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Meiosis Research Paper
Every cell on Earth has certain things in common; such as a plasma membrane, the presence of DNA and the ability to respond to stimuli, as well as
reproduce. Some things such as viruses can seem to be living; however, the lack the ability to reproduce by themselves and instead they tack
advantage of the amazing ability of most cells to produce macromolecules and to produce daughter cells from a parent cell. Just like every human being
is born, undergoes a period of growth and eventually dies; so does each individual cell that composes that human being. In addition, just as human
beings undergo a period of maturation that if they pass a certain level of physical maturity, they may reproduce; so do the cells that compose said
human being. more content...
The end goal of meiosis includes twice as many daughter cells as mitosis; therefore, there is a second cell division involve similar stages. Interphase
is different in meiosis than in mitosis because each individual homologue is replicated instead of replicating one chromosome. Mitosis involves the
replication of somatic cells that are haploid; whereas, meiosis involves the manufacturing of gametes that are genetically haploid. In prophase I paired
homologues are attracted to one another at the synapsis and a process called crossing over takes place. Crossing over involves a genetic rearrangement
of DNA of the same segments. Otherwise prophase 1 is similar to prophase in mitosis. In metaphase I chromosomes line up in homologous pairs,
otherwise this stage is similar to metaphase in mitosis. Anaphase I, Telophase I, and cytokinesis is the same in meiosis as in mitosis except, two
haploid cells form with each chromosome still consisting of two sister chromatids. The second stage of meiosis involves all the same steps except
there is no crossing over involves because each cell is now genetically haploid. The set of sister chromatids undergoes prophase II, metaphase II,
anaphase II, telophase II, and cytokinesis. The sister chromatids finally separate resulting in four haploid daughter cells containing unduplicated
chromosomes. In prophase I crossing over took place, and this results in each chromosome being genetically different in each of the four daughter
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Meiosis I: Interphase I
Meiosis I starts with interphase I where these chromosomes are duplicated. Prophase I starts with homologous chromosomes pairing up and exchange
tetrads, which is where crossing over can take place. In metaphase I the tetrads line up along the metaphase plate randomly producing independent
assortment. Anaphase I is where pairs of homologous chromosomes split up. Telophase I cytokinesis occurs and 2 non identical daughter split, and 2
haploid cells form. Meiosis II starts with prophase II where the nuclear envelope breaks down. Metaphase II occurs as sister chromatids align on the
metaphase plate. Anaphase II happens as the sister chromatids separate, yielding single chromosomes. Telophase II occurs as the nuclear envelope
forms and cytokinesis
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Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis Essay
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis with reference to i. Chromosomesii.
Biological significance
i. Chromosomes ii. Biological significance
Modern cell theory states that all cells are derived from other cells.
This means cells must have a way of copying themselves. This is cell division; two types of cell division are Meiosis and Mitosis. The comparison will
be between Meiosis 1 and Mitosis, because Meiosis 2 is much the same as Mitosis.
Dividing cells have a regular pattern of events, known as the cell cycle. This cycle may be divided into two basic parts; The Interphase and the actual
division (Meiosis / Mitosis).
Interphase is when the cell is not dividing but duplicating its DNA and organelles. Both Meiosis 1 more content...
At this point the chromatids may break and recombine with different chromatids, this is called crossing over.
In Mitosis Metaphase stage the chromosomes go to the centre/equator of the spindle. The chromosomes get attached to spindle fibres at the centromere,
when these contract; the individual chromatids get pulled apart slightly.
In Meiosis Metaphase 1 is similar to Mitosis stage one but differs as chromosomes form a double row at the equator of the spindle instead of a single
In Mitosis and Meiosis Anaphase; the centromere splits as a result the spindle contract further and the two chromatids of each chromosome separate and
migrate to opposite ends. The spindle fibres are made of tubulin molecules and they shorten through the removal process. The energy for this process is
provided by mitochondria, which surround the spindle fibres.
