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                                             LUTHERAN CHURCH

                                             LUTHERAN CHURCH-               edition
                                                                                                           THE VOICE
                                              MISSOURI SYNOD
                                             GREEN BAY, WIS.        V O L U M E    8 ,   I S S U E   2 0                                     A U G U S T         2 0 1 0

                                                                 Keep looking forward
Find us on the Web!

                                                                                                           By David H. Hatch
                                                                          Someone once said,       rights of the railroad to move   into unchartered territory, this
                                                                “If you stare into the rearview    west across the mighty           same hero of our land, once
                                                                mirror, you will end up in the     Mississippi. Steamboat river     again looked forward, not
                                                                ditch.”                            men who made their liveli-       backward. He set up a firing
                                                                          What if we only did      hood in boat-trafficking         range on the White House lawn,
                                                                everything the way we had          goods and services across the    testing new weaponry. He also
                                                                always done them and never         Big Muddy fought hard            lifted a human observer of war in
                                                                sought improvements? We            against the railroad making      a military balloon 500 feet over
                                                                would still be in the stone        its way across that river. The   the White House lawn. It was on
                                                                age! What if we stayed at the      river men “accidentally”         this young leader’s watch that
                                                                places of our losses and our       crashed a boat into the first    the military began the shift from
                                                                emotional injuries? We             new trestle and then fought      the musket to the rifle, changing
                                                                would never move forward           in court that such a structure   the effect of war on every
                                                                with our lives.                    was a hazard to navigation.      battlefront for all of time.
                                                                          As an example, years    Caption describing pictureto
                                                                                                   That young lawyer went                     That young boy with
                                                                ago, a young boy’s mother         or graphic. railroad, seeing
                                                                                                   bat for the                      tears in his eyes at his mother’s
                                                                was not strong, fell sick and      the advantage of this new        grave grew to become the lawyer
                                                                died. She was buried on the        iron horse to connect the        and president in our examples
                                                                family farm. Her young             country. The lawyer won the      above. We know him well as
                                                                grieving boy used to go out        case. He was willing to          Abraham Lincoln. Abe is a fine
                                                                and sit by her lonely grave in     expand new horizons and          teacher in so many ways,
                                                                the forest and cry. It was the     leave the old behind.            including glancing back to where
                                                                first great sorrow that had                  That same lawyer,      we have come from, but having
                                                                ever touched the boy's heart.      when it came to saving the       the courage to move ahead and
                                                                When his dad was preparing         nation we love dearly, was       do things we never thought
                                                                the family to move to another      willing to embrace new ideas     possible. And he never forgot the
                                                                state, the father could not        to accomplish his goal. A few    love of his mother!
                                                                find his boy. The lad was          steps from his residence, he               That is the same with
                                                                found at the grave, weeping.       would spend countless hours,     our Lord. He would not have us
                                                                What if he had “stayed there”      sometimes resting on a cot,      stuck in the past, but glancing
                                                                in his thinking? Did he have       in order to “remotely con-       there with memories and
                                                                the courage to move forward        trol” (electronically) a war     courageously moving ahead with
                                                                with his life? Could he find a     effort, communicating with       our lives, giving us purpose and
                                                                purpose for his future?            his generals instantly and       meaning in our days ahead.
                                                                          For us, we can look      their every move. He knew        Merely glance in that rearview
                                                                backwards and stay where we        this had never been done         mirror, keeping your focus on
                                                                have come from, or we can          before. He was willing to let    the adventure ahead.
                                                                glance back now and then           the old messenger-man on a
                                                                                                                                    *Lincoln and the Rock Island Bridge Case -
                                                                while we continue focus on         horse fade from importance       Daily Press of Chicago, Sept. 24, 1857
                                                                the adventure ahead.               and embrace new methods to
                                                                                                                                    How the Telegraph Helped Lincoln Win the
                                                                          In another example,      accomplish that goal.            Civil War, by Tom Wheeler
                                                                there once was a young                       When state-of-the-
                                                                                                                                    Lincoln and the Tools of War, by Robert V.
                                                                lawyer who fought for the          art weaponry was morphing        Bruce
PAGE   2

                  Super sale coming August 21
                  From the OSLC office
                           This year‟s Super     items already received          church office immediately
                   Sale is on Saturday, Aug.     from the basement to the        to schedule large item pick
                   21 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00     gym and to set up tables.       up if needed.
                   p.m. This is a change from            Donations of                    If interested in be-
                   the previous years when it    almost anything are             ing on the pick-up squad
                   was held the first Saturday   accepted for this sale. It is   please let Michelle know
                   in October.                   asked that sets of              and she will get in touch
                           Beginning Aug. 2,     Encyclopedias or clothes        with the movers and shak-
                   donations, including large    are not donated.                ers. Michelle can be
                   items, can be dropped off     Children‟s items for this       reached at:
                   in the gym.                   sale will be accepted even      (920)468-4065 or by
                           Workers are           though a “kids only” sale       e-mail:
                   needed at 9:00 a.m. on        is held in spring.    
                   Monday, Aug. 2 to move                Please call the

       OSLC official acts
       Emily Anne Cooper and
       Adam Richard Meyer                                   CONFIRMATION MEMORY
       United at Our Saviour on July 10,
              2010                                             WORK REMINDER

                         Confirmation classes begin on September 15, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. In order for
                         any child to attend confirmation classes this year (levels I, II or III), he/she
                         must have a few fundamental items memorized.
                             The Ten Commandments
                             The Apostles‟ Creed
                             The Lord‟s Prayer
                             The order of books from the Old Testament
                             The order of books from the New Testament
                         Remember one simple coaching point, “Eat the elephant one bite at a time.”
                         That is, we suggest doing one item per week, or even one every two weeks.
                         And voila, they are finished!
                         Memory work assistance is being offered on several days in August. Please
                         check the church calendar in this issue of The Voice and come as you are able.
                         Memory help will be provided and your child‟s memory work can be checked
                         off when ready.

