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Volume 17, Issue 29                                                                            May 2011

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The Voice

                 Our Saviour Lutheran Church–Green Bay Wis.

Others are reading your life story
David H. Hatch
         Some folks read books as       same is true if you are a husband     your book is written, how shall
fast as a kid goes through a bag of     or a wife, a friend or a neighbor,    it read? With the Holy Spirit’s
M & Ms. Others chew on a few            a co-worker, grandparent, aunt or     lead, you decide. What do you
books like a dog enjoying some          uncle. Others are reading your        want it to say? Now, go live
favorite bones.                         book. What do they see?               that way!
         Somewhere, Teddy                       And more important than               .
Roosevelt said, “I am a little bit of   the conduct of life in your story
every book I ever read.”                is the question, “Who is the main
         We learn from books.           character, yourself or the
Your life is like a living book,        Savior?” Christ is our Redeemer
currently being written. And as         as well as our life-model, our
you write it, others are reading it,    Master Storyteller! We need to                Continued on pg. 2
especially your loved ones.             be reminded that His love at the
         Parents, take note. Your       cross and His rising mean a life     In this issue:
children are a little bit of what       of responsive and responsible
they read from your life! Maybe         living.
they become a lot of what they                  Where is your story          Official acts…………………….. Pg. 2
read from your life! From the pint      going? Are you following or
-sized and the super-sized things       feeling your way? Think about
you do, they are absorbing “how         your words and movements             A personal thank you……… Pg. 2
to live” from your story.               before you act on them, before
         Consider where you go, or      you write them on the pages of
don’t go. If only mom takes the         your life history.                   Five bean salad recipe…….. Pg. 3
kids to worship and dad stays                   Study the difference
home, what kind of a message is         between virtues and vice and
that sending? If a person stays         pick one, then live it, and your     VBS registration……………… Pg. 4
out late partying, little readers see   book shall be written one way
that. As you handle                     or the other. Learn the
disagreements, they are reading         difference between following         May calendar………………….. Pg. 5
               your every action.       Christ and following self-will.
               Lead by example.         Learn the difference between
               The examples you         worldly desire and inner             Usher schedule……………….. Pg. 6
               display on the pages     contentment that comes in
               of your life impact      Christ.
               your children                    When your story is           Gym and jam.…………………. Pg. 6
               profoundly. The          complete and the last page of
P a g e   2                                                                         T h e   V o i c e

OSLC official acts                               Continued from pg. 1
Weddings:                                                St. Paul tells us     In the film, “The Last
                                                 in Philippians 4:9,           Samurai,” someone
                                                 “Those things, which          asks how a lead
Megan Charles and Eric Rentmeester
                                                 ye have both learned,         character died. The
United at Our Saviour on March 19, 2011          and received, and             witness replies, “I will
                                                 heard, and seen in me,        not tell you how he
Baptisms:                                        do…” Saint Paul               died, but how he lived.”
                                                 meant, as you read            And likewise, go and
Breckin Robert Wyss                              from life-story, write        live for Christ, and he
Born: January 18, 2011                           the same in your own          will bless every page of
                                                 life-story.                   your story.
Baptized: March 20, 2011
Son of Skip and Julie Wyss

Brady Allen Harris
Born: January 13, 2007
Baptized: March 27, 2011
Son of Luke and Jennifer Harris

