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Mass Society & Democracy
       1845 CE – 1914 CE
Second Industrial Revolution
       The first Industrial Revolution gave rise to
           textiles, railroads, iron, and coal.
•The Second Industrial Revolution gave rise to steel, chemicals,
electricity and petroleum.
•Steel was the first major change in industry between 1870 and 1914. New
methods of shaping steel made it useful in building lighter, smaller, and
faster machines, engines, railways, ships, and weapons.
•Electricity was a new form of energy that proved to be of great value; it
could be easily converted to other forms of energy, like heat or light, and
moved easily through space because of wires. By 1910, hydroelectric
power stations were providing homes and factories to be tied to a single,
common source of power.
     •Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell were both inventors
     that used electricity to power their inventions – the light bulb and the
Travel Revolution

Streetcars and Subways were developed as
electricity became a reliable energy source.
This eventually led to the development of the
internal-combustion engine, which is still
used in cars and airplanes.
A World Economy
               New Patterns
Industrial production grew at a rapid pace because of      The Second
greatly increased sales of manufactured goods.             Industrial
Europeans could afford to buy more products for
                                                           combined with the
several reasons:
                                                           growth of
•Wages for workers increased                               transportation,
                                                           fostered a true
•Prices for goods decreased because of reduced
                                                           world economy.
transportation costs
                                                           European capital
Some nations did not benefit from the Second               was invested
Industrial Revolution; Europe was divided into two         abroad to develop
economic zones:                                            manufacturing and
                                                           markets for
•Great Britain, Belgium, France, the Netherlands,
                                                           European goods.
Germany, and western Austro-Hungarian Empire,
and Northern Italy made up the advanced
industrialized core
                                                           Europe dominated
•Southern Italy, Austria-Hungary, Spain, Portugal,         the world economy
the Balkan Kingdoms and Russia made up a little-           by the beginning of
industrialized area that provided food and raw materials   the 20th century.
to the rest of Europe
Organizing the Working Classes
The desire to improve the working and living conditions
of the working classes led many industrial workers to
form socialist political parties and trade unions.

The theory these parties and unions were built on were
based on earlier theories by Karl Marx.

Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848
(with Friedrich Engels). In it, they proposed a new
social system, called communism.

Marx believed that all of world history was a series of
“class struggles” between the oppressors – or those
who owned the means of production, like money, or
land, and thus controlled the government and society.
This group was called the bourgeoisie, or the middle
class oppressors.
Karl Marx, continued
The other end of society were called the proletariat, or
the working class – the oppressed, in Marx’s view.

Marx predicted the struggle between the two groups
would lead to open revolution where the proletariat
would violently overthrow the bourgeoisie and then form
a dictatorship (government in which a person or group
has the absolute power) to organize the means of
production. Marx believed this revolution would
eventually lead to a classless society, in which everyone
is equal and the state would wither away.

Working-class leaders used Marx’s ideas to develop
political parties. Most important was the German Social
Democratic Party (SPD), which emerged in 1875. The
SPD advocated revolution while competing in elections
for the German parliament, where they believed their
members could improve working-class lives. It
eventually became the largest political party in
Trade Unions
One problem with socialist political parties were the
Marxist parties sometimes were divided over their goals.
Pure Marxists thought there would need to be violent
revolution to achieve their goals. Another group, called
revisionists, rejected the revolutionary approach and
argued that workers must continue to organize and work
with other parties to gain reforms. They believed as
workers gained the right to vote, they could make reforms
within the system.

Another force working for change were trade unions.
Unions were organized group of workers. In Great Britain,
unions won the right to strike (stop work to pressure an
employer) in the 1870s. Soon after, workers in factories
organized into unions so they could use strikes to achieve

By 1900 there were 2 million workers in British trade
unions. By 1914, there were almost 4 million. By 1914,
they had made considerable progress in changing working
conditions for the working class.
New Urban Environments                              Urban Example:
                                                       Frankfurt, Germany
By the end of the 19th century, the new industrial
world led to the emergence of a mass society in
which the concerns of the majority of the              In Frankfurt,
population – the lower classes – were central.         Germany, the
More people lived in cities; in the 1850s, urban       working class lived
dwellers made up about 40% of the English              in filthy conditions.
population; between 1800 and 1900, London grew         The city of Frankfurt
from 960,000 to 6.5 million.                           began a public
                                                       campaign to develop
Urban populations grew as a result of migration        a new sewer system
from rural areas to cities. The fast growth rate led   so the working poor
to problems like disease and poor living conditions    could have clean
for the working poor.                                  water and the city
                                                       would have less
Reformers tried to implement laws and                  disease. Programs
regulations to help the working poor. Things like      like this helped the
clean water, building inspections, and                 working poor live in
providing health services eased some of the            better conditions.
problems for the working classes.
Social Structure of Mass Society
                                           Wealthy Elites make up 5% of

