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Meiosis and Mitosis Lab
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Exercise 3A is a study of mitosis. You will simulate the stages of mitosis by using chromosome
models.You will use prepared slides of onion root tips to study plant mitosis and to calculate the
relative duration of the phases of mitosis in the meristem of root tissue. Prepared slides of the
whitefish blastula will be used to study mitosis in animal cells and to compare animal mitosis and
plant mitosis.
Exercise 3B is a study of meiosis. You will simulate the stages of meiosis by using chromosome
models. You will study the crossing over and ... Show more content on ...
Use a website to help you draw the animal cell stages.
Draw (please no cut and paste work!) the different stages in a 'T' table (example below).
PART 3: How many cells in each stage:
Take one view of the Onion root tip and count how many cells you see for each stage (you have to
see ALL stages – '0' is not an option – switch views if you cannot find all stages).
1) Make a pie chart – and figure out if 360O of the piechart represented 24 hours – 1440 min. how
long did the cell spend in each phase? (Interphase to cytokinesis).
2) Why are onion root tip and whitefish blastula areas that are ideal to view mitosis?
PART 4: Meiosis bead simulation:
a) As before follow instructions in the handout and draw pictures for each stage of Meiosis I an
Meiosis II – color! b) Label: Homologous chromososmes, sister chromatids, nonsister chromatids,
chiasmata, synapsis, tetrad, centrioles, centromere, centrosome, metaphase plate, spindle fibers,
microtubules, germ cell, gamete cells c) If this process simulated oogenesis – what would the
products be (hint: how many ova, how many polar bodies) and why? d) If this process was
spematogenesis – how many gametes would be produced? e) What happened to the diploid
condition of your parent cell – was it preserved in the daughter cell or not? How do you know? f)
Compare your drawings of Mitosis and Meiosis bead simulation in a T table–
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Mitosis Lab Report
Lab 4 Report– Cell Cycle and Mitosis and Meiosis setup
The main focus of this lab was to be able to understand the different phases of mitosis and the cell
cycle and also identify what those stages may look like. Mitosis is the process in which concerns the
production of new cells. For example, when apoptosis(cell death) the process of Mitosis begins to
replace the dead cells. To be able to familiarize ourselves with this concept, we took a sample of an
onion root and had it put through a process to be able to look at the different phases under the
microscope. We found that the majority of the cells were mostly undergoing Interphase or Prophase
which are the phases in charge of crossing over of DNA and where the chromosomes then become
visible and the nuclear envelope dissipates. The conclusion of this lab was that Mitosis is essential
for the production of new cells. In the case of the onion root sample, the cells were damaged leading
to the tester to undergo Mitotic cell division and it was found that mainly Interphase and Prophase
were the stages that occurred in this lab.
The cell cycle is separated into multiple stages such as G0, G1, S, G2, and M phase. During the G0
phase is the stage in which there is no sign of the cell preparing to separate but, rather a stagnant
cell. The G1 phase involves the expansion of the cell and gathering all the nutrients and energy to
prepare for the upcoming processes of the cell cycle. In the S phase,
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Functions Of Mitosis And Meiosis
Topic Cells
(A.C. 3.1)
Mitosis and meiosis are both forms of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells and share some similarities,
but also exhibit distinct differences that lead to very different outcomes (UK essays 2013; widmaier
et al, 2014; Toole, 2015; Khan, 2016). Mitosis is a cell division that produces two daughter cells
receiving a copy of every chromosome with the same genetic component as the parent cell, while
meiosis is a cell division that produces haploid sex cells or gametes which contain a single copy of
each chromosome (widmaier et al, 2014; Diffen, 2016; Toole 2016; Encyclopaedia Britannica). The
purpose of mitosis is cell regeneration, growth, and asexual reproduction, while the purpose of
meiosis is the production of gametes for sexual reproduction (UK essays 2013; Vancouver
community college, 2011). Mitosis Meiosis parent cell parent cell
cell division cell division
2 new cells
4 new cells
Figure 3.1.
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Mitosis Research Paper
Mitosis is when nuclear division plus cytokinesis, and produces two identical daughter cells during
prophase,metaphase,anaphase,telophase,and cytokinesis. Which a cell duplicates into two
genetically alike daughter cells. In mitosis, chromosomes in the cell nucleus are separated into two
identical sets of chromosomes, each in its own nucleus. Interphase is included in mitosis
discussions,but it is not technically part of mitosis but rather ecompasses stages G1,S,and G2 of the
cell cycle. The process of mitosis is slow and simple. In stage G1 is where the organelles is copied.
Stage S in mitosis is means synthesis. Stage S is where produce two similar daughter cells, the
complete DNA instructions in the cell must be duplicated. In stage ... Show more content on ...
As the cell grows in size, it's more difficult for the cell to move needed material in and waste
products out. Mitosis regulated by cyclins types of proteins. 1 parent cell equals 2 genetically
identical daughter cells after cell division. Mitosis is separated into three parts.
Interphase,mitosis,and cytokinesis. In interphase there is G1,S, and G2. In mitosis there is
prophase,metaphase,anaphase,and telophase. And cytokinesis is by itself. Which is the longest in
mitosis. The easy way to remember what is in mitosis is by the phrase PMAT the initial of every
first letter. DNA is the process of producing two identical replicas from one original DNA molecule.
In a cell DNA replication begins at specific locations, or origins of replications, in the genome. DNA
usually exists as a double–stranded structure, with both strands coiled together to form the
characteristic double–helix. DNA polymerases are a family of enzymes that carry out all forms of
DNA replication. DNA polymerases is general cannot initiate synthesis of new strands, but can only
extend an existing DNA or RNA strand paired with a template strand. In general, DNA polymerases
are highly accurate with an intrinsic error rate of less than one mistake for every 10.7 nucleotides
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Mitosis: Interphase I And Meiosis
Mitosis and meiosis are the means by which reproduction takes place. Mitosis creates an exact
duplicate of cell so that old cells can be replaced, such as in skin, hair, and bones. Meiosis allows a
cell to unite one half of its genetic makeup with a cell from another partner to create an entirely new
Mitosis is the process by which two daughter cells are formed, each containing a complete set of
chromosomes. Mitosis is the process by which an organism creates new cells, such as skin or bone.
There are two parts to a cell's life – interphase and mitosis. Interphase is the normal life of the cell
when all of the growth and metabolism processes take place. Mitosis happens after interphase is
complete and produces an ... Show more content on ...
Meiosis is broken into two parts called Meiosis I and Meiosis II.
Meiosis I
The stages of Meiosis I are called prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I. Prophase I is
like prophase in mitosis. However, in metaphase I, instead of pulling the chromosomes away from
their duplicates, the microtubules attach so as to pull the like pairs, called homologues, apart and
leave the chromosomes attached to their duplicates.
In anaphase I, the microtubules of the spindles pull the homologues apart.
In telephase I, the plasma membrane pinches the cell into two parts and the chromosomes are
surrounded by nuclear material. At the end of meiosis I, two haploid cells have been created, but
they still have duplicated chromosomes, so the cell must enter meiosis II.
Meoisis II
The purpose of meiosis II is to create cells with no duplicates, for purposes of reproduction. In
meiosis II, there are now two cells going through the process. Prophase II and metaphase II occur
just as in mitosis, but remember, there are two cells now.
During Anaphase II, the microtubules pull the duplicate chromosomes away from the originals.
During Telophase II, the plasma constricts and nuclei are formed.
Meiosis 2 is similar to mitosis, however, at the end of meiosis II, four haploid cells called gametes
have been formed, each with no duplicate chromosomes. The chromatids of each chromosome are
not identical
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Mitosis And Onion Root Tip Cells And Record The Different...
To observe mitosis in onion root tip cells and record the different phases of mitosis.
It is expected that the most common phase of mitosis seen will be interphase as the cell spends
around ninety percent of its time in this phase. This is because interphase is the period between cell
division in which the cells grows, DNA replicates and centrioles divide. It is such a long phase that
it is even split into three sub–phases; G1 phase in which a cell grows, S phase or synthesis, in which
a cell copies its chromosome and G2 phase in which the cell grows further and prepares for division.
Background Information:
Mitosis is one of two main methods of cell replication, the other being meiosis. It is "the simple
duplication of a cell and all of its parts" resulting from the splitting of a cell. The 'parent' or original
cell splits, duplicating its DNA (packaged in chromosomes) producing two 'daughter' or new cells
with the same genetic code. There are four stages of mitosis; Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and
Telophase. Interphase is not an official phase of mitosis as the cell is at 'rest' and not being divided
during this phase. It is often called one of the phases of mitosis as it is one of the stages in the life
cycle of a cell; however it is not a phase of mitosis due to the fact that no division takes place.
Interphase is often called the resting stage of mitosis. It is a stage in the life cycle of a cell where,
putting it simply, DNA is replicated and each
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Mitosis Cycle
Cells are very vast complicated organisms. During their reproduction they undergo a series of steps
in order to multiply. This cycle is what allows more cells to be made. The cycle includes G1, S, G2,
Mitosis, and Cytokinesis. Multiple things happen in Mitosis that allows cells to split. These specific
sub units are known as Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telephase, also known
as PMAT. Cells communicate by using chemical signals, which are composed of molecules and
proteins. This material is transferred over through gap junctions between cells. There are several
different types of signaling such as Paracrine, Synaptic, Endocrine, and signaling by direct contact.
Cells use these cycles and signals to perform their proper functions ... Show more content on ...
This process takes the duplicated DNA in the parent cell and makes two separate daughter cells. It
begins when the replicated chromosomes are at the poles of the cell. A nuclear membrane is formed
around the two sets of chromosomes to separate them from the cytoplasm. Also with Telephase, is a
step called cytokinesis. In Cytokinesis the cytoplasm divides and the parent cell becomes two
daughter cells with identical DNA.
There are various forms of cell–to–cell signaling. This is the signal of a sending cell to a receiving
cell. Sometimes signaling cells aren't even close to each other and they don't always receive the
information in the same way. There are 4 basic ways the cells send signals: paracrine signaling,
autocrine signaling, endocrine signaling, and signaling by direct contact. The big difference between
all of these is the distance that the signal is being sent to its target.
Paracrine signaling is chemical signals that are sent from a cell when they are relatively close
together. This allows cells that are neighbors to coordinate both of their activities. Paracrine signals
are used in many different tissues, they are important during development because they tell other
groups of cells their identity. The same cells that are involved in inflammation during infection and
regulate cell proliferation use this signal. This is known as a local
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Cell Biology Meiosis and Mitosis
Cell Biology (CP8121)
Experiment 2: Observing Mitosis and Meiosis on cell specimens
(Formal report)
Name: Wong Chung An
Class: DMLS/FT/1B/02
Admin number: P1138687
This experiment aims to observe mitosis and meiosis on cell specimens. It involves the modelling of
the stages of meiosis and also the staining procedures to identify mitosis in onion root tip. There are
two parts to the procedure of the experiment whereby the first is staining and observing mitosis in
onion root tips and the second being observing and comparing mitosis between whitefish blastula
and onion root tip. The results are that the five stages of mitosis have been observed and sketched,
together with a comparison of telophase in plant and animal cells. The ... Show more content on ...
2) This time, instead of sketching the different phases of mitosis in onion root tip, the differences in
mitosis between the plant and animal cells were recorded.
4) Results and Discussion
*For the results, refer to the datasheet archived under appendix at the end of the report.
5.1 Explanation and reasons for results
The results of the datasheet have shown that all the five main phases of mitosis can be observed.
This can because of several reasons such as the choice of use of onion root tips, flattening of the
onion root tips, addition of hydrochloric acid and 0.5% Toluidine Blue solution.
Onion root tips are easy to grow in large numbers and the cells at its tips are actively dividing, thus
many of its cells will be in different stages of mitosis. The reason for using the last 1–3mm of the
root tip is because it is where the region of cell division (meristem) is located. This is the region
whereby cells are dividing but not significantly increasing in size.
The flattening of the onion root tips allows the chromosomes of each individual cell to be observed.
The hydrochloric acid added, plays a part in fragmenting the root tissues by weakening and
removing the bonds between cells so that each cell will not be attached to the other cell, obstructing
the observation. Toluidine Blue solution acts as a colorant, giving a blue colour to the chromosomes
and so that it is more easily spotted
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The Process Of Meiosis And Mitosis
In order to better understand the process of meiosis and mitosis, students observed different types of
asci. The arrangement of spores was associated to whether crossing over occurred during meiosis 1.
We tried observing asci, from the mating plate that we did last lab, with a light microscope.
However, the class was unsuccessful and were told to look for images of asci on google images and
use these observations as our data. The observations obtained from google images, showed that 27
observations were made for asci of type 4:4, 19 for asci type 2:2:2:2 and 14 for asci of type 2:4:2
(Table IB–1). With these observations, we determined the map distance which was 27.5 map units
(Figure 5.4). Since asci of type 4:4 were observed more, crossing over occurred less, thus producing
less asci with different arrangements. Sordaria also undergo mitosis because the end result of
meiosis are four haploid cells and haploid cells cannot divide by meiosis. Lastly, since more asci
with type 4:4 were observed, the hypothesis was supported–more black ascus were also observed
which supported the second hypothesis. Although students were not successful in observing asci
during the lab, students were still able to understand the importance of meiosis and relate it to real
life issues. INTRODUCTION
Meiosis is a two part cell division (meiosis 1 and meiosis 2) process that produces four daughter
cells, each having half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell–such as the product of
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Mitosis And Meiosis Similarities
Mitosis and Meiosis plays an important roles. These two cells have a lot of similarities and also have
a lot of differences. These two cells play an important role in your life.
There are several similarities. First, Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase (PMAT) happens
at least once. In addition to the similarities, interphase must happen at the beginning. Also, both of
them makes more cell for the body. Fourth, the cycle keeps on going, whenever the cycle is ending,
it just restarts and does the same process. Next, life won't continue without them, that means if you
don't have any of them, your baby can be born, because mitosis makes all the organ cells. If you
don't have any meiosis, that means you aren't able to have any babies.
