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MARCH 2012                       VOLUME I, ISSUE 3

     The Voice Online

The need for creeds
Pastor Dave Hatch

        There are some               who, some joyfully say, “Are         on safari” or traveling among us.
wonderful creeds, that is,           only on the other side!”             How cool is that? Also, their
statements of faith. These                   These words are not          creed tells about God the Father
creeds connect Christendom           empty air, neither are they mere     protecting Jesus while He was in
through both time and space.         tradition. But rather, through       the grave, “the hyenas did not
All who have known Christ, do        tradition they are preserved         touch him.”
know Him, or shall know Christ       because they cannot be changed.              “We believe in the one
as the Savior of the world, did,             Through time, there are a            High God, who out of
would have, do now or shall in       lot of creeds that Christians have           love created the beautiful
the future, confess these creeds.    drafted to explain the faith to              world and everything
Creeds, like the Lord’s Prayer       their time and culture. The late             good in it. He created
or the Scriptures themselves, are    Jaroslav Pelikan, a modern                   Man and wanted Man to
timeless anchors for the faithful.   scholar of Christian history and             be happy in the world.
        Creeds connect us, now,      development of doctrine                      God loves the world and
with those 2000 years ago who        (teaching), considers the Maasai             every nation and tribe on
gathered in the Roman                Creed to be an example of the                the Earth. We have
catacombs for worship. They          bringing together of universal               known this High God in
connect us with those who            faith and local culture.                     darkness, and now we
battled in the Crusades of the               As Wikipedia says, “The              know Him in the light.
Dark Ages. They connect us           Maasai Creed is a creed                      God promised in the
with Luther and the                  composed in 1960 by the Maasai               book of His word, the
Reformation. By the confession       people of East Africa in                     Bible, that He would save
of the creeds, we are one with       collaboration with missionaries              the world and all the
those who, in the foxholes of        from the Congregation of the                 nations and tribes.
war, prayed before climbing          Holy Ghost. The creed attempts
over the top into harm’s way.        to express the essentials of the        Continued on page two...
The creeds connect us with the       Christian faith within the Maasai
Mayflower Pilgrims, with so          culture.” Two of the most
many of our Founding Fathers.        interesting things about this
We are welded in one voice           Maasai Creed (stated below) is
with our grandparents, our           that, while our three ancient
parents, and even the unborn         creeds never speak to the actual
faithful of the future. Through      life of Christ, (they jump from
the creeds we are also of one        his birth to His death) this creed
voice with the faithful departed     explains that Jesus “was always
   Page 2                … from page one.                               OSLC
                                       deep scholarship and heart speak official acts
       “We believe that God                   You will hear a man of
       made good His promise
       by sending His Son, Jesus       of the need for creeds. At the
       Christ, a man in the flesh,     same time, you will have a            Weddings:
       a Jew by tribe, born poor       window into his now-sainted           Erika Lee LaLuzerne and
       in a little village, who left   soul. The late Jaroslav Pelikan,      Jeremy Randall Vogels
       His home and was always         formally a Missouri Synod             United at Our Saviour on
       on safari doing good,           pastor and professor, spent most
                                                                             February 4, 2012
       curing people by the            of his life inside books as well as
       power of God, teaching          writing them.
       about God and man,             Kari Lynn Plog and
       showing the meaning of          programs/pelikan/index.shtml          Nicholas Paul Mahlik
       religion is love. He was                 When we confess the          United at Our Saviour on
       rejected by his people,         creeds in worship, there is           February 10, 2012
       tortured and nailed hands       something a whole lot larger
       and feet to a cross, and        going on, we are communing            Baptisms:
       died. He lay buried in the      with the saints in one common         Jasmine Elizabeth Young
       grave, but the hyenas did       faith! Should you be interested       Born: March 8, 2001
       not touch him, and on the       in hearing and seeing an              Baptized: November 20, 2011
       third day, He rose from         absolutely soul stirring recording
       the grave. He ascended to       of the Nicene Creed being sung,       Received their Crown:
       the skies. He is the Lord.      connect to this link:                 Ardell Arthur Prescher
       “We believe that all our         October 29, 1926 -
       sins are forgiven through       v=2oMGgOozpXM                         December 15, 2011
       Him. All who have faith
                                                                             Funeral service held on
       in Him must be sorry for
                                                                             December 20, 2011
       their sins, be baptized in
       the Holy Spirit of God,
       live the rules of love and                                            Phyllis A. Leonhardt
       share the bread together in                                           April 2, 1942 -
       love, to announce the                                                 February 12, 2012
       Good News to others                                                   Funeral service held on
       until Jesus comes again.                                              February 16, 2012
       We are waiting for Him.
       He is alive. He lives. This
       we believe. Amen.”