Middle class is 15% of

                         Working class &
                         poor are 80% of
Social Structures in Mass Society
The wealthy elite controlled up to 40% of
the wealth during the Second Industrial
Revolution (compare that to their control
of 99% of the wealth today). The wealthy
elite included landed aristocrats, bankers,
industrialists, and merchants.

The middle classes were made up of
educated lawyers, doctors, scientists, and
businessmen. Beneath this group were
the lower middle class, made up of small
shopkeepers, traders, and prosperous
farmers or peasants.

The largest group, the working class, was nearly 80% of Europe’s population.
Many were landholding peasants, farm laborers, sharecroppers, skilled and
unskilled laborers, and some artisans. Urban workers experienced
improvement in their lives after 1870. Reforms created better living conditions in
cities, and this, combined with wage increases and a decline in costs made lives
easier for workers.
Experiences of Women
In 1800, women were defined mainly by family and household roles. In the 19th
century, new job opportunities created a high demand for low paid white-collar
workers. This, coupled with a shortage of male workers, led many employers to hire

Traditional views of the sexes were strengthened during the Industrial Revolution; men
were the chief wage earners and women were left with the care of the family.

In the middle and upper classes, family was the central institution, with women running
homes and men working. The working class experience was different, however, as
many working-class women worked outside the home in factories, offices, or in other
households as domestic servants.
Movement for Women’s Rights
Feminism, or the movement for
women’s rights, grew in the 19th
century. In the 1830s, a number of
women in the United States and
Europe argued for the right of women
to divorce and own property. These
early efforts were not successful.
The fight for property rights was only
the beginning of the movement.

In the late 1800s, women began to demand access to universities and
occupations dominated by men. By the 1850s, women were demanding equal
political rights, as well, including the right to vote. Women would protest and
perform publicity stunts for recognition.

Before World War I, demands for women’s rights were heard throughout Europe
and the United States. Before 1914, however, women only had the right to vote in
Finland and Norway and a few American states. It would take the end of World
War I and the dramatic changes it wrought to force male-dominated governments
to give in on the basic issue of rights for women.
Universal Education
Universal education was a product of the mass society of
the late 19th and early 20th century. Between 1870 and
1914, most Western governments set up state-financed
primary schools. Boys and girls between 6 and 12 were            Compulsory
required to attend these schools; states took the                education also
responsibility of training teachers.                             created more
                                                                 opportunities for
Why make a huge commitment to education? During                  women to work
the Industrial Revolution, unskilled labor was enough to         outside the home.
meet factory needs. During the Second Industrial                 Demands for
Revolution, skilled workers were needed.                         teachers, mostly
Another motive for education was political. Giving more          increased with the
people the right to vote created a need for educated             increased
voters. Primary schools were also used to instill patriotism     educational
and nationalism.                                                 opportunities.

The most immediate result of compulsory education was
an increase in the literacy rate, or the ability to read. This
created opportunities for newspapers and books to be
available to everyone.
National States and Democracy
By the end of the 19th century, progress was made in establishing constitutions and representative
governments throughout the major European states.

In 1875, France created the Third Republic, and gained a republican constitution. The new
government had a president and a two-house legislature. The government was led by the prime
minister, who was elected by the legislature.

Italy was a united national state by 1870, but was divided along class lines. The government was
corrupt and unable to deal with many of the country’s problems.

In Germany, the constitution of the new imperial Germany begun by Otto von Bismarck in 1871
provided for a two-house legislature. The lower house was elected based on universal male suffrage.
The emperor controlled the armed forces, foreign policy and the government bureaucracy. Bismarck
worked to keep Germany from becoming a democracy. By the reign of William II, who was emperor
from 1888 to 1918, Germany had the strongest military in Europe.

Austria-Hungary enacted a constitution in 1867, but the emperor ignored it. Austria remained
troubled by conflict throughout the region.

