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Melanie Liburd Character Analysis
If you are enjoying season two of the SyFy hit show Dark Matter, you are probably familiar with the
character Nyx Harper as played by Melanie Liburd. Not only is she a gifted beauty, but she is
grounded and possesses strength in spades. Recently, Melanie took some time to answer a few
questions about her experience in the entertainment industry and specifically as Nyx in Dark Matter.
img_3757.jpgRH: Please tell us a little bit about your background and your journey to become an
actress. ML: I came out of my shell in my early teens and after that, I was unstoppable. I would go
to as many dance classes as I could, and I also started modeling. This led to a variety of television
commercials and then Drama School. Living in London, I loved theatre ... Show more content on ...
Oh, and if possible, come and see us at San Diego Comic Con in July. I would love to meet some of
you! img_4128.jpgDo you have any interest in directing/writing/producing eventually? I enjoy all of
the above, so yes, I would love to in the future. What is something that you can share that maybe
most people don't know about you? Being a Brit, I'm quite partial to a good old–fashioned Sunday Nan's is the best! fullsizerender–2.jpg As far as I'm concerned, Melanie is a "kick ass"
female who can take on any role in any genre, and she seems to take great delectation in those roles
that demonstrate her strength and fortitude as a woman. In spite of her powerful and no nonsense
demeanor, however, she is sweet and kind to her fans and co–workers, and she infuses herself into
every role she is given, albeit in her indomitable style. I greatly anticipate the progression of her
career as her star is defintely one on the rise. As she perseveres in expressing herself faultlessly in
every role she is given and valuing every experience she has, there is no doubt in my mind that we
will continue to hear from this talented, pragamatic woman. Be sure that you watch her on Dark
Matter Friday nights on the SyFy Network, and also follow her at all the links below so you don't
miss a second of what is rapidly becoming a spectacular career for
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Emily Dickinson Ceremonial Object Analysis
I am of course overjoyed to be here today in the role of ceremonial object. There is more than the
usual amount of satisfaction in receiving an honorary degree from the university that helped to form
one's erstwhile callow and ignorant mind into the thing of dubious splendor that it is today; whose
professors put up with so many overdue term papers, and struggled to read one's handwriting, of
which 'interesting' is the best that has been said; at which one failed to learn Anglo–Saxon and
somehow missed Bibliography entirely, a severe error which I trust no one present here today has
committed; and at which one underwent excruciating agonies not only of soul but of body, later
traced to having drunk too much coffee in the bowels of Wymilwood. ... Show more content on ...
For example: nobody ever tells you, but did you know that when you have a baby your hair falls
out? Not all of it, and not all at once, but it does fall out. It has something to do with a zinc
imbalance. The good news is that it does grow back in. This only applies to girls. With boys, it falls
out whether you have a baby or not, and it never grows back in; but even then there is hope. In a
pinch, you can resort to quotation, a commodity which a liberal arts education teaches you to treat
with respect, and I offer the following: "God only made a few perfect heads, and the rest lie covered
with hair."
Which illustrates the following point: when faced with the inevitable, you always have a choice. You
may not be able to alter reality, but you can alter your attitude towards it. As I learned during my
liberal arts education, any symbol can have, in the imaginative context, two versions, a positive and
a negative. Blood can either be the gift of life or what comes out of you when you cut your wrists in
the bathtub. Or, somewhat less drastically, if you spill your milk you're left with a glass which is
either half empty or half
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A Few Things Wrong With Me And Harvey's Dream
It Doesn't matter if the short story was based on true events or not. When its written about death or
losing loved ones, it always reminds you of the people that were so close at once and then gone
forever. Many people all over the world deal with their feelings of losing someone. So people cry,
and some keep the emotions in and let it burn inside. "A Few Things Wrong with Me" by Lydia
Davis and "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and "Harvey's Dream" by Stephen King are
three examples of how character's have lost their loved ones in a different way. Some were killed
and some were faded away. It also shows unhappy & happy relationships. Two of the three books
also have a comparison of people that have problems in their life or forced to be in a problem. These
three short stories are written from different authors perspective and have difficult plots but there is
one thing that gathers them together, it is the despair that was left in their souls by the loved ones. In
these three short stories a person dies or has left someone forever, but all in different aspects.
Loosing a person that had a spot in your life isn't an easy thing to forget but also leaves a mark in
your heart forever. Two the three books also have a comparison of people that have problems in life
or forced to be in a problem
In the short story "A Few Things Wrong with Me" by Lydia Davis, shows how a female character is
hated by the one person she loved the most in life. How the person she loved the
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Chapter 2 Solution Manual
* Review documents to discover relevant entities and attributes for database * Prepare interview
questions and follow up * Prepare questionnaires * Observe work flow for process and exceptions
I. Gathering Information A. Initial Interviews with Chief Stakeholders B. Review of Business
Documents C. Interviews with Stakeholders D. Questionnaires E. Job Shadowing
II. Review of Business Documents A. Reasons for Review B. Forms C. Reports D. Other Business
III. Types of Databases A. Transaction Database B. Management Information Systems C. Business
Intelligence Systems D. Cloud Databases
IV. Interviews with Stakeholders A. Preparing for the ... Show more content on ...
The workshops should be carefully organized and professionally facilitated. It could work for
database development. 3. Search for an article on Database Design. Does it have any discussion of
information gathering? If so, what steps does it suggest?
The Wikipedia article specifically mentions
information gathering. It does offer some suggestions, such as cooperating with a person who is
expert in the knowledge domain–a biologist, for instance, for a database storing biological data. The
article "Ten Common Database Design Mistakes" http://www.simple––
administration/ten–common–database–design–mistakes/ also notes the crucial nature of careful
information gathering at the start of the process. The article's author suggests taking the time needed
to gather complete and correct information. 4. What does the term Business Intelligence mean?
What tools does the Microsoft Business Intelligence suite that ships with SQL Server contain?
Wikipedia,, defines business intelligence as
"computer based techniques used in spotting, digging out and analyzing business data." SQL
Server's Business Intelligence tools include the Reporting Services, Analysis Services, and
Integration Services among others. A complete overview can be found at
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Short Story Sredni Vashtar
Would one still believe in what he believed in if no one else believed in it? Large amounts of people
are confined to the static normality of beliefs and personal opinion forced upon them at birth. Only
few beings can fully discover and unlock their own feelings on untouched ideas. The power
projected through motivation can change almost anything with a great deal of dedication and time.
Sometimes the most completely unexpected things can happen in just a blink of an eye.
In the short story " Sredni Vashtar," by Saki, a small, quiet, ten–year old boy named Conradin was
left as an orphan. Unfortunately, he became dreadfully subjected to the selfish lifestyle of Mrs.
DeRopp, the " unclean thing, which should find no entrance." (par.2) In many examples from the
text, it is shown that Conradin is treated unworthy. In paragraph 6, it states, " ...there was toast on
the table, a delicacy which she usually banned", yet she was a high class woman. Regardless of his
harsh reality, in a world where he was overlooked easier than the smallest speck of dust, the boy
held a resilient aspect for the future. The doctor told Conradin he would be dead by the age of 15,
yet the fortitude hidden inside him caused that opinion to be irrelevant. Conradin uses his secret
intelligence to sneakily unfold the story by discovering his safe haven in the most unsuspecting
place, the garden shed. Which housed his new found "god", Sredni Vashtar, the ferret. Sredni
hypnotizes the boy into truly wanting to take actions against Mrs. DeRopp, while also turning his
heart off. Conradin neglected to acknowledge the social normality of his distant family and the
world around him, but still climbed to the top while still screaming his humble mentality. The
character takes advantage of his lonesomeness to fight back against unfair treatments and comes out
Different types of characters create different types of events. Dynamic characters usually create a
large impact to the plot, due to their dramatic inner and outer changes throughout the story. Dynamic
characters are usually related to round characters. To be round character implies that the character
goes through a personal change and has many surprises. Conradin is an example of
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Sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. These are just a few of the...
Sex, drugs and rock–and–roll. These are just a few of the things that summon countless people to
The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday and Saturday nights. An abundance of teens and people
are either pulled in by someone in their family or group of friends and there are those who are
merely pulled in and attracted by the peculiarity of the name of the show that brings up and causes a
sense of interest and curiosity. What pulled me into it was my group of close of friends and their
parents who grew up and relive the show and movie every Halloween. Many people go to discover
themselves in a setting or group where they feel that they fit in and are accepted. Those people that
normally get called freaks or loser go to see The Rocky Horror ... Show more content on ...
Being chosen to be called forth made me feel as if I truly fit in there and would never be rejected,
when in fact if this had happened anywhere else I would have turned redder than a killer tomato. I
was ecstatic, yet also terribly embarrassed by the fact that I was chosen to be called forward by my
favorite character, Magenta who was being played by a girl named Janet that night. Damnit Janet.
After the toast, or what was left of the thrown half burnt toast was finished we did our oath and were
permitted to go return to our seats and the show began. In the Rocky Horror community, everyone is
celebrated for who they are. Individuality and uniqueness is something special and called upon
among the groupies of Transylvania and Dr. Frank–N–Furter and it will always be that way. No
male is ever ridiculed or looked at for dressing like a woman or drag–queen nor is any woman ever
looked down upon for dressing like a man or drag king. In fact, some of the cast actually play
characters of the opposite sex just because they love the role or who and what the character portrays.
At NO time throughout the entire show will anyone tell you that you are wrong or weird or different.
People are who they really want to be at Rocky Horror and no one will ever stop them for being that
way. It is living
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Current Generation The Dumbest Generation
The past generation has label the current generation the dumbest generation.thus making lots critics
toward the current generations and with someone one the other side,Bauerlein . Mark Bauerlein in
his book "the Dumbest Generation" says today's generation is the dumbest generation,this has been
going on for millions of years in this world every old generation has labeled the current generation
the dumbest.this is an ongoing lasted this the70s when the world was starting to modernize
around the whole has been going on for as long as when the second generation started
school.this is something every generation has to go through because the past generations say we are
the dumbest just because there are new advances in today's world.mostly because past generation
see new advances that help education,Current generation isn't the dumbest but the smartest of the
past generations.we have lots of new technology in today's generation.We are the smartest
generation.Current generation are self directed learners. forms of technical and media literacy by
exploring new interests, tinkering, and "messing around" with new forms of media."Lunsford is a
professor of writing and rhetoric at Stanford University,and she has organized a project called the
Stanford Study of Writing to scrutinize college students' prose. From 2001 to 2006, she collected
14,672 student writing samples,The first thing she found is that young people today write far more
than any generation before
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My Favourite Person
Yes guys it's me Humna Qureshi who always want to be known as "The Great Humna". I was born
in Pakistan, on 19 December 2000. I have many events which I will always remember in my life no
matter how old I am because those things give me reason to live my life happily and achieve my
goals. My story begins when I was six or seven years old, a girl who had crush on superman, who
was never real. Of course you can expect anything from Humna Qureshi. Superman used to help
every person on this planet and I always wanted to be superman. I went for shopping with my
parents and bought superman costume. Next day I took shower and wore my superman dress since I
believed that after wearing that costume I will be powerful and nice helpful girl. So, I was running
here and there, jumping from one couch to another and helping everyone which is one of my
favorite things. I went in the drawing room trying to jump high then suddenly there was a blackout. I
didn't know what happen with me only thing I saw was I was in my dad's lap ended up in the
hospital. I have two sisters and three brothers, for me my family comes first. I always used to think
that why my father always forced us to have strong family bonds. He always forced us to give your
family number one priority and then your friends. Funniest part in this is that I am only 16 years old
and hopefully I will be seventeen years old after two months. I always wanted to write about myself
who I am really because I have so much things to say
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Columbus Letter Essay
The Columbus Letter
Since my endeavors have achieved achievement, I realize that it will please to you: these I have
resolved to relate, so you might be made familiar with everything done and found in this our
voyage. On the thirty–third day after I withdrew from Cadiz, I went to the Indian ocean, where I
discovered numerous islands occupied by men without number, of all which I took ownership for
our luckiest ruler, with broadcasting envoys and flying benchmarks, nobody questioning. To the first
of these I gave the name of the favored Savior, on whose guide depending I had achieved this and
additionally alternate islands. Yet, the Indians call it Guanahany. I likewise called every one of the
others by another name. For I requested one island to be called Santa Maria of the Conception,
another Fernandina, another Isabella, another Juana, thus on with the rest.
When we had landed at that island which I have a few seconds ago said was called Juana, I
continued along its coast towards the west for some separation; I discovered it so expansive and
without discernible end, that I trusted it to be not an island, but rather the mainland nation of Cathay;
seeing, in any case, no towns or urban areas arranged on the ocean coast, however just a few towns
and inconsiderate ranches, with whose tenants I was not able chat, in light of the fact that when they
saw us they took off. I continued more distant, believing that I would find some city or vast homes.
Finally, seeing that we
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Personal Narrative: Binge Watching T. V Show !
Hello everybody, welcome back after the one week of abandonment of the blog. While I abandoned
the blog, there are few things I could really focus on the past week,
1) Sleeping for a whole 8 hours – Eventhough it felt weird initially to get a full eight hour long
sleep, I must say that I enjoyed it to the fullest. I had no obligation to wake up early and start writing
when I could just swaddle myself to sleep for an hour or two.
2) Binge watching t.v show – Finally I finished watching Grey's Anantomy and I hated it! The show
which started out great when I used to watch has now turned out to be so depressing that I needed a
day to recuperate from it. But the good news is, I'm done watching t.v shows alone. Bigshot and I
have started watching ... Show more content on ...