                                          A message from Pastor Greg’s parents
 Servant Sunday to                        Dear Friends,                      yet, we feel His presence in
 recognize OSLC                                   We at the Hovland          Jeff's recovery. It will be a
                                          household are praising God         long road, but we are
 volunteers with potluck                  for our friends at Our             assured of God's promise
                                          Saviour Lutheran                   that all will be well for
         We are celebrating all the       Church! Thank you all for          those who trust in Him. We
 volunteers of Our Saviour. Do you        the many prayers                   still will pray for renewed
 usher, work the fish fries, help with    concerning Jeff's recent           health and patience during
 the grounds upkeep, provide office       heart surgery. How                 this experience. Our God is
 help or serve on a board? You are all    comforting it is to know           so great! What would we do
 volunteers and all very valuable to      that so many prayers were          without Him?
 the mission here at Our Saviour. As a    lifted up for our family                    Praise God from
 token of appreciation to all the         during this very trying            whom all blessings
 volunteers (servants) of the church,     time. Our wonderful                flow! Praise Him, all
 we will be holding a potluck will be     Heavenly Father heard              creatures here below!
 on Sunday, May 15, at 10:30 a.m. in      those prayers and answered         Praise Him above, all
 the gym. There will be no 10:45 a.m.     them with a successful             heavenly hosts! Praise
 service that day. Bring your best dish   bypass for Jeff and He             Father, Son and Holy
                                          added the blessing of peace        Ghost! Amen!
 to serve with a smile to celebrate the
                                          in our hearts.
 gifts and time OSLC servants have
                                                  We felt the warmth         Thank you!
 provided.                                of His presence throughout         With love in Jesus,
                                          the hospital stay and even         Jeff and Faye Hovland
V o l u m e   1 7 ,   I s s u e   2 9                                                                      P a g e   3

Vacation Bible school is just around the corner!
       Add this year’s                     Our Saviour volunteers. Camp         areas! If you work and
vacation Bible school to your              Luther will, again, lead our         cannot volunteer during our
calendar today and check out               children in second through           scheduled hours, you can help
the registration form on the               fifth grades. Prekindergarten        by providing some of the
next page. We invite you to                children must be at least            snacks and supplies for
join us Monday, June 27                    three years of age by                crafts or games. Watch the
through Thursday, June 30                  September 1, 2010 and must           weekly announcement sheets
from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00                 be potty-trained.                    for details.
p.m.                                              Currently VBS is in                 If you have any
       Prekindergarten,                    need of volunteers. Middle           questions, please call Donna
kindergarten and first grade               school and older students            Biebel at 468-5547.
students will use the                      (including college age) and
“PandaMania” theme led by                  adults are needed for many
  Salad ingredients:
   Kosher salt
   3/4 pound green beans, trimmed and halved
   3/4 pound yellow wax beans, trimmed and halved
   One 14-ounce can dark-red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
   One 14-ounce can black-eyed peas, drained and rinsed
   One 14-ounce can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
   1 bunch scallions, white and light-green parts, thinly sliced
   1 red (or orange or yellow) bell pepper, diced                         Five bean picnic salad
   2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, for garnish
   2 tablespoons chopped fresh marjoram or oregano leaves (optional)
   1 recipe of champagne vinaigrette (listed below)
          - 1 garlic clove, finely chopped
          - 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard                 Vinaigrette prep: Whisk together the garlic,
          - 1/4 cup champagne vinegar                   mustard, vinegar, lemon juice, honey, hot
          - 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice             sauce, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Slowly
          - 2 tablespoons honey                         whisk in the olive oil until the dressing is
          - 2 or 3 dashes hot sauce                     emulsified. Alternatively, you can combine all
          - 1/2 teaspoon salt                           the ingredients in a blender or a food
          - 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper processor and puré until smooth.
          - 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
   Freshly ground black pepper
   Hot sauce

