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Marketing Concepts 1
                                                    • geographic domain                       Each objective should meet the
    Doing it Right                                  • core technologies used                  following basic criteria:
       Marketing is a general term used to          • commitment to survival, growth           Suitable: Do they fit with the corpor-
    describe all the steps that lead to final         and profitability                            ate mission?
    sales. It is the process of planning and        • key parts of the company’s               Measurable: What will happen
    executing pricing, promotion and                  philosophy                                   and when?
    distribution to satisfy individual and          • company self-concept                     Feasible: Are they possible to
    organizational needs.                           • company’s desired images                     achieve?
       From this definition it is easy to see        Do not expect a mission statement to      Acceptable: Do they fit with the values
    that marketing is more than just the          be developed quickly. It generally takes         of the company and the
    process of selling a product or service.      various revisions before a complete              employees?
    Marketing is an essential part of             mission statement is written.                Flexible: Can they be adapted and
    business, and without marketing, even                                                          changed should unforeseen
    the best products and services fail.          Stage 2: Overall                                 events arise?
       Companies constantly fail because                                                       Motivating: Are they neither too
    they do not know what is happening in
                                                  Company Objectives
                                                     Once a mission statement has been             difficult nor too easy to achieve?
    the marketplace and as a result, they are                                                  Understanding: Are they stated
                                                  created, the company can develop
    not fully meeting their customer’s                                                             simply?
                                                  objectives. Objectives are specific goals
    needs. They mistakenly believe that                                                        Commitment: Are people committed
                                                  to be achieved by the business. They
    with the proper amount of advertising,                                                         to doing what is necessary to
                                                  are plans that will help a company
    customers will buy whatever they                                                               achieve them?
                                                  move toward the mission statement. A
    are offered.                                                                               Participation: Are the people
                                                  business normally creates both one- and
       Marketing consists of making                                                                responsible for achieving the
                                                  three-year objectives. Examples of
    decisions on the four P’s:                                                                     objectives included in the
                                                  company objectives are:
      • Product                                                                                    objective-setting process?
                                                    • To earn at least 20% after-tax rate
      • Place/Distribution                                                                       Companies need to ensure that they
                                                       of return on our net investment
      • Promotion                                                                             do not set too many objectives. When
                                                       during this year
      • Pricing                                                                               too many objectives are set, the
                                                    • To make our cookies the best
       Before a business owner can make                                                       company runs the risk of having
                                                       selling cookies in terms of units
    decisions on the four P’s, he/she must                                                    objectives contradict and interfere with
                                                       sold in Kansas
    devise a plan. A plan provides a                                                          each other.
    business with guidance on making              Types of Objectives
    decisions. This chapter includes               1. Profitability                           Stage 3:
    directions on how to devise a plan that         • Net profit as a percent of sales
    will assist in making decisions about
                                                                                              Competitive Strategies
                                                    • Net profit as percent of                   Once a company has determined
    the four P’s. This type of plan is a six-         total investment                        objectives a competitive strategy can
    stage process that is commonly referred         • Net profit per share of                 be developed. A competitive strategy is
    to as strategic marketing; a strategic            common stock                            developed so that a company can create
    marketing plan is an important part of a
                                                   2. Volume                                  advantages over the competition.
    business plan.
                                                    • Market share                            Examples of creating a competitive
    Stage 1:                                        • Percentage growth in sales              strategy include:
                                                    • Sales rank in the market                  • offering buyers a standard product
    The Mission Statement                           • Production capacity utilization
        The first stage in strategic marketing                                                    at a lower price; or
    is the development of a mission                3. Stability                                 • making the product different than
    statement. A mission statement is a             • Variance in annual sales volume             the competition on attributes con-
    brief description of a company,                 • Variance in seasonal sales volume           sidered important to the customer.
    generally no more that a few lines, that        • Variance in profitability
                                                                                              Types of Competitive
    describes where the company is and
    where it wants to go.
                                                   4. Nonfinancial                            Strategies
                                                    • Maintenance of family control           Overall Cost Leadership
        A good mission statement
                                                    • Improved corporate image                   This refers to being a low-cost
    should contain:
                                                    • Enhancement of technology or            manufacturer and should not be
       • target customers/markets
                                                      quality of life                         confused with setting low prices. Cost
       • principal products/services
 Adapted from Reference Guide for Kansas Food Processors, Kansas State
University and Kansas Department of Commerce & Housing, July 1998.
leadership can be achieved by:           industry sales your company attains.             • differentiating the product
  • producing on a large scale              For example, if a company sells 100              • serving a narrowly defined
  • designing products that are easy to     units of product, but total consumption            target market
     manufacture                            for the good is 100,000 units, the               • flankers (new brands designed
  • accessing low-cost raw materials        market share is 1% (100/100,000).                  to serve new segments)
  • predicting a broad range
     of products                            Stage 5:                                    Stage 6:
  • pursuing cost reductions in             Marketing Strategies                        Marketing Programs
     production, marketing, research            Marketing strategies outline               Marketing programs are the
     and development, customer              exactly how marketing objectives will       detailed approaches to the four P’s.
     service, and the avoidance of          be achieved. For example, if the            (products, place, promotion and
     marginal accounts                      marketing objective is to increase          pricing). The approach for making
Differentiation                             market share, the marketing strategy        decisions for each of the four P’s
   Differentiation involves changing        states exactly how the market share         should closely follow the mission
the product so it is perceived as unique.   increase will occur. A marketing            statement, company objectives,
Change can be based on:                     strategy is a way to give marketing         competitive strategies, marketing
  • technical superiority                   orientation to a business by deciding to    objectives and marketing strategies.
  • quality                                 position a product or service in terms of
                                            buyer needs and wants. Inexperienced        Types of Promotion
  • customer support services                                                              Promotion includes all activities
  • the appeal of more value for            business people often make decisions
                                            based on what they like or want,            designed to inform, persuade and
     the money                                                                          influence people when they are making
                                            leaving the customer out of the picture.
Niche Marketing                             A marketing orientation brings the          the decision to buy. Promotion is made
    Niche marketing occurs when a           customer into the center of the picture.    up of:
product is sold to a small number of            The marketing objectives for profits,   Advertising
total potential customers. The specialty    cash flow and market share can be            • non-personal communication
market is often referred to as niche        achieved by increasing the number of           transmitted through mass media
marketing, since products are marketed      users, increasing the rate of purchase,
to a very small group of buyers. Niche      retaining existing customers or             Publicity
marketing requires the business owner       acquiring new customers. The                 • free promotion through news
to identify customers with similar          following are examples of various types        stories in newsletters, newspapers,
demands and serve their needs               of marketing strategies.                       magazines and television
extremely well.                               I. Increase the number of users by:       Sales Promotion
    Niche marketing implies that a                • building willingness to buy           • all forms of communication not
company will take a lower overall                 • increasing ability to buy                found in advertising and personal
market share, but possibly with higher       II. Increase the rate of purchase by:           selling, including direct mail,
profits on the product. Higher profits            • broadening usage occasions for           coupons, volume discounts,
may be achieved by having higher                    the product                              sampling, rebates, demonstrations,
prices or producing at lower costs.               • increasing level of consumption          exhibits, sweepstakes, trade
                                                  • increasing rate of replacement           allowances, samples and point-of-
Stage 4:                                     III. Retain current customers by:               purchase displays
Marketing Objectives                              • maintaining satisfaction               In designing a promotional plan,
   Marketing objectives can only be               • meeting what competition offers     clearly spell out:
developed after stages one through                • developing or increasing              • Which objectives to use. It is
three have been completed. Marketing                relationship marketing                   possible to have more than one
objectives are designed to help a            IV. Acquire new customers by:                   objective, but it is recommended
company attain overall objectives.                • line extensions (variations of           that a company target its audience
   The five basic marketing                         existing products designed for           or run the risk of losing focus.
objectives are:                                     existing markets)                     • What to say
  • to achieve a viable level of sales or         • leaders (lower prices on certain      • Who to say it to
     market share                                   products to increase the sale of      • Criteria used to measure success
  • to increase market share                        more expensive complements)
  • to maintain market share                      • bundling (selling products -        Suggestions for
  • to maximize cash flow                           together, usually at a lower        Inexpensive Promotion
  • to sustain profitability                        price than if bought separately)       Some inexpensive, appropriate and
   Market share is a common term used             • head-to-head market dominance       effective methods of promotion for the
in developing marketing objectives. It            • head-to-head price/cost             new food processor include advertising
refers to the percentage of the total               leadership                          through:
• Personal selling                         • Which promotion is working?                   Cooperative expenditures should be
 • Product demonstrations                   • Which promotion is not working?           examined in the same way as other
 • Direct mail                              • What are the costs of the promo-          advertising, public relations and
 • Business cards                             tion compared to the benefits?            promotional plans. A program can be
 • Yellow Page listing                                                                  considered weak if the focus is on
 • Seminars                               Various Forms of Advertising                  generating immediate store traffic
 • Newsletters                            Newspapers                                    through markdown promotions and ads
 • Contests                                  Advantages—flexibility,                    emphasizing savings that could damage
 • Flyers                                 community prestige, intense coverage,         the brand's quality image.
