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                                                                                                       THE VOICE
                             LUTHERAN CHURCH

                      LUTHERAN CHURCH-
                                             MISSOURI SYNOD
                                      GREEN BAY, WIS.            V O L U M E   6 ,   I S S U E   1 8                                 J U N E   2 0 1 0

                                                              Taking care of all four
                                                                                                       David H. Hatch

                                                                       Emotions, soul,       dads, we are called to
                                                              mind and body.                 care for them “wholly,”
                                                                       There they are,       that is, every component.
                                                              the four components of a       Were we just to feed
                                                              human. Taking care of          them, would that be
                                                              one and ignoring the           enough? Were we to
                                                              others would be like           feed them and listen to
                                                              keeping air and good           their cries when they
                                                              tread on one tire of our       stub their toes, would       Savior? Envision a
                                                              vehicle and ignoring the       that be complete? Were       comfortable chair in
                                                              care of the other three.       we to add, caring for        your home; add to that a
                                                              Imagine running down           their minds by reading       quiet time during the
                                                                                             Caption describing picture
                                                              the road with three tires      with them and educating
                                                                                             or graphic.                  day. See yourself there,
                                                              we cared for and               them, would something        connecting daily to the
Find us on the Web!

                                                              ignoring the fourth one.       else still be missing?       Savior. Guaranteed, your
                                                              Yikes! Our whole being         How about their soul?        faith will grow, your
                                                              is a gift from God: emo-       Consider family prayers      life’s foundation will
                                                              tions, soul, mind and          at meal time, prayers at     firm-up and your
                                                              body. All four are in          their bedside, reading       compass heading will be
                                                              need of maintenance and        from the Bible or            clearer; your obstacles
                                                              constant care. Ignore one      Catechism during the         will be easier to
                                                              of them and all of them        evening. How about           navigate.
                                                              suffer.                        reciting the Lord’s                   Have you been
                                                              Yet, would you agree,          Prayer and the Apostle’s     ignoring the care and
                                                              often we                       Creed with them, and         feeding your soul? There
                                                              neglect one or more of         having them know the         is no better time than this
                                                              these four vital               Ten Commandments?            very second to turn that
                                                              components? Which                       And this goes for   around, would you
                                                              ones do you give               us as well. Do we            agree?
                                                              attention to? Which ones       compartmentalize the
                                                              get less or no attention?      care of our soul just on
                                                                       How about with        Sundays? How about, for
                                                              the people in our lives,       our own soul’s sake, we
                                                              especially our loved ones      set a daily time for
                                                              and primarily our              refreshing our
                                                              children? As moms and          relationship with our
PAGE   2

                    A Scrip everyone may want to read
                            What is Scrip?      proceeds go to Our           choice and versatility,
                   Wouldn’t it be cool if a     Saviour’s ministries.        Scrip is also a great gift
                   bunch of stores would        If you have a student at     idea for anyone and any
                   give a percentage of their   Trinity, NEW Lutheran        occasion. What do I have
                   profits to OSLC? They        High, Our Saviour’s          to do? Just go to the
                   do! That is what Scrip is!   preschool or in our youth    Welcome Center and buy
                            Scrip looks like    program, every time you      the Scrip cards for many
                   gift cards, and are the      purchase Scrip, 50 percent   of the local businesses you
                   same as cash, but the        of the profit will go into   shop. It is a win-win
                   church benefits. The store   your child’s account.*       arrangement for everyone.
                   you shop at gives Our        This puts your regular       How much can Our
                   Saviour a percentage of      shopping dollars to work     Saviour earn? The sky is
                   what you spend when you      for                          the limit. We invite you to
                   purchase the card. All you   ministry. Scrip can be       join us in the good habit of
                   do is buy the cards at the   used to purchase anything    purchasing Scrip at the
                   Welcome Center for the       from groceries and fuel to   Welcome Center as we all
                   store(s) where you plan to   clothing,                    support the mission!
                   shop, just as if you were    toys, entertainment and
                   buying a gift card. The      more. Offering freedom of    *You must enroll for this program. Details
                                                                             at the Welcome Center.

        Learn more
about the Lutheran
                          OSLC official acts
Women's Missionary        Baptisms:
                                                                   Trenton James Ramel
League or Lutheran
                          Mara Corin Ebbers                        Born: March 27, 2010
Women in Mission by                                                Baptized: May 9, 2010
                          Born: December 28, 2009
reading their blog at                                              Son of Joseph and Melissa Ramel
                          Baptized: April 18, 2010
                          Daughter of Richard and Leah
Meeting minutes and       Ebbers                                   Received his/her Crown:
any other news from
                          Conner Lawrence Jeffords                 Pamela J. Koeller
the group is posted on
                          Born: January 6, 2010                    August 28, 1951 - April 16, 2010
this blog. Ladies are
                          Baptized: May 2, 2010                    Funeral service held in Clintonville,
encouraged to leave                                                WI on April 19, 2010
                          Son of Ryan and Jennifer Jeffords
messages and guys can
do it too!                Kaitlyn Lydia Dillenburg                 Robert ‘Bob’ Clark
                          Born: January 11, 2010                   February 10, 1920 - May 9, 2010
                          Baptized: May 9, 2010                    Funeral service held at Our Saviour
                          Daughter of Shane Dillenburg and         Lutheran Church on May 14, 2010
                          Heather Groth

            THE   VOICE
PAGE    3

                       Messages from the Stewardship Board:
                   Adopt a student through weekly tithing
                          Our Saviour          church, is $40,600, or       would like to be
                   Lutheran Church             about $1,400 per student     designated for Trinity
                   supports Christian          per year, or $117 per        students and the money
                   education for our           student per month.           will be applied to our
                   children. As such, we       Members of the Our           obligation to the school.
                   provide financial support   Saviour congregation are     God has blessed us with a
                   for Trinity Lutheran        invited to "adopt a          great opportunity to
                   School, which uses our      student" by designating      provide Christian
                   building, and for N.E.W.    additional contributions     education to our young
                   Lutheran High School.       toward students at           people and we joyfully
                   Our annual obligation to    Trinity. Write on your       return some of our
                   Trinity, which is a         giving envelope the          blessings for that
                   mission project of the      amount of money you          purpose.