In Mitosis and Meiosis Telophase the chromatids reach their respective poles and a new nuclear envelope forms around each group. The chromatids
uncoil and lengthen, becoming invisible again. The spindle fibres disappear and a nucleolus forms in each new nucleus.
Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis with reference to Chromosomes
A single division of the chromosomes and the nucleus
A single division of the chromosomes but a double division of the nucleus The number of chromosomes remains the same
The number of
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Mitosis Vs Meiosis
Cell division is a process that is essential to the reproduction, survival, and improvement of many eukaryotes. Many things about cell division are still
unknown, and each day scientists begin to understand more about why something they already knew happened, happened. Such as the underlying
reactions and thermodynamics that motivate something to do what it does without intelligence (Khan Academy). There are two types of cell division
under this category, and they are mitosis and meiosis. Although they fall under the same category, they have similarities and dissimilarities. To avoid
confusion and for better understanding they will be discussed in pairs (similar–dissimilar), and there may be some overlap in points as this is the nature
of the subject matter.
To begin, the most obvious differences and similarities will be addressed. Both processes follow interphase which replicates theDNA. They both begin
with a cell that has a diploid number of chromosomes. Mitosis is a repeatable cycle, and meiosis is not. Mitosis proceeds to completion and ends with
cells that are capable of going through the cell cycle and repeating the more content...
Although they do occur in the same organism, they occur in different places. Mitosis is the duplication of somatic, or body, cells. Meiosis is the
duplication of germ, or sex, cells. Because meiosis involves sex cells, the products are capable of fertilization. One difference mentioned before but
not much expanded upon is that meiosis gives cells that come from diploid cells but are haploid. Because the information they receive is spilt between
the two, each cell contains different information selected at random. Mitosis in contrast is a process that yields two cells that are an exact copy of their
parent cell (excepting an occasional mutation). Each cell that results from mitosis is identical to its parent and contains the same genetic
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Mitosis And Meiosis
Mitosis Meiosis
Most of the times people get injuries, complex or simple one like bruises and, within a period of time, these injuries heal. This healing process is made
possible by cell division whereby a single cell divides to form two and the process continues. The same process also helps living things grow, for
example, over 2 trillion cells divide every day in human beings. There are two types of cell division processes; mitosis and meiosis, each of which has
distinct characteristics.
Mitosis: A single cell divide into two genetically identical cells. This process is asexual in nature and the two resulting cells have equal number of
chromosomes in each of the diploid cells each with identical nuclei.
Meiosis: Meiosis is a sexual cell reproduction process whereby a single cell divides its homologous chromosomes equally to form two haploid cells
with half the chromosomes of the parent cell.
Mitosis: Mitosis occur in five phases describing the changes through which the cells go through. These stages are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase,
anaphase, and telophase. In prophase, the chromosomes condense inside the nucleus while centrioles move to the opposite within the nucleus sides in
pairs. As this more content...
The chromosomes then split into two sister chromatids which the centromeres hold together. This therefore mean that there are two sets of sister
chromatids (four chromatids) in the two chromosomes. Two non–sister chromosomes cross over as the other two remain. Secondly, in metaphase I,
chromosomes line up at the center of the spindle fibers in pairs then the third phase, Anaphase I begins when equal amounts of chromosomes divide. On
the last phase, telophase I, the daughter cells completely divide, chromosomes disappear, and the nucleic membranes
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Essay on Meiosis Vs. Mitosis
More than one celled organisms grow by way of mitosis and the cytoplasmic division of body cells. On the other hand, meiosis occurs only in germ
cells, which are put aside for the formation of gametes (sperm and egg). Reproduction by meiosis allows for species survival and it increases genetic
The process, during which the germ cells are generated is called meiosis. It represents nature's solution to the problem of chromosome doubling that
would occur, if two diploid cells, i.e. two cells with a double set of chromosomes would fuse. Accordingly does meiosis produce haploid germ cells,
with maternal and paternal germ cell fusing at fertilization and thus generating more content...