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Difference Between Mitosis And Meiosis
They are made of nuclear DNA and proteins.
Mitosis and meiosis are related to each other through the process of cytokinesis. In addition, these
processes are the same in terms of sequence in the steps of cell division, however meiosis role the
process twice. The outcome of them are similar, because they both done with daughter cells.
Cancer is caused by the mutations of genes within the somatic cells. This disease develops in the
somatic cells during the process of cell division because of mutations. A few faults in the copying
process transpire when the DNA is replicated prior to cell division. Another factor that can cause
rapidly dividing cells is by chemicals and radiation that causes damaging DNA. With this
knowledge, I have invented the ... Show more content on ...
I estimated that all stage of the cell cycle would have the same time. The data shows that most of the
cells were located in the initial stage of mitosis, Interphase.
By the end of the first meiosis, each separate individual cell has its set of homologous pairs of
chromosomes. While at the last stage of meiosis II, all of the haploid cells have their own sister
chromatid from the homologous pairs.
DNA is the set of instructions for all organelle and its' function. Chromosomes are important,
because they carry the DNA.
The first phase of meiosis is mostly about splitting the cells in half and the separation of
homologous chromosomes. In contrast, the second phase of meiosis focuses on the separation of
chromatids along with the 2 diploid splitting in 2.
There were 46 chromosomes present when the first meiosis began.
The gamete cells result in the combination of two cells from both genders to build one new zygote,
because of that, it is important to reduce the number of chromosomes in gametes. On the other hand,
other cells contain a unicellular reproduction and that shows that no need to reduce the amount of
There is no male gamete.
There are 57 chromatids.
The paired chromosomes contain varied lengths.
The sixth doesn't has
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Meiosis Vs Mitosis
Life forms display an assortment of examples in respect to propagation, and diverse perspectives
might be brought with respect to arrangement of these patters. For our motivations, we might
consider that there are two essential sorts of multiplication, sexual and asexual. Sexual reproduction
is always associated with a type of nuclear division called meiosis which occurs at some point in the
life cycle of the organism involved. Besides, aside from a couple of atypical cases, sexual
multiplication is portrayed by the union of gametes, or particular conceptive cells, in the
development of another person. Such gametic union is trailed by the combination of the diversion tic
cores and the relationship of their chromosomes: this whole arrangement of occasions is known as
Cells separate and replicate in two ways: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is a procedure of cell division
that ... Show more content on ...
Not just is mitosis in charge of abiogenetic propagation in single–celled life forms, however it is
likewise what empowers cell development and repair in multicellular living beings, for example,
people. In mitosis, a cell makes a precise clone of itself. This procedure is what is behind the
development of youngsters into grown–ups, the recuperating of cuts and wounds, and even the
regrowth of skin, appendages, and members in creatures like geckos and reptiles. Meiosis is a more
particular kind of cell division (of germ cells, specifically) that outcomes in gametes, either eggs or
sperm, that contain half of the chromosomes found in a guardian cell. Not at all like mitosis with its
numerous capacities, meiosis has a slender yet critical reason: helping sexual multiplication. The
procedure empowers youngsters to be connected yet at the same time not the same as their two
guardians. (Westbroek,
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Mitosis: A Meiosis In Diploid Cells
Everyone, from the people as tall Shaquille O'Neal, standing at 7 feet and 1 inch, to people as small
as Simone Biles, 4 feet, and 9 inches, started life as a tiny little embryo then grew into the people
they are today with a process called binary fission. Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in
two daughter cells who each have the same number of chromosomes, as their diploid parents, and
are genetically identical to their parents after one division. Humans have 46 chromosomes in diploid
cells. Mitosis is used for growth, repair, and binary fission. Mitosis makes somatic cells or body
Mitosis has 5 main phases, or parts: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis. In
Prophase the DNA condenses to form chromosomes, ... Show more content on ...
Meiosis II has 5 steps: Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase, and Cytokinesis. First, the
chromosomes consisting of two chromatids become visible in Prophase II. In Metaphase II, the
sister chromatids line up in the middle of the cell, then pull apart during Anaphase II. Finally, the
nuclear membrane reforms and the cells
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Mitosis Lab Report
The results of this lab showed the stages and events that occur in meiosis and mitosis. The four
stages of mitosis were observed in the blastula staged whitefish embryo slides. The phases of
mitosis are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The beginning stages that occur in
mitosis take place in interphase, which are G_1, S, and G_2. In the G_1 stage, the cell begins to
increase in size. After the size of the cell has increased it proceeds to the S stage where the
chromosomes start to replicate themselves and attach together to the centromere. When the
chromosomes are finished replicating themselves, it enters the G_2 stage where proteins check the
integrity of the DNA. If everything is normal, the chromosomes are allowed to enter mitosis and
begin the cell division process. ... Show more content on ...
After prophase is completed, the cell enters metaphase and the chromosomes become attached to the
kinetochore microtubules and are positioned at the center of the cell. After the chromosomes are
aligned in the center of the cell, it proceeds to anaphase where the kinetochore microtubules begin to
pull the chromosomes away from each other and towards the spindle apparatus at the pole of the
cell. When the chromosomes have reached the spindle apparatus the kinetochore microtubules
detach from the chromosomes and are allowed to move independently. The cell enters telophase and
begins to decondense, which causes the nuclear fragments to reform the nucleus. The cell goes
through cytokinesis, which divides the cell into two diploid daughter
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Mitosis Research Paper
Mitosis is when atomic division in addition to cytokinesis, and produces two indistinguishable little
girl cells amid prophase,metaphase,anaphase,telophase,and cytokinesis. Which a phone copies into
two hereditarily indistinguishable girl cells. In mitosis, chromosomes in the cell core are
differentiated into two indistinguishable arrangements of chromosomes, each in its own core.
Interphase is incorporated in mitosis discussions,but it is not actually piece of mitosis yet rather
ecompasses stages G1,S,and G2 of the cell cycle.
Stage S is the place create two comparative girl cells, the complete DNA guidelines in the cell must
be copied. In stage G2 is the place a time of quick cell development and protein combination amid
which the cell ... Show more content on ...
In a cell DNA replication starts at particular areas, or starting points of replications, in the genome.
DNA typically exists as a twofold stranded structure, with both strands looped together to shape the
trademark twofold helix. DNA replication starts with the "unfastening" of the guardian atom as the
hydrogen bonds between the base sets are broken. Once uncovered, the succession of bases on each
of the differentiated strands serves as a format to guide the insertion of a reciprocal arrangement of
bases on the strand being
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Observing Mitosis
Lab Report №3
Title:Observing Mitosis
By Yerkebulan Yesbolatov
Biology course, tutorial group I
October 18, 2012
Lab partner: Azhar Zhaisanova
Experiment is intend to show mitotic stage of cell cycle, phases of mitotic stage, to define
predominance in the number of each phases over the others, if it is possible. Objectivity of lab is to
observe the different phases of mitotic stage of cell cycle, to get skills for special technique( by
using orcein ethanoic stain) designed for making slide enable to observe mitotic stage of cell cycle.
The tip of Garlic bulb's root is suspected to be relevant for that, ... Show more content on ...
In interphase cells are as they are swallowed, e.c become bigger. Question 6 Safety precautions
Wear goggles to avoid contact with orsein ethanoic stain is corrosive, has ability to irritate by vapour
Wear gloves – acetic alcohol is corrosive and highly flammable.
Question 7 Treatment with hydrochloric acid
It enable to stain the specimen of root tip. It can help to break the hydrogen bonds contain in it.
Question 8 Reason
Cells are in phase of telephase of mitosis or meiosis stage could start.
There was cells with purple chromosomes on a pink background.There was drawn the each phases
of mitosis to make easier the differentiation of phases cause is sometimes difficult to differ. At the
beginning, when final stage of slide preparation was done, there was problem, three times with its
observing–the image wasn't enough pure to see a cells in mitosis stage. Cause could be wrong decay
of specimen during the pressing. It should be taken into care that pressing of stained specimen
should be strong to make image more clear and transparent. To define the number of cells visible at
point of view (image which enable objective to see during reviewing without changing the position)
of microscope it was calculated the quarter of circle row by row cause cells are not same, so rows
are not same. Defining of microscope's point of view is necessary for further calculating the
percentage of each
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Mitosis Research Paper
Mitosis is when the cell divides in order to replicate itself. The product at the end of this stage is two
daughter cells that are both genetically identical to the parent cell. Mitosis is also used for the
growth and repair within an organism.
Mitosis is not just one stage by itself; it is made of several stages, which include interphase,
prophase, metaphase, anaphase and also telophase. These stages have several different things that
they are responsible for. Interphase is the first phase of mitosis. In interphase the cell will look like
any other cell, but that is wrong because there are several things that are happening in this stage; the
organelles of the cell are being produced in quantity and also the chromosomes are being ... Show
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The changes in the cell become more noticeable. The chromosomes become coiled and can be
viewed under a microscope. Each chromosome that was duplicated is a pair of sister chromatids
joined by the duplicated but unseparated centromere. The nucleolus in the cell disappears in this
stage of mitosis. The cytoplasm is also involved in prophase. The mitotic spindle of the cytoplasm
consists of microtubules. The microtubules form between two pairs of centrioles as they move to
opposite poles of the cell. At the end of this phase, the nuclear envelope disappears.
The third stage of mitosis is metaphase. In metaphase, the centrosomes arrive at the opposite poles
in the cell. The chromosomes become arranged on a plane equidistant from the two poles called the
metaphase plate. For each of the chromosome, the kinetochores of the sister chromatids face the
opposite poles, and each is now attached to a kinetochore microtubule coming from that pole.
Anaphase is the fourth stage of mitosis. Anaphase begins when the duplicated centromeres of each
pair of daughter chromatids, which were created in the before stages, separate. Now the daughter
chromosomes begin moving toward the opposite poles due to the action of the spindle. The location
of the centromere located on the chromosome, a shape will appear during the chromosome
movement. At the end of anaphase, a complete set of chromosomes have assembled at each pole of
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Mitosis Research Paper
In order to better understand genetics, and what makes us who we are, it is important to first
understand cell division/reproduction. Mitosis is the division of the nucleus that produces two
daughter cells identical to themselves and to the original cell. Cytokinesis, which is the division of
the cytoplasm, follows this process. The process of mitosis has five stages that are proceeded by
interphase, which is a period for cell growth and development. Mitosis begins with prophase, which
is when chromatids condense, centrosomes move to opposite poles, and mitotic spindles form from
centrosomes. Prometaphase follows, during which the nuclear membrane disintegrates. During
metaphase, the chromosomes line up in the middle on the equatorial plate, ... Show more content on ...
In this experiment, meiosis was observed during oogenesis, or formation of the egg, in the
roundworm ascarsis. The process oogenesis begins with the diploid oogonium dividing mitotically
to produce primary oocytes. Each primary oocyte completes meiosis I and creates a polar body and
a secondary oocyte. The secondary oocyte undergoes meiosis II and creates a second polar body and
an ovum. The ovum is then able to become fertilized. Since the diploid number of chromosomes is
only four in Ascaris megalocephala, the worm is ideal for the study of oogenesis because of its small
chromosome number. In fact, the Ascarsis megalocephala was an excellent model for a scientist
named Theodor Boveri who provided us with one of the first descriptions of meiosis. Boveri was
able to distinguish that chromosome number was reduced in gametes and that meiosis did not
happen until fertilization had concluded. Knowing this information, Boveri was able to observe the
sperm and egg chromosome after fertilization and saw that Ascari eggs possessed 2 chromosomes
after the formation of the polar body, and that after the fusion of the sperm and egg, the chromosome
number was restored to 4 again (O'Connor, C. & Miko, I. 2008). Meiosis was also observed during
spermatogenesis, or the formation of sperm, in a grasshopper. This process takes
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Mitosis And Meiosis
Mitosis Meiosis
Most of the times people get injuries, complex or simple one like bruises and, within a period of
time, these injuries heal. This healing process is made possible by cell division whereby a single cell
divides to form two and the process continues. The same process also helps living things grow, for
example, over 2 trillion cells divide every day in human beings. There are two types of cell division
processes; mitosis and meiosis, each of which has distinct characteristics.
Mitosis: A single cell divide into two genetically identical cells. This process is asexual in nature
and the two resulting cells have equal number of chromosomes in each of the diploid cells each with
identical nuclei.
Meiosis: Meiosis is a sexual cell reproduction process whereby a single cell divides its homologous
chromosomes equally to form two haploid cells with half the chromosomes of the parent cell.
Mitosis: Mitosis occur in five phases describing the changes through which the cells go through.
These stages are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In prophase, the
chromosomes condense inside the nucleus while centrioles move to the opposite within the nucleus
sides in pairs. As this process ... Show more content on ...
The chromosomes then split into two sister chromatids which the centromeres hold together. This
therefore mean that there are two sets of sister chromatids (four chromatids) in the two
chromosomes. Two non–sister chromosomes cross over as the other two remain. Secondly, in
metaphase I, chromosomes line up at the center of the spindle fibers in pairs then the third phase,
Anaphase I begins when equal amounts of chromosomes divide. On the last phase, telophase I, the
daughter cells completely divide, chromosomes disappear, and the nucleic membranes
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Research Paper On Mitosis
Mitosis is an important process that it is responsible for mostly everything that goes on in your body.