       Should your interest be
sparked you and you wish to
deepen your appreciation of this
heartwarming and soul-
illuminating topic, there is a
National Public Radio interview
with the aforementioned, Jaroslav
Pelikan (pictured right).
MARCH 2012
                                                                                                Page 3

Let’s help the homeless together
        Help for the Homeless          collected at Our Saviour Lutheran       Toilet paper
works directly with the homeless       Church until March 25. Other            Toothpaste
coalitions in Brown County, the        collection sites for this effort        Toothbrushes
Fox Valley, Oshkosh, Fond du           include Festival Foods grocery          Soap (bar and soft)
Lac and Manitowoc. They stock          stores, other participating             Shower gel
the shelves of area homeless and       businesses, schools, churches and       Paper towels
crisis programs with personal          organizations and at 91.9/91.5 The
                                                                               Razors (disposable)
hygiene and cleaning items so that     Family studios.
                                                                               Tampons
they can dedicate their limited        The most needed and requested
financial resources to providing       items are:                              Depends
qualified personnel, safe housing,      Laundry detergent
nutritious food, education and                                                      This year’s specially
                                        Diapers (sizes 3-6 and
counseling to those they serve.                                             marked collection box is located
The goal of Help for the Homeless                                           on the second floor near the
                                        Shampoo                            elevator.    Please help in this
is to supply a year’s worth of these    Dish soap
products to each agency.                                                    community-wide effort to help
                                        Deodorant (unscented)              those in need.
        Donations are being             Wet wipes

                 Do you find yourself looking for ways to offer your time and talents to
                  OSLC? The altar guild is a magnificent place to do the Lord’s work.
                  What is the altar guild? What do they do? These are great questions.
                 We need new members now more than ever with the recent decision to
                serve communion at every service. This would be a great opportunity to
                see what is involved in preparing the Lord’s altar for Holy Communion.
                    Any questions or comments can be directed to the church office,
                      Jennifer Damp via e-mail at or phone
                 920-366-4734 and Jill Proulx via e-mail at or by
                  phone by calling 920-465-1437. The guild hopes to hear from you!
  Page 4

                        March usher schedule
   † UN-Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher please contact the lead usher of the
                       group you'd like to join or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821.

Day: Date:   Service:    Lead           Usher Team:
Sun. 01-Apr 7:45 am      M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun. 01-Apr 9:15 am      W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz
Sun. 01-Apr 10:45 am     R. Bruhn       Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu. 05-Apr 7:00 pm      P. Kuehl       Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Fri. 06-Apr 12:15 pm     G. Buechner    Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Fri. 06-Apr 7:00 pm      B. Clayton     Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun. 08-Apr 6:00 am      A. Knaus       Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg
Sun. 08-Apr 7:45 am      M. Morgan      Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun. 08-Apr 9:15 am      D. Wians       Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer
Sun. 08-Apr 10:45 am     M. Charles     Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft
Thu. 12-Apr 7:00 pm      C. Arthur      Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick
Sun. 15-Apr 7:45 am      J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN
Sun. 15-Apr 9:15 am      R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei
Sun. 15-Apr 10:45 am     R. Bruhn       Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson
Thu. 19-Apr 7:00 pm      P. Kuehl       Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN
Sun. 22-Apr 7:45 am      M. Dalebroux   Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux
Sun. 22-Apr 9:15 am      D. Bitters     Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger
Sun. 22-Apr 10:45 am     G. Buechner    Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg
Thu. 26-Apr 7:00 pm      B. Clayton     Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN
Sun. 29-Apr 7:45 am      M. Morgan      Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler
Sun. 29-Apr 9:15 am      W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz
Sun. 29-Apr 10:45 am     M. Charles     Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft

Thanks for another great football season
Neil Burmeister
      Many thanks to every                         The Packers didn't                          Last    year     we
one of you that volunteered               win the Super Bowl but we                     received $11,500 from our
to work at the Kenny                      at Our Saviour are winners.                   efforts at Lambeau Field.
Chesney concert in June                   Through your efforts and the                  What a blessing the new
and the Packer preseason,                 generosity of the Levy                        pay schedule was for us. I
regular season and post                   organization at Lambeau                       am extremely grateful to all
season games (it would                    Field, we were able to raise                  of you that volunteered. It
have been great to have just              $33,194.81. The volunteers                    was (and will be again next
one more post season game                 from Green Bay Trinity                        year) rewarding to be part
though!). I hope the                      Lutheran School (up to five                   of this ministry. See you
friendships you formed                    p er      g am e)       r eceived             next year.
made the experience more                  a p p r o x im at e l y    $6 , 9 0 0
enjoyable.                                toward tuition costs.
MARCH 2012
                                                                                                 Page 5

  LFL statement on the mandate of the
  Department of Health and Human Services
           Lutherans For Life         many Lutherans oppose on              and obedience to God. We
  stands firmly with the Lutheran     religious grounds any so called       cannot and will not disobey God,
  Church-Missouri Synod, the          “contraceptive” that in reality is    neither now nor later.
  Wisconsin Evangelical               an abortifacient in nature and                  No one is compelled to
  Lutheran Synod, the Roman           could destroy a developing            work for a religious
  Catholic Bishops, the Southern      human being. These religious          organization. Those who choose
  Baptist Convention, other           groups, and the many                  to do so are fully aware of the
  Evangelical leaders, and other      individuals who support them,         rel i gi o us n at u re of t h e
  religious organizations in          should not be compelled to            organization. Those who find the
  strongly opposing the recently      subsidize a practice they believe     compensation package
  promulgated Department of           to be immoral and, in some            unacceptable are free to work
  Health and Human Services           instances, murder.                    elsewhere.
  (HHS) rules requiring that                   T h e        O b a m a                 We urge the Obama
  religious organizations provide     Administration’s “compromise,”        administration to repeal these
  contraception and abortifacients    by      which         religious       proposed regulations; we urge
  to their employees.                 organizations’ insurance              Congress to enact legislation
           The morality of            companies will pay for                requiring the repeal of these
  contraception is not the issue.     contraception, is no compromise       proposed regulations; and we
  The issue is religious freedom      at all and is totally unacceptable.   will join with religious
  as given by God and secured by      This is a matter of religious         organizations who refuse to
  the First Amendment to the          conviction, and that which we         follow these regulations if they
  Constitution. The proposed          must not pay for directly, we         become law. Like the Hebrew
  HHS rules directly infringe free    must not subsidize indirectly.        midwives of Exodus 1 who
  exercise of religion by requiring            The Administration’s         refused to obey the Pharaoh’s
  religious groups to do what         offer of additional time for          command to slay Hebrew babies,
  many believe God forbids them       compliance reflects a gross           as stated in Acts 5:29 and the
  to do. Not only Roman               misunderstanding of our               Augsburg Confession, “We must
  Catholics, but many others as       objection. This is not a matter of    obey God rather than men.”
  well, oppose contraception; and     time; it is a matter of conscience