                   Help avoid the summer slump
                           Summer vacations    and not let their summer     all of our excellent staff
                   are upon us and that's a    giving fall behind. June     members and this
                   good thing. We all need     and July are always our      building in which to
                   our batteries recharged.    lowest giving months. It     worship, and we thank
                   But while we are fishing,   is much easier for our       God every day for our
                   sightseeing and camping,    treasurer, Gay Pivonka, to   blessings. So, please, if
                   the work of our             pay the bills when there     you are going to be gone,
                   congregation goes on and    is a consistent flow of      be consistent in your
                   our fixed costs remain,     income and not a roller      giving so that the mission

Take               well, fixed. We ask that
                   everyone would
                                               coaster-like ebb and flow
                                               of cash. We are very
                                                                            of the church can

note!              prayerfully remember
                   Our Saviour congregation
                                               fortunate to have pastors
                                               such as Dave and Greg,

Changes at the North Wisconsin Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod District Office were placed into
effect May 28, 2010. The toll-free number (1-800-322-2421) is no longer in service. Please use the local
number, 1-715-845-8241. As of July 30, 2010, the P.O. Box 8064 will no longer be in service, either. Mail
may begin to be addressed immediately to: North Wisconsin District Office, 3103 Seymour Lane,
PAGE      4
                                                 June 2010
                                                                                           From Pastor Greg
                              Help your teenagers stay connected to God
                                A close relationship with God is both the core of our Christian life and our highest end as human
                                beings. As we learn about God and develop intimacy with him, our faith morphs from a “practice”
                                to a lifestyle. Worship and Bible study not only help us experience God, they strengthen us for
                                life’s daily challenges.
                                When Group Magazine recently surveyed 20,000 Christian teenagers about their priorities,
                                “praying and developing a relationship with God.” was at the top. But many youth ministers were
                                surprised by those survey results. “Kids’ actions
                                communicate something different,” noted one youth minister. “They’re so busy…that it seems the
                                first things to get dropped are the items listed as priorities.”
                                Another wrote, “My teens struggle with prayer, and many tell me a relationship with God is hard,
                                confusing, and at times, not relevant.”
                                Taking time to “Be still, and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10) is challenging in our always-on-
the-go culture. Kids are surrounded by noise—and have a lot of noise in their hearts. Distractions, worries, fears, and hurts often
make a relationship with God more difficult, but they also make it more important.
Kids look to their parents as examples of how to stay connected to God. If you’ve kept this relationship
private, let your teenagers in on ways you stay in touch with God. Also share ways it has sustained you through life’s ups and
downs, and assure your kids that the same will be true for them too.

Dare 2 Share Ministries president, Greg Stier
discusses staying connected through prayer:
Prayer is emptied of its power when it’s for public show
or word-count dependent. How fancy our prayers                   Search Institute researchers surveyed more than 7,000
sound doesn’t matter to God; it’s whether or not we              kids in eight countries (including America) to gauge how
actually believe he will answer our prayers. In James 1:6,       teenagers around the world view their relationship with
God tells us how a Christian should approach God in              God. Some responses:
prayer: “But when he asks, he must believe and not               55 percent of teens surveyed say their “spirituality” has grown
                                                                 stronger over the last few years, and 43 percent of U.S. kids
doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea,
                                                                 say they’re both spiritual and
blown and tossed by the wind.” (NIV)
We must teach our teenagers to pray in faith. How? By
                                                                 What nourishes teenagers’
showing them how to pray! Every time you pray with
                                                                 spiritual lives?
your kids, you have an opportunity to exemplify
authentic, faith-filled conversations with God. Remind
                                                                 Listening to or playing music—
teenagers of the awesome encouragement prayer                    82%
brings. When you feel the odds are stacked against you,          The influence of parents—76%
just imagine the scene in heaven as the Holy Spirit and          Spending time helping others—76%
Jesus himself are praying for you in that very moment.           Being alone in a quiet place—74%
Prayer is an unbelievable honor. The way is open                 The influence of friends—71%
through the sacrifice of Christ for us to have direct            What activities feed kids’ spiritual growth?
access to the supreme power in the universe. Take time           Reading books—47%
to pray. Make time to pray. Run to Jesus! Kneel by his           Praying—44%
side and the Spirit’s side at heaven’s prayer bench, and         Helping others—44%
watch what happens.                                              Attending religious worship or prayer services—40%
Great Questions                                                                                                     PAGE      5

       to Ask Your Kids
Use these discussion starters
to connect with your teenag-
ers about connecting with              PRAY THAT:
God:                                   1. Your teenagers will keep their relationship with God as a top
1. How close do you usually feel to    2. Your teenagers develop a strong prayer life and dig into
God, and why? How do you view             God’s Word to grow closer to him.
him: as a friend? a Savior? A          3. The relationship your kids develop with God will help them
judge? Other?                             persevere during difficulties and will encourage them to
                                          reach out to others.
2. What does it mean to “be still”     4. Your own connection with God stays strong and that you set
before God? What makes that               a positive example for your teenagers in this area.
                                       Verse of the Month
3. What happens in your life when       “The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. He

you don’t keep in touch with God?            the desires of those who fear him; he hears their

What times and places are best for      cries for help and rescues them. The Lord protects all
you to pray and why?                    those who love him.” (Psalm 145:18-20)
4. How does reading the Bible           We aren’t the only participants in maintaining a relationship
make you feel about God? About          with God. Thankfully, he’s in charge of that, too. God gives us a
yourself? What are your favorite        desire to know him. He reaches out by answering our prayers,
verses?                                 meeting our needs, and providing fellow Christians to build up
5. How can we encourage others          our faith. Jesus, who has endured human struggles, intercedes
as we walk with God?                    to God on our behalf. And the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts,
                                        guiding us to truth and true life.

Going Deeper On, Andy Blanks, Student Life’s resource
development director, writes about lessons he learned by setting aside time for teenagers
to connect with God
                                         When I led my youth group in a “spiritual disciplines” retreat
                                         awhile back, I was overwhelmed at the number of teenagers
                                         who, when given an opportunity, chose to spend meaningful
                                         time cultivating their relationship with Christ.
                                         Most teenagers took the time seriously, practicing a mix of
                                         some guided Scripture meditation and some in-depth study
                                         based on a study guide I had created for them. All in all, it was
                                         a great event, a time of spiritual recharging for kids and adults
                                         alike. Throughout the weekend, kids came up to me saying
                                         how much fun they had praying and listening.
 The main thing I learned is that the Holy Spirit is capable of moving in the lives of all Christians, even
 the most non-committed, spiritually distracted teenager. The key is that the Holy Spirit must be given
 room to move! That was the point of our weekend, to provide intentional room for an encounter. We
 made the time, and the Holy Spirit came through. I watched life-change happen before my eyes.
 I also learned that even though I talk the good talk about guiding teenagers deeper into their
 relationship with God, I had some significant-if-secret hesitations about how a weekend centered on
 “disciplines” would go over. Well, the kids proved me wrong at every turn. And this is one time I was
 glad to be proven wrong.
PAGE     6          This page is designed to inform and educate parents and isn’t meant to endorse any music or movie.
                          Our prayer is that you will make informed decisions on what your kids listen to and watch.