Chromosome pairs line up across the equator of the spindle at metaphase I (5). In anaphase I the chromosomes separate and travel to opposite ends of
the spindle. The chromosomes migrate to the equators of two new spindles for metaphase 2 (7). Next the chromatids are pulled apart in anaphase 2 to
form four clusters of chromosomes in telophase 2. The nuclear envelopes reform around four haploid nuclei that will give rise gamete
The leptotene. This phase differs only slightly from the early stages of mitosis. Usually are the cells and nuclei of meiotic tissues bigger than that of
their neighbouring tissues and often do they seem to be longer and are longitudinally structured. At regular intervals can thickenings be found, like
beads on a string: the chromomeres. Their number, size and positioning is constant in each species.
The zygotene. During this phase begins the pairing of homologous chromosomes. It is also called synapsis and the resulting structure synaptic
complex. Directly after initiation of the process does the pairing spread like a zipper across the whole length of the chromosome.
The pachytene. During the pachytene does the pairing stabilize. The number of synaptic complexes corresponds to the number of chromosomes in a
haploid set of the respective species. The pairs are also called bivalents. The
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Meiosis Vs Mitosis
Life forms display an assortment of examples in respect to propagation, and diverse perspectives might be brought with respect to arrangement of
these patters. For our motivations, we might consider that there are two essential sorts of multiplication, sexual and asexual. Sexual reproduction is
always associated with a type of nuclear division called meiosis which occurs at some point in the life cycle of the organism involved. Besides, aside
from a couple of atypical cases, sexual multiplication is portrayed by the union of gametes, or particular conceptive cells, in the development of another
person. Such gametic union is trailed by the combination of the diversion tic cores and the relationship of their chromosomes: this whole arrangement
of occasions is known as treatment.
Cells separate and replicate in two ways: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is a procedure of cell division more content...
Not just is mitosis in charge of abiogenetic propagation in single–celled life forms, however it is likewise what empowers cell development and repair
in multicellular living beings, for example, people. In mitosis, a cell makes a precise clone of itself. This procedure is what is behind the development
of youngsters into grown–ups, the recuperating of cuts and wounds, and even the regrowth of skin, appendages, and members in creatures like geckos
and reptiles. Meiosis is a more particular kind of cell division (of germ cells, specifically) that outcomes in gametes, either eggs or sperm, that contain
half of the chromosomes found in a guardian cell. Not at all like mitosis with its numerous capacities, meiosis has a slender yet critical reason: helping
sexual multiplication. The procedure empowers youngsters to be connected yet at the same time not the same as their two guardians. (Westbroek,
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Meiosis happens in a two–stage process of cell division that produces four haploid cells from one diploid cell. The process begins from a single
dividing nucleus that is composed of two sets of replicated chromosomes that contain two sister chromatids. Nuclei that consist of a single set of
unreplicated chromosomes.
Below is an explanation the two–stage of meiosis:–
Prophase 1
In this phase of meiosis the nucleolus vanishes and the nuclear envelope breaks down, the chromosomes then condense and spindle fibers begin to
form and extend to the chromosomes. Crossover is now complete and can go on to next phase.
Metaphase 1
The two sets of chromosome become arranged on the metaphase plate in this phase of meiosis. Centrioles at opposite poles of the cell produce spindle
fibers that latch on to each set of more content...
Centromeres remain attached to sister chromatids and move towards the pole.
Telophase 1
This phase of meiosis each chromosome reaches it's pole and have now became haploid. A nuclear envelope begins to form around each set of
chromosomes. Spindle fibers have now disappeared and cytokinesis can occur. Cytokinesis is when the formation of a cleavage furrow, pinching the
cell into two separate cells. After cytokinesis occurs each of the two cells now contain a haploid set of chromosomes and a nucleus.
Prophase 2
No chromosome duplication occurs in this phase of meiosis. Centrioles duplicate and a daughter centrioles form horizontal to the mother centrioles.