Using Our Senses to                                        South entrance needs a facelift
Learn and Praise
                                       In order to make access to             memorials are now being
We continue to welcome                 the building easier for some           requested to cover the cost of
financial gifts for our audio-         visitors and members, we are           this new project. Please
visual system in the sanctuary.        looking to add handicap                contact Pastor Dave or the
Should you be interested in            accessible doors to both sets          office at 468-4605 or
presenting a gift or a memorial,       of doors at the south         for more
please see Pastor Dave.                entrance. Donations and                information.
Sunday                 Monday                  Tuesday            Wednesday            Thursday
                                                                                                                              MARCH 2012
                                                                                         1                      2
BUY YOUR TICKETS for this month’s Spice of Life Dinner. Sold at the Welcome              6p Praise band
Center on Sundays as well as in the church office during regular hours. Ticket                                                  2p Gym rental
                                                                                         practice and meeting
                                                                                                                                7p Youth movie night
sales end on March 18.
4                      5                        6                   7                    8                      9               10
7:45a Trad worship     5:45p Preschool family   7a Bible study      12p Staff meeting    4p Fish fry prep       5p Fish fry     8a Leadership retreat
9:15a Praise worship   night                    8a OLM meeting      3p Youth night       6p Praise band                         #3
9:15a Bible study      7:00 p Board of elders   9a Bible study      4p Worship                                                  2p Gym rental
9:30a Sun school       meeting                  7p Choir practice   5p Dinner
10:30a Bible study                                                  5:20p Adult                                                 Sunday, 2a
10:45a Trad worship                                                 Confirmation class                                          Daylight Saving Time
6:30p Basketball                                                    6:30p Worship                                               (Spring forward)
                                                                    6:30p FPU
11 Communion           12                       13                  14                   15                     16              17
Mite Box Sunday        6p Church council        7a Bible study      12p Staff meeting    6p Praise band                         11a Gym rental
7:45a Trad worship                              9a Bible study      3p Youth night
9:15a Praise worship                            6:30p Cub scouts    4p Worship
9:15a Bible study                               7p Choir practice   5p Dinner
9:30a Sun school                                                    5:20p Adult
10:30a Bible study                                                  Confirmation class
10:45a Trad worship                                                 6:30p Worship
6:30p Basketball                                                    6:30p FPU
18                     19                       20                  21                   22                     23              24
7:45a Trad worship     7p Board of education    7a Bible study      12p Staff meeting                                           11a Gym rental
9:15a Praise worship                            8a OLM meeting      1p Knitting group                                           2p Spice of Life set up
w/SS assist                                     9a Bible study      3p Youth night                                              6p Doors open for
9:15a Bible study                               7p Choir practice   4p Worship                                                  Spice of Life Dinner:
9:30a Sun school                                                    5p Dinner                                                   “An Escape through
10:30a Bible study                                                  5:20p Adult                                                 Europe”
10:45a Trad worship                                                 Confirmation class
6:30p Basketball                                                    6:30p Worship
                                                                    6:30p FPU
                                                                                         29                     30              31
25 Communion           26                       27                  28                   6p Praise band                         2p Gym rental
Cinnamon Rolls         6:30p GBLSA board        7a Bible Study      12p Staff meeting
                                                                                         7:30p Praise band                      6p Youth movie night
7:45a Trad worship     7p Stewardship           9a Bible Study      3p Youth night       meeting                                and Easter egg hunt
9:15a Praise worship                            6:30p Cub Scouts    4p Worship
9:15a Bible study                               7p Choir Practice   5p Dinner
9:30a Sun school                                                    5:20p Adult
10:30a Bible study     SPRING BREAK FOR                             Confirmation class
10:45a Trad worship    PRESCHOOL AND                                6:30p Worship
w/Holy Baptism         TRINITY – 3/26 – 3/30                        6:30p FPU
6:30p Basketball
Our Saviour Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod

                                   OSLC business directory
     Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of
“The Voice Online” each month. If you would like to advertise please contact Michelle at
                   (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail at

                                             Photo credits:
         Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch
                                             Page 1 (Top right corner) http://
                         (920) 465-8118
                                             (bottom right corner):
        Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland       Page 2 (middle of middle column):
                         (920) 544-3614      programs/pelikan/images/jaroslavpelikan.jpg
                   Page 5 (bottom left corner):

       Church Office – Michelle Burhite
                                        Vol. 1 No. 3, March 2012; “The Voice Online” is published monthly
                         (920) 468-4065 by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of
              this publication may be reproduced without permission.
                                             Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke.
  Preschool Director – Christina Scholz The opinions expressed in this publication are not always
                         (920) 468-3596 reflective of the editor’s views.
         Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions
                                             and comments at
                                             Thanks to those who have already commented!
  120 S. Henry Street                        I am always seeking more congregational input and
 Green Bay, WI 54302                         submissions.