Mainstream Artist                                                        Christian Artist
Background: The 23-year-old dance-pop singer
                                                                         Background: This pop-punk band got its start
has made a huge splash on the music scene in a
                                                                         playing in youth group and went on to play youth
very short time. In 2009, she sang on Flo Rida’s
                                                                         camps, where they got their name. “Me and
hit “Right Round.” Her lone album came out in
                                                                         Jesus” was a No. 1 song on Christian charts and
January 2010 and debuted at No. 1 on the
                                                                         won a Dove Award. The band tours frequently,
Billboard charts. She’s already played on Saturday
                                                                         opening for bands such as Kutless and Newsboys.
Night Live.
                                                                         Albums: Everything Is Different Now (2010),
Album: Animal (2010)
                                                                         Expect the Impossible (2008), All Gas. No
What Parents should know: Kesha has said
                                                                         Brake. (2005)
she’s all about having fun—that if it feels good,
                                                                         What Parents should know: Stellar Kart is one
you should do it. Lyrics from her hit “Tik Tok”
                                                                         of many pop-punk bands in Christian music. Their
refer to drinking and partying. She sees herself as
                                                                         positive message is a wonderful antidote to the
working to empower women, but that’s probably
                                                                         disillusionment of many secular bands in that
not the type of power parents want for their girls.
What Kesha says: “I wrote every song on this
                                                                         What Stellar Kart says: “The album certainly
album so it’s a really accurate description of my
                                                                         has a positive outlook on life and [is] full of hope.
life over the last four years. I’ll write about a guy,
                                                                         It's a realization that we can’t make it though this
I’ll write about a girl, I’ll write about a bar, I’ll
                                                                         life on our own…but we can do it with God’s help
write about an old guy hitting on me…”
                                                                         by allowing him to step in and take control.”
Discussion questions: Does Kesha’s life appeal
                                                                         Discussion questions: Do you feel you have
to you? Why or why not? What are the dangers
                                                                         control of your life? Why or why not? How do
in living for only fun things? How would living
                                                                         you deal with feeling out of control? Read aloud
that way make you happier, or not? Explain.
                                                                         Deuteronomy 4:39. What does trying to control
Read aloud Matthew 5:1-10. How does Jesus’
                                                                         our lives say about our faith? How much
idea of happiness compare with the world’s idea?
                                                                         responsibility do we have for our own lives? How
Is happiness a choice? What can you do to be
                                                                         much control of your life are you willing to hand
                                                                         over to God, and why?

Movie: The A-Team (releases June 11); Genre: Action-adventure; Rating: Not yet rated
Synopsis: In this remake of the 1980s hit TV show, a group of former soldiers are arrested for
a crime they didn’t commit. They escape from prison and become soldiers of fortune, fighting
on the side of justice.
Discussion questions: Have you ever been blamed for something you didn’t do? How did you
react to that? Have you ever wrongly accused someone else? How did it make you feel when
you discoveredTtheEtruth? IRead aloud Genesis 39:6-23. How did Joseph react to being falsely
                 H      VO CE
imprisoned? What were the consequences of his actions? When and how should we fight against
false accusations?
VOLUME      6,   ISSUE    18                                                                 PAGE     7

    New charitable giving program from Thrivent Financial
        From Thrivent Financial representatives

Thrivent Choice is a new member-directed giving program that gives members a voice in helping
choose where Thrivent Financial for Lutherans distributes a portion of its charitable grant funds.
Thrivent Financial members can participate in Thrivent Choice in one or two ways based on their
involvement with Thrivent Financial:
   Thrivent Choice Voting Events: All benefit and associate members (age 16 or older) can
      “vote” to distribute charitable funds among a short list of national charities (Lutheran and
      non-Lutheran), one to two times per year.
   Choice Dollars: About 30 percent of benefit members will be able to help direct Choice
     Dollars to thousands of Lutheran nonprofit organizations, including Our Saviour Lutheran
      Eligibility to help direct Choice Dollars is based on a benefit member’s involvement in
      Thrivent Financial—via their level of fraternal benefit society product ownership (life
      insurance, health insurance and annuities) or Thrivent Financial volunteer leadership. 80
      percent of those eligible for Choice Dollars will be able to direct between $25 and $100, while
      some may be able to direct as much as $500.
      Note: Directing Choice Dollars will be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Thrivent
 To get more members involved in determining how Thrivent Financial distributes its
charitable dollars.
 To support nonprofit organizations that are important to members.
 To highlight Thrivent Financial’s uniqueness as a fraternal benefit society by seeking member
input to distribute charitable grant funds.
To provide members with a unique benefit of membership.
 April 19 to May 21: First Voting Event for all benefit and associate members
 Summer: Choice Dollars launch to eligible members via a direct mail campaign over six weeks.
The letters will include eligible members’ approximate designated Choice Dollars for 2010.*
(continued on page 10)
December: Potential second Voting Event for all benefit and associate members
 April 19 to May 21: Members may vote for their favorite national organization online
( or via business reply card in the spring issue of “Thrivent” magazine
Summer: Eligible benefit members may help direct Choice Dollars online or by calling our service

Learn more
 Contact the Fraternal Service Center at 800-236-3736 or
June 2010
          Sunday                    Monday                    Tuesday                  Wednesday                 Thursday                Friday        Saturday
                                                       1                          2                        3                        4
                                                       7a Bible Study             6p Praise Band           8:30a Staff Meeting
                                                       9a Bible Study             6p Thrivent Charitable   12:15p Brown Bag
                                                       3p Olan Mills Portraits,   Gift Seminar             Worship, Parlor
                                                       Atrium                                              7p Traditional Worship
6 Camp Luther Sunday         7                         8                          9                        10 Communion             11            12
7:45a Traditional Worship    5:30p Youth Board         7a Bible Study             6p Praise Band           12:15p Brown Bag
9:15a Praise Worship         7p Elders Meeting         9a Bible Study                                      Worship, Parlor
10:45a Traditional Worship   7p Sweet Monday                                                               7p Traditional Worship
5:30p OSLC 1, John Muir,                                                                                   7:45p Evangelism
5:30p OSLC 2, Murphy 2
13 Communion                 14                        15                         16                       17                       18            19
7:45a Traditional Worship    7p Council Meeting        7a Bible Study             6p Praise Band           8:30a Staff Meeting
9:15a Praise Worship                                   9a Bible Study                                      12:15p Brown Bag
10:45a Traditional Worship                                                                                 Worship, Parlor
w/Adult Confirmation                                                                                       7p Traditional Worship
20 FATHER’S DAY              21                        22                         23                       24 Communion             25            26
7:45a Traditional Worship    7p Board of               7a Bible Study             6p Praise Band           12:15p Brown Bag
9:15a Praise Worship         Education                 9a Bible Study                                      Worship, Parlor
10:45a Traditional Worship                                                                                 7p Traditional Worship
27 Communion                 28                        29                         30                       JULY 1
7:45a Traditional Worship    9a Vacation Bible         7a Bible Study             9a Vacation Bible        8:30a Staff Meeting
9:15a Praise Worship         School                    9a Bible Study             School                   9a Vacation Bible
10:45a Traditional Worship   3p Olan Mills Portraits   9a Vacation Bible          6p Praise Band           School
                             7p Fellowship             School                                              12:15p Brown Bag
                             7p Stewardship            3p Olan Mills Portraits                             Worship, Parlor
                             7:30p Trinity School                                                          7p Traditional Worship
VOLUME            6,     ISSUE    18                                                                              PAGE        9