It allows one cell with 46 chromosomes to split into two that are genetically identical. The nucleus is
in the center of the cell in which all DNA is stored. So in reality you don't need to duplicate the
entire cell, only the DNA. In addition, mitosis takes place in stages called prophase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase. Before mitosis all cells are in interphase where they grow and work to
become useful. During interphase, there is loose DNA inside the cell that is called chromatin. Then
the centrosome replicates next to the nucleus. Afterword, the DNA begins to replicate itself to have
two copies of every DNA strand. In the next phase called prophase, the chromosomes begin to
condense and the mitotic spindle forms. Next, comes the longest phase of mitosis, metaphase, in
which the nuclear envelope breaks apart, and the cells use motor proteins to allow the ... Show more
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These can cause mutations which can lead to a change of function and creates tumors. These tumors
can affect the digestion and respiration, leading to death. A type of gene that regulates how fast cells
divide is BRCA1 which belongs to tumor suppressor genes. The cells go through a process for cell
division called the cell cycle. This cell cycle contains many checkpoints in which the proteins
regulate how fast the cell can continue. BRCA1 helps some forms of mutations in the DNA. If the
cell is damaged, BRCA1 keeps it from dividing until repaired. In your body, you have two copies of
BRCA1 but you only need one fully functioning gene. When the BRCA1 is ineffective the cell is
allowed to divide and accumulates mutations. These mutations may cause the cell to become less
specialized and it can stop its function in the tissue. If all this occurs, then most likely they will
develop into cancer
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Mitosis Lab Report
A practical was conducted to observe the various stages of mitosis in the root tips of garlic. Mitosis
is the process by which a parent cell divides to give two identical daughter nuclei. The main
objectives were to achieve a better understanding of how to use a microscope and to help understand
previous studies carried out on mitosis. It was not possible to see all the stages of mitosis under the
microscope except for anaphase and metaphase. This may have been due to problems with the
method of preparing the sample and the short time span to conduct this experiment.
Mitosis is the process by which sister chromatids are separated and then evenly distributed into two
identical nuclei, each identical to its parent cell. ... Show more content on ...
However the only stages observed were metaphase and anaphase (refer to figure 2 a, b). It is
possible to see mitosis through a light microscope however the clarity of the stages varies depending
on the methodology of the experiment. In addition it was very difficult to count the number of
chromosomes due to the lack in clarity of the sample. Some aspects of the microscope were fairly
simple such as changing the magnification, placing the stage on the microscope and using the
adjustment knob. On the other hand certain parts of the microscope were more complex such as
ensuring the condenser was adjusted to ensure optimum light intensity of the sample. Locating the
sample of the root cells was challenging as the cells all looked identical thus making it harder to find
the mitotic cells without changing to the X40 magnification. It was not possible to see additional
structures such as the spindle and centrosomes. Timing was an issue as the allocated time to conduct
the practical was 90 minutes. This did not leave enough time to accurately observe all the various
stages of mitosis as the cells may have needed more time to soak up the stain. The results from this
experiment reinforce the possibly to observe stages such as anaphase and metaphase however not
stages like prophase and telophase. In contrast Carboni and Pogue, 2010 were able to witness these
stages using a light microscope. This difference in observations may have been due to the way the
sample was prepared. Firstly we had to place the sample of a garlic root tip onto a slide together
with a cover slip. The sample had to first be squashed by pressing onto the cover slip, however there
were flaws with this method. For example pressing too hard would have damaged the sample and
being too gentle would not have spread the cells out enough to observe mitosis. Secondly the sample
was stained with
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Mitosis Vs Meiosis
Cell division is a process that is essential to the reproduction, survival, and improvement of many
eukaryotes. Many things about cell division are still unknown, and each day scientists begin to
understand more about why something they already knew happened, happened. Such as the
underlying reactions and thermodynamics that motivate something to do what it does without
intelligence (Khan Academy). There are two types of cell division under this category, and they are
mitosis and meiosis. Although they fall under the same category, they have similarities and
dissimilarities. To avoid confusion and for better understanding they will be discussed in pairs
(similar–dissimilar), and there may be some overlap in points as this is the nature of the subject
To begin, the most obvious differences and similarities will be addressed. Both processes follow
interphase which replicates the DNA. They both begin with a cell that has a diploid number of
chromosomes. Mitosis is a repeatable cycle, and meiosis is not. Mitosis proceeds to completion and
ends with cells that are capable of going through the cell cycle and repeating the process ... Show
more content on ...
Although they do occur in the same organism, they occur in different places. Mitosis is the
duplication of somatic, or body, cells. Meiosis is the duplication of germ, or sex, cells. Because
meiosis involves sex cells, the products are capable of fertilization. One difference mentioned before
but not much expanded upon is that meiosis gives cells that come from diploid cells but are haploid.
Because the information they receive is spilt between the two, each cell contains different
information selected at random. Mitosis in contrast is a process that yields two cells that are an exact
copy of their parent cell (excepting an occasional mutation). Each cell that results from mitosis is
identical to its parent and contains the same genetic
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Compare And Contrast Mitosis And Meiosis
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis
Inside the human body, there are two different cells who help the reproductive system. Those are
Mitosis and meiosis which are similar and different than one another.
There are many ways that mitosis and meiosis are similar such as them having always having a
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase,Telophase (PMAT). In addition, both of them have their own
interphase at the start of the PMAT. Also, since they have a PMAT then they will always create cells
during it which would mean that PMAT will always repeat. Without Mitosis and Meiosis, the human
population would already be extinct. Even though they have their similarities they also have their
own differents. Everything is different in their own way. Mitosis and
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Lab Report On Mitosis And Meiosis
by Alimzhan Muxunov
Group M
Lab partner: Gulzhan Belgibay
INTRODUCTION One of the vital processes, which are very important for cells' life, is called cell
division. There are two types of it called mitosis and meiosis. In this practical, we will focus on
mitosis. Mitosis is a part of eukaryotic cell division cycle, when a nucleus divides into two new
nuclei. Prokaryotic cell does not have nucleus, so mitosis does not occur there. According to Kent
(2000) and Campbell (2009), mitosis consisted of four steps: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and
Telophase. Interphase is the preparation of cell to mitosis: growth of the cell and its' organelles,
replication of DNA occur during this period. Mitosis starts with prophase, when the chromosomes
are coiled and become shorter, next stage is metaphase when chromosomes line ... Show more
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Interphase is a preparation of the cell to mitosis, during interphase DNA duplicates, but
chromosomes actually are not visible on this stage. Interphase requires for minimum 90% of the
whole time of cell division (Campbell 2009, p.129). The first step of mitosis is a prophase, when
chromosomes become more visible, nuclear membrane disappears, mitotic spindle forms in the
cytoplasm and centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell (Kent 2000, p. 76). The next stage after
this is metaphase, during which chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell, after that process
spindle fibers attach to chromosomes from two opposite sides (Kent 2000, p. 76). The stage of
separating paired chromosomes and their movement to the opposite poles of the cell is called
anaphase (Kent 2000, p. 77).The last step of mitosis is telophase, during which new membranes of
two daughter nuclei appear and chromosomes become less visible(Kent 2000, p. 76). Mitotic index,
which is used when the growth of tumour in cancer patients is studied, was
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Mitosis And Meiosis Similarities
Mitosis and Meiosis are two very important topics to learn about within school. It is easy to confuse
the two, because they sound so similar, are similar, but also very different. Mitosis occurs when the
human body grows and it is asexual because no sexual interaction needs to take place. Meiosis
occurs during sexual reproduction and the creation of DNA. There are many similarities and
differences between Mitosis and Meiosis. Daughter cells are formed when a cell is duplicated.
Mitosis contains two identical daughter cells. These are identical to the parent cells because they
have the same number of chromosomes. Meiosis has four unique daughter cells. They are unique
because they are not the exact same as the parent's cell. Within Mitosis,
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The Process of Mitosis Essay
The Process of Mitosis
Mitosis is the term used to describe cell division for replication. The product at the end of mitosis is
two daughter cells both genetically identical to the original (parent) cell. This process (mitosis) is
used for growth and repair within an organism (and also for asexual reproduction).
There are five main stages to mitosis, called Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase,
Anaphase and Telophase. Although the process has been divided up into these stages the process of
mitosis is actually continuous.
Interphase ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– In this, the first stage the cell will look
just like any other 'normal' cell although this is far from the case because very much is actually
happening. All cell ... Show more content on ...
[A labelled diagram of the end of the Prophase stage of a cell here would be great.] Metaphase
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– During this stage the chromosomes move towards
the equator of the spindle, attaching themselves horizontally by the centromere to the spindle's
filaments. The chromatids then pull slightly away from each other at the centromere towards the
opposite poles of the cell.
[A labelled diagram of Metaphase here, and put a note next to it saying "Note that some
spindle fibres run from pole to pole while others from pole to equator."] Anaphase
––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Now this stage is very quick.
The pairs of chromatids are separated and each chromatids is pulled is pulled towards each opposite
pole by the spindle fibres by a ratchet–like mechanism.
This process requires energy so the ATP store is now used up.
[A labelled diagram of Anaphase. Write a note underneath saying "They split apart by the
centromere breaking into two. Each centromere divides into two so that each chromatid has its own
Telophase ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The chromatids are destined to become
the new chromosomes of the daughter cells. Once the chromatids are at the poles of the cell they
unwind into chromatin again, now becoming hard to see once again. The spindle fibres now
disintegrate and new nuclear membranes form around the new groups of chromatin
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Essay on Meiosis Vs. Mitosis
More than one celled organisms grow by way of mitosis and the cytoplasmic division of body cells.
On the other hand, meiosis occurs only in germ cells, which are put aside for the formation of
gametes (sperm and egg). Reproduction by meiosis allows for species survival and it increases
genetic variability.
The process, during which the germ cells are generated is called meiosis. It represents nature's
solution to the problem of chromosome doubling that would occur, if two diploid cells, i.e. two cells
with a double set of chromosomes would fuse. Accordingly does meiosis produce haploid germ
cells, with maternal and paternal germ cell fusing at fertilization and thus generating a ... Show more
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Chromosome pairs line up across the equator of the spindle at metaphase I (5). In anaphase I the
chromosomes separate and travel to opposite ends of the spindle. The chromosomes migrate to the
equators of two new spindles for metaphase 2 (7). Next the chromatids are pulled apart in anaphase
2 to form four clusters of chromosomes in telophase 2. The nuclear envelopes reform around four
haploid nuclei that will give rise gamete
The leptotene. This phase differs only slightly from the early stages of mitosis. Usually are the cells
and nuclei of meiotic tissues bigger than that of their neighbouring tissues and often do they seem to
be longer and are longitudinally structured. At regular intervals can thickenings be found, like beads
on a string: the chromomeres. Their number, size and positioning is constant in each species.
The zygotene. During this phase begins the pairing of homologous chromosomes. It is also called
synapsis and the resulting structure synaptic complex. Directly after initiation of the process does
the pairing spread like a zipper across the whole length of the chromosome.
The pachytene. During the pachytene does the pairing stabilize. The number of synaptic complexes
corresponds to the number of chromosomes in a haploid set of the respective species. The pairs are
also called bivalents. The
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Mitosis and Meiosis
Cell division may happen by either mitosis or meiosis, depending on what type of cell is invovled.
Mitosis is a process by which a cell divides to form two daughter cells. They each have the same
exact number and kind of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis occurs in the primary sex cells
leading to the formation of viable egg and sperm cells. They reduce the number of chromosomes to
half in each gamete so that when they are getting furtilized, the species chromosome number is kept
Mitosis happens in the reproduction of unicellular organisms and in the addition of cells to a tissue
or organ in a multicellular organism.
There are four stages of mitosis. The first stage is the prophase. In this stage the chromosomes
become ... Show more content on ...
There are two major ways of reproduction, asexual and sexual.
Asexual reproduction only involves one parent. They split their cell in half. Sexual reproduction
involves two parents and they each have one cell (either an egg of sperm) which gets put together to
have an infant. The egg and sperm usually have 23 chromosomes. SO when an infant is born, it has
46 chromosomes.
A con for sexual reproduction is during meiosis. An egg and sperm cell usually have 23
chromosomes each. When an egg gets fertilized by a sperm cell it combines to 46 chromosomes.
Human beings have 46 chromosomes each. When something goes wrong and a baby inside a womb
gets one more extra chromosome, they get Down syndrome.
A pro for sexual reproduction is that two parents can have the joy of having their own child. Some
people grow up and end up not being able to carry out a child because of some defect in their body.
A con for asexual reproduction is that bacteria multiply by asexual reproduction. If you have a
sickness and you don 't realize it in time, the bacteria can spread all over your body until you get
extremely sick.
A pro for asexual reproduction is that flowers, trees, and other plants multiply by asexual
reproduction. The environment is being destroyed and with flower, tree, and plant seeds, people will
be able to grow these things that are being destroyed. They can also rebuild habitats for animals that
are also being
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Compare and Contrast Mitosis and Meiosis Essay
Compare and Contrast Mitosis and Meiosis
Meiosis and mitosis describes the process by which cells divide, either by asexual or sexual
reproduction to produce a new organism.
Meiosis is a form of cell division that produces gametes in humans these are egg cells and sperms,
each with reduced or halved number of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is restored
when two gametes fuse together to form a zygote. A cell with two copies of each chromosome is
called diploid cell and a cell with one copy of each chromosome is called a haploid cell. Meioses
produces haploid daughter cells that are genetically different from each other and from the parent
cell. However, mitosis is a form of cell division that produces daughter cells ... Show more content
on ...
These bivalents line up along the equator during metaphase I, the arrangement of the bivalent is
completely random and relative to the orientation of the other bivalents, this is known as the
independent assortment of chromosomes. This is followed by anaphase I where the homologous
chromosomes separate and move to the opposite poles of the cell.
At telophase I the cell divides into two, each cell contains one chromosome from each homologous
pair. The second stage of meiosis is similar to mitosis. These centrioles replicate and the
chromosomes line along the equator at metaphase II and spilt at the centromeres causing the
chromatids to move to opposite sides at anaphase II. At telophase II the cell divides to form four
haploid cells, these are not identical to each other because the cells contains chromosomes from two
different parent gametes therefore differ genetically.
However, during mitotic division the cells produced are genetically identical to each other because
they are produced from the same parent cell. The cell begins to replicate during interphase to
produce two identical sister chromatids. At prophase the chromosomes become condense to become
visible and the membrane begins to break down. The chromosomes line up along the centre of the
equator during metaphase.
The chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite poles during anaphase. In telophase these
separate chromatids
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Mitosis And Meiosis Lab Report
This study was performed in order to gain more knowledge on mitosis and meiosis. This lab was
done by observing mitosis in plant and animal cells, comparing the relative lengths of the stages of
mitosis in onion root tip cells, stimulating the stages of meiosis, observing evidence of crossing–
over in meiosis using Sordaria fimicola, and estimating the distance of a gene locus from its
centromere. Mitosis is the scientific term for nuclear cell division, where the nucleus of the cell
divides, resulting in two sets of identical chromosomes. Mitosis is accompanied by cytokinesis in
which the end result is two completely separate cells called daughter cells. There are four phases of
mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and ... Show more content on ...
In the G1 phase, cell synthesizes proteins and produces cytoplasmic organelles. In the S phase, DNA
synthesis occurs, and in the G2 phase, the cell beings forming the spindle. 5. Both prokaryotic cell
division and eukaryotic cell division replicate their DNA and use the process of cytokinesis.
Activity B: Estimating the Relative Lengths of Mitotic Phases
Table 1: Group Count | Number of Cells | | Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | Total 1–3 | Interphase | 52 | 46 |
57 | 155 | Prophase | 22 | 25 | 29 | 76 | Metaphase | 16 | 11 | 9 | 36 | Anaphase | 5 | 8 | 5 | 18 | Telophase
| 14 | 10 | 8 | 32 | | Total | 317 |
Table 2: Class Data | Class Totals | Decimal Fraction of Total Count | Estimated Time Spent in Phase
| Interphase | 582 | .46 | 13968 | Prophase | 305 | .24 | 7320 | Metaphase | 148 | .12 | 3552 | Anaphase |
65 | .05 | 1560 | Telophase | 171 | .13 | 4104 | Total Cells Counted | 1271 | |
Analysis of Results, Activity B: Estimating the Relative Lengths of Mitotic Phases
Pie Graph
2. Stages of Mitosis Ranked 1) Interphase 2) Prophase 3) Metaphase 4) Anaphase 5) Telophase 3.
Some phases of mitosis are longer than others because each phase has a different task, and some of
the tasks of the phases are harder than others. For example, interphase takes longer than other phases
because the nuclear envelope fragments and the microtubules attach to the
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Mitosis And Meiosis Of Eukaryotic Organisms
The cell is the basic unit of all life. All living things–– tigers, trees, elephants, and men–– are made
up of cells. A cell is alive–– as alive as you are. It breathes, takes in food, and gets rid of waste. It
grows and reproduces, or creates one of its own kind. (Garrod 36) Most cells reproduce by dividing,
so that there are two cells where there once was one. (Akkas 78) Every living thing is made up of
one or more cells, and each of these cells was produced by an already existing cell.
New cells are formed by dividing, so that there are two cells were there once was one. One–celled
plants and animals begin and complete their lives as single cells. (Kemp 12) Human beings and
multicellular plants and animals also develop from a single ... Show more content on ...
We have seen that every species of life has a certain number of chromosomes in its somatic cells.
These chromosomes exist in pairs. (Baserga Biology 98) The members of each pair are similar in
size, shape, and hereditary contact. Man has a 23 pairs of chromosomes; frogs 13 pairs; and pea
plants, 7 pairs. Suppose the egg and sperm cells had the same number of chromosomes as all the
other cells in an organism. (Mitchison 95) If they united, the somatic cells in the off–spring of such
a union would have twice the number of chromosomes they should have. (Baserga Biology 34) For
example, human beings have 46 chromosomes in their somatic cells. If the father 's sperm cells and
the mother 's egg cells also contained 46 chromosomes, their child 's somatic cells would have 92
chromosomes. The next generation would have 184, and so on. Thus the sex cells must have half the
chromosomes found in somatic cells. This is accomplished by meiosis.
Meiosis consists of two separate divisions of sex cells. In the first division, the chromosome pairs
line up side by side. (Cameron 115) Each chromosomes duplicates itself. Each doubled pair then
moves to the equator. Next, the members of each original pair and their duplicates move to the
opposite poles. (Cameron 115) The cell divides. Each of the two daughter cells receives one member
of each original pair of chromosomes and its duplicate. These two new cells divides immediately.
This time the chromosomes do not duplicate themselves.
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Speech On Mitosis
In this video, our group will talk about what mitosis is, why it is important, and why we should learn
about mitosis. We will then go over each step of mitosis.
Mitosis, as defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary, is a process that takes place in the nucleus of
a dividing cell. It involves a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase and
telophase. This results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of
chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
Why is mitosis important?
Mitosis is an essential part of the growth and development for all living things, from the smallest
unicellular organisms like amoebas and bacteria to complex organisms like plants and animals.
In this video we will focus on the mitosis of a typical eukaryotic animal cell. For simplicity, we will
focus on the nucleus of the cell. ... Show more content on ...
Some describe this stage as the "resting stage".
However, that is not entirely true. The white circle here symbolises the cell and the big orange circle
inside the white circle symbolises the nucleus. Inside the nucleus, the cell prepares itself for mitosis.
At the start of interphase, the cell's DNA exists in the form of a uncondensed chromatin.
Each chromatin duplicates into two daughter chromatids through semiconservative DNA replication.
At the end of interphase, we will get pairs of sister chromatids which is represented by the pairs of
yellow and green lines (and indicated by the red arrow).
The centrosome (indicated by the pink T–shaped structure) will also be duplicated.
Aster, a type of microtubule (indicated by the pink strings), extends from the
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Mitosis And Phase Of Mitosis Essay
Discovering Mitosis
(its not just a phase you going through)
Mitosis tried its best to break me. All the phases to remember and all the functions of the phases
seriously couldn't the human body be a little easier to comprehend. At first glance Mitosis seemed
not so complicated until realising the intricacies of the process. I grasped the basic principle of
mitosis in its simplest form, cells divide. The four phases prophase, metaphase, anaphase and
telophase all had a part to play in cell division but what each phase contributed I could not
understand. also over the whole cell cycle there was really a total of nine phases if you count the
interphase, mitotic phase, G1 phase, G2 phase and S phase I needed some clarification. I
endeavoured to find out answers to four questions to clarify and understand clearly.
The specifics of interphase and mitotic phase
What each phase did.
Why it was important that cell division happened in a specific order
Find a system to remember the phases and their properties
My aim is to seek out resources to help me find the answers I need and solidify the details for me to
recall easily.
Resource #1
Resource #2 Cell and Molecular biology by Dr Gupta P.K chapter 17 page 287–298
Resource #1 analysis This video clip has been created by Sarina Paterson and Briana Rapini they are
sisters who are passionate about science. Sarina
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Lab Report On Mitosis
Mitosis Lab Report
Without cell division and the cell cycle nearly all life would fail to exist. Cell division allows an
organism to not only replace its own cells but to create offspring. The cell cycle consists of two
main parts: interphase and mitotic phase. Within these two phases the processes can be broken down
into further categories. Interphase can be broken down into three subphases that are the necessary
preparations the cell makes in order to be ready to divide during mitosis. For this lab we looked
mainly at the mitotic phase because of its fascinating and rapid changes to the cell. The cell types we
looked at were prepared slides of whitefish and onion root tip.
Although mitosis is just a fraction of time compared to interphase it can be divided into four distinct
subphases. If we start viewing a cell under a brightfield microscope right at the end of interphase
subphase G2 we would see that throughout the interphase process (fig 1) the cell has grown
considerably in size due to production of extra mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. The cell
has also gone through the labor of duplicating all of its chromosomes, a process known as DNA
synthesis. Now that the cell has made all of these preparations it's time to start prophase (fig 2), the
first stage of the mitotic phase. This stage is visibly identified by the chromatin becoming the tightly
formed chromosomes. During the lab we were able to view these newly formed chromosomes best
on the onion root tip
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Mitosis and Meiosis
Cell division
The human body is made up of trillions of cells...
Mitosis and Meiosis
...But started with one
Understanding Cell Division
What instructions are necessary for inheritance? How are those instructions duplicated for
distribution into daughter cells? By what mechanisms are instructions parceled out to daughter
Parental cells produce a new generation of cells or multicelled individuals like themselves Parents
must provide daughter cells with hereditary instructions, encoded in DNA, and enough metabolic
machinery to start up their own operation
The roles of mitosis
A DNA molecule & attached proteins Duplicated in preparation for mitosis
1 ... Show more content on ...
Meiosis is the process that produces haploid gametes from diploid genomes.
Maintaining Chromosome Number In Mitosis
Meiosis must reduce chromosome number
Chromosome Number
Sum total of chromosomes in a cell Germ cells are diploid (2n) Gametes are haploid (n) Meiosis
halves chromosome number When two gametes fuse, they form a new, diploid cell (zygote)
Human Karyotype
Diploid organisms have two copies of each chromosome, one of which they get from their father,
the other which they get from their mother. These equivalent chromosomes are called homologous
Life Cycles of Diploid Organisms
Meiosis: Two Divisions
Two consecutive nuclear divisions
– Meiosis I – Meiosis II
DNA is not duplicated between divisions Four haploid nuclei form
Meiosis has two divisions
Do not confuse "homologous" with "sister" chromosomes
Sisters Sisters Homologs
Meiosis – Stages
Prophase I
Each duplicated chromosome pairs with homologue Homologues swap segments (crossing over)
Each chromosome becomes attached to spindle
Metaphase I
Homologous pairs line up in the middle of the cell The spindle is fully formed
Anaphase I
Homologous chromosomes segregate The sister chromatids remain attached
Telophase I
The homologous chromosomes arrive at opposite poles Usually followed by cytoplasmic division
Results of Meiosis I
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Mitosis And The Phase Of Interphase Essay
Mitosis results in the formation of two diploid daughter cells genetically identical to the diploid
parent cell
because the full sequence of DNA is replicated during the S phase of interphase. This creates two
copies of DNA (if properly conducted without error, as is most often the case), but the chain remains
in its
unraveled form as chromatin until prophase of mitosis. Then, the chromatin condenses into
chromosomes, and
each pair of duplicated chromosome joins together. Each chromosome in the duplicated pair is now
known as a
sister chromatid. During metaphase, the sister chromatids align along the imaginary metaphase plate
along the
center axis of the cell; their positioning is aided by spindle fibers attached to the kinetochore
proteins at the
centromere of each sister chromatid pair. Once all sister chromatids are properly aligned, the
enzyme separase
breaks apart the bonds between the sister chromatids in anaphase, and each sister chromatid is now a
chromosome pulled towards opposite poles of the cell by shortening spindle fibers and motor
proteins. In
telophase, the final stage of mitosis, the nuclear envelope reforms around the unraveling
chromosomes, one in
each daughter cell, and the two cells split in a process known as cytokinesis.
Because DNA had been duplicated during S of interphase, each daughter cell inherits the complete
sequence of the parent cell because as the chromosomes separate during anaphase and the cell splits
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Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis Essay
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis with reference to i. Chromosomesii.
Biological significance
i. Chromosomes ii. Biological significance
Modern cell theory states that all cells are derived from other cells.
This means cells must have a way of copying themselves. This is cell division; two types of cell
division are Meiosis and Mitosis. The comparison will be between Meiosis 1 and Mitosis, because
Meiosis 2 is much the same as Mitosis.
Dividing cells have a regular pattern of events, known as the cell cycle. This cycle may be divided
into two basic parts; The Interphase and the actual division (Meiosis / Mitosis).
Interphase is when the cell is not dividing but duplicating its DNA and organelles. Both Meiosis 1
and ... Show more content on ...
At this point the chromatids may break and recombine with different chromatids, this is called
crossing over.
In Mitosis Metaphase stage the chromosomes go to the centre/equator of the spindle. The
chromosomes get attached to spindle fibres at the centromere, when these contract; the individual
chromatids get pulled apart slightly.
In Meiosis Metaphase 1 is similar to Mitosis stage one but differs as chromosomes form a double
row at the equator of the spindle instead of a single row.
In Mitosis and Meiosis Anaphase; the centromere splits as a result the spindle contract further and
the two chromatids of each chromosome separate and migrate to opposite ends. The spindle fibres
are made of tubulin molecules and they shorten through the removal process. The energy for this
process is provided by mitochondria, which surround the spindle fibres.
In Mitosis and Meiosis Telophase the chromatids reach their respective poles and a new nuclear
envelope forms around each group. The chromatids uncoil and lengthen, becoming invisible again.
The spindle fibres disappear and a nucleolus forms in each new nucleus.
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis with reference to Chromosomes
A single division of the chromosomes and the nucleus
A single division of the chromosomes but a double division of the nucleus The number of
chromosomes remains the same
The number of
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Mitosis Research Paper
Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells that are identical and each having
the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, which is typical of ordinary tissue
growth. Each daughter cell also carries identical DNA of the parent cell. Errors in mitosis can result
when there is an incorrect DNA copy called aneuploidy. The effect of errors on the health of the cell
ranges from benign to cancerous, depending on the amount and type of errors. All cancer types are
traced back to harmful mutations multiplied by mitosis.
There are four stages of mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In prophase the
chromatin shrinks into separate chromosomes, and the nuclear envelope breaks down and forms ...
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Scientists from George Washington University medical center have found a missing link in mitosis
that brings hope for cancer researchers. They have found a protein known as Arpc 1b that is an
activator for an enzyme called Aurora A that is important in early stages of cellular reproduction.
Cells divide and separate poles to create new cells. If all goes well two new cells are produced, but
in some cases the protein is over used, and abnormal cells are produced which lead to cancer.
Pharmaceutical industries are targeting Aurora A and trying to prevent it. This is the next step to
help scientists find a way to stop the activity of Arpc in cancer cells. As an example, Genentech is a
leading biotechnology company that discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes
medicines to treat patients with serious or life–threatening medical conditions. They are among the
worlds leading biotech companies, with multiple products on the market and a promising
development pipeline. At Genentech, James Sabry, M.D., Ph.D. who is the Vice President, said, "If
we understand basic science, our drugs make it to market. If we don't, the company dies." Roche,
Genentech's parent company, spends more on research and development than any country in the
world ($9.5 billion annually). Understanding cell development and cell division help the
... Get more on ...