Because 3 weeks ago I was like a hamster running on a wheel without having any idea in which
direction it's running. I kept writing everyday because I had to write everyday and in that process of
straining myself to write every single day I somehow stopped enjoying writing and it became some
sort of mundane work. Because I stopped enjoying writing, the one thing that truly made me happy,
I slowly stopped enjoying everything else I did. So that vicious circle of life had to stop and I
decided to take a vacation from writing. It felt good initially when I stopped writing and I did
everything i have listed down above and focused all my energy on making sure I felt better and
enjoyed those free time. However, the break that I took towards the end felt like a torture wherein I
started to itch and miss my writing time. But time is a freaky little thing which changes your
perspective every second of a minute and I waited patiently to start. I think it's not simply about
writing but everything you do in your life should be enjoyed a 100 percent. If you enjoy coding like
Bigshot here, that is never going to bore you. BUT if you stress yourself over deadlines and targets
and forget that it is to be enjoyed, then what is the point of it all? I was having a melt down when
writing felt like a mundane job and not something I loved working
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Hallmark Christmas Research Papers
Again, last year's Hallmark Christmas movies definitely introduced me to some incredible talent,
and Mélanie St–Pierre happens to be one of those new faces (at least, new to me). I first saw her as
Samantha Cross in Christmas Encore, and after requesting an interview, I discovered so much more
about her and her solid body of work. Yet again, I have the honor of sharing a lovely, vibrant, gifted
woman with all of my readers!
RH: How did you get started as an actress? What kind of training have you had?
MS: I first got started in film when I was thirteen years old. At the time I was performing contortion
with a circus troupe in Toronto and was offered a role in HBO's Rescuer's: Stories of Courage,
starring Darryl Hannah. I fell in love with being on set right then and there, it was magical! A few
years later, I studied the Meisner Technique (made famous at the Neighborhood Playhouse in NYC)
and started auditioning for film and TV roles in Montreal, Quebec.
What was your first professional job in the business and what are your memories of it?
After shooting Rescuers, the first gig I landed was a music video for "Pictures" by The Boomtang
Boys, a Canadian pop band. It was a completely zany music video about a girl that falls in love with
a cardboard cut–out at her local record shop ... Show more content on ...
I also work occasionally as an audition reader for a Toronto casting director, and I have to say that
audition sessions for Hallmark movies are particularly fun. I always go home with cramps in my
cheeks from smiling so much! The really interesting thing about being a reader for auditions is that
you get to embody characters that you'd never get to play under other circumstances. And with
Hallmark auditions, I really get to run the gamut of types of roles, and every time I go home feeling
wonderful. I've always really adored watching Hallmark movies... I'm a sucker for a good
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Summary Of A Couple Of Questions By Jordan
In June Jordan's poem "A Couple of Questions" She asks all of the questions that the main stream
media ignores. On A day to day basis almost no one thinks of the questions posed by her such as
how many Indians there were versus how many are left today; or the cost, socially and monetarily,
of LAPD police equipment used to stomp civil unrest. In this paper my main objective is to answer
the question of how much it costs to purchase the helicopter and armored vehicles used by the
LAPD. The first question to be answered, Is how much does one of the LAPDs' armored vehicles
cost. Research on the number of armored vehicles owned by the LAPD was hard to uncover.
However, I did find that the LAPD uses Lenco BearCats ("LAPD Police Car Web Site"). According
to BearCat stands for Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack
Truck. These Armored vehicles can cost around $230,000 depending on the upgrades purchased
(Schlueb). Not only does the equipment they use carry a heavy monetary cost, but it also carries a
heavy social cost. According to an article written by Cheryl K. Chumley "More than four of 10
respondents said they weren't confident police could use military–grade equipment and weapons
appropriately..." In today's society no one would have ever thought about the social and economic
cost of ... Show more content on ...
According to the LAPD has the largest police aviation unit in the United
States. The LAPD aviation unit consists of 17 helicopters and one plane! Of the 17 helicopters 12 of
them are Eurocopter AS350's which cost around $1.6 million each (Eurocopter AS350), 4 of them
are Bell 206 Jet Rangers which cost around $900,000 each, 1 Bell 412 which costs an astonishing
$6.7 million (Bell 412)! Lastly, their one King Air 200 costs roughly $1.49 million (Aircraft for
Sale). In total the LAPD owns almost $31 million in aircrafts
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A Brave New World: A Brief Narrative Fiction
A silent shadow, blurred from the crowd, standing still. Waving hands, the earth's stood silent, one
footstep, the doors were opened. Man wielded by diverse flags, holding hands through the roaring
floor. United was someone's words threw a microphone, communication was someone's finger in
their ears. A train that accidentally dropped angry chickens, would fight their reasons, without a
cause. The stairway to the grip in which we strangle each other, the waves colliding onto our vision,
an empty space. The single man walking the line, standing tall along the forgotten memories. The
smell of ash onto the sky, flying angels staring down upon the fallen structures. Standing still,
surrounded by arms for only the white of their eyes could be ... Show more content on ...
Now a forgotten ash, my hands, weighless, for my action carry guilt. Once I lay down my weapon, I
step into my distant memory. They see the same face, but feel a different person, they sense trouble
but only smile and stand behind the soft floor, where I stand is the dirt, sleeping in the fire. My
friend was my enemy, and I was his determination, to catch me and to drown me.
Four months staring, waiting, watching the shadows creep out from behind. For my heart stops at
the moment, the first touch is the last breath. As they sing to the sky, the rain pours on us, for I am
perhaps past help. The man is torn apart by the room they sleep in, the things they touch, a weapon
to them. I am relieved off my pain, the picture is burnt, the tears are washed away, but the whiteness
rising is still behind the eye. Was it a dream, am I insane? Or perhaps I was living a
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Essay on Profile of a Person
Raphael Colmanette 1
Dr.McDonough 10/16
First Year Writing
Clash Of Cultures
There are a lot of people around Belmont University with different concepts, different goals,
different experiences, different cultures, but most important, different methods of thinking. When I
realized that I would need to write a profile of someone else, I thought it would be the easiest essay
that I have ever done. Contrary to my expectations, I realized that to write someone else's profile is
kind of hard, because it is not only a simple thing such as just write the entire life of the person. A
lot of stuff is behind the profile of a person. When I first thought about who I should interview, I
was kind of lost, because I do not know a lot of people ... Show more content on ...
The guy that I am talking about is Andrew Gordon Conner, who has born on august 8 1992, and he
is the person that organize my hall, and needs to maintain the organization, like a security, known
here in the U.S as R.A. I knew that he was a different guy with a lot of experiences for me to know,
but actually he was way more than that.
Andrew was born at Bangkok, Thailand. At the time he told me that, I became so interest to know
about the culture, and all the differences between there and here. The most interesting thing about
Andrew is that he has already lived in few different places and knows a lot of different cultures. He
lived there in Bangkok until his six years old, and he had a good life there. He was used to live in a
property where his family was the only white family in the whole building, what for me, I think it
would be kind of scary, but according to him, it was kind of normal for him and his parents. His dad
was used to work for a company back in Bangkok that when Andrew was six, the company changed
place to Arizona, United States. With six years, he had already challenged the difficulties of change
home to another country, and especially the big change of culture.
Andrew was lucky to move when he was only six, because whenever you have more then ten years
and had already made a lot of friends, and had already gone to school, it would be much harder to
get used to
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A Few Things To Consider When Evaluating A Residential...
A Few Things to Consider When Evaluating a Residential Detox Center
If you are at a point where you or a loved one is ready for inpatient drug rehabilitation, then there
are a few things you need to know. Although it is usually necessary for people with the most severe
substance abuse problems to need a residential program, people with less severe substance abuse
issues can still benefit. Residential programs are usually the most effective programs, but you still
need to find a good facility. The following are a few things to ask yourself when evaluating a
Do they have experience with your particular chemical abuse problem?
Some facilities try to be all things to all people, and in truth, there are some very good detox centers
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How to they address Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms?
Once your body has gone through detoxification, it will then go through a period when it
experiences acute withdrawal symptoms. This is different than the withdrawal issues when your
body initially experiences a loss of the drug. How severe they are will depend upon the individual as
well as the severity of the addiction, and the drug that a person has been addicted to. This is an
important aspect of drug recovery because it is at this time that your body needs to be stabilized.
How a drug rehab facility addresses this, will be important to you long–term recovery. There are
many physical problems that can occur during this time. Seizures, hallucinations, insomnia and
paranoia are only a few of them. Psychological issues can be a big problem as well. Some of it may
manifest itself as strong psychological reactions such as anxiety and depression, but other symptoms
include social anxiety, issues with motivation, confusion and difficulty concentrating. How Post
Acute Withdrawal Symptoms are addressed with have a lot to do with the success of the
rehabilitation program.
What type of therapy do they offer?
Most of the top drug rehab facilities have several approach to physiological treatment because some
individuals respond to certain therapies better than others. Group therapy is a fundamental approach
that you will find with
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A Few Good Men
As defined by the dictionary, honor is a high respect that is earned through deeds and reputation.
But, what is honor, and how does one receive it? Honor is like many things that are hard to put into
words. Along with that, honor can be totally different, depending on your perspective. In the play, A
Few Good Men, there is a central theme based around honor, who is doing right and who is doing
wrong. The definitions of honor accepted by each person are so outstandingly conflicting that the
play analyzes what honor is and at what cost is honor worth obtaining. To the lawyers, honor is a
punch line. To the marines at Gitmo it is a necessity to survive. To the commanding officer, Colonel
Jessup, it is authorization for the strong to ... Show more content on ...
The fact of the play is a weak young man was killed to ensure a "code" and to instill in him "honor."
Yet, somewhere, there is a disconnect between real honor, and that honor demonstrated by Jessup.
Jessup has the honor of a bully. He helps his friends, and sticks it to his enemies. Meanwhile, real
honor, as one of the accused soldier's notes at the end of the film, is defending those who are too
weak to defend themselves. It is to behave admirably and justly, not simply to follow one's orders,
no matter what their cost. "That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives." Jessup
believes that, if one link is weak, the whole chain is weak, and that it is his responsibility to make it
stronger. Jessup's sense of honor to the Country is doing whatever is needed, at all costs. Jessup
argues that while he might be "grotesque" he is necessary to defend the nation. He sees no other way
to defend the nation except to force every man into a defender of it. To him, there is giving code
REDs or there is watching the nation fall apart. But these two options are the same thing. He
believes the nation is indefensible without ordering this ruthlessness against his own troops, yet our
values oppose code REDs. Jessup is a true patriot in his eyes. For years, he has selflessly served his
country and probably seen many murders committed on the battlefield. It is therefore understandable
that he would want to make his marines
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My Plan Of Attack At Virgin
Sometimes it feels like you have to be a sociopath in order to "win" or be promoted. I have to say
that I really did feel like I was constantly juggling the way I was perceived at all times and I still am.
My biggest tool was Laura. Laura was the one who took me under her wing and gave me advice on
how to grow and become the leader I needed to be in order to be a supervisor.
I began to ask all the leaders the same questions in different scenarios so it didn't seem weird that I
asked them all the same questions. The cool part of this was that I was able to collect all the various
perspectives on the same type of scenario and sort of compare notes. I figured out that the managers
who are salary are constantly feeling overworked and need a ... Show more content on ...
She asked me what my goals were and how I planned to accomplish them etc.....She then began to
ask me various questions about how I would feel about becoming a supervisor and what I thought
the other teammates would think. I believed that I answered all of the questions well.
A week later the job position was posted on in the teammate lounge. There were quite a few people
interested in the position. The talk began spreading throughout the hotel. So I did what any good
candidate would do and asked people questions. A lot of questions. This allowed me to really sort
out who the real contenders were and how I could be better. I realized the people who were very
forward and loud about wanting the position lost track of how they were being perceived by their
superiors. Most of them didn't even get selected for the first round of interviews. This means being
confident yet reserved was a huge factor they were looking for.
Two weeks later a huge hole was blown into my plan of attack. Emina my manager who seemed to
be my second closest ally called me as I was walking home one day. She said, "Devric, I'm going to
tell you something that only a few people know the moment". In my head, I was thinking the best
and the worst. Hurray, Devric we have decided to just give you the supervisor position or
unfortunately Devric we are going to have to let you go. My heart started pounding. Emina says,"
Devric, They fired Laura." My thoughts were "oh fuck my
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Is The Best Trailers From Sdcc 2016? Essay
Everything you need to know about in this weekly: All the best trailers that came out of SDCC
2016, watch the first South Park game like a movie, a mysterious purple orb is found underwater off
the California coast, and No Man 's Sky shows gamers how to survive in one of the biggest games
ever released.
At Social Underground we go beyond the mainstream stuff and see what's underneath the surface.
What should we get into, listen to, read, eat or watch? If there is something in our culture that needs
attention that's our job: Show you the underground things that you need to know about: Books,
music, television, movies, comedians, art, and whatever else we can find to get you into something
you never knew about. That's The Underground.
1. Here are the best trailers from SDCC 2016.
Comic–Con has given us a lot of good stuff this year. Surprisingly, it didn 't really give us anything
from the Star Wars Universe in terms of live–action movie stuff. We expected another trailer for
Rogue One, but that never actually happened. Either way, we got some great stuff from DC, Marvel,
and the other companies that also happen to make films. Also, there were comics there. But SDCC
doesn 't really care about comics and more, do they? Hell no. In anycase, here are the best movies
trailers to come out of SDCC in no particular order:
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Personal Narrative Fiction
"Okay," Ethan said, three minutes later. "I've got the address. 820 Swan Street we should be there in
a few more minutes. "So, I guess you were right Howie. It really was this Hellhound–werewolf
I chuckled a little. Ethan had always called me Howie when we were off duty, but never during a
case. "No, Ethan. I wasn't right," I said to him. "We were all wrong. Now, we just have to find that
thing and figure out how to kill it."
The car jumped slightly as the road turned from gravel to pavement and we soon arrived at a rather
large apartment. We walked up to the front door and were greeted by an elderly woman who
introduced herself as Miss Phillips. We explained that we came here to investigate a lead that
included one of her tenants. ... Show more content on ...
He hadn't come out of his room for a few weeks and when I came up to collect the rent payment, I
heard no noise." She opened the door and the room was a complete mess. Books were torn and
tossed around the room with a coffee table lying in pieces in the middle of the room. "I found the
room like this. I could find no sign of Mr. Marks until you two showed up today. I was just about to
report him missing. The most confusing part was that I found animal tracks, like a dog's, all
throughout the mess.
