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Mla Citation For An Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of MLA citation for an essay may initially seem like a
straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies of the Modern Language Association
(MLA) citation style can make it more challenging than anticipated. The MLA citation system is
known for its meticulous guidelines, which encompass various aspects such as formatting, in-
text citations, and the Works Cited page.
To begin with, mastering the art of proper citation involves understanding the specific rules
governing the inclusion of author names, titles, publication dates, and page numbers in the text.
Accurate citation placement is crucial to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original sources.
Navigating through the various types of sources, including books, articles, online resources, and
more, adds another layer of complexity.
The meticulous nature of the MLA format requires attention to detail, making it essential to
adhere to specific guidelines for punctuation, italics, and capitalization. The proper structuring of
the Works Cited page further demands precision, as each entry must follow a standardized
Moreover, staying updated with the latest editions of the MLA Handbook is essential, as citation
guidelines may evolve over time. As a result, writers need to invest time in familiarizing
themselves with the latest changes and adapting their essays accordingly.
Despite the challenges, writing an essay on MLA citation for an essay is an opportunity to
enhance one's research and academic writing skills. It encourages a deeper understanding of the
importance of citation in scholarly work and fosters a commitment to academic integrity.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on the intricacies of MLA citation requires careful attention to
detail, a thorough understanding of the MLA guidelines, and a commitment to staying current
with any updates. While challenging, the process ultimately contributes to the development of
valuable skills in academic writing and research.
For assistance with similar essays and more, professional writing services
can be explored. These services offer support for a variety of topics and formats, providing a
helping hand to those seeking guidance in their academic endeavors.
Mla Citation For An Essay Mla Citation For An Essay
Essay About Burj Khalifa
Khalifa Tower skyscraper located in the Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates
and Burj Al Khalifa is the highest building built by man and the tallest tower in the
world at altitudes of 828 meters. Began construction in the Emirate of Dubai, United
Arab Emirates September 21, 2004 was the completion of restructuring of State in
the first of October 2009, and formally opened on January 4, 2010, to become the
world s highest building immediately replace the Taipei 101in Taiwan
The top of the tower includes a balcony view open to the public, and also the highest
mosque, the higher the restaurant, and the highest swimming pool, as well as the
numbers belonging to components of the tower, which co implemented by about 12
thousand ... Show more content on ...
This entire episode takes place in one minute. I am still wondering what exactly has
The walk leading up to the Burj Khalifa is an amazing experience. There s this dark
hallway with moving images that depict Dubai s transformation from past to present.
This reminds me of Harry Potter paintings that move.
The view from the top is good during the day, but we specifically choose to visit in
the evening because the city is simply spectacular at night. In the picture below, the
tall building is the famous The Address Hotel. The structure on the lower left of the
pictuThe view from the top is good during the day, but we specifically choose to
visit in the evening because the city is simply spectacular at night. In the picture
below, the tall building is the famous The Address Hotel. The structure on the lower
left of the picture is Dubai Mallre is Dubai Mall .
If you re in Dubai, don t miss going At The Top.
in the last .. i like to say for my friend to vist this most beautiful tower in the world
and tallest tower in the world . i like this burj so much and i think if u vist this tower
u will also like it . so if you went to dubai Don t forget to vist this tower
Jamie Oliver Essay
Part A
Entrepreneur is a person who habitually creates and innovates something with
recognised value and seizes the opportunities to convert them to marketable ideas
(Bolton Thompson, 2004). Kuratko (2009) describes entrepreneurship as a process of
vision and creation that requires an application of energy and passion towards the
creation and implantation of new ideas and creative solutions.
For this assignment, my chosen entrepreneur is Jamie Oliver. I will be using his
biography and three other articles to analyse his personal, sociological and
environmental antecedents. 2.Background of Entrepreneur
Jamie Oliver was born in Essex, England where he frequently helped out in his parent
s restaurant called The Cricketers, ... Show more content on ...
People with high internal locus of control believe that events result mainly from
themselves and not based on luck or fate (Schaper, et al., 2014). Therefore, for me to
success in running the business, I must believe that I can control the events in my life
and not give up halfway.
Thirdly, effective entrepreneurs have a strong desire to know how well they are
doing and how can they improve their performance. According to Kuratko (2009),
feedback is also central to their learning from mistakes and setbacks. Therefore, in
running my business, I have to actively seek feedback from customers and learn from
these mistakes.
Fourthly, successful entrepreneurs are those who learn to manage, calculate and
transfer some risks to others (Schaper, et al., 2014). Therefore, I need to learn how to
manage risks and view some of this risk as an opportunity in running the business.
Lastly, Shapero and Sokol (1982) stated that family plays the most important role in
forming the desirability and trustworthiness of the entrepreneurial action. Therefore,
with the support from my family, I believe that I am able to start a company
Organizational Management and Operations
Organizational Management and Operations
CJA 484
February 2, 2014
Nicholas Barbella
Organizational Management and Operations
The subject to describe is policing organizations at various levels. The author will
identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal
organizational levels (CJA/484 Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). The
author will analyze how the organizational, management, administration, and
operational functions at the local, state, and federal levels are similar or different and
why (CJA/484 Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). The leadership
characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level will be
identified (CJA Criminal ... Show more content on ...
Many universities and college campuses opt out of government agency officers and
choose to have private security of their choice. Private security firms include private
agencies security personnel, which is privately employed by the firm as part or full
time employees. The roles and responsibilities of these officers are patrolling and
providing protection at public and private housing complexes, office complexes,
malls, gaming officers and investigators, loss prevention specialists, patrol services,
and armored patrol services. Different from police agencies the private security
agencies focus on more than crime they deal with property, consumer satisfaction,
and personal assets. The private police organizations can ban people from
establishments, fire employees, and pursue prosecution in criminal courts. Also
included in private security is the red light and speed enforced cameras designed to
ticket people caught speeding and running red lights Walker Katz, (2008).
State law enforcement agencies consist of three categories: state investigative
agencies, highway patrols, and state police. State police have statewide police powers
for criminal investigations and traffic regulation. Highway patrol officers have the
right to arrest non traffic violators within their jurisdiction and enforce traffic
regulations statewide. State law enforcement
Jordan Dbq Essay
Introduction: Fighting and finishing Israel is of most importance to maintain our
position in the Arab world. The republic of Jordan after the six day war against
Israel had lost a lot of territory including the west bank, which was a big chunk of
land, which Jordan had. According to new testaments Jordans King Hussein made it
clear to Prime Minister Golda Meir that he must do so as to preserve his position in
the Arab world, and asked Israelnot to attack Jordan.
Since Jordan was a part of the Arabic community of countries it had to make a
decision to fight with them or to let this war pass. Jordan making the correct
decision made a final decision and decided that they were not going to attack Israel
because they came to a conclusion that if they did they would loose more land.
When Syria went at war Jordan had no other choice but to send men to aid and help
out his brother countries. But as soon as Jordan took the action of sending 500 men
and artillery to Syria and Egypt but every time their men were going take some kind
of action they would acted slowly and cautiously if they could. Jordan as a whole
really did want to get into a war with Israel they just had to pretend they were so, so
they would be still in the Arabic community.
Argument Number One: The point ... Show more content on ...
The delegation of Jordan would support any member of the Arabic Union who
wants to fight against those who call their land the land of god when it s actually
the land of Muhammad but will not send a single men in the battle field with out a
good strategy plans and allies so we wont send poor men their just to die. The
Delegation of Jordan does wants to make clear though that Jordan does not want to
fight Israel it is an obligation so Jordan could stay in the Arab
Titi Monkeys
While some Neotropical primate species use the forest floor extensively, others tend
to exploit the ground only when necessary. A recent overview of ground use by
Pitheciidae covered Pitheciinae (uacaris Cacajao, cuxius Chiropotes and sakis
Pithecia), but did not include titi monkeys (Callicebiinae: Callicebus, Cheracebus and
Plecturocebus). However, unlike the generally high canopy Pitheciinae, members of
the Callibiinae often use low forest strata and disturbed fragments, putting them in
closer contact with the ground, but the terrestrial repertoire of this group is so far
unknown. We provide a comprehensive review that combines existing literature with
unpublished data and field observations of terrestrial behavior to encompass a total of
72 titi monkeystudies from 55 locations in South America.... Show more content on ...
We investigated whether terrestrial behavior in titi monkeys is affected by study
duration, group habituation, fruit availability, presence/absence of humans and
predators, and forest height. Titi monkeys used the ground to perform many standard
activities, such as resting, moving, feeding, and geophagy, as well as to disperse
between forest
Coral Reefs In Florida
Coral Reefs
In the United States, Florida is the only state that has coral reefs that form near the
coast. It runs along the east coast from Stuart, located in Martin County, to the Dry
Tortugas which are located in the Gulf of Mexico. Along the chain of the Florida
Keys is where most of the living coral reefs are also located in the Everglades. Coral
reef development occurs only in areas with specific environmental characteristics: a
solid structure for attachment, relatively warm water temperatures, clear waters low
in phosphate and moderate wave action to disperse wastes and bring oxygen and
brings oxygen and plankton to the reef. (
Coral reefs play an essential part in the ecosystem. They support the biodiversity
An Organization s Strategic Business Units
To evaluate an organization s Strategic Business Units (SBU), the Boston Consulting
Group developed a portfolio performance framework. Initially starting with the firm
s organizational mission and its need to make necessary steps towards making
strategies for its SBU to run smoothly with equal importance it gets on the basis of
its output generation and few other aspects. A firm takes series of steps to make its
strategies successful. At first firm clearly define its organizational mission It is the
long term commitment to a specific type of business and a place it has in the market.
Then, it establishes strategic business units (SBUs), self contained divisions, product
lines, or product departments with specific market focuses and... Show more content
on ...
That simple question requires firm in depth knowledge of its SBU s and limitation
that possess by each planning tool. Coming towards the core, evaluation of SBU
and performance tool that is made by Boston consulting group. Simple pictorial
illustration Resources of business properly allocated to business unit where they are
located in the grid. Cash Cow a business having high market share in mature market
it has a lot of marginal profit and can generate lot of cash flow. Cash cow are the
products businesses usually strive for. Star a business having high market share in
growing market. Stars may generate cash, but because the market is growing rapidly
they require investment to maintain their
The Atchafalaya River
The formation of the Atchafalaya River is nothing short of remarkable. Alongside
the regulatory systems, the Atchafalaya is responsible for the delicate water
balance of the Atchafalaya and the Mississippi River. The Atchafalaya River is one
of the largest tributaries to the Southern Louisiana swamps and bayous. The
formation of the Atchafalaya River takes place over a millennia. Over a thousand
years ago, the Atchafalaya River didn t even exist. It was only the Red River that ran
parallel to the Mississippi River. Over the next 500 years, the Mississippi River
would change course and create a small westward turn. Overtime this small turn
would grow into a large turn be named Turnbull s Bend. Turnbull s bend eventually
intersected the Red... Show more content on ...
The nose of the Louisiana black bear is longer, narrower and flatter than its
relative, the American Black Bear. The Louisiana black bear also has large molar
teeth. The Louisiana black bear is one of sixteen subspecies of the American black
bear. It is also the state mammal of Louisiana. It was chosen due to its significance
in the state wildlife. It is truly a magnificent creature. Male Louisiana black bears
weigh between two hundred fifty and four hundred pounds. They also grow up to
six feet in length. Females are much smaller. The bears live mainly off of berries and
acorns and are not predators but will defend themselves in the presence of
Venice Research Paper
The history of the venetian republic goes as far back as the founding of Venice on
the 25th of March 421. At that time, Celtic people who were called the Veneti lived
along the coast of what is now called Northeast Italy. Since 49 BC they were Roman
citizens. Throughout times, Venice played a huge role in the reopening of the
Mediterranean economy to West European commerce and developing links with
Northern Europe. The city of Venice was the most successful of the North Italian city
in creating and maintaining a republic domination by a merchant capitalist and could
guarantee its freedom from exactions by feudal landlords and monarchs. As well as
the typical locals, Venice was a tolerant and nonspiritual state where foreign
merchants such... Show more content on ...
Our normal American made ice cream are heavy on the cream and have a huge fat
content of about ten percent. Gelato, by comparison, uses more milk that cream,
so it doesn t have nearly as much fat. Additionally, it usually uses fewer egg yolks
which is another source of fat. Tasting the gelato in the different cities, I thought
that it was going to taste the same, however, it did not. While in Venice the gelato
was a lot less favorable whereas in Bassano del Grappa and Bologna, the gelato
was very rich and the fruity flavors were made directly from the fruits. While
researching about why this occurs, I found that the gelato is churned at a slower
speed, which introduces less air into the base allowing it to taste richer than the
American style ice cream. The American style ice cream are churned faster and are
hard to whip in plenty of air which is classes overrun, aided by the high proportion of
cream in the
History Of An Atom. In This Day And Age, Almost Every...
History of an Atom
In this day and age, almost every educated middle school student would be able to
sketch and label a given diagram of an atom. However, still to this day, not one human
has seen what an atom looks like. Our current atomic model, the same one in which
you most likely learnt in 5th grade, is really just an educated theory, comprised of
years of experimental trials and errors. In fact, the original four elements, introduced
by ancient philosopher Aristotle: Fire Air, Water, and Earth, were once believed the
only elements forming natural matter. Although frowned upon by the ancient Greek
society, philosophers Leucippus and Democritus developed their own theoretical
understanding of nature. Their theory concluded that every ... Show more content on ...
His diagram quickly gained the label plum pudding, as the electrons similarly
resembled the plum slices inside of a pudding.
1909: Ernest Rutherford
The atomic model evolved to a familiar diagram following the results of Rutherford
s popular gold foil experiment. Essentially, a student of Rutherford s class had been
examining the possible pattern of positively charged particles contacting the element
of gold. While filming the student s examination, Rutherford noticed that most of the
particles flew straight through, and only a tiny portion either bounced straight back
or off of an angle. If Thomson s model was correct, all of the radium particles should
have bounced off of the foil however, they did not. This led Rutherford to believe
that the positive charge of an atom is not equal to the whole of an atom, but rather an
even smaller core, located in the middle of the atom, surrounded by the negatively
charged electrons. He concluded that the atom is mostly empty space, and that most
of the atoms mass came from the small central core which he declared the nucleus.
1913: Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr, a former student of Rutherford, proposed his own theory: the quantum
theory. Furthering Rutherford s model, Bohr insisted that electrons spin around the
nucleus in fixed orbits , such as planets around the sun. The outer inner orbit/s have
only a certain amount of constant energy,
Curb Comparison Paper 1- Effective Biblical Counseling
Comparison Paper 1: Effective Biblical Counseling by Larry Crabb
Submitted to Dr. Jaeduk Kim, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
completion of the course
201520 Spring 2015 PACO 507 D02 LUO
Theology and Spirituality in Counseling
Shonda M. Curb
March 26, 2015
Comparison Paper 1 In Effective Biblical Counseling the author, Larry Crabb (1977),
develops a biblical counseling model designed to assist the Christian counselor. The
purpose of this comparison paper is to detail the model of the author through several
segments that expound on the foundational constructs and implications of the authors
theory. Following the summary, this paper will conclude with a practical... Show
more content on ...
Step 5 requires the client to commit to acting on the learned biblical assumption.
The cure for doubt is obedience (p. 156). In step six, the client is asked to plan and
carry out biblical behavior. Finally, step seven is to identify the presence of Spirit
controlled feelings (p. 157).
Balance of Theology and Spirituality Throughout the book, the author carefully
details the need for balance between theology and spirituality, and psychology and
Christianity. Though the author discusses methods and approaches that are spiritual
but based on a strong theological foundation. Nothing is more crucial to an effective
Christian life that a clear awareness of its foundation (p. 25). Essentially Crabb (1977)
maintains that spirituality is a product of the correct thinking associated with strong
theological foundation.
Human Personality The author details the personality structure of humanity that is
described by identifying the functioning parts. These five parts include the conscious
mind, the unconscious mind, the heart, the will and the emotions. The conscious
mind controls the perception and evaluation of the events in the mind. The
unconscious mind houses the basic assumptions. The heart represents direction. The
will identifies a person s behavior. Finally, the emotions of an individual detail the
capacity for feelings.
Counselor s Function and Role
Rhetorical Analysis Of Ezra Pound s His Philosophy And...