 • Statement stuffers                     reader control of exposure, coordination          Federated Cooperative’s program is
 • Window banners                         with national advertising,                    a good example of a cooperative
 • Greeting cards                         merchandising service                         program. In order to take advantage of
 • Sports team sponsor                       Disadvantages—short life span,             their program, several criteria must be
 • Home parties                           hasty reading, poor reproduction              met:
 • Ethnic services—languages spoken                                                        • The product must be sold in the
  Of course, one of the best free         Radio                                              Co-op stores
methods of promotion is good “word of        Advantages—immediacy, low cost,               • The company must be an
mouth."                                   practical audience selection, mobility             established supplier
                                             Disadvantages—fragmentation,                  • The company must be able to ship
                                          temporary nature of message                        the product to all Co-op stores
Promotion Objectives
                                          Magazines                                         Although a cooperative advertising
   The promotion objectives need to
                                             Advantages—selectivity, quality            program can be expensive to the
be clearly stated and measurable. They
                                          reproduction, long life, prestige             producer, the benefits can also be
must be compatible with the objectives
                                          associated with some, extra services          significant. Cooperative advertising
of the company, as well as the
                                             Disadvantages—lack of flexibility          averages around 2 to 5 percent of the
competitive and marketing strategies.
                                                                                        invoice value. However, every product
Objectives vary for different products    Outdoor Advertising                           is different.
and different situations. For example,       Advantages—quick communication                 The value is put toward purchasing
producers must promote differently to     of simple ideas, repetition, ability to       newspaper ads together with the
brokers than to wholesalers. When         promote products available for sale           retailer. The ads are usually finalized in
promoting to a broker, the producer       nearby                                        December for the following year. Be
must promote what he/she wishes the          Disadvantages—brevity of the               sure to stipulate that the feature price
broker to present to the wholesaler.      message, public concern over esthetics        will be set six weeks prior to the date of
When promoting to a wholesaler, the
                                          Television                                    the promotion. Consider an average
producer simply wants the wholesaler
                                             Advantages—impact mass                     price reduction of 10 percent in the
to purchase the product.
                                          coverage, repetition, flexibility, prestige   form of an off-invoice case allowance
   There are five general promotional
                                             Disadvantages—temporary nature             timed to coincide with the cooperative
objectives to choose from. The five
                                          of message, high cost, high mortality         advertising feature.2
types of objectives for promotional
activities are1:                          rate for commercials, evidence of
                                                                                        Media Rates
  • to provide information                public distrust, lack of selectivity
                                                                                           Promotional and media costs are the
  • to increase demand                    Direct Mail                                   most difficult to allocate because their
  • to differentiate the product             Advantages—selectivity and speed,          effectiveness is hard to measure in a
  • to accentuate the value of            intense coverage, flexibility of format,      concrete manner. Before looking at the
     the product                          complete information, personalization         dollar costs of different promotional
  • to stabilize sales                       Disadvantages—high cost per                media, it should be decided:
                                          person, dependency on quality of                • which media are most likely to
Promotional Strategy                      mailing list, consumer resistance                  reach the target audience
   Once the producer has reviewed all                                                     • which media suit the product
                                          Cooperative Advertising                            image
the possible promotional tools, he/she        Cooperative advertising should be
must devise a promotional strategy. A                                                     • whether any product-specific
                                          looked at as a way to enhance consumer             features make one medium more
promotional strategy should address the   awareness of a product (or brand) in a
following issues:                                                                            appropriate than another (i.e., is a
                                          local market under both the brand and              visual demonstration necessary?)
  • What is the goal of the promotion?    the retailer’s name. Think of
  • What types of promotion should                                                        • what the promotional budget is
                                          cooperative advertising as retailers             Common errors to avoid are:
     be used?                             helping to sell a product by paying part
  • What effect should the promotion                                                      • trying to focus efforts on too broad
                                          of the expense to promote the product              a market
     have on the customer?                in their local market.                          • allowing the quality of a
promotional piece to lapse in order      planned properly and presented well.             trade show will provide
    to afford more distribution, or lack     Several months to a year may be                  information. Additional materials
    of planning and coordination             required to obtain a well located booth          and information that should be
  • no measurement of effectiveness          and prepare the appropriate materials            requested (if not offered) include:
  • relying on one source of media           and displays.                                     • a floor plan (preferably with
                                                                                                 other exhibitors indicated) so a
Setting Promotional Expenditures             Choosing the Trade Show
                                                                                                 high traffic area can be chosen.
    Market share—A company that has            1. List several trade shows that would
                                                                                                 Note: Do not hesitate to pay
a higher market share generally has to             be suitable
                                                                                                 extra for a good location; the
spend more on advertising to maintain            Various directories are available that
                                                                                                 whole point is exposure
its share.                                   contain a complete index of trade
                                                                                               • booth specifications, including
    Sales from new products—If a             shows listed chronologically,
                                                                                                 dimensions, lighting, tables,
company has a high percentage of its         geographically and by subject. Each
                                                                                                 chairs, skirting and any display
sales from new products, it has to spend     listing has a phone number of the trade
                                                                                                 or sample restrictions
more on advertising compared to              show contact. Two sources of Trade
                                                                                               • information on all services
companies with established products.         Show listings are:
                                                                                                 being offered, such as
    Market growth—Companies
                                                                                                 accommodations, equipment
competing in fast-growing markets            USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service
                                                                                                 rental, assistance with set up,
should spend comparatively more                  Washington, DC 20250
                                                                                                 tear down or packing storage.
on advertising.                                  Phone: (202) 720-7115
                                                                                                 Note: It is a good idea to exploit
    Plant capacity—If a company has a            Fax: (202) 720-1727
                                                                                                 the services being offered on
lot of unused plant capacity, it should
                                                                                                 site, as there are many details to
spend more on advertising to stimulate           The FAS home page on the
                                                                                                 be concerned with at a trade
sales of product.                            Internet’s World Wide Web is a direct
                                                                                                 show event.
    Product price—Both very high-            link to information on U.S. agricultural
priced (or premium) products and very        trade and export programs, including a       Preparation
low-priced (or discount) products            list of upcoming trade shows.                  • Set clearly defined goals for the
require higher ad expenditures because,                                                       trade show. This will help in
in both cases, price is an important         Trade Show Week                                  development of the presentation
factor in the buying decision. The buyer       12233 West Olympic Blvd.,                      strategy and display.
has to be convinced (through                   Suite 236                                    • Set a budget allowing for enough
advertising) that the product is a good        Los Angeles, California 90064–9956             personnel, accommodations,
value.                                         Phone: (310) 826-5696                          product and travel. If the trade
    Product quality—Higher quality             Fax: (310) 826-2039                            show is out of the country, allow
products require greater advertising                                                          for insurance costs, and plan to
effort because of the need to convince           “Trade Show Week” contains a                 spend a day in the host country
the consumer that the product is unique.     listing of trade shows in the United             before and after the trade show.
    Breadth of product line—                 States, Canada and Mexico (in its              • It is advisable to choose
Companies with a broad line of               Domestic Edition) and other countries            professional design and marketing
products have to spend more on               (in its International Edition).                  consultants to help prepare the
advertising compared to companies                                                             materials for the booth. Effective
                                              2. From the list of potential trade
with specialized lines.                                                                       material can also be prepared by
                                                 shows, choose to participate in the
                                                                                              the company – just remember the
Trade Shows                                      one(s) that:
                                                                                              target audience and the image you
    Budgeting for a trade show, and               • attract the most appropriate
                                                                                              wish to project. Materials will
including this venue in the overall                 customers, not necessarily the
marketing plan is a highly focused way              largest volume of customers
                                                                                               • a high-impact display to attract
to:                                               • will draw an audience from the
                                                                                                  the audience
  • establish a presence in                         geographic area the company is
                                                                                               • professionally prepared infor-
     the marketplace                                prepared to serve
                                                                                                  mation handouts (Remember,
  • gain an overview of the industry              • are well supported by others in
                                                                                                  the people attending are coming
     at present                                     the industry (i.e., if the
                                                                                                  to gather knowledge.)
  • obtain a list of serious buyers more            competition never misses it,
                                                                                               • samples of the product
     quickly than would be possible                 there could be a reason)
                                                                                           4. Prepare the sales presentation.
     with a traditional sales approach            • are well organized and
                                                                                              Exhibit selling must be polished,
    Although trade shows are relatively             promoted
                                                                                              brief and convey information. If
expensive, they are widely used in the        3. Obtain all information needed to
                                                                                              the presentation lacks impact, the
food industry. They offer the potential          begin preparing for the trade
                                                                                              audience will quickly move on.
for a high return in sales and contacts if       show(s). The contact person for the
                                                                                           5. Prepare a system for recording
leads. Several options include:        In-Store Demonstrations                          they will be. Talk to them about
     • lead sheets for sales staff            Demonstrations, sometimes referred            two weeks prior to the demonstra-
     • a business card exchange            to as product samplings, are an                  tions, so they will have the product
       system                              effective and inexpensive means to               on hand and on the shelves.
     • sign up sheet for                   promote a new or existing product.           •   Be prepared to work the whole
       more information                                                                     weekend, not just peak hours. The
     • a guest book                        Types of Demonstrations                          normal run of a demonstration is
 6. Ensure everyone at your booth is           There are three types of in-store            during store hours on Thursday,
    well-informed about your               demonstrations:                                  Friday and Saturday.
    company, its product, prices and          • Live demonstrations                     •   The store may want incentives
    terms of sale                             • Mobile demonstrations                       from you, such as cost cuts on the
                                              • Static display                              product. If possible, get the store
At the Trade Show                              Live Demonstrations include a                to offer special treatment for your
   Staff will be presenting the product    staffed area with activity, such as              product during the demonstration.
and working with customers the entire      simple preparation. They are best with a         Be prepared to pay for this
time they are in the booth. Ensure that    new product that requires information            opportunity.
adequate breaks are given so the quality   or answers to questions, or for a pro-       •   Try to place the demonstration area
of presentations remains consistent.       duct that requires special preparation.          where the product is stocked.