Spindle apparatus forms and the nuclear envelope breaks down in each of the two cells.
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Mitosis: Interphase I And Meiosis
Mitosis and meiosis are the means by which reproduction takes place. Mitosis creates an exact duplicate of cell so that old cells can be replaced,
such as in skin, hair, and bones. Meiosis allows a cell to unite one half of its genetic makeup with a cell from another partner to create an entirely new
Mitosis is the process by which two daughter cells are formed, each containing a complete set of chromosomes. Mitosis is the process by which an
organism creates new cells, such as skin or bone. There are two parts to a cell's life В– interphase and mitosis. Interphase is the normal life of the cell
when all of the growth and metabolism processes take place. Mitosis happens after interphase is complete and produces more content...
Meiosis is broken into two parts called Meiosis I and Meiosis II.
Meiosis I
The stages of Meiosis I are called prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I. Prophase I is like prophase in mitosis. However, in metaphase
I, instead of pulling the chromosomes away from their duplicates, the microtubules attach so as to pull the like pairs, called homologues, apart and
leave the chromosomes attached to their duplicates.
In anaphase I, the microtubules of the spindles pull the homologues apart.
In telephase I, the plasma membrane pinches the cell into two parts and the chromosomes are surrounded by nuclear material. At the end of meiosis I,
two haploid cells have been created, but they still have duplicated chromosomes, so the cell must enter meiosis II.
Meoisis II
The purpose of meiosis II is to create cells with no duplicates, for purposes of reproduction. In meiosis II, there are now two cells going through the
process. Prophase II and metaphase II occur just as in mitosis, but remember, there are two cells now.
During Anaphase II, the microtubules pull the duplicate chromosomes away from the originals.
During Telophase II, the plasma constricts and nuclei are formed.
Meiosis 2 is similar to mitosis, however, at the end of meiosis II, four haploid cells called gametes have been formed, each with no duplicate
chromosomes. The chromatids of each chromosome are not identical
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Meiosis Research Paper

  • 1. Meiosis Research Paper Every cell on Earth has certain things in common; such as a plasma membrane, the presence of DNA and the ability to respond to stimuli, as well as reproduce. Some things such as viruses can seem to be living; however, the lack the ability to reproduce by themselves and instead they tack advantage of the amazing ability of most cells to produce macromolecules and to produce daughter cells from a parent cell. Just like every human being is born, undergoes a period of growth and eventually dies; so does each individual cell that composes that human being. In addition, just as human beings undergo a period of maturation that if they pass a certain level of physical maturity, they may reproduce; so do the cells that compose said human being. more content... The end goal of meiosis includes twice as many daughter cells as mitosis; therefore, there is a second cell division involve similar stages. Interphase is different in meiosis than in mitosis because each individual homologue is replicated instead of replicating one chromosome. Mitosis involves the replication of somatic cells that are haploid; whereas, meiosis involves the manufacturing of gametes that are genetically haploid. In prophase I paired homologues are attracted to one another at the synapsis and a process called crossing over takes place. Crossing over involves a genetic rearrangement of DNA of the same segments. Otherwise prophase 1 is similar to prophase in mitosis. In metaphase I chromosomes line up in homologous pairs, otherwise this stage is similar to metaphase in mitosis. Anaphase I, Telophase I, and cytokinesis is the same in meiosis as in mitosis except, two haploid cells form with each chromosome still consisting of two sister chromatids. The second stage of meiosis involves all the same steps except there is no crossing over involves because each cell is now genetically haploid. The set of sister chromatids undergoes prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II, and cytokinesis. The sister chromatids finally separate resulting in four haploid daughter cells containing unduplicated chromosomes. In prophase I crossing over took place, and this results in each chromosome being genetically different in each of the four daughter Get more content on