Ezra Pound was one of the most famous and influential figures in the Modernist
literature movement. Make it new was his philosophy and the rallying cry for
Modernist literature. Whilst the Modernists tried to capture the new by a persistent
experimentalism , it rejected the traditional (Victorian and Edwardian) framework of
narrative, description, and rational exposition in poetry and prose . Modernist
literaturenot only rejected the old in terms of form, but also in subject matter
Modernismbegan to focus more on the self, on the internal dialogue. Whilst Post
Modernism is much harder to define, one thing that is prolific in Postmodern
literature is the re working and imitation of the past in the form of parody and
pastiche. What I find interesting is that whilst Modernist were driven by the desire to
create something new, they were mostly benighted traditionalists that were reacting
to the change around them. The Postmodernists however, were not lamenting change
but using literature in a way that hoped to stimulate it. I am going to look at this
with a specific focus on The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot and The Crying Lot of 49 by
Thomas Pynchon.
Of course neither Modernist Literature nor Postmodernist literature existed in a
vacuum. They were both parts of wider movements as a whole The Modernist
movement and the Postmodernist movement. The Modernist period occurred during
a time of great change rapid industrialisation and new media which disrupted the class
What Is The Main Conflict Of Where The Red Corn Grows
Where the Red Fern Grows Test
1. a) The point of view in a book is how the author tells the story.
b) First person
2. Billy s mother is religious, caring and harsh. Billy s mother is religious because
Billy came to her first when he had questions on whether God had helped him or
not. Billy s is caring because she worried so much about Billy on his first coon hunt.
Finally, Billy s mother is harsh because she hit him bad after he scared the family
when he found his first coon.
3. Billy s grandfather helps Billy very generously. He orders the dogs for billy, he
taught Billy some hunting tricks and he enters Billy into the coon hunting tournament.
4. a) The main conflict of Where the Red Furn grows is Man versus Self b) Billy
wins the conflict. ... Show more content on ...
a) Billy, Mrs. Pritchard and her hound are the characters in the passage.
b) Mrs. Pritchard is arranging the flowers on Rubin s grave.
c) The event takes place next to the Pritchard s house.
d) It takes place a little bit after Rubin s death.
e) Billy learns that Mrs. Pritchard is appreciative of the flowers and that he should
always respect the graves of the dead
2. a) Billy is the only character in the passage.
b) Billy is about to go back to work when he hears a breeze swaying through the big
sycamore. He notices that the breeze does not even touch a big black gum tree to his
c) Right next to the big sycamore tree where his dogs treed their first coon.
d) It takes place right after he gets his dogs and goes on his first coon hunt.
e) Billy learns that God is always with him. Learning that God s presence is with him
helps Billy to mature as a man of God. 3. a) Billy and a gang of ragamuffin kids.
b) The kids circle around Billy and start teasing him because of his dogs.
c) In the streets of the town of Taheluqh.
d) Right after he gets his dogs
e) He learns that people could attack you for anything you stand for and you have to
be ready. He learns to be tough, helping him
Cloudstreet By Tim Winton Essay
Writing from residences in countries at great distances from Australia, Winton
developed a longing for his home and more specifically for an Australia of the past.
His homesickness made him rediscover through his memories an Australia which he
loved, which was slowing evolving into a country which was unrecognisable to his
childhood. In Cloudstreet, Tim Winton reflects on Australias landscape which is
quickly being turned into a suburbia which seems disjointed from natural state of the
Australian land. Similarly the cultureof the Australian community and sense of
camaraderie is presented as integral to an Australia which Winton is increasingly
nostalgic about throughout the novel.
Winton often uses the characteristics of the Australian ... Show more content on ...
Oriel, va woman raised in the bosom of the Australian outback, on a farm as the
primary care giver of her younger siblings, displays a stoicism which is integral in
the success of her family and the shop at Cloudstreet. Each day she puts on the full
armour and puts every ounce of her strength into the lives of the people around her
almost to the consequence of her own sanity. Winton contrasts this to the Rose s
first boyfriend, Toby Raven, a vacuous writer who is more interested in places and
people who are in the know . In presenting Toby Raven as a superficial and social
climbing he is making a comment on the new breed of Australians who are
populating the rapidly changing Australia. Most strikingly this contrast in morals
is displayed by Toby Raven s lack of decorum in mocking Rose s family back at
Cloudstreet, and his inability to be responsible for deceiving his literary friends.
Toby Raven and his associates represent the new breed of Australian, a type which
would be all too familiar to late 20th century Tim Winton. Such is the reason why
Cloudstreet is centred around the stoic and hardworking Lamb and Pickles families,
individuals who embody what Winton sees as incredibly significant and more
importantly typically Australian, in Tim Winton s sense of the
Koreas Aging Society
The Aging Society: How Can We Stop It?
(student s name)
Korea University (International Summer Campus)
Writing and Presentation Skills
August, 2011
What is the most critical problem that the Korean society faces today? Certainly,
there are issues such as the North South relationship, the nuclear leak in Japan, and
the overabundant rainfall. However, one of the most widely discussed topics in the
modern Korean society is the decreasing birth rate and the increasing percentage of
the older age groups. This phenomenon of the older age groups taking a bigger
portion of the overall population is called the aging society. This occurrence has
become one of the ... Show more content on ...
This solution may sound a bit cruel to the elders. For those people who were
desperately waiting for retirement, either due to physically incapability or desire to
rest, the extra years added onto retirement age may sound like a torture. It may
even cause people of young age groups to immigrate to different parts of the world
to avoid the extensive working years in their country. Also, elders are less efficient
in producing goods or providing services because of the natural health deterioration.
Therefore, even if the citizens accepted the decision of increasing the retirement age,
the elders may not be able to produce an expected amount of gross domestic product.
However, the decrease in the number of retired people itself helps with government
revenue. Although the elders may not be able to produce a sufficient amount of
product to support the even older group of people, the exclusion of the moderately
old people from government pension and other government expenditures helps
sustain a healthy cycle in government revue. However, in order to successfully
execute this plan, the Korean government would need a very strong leader that is
able to convince its citizens to trust the government s decision because the increase in
retirement age may enrage the general public. All in all, this simple solution can be
an option to consider. Another solution that may be used to solve this problem is
increasing the
Description Of A Photo Journal Assignment
This photo journal assignment was very interesting and educational. It helped me
look outside the box and to really relate geography to my everyday life. My first
relatable topic that I came in contact with during this assignment was the process of
evaporation. At Dry Creek park in Modesto, CA, I witnessed evaporationtaking place
in the creek. I have been going to this park for quite some time and in the summer,
water levels decrease drastically. Evaporation is one of the four phases in the
hydrologic cycle (water cycle). According to our Geosystems Eighth Edition book,
Christopherson say, Water travels endlessly through the hydrosphere, atmosphere,
lithosphere and biosphere. [...] Currents of water, vapor, ice and energy are flowing...
Show more content on ...
Cloud falls into is the precipitation category. Water vapor, droplets of water
suspended in the air, builds up in the Earth s atmosphere. Water vapor in the
atmosphere is visible as clouds and fog (
/condensation/). Precipitation the process when water is released from clouds in
different types such as rain, snow, hail or sleet.
My second relatable topic that I came into contact with were these beautiful stepping
stones. These large stepping stones are sedimentary rock which is one of the rock
types in the rock cycle. The word sedimentary means that the rocks was formed by
organic minerals and different particles. This rock forming process can take many
years and it starts when rocks weather and erode. This specific stepping stone that I
encountered was known as chert. So how is chert formed exactly? According to
Geoscience News and information (, When
microcrystals of silicon dioxide grow within soft sediments that become limestone or
chalk [...] when dissolved silica is transported to the formation site by the movement
of groundwater.
Global warming and the greenhouse effect were some of the negative topics that I
researched. After further research for each topic, I became aware how I contribute
to global warming. On my way to the park, I was driving my car and then it hit me. I
remembered that for every gallon of gas used, our cars are accounted for 24 pounds of
Cullen s Incident, Racism, Incident
In the poem Incident , Cullen recounts his encounter with another similarly aged
boy that left him desolated with a reflective, outraged, and sad tone. Cullen writes,
in regard to the other Baltimorean boy, And he was no whit bigger, / And so I
smiled, which proves he viewed the boy as an equal before the unfortunate
experience to follow. He also writes about how, prior to meeting the boy, he was Heart
filled, head filled with glee, highlighting the contrast between his emotions. He
initially felt excited to be in the city; however, the encounter brought forth
disappointments that would, unfortunately, enlighten him of the racismof the early
1900s. Concerning the actual incident, Cullen is very straightforward as he
documents the exact
What Kind Of Doctor
I m not going to lie and say that I have always dreamt of becoming a general
internist. Deciding what kind of doctor I wanted to become was the hardest
decision I ve ever had to make. I ve listened to friends, family, fellow classmates
and other physicians. I considered general surgery, cardiology, Emergency
Medicine, OBGYN but I always came back to internal medicine. I enjoy hospital
medicine and I was comforted knowing that I would still be able to pursue a
fellowship after my training which didn t make me feel like I had to get on a knee
and propose to any one area quite yet. Internal medicine was also the one field that I
could see myself being happy working even without pursing a fellowship. I feel alive
when I m in the hospital and I... Show more content on ...
Growing up with my mother and sister and being the only male in my household
definitely played a part in my ability to recognize my emotions. In our society,
being a male is often portrayed as not acknowledging feelings and being strong
emotionally, but that s not what makes a great doctor. I was fortunate to go to a
medical school that stressed the importance of the humanistic aspect of medicine
and instilled these principals in me. It s not womanly to care for someone and
show emotion during times of loss and it s not feminine to acknowledge a patient
who is upset and comfort them. However, approaching the patient humanistically
can be difficult to accomplish while in the hospital. The lessons taught to me at my
school and my experiences at the hospital during my internal medicine rotation
During my internal medicine rotation I saw how fast the admissions piled up and
it was always a challenge to get the history, make the diagnosis and make a
treatment decision right then. We didn t have time to waste, we had to be quick
and we had to be concise. The main worries were, did I make the correct diagnosis,
did I give the appropriate medications and of course did I miss something that could
be detrimental to their health? If a doctor does all of these correctly then he did a
good job. The patient survived, crisis averted, now on to the next patient, right? The
question is did he do a great job? What makes a doctor great in my mind is not just
being a great
Taking a Look at Cobalt 60
Cobalt 60 Cobalt 60 is one of many radioactive isotopes. It contains 33 neutrons
and 27 protons. Most people have not heard of Cobalt 60 unless they are involved
in chemistry or the medial field. This isotope is more common than a person thinks.
It is an isotope that is useful in the medical field and other places. This paper is all
about Cobalt 60and the history behind it as well as some other useful information.
Cobalt was discovered by a Swedish chemist by the name of Georg Brandt. In 1735,
Georg was trying to prove that certain minerals had the ability to color glass blue and
was not due to bismuth but due to an unknown element (1). Since then, it has
developed into a highly useful isotope.
When people hear about radioactive isotopes, they wonder where the isotopes
come from. The non radioactive version of cobalt (Cobalt 59) occurs naturally in
various minerals (2). It also occurs naturally in the air, water, soil, rocks, plants,
and animals (6). Humans even have cobalt in their body, but this is a very small
amount. The body contains 1.5 mg of Cobalt 60 and the liver is the principal organ
of where a person can find it (1). Some isotopes are made naturally and some are
made unnaturally. Radioactive Cobalt 60 is not naturally made. It is formed when
cobalt 59 is collided by a neutron making it the radioactive isotope (3).
Cobalt decays to form Nickel 60. As it decomposes, it releases gamma radiation. Beta
particles also occur when Carbon 60 decays (4). The nuclear
Sharecroppers In The 1800s
Between the late 1800s and mid 1900s, to help procure land, supplies, and workers,
farmers turned to sharecropping. In mostly all instances of sharecropping the
croppers would get a percentage of the crops they worked while the rest would go
to the landowner. In most situations the croppers got a smaller percentage than the
landowners. In this certain contract between a landowner and the Grimes family in
North Carolina, there were some unfair condition. One of the unfair conditions was
the results of not feeding his team. The cropper was required to feed his team
every day in the morning, noon, and night, and if he didn t he must pay the
landowner five cents. The workers were also required to repair the fence if it was
blown over or broken
How Did Che Influence The Cuban Revolution
The most important sources that this paper will analyze are Che s personal
writings: Diary of a Combatant and Reminiscences of The Cuban Revolutionary
War. Both are crucial for understand Che s transformation from a troop doctor to a
guerilla commander. To understand Che s influence on the Cuban Revolution it is
important to understand Che s background. Che was born Ernesto Guevara de la
Serna in Rosario Argentina on June 14, 1928. Che s upbringing was modest and
his parents were educated and a part of the middle class.. In 1945, Che attended
medical school in Buenos Aires to become a medical doctor. During his residency,
Che traveled to Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela practicing medicine on the local
populations. In 1953 Che heads to Guatemala, a country experiencing their own
revolution whose leader was Jacobo Arbenz. While in Guatemala, Che became
involved in political activity, studying Marxism. Arbenz would be overthrown a year
later by the American CIA. These events shape Che s ideology as he sees the U.S. as
an... Show more content on ...
Thereafter in 1956, Che sailed for Cuba on the Granma. The Granma arrived in
Cuba on December 2, 1956, and the attack was a failure forcing Castro, Che and the
other revolutionaries to flee into the thick jungles of the Sierra Maestra. It was in the
Sierra Maestra against all odds that with Che and Castro s resilence that the Cuban
revolution continued despite overwhelming odds. Che acted as the doctor and later
on commander for the Cuban rebel guerrillas. Because of Che s medical expertise,
many of the rebels were able to continue fighting in the Sierra Maestra. Biographer
of Che Jon Lee Anderson credits Che as being the cause for success of the Cuban
Revolution because of his brilliant tactics as military commander and a guerilla
Methods Of Learning Algorithms For Groups Based On
2.1.3 CLUSTERING: Among the available clustering methods, K Means algorithm
is generally used to divide learners into natural groups based on their behavior for a
larger dataset. In the K Means clustering method, the number of clusters, denoted
by K is needed to be predefined to apply the technique. This is one of the simplest
and the most used unsupervised learning algorithm for clustering. The procedure
follows a simple and easy way to classify a given data set through a certain number
of clusters (assume k clusters) fixed a priori. The main idea is to define k centers,
one for each cluster. These centers should be placed in a cunning way because of
different location causes different result. So, the better choice is to place them as
much as possible far away from each other. The next step is to take each point
belonging to a given data set and associate it to the nearest center. When no point is
pending, the first step is completed and an early group age is done. At this point we
need to re calculate k new centroids as barycenter of the clusters resulting from the
previous step. After we have these k new centroids, a new binding has to be done
between the same data set points and the nearest new center. A loop has been
generated. As a result of this loop we may notice that the k centers change their
location step by step until no more changes are done or in other words centers do not
move any more. Finally, this algorithm aims at minimizing
Chronological Accuracy Of The Return Of Martin Guerre
The chronological accuracy that The Return of Martin Guerre film portrays can
throw the viewer off at first. The film begins with the marriage of a young couple
who are both around the age of fourteen. The audience is then introduced to a
young woman, who is recalling the events that had just taken place. The film jumps
back and forth several times, reflecting on the events that took place 8 10 years
before. The film takes place in the middle on the sixteenth century France. Several
years past, roughly 8 when Martin returns, Martin is able to conceal his identity for
around 2 years before he is taken in front of the judge.
For both Ethan and Sami, the beginning was difficult to follow. However once
realizing who the young woman was and the ... Show more content on ...
Though only a year or two has passed, it is plausible. Jack uses everything he has
learned in the war to help his town thrive. Not knowing the real Jack, created a
positive view of the imposter Jack. The imposter Jack s change of heart, became his
Both films tell a story of a father returning home after leaving to fight in the war, only
to be discovered as imposters. However, both are set in entirely different eras, one in
sixteenth century France and the other in eighteenth century Southern states of
U.S.A. Knowing the back story of the characters, help the audience in forming a
bond. with the imposters. Also, seeing their determination to help their village grow
and become successful helps further that bond.
However, Sommersby main character the imposter Jack, treasured the bond that he
had with the villagers. Becoming a respected figure in his town, he sacrificed his
own life for his wife. Laurel s status in the village remains the same, since the
imposter Jack s death. The villagers are repairing well needed repairs to the town,
and they crops are growing more than ever. The chronological order the film
Sommerby, gives shows the change of character of the imposter Jack and the true
husband that he was. In The Return of Martin Guerre, the chronological order used,
helped establish the actions taken by Martin s
Medical Coding Education
Billing and coding specialists, who are also known as health information
technicians, are an integral part of the health care system. They are the ones
designated to handle the billing and coding system which can be very complex.