   It is important that the customer       One advantage of a live demonstration        •   During the demonstration, hand out
relate the product to their situation.     is that you can encourage the customer           simple information on the product
Sales staff should encourage customers     to purchase the product.                         and any coupons.
to handle the product and talk about           Mobile Demonstration is a form of        •   Be unique. Try new ideas, as
their situation so the most relevant       live demonstration that occurs when a            you must stand out from the
points about the product can be            demonstrator walks through a store               competition.
presented. Encourage customers to take     offering samples. The demonstrator           •   Know the competition, but do not
information and samples: Just because      usually has a base operation near the            downgrade them during the
the materials are there does not mean      product sales display. Not all stores            demonstration.
they will be examined.                     allow for this type of demonstration.        •   Demonstrations normally do not
Follow up                                  Static Display                                   provide access to a very wide
   Be sure to prepare a plan for follow-      Includes an area displaying the               market and, consequently, are only
up before the trade show, with             product and offering unattended                  used as one segment of a marketing
deadlines for re-contacting interested     samples. One advantage of a static               and promotional package.
parties. Follow-up should be               display is that they are cost effective.
immediate, and it is best to let                                                      Coupons
                                           One disadvantage is that there is no
customers know in advance when and                                                        Coupons can be an effective way to
                                           control on how much sample is used or
how they can expect to be re-contacted.                                               increase sales and profits, but there are
                                           on the purchasing decision. This type of
                                                                                      certain costs to consider:
                                           demonstration requires consumer
                                                                                         • costs of physical distribution,
                                           familiarity with the product.
Publicity                                                                                  mailing, placing advertisements
    Publicity provides free advertising    Steps in Planning Demonstrations                and paying the retailer a handling
for the producer through news stories in     • Determine what type of                      charge for redeeming the coupons.
newsletters, newspapers, magazines and         demonstration you are going to            • reduced contribution margins
television. Publicity can be attained by       use.                                        associated with the fact that
sending a media release to radio,            • Decide which stores you are going           coupons are price reductions.
television, newspaper and magazine             to target.                                • coupons will be used by new
offices. A media release is a one-page       • Choose a store that stocks                  customers as well as existing
letter identifying a newsworthy event          your product.                               customers who would have bought
and outlining the who, what, when,           • Find out the store policy on setting        the product at the regular price.
where and why of the story. A media            up in-store demonstrations. Every          Any printer can print coupons.
release is appropriate to announce the         store has different policies.              Managers must estimate various
start-up of a new business, introduction     • Decide if you wish to hire a           rates to determine the effectiveness of a
of a new product, or any other success         demonstration company or if you        coupon promotion. The estimations
story related to the company. The              will do it yourself. Consider time,    could be based on past performance or
media will publish or announce the             energy, ease of demonstration and      on experiments that run coupons in one
story as a news item and, consequently,        budget when making this decision.      city or in one part of a city. These rates
there is no expense for the processor.       • Talk to the store managers. The        include:
Publicity is one of the most effective         better the relationship you have           Redemption rates: the percentage
and least costly means of advertising.         with them and the better they know     of buyers responding to the incentive.
                                               your product, the more cooperative         Displacement sales: sales made
during a promotion that would                 and tabulated from retailer, retailer     Target pricing is where a company
otherwise have been made to regular           clearing house, or billing agent.         studies the competition and the
buyers at the regular rate.                 • Verifies retailer, checks coupons         customer to identify a point where the
   Acquisition rates: non-regular             and reimburses retailer or retailer       product must be priced to be
buyers who purchase the product during        clearing house.                           competitive. Once the target price is
the promotion.                              • Sends coupon redemption report to         identified, the company identifies a
   Stock-up rates: sales made during          manufacturer with invoice.                desired profit and works backward to
a promotion that are borrowed from            Provides complete audit of moneys         calculate cost at which the product must
future periods because the customer           received from manufacturers and           be produced to meet the profit and
stocks up on the product at the               paid to retailers.                        target price. These calculations must
discounted price.                                                                       take into account the target profit
                                          Retailer Clearing House
   Conversion rates: the conversion of                                                  margin, price reductions for retailers,
                                           • Performs coupon accounting
nonregular buyers into regular buyers.                                                  costs of promotion and future
                                              service for retailer’s account-
   To estimate the effect on                                                            distribution costs.
                                              ing department.
profitability, one must:                                                                   This is the reason that pricing is the
                                           • Receives, unsorted and uncounted,
  • estimate the increased contribution                                                 last of the four P’s to be covered. To
                                              all coupons accepted by retailer.
     from incremental sales to                                                          properly calculate the costs incurred by
                                           • Sorts, counts, and tabulates.
     new buyers                                                                         a company, include present and planned
                                           • Bills out to applicable manufac-
  • estimate the reduced contribution                                                   activities for distribution, promotion
                                              turers or agents.
     from displaced and stock-up sales                                                  and product development.
                                           • Reimburses retailer, deducting
  • subtract the direct costs of the
                                              service fee per coupon, plus any          Pricing Strategies
     sales promotion
                                              shipment adjustments.                        Pricing strategies specify the role
Coupon Distribution                       Retailer Billing Agent                        of price in implementing marketing
   Coupons can be distributed in a         • Performs coupon accounting                 strategy. It states what the company
variety of ways. The most common              service for retailers.                    wants to achieve by setting a particular
vehicles for issuing coupons are:3         • Receives, unsorted and uncounted,          price. Pricing strategies are not
                                              all coupons accepted by retailer.         necessarily mutually exclusive.
                                           • Sorts, counts and tabulates.                  Price strategies should be
  • In- or on-package self
                                           • Bills out to applicable manufac-           determined for each marketing strategy
  • In- or on-package cross
                                              turers or agents in the name of           set by the company and must be
  • Instantly redeemable
                                              the retailer.                             consistent with distribution and
Media:                                     • Invoice retailer service fee               promotion strategies.
 • Newspaper                                  per coupon.
 • Free standing insert                                                                 Pricing Programs
 • Flyers                                 Value Pricing                                    Pricing strategies are arrived at
 • Magazine                                   Pricing is much easier with one           through various pricing programs
 • Direct mail (solo, co-op or            product than with multi-products.             such as:
   selective)                             When a single good is being produced,         Penetration Pricing
                                          all fixed costs associated with the             • a low price to stimulate demand.
                                          business are applicable to that one
  • Shelf pads (or shelf dispensers)                                                    Used when
                                          product. When several products are
  • Handout (with product                                                                • lower prices result in overall
                                          produced, fixed costs must be applied
     demonstration)                                                                        increased growth in the market or
                                          proportionately to the various goods
  • Entrance (crew handout or self-                                                        increased demand for the
                                          according to use.
     serve dispenser)                                                                      company’s product
                                              Many companies want to have both
  • Cash register (bag stuffers, cash                                                    • the company sells higher margin
                                          extensive marketing programs and the
     register tapes)                                                                       complementary products that are
                                          lowest price. In most cases this is not
  • Electronic coupons printed in-store                                                    being pulled along with the sale
                                          feasible. The money for the marketing
   There are three organizations that                                                      of lower priced products
                                          programs must come from the con-
can help the handling of coupons. The                                                    • the company enjoys economies
                                          sumer and this is not always possible
following is an outline of the services                                                    of scale
                                          with low prices.
performed by redemption agents,                                                          • competitors have high-
                                              Traditionally, companies have used
clearing houses and billing agents.                                                        cost structures.
                                          costs as the basis for setting prices, with
Manufacturer’s Redemption Agent           no regard as to the value a customer          Parity Pricing
 • Performs coupon redemption             places on a product or how competitors          • setting the price near or at
   service for manufacturer’s             are pricing. A market-driven company              competitive levels, and using
   marketing department.                  will “price on value, knowing costs.”4            other marketing variables to
 • Receives coupons sorted, counted,          This is known as target pricing.              implement strategies
Used when                                      Contribution Analysis                         PVCM = selling price-variable costs
 • total market volume will not grow               Contribution analysis studies how                         selling price
   with lower prices                           the final selling price will contribute to
 • competitors can easily match any            fixed costs. Ideally, a product would            PVCM shows which products
   price decrease                              cover all the fixed costs and contribute      contribute the greatest amount to
                                               a new profit, but this does not always        overhead and profit for each additional
Premium Pricing                                                                              dollar spent to increase sales.
                                               happen. Many products in a company’s
  • setting a price above competi-
                                               business only cover their variable costs      Setting Prices
    tive levels
                                               and part of the fixed costs. A company
                                                                                                Two tools that are important for
Used when                                      must decide if these products are worth
                                                                                             setting prices are:
 • a company can differentiate a               continuing (i.e., whether the product is
                                                                                               • break-even analysis
   product in terms of higher quality          necessary to the product line). Fixed
                                                                                               • cost-volume relationships
   or special features                         costs exist whether the product is
 • a company has little excess                 produced or not. The question that must       Break-even Analysis
   capacity and where it is difficult          be answered: "Is it better to produce a          Break-even analysis can be used as
   for competitors to enter the                product that pays for itself and part of      a tool for initially setting a product’s
   industry                                    the overhead, or do nothing (i.e., not        price or for calculating the effects of a
                                               produce it) and cover none of the             price change. It helps the owner/-
Monitoring Costs                               overhead?”                                    manager understand that for certain
    A multi-product company cannot get             If a company has excess capacity, it      prices, different levels of production are
the information it requires from the           would be better to keep the products          required to break even (i.e., covering all
conventional profit and loss statement.        that are covering only part of the costs.     variable and fixed costs).