Mitosis And Eukaryotes
Eukaryotes undergo asexual cellular reproduction to grow in size or replace damaged tissues. The
first process in the cell's life cycle is mitosis. When the chromosomes in the nucleus are duplicated,
it creates two identical sister cells from the one progenitor cell. Mitosis is broken down into four
phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. DNA duplication occurs during a stage
called interphase. Once completing the exact duplication of the cell, it is followed by cytokinesis,
when the cytoplasm of the parent cell divides into two daughter cells. In plant cells, a cell plate
forms between each new cell. When referring to the reproduction of Oryza sativa, the plant
undergoes sexual reproduction in order to produce offsprings. Sexual
... Get more on ...

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Meiosis And Mitosis Lab

  • 1. Meiosis and Mitosis Lab AP LAB # 3: MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS Website to go for quizzes and activities: Print out the quizzes for mitosis and meiosis OVERVIEW Exercise 3A is a study of mitosis. You will simulate the stages of mitosis by using chromosome models.You will use prepared slides of onion root tips to study plant mitosis and to calculate the relative duration of the phases of mitosis in the meristem of root tissue. Prepared slides of the whitefish blastula will be used to study mitosis in animal cells and to compare animal mitosis and plant mitosis. Exercise 3B is a study of meiosis. You will simulate the stages of meiosis by using chromosome models. You will study the crossing over and ... Show more content on ... Use a website to help you draw the animal cell stages. Draw (please no cut and paste work!) the different stages in a 'T' table (example below). PART 3: How many cells in each stage: Take one view of the Onion root tip and count how many cells you see for each stage (you have to see ALL stages – '0' is not an option – switch views if you cannot find all stages). 1) Make a pie chart – and figure out if 360O of the piechart represented 24 hours – 1440 min. how long did the cell spend in each phase? (Interphase to cytokinesis). 2) Why are onion root tip and whitefish blastula areas that are ideal to view mitosis? PART 4: Meiosis bead simulation: a) As before follow instructions in the handout and draw pictures for each stage of Meiosis I an Meiosis II – color! b) Label: Homologous chromososmes, sister chromatids, nonsister chromatids, chiasmata, synapsis, tetrad, centrioles, centromere, centrosome, metaphase plate, spindle fibers, microtubules, germ cell, gamete cells c) If this process simulated oogenesis – what would the products be (hint: how many ova, how many polar bodies) and why? d) If this process was spematogenesis – how many gametes would be produced? e) What happened to the diploid
  • 2. condition of your parent cell – was it preserved in the daughter cell or not? How do you know? f) Compare your drawings of Mitosis and Meiosis bead simulation in a T table– ... Get more on ...
  • 3.
  • 4. Mitosis Lab Report 9/28/2017 Lab 4 Report– Cell Cycle and Mitosis and Meiosis setup Abstract The main focus of this lab was to be able to understand the different phases of mitosis and the cell cycle and also identify what those stages may look like. Mitosis is the process in which concerns the production of new cells. For example, when apoptosis(cell death) the process of Mitosis begins to replace the dead cells. To be able to familiarize ourselves with this concept, we took a sample of an onion root and had it put through a process to be able to look at the different phases under the microscope. We found that the majority of the cells were mostly undergoing Interphase or Prophase which are the phases in charge of crossing over of DNA and where the chromosomes then become visible and the nuclear envelope dissipates. The conclusion of this lab was that Mitosis is essential for the production of new cells. In the case of the onion root sample, the cells were damaged leading to the tester to undergo Mitotic cell division and it was found that mainly Interphase and Prophase were the stages that occurred in this lab. Introduction The cell cycle is separated into multiple stages such as G0, G1, S, G2, and M phase. During the G0 phase is the stage in which there is no sign of the cell preparing to separate but, rather a stagnant cell. The G1 phase involves the expansion of the cell and gathering all the nutrients and energy to prepare for the upcoming processes of the cell cycle. In the S phase, ... Get more on ...
  • 5.
  • 6. Functions Of Mitosis And Meiosis Topic Cells (A.C. 3.1) Mitosis and meiosis are both forms of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells and share some similarities, but also exhibit distinct differences that lead to very different outcomes (UK essays 2013; widmaier et al, 2014; Toole, 2015; Khan, 2016). Mitosis is a cell division that produces two daughter cells receiving a copy of every chromosome with the same genetic component as the parent cell, while meiosis is a cell division that produces haploid sex cells or gametes which contain a single copy of each chromosome (widmaier et al, 2014; Diffen, 2016; Toole 2016; Encyclopaedia Britannica). The purpose of mitosis is cell regeneration, growth, and asexual reproduction, while the purpose of meiosis is the production of gametes for sexual reproduction (UK essays 2013; Vancouver community college, 2011). Mitosis Meiosis parent cell parent cell cell division cell division 2 new cells 4 new cells Figure 3.1. ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Mitosis Research Paper Mitosis is when nuclear division plus cytokinesis, and produces two identical daughter cells during prophase,metaphase,anaphase,telophase,and cytokinesis. Which a cell duplicates into two genetically alike daughter cells. In mitosis, chromosomes in the cell nucleus are separated into two identical sets of chromosomes, each in its own nucleus. Interphase is included in mitosis discussions,but it is not technically part of mitosis but rather ecompasses stages G1,S,and G2 of the cell cycle. The process of mitosis is slow and simple. In stage G1 is where the organelles is copied. Stage S in mitosis is means synthesis. Stage S is where produce two similar daughter cells, the complete DNA instructions in the cell must be duplicated. In stage ... Show more content on ... As the cell grows in size, it's more difficult for the cell to move needed material in and waste products out. Mitosis regulated by cyclins types of proteins. 1 parent cell equals 2 genetically identical daughter cells after cell division. Mitosis is separated into three parts. Interphase,mitosis,and cytokinesis. In interphase there is G1,S, and G2. In mitosis there is prophase,metaphase,anaphase,and telophase. And cytokinesis is by itself. Which is the longest in mitosis. The easy way to remember what is in mitosis is by the phrase PMAT the initial of every first letter. DNA is the process of producing two identical replicas from one original DNA molecule. In a cell DNA replication begins at specific locations, or origins of replications, in the genome. DNA usually exists as a double–stranded structure, with both strands coiled together to form the characteristic double–helix. DNA polymerases are a family of enzymes that carry out all forms of DNA replication. DNA polymerases is general cannot initiate synthesis of new strands, but can only extend an existing DNA or RNA strand paired with a template strand. In general, DNA polymerases are highly accurate with an intrinsic error rate of less than one mistake for every 10.7 nucleotides ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Mitosis: Interphase I And Meiosis Mitosis and meiosis are the means by which reproduction takes place. Mitosis creates an exact duplicate of cell so that old cells can be replaced, such as in skin, hair, and bones. Meiosis allows a cell to unite one half of its genetic makeup with a cell from another partner to create an entirely new organism. Mitosis Mitosis is the process by which two daughter cells are formed, each containing a complete set of chromosomes. Mitosis is the process by which an organism creates new cells, such as skin or bone. There are two parts to a cell's life – interphase and mitosis. Interphase is the normal life of the cell when all of the growth and metabolism processes take place. Mitosis happens after interphase is complete and produces an ... Show more content on ... Meiosis is broken into two parts called Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Meiosis I The stages of Meiosis I are called prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I. Prophase I is like prophase in mitosis. However, in metaphase I, instead of pulling the chromosomes away from their duplicates, the microtubules attach so as to pull the like pairs, called homologues, apart and leave the chromosomes attached to their duplicates. In anaphase I, the microtubules of the spindles pull the homologues apart. In telephase I, the plasma membrane pinches the cell into two parts and the chromosomes are surrounded by nuclear material. At the end of meiosis I, two haploid cells have been created, but they still have duplicated chromosomes, so the cell must enter meiosis II. Meoisis II The purpose of meiosis II is to create cells with no duplicates, for purposes of reproduction. In meiosis II, there are now two cells going through the process. Prophase II and metaphase II occur just as in mitosis, but remember, there are two cells now. During Anaphase II, the microtubules pull the duplicate chromosomes away from the originals. During Telophase II, the plasma constricts and nuclei are formed. Meiosis 2 is similar to mitosis, however, at the end of meiosis II, four haploid cells called gametes
  • 11. have been formed, each with no duplicate chromosomes. The chromatids of each chromosome are not identical ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Mitosis And Onion Root Tip Cells And Record The Different... Aim: To observe mitosis in onion root tip cells and record the different phases of mitosis. Hypothesis: It is expected that the most common phase of mitosis seen will be interphase as the cell spends around ninety percent of its time in this phase. This is because interphase is the period between cell division in which the cells grows, DNA replicates and centrioles divide. It is such a long phase that it is even split into three sub–phases; G1 phase in which a cell grows, S phase or synthesis, in which a cell copies its chromosome and G2 phase in which the cell grows further and prepares for division. Background Information: Mitosis is one of two main methods of cell replication, the other being meiosis. It is "the simple duplication of a cell and all of its parts" resulting from the splitting of a cell. The 'parent' or original cell splits, duplicating its DNA (packaged in chromosomes) producing two 'daughter' or new cells with the same genetic code. There are four stages of mitosis; Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Interphase is not an official phase of mitosis as the cell is at 'rest' and not being divided during this phase. It is often called one of the phases of mitosis as it is one of the stages in the life cycle of a cell; however it is not a phase of mitosis due to the fact that no division takes place. Interphase is often called the resting stage of mitosis. It is a stage in the life cycle of a cell where, putting it simply, DNA is replicated and each ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Mitosis Cycle Cells are very vast complicated organisms. During their reproduction they undergo a series of steps in order to multiply. This cycle is what allows more cells to be made. The cycle includes G1, S, G2, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis. Multiple things happen in Mitosis that allows cells to split. These specific sub units are known as Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, and Telephase, also known as PMAT. Cells communicate by using chemical signals, which are composed of molecules and proteins. This material is transferred over through gap junctions between cells. There are several different types of signaling such as Paracrine, Synaptic, Endocrine, and signaling by direct contact. Cells use these cycles and signals to perform their proper functions ... Show more content on ... This process takes the duplicated DNA in the parent cell and makes two separate daughter cells. It begins when the replicated chromosomes are at the poles of the cell. A nuclear membrane is formed around the two sets of chromosomes to separate them from the cytoplasm. Also with Telephase, is a step called cytokinesis. In Cytokinesis the cytoplasm divides and the parent cell becomes two daughter cells with identical DNA. There are various forms of cell–to–cell signaling. This is the signal of a sending cell to a receiving cell. Sometimes signaling cells aren't even close to each other and they don't always receive the information in the same way. There are 4 basic ways the cells send signals: paracrine signaling, autocrine signaling, endocrine signaling, and signaling by direct contact. The big difference between all of these is the distance that the signal is being sent to its target. Paracrine signaling is chemical signals that are sent from a cell when they are relatively close together. This allows cells that are neighbors to coordinate both of their activities. Paracrine signals are used in many different tissues, they are important during development because they tell other groups of cells their identity. The same cells that are involved in inflammation during infection and regulate cell proliferation use this signal. This is known as a local ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Cell Biology Meiosis and Mitosis Cell Biology (CP8121) Experiment 2: Observing Mitosis and Meiosis on cell specimens (Formal report) Name: Wong Chung An Class: DMLS/FT/1B/02 Admin number: P1138687 Summary This experiment aims to observe mitosis and meiosis on cell specimens. It involves the modelling of the stages of meiosis and also the staining procedures to identify mitosis in onion root tip. There are two parts to the procedure of the experiment whereby the first is staining and observing mitosis in onion root tips and the second being observing and comparing mitosis between whitefish blastula and onion root tip. The results are that the five stages of mitosis have been observed and sketched, together with a comparison of telophase in plant and animal cells. The ... Show more content on ... 2) This time, instead of sketching the different phases of mitosis in onion root tip, the differences in mitosis between the plant and animal cells were recorded. 4) Results and Discussion *For the results, refer to the datasheet archived under appendix at the end of the report. 5.1 Explanation and reasons for results The results of the datasheet have shown that all the five main phases of mitosis can be observed. This can because of several reasons such as the choice of use of onion root tips, flattening of the onion root tips, addition of hydrochloric acid and 0.5% Toluidine Blue solution. Onion root tips are easy to grow in large numbers and the cells at its tips are actively dividing, thus many of its cells will be in different stages of mitosis. The reason for using the last 1–3mm of the root tip is because it is where the region of cell division (meristem) is located. This is the region whereby cells are dividing but not significantly increasing in size. The flattening of the onion root tips allows the chromosomes of each individual cell to be observed. The hydrochloric acid added, plays a part in fragmenting the root tissues by weakening and removing the bonds between cells so that each cell will not be attached to the other cell, obstructing
  • 18. the observation. Toluidine Blue solution acts as a colorant, giving a blue colour to the chromosomes and so that it is more easily spotted ... Get more on ...
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  • 20. The Process Of Meiosis And Mitosis In order to better understand the process of meiosis and mitosis, students observed different types of asci. The arrangement of spores was associated to whether crossing over occurred during meiosis 1. We tried observing asci, from the mating plate that we did last lab, with a light microscope. However, the class was unsuccessful and were told to look for images of asci on google images and use these observations as our data. The observations obtained from google images, showed that 27 observations were made for asci of type 4:4, 19 for asci type 2:2:2:2 and 14 for asci of type 2:4:2 (Table IB–1). With these observations, we determined the map distance which was 27.5 map units (Figure 5.4). Since asci of type 4:4 were observed more, crossing over occurred less, thus producing less asci with different arrangements. Sordaria also undergo mitosis because the end result of meiosis are four haploid cells and haploid cells cannot divide by meiosis. Lastly, since more asci with type 4:4 were observed, the hypothesis was supported–more black ascus were also observed which supported the second hypothesis. Although students were not successful in observing asci during the lab, students were still able to understand the importance of meiosis and relate it to real life issues. INTRODUCTION Meiosis is a two part cell division (meiosis 1 and meiosis 2) process that produces four daughter cells, each having half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell–such as the product of ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Mitosis And Meiosis Similarities Mitosis and Meiosis plays an important roles. These two cells have a lot of similarities and also have a lot of differences. These two cells play an important role in your life. There are several similarities. First, Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase (PMAT) happens at least once. In addition to the similarities, interphase must happen at the beginning. Also, both of them makes more cell for the body. Fourth, the cycle keeps on going, whenever the cycle is ending, it just restarts and does the same process. Next, life won't continue without them, that means if you don't have any of them, your baby can be born, because mitosis makes all the organ cells. If you don't have any meiosis, that means you aren't able to have any babies. Although ... Get more on ...