These professionals are trained to organize the health records of a hospital s
patient. It involves the translation of a patient s medical history and diagnosis into
clinical codes which are used to process insurance claims. They can be found in the
hospitals, outpatient care centers, insurance and coverage providers. Most billing
and coding specialists begin their careers with associate degree programs in
medical billing and coding, or other related fields. Associate degrees can be
obtained online after following the same rigorous curriculum as those who attend in
a brick and mortar. This gives them equal post degree job opportunities and it is
very ideal for those have childcare responsibilities, part time jobs, and other
commitments. The importance of choosing an accredited online medical coding
school include: 1. Development Of Skills Required For Career Advancement:There
are tools and practices which are essential for any one who wants to advance in the
medical and billing career. An online medical billing and coding program provides a
thorough introduction to these tools. The curriculum is rigorous and covers... Show
more content on ...
Flexibility Of Learning: Brick and mortar classes are traditional based. An accredited
online medical coding school is chosen because of its flexibility. Considering that
these students have different programs vying for their time, the choice of accessing
course lectures and readings, submitting written assignments, participating with other
students in virtual discussions, communication with their lecturers and professors on
their own schedule, and taking of exams when it is convenient for them is very
appealing. They leverage technology to study with a smartphone, tablet, WiFi
compatible devices, laptops, and home
The Princess Research Paper
Once upon a time there was one family lived in town, and his parent are all died.
And he alone at his house, that time he was 15 years old. He heard that there
beautiful princess at the castle. He was to see the princess when his friend talk
about the princess, even though he can t do nothing. The day go past by day and
day then he a man, he s 21 years , then he can do want he went so he create a story
about the girl he want to see, the girl is princess, he wrote the story about the
princess. Also the princess like to watch talent show. And it s his first time become
theater and he tries his best to do. But one day the princes come visit the town and
suddenly fell in love with him, but he didn t know that she s a princess. That day the
princess... Show more content on ...
And the boy ask her where do you want to go? They both don t know where to go,
still they will leave this house than they prepare and leave the castle and run away
far far away. They run away and stuck in that place is a secret forest so they stay
there and build the house there. Then the girl need new clothes because her cloth
is all rip said to her lover, than they go find cotton deer skin or cloth, and then they
make clothes. And girl clothes need more cloth, and girl clothes are big and have
many layers and it took so much time to finish it. The next morning the soldier
come attack them, and they were shocked and it was the boy uncle, the boy was
also the prince and then they both went back to the prince castle. The both are
really love each other, but every time they never get a safe place to be together.
And then a beautiful woman in his castle too, and his uncle wants him to marry, but
he don t want to marry that girl. He want to marry to his love only, but then when
his love hears that, she can t do anything all she can do is keep it in her mind, she
was really crying but her love said don t worry anything, I not gonna marry her. And
then they both whisper to each other about trying to leave this
Fearless And Stolen Play Analysis
We as the audience are engaged in an upfront manner by the individual concerns
and social issues through our chosen texts the characters in Fearless and Stolen.
Stolen written by Jane Harrison is an indigenous text which explores issues which
arose as a result of the forced removal of Aboriginal children, this is showcased by
5 children perspective. Fearless by Mirra Todd explores stories about people we
wouldn t give a second look at, it also shows the struggles of some society s
outcasts. These two texts allow the audience to see and engage with what many
Australians face every day. Stolen is a play filled with powerful short moments
which tell the audience the effects of a child removed from all that they know,
their identity being stripped away and moulded into something foreign. When the
class read the play we had empathy with the children; they are confused of their
sense of belonging, loss of their culture and a child needing a mother. Sandy is a
character consistently on the run who gives us a contradicting statement been
everywhere except one place home . The word home is a very powerful word it
allows the audience to realise you can build houses but not homes. All Sandy really
wants is a place where he doesn t have to keep hiding. Without an individual identity
a social structure of security is... Show more content on ...
The character Anne seems materially happy however at the end of the play she
breaks the 4th wall by stating s pose you want a happy ending from me this
colloquial language shows that she is caught between cultures and her two families .
To be happy it s not as simple as her adoptive parent inviting them over for a barbie
this demonstrates that her uncertainty has been created by her circumstances, which
fore s the audience to
The Rocking Horse Research Paper
My favorite toy when I was littler than I am now was a brown and white rocking
horse. I wasn t born to see it be given as a gift but for my baby shower my great
grandparents had giving my parents a rocking horse for me. I would be on the horse
constantly I couldn t run around because it was just a rocking horseso I would sit on it
next to the tv and watch my shows. This love for horses connected with cowboys
so I began to wear cowboy boots everyday I d wear them to school, when we would
go shopping and even just around the house I would wear them.
My siblings and I would go over to my great grandparents house on weekdays, I
would always bring the rocking horse there. My grandpa was a oakie so we would
always watch his black and white cowboy shows, while watching these shows I
would be on the horse rocking back and forward. During these cowboy shenanigans
our favorite snack to eat was my great grandma s homemade cornbread with a glass
of milk, the cornbread would smell sweet and feel warm. In the backyard of the
house was my great grandpa s shed, when he would weld or do who knows what, I d
be right by him on my rocking horse. As all these days passed the fun on my
rocking horse was beginning to come to an end and I was getting bigger, being ...
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Moments later that s when my parents told me my great grandpa had welded it for
me that moment this toy became 100 times more valuable to me. This quickly
became my new favorite toy I would play on it everyday just like how I did with the
old one. Then a few days later I went to my great grandparents house and gave my
grandpa the biggest hug ever and told him thankyou a million times. I came back to
my old self I played with my siblings, my mood was happy and I wanted to go to
school all thanks to my great
Smart Cards And Its Role For Securing User Identification
Name: Mohamed Al Rawahi
ID: 14901489
Majan College
Smart cards and its role in securing user identification
Smart cards have been use by so many people around the world the smart card
contain a small chip called as a microcontroller. People started to develop smart
cards in 1970s by a japan Dr. and by two inventers from Germany. Using smart
cards will make everyone life more easy on the financial side, since it gives the
ability to not use papers you only need to be authorized to carry the card and do the
transaction electrical. The information that is between the cardholder and the
organization is always secure. When they manufacture the smart cards they build it to
be secure they add encryption codes, authentication people only can have the cards
and also when the card communicate with the system it will do that in secure path to
protect it from attackers.
What is smart card?
A card that has an embedded chip that always set the smart card codes or token
secure. The size of any smart card is similar to the size of driving license and it can
be made of plastic or even metal. There are two ways to connect or link the smart
card with the reader either through straight physical communication, which
recognized as chip and dip and the other way of connecting is by using the short
range wireless connectivity well known as NFC (near field communication) (Michael
Cobb, 2010) NFC is supported by ISO an international organization and to make the
The Modernist Movement Of Literature
The modernist movement in Literature came about in the late nineteenth and early
twentieth centuries as authors began to consciously break from traditional writing
styles and experiment with new methods of storytelling. These authors drew their
inspiration from the real world and their own experiences. Every aspect of the world
has its own influence from historical events to developments in psychological theory.
The authors of the modernist era, such as William Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, T.S.
Elliot, and James Joyce, experimented heavily with established laws of language and
structure by modifying the narration of the story and breaking the plot into pieces for
the reader to put together. In a way, the authors were rebelling against the old views
of how stories were supposed to be told. Some of the most complicated pieces of
fiction and poetry came out of the modernist era. The most prominent characteristics
of the modernist movement in literature were the results of a culmination of the types
of thought and ideas that defined the early twentieth century in the United States and
Europe. The events of the world which modernist authors experienced in their time,
most notably the First World War in conjunction with emerging ideas from different
spheres of study such as psychology and art led to the creation of new forms of
narration and stories that broke the rules of traditional writing and challenged the
previous eras of literature. Near the beginning of the twentieth
The Performance Of Baseball Data And Analytics
Statistics in baseball have always existed on a player and team basis, with some
common statistics being hits, runs, earned runs, runs batted in, home runs, etc. Since
the publication of Bill James abstract (1986), however, there has been large growth
of interest in baseball data and analytics, and, more specifically, a large growth of
interest in a branch of baseball statistics known as sabermetrics. This branch of
statistics has been further spurred on by the publication of Moneyball (Lewis,
2003), and even more so by the movie debut of Moneyball in 2011. Sabermetrics
uses baseball s common statistics and creates a statistic that more efficiently
determines the performance of baseball players.However, there is still some ... Show
more content on ...
For example, if two teams are versing one another and one pitcher has an ERA of 1
and the other an ERA of 6, the pitcher with an ERA of 1 may seem more likely to
give up less earned runs, and thus more likely to win the game. An author in the
Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) journal, found this notion of
ERA to be true as he found ERA to be a statistically significant predictor of team
wins for National League MLB teams (Ault). Joe Watson (2011), a reporter for the
sports news site bleacherreport, claims that ERA is the supreme statistic for
examining pitchers because it gives a better insight on a team s probability to win.
Due to the theoretical example and the different articles, the assumption is made
that ERA is the best predictor of a pitcher s ability to achieve a win. This
assumption has led experts and laymen alike to use ERA in their comparison of
pitchers because the ultimate goal of any sports player is to win. Due to the major
use of ERA there is a driven importance to predict ERA and establish what factors
cause changes in it. CBSSports interviewed their staff experts to examine what was
the best statistical measure of pitchers. The majority stated that WHIP was the best
measure of a pitcher s actual performance (Snyder, M., Rosecrans, T., Perry, D.
2012). A number of medical articles as well use WHIP to evaluate a pitcher s ability
to assimilate back into the MLB after surgery (Gibson, B. W., Webner, D., Huffman,
G. R., Sennett, B. J.
Pt1420 Unit 3 Data Mining Assignment
Amr Wael
Data mining Assignment
What is NaГЇve Bayes?
NaГЇve Bayes is a classifier based on Bayes theorem, this classifier assumes that the
result of an attribute value on a class is independent of the other attributes values.
In Bayes theorem, we want to compute the probability to P (Class|Predictor) which
can be expressed in terms of probabilities:
P (Class|Predictor) = P (Predictor|Class) P (Class) / P (Predictor)
P (Class|Predictor) : the posterior probability
P (Predictor|Class) : the likelihood
P (Class) : the prior probability of class
P (Predictor) : the prior probability of predictor
(Patterson, 2011)
As we are working on Iris data set which have continuous values, there is a must to
change the continuous ... Show more content on ...
Calculate the probability of every user input of the four attributes belonging to a class
Multiply all the probabilities related to every class and get the Maximum one to be
the class that maximize the input
Chen, E. (2011, April 27). Choosing a Machine LearningClassifier. Retrieved from a machine learning
Hockenmaier, J. (2012). Lecture 3 : Smoothing. Retrieved from
Hun Yun, Kyeong Mo Hwang, Chan Kyoo Lee . (2013, July 26). Development of
Safety Factors for the UT Data Analysis Method in Plant Piping. Retrieved from
Patterson, J. (2011, May 2). Classification with Naive Bayes. Retrieved from
Research Paper On Roman Olympics
Bang! Off go the runners. Today s olympics have a myriad of differences from the
ancient olympics held in Rome. Nowadays, we have an impalpable amount of sports
to compete in, like: Equestrian, Aquatics, Gymnastics, and tons more. In addition,
today s Olympics are now multicultural and accept more countries from all around the
globe to spectate, host, and participate in the games.
Back when Julius Caesar was roaming Rome, the Romans had their own Olympics,
but it was not the same as today s are. Their version of the Olympics was just to
meet in a field that had a track dug out, which made a complete roundabout just like
today s; that was until the Colosseum was built. The only difference was that they
didn t always take place in a colossal stadium like we have today. Instead, the track
field with all of the events they had inside a huge fenced off area was placed inside
the track itself. The people that came there to watch the events were free of charge
and could spectate the games for themselves. One of the Romans own stadiums that
held the olympics was named an Amphitheatre. One amphitheatre known ... Show
more content on ...
The likes of Coubertin lamented the Roman influence on the Games; they
deplored the growth of a professional (and lower) class of competitor, as well as the
malign influence of the Roman emperors themselves (who were occasionally
known to take part in events and were supposed to have had the competition rigged
so that they could win), (Beard, 2012). If they were caught cheating, they would be
fined and their money would go towards building statues of their great roman
deities. In conclusion, many people ignored it, and did not care about what the
consequences were. Nowadays, nobody is given a greater lead to whatever event the
do since we have
The Norwich Textile Industry
The confinement to his cabin for six weeks of the Edinburgh born John Miller, the
fifth officer on board the East India Company ship Marquis Camden, by a tyrant of
a ship s master seems an unlikely starting point to a project on the Norwich textile
industry, especially as Miller had nothing to do directly with the city s trade.
Sometime after the publication in 2008 of Captain Miller s autobiography
Chronometer Jack which I co edited when working in Glasgow, Geoffrey and
Margaret Nobbs, volunteers at Great Yarmouths Time and Time Museum, contacted
me to say they had transcribed the Marquis Camden s log book which recorded Miller
s detention. Later, they enthusiastically told me about the German born Norwich
master weaver John Christopher... Show more content on ...
Having no background in weaving, much time and effort had to be put into decoding
technical terms and numbers in a variety of documents.
While I developed the research, Geoffrey and Margaret Nobbs transcribed a large
numbers of documents for me, particularly those relating to Ireland s considerable
yarn trade with Norwich, and to Stannard Taylor, merchant manufacturers in St Giles
Street. Besides the pattern books and the shipping databases, I created others relating
to textile occupations, the Irish yarn trade, John Taylor s yarn factoring business in
Muspole Street, Stannard Taylor s European and South American trade in Norwich
stuffs, the Gurneys marine insurance business which covered textile exports,
prosecutions of spinners, reelers and putters out, the work of weavers, and so on.
To add to this work, David Cubitt generously sent me many articles he had
transcribed from the local press concerning various trades from hotpresser to heavel
and sley (heddle and reed) maker, to dyer, and to weaver.
Pattern books in the V A, the Netherlands and Sweden have added to my knowledge
of the subject, as did a month last year at the Winterthur Museum, Gardens and
Library in Delaware, U.S.A, on a research fellowship to study a half dozen Norwich
pattern books and many business records held there. Until then I had very little
Other Relevant Explanations Of Vedic Astrology
Other Relevant Explanations
Vedic astrology further classifies human life span according planetary periods called
Dashas, both Main (Maha) and Sub (Antar or Bukti) periods. Knowing a particular
planetary Dasha helps us determine the quality of the time concerned, vis a vis the
influence of the major transits of planets during that Dasha period.
Currently you are subject to Shani (Saturn) Maha Dasa which began on June 2004
and goes on until June 2023. Prior to this, you were subject to Jupiter or Guru
Maha Dasa for 16years from June 1988 until June 2004. The 16 years of Guru Dasa
would have provided you with marriage, gains, financial assets, children and
successful family life. During this period your overall position in life, including ...
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Further, Shani s malefic expression affecting marriage and spouse is because; in
your horoscope Guru (Jupiter ) denotes spouse. And among significations in a family
or relationship Ravi (Surya/Sun) denotes the official or socially recognized position
for the male spouse. Now Shani is a bitter enemy of Surya (Sun). Hence, between
2004 and 2007 when transit Saturn (Gochara Shani) enters your 3rd house of
communication he afflicts natal Guru who sits in your 3rd house. Now according to
Jyotish classification natal Guru clearly denotes your spouse. Hence, by virtue of
transit Shani s entry into your 3rd house from May 2004 and October 2006, he
negatively conjuncts with natal Guru afflicting communication and martial harmony
between you and your husband.
Note: in the natural zodiac 3rd house denotes communication. And in the Vedic
system of significations Guru(Jupiter) denotes spouse in a female s chart. Now in
your horoscope 3rd house is also the sign of Cancer or Kataka. And Kataka is ruled
by Chandra (Moon). And in Jyotish Moon denotes our mind. Therefore, without a
shadow of doubt the entry of Gochara Shani upon the house of communication will
inflict his poison upon the mind of the spouses; causing separation and affliction of
Next between October 2006 and September 2009 Gochara Shani enters your 4th
house denoting home, bonds of attachments and legal ties. Now your 4th house is the
sign of
Nucor Corporation in 2001 Essay
Nucor Corporation in 2001
Nucor s History
Nucor Corporation is the second largest steel producer in the United States and has
had net sales of $4.6 billion in 2000. Nucor recycles approximately 10 million tons
of scrap steel. It operates in 9 states and produces carbon and alloy steel in bars,
beams, sheet, and plate; steel joists and joist girders; steel deck; cold finished steel;
steel fasteners; metal building systems; and light gauge steel framing. The company
emerged from near Bankruptcy in 1966 to become one of the fastest growing steel.