                                             What do you want to read about?
   (920) 468-4065                            Submissions can be sent to

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  • 1. MARCH 2012 VOLUME I, ISSUE 3 The Voice Online OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH—GREEN BAY The need for creeds Pastor Dave Hatch There are some who, some joyfully say, “Are on safari” or traveling among us. wonderful creeds, that is, only on the other side!” How cool is that? Also, their statements of faith. These These words are not creed tells about God the Father creeds connect Christendom empty air, neither are they mere protecting Jesus while He was in through both time and space. tradition. But rather, through the grave, “the hyenas did not All who have known Christ, do tradition they are preserved touch him.” know Him, or shall know Christ because they cannot be changed. “We believe in the one as the Savior of the world, did, Through time, there are a High God, who out of would have, do now or shall in lot of creeds that Christians have love created the beautiful the future, confess these creeds. drafted to explain the faith to world and everything Creeds, like the Lord’s Prayer their time and culture. The late good in it. He created or the Scriptures themselves, are Jaroslav Pelikan, a modern Man and wanted Man to timeless anchors for the faithful. scholar of Christian history and be happy in the world. Creeds connect us, now, development of doctrine God loves the world and with those 2000 years ago who (teaching), considers the Maasai every nation and tribe on gathered in the Roman Creed to be an example of the the Earth. We have catacombs for worship. They bringing together of universal known this High God in connect us with those who faith and local culture. darkness, and now we battled in the Crusades of the As Wikipedia says, “The know Him in the light. Dark Ages. They connect us Maasai Creed is a creed God promised in the with Luther and the composed in 1960 by the Maasai book of His word, the Reformation. By the confession people of East Africa in Bible, that He would save of the creeds, we are one with collaboration with missionaries the world and all the those who, in the foxholes of from the Congregation of the nations and tribes. war, prayed before climbing Holy Ghost. The creed attempts over the top into harm’s way. to express the essentials of the Continued on page two... The creeds connect us with the Christian faith within the Maasai Mayflower Pilgrims, with so culture.” Two of the most many of our Founding Fathers. interesting things about this We are welded in one voice Maasai Creed (stated below) is with our grandparents, our that, while our three ancient parents, and even the unborn creeds never speak to the actual faithful of the future. Through life of Christ, (they jump from the creeds we are also of one his birth to His death) this creed voice with the faithful departed explains that Jesus “was always
  • 2. THE VOICE ONLINE Page 2 … from page one. OSLC deep scholarship and heart speak official acts “We believe that God You will hear a man of made good His promise by sending His Son, Jesus of the need for creeds. At the Christ, a man in the flesh, same time, you will have a Weddings: a Jew by tribe, born poor window into his now-sainted Erika Lee LaLuzerne and in a little village, who left soul. The late Jaroslav Pelikan, Jeremy Randall Vogels His home and was always formally a Missouri Synod United at Our Saviour on on safari doing good, pastor and professor, spent most February 4, 2012 curing people by the of his life inside books as well as power of God, teaching writing them. about God and man, Kari Lynn Plog and showing the meaning of programs/pelikan/index.shtml Nicholas Paul Mahlik religion is love. He was When we confess the United at Our Saviour on rejected by his people, creeds in worship, there is February 10, 2012 tortured and nailed hands something a whole lot larger and feet to a cross, and going on, we are communing Baptisms: died. He lay buried in the with the saints in one common Jasmine Elizabeth Young grave, but the hyenas did faith! Should you be interested