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micro = small
Bio = life
logy = “to study” or “the study of”
 Microbiology is the study of microorganisms,
which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic
organisms. This includes eukaryotes (such as fungi
and protests) and prokaryotes (such as bacteria and
viruses, though viruses are not strictly classed as
living organisms).
Comparison between Eucaryotic and Procaryotic Cells
Eucaryotic Procaryotic
Nuclear membrane present absent
Membranous structures
other than cell
Generally present Generally absent except
mesosomes and
Microtubules and
present absent
Cytoplasmic ribosomes
80S 70S
Flagella or cilia When present, have a
complex structure similar
to centrioles
Flagella, when present,
have a simple twisted
protein structure; no cilia
Active cutoplasmic
present Absent (not observed)
 Today, most of the work in microbiology is done using
methods from biochemistry and genetics. It is also related to
pathology, immunology, and epidemiology as many
microorganisms are pathogens.
 Although much is now known in the field of microbiology,
advances are being made regularly. The most common
estimates suggest that we have studied only about 1% of all of
the microbes in any given environment. Thus, despite the fact
that over three hundred years have passed since the discovery
of microbes, the field of microbiology is clearly in its infancy
relative to other biological disciplines such as zoology, botany
or even entomology.
 Bacteria were first observed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1676 using a
single-lens microscope of his own design.
 The name "bacterium" was introduced much later, by Ehrenberg in 1828,
derived from the Greek word bactēria meaning "small stick".
 While Antony van Leeuwenhoek is often cited as the first microbiologist,
the first recorded microbiological observation, that of the fruiting bodies
of molds, was made earlier in 1665 by Robert Hooke.
 The field of bacteriology (later a subdiscipline of microbiology) is
generally considered to have been founded by Ferdinand Cohn (1828-
1898), a botanist whose studies on algae and photosynthetic bacteria led
him to describe several bacteria including Bacillus and Beggiatoa.
Ferdinand Cohn was also the first to formulate a scheme for the
taxonomic classification of bacteria.
 Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910)
were contemporaries of Cohn’s and are often considered to
be the founders of medical microbiology.
 Pasteur is most famous for his series of experiments
designed to disprove the then widely held theory of
spontaneous generation, thereby solidifying microbiology’s
identity as a biological science.
 Pasteur also designed methods for food preservation
(pasteurization) and vaccines against several diseases such
as anthrax, fowl cholera and rabies.
 Robert Koch is best known for his contributions to
the germ theory of disease, proving that specific
diseases were caused by specific pathogenic
microorganisms. He developed a series of criteria
that have become known as the Koch’s postulates.
 Koch was one of the first scientists to focus on the
isolation of bacteria in pure culture resulting in his
description of several novel bacteria including
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of
 While Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch are often considered the
founders of microbiology, their work did not accurately reflect
the true diversity of the microbial world because of their
exclusive focus on microorganisms having medical relevance.
 It was not until the work of Martinus Beijerinck (1851-1931)
and Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953), the founders of general
microbiology (an older term encompassing aspects of
microbial physiology, diversity and ecology), that the true
breadth of microbiology was revealed.
 Sergei Winogradsky was the first to develop the concept of
chemolithotrophy and to thereby reveal the essential role played
by microorganisms in geochemical processes. He was
responsible for the first isolation and description of both
nitrifying and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
The field of microbiology can be generally divided into several
 Microbial physiology: The study of how the microbial cell
functions biochemically. Includes the study of microbial
growth, microbial metabolism and microbial cell structure.
 Microbial genetics: The study of how genes are organised and
regulated in microbes in relation to their cellular functions.
Closely related to the field of molecular biology.
 Medical microbiology: The study of the role of microbes in
human illness. Includes the study of microbial pathogenesis and
epidemiology and is related to the study of disease pathology
and immunology.
Types of microbiology
 Veterinary microbiology: The study of the role in
microbes in veterinary medicine.
 Environmental microbiology: The study of the
function and diversity of microbes in their natural
environments. Includes the study of microbial
ecology, microbially-mediated nutrient cycling,
geomicrobiology, microbial diversity and
bioremediation. Characterisation of key bacterial
habitats such as the rhizosphere and phyllosphere.
Types of microbiology
 Evolutionary microbiology: The study of the evolution
of microbes. Includes the study of bacterial systematics
and taxonomy.