We thanked Ms. Phillips and asked if we could look around for anything that might help us. She
nodded and closed the door as we began to look around. Ethan looked into the bedroom and I
checked the mess and found a copy of "Beasts of Myths and Folklores" lying torn atop the glass
shards. I checked for whatever could stop this mayhem, but the lower portion had been shredded and
I turned the page and noticed a small paragraph ending the information.
It is very rare, however, should a person be bitten under a crimson moon by a Hellwolf; the curse
shall be transferred. This only happens if the beast is on its last breath. I gasped as I read this and I
heard Ethan call from the bedroom. "Howard, come check this
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Pablo Neruda’s “I’m Explaining a Few Things” in Connection...
Through their separate mediums of writing, poetry and literature, both Neruda and Allende both
achieve a common goal of criticizing the actions of certain militant forces, past or present, within
there country of living. In Neruda's "I'm explaining a Few Things", the Civil Spanish war, sparked
by the forceful and bloody overtake of the current, fair republican government by the Faschist
general Fransisco Franco, is the topic of Neruda's disgust and criticism. The "burning" and
"devouring" manner of Franco's revolt changed his political opinion concerning his fondness for the
communistic ideals and history tells he realigned with the Republican Party. This same general
theme persists in Allende's House of Spirits as she criticizes the ... Show more content on ...
Stones that the dry thistle would bite on and spit out." Esteban Trueba's eventual shift in character
due to the violence seen by the military force of his beloved Conservative party in House of Spirits
models after the shift in political alignment Neruda suffers after witnessing the blood shed of the
innocent by the Faschists against the democratic Republicans. Both Neruda and Esteban realize that
their current party is wrong in their doings, Neruda noting to "come and see the blood in the streets.
Come and see the blood in the streets!" Colloquial statements and questions such as "You are going
to ask", "I'll tell you the news", and even the title of the poem "I'm explaining a few things"
represent Nerudas very personal and emotional stance on the blood–filled civil war. Such personal
statements as "Eh, Rafel? Fredrico, do you remember from under the ground..." and "come and see
the blood in the streets" reiterate Neruda's personal involvement and feelings revolving the civil war.
It is clear he wrote this poem from a personal standpoint, writing of his own personal afflictions
caused by the Franco revolt, and not from a observant and unbiased standpoint. The obvious
personal disgust for the "Treacherous
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Sample Case Study: Client Scenarios
1) ADL's: Client currently resides with his brother in his trailer. Client is also responsible for taking
care of his children during the day. Client reported his residence to be "pretty messy" and there are
"cloths and toy's everywhere." Client reported, he only does the dishes "once every two weeks" and
takes out the garbage "once a week." Client reports, "cleaning takes a while because he needs to stop
and think about what I am doing." Client reported that he avoids shopping by himself and when he
does shop he will only get the necessities. Client states "shopping is stressful" because the "stress
increases the voices in my head." Client reports he "gets to a point", while shopping, that the "voices
get overwhelming" and he has to ... Show more content on ...
The most recent hospitalization was soon after the initial meeting with his case manager. Client
reported he felt "under pressure." He reported that work was stressful and he was having a hard time
with his ex–wife and ex–girlfriend. Client also reported that his parents were overwhelming him by
continually asking him questions about his illness; which, he stated, "makes it real." Client reported
he was also having difficulty with his medications. He stated, "They were making me feel really
slow, so I stopped taking them." He reports the medication "got rid of hallucinations, but I didn't like
the way they made me feel." "So I stopped taking them and was hospitalized." Client reported that
once he stopped taking his medication, he began "contemplating suicide." The second
hospitalization occurred when the client was 23 years of age. Client reported his hospitalizations
was a result of his "medication stopped working and I was getting command voices to harm other
people." Client reported that he "hospitalized himself." The first time the client was hospitalized was
at the age of 22. Client reports, he does not remember what occurred before his hospitalization and
he only "remembers going." Client thinks it was because he was "not on strong enough meds."
Clients meetings with his case manager are usually bi–weekly, unless the client is in need of
assistance with paperwork, isolation, and monitoring. The client prefers bi–weekly meetings, due to
having his child during the day. However, he generally attends all scheduled meetings. If he is
unable to, he will call and cancel prior to their scheduled meeting. Client relies on his phone
calendar to remind him of his appointments with his case manager, counselor, psychiatrist, and his
monthly Invega
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A Comparative Analysis Of Red Reiner's A Few Good Men
Painful Power A Comparative analysis of Red Reiner's A Few Good Men
It is interesting to see human behavior when put into a difficult situation that may force them to
harm others when they do not want to, but will anyways. It is human nature to always do what is
best for themselves and their safety, but people tend to harm others when they can shift the blame
off themselves for causing them harm. As for example the milgram experiment is a great example
showing people will cause harm under given command. This is not true for everyone, but for most
people it is. People will harm others, but kept telling the instructor that they want to stop. The
instructor told them they must keep on going, the first response would be I do not want to blamed
for hurting the person, soon as instructor took the responsibility then the they would continue to
cause pain. A movie that takes a closer look into this situation is A Few Good Men directed by Red
Reiner. Some of the main actors were Tom Cruise who played Lt. Daniel Kaffee and is a lawyer that
is defending the marines in a murder case, Jack Nicholson who played Col. Nathan R. Jessup is the
leader of marines stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Demi Moore who played LT. Cdr. Joanne Galloway
is part of the team with Kaffee to defend marnie in the murder case, James Marshall who played Pfc.
Louden Downey is the marine who is trialed for murder and disorderly conduct. To quick run over
the movie, it was about two marines officers who gave another
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The Dreams Of Dreams And Dreams
Everyone has dreams; it's a known fact. Their dreams are goals in their lives; goals that people
would really like to achieve.
For example: little girls dream about being princesses and fairy tales. Little boys dream about being
knights and rocket ships. Men and women dream about money, and the things they can buy with
them, like homes and cars.
For me, my dream is different. It may have been possible a few years ago. In fact: that's what life
was like, but that was before all of this happened, and the world changed for the worse.
Oh, well. There's no use in dwelling in the past. What's done is done, and the human race can't take
it back. Not just yet, and not without a fight, anyway.
Even though it is big, my dream is not just for me, it's for my friends, and the people living in the
building, even though they don't realize it.
Of course, that was a few years ago, before the average I.Q. went down, and people were relying on
our captors to help us.
My dream is the thought of escape, and freedom. Freedom from this building and freedom from the
rulers who control everyone inside of it is my goal. It may be tough, and it might be hard to do, but
it's possible that my dream will come true.
After all, anything's been possible since I've got a plan...
Part I
(5:47:13 P.M.) (May 16)
I've got a plan. That's the thought that kept flickering through David Knighter's head as he stared out
the window, stared down below at the weed–choked yard. The yard ended where the
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My Reflection Of My Leadership As A Leader
There are many individual questions on this were scored lower than I would like, but they are areas
that I felt I excelled in on the other questions, It looks like I scored higher in the Seek First to
Understand and Synergize sections than in the other areas, I feel this is because of constant thought
of how ones actions can and do affect others, Because of that I am sensitive to the feelings of others
and seek to not only understand them, but make sure they are not caused discomfort by me, I feel
this makes me a good leader because I can also lead others to being accountable for their actions and
natural consequences of those actions while keeping their feelings and needs at hand, This is
something that I have learned over the years and am sure I still need to work on, As any leader I
have strengths as well as weaknesses, I feel one of my strengths is my willingness to listen to others,
I have always let other know that I am open to their suggestions, I make it clear that another's idea
might be a better way to do something, If the idea is good and things can be changed then they
should, I feel my willingness to not only listen, but to hear what they say is why I feel this is one of
my strengths, Typically people only truly listen only 25 percent of time, The other 75 percent is
spent without truly listening to what a person is saying (McIntosh, 2008), Another of my strengths is
that I thrive in stressful situations, I can still get things done and do not buckle under
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Informative Speech : The Differences Between Men And Women
General goal: To inform the audience about the differences between men and women.
Specific goal: For the audience to understand the answers to a few questions men have about women
that distinguish the differences between them.
Thesis statement: Today I will be answering a few of the questions men have about women which
include " Why are women so insecure?", " Why do women think they are ugly without makeup?",
and " Why do women think men have bad intentions?".
Attention Getter/ Speaker Credibility: To state the obvious, there are numerous differences between
men and women. It's important to remember that we are dealing with two co–cultures who value
things differently. As a woman I have a the answers to a few of the questions that some of the men
in the room had for us women.
Listener relevance: I'm sure that most of you have questions about women regarding insecurities,
makeup, and men in general.
Why are women so insecure?
Women are insecure for several reasons. We are probably insecure for a lot of the same reasons men
Some insecurities stem from instances from our childhood which can include bullying.
– Not just daughters, but all children usually seek affirmation and approval growing up. If they
didn't get such things or if someone was always critical of them they will carry it with them through
their adult life, often causing many insecurities. 2. A lot of our insecurities can stem from our
personal/intimate relationships.
– Whether we are broken up with or someone we care about quits showing interest in us, we
immediately become insecure, often blaming ourselves for not being the reason things worked out.
There are even times the other person points things out that will stick with us and also make us
insecure. 3. The biggest reason we can be incredibly insecure at times is because of the media's
standards of beauty.
–A woman's biggest hindrance in gaining and sustaining some self–confidence is the standard of
beauty that the media constantly bombards us with. According to the media, a woman is considered
"beautiful" when she's young, skinny, with clear skin, a perfect white smile, lustrous locks, and an
enviable body. Most regular everyday people won't always have
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Jim Loman's Early Life
Jim had always been an average country farm boy that went through the same routine every single
day, except for Sundays of course when he went with his family to the local church. Jim lived in
Wilmington, Pennsylvania, far from where all the hustlin' and bustlin' of the city was at. The farthest
away from his hometown that he ever got was where he went to market. He went there with his
father every Saturday to sell the crops they had grown and the meat they had killed that week. His
mother and sister enjoyed sewing, knitting, and cooking while they were gone.
One morning when Jim and his father went to market, he met a boy just a few years older than him.
This boy, Edward, was from the heart of Philadelphia working as an agriculture promoter ... Show
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The drive took around three hours but that didn't bother Jim one bit. He actually really enjoyed
getting to see new things that he had never come into contact with while living in a tight–knit
community like Wilmington. The first thing that caught his eye were the ginormous billboards that
lined the sides of the highways. The second attention grabber was how fast everybody moved. From
the people running late to work to the cars going eighty miles an hour, it was super overwhelming
for Jim. He was used to easygoing and slow moving days and driving on roads with either no speed
limit (because it wasn't a problem) or a twenty miles per hour limit. Despite the chaos, Jim made it
to the conference center without any problems along the way. He met Edward and chatted for a few
minutes until the conference began. The information they provided him with cleared up his
questions and answered some that he'd never thought about. After the conference wrapped up,
Edward invited Jim to stay at his Brownstone, a nice townhouse in the city, instead of having to
spend his money on a hotel. The friends got to know each other way better than before and found
out that even though they lived two completely different lifestyles, they had a lot in
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Reflection Paper On Grief And Crisis
Grief and crisis has never been a topic of discussion in my personal life. It was eye opening and
necessary to hear and learn more about the topic. I was always aware that people have different
views of what a crisis might be. After learning more about crisis, my belief about some things have
changed since taking this class. Before taking this class, I always assumed that a crisis was a hard
time in life. I believed that this was true for everyone. I never knew that even good things in life
could bring a crisis such as having a baby or getting married. I learned that a crisis has many
different definitions. One that I learned is that it is "an internal reaction to an external hazard".
Instead of thinking about crisis as hard time in someone's life, I learned that Webster states that
crisis is, "a crucial time" and a "turning point in the course of anything". This helped me to realize
that crisis can be anything it just depends on the person. One definition that really helped me realize
that it depends on the person is the trilogy definition of crisis. The trilogy definition says three
things have to be there for there to be a crisis, which is a precipitating event, a perception that causes
stress, and failed coping mechanisms. Another thing that I learned from this class that changed my
view is that not everyone who is having a crisis or trouble is seeking for help. Something that I liked
that we talked about in class was that just because to you to vent does not mean
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My Experience With College
There have been a few places where I been uncomfortable and have noticed many people's mindsets
such as being a growth or fixed mindset. The two places I will talk about where I have been the most
uncomfortable are college and on the city bus. I will talk about what I've heard and I what I learned
about how people think and how that can affect what others think about that person. Starting off
with college, of course it is uncomfortable for everyone being their first time in college because you
really don't know anyone and the age range for the students are very different from the age range in
high school. It was that way for me for the first week or two of being at college, and with how my
schedule is I spend most of my days sitting in the cafeteria so I hear all kinds of things and different
conversations. For me sitting in the cafeteria is not really uncomfortable just it's a little awkward for
me. The one situation I want to talk about happened one day I was hanging out with a few of my
friends when at one point they had walked away for a few minutes that's when some guy who I will
not mention his name approached me and started talking, at first it wasn't bad it was a little awkward
because I didn't know him and he was talking quietly, then he started to talk about things that I don't
feel like mentioning so it was at that point I was really uncomfortable being in that conversation.