  Salad prep:
          Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add a generous sprinkling of salt and the fresh beans, and
  cook until the beans are just tender, about 8 minutes. Drain the beans in a colander, and shock in ice
  water to stop the cooking process. Drain again and set aside.
          Place the fresh and canned beans, scallions, bell pepper, parsley, marjoram, and Champagne
  Vinaigrette in a large bowl, and toss to combine. Season the salad to taste with salt, pepper, and hot
Our Saviour Lutheran
     VBS Registration Form
Mon. June 27 – Thurs. June 30, 2011                                There is a registration fee of $10 per child or $20 per family.
        9:00am–12:00pm                                             Please return registration forms to the office by Sunday, May 29!
    (Current PK-grade 5) (One form per family, please)             (Three year olds must be 3 by Sept. 1, 2010 and be toilet trained.)
Parent / Adult Information:
Name(s):_________________________________________________          1.) Name: _______________________________________________
                                                                   Grade completed: ________ Birth date: ___________ Age: ________
                                                                   Any Food Allergies or other Medical problems: _________________
Home Phone:__________________      Alt. Phone:_________________
                                                                   2.) Name: _______________________________________________
E-mail address:____________________________________________        Grade completed: ________ Birth date: ___________ Age :_______
                                                                   Any Food Allergies or other Medical problems: _________________
Church Membership at:_____________________________________
      Volunteers are always appreciated!
 If interested in volunteering or if you have any questions,
      please contact Donna Biebel at 468-5547                      3.) Name: _______________________________________________
Emergency Information: Please list emergency information for the
child(ren) in the event that you are not available.                Grade completed: ________ Birth date: ___________ Age:________
                                                                   Any Food Allergies or other Medical problems:__________________
Emergency Contact Person:__________________________________        ________________________________________________________
Relationship to Child(ren):___________________________________     4.) Name: ________________________________________________
                                                                   Grade completed: _________ Birth date: ___________ Age:_______
Home Phone:_____________________ Alt. Phone:_______________
                                                                   Any Food Allergies or other Medical problems: __________________
Family Doctor:___________________ Phone:___________________
May 2011
            Sunday                    Monday                 Tuesday              Wednesday               Thursday               Friday               Saturday
1 Gideons                       2                      3
7:45a Trad worship              5:30p Youth board      7a Bible study
                                                                             4                       5                    6                      7
9:15a Praise worship (2nd/3rd                                                3p Youth night          9a Staff meeting                            11:30a Ladies
                                7p Sweet Monday        9a Bible study
grade gifts)                    7p Elders meeting      7p Choir              6p Confirmation (last   12:15p Brown bag                            luncheon
9:15a Bible study                                                            night for Level I)      worship
9:30a Sunday school                                                          6p Praise band          7p Trad worship                             7p Youth movie
10:30a SS teachers                                                           7p P&F meeting                                                      night: “Despicable
10:30a Bible study
10:45a Trad worship w/Adult
6:30p Open gym basketball
8   Communion                   9                      10                    11                      12                   13                     14
    Mite box Sunday             7p Church council      7a Bible study        3p Youth night          9a Staff meeting     5p Fish fry            2p Blatchford/Elmer
    Mother’s Day                                       9a Bible study        6p Confirmation         12:15p Brown bag     6p Blatchford/Elmer    wedding
7:45a Trad worship                                     6:30p Cub scouts      (Level II only)         worship              wedding rehearsal
9:15a Praise worship                                   7p Choir              6p Praise band          5p Fish fry prep
9:15a Bible study
                                                                             7:30p Evangelism        7p Worship service
9:30a Sunday school
10:30a Bible study
10:45a Trad worship w/Holy
Baptism                         No preschool           Preschool – Weidner
6:30p Open gym basketball                              Field Trip
15                              16                     17                    18                      19                   20                     21
7:45a Trad worship              7p Board of            7a Bible study        3p Youth night          9a Staff meeting     3p Kids rummage        8a Kids rummage
9:15a Praise worship            education              9a Bible study        6p Confirmation         12:15p Brown bag     sale set-up            Sale (until 12p)
9:15a Bible study                                      7p Choir              (Level II only)         worship
9:30a Sunday school                                                          6p Praise band          7p Worship service
10:30a Servant recognition
potluck                                                Last day of T/Th      Last day of M/W/F
6:30p Open gym basketball                              preschool             preschool
22 Cinnamon rolls               23                     24                    25                      26                   27                     28
7:45a Trad worship              6:30p Trinity school   7a Bible study        3p Youth night          9a Staff meeting     11:30a Trinity early
9:15a Praise worship            board                  9a Bible study        6p Confirmation         12:15p Brown bag     release/Last day of
9:15a Bible study               7p Fellowship          6:30p Cub scouts      (Level II only; last    worship              school
9:30a Last day of SS
10:30a Ice cream social, gym
                                7p Stewardship         7p Choir banquet      class)                  7p Worship service
10:30a Bible study                                                           6p Praise band                               Michelle on
10:45a Trad worship                                                                                                       vacation (NO Scrip
6:30p Open gym basketball                                                                                                 Sales)
29                              30                     31                    Youth Bible study will continue on Sunday evenings through the month of
7:45a Trad worship              MEMORIAL DAY           7a Bible study        May. Beginning in June they will be on the second and third Wednesdays
9:15a Praise worship            OSLC office closed     9a Bible study
                                                                             of the summer months. Watch the calendar and Facebook for more
10:45a Trad worship
6:30p Open basketball                                                        details!
V o l u m e   1 7 ,   I s s u e   2 9                                                                      P a g e   6