  • 2. Meiosis I: Interphase I Meiosis I starts with interphase I where these chromosomes are duplicated. Prophase I starts with homologous chromosomes pairing up and exchange tetrads, which is where crossing over can take place. In metaphase I the tetrads line up along the metaphase plate randomly producing independent assortment. Anaphase I is where pairs of homologous chromosomes split up. Telophase I cytokinesis occurs and 2 non identical daughter split, and 2 haploid cells form. Meiosis II starts with prophase II where the nuclear envelope breaks down. Metaphase II occurs as sister chromatids align on the metaphase plate. Anaphase II happens as the sister chromatids separate, yielding single chromosomes. Telophase II occurs as the nuclear envelope forms and cytokinesis Get more content on
  • 3. Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis Essay Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis with reference to i. Chromosomesii. Biological significance i. Chromosomes ii. Biological significance Modern cell theory states that all cells are derived from other cells. This means cells must have a way of copying themselves. This is cell division; two types of cell division are Meiosis and Mitosis. The comparison will be between Meiosis 1 and Mitosis, because Meiosis 2 is much the same as Mitosis. Dividing cells have a regular pattern of events, known as the cell cycle. This cycle may be divided into two basic parts; The Interphase and the actual division (Meiosis / Mitosis). Interphase is when the cell is not dividing but duplicating its DNA and organelles. Both Meiosis 1 more content... At this point the chromatids may break and recombine with different chromatids, this is called crossing over. Metaphase In Mitosis Metaphase stage the chromosomes go to the centre/equator of the spindle. The chromosomes get attached to spindle fibres at the centromere, when these contract; the individual chromatids get pulled apart slightly. In Meiosis Metaphase 1 is similar to Mitosis stage one but differs as chromosomes form a double row at the equator of the spindle instead of a single row. Anaphase In Mitosis and Meiosis Anaphase; the centromere splits as a result the spindle contract further and the two chromatids of each chromosome separate and
  • 4. migrate to opposite ends. The spindle fibres are made of tubulin molecules and they shorten through the removal process. The energy for this process is provided by mitochondria, which surround the spindle fibres. Telophase In Mitosis and Meiosis Telophase the chromatids reach their respective poles and a new nuclear envelope forms around each group. The chromatids uncoil and lengthen, becoming invisible again. The spindle fibres disappear and a nucleolus forms in each new nucleus. Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis with reference to Chromosomes Mitosis Meiosis A single division of the chromosomes and the nucleus A single division of the chromosomes but a double division of the nucleus The number of chromosomes remains the same The number of Get more content on
  • 5. Mitosis Vs Meiosis Cell division is a process that is essential to the reproduction, survival, and improvement of many eukaryotes. Many things about cell division are still unknown, and each day scientists begin to understand more about why something they already knew happened, happened. Such as the underlying reactions and thermodynamics that motivate something to do what it does without intelligence (Khan Academy). There are two types of cell division under this category, and they are mitosis and meiosis. Although they fall under the same category, they have similarities and dissimilarities. To avoid confusion and for better understanding they will be discussed in pairs (similar–dissimilar), and there may be some overlap in points as this is the nature of the subject matter. To begin, the most obvious differences and similarities will be addressed. Both processes follow interphase which replicates theDNA. They both begin with a cell that has a diploid number of chromosomes. Mitosis is a repeatable cycle, and meiosis is not. Mitosis proceeds to completion and ends with cells that are capable of going through the cell cycle and repeating the more content... Although they do occur in the same organism, they occur in different places. Mitosis is the duplication of somatic, or body, cells. Meiosis is the duplication of germ, or sex, cells. Because meiosis involves sex cells, the products are capable of fertilization. One difference mentioned before but not much expanded upon is that meiosis gives cells that come from diploid cells but are haploid. Because the information they receive is spilt between the two, each cell contains different information selected at random. Mitosis in contrast is a process that yields two cells that are an exact copy of their parent cell (excepting an occasional mutation). Each cell that results from mitosis is identical to its parent and contains the same genetic Get more content on