    July 2010                                 OSLC Usher Schedule
Day: Date:      Service:     Lead          Usher Team:

Thu.   01-Jul   7:00 pm      J. Boettcher    Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN
Sun.   04-Jul   7:45 am      M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun.   04-Jul   9:15 am      R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun.   04-Jul   10:45 am     G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu.   08-Jul   7:00 pm HC   C. Arthur       Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun.   11-Jul   7:45 am HC   M. Morgan       Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun.   11-Jul   9:15 am HC   D. Bitters      Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun.   11-Jul   10:45 am     M. Charles      Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN
Thu.   15-Jul   7:00 pm      P. Kuehl        Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun.   18-Jul   7:45 am      A. Knaus        Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun.   18-Jul   9:15 am      W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman
Sun.   18-Jul   10:45 am     R. Bruhn        Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu.   22-Jul   7:00 pm HC   J. Boettcher    Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN
Sun.   25-Jul   7:45 am HC   J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun.   25-Jul   9:15 am HC   D. Wians        Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun.   25-Jul   10:45 am     G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu.   29-Jul   7:00 pm      C. Arthur       Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
†UN-Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join,
or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821or e-mail

  Without a prayer submitted by Adeline Grieser
          After being interviewed by the school administration for a job as a seventh grade
  teacher, Paul nodded thoughtfully and said, “Let me see if I’ve got this right. I’m to fill
  every moment of their school life with a love for learning, a sense of pride in their
  ethnicity and modify any disruptive behavior. I look for signs of abuse and censor their
  dress habits. I’m to wage a war on drugs, check backpacks for weapons and raise their
  self-esteem. You want me to teach them patriotism, good citizenship, sportsmanship and
  fair play. I’m to check their heads for lice, maintain a safe environment, offer advice,                         More of
  write letters of recommendation for scholarships and encourage respect for the cultural
  diversity of others.
                                                                                                                 wit can be
          “My contract requires me to work on my own time after school, evenings and                              found on
  weekends grading papers. Also, I must spend my summer vacation working toward                                          the
  advance certification and a master’s degree. I also have to attend
  faculty meetings and PTA meetings on my own time. I am to be a
  paragon of virtue, such that my very presence will awe my students                                               cover of
  into being obedient and respectful of authority no matter where in                                                    this
  the world they may travel. You want me to incorporate technology                                                 month’s
  into the learning experience and relate personally to each student?
  And you want all this without a prayer?”
VOLUME       6,   ISSUE   18                                                               PAGE     10

   The Office of Lay Ministry explained
 From the Stewardship Board
          For more than five         wish to start a quilter’s group;    atrium once a month.
  years, The Board of                we can find and invite those         The office can track who is
  Stewardship has been               folks. Likewise, perhaps a shut     on what board or
  visioning and blueprinting a       -in needs his/her lawn mowed        committee and who is doing
  special place called the Office    and can be connected to a           what task or project.
  of Lay Ministry. This office       young person who is in the           Here, members can come
  will be an information hub for     neighborhood.                       to find where they can
  the church family, a needs-and      OLM will help the pastors         volunteer time or see, and
  -gifts matching office. The        and office staff to secure          consider, short-term
  word “lay” is related to the       volunteers for assisting at         projects that need to be
  word “laity” which is the non-     funerals, weddings,                 completed.
  clergy                             general church events and to         Much more is to come.
  members of the                     track special needs.                        Exciting? Practical?
  church. Therefore, in loose         Volunteers may send               Helpful? Ministry-centered?
  terms it means “the office, or     birthday cards to shut-ins,         Family-like? You bet!
  hub, from which the members        coordinate meal deliveries to       Complete? No. Making
  of the church do ministry.”        someone recovering at home,         progress? Yes! The OLM has
          This office will           assist in folding bulletins,        been “blueprinting” for some
  eventually offer the following     label the Voice for mailing,        time now, with the pooling of
  ministry connections, and          help with data entry, etc.          minds, seeking outside ideas
  more:                               This will be the place            and processing every angle of
                                     where a board or committee in       this program. We have many
   The office will hold a list      need of new folks for a special     bricks to lay, so to speak. Yet
  of our member’s interests and      project or to serve on the team     the OLM has its direction and
  skill sets so that, if needed,     can find                            foundation. You will hear
  they can be contacted and          assistance in locating members      more about this as the months
  offered an                         to help.                            roll by. We welcome your
  opportunity to serve.               In the future, this may be        input! Your contact is Richard
  (Remember the pink inventory       where folks may come to             Ryman, chairman of the Board
  forms folks have been filling      adopt a space and so maintain       of Stewardship.
  out?) For example,                 the building. For example, a
  woodworkers may be needed          family may choose to adopt
  to build benches or some may       washing the windows in the

Want to knit for the                From page 7
homeless? Hats, mittens, gloves,    * Our Saviour Lutheran Church and Our Saviour Lutheran
scarves are needed. Anyone who      Preschool will be available to you for allocation of your Choice
wants to knit is welcome to help    Dollars. Two programs from which Our Saviour benefited in the
us. There are patterns              past, GivingPlus and Care in Congregations, have been
available; needles can              discontinued. ‘Choice Dollars’ voting is Thrivent Financial’s way
be borrowed. Lessons                to return those dollars to Lutheran churches, schools and other
are available. For more             Lutheran organizations through direct involvement of the
information, call                   members of Thrivent Financial. Please consider allocating all or
Caroline Arndt: 920-469-3140.       part of your Choice Dollars to Our Saviour.
VOLUME       6,   ISSUE    18                                                                                         PAGE             11

                                                           OSLC Business Directory
                                        Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the
                                                            cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month.
                                                   If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact
                                                   Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail:

                                                                                 This could
                                                                                 be your ad

                                              Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch         Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke
Our Saviour                                   (920) 465-8118
                                                                                      Please feel free to contact me with
                                                                                  constructive suggestions and comments at
                                              Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland
Lutheran Church                               (920) 544-3614
                                                                                      Thanks to those who have already
                                                       I am seeking more congregational input and

Lutheran Church-                              Church Office – Michelle Burhite
                                              (920) 468-4065
                                                                                 Submissions can be sent to
                                                                                     What do you want to read
Missouri Synod                      
                                              Preschool Director – Christina                 about?
120 S. Henry Street • Green Bay, WI 54302 •   Scholz
                                                                                  Vol. 6, No. 18, June 2010 The Voice (permit No. 59) is
(920) 468-4065                                (920) 468-3596                     published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All
                                                                                   rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be
                                                                                                         reproduced without permission.
Our Saviour Lutheran Church                                                                    Non-Profit Organization
120 S. Henry St.                                                                                 U.S. Postage Paid
Green Bay, WI 54302                                                                                 Permit #59
(920) 468-4065                                                                                    Green Bay, WI