Born: March 8, 2001 not touch him, and on the in hearing and seeing an Baptized: November 20, 2011 third day, He rose from absolutely soul stirring recording the grave. He ascended to of the Nicene Creed being sung, Received their Crown: the skies. He is the Lord. connect to this link: Ardell Arthur Prescher “We believe that all our October 29, 1926 - sins are forgiven through v=2oMGgOozpXM December 15, 2011 Him. All who have faith Funeral service held on in Him must be sorry for December 20, 2011 their sins, be baptized in the Holy Spirit of God, live the rules of love and Phyllis A. Leonhardt share the bread together in April 2, 1942 - love, to announce the February 12, 2012 Good News to others Funeral service held on until Jesus comes again. February 16, 2012 We are waiting for Him. He is alive. He lives. This we believe. Amen.” Should your interest be sparked you and you wish to deepen your appreciation of this heartwarming and soul- illuminating topic, there is a National Public Radio interview with the aforementioned, Jaroslav Pelikan (pictured right).
  • 3. MARCH 2012 Page 3 Let’s help the homeless together Help for the Homeless collected at Our Saviour Lutheran  Toilet paper works directly with the homeless Church until March 25. Other  Toothpaste coalitions in Brown County, the collection sites for this effort  Toothbrushes Fox Valley, Oshkosh, Fond du include Festival Foods grocery  Soap (bar and soft) Lac and Manitowoc. They stock stores, other participating  Shower gel the shelves of area homeless and businesses, schools, churches and  Paper towels crisis programs with personal organizations and at 91.9/91.5 The  Razors (disposable) hygiene and cleaning items so that Family studios.  Tampons they can dedicate their limited The most needed and requested financial resources to providing items are:  Depends qualified personnel, safe housing,  Laundry detergent nutritious food, education and This year’s specially  Diapers (sizes 3-6 and counseling to those they serve. marked collection box is located pull-ups) The goal of Help for the Homeless on the second floor near the  Shampoo elevator. Please help in this is to supply a year’s worth of these  Dish soap products to each agency. community-wide effort to help  Deodorant (unscented) those in need. Donations are being  Wet wipes Do you find yourself looking for ways to offer your time and talents to OSLC? The altar guild is a magnificent place to do the Lord’s work. What is the altar guild? What do they do? These are great questions. We need new members now more than ever with the recent decision to serve communion at every service. This would be a great opportunity to see what is involved in preparing the Lord’s altar for Holy Communion. Any questions or comments can be directed to the church office, Jennifer Damp via e-mail at or phone 920-366-4734 and Jill Proulx via e-mail at or by phone by calling 920-465-1437. The guild hopes to hear from you!
  • 4. THE VOICE ONLINE Page 4 March usher schedule † UN-Usher needed: If you'd like to volunteer as an usher please contact the lead usher of the group you'd like to join or contact Rich Spangenberg at (920) 983-9821. Day: Date: Service: Lead Usher Team: Sun. 01-Apr 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 01-Apr 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz Sun. 01-Apr 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 05-Apr 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Fri. 06-Apr 12:15 pm G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Fri. 06-Apr 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 08-Apr 6:00 am A. Knaus Clarence Ney; Josh VanKauwenberg; Jerry VanKauwenberg Sun. 08-Apr 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 08-Apr 9:15 am D. Wians Lonnie Peerenboom; Todd Korth; Barb Korth; Davis LaMarche; Dan Richer Sun. 08-Apr 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thu. 12-Apr 7:00 pm C. Arthur Carl Zimonick; Gary Kirchman; Dick Zimonick Sun. 15-Apr 7:45 am J. Kielpikowski Chad Kielpikowski; Ron Klumb; †UN Sun. 15-Apr 9:15 am R. Vande Hei Walt Juhnke; Tiffany Duff; Brian Duff; Chelsea Vande Hei; Rachel Vande Hei Sun. 15-Apr 10:45 am R. Bruhn Rich Ryman; Sue