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  • 24. Difference Between Mitosis And Meiosis They are made of nuclear DNA and proteins. Mitosis and meiosis are related to each other through the process of cytokinesis. In addition, these processes are the same in terms of sequence in the steps of cell division, however meiosis role the process twice. The outcome of them are similar, because they both done with daughter cells. Cancer is caused by the mutations of genes within the somatic cells. This disease develops in the somatic cells during the process of cell division because of mutations. A few faults in the copying process transpire when the DNA is replicated prior to cell division. Another factor that can cause rapidly dividing cells is by chemicals and radiation that causes damaging DNA. With this knowledge, I have invented the ... Show more content on ... I estimated that all stage of the cell cycle would have the same time. The data shows that most of the cells were located in the initial stage of mitosis, Interphase. By the end of the first meiosis, each separate individual cell has its set of homologous pairs of chromosomes. While at the last stage of meiosis II, all of the haploid cells have their own sister chromatid from the homologous pairs. DNA is the set of instructions for all organelle and its' function. Chromosomes are important, because they carry the DNA. The first phase of meiosis is mostly about splitting the cells in half and the separation of homologous chromosomes. In contrast, the second phase of meiosis focuses on the separation of chromatids along with the 2 diploid splitting in 2. There were 46 chromosomes present when the first meiosis began. The gamete cells result in the combination of two cells from both genders to build one new zygote, because of that, it is important to reduce the number of chromosomes in gametes. On the other hand, other cells contain a unicellular reproduction and that shows that no need to reduce the amount of chromosomes. There is no male gamete. There are 57 chromatids. The paired chromosomes contain varied lengths. The sixth doesn't has ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Meiosis Vs Mitosis Life forms display an assortment of examples in respect to propagation, and diverse perspectives might be brought with respect to arrangement of these patters. For our motivations, we might consider that there are two essential sorts of multiplication, sexual and asexual. Sexual reproduction is always associated with a type of nuclear division called meiosis which occurs at some point in the life cycle of the organism involved. Besides, aside from a couple of atypical cases, sexual multiplication is portrayed by the union of gametes, or particular conceptive cells, in the development of another person. Such gametic union is trailed by the combination of the diversion tic cores and the relationship of their chromosomes: this whole arrangement of occasions is known as treatment. Cells separate and replicate in two ways: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is a procedure of cell division that ... Show more content on ... Not just is mitosis in charge of abiogenetic propagation in single–celled life forms, however it is likewise what empowers cell development and repair in multicellular living beings, for example, people. In mitosis, a cell makes a precise clone of itself. This procedure is what is behind the development of youngsters into grown–ups, the recuperating of cuts and wounds, and even the regrowth of skin, appendages, and members in creatures like geckos and reptiles. Meiosis is a more particular kind of cell division (of germ cells, specifically) that outcomes in gametes, either eggs or sperm, that contain half of the chromosomes found in a guardian cell. Not at all like mitosis with its numerous capacities, meiosis has a slender yet critical reason: helping sexual multiplication. The procedure empowers youngsters to be connected yet at the same time not the same as their two guardians. (Westbroek, ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Mitosis: A Meiosis In Diploid Cells Everyone, from the people as tall Shaquille O'Neal, standing at 7 feet and 1 inch, to people as small as Simone Biles, 4 feet, and 9 inches, started life as a tiny little embryo then grew into the people they are today with a process called binary fission. Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells who each have the same number of chromosomes, as their diploid parents, and are genetically identical to their parents after one division. Humans have 46 chromosomes in diploid cells. Mitosis is used for growth, repair, and binary fission. Mitosis makes somatic cells or body cells. Mitosis has 5 main phases, or parts: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, and Cytokinesis. In Prophase the DNA condenses to form chromosomes, ... Show more content on ... Meiosis II has 5 steps: Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase, and Cytokinesis. First, the chromosomes consisting of two chromatids become visible in Prophase II. In Metaphase II, the sister chromatids line up in the middle of the cell, then pull apart during Anaphase II. Finally, the nuclear membrane reforms and the cells ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Mitosis Lab Report The results of this lab showed the stages and events that occur in meiosis and mitosis. The four stages of mitosis were observed in the blastula staged whitefish embryo slides. The phases of mitosis are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. The beginning stages that occur in mitosis take place in interphase, which are G_1, S, and G_2. In the G_1 stage, the cell begins to increase in size. After the size of the cell has increased it proceeds to the S stage where the chromosomes start to replicate themselves and attach together to the centromere. When the chromosomes are finished replicating themselves, it enters the G_2 stage where proteins check the integrity of the DNA. If everything is normal, the chromosomes are allowed to enter mitosis and begin the cell division process. ... Show more content on ... After prophase is completed, the cell enters metaphase and the chromosomes become attached to the kinetochore microtubules and are positioned at the center of the cell. After the chromosomes are aligned in the center of the cell, it proceeds to anaphase where the kinetochore microtubules begin to pull the chromosomes away from each other and towards the spindle apparatus at the pole of the cell. When the chromosomes have reached the spindle apparatus the kinetochore microtubules detach from the chromosomes and are allowed to move independently. The cell enters telophase and begins to decondense, which causes the nuclear fragments to reform the nucleus. The cell goes through cytokinesis, which divides the cell into two diploid daughter ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Mitosis Research Paper Mitosis is when atomic division in addition to cytokinesis, and produces two indistinguishable little girl cells amid prophase,metaphase,anaphase,telophase,and cytokinesis. Which a phone copies into two hereditarily indistinguishable girl cells. In mitosis, chromosomes in the cell core are differentiated into two indistinguishable arrangements of chromosomes, each in its own core. Interphase is incorporated in mitosis discussions,but it is not actually piece of mitosis yet rather ecompasses stages G1,S,and G2 of the cell cycle. Stage S is the place create two comparative girl cells, the complete DNA guidelines in the cell must be copied. In stage G2 is the place a time of quick cell development and protein combination amid which the cell ... Show more content on ... In a cell DNA replication starts at particular areas, or starting points of replications, in the genome. DNA typically exists as a twofold stranded structure, with both strands looped together to shape the trademark twofold helix. DNA replication starts with the "unfastening" of the guardian atom as the hydrogen bonds between the base sets are broken. Once uncovered, the succession of bases on each of the differentiated strands serves as a format to guide the insertion of a reciprocal arrangement of bases on the strand being ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Observing Mitosis Lab Report №3 Title:Observing Mitosis By Yerkebulan Yesbolatov Biology course, tutorial group I October 18, 2012 Lab partner: Azhar Zhaisanova Introduction Experiment is intend to show mitotic stage of cell cycle, phases of mitotic stage, to define predominance in the number of each phases over the others, if it is possible. Objectivity of lab is to observe the different phases of mitotic stage of cell cycle, to get skills for special technique( by using orcein ethanoic stain) designed for making slide enable to observe mitotic stage of cell cycle. The tip of Garlic bulb's root is suspected to be relevant for that, ... Show more content on ... In interphase cells are as they are swallowed, e.c become bigger. Question 6 Safety precautions Wear goggles to avoid contact with orsein ethanoic stain is corrosive, has ability to irritate by vapour Wear gloves – acetic alcohol is corrosive and highly flammable. Question 7 Treatment with hydrochloric acid It enable to stain the specimen of root tip. It can help to break the hydrogen bonds contain in it. Question 8 Reason Cells are in phase of telephase of mitosis or meiosis stage could start. Discussion There was cells with purple chromosomes on a pink background.There was drawn the each phases of mitosis to make easier the differentiation of phases cause is sometimes difficult to differ. At the beginning, when final stage of slide preparation was done, there was problem, three times with its observing–the image wasn't enough pure to see a cells in mitosis stage. Cause could be wrong decay of specimen during the pressing. It should be taken into care that pressing of stained specimen should be strong to make image more clear and transparent. To define the number of cells visible at point of view (image which enable objective to see during reviewing without changing the position) of microscope it was calculated the quarter of circle row by row cause cells are not same, so rows
  • 35. are not same. Defining of microscope's point of view is necessary for further calculating the percentage of each ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mitosis Research Paper Mitosis Mitosis is when the cell divides in order to replicate itself. The product at the end of this stage is two daughter cells that are both genetically identical to the parent cell. Mitosis is also used for the growth and repair within an organism. Mitosis is not just one stage by itself; it is made of several stages, which include interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase and also telophase. These stages have several different things that they are responsible for. Interphase is the first phase of mitosis. In interphase the cell will look like any other cell, but that is wrong because there are several things that are happening in this stage; the organelles of the cell are being produced in quantity and also the chromosomes are being ... Show more content on ... The changes in the cell become more noticeable. The chromosomes become coiled and can be viewed under a microscope. Each chromosome that was duplicated is a pair of sister chromatids joined by the duplicated but unseparated centromere. The nucleolus in the cell disappears in this stage of mitosis. The cytoplasm is also involved in prophase. The mitotic spindle of the cytoplasm consists of microtubules. The microtubules form between two pairs of centrioles as they move to opposite poles of the cell. At the end of this phase, the nuclear envelope disappears. The third stage of mitosis is metaphase. In metaphase, the centrosomes arrive at the opposite poles in the cell. The chromosomes become arranged on a plane equidistant from the two poles called the metaphase plate. For each of the chromosome, the kinetochores of the sister chromatids face the opposite poles, and each is now attached to a kinetochore microtubule coming from that pole. Anaphase is the fourth stage of mitosis. Anaphase begins when the duplicated centromeres of each pair of daughter chromatids, which were created in the before stages, separate. Now the daughter chromosomes begin moving toward the opposite poles due to the action of the spindle. The location of the centromere located on the chromosome, a shape will appear during the chromosome movement. At the end of anaphase, a complete set of chromosomes have assembled at each pole of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Mitosis Research Paper In order to better understand genetics, and what makes us who we are, it is important to first understand cell division/reproduction. Mitosis is the division of the nucleus that produces two daughter cells identical to themselves and to the original cell. Cytokinesis, which is the division of the cytoplasm, follows this process. The process of mitosis has five stages that are proceeded by interphase, which is a period for cell growth and development. Mitosis begins with prophase, which is when chromatids condense, centrosomes move to opposite poles, and mitotic spindles form from centrosomes. Prometaphase follows, during which the nuclear membrane disintegrates. During metaphase, the chromosomes line up in the middle on the equatorial plate, ... Show more content on ... In this experiment, meiosis was observed during oogenesis, or formation of the egg, in the roundworm ascarsis. The process oogenesis begins with the diploid oogonium dividing mitotically to produce primary oocytes. Each primary oocyte completes meiosis I and creates a polar body and a secondary oocyte. The secondary oocyte undergoes meiosis II and creates a second polar body and an ovum. The ovum is then able to become fertilized. Since the diploid number of chromosomes is only four in Ascaris megalocephala, the worm is ideal for the study of oogenesis because of its small chromosome number. In fact, the Ascarsis megalocephala was an excellent model for a scientist named Theodor Boveri who provided us with one of the first descriptions of meiosis. Boveri was able to distinguish that chromosome number was reduced in gametes and that meiosis did not happen until fertilization had concluded. Knowing this information, Boveri was able to observe the sperm and egg chromosome after fertilization and saw that Ascari eggs possessed 2 chromosomes after the formation of the polar body, and that after the fusion of the sperm and egg, the chromosome number was restored to 4 again (O'Connor, C. & Miko, I. 2008). Meiosis was also observed during spermatogenesis, or the formation of sperm, in a grasshopper. This process takes ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Mitosis And Meiosis Mitosis Meiosis Most of the times people get injuries, complex or simple one like bruises and, within a period of time, these injuries heal. This healing process is made possible by cell division whereby a single cell divides to form two and the process continues. The same process also helps living things grow, for example, over 2 trillion cells divide every day in human beings. There are two types of cell division processes; mitosis and meiosis, each of which has distinct characteristics. Definition Mitosis: A single cell divide into two genetically identical cells. This process is asexual in nature and the two resulting cells have equal number of chromosomes in each of the diploid cells each with identical nuclei. Meiosis: Meiosis is a sexual cell reproduction process whereby a single cell divides its homologous chromosomes equally to form two haploid cells with half the chromosomes of the parent cell. Process Mitosis: Mitosis occur in five phases describing the changes through which the cells go through. These stages are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In prophase, the chromosomes condense inside the nucleus while centrioles move to the opposite within the nucleus sides in pairs. As this process ... Show more content on ... The chromosomes then split into two sister chromatids which the centromeres hold together. This therefore mean that there are two sets of sister chromatids (four chromatids) in the two chromosomes. Two non–sister chromosomes cross over as the other two remain. Secondly, in metaphase I, chromosomes line up at the center of the spindle fibers in pairs then the third phase, Anaphase I begins when equal amounts of chromosomes divide. On the last phase, telophase I, the daughter cells completely divide, chromosomes disappear, and the nucleic membranes ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Research Paper On Mitosis Mitosis is an important process that it is responsible for mostly everything that goes on in your body. It allows one cell with 46 chromosomes to split into two that are genetically identical. The nucleus is in the center of the cell in which all DNA is stored. So in reality you don't need to duplicate the entire cell, only the DNA. In addition, mitosis takes place in stages called prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Before mitosis all cells are in interphase where they grow and work to become useful. During interphase, there is loose DNA inside the cell that is called chromatin. Then the centrosome replicates next to the nucleus. Afterword, the DNA begins to replicate itself to have two copies of every DNA strand. In the next phase called prophase, the chromosomes begin to condense and the mitotic spindle forms. Next, comes the longest phase of mitosis, metaphase, in which the nuclear envelope breaks apart, and the cells use motor proteins to allow the ... Show more content on ... These can cause mutations which can lead to a change of function and creates tumors. These tumors can affect the digestion and respiration, leading to death. A type of gene that regulates how fast cells divide is BRCA1 which belongs to tumor suppressor genes. The cells go through a process for cell division called the cell cycle. This