Despite the recession in 1991, Nucor grew into one of the biggest and best known
global producers of steel.
Nucor s origins are with auto manufacturer Ransom E. Olds, who founded Oldsmobile
... Show more content on ...
The company is highly decentralized, with most day to day operating decisions made
by the division general managers and their staff. Nucor is committed to
uncompromising quality, responsive service, and competitive pricing through
dedication to the customer, and concentration on productivity from a highly
motivated work force.
Analysis and evaluation
Dominant Economic Characteristics of the Steel Industry Environment
The steel industry worldwide has a huge excess capacity, forcing many companies to
operate in red. An unprecedented number of steel producers have filed for
bankruptcy. Among them are Bethlehem Steel Corporation and LTV, who were the
country s third and fourth largest steel producers respectively. With a lot of world s
economies in recession in late nineties, there was a surge in the import of steel. With
unfair subsidies from their governments, foreign steel producers were dumping steel
in the U.S. market at cut rate prices. In 1999, the United States had decided not to
impose any import restrictions.
With 75% capacity utilization, a level too low for many companies, three European
companies decided to merge to form the world s largest steel producer. Two
Japanese companies did the same to form the second largest steel producer. These
new mega steelmakers could easily outmuscle their U.S. competitors. The largest
steel producer in the US, USX U.S. Steel group was already at number 11, with a
threat of falling
Socrates Paper
PHI 150
Socrates Paper
Socrates is believed to be one of the greatest philosophers of all time and he is
credited as being the founder of western philosophy. This paper will explain some of
his views to the most fundamental questions of today s age. These questions will
include topics about morality, the human condition, solution, and death. After Socrates
views on these topics are explained, a critique will be done on his answers. I will
start out by explaining exactly who Socrates is, and the time that he lived in. To start
out, we will first examine Socrates view on morality.
There are many questions that could be asked about the topic of morality. Questions
like, what are the central moral principles, who is the ... Show more content on ...
It interferes and holds back the soul s search for the truth and causes all bad things in
the world. It is not necessarily the physical body itself, as much as it is the desires
that it brings with it.
With the question of human condition being answered, Socrates now can answer
another one of our fundamental questions. This question is Solution. Solution
proposes a way to fix what has gone with the world and mankind. In Socrates eyes,
the world s greatest problem was the attachment to the human body. He proposes that
this can be fixed by detaching oneself from the body. Socrates partially explains
this by saying It seems that so long as we are alive, we shall keep as close as
possible to knowledge if we avoid as much as we can all contact and association
with the body, except when absolutely necessary; and instead of allowing ourselves
to become infected with its nature, purify ourselves from it until God himself gives
us deliverance. In this way, by keeping ourselves uncontaminated by the follies of
the body, we shall probably reach the company of others like ourselves and gain
direct knowledge of all that is pure and uncontaminated that is, presumably, of Truth.
(Phaedo 67a b). Socrates also talks about the importance of purification of the mind
as another solution, which ends up coming back to the separation of the soul from the
body. This can be seen when Socrates
Researching Socratic Pedagogy and Education in Plato s...
Researching Socratic Pedagogy and Education in Plato s Republic
ABSTRACT: Though Plato never wrote a dialogue that explicitly asks, What is
education? , few argue that he is uninterested in the subject; after all, Plato, like
Socrates, was a teacher. In his magnum opus, the Republic, Plato deals with
education repeatedly. The eduction of the guardian class and the allegory of the cave
present two landmark pedagogical passages. Yet to catch a glimpseof Socratic
pedagogy, we must first sift through the intricacies of dialogue. In addition to the
complexity inherent in dramatic context, it seems clear that Socrates remarks are
often steeped in irony. Thus, we stumble upon a problem: how should we read these
passages on education? Does ... Show more content on ...
The first portion of this paper will analyze various dramatic elements that indicate
Socrates ironic intent with respect to the education of the guardians. The second
portion will focus on the allegory of the cave as Socrates genuine conception of ideal
paideia (or education).
II. Dramatic Context and the Introduction of Irony
A. Conventional Irony
Unfortunately perhaps, we cannot look at Plato s treatise on education to learn about
his educational theory because he does not write analytical treatises. Instead, Plato
employs written dialogues to inspire philosophical insight in his students. In light of
Plato s dialogical style, the dramatic context introduces new complexities to the
project of figuring out Socratic pedagogy.
While many may find Plato s drama a refreshing alternative to the dry argumentation
of a treatise, it is likely that Plato s purposes are not limited to reading ease. In fact,
in many ways the use of drama makes reading Plato a great deal more complex. Plato
certainly makes use of arguments, yet frames them in real life contexts. Thus, the
reader must consider not only the nuances of argumentation, but also the characters
abilities and motives behind presenting the argument in a particular way. So the
argument should not necessarily be taken at face value; instead, such
Chemistry Synthesis Essay
The activity was separated into 4 parts concerning 5 different groups of elements. In
the first part, we had identified the physical state, the color, and the solubility in
water of the Carbonates of I A and II A Elements. The elements Na2 Co3, Li2 CO3,
Mg CO3, Ca CO3 had a powdery appearance while Ba CO3 had a ball shape
appearance and K2 CO3 had a wet, granule appearance. All of the elements stated
have a white color. The elements Na2 Co3, Li2 CO3, K2 CO3 were soluble to water
while Mg CO3 Ca CO3 Ba CO3 were not. For the second part, we had identified the
physical state and the color of some of the Group IV A Elements. Carbon had a
powdery appearance and it is black in color. Silicon had a ball shaped appearance and
it is countable and it is pinkish white in color.... Show more content on ...
Lead has a ball shaped appearance and it is gray in color. For the third part, we had
a group of elements, Group II A Metal Oxides, undergo the litmus paper test and
identified its chemical equation. MgO,CaO ,BaO all had the same results on the
test, with all having Red в†’ Blue, Blue в†’ Blue results resulting having almost the
same chemical equations with MgO having MgO + H2O в†’ Mg(OH)2 , CaO having
CaO + H2O в†’ Ca(OH)2 and BaO having Ba + H2O в†’ Ba(OH)2. As for the last
part, we had a different group of elements, Group V A Nonmetal Oxides, undergo
the litmus paper test and identified its chemical equation. The elements P2O5,
Sb2O3 did not undergo any change so there is no need for a chemical equation while
Nitric acid + Copper changed color from blue to red so it s chemical equation is
4HNO3 + Cu в†’ Cu(NO3)2 + 2H2O +
Gwendolyn Brooks As A Poet
Gwendolyn Brooks was born in Topeka, Kansas on June 7, 1917, to her parents
David and Keziah Brooks, after her birth, the Brooks decided to move the family
to the South Side of Chicago. Where Brooks grew up and lived the rest of her life
there, there Brooks would experience racial prejudice in school. The young poet
found comfort in reading and writing, which her parents actively encouraged Brooks
mother declared to her, that she is going to be a poet.
Brooks published her first poem Eventide at age thirteen in American Childhood
magazine. At age sixteen, she met Langston Hughes, who gave her words of
encouragement after reading her poems at a poetry reading. In 1934, Brooks
graduated from an integrated high school with a career at the Chicago Defender. Soon
after graduating from Wilson Junior College in 1936, Brooks worked some odd jobs
as a housekeeper and a secretary for a crime and drug infested slums known as the
Mecca, operated by spiritual impostor. Brooks later recalled both of these painfully
degrading job experiences in her poetry.
However, these experiences encourage Brooks to join the NAACP Youth Council
in 1938, where she met Henry Lowington Blakely II and married in 1939. Blakely
and Brooks bore a son Blakely, Jr., and daughter Nora; Brooks continued to mentor
for young poets, and sponsored workshops and poetry contest.
In the early 1960s, Brooks expanded into teaching at numerous colleges and
universities. In 1985, the Library of Congress appointed
Analysis of Athol Fugard s Master Harold . . . and the...
Analysis of Athol Fugard s Master Harold . . . and the Boys
It s a bloody awful world when you come to think of it. People can be real bastards.
(Hally, pp. 15) Master Harold ... and the boys by Athol Fugard, is an informative
text about the relationship between Hally, a 17 year old white boy, and Sam and
Willie, two black men. As Hally falls victim to the attitudes of white supremacy and
racial intolerances accompanying the Apartheid policy of the 1950 s, their lifelong
friendship is destroyed. This bloody awful world referred to in the above quote is
perpetuated by ignorance and the passiveness of its participants. One way to change
these intolerances is through the delivery of a liberal education, the purpose of which
is to ... Show more content on ...
What is life? (Hally, pp. 40) Thus the injustice of such prejudice is highlighted as
the white Hally is revealed to be the black Sam s intellectual inferior. Racial
segregation, which forms the basis of the Apartheid policy, perpetuates the notion
of white supremacy and is an issue which effectively prevents the South African
society from becoming a world without collisions . This is explicitly reflected in
the flying of the kite, a metaphor that conveys how the obstacle of segregation can
be overcome to form racial harmony. Initially the kite s successful flight implies to
the reader that this barrier has been overcome. However the fact that Sam is unable
to join Hally on the whites only bench in latter stages of the text indicates how the
policies of Apartheid can split friendships in half. A similar example of racial
segregation is witnessed when Hally and Sam are reminiscing their days in the
Jubilee Boarding House: I got another rowing for hanging around the servants
quarters. (Hally, pp. 25) Hence the play is An intrepid social reformer will bot be
daunted by the magnitude of the task he has undertaken. (pp. 17)The above quote
uttered by Hally, from Athol Fugard s MasterHarold ... and the boys, addresses the
importance of social reform . One vital area in which this can be achieved is through
the teaching of a broad based educational curriculum, where
A Comparison Of Elia Kazan And Arthur Miller
The Crucible is a 1950 s dramatized play based on the Salem Witch Trials that were
held in the late 1600 s. Elia Kazan and Arthur Miller both played major roles in the
creation of the play. Miller wrote the play, while Kazan directed it. They were an
excellent team. Their close relationship is was shaped the play into something
extraordinary. They used new techniques to capture the recreation of the trials. The
two were ahead of their time; this caused jealousy amongst their peers. Elia was
described by The New York Times as, one of the most honored and influential
directors in Broadway and Hollywood history. (The New York Times) Miller didn t
receive as much publicity at first but that all changed soon after. They challenged
each other to work harder to perfect their craft. They also encouraged the other to
be the best possible version. When one improved it only sparked a fire in the other
to push themselves harder. Elia was raised in an incredibly family oriented Greek
household. He attended Yale and was continuously pushed to achieve greatness.
However, he never did anything without having a connection with the work. He had
strong morals and did his best not to stray from them. This was definitely seen
throughout his career. On the other hand, Arthur was raised by an incredibly wealthy
family but lost everything during the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Miller had to
completely reinvent himself. This drove him to want to work for everything he has.
Memoir Saying Farewell To A Faithful Pal Analysis
Animals in our Human World
Internal and external forces can make a big difference in our lives. If having a
friend or someone who you can rely on is nearby, then it ll be fun. Every new
experience can make a person change; sometimes the change is positive, and other
times it is negative. Either way, there is no avoiding change. Animals are helpful,
hardworking, and unique. In Memoir, Saying Farewell to a Faithful Pal by John
Grogan describes the time their pet dog was helpful. The quote in the story that their
dog is helpful to them is When i bought my wife home from the doctor after a
miscarriage, that wild beast gently rested his blocky head in her lap and just
whimpered (Grogan, pg 155, pp 11). The quotes from the story prove that their dog
is trying to comfort the owner because dogs sometimes can smell someone s
emotion or they know if their owner is sad. This animal impact change the person in
the story because comforting someone is helpful to them and can make them feel
happy. Although dogs helping someone is very hardworking. It s like trying their
best to make their owner happy so that s why they are working hard. ... Show more
content on ...
The quote in the story that shows that animals are hardworking is Having a job to do
is a part of their nature; it s who they are (Grandin, pg 155, pp 3). The author explains
how job is part of their nature and how mix breeds were built for work. The author
also explains how the owner s life changes because of her dog, A dog named Max
helped her owner to cure her diabetes, but sadly the owner died. Losing someone is
sad, especially for Max because he is part of the owner s family and because they are
The Aerospace And Defense Industry
Companies in the aerospace industry require high capital investment and new
innovated technology. Some key ratios in the aerospace and defense industry
include the current ratio, the debt to equity ratio, working capital ratio, and capital
expenditures to sales. These financial ratios measure how firms leverage debt, how
capable a company is of paying its obligations, and how much a company invests to
facilitate growth. The table below shows 2014 financial data for 1,400 large,
medium, and small company sizes within the aerospaceindustry (Hoovers, 2015).
Additionally, the cash flows in the aerospace and defense industry are generally
not a concern because contracts are paid based on a percentage of completion and
cost plus (Hoovers, 2015). A cost plus contract is when a contractor pays all of its
required expenses plus more to make profit. Manufacturers do not get paid until
they have completed and delivered the products (Hoovers, 2015). Another key
metric in the industry is the working capital turnover ratio. The working capital
turnover ratio is nearly thirty percent. This shows the aerospace industry is
capable of using its working capital to generate sales. The industry relies heavily on
commercial air traffic and military defense spending (Hoovers, 2015). The average
days for accounts receivable sales is 53 days, which is typical (Hoovers, 2015).
Inventory turnover is also important for this industry because it is critical to see how
many aerospace products
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterants
New York City is home to over between 200,000 veterans whom fought wars since
Vietnam. The numbers have been increasing since the drawback of troops in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Programs that service our veterans have been granted by the
Department of Veterans Affairs to assist veterans. Since the Wars began, issues arose
in the veteran community like unemployment, mental health such as PTSD (post
traumatic stress disease), and veteran without a home. Throughout the five boroughs
of New York Citythe issues can be seen and the problems found here are not because
of the instability of the economy. It is because of the high cost of living and politics
the City of New York.
One the problems facing veterans is the misconception to a large extent of mental
health issues. The studies of post traumatic stress disorder affects over 15 percent
of veterans returning from the Middle East and another 16 percent are diagnosed
with something called TBI (traumatic brain injury). Traumatic brain injury is
usually cause by an IED (improvised explosive devices) during Operation Enduring
Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom against foreign enemies. PTSD (post
traumatic stress disorder) is normally caused by traumatic events like war in
veterans who can t handle the stress of seeing someone shot, blown to pieces, and
friends in their arms dying. Reports of veterans still experiencing some symptoms of
PTSD from the Vietnam War and this issues is long term.
In many cases with the mental health in our
United States Border Patrol Research
The border patrol has been a major problem for many decades concerning illicit drugs
entering into the United States (Levinthal, 2012). Controlling the importation of
illicit drugs is not an easy task. Statistics confirm the combined United States border
stretches approximately 7,000 miles (Levinthal, 2012). The amount of government
officials needed to monitor the importation of illicit drugs is unimaginable. Moreover,
the government has designated four agencies to reduce the interdiction of drugs
entering into United Statesterritory. The four agencies for reducing illicit drugcontrol
in the United States, includes (1) DEA, (2) the U.S. Customs Border Protection
Agency, (3) the U.S. Coast Guard, and (4) the U.S. military (Levinthal, 2012).... Show
more content on ...
Coast Guard and is known as the leading marine drug interdiction (Levinthal, 2012).
Drug traffickers use marine passages for importing drugs from overseas (Levinthal,
2012). According to Levinthal (2012), statistics report six million illicit drugs arrive
by sea. In addition, a new method drug traffickers are using to import by sea is the
use of semi subs, which can carry up to twelve metric tons of cargo (Levinthal, 2012).