After a few minutes of talking he walked away and that's when my
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How Gender Limits A Person 's Role As A Superior Officer
Throughout history, women have been working to earn the same amount respect males receive,
which they are rightly owed. Over time more and more rights and respect have been given to
women, including the right to fight and even hold positions of power within the military. Despite
this they still have to fight to be seen on an equal playing field with the men doing the same jobs and
tasks they are doing. A Few Good Men displays the flawed vision men have of women in the
military being not as qualified to deal with the terrors of war regardless of the fact that they have
been given positions of high rank and have proved their worth in order to get the position. In
examining how gender limits a person's role as a superior officer, Asch's line ... Show more content
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In A Few Good Men the characters are in military uniform a majority of the time displaying their
status easily. In order to explain why Galloway is not given the respect her rank demands despite
trying to appear as an equal, we need to examine the ways she attempts to blend in and how she
actually ends up standing out. Prior to their trip to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba Lt. Sam Weinberg tells
Kaffee to wear his white uniform since it's so hot in Cuba. During the lunch scene with Jessup, we
see that Sam and Kaffee stand out in their whites while all the local Marines and Lt. Joanne
Galloway are in tan uniforms, which are explained to be a better camouflage since they are traveling
into an area near the Cuban border. Galloway had correctly chosen the uniform necessary showing
her status as a superior to Kaffee and Sam and her knowledge of the base. This also places her in a
group with Colonel Jessup and the other officers from Guantanamo Bay yet she is also still aligned
with Sam and Kaffee as they are a team working on the same case. Despite being in a group with
Kaffee he refuses to allow her to speak and even goes as far as to say "she often has no point" (A
Few Good Men). Solomon E. Asch designed an experiment in which he placed a team of people and
one subject into a room and had them answer a series of questions about the lengths of
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Few Things Motivate Students More Than Chances
Few things motivate students more than chances to connect their learning to the real world, build on
their interests, and sharing what they know and can do with a public audience (Cervone, 2010).
Once reluctant readers feel secure with their teacher and peers, they are more likely to take risks, try
to excel, bring their out–of–school experiences to the discussion, and succeed with new found
confidence in literary. Contrary to labels and negative attitudes reluctant readers experience, the
person inside the student that is often overlooked, wants to give the teacher what they want. These
students should be given the opportunity to independently read books that will draw upon their
experiences in class, allow them to cultivate their considerable background knowledge about a topic,
enhance their growing strategic repertoire and understanding of how texts work, to make sense of a
complex text and to connect that text to other texts they haves read. When expected and equipped to
thrive in literacy reluctant readers will enact the new identity as knowledgeable, confident, resilient
readers, undaunted in the face of complexity, interested in the outcome of the book, and able to
bring a repertoire of text–based, discipline–specific, problem–solving strategies to bear on their
reading. Martin Maehr and Larry Braskam say it best, "People do what they believe they can and
what they believe is worth doing." Schools can do plenty to keep students engaged in learning, says
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First Day Of Life : A Day In A Life
A Day In A life It was Sunday morning November 5, 2017 the first day of day light savings, I woke
at 8 o'clock to use the restroom. Then my boyfriend woke up and asked me if I wanted to go to
church at 8:30 a.m., I said yes. We immediately jumped out of bed, and we began to get ready for
church. We heated the car for 10 minutes and we left to church. We got to church and the mass was
about an hour and a half. After church we went to go pick up my boyfriend's car to take it to Super
Mall in Chicago because he wanted to install an alarm and a remote starter for the winter. We took
both cars because they were going to take a while installing the alarm and mean while we can go
somewhere else, so we will not be bored. On our way to Chicago I called my mom to see what she
was doing, we talked all the way there. While waiting for the car we went to Little Village to get
some fresh fruit, chicharrones, and corn. We ate our treats in the car. In the fruit cup there was
watermelon, mango, coconut, pineapple, melon, cucumber, and jicama garnished with salt, lime, and
tajin. Tajin is a powder seasoned chili. The fruit was very delicious especially the watermelon it was
very juicy. After eating our goodies, we went to see if the car was ready, it was ready and we went
back home. There was a lot of traffic on our way back home because there was a car accident. When
we arrived home, I called my cousin to see if she was home so I can interview her she said yes. We
drove to her house and as
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Analysis Of The BookThe Giver, By Lois Lowry
During the beginning of the book, "The Giver," by Lois Lowry, the main character named Jonas is
almost the same as everyone in his community. All the people are known to be are the same as each
other. Jonas and his younger brother Gabe both have different colored eyes than the rest of the
community. In the community Jonas lives in everything is gray and the same. The community also
has a lot of rules. In the book, it says, "It was the first thing Jonas noticed as he looked at the new
child peering up curiously from the basket. The pale eyes. Almost every citizen in the community
had dark eyes. His parents did, and Lily did, and so did all his group members and friends. ... No
one mentioned such things it was not a rule, but it was considered rude to call attention to things that
were unsettling or different about individuals." This contributes to Jonas and Gabe during the end of
the story for a few reasons. A rule in the community is you are not allowed to lie. Also, every year
up until you turn 12 you have ceremonies where you grow up and receive better items that will show
you have been maturing. As Jonas becomes older and he becomes a 12 he gets assigned to be the
new receiver of memories. At the ceremony of 12 Jonas's name was skipped to come up and receive
his assignment so he started panicking because they never made mistakes. Jonas was chosen to be
the Receiver of memories because he had no dreams of uncertainty and he had intelligence,
integrity, and courage. Because
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How Is The Perils Of Obedience Shown In A Few Good Men
The film, A Few Good Men, showcases military lawyer, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, defending two
United States Marines, Lance Corporal Harold Dawson and Private Louden Downey, who were
accused of murdering a fellow Marine Corps member, Private William Santiago. The obedience of
the Marines was assessed when Colonel Jessup ordered Lance Corporal Dawson and Private
Downey to perform a "code red," a brutal punishment made illegal by the government, on Private
Santiago in order to coerce him into becoming an improved Marine. Similarly, in the article "The
Perils of Obedience," Stanley Milgram conducted a psychological experiment that observed the
extent at which an individual will obey orders. The experiment created a scenario where an
unknowing member ... Show more content on ...
When Jessup initially stated that no one was to touch Santiago, Markinson was to relay the message
to the fellow Marines. One of the most valued questions declared by Kaffee to Jessup was, "If
Lieutenant Kendrick gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, then why did he have to be
transferred? Colonel? Kendrick ordered the Code Red, didn't he? Because that's what you told
Lieutenant Kendrick to do!" (A Few Good Men). Kaffe then exposed that after Santiago died, Jessup
had Markinson sign an invalid transfer order and Jessup then altered the flight log book (A Few
Good Men). After continued discussion about who to blame for Santiago's death, Jessup confessed
to ordering the code red (A Few Good Men). Correspondingly, Stanley Milgram found that within
the experiments, the blame of the shocks being given was disoriented. Milgram's findings show that
individuals blame each other for something that goes awry, which in the film, the Marines, Dawson,
and Downey took the blame from their authority figures. Comparatively, Fromm stated, "As long as
I am obedient to the power ... , I feel safe and protected. In fact, it makes little difference what
power it is that I am obedient to" (Fromm 127). Thus being the reason why Dawson and Downey
obeyed Jessup's "code red" order and why teachers in the Milgram experiment continued on, even
when the circumstance
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My First Time Canvassing
On Monday, September 26th, I worked in Crystal's office and went canvassing. While in her office, I
sorted through a long list of people and individually wrote down the name and numbers of those
who signed up for canvassing. I then called every person who signed up and invited them to the
canvassing party that took place on Saturday from 2–5pm. This was my first time making phone
calls. Since I did not prepare a script, the first phone call I made was a little rough. As I continued to
make phone calls, I started to feel more comfortable and knew exactly what to say. Most of the
people I called, either didn't answer or had other plans. This task helped me discover a hidden talent;
I am good at talking to people over the phone. Once Crystal got back from a meeting, we started
canvassing. This was my first time canvassing alone and I must say, it was a little rough. I canvassed
in precinct 16c which is the north side of Springfield. I noticed that although there were a few nice
homes in the area, most of the homes were a little run down. Since I am from Saint Louis, this is not
that much of a shock to me. Crystal referred the precinct I was canvassing in as "the hood." I had to
laugh a little because although the ... Show more content on ...
This experience was a little different from the other two mentioned in this week's reflection paper. I
walked a very conservative area and only spoke with one democrat out of the 50 houses I knocked.
There were quite a few people who weren't home and those who were very reluctant to speak with
me. One man in particular gave me a speech lesson. He told me that he could not vote for a
candidate that was prochoice because he was German and someone who could take the life of a
baby is like a Nazi in his eyes. I have never heard that before and totally disagree with him. On the
Brightside, he told me that I am doing a great job with speaking the only thing he would change is
my nervous tone when I first start
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Thesis Statement For Online Shopping
2.1 Problem statement:
During research of this topic, a problem statement has been formulated that I believe requires some
researching into. As with any problem statement, it needs to address the 6 questions that always
would get asked concerning research worthy problem statements namely.
The problem, noted in this study, is that the exact reasons behind the sudden expansion of online
shopping are unknown.
One thing that is certain is that the world has become more connected and this growth in online
shopping has become a necessity to keep abreast of modern times.
2.2 Thesis statement
E–commerce has become a part of human daily lives whether it is at work or in our personal lives. It
is by almost everyone because of the benefits it offers ... Show more content on ...
This study will explain where e–commerce came from and try to shed light on the topic of where e–
commerce will be heading.
2.6 The substantial idea / significant original contribution:
E–commerce is a product that has been available since the early 90's. It is something that people are
familiar with. A product that is now part and parcel of people's lives.
The idea is to find out the reasons behind the growth in e commerce. How it began, what it is today
and where it will be going in the future.
This study will prove that e–commerce has grown because it adds value to people's lives. It will
show that e–commerce will not disappear but evolve into something even greater than what it is
right now.
2.7 Significance of solution to theory:
The idea behind this study is of great significance because e–commerce (online shopping) has
grown tremendously since the turn of the century. It has shaped the way people do shopping for the
most part.
The availability of products that could only be bought at certain shops which may have been
difficult to reach now sits at just the click of a
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The International Business Strategies That Firms Can Browse
1. Trade has been a thing for a long time but countries that were devastated by war had to rebuild
from scratch. As there were doing that America was continuing establishing as the major industrial
power. The fact that the countries had to rebuild from scratch worked to their advantage. They were
more up to date when the 1980's came around they were on top of things. The factories in the in
America were outdated and had to be rebuilt to match or exceed the factories in rival countries. This
gave the other countries an advantage, they were able to get ahead of the game. About ten years later
America had some major competitors to compete with. As time went on there were more and more
people to compete with. 2. There are three international business strategies that firms can peruse.
The first is ethnocentric staffing model. This is when a parent–country uses people from that reason
to staff the higher– level forging positions. This helps in a few ways one being that the person that is
hired knows the area and he demographic better and able to better assist the firm. A second strategy
is the polycentric staffing model. This is when the firm uses host–country nationals throughout the
company. This helps ensure that the employees are better able to deal with the local market. The
third, and last, strategy is the geocentric model. This is when a firm puts parent–country host–county
and third–country nationals all in to the same group and hires the person that is best suited for
... Get more on ...
What 's That Over There?
"What 's that over there?" Sara questioned, pointing to a glowing green spot in the distance. It took
me a few seconds before I could see it myself, and it was like an alien device. As we got closer, it
started making an ambient buzzing sound. I suddenly felt a strange tingle throughout my body, and
then the buzzing stopped. "What the heck was that? Did you feel that?" Sara asked. "You did, too?" I
asked. I took the rock and put it in my hoodie pocket. I suddenly felt really sick, like I was about to
throw up. I turned around, and Sara already had. It was really dark, too. I took out my phone and
checked the time. It was 11:32, and there was a roller coaster of emotions in me. Eli was nowhere to
be found, at least not at night. We would ... Show more content on ...
"That 's the part I 'm not sure about, but I know this is rock is how we find Eli. Please just work with
me here," "Ugh, fine. It 's just a dumb dream, but fine, whatever you want to do," she said
sarcastically. We both got our hoodies, flashlights, and I grabbed the rock. We ran downstairs,
quickly ate some Pop Tarts, then went outside. As we entered the woods, something in my body told
me to run, and led me exactly where I needed to go. Luckily, I was holding on to Sara 's hand so we
both went together. I turned around. All living vegetation was dead. All the insects around us were
dying. What was happening? Was it that thing? After a short while, we were led to a cave. I had no
idea there even was a cave back here. It was very eerie and dark, and I heard whispering. My brain
felt foggy and my stomach sunk. I could hear Sara whimpering behind me. The cave was pitch black
at this point, and we were too scared to turn on our flashlights, in fear that something would see us.
The whispering became louder and more intense as we walked further. It got so loud and I could
make out what they were saying and it got so terrifying and the voices were right up against my
eardrums and each whisper sent a shiver down my spine and my throat was numb and my face was
strung with tears and I
... Get more on ...
Schneider's Art Museum
In order to improve someone's academic and psychological well–being, you must participate in
clubs and other school events on campus. You need to "claim your education". There are many
opportunities on campus. For me, I choose to go to the Schneider's art museum to look at art. I also
joined the chemistry club. During the second or third week of school, there was a gala at the
Schneider's art museum that I went to. The only reason I went was because my roommate is an art
major and had to go there for a class, so I decided to go with her so that she didn't have to be alone.
There was lots of finger food, people, and art pieces. The first thing I went for was the food. They
had a few different types of cheese, and cheese is one of my favorite food items, so I was thrilled. I
ate a few pieces of Gouda before noticing the other table of food, so I took some grapes covered in
cream cheese and nuts before I moved onto looking at the art. The art was inspiring. It was all so
pretty and colorful. There was one with black lines and it almost looked like an optical illusion in a
sense. I thought it was really cool looking. There was also a room full of books and chairs. Some of
the books you could touch, but a lot of them you ... Show more content on ...
It has made my desire to become a doctor stronger. When I am a doctor, I will be able to be just as
amazing as those artists in the Schneider's art museum, making my own living, doing the thing that I
love. And when I become a doctor, I'll be able to help other people by improving their quality of life,
which is a little like what we do in the chemistry club, but in different way. Both opportunities I took
have been really fun and wonderful things I have done to claim my education. I definitely
recommend going to the Schneider's art museum if you haven't already, and if you're interested in
chemistry, come to chemistry
... Get more on ...
The Night
That morning, the day before the Thing happened, I woke up to my room: a complete mess. Even
just navigating my way to the door was a task that took five long minutes, and upon reaching it, I
had to throw things out of the way to open it wide enough to slip through. Stalking down the hall, I
noticed the mess that was in my little sister 's room. I snorted in disgust and walked slowly and
stately (or so I thought) down the stairs. They were not gold–gilded or covered in velvet as I would
have liked but they served their point. A few minutes later I was seated in front of the television with
a large breakfast and my eyes glued to the screen. The creaking of the door to the living room broke
my concentration and I snapped around. Seeing that it was my little sister, I barked, "Stop making so
much noise,"and turned back to the commercial for a cool water gun that was playing. She settled
quietly in the sofa beside me and picked at her breakfast. She stuck a piece of bacon into her mouth
and gazed forlornly at the TV. "Stop chewing so loudly," I hissed angrily though I couldn 't hear her.