                          June 2011                       Usher Schedule
Day: Date:    Service:        Lead          Usher Team:

Thu.   02-Jun 7:00 pm         B. Clayton      Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun.   05-Jun 7:45 am         M. Morgan       Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun.   05-Jun 9:15 am         W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman
Sun.   05-Jun 10:45 am        M. Charles      Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Thu.   09-Jun 7:00 pm HC      C. Arthur       Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun.   12-Jun 7:45 am HC      A. Knaus        Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun.   12-Jun 9:15 am HC      D. Wians        Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun.   12-Jun 10:45 am        R. Bruhn        Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu.   16-Jun 7:00 pm         P. Kuehl        Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun.   19-Jun 7:45 am         J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun.   19-Jun 9:15 am         R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun.   19-Jun 10:45 am        G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu.   23-Jun 7:00 pm HC      B. Clayton      Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun.   26-Jun 7:45 am HC      M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun.   26-Jun 9:15 am HC      D. Bitters      Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun.   26-Jun 10:45 am        M. Charles      Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Thu.   30-Jun 7:00 pm         C. Arthur       Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick

 † UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher please contact the lead usher
 of the group you'd like to join. Or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or

   Attention all middle school students!
                                                                          Little John the Baptist
   Christ of the Bay has invited you to a                          "Therefore,           and ran back to the
                             gym and jam!                  whoever humbles               open window to see
 Where? N.E.W. Lutheran High School                        himself like this child is    Johnny baptizing the
 When? May 14th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. (or                    the greatest in the           cat in a tub of water.
 come at 5:00 to go through the calculus                   kingdom of heaven.                     She called out,
 cardboard maze)                                           And who ever                  "Johnny, stop that! The
 Cost? $5/person (add $1 if you are going                  welcomes a little child       cat is afraid of water!"
 through the maze)                                         like this in my name                   Johnny looked
 Who’s invited? Middle school youth                        welcomes me. "                up at her and said, "He
 only (grades 6—8)                                         Matt. 18:4-5                  should have thought
 5:00pm—Cardboard maze                                             Johnny's mother       about that before he
 5:30pm—Dodgeball game                                     looked out the window         joined my church."
 Pizza, snacks, fruit along with sodas,                    and noticed him                        Knowing
 water, punch afterwards.                                  "playing church" with         scripture can save your
 Followed by a devotional jam session.                     their cat.                    life - in more ways than
                                                                   He had the cat        one!
 Please register and fill out a release form               sitting quietly and he
 with your church youth leader if you plan on              was preaching to it. She
 attending. You can pay at the door. If you                smiled and went about
 are a musician and would like to play in the              her work. A while later
 band, please let your youth leader know.
                                                           she heard loud
                                                           meowing and hissing
V o l u m e     1 7 ,   I s s u e       2 9                                                                                 P a g e   7

                Our Saviour
              Lutheran Church                                                             Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch
                                                                                                          (920) 465-8118
                        Lutheran Church                                                      
                        Missouri Synod                                                   Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland
          120 S. Henry Street                                                                             (920) 544-3614
          Green Bay, WI 54302                                                                 
          (920) 468-4065
                                                                                        Church Office – Michelle Burhite

                                                                                                          (920) 468-4065
          Vol. 17 No. 29, May 2011 The Voice (permit No. 59) is published monthly
          by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this             
          publication may be reproduced without permission.