        A state police officer sees a car puttering               “Oh, no, officer,” Clara replied. “I was doing
along the highway at 22 mph. Shaking his head,            the limit. Exactly 22 mph.” Explaining that it was
thinking, “too slow, too slow,” he pulls the driver       Route 22, not the speed limit, he saw the elderly
over. Walking up to the car he sees three elderly         driver relax. “Oh, thank you, thank you!” she
ladies in the back seat and two in the front looking      exclaimed. Still concerned, the officer asked,
pale-faced and scared. “Good morning. May I have          “Ma’am, I have to ask if you ladies are okay? These
your name?” “Clara.” the driver whispers. Calmly          women seem awfully shaken and haven’t said a word
the officer says, “Don’t worry, Clara, you weren’t        the whole time?” “Oh, they’ll be alright in a minute,”
speeding but you should know that driving lower than      Clara replied. “We just got off Route 119.”
the speed limit is dangerous to you and other drivers.”

        John was walking along a California beach         it but it is hard for me to justify your desire for things
deep in prayer. Suddenly, he said out loud, “Lord,        of this world. Think of another wish that would honor
grant me one wish.” The waves roared and a voice          and glorify me.”
said, “This is the Lord. Because you have TRIED to                John thought, and said, “I wish I could
be faithful, I will grant you one wish.” John knelt,      understand women. I want to know how they feel
folded his hands and said. “I adore Hawaii. Build a       inside, what they are thinking about, why they cry for
bridge so I can drive there any time.” The Lord           nothing. How can I make a woman truly
said, “Your wish is too materialistic. Think of the       happy?” After a few minutes, the Lord sighed, “Do
logistics, the supports needed to reach the bottom of     you want two lanes or four?”
the Pacific, the concrete and steel. No John, I can do