She turned her gaze to me for one long second and I swear I could see the scorn seeping towards me
behind her indifferent look. A millisecond later I was on my feet yelling, "Don 't you look at me like
that, Lucy!" Mother came in and said, "Caleb, how many times do I have to tell you not to yell at
your sister." "Did you see how she was looking at me?" I demanded
... Get more on ...

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Melanie Liburd Character Analysis

  • 1. Melanie Liburd Character Analysis If you are enjoying season two of the SyFy hit show Dark Matter, you are probably familiar with the character Nyx Harper as played by Melanie Liburd. Not only is she a gifted beauty, but she is grounded and possesses strength in spades. Recently, Melanie took some time to answer a few questions about her experience in the entertainment industry and specifically as Nyx in Dark Matter. img_3757.jpgRH: Please tell us a little bit about your background and your journey to become an actress. ML: I came out of my shell in my early teens and after that, I was unstoppable. I would go to as many dance classes as I could, and I also started modeling. This led to a variety of television commercials and then Drama School. Living in London, I loved theatre ... Show more content on ... Oh, and if possible, come and see us at San Diego Comic Con in July. I would love to meet some of you! img_4128.jpgDo you have any interest in directing/writing/producing eventually? I enjoy all of the above, so yes, I would love to in the future. What is something that you can share that maybe most people don't know about you? Being a Brit, I'm quite partial to a good old–fashioned Sunday Nan's is the best! fullsizerender–2.jpg As far as I'm concerned, Melanie is a "kick ass" female who can take on any role in any genre, and she seems to take great delectation in those roles that demonstrate her strength and fortitude as a woman. In spite of her powerful and no nonsense demeanor, however, she is sweet and kind to her fans and co–workers, and she infuses herself into every role she is given, albeit in her indomitable style. I greatly anticipate the progression of her career as her star is defintely one on the rise. As she perseveres in expressing herself faultlessly in every role she is given and valuing every experience she has, there is no doubt in my mind that we will continue to hear from this talented, pragamatic woman. Be sure that you watch her on Dark Matter Friday nights on the SyFy Network, and also follow her at all the links below so you don't miss a second of what is rapidly becoming a spectacular career for ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Emily Dickinson Ceremonial Object Analysis I am of course overjoyed to be here today in the role of ceremonial object. There is more than the usual amount of satisfaction in receiving an honorary degree from the university that helped to form one's erstwhile callow and ignorant mind into the thing of dubious splendor that it is today; whose professors put up with so many overdue term papers, and struggled to read one's handwriting, of which 'interesting' is the best that has been said; at which one failed to learn Anglo–Saxon and somehow missed Bibliography entirely, a severe error which I trust no one present here today has committed; and at which one underwent excruciating agonies not only of soul but of body, later traced to having drunk too much coffee in the bowels of Wymilwood. ... Show more content on ... For example: nobody ever tells you, but did you know that when you have a baby your hair falls out? Not all of it, and not all at once, but it does fall out. It has something to do with a zinc imbalance. The good news is that it does grow back in. This only applies to girls. With boys, it falls out whether you have a baby or not, and it never grows back in; but even then there is hope. In a pinch, you can resort to quotation, a commodity which a liberal arts education teaches you to treat with respect, and I offer the following: "God only made a few perfect heads, and the rest lie covered with hair." Which illustrates the following point: when faced with the inevitable, you always have a choice. You may not be able to alter reality, but you can alter your attitude towards it. As I learned during my liberal arts education, any symbol can have, in the imaginative context, two versions, a positive and a negative. Blood can either be the gift of life or what comes out of you when you cut your wrists in the bathtub. Or, somewhat less drastically, if you spill your milk you're left with a glass which is either half empty or half ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. A Few Things Wrong With Me And Harvey's Dream It Doesn't matter if the short story was based on true events or not. When its written about death or losing loved ones, it always reminds you of the people that were so close at once and then gone forever. Many people all over the world deal with their feelings of losing someone. So people cry, and some keep the emotions in and let it burn inside. "A Few Things Wrong with Me" by Lydia Davis and "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and "Harvey's Dream" by Stephen King are three examples of how character's have lost their loved ones in a different way. Some were killed and some were faded away. It also shows unhappy & happy relationships. Two of the three books also have a comparison of people that have problems in their life or forced to be in a problem. These three short stories are written from different authors perspective and have difficult plots but there is one thing that gathers them together, it is the despair that was left in their souls by the loved ones. In these three short stories a person dies or has left someone forever, but all in different aspects. Loosing a person that had a spot in your life isn't an easy thing to forget but also leaves a mark in your heart forever. Two the three books also have a comparison of people that have problems in life or forced to be in a problem In the short story "A Few Things Wrong with Me" by Lydia Davis, shows how a female character is hated by the one person she loved the most in life. How the person she loved the ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Wildwood Chapter 2 Solution Manual Outcomes * Review documents to discover relevant entities and attributes for database * Prepare interview questions and follow up * Prepare questionnaires * Observe work flow for process and exceptions Outline I. Gathering Information A. Initial Interviews with Chief Stakeholders B. Review of Business Documents C. Interviews with Stakeholders D. Questionnaires E. Job Shadowing II. Review of Business Documents A. Reasons for Review B. Forms C. Reports D. Other Business Documents III. Types of Databases A. Transaction Database B. Management Information Systems C. Business Intelligence Systems D. Cloud Databases IV. Interviews with Stakeholders A. Preparing for the ... Show more content on ... The workshops should be carefully organized and professionally facilitated. It could work for database development. 3. Search for an article on Database Design. Does it have any discussion of information gathering? If so, what steps does it suggest? The Wikipedia article specifically mentions information gathering. It does offer some suggestions, such as cooperating with a person who is expert in the knowledge domain–a biologist, for instance, for a database storing biological data. The article "Ten Common Database Design Mistakes" http://www.simple–– administration/ten–common–database–design–mistakes/ also notes the crucial nature of careful information gathering at the start of the process. The article's author suggests taking the time needed to gather complete and correct information. 4. What does the term Business Intelligence mean? What tools does the Microsoft Business Intelligence suite that ships with SQL Server contain? Wikipedia,, defines business intelligence as "computer based techniques used in spotting, digging out and analyzing business data." SQL Server's Business Intelligence tools include the Reporting Services, Analysis Services, and Integration Services among others. A complete overview can be found at ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Short Story Sredni Vashtar Would one still believe in what he believed in if no one else believed in it? Large amounts of people are confined to the static normality of beliefs and personal opinion forced upon them at birth. Only few beings can fully discover and unlock their own feelings on untouched ideas. The power projected through motivation can change almost anything with a great deal of dedication and time. Sometimes the most completely unexpected things can happen in just a blink of an eye. In the short story " Sredni Vashtar," by Saki, a small, quiet, ten–year old boy named Conradin was left as an orphan. Unfortunately, he became dreadfully subjected to the selfish lifestyle of Mrs. DeRopp, the " unclean thing, which should find no entrance." (par.2) In many examples from the text, it is shown that Conradin is treated unworthy. In paragraph 6, it states, " ...there was toast on the table, a delicacy which she usually banned", yet she was a high class woman. Regardless of his harsh reality, in a world where he was overlooked easier than the smallest speck of dust, the boy held a resilient aspect for the future. The doctor told Conradin he would be dead by the age of 15, yet the fortitude hidden inside him caused that opinion to be irrelevant. Conradin uses his secret intelligence to sneakily unfold the story by discovering his safe haven in the most unsuspecting place, the garden shed. Which housed his new found "god", Sredni Vashtar, the ferret. Sredni hypnotizes the boy into truly wanting to take actions against Mrs. DeRopp, while also turning his heart off. Conradin neglected to acknowledge the social normality of his distant family and the world around him, but still climbed to the top while still screaming his humble mentality. The character takes advantage of his lonesomeness to fight back against unfair treatments and comes out victorious. Different types of characters create different types of events. Dynamic characters usually create a large impact to the plot, due to their dramatic inner and outer changes throughout the story. Dynamic characters are usually related to round characters. To be round character implies that the character goes through a personal change and has many surprises. Conradin is an example of ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Sex, drugs and rock-and-roll. These are just a few of the... Sex, drugs and rock–and–roll. These are just a few of the things that summon countless people to The Rocky Horror Picture Show on Friday and Saturday nights. An abundance of teens and people are either pulled in by someone in their family or group of friends and there are those who are merely pulled in and attracted by the peculiarity of the name of the show that brings up and causes a sense of interest and curiosity. What pulled me into it was my group of close of friends and their parents who grew up and relive the show and movie every Halloween. Many people go to discover themselves in a setting or group where they feel that they fit in and are accepted. Those people that normally get called freaks or loser go to see The Rocky Horror ... Show more content on ... Being chosen to be called forth made me feel as if I truly fit in there and would never be rejected, when in fact if this had happened anywhere else I would have turned redder than a killer tomato. I was ecstatic, yet also terribly embarrassed by the fact that I was chosen to be called forward by my favorite character, Magenta who was being played by a girl named Janet that night. Damnit Janet. After the toast, or what was left of the thrown half burnt toast was finished we did our oath and were permitted to go return to our seats and the show began. In the Rocky Horror community, everyone is celebrated for who they are. Individuality and uniqueness is something special and called upon among the groupies of Transylvania and Dr. Frank–N–Furter and it will always be that way. No male is ever ridiculed or looked at for dressing like a woman or drag–queen nor is any woman ever looked down upon for dressing like a man or drag king. In fact, some of the cast actually play characters of the opposite sex just because they love the role or who and what the character portrays. At NO time throughout the entire show will anyone tell you that you are wrong or weird or different. People are who they really want to be at Rocky Horror and no one will ever stop them for being that way. It is living ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Current Generation The Dumbest Generation The past generation has label the current generation the dumbest generation.thus making lots critics toward the current generations and with someone one the other side,Bauerlein . Mark Bauerlein in his book "the Dumbest Generation" says today's generation is the dumbest generation,this has been going on for millions of years in this world every old generation has labeled the current generation the dumbest.this is an ongoing lasted this the70s when the world was starting to modernize around the whole has been going on for as long as when the second generation started school.this is something every generation has to go through because the past generations say we are the dumbest just because there are new advances in today's world.mostly because past generation see new advances that help education,Current generation isn't the dumbest but the smartest of the past generations.we have lots of new technology in today's generation.We are the smartest generation.Current generation are self directed learners. forms of technical and media literacy by exploring new interests, tinkering, and "messing around" with new forms of media."Lunsford is a professor of writing and rhetoric at Stanford University,and she has organized a project called the Stanford Study of Writing to scrutinize college students' prose. From 2001 to 2006, she collected 14,672 student writing samples,The first thing she found is that young people today write far more than any generation before ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. My Favourite Person Yes guys it's me Humna Qureshi who always want to be known as "The Great Humna". I was born in Pakistan, on 19 December 2000. I have many events which I will always remember in my life no matter how old I am because those things give me reason to live my life happily and achieve my goals. My story begins when I was six or seven years old, a girl who had crush on superman, who was never real. Of course you can expect anything from Humna Qureshi. Superman used to help every person on this planet and I always wanted to be superman. I went for shopping with my parents and bought superman costume. Next day I took shower and wore my superman dress since I believed that after wearing that costume I will be powerful and nice helpful girl. So, I was running here and there, jumping from one couch to another and helping everyone which is one of my favorite things. I went in the drawing room trying to jump high then suddenly there was a blackout. I didn't know what happen with me only thing I saw was I was in my dad's lap ended up in the hospital. I have two sisters and three brothers, for me my family comes first. I always used to think that why my father always forced us to have strong family bonds. He always forced us to give your family number one priority and then your friends. Funniest part in this is that I am only 16 years old and hopefully I will be seventeen years old after two months. I always wanted to write about myself who I am really because I have so much things to say ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Columbus Letter Essay The Columbus Letter Since my endeavors have achieved achievement, I realize that it will please to you: these I have resolved to relate, so you might be made familiar with everything done and found in this our voyage. On the thirty–third day after I withdrew from Cadiz, I went to the Indian ocean, where I discovered numerous islands occupied by men without number, of all which I took ownership for our luckiest ruler, with broadcasting envoys and flying benchmarks, nobody questioning. To the first of these I gave the name of the favored Savior, on whose guide depending I had achieved this and additionally alternate islands. Yet, the Indians call it Guanahany. I likewise called every one of the others by another name. For I requested one island to be called Santa Maria of the Conception, another Fernandina, another Isabella, another Juana, thus on with the rest. When we had landed at that island which I have a few seconds ago said was called Juana, I continued along its coast towards the west for some separation; I discovered it so expansive and without discernible end, that I trusted it to be not an island, but rather the mainland nation of Cathay; seeing, in any case, no towns or urban areas arranged on the ocean coast, however just a few towns and inconsiderate ranches, with whose tenants I was not able chat, in light of the fact that when they saw us they took off. I continued more distant, believing that I would find some city or vast homes. Finally, seeing that we ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Personal Narrative: Binge Watching T. V Show ! Hello everybody, welcome back after the one week of abandonment of the blog. While I abandoned the blog, there are few things I could really focus on the past week, 1) Sleeping for a whole 8 hours – Eventhough it felt weird initially to get a full eight hour long sleep, I must say that I enjoyed it to the fullest. I had no obligation to wake up early and start writing when I could just swaddle myself to sleep for an hour or two. 2) Binge watching t.v show – Finally I finished watching Grey's Anantomy and I hated it! The show which started out great when I used to watch has now turned out to be so depressing that I needed a day to recuperate from it. But the good news is, I'm done watching t.v shows alone. Bigshot and I have started watching ... Show more content on ... Because 3 weeks ago I was like a hamster running on a wheel without having any idea in which direction it's running. I kept writing everyday because I had to write everyday and in that process of straining myself to write every single day I somehow stopped enjoying writing and it became some sort of mundane work. Because I stopped enjoying writing, the one thing that truly made me happy, I slowly stopped enjoying everything else I did. So that vicious circle of life had to stop and I decided to take a vacation from writing. It felt good initially when I stopped writing and I did everything i have listed