Bruhn; Richard Christianson Thu. 19-Apr 7:00 pm P. Kuehl Bill Baneck; †UN; †UN Sun. 22-Apr 7:45 am M. Dalebroux Andrew Prescher; Al Brietlow; Barry Dalebroux Sun. 22-Apr 9:15 am D. Bitters Robin Williams; Frank Helebrant; Don Schultz; Shelly Williams; Trey Boerschinger Sun. 22-Apr 10:45 am G. Buechner Carmen Leuthner; Lloyd Leuthner; DeVonte King; Rich Spangenberg Thu. 26-Apr 7:00 pm B. Clayton Anthony Clayton; †UN; †UN Sun. 29-Apr 7:45 am M. Morgan Vernon Siech; Gloria Morgan; Ralph Hoerchler Sun. 29-Apr 9:15 am W. Chamberlain Randy Dyle; Roxanne Dyle; Alex Chamberlain; McKenzie Waniger; Nathan Scholz Sun. 29-Apr 10:45 am M. Charles Don Larson; Karen Kiekhaefer; Hunter Alft Thanks for another great football season Neil Burmeister Many thanks to every The Packers didn't Last year we one of you that volunteered win the Super Bowl but we received $11,500 from our to work at the Kenny at Our Saviour are winners. efforts at Lambeau Field. Chesney concert in June Through your efforts and the What a blessing the new and the Packer preseason, generosity of the Levy pay schedule was for us. I regular season and post organization at Lambeau am extremely grateful to all season games (it would Field, we were able to raise of you that volunteered. It have been great to have just $33,194.81. The volunteers was (and will be again next one more post season game from Green Bay Trinity year) rewarding to be part though!). I hope the Lutheran School (up to five of this ministry. See you friendships you formed p er g am e) r eceived next year. made the experience more a p p r o x im at e l y $6 , 9 0 0 enjoyable. toward tuition costs.
  • 5. MARCH 2012 Page 5 LFL statement on the mandate of the Department of Health and Human Services Lutherans For Life many Lutherans oppose on and obedience to God. We stands firmly with the Lutheran religious grounds any so called cannot and will not disobey God, Church-Missouri Synod, the “contraceptive” that in reality is neither now nor later. Wisconsin Evangelical an abortifacient in nature and No one is compelled to Lutheran Synod, the Roman could destroy a developing work for a religious Catholic Bishops, the Southern human being. These religious organization. Those who choose Baptist Convention, other groups, and the many to do so are fully aware of the Evangelical leaders, and other individuals who support them, rel i gi o us n at u re of t h e religious organizations in should not be compelled to organization. Those who find the strongly opposing the recently subsidize a practice they believe compensation package promulgated Department of to be immoral and, in some unacceptable are free to work Health and Human Services instances, murder. elsewhere. (HHS) rules requiring that T h e O b a m a We urge the Obama religious organizations provide Administration’s “compromise,” administration to repeal these contraception and abortifacients by which religious proposed regulations; we urge to their employees. organizations’ insurance Congress to enact legislation The morality of companies will pay for requiring the repeal of these contraception is not the issue. contraception, is no compromise proposed regulations; and we The issue is religious freedom at all and is totally unacceptable. will join with religious as given by God and secured by This is a matter of religious organizations who refuse to the First Amendment to the conviction, and that which we follow these regulations if they Constitution. The proposed must not pay for directly, we become law. Like the Hebrew HHS rules directly infringe free must not subsidize indirectly. midwives of Exodus 1 who exercise of religion by requiring The Administration’s refused to obey the Pharaoh’s religious groups to do what offer of additional time for command to slay Hebrew babies, many believe God forbids them compliance reflects a gross as stated in Acts 5:29 and the to do. Not only Roman misunderstanding of our Augsburg Confession, “We must Catholics, but many others as objection. This is not a matter of obey God rather than men.” well, oppose contraception; and time; it is a matter of conscience Using Our Senses to South entrance needs a facelift Learn and Praise In order to make access to memorials are now being We continue to welcome the building easier for some requested to cover the cost of financial gifts for our audio- visitors and members, we are this new project. Please visual system in the sanctuary. looking to add handicap contact Pastor Dave or the Should you be interested in accessible doors to both sets office at 468-4605 or presenting a gift or a memorial, of doors at the south for more please see Pastor Dave. entrance. Donations and information.