cell cycle contains many checkpoints in which the proteins regulate how fast the cell can continue. BRCA1 helps some forms of mutations in the DNA. If the cell is damaged, BRCA1 keeps it from dividing until repaired. In your body, you have two copies of BRCA1 but you only need one fully functioning gene. When the BRCA1 is ineffective the cell is allowed to divide and accumulates mutations. These mutations may cause the cell to become less specialized and it can stop its function in the tissue. If all this occurs, then most likely they will develop into cancer ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Mitosis Lab Report Abstract A practical was conducted to observe the various stages of mitosis in the root tips of garlic. Mitosis is the process by which a parent cell divides to give two identical daughter nuclei. The main objectives were to achieve a better understanding of how to use a microscope and to help understand previous studies carried out on mitosis. It was not possible to see all the stages of mitosis under the microscope except for anaphase and metaphase. This may have been due to problems with the method of preparing the sample and the short time span to conduct this experiment. Introduction Mitosis is the process by which sister chromatids are separated and then evenly distributed into two identical nuclei, each identical to its parent cell. ... Show more content on ... However the only stages observed were metaphase and anaphase (refer to figure 2 a, b). It is possible to see mitosis through a light microscope however the clarity of the stages varies depending on the methodology of the experiment. In addition it was very difficult to count the number of chromosomes due to the lack in clarity of the sample. Some aspects of the microscope were fairly simple such as changing the magnification, placing the stage on the microscope and using the adjustment knob. On the other hand certain parts of the microscope were more complex such as ensuring the condenser was adjusted to ensure optimum light intensity of the sample. Locating the sample of the root cells was challenging as the cells all looked identical thus making it harder to find the mitotic cells without changing to the X40 magnification. It was not possible to see additional structures such as the spindle and centrosomes. Timing was an issue as the allocated time to conduct the practical was 90 minutes. This did not leave enough time to accurately observe all the various stages of mitosis as the cells may have needed more time to soak up the stain. The results from this experiment reinforce the possibly to observe stages such as anaphase and metaphase however not stages like prophase and telophase. In contrast Carboni and Pogue, 2010 were able to witness these stages using a light microscope. This difference in observations may have been due to the way the sample was prepared. Firstly we had to place the sample of a garlic root tip onto a slide together with a cover slip. The sample had to first be squashed by pressing onto the cover slip, however there were flaws with this method. For example pressing too hard would have damaged the sample and being too gentle would not have spread the cells out enough to observe mitosis. Secondly the sample was stained with ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Mitosis Vs Meiosis Cell division is a process that is essential to the reproduction, survival, and improvement of many eukaryotes. Many things about cell division are still unknown, and each day scientists begin to understand more about why something they already knew happened, happened. Such as the underlying reactions and thermodynamics that motivate something to do what it does without intelligence (Khan Academy). There are two types of cell division under this category, and they are mitosis and meiosis. Although they fall under the same category, they have similarities and dissimilarities. To avoid confusion and for better understanding they will be discussed in pairs (similar–dissimilar), and there may be some overlap in points as this is the nature of the subject matter. To begin, the most obvious differences and similarities will be addressed. Both processes follow interphase which replicates the DNA. They both begin with a cell that has a diploid number of chromosomes. Mitosis is a repeatable cycle, and meiosis is not. Mitosis proceeds to completion and ends with cells that are capable of going through the cell cycle and repeating the process ... Show more content on ... Although they do occur in the same organism, they occur in different places. Mitosis is the duplication of somatic, or body, cells. Meiosis is the duplication of germ, or sex, cells. Because meiosis involves sex cells, the products are capable of fertilization. One difference mentioned before but not much expanded upon is that meiosis gives cells that come from diploid cells but are haploid. Because the information they receive is spilt between the two, each cell contains different information selected at random. Mitosis in contrast is a process that yields two cells that are an exact copy of their parent cell (excepting an occasional mutation). Each cell that results from mitosis is identical to its parent and contains the same genetic ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Compare And Contrast Mitosis And Meiosis Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis Inside the human body, there are two different cells who help the reproductive system. Those are Mitosis and meiosis which are similar and different than one another. There are many ways that mitosis and meiosis are similar such as them having always having a Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase,Telophase (PMAT). In addition, both of them have their own interphase at the start of the PMAT. Also, since they have a PMAT then they will always create cells during it which would mean that PMAT will always repeat. Without Mitosis and Meiosis, the human population would already be extinct. Even though they have their similarities they also have their own differents. Everything is different in their own way. Mitosis and ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Lab Report On Mitosis And Meiosis MITOSIS by Alimzhan Muxunov Group M 16.10.2014 Lab partner: Gulzhan Belgibay INTRODUCTION One of the vital processes, which are very important for cells' life, is called cell division. There are two types of it called mitosis and meiosis. In this practical, we will focus on mitosis. Mitosis is a part of eukaryotic cell division cycle, when a nucleus divides into two new nuclei. Prokaryotic cell does not have nucleus, so mitosis does not occur there. According to Kent (2000) and Campbell (2009), mitosis consisted of four steps: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Interphase is the preparation of cell to mitosis: growth of the cell and its' organelles, replication of DNA occur during this period. Mitosis starts with prophase, when the chromosomes are coiled and become shorter, next stage is metaphase when chromosomes line ... Show more content on ... Interphase is a preparation of the cell to mitosis, during interphase DNA duplicates, but chromosomes actually are not visible on this stage. Interphase requires for minimum 90% of the whole time of cell division (Campbell 2009, p.129). The first step of mitosis is a prophase, when chromosomes become more visible, nuclear membrane disappears, mitotic spindle forms in the cytoplasm and centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell (Kent 2000, p. 76). The next stage after this is metaphase, during which chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell, after that process spindle fibers attach to chromosomes from two opposite sides (Kent 2000, p. 76). The stage of separating paired chromosomes and their movement to the opposite poles of the cell is called anaphase (Kent 2000, p. 77).The last step of mitosis is telophase, during which new membranes of two daughter nuclei appear and chromosomes become less visible(Kent 2000, p. 76). Mitotic index, which is used when the growth of tumour in cancer patients is studied, was ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Mitosis And Meiosis Similarities Mitosis and Meiosis are two very important topics to learn about within school. It is easy to confuse the two, because they sound so similar, are similar, but also very different. Mitosis occurs when the human body grows and it is asexual because no sexual interaction needs to take place. Meiosis occurs during sexual reproduction and the creation of DNA. There are many similarities and differences between Mitosis and Meiosis. Daughter cells are formed when a cell is duplicated. Mitosis contains two identical daughter cells. These are identical to the parent cells because they have the same number of chromosomes. Meiosis has four unique daughter cells. They are unique because they are not the exact same as the parent's cell. Within Mitosis, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Process of Mitosis Essay The Process of Mitosis Mitosis is the term used to describe cell division for replication. The product at the end of mitosis is two daughter cells both genetically identical to the original (parent) cell. This process (mitosis) is used for growth and repair within an organism (and also for asexual reproduction). There are five main stages to mitosis, called Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Although the process has been divided up into these stages the process of mitosis is actually continuous. Interphase ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– In this, the first stage the cell will look just like any other 'normal' cell although this is far from the case because very much is actually happening. All cell ... Show more content on ... [A labelled diagram of the end of the Prophase stage of a cell here would be great.] Metaphase ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– During this stage the chromosomes move towards the equator of the spindle, attaching themselves horizontally by the centromere to the spindle's filaments. The chromatids then pull slightly away from each other at the centromere towards the opposite poles of the cell. [A labelled diagram of Metaphase here, and put a note next to it saying "Note that some spindle fibres run from pole to pole while others from pole to equator."] Anaphase ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Now this stage is very quick. The pairs of chromatids are separated and each chromatids is pulled is pulled towards each opposite pole by the spindle fibres by a ratchet–like mechanism. This process requires energy so the ATP store is now used up. [A labelled diagram of Anaphase. Write a note underneath saying "They split apart by the centromere breaking into two. Each centromere divides into two so that each chromatid has its own centromere."] Telophase ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The chromatids are destined to become the new chromosomes of the daughter cells. Once the chromatids are at the poles of the cell they unwind into chromatin again, now becoming hard to see once again. The spindle fibres now disintegrate and new nuclear membranes form around the new groups of chromatin
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  • 58. Essay on Meiosis Vs. Mitosis More than one celled organisms grow by way of mitosis and the cytoplasmic division of body cells. On the other hand, meiosis occurs only in germ cells, which are put aside for the formation of gametes (sperm and egg). Reproduction by meiosis allows for species survival and it increases genetic variability. The process, during which the germ cells are generated is called meiosis. It represents nature's solution to the problem of chromosome doubling that would occur, if two diploid cells, i.e. two cells with a double set of chromosomes would fuse. Accordingly does meiosis produce haploid germ cells, with maternal and paternal germ cell fusing at fertilization and thus generating a ... Show more content on ... Chromosome pairs line up across the equator of the spindle at metaphase I (5). In anaphase I the chromosomes separate and travel to opposite ends of the spindle. The chromosomes migrate to the equators of two new spindles for metaphase 2 (7). Next the chromatids are pulled apart in anaphase 2 to form four clusters of chromosomes in telophase 2. The nuclear envelopes reform around four haploid nuclei that will give rise gamete The leptotene. This phase differs only slightly from the early stages of mitosis. Usually are the cells and nuclei of meiotic tissues bigger than that of their neighbouring tissues and often do they seem to be longer and are longitudinally structured. At regular intervals can thickenings be found, like beads on a string: the chromomeres. Their number, size and positioning is constant in each species. The zygotene. During this phase begins the pairing of homologous chromosomes. It is also called synapsis and the resulting structure synaptic complex. Directly after initiation of the process does the pairing spread like a zipper across the whole length of the chromosome. The pachytene. During the pachytene does the pairing stabilize. The number of synaptic complexes corresponds to the number of chromosomes in a haploid set of the respective species. The pairs are also called bivalents. The ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. Mitosis and Meiosis Cell division may happen by either mitosis or meiosis, depending on what type of cell is invovled. Mitosis is a process by which a cell divides to form two daughter cells. They each have the same exact number and kind of chromosomes as the parent cell. Meiosis occurs in the primary sex cells leading to the formation of viable egg and sperm cells. They reduce the number of chromosomes to half in each gamete so that when they are getting furtilized, the species chromosome number is kept even. Mitosis happens in the reproduction of unicellular organisms and in the addition of cells to a tissue or organ in a multicellular organism. There are four stages of mitosis. The first stage is the prophase. In this stage the chromosomes become ... Show more content on ... There are two major ways of reproduction, asexual and sexual. Asexual reproduction only involves one parent. They split their cell in half. Sexual reproduction involves two parents and they each have one cell (either an egg of sperm) which gets put together to have an infant. The egg and sperm usually have 23 chromosomes. SO when an infant is born, it has 46 chromosomes. A con for sexual reproduction is during meiosis. An egg and sperm cell usually have 23 chromosomes each. When an egg gets fertilized by a sperm cell it combines to 46 chromosomes. Human beings have 46 chromosomes each. When something goes wrong and a baby inside a womb gets one more extra chromosome, they get Down syndrome. A pro for sexual reproduction is that two parents can have the joy of having their own child. Some people grow up and end up not being able to carry out a child because of some defect in their body. A con for asexual reproduction is that bacteria multiply by asexual reproduction. If you have a sickness and you don 't realize it in time, the bacteria can spread all over your body until you get extremely sick. A pro for asexual reproduction is that flowers, trees, and other plants multiply by asexual reproduction. The environment is being destroyed and with flower, tree, and plant seeds, people will be able to grow these things that are being destroyed. They can also rebuild habitats for animals that are also being ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Compare and Contrast Mitosis and Meiosis Essay Compare and Contrast Mitosis and Meiosis Meiosis and mitosis describes the process by which cells divide, either by asexual or sexual reproduction to produce a new organism. Meiosis is a form of cell division that produces gametes in humans these are egg cells and sperms, each with reduced or halved number of chromosomes. The number of chromosomes is restored when two gametes fuse together to form a zygote. A cell with two copies of each chromosome is called diploid cell and a cell with one copy of each chromosome is called a haploid cell. Meioses produces haploid daughter cells that are genetically different from each other and from the parent cell. However, mitosis is a form of cell division that produces daughter cells ... Show more content on ... These bivalents line up along the equator during metaphase I, the arrangement of the bivalent is completely random and relative to the orientation of the other bivalents, this is known as the independent assortment of chromosomes. This is followed by anaphase I where the homologous chromosomes separate and move to the opposite poles of the cell. At telophase I the cell divides into two, each cell contains one chromosome from each homologous pair. The second stage of meiosis is similar to mitosis. These centrioles replicate and the chromosomes line along the equator at metaphase II and spilt at the centromeres causing the chromatids to move to opposite sides at anaphase II. At telophase II the cell divides to form four haploid cells, these are not identical to each other because the cells contains chromosomes from two different parent gametes therefore differ genetically. However, during mitotic division the cells produced are genetically identical to each other because they are produced from the same parent cell. The cell begins to replicate during interphase to produce two identical sister chromatids. At prophase the chromosomes become condense to become visible and the membrane begins to break down. The chromosomes line up along the centre of the equator during metaphase. The chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite poles during anaphase. In telophase these separate chromatids ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Mitosis And Meiosis Lab Report Introduction This study was performed in order to gain more knowledge on mitosis and meiosis. This lab was done by observing mitosis in plant and animal cells, comparing the relative lengths of the stages of mitosis in onion root tip cells, stimulating the stages of meiosis, observing evidence of crossing– over in meiosis using Sordaria fimicola, and estimating the distance of a gene locus from its centromere. Mitosis is the scientific term for nuclear cell division, where the nucleus of the cell divides, resulting in two sets of identical chromosomes. Mitosis is accompanied by cytokinesis in which the end result is two completely separate cells called daughter cells. There are four phases of mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase and ... Show more content on ... In the G1 phase, cell synthesizes proteins and produces cytoplasmic organelles. In the S phase, DNA synthesis occurs, and in the G2 phase, the cell beings forming the spindle. 