down above and focused all my energy on making sure I felt better and enjoyed those free time. However, the break that I took towards the end felt like a torture wherein I started to itch and miss my writing time. But time is a freaky little thing which changes your perspective every second of a minute and I waited patiently to start. I think it's not simply about writing but everything you do in your life should be enjoyed a 100 percent. If you enjoy coding like Bigshot here, that is never going to bore you. BUT if you stress yourself over deadlines and targets and forget that it is to be enjoyed, then what is the point of it all? I was having a melt down when writing felt like a mundane job and not something I loved working ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Hallmark Christmas Research Papers Again, last year's Hallmark Christmas movies definitely introduced me to some incredible talent, and Mélanie St–Pierre happens to be one of those new faces (at least, new to me). I first saw her as Samantha Cross in Christmas Encore, and after requesting an interview, I discovered so much more about her and her solid body of work. Yet again, I have the honor of sharing a lovely, vibrant, gifted woman with all of my readers! RH: How did you get started as an actress? What kind of training have you had? MS: I first got started in film when I was thirteen years old. At the time I was performing contortion with a circus troupe in Toronto and was offered a role in HBO's Rescuer's: Stories of Courage, starring Darryl Hannah. I fell in love with being on set right then and there, it was magical! A few years later, I studied the Meisner Technique (made famous at the Neighborhood Playhouse in NYC) and started auditioning for film and TV roles in Montreal, Quebec. What was your first professional job in the business and what are your memories of it? After shooting Rescuers, the first gig I landed was a music video for "Pictures" by The Boomtang Boys, a Canadian pop band. It was a completely zany music video about a girl that falls in love with a cardboard cut–out at her local record shop ... Show more content on ... I also work occasionally as an audition reader for a Toronto casting director, and I have to say that audition sessions for Hallmark movies are particularly fun. I always go home with cramps in my cheeks from smiling so much! The really interesting thing about being a reader for auditions is that you get to embody characters that you'd never get to play under other circumstances. And with Hallmark auditions, I really get to run the gamut of types of roles, and every time I go home feeling wonderful. I've always really adored watching Hallmark movies... I'm a sucker for a good ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Summary Of A Couple Of Questions By Jordan In June Jordan's poem "A Couple of Questions" She asks all of the questions that the main stream media ignores. On A day to day basis almost no one thinks of the questions posed by her such as how many Indians there were versus how many are left today; or the cost, socially and monetarily, of LAPD police equipment used to stomp civil unrest. In this paper my main objective is to answer the question of how much it costs to purchase the helicopter and armored vehicles used by the LAPD. The first question to be answered, Is how much does one of the LAPDs' armored vehicles cost. Research on the number of armored vehicles owned by the LAPD was hard to uncover. However, I did find that the LAPD uses Lenco BearCats ("LAPD Police Car Web Site"). According to BearCat stands for Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck. These Armored vehicles can cost around $230,000 depending on the upgrades purchased (Schlueb). Not only does the equipment they use carry a heavy monetary cost, but it also carries a heavy social cost. According to an article written by Cheryl K. Chumley "More than four of 10 respondents said they weren't confident police could use military–grade equipment and weapons appropriately..." In today's society no one would have ever thought about the social and economic cost of ... Show more content on ... According to the LAPD has the largest police aviation unit in the United States. The LAPD aviation unit consists of 17 helicopters and one plane! Of the 17 helicopters 12 of them are Eurocopter AS350's which cost around $1.6 million each (Eurocopter AS350), 4 of them are Bell 206 Jet Rangers which cost around $900,000 each, 1 Bell 412 which costs an astonishing $6.7 million (Bell 412)! Lastly, their one King Air 200 costs roughly $1.49 million (Aircraft for Sale). In total the LAPD owns almost $31 million in aircrafts ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. A Brave New World: A Brief Narrative Fiction A silent shadow, blurred from the crowd, standing still. Waving hands, the earth's stood silent, one footstep, the doors were opened. Man wielded by diverse flags, holding hands through the roaring floor. United was someone's words threw a microphone, communication was someone's finger in their ears. A train that accidentally dropped angry chickens, would fight their reasons, without a cause. The stairway to the grip in which we strangle each other, the waves colliding onto our vision, an empty space. The single man walking the line, standing tall along the forgotten memories. The smell of ash onto the sky, flying angels staring down upon the fallen structures. Standing still, surrounded by arms for only the white of their eyes could be ... Show more content on ... Now a forgotten ash, my hands, weighless, for my action carry guilt. Once I lay down my weapon, I step into my distant memory. They see the same face, but feel a different person, they sense trouble but only smile and stand behind the soft floor, where I stand is the dirt, sleeping in the fire. My friend was my enemy, and I was his determination, to catch me and to drown me. Four months staring, waiting, watching the shadows creep out from behind. For my heart stops at the moment, the first touch is the last breath. As they sing to the sky, the rain pours on us, for I am perhaps past help. The man is torn apart by the room they sleep in, the things they touch, a weapon to them. I am relieved off my pain, the picture is burnt, the tears are washed away, but the whiteness rising is still behind the eye. Was it a dream, am I insane? Or perhaps I was living a ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Essay on Profile of a Person Raphael Colmanette 1 Dr.McDonough 10/16 First Year Writing Clash Of Cultures There are a lot of people around Belmont University with different concepts, different goals, different experiences, different cultures, but most important, different methods of thinking. When I realized that I would need to write a profile of someone else, I thought it would be the easiest essay that I have ever done. Contrary to my expectations, I realized that to write someone else's profile is kind of hard, because it is not only a simple thing such as just write the entire life of the person. A lot of stuff is behind the profile of a person. When I first thought about who I should interview, I was kind of lost, because I do not know a lot of people ... Show more content on ... The guy that I am talking about is Andrew Gordon Conner, who has born on august 8 1992, and he is the person that organize my hall, and needs to maintain the organization, like a security, known here in the U.S as R.A. I knew that he was a different guy with a lot of experiences for me to know, but actually he was way more than that. Andrew was born at Bangkok, Thailand. At the time he told me that, I became so interest to know about the culture, and all the differences between there and here. The most interesting thing about Andrew is that he has already lived in few different places and knows a lot of different cultures. He lived there in Bangkok until his six years old, and he had a good life there. He was used to live in a property where his family was the only white family in the whole building, what for me, I think it would be kind of scary, but according to him, it was kind of normal for him and his parents. His dad was used to work for a company back in Bangkok that when Andrew was six, the company changed place to Arizona, United States. With six years, he had already challenged the difficulties of change home to another country, and especially the big change of culture. Andrew was lucky to move when he was only six, because whenever you have more then ten years and had already made a lot of friends, and had already gone to school, it would be much harder to get used to ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. A Few Things To Consider When Evaluating A Residential... A Few Things to Consider When Evaluating a Residential Detox Center If you are at a point where you or a loved one is ready for inpatient drug rehabilitation, then there are a few things you need to know. Although it is usually necessary for people with the most severe substance abuse problems to need a residential program, people with less severe substance abuse issues can still benefit. Residential programs are usually the most effective programs, but you still need to find a good facility. The following are a few things to ask yourself when evaluating a facility. Do they have experience with your particular chemical abuse problem? Some facilities try to be all things to all people, and in truth, there are some very good detox centers ... Show more content on ... How to they address Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms? Once your body has gone through detoxification, it will then go through a period when it experiences acute withdrawal symptoms. This is different than the withdrawal issues when your body initially experiences a loss of the drug. How severe they are will depend upon the individual as well as the severity of the addiction, and the drug that a person has been addicted to. This is an important aspect of drug recovery because it is at this time that your body needs to be stabilized. How a drug rehab facility addresses this, will be important to you long–term recovery. There are many physical problems that can occur during this time. Seizures, hallucinations, insomnia and paranoia are only a few of them. Psychological issues can be a big problem as well. Some of it may manifest itself as strong psychological reactions such as anxiety and depression, but other symptoms include social anxiety, issues with motivation, confusion and difficulty concentrating. How Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms are addressed with have a lot to do with the success of the rehabilitation program. What type of therapy do they offer? Most of the top drug rehab facilities have several approach to physiological treatment because some individuals respond to certain therapies better than others. Group therapy is a fundamental approach that you will find with ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. A Few Good Men As defined by the dictionary, honor is a high respect that is earned through deeds and reputation. But, what is honor, and how does one receive it? Honor is like many things that are hard to put into words. Along with that, honor can be totally different, depending on your perspective. In the play, A Few Good Men, there is a central theme based around honor, who is doing right and who is doing wrong. The definitions of honor accepted by each person are so outstandingly conflicting that the play analyzes what honor is and at what cost is honor worth obtaining. To the lawyers, honor is a punch line. To the marines at Gitmo it is a necessity to survive. To the commanding officer, Colonel Jessup, it is authorization for the strong to ... Show more content on ... The fact of the play is a weak young man was killed to ensure a "code" and to instill in him "honor." Yet, somewhere, there is a disconnect between real honor, and that honor demonstrated by Jessup. Jessup has the honor of a bully. He helps his friends, and sticks it to his enemies. Meanwhile, real honor, as one of the accused soldier's notes at the end of the film, is defending those who are too weak to defend themselves. It is to behave admirably and justly, not simply to follow one's orders, no matter what their cost. "That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives." Jessup believes that, if one link is weak, the whole chain is weak, and that it is his responsibility to make it stronger. Jessup's sense of honor to the Country is doing whatever is needed, at all costs. Jessup argues that while he might be "grotesque" he is necessary to defend the nation. He sees no other way to defend the nation except to force every man into a defender of it. To him, there is giving code REDs or there is watching the nation fall apart. But these two options are the same thing. He believes the nation is indefensible without ordering this ruthlessness against his own troops, yet our values oppose code REDs. Jessup is a true patriot in his eyes. For years, he has selflessly served his country and probably seen many murders committed on the battlefield. It is therefore understandable that he would want to make his marines ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. My Plan Of Attack At Virgin Sometimes it feels like you have to be a sociopath in order to "win" or be promoted. I have to say that I really did feel like I was constantly juggling the way I was perceived at all times and I still am. My biggest tool was Laura. Laura was the one who took me under her wing and gave me advice on how to grow and become the leader I needed to be in order to be a supervisor. I began to ask all the leaders the same questions in different scenarios so it didn't seem weird that I asked them all the same questions. The cool part of this was that I was able to collect all the various perspectives on the same type of scenario and sort of compare notes. I figured out that the managers who are salary are constantly feeling overworked and need a ... Show more content on ... She asked me what my goals were and how I planned to accomplish them etc.....She then began to ask me various questions about how I would feel about becoming a supervisor and what I thought the other teammates would think. I believed that I answered all of the questions well. A week later the job position was posted on in the teammate lounge. There were quite a few people interested in the position. The talk began spreading throughout the hotel. So I did what any good candidate would do and asked people questions. A lot of questions. This allowed me to really sort out who the real contenders were and how I could be better. I realized the people who were very forward and loud about wanting the position lost track of how they were being perceived by their superiors. Most of them didn't even get selected for the first round of interviews. This means being confident yet reserved was a huge factor they were looking for. Two weeks later a huge hole was blown into my plan of attack. Emina my manager who seemed to be my second closest ally called me as I was walking home one day. She said, "Devric, I'm going to tell you something that only a few people know the moment". In my head, I was thinking the best and the worst. Hurray, Devric we have decided to just give you the supervisor position or unfortunately Devric we are going to have to let you go. My heart started pounding. Emina says," Devric, They fired Laura." My thoughts were "oh fuck my ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Is The Best Trailers From Sdcc 2016? Essay Everything you need to know about in this weekly: All the best trailers that came out of SDCC 2016, watch the first South Park game like a movie, a mysterious purple orb is found underwater off the California coast, and No Man 's Sky shows gamers how to survive in one of the biggest games ever released. At Social Underground we go beyond the mainstream stuff and see what's underneath the surface. What should we get into, listen to, read, eat or watch? If there is something in our culture that needs attention that's our job: Show you the underground things that you need to know about: Books, music, television, movies, comedians, art, and whatever else we can find to get you into something you never knew about. That's The Underground. 1. Here are the best trailers from SDCC 2016. comic–con Comic–Con has given us a lot of good stuff this year. Surprisingly, it didn 't really give us anything from the Star Wars Universe in terms of live–action movie stuff. We expected another trailer for Rogue One, but that never actually happened. Either way, we got some great stuff from DC, Marvel, and the other companies that also happen to make films. Also, there were comics there. But SDCC doesn 't really care about comics and more, do they? Hell no. In anycase, here are the best movies trailers to come out of SDCC in no particular order: DR. STRANGE FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM JUSTICE LEAGUE KING ARTHUR: LEGEND OF THE SWORD KONG: SKULL ISLAND ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Personal Narrative Fiction "Okay," Ethan said, three minutes later. "I've got the address. 