 Industrial microbiology: The exploitation of microbes
for use in industrial processes. Examples include
industrial fermentation and wastewater treatment. Closely
linked to the biotechnology industry. This field also
includes brewing, an important application of
 Aeromicrobiology: The study of Airborne
 Food Microbiology: The study of Microorganisms
causing Food Spoilage.
Benefits of microbiology
 While microbes are often viewed negatively due to
their association with many human illnesses, microbes
are also responsible for many beneficial processes
such as industrial fermentation (e.g. the production of
alcohol and dairy products), antibiotic production and
as vehicles for cloning in higher organisms such as
 Scientists have also exploited their knowledge of
microbes to produce biotechnologically important
enzymes such as Taq polymerase, reported genes for
use in other genetic systems and novel molecular
biology techniques such as the yeast two-hybrid
 Microorganism – any organism too small to be viewed by the
unaided eye, as bacteria, protozoa, and some fungi and algae
 Bacterium/Bacteria - microorganisms made up of a single cell that
has no distinct nucleus. Bacteria reproduce by fission or by forming
 One of the three domains of life (the others being Eukarya and
ARCHAEA), also called Eubacteria.
 They are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms which generally
possess rigid cell walls, multiply by cell division, and exhibit three
principal forms: round or coccal, rod like or bacillary, and spiral or
Morphology of the bacteria
General Concepts
 Gross Morphology
 Bacteria have characteristic shapes (cocci, rods, spirals, etc.)
and often occur in characteristic aggregates (pairs, chains,
tetrads, clusters, etc.). These traits are usually typical for a
genus and are diagnostically useful.
 Cell Structure
 Prokaryotes have a nucleoid (nuclear body) rather than an
enveloped nucleus and lack membrane-bound cytoplasmic
organelles. The plasma membrane in prokaryotes performs
many of the functions carried out by membranous organelles
in eukaryotes. Multiplication is by binary fission.
 Is not surrounded by nuclear membrane
 does not have a definitive shape
 usually consists of single, circular DNA molecule and
serves as the control centre of the bacterial cell,
containing the genomic information needed for
producing several thousand enzymes and proteins
 a typical bacterial chromosome contains approximately
10,000 genes
 Semiliquid, surrounds the chromosome, is
contained within the plasma membrane
 consists of water, enzymes, oxygen (in some
cases), waste products, essential nutrients,
proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids - a complex
mixture of all the materials required by cell for its
metabolic functions
Surface Structures
 Flagella: The flagella of motile bacteria differ in structure from
eukaryotic flagella. A basal body anchored in the plasma membrane
and cell wall gives rise to a cylindrical protein filament. The
flagellum moves by whirling about its long axis. The number and
arrangement of flagella on the cell are diagnostically useful.
 Pili (Fimbriae): Pili are slender, hairlike, proteinaceous appendages
on the surface of many (particularly Gram-negative) bacteria. They
are important in adhesion to host surfaces.
 Capsules: Some bacteria form a thick outer capsule of high-
molecular-weight, viscous polysaccharide gel; others have more
amorphous slime layers. Capsules confer resistance to phagocytosis.
Cytoplasmic Structures
 Plasma Membrane: The bacterial plasma membrane is composed
primarily of protein and phospholipid (about 3:1). It performs many
functions, including transport, biosynthesis, and energy transduction.
 Organelles: The bacterial cytoplasm is densely packed with 70S
ribosomes. Other granules represent metabolic reserves (e.g., poly-b-
hydroxybutyrate, polysaccharide, polymetaphosphate, and
metachromatic granules).
 Endospores: Bacillus and Clostridium species can produce
endospores: heat-resistant, dehydrated resting cells that are formed
intracellularly and contain a genome and all essential metabolic
machinery. The endospore is encased in a complex protective spore
Important Chemical Components of Surface Structures
 Cell Wall Peptidoglycans: Both Gram-positive and Gram-negative
bacteria possess cell wall peptidoglycans, which confer the characteristic
cell shape and provide the cell with mechanical protection. Peptidoglycans
are unique to prokaryotic organisms and consist of a glycan backbone of
muramic acid and glucosamine (both N-acetylated), and peptide chains
highly cross-linked with bridges in Gram-positive bacteria (e.g.,
Staphylococcus aureus) or partially cross-linked in Gram-negative bacteria
(e.g., ). The cross-linking transpeptidase enzymes are some of the targets
for b-lactam antibiotics.