In 2008, the Coast Guard seized seven metric tons of Columbian cocaine due to Coast
Guard s using helicopters and shooting the vessel down (Levinthal, 2012). In
addition, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (1999) notes, The interagency
mission is to reduce the supply of drugs from source countries by denying smugglers
the use of air and maritime routes in the transit zone. Finally, the last effort which the
government utilizes to combat interdiction is through the U.S. Military (Levinthal,
2012). The U.S. Military is proactive in the enforcement of illicit drug interdiction
(Levinthal, 2012). The military is completely on board with law enforcement
agencies, as well as, working with governments abroad (Levinthal, 2012). The
benefits that military personnel provide include, intelligence, planning, foreign
knowledge, which allow other agencies to complete the actions needed for
interdiction of the illicit drug trafficking (Levinthal,
Rob Kardashian In The 1950 s
Tyga has realized that Rob Kardashian is not going anywhere and he s going ot be
a part of his and Blac Chyna s son King Cairo s life, so the rapper wants to make
sure that the Arthur George socks owner knows the rules and abide them. Tyga told
Rob straight up that he s King s dad and no one will replace him, the source told
HollywoodLife exclusively. Tyga laid down the law with Rob, setting some ground
rules. He told Rob he doesn t want him smoking, cursing, and most importantly,
kissing or doing anything sexual with Blac in front of King. The 26 year old on and
off boyfriend of Kylie Jenner is trying to protect his innocent son with all their
relationship drama. Although it s not his intention to control Kardashian s relationship

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Mla Citation For An Essay

  • 1. Mla Citation For An Essay Writing an essay on the topic of MLA citation for an essay may initially seem like a straightforward task, but delving into the intricacies of the Modern Language Association (MLA) citation style can make it more challenging than anticipated. The MLA citation system is known for its meticulous guidelines, which encompass various aspects such as formatting, in- text citations, and the Works Cited page. To begin with, mastering the art of proper citation involves understanding the specific rules governing the inclusion of author names, titles, publication dates, and page numbers in the text. Accurate citation placement is crucial to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original sources. Navigating through the various types of sources, including books, articles, online resources, and more, adds another layer of complexity. The meticulous nature of the MLA format requires attention to detail, making it essential to adhere to specific guidelines for punctuation, italics, and capitalization. The proper structuring of the Works Cited page further demands precision, as each entry must follow a standardized format. Moreover, staying updated with the latest editions of the MLA Handbook is essential, as citation guidelines may evolve over time. As a result, writers need to invest time in familiarizing themselves with the latest changes and adapting their essays accordingly. Despite the challenges, writing an essay on MLA citation for an essay is an opportunity to enhance one's research and academic writing skills. It encourages a deeper understanding of the importance of citation in scholarly work and fosters a commitment to academic integrity. In conclusion, crafting an essay on the intricacies of MLA citation requires careful attention to detail, a thorough understanding of the MLA guidelines, and a commitment to staying current with any updates. While challenging, the process ultimately contributes to the development of valuable skills in academic writing and research. For assistance with similar essays and more, professional writing services can be explored. These services offer support for a variety of topics and formats, providing a helping hand to those seeking guidance in their academic endeavors. Mla Citation For An Essay Mla Citation For An Essay
  • 2. Essay About Burj Khalifa Khalifa Tower skyscraper located in the Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates and Burj Al Khalifa is the highest building built by man and the tallest tower in the world at altitudes of 828 meters. Began construction in the Emirate of Dubai, United Arab Emirates September 21, 2004 was the completion of restructuring of State in the first of October 2009, and formally opened on January 4, 2010, to become the world s highest building immediately replace the Taipei 101in Taiwan Properties The top of the tower includes a balcony view open to the public, and also the highest mosque, the higher the restaurant, and the highest swimming pool, as well as the numbers belonging to components of the tower, which co implemented by about 12 thousand ... Show more content on ... This entire episode takes place in one minute. I am still wondering what exactly has happened. The walk leading up to the Burj Khalifa is an amazing experience. There s this dark hallway with moving images that depict Dubai s transformation from past to present. This reminds me of Harry Potter paintings that move. The view from the top is good during the day, but we specifically choose to visit in the evening because the city is simply spectacular at night. In the picture below, the tall building is the famous The Address Hotel. The structure on the lower left of the pictuThe view from the top is good during the day, but we specifically choose to visit in the evening because the city is simply spectacular at night. In the picture below, the tall building is the famous The Address Hotel. The structure on the lower left of the picture is Dubai Mallre is Dubai Mall . If you re in Dubai, don t miss going At The Top. in the last .. i like to say for my friend to vist this most beautiful tower in the world and tallest tower in the world . i like this burj so much and i think if u vist this tower u will also like it . so if you went to dubai Don t forget to vist this tower
  • 3. Jamie Oliver Essay Part A 1.Introduction Entrepreneur is a person who habitually creates and innovates something with recognised value and seizes the opportunities to convert them to marketable ideas (Bolton Thompson, 2004). Kuratko (2009) describes entrepreneurship as a process of vision and creation that requires an application of energy and passion towards the creation and implantation of new ideas and creative solutions. For this assignment, my chosen entrepreneur is Jamie Oliver. I will be using his biography and three other articles to analyse his personal, sociological and environmental antecedents. 2.Background of Entrepreneur Jamie Oliver was born in Essex, England where he frequently helped out in his parent s restaurant called The Cricketers, ... Show more content on ... People with high internal locus of control believe that events result mainly from themselves and not based on luck or fate (Schaper, et al., 2014). Therefore, for me to success in running the business, I must believe that I can control the events in my life and not give up halfway. Thirdly, effective entrepreneurs have a strong desire to know how well they are doing and how can they improve their performance. According to Kuratko (2009), feedback is also central to their learning from mistakes and setbacks. Therefore, in running my business, I have to actively seek feedback from customers and learn from these mistakes. Fourthly, successful entrepreneurs are those who learn to manage, calculate and transfer some risks to others (Schaper, et al., 2014). Therefore, I need to learn how to manage risks and view some of this risk as an opportunity in running the business. Lastly, Shapero and Sokol (1982) stated that family plays the most important role in forming the desirability and trustworthiness of the entrepreneurial action. Therefore, with the support from my family, I believe that I am able to start a company
  • 4. Organizational Management and Operations Organizational Management and Operations CJA 484 February 2, 2014 Nicholas Barbella Organizational Management and Operations The subject to describe is policing organizations at various levels. The author will identify, compare, and contrast the policing function at the local, state, and federal organizational levels (CJA/484 Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). The author will analyze how the organizational, management, administration, and operational functions at the local, state, and federal levels are similar or different and why (CJA/484 Criminal Justice Administration Capstone). The leadership characteristics and responsibilities pertaining to each organizational level will be identified (CJA Criminal ... Show more content on ... Many universities and college campuses opt out of government agency officers and choose to have private security of their choice. Private security firms include private agencies security personnel, which is privately employed by the firm as part or full time employees. The roles and responsibilities of these officers are patrolling and providing protection at public and private housing complexes, office complexes, malls, gaming officers and investigators, loss prevention specialists, patrol services, and armored patrol services. Different from police agencies the private security agencies focus on more than crime they deal with property, consumer satisfaction, and personal assets. The private police organizations can ban people from establishments, fire employees, and pursue prosecution in criminal courts. Also included in private security is the red light and speed enforced cameras designed to ticket people caught speeding and running red lights Walker Katz, (2008). State law enforcement agencies consist of three categories: state investigative agencies, highway patrols, and state police. State police have statewide police powers for criminal investigations and traffic regulation. Highway patrol officers have the right to arrest non traffic violators within their jurisdiction and enforce traffic regulations statewide. State law enforcement
  • 5. Jordan Dbq Essay Introduction: Fighting and finishing Israel is of most importance to maintain our position in the Arab world. The republic of Jordan after the six day war against Israel had lost a lot of territory including the west bank, which was a big chunk of land, which Jordan had. According to new testaments Jordans King Hussein made it clear to Prime Minister Golda Meir that he must do so as to preserve his position in the Arab world, and asked Israelnot to attack Jordan. Since Jordan was a part of the Arabic community of countries it had to make a decision to fight with them or to let this war pass. Jordan making the correct decision made a final decision and decided that they were not going to attack Israel because they came to a conclusion that if they did they would loose more land. When Syria went at war Jordan had no other choice but to send men to aid and help out his brother countries. But as soon as Jordan took the action of sending 500 men and artillery to Syria and Egypt but every time their men were going take some kind of action they would acted slowly and cautiously if they could. Jordan as a whole really did want to get into a war with Israel they just had to pretend they were so, so they would be still in the Arabic community. Argument Number One: The point ... Show more content on ... The delegation of Jordan would support any member of the Arabic Union who wants to fight against those who call their land the land of god when it s actually the land of Muhammad but will not send a single men in the battle field with out a good strategy plans and allies so we wont send poor men their just to die. The Delegation of Jordan does wants to make clear though that Jordan does not want to fight Israel it is an obligation so Jordan could stay in the Arab
  • 6. Titi Monkeys While some Neotropical primate species use the forest floor extensively, others tend to exploit the ground only when necessary. A recent overview of ground use by Pitheciidae covered Pitheciinae (uacaris Cacajao, cuxius Chiropotes and sakis Pithecia), but did not include titi monkeys (Callicebiinae: Callicebus, Cheracebus and Plecturocebus). However, unlike the generally high canopy Pitheciinae, members of the Callibiinae often use low forest strata and disturbed fragments, putting them in closer contact with the ground, but the terrestrial repertoire of this group is so far unknown. We provide a comprehensive review that combines existing literature with unpublished data and field observations of terrestrial behavior to encompass a total of 72 titi monkeystudies from 55 locations in South America.... Show more content on ... We investigated whether terrestrial behavior in titi monkeys is affected by study duration, group habituation, fruit availability, presence/absence of humans and predators, and forest height. Titi monkeys used the ground to perform many standard activities, such as resting, moving, feeding, and geophagy, as well as to disperse between forest
  • 7. Coral Reefs In Florida Coral Reefs In the United States, Florida is the only state that has coral reefs that form near the coast. It runs along the east coast from Stuart, located in Martin County, to the Dry Tortugas which are located in the Gulf of Mexico. Along the chain of the Florida Keys is where most of the living coral reefs are also located in the Everglades. Coral reef development occurs only in areas with specific environmental characteristics: a solid structure for attachment, relatively warm water temperatures, clear waters low in phosphate and moderate wave action to disperse wastes and bring oxygen and brings oxygen and plankton to the reef. ( Coral reefs play an essential part in the ecosystem. They support the biodiversity
  • 8. An Organization s Strategic Business Units To evaluate an organization s Strategic Business Units (SBU), the Boston Consulting Group developed a portfolio performance framework. Initially starting with the firm s organizational mission and its need to make necessary steps towards making strategies for its SBU to run smoothly with equal importance it gets on the basis of its output generation and few other aspects. A firm takes series of steps to make its strategies successful. At first firm clearly define its organizational mission It is the long term commitment to a specific type of business and a place it has in the market. Then, it establishes strategic business units (SBUs), self contained divisions, product lines, or product departments with specific market focuses and... Show more content on ... That simple question requires firm in depth knowledge of its SBU s and limitation that possess by each planning tool. Coming towards the core, evaluation of SBU and performance tool that is made by Boston consulting group. Simple pictorial illustration Resources of business properly allocated to business unit where they are located in the grid. Cash Cow a business having high market share in mature market it has a lot of marginal profit and can generate lot of cash flow. Cash cow are the products businesses usually strive for. Star a business having high market share in growing market. Stars may generate cash, but because the market is growing rapidly they require investment to maintain their
  • 9. The Atchafalaya River The formation of the Atchafalaya River is nothing short of remarkable. Alongside the regulatory systems, the Atchafalaya is responsible for the delicate water balance of the Atchafalaya and the Mississippi River. The Atchafalaya River is one of the largest tributaries to the Southern Louisiana swamps and bayous. The formation of the Atchafalaya River takes place over a millennia. Over a thousand years ago, the Atchafalaya River didn t even exist. It was only the Red River that ran parallel to the Mississippi River. Over the next 500 years, the Mississippi River would change course and create a small westward turn. Overtime this small turn would grow into a large turn be named Turnbull s Bend. Turnbull s bend eventually intersected the Red... Show more content on ... The nose of the Louisiana black bear is longer, narrower and flatter than its relative, the American Black Bear. The Louisiana black bear also has large molar teeth. The Louisiana black bear is one of sixteen subspecies of the American black bear. It is also the state mammal of Louisiana. It was chosen due to its significance in the state wildlife. It is truly a magnificent creature. Male Louisiana black bears weigh between two hundred fifty and four hundred pounds. They also grow up to six feet in length. Females are much smaller. The bears live mainly off of berries and acorns and are not predators but will defend themselves in the presence of
  • 10. Venice Research Paper The history of the venetian republic goes as far back as the founding of Venice on the 25th of March 421. At that time, Celtic people who were called the Veneti lived along the coast of what is now called Northeast Italy. Since 49 BC they were Roman citizens. Throughout times, Venice played a huge role in the reopening of the Mediterranean economy to West European commerce and developing links with Northern Europe. The city of Venice was the most successful of the North Italian city in creating and maintaining a republic domination by a merchant capitalist and could guarantee its freedom from exactions by feudal landlords and monarchs. As well as the typical locals, Venice was a tolerant and nonspiritual state where foreign merchants such... Show more content on ... Our normal American made ice cream are heavy on the cream and have a huge fat content of about ten percent. Gelato, by comparison, uses more milk that cream, so it doesn t have nearly as much fat. Additionally, it usually uses fewer egg yolks which is another source of fat. Tasting the gelato in the different cities, I thought that it was going to taste the same, however, it did not. While in Venice the gelato was a lot less favorable whereas in Bassano del Grappa and Bologna, the gelato was very rich and the fruity flavors were made directly from the fruits. While researching about why this occurs, I found that the gelato is churned at a slower speed, which introduces less air into the base allowing it to taste richer than the American style ice cream. The American style ice cream are churned faster and are hard to whip in plenty of air which is classes overrun, aided by the high proportion of cream in the
  • 11. History Of An Atom. In This Day And Age, Almost Every... History of an Atom In this day and age, almost every educated middle school student would be able to sketch and label a given diagram of an atom. However, still to this day, not one human has seen what an atom looks like. Our current atomic model, the same one in which you most likely learnt in 5th grade, is really just an educated theory, comprised of years of experimental trials and errors. In fact, the original four elements, introduced by ancient philosopher Aristotle: Fire Air, Water, and Earth, were once believed the only elements forming natural matter. Although frowned upon by the ancient Greek society, philosophers Leucippus and Democritus developed their own theoretical understanding of nature. Their theory concluded that every ... Show more content on ... His diagram quickly gained the label plum pudding, as the electrons similarly resembled the plum slices inside of a pudding. 1909: Ernest Rutherford The atomic model evolved to a familiar diagram following the results of Rutherford s popular gold foil experiment. Essentially, a student of Rutherford s class had been examining the possible pattern of positively charged particles contacting the element of gold. While filming the student s examination, Rutherford noticed that most of the particles flew straight through, and only a tiny portion either bounced straight back or off of an angle. If Thomson s model was correct, all of the radium particles should have bounced off of the foil however, they did not. This led Rutherford to believe that the positive charge of an atom is not equal to the whole of an atom, but rather an even smaller core, located in the middle of the atom, surrounded by the negatively charged electrons. He concluded that the atom is mostly empty space, and that most of the atoms mass came from the small central core which he declared the nucleus. 1913: Niels Bohr Niels Bohr, a former student of Rutherford, proposed his own theory: the quantum theory. Furthering Rutherford s model, Bohr insisted that electrons spin around the nucleus in fixed orbits , such as planets around the sun. The outer inner orbit/s have only a certain amount of constant energy,