Instead, it needs to track costs for the       If capacity is full, selling a product with      The break-even point is where total
company and for each product. Without          low or negative total contribution may        revenue equals total cost. Below break-
product-specific information, it cannot        not be advisable. If resources and sales      even, losses are incurred. Above break-
tell which products are doing well and         are going to the low-contribution             even, profits are realized.
which need additional marketing                product instead of higher contribution           “Sunk” costs, such as research and
support.                                       products, a company is not maximiz-           development, should be ignored. Use
    To gather all the relevant                 ing profitability.                            equipment depreciation, rather than
information, a company needs to track              Salaries can be split according to        deducting full equipment costs.
two types of costs:                            hours spent on a product or some other        Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships
   • Variable costs (direct costs of           reasonable basis. Rent and utilities can         Economies of scale measure the
     manufacturing): costs specific to         be split on the basis of volume               impact of changes in volume on fixed
     the manufacturing of the particular       allocation.                                   costs. In many cases, a company’s
     good or service under scrutiny (i.e.,         Company advertising and general           ability to increase the volume of output
     labor, raw materials and supplies)        and administrative overhead cannot be         allows them to decrease the per unit
   • Fixed costs: ongoing costs that           allocated to specific products, so are        cost.
     occur whether a business is shut          non-traceable fixed costs.                       The experience curve effect is where
     down for a period of time or in full          Determining which products should         variable costs decline as volume
     production (i.e., depreciation,           receive additional support becomes            increases. This can cause better results
     insurance, taxes, selling and             clearer after we calculate the percentage     from increasing the volume of products.
     administration costs, utilities, and      variable contribution margin.5
     other costs)
  Table 1: Break-Even Analysis

   The following table shows an example of a break-even analysis for five different prices of one product.

   Unit Selling Price                $21.95                 $23.95                $25.95               $27.95                $29.95
   Unit Variable Cost                 $ 7.95                 $ 7.95                $ 7.95               $ 7.95                $ 7.95
   Unit Contribution(A)              $14.00                 $16.00                $18.00               $20.00                $22.00
   Estimated Sales                   27,500                 27,500                25,000               20,000                18,000
   Revenue                       $603,625                $646,650              $648,750              $559,000              $539,100
   Fixed Costs(B)                $400,000                $400,000              $400,000              $400,000              $400,000
   Variable Costs                $218,625                $214,650              $198,750              $159,000              $143,100
   Profit (loss)                 ($15,000)                $ 32,000              $ 50,000                   $0               ($4,000)

   Break-even (units)(C)           $28,571                $ 25,000              $ 22,222             $ 20,000              $ 18,182
Experience curves may be due to:6        retail price working back, rather than      processor must build in anticipated
  • more efficient production               from the cost working up. As a rule of      costs, which will be invoiced to the
    processes                               thumb, retailers’ margins average           company at year-end for the rebate,
  • higher discounts due to greater         around 30% with distributors’ margins       based on the processor’s total sales to
    volumes of purchases                    being as high as 30%, depending on          the food service distributors.
  • workers becoming more efficient         what services are being provided.              The processor should not jump into
Calculating Mark-Ups                           The approach is similar when             a volume rebate schedule without first
                                            dealing with food service distributors      calculating the impact of the increased
   When setting prices, companies
                                            such as Associated Food Distributors,       volumes in the form of lower per-unit
must take into account their own costs
                                            but with allowances made for volume         costs. Many processors offer a volume
as well as the various mark-ups
                                            rebates. Volume rebate schedules are        rebate schedule that reduces profit
required as a product moves toward the
                                            stepped with higher volumes, which          ability because the volume rebate is
consumer. In the food business, mark-
                                            means a higher percentage volume            greater than the cost savings of the
ups are usually calculated from the
                                            rebate is payable by the processor. The     increased output.

Table 2: Cost-Volume Relationships

 Product 1
                                       2000 Units                4000 Units
 Unit Variable Cost                           $40                    $40
 Total Variable Cost                       80,000                 160,000                   Break-Even       Total Fixed Costs (B)
 Total Traceable Fixed Costs              240,000                 240,000                                ═
 Total Direct Cost                        320,000                 400,000                   Point (C)        Unit Contribution (A)
 Divided by Volume                          2000                    4000
 Average Unit Cost                       $160/unit               $100/unit
Increases in volume have the greatest impact on products with high PVCM because
most of the costs are fixed for these products.

   Other features of the marketing            4. Floor stock protection is a            References
program to consider when setting                 contentious area whereby the store
prices:                                          asks that any downward adjustment      1. Beckman, M. Dale, David
 1. A minimum delivery size is set to            in price apply to the whole-              L.Kurtz, and Louis E. Boone.
     capitalize on freight. Minimum              saler’s/retailer’s inventory of a         Foundations of Marketing. Fifth
     Order Size for freight prepaid              product. Most processors do not           Canadian Edition. Dryden Canada.
     shipments is 2300 pounds or more.           offer floor stock protection in the       Toronto, On. 1992. p. 480)
     An industry standard for minimum            belief that it is up to the store to   2. Alberta Agriculture. Marketing
     order size is 30% contribution..            control its inventory.                    Food In Alberta: An Access
 2. New Store opening. In the case of         5.Some businesses charge prices              Directory. p. 43.
     a new store or a change of                  according to “rules of thumb,”         3. An Industry Guide to Couponing
     ownership, 15% off invoice for a            such as price is twice labor plus         Practices. FCPMC and CCGD.
     period of seven days, with a case           materials, or price is materials and      January, 1991. p. 5.
     allotment of 15 cases per checkout.         labor plus 20% for fixed costs and     4. “Pricing-Think Value Not Cost”,
 3. “Deal prices.” It is important to            25% for profit. These methods for         The Best Readings from Business -
     recognize that “deal” periods are           setting prices are not                    Marketing—Views from the
     set by retailers in December, so the        recommended, as calculating actual        Trenches, PWS–Kent Publishing
     processor has to have the year’s            costs is the only sure means of           Company: Boston, MA. p. 225.
     promotion program agreed to by              ensuring that prices cover costs.      5. Guiltinan, Joseph and Gordon
     the store prior to December 31 for                                                    Paul. Marketing Management, -
     the following 12 months. Most                                                         Strategies and Programs, Fourth
     processors have some type of                                                          Edition. McGraw–Hill; Toronto,
     maximum order volume to avoid                                                         Ontario. p. 226.
     the wholesaler/retailer stocking up
     on the product while “on deal.”
success and failure.                         Income levels
What Needs to be Done                          The marketing manager should                 Different customers have different
   Marketing is the transferring of         concentrate on marketing plans that will     income levels, tastes and preferences
goods from producers to consumers.          best serve the company and reach the         for products. Some may consider
Marketing a new product may seem            most consumers, because these are the        a product essential, others,
simple, but actually finding consumers      centerpieces of the marketing process.       conspicuous consumption.
to buy the product and getting it to        A good marketing plan should identify
them requires marketing managers to         problems or hurdles to overcome and          Number of market outlets
overcome many hurdles. Some of these        collect the kind of information needed          The number of market outlets is the
hurdles, such as the market structure,      to solve them.                               number of places consumers can
cannot be changed but must be                                                            purchase the product, whether in one
understood; others simply require time      Marketing Structure                          large store, many small ones, roadside
and hard work to overcome.                      A successful study of the marketing      stands or mail order.
   One of the first issues managers or      structure must include a marketing plan
owners must decide is which area is         specific to the product and the market
best suited to their interests,             share goal. A market cost feasibility        Participants in the
experiences and expertise.                  analysis should be formulated. This
                                            information should be used to
                                                                                         Marketing Process
Production                                  determine production practices,                 Many firms are involved in the
   Production is developing new             changes in the products, if needed, and      marketing process. This section focuses
products or modifying existing ones,        where products should be sold for the        on who is involved. There are a variety
organizing production schedules, and        greatest return.                             of middlemen and organizations who
keeping equipment operational. It               An assessment of the current             specialize in performing various
includes buying decisions about             business environment also is required.       marketing functions. There are no
equipment, whether to buy new or used,      Although the business environment            limits as to how they are organized.
and what equipment is actually needed       of a particular area may be beyond the       There are several types of middlemen:
to produce the products.                    control of local managers, it needs to be    Wholesalers
                                            understood, because it often influences          Wholesalers sell to retailers, other
                                            the type of marketing organization           wholesalers and industrial users, but do
   Marketing involves collecting
                                            required for success.                        not sell in significant amounts to
information, analyzing alternative
                                                An understanding of customer             ultimate consumers. There are two
market outlets, developing different
                                            requirements, including the following,       main kinds of wholesalers.
product forms, pricing products to
                                            is needed.
compete in the marketplace, deciding                                                     Agent wholesalers
the scope of the proposed market area       Market territory                                 Agent wholesalers can act as
and meeting consumers’ needs at the            The physical locations where the          representatives of their clients. They
right prices.                               product is going to be sold must be          also can provide access to market
                                            decided. It must be determined               territories that would be available only
                                            whether it is local, national or             if the producer expended additional
   Procurement is contracting with
                                            somewhere between.                           time and cost. This activity requires a
sellers of inputs, maintaining an
                                                                                         great deal of specialization, and they
adequate supply for production and          Population concentrations                    charge fees for these services. For this
scheduling deliveries to the local plant.      There have to be enough people
                                                                                         fee, however, they can help locate
                                            within a market who will buy the
Labor management                                                                         alternative buyers, locations, prices,
                                            product on a timely basis. It is easier to
   Labor managers hire and supervise                                                     products, and various retail market
                                            sell a given level of production
employees to obtain optimum                                                              outlets. In addition, some may
                                            throughout the year in urban areas
production and maintain good                                                             specialize in a certain kind of product,
                                            where there are many different types of
working relationships.                                                                   in different market locations, or in a
                                            consumers. In rural areas, a greater
   It is difficult for one person to                                                     large number of different products.