                                                                                    Preschool Director – Christina Scholz
          Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke.
          Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions                                     (920) 468-3596
          and comments at
          Thanks to those who have already commented!
          I am seeking more congregational input and submissions.
          Submissions can be sent to

          What do you want to read about?

                                OSLC Business Directory
         Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of printing and mailing
           The Voice each month. If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact Michelle at
                                  (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail:

                                                                             your ad
Our Saviour Lutheran Church                                          Non-Profit Organization
120 S. Henry St.
                                                                        U.S. Postage Paid
Green Bay, WI 54302
                                                                           Permit #59
(920) 468-4065
                                                                         Green Bay, WI


      May calendar highlights:
          May 7: Ladies luncheon
          May 8: Mother’s Day
          May 13: Last fish fry (until September)
          May 15: Servant Sunday; all member/volunteer potluck celebration
          May 21: Kid’s only rummage sale

      Looking ahead into June:
          June 5: Senior day at all services – recognition of graduating seniors
          June 27-30: Vacation Bible school from 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.

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  • 1. Volume 17, Issue 29 May 2011 Find us on the Web! The Voice Our Saviour Lutheran Church–Green Bay Wis. Others are reading your life story David H. Hatch Some folks read books as same is true if you are a husband your book is written, how shall fast as a kid goes through a bag of or a wife, a friend or a neighbor, it read? With the Holy Spirit’s M & Ms. Others chew on a few a co-worker, grandparent, aunt or lead, you decide. What do you books like a dog enjoying some uncle. Others are reading your want it to say? Now, go live favorite bones. book. What do they see? that way! Somewhere, Teddy And more important than . Roosevelt said, “I am a little bit of the conduct of life in your story every book I ever read.” is the question, “Who is the main We learn from books. character, yourself or the Your life is like a living book, Savior?” Christ is our Redeemer currently being written. And as as well as our life-model, our you write it, others are reading it, Master Storyteller! We need to Continued on pg. 2 especially your loved ones. be reminded that His love at the Parents, take note. Your cross and His rising mean a life In this issue: children are a little bit of what of responsive and responsible they read from your life! Maybe living. they become a lot of what they Where is your story Official acts…………………….. Pg. 2 read from your life! From the pint going? Are you following or -sized and the super-sized things feeling your way? Think about you do, they are absorbing “how your words and movements A personal thank you……… Pg. 2 to live” from your story. before you act on them, before Consider where you go, or you write them on the pages of don’t go. If only mom takes the your life history. Five bean salad recipe…….. Pg. 3 kids to worship and dad stays Study the difference home, what kind of a message is between virtues and vice and that sending? If a person stays pick one, then live it, and your VBS registration……………… Pg. 4 out late partying, little readers see book shall be written one way that. As you handle or the other. Learn the disagreements, they are reading difference between following May calendar………………….. Pg. 5 your every action. Christ and following self-will. Lead by example. Learn the difference between The examples you worldly desire and inner Usher schedule……………….. Pg. 6 display on the pages contentment that comes in of your life impact Christ. your children When your story is Gym and jam.…………………. Pg. 6 profoundly. The complete and the last page of