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  • 1. OUR SAVIOUR THE VOICE LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN CHURCH- MISSOURI SYNOD GREEN BAY, WIS. V O L U M E 6 , I S S U E 1 8 J U N E 2 0 1 0 Taking care of all four David H. Hatch Emotions, soul, dads, we are called to mind and body. care for them “wholly,” There they are, that is, every component. the four components of a Were we just to feed human. Taking care of them, would that be one and ignoring the enough? Were we to others would be like feed them and listen to keeping air and good their cries when they tread on one tire of our stub their toes, would Savior? Envision a vehicle and ignoring the that be complete? Were comfortable chair in care of the other three. we to add, caring for your home; add to that a Imagine running down their minds by reading quiet time during the Caption describing picture the road with three tires with them and educating or graphic. day. See yourself there, we cared for and them, would something connecting daily to the Find us on the Web! ignoring the fourth one. else still be missing? Savior. Guaranteed, your Yikes! Our whole being How about their soul? faith will grow, your is a gift from God: emo- Consider family prayers life’s foundation will tions, soul, mind and at meal time, prayers at firm-up and your body. All four are in their bedside, reading compass heading will be need of maintenance and from the Bible or clearer; your obstacles constant care. Ignore one Catechism during the will be easier to of them and all of them evening. How about navigate. suffer. reciting the Lord’s Have you been Yet, would you agree, Prayer and the Apostle’s ignoring the care and often we Creed with them, and feeding your soul? There neglect one or more of having them know the is no better time than this these four vital Ten Commandments? very second to turn that components? Which And this goes for around, would you ones do you give us as well. Do we agree? attention to? Which ones compartmentalize the get less or no attention? care of our soul just on How about with Sundays? How about, for the people in our lives, our own soul’s sake, we especially our loved ones set a daily time for and primarily our refreshing our children? As moms and relationship with our
  • 2. PAGE 2 A Scrip everyone may want to read What is Scrip? proceeds go to Our choice and versatility, Wouldn’t it be cool if a Saviour’s ministries. Scrip is also a great gift bunch of stores would If you have a student at idea for anyone and any give a percentage of their Trinity, NEW Lutheran occasion. What do I have profits to OSLC? They High, Our Saviour’s to do? Just go to the do! That is what Scrip is! preschool or in our youth Welcome Center and buy Scrip looks like program, every time you the Scrip cards for many gift cards, and are the purchase Scrip, 50 percent of the local businesses you same as cash, but the of the profit will go into shop. It is a win-win church benefits. The store your child’s account.* arrangement for everyone. you shop at gives Our This puts your regular How much can Our Saviour a percentage of shopping dollars to work Saviour earn? The sky is what you spend when you for the limit. We invite you to purchase the card. All you ministry. Scrip can be join us in the good habit of do is buy the cards at the used to purchase anything purchasing Scrip at the Welcome Center for the from groceries and fuel to Welcome Center as we all store(s) where you plan to clothing, support the mission! shop, just as if you were toys, entertainment and buying a gift card. The more. Offering freedom of *You must enroll for this program. Details at the Welcome Center. Learn more about the Lutheran OSLC official acts Women's Missionary Baptisms: Trenton James Ramel League or Lutheran Mara Corin Ebbers Born: March 27, 2010 Women in Mission by Baptized: May 9, 2010 Born: December 28, 2009 reading their blog at Son of Joseph and Melissa Ramel Baptized: April 18, 2010 Daughter of Richard and Leah Meeting minutes and Ebbers Received his/her Crown: any other news from Conner Lawrence Jeffords Pamela J. Koeller the group is posted on Born: January 6, 2010 August 28, 1951 - April 16, 2010 this blog. Ladies are Baptized: May 2, 2010 Funeral service held in Clintonville, encouraged to leave WI on April 19, 2010 Son of Ryan and Jennifer Jeffords messages and guys can do it too! Kaitlyn Lydia Dillenburg Robert ‘Bob’ Clark Born: January 11, 2010 February 10, 1920 - May 9, 2010 Baptized: May 9, 2010 Funeral service held at Our Saviour Daughter of Shane Dillenburg and Lutheran Church on May 14, 2010 Heather Groth THE VOICE
  • 3. PAGE 3 Messages from the Stewardship Board: Adopt a student through weekly tithing Our Saviour church, is $40,600, or would like to be Lutheran Church about $1,400 per student designated for Trinity supports Christian per year, or $117 per students and the money education for our student per month. will be applied to our children. As such, we Members of the Our obligation to the school. provide financial support Saviour congregation are God has blessed us with a for Trinity Lutheran invited to "adopt a great opportunity to School, which uses our student" by designating provide Christian building, and for N.E.W. additional contributions education to our young Lutheran High School. toward students at people and we joyfully Our annual obligation to Trinity. Write on your return some of our Trinity, which is a giving envelope the blessings for that mission project of the amount of money you purpose. Help avoid the summer slump Summer vacations and not let their summer all of our excellent staff are upon us and that's a giving fall behind. June members and this good thing. We all need and July are always our building in which to our batteries recharged. lowest giving months. It worship, and we thank But while we are fishing, is much easier for our God every day for our sightseeing and camping, treasurer, Gay Pivonka, to blessings. So, please, if the work of our pay the bills when there you are going to be gone, congregation goes on and is a consistent flow of be consistent in your our fixed costs remain, income and not a roller giving so that the mission Take well, fixed. We ask that everyone would coaster-like ebb and flow of cash. We are very of the church can continue. note! prayerfully remember Our Saviour congregation fortunate to have pastors such as Dave and Greg, Changes at the North Wisconsin Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod District Office were placed into effect May 28, 2010. The toll-free number (1-800-322-2421) is no longer in service. Please use the local number, 1-715-845-8241. As of July 30, 2010, the P.O. Box 8064 will no longer be in service, either. Mail may begin to be addressed immediately to: North Wisconsin District Office, 3103 Seymour Lane,
  • 4. PAGE 4 June 2010 From Pastor Greg Help your teenagers stay connected to God A close relationship with God is both the core of our Christian life and our highest end as human beings. As we learn about God and develop intimacy with him, our faith morphs from a “practice” to a lifestyle. Worship and Bible study not only help us experience God, they strengthen us for life’s daily challenges. When Group Magazine recently surveyed 20,000 Christian teenagers about their priorities, “praying and developing a relationship with God.” was at the top. But many youth ministers were surprised by those survey results. “Kids’ actions communicate something different,” noted one youth minister. “They’re so busy…that it seems the first things to get dropped are the items listed as priorities.” Another wrote, “My teens struggle with prayer, and many tell me a relationship with God is hard, confusing, and at times, not relevant.” Taking time to “Be still, and know that I am God!” (Psalm 46:10) is challenging in our always-on- the-go culture. Kids are surrounded by noise—and have a lot of noise in their hearts. Distractions, worries, fears, and hurts often make a relationship with God more difficult, but they also make it more important. Kids look to their parents as examples of how to stay connected to God. If you’ve kept this relationship private, let your teenagers in on ways you stay in touch with God. Also share ways it has sustained you through life’s ups and downs, and assure your kids that the same will be true for them too. Dare 2 Share Ministries president, Greg Stier discusses staying connected through prayer: Prayer is emptied of its power when it’s for public show or word-count dependent. How fancy our prayers Search Institute researchers surveyed more than 7,000 sound doesn’t matter to God; it’s whether or not we kids in eight countries (including America) to gauge how actually believe he will answer our prayers. In James 1:6, teenagers around the world view their relationship with God tells us how a Christian should approach God in God. Some responses: prayer: “But when he asks, he must believe and not 55 percent of teens surveyed say their “spirituality” has grown stronger over the last few years, and 43 percent of U.S. kids doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, say they’re both spiritual and blown and tossed by the wind.” (NIV) religious. We must teach our teenagers to pray in faith. How? By What nourishes teenagers’ showing them how to pray! Every time you pray with spiritual lives? your kids, you have an opportunity to exemplify Nature—87% authentic, faith-filled conversations with God. Remind Listening to or playing music— teenagers of the awesome encouragement prayer 82% brings. When you feel the odds are stacked against you, The influence of parents—76% just imagine the scene in heaven as the Holy Spirit and Spending time helping others—76% Jesus himself are praying for you in that very moment. Being alone in a quiet place—74% Prayer is an unbelievable honor. The way is open The influence of friends—71% through the sacrifice of Christ for us to have direct What activities feed kids’ spiritual growth? access to the supreme power in the universe. Take time Reading books—47% to pray. Make time to pray. Run to Jesus! Kneel by his Praying—44% side and the Spirit’s side at heaven’s prayer bench, and Helping others—44% watch what happens. Attending religious worship or prayer services—40%