Russia was led by a czar who had absolute power. With industrialization, however, came demands
for representation in government. On January 22, 1905, a massive procession of workers
demonstrated in front of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg and sent a petition of grievances to the
czar. Troops opened fire on the peaceful demonstration, killing hundreds. This Bloody Sunday,
caused workers throughout Russia to call strikes. Eventually the czar was forced to create the Duma,
a legislative body.
International Rivalries                            Crisis in the Balkans

Otto von Bismarck recognized that Germany’s strong            The Balkan provinces were
industry and military upset the balance of power              finally free of the Ottoman
established by the Congress of Vienna in 1815.                empire by the end of the 19th
                                                              century. By 1878, Greece,
                                                              Serbia, Romania, and
Fearing the France intended to create an anti-German          Montenegro were
alliance, Bismarck made a defensive alliance with Austria-    independent states.
Hungary in 1879. Italy joined the alliance in 1882.
                                                              In 1908, Austria-Hungary
The united powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy      took the drastic step of
were aligned against France, while Bismarck also              annexing Bosnia and
                                                              Herzegovina. Serbia was
negotiated a separate treaty with Russia and tried to         outraged, as they were
remain on good terms with Great Britain.                      hoping to create a Serbian
In 1890, Emperor William II fired Bismarck and took
control of Germany’s foreign policy. He dropped the           The Russians backed the
treaty with Russia and enacted policies that eventually led   Serbs and prepared for war.
to Great Britain aligning itself with France and Russia.      Germany threatened Russia,
                                                              who backed down.

Europe was now divided into the two opposing                  The Balkans were awash in
camps that would eventually lead to world war.                ill-will and divided alliances
                                                              prior to World War I.
Toward the Modern Consciousness
Science was one of the chief pillars supporting the optimistic
view of the world that many Westerners shared in the 19th

Science, which was based on fact and reason, offered a
certainty of belief in the orderliness of nature. Many believed
that by applying already known scientific laws, humans could
arrive at a complete understanding of the physical world. Many
scientists were working on new discoveries, especially in
physics and medicine.

Marie Curie discovered radium, an element that gave off energy
(radiation). Albert Einstein provided a new view of the
universe with his theory of relativity, which stated that space
and time are not absolute but relative to the observer.

Sigmund Freud proposed a series of theories that raised
questions about the human mind. He believed human behavior
was strongly determined by past experiences. He argued
that painful and unsettling experiences were repressed, or
hidden from a person’s consciousness. He developed
psychoanalysis – a way for therapists to probe deeply into a
patient’s memory.
Darwin & Racism
By the late 19th and early 20th century,
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was
sometimes applied (inappropriately) to
human society by nationalists and racists.
Known as Social Darwinism, proponents
argued that social progress came from the
“struggle for survival” that advanced the
strong and forced the weak into decline.

Extreme nationalists used the same argument in favor of “national greatness.” The
German general Freidrich von Bernhardi argued that “war is a biological necessity
of the first importance.” to remove the weak. Social Darwinism was seen at its
most extreme in Germany, where nationalism and racism found prominence.
Houston Stewart Chamberlin believed that modern-day Germans were the only
pure successors of the Aryans, who were portrayed as the original creators of
Western Culture.

Social Darwinism eventually led to hostility and discrimination against different
parts of society, but especially of the Jewish peoples.
         Anti-Semitism & Zionism
                                                           Hundreds of thousands
Anti-semitism – hostility toward and discrimination        of Jews decided to
against Jews – was not new to European civilization.       emigrate to escape the
Jews had experienced discrimination since the Middle       persecution. Many went
Ages (remember they were blamed for the plague?).          to the United States.
                                                           Around 25,000 moved to
In the 19th century Jews were increasingly granted legal   Palestine, which became
equality in many European countries, after centuries of    home for a Jewish
unequal status. Jews were becoming assimilated with        nationalist movement
the cultures around them.                                  called Zionism.

However, in Germany and Austria-Hungary, new parties       Palestine was the
arose in the 1880s and 1890s that used anti-semitism to    ancient home of Israel,
win votes of people that felt threatened by the changing   their ancient homeland
economic times.                                            and home of their
Eastern Europe had the worst anti-semitism, as Russian
Jews were forced to live in certain regions, were          Settlement in Palestine
persecuted, and had pogroms – organized massacres          was difficult because it
– that were widespread.                                    was still part of the
                                                           Ottoman Empire, which
                                                           was opposed to Jewish
Culture of Modernity
Between 1870 and 1914, many writers and
artists rebelled against traditional literary and
artistic styles. The changes they produced are
called modernism.