  • 12. Curb Comparison Paper 1- Effective Biblical Counseling LIBERTY BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Comparison Paper 1: Effective Biblical Counseling by Larry Crabb Submitted to Dr. Jaeduk Kim, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course 201520 Spring 2015 PACO 507 D02 LUO Theology and Spirituality in Counseling By Shonda M. Curb March 26, 2015 Comparison Paper 1 In Effective Biblical Counseling the author, Larry Crabb (1977), develops a biblical counseling model designed to assist the Christian counselor. The purpose of this comparison paper is to detail the model of the author through several segments that expound on the foundational constructs and implications of the authors theory. Following the summary, this paper will conclude with a practical... Show more content on ... Step 5 requires the client to commit to acting on the learned biblical assumption. The cure for doubt is obedience (p. 156). In step six, the client is asked to plan and carry out biblical behavior. Finally, step seven is to identify the presence of Spirit controlled feelings (p. 157). Balance of Theology and Spirituality Throughout the book, the author carefully details the need for balance between theology and spirituality, and psychology and Christianity. Though the author discusses methods and approaches that are spiritual but based on a strong theological foundation. Nothing is more crucial to an effective Christian life that a clear awareness of its foundation (p. 25). Essentially Crabb (1977) maintains that spirituality is a product of the correct thinking associated with strong theological foundation. Human Personality The author details the personality structure of humanity that is described by identifying the functioning parts. These five parts include the conscious mind, the unconscious mind, the heart, the will and the emotions. The conscious mind controls the perception and evaluation of the events in the mind. The unconscious mind houses the basic assumptions. The heart represents direction. The will identifies a person s behavior. Finally, the emotions of an individual detail the capacity for feelings. Counselor s Function and Role
  • 13. Rhetorical Analysis Of Ezra Pound s His Philosophy And... Ezra Pound was one of the most famous and influential figures in the Modernist literature movement. Make it new was his philosophy and the rallying cry for Modernist literature. Whilst the Modernists tried to capture the new by a persistent experimentalism , it rejected the traditional (Victorian and Edwardian) framework of narrative, description, and rational exposition in poetry and prose . Modernist literaturenot only rejected the old in terms of form, but also in subject matter Modernismbegan to focus more on the self, on the internal dialogue. Whilst Post Modernism is much harder to define, one thing that is prolific in Postmodern literature is the re working and imitation of the past in the form of parody and pastiche. What I find interesting is that whilst Modernist were driven by the desire to create something new, they were mostly benighted traditionalists that were reacting to the change around them. The Postmodernists however, were not lamenting change but using literature in a way that hoped to stimulate it. I am going to look at this with a specific focus on The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot and The Crying Lot of 49 by Thomas Pynchon. Of course neither Modernist Literature nor Postmodernist literature existed in a vacuum. They were both parts of wider movements as a whole The Modernist movement and the Postmodernist movement. The Modernist period occurred during a time of great change rapid industrialisation and new media which disrupted the class
  • 14. What Is The Main Conflict Of Where The Red Corn Grows Test Where the Red Fern Grows Test 1. a) The point of view in a book is how the author tells the story. b) First person 2. Billy s mother is religious, caring and harsh. Billy s mother is religious because Billy came to her first when he had questions on whether God had helped him or not. Billy s is caring because she worried so much about Billy on his first coon hunt. Finally, Billy s mother is harsh because she hit him bad after he scared the family when he found his first coon. 3. Billy s grandfather helps Billy very generously. He orders the dogs for billy, he taught Billy some hunting tricks and he enters Billy into the coon hunting tournament. 4. a) The main conflict of Where the Red Furn grows is Man versus Self b) Billy wins the conflict. ... Show more content on ... a) Billy, Mrs. Pritchard and her hound are the characters in the passage. b) Mrs. Pritchard is arranging the flowers on Rubin s grave. c) The event takes place next to the Pritchard s house. d) It takes place a little bit after Rubin s death. e) Billy learns that Mrs. Pritchard is appreciative of the flowers and that he should always respect the graves of the dead 2. a) Billy is the only character in the passage. b) Billy is about to go back to work when he hears a breeze swaying through the big sycamore. He notices that the breeze does not even touch a big black gum tree to his right. c) Right next to the big sycamore tree where his dogs treed their first coon. d) It takes place right after he gets his dogs and goes on his first coon hunt. e) Billy learns that God is always with him. Learning that God s presence is with him helps Billy to mature as a man of God. 3. a) Billy and a gang of ragamuffin kids. b) The kids circle around Billy and start teasing him because of his dogs. c) In the streets of the town of Taheluqh. d) Right after he gets his dogs e) He learns that people could attack you for anything you stand for and you have to be ready. He learns to be tough, helping him
  • 15. Cloudstreet By Tim Winton Essay Writing from residences in countries at great distances from Australia, Winton developed a longing for his home and more specifically for an Australia of the past. His homesickness made him rediscover through his memories an Australia which he loved, which was slowing evolving into a country which was unrecognisable to his childhood. In Cloudstreet, Tim Winton reflects on Australias landscape which is quickly being turned into a suburbia which seems disjointed from natural state of the Australian land. Similarly the cultureof the Australian community and sense of camaraderie is presented as integral to an Australia which Winton is increasingly nostalgic about throughout the novel. Winton often uses the characteristics of the Australian ... Show more content on ... Oriel, va woman raised in the bosom of the Australian outback, on a farm as the primary care giver of her younger siblings, displays a stoicism which is integral in the success of her family and the shop at Cloudstreet. Each day she puts on the full armour and puts every ounce of her strength into the lives of the people around her almost to the consequence of her own sanity. Winton contrasts this to the Rose s first boyfriend, Toby Raven, a vacuous writer who is more interested in places and people who are in the know . In presenting Toby Raven as a superficial and social climbing he is making a comment on the new breed of Australians who are populating the rapidly changing Australia. Most strikingly this contrast in morals is displayed by Toby Raven s lack of decorum in mocking Rose s family back at Cloudstreet, and his inability to be responsible for deceiving his literary friends. Toby Raven and his associates represent the new breed of Australian, a type which would be all too familiar to late 20th century Tim Winton. Such is the reason why Cloudstreet is centred around the stoic and hardworking Lamb and Pickles families, individuals who embody what Winton sees as incredibly significant and more importantly typically Australian, in Tim Winton s sense of the
  • 16. Koreas Aging Society Running head: PROBLEM SOLUTION PAPER The Aging Society: How Can We Stop It? (student s name) Korea University (International Summer Campus) Writing and Presentation Skills August, 2011 What is the most critical problem that the Korean society faces today? Certainly, there are issues such as the North South relationship, the nuclear leak in Japan, and the overabundant rainfall. However, one of the most widely discussed topics in the modern Korean society is the decreasing birth rate and the increasing percentage of the older age groups. This phenomenon of the older age groups taking a bigger portion of the overall population is called the aging society. This occurrence has become one of the ... Show more content on ... This solution may sound a bit cruel to the elders. For those people who were desperately waiting for retirement, either due to physically incapability or desire to rest, the extra years added onto retirement age may sound like a torture. It may even cause people of young age groups to immigrate to different parts of the world to avoid the extensive working years in their country. Also, elders are less efficient in producing goods or providing services because of the natural health deterioration. Therefore, even if the citizens accepted the decision of increasing the retirement age, the elders may not be able to produce an expected amount of gross domestic product. However, the decrease in the number of retired people itself helps with government revenue. Although the elders may not be able to produce a sufficient amount of product to support the even older group of people, the exclusion of the moderately old people from government pension and other government expenditures helps sustain a healthy cycle in government revue. However, in order to successfully execute this plan, the Korean government would need a very strong leader that is able to convince its citizens to trust the government s decision because the increase in retirement age may enrage the general public. All in all, this simple solution can be an option to consider. Another solution that may be used to solve this problem is increasing the
  • 17. Description Of A Photo Journal Assignment This photo journal assignment was very interesting and educational. It helped me look outside the box and to really relate geography to my everyday life. My first relatable topic that I came in contact with during this assignment was the process of evaporation. At Dry Creek park in Modesto, CA, I witnessed evaporationtaking place in the creek. I have been going to this park for quite some time and in the summer, water levels decrease drastically. Evaporation is one of the four phases in the hydrologic cycle (water cycle). According to our Geosystems Eighth Edition book, Christopherson say, Water travels endlessly through the hydrosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. [...] Currents of water, vapor, ice and energy are flowing... Show more content on ... Cloud falls into is the precipitation category. Water vapor, droplets of water suspended in the air, builds up in the Earth s atmosphere. Water vapor in the atmosphere is visible as clouds and fog ( /condensation/). Precipitation the process when water is released from clouds in different types such as rain, snow, hail or sleet. My second relatable topic that I came into contact with were these beautiful stepping stones. These large stepping stones are sedimentary rock which is one of the rock types in the rock cycle. The word sedimentary means that the rocks was formed by organic minerals and different particles. This rock forming process can take many years and it starts when rocks weather and erode. This specific stepping stone that I encountered was known as chert. So how is chert formed exactly? According to Geoscience News and information (, When microcrystals of silicon dioxide grow within soft sediments that become limestone or chalk [...] when dissolved silica is transported to the formation site by the movement of groundwater. Global warming and the greenhouse effect were some of the negative topics that I researched. After further research for each topic, I became aware how I contribute to global warming. On my way to the park, I was driving my car and then it hit me. I remembered that for every gallon of gas used, our cars are accounted for 24 pounds of
  • 18. Cullen s Incident, Racism, Incident In the poem Incident , Cullen recounts his encounter with another similarly aged boy that left him desolated with a reflective, outraged, and sad tone. Cullen writes, in regard to the other Baltimorean boy, And he was no whit bigger, / And so I smiled, which proves he viewed the boy as an equal before the unfortunate experience to follow. He also writes about how, prior to meeting the boy, he was Heart filled, head filled with glee, highlighting the contrast between his emotions. He initially felt excited to be in the city; however, the encounter brought forth disappointments that would, unfortunately, enlighten him of the racismof the early 1900s. Concerning the actual incident, Cullen is very straightforward as he documents the exact
  • 19. What Kind Of Doctor I m not going to lie and say that I have always dreamt of becoming a general internist. Deciding what kind of doctor I wanted to become was the hardest decision I ve ever had to make. I ve listened to friends, family, fellow classmates and other physicians. I considered general surgery, cardiology, Emergency Medicine, OBGYN but I always came back to internal medicine. I enjoy hospital medicine and I was comforted knowing that I would still be able to pursue a fellowship after my training which didn t make me feel like I had to get on a knee and propose to any one area quite yet. Internal medicine was also the one field that I could see myself being happy working even without pursing a fellowship. I feel alive when I m in the hospital and I... Show more content on ... Growing up with my mother and sister and being the only male in my household definitely played a part in my ability to recognize my emotions. In our society, being a male is often portrayed as not acknowledging feelings and being strong emotionally, but that s not what makes a great doctor. I was fortunate to go to a medical school that stressed the importance of the humanistic aspect of medicine and instilled these principals in me. It s not womanly to care for someone and show emotion during times of loss and it s not feminine to acknowledge a patient who is upset and comfort them. However, approaching the patient humanistically can be difficult to accomplish while in the hospital. The lessons taught to me at my school and my experiences at the hospital during my internal medicine rotation During my internal medicine rotation I saw how fast the admissions piled up and it was always a challenge to get the history, make the diagnosis and make a treatment decision right then. We didn t have time to waste, we had to be quick and we had to be concise. The main worries were, did I make the correct diagnosis, did I give the appropriate medications and of course did I miss something that could be detrimental to their health? If a doctor does all of these correctly then he did a good job. The patient survived, crisis averted, now on to the next patient, right? The question is did he do a great job? What makes a doctor great in my mind is not just being a great
  • 20. Taking a Look at Cobalt 60 Cobalt 60 Cobalt 60 is one of many radioactive isotopes. It contains 33 neutrons and 27 protons. Most people have not heard of Cobalt 60 unless they are involved in chemistry or the medial field. This isotope is more common than a person thinks. It is an isotope that is useful in the medical field and other places. This paper is all about Cobalt 60and the history behind it as well as some other useful information. Cobalt was discovered by a Swedish chemist by the name of Georg Brandt. In 1735, Georg was trying to prove that certain minerals had the ability to color glass blue and was not due to bismuth but due to an unknown element (1). Since then, it has developed into a highly useful isotope. When people hear about radioactive isotopes, they wonder where the isotopes come from. The non radioactive version of cobalt (Cobalt 59) occurs naturally in various minerals (2). It also occurs naturally in the air, water, soil, rocks, plants, and animals (6). Humans even have cobalt in their body, but this is a very small amount. The body contains 1.5 mg of Cobalt 60 and the liver is the principal organ of where a person can find it (1). Some isotopes are made naturally and some are made unnaturally. Radioactive Cobalt 60 is not naturally made. It is formed when cobalt 59 is collided by a neutron making it the radioactive isotope (3). Cobalt decays to form Nickel 60. As it decomposes, it releases gamma radiation. Beta particles also occur when Carbon 60 decays (4). The nuclear
  • 21. Sharecroppers In The 1800s Between the late 1800s and mid 1900s, to help procure land, supplies, and workers, farmers turned to sharecropping. In mostly all instances of sharecropping the croppers would get a percentage of the crops they worked while the rest would go to the landowner. In most situations the croppers got a smaller percentage than the landowners. In this certain contract between a landowner and the Grimes family in North Carolina, there were some unfair condition. One of the unfair conditions was the results of not feeding his team. The cropper was required to feed his team every day in the morning, noon, and night, and if he didn t he must pay the landowner five cents. The workers were also required to repair the fence if it was blown over or broken
  • 22. How Did Che Influence The Cuban Revolution The most important sources that this paper will analyze are Che s personal writings: Diary of a Combatant and Reminiscences of The Cuban Revolutionary War. Both are crucial for understand Che s transformation from a troop doctor to a guerilla commander. To understand Che s influence on the Cuban Revolution it is important to understand Che s background. Che was born Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in Rosario Argentina on June 14, 1928. Che s upbringing was modest and his parents were educated and a part of the middle class.. In 1945, Che attended medical school in Buenos Aires to become a medical doctor. During his residency, Che traveled to Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela practicing medicine on the local populations. In 1953 Che heads to Guatemala, a country experiencing their own revolution whose leader was Jacobo Arbenz. While in Guatemala, Che became involved in political activity, studying Marxism. Arbenz would be overthrown a year later by the American CIA. These events shape Che s ideology as he sees the U.S. as an... Show more content on ... Thereafter in 1956, Che sailed for Cuba on the Granma. The Granma arrived in Cuba on December 2, 1956, and the attack was a failure forcing Castro, Che and the other revolutionaries to flee into the thick jungles of the Sierra Maestra. It was in the Sierra Maestra against all odds that with Che and Castro s resilence that the Cuban revolution continued despite overwhelming odds. Che acted as the doctor and later on commander for the Cuban rebel guerrillas. Because of Che s medical expertise, many of the rebels were able to continue fighting in the Sierra Maestra. Biographer of Che Jon Lee Anderson credits Che as being the cause for success of the Cuban Revolution because of his brilliant tactics as military commander and a guerilla
  • 23. Methods Of Learning Algorithms For Groups Based On Their... 2.1.3 CLUSTERING: Among the available clustering methods, K Means algorithm is generally used to divide learners into natural groups based on their behavior for a larger dataset. In the K Means clustering method, the number of clusters, denoted by K is needed to be predefined to apply the technique. This is one of the simplest and the most used unsupervised learning algorithm for clustering. The procedure follows a simple and easy way to classify a given data set through a certain number of clusters (assume k clusters) fixed a priori. The main idea is to define k centers, one for each cluster. These centers should be placed in a cunning way because of different location causes different result. So, the better choice is to place them as much as possible far away from each other. The next step is to take each point belonging to a given data set and associate it to the nearest center. When no point is pending, the first step is completed and an early group age is done. At this point we need to re calculate k new centroids as barycenter of the clusters resulting from the previous step. After we have these k new centroids, a new binding has to be done between the same data set points and the nearest new center. A loop has been generated. As a result of this loop we may notice that the k centers change their location step by step until no more changes are done or in other words centers do not move any more. Finally, this algorithm aims at minimizing
  • 24. Chronological Accuracy Of The Return Of Martin Guerre The chronological accuracy that The Return of Martin Guerre film portrays can throw the viewer off at first. The film begins with the marriage of a young couple who are both around the age of fourteen. The audience is then introduced to a young woman, who is recalling the events that had just taken place. The film jumps back and forth several times, reflecting on the events that took place 8 10 years before. The film takes place in the middle on the sixteenth century France. Several years past, roughly 8 when Martin returns, Martin is able to conceal his identity for around 2 years before he is taken in front of the judge. For both Ethan and Sami, the beginning was difficult to follow. However once realizing who the young woman was and the ... Show more content on ... Though only a year or two has passed, it is plausible. Jack uses everything he has learned in the war to help his town thrive. Not knowing the real Jack, created a positive view of the imposter Jack. The imposter Jack s change of heart, became his weakness. Both films tell a story of a father returning home after leaving to fight in the war, only to be discovered as imposters. However, both are set in entirely different eras, one in sixteenth century France and the other in eighteenth century Southern states of U.S.A. Knowing the back story of the characters, help the audience in forming a bond. with the imposters. Also, seeing their determination to help their village grow and become successful helps further that bond. However, Sommersby main character the imposter Jack, treasured the bond that he had with the villagers. Becoming a respected figure in his town, he sacrificed his own life for his wife. Laurel s status in the village remains the same, since the imposter Jack s death. The villagers are repairing well needed repairs to the town, and they crops are growing more than ever. The chronological order the film Sommerby, gives shows the change of character of the imposter Jack and the true husband that he was. In The Return of Martin Guerre, the chronological order used, helped establish the actions taken by Martin s