 Teichoic Acids: Teichoic acids are polyol phosphate polymers bearing a
strong negative charge. They are covalently linked to the peptidoglycan in
some Gram-positive bacteria. They are strongly antigenic, but are
generally absent in Gram-negative bacteria.
Important Chemical Components of Surface
 Lipoteichoic Acids: Lipoteichoic acids as membrane teichoic acids are
polymers of amphiphitic glycophosphates with the lipophilic glycolipid and
anchored in the cytoplasmic membrane. They are antigenic, cytotoxic and
adhesins (e.g., Streptococcus pyogenes).
 Lipopolysaccharides: One of the major components of the outer membrane
of Gram-negative bacteria is lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin), a complex
molecule consisting of a lipid A anchor, a polysaccharide core, and chains
of carbohydrates. Sugars in the polysaccharide chains confer serologic
 Wall-Less Forms: Two groups of bacteria devoid of cell wall
peptidoglycans are the Mycoplasma species, which possess a surface
membrane structure, and the L-forms that arise from either Gram-positive or
Gram-negative bacterial cells that have lost their ability to produce the
peptidoglycan structures.
Rickettsias and Chlamydias
 Are coccoid, rod-shaped, or pleomorphic (irregular) GR-negative bacteria with
a bacterial-type cell wall; unlike viruses, they contain both DNA and RNA.
 Most known forms are obligate intracellular parasites.
 Rickettsias: because they appear to have leaky cell membranes, most rickettsias
must live inside another cell to retain all the neccesary cellular substances.
They are usually transmitted by arthropod vectors (carriers): lice, fleas, ticks -
by their bites or waste products (exception - Coxiella burnetti, that cause of Q
fever - airborne or foodborne).
 Chlamydias: are probably the most primitive of all bacteria because they lack
the enzymes required to perform many essential metabolic activities,
particularly production of ATP. They are obligate intracellular parasites that are
transferred by direct contact between hosts, not by arthropods.
 are the smallest of the cellular microbes.
 Because they lack cell walls, they assume many
shapes, from coccoid to filamentous.
 Sometimes they are confused with the L-forms of
 Because they have no cell wall, they are resistant
to treatment with penicillin and other antibiotics
that work by inhibiting cell wall synthesis
Classification of the bacteria
 What do we learn from our classification?
 How useful is it?
 Is there a preferred classification of organisms
from which we can learn more than we can from
alternative classifications?
 Morphology
 staining
 motility
 growth
 atmospheric requirements
 nutritional requirements
 biochemical and metabolic activities
 pathogenicity
 amino acid sequencing
 genetic composition
 Gram stain (cell wall structure)
 Mole percent G+C in the genome
 Growth temperature
 Ability to form heat stable spores
 Electron acceptors for respiration (if any)
 Photosynthetic ability
 Motility
 Cell shape
 Ability to use various carbon and nitrogen sources
 Special nutritional requirements (e.g., vitamins)
Classification of the bacteria
Bacteria can be classified:
 by their response to OXYGEN: aerobic, anaerobic, or facultatively
 by the mode by which they obtain their ENERGY: chemotrophy
(via chemical reaction) or phototrophy (via light reaction); for
chemotrophs by their source of chemical energy: chemolithotrophy
(from inorganic compounds) or chemoorganotrophy (from organic
 by their source for CARBON; NITROGEN, etc.: heterotrophy (from
organic sources) or autotrophy (from carbon dioxide).
 They can also be classified by whether or not they stain (based on
the structure of their CELL WALLS) with crystal violet dye: gram-
negative or gram-positive.