  • 6. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday MARCH 2012 1 2 BUY YOUR TICKETS for this month’s Spice of Life Dinner. Sold at the Welcome 6p Praise band 3 Center on Sundays as well as in the church office during regular hours. Ticket 2p Gym rental practice and meeting 7p Youth movie night sales end on March 18. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7:45a Trad worship 5:45p Preschool family 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 4p Fish fry prep 5p Fish fry 8a Leadership retreat 9:15a Praise worship night 8a OLM meeting 3p Youth night 6p Praise band #3 9:15a Bible study 7:00 p Board of elders 9a Bible study 4p Worship 2p Gym rental 9:30a Sun school meeting 7p Choir practice 5p Dinner 10:30a Bible study 5:20p Adult Sunday, 2a 10:45a Trad worship Confirmation class Daylight Saving Time 6:30p Basketball 6:30p Worship (Spring forward) 6:30p FPU 11 Communion 12 13 14 15 16 17 Mite Box Sunday 6p Church council 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 6p Praise band 11a Gym rental 7:45a Trad worship 9a Bible study 3p Youth night 9:15a Praise worship 6:30p Cub scouts 4p Worship 9:15a Bible study 7p Choir practice 5p Dinner 9:30a Sun school 5:20p Adult 10:30a Bible study Confirmation class 10:45a Trad worship 6:30p Worship 6:30p Basketball 6:30p FPU 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 7:45a Trad worship 7p Board of education 7a Bible study 12p Staff meeting 11a Gym rental 9:15a Praise worship 8a OLM meeting 1p Knitting group 2p Spice of Life set up w/SS assist 9a Bible study 3p Youth night 6p Doors open for 9:15a Bible study 7p Choir practice 4p Worship Spice of Life Dinner: 9:30a Sun school 5p Dinner “An Escape through 10:30a Bible study 5:20p Adult Europe” 10:45a Trad worship Confirmation class 6:30p Basketball 6:30p Worship 6:30p FPU 29 30 31 25 Communion 26 27 28 6p Praise band 2p Gym rental Cinnamon Rolls 6:30p GBLSA board 7a Bible Study 12p Staff meeting 7:30p Praise band 6p Youth movie night 7:45a Trad worship 7p Stewardship 9a Bible Study 3p Youth night meeting and Easter egg hunt 9:15a Praise worship 6:30p Cub Scouts 4p Worship prep 9:15a Bible study 7p Choir Practice 5p Dinner 9:30a Sun school 5:20p Adult 10:30a Bible study SPRING BREAK FOR Confirmation class 10:45a Trad worship PRESCHOOL AND 6:30p Worship w/Holy Baptism TRINITY – 3/26 – 3/30 6:30p FPU 6:30p Basketball
  • 7. THE VOICE ONLINE Our Saviour Lutheran Church; Missouri Synod OSLC business directory Advertisements in the business directory help Our Saviour defray the cost of “The Voice Online” each month. If you would like to advertise please contact Michelle at (920) 468-4065 or by e-mail at YOUR AD HERE! Photo credits: Senior Pastor– David H. Hatch Page 1 (Top right corner) http:// (920) 465-8118 (bottom right corner): files/2011/11/Screen-shot-2011-11-16-at-7.32.20-AM.png Associate Pastor– Greg Hovland Page 2 (middle of middle column): (920) 544-3614 programs/pelikan/images/jaroslavpelikan.jpg Page 5 (bottom left corner): Church Office – Michelle Burhite Vol. 1 No. 3, March 2012; “The Voice Online” is published monthly (920) 468-4065 by Our Saviour Lutheran Church. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without permission. Edited and designed by Avra J. Juhnke. Preschool Director – Christina Scholz The opinions expressed in this publication are not always (920) 468-3596 reflective of the editor’s views. Please feel free to contact me with constructive suggestions and comments at Thanks to those who have already commented! 120 S. Henry Street I am always seeking more congregational input and Green Bay, WI 54302 submissions. What do you want to read about? (920) 468-4065 Submissions can be sent to