           THE   VOICE
PAGE   3

           Sincere thanks from the Board of Ed
           Donna Biebel
                   On behalf of the         families.                       windows with their great
           Board of Education, I                     Thirdly, to all the    artistic talent. From the
           would like to thank              adults and youth who            Pastors who told Bible
           everyone who helped in           volunteered time and            stories each day to
           any way to make VBS such         talents to put this             Michelle, in the office, who
           a success this summer.           together. What a great          covered many bases! I
                   First of all, to those   group of volunteers!            think it is clear that many
           of you who sent your                      Fourthly, to the       people stepped up to the
           child(ren) to participate.       congregation that supported     plate and made it easier for
           Obviously the children           VBS by donating food,           everyone!
           made it all happen!              money and other supplies                 Because of your
                   Secondly, to the         that we needed. From            help, we were able to share
           host families who took in        the person who made sure        our faith with 64 little
           the Camp Luther                  the fence was erected for       people. Hopefully,
           staff. Camp staff really         the game area, to the family    someday they‟ll do the
           enjoyed meeting these            who decorated the front         same!

           Bible study to keep youth pumped after NYG
           Avra J. Juhnke

                   The new youth            year’s attendees to do just
           board leaders, Whitney           that.
           Hunter and Avra Juhnke,                  NYG 2010                        The ladies also plan
           would like to invite             attendees can expect,           on hosting Bible studies
           National Youth Gathering         “fun fellowship and             throughout the school year
           2010 attendees to the            snacks,” said Hunter. The       for post-confirmation
           newest Bible study at Our        ladies will decide the          students.
           Saviour Lutheran Church.                                                 See you there!
                                            subject of each week’s
                   The study will take
                                            study the week prior so
           place Sundays at 7:00
                                            the youth are encouraged
           p.m. in the youth room.
                                            to bring ideas and
           It can be expected that
                                            suggestions. The first
           the sessions will last
                                            week will consist of a
           about an hour each week.
                                            casual get together to
                   Both Hunter and
                                            reminisce, tell stories and
           Juhnke have attended a
                                            brainstorm future study
           NYG before and just
                                            themes and ideas.
           wanted to keep the
                                                    Hunter also said
           energy and faith pumping         that students who did not
           through their veins when         go on the trip are still more
           they returned to Green           than welcome to join the
           Bay. This is a way for this      Bible study.
PAGE   4

                                                   ** HELP WANTED **
                        Want to serve the Lord but don't know how?
                        Want to help the church but haven't found a way to share your
                        Want to be part of something exciting, fulfilling and rewarding?
                        Want it to be fun, easy and part-time?
               If you said yes, then we have the place for you!

            Come join a very special group of people as a volunteer Sunday school
            We need Sunday school teachers in almost all grades (pre-kindergarten
            through sixth grade).

            What do we need from you? What can we offer? We are glad you asked!
            + A willingness to share your time with our youth.
            + Bible knowledge is not required
            + All lessons are pre-planned
            + All materials and planning are provided
            + We work in teams so you would not need to teach every Sunday

            This is so rewarding not only for the youth but also for those who teach. Our
            teachers can share with you their many stories of how they too have been

            To apply please contact:
            Julie Rusch, Sunday School Director
            (920) 406-9077

           FOUR JARS
           Submitted by Adeline Grieser
           A minister decided to use a visual demonstration as added emphasis to his Sunday
           sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars. First worm in a jar
           containing alcohol. Second worm in a jar containing smoke. Third worm in a jar
           containing chocolate. Fourth worm in a jar with good clean soil. After the sermon,
           the minister reported to the congregation that the worm in alcohol was dead. The
           worm in the smoke was dead. The worm in the chocolate was dead. The worm in
           the good soil? Alive. Pastor then asked the membership, "What did you learn from
           this demonstration?" Maxine stood up and said, "As long as you drink, smoke and
           eat chocolate, you won't have worms."
Sunday School Registration Form / 2010-2011 School Year

     Sunday School is open to children from age 4 up to, and including, 6th grade. Classes will begin on
  September 19, 2010. Please bring your child(ren) with you to the 9:15 a.m. worship service. They will be
 dismissed to their classrooms after the Children’s Message is given (around 9:30). Sunday School will run
 until 10:30 a.m. regardless of when the church service is finished. Please be patient when picking up your
           children and allow your child’s teacher time to finish each week’s lesson. Thank you.

Family Surname:

Mom‟s Name:                                                Dad‟s Name:

Address:                                                   Address (if different)

City/Zip:                                                  City/Zip:

Phone:                                                     Phone: (if different)

Cell Phone:                                                Cell Phone:

*Email:                                                    *Email:

Step Father: ________________________________              Step Mother: __________________________

Children primarily live with: (Circle One)      Mom               Dad               Both Parents
Our church membership is at (church name/denomination / city)

Person to be notified in case of emergency (other than mom and dad):

Name:                                                      Address:

Phone:                                                     Relationship:

Person(s) authorized to pick up child(ren) after class:

I, __________________________, will help support the Christian Learning of my child/children by:

      Helping with classroom activities
      Offering transportation for other students if possible
      Help set up/take down classroom tables/chairs if needed before or after class

Please contact me at (email/phone) ___________________________ to discuss how I can help as noted

*EMAIL is an essential way to communicate with you about Sunday school and send our Parent updates more
efficiently. Please provide at least one address and plan to check it at least once per week. Thank you.
Please complete the following information for each child you are registering in Sunday school. If child‟s last
name if different than surname above, please include below.