820 Swan Street we should be there in a few more minutes. "So, I guess you were right Howie. It really was this Hellhound–werewolf thing." I chuckled a little. Ethan had always called me Howie when we were off duty, but never during a case. "No, Ethan. I wasn't right," I said to him. "We were all wrong. Now, we just have to find that thing and figure out how to kill it." The car jumped slightly as the road turned from gravel to pavement and we soon arrived at a rather large apartment. We walked up to the front door and were greeted by an elderly woman who introduced herself as Miss Phillips. We explained that we came here to investigate a lead that included one of her tenants. ... Show more content on ... He hadn't come out of his room for a few weeks and when I came up to collect the rent payment, I heard no noise." She opened the door and the room was a complete mess. Books were torn and tossed around the room with a coffee table lying in pieces in the middle of the room. "I found the room like this. I could find no sign of Mr. Marks until you two showed up today. I was just about to report him missing. The most confusing part was that I found animal tracks, like a dog's, all throughout the mess. We thanked Ms. Phillips and asked if we could look around for anything that might help us. She nodded and closed the door as we began to look around. Ethan looked into the bedroom and I checked the mess and found a copy of "Beasts of Myths and Folklores" lying torn atop the glass shards. I checked for whatever could stop this mayhem, but the lower portion had been shredded and I turned the page and noticed a small paragraph ending the information. It is very rare, however, should a person be bitten under a crimson moon by a Hellwolf; the curse shall be transferred. This only happens if the beast is on its last breath. I gasped as I read this and I heard Ethan call from the bedroom. "Howard, come check this ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Pablo Neruda’s “I’m Explaining a Few Things” in Connection... Through their separate mediums of writing, poetry and literature, both Neruda and Allende both achieve a common goal of criticizing the actions of certain militant forces, past or present, within there country of living. In Neruda's "I'm explaining a Few Things", the Civil Spanish war, sparked by the forceful and bloody overtake of the current, fair republican government by the Faschist general Fransisco Franco, is the topic of Neruda's disgust and criticism. The "burning" and "devouring" manner of Franco's revolt changed his political opinion concerning his fondness for the communistic ideals and history tells he realigned with the Republican Party. This same general theme persists in Allende's House of Spirits as she criticizes the ... Show more content on ... Stones that the dry thistle would bite on and spit out." Esteban Trueba's eventual shift in character due to the violence seen by the military force of his beloved Conservative party in House of Spirits models after the shift in political alignment Neruda suffers after witnessing the blood shed of the innocent by the Faschists against the democratic Republicans. Both Neruda and Esteban realize that their current party is wrong in their doings, Neruda noting to "come and see the blood in the streets. Come and see the blood in the streets!" Colloquial statements and questions such as "You are going to ask", "I'll tell you the news", and even the title of the poem "I'm explaining a few things" represent Nerudas very personal and emotional stance on the blood–filled civil war. Such personal statements as "Eh, Rafel? Fredrico, do you remember from under the ground..." and "come and see the blood in the streets" reiterate Neruda's personal involvement and feelings revolving the civil war. It is clear he wrote this poem from a personal standpoint, writing of his own personal afflictions caused by the Franco revolt, and not from a observant and unbiased standpoint. The obvious personal disgust for the "Treacherous ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Sample Case Study: Client Scenarios 1) ADL's: Client currently resides with his brother in his trailer. Client is also responsible for taking care of his children during the day. Client reported his residence to be "pretty messy" and there are "cloths and toy's everywhere." Client reported, he only does the dishes "once every two weeks" and takes out the garbage "once a week." Client reports, "cleaning takes a while because he needs to stop and think about what I am doing." Client reported that he avoids shopping by himself and when he does shop he will only get the necessities. Client states "shopping is stressful" because the "stress increases the voices in my head." Client reports he "gets to a point", while shopping, that the "voices get overwhelming" and he has to ... Show more content on ... The most recent hospitalization was soon after the initial meeting with his case manager. Client reported he felt "under pressure." He reported that work was stressful and he was having a hard time with his ex–wife and ex–girlfriend. Client also reported that his parents were overwhelming him by continually asking him questions about his illness; which, he stated, "makes it real." Client reported he was also having difficulty with his medications. He stated, "They were making me feel really slow, so I stopped taking them." He reports the medication "got rid of hallucinations, but I didn't like the way they made me feel." "So I stopped taking them and was hospitalized." Client reported that once he stopped taking his medication, he began "contemplating suicide." The second hospitalization occurred when the client was 23 years of age. Client reported his hospitalizations was a result of his "medication stopped working and I was getting command voices to harm other people." Client reported that he "hospitalized himself." The first time the client was hospitalized was at the age of 22. Client reports, he does not remember what occurred before his hospitalization and he only "remembers going." Client thinks it was because he was "not on strong enough meds." Clients meetings with his case manager are usually bi–weekly, unless the client is in need of assistance with paperwork, isolation, and monitoring. The client prefers bi–weekly meetings, due to having his child during the day. However, he generally attends all scheduled meetings. If he is unable to, he will call and cancel prior to their scheduled meeting. Client relies on his phone calendar to remind him of his appointments with his case manager, counselor, psychiatrist, and his monthly Invega ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. A Comparative Analysis Of Red Reiner's A Few Good Men Painful Power A Comparative analysis of Red Reiner's A Few Good Men It is interesting to see human behavior when put into a difficult situation that may force them to harm others when they do not want to, but will anyways. It is human nature to always do what is best for themselves and their safety, but people tend to harm others when they can shift the blame off themselves for causing them harm. As for example the milgram experiment is a great example showing people will cause harm under given command. This is not true for everyone, but for most people it is. People will harm others, but kept telling the instructor that they want to stop. The instructor told them they must keep on going, the first response would be I do not want to blamed for hurting the person, soon as instructor took the responsibility then the they would continue to cause pain. A movie that takes a closer look into this situation is A Few Good Men directed by Red Reiner. Some of the main actors were Tom Cruise who played Lt. Daniel Kaffee and is a lawyer that is defending the marines in a murder case, Jack Nicholson who played Col. Nathan R. Jessup is the leader of marines stationed in Guantanamo Bay, Demi Moore who played LT. Cdr. Joanne Galloway is part of the team with Kaffee to defend marnie in the murder case, James Marshall who played Pfc. Louden Downey is the marine who is trialed for murder and disorderly conduct. To quick run over the movie, it was about two marines officers who gave another ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Dreams Of Dreams And Dreams Prologue Everyone has dreams; it's a known fact. Their dreams are goals in their lives; goals that people would really like to achieve. For example: little girls dream about being princesses and fairy tales. Little boys dream about being knights and rocket ships. Men and women dream about money, and the things they can buy with them, like homes and cars. For me, my dream is different. It may have been possible a few years ago. In fact: that's what life was like, but that was before all of this happened, and the world changed for the worse. Oh, well. There's no use in dwelling in the past. What's done is done, and the human race can't take it back. Not just yet, and not without a fight, anyway. Even though it is big, my dream is not just for me, it's for my friends, and the people living in the building, even though they don't realize it. Of course, that was a few years ago, before the average I.Q. went down, and people were relying on our captors to help us. My dream is the thought of escape, and freedom. Freedom from this building and freedom from the rulers who control everyone inside of it is my goal. It may be tough, and it might be hard to do, but it's possible that my dream will come true. After all, anything's been possible since I've got a plan... Part I (5:47:13 P.M.) (May 16) I've got a plan. That's the thought that kept flickering through David Knighter's head as he stared out the window, stared down below at the weed–choked yard. The yard ended where the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. My Reflection Of My Leadership As A Leader There are many individual questions on this were scored lower than I would like, but they are areas that I felt I excelled in on the other questions, It looks like I scored higher in the Seek First to Understand and Synergize sections than in the other areas, I feel this is because of constant thought of how ones actions can and do affect others, Because of that I am sensitive to the feelings of others and seek to not only understand them, but make sure they are not caused discomfort by me, I feel this makes me a good leader because I can also lead others to being accountable for their actions and natural consequences of those actions while keeping their feelings and needs at hand, This is something that I have learned over the years and am sure I still need to work on, As any leader I have strengths as well as weaknesses, I feel one of my strengths is my willingness to listen to others, I have always let other know that I am open to their suggestions, I make it clear that another's idea might be a better way to do something, If the idea is good and things can be changed then they should, I feel my willingness to not only listen, but to hear what they say is why I feel this is one of my strengths, Typically people only truly listen only 25 percent of time, The other 75 percent is spent without truly listening to what a person is saying (McIntosh, 2008), Another of my strengths is that I thrive in stressful situations, I can still get things done and do not buckle under ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Informative Speech : The Differences Between Men And Women General goal: To inform the audience about the differences between men and women. Specific goal: For the audience to understand the answers to a few questions men have about women that distinguish the differences between them. Thesis statement: Today I will be answering a few of the questions men have about women which include " Why are women so insecure?", " Why do women think they are ugly without makeup?", and " Why do women think men have bad intentions?". Introduction Attention Getter/ Speaker Credibility: To state the obvious, there are numerous differences between men and women. It's important to remember that we are dealing with two co–cultures who value things differently. As a woman I have a the answers to a few of the questions that some of the men in the room had for us women. Listener relevance: I'm sure that most of you have questions about women regarding insecurities, makeup, and men in general. Body Why are women so insecure? Women are insecure for several reasons. We are probably insecure for a lot of the same reasons men are. Some insecurities stem from instances from our childhood which can include bullying. – Not just daughters, but all children usually seek affirmation and approval growing up. If they didn't get such things or if someone was always critical of them they will carry it with them through their adult life, often causing many insecurities. 2. A lot of our insecurities can stem from our personal/intimate relationships. – Whether we are broken up with or someone we care about quits showing interest in us, we immediately become insecure, often blaming ourselves for not being the reason things worked out. There are even times the other person points things out that will stick with us and also make us insecure. 3. The biggest reason we can be incredibly insecure at times is because of the media's standards of beauty. –A woman's biggest hindrance in gaining and sustaining some self–confidence is the standard of beauty that the media constantly bombards us with. According to the media, a woman is considered "beautiful" when she's young, skinny, with clear skin, a perfect white smile, lustrous locks, and an enviable body. Most regular everyday people won't always have ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Jim Loman's Early Life Jim had always been an average country farm boy that went through the same routine every single day, except for Sundays of course when he went with his family to the local church. Jim lived in Wilmington, Pennsylvania, far from where all the hustlin' and bustlin' of the city was at. The farthest away from his hometown that he ever got was where he went to market. He went there with his father every Saturday to sell the crops they had grown and the meat they had killed that week. His mother and sister enjoyed sewing, knitting, and cooking while they were gone. One morning when Jim and his father went to market, he met a boy just a few years older than him. This boy, Edward, was from the heart of Philadelphia working as an agriculture promoter ... Show more content on ... The drive took around three hours but that didn't bother Jim one bit. He actually really enjoyed getting to see new things that he had never come into contact with while living in a tight–knit community like Wilmington. The first thing that caught his eye were the ginormous billboards that lined the sides of the highways. The second attention grabber was how fast everybody moved. From the people running late to work to the cars going eighty miles an hour, it was super overwhelming for Jim. He was used to easygoing and slow moving days and driving on roads with either no speed limit (because it wasn't a problem) or a twenty miles per hour limit. Despite the chaos, Jim made it to the conference center without any problems along the way. He met Edward and chatted for a few minutes until the conference began. The information they provided him with cleared up his questions and answered some that he'd never thought about. After the conference wrapped up, Edward invited Jim to stay at his Brownstone, a nice townhouse in the city, instead of having to spend his money on a hotel. The friends got to know each other way better than before and found out that even though they lived two completely different lifestyles, they had a lot in ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Reflection Paper On Grief And Crisis Grief and crisis has never been a topic of discussion in my personal life. It was eye opening and necessary to hear and learn more about the topic. I was always aware that people have different views of what a crisis might be. After learning more about crisis, my belief about some things have changed since taking this class. Before taking this class, I always assumed that a crisis was a hard time in life. I believed that this was true for everyone. I never knew that even good things in life could bring a crisis such as having a baby or getting married. I learned that a crisis has many different definitions. One that I learned is that it is "an internal reaction to an external hazard". Instead of thinking about crisis as hard time in someone's life, I learned that Webster states that crisis is, "a crucial time" and a "turning point in the course of anything". This helped me to realize that crisis can be anything it just depends on the person. One definition that really helped me realize that it depends on the person is the trilogy definition of crisis. The trilogy definition says three things have to be there for there to be a crisis, which is a precipitating event, a perception that causes stress, and failed coping mechanisms. Another thing that I learned from this class that changed my view is that not everyone who is having a crisis or trouble is seeking for help. Something that I liked that we talked about in class was that just because to you to vent does not mean ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. My Experience With College There have been a few places where I been uncomfortable and have noticed many people's mindsets such as being a growth or fixed mindset. The two places I will talk about where I have been the most uncomfortable are college and on the city bus. I will talk about what I've heard and I what I learned about how people think and how that can affect what others think about that person. Starting off with college, of course it is uncomfortable for everyone being their first time in college because you really don't know anyone and the age range for the students are very different from the age range in high school. It was that way for me for the first week or two of being at college, and with how my schedule is I spend most of my days sitting in the cafeteria so I hear all kinds of things and different conversations. For me sitting in the cafeteria is not really uncomfortable just it's a little awkward for me. The one situation I want to talk about happened one day I was hanging out with a few of my friends when at one point they had walked away for a few minutes that's when some guy who I will not mention his name approached me and started talking, at first it wasn't bad it was a little awkward because I didn't know him and he was talking quietly, then he started to talk about things that I don't feel like mentioning so it was at that point I was really uncomfortable being in that conversation. After a few minutes of talking he walked away and that's when my ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. How Gender Limits A Person 's Role As A Superior Officer Throughout history, women have been working to earn the same amount respect males receive, which they are rightly owed. Over time more and more rights and respect have been given to women, including the right to fight and even hold positions of power within the military. Despite this they still have to fight to be seen on an equal playing field with the men doing the same jobs and tasks they are doing. A Few Good Men displays the flawed vision men have of women in the military being not as qualified to deal with the terrors of war regardless of the fact that they have been given positions of high rank and have proved their worth in order to get the position. In examining how gender limits a person's role as a superior officer, Asch's line ... Show more content on ... In A Few Good Men the characters are in military uniform a majority of the time displaying their status easily. In order to explain why Galloway is not given the respect her rank demands despite trying to appear as an equal, we need to examine the ways she attempts to blend in and how she actually ends up standing out. Prior to their trip to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba Lt. Sam Weinberg tells Kaffee to wear his white uniform since it's so hot in Cuba. During the lunch scene with Jessup, we see that Sam and Kaffee stand out in their whites while all the local Marines and Lt. Joanne Galloway are in tan uniforms, which are explained to be a better camouflage since they are traveling into an area near the Cuban border. Galloway