                                            percentage of people will have to buy
satisfactorily do everything, such as
                                            the product in order to sell the same        Merchant wholesalers
making decisions concerning                                                                 Merchant wholesalers buy and sell
                                            amount. A major factor in selling
production, marketing, procurement                                                       for their own gain based on their
                                            products is how many times a year the
and labor management. Without                                                            knowledge of the market situation. For
                                            product will be purchased: once a day,
concerted effort and attention to all                                                    example, they buy directly from
                                            week, month, or year. The fewer times
details, the chances of success are                                                      processors and sell products to retailers,
                                            a product is purchased by a specific
lowered. A management decision to                                                        other wholesalers, and industrial users.
                                            consumer per year, the more buyers
organize production and separate                                                         They usually specialize in similar types
marketing activities for each new                                                        of products in which they have storage
product is often the difference between
and transportation investments.               producers need to understand the           of thousands of products, from luxury
                                              pitfalls of producing too few or too       items to basic necessities. They have
Brokers                                       many products.                             many different traditions and tastes,
   Brokers act only as representatives                                                   ranging from ethnic to generic
for their clients. Brokers’ incomes are       Surplus                                    products. Consumers affect production
from fees and commissions and are                Too many products at a given price      decisions every day.
payments for their knowledge of market        in a certain market location are called        Consumers are the final buyers and
outlets and contacts. Brokers do not          surplus and will lower income              users of products. The intent of any
assume physical control of the                potential. Consumers may consider          business is to make and sell a product.
products. They follow directions of           buying the surplus at a lower “sale”       The manager must do the following.
each principal and have less discre-          price. This is a signal to producers to       • Make it in the form that
tionary power in price negotiation.           send fewer products to that location.           consumers want.
Commission people                             Shortage                                      • Make it when consumers want it.
   Commission people usually control             There is a shortage when consumers         • Sell it in places where consumers
the physical handling of the product,         want to purchase more products than             want it.
moving it from one location to another.       are available at specific locations.          • Sell it at prices consumers are
They arrange for the terms of sale and        When this happens, consumers who                willing to pay.
collect money from the buyer for the          want the products are usually willing to       Managers have to get market
sale of the products. They deduct             pay higher prices to get them. This will   information in order to make the
predetermined fees and send the               result in local retail managers offering   following day-to-day decisions.
balance to the processor.                     higher prices to wholesalers to get           • What quantity of a product are
                                              additional volume. When these                   consumers willing to purchase?
Speculative middlemen                         additional prices are offered to pro-         • Who is making those products,
   Speculative middlemen take title to        cessors, it is a signal to move more            and who is competing for
the products. They buy products based         products to that location. This infor-          those consumers?
on their knowledge of the possibility of      mation is valuable. Information from all      • What prices are consumers willing
selling at a higher price. Their goal is to   locations should be combined to decide          to pay?
make a profit from price differences in       whether or not to expand production.          • What is the speed with which
various locations.                                                                            products and information travel
                                              Organizing to Sell                              through the channels of
Retailers                                                                                     distribution?
    Retailers buy from many processors        New Products                                  • How long does it take for a price
and wholesalers to develop a product              When selling new products,
                                                                                              increase to reach the producer?
mix that will attract consumers to their      managers are faced with problem areas
                                                                                            • Based on this information,
stores. They rely on consistent quality       that are unique for each product.
                                                                                              should production be increased
and availability of products. They buy        Products have to be delivered to
                                                                                              or decreased?
and sell for their own gain.                  locations where consumers will be able
    Managers need to decide what kind         to buy them. For some products this is     Food Ingredients—
of a market territory they want to serve      complicated, but for others the
and how they can use any or all of the        marketing process is fairly straight-      Availability and
participants in the marketing process.        forward. In any case, managers should      Seasonality
Their selection will depend on different      gather the kind of information needed         Ingredients are one of the more
population concentrations, income             to fully understand and be able to         important factors in maintaining a
levels, number of competitive products        choose the most profitable alternative.    consistent quality, especially in food
and number of market outlets. All these       To start this process, managers must       products. The producer must know
should be used to develop the type of         have enough information in all of the      where to locate ingredients at different
market organization that will best serve      following problem areas.                   times of the year, especially if they are
consumers and sell the product.                                                          seasonal. Proper storage and handling
If these data are too difficult to            Consumers—                                 should be considered, as well as
personally collect, they can be               Convincing Them to Buy                     transportation and packaging. Costs of
purchased from various marketing                                                         ingredients that change frequently can
                                              Identify consumers                         create problems when estimating
consultants and middlemen.
                                                 Who will most likely buy the            production costs. This may require
Pitfalls to Avoid When                        product, how often will they buy it,       contracting for future delivery
                                              what price they are willing to pay, and    (discussed later). Seasonality of some
Devising a Marketing Plan                     where will they be buying it?
   Care must be taken when devising                                                      produce will require purchases in
                                                 Consumers have specific wants and       different locations during the year. Pro-
a marketing plan. The buying public,          needs. Their incomes vary from high to
unfortunately, is very choosy, and                                                       ducts that require special handling, such
                                              middle or low. They are given choices      as fresh meat or vegetables, present a
different set of problems and cost           neighborhood stores, have a unique            required to convince consumers to buy
factors. Also, shelf life of ingredients     clientele. Again, the products must           their products.
needs to be considered.                      match the clientele and image of the              A good way to begin test marketing
   One very important thing should be        specialty store.                              is to take samples to store managers and
noted: The only way to maintain                                                            convince them the products will sell
consistent-quality products is to buy        Roadside stands                               and make them money. Samples should
consistent-quality ingredients. This            A roadside stand may be an                 be ready for consumers to test. Selling
cannot be emphasized enough. People          alternative for fresh products or other       them at reduced prices or giving them
might be willing to buy the product          seasonal products, such as jams, jellies      away is a good way to entice consumers
once, and if it is of good quality, they     or pickles. These are open for part of        to try new products. It is important to
will continue to buy it. However, if         the year at a time when consumers are         seek immediate feedback about what
they notice a difference in quality each     willing to drive to a specific stand to       consumers think of the products and
time they purchase it, they will cease to    buy them.                                     any suggestions they may have for
buy the product, and it will be almost       Mail-order sales                              improvement.
impossible to get them to buy the               When using mail-order outlets, sales           When doing test marketing, it is
product again.                               volume can be controlled by the               important to determine how the
                                             number and type of catalogs sent. When        products are competing with other
                                             using mail-order catalogs, it is im-          brands. Count the number of competing
Alternative Retail Outlets                   portant to know the number distributed        brands in the stores. Buy some and
   There are many ways to distribute                                                       compare them.
                                             and the characteristics of the readers. If,
products once they have been produced.                                                         Do not forget that location within
                                             for example, 400,000 people receive the
These marketing channels need to be                                                        any store is very important. Certain
                                             catalog, and 1 percent of them order the
set up before production, not after.                                                       locations have “higher traffic” than
                                             product, that means there will be 4,000
These include large chain stores, mail-                                                    others. This means more consumers
                                             orders. If 5 percent of them order the
order sales, neighborhood stores,                                                          will see products in those areas and will
                                             product, there will be 20,000 orders.
roadside stands, and door-to-door sales.                                                   be more likely to buy. The highest
                                             Producers need to understand and be
Alternative retail outlets can help                                                        exposure for new products in stores is
                                             prepared for the potential volume of
producers reach a specific consumer                                                        at the ends of the aisles or at the
                                             mail orders. Conversely, there could be
group with income levels suitable to the                                                   checkout counter. There is a preferred
                                             very few sales, and there could be
product, ethnic preferences that match                                                     height on store shelves where people
                                             products left over.
the products, and lifestyles that are                                                      can see your product without looking
served by the products. Different retail     Government contracts                          up or down.
outlets that will be able to sell products      Government contracts cover such
should be considered.                        outlets as prisons, military bases and        Advertising
                                             government cafeterias. Contracts with             Advertising is controlled
Large chain stores                                                                         communication about a product.
                                             various government purchasing
   These stores can provide an                                                             Through symbols and language, it tells
                                             agencies can provide sales
opportunity for a larger number of                                                         what a product or service can do for the
                                             opportunities as long as government
consumers than a local store. They offer                                                   consumer.
                                             specifications are met.
thousands of choices of different                                                              Advertising, when properly
                                                When formulating distribution plans,
products from which consumers must                                                         understood, is a powerful tool for
                                             be sure to inquire about terms of sales.
decide to spend their money. Large                                                         management. It can be most effective
                                             Some large discount chains and
chain stores usually require large                                                         with products that can be differentiated
                                             government procurers do not pay within
quantities of a product delivered at                                                       from similar products based on
                                             30 days. In fact, sometimes payment is
specific times to specific places at                                                       consumer-accepted quality differences.