Name:                                                                        Age:             Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                               Baptism Date:

Grade child is entering in school this year:                 Email:
Name:                                                                        Age:             Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                               Baptism Date:

Grade child is entering in school this year:                 Email:
Name:                                                                        Age:             Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                               Baptism Date:

Grade child is entering in school this year:                 Email:
Name:                                                                        Age:             Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                               Baptism Date:

Grade child is entering in school this year:                 Email:
Name:                                                                        Age:             Male / Female

Date of Birth:                                               Baptism Date:

Grade child is entering in school this year:                 Email:
** Please list any special learning problems for each child: _______

** Please list any special health problems for each child: (Diabetic, Food Allergies, etc.)

** Other helpful information we should know:

We take a lot of pictures of the children throughout the year at various events. Please read and sign
“I give permission to use photos of my child/children listed above for the promotion of Christian
Education at OSLC.”
              Yes        No                 Signature:________________________________________
PAGE    7

Trinity Lutheran School monthly newsletter August 2010
       120 South Henry Street, Green Bay, WI 54302; (920) 655-4673
       Green Bay Lutheran School Association
"My Times are in Your Hands" (Ps 31:15)-As we begin the new school year it is comforting to
know that God is in control.

Aug 12 Registration Night 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.
Aug 16-24 Teacher In-service and home visits
Aug 22 Teacher dedication at Hope at 9:00 a.m.
Aug 23 Back to school night 6:00 p.m.
Aug 25 School begins opening worship 8:30 p.m.
Aug 29 Back to school picnic at Green Isle Park 12:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m.

Theme: Love One Another
First Graduating Class
In May, nine students graduated from Green Bay Trinity. This was GB Trinity's first
graduating class and the work of the Lord in their lives was evident in the service.
Our enrollment stands at 85 students. There is still room in Kindergarten, fourth, seventh,
and eighth grades.
Students in grades 4-8 will be competing in volleyball and soccer.
Entrance to GB Trinity-Thanks to the work of Mrs. King, Miss Spatz, Mr. Stieglitz, and the
graduating class of 2010, the entryway to GB Trinity announces that the Lord is present and
working in this place.
School e-mail
The new email address for the school is All of the teachers
have email addresses which are listed on the website.
Wish list items
Treasury of 100 Storybook Classics on DVD's for Kindergarten        $75
Listening Center for Grades 1 & 2                                  $300
Wall mount for television                                          $150 each
LCD Projector                                                      $900
LCD Projector Screen                                               $120
Projector Cart                                                     $200
“All God's People Sing” hymnals 40 needed (any number appreciated)$12 each

What does a Christian education mean? A true Christian education means that all goals,
rules and policies, staffing, student and adult relationships, structures of authority,
methodologies, sources of funding and resources, activities, materials, and content of all
subject areas must be consistent with a biblical worldview. In every aspect, the entire
education system must openly glorify and please God through our Lord Jesus Christ. A
thoroughly Christian education is expressed in an open, non-apologetic in writing, verbally
and in all actions on the part of every participant.
PAGE     8                                                       VOLUME       8,   ISSUE   20

  Church directory news
          Olan Mills photographers took pictures of many Our Saviour
  families between May 11 and July 29. OSLC is now working with them to
  prepare, edit and produce the 2010 pictorial directory. Rest assured,
  members that had photos taken will not miss getting a copy of the
  directory. Notices will be placed in the weekly bulletin, The Voice and
  possibly on our website or by e-mail to notify everyone when the directory
  is ready. If you have not yet provided a picture of your family, church group
  or church event, please contact Michelle in the office as soon as possible
  about getting them in the directory. Deadline is August 15.

     More news blurbs from the OSLC office
Time flies when you are having fun
         That old saying sure is true when we enjoy the summer weather and it seems that fall always comes
too fast. As this is published in early August, it‟s about what‟s coming in September! We are already
thinking ahead to the first fish fry of the season, fall rally, confirmation classes, adult confirmation
instruction and the first day of Sunday school and the first Packers home game of the season. Don‟t let
September hit you by surprise. A little planning will go a long way to a relaxed beginning of the new season.
Upcoming events not mentioned below have individual articles in this month‟s issue.
         You can find the full Fish Fry schedule for this year on the Welcome Center counter; the first one
will be on September 10. If you are interested in working during the fish fry this year, please contact Greg
Ammerman at 469-4282. Donations of Pepsi and Coke (regular, diet and caffeine-free) products are needed.
Coffee (regular and decaf) donations are also being accepted.
         Board chairs and Board members: Is the Fall Rally, September 12, on your calendar now? Start
working on your board‟s display board for your presentation table and discuss with your members what to
include, who will run the table, etc. This is your chance to shine and let everyone know what your board
does and to possibly recruit members. So put your best foot forward and be prepared.
         The Packer season begins at Lambeau Field on August 7, with Family Night followed by two
home preseason games on Saturday, Aug. 14 and Thursday, Aug. 26. Runners are needed for all Packer/
Lambeau Field events including these three nights and the eight home regular-season games beginning on
September 19 with the noon game versus the Buffalo Bills. If you are interested in working, a general
sign-up sheet is on the coffee bar. All workers must complete an online alcohol test; instructions for that are
also on the coffee bar. Workers must be at least 18 years old, show a picture ID to enter the stadium, and
wear black pants. A uniform shirt and hat are provided by Levy Restaurants. Our Saviour receives $50 for
each volunteer to work a game. That‟s $1,000 per game or $11,000 per season! Help us make this a
successful fund-raiser again this year! Go PACK!
         Adult instruction in the Christian faith will begin on Sunday, Sep. 19 with a Talk „n Tour. Classes
will be held at 9:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on selected Sunday mornings until November 21. There will be a
total of eight classes. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. Non-members can become
members by Adult Confirmation on December 19 if they desire. Church membership
after the class is not required. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the
church office at 468-4065.
VOLUME            8,      ISSUE    20                                                                                        PAGE      9

