda atau binatang atau orang. Please read a lost notice below. Then, answer the questions. Excercise 1 Answer the questions below: 1. What’s the dog name? 2. What colour is it? 3. What happened with the dog? 4. Where was it lost? 5. What is phone number of the owner? 6. What will be given to the finder? Exercise 2 With your friend(s) write a short notice about your lost pencil case. You lost it at school yesterday. Describe the colour, what it is made of (plastic, metal, etc.), the content, and the contact number. Use the following format: DOG LOST Brown male dog, named Bobo, lost on Sunday, 2 January at Simpang Lima. If you find this dog, please call 0248448082. (Reward will be given) LOST…….. A……….case……….yesterday morning. Made ……… Containing……….. If found, please call ………….. (Reward will be given) NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 43. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 43 Exercise 3 Write a notice to be published at the public information board about your lost cat. Inform the readers about: Its name and colour; The place and time when it lost; Who or where to contact, and The reward will be given. LOST Kenari NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 44. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 44 SIMPLE PAST TENSE 1. Sentence Pattern Pola Keterangan waktu 1. S + V2 + O/Ket 2. S+ did not V1+ O/Ket 3. Did + S + V1+ O/ket Yesterday Last ……. …..ago at that time in……..(Tahun) To be: was, were 2. Function To express an activity that is done in a single time in the past. 3. Examples 1. They held to meet two days ago 2. Indri bought some fruits yesterday 3. Fathur visited his village in Aceh in 2004 when Tsunami destroyed it 4. I wrote a letter to my grandpa last week 5. Sherly came to see me yesterday morning. Exercise 1 Change the verbs into past tense 1. The Minister of Transportation (launch) a new ship last month. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Steven Spielberg (direct) the movie of the year, Jurassic Park. …………………………………………………………………………………….............. 3. World famous tenor Pavarotti (cancel) the concert in Solo?. …………………………………………………………………………………………....... 4. Gus Dur (not, decide) to sign the letters yesterday. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. Many reporters (interview) the Kalpataru Winners. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Intan (enter) the Poltek in 1998 ?. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 45. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 45 7. The flood (happen) to the city of Cilacap last week. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. The people (not, stay) at the refugee camps anymore this morning. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. They (be ) here last night. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. Yesterday, the Governor (visit) them in the camps. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Exercise 2 Put the verb in the bracket in the past form Lightning (1)……(strike) twice by our house last night during rainstorm. One flash of lightning (2)…….(hit) at 9:10, and then the second hit at 9:20. We (3)……..(hear) the sound of thunder and we (4)…….(smell) the lightning in the air. First flash struck our neighbor’s chimney. The chimney (5)…….(be) very tall, and it (6)…….(act) like a lightning rod. It (7)……(pull) the lightning to it. When the lightning struck, it tore out a whole row of bricks. Our neighbors said it sounded like glass was breaking when the bricks (8)……(fall). The second flash hit another neighbor’s tree. It tore the bark off the tree. Because it was raining, the tree didn’t start to burn. However, our neighbor said that the lightning (9)……..(kill) the tree. We (10)……..(be) lucky. The lightning missed our house. And we were all happy that nobody was hurt. 4. Sentence connectors Sentence connectors are certain words used to connect between a sentence to the other sentence or between paragraph to paragraph. The examples, among others, are:  First, at first  Second, secondly  Next  Then  After that, afterwards  Later  When  Thus  Finally NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 46. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 46 Exercise 3 Complete the text with the most appropriate word or phrase from the samples above. Then read it aloud. The Day I Became a Hero I was as amazed as anyone else ________(1) I found Brian. I was flying low over an area of forest, miles from anywhere, ______ (2) I noticed smoke. _______(3) I pulled round and flew in low for a better look. _______(4), I noticed that someone had cleared an area of trees. _____(5) I saw the camp. I had to circle round a couple of times. _______(6) a while I was ready to fly in low and put the plane down on the lake. _______(7) I paddled across to where Brian was standing, staring at me as if I was a ghost. Suddenly, he spoke and said his name. You could have knocked me flat _______(8) I realised that I had found the kid! (NLS Year 6 Booster Units. : 2001) Exercise 4 Your teacher will read it aloud , learn the generic structure and the language feature of the text. Generic Structure Visiting Glendi Festival Language Features Orientation Yesterday I went to the Glendi Festival with nine other kids from my class to take part in the dancing and to have a good time. This festival is held in March each year in a big city park Relational Processes (Italic) Event 1 At first we went together to eat in one of the tents. We bought souvlakia, yiros, chips, roast corn on the cob and drinks. Everything was so tasty. Material Processes (Bold) Event 2 Afterwards we visited the school tent where we viewed the student projects from many schools. Time conjunctions (underlined) Event 3 Later we gathered in front of the large stage. The announcer was calling the school teams one by one to dance Greek dances. Our turn came! We danced two dances, a kalamatiano and a hasapiko. The crowd gave us a great NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 47. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 47 applause. Re-orientation At the end of the day we were all tired but happy because we had a wonderful time Adapted from : www. English Answer the questions 1. What kind of activity was visited by the writer? ________________________________________________________________________ ___ 2 When was it held? ________________________________________________________________________ ___ 3 Where was it held? ________________________________________________________________________ ___ 4 What were presented in the festival? _________________________________________________________________________ __ 5 What is the purpose of the text above? _________________________________________________________________________ __ 6 Who are the participant ________________________________________________________________________ ___ 7 What tense is mostly used? ________________________________________________________________________ ___ 8 What is the text called? _________________________________________________________________________ __ Exercise 5 Fill the blank with the correct form of the material processes, find the meaning then pronounce them loudly. No Base form Past form Past participle Meaning 1 Buy 2 Come Came 3 Dream 4 Drove NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 48. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 48 5 Eat 6 Fall 7 Found 8 Give 9 Go 10 Hang 11 Have 12 Hear 13 Met 14 Read 15 Run Exercise 6 Make a sentence using verbs available in Simple Past Tense Pattern 1 Fall : ____________________________________________________________ 2. Read : ____________________________________________________________ 3. Give : ____________________________________________________________ 4. Go : ____________________________________________________________ 5. Open : ____________________________________________________________ 6. Buy : ____________________________________________________________ 7. Come : ____________________________________________________________ 8. Dream : ____________________________________________________________ 9. Run : ____________________________________________________________ 10. Eat ____________________________________________________________ Exercise 7 Work in group of three. One of the group members will ask another from his or her groups these questions. The questions 1. What did you do last ……? 2. Where did it take place? 3. When did it take place ? 5. What did you do first? 6. What did you do after that? 7. What did you do then? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 49. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 49 8. What did you finally do? 9. What do you think of your experience? Group member number 1. (example) Name : ________Lutfindra__________ No. Questions Answers 1. What did you do last ……? I went shopping 2. Where did it take place? Supermarket 3. When did it take place ? Last night 4. What did you do first? In the evening, I prepared my motorcycle in the garage 5. What did you do after that? I rode to supermarket alone 6. What did you do then? When I came there I bought some vegetables and fruit. 7. What did you finally do? I rode my motorcycle back home 8. What do you think of your experience? I felt happy buying things in the supermarket because the prices are cheaper than in the traditional market. Group member number 2. Name : ____________________________ No. Questions Answers 1. What did you do last ……? 2. Where did it take place? 3. When did it take place ? 4. What did you do first? 5. What did you do after that? 6. What did you do then? 7. What did you finally do? 8. What do you think of your experience? Group member number 3. Name : ____________________________ NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 50. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 50 No. Questions Answers 1. What did you do last ……? 2. Where did it take place? 3. When did it take place ? 4. What did you do first? 5. What did you do after that? 6. What did you do then? 7. What did you finally do? 8. What do you think of your experience? Exercise 8 Put the answers in the table below as the example. Group member number 1. No. Name Lutfindra Orientation 1. What happened to him/her? Lutfindra went for shopping 2. Where? and When ? To the supermarket last night Series of Events 3. What did he/she do first? At first, she prepared her motorcycle in the garage 4. What did he/she do after that? Then, she rode to supermarket alone. When she came there she bought some vegetables and fruit. Finally, she rode her motorcycle back home Reorientation 5. What did he/she think about their experience? She felt happy buying things in the supermarket because the prices are cheaper than in the traditional market. Group member number 2. No. Name Orientation 1. What happened to him/her? 2. Where? and When ? Series of Events 3. What did he/she do first? 4. What did he/she do after that? NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 51. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 51 Reorientation 5. What did he/she think about their experience? Group member number 3. No. Name Orientation 1. What happened to him/her? 2. Where? and When ? Series of Events 3. What did he/she do first? 4. What did he/she do after that? Reorientation 5. What did he/she think about their experience? Exercise 9 When finished with note-taking, the whole group will discuss and write the draft together. Here is the example Group member number 1. Shopping to Supermarket Orientation Last night, Lutfindra had a motorcycle ride to the supermarket in her town, Karanganyar. Series of Events First, she got into the garage to get her motorcycle ready for the ride. Then, she got her motorcycle cleaned up and heated up. After that she got on the saddle and started to run the engine and rode along the way to the supermarket carefully. When she arrived at the supermarket she bough some vegetables such as cauliflowers, lettuce, cucumber. She also not forgot to buy her favourite fruits, durian. Finally she rode back home. Reorientation She felt that it was happy to go shopping in the supermarket due to the less price of the goods. Group member number 2 NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 52. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 52 Orientation ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Series of Events ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Reorientation ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Group member number 3. Orientation ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Series of Events ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Reorientation ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 53. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 53 DAFTAR KATA KERJA (IRREGULAR VERB LIST) Base form Kata Dasar Past tense Lampau Past participle Kini Selesai Ing form Sedang Berlangsung Meaning Artinya be begin break bring buy build choose come cost cut do draw drive eat feel find get give go have hear hold keep know leave lead was/were began broke brought bought built chose came cost cut did drew drove ate felt found got gave went had heard held kept knew left led been begun broken brought bought built chosen come cost cut done drawn driven eaten felt found got given gone had heard held kept known left led being beginning breaking bringing buying building choosing coming costing cutting doing drawing driving eating feeling finding getting giving going having hearing holding keeping knowing leaving leading Ada/adalah/menjadi mulai memecahkan membawa membeli membangun memilih datang berharga memotong mengerjakan menggambar mengendarai makan merasa menemukan mendapat memberi pergi mempunyai mendengarkan memegang menjaga mengetahui meninggalkan memimpin NON-ACTIVATED VERSION
  • 54. Written By Sasmirido Doni Email: FB: Sasmirido Don Modul B.Inggris Kelas 7 Sem.2Page 54 let lie lose make mean meet pay put run say see sell send set sit speak spend stand take  teach  tell think understand wear win write let lay lost made meant met paid put ran said saw sold sent set sat spoke spent stood took taught told thought understood wore won wrote let lain lost made meant met paid put run said seen sold sent set sat spoken spent stood taken taught told thought understood worn won written letting lying losing making meaning meeting paying putting running saying seeing selling sending setting sitting speaking spending standing taking teaching telling thinking understanding wearing winning writing membiarkan berbohong hilang membuat berarti bertemu membayar meletakkan berlari mengatakan melihat menjual mengirim menetapkan duduk berbicara membelanjakan berdiri mengambil mengajar menceritakan berpikir mengerti memakai menang menulis NON-ACTIVATED VERSION