Literature was revolutionized by symbolists,
who believed objective knowledge of the world
was impossible. They believed the external
world was a collection of symbols.

In painting, impressionism was a movement
that began in France. Artists rejected traditional
styles in favor of symbolism and examining light
and dark, and other contrasts in the world.

Architecture was revolutionized and
functionalism became the dominant
movement. Functionalism was the idea that
buildings should be functional, or useful.

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Mass society and democracy

  • 1. Mass Society & Democracy 1845 CE – 1914 CE
  • 2. Second Industrial Revolution The first Industrial Revolution gave rise to textiles, railroads, iron, and coal. •The Second Industrial Revolution gave rise to steel, chemicals, electricity and petroleum. •Steel was the first major change in industry between 1870 and 1914. New methods of shaping steel made it useful in building lighter, smaller, and faster machines, engines, railways, ships, and weapons. •Electricity was a new form of energy that proved to be of great value; it could be easily converted to other forms of energy, like heat or light, and moved easily through space because of wires. By 1910, hydroelectric power stations were providing homes and factories to be tied to a single, common source of power. •Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell were both inventors that used electricity to power their inventions – the light bulb and the telephone
  • 3. Travel Revolution Streetcars and Subways were developed as electricity became a reliable energy source. This eventually led to the development of the internal-combustion engine, which is still used in cars and airplanes.
  • 4. A World Economy New Patterns Industrial production grew at a rapid pace because of The Second greatly increased sales of manufactured goods. Industrial Revolution, Europeans could afford to buy more products for combined with the several reasons: growth of •Wages for workers increased transportation, fostered a true •Prices for goods decreased because of reduced world economy. transportation costs European capital Some nations did not benefit from the Second was invested Industrial Revolution; Europe was divided into two abroad to develop economic zones: manufacturing and markets for •Great Britain, Belgium, France, the Netherlands, European goods. Germany, and western Austro-Hungarian Empire, and Northern Italy made up the advanced industrialized core Europe dominated •Southern Italy, Austria-Hungary, Spain, Portugal, the world economy the Balkan Kingdoms and Russia made up a little- by the beginning of industrialized area that provided food and raw materials the 20th century. to the rest of Europe
  • 5. Organizing the Working Classes The desire to improve the working and living conditions of the working classes led many industrial workers to form socialist political parties and trade unions. The theory these parties and unions were built on were based on earlier theories by Karl Marx. Karl Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848 (with Friedrich Engels). In it, they proposed a new social system, called communism. Marx believed that all of world history was a series of “class struggles” between the oppressors – or those who owned the means of production, like money, or land, and thus controlled the government and society. This group was called the bourgeoisie, or the middle class oppressors.
  • 6. Karl Marx, continued The other end of society were called the proletariat, or the working class – the oppressed, in Marx’s view. Marx predicted the struggle between the two groups would lead to open revolution where the proletariat would violently overthrow the bourgeoisie and then form a dictatorship (government in which a person or group has the absolute power) to organize the means of production. Marx believed this revolution would eventually lead to a classless society, in which everyone is equal and the state would wither away. Working-class leaders used Marx’s ideas to develop political parties. Most important was the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), which emerged in 1875. The SPD advocated revolution while competing in elections for the German parliament, where they believed their members could improve working-class lives. It eventually became the largest political party in Germany.
  • 7. Trade Unions One problem with socialist political parties were the Marxist parties sometimes were divided over their goals. Pure Marxists thought there would need to be violent revolution to achieve their goals. Another group, called revisionists, rejected the revolutionary approach and argued that workers must continue to organize and work with other parties to gain reforms. They believed as workers gained the right to vote, they could make reforms within the system. Another force working for change were trade unions. Unions were organized group of workers. In Great Britain, unions won the right to strike (stop work to pressure an employer) in the 1870s. Soon after, workers in factories organized into unions so they could use strikes to achieve reforms. By 1900 there were 2 million workers in British trade unions. By 1914, there were almost 4 million. By 1914, they had made considerable progress in changing working conditions for the working class.