       September 2010 OSLC Usher Schedule
Day: Date:      Service:     Lead              Usher Team:
Thu.   02-Sep   7:00 pm      J. Boettcher      Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN
Sun.   05-Sep   7:45 am      M. Morgan         Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun.   05-Sep   9:15 am      D. Bitters        Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun.   05-Sep   10:45 am     G. Buechner       Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu.   09-Sep   7:00 pm HC   C. Arthur         Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun.   12-Sep   7:45 am HC   A. Knaus          Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun.   12-Sep   9:15 am HC   W. Chamberlain    Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman
Sun.   12-Sep   10:45 am     M. Charles        Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN
Thu.   16-Sep   7:00 pm      P. Kuehl          Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun.   19-Sep   7:45 am      J. Kielpikowski   Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun.   19-Sep   9:15 am      D. Wians          Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun.   19-Sep   10:45 am     R. Bruhn          Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu.   23-Sep   7:00 pm HC   J. Boettcher      Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN
Sun.   26-Sep   7:45 am HC   M. Dalebroux      Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun.   26-Sep   9:15 am HC   R. Vande Hei      Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun.   26-Sep   10:45 am     G. Buechner       Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu.   30-Sep   7:00 pm      C. Arthur         Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
† UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join, or, contact Rich
Spangenberg (920) 983-9821 or by e-mail at

 Our Saviour Lutheran Church has sponsored a team in the Christian
 Softball League organized by the Green Bay Parks and Recreation
 Department for many years. This year, we sponsored TWO teams with
 28 total players. We thank the following folks for putting their bodies
 on the line for our enjoyment on Sunday evenings this summer.

    OSLC 1                               OSLC 2
    Ryan Bailey                          Paul Kuehl
    Joe Ramel                            Sarah Blakeley                   Without the help of many
    Steve Wohlfeil                       John Chamberlain                    others, we would not
    Dennis Steinmann                     Alex Chamberlain                   know how we did, so
    Joshua Falk                          Tyler Chamberlain                  please thank everyone
                                                                            involved for assisting
    Nathan Scholz                        Jacob Guenther
                                                                          with the hard behind-the-
    Jason Natzke                         Mike Hinz                          scenes work this year.
    Mike Laylan                          Maggie Hinz                      Playoffs are in full swing.
    Nathan Wilber                        Steve Rusch                          Watch the Sunday
    Kristen Wilber                       Corey Merryfield                  bulletin for information
    Bryan Rudie                          David Bitters                     on when and where the
    Adam Steinmann                       Tyler Bitters                    games are will be played.
    Amber Curtis                         Alex Rusch
August 2010
          Sunday                    Monday                  Tuesday               Wednesday                      Thursday                   Friday        Saturday
1                            2                       3
7:45a Traditional Worship    9amSuper Sale Set Up    7a Bible Study
                                                                             4                         5                               6             7
                                                                             8:30a Summer Stretch      9:30-12p Confirmation                         7:30p Packers
9:15a Praise Worship         5:30p Youth Board       9a Bible Study
10:45a Traditional Worship   7p Sweet Monday         6p Praise Band          6p OSLC Fund Raiser       Memory Work Assistance,                       Family Night
                                                                             Planning Meeting          Classroom #1
12:15p OSLC Golf Outing
                                                                             7p P&F Meeting            12:15p Brown Bag Worship
TBA – OSLC 1 Playoff Game
                                                                                                       7p Traditional Worship
TBA – OSLC 2 Playoff Game
7p Sun@7 youth Bible study
8 Communion                  9                       10                      11                        12                              13            14
                             7p Council Meeting      7a Bible Study                                    12:15p Brown Bag Worship                      9a Pre-Baptism
7:45a Traditional Worship    7p LWML                 9a Bible Study                                    5p Trinity Registration Night                 Seminar
9:15a Praise Worship                                 9-11:30a Confirmation                             7p Traditional Worship                        7p Packers vs.
10:45a Traditional Worship                           Memory Work                                       7:45p Evangelism                              Browns
TBA – OSLC 1 Playoff Game                            Assistance, Parlor
TBA – OSLC 2 Playoff Game                            6p Praise Band
7p Sun@7 youth Bible study
15                           16                      17                      18                        19                              20            21
7:45a Traditional Worship    7p Board of Education   7a Bible Study                                    8:30a Staff Meeting                           8a Super Sale
9:15a Praise Worship                                 9a Bible Study                                    10:30a-12p Confirmation                       (until 4p)
10:45a Traditional Worship                           10:30a Confirmation                               Memory Work Assistance,                       9p Packers vs
7p Sun@7 youth Bible                                 Memory Work                                       Classroom #1                                  Seattle (away)
study                                                Assistance, Parlor                                12:15p Brown Bag Worship
                                                     6p Praise Band                                    7p Traditional Worship
22 Communion                 23                      24                      25                        26                              27            28
7:45a Traditional Worship    6p Trinity Back-to-     7a Bible Study          First day of school for   8:30a Staff Meeting
9:15a Praise Worship         School Night            9a Bible Study          Trinity students          12:15p Brown Bag Worship
10:45a Traditional Worship   7p Fellowship           6p Praise Band                                    7p Traditional Worship
7p Sun@7 youth Bible study   7p Stewardship                                                            7p Packers vs. Colts
                             7:30p Trinity School
29                           30                      31                      SUPER SALE SET UP begins on Monday, August 2. If you can help, please
7:45a Traditional Worship                            7a Bible Study          come at 9:00a.m.
9:15a Praise Worship                                 9a Bible Study
10:45a Traditional Worship                           6p Praise Band
12p Trinity Picnic (Green                                                    Runners are needed for all Packers games at Lambeau Field. Please call
Isle Park)                                                                   Neil at 866-9088 to sign up. Work just one game (more if you like) and make
7p Sun@7 youth Bible study                                                   this a successful fund-raising event for Our Saviour. Carpool is available from
                                                                             the church parking lot.
VOLUME       8,   ISSUE   20                                                                                               PAGE             11

                                                           OSLC Business Directory
                                        Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the
                                                            cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month.
                                                   If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact
                                                   Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail:

                                                                                 Do you like to grill?
                                                                                 The youth need people
                                                                                 to grill at Bay Beach on
                                                                                  Wednesday, Aug. 4 at
                                                                                  noon. Please contact
                                                                                     Avra Juhnke @

                                              Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch            Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke
Our Saviour                                   (920) 465-8118
                                                                                         Please feel free to contact me with
                                                                                     constructive suggestions and comments at
                                              Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland
Lutheran Church                               (920) 544-3614
                                                                                         Thanks to those who have already
                                                          I am seeking more congregational input and