  • 5. Great Questions PAGE 5 to Ask Your Kids Use these discussion starters to connect with your teenag- ers about connecting with PRAY THAT: God: 1. Your teenagers will keep their relationship with God as a top priority. 1. How close do you usually feel to 2. Your teenagers develop a strong prayer life and dig into God, and why? How do you view God’s Word to grow closer to him. him: as a friend? a Savior? A 3. The relationship your kids develop with God will help them judge? Other? persevere during difficulties and will encourage them to reach out to others. 2. What does it mean to “be still” 4. Your own connection with God stays strong and that you set before God? What makes that a positive example for your teenagers in this area. challenging? Verse of the Month 3. What happens in your life when “The Lord is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth. He you don’t keep in touch with God? the desires of those who fear him; he hears their grants What times and places are best for cries for help and rescues them. The Lord protects all you to pray and why? those who love him.” (Psalm 145:18-20) 4. How does reading the Bible We aren’t the only participants in maintaining a relationship make you feel about God? About with God. Thankfully, he’s in charge of that, too. God gives us a yourself? What are your favorite desire to know him. He reaches out by answering our prayers, verses? meeting our needs, and providing fellow Christians to build up 5. How can we encourage others our faith. Jesus, who has endured human struggles, intercedes as we walk with God? to God on our behalf. And the Holy Spirit lives in our hearts, guiding us to truth and true life. Going Deeper On, Andy Blanks, Student Life’s resource development director, writes about lessons he learned by setting aside time for teenagers to connect with God When I led my youth group in a “spiritual disciplines” retreat awhile back, I was overwhelmed at the number of teenagers who, when given an opportunity, chose to spend meaningful time cultivating their relationship with Christ. Most teenagers took the time seriously, practicing a mix of some guided Scripture meditation and some in-depth study based on a study guide I had created for them. All in all, it was a great event, a time of spiritual recharging for kids and adults alike. Throughout the weekend, kids came up to me saying how much fun they had praying and listening. The main thing I learned is that the Holy Spirit is capable of moving in the lives of all Christians, even the most non-committed, spiritually distracted teenager. The key is that the Holy Spirit must be given room to move! That was the point of our weekend, to provide intentional room for an encounter. We made the time, and the Holy Spirit came through. I watched life-change happen before my eyes. I also learned that even though I talk the good talk about guiding teenagers deeper into their relationship with God, I had some significant-if-secret hesitations about how a weekend centered on “disciplines” would go over. Well, the kids proved me wrong at every turn. And this is one time I was glad to be proven wrong.
  • 6. PAGE 6 This page is designed to inform and educate parents and isn’t meant to endorse any music or movie. Our prayer is that you will make informed decisions on what your kids listen to and watch. MUSICSPOTLIGHT Mainstream Artist Christian Artist Background: The 23-year-old dance-pop singer Background: This pop-punk band got its start has made a huge splash on the music scene in a playing in youth group and went on to play youth very short time. In 2009, she sang on Flo Rida’s camps, where they got their name. “Me and hit “Right Round.” Her lone album came out in Jesus” was a No. 1 song on Christian charts and January 2010 and debuted at No. 1 on the won a Dove Award. The band tours frequently, Billboard charts. She’s already played on Saturday opening for bands such as Kutless and Newsboys. Night Live. Albums: Everything Is Different Now (2010), Album: Animal (2010) Expect the Impossible (2008), All Gas. No What Parents should know: Kesha has said Brake. (2005) she’s all about having fun—that if it feels good, What Parents should know: Stellar Kart is one you should do it. Lyrics from her hit “Tik Tok” of many pop-punk bands in Christian music. Their refer to drinking and partying. She sees herself as positive message is a wonderful antidote to the working to empower women, but that’s probably disillusionment of many secular bands in that not the type of power parents want for their girls. genre. What Kesha says: “I wrote every song on this What Stellar Kart says: “The album certainly album so it’s a really accurate description of my has a positive outlook on life and [is] full of hope. life over the last four years. I’ll write about a guy, It's a realization that we can’t make it though this I’ll write about a girl, I’ll write about a bar, I’ll life on our own…but we can do it with God’s help write about an old guy hitting on me…” by allowing him to step in and take control.” Discussion questions: Does Kesha’s life appeal Discussion questions: Do you feel you have to you? Why or why not? What are the dangers control of your life? Why or why not? How do in living for only fun things? How would living you deal with feeling out of control? Read aloud that way make you happier, or not? Explain. Deuteronomy 4:39. What does trying to control Read aloud Matthew 5:1-10. How does Jesus’ our lives say about our faith? How much idea of happiness compare with the world’s idea? responsibility do we have for our own lives? How Is happiness a choice? What can you do to be much control of your life are you willing to hand happier? over to God, and why? Movie: The A-Team (releases June 11); Genre: Action-adventure; Rating: Not yet rated Synopsis: In this remake of the 1980s hit TV show, a group of former soldiers are arrested for a crime they didn’t commit. They escape from prison and become soldiers of fortune, fighting on the side of justice. Discussion questions: Have you ever been blamed for something you didn’t do? How did you react to that? Have you ever wrongly accused someone else? How did it make you feel when you discoveredTtheEtruth? IRead aloud Genesis 39:6-23. How did Joseph react to being falsely H VO CE imprisoned? What were the consequences of his actions? When and how should we fight against false accusations?
  • 7. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 18 PAGE 7 New charitable giving program from Thrivent Financial From Thrivent Financial representatives Thrivent Choice is a new member-directed giving program that gives members a voice in helping choose where Thrivent Financial for Lutherans distributes a portion of its charitable grant funds. Thrivent Financial members can participate in Thrivent Choice in one or two ways based on their involvement with Thrivent Financial: Thrivent Choice Voting Events: All benefit and associate members (age 16 or older) can “vote” to distribute charitable funds among a short list of national charities (Lutheran and non-Lutheran), one to two times per year. Choice Dollars: About 30 percent of benefit members will be able to help direct Choice Dollars to thousands of Lutheran nonprofit organizations, including Our Saviour Lutheran Church. Eligibility to help direct Choice Dollars is based on a benefit member’s involvement in Thrivent Financial—via their level of fraternal benefit society product ownership (life insurance, health insurance and annuities) or Thrivent Financial volunteer leadership. 80 percent of those eligible for Choice Dollars will be able to direct between $25 and $100, while some may be able to direct as much as $500. Note: Directing Choice Dollars will be subject to the Terms and Conditions of Thrivent Choice. Why  To get more members involved in determining how Thrivent Financial distributes its charitable dollars.  To support nonprofit organizations that are important to members.  To highlight Thrivent Financial’s uniqueness as a fraternal benefit society by seeking member input to distribute charitable grant funds. To provide members with a unique benefit of membership. When  April 19 to May 21: First Voting Event for all benefit and associate members  Summer: Choice Dollars launch to eligible members via a direct mail campaign over six weeks. The letters will include eligible members’ approximate designated Choice Dollars for 2010.* (continued on page 10) December: Potential second Voting Event for all benefit and associate members How  April 19 to May 21: Members may vote for their favorite national organization online ( or via business reply card in the spring issue of “Thrivent” magazine Summer: Eligible benefit members may help direct Choice Dollars online or by calling our service center Learn more  Contact the Fraternal Service Center at 800-236-3736 or
  • 8. June 2010 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 7a Bible Study 6p Praise Band 8:30a Staff Meeting 5 9a Bible Study 6p Thrivent Charitable 12:15p Brown Bag 3p Olan Mills Portraits, Gift Seminar Worship, Parlor Atrium 7p Traditional Worship 6 Camp Luther Sunday 7 8 9 10 Communion 11 12 7:45a Traditional Worship 5:30p Youth Board 7a Bible Study 6p Praise Band 12:15p Brown Bag 9:15a Praise Worship 7p Elders Meeting 9a Bible Study Worship, Parlor 10:45a Traditional Worship 7p Sweet Monday 7p Traditional Worship 5:30p OSLC 1, John Muir, 7:45p Evangelism Bottom 5:30p OSLC 2, Murphy 2 13 Communion 14 15 16 17 18 19 7:45a Traditional Worship 7p Council Meeting 7a Bible Study 6p Praise Band 8:30a Staff Meeting 9:15a Praise Worship 9a Bible Study 12:15p Brown Bag 10:45a Traditional Worship Worship, Parlor w/Adult Confirmation 7p Traditional Worship 20 FATHER’S DAY 21 22 23 24 Communion 25 26 7:45a Traditional Worship 7p Board of 7a Bible Study 6p Praise Band 12:15p Brown Bag 9:15a Praise Worship Education 9a Bible Study Worship, Parlor 10:45a Traditional Worship 7p Traditional Worship 27 Communion 28 29 30 JULY 1 7:45a Traditional Worship 9a Vacation Bible 7a Bible Study 9a Vacation Bible 8:30a Staff Meeting 9:15a Praise Worship School 9a Bible Study School 9a Vacation Bible 10:45a Traditional Worship 3p Olan Mills Portraits 9a Vacation Bible 6p Praise Band School 7p Fellowship School 12:15p Brown Bag 7p Stewardship 3p Olan Mills Portraits Worship, Parlor 7:30p Trinity School 7p Traditional Worship Board