  • 8. New Urban Environments Urban Example: Frankfurt, Germany By the end of the 19th century, the new industrial world led to the emergence of a mass society in which the concerns of the majority of the In Frankfurt, population – the lower classes – were central. Germany, the More people lived in cities; in the 1850s, urban working class lived dwellers made up about 40% of the English in filthy conditions. population; between 1800 and 1900, London grew The city of Frankfurt from 960,000 to 6.5 million. began a public campaign to develop Urban populations grew as a result of migration a new sewer system from rural areas to cities. The fast growth rate led so the working poor to problems like disease and poor living conditions could have clean for the working poor. water and the city would have less Reformers tried to implement laws and disease. Programs regulations to help the working poor. Things like like this helped the clean water, building inspections, and working poor live in providing health services eased some of the better conditions. problems for the working classes.
  • 9. Social Structure of Mass Society Wealthy Elites make up 5% of population. Middle class is 15% of population Working class & poor are 80% of population.
  • 10. Social Structures in Mass Society The wealthy elite controlled up to 40% of the wealth during the Second Industrial Revolution (compare that to their control of 99% of the wealth today). The wealthy elite included landed aristocrats, bankers, industrialists, and merchants. The middle classes were made up of educated lawyers, doctors, scientists, and businessmen. Beneath this group were the lower middle class, made up of small shopkeepers, traders, and prosperous farmers or peasants. The largest group, the working class, was nearly 80% of Europe’s population. Many were landholding peasants, farm laborers, sharecroppers, skilled and unskilled laborers, and some artisans. Urban workers experienced improvement in their lives after 1870. Reforms created better living conditions in cities, and this, combined with wage increases and a decline in costs made lives easier for workers.
  • 11. Experiences of Women In 1800, women were defined mainly by family and household roles. In the 19th century, new job opportunities created a high demand for low paid white-collar workers. This, coupled with a shortage of male workers, led many employers to hire women. Traditional views of the sexes were strengthened during the Industrial Revolution; men were the chief wage earners and women were left with the care of the family. In the middle and upper classes, family was the central institution, with women running homes and men working. The working class experience was different, however, as many working-class women worked outside the home in factories, offices, or in other households as domestic servants.
  • 12. Movement for Women’s Rights Feminism, or the movement for women’s rights, grew in the 19th century. In the 1830s, a number of women in the United States and Europe argued for the right of women to divorce and own property. These early efforts were not successful. The fight for property rights was only the beginning of the movement. In the late 1800s, women began to demand access to universities and occupations dominated by men. By the 1850s, women were demanding equal political rights, as well, including the right to vote. Women would protest and perform publicity stunts for recognition. Before World War I, demands for women’s rights were heard throughout Europe and the United States. Before 1914, however, women only had the right to vote in Finland and Norway and a few American states. It would take the end of World War I and the dramatic changes it wrought to force male-dominated governments to give in on the basic issue of rights for women.
  • 13. Universal Education Universal education was a product of the mass society of the late 19th and early 20th century. Between 1870 and 1914, most Western governments set up state-financed primary schools. Boys and girls between 6 and 12 were Compulsory required to attend these schools; states took the education also responsibility of training teachers. created more opportunities for Why make a huge commitment to education? During women to work the Industrial Revolution, unskilled labor was enough to outside the home. meet factory needs. During the Second Industrial Demands for Revolution, skilled workers were needed. teachers, mostly women, Another motive for education was political. Giving more increased with the people the right to vote created a need for educated increased voters. Primary schools were also used to instill patriotism educational and nationalism. opportunities. The most immediate result of compulsory education was an increase in the literacy rate, or the ability to read. This created opportunities for newspapers and books to be available to everyone.
  • 14. National States and Democracy By the end of the 19th century, progress was made in establishing constitutions and representative governments throughout the major European states. In 1875, France created the Third Republic, and gained a republican constitution. The new government had a president and a two-house legislature. The government was led by the prime minister, who was elected by the legislature. Italy was a united national state by 1870, but was divided along class lines. The government was corrupt and unable to deal with many of the country’s problems. In Germany, the constitution of the new imperial Germany begun by Otto von Bismarck in 1871 provided for a two-house legislature. The lower house was elected based on universal male suffrage. The emperor controlled the armed forces, foreign policy and the government bureaucracy. Bismarck worked to keep Germany from becoming a democracy. By the reign of William II, who was emperor from 1888 to 1918, Germany had the strongest military in Europe. Austria-Hungary enacted a constitution in 1867, but the emperor ignored it. Austria remained troubled by conflict throughout the region. Russia was led by a czar who had absolute power. With industrialization, however, came demands for representation in government. On January 22, 1905, a massive procession of workers demonstrated in front of the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg and sent a petition of grievances to the czar. Troops opened fire on the peaceful demonstration, killing hundreds. This Bloody Sunday, caused workers throughout Russia to call strikes. Eventually the czar was forced to create the Duma, a legislative body.