Lutheran Church-                              Church Office – Michelle Burhite
                                              (920) 468-4065
                                                                                    Submissions can be sent to
                                                                                         What do you want to read
Missouri Synod                      
                                              Preschool Director – Christina                     about?
120 S. Henry Street • Green Bay, WI 54302     Scholz
                                                                                     Vol. 8, No. 20, August 2010 The Voice (permit No. 59)
(920) 468-4065                                (920) 468-3596                          is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church.
                                                                                    All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be
                                                                                                              reproduced without permission.
Our Saviour Lutheran Church                                                                       Non-Profit Organization
120 S. Henry St.                                                                                    U.S. Postage Paid
Green Bay, WI 54302                                                                                    Permit #59
(920) 468-4065                                                                                       Green Bay, WI


         Important financial update; adopt-a-bill in full swing
                   Total Unified           appreciated and will help        offerings to the church if
          Receipts for June ran short      the church reduce the deficit    away for the weekend so
          of our budget again by an        in the unified receipts (brass   that the church may
          additional $7,060, bringing      plate giving).                   continue supporting the
          our year to date shortage to              All church members      Lord‟s work at OSLC.
          $31,940. Concern over this       are highly encouraged to                 Like a sunbather
          summer slump and that the        stop by the board in the         sagging low in a summer
          trend could continue during      main entrance. Please            hammock, that is often how
          the rest of the year, the        consider taking care of a bill   giving goes during the
          church council brought back      by removing it from the          summer months. To keep
          the adopt-a-bill board in late   board, issuing a check           the mission alive and
          June.                            payable to OSLC and              healthy, in response to what
                   After the first three   placing both the check and       He has done, our family joy
          weeks of the active adopt-a-     the bill in an envelope and      is to keep giving from the
          bill board, the church have      dropping it in the offering      heart every season
          received $1,641.79 from          plate or mailing it to the       throughout the year. Let‟s
          members who have taken a         church office.                   take the sag out of the
          bill off the board and issued             Enjoy the rest of the   season and keep the
          a check to OSLC to pay that      summer, and please               Saviour's work alive.
          bill. The response is greatly    consider mailing your