  • 2. P a g e 2 T h e V o i c e OSLC official acts Continued from pg. 1 Weddings: St. Paul tells us In the film, “The Last in Philippians 4:9, Samurai,” someone “Those things, which asks how a lead Megan Charles and Eric Rentmeester ye have both learned, character died. The United at Our Saviour on March 19, 2011 and received, and witness replies, “I will heard, and seen in me, not tell you how he Baptisms: do…” Saint Paul died, but how he lived.” meant, as you read And likewise, go and Breckin Robert Wyss from life-story, write live for Christ, and he Born: January 18, 2011 the same in your own will bless every page of life-story. your story. Baptized: March 20, 2011 Son of Skip and Julie Wyss Brady Allen Harris Born: January 13, 2007 Baptized: March 27, 2011 Son of Luke and Jennifer Harris A message from Pastor Greg’s parents Servant Sunday to Dear Friends, yet, we feel His presence in recognize OSLC We at the Hovland Jeff's recovery. It will be a household are praising God long road, but we are volunteers with potluck for our friends at Our assured of God's promise Saviour Lutheran that all will be well for We are celebrating all the Church! Thank you all for those who trust in Him. We volunteers of Our Saviour. Do you the many prayers still will pray for renewed usher, work the fish fries, help with concerning Jeff's recent health and patience during the grounds upkeep, provide office heart surgery. How this experience. Our God is help or serve on a board? You are all comforting it is to know so great! What would we do volunteers and all very valuable to that so many prayers were without Him? the mission here at Our Saviour. As a lifted up for our family Praise God from token of appreciation to all the during this very trying whom all blessings volunteers (servants) of the church, time. Our wonderful flow! Praise Him, all we will be holding a potluck will be Heavenly Father heard creatures here below! on Sunday, May 15, at 10:30 a.m. in those prayers and answered Praise Him above, all the gym. There will be no 10:45 a.m. them with a successful heavenly hosts! Praise service that day. Bring your best dish bypass for Jeff and He Father, Son and Holy added the blessing of peace Ghost! Amen! to serve with a smile to celebrate the in our hearts. gifts and time OSLC servants have We felt the warmth Thank you! provided. of His presence throughout With love in Jesus, the hospital stay and even Jeff and Faye Hovland
  • 3. V o l u m e 1 7 , I s s u e 2 9 P a g e 3 Vacation Bible school is just around the corner! Add this year’s Our Saviour volunteers. Camp areas! If you work and vacation Bible school to your Luther will, again, lead our cannot volunteer during our calendar today and check out children in second through scheduled hours, you can help the registration form on the fifth grades. Prekindergarten by providing some of the next page. We invite you to children must be at least snacks and supplies for join us Monday, June 27 three years of age by crafts or games. Watch the through Thursday, June 30 September 1, 2010 and must weekly announcement sheets from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 be potty-trained. for details. p.m. Currently VBS is in If you have any Prekindergarten, need of volunteers. Middle questions, please call Donna kindergarten and first grade school and older students Biebel at 468-5547. students will use the (including college age) and “PandaMania” theme led by adults are needed for many Salad ingredients:  Kosher salt  3/4 pound green beans, trimmed and halved  3/4 pound yellow wax beans, trimmed and halved  One 14-ounce can dark-red kidney beans, drained and rinsed  One 14-ounce can black-eyed peas, drained and rinsed  One 14-ounce can garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed  1 bunch scallions, white and light-green parts, thinly sliced  1 red (or orange or yellow) bell pepper, diced Five bean picnic salad  2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves, for garnish  2 tablespoons chopped fresh marjoram or oregano leaves (optional)  1 recipe of champagne vinaigrette (listed below) - 1 garlic clove, finely chopped - 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard Vinaigrette prep: Whisk together the garlic, - 1/4 cup champagne vinegar mustard, vinegar, lemon juice, honey, hot - 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice sauce, salt, and pepper in a large bowl. Slowly - 2 tablespoons honey whisk in the olive oil until the dressing is - 2 or 3 dashes hot sauce emulsified. Alternatively, you can combine all - 1/2 teaspoon salt the ingredients in a blender or a food - 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper processor and puré until smooth. - 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil  Freshly ground black pepper  Hot sauce Salad prep: Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add a generous sprinkling of salt and the fresh beans, and cook until the beans are just tender, about 8 minutes. Drain the beans in a colander, and shock in ice water to stop the cooking process. Drain again and set aside. Place the fresh and canned beans, scallions, bell pepper, parsley, marjoram, and Champagne Vinaigrette in a large bowl, and toss to combine. Season the salad to taste with salt, pepper, and hot sauce.