had correctly chosen the uniform necessary showing her status as a superior to Kaffee and Sam and her knowledge of the base. This also places her in a group with Colonel Jessup and the other officers from Guantanamo Bay yet she is also still aligned with Sam and Kaffee as they are a team working on the same case. Despite being in a group with Kaffee he refuses to allow her to speak and even goes as far as to say "she often has no point" (A Few Good Men). Solomon E. Asch designed an experiment in which he placed a team of people and one subject into a room and had them answer a series of questions about the lengths of ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Few Things Motivate Students More Than Chances Few things motivate students more than chances to connect their learning to the real world, build on their interests, and sharing what they know and can do with a public audience (Cervone, 2010). Once reluctant readers feel secure with their teacher and peers, they are more likely to take risks, try to excel, bring their out–of–school experiences to the discussion, and succeed with new found confidence in literary. Contrary to labels and negative attitudes reluctant readers experience, the person inside the student that is often overlooked, wants to give the teacher what they want. These students should be given the opportunity to independently read books that will draw upon their experiences in class, allow them to cultivate their considerable background knowledge about a topic, enhance their growing strategic repertoire and understanding of how texts work, to make sense of a complex text and to connect that text to other texts they haves read. When expected and equipped to thrive in literacy reluctant readers will enact the new identity as knowledgeable, confident, resilient readers, undaunted in the face of complexity, interested in the outcome of the book, and able to bring a repertoire of text–based, discipline–specific, problem–solving strategies to bear on their reading. Martin Maehr and Larry Braskam say it best, "People do what they believe they can and what they believe is worth doing." Schools can do plenty to keep students engaged in learning, says Charlotte ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. First Day Of Life : A Day In A Life A Day In A life It was Sunday morning November 5, 2017 the first day of day light savings, I woke at 8 o'clock to use the restroom. Then my boyfriend woke up and asked me if I wanted to go to church at 8:30 a.m., I said yes. We immediately jumped out of bed, and we began to get ready for church. We heated the car for 10 minutes and we left to church. We got to church and the mass was about an hour and a half. After church we went to go pick up my boyfriend's car to take it to Super Mall in Chicago because he wanted to install an alarm and a remote starter for the winter. We took both cars because they were going to take a while installing the alarm and mean while we can go somewhere else, so we will not be bored. On our way to Chicago I called my mom to see what she was doing, we talked all the way there. While waiting for the car we went to Little Village to get some fresh fruit, chicharrones, and corn. We ate our treats in the car. In the fruit cup there was watermelon, mango, coconut, pineapple, melon, cucumber, and jicama garnished with salt, lime, and tajin. Tajin is a powder seasoned chili. The fruit was very delicious especially the watermelon it was very juicy. After eating our goodies, we went to see if the car was ready, it was ready and we went back home. There was a lot of traffic on our way back home because there was a car accident. When we arrived home, I called my cousin to see if she was home so I can interview her she said yes. We drove to her house and as ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Analysis Of The BookThe Giver, By Lois Lowry During the beginning of the book, "The Giver," by Lois Lowry, the main character named Jonas is almost the same as everyone in his community. All the people are known to be are the same as each other. Jonas and his younger brother Gabe both have different colored eyes than the rest of the community. In the community Jonas lives in everything is gray and the same. The community also has a lot of rules. In the book, it says, "It was the first thing Jonas noticed as he looked at the new child peering up curiously from the basket. The pale eyes. Almost every citizen in the community had dark eyes. His parents did, and Lily did, and so did all his group members and friends. ... No one mentioned such things it was not a rule, but it was considered rude to call attention to things that were unsettling or different about individuals." This contributes to Jonas and Gabe during the end of the story for a few reasons. A rule in the community is you are not allowed to lie. Also, every year up until you turn 12 you have ceremonies where you grow up and receive better items that will show you have been maturing. As Jonas becomes older and he becomes a 12 he gets assigned to be the new receiver of memories. At the ceremony of 12 Jonas's name was skipped to come up and receive his assignment so he started panicking because they never made mistakes. Jonas was chosen to be the Receiver of memories because he had no dreams of uncertainty and he had intelligence, integrity, and courage. Because ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. How Is The Perils Of Obedience Shown In A Few Good Men The film, A Few Good Men, showcases military lawyer, Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, defending two United States Marines, Lance Corporal Harold Dawson and Private Louden Downey, who were accused of murdering a fellow Marine Corps member, Private William Santiago. The obedience of the Marines was assessed when Colonel Jessup ordered Lance Corporal Dawson and Private Downey to perform a "code red," a brutal punishment made illegal by the government, on Private Santiago in order to coerce him into becoming an improved Marine. Similarly, in the article "The Perils of Obedience," Stanley Milgram conducted a psychological experiment that observed the extent at which an individual will obey orders. The experiment created a scenario where an unknowing member ... Show more content on ... When Jessup initially stated that no one was to touch Santiago, Markinson was to relay the message to the fellow Marines. One of the most valued questions declared by Kaffee to Jessup was, "If Lieutenant Kendrick gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, then why did he have to be transferred? Colonel? Kendrick ordered the Code Red, didn't he? Because that's what you told Lieutenant Kendrick to do!" (A Few Good Men). Kaffe then exposed that after Santiago died, Jessup had Markinson sign an invalid transfer order and Jessup then altered the flight log book (A Few Good Men). After continued discussion about who to blame for Santiago's death, Jessup confessed to ordering the code red (A Few Good Men). Correspondingly, Stanley Milgram found that within the experiments, the blame of the shocks being given was disoriented. Milgram's findings show that individuals blame each other for something that goes awry, which in the film, the Marines, Dawson, and Downey took the blame from their authority figures. Comparatively, Fromm stated, "As long as I am obedient to the power ... , I feel safe and protected. In fact, it makes little difference what power it is that I am obedient to" (Fromm 127). Thus being the reason why Dawson and Downey obeyed Jessup's "code red" order and why teachers in the Milgram experiment continued on, even when the circumstance ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. My First Time Canvassing On Monday, September 26th, I worked in Crystal's office and went canvassing. While in her office, I sorted through a long list of people and individually wrote down the name and numbers of those who signed up for canvassing. I then called every person who signed up and invited them to the canvassing party that took place on Saturday from 2–5pm. This was my first time making phone calls. Since I did not prepare a script, the first phone call I made was a little rough. As I continued to make phone calls, I started to feel more comfortable and knew exactly what to say. Most of the people I called, either didn't answer or had other plans. This task helped me discover a hidden talent; I am good at talking to people over the phone. Once Crystal got back from a meeting, we started canvassing. This was my first time canvassing alone and I must say, it was a little rough. I canvassed in precinct 16c which is the north side of Springfield. I noticed that although there were a few nice homes in the area, most of the homes were a little run down. Since I am from Saint Louis, this is not that much of a shock to me. Crystal referred the precinct I was canvassing in as "the hood." I had to laugh a little because although the ... Show more content on ... This experience was a little different from the other two mentioned in this week's reflection paper. I walked a very conservative area and only spoke with one democrat out of the 50 houses I knocked. There were quite a few people who weren't home and those who were very reluctant to speak with me. One man in particular gave me a speech lesson. He told me that he could not vote for a candidate that was prochoice because he was German and someone who could take the life of a baby is like a Nazi in his eyes. I have never heard that before and totally disagree with him. On the Brightside, he told me that I am doing a great job with speaking the only thing he would change is my nervous tone when I first start ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Thesis Statement For Online Shopping 2.1 Problem statement: During research of this topic, a problem statement has been formulated that I believe requires some researching into. As with any problem statement, it needs to address the 6 questions that always would get asked concerning research worthy problem statements namely. The problem, noted in this study, is that the exact reasons behind the sudden expansion of online shopping are unknown. One thing that is certain is that the world has become more connected and this growth in online shopping has become a necessity to keep abreast of modern times. 2.2 Thesis statement E–commerce has become a part of human daily lives whether it is at work or in our personal lives. It is by almost everyone because of the benefits it offers ... Show more content on ... This study will explain where e–commerce came from and try to shed light on the topic of where e– commerce will be heading. 2.6 The substantial idea / significant original contribution: E–commerce is a product that has been available since the early 90's. It is something that people are familiar with. A product that is now part and parcel of people's lives. The idea is to find out the reasons behind the growth in e commerce. How it began, what it is today and where it will be going in the future. This study will prove that e–commerce has grown because it adds value to people's lives. It will show that e–commerce will not disappear but evolve into something even greater than what it is right now. 2.7 Significance of solution to theory: The idea behind this study is of great significance because e–commerce (online shopping) has grown tremendously since the turn of the century. It has shaped the way people do shopping for the most part. The availability of products that could only be bought at certain shops which may have been difficult to reach now sits at just the click of a
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  • 72. The International Business Strategies That Firms Can Browse 1. Trade has been a thing for a long time but countries that were devastated by war had to rebuild from scratch. As there were doing that America was continuing establishing as the major industrial power. The fact that the countries had to rebuild from scratch worked to their advantage. They were more up to date when the 1980's came around they were on top of things. The factories in the in America were outdated and had to be rebuilt to match or exceed the factories in rival countries. This gave the other countries an advantage, they were able to get ahead of the game. About ten years later America had some major competitors to compete with. As time went on there were more and more people to compete with. 2. There are three international business strategies that firms can peruse. The first is ethnocentric staffing model. This is when a parent–country uses people from that reason to staff the higher– level forging positions. This helps in a few ways one being that the person that is hired knows the area and he demographic better and able to better assist the firm. A second strategy is the polycentric staffing model. This is when the firm uses host–country nationals throughout the company. This helps ensure that the employees are better able to deal with the local market. The third, and last, strategy is the geocentric model. This is when a firm puts parent–country host–county and third–country nationals all in to the same group and hires the person that is best suited for ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. What 's That Over There? "What 's that over there?" Sara questioned, pointing to a glowing green spot in the distance. It took me a few seconds before I could see it myself, and it was like an alien device. As we got closer, it started making an ambient buzzing sound. I suddenly felt a strange tingle throughout my body, and then the buzzing stopped. "What the heck was that? Did you feel that?" Sara asked. "You did, too?" I asked. I took the rock and put it in my hoodie pocket. I suddenly felt really sick, like I was about to throw up. I turned around, and Sara already had. It was really dark, too. I took out my phone and checked the time. It was 11:32, and there was a roller coaster of emotions in me. Eli was nowhere to be found, at least not at night. We would ... Show more content on ... "That 's the part I 'm not sure about, but I know this is rock is how we find Eli. Please just work with me here," "Ugh, fine. It 's just a dumb dream, but fine, whatever you want to do," she said sarcastically. We both got our hoodies, flashlights, and I grabbed the rock. We ran downstairs, quickly ate some Pop Tarts, then went outside. As we entered the woods, something in my body told me to run, and led me exactly where I needed to go. Luckily, I was holding on to Sara 's hand so we both went together. I turned around. All living vegetation was dead. All the insects around us were dying. What was happening? Was it that thing? After a short while, we were led to a cave. I had no idea there even was a cave back here. It was very eerie and dark, and I heard whispering. My brain felt foggy and my stomach sunk. I could hear Sara whimpering behind me. The cave was pitch black at this point, and we were too scared to turn on our flashlights, in fear that something would see us. The whispering became louder and more intense as we walked further. It got so loud and I could make out what they were saying and it got so terrifying and the voices were right up against my eardrums and each whisper sent a shiver down my spine and my throat was numb and my face was strung with tears and I ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Schneider's Art Museum In order to improve someone's academic and psychological well–being, you must participate in clubs and other school events on campus. You need to "claim your education". There are many opportunities on campus. For me, I choose to go to the Schneider's art museum to look at art. I also joined the chemistry club. During the second or third week of school, there was a gala at the Schneider's art museum that I went to. The only reason I went was because my roommate is an art major and had to go there for a class, so I decided to go with her so that she didn't have to be alone. There was lots of finger food, people, and art pieces. The first thing I went for was the food. They had a few different types of cheese, and cheese is one of my favorite food items, so I was thrilled. I ate a few pieces of Gouda before noticing the other table of food, so I took some grapes covered in cream cheese and nuts before I moved onto looking at the art. The art was inspiring. It was all so pretty and colorful. There was one with black lines and it almost looked like an optical illusion in a sense. I thought it was really cool looking. There was also a room full of books and chairs. Some of the books you could touch, but a lot of them you ... Show more content on ... It has made my desire to become a doctor stronger. When I am a doctor, I will be able to be just as amazing as those artists in the Schneider's art museum, making my own living, doing the thing that I love. And when I become a doctor, I'll be able to help other people by improving their quality of life, which is a little like what we do in the chemistry club, but in different way. Both opportunities I took have been really fun and wonderful things I have done to claim my education. I definitely recommend going to the Schneider's art museum if you haven't already, and if you're interested in chemistry, come to chemistry ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. The Night That morning, the day before the Thing happened, I woke up to my room: a complete mess. Even just navigating my way to the door was a task that took five long minutes, and upon reaching it, I had to throw things out of the way to open it wide enough to slip through. Stalking down the hall, I noticed the mess that was in my little sister 's room. I snorted in disgust and walked slowly and stately (or so I thought) down the stairs. They were not gold–gilded or covered in velvet as I would have liked but they served their point. A few minutes later I was seated in front of the television with a large breakfast and my eyes glued to the screen. The creaking of the door to the living room broke my concentration and I snapped around. Seeing that it was my little sister, I barked, "Stop making so much noise,"and turned back to the commercial for a cool water gun that was playing. She settled quietly in the sofa beside me and picked at her breakfast. She stuck a piece of bacon into her mouth and gazed forlornly at the TV. "Stop chewing so loudly," I hissed angrily though I couldn 't hear her. She turned her gaze to me for one long second and I swear I could see the scorn seeping towards me behind her indifferent look. A millisecond later I was on my feet yelling, "Don 't you look at me like that, Lucy!" Mother came in and said, "Caleb, how many times do I have to tell you not to yell at your sister." "Did you see how she was looking at me?" I demanded ... Get more on ...