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  • 1. OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH- edition THE VOICE MISSOURI SYNOD GREEN BAY, WIS. V O L U M E 8 , I S S U E 2 0 A U G U S T 2 0 1 0 Keep looking forward Find us on the Web! By David H. Hatch Someone once said, rights of the railroad to move into unchartered territory, this “If you stare into the rearview west across the mighty same hero of our land, once mirror, you will end up in the Mississippi. Steamboat river again looked forward, not ditch.” men who made their liveli- backward. He set up a firing What if we only did hood in boat-trafficking range on the White House lawn, everything the way we had goods and services across the testing new weaponry. He also always done them and never Big Muddy fought hard lifted a human observer of war in sought improvements? We against the railroad making a military balloon 500 feet over would still be in the stone its way across that river. The the White House lawn. It was on age! What if we stayed at the river men “accidentally” this young leader’s watch that places of our losses and our crashed a boat into the first the military began the shift from emotional injuries? We new trestle and then fought the musket to the rifle, changing would never move forward in court that such a structure the effect of war on every with our lives. was a hazard to navigation. battlefront for all of time. As an example, years Caption describing pictureto That young lawyer went That young boy with ago, a young boy’s mother or graphic. railroad, seeing bat for the tears in his eyes at his mother’s was not strong, fell sick and the advantage of this new grave grew to become the lawyer died. She was buried on the iron horse to connect the and president in our examples family farm. Her young country. The lawyer won the above. We know him well as grieving boy used to go out case. He was willing to Abraham Lincoln. Abe is a fine and sit by her lonely grave in expand new horizons and teacher in so many ways, the forest and cry. It was the leave the old behind. including glancing back to where first great sorrow that had That same lawyer, we have come from, but having ever touched the boy's heart. when it came to saving the the courage to move ahead and When his dad was preparing nation we love dearly, was do things we never thought the family to move to another willing to embrace new ideas possible. And he never forgot the state, the father could not to accomplish his goal. A few love of his mother! find his boy. The lad was steps from his residence, he That is the same with found at the grave, weeping. would spend countless hours, our Lord. He would not have us What if he had “stayed there” sometimes resting on a cot, stuck in the past, but glancing in his thinking? Did he have in order to “remotely con- there with memories and the courage to move forward trol” (electronically) a war courageously moving ahead with with his life? Could he find a effort, communicating with our lives, giving us purpose and purpose for his future? his generals instantly and meaning in our days ahead. For us, we can look their every move. He knew Merely glance in that rearview backwards and stay where we this had never been done mirror, keeping your focus on have come from, or we can before. He was willing to let the adventure ahead. glance back now and then the old messenger-man on a *Lincoln and the Rock Island Bridge Case - while we continue focus on horse fade from importance Daily Press of Chicago, Sept. 24, 1857 the adventure ahead. and embrace new methods to How the Telegraph Helped Lincoln Win the In another example, accomplish that goal. Civil War, by Tom Wheeler there once was a young When state-of-the- Lincoln and the Tools of War, by Robert V. lawyer who fought for the art weaponry was morphing Bruce
  • 2. PAGE 2 Super sale coming August 21 From the OSLC office This year‟s Super items already received church office immediately Sale is on Saturday, Aug. from the basement to the to schedule large item pick 21 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 gym and to set up tables. up if needed. p.m. This is a change from Donations of If interested in be- the previous years when it almost anything are ing on the pick-up squad was held the first Saturday accepted for this sale. It is please let Michelle know in October. asked that sets of and she will get in touch Beginning Aug. 2, Encyclopedias or clothes with the movers and shak- donations, including large are not donated. ers. Michelle can be items, can be dropped off Children‟s items for this reached at: in the gym. sale will be accepted even (920)468-4065 or by Workers are though a “kids only” sale e-mail: needed at 9:00 a.m. on is held in spring. Monday, Aug. 2 to move Please call the OSLC official acts Weddings: Emily Anne Cooper and Adam Richard Meyer CONFIRMATION MEMORY United at Our Saviour on July 10, 2010 WORK REMINDER Confirmation classes begin on September 15, 2010 at 6:00 p.m. In order for any child to attend confirmation classes this year (levels I, II or III), he/she must have a few fundamental items memorized. The Ten Commandments The Apostles‟ Creed The Lord‟s Prayer The order of books from the Old Testament The order of books from the New Testament Remember one simple coaching point, “Eat the elephant one bite at a time.” That is, we suggest doing one item per week, or even one every two weeks. And voila, they are finished! Memory work assistance is being offered on several days in August. Please check the church calendar in this issue of The Voice and come as you are able. Memory help will be provided and your child‟s memory work can be checked off when ready. THE VOICE
  • 3. PAGE 3 Sincere thanks from the Board of Ed Donna Biebel On behalf of the families. windows with their great Board of Education, I Thirdly, to all the artistic talent. From the would like to thank adults and youth who Pastors who told Bible everyone who helped in volunteered time and stories each day to any way to make VBS such talents to put this Michelle, in the office, who a success this summer. together. What a great covered many bases! I First of all, to those group of volunteers! think it is clear that many of you who sent your Fourthly, to the people stepped up to the child(ren) to participate. congregation that supported plate and made it easier for Obviously the children VBS by donating food, everyone! made it all happen! money and other supplies Because of your Secondly, to the that we needed. From help, we were able to share host families who took in the person who made sure our faith with 64 little the Camp Luther the fence was erected for people. Hopefully, staff. Camp staff really the game area, to the family someday they‟ll do the enjoyed meeting these who decorated the front same! Bible study to keep youth pumped after NYG Avra J. Juhnke The new youth year’s attendees to do just board leaders, Whitney that. Hunter and Avra Juhnke, NYG 2010 The ladies also plan would like to invite attendees can expect, on hosting Bible studies National Youth Gathering “fun fellowship and throughout the school year 2010 attendees to the snacks,” said Hunter. The for post-confirmation newest Bible study at Our ladies will decide the students. Saviour Lutheran Church. See you there! subject of each week’s The study will take study the week prior so place Sundays at 7:00 the youth are encouraged p.m. in the youth room. to bring ideas and It can be expected that suggestions. The first the sessions will last week will consist of a about an hour each week. casual get together to Both Hunter and reminisce, tell stories and Juhnke have attended a brainstorm future study NYG before and just themes and ideas. wanted to keep the Hunter also said energy and faith pumping that students who did not through their veins when go on the trip are still more they returned to Green than welcome to join the Bay. This is a way for this Bible study.