  • 9. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 18 PAGE 9 July 2010 OSLC Usher Schedule Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Thu. 01-Jul 7:00 pm J. Boettcher Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN Sun. 04-Jul 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 04-Jul 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 04-Jul 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 08-Jul 7:00 pm HC C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 11-Jul 7:45 am HC M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 11-Jul 9:15 am HC D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 11-Jul 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; †UN Thu. 15-Jul 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 18-Jul 7:45 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 18-Jul 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; Elyssa Ammerman; Kathy Ammerman Sun. 18-Jul 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 22-Jul 7:00 pm HC J. Boettcher Bryant Clayton; Anthony Clayton; †UN Sun. 25-Jul 7:45 am HC J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 25-Jul 9:15 am HC D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 25-Jul 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 29-Jul 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick †UN-Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher, please contact the Lead usher of the group you'd like to join, or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821or e-mail Without a prayer submitted by Adeline Grieser After being interviewed by the school administration for a job as a seventh grade teacher, Paul nodded thoughtfully and said, “Let me see if I’ve got this right. I’m to fill every moment of their school life with a love for learning, a sense of pride in their ethnicity and modify any disruptive behavior. I look for signs of abuse and censor their dress habits. I’m to wage a war on drugs, check backpacks for weapons and raise their self-esteem. You want me to teach them patriotism, good citizenship, sportsmanship and fair play. I’m to check their heads for lice, maintain a safe environment, offer advice, More of write letters of recommendation for scholarships and encourage respect for the cultural diversity of others. Adeline’s wit can be “My contract requires me to work on my own time after school, evenings and found on weekends grading papers. Also, I must spend my summer vacation working toward the advance certification and a master’s degree. I also have to attend outside faculty meetings and PTA meetings on my own time. I am to be a paragon of virtue, such that my very presence will awe my students cover of into being obedient and respectful of authority no matter where in this the world they may travel. You want me to incorporate technology month’s into the learning experience and relate personally to each student? issue! And you want all this without a prayer?”
  • 10. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 18 PAGE 10 The Office of Lay Ministry explained From the Stewardship Board For more than five wish to start a quilter’s group; atrium once a month. years, The Board of we can find and invite those  The office can track who is Stewardship has been folks. Likewise, perhaps a shut on what board or visioning and blueprinting a -in needs his/her lawn mowed committee and who is doing special place called the Office and can be connected to a what task or project. of Lay Ministry. This office young person who is in the  Here, members can come will be an information hub for neighborhood. to find where they can the church family, a needs-and  OLM will help the pastors volunteer time or see, and -gifts matching office. The and office staff to secure consider, short-term word “lay” is related to the volunteers for assisting at projects that need to be word “laity” which is the non- funerals, weddings, completed. clergy general church events and to  Much more is to come. members of the track special needs. Exciting? Practical? church. Therefore, in loose  Volunteers may send Helpful? Ministry-centered? terms it means “the office, or birthday cards to shut-ins, Family-like? You bet! hub, from which the members coordinate meal deliveries to Complete? No. Making of the church do ministry.” someone recovering at home, progress? Yes! The OLM has This office will assist in folding bulletins, been “blueprinting” for some eventually offer the following label the Voice for mailing, time now, with the pooling of ministry connections, and help with data entry, etc. minds, seeking outside ideas more:  This will be the place and processing every angle of where a board or committee in this program. We have many  The office will hold a list need of new folks for a special bricks to lay, so to speak. Yet of our member’s interests and project or to serve on the team the OLM has its direction and skill sets so that, if needed, can find foundation. You will hear they can be contacted and assistance in locating members more about this as the months offered an to help. roll by. We welcome your opportunity to serve.  In the future, this may be input! Your contact is Richard (Remember the pink inventory where folks may come to Ryman, chairman of the Board forms folks have been filling adopt a space and so maintain of Stewardship. out?) For example, the building. For example, a woodworkers may be needed family may choose to adopt to build benches or some may washing the windows in the Want to knit for the From page 7 homeless? Hats, mittens, gloves, * Our Saviour Lutheran Church and Our Saviour Lutheran scarves are needed. Anyone who Preschool will be available to you for allocation of your Choice wants to knit is welcome to help Dollars. Two programs from which Our Saviour benefited in the us. There are patterns past, GivingPlus and Care in Congregations, have been available; needles can discontinued. ‘Choice Dollars’ voting is Thrivent Financial’s way be borrowed. Lessons to return those dollars to Lutheran churches, schools and other are available. For more Lutheran organizations through direct involvement of the information, call members of Thrivent Financial. Please consider allocating all or Caroline Arndt: 920-469-3140. part of your Choice Dollars to Our Saviour.
  • 11. VOLUME 6, ISSUE 18 PAGE 11 OSLC Business Directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of printing and mailing The Voice each month. If you would like to advertise in The Voice, please contact Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail: This could be your ad space! Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke Our Saviour (920) 465-8118 Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions and comments at Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland Lutheran Church (920) 544-3614 Thanks to those who have already commented! I am seeking more congregational input and Lutheran Church- Church Office – Michelle Burhite (920) 468-4065 submissions. Submissions can be sent to What do you want to read Missouri Synod Preschool Director – Christina about? 120 S. Henry Street • Green Bay, WI 54302 • Scholz Vol. 6, No. 18, June 2010 The Voice (permit No. 59) is (920) 468-4065 (920) 468-3596 published monthly by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission.
  • 12. Our Saviour Lutheran Church Non-Profit Organization 120 S. Henry St. U.S. Postage Paid Green Bay, WI 54302 Permit #59 (920) 468-4065 Green Bay, WI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED A state police officer sees a car puttering “Oh, no, officer,” Clara replied. “I was doing along the highway at 22 mph. Shaking his head, the limit. Exactly 22 mph.” Explaining that it was thinking, “too slow, too slow,” he pulls the driver Route 22, not the speed limit, he saw the elderly over. Walking up to the car he sees three elderly driver relax. “Oh, thank you, thank you!” she ladies in the back seat and two in the front looking exclaimed. Still concerned, the officer asked, pale-faced and scared. “Good morning. May I have “Ma’am, I have to ask if you ladies are okay? These your name?” “Clara.” the driver whispers. Calmly women seem awfully shaken and haven’t said a word the officer says, “Don’t worry, Clara, you weren’t the whole time?” “Oh, they’ll be alright in a minute,” speeding but you should know that driving lower than Clara replied. “We just got off Route 119.” the speed limit is dangerous to you and other drivers.” John was walking along a California beach it but it is hard for me to justify your desire for things deep in prayer. Suddenly, he said out loud, “Lord, of this world. Think of another wish that would honor grant me one wish.” The waves roared and a voice and glorify me.” said, “This is the Lord. Because you have TRIED to John thought, and said, “I wish I could be faithful, I will grant you one wish.” John knelt, understand women. I want to know how they feel folded his hands and said. “I adore Hawaii. Build a inside, what they are thinking about, why they cry for bridge so I can drive there any time.” The Lord nothing. How can I make a woman truly said, “Your wish is too materialistic. Think of the happy?” After a few minutes, the Lord sighed, “Do logistics, the supports needed to reach the bottom of you want two lanes or four?” the Pacific, the concrete and steel. No John, I can do