                                             not received for at least 60 days.
predetermined prices. Getting shelf                                                        Consumer information is gathered by
                                             Marketers must take this into
space can require substantial fees.                                                        giving small samples to consumers in
                                             consideration when planning cash flow
Neighborhood stores                          statements and making marketing plans.        stores or retail businesses. This
   These stores often work with local                                                      information can give a direct consumer
producers if the managers feel the           Test Marketing                                response to a new product for that
products will be accepted by their               Regardless of the outlet chosen, test     location.
clientele. Each store has developed a        marketing a product in potential sales            Regardless of the quality of a
clientele unique to that store, and new      areas is essential. This is especially true   product’s advertising, it is important to
products have to be a part of that image.    if the product is new or different from       remember a product has to compete on
                                             what is already on the market.                its own. Brand preference cannot be
Specialty stores                             Producers must work with retail               established if the product fails to meet
   Specialty stores are often single-line    managers to decide how much                   consumer expectations. A well
stores or discount houses that, like         advertising and promotion will be             developed overall advertising program
can tell consumers what a product or            The marketing manager for a               Packaging
service can do for them compared to          product must find a price that satisfies        The purpose of a package is to
similar products on the market. If           both consumers and producers.                protect the product from spoiling and
consumers are convinced, they will buy       Consumers are always willing to pay          keep it clean until it is opened by the
the products.                                lower prices for any product. Producers      consumer. Many producers overlook
    “Business is built best which            are always willing to offer products for     the importance of product packaging,
attracts the kind of customer and only       sale at higher prices. A market price for    but this is the first thing consumers see.
the kind of customer it can best serve.      long-term production is established          When the package is appealing, con-
Every business is qualified by its           when the price of any product is equal       sumers are more likely to buy it. As
management’s beliefs to serve a              to or above the average total cost of        long as the anticipated quality is there,
particular segment of the total market,      production and at a price consumers          consumers will be satisfied. They will
and by reflecting its essential character,   will pay.                                    buy the product in the package they
its advertising can most effectively                                                      like and will not buy it in one they do
reach this segment and keep it a long        Frequency of                                 not like – even though the product is
time.” (Maynard)                             Consumer Purchases                           the same.
                                                Frequency of consumer purchases is           The consumer decides the size of
Pricing Competitively                        very important. Repeat purchases are         package most suited to each product.
    One question to ask is whether the       the keys to a successful outlet selection.   The size and type of package will
product is priced similarly to other         Not all products are purchased at the        depend on knowing what the consumer
competing brands but above costs of          same frequency, and marketing man-           will accept for each type of product.
production. For more information on          agers need to understand how often           Consumers are more likely to buy
this, see K-State Research and               consumers will be purchasing their           smaller food packages of items that are
Extension bulletin Economic Analysis         products when determining production         used occasionally. They will buy large
of a New Business—Doing it Right,            rate, transportation, storage, etc. The      packages of items used frequently and
MF-2184.                                     most common purchasing patterns are          in a relatively short time, if the product
    Once consumers have been                 as follow.                                   remains safe to use during this period.
identified, a retail outlet has been
                                                                                             Most plant and animal products must
located and test marketing completed,        Daily
                                                                                          be packaged appropriately to be
producers need to determine at what             Some products – such as milk,
                                                                                          preserved: pickled, canned, smoked,
price a product will sell and still be       bread, and doughnuts – might be
                                                                                          cooked, dried, or frozen. The type of
profitable. Price is the only means for      purchased daily, meaning the producer
                                                                                          processing will determine the length of
generating income and profit for the         will have to deliver the product
                                                                                          time the product can be safely used
producer.                                    frequently. These products are usually
                                                                                          from the time processed.
    There is no one method of setting        quite perishable.
prices. It is imperative to keep in mind                                                  Storage and
that costs of production do not              Weekly
determine the price of the product.             These are generally products with a       Transportation of
Consumers are only interested in the         3- to 6-week shelf life. For these           Food Products
lowest price they can get, and they do       products, careful control of production          Products must be stored from the
not care what it costs to produce the        inventory will be necessary. A producer      time they are processed until they are
product.                                     must have the ability and capacity to        transported and sold to consumers.
    If the consumer’s desire for the         store products between deliveries.           Various products require different types
product is great, set the price high         Monthly                                      of storage and transportation facilities.
enough to ration the available supply           These require a larger consumer               Storage and transportation are
for sale. As production increases, prices    territory if the consumer only buys one      critical to the marketing process.
may have to be lowered to sell               item per month compared to one per           Obviously, different products require
additional products. However, do not         week. Delivery will be less often, and       different types of storage and
lower prices below the cost of               storage will have to be increased, either    transportation facilities. For example,
production. Always know your cost of         on the shelf or in the back room.            frozen products should not be allowed
production, and never price your                                                          to thaw during storage and
product below that if the goal is to         Seasonal                                     transportation. Keeping the product
remain in business.                             These are products that generally are     frozen requires additional expense. Part
    If the consumer’s desire for the         associated with a specific growing           of the storage and transportation cost
product is not great, and if the product     season or holiday. These types of            includes spoilage and breakage.
is in a competitive market, sales will       products usually are sold only during            Fresh products have to move to
depend on the success of convincing          one time period each year.                   consumers quickly. Dried products can
consumers to buy products for prices                                                      remain in storage and be moved
above total costs.                                                                        through marketing channels at a slower

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  • 1. Marketing Concepts 1 • geographic domain Each objective should meet the Doing it Right • core technologies used following basic criteria: Marketing is a general term used to • commitment to survival, growth Suitable: Do they fit with the corpor- describe all the steps that lead to final and profitability ate mission? sales. It is the process of planning and • key parts of the company’s Measurable: What will happen executing pricing, promotion and philosophy and when? distribution to satisfy individual and • company self-concept Feasible: Are they possible to organizational needs. • company’s desired images achieve? From this definition it is easy to see Do not expect a mission statement to Acceptable: Do they fit with the values that marketing is more than just the be developed quickly. It generally takes of the company and the process of selling a product or service. various revisions before a complete employees? Marketing is an essential part of mission statement is written. Flexible: Can they be adapted and business, and without marketing, even changed should unforeseen the best products and services fail. Stage 2: Overall events arise? Companies constantly fail because Motivating: Are they neither too they do not know what is happening in Company Objectives Once a mission statement has been difficult nor too easy to achieve? the marketplace and as a result, they are Understanding: Are they stated created, the company can develop not fully meeting their customer’s simply? objectives. Objectives are specific goals needs. They mistakenly believe that Commitment: Are people committed to be achieved by the business. They with the proper amount of advertising, to doing what is necessary to are plans that will help a company customers will buy whatever they achieve them? move toward the mission statement. A are offered. Participation: Are the people business normally creates both one- and Marketing consists of making responsible for achieving the three-year objectives. Examples of decisions on the four P’s: objectives included in the company objectives are: • Product objective-setting process? • To earn at least 20% after-tax rate • Place/Distribution Companies need to ensure that they of return on our net investment • Promotion do not set too many objectives. When during this year • Pricing too many objectives are set, the • To make our cookies the best Before a business owner can make company runs the risk of having selling cookies in terms of units decisions on the four P’s, he/she must objectives contradict and interfere with sold in Kansas devise a plan. A plan provides a each other. business with guidance on making Types of Objectives decisions. This chapter includes 1. Profitability Stage 3: directions on how to devise a plan that • Net profit as a percent of sales will assist in making decisions about Competitive Strategies • Net profit as percent of Once a company has determined the four P’s. This type of plan is a six- total investment objectives a competitive strategy can stage process that is commonly referred • Net profit per share of be developed. A competitive strategy is to as strategic marketing; a strategic common stock developed so that a company can create marketing plan is an important part of a 2. Volume advantages over the competition. business plan. • Market share Examples of creating a competitive Stage 1: • Percentage growth in sales strategy include: • Sales rank in the market • offering buyers a standard product The Mission Statement • Production capacity utilization The first stage in strategic marketing at a lower price; or is the development of a mission 3. Stability • making the product different than statement. A mission statement is a • Variance in annual sales volume the competition on attributes con- brief description of a company, • Variance in seasonal sales volume sidered important to the customer. generally no more that a few lines, that • Variance in profitability Types of Competitive describes where the company is and where it wants to go. 4. Nonfinancial Strategies • Maintenance of family control Overall Cost Leadership A good mission statement • Improved corporate image This refers to being a low-cost should contain: • Enhancement of technology or manufacturer and should not be • target customers/markets quality of life confused with setting low prices. Cost • principal products/services 1 Adapted from Reference Guide for Kansas Food Processors, Kansas State University and Kansas Department of Commerce & Housing, July 1998.