  • 25. Medical Coding Education Billing and coding specialists, who are also known as health information technicians, are an integral part of the health care system. They are the ones designated to handle the billing and coding system which can be very complex. These professionals are trained to organize the health records of a hospital s patient. It involves the translation of a patient s medical history and diagnosis into clinical codes which are used to process insurance claims. They can be found in the hospitals, outpatient care centers, insurance and coverage providers. Most billing and coding specialists begin their careers with associate degree programs in medical billing and coding, or other related fields. Associate degrees can be obtained online after following the same rigorous curriculum as those who attend in a brick and mortar. This gives them equal post degree job opportunities and it is very ideal for those have childcare responsibilities, part time jobs, and other commitments. The importance of choosing an accredited online medical coding school include: 1. Development Of Skills Required For Career Advancement:There are tools and practices which are essential for any one who wants to advance in the medical and billing career. An online medical billing and coding program provides a thorough introduction to these tools. The curriculum is rigorous and covers... Show more content on ... Flexibility Of Learning: Brick and mortar classes are traditional based. An accredited online medical coding school is chosen because of its flexibility. Considering that these students have different programs vying for their time, the choice of accessing course lectures and readings, submitting written assignments, participating with other students in virtual discussions, communication with their lecturers and professors on their own schedule, and taking of exams when it is convenient for them is very appealing. They leverage technology to study with a smartphone, tablet, WiFi compatible devices, laptops, and home
  • 26. The Princess Research Paper Once upon a time there was one family lived in town, and his parent are all died. And he alone at his house, that time he was 15 years old. He heard that there beautiful princess at the castle. He was to see the princess when his friend talk about the princess, even though he can t do nothing. The day go past by day and day then he a man, he s 21 years , then he can do want he went so he create a story about the girl he want to see, the girl is princess, he wrote the story about the princess. Also the princess like to watch talent show. And it s his first time become theater and he tries his best to do. But one day the princes come visit the town and suddenly fell in love with him, but he didn t know that she s a princess. That day the princess... Show more content on ... And the boy ask her where do you want to go? They both don t know where to go, still they will leave this house than they prepare and leave the castle and run away far far away. They run away and stuck in that place is a secret forest so they stay there and build the house there. Then the girl need new clothes because her cloth is all rip said to her lover, than they go find cotton deer skin or cloth, and then they make clothes. And girl clothes need more cloth, and girl clothes are big and have many layers and it took so much time to finish it. The next morning the soldier come attack them, and they were shocked and it was the boy uncle, the boy was also the prince and then they both went back to the prince castle. The both are really love each other, but every time they never get a safe place to be together. And then a beautiful woman in his castle too, and his uncle wants him to marry, but he don t want to marry that girl. He want to marry to his love only, but then when his love hears that, she can t do anything all she can do is keep it in her mind, she was really crying but her love said don t worry anything, I not gonna marry her. And then they both whisper to each other about trying to leave this
  • 27. Fearless And Stolen Play Analysis We as the audience are engaged in an upfront manner by the individual concerns and social issues through our chosen texts the characters in Fearless and Stolen. Stolen written by Jane Harrison is an indigenous text which explores issues which arose as a result of the forced removal of Aboriginal children, this is showcased by 5 children perspective. Fearless by Mirra Todd explores stories about people we wouldn t give a second look at, it also shows the struggles of some society s outcasts. These two texts allow the audience to see and engage with what many Australians face every day. Stolen is a play filled with powerful short moments which tell the audience the effects of a child removed from all that they know, their identity being stripped away and moulded into something foreign. When the class read the play we had empathy with the children; they are confused of their sense of belonging, loss of their culture and a child needing a mother. Sandy is a character consistently on the run who gives us a contradicting statement been everywhere except one place home . The word home is a very powerful word it allows the audience to realise you can build houses but not homes. All Sandy really wants is a place where he doesn t have to keep hiding. Without an individual identity a social structure of security is... Show more content on ... The character Anne seems materially happy however at the end of the play she breaks the 4th wall by stating s pose you want a happy ending from me this colloquial language shows that she is caught between cultures and her two families . To be happy it s not as simple as her adoptive parent inviting them over for a barbie this demonstrates that her uncertainty has been created by her circumstances, which fore s the audience to
  • 28. The Rocking Horse Research Paper My favorite toy when I was littler than I am now was a brown and white rocking horse. I wasn t born to see it be given as a gift but for my baby shower my great grandparents had giving my parents a rocking horse for me. I would be on the horse constantly I couldn t run around because it was just a rocking horseso I would sit on it next to the tv and watch my shows. This love for horses connected with cowboys so I began to wear cowboy boots everyday I d wear them to school, when we would go shopping and even just around the house I would wear them. My siblings and I would go over to my great grandparents house on weekdays, I would always bring the rocking horse there. My grandpa was a oakie so we would always watch his black and white cowboy shows, while watching these shows I would be on the horse rocking back and forward. During these cowboy shenanigans our favorite snack to eat was my great grandma s homemade cornbread with a glass of milk, the cornbread would smell sweet and feel warm. In the backyard of the house was my great grandpa s shed, when he would weld or do who knows what, I d be right by him on my rocking horse. As all these days passed the fun on my rocking horse was beginning to come to an end and I was getting bigger, being ... Show more content on ... Moments later that s when my parents told me my great grandpa had welded it for me that moment this toy became 100 times more valuable to me. This quickly became my new favorite toy I would play on it everyday just like how I did with the old one. Then a few days later I went to my great grandparents house and gave my grandpa the biggest hug ever and told him thankyou a million times. I came back to my old self I played with my siblings, my mood was happy and I wanted to go to school all thanks to my great
  • 29. Smart Cards And Its Role For Securing User Identification Name: Mohamed Al Rawahi ID: 14901489 Majan College Smart cards and its role in securing user identification Abstract Smart cards have been use by so many people around the world the smart card contain a small chip called as a microcontroller. People started to develop smart cards in 1970s by a japan Dr. and by two inventers from Germany. Using smart cards will make everyone life more easy on the financial side, since it gives the ability to not use papers you only need to be authorized to carry the card and do the transaction electrical. The information that is between the cardholder and the organization is always secure. When they manufacture the smart cards they build it to be secure they add encryption codes, authentication people only can have the cards and also when the card communicate with the system it will do that in secure path to protect it from attackers. Introduction What is smart card? A card that has an embedded chip that always set the smart card codes or token secure. The size of any smart card is similar to the size of driving license and it can be made of plastic or even metal. There are two ways to connect or link the smart card with the reader either through straight physical communication, which recognized as chip and dip and the other way of connecting is by using the short range wireless connectivity well known as NFC (near field communication) (Michael Cobb, 2010) NFC is supported by ISO an international organization and to make the
  • 30. The Modernist Movement Of Literature The modernist movement in Literature came about in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as authors began to consciously break from traditional writing styles and experiment with new methods of storytelling. These authors drew their inspiration from the real world and their own experiences. Every aspect of the world has its own influence from historical events to developments in psychological theory. The authors of the modernist era, such as William Faulkner, Virginia Woolf, T.S. Elliot, and James Joyce, experimented heavily with established laws of language and structure by modifying the narration of the story and breaking the plot into pieces for the reader to put together. In a way, the authors were rebelling against the old views of how stories were supposed to be told. Some of the most complicated pieces of fiction and poetry came out of the modernist era. The most prominent characteristics of the modernist movement in literature were the results of a culmination of the types of thought and ideas that defined the early twentieth century in the United States and Europe. The events of the world which modernist authors experienced in their time, most notably the First World War in conjunction with emerging ideas from different spheres of study such as psychology and art led to the creation of new forms of narration and stories that broke the rules of traditional writing and challenged the previous eras of literature. Near the beginning of the twentieth
  • 31. The Performance Of Baseball Data And Analytics Introduction Statistics in baseball have always existed on a player and team basis, with some common statistics being hits, runs, earned runs, runs batted in, home runs, etc. Since the publication of Bill James abstract (1986), however, there has been large growth of interest in baseball data and analytics, and, more specifically, a large growth of interest in a branch of baseball statistics known as sabermetrics. This branch of statistics has been further spurred on by the publication of Moneyball (Lewis, 2003), and even more so by the movie debut of Moneyball in 2011. Sabermetrics uses baseball s common statistics and creates a statistic that more efficiently determines the performance of baseball players.However, there is still some ... Show more content on ... For example, if two teams are versing one another and one pitcher has an ERA of 1 and the other an ERA of 6, the pitcher with an ERA of 1 may seem more likely to give up less earned runs, and thus more likely to win the game. An author in the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) journal, found this notion of ERA to be true as he found ERA to be a statistically significant predictor of team wins for National League MLB teams (Ault). Joe Watson (2011), a reporter for the sports news site bleacherreport, claims that ERA is the supreme statistic for examining pitchers because it gives a better insight on a team s probability to win. Due to the theoretical example and the different articles, the assumption is made that ERA is the best predictor of a pitcher s ability to achieve a win. This assumption has led experts and laymen alike to use ERA in their comparison of pitchers because the ultimate goal of any sports player is to win. Due to the major use of ERA there is a driven importance to predict ERA and establish what factors cause changes in it. CBSSports interviewed their staff experts to examine what was the best statistical measure of pitchers. The majority stated that WHIP was the best measure of a pitcher s actual performance (Snyder, M., Rosecrans, T., Perry, D. 2012). A number of medical articles as well use WHIP to evaluate a pitcher s ability to assimilate back into the MLB after surgery (Gibson, B. W., Webner, D., Huffman, G. R., Sennett, B. J.
  • 32. Pt1420 Unit 3 Data Mining Assignment Amr Wael Data mining Assignment 125873 What is NaГЇve Bayes? NaГЇve Bayes is a classifier based on Bayes theorem, this classifier assumes that the result of an attribute value on a class is independent of the other attributes values. In Bayes theorem, we want to compute the probability to P (Class|Predictor) which can be expressed in terms of probabilities: P (Class|Predictor) = P (Predictor|Class) P (Class) / P (Predictor) P (Class|Predictor) : the posterior probability P (Predictor|Class) : the likelihood P (Class) : the prior probability of class P (Predictor) : the prior probability of predictor (Patterson, 2011) As we are working on Iris data set which have continuous values, there is a must to change the continuous ... Show more content on ... Calculate the probability of every user input of the four attributes belonging to a class Multiply all the probabilities related to every class and get the Maximum one to be the class that maximize the input References Chen, E. (2011, April 27). Choosing a Machine LearningClassifier. Retrieved from a machine learning classifier/ Hockenmaier, J. (2012). Lecture 3 : Smoothing. Retrieved from /Lecture03HO.pdf Hun Yun, Kyeong Mo Hwang, Chan Kyoo Lee . (2013, July 26). Development of Safety Factors for the UT Data Analysis Method in Plant Piping. Retrieved from Patterson, J. (2011, May 2). Classification with Naive Bayes. Retrieved from
  • 33. Research Paper On Roman Olympics Bang! Off go the runners. Today s olympics have a myriad of differences from the ancient olympics held in Rome. Nowadays, we have an impalpable amount of sports to compete in, like: Equestrian, Aquatics, Gymnastics, and tons more. In addition, today s Olympics are now multicultural and accept more countries from all around the globe to spectate, host, and participate in the games. Back when Julius Caesar was roaming Rome, the Romans had their own Olympics, but it was not the same as today s are. Their version of the Olympics was just to meet in a field that had a track dug out, which made a complete roundabout just like today s; that was until the Colosseum was built. The only difference was that they didn t always take place in a colossal stadium like we have today. Instead, the track field with all of the events they had inside a huge fenced off area was placed inside the track itself. The people that came there to watch the events were free of charge and could spectate the games for themselves. One of the Romans own stadiums that held the olympics was named an Amphitheatre. One amphitheatre known ... Show more content on ... The likes of Coubertin lamented the Roman influence on the Games; they deplored the growth of a professional (and lower) class of competitor, as well as the malign influence of the Roman emperors themselves (who were occasionally known to take part in events and were supposed to have had the competition rigged so that they could win), (Beard, 2012). If they were caught cheating, they would be fined and their money would go towards building statues of their great roman deities. In conclusion, many people ignored it, and did not care about what the consequences were. Nowadays, nobody is given a greater lead to whatever event the do since we have
  • 34. The Norwich Textile Industry The confinement to his cabin for six weeks of the Edinburgh born John Miller, the fifth officer on board the East India Company ship Marquis Camden, by a tyrant of a ship s master seems an unlikely starting point to a project on the Norwich textile industry, especially as Miller had nothing to do directly with the city s trade. Sometime after the publication in 2008 of Captain Miller s autobiography Chronometer Jack which I co edited when working in Glasgow, Geoffrey and Margaret Nobbs, volunteers at Great Yarmouths Time and Time Museum, contacted me to say they had transcribed the Marquis Camden s log book which recorded Miller s detention. Later, they enthusiastically told me about the German born Norwich master weaver John Christopher... Show more content on ... Having no background in weaving, much time and effort had to be put into decoding technical terms and numbers in a variety of documents. While I developed the research, Geoffrey and Margaret Nobbs transcribed a large numbers of documents for me, particularly those relating to Ireland s considerable yarn trade with Norwich, and to Stannard Taylor, merchant manufacturers in St Giles Street. Besides the pattern books and the shipping databases, I created others relating to textile occupations, the Irish yarn trade, John Taylor s yarn factoring business in Muspole Street, Stannard Taylor s European and South American trade in Norwich stuffs, the Gurneys marine insurance business which covered textile exports, prosecutions of spinners, reelers and putters out, the work of weavers, and so on. To add to this work, David Cubitt generously sent me many articles he had transcribed from the local press concerning various trades from hotpresser to heavel and sley (heddle and reed) maker, to dyer, and to weaver. Pattern books in the V A, the Netherlands and Sweden have added to my knowledge of the subject, as did a month last year at the Winterthur Museum, Gardens and Library in Delaware, U.S.A, on a research fellowship to study a half dozen Norwich pattern books and many business records held there. Until then I had very little
  • 35. Other Relevant Explanations Of Vedic Astrology Other Relevant Explanations Vedic astrology further classifies human life span according planetary periods called Dashas, both Main (Maha) and Sub (Antar or Bukti) periods. Knowing a particular planetary Dasha helps us determine the quality of the time concerned, vis a vis the influence of the major transits of planets during that Dasha period. Currently you are subject to Shani (Saturn) Maha Dasa which began on June 2004 and goes on until June 2023. Prior to this, you were subject to Jupiter or Guru Maha Dasa for 16years from June 1988 until June 2004. The 16 years of Guru Dasa would have provided you with marriage, gains, financial assets, children and successful family life. During this period your overall position in life, including ... Show more content on ... Further, Shani s malefic expression affecting marriage and spouse is because; in your horoscope Guru (Jupiter ) denotes spouse. And among significations in a family or relationship Ravi (Surya/Sun) denotes the official or socially recognized position for the male spouse. Now Shani is a bitter enemy of Surya (Sun). Hence, between 2004 and 2007 when transit Saturn (Gochara Shani) enters your 3rd house of communication he afflicts natal Guru who sits in your 3rd house. Now according to Jyotish classification natal Guru clearly denotes your spouse. Hence, by virtue of transit Shani s entry into your 3rd house from May 2004 and October 2006, he negatively conjuncts with natal Guru afflicting communication and martial harmony between you and your husband. Note: in the natural zodiac 3rd house denotes communication. And in the Vedic system of significations Guru(Jupiter) denotes spouse in a female s chart. Now in your horoscope 3rd house is also the sign of Cancer or Kataka. And Kataka is ruled by Chandra (Moon). And in Jyotish Moon denotes our mind. Therefore, without a shadow of doubt the entry of Gochara Shani upon the house of communication will inflict his poison upon the mind of the spouses; causing separation and affliction of marriage. Next between October 2006 and September 2009 Gochara Shani enters your 4th house denoting home, bonds of attachments and legal ties. Now your 4th house is the sign of