  • 4. Our Saviour Lutheran VBS Registration Form Mon. June 27 – Thurs. June 30, 2011 There is a registration fee of $10 per child or $20 per family. 9:00am–12:00pm Please return registration forms to the office by Sunday, May 29! (Current PK-grade 5) (One form per family, please) (Three year olds must be 3 by Sept. 1, 2010 and be toilet trained.) Parent / Adult Information: Name(s):_________________________________________________ 1.) Name: _______________________________________________ Grade completed: ________ Birth date: ___________ Age: ________ Address:_________________________________________________ Any Food Allergies or other Medical problems: _________________ ________________________________________________________ Home Phone:__________________ Alt. Phone:_________________ 2.) Name: _______________________________________________ E-mail address:____________________________________________ Grade completed: ________ Birth date: ___________ Age :_______ Any Food Allergies or other Medical problems: _________________ Church Membership at:_____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Volunteers are always appreciated! If interested in volunteering or if you have any questions, please contact Donna Biebel at 468-5547 3.) Name: _______________________________________________ Emergency Information: Please list emergency information for the child(ren) in the event that you are not available. Grade completed: ________ Birth date: ___________ Age:________ Any Food Allergies or other Medical problems:__________________ Emergency Contact Person:__________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Relationship to Child(ren):___________________________________ 4.) Name: ________________________________________________ Grade completed: _________ Birth date: ___________ Age:_______ Home Phone:_____________________ Alt. Phone:_______________ Any Food Allergies or other Medical problems: __________________ Family Doctor:___________________ Phone:___________________ _________________________________________________________
  • 5. May 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Gideons 2 3 7:45a Trad worship 5:30p Youth board 7a Bible study 4 5 6 7 9:15a Praise worship (2nd/3rd 3p Youth night 9a Staff meeting 11:30a Ladies 7p Sweet Monday 9a Bible study grade gifts) 7p Elders meeting 7p Choir 6p Confirmation (last 12:15p Brown bag luncheon 9:15a Bible study night for Level I) worship 9:30a Sunday school 6p Praise band 7p Trad worship 7p Youth movie 10:30a SS teachers 7p P&F meeting night: “Despicable 10:30a Bible study Me” 10:45a Trad worship w/Adult confirmation 6:30p Open gym basketball 8 Communion 9 10 11 12 13 14 Mite box Sunday 7p Church council 7a Bible study 3p Youth night 9a Staff meeting 5p Fish fry 2p Blatchford/Elmer Mother’s Day 9a Bible study 6p Confirmation 12:15p Brown bag 6p Blatchford/Elmer wedding 7:45a Trad worship 6:30p Cub scouts (Level II only) worship wedding rehearsal 9:15a Praise worship 7p Choir 6p Praise band 5p Fish fry prep 9:15a Bible study 7:30p Evangelism 7p Worship service 9:30a Sunday school 10:30a Bible study 10:45a Trad worship w/Holy Baptism No preschool Preschool – Weidner 6:30p Open gym basketball Field Trip 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7:45a Trad worship 7p Board of 7a Bible study 3p Youth night 9a Staff meeting 3p Kids rummage 8a Kids rummage 9:15a Praise worship education 9a Bible study 6p Confirmation 12:15p Brown bag sale set-up Sale (until 12p) 9:15a Bible study 7p Choir (Level II only) worship 9:30a Sunday school 6p Praise band 7p Worship service 10:30a Servant recognition potluck Last day of T/Th Last day of M/W/F 6:30p Open gym basketball preschool preschool 22 Cinnamon rolls 23 24 25 26 27 28 7:45a Trad worship 6:30p Trinity school 7a Bible study 3p Youth night 9a Staff meeting 11:30a Trinity early 9:15a Praise worship board 9a Bible study 6p Confirmation 12:15p Brown bag release/Last day of 9:15a Bible study 7p Fellowship 6:30p Cub scouts (Level II only; last worship school 9:30a Last day of SS 10:30a Ice cream social, gym 7p Stewardship 7p Choir banquet class) 7p Worship service 10:30a Bible study 6p Praise band Michelle on 10:45a Trad worship vacation (NO Scrip 6:30p Open gym basketball Sales) 29 30 31 Youth Bible study will continue on Sunday evenings through the month of 7:45a Trad worship MEMORIAL DAY 7a Bible study May. Beginning in June they will be on the second and third Wednesdays 9:15a Praise worship OSLC office closed 9a Bible study of the summer months. Watch the calendar and Facebook for more 10:45a Trad worship 6:30p Open basketball details!