  • 2. leadership can be achieved by: industry sales your company attains. • differentiating the product • producing on a large scale For example, if a company sells 100 • serving a narrowly defined • designing products that are easy to units of product, but total consumption target market manufacture for the good is 100,000 units, the • flankers (new brands designed • accessing low-cost raw materials market share is 1% (100/100,000). to serve new segments) • predicting a broad range of products Stage 5: Stage 6: • pursuing cost reductions in Marketing Strategies Marketing Programs production, marketing, research Marketing strategies outline Marketing programs are the and development, customer exactly how marketing objectives will detailed approaches to the four P’s. service, and the avoidance of be achieved. For example, if the (products, place, promotion and marginal accounts marketing objective is to increase pricing). The approach for making Differentiation market share, the marketing strategy decisions for each of the four P’s Differentiation involves changing states exactly how the market share should closely follow the mission the product so it is perceived as unique. increase will occur. A marketing statement, company objectives, Change can be based on: strategy is a way to give marketing competitive strategies, marketing • technical superiority orientation to a business by deciding to objectives and marketing strategies. • quality position a product or service in terms of buyer needs and wants. Inexperienced Types of Promotion • customer support services Promotion includes all activities • the appeal of more value for business people often make decisions based on what they like or want, designed to inform, persuade and the money influence people when they are making leaving the customer out of the picture. Niche Marketing A marketing orientation brings the the decision to buy. Promotion is made Niche marketing occurs when a customer into the center of the picture. up of: product is sold to a small number of The marketing objectives for profits, Advertising total potential customers. The specialty cash flow and market share can be • non-personal communication market is often referred to as niche achieved by increasing the number of transmitted through mass media marketing, since products are marketed users, increasing the rate of purchase, to a very small group of buyers. Niche retaining existing customers or Publicity marketing requires the business owner acquiring new customers. The • free promotion through news to identify customers with similar following are examples of various types stories in newsletters, newspapers, demands and serve their needs of marketing strategies. magazines and television extremely well. I. Increase the number of users by: Sales Promotion Niche marketing implies that a • building willingness to buy • all forms of communication not company will take a lower overall • increasing ability to buy found in advertising and personal market share, but possibly with higher II. Increase the rate of purchase by: selling, including direct mail, profits on the product. Higher profits • broadening usage occasions for coupons, volume discounts, may be achieved by having higher the product sampling, rebates, demonstrations, prices or producing at lower costs. • increasing level of consumption exhibits, sweepstakes, trade • increasing rate of replacement allowances, samples and point-of- Stage 4: III. Retain current customers by: purchase displays Marketing Objectives • maintaining satisfaction In designing a promotional plan, Marketing objectives can only be • meeting what competition offers clearly spell out: developed after stages one through • developing or increasing • Which objectives to use. It is three have been completed. Marketing relationship marketing possible to have more than one objectives are designed to help a IV. Acquire new customers by: objective, but it is recommended company attain overall objectives. • line extensions (variations of that a company target its audience The five basic marketing existing products designed for or run the risk of losing focus. objectives are: existing markets) • What to say • to achieve a viable level of sales or • leaders (lower prices on certain • Who to say it to market share products to increase the sale of • Criteria used to measure success • to increase market share more expensive complements) • to maintain market share • bundling (selling products - Suggestions for • to maximize cash flow together, usually at a lower Inexpensive Promotion • to sustain profitability price than if bought separately) Some inexpensive, appropriate and Market share is a common term used • head-to-head market dominance effective methods of promotion for the in developing marketing objectives. It • head-to-head price/cost new food processor include advertising refers to the percentage of the total leadership through:
  • 3. • Personal selling • Which promotion is working? Cooperative expenditures should be • Product demonstrations • Which promotion is not working? examined in the same way as other • Direct mail • What are the costs of the promo- advertising, public relations and • Business cards tion compared to the benefits? promotional plans. A program can be • Yellow Page listing considered weak if the focus is on • Seminars Various Forms of Advertising generating immediate store traffic • Newsletters Newspapers through markdown promotions and ads • Contests Advantages—flexibility, emphasizing savings that could damage • Flyers community prestige, intense coverage, the brand's quality image. • Statement stuffers reader control of exposure, coordination Federated Cooperative’s program is • Window banners with national advertising, a good example of a cooperative • Greeting cards merchandising service program. In order to take advantage of • Sports team sponsor Disadvantages—short life span, their program, several criteria must be • Home parties hasty reading, poor reproduction met: • Ethnic services—languages spoken • The product must be sold in the Of course, one of the best free Radio Co-op stores methods of promotion is good “word of Advantages—immediacy, low cost, • The company must be an mouth." practical audience selection, mobility established supplier Disadvantages—fragmentation, • The company must be able to ship temporary nature of message the product to all Co-op stores Promotion Objectives Magazines Although a cooperative advertising The promotion objectives need to Advantages—selectivity, quality program can be expensive to the be clearly stated and measurable. They reproduction, long life, prestige producer, the benefits can also be must be compatible with the objectives associated with some, extra services significant. Cooperative advertising of the company, as well as the Disadvantages—lack of flexibility averages around 2 to 5 percent of the competitive and marketing strategies. invoice value. However, every product Objectives vary for different products Outdoor Advertising is different. and different situations. For example, Advantages—quick communication The value is put toward purchasing producers must promote differently to of simple ideas, repetition, ability to newspaper ads together with the brokers than to wholesalers. When promote products available for sale retailer. The ads are usually finalized in promoting to a broker, the producer nearby December for the following year. Be must promote what he/she wishes the Disadvantages—brevity of the sure to stipulate that the feature price broker to present to the wholesaler. message, public concern over esthetics will be set six weeks prior to the date of When promoting to a wholesaler, the Television the promotion. Consider an average producer simply wants the wholesaler Advantages—impact mass price reduction of 10 percent in the to purchase the product. coverage, repetition, flexibility, prestige form of an off-invoice case allowance There are five general promotional Disadvantages—temporary nature timed to coincide with the cooperative objectives to choose from. The five of message, high cost, high mortality advertising feature.2 types of objectives for promotional activities are1: rate for commercials, evidence of Media Rates • to provide information public distrust, lack of selectivity Promotional and media costs are the • to increase demand Direct Mail most difficult to allocate because their • to differentiate the product Advantages—selectivity and speed, effectiveness is hard to measure in a • to accentuate the value of intense coverage, flexibility of format, concrete manner. Before looking at the the product complete information, personalization dollar costs of different promotional • to stabilize sales Disadvantages—high cost per media, it should be decided: person, dependency on quality of • which media are most likely to Promotional Strategy mailing list, consumer resistance reach the target audience Once the producer has reviewed all • which media suit the product Cooperative Advertising image the possible promotional tools, he/she Cooperative advertising should be must devise a promotional strategy. A • whether any product-specific looked at as a way to enhance consumer features make one medium more promotional strategy should address the awareness of a product (or brand) in a following issues: appropriate than another (i.e., is a local market under both the brand and visual demonstration necessary?) • What is the goal of the promotion? the retailer’s name. Think of • What types of promotion should • what the promotional budget is cooperative advertising as retailers Common errors to avoid are: be used? helping to sell a product by paying part • What effect should the promotion • trying to focus efforts on too broad of the expense to promote the product a market have on the customer? in their local market. • allowing the quality of a
  • 4. promotional piece to lapse in order planned properly and presented well. trade show will provide to afford more distribution, or lack Several months to a year may be information. Additional materials of planning and coordination required to obtain a well located booth and information that should be • no measurement of effectiveness and prepare the appropriate materials requested (if not offered) include: • relying on one source of media and displays. • a floor plan (preferably with other exhibitors indicated) so a Setting Promotional Expenditures Choosing the Trade Show high traffic area can be chosen. Market share—A company that has 1. List several trade shows that would Note: Do not hesitate to pay a higher market share generally has to be suitable extra for a good location; the spend more on advertising to maintain Various directories are available that whole point is exposure its share. contain a complete index of trade • booth specifications, including Sales from new products—If a shows listed chronologically, dimensions, lighting, tables, company has a high percentage of its geographically and by subject. Each chairs, skirting and any display sales from new products, it has to spend listing has a phone number of the trade or sample restrictions more on advertising compared to show contact. Two sources of Trade • information on all services companies with established products. Show listings are: being offered, such as Market growth—Companies accommodations, equipment competing in fast-growing markets USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service rental, assistance with set up, should spend comparatively more Washington, DC 20250 tear down or packing storage. on advertising. Phone: (202) 720-7115 Note: It is a good idea to exploit Plant capacity—If a company has a Fax: (202) 720-1727 the services being offered on lot of unused plant capacity, it should site, as there are many details to spend more on advertising to stimulate The FAS home page on the be concerned with at a trade sales of product. Internet’s World Wide Web is a direct show event. Product price—Both very high- link to information on U.S. agricultural priced (or premium) products and very trade and export programs, including a Preparation low-priced (or discount) products list of upcoming trade shows. • Set clearly defined goals for the require higher ad expenditures because, trade show. This will help in in both cases, price is an important Trade Show Week development of the presentation factor in the buying decision. The buyer 12233 West Olympic Blvd., strategy and display. has to be convinced (through Suite 236 • Set a budget allowing for enough advertising) that the product is a good Los Angeles, California 90064–9956 personnel, accommodations, value. Phone: (310) 826-5696 product and travel. If the trade Product quality—Higher quality Fax: (310) 826-2039 show is out of the country, allow products require greater advertising for insurance costs, and plan to effort because of the need to convince “Trade Show Week” contains a spend a day in the host country the consumer that the product is unique. listing of trade shows in the United before and after the trade show. Breadth of product line— States, Canada and Mexico (in its • It is advisable to choose Companies with a broad line of Domestic Edition) and other countries professional design and marketing products have to spend more on (in its International Edition). consultants to help prepare the advertising compared to companies materials for the booth. Effective 2. From the list of potential trade with specialized lines. material can also be prepared by shows, choose to participate in the the company – just remember the Trade Shows one(s) that: target audience and the image you Budgeting for a trade show, and • attract the most appropriate wish to project. Materials will including this venue in the overall customers, not necessarily the include: marketing plan is a highly focused way largest volume of customers • a high-impact display to attract to: • will draw an audience from the the audience • establish a presence in geographic area the company is • professionally prepared infor- the marketplace prepared to serve mation handouts (Remember, • gain an overview of the industry • are well supported by others in the people attending are coming at present the industry (i.e., if the to gather knowledge.) • obtain a list of serious buyers more competition never misses it, • samples of the product quickly than would be possible there could be a reason) 4. Prepare the sales presentation. with a traditional sales approach • are well organized and Exhibit selling must be polished, Although trade shows are relatively promoted brief and convey information. If expensive, they are widely used in the 3. Obtain all information needed to the presentation lacks impact, the food industry. They offer the potential begin preparing for the trade audience will quickly move on. for a high return in sales and contacts if show(s). The contact person for the 5. Prepare a system for recording