  • 6. Mitosis And Meiosis Mitosis Meiosis Most of the times people get injuries, complex or simple one like bruises and, within a period of time, these injuries heal. This healing process is made possible by cell division whereby a single cell divides to form two and the process continues. The same process also helps living things grow, for example, over 2 trillion cells divide every day in human beings. There are two types of cell division processes; mitosis and meiosis, each of which has distinct characteristics. Definition Mitosis: A single cell divide into two genetically identical cells. This process is asexual in nature and the two resulting cells have equal number of chromosomes in each of the diploid cells each with identical nuclei. Meiosis: Meiosis is a sexual cell reproduction process whereby a single cell divides its homologous chromosomes equally to form two haploid cells with half the chromosomes of the parent cell. Process Mitosis: Mitosis occur in five phases describing the changes through which the cells go through. These stages are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In prophase, the chromosomes condense inside the nucleus while centrioles move to the opposite within the nucleus sides in pairs. As this more content... The chromosomes then split into two sister chromatids which the centromeres hold together. This therefore mean that there are two sets of sister chromatids (four chromatids) in the two chromosomes. Two non–sister chromosomes cross over as the other two remain. Secondly, in metaphase I, chromosomes line up at the center of the spindle fibers in pairs then the third phase, Anaphase I begins when equal amounts of chromosomes divide. On the last phase, telophase I, the daughter cells completely divide, chromosomes disappear, and the nucleic membranes Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Meiosis Vs. Mitosis More than one celled organisms grow by way of mitosis and the cytoplasmic division of body cells. On the other hand, meiosis occurs only in germ cells, which are put aside for the formation of gametes (sperm and egg). Reproduction by meiosis allows for species survival and it increases genetic variability. The process, during which the germ cells are generated is called meiosis. It represents nature's solution to the problem of chromosome doubling that would occur, if two diploid cells, i.e. two cells with a double set of chromosomes would fuse. Accordingly does meiosis produce haploid germ cells, with maternal and paternal germ cell fusing at fertilization and thus generating more content... Chromosome pairs line up across the equator of the spindle at metaphase I (5). In anaphase I the chromosomes separate and travel to opposite ends of the spindle. The chromosomes migrate to the equators of two new spindles for metaphase 2 (7). Next the chromatids are pulled apart in anaphase 2 to form four clusters of chromosomes in telophase 2. The nuclear envelopes reform around four haploid nuclei that will give rise gamete The leptotene. This phase differs only slightly from the early stages of mitosis. Usually are the cells and nuclei of meiotic tissues bigger than that of their neighbouring tissues and often do they seem to be longer and are longitudinally structured. At regular intervals can thickenings be found, like beads on a string: the chromomeres. Their number, size and positioning is constant in each species. The zygotene. During this phase begins the pairing of homologous chromosomes. It is also called synapsis and the resulting structure synaptic complex. Directly after initiation of the process does the pairing spread like a zipper across the whole length of the chromosome. The pachytene. During the pachytene does the pairing stabilize. The number of synaptic complexes corresponds to the number of chromosomes in a haploid set of the respective species. The pairs are also called bivalents. The Get more content on
  • 8. Meiosis Vs Mitosis Life forms display an assortment of examples in respect to propagation, and diverse perspectives might be brought with respect to arrangement of these patters. For our motivations, we might consider that there are two essential sorts of multiplication, sexual and asexual. Sexual reproduction is always associated with a type of nuclear division called meiosis which occurs at some point in the life cycle of the organism involved. Besides, aside from a couple of atypical cases, sexual multiplication is portrayed by the union of gametes, or particular conceptive cells, in the development of another person. Such gametic union is trailed by the combination of the diversion tic cores and the relationship of their chromosomes: this whole arrangement of occasions is known as treatment. Cells separate and replicate in two ways: mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis is a procedure of cell division more content... Not just is mitosis in charge of abiogenetic propagation in single–celled life forms, however it is likewise what empowers cell development and repair in multicellular living beings, for example, people. In mitosis, a cell makes a precise clone of itself. This procedure is what is behind the development of youngsters into grown–ups, the recuperating of cuts and wounds, and even the regrowth of skin, appendages, and members in creatures like geckos and reptiles. Meiosis is a more particular kind of cell division (of germ cells, specifically) that outcomes in gametes, either eggs or sperm, that contain half of the chromosomes found in a guardian cell. Not at all like mitosis with its numerous capacities, meiosis has a slender yet critical reason: helping sexual multiplication. The procedure empowers youngsters to be connected yet at the same time not the same as their two guardians. (Westbroek, Get more content on
  • 9. Meiosis Meiosis happens in a two–stage process of cell division that produces four haploid cells from one diploid cell. The process begins from a single dividing nucleus that is composed of two sets of replicated chromosomes that contain two sister chromatids. Nuclei that consist of a single set of unreplicated chromosomes. Below is an explanation the two–stage of meiosis:– Prophase 1 In this phase of meiosis the nucleolus vanishes and the nuclear envelope breaks down, the chromosomes then condense and spindle fibers begin to form and extend to the chromosomes. Crossover is now complete and can go on to next phase. Metaphase 1 The two sets of chromosome become arranged on the metaphase plate in this phase of meiosis. Centrioles at opposite poles of the cell produce spindle fibers that latch on to each set of more content... Centromeres remain attached to sister chromatids and move towards the pole. Telophase 1 This phase of meiosis each chromosome reaches it's pole and have now became haploid. A nuclear envelope begins to form around each set of chromosomes. Spindle fibers have now disappeared and cytokinesis can occur. Cytokinesis is when the formation of a cleavage furrow, pinching the cell into two separate cells. After cytokinesis occurs each of the two cells now contain a haploid set of chromosomes and a nucleus. Prophase 2 No chromosome duplication occurs in this phase of meiosis. Centrioles duplicate and a daughter centrioles form horizontal to the mother centrioles.
  • 10. Spindle apparatus forms and the nuclear envelope breaks down in each of the two cells. Metaphase Get more content on
  • 11. Mitosis: Interphase I And Meiosis Mitosis and meiosis are the means by which reproduction takes place. Mitosis creates an exact duplicate of cell so that old cells can be replaced, such as in skin, hair, and bones. Meiosis allows a cell to unite one half of its genetic makeup with a cell from another partner to create an entirely new organism. Mitosis Mitosis is the process by which two daughter cells are formed, each containing a complete set of chromosomes. Mitosis is the process by which an organism creates new cells, such as skin or bone. There are two parts to a cell's life В– interphase and mitosis. Interphase is the normal life of the cell when all of the growth and metabolism processes take place. Mitosis happens after interphase is complete and produces more content... Meiosis is broken into two parts called Meiosis I and Meiosis II. Meiosis I The stages of Meiosis I are called prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I. Prophase I is like prophase in mitosis. However, in metaphase I, instead of pulling the chromosomes away from their duplicates, the microtubules attach so as to pull the like pairs, called homologues, apart and leave the chromosomes attached to their duplicates. In anaphase I, the microtubules of the spindles pull the homologues apart. In telephase I, the plasma membrane pinches the cell into two parts and the chromosomes are surrounded by nuclear material. At the end of meiosis I, two haploid cells have been created, but they still have duplicated chromosomes, so the cell must enter meiosis II. Meoisis II The purpose of meiosis II is to create cells with no duplicates, for purposes of reproduction. In meiosis II, there are now two cells going through the process. Prophase II and metaphase II occur just as in mitosis, but remember, there are two cells now. During Anaphase II, the microtubules pull the duplicate chromosomes away from the originals. During Telophase II, the plasma constricts and nuclei are formed.
  • 12. Meiosis 2 is similar to mitosis, however, at the end of meiosis II, four haploid cells called gametes have been formed, each with no duplicate chromosomes. The chromatids of each chromosome are not identical Get more content on