  • 4. PAGE 4 ** HELP WANTED ** Want to serve the Lord but don't know how? Want to help the church but haven't found a way to share your talents? Want to be part of something exciting, fulfilling and rewarding? Want it to be fun, easy and part-time? If you said yes, then we have the place for you! Come join a very special group of people as a volunteer Sunday school teacher. We need Sunday school teachers in almost all grades (pre-kindergarten through sixth grade). What do we need from you? What can we offer? We are glad you asked! + A willingness to share your time with our youth. + Bible knowledge is not required + All lessons are pre-planned + All materials and planning are provided + We work in teams so you would not need to teach every Sunday This is so rewarding not only for the youth but also for those who teach. Our teachers can share with you their many stories of how they too have been rewarded. To apply please contact: Julie Rusch, Sunday School Director (920) 406-9077 FOUR JARS Submitted by Adeline Grieser A minister decided to use a visual demonstration as added emphasis to his Sunday sermon. Four worms were placed into four separate jars. First worm in a jar containing alcohol. Second worm in a jar containing smoke. Third worm in a jar containing chocolate. Fourth worm in a jar with good clean soil. After the sermon, the minister reported to the congregation that the worm in alcohol was dead. The worm in the smoke was dead. The worm in the chocolate was dead. The worm in the good soil? Alive. Pastor then asked the membership, "What did you learn from this demonstration?" Maxine stood up and said, "As long as you drink, smoke and eat chocolate, you won't have worms."
  • 5. Sunday School Registration Form / 2010-2011 School Year Sunday School is open to children from age 4 up to, and including, 6th grade. Classes will begin on September 19, 2010. Please bring your child(ren) with you to the 9:15 a.m. worship service. They will be dismissed to their classrooms after the Children’s Message is given (around 9:30). Sunday School will run until 10:30 a.m. regardless of when the church service is finished. Please be patient when picking up your children and allow your child’s teacher time to finish each week’s lesson. Thank you. Family Surname: Mom‟s Name: Dad‟s Name: Address: Address (if different) City/Zip: City/Zip: Phone: Phone: (if different) Cell Phone: Cell Phone: *Email: *Email: Step Father: ________________________________ Step Mother: __________________________ Children primarily live with: (Circle One) Mom Dad Both Parents Our church membership is at (church name/denomination / city) ____________________________________ --------------------------------- Person to be notified in case of emergency (other than mom and dad): Name: Address: Phone: Relationship: Person(s) authorized to pick up child(ren) after class: -------------------------------- I, __________________________, will help support the Christian Learning of my child/children by: Helping with classroom activities Offering transportation for other students if possible Help set up/take down classroom tables/chairs if needed before or after class ______Other: Please contact me at (email/phone) ___________________________ to discuss how I can help as noted above. *EMAIL is an essential way to communicate with you about Sunday school and send our Parent updates more efficiently. Please provide at least one address and plan to check it at least once per week. Thank you.
  • 6. Please complete the following information for each child you are registering in Sunday school. If child‟s last name if different than surname above, please include below. Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade child is entering in school this year: Email: ----------------- Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade child is entering in school this year: Email: ----------------- Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade child is entering in school this year: Email: ------------------- Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade child is entering in school this year: Email: ----------------- Name: Age: Male / Female Date of Birth: Baptism Date: Grade child is entering in school this year: Email: ----------------- ** Please list any special learning problems for each child: _______ ** Please list any special health problems for each child: (Diabetic, Food Allergies, etc.) ** Other helpful information we should know: We take a lot of pictures of the children throughout the year at various events. Please read and sign below. “I give permission to use photos of my child/children listed above for the promotion of Christian Education at OSLC.” Yes No Signature:________________________________________
  • 7. PAGE 7 Trinity Lutheran School monthly newsletter August 2010 120 South Henry Street, Green Bay, WI 54302; (920) 655-4673 Green Bay Lutheran School Association "My Times are in Your Hands" (Ps 31:15)-As we begin the new school year it is comforting to know that God is in control. Calendar Aug 12 Registration Night 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Aug 16-24 Teacher In-service and home visits Aug 22 Teacher dedication at Hope at 9:00 a.m. Aug 23 Back to school night 6:00 p.m. Aug 25 School begins opening worship 8:30 p.m. Aug 29 Back to school picnic at Green Isle Park 12:00 p.m.—4:00 p.m. Theme: Love One Another First Graduating Class In May, nine students graduated from Green Bay Trinity. This was GB Trinity's first graduating class and the work of the Lord in their lives was evident in the service. Enrollment Our enrollment stands at 85 students. There is still room in Kindergarten, fourth, seventh, and eighth grades. Athletics Students in grades 4-8 will be competing in volleyball and soccer. Entrance to GB Trinity-Thanks to the work of Mrs. King, Miss Spatz, Mr. Stieglitz, and the graduating class of 2010, the entryway to GB Trinity announces that the Lord is present and working in this place. School e-mail The new email address for the school is All of the teachers have email addresses which are listed on the website. Wish list items Treasury of 100 Storybook Classics on DVD's for Kindergarten $75 Listening Center for Grades 1 & 2 $300 Wall mount for television $150 each LCD Projector $900 LCD Projector Screen $120 Projector Cart $200 “All God's People Sing” hymnals 40 needed (any number appreciated)$12 each What does a Christian education mean? A true Christian education means that all goals, rules and policies, staffing, student and adult relationships, structures of authority, methodologies, sources of funding and resources, activities, materials, and content of all subject areas must be consistent with a biblical worldview. In every aspect, the entire education system must openly glorify and please God through our Lord Jesus Christ. A thoroughly Christian education is expressed in an open, non-apologetic in writing, verbally and in all actions on the part of every participant.
  • 8. PAGE 8 VOLUME 8, ISSUE 20 Church directory news Olan Mills photographers took pictures of many Our Saviour families between May 11 and July 29. OSLC is now working with them to prepare, edit and produce the 2010 pictorial directory. Rest assured, members that had photos taken will not miss getting a copy of the directory. Notices will be placed in the weekly bulletin, The Voice and possibly on our website or by e-mail to notify everyone when the directory is ready. If you have not yet provided a picture of your family, church group or church event, please contact Michelle in the office as soon as possible about getting them in the directory. Deadline is August 15. More news blurbs from the OSLC office Time flies when you are having fun That old saying sure is true when we enjoy the summer weather and it seems that fall always comes too fast. As this is published in early August, it‟s about what‟s coming in September! We are already thinking ahead to the first fish fry of the season, fall rally, confirmation classes, adult confirmation instruction and the first day of Sunday school and the first Packers home game of the season. Don‟t let September hit you by surprise. A little planning will go a long way to a relaxed beginning of the new season. Upcoming events not mentioned below have individual articles in this month‟s issue. You can find the full Fish Fry schedule for this year on the Welcome Center counter; the first one will be on September 10. If you are interested in working during the fish fry this year, please contact Greg Ammerman at 469-4282. Donations of Pepsi and Coke (regular, diet and caffeine-free) products are needed. Coffee (regular and decaf) donations are also being accepted. Board chairs and Board members: Is the Fall Rally, September 12, on your calendar now? Start working on your board‟s display board for your presentation table and discuss with your members what to include, who will run the table, etc. This is your chance to shine and let everyone know what your board does and to possibly recruit members. So put your best foot forward and be prepared. The Packer season begins at Lambeau Field on August 7, with Family Night followed by two home preseason games on Saturday, Aug. 14 and Thursday, Aug. 26. Runners are needed for all Packer/ Lambeau Field events including these three nights and the eight home regular-season games beginning on September 19 with the noon game versus the Buffalo Bills. If you are interested in working, a general sign-up sheet is on the coffee bar. All workers must complete an online alcohol test; instructions for that are also on the coffee bar. Workers must be at least 18 years old, show a picture ID to enter the stadium, and wear black pants. A uniform shirt and hat are provided by Levy Restaurants. Our Saviour receives $50 for each volunteer to work a game. That‟s $1,000 per game or $11,000 per season! Help us make this a successful fund-raiser again this year! Go PACK! Adult instruction in the Christian faith will begin on Sunday, Sep. 19 with a Talk „n Tour. Classes will be held at 9:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. on selected Sunday mornings until November 21. There will be a total of eight classes. All members and non-members are welcome to attend. Non-members can become members by Adult Confirmation on December 19 if they desire. Church membership after the class is not required. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to the church office at 468-4065.