 Aristotle: plants, animals, microorganisms (appearance
and behaviour)
 Carolus Linnaeus (18th century): binominal system - each
organism is given two names (e.g. Homo sapiens). First
name is the genus, and second is the specific epithet. The
first and second names together are referred to as the
 Whittaker: five kingdoms - Animalia, Plantae, Fungi,
Protista (algae and protozoa), Procaryotae or Monera
(cyanobacteria and bacteria). Each kingdoms consist of
divisions or phyla which, in turn, are divided into classes,
orders, families, genera, species
Bergey’s Manual of determinative
Kingdom and Phylum
Five kingdoms:
 Animalia (for animals)
 Plantae (for plants)
 Fungi (for fungi)
 Protista (for algae and protozoa)
 Procaryotae:
Phylum I - Photobacteria (cyanobacteria)
Phylum II - Scotobacteria (bacteria)
Kingdom – Procaryotae
Phylum – II Scotobacteria
Class – 1 Bacteria
Order – 14 group Gr (+) cocci
Family – Micrococcaceae
Genus – Staphylococcus
Species – Staphylococcus aureus
group family genus species
1-4 Non pathogenic for
5 Spirochetes Spirochaetaceae Treponema
Treponema pallidum
Borrelia recurrentis
Leptospira interrogans
6 Spiral and
curved bacteria
Spirillaceae Spirillum Spirillum minor
7 Gr(-) aerobic
bacillus and cocci
5 family, more
Pseudomonas Pseudomonas
8 Gr(-) facultative
anaerobic bacillus
12 genus:
Salmonella typhi …
9 Gr(-)anaerobic
10 Gr(-) cocci and
Neisseriaceae 4 Neisseria N. gonorrhoeae
N. meningitidis
11 Gr(-) anaerobic
Veillonellaceae 3 Veillonella
12 Gr(-)hemolitotroph
13 Metanobacteria
14 Gr(+) cocci Micrococcaceae
S. aureus
S. pneumoniae
15 Spore forming
Bacillaceae Bacillus
B. antracis
C. tetani
C. botulinum
16 Gr(+) bacilli Lactobacillaceae Lactobacilli
17 Actinomycetes Corynobacteriaceae
C. diphteriae
A. israilii
M. tuberculosis
M. leprae
18 Ricketsiales
3 Ricketsiaceae
C. trachomatis
19 Mycoplasmes Mycoplasmaceae

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  • 1. Microbiology in Greek micro = small Bio = life logy = “to study” or “the study of”
  • 2. Definition  Microbiology is the study of microorganisms, which are unicellular or cell-cluster microscopic organisms. This includes eukaryotes (such as fungi and protests) and prokaryotes (such as bacteria and viruses, though viruses are not strictly classed as living organisms).
  • 3. Comparison between Eucaryotic and Procaryotic Cells Eucaryotic Procaryotic Nuclear membrane present absent Membranous structures other than cell membranes Generally present Generally absent except mesosomes and photosynthetic membranes Microtubules and centrioles present absent Cytoplasmic ribosomes (density) 80S 70S Flagella or cilia When present, have a complex structure similar to centrioles Flagella, when present, have a simple twisted protein structure; no cilia Active cutoplasmic movements present Absent (not observed)
  • 4.  Today, most of the work in microbiology is done using methods from biochemistry and genetics. It is also related to pathology, immunology, and epidemiology as many microorganisms are pathogens.  Although much is now known in the field of microbiology, advances are being made regularly. The most common estimates suggest that we have studied only about 1% of all of the microbes in any given environment. Thus, despite the fact that over three hundred years have passed since the discovery of microbes, the field of microbiology is clearly in its infancy relative to other biological disciplines such as zoology, botany or even entomology.
  • 5. History  Bacteria were first observed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek in 1676 using a single-lens microscope of his own design.  The name "bacterium" was introduced much later, by Ehrenberg in 1828, derived from the Greek word bactēria meaning "small stick".  While Antony van Leeuwenhoek is often cited as the first microbiologist, the first recorded microbiological observation, that of the fruiting bodies of molds, was made earlier in 1665 by Robert Hooke.  The field of bacteriology (later a subdiscipline of microbiology) is generally considered to have been founded by Ferdinand Cohn (1828- 1898), a botanist whose studies on algae and photosynthetic bacteria led him to describe several bacteria including Bacillus and Beggiatoa. Ferdinand Cohn was also the first to formulate a scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacteria.
  • 6. History  Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Robert Koch (1843-1910) were contemporaries of Cohn’s and are often considered to be the founders of medical microbiology.  Pasteur is most famous for his series of experiments designed to disprove the then widely held theory of spontaneous generation, thereby solidifying microbiology’s identity as a biological science.  Pasteur also designed methods for food preservation (pasteurization) and vaccines against several diseases such as anthrax, fowl cholera and rabies.