  • 6. V o l u m e 1 7 , I s s u e 2 9 P a g e 6 June 2011 Usher Schedule Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Thu. 02-Jun 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 05-Jun 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 05-Jun 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman Sun. 05-Jun 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 09-Jun 7:00 pm HC C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 12-Jun 7:45 am HC A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 12-Jun 9:15 am HC D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 12-Jun 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 16-Jun 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 19-Jun 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 19-Jun 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 19-Jun 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 23-Jun 7:00 pm HC B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 26-Jun 7:45 am HC M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 26-Jun 9:15 am HC D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 26-Jun 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 30-Jun 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick † UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher please contact the lead usher of the group you'd like to join. Or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821 or e-mail Attention all middle school students! Little John the Baptist Christ of the Bay has invited you to a "Therefore, and ran back to the gym and jam! whoever humbles open window to see Where? N.E.W. Lutheran High School himself like this child is Johnny baptizing the When? May 14th from 5:30-9:00 p.m. (or the greatest in the cat in a tub of water. come at 5:00 to go through the calculus kingdom of heaven. She called out, cardboard maze) And who ever "Johnny, stop that! The Cost? $5/person (add $1 if you are going welcomes a little child cat is afraid of water!" through the maze) like this in my name Johnny looked Who’s invited? Middle school youth welcomes me. " up at her and said, "He only (grades 6—8) Matt. 18:4-5 should have thought 5:00pm—Cardboard maze Johnny's mother about that before he 5:30pm—Dodgeball game looked out the window joined my church." Pizza, snacks, fruit along with sodas, and noticed him Knowing water, punch afterwards. "playing church" with scripture can save your Followed by a devotional jam session. their cat. life - in more ways than He had the cat one! Please register and fill out a release form sitting quietly and he with your church youth leader if you plan on was preaching to it. She attending. You can pay at the door. If you smiled and went about are a musician and would like to play in the her work. A while later band, please let your youth leader know. she heard loud meowing and hissing
  • 7. V o l u m e 1 7 , I s s u e 2 9 P a g e 7 Our Saviour Lutheran Church Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch (920) 465-8118 Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland 120 S. Henry Street (920) 544-3614 Green Bay, WI 54302 (920) 468-4065 Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 Vol. 17 No. 29, May 2011 The Voice (permit No. 59) is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission. Preschool Director – Christina Scholz Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke. Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions (920) 468-3596 and comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! I am seeking more congregational input and submissions. Submissions can be sent to What do you want to read about? OSLC Business Directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month. If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail: Envision your ad here!
  • 8. Our Saviour Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization 120 S. Henry St. U.S. Postage Paid Green Bay, WI 54302 Permit #59 (920) 468-4065 Green Bay, WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED May calendar highlights: May 7: Ladies luncheon May 8: Mother’s Day May 13: Last fish fry (until September) May 15: Servant Sunday; all member/volunteer potluck celebration May 21: Kid’s only rummage sale Looking ahead into June: June 5: Senior day at all services – recognition of graduating seniors June 27-30: Vacation Bible school from 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m.