  • 9. VOLUME 8, ISSUE 20 PAGE 9 September 2010 OSLC Usher Schedule Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Thu. 02-Sep 7:00 pm J. Boettcher Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN Sun. 05-Sep 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 05-Sep 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 05-Sep 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 09-Sep 7:00 pm HC C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 12-Sep 7:45 am HC A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 12-Sep 9:15 am HC W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman Sun. 12-Sep 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN Thu. 16-Sep 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 19-Sep 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 19-Sep 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 19-Sep 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 23-Sep 7:00 pm HC J. Boettcher Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN Sun. 26-Sep 7:45 am HC M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 26-Sep 9:15 am HC R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 26-Sep 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 30-Sep 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick † UN -Usher Needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher; Please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join, or, contact Rich Spangenberg (920) 983-9821 or by e-mail at Our Saviour Lutheran Church has sponsored a team in the Christian Softball League organized by the Green Bay Parks and Recreation Department for many years. This year, we sponsored TWO teams with 28 total players. We thank the following folks for putting their bodies on the line for our enjoyment on Sunday evenings this summer. OSLC 1 OSLC 2 Ryan Bailey Paul Kuehl Joe Ramel Sarah Blakeley Without the help of many Steve Wohlfeil John Chamberlain others, we would not Dennis Steinmann Alex Chamberlain know how we did, so Joshua Falk Tyler Chamberlain please thank everyone involved for assisting Nathan Scholz Jacob Guenther with the hard behind-the- Jason Natzke Mike Hinz scenes work this year. Mike Laylan Maggie Hinz Playoffs are in full swing. Nathan Wilber Steve Rusch Watch the Sunday Kristen Wilber Corey Merryfield bulletin for information Bryan Rudie David Bitters on when and where the Adam Steinmann Tyler Bitters games are will be played. Amber Curtis Alex Rusch
  • 10. August 2010 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 7:45a Traditional Worship 9amSuper Sale Set Up 7a Bible Study 4 5 6 7 8:30a Summer Stretch 9:30-12p Confirmation 7:30p Packers 9:15a Praise Worship 5:30p Youth Board 9a Bible Study 10:45a Traditional Worship 7p Sweet Monday 6p Praise Band 6p OSLC Fund Raiser Memory Work Assistance, Family Night Planning Meeting Classroom #1 12:15p OSLC Golf Outing 7p P&F Meeting 12:15p Brown Bag Worship TBA – OSLC 1 Playoff Game 7p Traditional Worship TBA – OSLC 2 Playoff Game 7p Sun@7 youth Bible study 8 Communion 9 10 11 12 13 14 7p Council Meeting 7a Bible Study 12:15p Brown Bag Worship 9a Pre-Baptism 7:45a Traditional Worship 7p LWML 9a Bible Study 5p Trinity Registration Night Seminar 9:15a Praise Worship 9-11:30a Confirmation 7p Traditional Worship 7p Packers vs. 10:45a Traditional Worship Memory Work 7:45p Evangelism Browns TBA – OSLC 1 Playoff Game Assistance, Parlor TBA – OSLC 2 Playoff Game 6p Praise Band 7p Sun@7 youth Bible study 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 7:45a Traditional Worship 7p Board of Education 7a Bible Study 8:30a Staff Meeting 8a Super Sale 9:15a Praise Worship 9a Bible Study 10:30a-12p Confirmation (until 4p) 10:45a Traditional Worship 10:30a Confirmation Memory Work Assistance, 9p Packers vs 7p Sun@7 youth Bible Memory Work Classroom #1 Seattle (away) study Assistance, Parlor 12:15p Brown Bag Worship 6p Praise Band 7p Traditional Worship 22 Communion 23 24 25 26 27 28 7:45a Traditional Worship 6p Trinity Back-to- 7a Bible Study First day of school for 8:30a Staff Meeting 9:15a Praise Worship School Night 9a Bible Study Trinity students 12:15p Brown Bag Worship 10:45a Traditional Worship 7p Fellowship 6p Praise Band 7p Traditional Worship 7p Sun@7 youth Bible study 7p Stewardship 7p Packers vs. Colts 7:30p Trinity School Board 29 30 31 SUPER SALE SET UP begins on Monday, August 2. If you can help, please 7:45a Traditional Worship 7a Bible Study come at 9:00a.m. 9:15a Praise Worship 9a Bible Study 10:45a Traditional Worship 6p Praise Band 12p Trinity Picnic (Green Runners are needed for all Packers games at Lambeau Field. Please call Isle Park) Neil at 866-9088 to sign up. Work just one game (more if you like) and make 7p Sun@7 youth Bible study this a successful fund-raising event for Our Saviour. Carpool is available from the church parking lot.
  • 11. VOLUME 8, ISSUE 20 PAGE 11 OSLC Business Directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month. If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail: Do you like to grill? The youth need people to grill at Bay Beach on Wednesday, Aug. 4 at noon. Please contact Avra Juhnke @ 920-360-7544 or Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke Our Saviour (920) 465-8118 Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions and comments at Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland Lutheran Church (920) 544-3614 Thanks to those who have already commented! I am seeking more congregational input and Lutheran Church- Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 submissions. Submissions can be sent to What do you want to read Missouri Synod Preschool Director – Christina about? 120 S. Henry Street • Green Bay, WI 54302 Scholz Vol. 8, No. 20, August 2010 The Voice (permit No. 59) (920) 468-4065 (920) 468-3596 is published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission.
  • 12. Our Saviour Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization 120 S. Henry St. U.S. Postage Paid Green Bay, WI 54302 Permit #59 (920) 468-4065 Green Bay, WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Important financial update; adopt-a-bill in full swing Total Unified appreciated and will help offerings to the church if Receipts for June ran short the church reduce the deficit away for the weekend so of our budget again by an in the unified receipts (brass that the church may additional $7,060, bringing plate giving). continue supporting the our year to date shortage to All church members Lord‟s work at OSLC. $31,940. Concern over this are highly encouraged to Like a sunbather summer slump and that the stop by the board in the sagging low in a summer trend could continue during main entrance. Please hammock, that is often how the rest of the year, the consider taking care of a bill giving goes during the church council brought back by removing it from the summer months. To keep the adopt-a-bill board in late board, issuing a check the mission alive and June. payable to OSLC and healthy, in response to what After the first three placing both the check and He has done, our family joy weeks of the active adopt-a- the bill in an envelope and is to keep giving from the bill board, the church have dropping it in the offering heart every season received $1,641.79 from plate or mailing it to the throughout the year. Let‟s members who have taken a church office. take the sag out of the bill off the board and issued Enjoy the rest of the season and keep the a check to OSLC to pay that summer, and please Saviour's work alive. bill. The response is greatly consider mailing your