  • 7. History  Robert Koch is best known for his contributions to the germ theory of disease, proving that specific diseases were caused by specific pathogenic microorganisms. He developed a series of criteria that have become known as the Koch’s postulates.  Koch was one of the first scientists to focus on the isolation of bacteria in pure culture resulting in his description of several novel bacteria including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis
  • 8. History  While Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch are often considered the founders of microbiology, their work did not accurately reflect the true diversity of the microbial world because of their exclusive focus on microorganisms having medical relevance.  It was not until the work of Martinus Beijerinck (1851-1931) and Sergei Winogradsky (1856-1953), the founders of general microbiology (an older term encompassing aspects of microbial physiology, diversity and ecology), that the true breadth of microbiology was revealed.  Sergei Winogradsky was the first to develop the concept of chemolithotrophy and to thereby reveal the essential role played by microorganisms in geochemical processes. He was responsible for the first isolation and description of both nitrifying and nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
  • 9. Microbiology The field of microbiology can be generally divided into several subdisciplines:  Microbial physiology: The study of how the microbial cell functions biochemically. Includes the study of microbial growth, microbial metabolism and microbial cell structure.  Microbial genetics: The study of how genes are organised and regulated in microbes in relation to their cellular functions. Closely related to the field of molecular biology.  Medical microbiology: The study of the role of microbes in human illness. Includes the study of microbial pathogenesis and epidemiology and is related to the study of disease pathology and immunology.
  • 10. Types of microbiology  Veterinary microbiology: The study of the role in microbes in veterinary medicine.  Environmental microbiology: The study of the function and diversity of microbes in their natural environments. Includes the study of microbial ecology, microbially-mediated nutrient cycling, geomicrobiology, microbial diversity and bioremediation. Characterisation of key bacterial habitats such as the rhizosphere and phyllosphere.
  • 11. Types of microbiology  Evolutionary microbiology: The study of the evolution of microbes. Includes the study of bacterial systematics and taxonomy.  Industrial microbiology: The exploitation of microbes for use in industrial processes. Examples include industrial fermentation and wastewater treatment. Closely linked to the biotechnology industry. This field also includes brewing, an important application of microbiology.  Aeromicrobiology: The study of Airborne Microorganisms.  Food Microbiology: The study of Microorganisms causing Food Spoilage.
  • 12. Benefits of microbiology  While microbes are often viewed negatively due to their association with many human illnesses, microbes are also responsible for many beneficial processes such as industrial fermentation (e.g. the production of alcohol and dairy products), antibiotic production and as vehicles for cloning in higher organisms such as plants.  Scientists have also exploited their knowledge of microbes to produce biotechnologically important enzymes such as Taq polymerase, reported genes for use in other genetic systems and novel molecular biology techniques such as the yeast two-hybrid system.
  • 13. Bacteria  Microorganism – any organism too small to be viewed by the unaided eye, as bacteria, protozoa, and some fungi and algae  Bacterium/Bacteria - microorganisms made up of a single cell that has no distinct nucleus. Bacteria reproduce by fission or by forming spores.  One of the three domains of life (the others being Eukarya and ARCHAEA), also called Eubacteria.  They are unicellular prokaryotic microorganisms which generally possess rigid cell walls, multiply by cell division, and exhibit three principal forms: round or coccal, rod like or bacillary, and spiral or spirochetal.
  • 14. Morphology of the bacteria General Concepts  Gross Morphology  Bacteria have characteristic shapes (cocci, rods, spirals, etc.) and often occur in characteristic aggregates (pairs, chains, tetrads, clusters, etc.). These traits are usually typical for a genus and are diagnostically useful.  Cell Structure  Prokaryotes have a nucleoid (nuclear body) rather than an enveloped nucleus and lack membrane-bound cytoplasmic organelles. The plasma membrane in prokaryotes performs many of the functions carried out by membranous organelles in eukaryotes. Multiplication is by binary fission.