  • 36. Nucor Corporation in 2001 Essay Nucor Corporation in 2001 Nucor s History Nucor Corporation is the second largest steel producer in the United States and has had net sales of $4.6 billion in 2000. Nucor recycles approximately 10 million tons of scrap steel. It operates in 9 states and produces carbon and alloy steel in bars, beams, sheet, and plate; steel joists and joist girders; steel deck; cold finished steel; steel fasteners; metal building systems; and light gauge steel framing. The company emerged from near Bankruptcy in 1966 to become one of the fastest growing steel. Despite the recession in 1991, Nucor grew into one of the biggest and best known global producers of steel. Nucor s origins are with auto manufacturer Ransom E. Olds, who founded Oldsmobile ... Show more content on ... The company is highly decentralized, with most day to day operating decisions made by the division general managers and their staff. Nucor is committed to uncompromising quality, responsive service, and competitive pricing through dedication to the customer, and concentration on productivity from a highly motivated work force. Analysis and evaluation Dominant Economic Characteristics of the Steel Industry Environment The steel industry worldwide has a huge excess capacity, forcing many companies to operate in red. An unprecedented number of steel producers have filed for bankruptcy. Among them are Bethlehem Steel Corporation and LTV, who were the country s third and fourth largest steel producers respectively. With a lot of world s economies in recession in late nineties, there was a surge in the import of steel. With unfair subsidies from their governments, foreign steel producers were dumping steel in the U.S. market at cut rate prices. In 1999, the United States had decided not to impose any import restrictions. With 75% capacity utilization, a level too low for many companies, three European companies decided to merge to form the world s largest steel producer. Two Japanese companies did the same to form the second largest steel producer. These new mega steelmakers could easily outmuscle their U.S. competitors. The largest steel producer in the US, USX U.S. Steel group was already at number 11, with a threat of falling
  • 37. Socrates Paper PHI 150 3/11/14 Socrates Paper Socrates is believed to be one of the greatest philosophers of all time and he is credited as being the founder of western philosophy. This paper will explain some of his views to the most fundamental questions of today s age. These questions will include topics about morality, the human condition, solution, and death. After Socrates views on these topics are explained, a critique will be done on his answers. I will start out by explaining exactly who Socrates is, and the time that he lived in. To start out, we will first examine Socrates view on morality. There are many questions that could be asked about the topic of morality. Questions like, what are the central moral principles, who is the ... Show more content on ... It interferes and holds back the soul s search for the truth and causes all bad things in the world. It is not necessarily the physical body itself, as much as it is the desires that it brings with it. With the question of human condition being answered, Socrates now can answer another one of our fundamental questions. This question is Solution. Solution proposes a way to fix what has gone with the world and mankind. In Socrates eyes, the world s greatest problem was the attachment to the human body. He proposes that this can be fixed by detaching oneself from the body. Socrates partially explains this by saying It seems that so long as we are alive, we shall keep as close as possible to knowledge if we avoid as much as we can all contact and association with the body, except when absolutely necessary; and instead of allowing ourselves to become infected with its nature, purify ourselves from it until God himself gives us deliverance. In this way, by keeping ourselves uncontaminated by the follies of the body, we shall probably reach the company of others like ourselves and gain direct knowledge of all that is pure and uncontaminated that is, presumably, of Truth. (Phaedo 67a b). Socrates also talks about the importance of purification of the mind as another solution, which ends up coming back to the separation of the soul from the body. This can be seen when Socrates
  • 38. Researching Socratic Pedagogy and Education in Plato s... Researching Socratic Pedagogy and Education in Plato s Republic ABSTRACT: Though Plato never wrote a dialogue that explicitly asks, What is education? , few argue that he is uninterested in the subject; after all, Plato, like Socrates, was a teacher. In his magnum opus, the Republic, Plato deals with education repeatedly. The eduction of the guardian class and the allegory of the cave present two landmark pedagogical passages. Yet to catch a glimpseof Socratic pedagogy, we must first sift through the intricacies of dialogue. In addition to the complexity inherent in dramatic context, it seems clear that Socrates remarks are often steeped in irony. Thus, we stumble upon a problem: how should we read these passages on education? Does ... Show more content on ... The first portion of this paper will analyze various dramatic elements that indicate Socrates ironic intent with respect to the education of the guardians. The second portion will focus on the allegory of the cave as Socrates genuine conception of ideal paideia (or education). II. Dramatic Context and the Introduction of Irony A. Conventional Irony Unfortunately perhaps, we cannot look at Plato s treatise on education to learn about his educational theory because he does not write analytical treatises. Instead, Plato employs written dialogues to inspire philosophical insight in his students. In light of Plato s dialogical style, the dramatic context introduces new complexities to the project of figuring out Socratic pedagogy. While many may find Plato s drama a refreshing alternative to the dry argumentation of a treatise, it is likely that Plato s purposes are not limited to reading ease. In fact, in many ways the use of drama makes reading Plato a great deal more complex. Plato certainly makes use of arguments, yet frames them in real life contexts. Thus, the reader must consider not only the nuances of argumentation, but also the characters abilities and motives behind presenting the argument in a particular way. So the argument should not necessarily be taken at face value; instead, such
  • 39. Chemistry Synthesis Essay The activity was separated into 4 parts concerning 5 different groups of elements. In the first part, we had identified the physical state, the color, and the solubility in water of the Carbonates of I A and II A Elements. The elements Na2 Co3, Li2 CO3, Mg CO3, Ca CO3 had a powdery appearance while Ba CO3 had a ball shape appearance and K2 CO3 had a wet, granule appearance. All of the elements stated have a white color. The elements Na2 Co3, Li2 CO3, K2 CO3 were soluble to water while Mg CO3 Ca CO3 Ba CO3 were not. For the second part, we had identified the physical state and the color of some of the Group IV A Elements. Carbon had a powdery appearance and it is black in color. Silicon had a ball shaped appearance and it is countable and it is pinkish white in color.... Show more content on ... Lead has a ball shaped appearance and it is gray in color. For the third part, we had a group of elements, Group II A Metal Oxides, undergo the litmus paper test and identified its chemical equation. MgO,CaO ,BaO all had the same results on the test, with all having Red в†’ Blue, Blue в†’ Blue results resulting having almost the same chemical equations with MgO having MgO + H2O в†’ Mg(OH)2 , CaO having CaO + H2O в†’ Ca(OH)2 and BaO having Ba + H2O в†’ Ba(OH)2. As for the last part, we had a different group of elements, Group V A Nonmetal Oxides, undergo the litmus paper test and identified its chemical equation. The elements P2O5, Sb2O3 did not undergo any change so there is no need for a chemical equation while Nitric acid + Copper changed color from blue to red so it s chemical equation is 4HNO3 + Cu в†’ Cu(NO3)2 + 2H2O +
  • 40. Gwendolyn Brooks As A Poet Gwendolyn Brooks was born in Topeka, Kansas on June 7, 1917, to her parents David and Keziah Brooks, after her birth, the Brooks decided to move the family to the South Side of Chicago. Where Brooks grew up and lived the rest of her life there, there Brooks would experience racial prejudice in school. The young poet found comfort in reading and writing, which her parents actively encouraged Brooks mother declared to her, that she is going to be a poet. Brooks published her first poem Eventide at age thirteen in American Childhood magazine. At age sixteen, she met Langston Hughes, who gave her words of encouragement after reading her poems at a poetry reading. In 1934, Brooks graduated from an integrated high school with a career at the Chicago Defender. Soon after graduating from Wilson Junior College in 1936, Brooks worked some odd jobs as a housekeeper and a secretary for a crime and drug infested slums known as the Mecca, operated by spiritual impostor. Brooks later recalled both of these painfully degrading job experiences in her poetry. However, these experiences encourage Brooks to join the NAACP Youth Council in 1938, where she met Henry Lowington Blakely II and married in 1939. Blakely and Brooks bore a son Blakely, Jr., and daughter Nora; Brooks continued to mentor for young poets, and sponsored workshops and poetry contest. In the early 1960s, Brooks expanded into teaching at numerous colleges and universities. In 1985, the Library of Congress appointed
  • 41. Analysis of Athol Fugard s Master Harold . . . and the... Analysis of Athol Fugard s Master Harold . . . and the Boys It s a bloody awful world when you come to think of it. People can be real bastards. (Hally, pp. 15) Master Harold ... and the boys by Athol Fugard, is an informative text about the relationship between Hally, a 17 year old white boy, and Sam and Willie, two black men. As Hally falls victim to the attitudes of white supremacy and racial intolerances accompanying the Apartheid policy of the 1950 s, their lifelong friendship is destroyed. This bloody awful world referred to in the above quote is perpetuated by ignorance and the passiveness of its participants. One way to change these intolerances is through the delivery of a liberal education, the purpose of which is to ... Show more content on ... What is life? (Hally, pp. 40) Thus the injustice of such prejudice is highlighted as the white Hally is revealed to be the black Sam s intellectual inferior. Racial segregation, which forms the basis of the Apartheid policy, perpetuates the notion of white supremacy and is an issue which effectively prevents the South African society from becoming a world without collisions . This is explicitly reflected in the flying of the kite, a metaphor that conveys how the obstacle of segregation can be overcome to form racial harmony. Initially the kite s successful flight implies to the reader that this barrier has been overcome. However the fact that Sam is unable to join Hally on the whites only bench in latter stages of the text indicates how the policies of Apartheid can split friendships in half. A similar example of racial segregation is witnessed when Hally and Sam are reminiscing their days in the Jubilee Boarding House: I got another rowing for hanging around the servants quarters. (Hally, pp. 25) Hence the play is An intrepid social reformer will bot be daunted by the magnitude of the task he has undertaken. (pp. 17)The above quote uttered by Hally, from Athol Fugard s MasterHarold ... and the boys, addresses the importance of social reform . One vital area in which this can be achieved is through the teaching of a broad based educational curriculum, where
  • 42. A Comparison Of Elia Kazan And Arthur Miller The Crucible is a 1950 s dramatized play based on the Salem Witch Trials that were held in the late 1600 s. Elia Kazan and Arthur Miller both played major roles in the creation of the play. Miller wrote the play, while Kazan directed it. They were an excellent team. Their close relationship is was shaped the play into something extraordinary. They used new techniques to capture the recreation of the trials. The two were ahead of their time; this caused jealousy amongst their peers. Elia was described by The New York Times as, one of the most honored and influential directors in Broadway and Hollywood history. (The New York Times) Miller didn t receive as much publicity at first but that all changed soon after. They challenged each other to work harder to perfect their craft. They also encouraged the other to be the best possible version. When one improved it only sparked a fire in the other to push themselves harder. Elia was raised in an incredibly family oriented Greek household. He attended Yale and was continuously pushed to achieve greatness. However, he never did anything without having a connection with the work. He had strong morals and did his best not to stray from them. This was definitely seen throughout his career. On the other hand, Arthur was raised by an incredibly wealthy family but lost everything during the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Miller had to completely reinvent himself. This drove him to want to work for everything he has.
  • 43. Memoir Saying Farewell To A Faithful Pal Analysis Animals in our Human World Internal and external forces can make a big difference in our lives. If having a friend or someone who you can rely on is nearby, then it ll be fun. Every new experience can make a person change; sometimes the change is positive, and other times it is negative. Either way, there is no avoiding change. Animals are helpful, hardworking, and unique. In Memoir, Saying Farewell to a Faithful Pal by John Grogan describes the time their pet dog was helpful. The quote in the story that their dog is helpful to them is When i bought my wife home from the doctor after a miscarriage, that wild beast gently rested his blocky head in her lap and just whimpered (Grogan, pg 155, pp 11). The quotes from the story prove that their dog is trying to comfort the owner because dogs sometimes can smell someone s emotion or they know if their owner is sad. This animal impact change the person in the story because comforting someone is helpful to them and can make them feel happy. Although dogs helping someone is very hardworking. It s like trying their best to make their owner happy so that s why they are working hard. ... Show more content on ... The quote in the story that shows that animals are hardworking is Having a job to do is a part of their nature; it s who they are (Grandin, pg 155, pp 3). The author explains how job is part of their nature and how mix breeds were built for work. The author also explains how the owner s life changes because of her dog, A dog named Max helped her owner to cure her diabetes, but sadly the owner died. Losing someone is sad, especially for Max because he is part of the owner s family and because they are
  • 44. The Aerospace And Defense Industry Companies in the aerospace industry require high capital investment and new innovated technology. Some key ratios in the aerospace and defense industry include the current ratio, the debt to equity ratio, working capital ratio, and capital expenditures to sales. These financial ratios measure how firms leverage debt, how capable a company is of paying its obligations, and how much a company invests to facilitate growth. The table below shows 2014 financial data for 1,400 large, medium, and small company sizes within the aerospaceindustry (Hoovers, 2015). Additionally, the cash flows in the aerospace and defense industry are generally not a concern because contracts are paid based on a percentage of completion and cost plus (Hoovers, 2015). A cost plus contract is when a contractor pays all of its required expenses plus more to make profit. Manufacturers do not get paid until they have completed and delivered the products (Hoovers, 2015). Another key metric in the industry is the working capital turnover ratio. The working capital turnover ratio is nearly thirty percent. This shows the aerospace industry is capable of using its working capital to generate sales. The industry relies heavily on commercial air traffic and military defense spending (Hoovers, 2015). The average days for accounts receivable sales is 53 days, which is typical (Hoovers, 2015). Inventory turnover is also important for this industry because it is critical to see how many aerospace products
  • 45. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Veterants New York City is home to over between 200,000 veterans whom fought wars since Vietnam. The numbers have been increasing since the drawback of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Programs that service our veterans have been granted by the Department of Veterans Affairs to assist veterans. Since the Wars began, issues arose in the veteran community like unemployment, mental health such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disease), and veteran without a home. Throughout the five boroughs of New York Citythe issues can be seen and the problems found here are not because of the instability of the economy. It is because of the high cost of living and politics the City of New York. One the problems facing veterans is the misconception to a large extent of mental health issues. The studies of post traumatic stress disorder affects over 15 percent of veterans returning from the Middle East and another 16 percent are diagnosed with something called TBI (traumatic brain injury). Traumatic brain injury is usually cause by an IED (improvised explosive devices) during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom against foreign enemies. PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) is normally caused by traumatic events like war in veterans who can t handle the stress of seeing someone shot, blown to pieces, and friends in their arms dying. Reports of veterans still experiencing some symptoms of PTSD from the Vietnam War and this issues is long term. In many cases with the mental health in our
  • 46. United States Border Patrol Research The border patrol has been a major problem for many decades concerning illicit drugs entering into the United States (Levinthal, 2012). Controlling the importation of illicit drugs is not an easy task. Statistics confirm the combined United States border stretches approximately 7,000 miles (Levinthal, 2012). The amount of government officials needed to monitor the importation of illicit drugs is unimaginable. Moreover, the government has designated four agencies to reduce the interdiction of drugs entering into United Statesterritory. The four agencies for reducing illicit drugcontrol in the United States, includes (1) DEA, (2) the U.S. Customs Border Protection Agency, (3) the U.S. Coast Guard, and (4) the U.S. military (Levinthal, 2012).... Show more content on ... Coast Guard and is known as the leading marine drug interdiction (Levinthal, 2012). Drug traffickers use marine passages for importing drugs from overseas (Levinthal, 2012). According to Levinthal (2012), statistics report six million illicit drugs arrive by sea. In addition, a new method drug traffickers are using to import by sea is the use of semi subs, which can carry up to twelve metric tons of cargo (Levinthal, 2012). In 2008, the Coast Guard seized seven metric tons of Columbian cocaine due to Coast Guard s using helicopters and shooting the vessel down (Levinthal, 2012). In addition, the Office of National Drug Control Policy (1999) notes, The interagency mission is to reduce the supply of drugs from source countries by denying smugglers the use of air and maritime routes in the transit zone. Finally, the last effort which the government utilizes to combat interdiction is through the U.S. Military (Levinthal, 2012). The U.S. Military is proactive in the enforcement of illicit drug interdiction (Levinthal, 2012). The military is completely on board with law enforcement agencies, as well as, working with governments abroad (Levinthal, 2012). The benefits that military personnel provide include, intelligence, planning, foreign knowledge, which allow other agencies to complete the actions needed for interdiction of the illicit drug trafficking (Levinthal,
  • 47. Rob Kardashian In The 1950 s Tyga has realized that Rob Kardashian is not going anywhere and he s going ot be a part of his and Blac Chyna s son King Cairo s life, so the rapper wants to make sure that the Arthur George socks owner knows the rules and abide them. Tyga told Rob straight up that he s King s dad and no one will replace him, the source told HollywoodLife exclusively. Tyga laid down the law with Rob, setting some ground rules. He told Rob he doesn t want him smoking, cursing, and most importantly, kissing or doing anything sexual with Blac in front of King. The 26 year old on and off boyfriend of Kylie Jenner is trying to protect his innocent son with all their relationship drama. Although it s not his intention to control Kardashian s relationship