  • 15. International Rivalries Crisis in the Balkans Otto von Bismarck recognized that Germany’s strong The Balkan provinces were industry and military upset the balance of power finally free of the Ottoman established by the Congress of Vienna in 1815. empire by the end of the 19th century. By 1878, Greece, Serbia, Romania, and Fearing the France intended to create an anti-German Montenegro were alliance, Bismarck made a defensive alliance with Austria- independent states. Hungary in 1879. Italy joined the alliance in 1882. In 1908, Austria-Hungary The united powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy took the drastic step of were aligned against France, while Bismarck also annexing Bosnia and Herzegovina. Serbia was negotiated a separate treaty with Russia and tried to outraged, as they were remain on good terms with Great Britain. hoping to create a Serbian kingdom. In 1890, Emperor William II fired Bismarck and took control of Germany’s foreign policy. He dropped the The Russians backed the treaty with Russia and enacted policies that eventually led Serbs and prepared for war. to Great Britain aligning itself with France and Russia. Germany threatened Russia, who backed down. Europe was now divided into the two opposing The Balkans were awash in camps that would eventually lead to world war. ill-will and divided alliances prior to World War I.
  • 16. Toward the Modern Consciousness Science was one of the chief pillars supporting the optimistic view of the world that many Westerners shared in the 19th century. Science, which was based on fact and reason, offered a certainty of belief in the orderliness of nature. Many believed that by applying already known scientific laws, humans could arrive at a complete understanding of the physical world. Many scientists were working on new discoveries, especially in physics and medicine. Marie Curie discovered radium, an element that gave off energy (radiation). Albert Einstein provided a new view of the universe with his theory of relativity, which stated that space and time are not absolute but relative to the observer. Sigmund Freud proposed a series of theories that raised questions about the human mind. He believed human behavior was strongly determined by past experiences. He argued that painful and unsettling experiences were repressed, or hidden from a person’s consciousness. He developed psychoanalysis – a way for therapists to probe deeply into a patient’s memory.
  • 17. Darwin & Racism By the late 19th and early 20th century, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution was sometimes applied (inappropriately) to human society by nationalists and racists. Known as Social Darwinism, proponents argued that social progress came from the “struggle for survival” that advanced the strong and forced the weak into decline. Extreme nationalists used the same argument in favor of “national greatness.” The German general Freidrich von Bernhardi argued that “war is a biological necessity of the first importance.” to remove the weak. Social Darwinism was seen at its most extreme in Germany, where nationalism and racism found prominence. Houston Stewart Chamberlin believed that modern-day Germans were the only pure successors of the Aryans, who were portrayed as the original creators of Western Culture. Social Darwinism eventually led to hostility and discrimination against different parts of society, but especially of the Jewish peoples.
  • 18. Zionism Anti-Semitism & Zionism Hundreds of thousands Anti-semitism – hostility toward and discrimination of Jews decided to against Jews – was not new to European civilization. emigrate to escape the Jews had experienced discrimination since the Middle persecution. Many went Ages (remember they were blamed for the plague?). to the United States. Around 25,000 moved to In the 19th century Jews were increasingly granted legal Palestine, which became equality in many European countries, after centuries of home for a Jewish unequal status. Jews were becoming assimilated with nationalist movement the cultures around them. called Zionism. However, in Germany and Austria-Hungary, new parties Palestine was the arose in the 1880s and 1890s that used anti-semitism to ancient home of Israel, win votes of people that felt threatened by the changing their ancient homeland economic times. and home of their dreams. Eastern Europe had the worst anti-semitism, as Russian Jews were forced to live in certain regions, were Settlement in Palestine persecuted, and had pogroms – organized massacres was difficult because it – that were widespread. was still part of the Ottoman Empire, which was opposed to Jewish immigration.
  • 19. Culture of Modernity Between 1870 and 1914, many writers and artists rebelled against traditional literary and artistic styles. The changes they produced are called modernism. Literature was revolutionized by symbolists, who believed objective knowledge of the world was impossible. They believed the external world was a collection of symbols. In painting, impressionism was a movement that began in France. Artists rejected traditional styles in favor of symbolism and examining light and dark, and other contrasts in the world. Architecture was revolutionized and functionalism became the dominant movement. Functionalism was the idea that buildings should be functional, or useful.