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  • 16. Chromosome  Is not surrounded by nuclear membrane  does not have a definitive shape  usually consists of single, circular DNA molecule and serves as the control centre of the bacterial cell, containing the genomic information needed for producing several thousand enzymes and proteins  a typical bacterial chromosome contains approximately 10,000 genes
  • 17. Cytoplasm  Semiliquid, surrounds the chromosome, is contained within the plasma membrane  consists of water, enzymes, oxygen (in some cases), waste products, essential nutrients, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids - a complex mixture of all the materials required by cell for its metabolic functions
  • 18. Surface Structures  Flagella: The flagella of motile bacteria differ in structure from eukaryotic flagella. A basal body anchored in the plasma membrane and cell wall gives rise to a cylindrical protein filament. The flagellum moves by whirling about its long axis. The number and arrangement of flagella on the cell are diagnostically useful.  Pili (Fimbriae): Pili are slender, hairlike, proteinaceous appendages on the surface of many (particularly Gram-negative) bacteria. They are important in adhesion to host surfaces.  Capsules: Some bacteria form a thick outer capsule of high- molecular-weight, viscous polysaccharide gel; others have more amorphous slime layers. Capsules confer resistance to phagocytosis.
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  • 20. Cytoplasmic Structures  Plasma Membrane: The bacterial plasma membrane is composed primarily of protein and phospholipid (about 3:1). It performs many functions, including transport, biosynthesis, and energy transduction.  Organelles: The bacterial cytoplasm is densely packed with 70S ribosomes. Other granules represent metabolic reserves (e.g., poly-b- hydroxybutyrate, polysaccharide, polymetaphosphate, and metachromatic granules).  Endospores: Bacillus and Clostridium species can produce endospores: heat-resistant, dehydrated resting cells that are formed intracellularly and contain a genome and all essential metabolic machinery. The endospore is encased in a complex protective spore coat.
  • 21. Important Chemical Components of Surface Structures  Cell Wall Peptidoglycans: Both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria possess cell wall peptidoglycans, which confer the characteristic cell shape and provide the cell with mechanical protection. Peptidoglycans are unique to prokaryotic organisms and consist of a glycan backbone of muramic acid and glucosamine (both N-acetylated), and peptide chains highly cross-linked with bridges in Gram-positive bacteria (e.g., Staphylococcus aureus) or partially cross-linked in Gram-negative bacteria (e.g., ). The cross-linking transpeptidase enzymes are some of the targets for b-lactam antibiotics.  Teichoic Acids: Teichoic acids are polyol phosphate polymers bearing a strong negative charge. They are covalently linked to the peptidoglycan in some Gram-positive bacteria. They are strongly antigenic, but are generally absent in Gram-negative bacteria.
  • 22. Important Chemical Components of Surface Structures  Lipoteichoic Acids: Lipoteichoic acids as membrane teichoic acids are polymers of amphiphitic glycophosphates with the lipophilic glycolipid and anchored in the cytoplasmic membrane. They are antigenic, cytotoxic and adhesins (e.g., Streptococcus pyogenes).  Lipopolysaccharides: One of the major components of the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria is lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin), a complex molecule consisting of a lipid A anchor, a polysaccharide core, and chains of carbohydrates. Sugars in the polysaccharide chains confer serologic specificity.  Wall-Less Forms: Two groups of bacteria devoid of cell wall peptidoglycans are the Mycoplasma species, which possess a surface membrane structure, and the L-forms that arise from either Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacterial cells that have lost their ability to produce the peptidoglycan structures.
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  • 26. Rickettsias and Chlamydias  Are coccoid, rod-shaped, or pleomorphic (irregular) GR-negative bacteria with a bacterial-type cell wall; unlike viruses, they contain both DNA and RNA.  Most known forms are obligate intracellular parasites.  Rickettsias: because they appear to have leaky cell membranes, most rickettsias must live inside another cell to retain all the neccesary cellular substances. They are usually transmitted by arthropod vectors (carriers): lice, fleas, ticks - by their bites or waste products (exception - Coxiella burnetti, that cause of Q fever - airborne or foodborne).  Chlamydias: are probably the most primitive of all bacteria because they lack the enzymes required to perform many essential metabolic activities, particularly production of ATP. They are obligate intracellular parasites that are transferred by direct contact between hosts, not by arthropods.
  • 27. Mycoplasmas  are the smallest of the cellular microbes.  Because they lack cell walls, they assume many shapes, from coccoid to filamentous.  Sometimes they are confused with the L-forms of bacteria.  Because they have no cell wall, they are resistant to treatment with penicillin and other antibiotics that work by inhibiting cell wall synthesis
  • 29. Purposes  What do we learn from our classification?  How useful is it?  Is there a preferred classification of organisms from which we can learn more than we can from alternative classifications?