5. Both prokaryotic cell division and eukaryotic cell division replicate their DNA and use the process of cytokinesis. Activity B: Estimating the Relative Lengths of Mitotic Phases Table 1: Group Count | Number of Cells | | Field 1 | Field 2 | Field 3 | Total 1–3 | Interphase | 52 | 46 | 57 | 155 | Prophase | 22 | 25 | 29 | 76 | Metaphase | 16 | 11 | 9 | 36 | Anaphase | 5 | 8 | 5 | 18 | Telophase | 14 | 10 | 8 | 32 | | Total | 317 | Table 2: Class Data | Class Totals | Decimal Fraction of Total Count | Estimated Time Spent in Phase | Interphase | 582 | .46 | 13968 | Prophase | 305 | .24 | 7320 | Metaphase | 148 | .12 | 3552 | Anaphase | 65 | .05 | 1560 | Telophase | 171 | .13 | 4104 | Total Cells Counted | 1271 | | Analysis of Results, Activity B: Estimating the Relative Lengths of Mitotic Phases Pie Graph 2. Stages of Mitosis Ranked 1) Interphase 2) Prophase 3) Metaphase 4) Anaphase 5) Telophase 3. Some phases of mitosis are longer than others because each phase has a different task, and some of the tasks of the phases are harder than others. For example, interphase takes longer than other phases because the nuclear envelope fragments and the microtubules attach to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Mitosis And Meiosis Of Eukaryotic Organisms The cell is the basic unit of all life. All living things–– tigers, trees, elephants, and men–– are made up of cells. A cell is alive–– as alive as you are. It breathes, takes in food, and gets rid of waste. It grows and reproduces, or creates one of its own kind. (Garrod 36) Most cells reproduce by dividing, so that there are two cells where there once was one. (Akkas 78) Every living thing is made up of one or more cells, and each of these cells was produced by an already existing cell. New cells are formed by dividing, so that there are two cells were there once was one. One–celled plants and animals begin and complete their lives as single cells. (Kemp 12) Human beings and multicellular plants and animals also develop from a single ... Show more content on ... We have seen that every species of life has a certain number of chromosomes in its somatic cells. These chromosomes exist in pairs. (Baserga Biology 98) The members of each pair are similar in size, shape, and hereditary contact. Man has a 23 pairs of chromosomes; frogs 13 pairs; and pea plants, 7 pairs. Suppose the egg and sperm cells had the same number of chromosomes as all the other cells in an organism. (Mitchison 95) If they united, the somatic cells in the off–spring of such a union would have twice the number of chromosomes they should have. (Baserga Biology 34) For example, human beings have 46 chromosomes in their somatic cells. If the father 's sperm cells and the mother 's egg cells also contained 46 chromosomes, their child 's somatic cells would have 92 chromosomes. The next generation would have 184, and so on. Thus the sex cells must have half the chromosomes found in somatic cells. This is accomplished by meiosis. Meiosis consists of two separate divisions of sex cells. In the first division, the chromosome pairs line up side by side. (Cameron 115) Each chromosomes duplicates itself. Each doubled pair then moves to the equator. Next, the members of each original pair and their duplicates move to the opposite poles. (Cameron 115) The cell divides. Each of the two daughter cells receives one member of each original pair of chromosomes and its duplicate. These two new cells divides immediately. This time the chromosomes do not duplicate themselves. ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Speech On Mitosis In this video, our group will talk about what mitosis is, why it is important, and why we should learn about mitosis. We will then go over each step of mitosis. Mitosis, as defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary, is a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell. It involves a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase. This results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus. Why is mitosis important? Mitosis is an essential part of the growth and development for all living things, from the smallest unicellular organisms like amoebas and bacteria to complex organisms like plants and animals. In this video we will focus on the mitosis of a typical eukaryotic animal cell. For simplicity, we will focus on the nucleus of the cell. ... Show more content on ... Some describe this stage as the "resting stage". However, that is not entirely true. The white circle here symbolises the cell and the big orange circle inside the white circle symbolises the nucleus. Inside the nucleus, the cell prepares itself for mitosis. At the start of interphase, the cell's DNA exists in the form of a uncondensed chromatin. Each chromatin duplicates into two daughter chromatids through semiconservative DNA replication. At the end of interphase, we will get pairs of sister chromatids which is represented by the pairs of yellow and green lines (and indicated by the red arrow). The centrosome (indicated by the pink T–shaped structure) will also be duplicated. Aster, a type of microtubule (indicated by the pink strings), extends from the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Mitosis And Phase Of Mitosis Essay Discovering Mitosis (its not just a phase you going through) Mitosis tried its best to break me. All the phases to remember and all the functions of the phases seriously couldn't the human body be a little easier to comprehend. At first glance Mitosis seemed not so complicated until realising the intricacies of the process. I grasped the basic principle of mitosis in its simplest form, cells divide. The four phases prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase all had a part to play in cell division but what each phase contributed I could not understand. also over the whole cell cycle there was really a total of nine phases if you count the interphase, mitotic phase, G1 phase, G2 phase and S phase I needed some clarification. I endeavoured to find out answers to four questions to clarify and understand clearly. The specifics of interphase and mitotic phase What each phase did. Why it was important that cell division happened in a specific order Find a system to remember the phases and their properties My aim is to seek out resources to help me find the answers I need and solidify the details for me to recall easily. Resource #1 annotation_id=annotation_3739956411&feature=iv&src_vid=gwcwSZIfKlM&v=f–ldPgEfAHI Resource #2 Cell and Molecular biology by Dr Gupta P.K chapter 17 page 287–298 Resource #1 analysis This video clip has been created by Sarina Paterson and Briana Rapini they are sisters who are passionate about science. Sarina ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Lab Report On Mitosis Mitosis Lab Report Without cell division and the cell cycle nearly all life would fail to exist. Cell division allows an organism to not only replace its own cells but to create offspring. The cell cycle consists of two main parts: interphase and mitotic phase. Within these two phases the processes can be broken down into further categories. Interphase can be broken down into three subphases that are the necessary preparations the cell makes in order to be ready to divide during mitosis. For this lab we looked mainly at the mitotic phase because of its fascinating and rapid changes to the cell. The cell types we looked at were prepared slides of whitefish and onion root tip. Although mitosis is just a fraction of time compared to interphase it can be divided into four distinct subphases. If we start viewing a cell under a brightfield microscope right at the end of interphase subphase G2 we would see that throughout the interphase process (fig 1) the cell has grown considerably in size due to production of extra mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. The cell has also gone through the labor of duplicating all of its chromosomes, a process known as DNA synthesis. Now that the cell has made all of these preparations it's time to start prophase (fig 2), the first stage of the mitotic phase. This stage is visibly identified by the chromatin becoming the tightly formed chromosomes. During the lab we were able to view these newly formed chromosomes best on the onion root tip ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Mitosis and Meiosis 2/24/2013 Cell division The human body is made up of trillions of cells... Mitosis and Meiosis ...But started with one Understanding Cell Division What instructions are necessary for inheritance? How are those instructions duplicated for distribution into daughter cells? By what mechanisms are instructions parceled out to daughter cells? Reproduction Parental cells produce a new generation of cells or multicelled individuals like themselves Parents must provide daughter cells with hereditary instructions, encoded in DNA, and enough metabolic machinery to start up their own operation The roles of mitosis Chromosome A DNA molecule & attached proteins Duplicated in preparation for mitosis 1 ... Show more content on ... Meiosis is the process that produces haploid gametes from diploid genomes. Maintaining Chromosome Number In Mitosis Meiosis must reduce chromosome number 6 2/24/2013
  • 75. Chromosome Number Sum total of chromosomes in a cell Germ cells are diploid (2n) Gametes are haploid (n) Meiosis halves chromosome number When two gametes fuse, they form a new, diploid cell (zygote) Human Karyotype Diploid organisms have two copies of each chromosome, one of which they get from their father, the other which they get from their mother. These equivalent chromosomes are called homologous chromosomes. Life Cycles of Diploid Organisms Meiosis: Two Divisions Two consecutive nuclear divisions – Meiosis I – Meiosis II DNA is not duplicated between divisions Four haploid nuclei form Meiosis has two divisions Do not confuse "homologous" with "sister" chromosomes Sisters Sisters Homologs Sisters 7 2/24/2013 Meiosis – Stages Prophase I Each duplicated chromosome pairs with homologue Homologues swap segments (crossing over) Each chromosome becomes attached to spindle Metaphase I Homologous pairs line up in the middle of the cell The spindle is fully formed Anaphase I Homologous chromosomes segregate The sister chromatids remain attached Telophase I The homologous chromosomes arrive at opposite poles Usually followed by cytoplasmic division Results of Meiosis I
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  • 78. Mitosis And The Phase Of Interphase Essay Mitosis results in the formation of two diploid daughter cells genetically identical to the diploid parent cell because the full sequence of DNA is replicated during the S phase of interphase. This creates two identical copies of DNA (if properly conducted without error, as is most often the case), but the chain remains in its unraveled form as chromatin until prophase of mitosis. Then, the chromatin condenses into chromosomes, and each pair of duplicated chromosome joins together. Each chromosome in the duplicated pair is now known as a sister chromatid. During metaphase, the sister chromatids align along the imaginary metaphase plate along the center axis of the cell; their positioning is aided by spindle fibers attached to the kinetochore proteins at the centromere of each sister chromatid pair. Once all sister chromatids are properly aligned, the enzyme separase breaks apart the bonds between the sister chromatids in anaphase, and each sister chromatid is now a standalone chromosome pulled towards opposite poles of the cell by shortening spindle fibers and motor proteins. In telophase, the final stage of mitosis, the nuclear envelope reforms around the unraveling chromosomes, one in each daughter cell, and the two cells split in a process known as cytokinesis.
  • 79. Because DNA had been duplicated during S of interphase, each daughter cell inherits the complete DNA sequence of the parent cell because as the chromosomes separate during anaphase and the cell splits ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis Essay Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis with reference to i. Chromosomesii. Biological significance i. Chromosomes ii. Biological significance Modern cell theory states that all cells are derived from other cells. This means cells must have a way of copying themselves. This is cell division; two types of cell division are Meiosis and Mitosis. The comparison will be between Meiosis 1 and Mitosis, because Meiosis 2 is much the same as Mitosis. Dividing cells have a regular pattern of events, known as the cell cycle. This cycle may be divided into two basic parts; The Interphase and the actual division (Meiosis / Mitosis). Interphase is when the cell is not dividing but duplicating its DNA and organelles. Both Meiosis 1 and ... Show more content on ... At this point the chromatids may break and recombine with different chromatids, this is called crossing over. Metaphase In Mitosis Metaphase stage the chromosomes go to the centre/equator of the spindle. The chromosomes get attached to spindle fibres at the centromere, when these contract; the individual chromatids get pulled apart slightly. In Meiosis Metaphase 1 is similar to Mitosis stage one but differs as chromosomes form a double row at the equator of the spindle instead of a single row. Anaphase In Mitosis and Meiosis Anaphase; the centromere splits as a result the spindle contract further and the two chromatids of each chromosome separate and migrate to opposite ends. The spindle fibres are made of tubulin molecules and they shorten through the removal process. The energy for this process is provided by mitochondria, which surround the spindle fibres. Telophase
  • 82. In Mitosis and Meiosis Telophase the chromatids reach their respective poles and a new nuclear envelope forms around each group. The chromatids uncoil and lengthen, becoming invisible again. The spindle fibres disappear and a nucleolus forms in each new nucleus. Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis with reference to Chromosomes Mitosis Meiosis A single division of the chromosomes and the nucleus A single division of the chromosomes but a double division of the nucleus The number of chromosomes remains the same The number of ... Get more on ...
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  • 84. Mitosis Research Paper Mitosis is a type of cell division that results in two daughter cells that are identical and each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, which is typical of ordinary tissue growth. Each daughter cell also carries identical DNA of the parent cell. Errors in mitosis can result when there is an incorrect DNA copy called aneuploidy. The effect of errors on the health of the cell ranges from benign to cancerous, depending on the amount and type of errors. All cancer types are traced back to harmful mutations multiplied by mitosis. There are four stages of mitosis: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In prophase the chromatin shrinks into separate chromosomes, and the nuclear envelope breaks down and forms ... Show more content on ... Scientists from George Washington University medical center have found a missing link in mitosis that brings hope for cancer researchers. They have found a protein known as Arpc 1b that is an activator for an enzyme called Aurora A that is important in early stages of cellular reproduction. Cells divide and separate poles to create new cells. If all goes well two new cells are produced, but in some cases the protein is over used, and abnormal cells are produced which lead to cancer. Pharmaceutical industries are targeting Aurora A and trying to prevent it. This is the next step to help scientists find a way to stop the activity of Arpc in cancer cells. As an example, Genentech is a leading biotechnology company that discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes medicines to treat patients with serious or life–threatening medical conditions. They are among the worlds leading biotech companies, with multiple products on the market and a promising development pipeline. At Genentech, James Sabry, M.D., Ph.D. who is the Vice President, said, "If we understand basic science, our drugs make it to market. If we don't, the company dies." Roche, Genentech's parent company, spends more on research and development than any country in the world ($9.5 billion annually). Understanding cell development and cell division help the ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Mitosis And Eukaryotes Eukaryotes undergo asexual cellular reproduction to grow in size or replace damaged tissues. The first process in the cell's life cycle is mitosis. When the chromosomes in the nucleus are duplicated, it creates two identical sister cells from the one progenitor cell. Mitosis is broken down into four phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. DNA duplication occurs during a stage called interphase. Once completing the exact duplication of the cell, it is followed by cytokinesis, when the cytoplasm of the parent cell divides into two daughter cells. In plant cells, a cell plate forms between each new cell. When referring to the reproduction of Oryza sativa, the plant undergoes sexual reproduction in order to produce offsprings. Sexual ... Get more on ...