  • 30. Principles  Morphology  staining  motility  growth  atmospheric requirements  nutritional requirements  biochemical and metabolic activities  pathogenicity  amino acid sequencing  genetic composition
  • 31. Principles  Gram stain (cell wall structure)  Mole percent G+C in the genome  Growth temperature  Ability to form heat stable spores  Electron acceptors for respiration (if any)  Photosynthetic ability  Motility  Cell shape  Ability to use various carbon and nitrogen sources  Special nutritional requirements (e.g., vitamins)
  • 32. Classification of the bacteria Bacteria can be classified:  by their response to OXYGEN: aerobic, anaerobic, or facultatively anaerobic;  by the mode by which they obtain their ENERGY: chemotrophy (via chemical reaction) or phototrophy (via light reaction); for chemotrophs by their source of chemical energy: chemolithotrophy (from inorganic compounds) or chemoorganotrophy (from organic compounds);  by their source for CARBON; NITROGEN, etc.: heterotrophy (from organic sources) or autotrophy (from carbon dioxide).  They can also be classified by whether or not they stain (based on the structure of their CELL WALLS) with crystal violet dye: gram- negative or gram-positive.
  • 33. History  Aristotle: plants, animals, microorganisms (appearance and behaviour)  Carolus Linnaeus (18th century): binominal system - each organism is given two names (e.g. Homo sapiens). First name is the genus, and second is the specific epithet. The first and second names together are referred to as the species.  Whittaker: five kingdoms - Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista (algae and protozoa), Procaryotae or Monera (cyanobacteria and bacteria). Each kingdoms consist of divisions or phyla which, in turn, are divided into classes, orders, families, genera, species
  • 34. Bergey’s Manual of determinative bacteriology Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
  • 35. Kingdom and Phylum Five kingdoms:  Animalia (for animals)  Plantae (for plants)  Fungi (for fungi)  Protista (for algae and protozoa)  Procaryotae: Phylum I - Photobacteria (cyanobacteria) Phylum II - Scotobacteria (bacteria)
  • 36. Kingdom – Procaryotae Phylum – II Scotobacteria Class – 1 Bacteria Order – 14 group Gr (+) cocci Family – Micrococcaceae Genus – Staphylococcus Species – Staphylococcus aureus
  • 37. Bacteria group family genus species 1-4 Non pathogenic for human 5 Spirochetes Spirochaetaceae Treponema Borrelia Leptospira Treponema pallidum Borrelia recurrentis Leptospira interrogans 6 Spiral and curved bacteria Spirillaceae Spirillum Spirillum minor 7 Gr(-) aerobic bacillus and cocci 5 family, more important Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas Pseudomonas aeroginosa 8 Gr(-) facultative anaerobic bacillus Enterobacteriaceae Vibrionaceae 12 genus: Salmonella, Shigella, Klebsiella, Proteus, Yersinia Vibrio Salmonella typhi … 9 Gr(-)anaerobic bacteria Bacteroidaceae
  • 38. 10 Gr(-) cocci and coccobacilli Neisseriaceae 4 Neisseria N. gonorrhoeae N. meningitidis 11 Gr(-) anaerobic cocci Veillonellaceae 3 Veillonella 12 Gr(-)hemolitotroph 13 Metanobacteria 14 Gr(+) cocci Micrococcaceae Streptococcaceae Peptococcaceae Staphylococcus Streptococcus Peptococcus S. aureus S. pneumoniae 15 Spore forming bacilli Bacillaceae Bacillus Clostridium B. antracis C. tetani C. botulinum 16 Gr(+) bacilli Lactobacillaceae Lactobacilli Listeria 17 Actinomycetes Corynobacteriaceae Actinomyceae Mycobacteriaceae Corynobacterium Actinomyces Mycobacterium C. diphteriae A. israilii M. tuberculosis M. leprae 18 Ricketsiales Chlamydiales 3 Ricketsiaceae Chlamydiaceae Ricketsia Chlamydia R.provacheka C. trachomatis 19 Mycoplasmes Mycoplasmaceae Achleplasmataceae Mycoplasma