  • 5. leads. Several options include: In-Store Demonstrations they will be. Talk to them about • lead sheets for sales staff Demonstrations, sometimes referred two weeks prior to the demonstra- • a business card exchange to as product samplings, are an tions, so they will have the product system effective and inexpensive means to on hand and on the shelves. • sign up sheet for promote a new or existing product. • Be prepared to work the whole more information weekend, not just peak hours. The • a guest book Types of Demonstrations normal run of a demonstration is 6. Ensure everyone at your booth is There are three types of in-store during store hours on Thursday, well-informed about your demonstrations: Friday and Saturday. company, its product, prices and • Live demonstrations • The store may want incentives terms of sale • Mobile demonstrations from you, such as cost cuts on the • Static display product. If possible, get the store At the Trade Show Live Demonstrations include a to offer special treatment for your Staff will be presenting the product staffed area with activity, such as product during the demonstration. and working with customers the entire simple preparation. They are best with a Be prepared to pay for this time they are in the booth. Ensure that new product that requires information opportunity. adequate breaks are given so the quality or answers to questions, or for a pro- • Try to place the demonstration area of presentations remains consistent. duct that requires special preparation. where the product is stocked. It is important that the customer One advantage of a live demonstration • During the demonstration, hand out relate the product to their situation. is that you can encourage the customer simple information on the product Sales staff should encourage customers to purchase the product. and any coupons. to handle the product and talk about Mobile Demonstration is a form of • Be unique. Try new ideas, as their situation so the most relevant live demonstration that occurs when a you must stand out from the points about the product can be demonstrator walks through a store competition. presented. Encourage customers to take offering samples. The demonstrator • Know the competition, but do not information and samples: Just because usually has a base operation near the downgrade them during the the materials are there does not mean product sales display. Not all stores demonstration. they will be examined. allow for this type of demonstration. • Demonstrations normally do not Follow up Static Display provide access to a very wide Be sure to prepare a plan for follow- Includes an area displaying the market and, consequently, are only up before the trade show, with product and offering unattended used as one segment of a marketing deadlines for re-contacting interested samples. One advantage of a static and promotional package. parties. Follow-up should be display is that they are cost effective. immediate, and it is best to let Coupons One disadvantage is that there is no customers know in advance when and Coupons can be an effective way to control on how much sample is used or how they can expect to be re-contacted. increase sales and profits, but there are on the purchasing decision. This type of certain costs to consider: demonstration requires consumer • costs of physical distribution, familiarity with the product. Publicity mailing, placing advertisements Publicity provides free advertising Steps in Planning Demonstrations and paying the retailer a handling for the producer through news stories in • Determine what type of charge for redeeming the coupons. newsletters, newspapers, magazines and demonstration you are going to • reduced contribution margins television. Publicity can be attained by use. associated with the fact that sending a media release to radio, • Decide which stores you are going coupons are price reductions. television, newspaper and magazine to target. • coupons will be used by new offices. A media release is a one-page • Choose a store that stocks customers as well as existing letter identifying a newsworthy event your product. customers who would have bought and outlining the who, what, when, • Find out the store policy on setting the product at the regular price. where and why of the story. A media up in-store demonstrations. Every Any printer can print coupons. release is appropriate to announce the store has different policies. Managers must estimate various start-up of a new business, introduction • Decide if you wish to hire a rates to determine the effectiveness of a of a new product, or any other success demonstration company or if you coupon promotion. The estimations story related to the company. The will do it yourself. Consider time, could be based on past performance or media will publish or announce the energy, ease of demonstration and on experiments that run coupons in one story as a news item and, consequently, budget when making this decision. city or in one part of a city. These rates there is no expense for the processor. • Talk to the store managers. The include: Publicity is one of the most effective better the relationship you have Redemption rates: the percentage and least costly means of advertising. with them and the better they know of buyers responding to the incentive. your product, the more cooperative Displacement sales: sales made
  • 6. during a promotion that would and tabulated from retailer, retailer Target pricing is where a company otherwise have been made to regular clearing house, or billing agent. studies the competition and the buyers at the regular rate. • Verifies retailer, checks coupons customer to identify a point where the Acquisition rates: non-regular and reimburses retailer or retailer product must be priced to be buyers who purchase the product during clearing house. competitive. Once the target price is the promotion. • Sends coupon redemption report to identified, the company identifies a Stock-up rates: sales made during manufacturer with invoice. desired profit and works backward to a promotion that are borrowed from Provides complete audit of moneys calculate cost at which the product must future periods because the customer received from manufacturers and be produced to meet the profit and stocks up on the product at the paid to retailers. target price. These calculations must discounted price. take into account the target profit Retailer Clearing House Conversion rates: the conversion of margin, price reductions for retailers, • Performs coupon accounting nonregular buyers into regular buyers. costs of promotion and future service for retailer’s account- To estimate the effect on distribution costs. ing department. profitability, one must: This is the reason that pricing is the • Receives, unsorted and uncounted, • estimate the increased contribution last of the four P’s to be covered. To all coupons accepted by retailer. from incremental sales to properly calculate the costs incurred by • Sorts, counts, and tabulates. new buyers a company, include present and planned • Bills out to applicable manufac- • estimate the reduced contribution activities for distribution, promotion turers or agents. from displaced and stock-up sales and product development. • Reimburses retailer, deducting • subtract the direct costs of the service fee per coupon, plus any Pricing Strategies sales promotion shipment adjustments. Pricing strategies specify the role Coupon Distribution Retailer Billing Agent of price in implementing marketing Coupons can be distributed in a • Performs coupon accounting strategy. It states what the company variety of ways. The most common service for retailers. wants to achieve by setting a particular vehicles for issuing coupons are:3 • Receives, unsorted and uncounted, price. Pricing strategies are not all coupons accepted by retailer. necessarily mutually exclusive. Products: • Sorts, counts and tabulates. Price strategies should be • In- or on-package self • Bills out to applicable manufac- determined for each marketing strategy • In- or on-package cross turers or agents in the name of set by the company and must be • Instantly redeemable the retailer. consistent with distribution and Media: • Invoice retailer service fee promotion strategies. • Newspaper per coupon. • Free standing insert Pricing Programs • Flyers Value Pricing Pricing strategies are arrived at • Magazine Pricing is much easier with one through various pricing programs • Direct mail (solo, co-op or product than with multi-products. such as: selective) When a single good is being produced, Penetration Pricing all fixed costs associated with the • a low price to stimulate demand. In-store: business are applicable to that one • Shelf pads (or shelf dispensers) Used when product. When several products are • Handout (with product • lower prices result in overall produced, fixed costs must be applied demonstration) increased growth in the market or proportionately to the various goods • Entrance (crew handout or self- increased demand for the according to use. serve dispenser) company’s product Many companies want to have both • Cash register (bag stuffers, cash • the company sells higher margin extensive marketing programs and the register tapes) complementary products that are lowest price. In most cases this is not • Electronic coupons printed in-store being pulled along with the sale feasible. The money for the marketing There are three organizations that of lower priced products programs must come from the con- can help the handling of coupons. The • the company enjoys economies sumer and this is not always possible following is an outline of the services of scale with low prices. performed by redemption agents, • competitors have high- Traditionally, companies have used clearing houses and billing agents. cost structures. costs as the basis for setting prices, with Manufacturer’s Redemption Agent no regard as to the value a customer Parity Pricing • Performs coupon redemption places on a product or how competitors • setting the price near or at service for manufacturer’s are pricing. A market-driven company competitive levels, and using marketing department. will “price on value, knowing costs.”4 other marketing variables to • Receives coupons sorted, counted, This is known as target pricing. implement strategies
  • 7. Used when Contribution Analysis PVCM = selling price-variable costs • total market volume will not grow Contribution analysis studies how selling price with lower prices the final selling price will contribute to • competitors can easily match any fixed costs. Ideally, a product would PVCM shows which products price decrease cover all the fixed costs and contribute contribute the greatest amount to a new profit, but this does not always overhead and profit for each additional Premium Pricing dollar spent to increase sales. happen. Many products in a company’s • setting a price above competi- business only cover their variable costs Setting Prices tive levels and part of the fixed costs. A company Two tools that are important for Used when must decide if these products are worth setting prices are: • a company can differentiate a continuing (i.e., whether the product is • break-even analysis product in terms of higher quality necessary to the product line). Fixed • cost-volume relationships or special features costs exist whether the product is • a company has little excess produced or not. The question that must Break-even Analysis capacity and where it is difficult be answered: "Is it better to produce a Break-even analysis can be used as for competitors to enter the product that pays for itself and part of a tool for initially setting a product’s industry the overhead, or do nothing (i.e., not price or for calculating the effects of a produce it) and cover none of the price change. It helps the owner/- Monitoring Costs overhead?” manager understand that for certain A multi-product company cannot get If a company has excess capacity, it prices, different levels of production are the information it requires from the would be better to keep the products required to break even (i.e., covering all conventional profit and loss statement. that are covering only part of the costs. variable and fixed costs). Instead, it needs to track costs for the If capacity is full, selling a product with The break-even point is where total company and for each product. Without low or negative total contribution may revenue equals total cost. Below break- product-specific information, it cannot not be advisable. If resources and sales even, losses are incurred. Above break- tell which products are doing well and are going to the low-contribution even, profits are realized. which need additional marketing product instead of higher contribution “Sunk” costs, such as research and support. products, a company is not maximiz- development, should be ignored. Use To gather all the relevant ing profitability. equipment depreciation, rather than information, a company needs to track Salaries can be split according to deducting full equipment costs. two types of costs: hours spent on a product or some other Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships • Variable costs (direct costs of reasonable basis. Rent and utilities can Economies of scale measure the manufacturing): costs specific to be split on the basis of volume impact of changes in volume on fixed the manufacturing of the particular allocation. costs. In many cases, a company’s good or service under scrutiny (i.e., Company advertising and general ability to increase the volume of output labor, raw materials and supplies) and administrative overhead cannot be allows them to decrease the per unit • Fixed costs: ongoing costs that allocated to specific products, so are cost. occur whether a business is shut non-traceable fixed costs. The experience curve effect is where down for a period of time or in full Determining which products should variable costs decline as volume production (i.e., depreciation, receive additional support becomes increases. This can cause better results insurance, taxes, selling and clearer after we calculate the percentage from increasing the volume of products. administration costs, utilities, and variable contribution margin.5 other costs) Table 1: Break-Even Analysis The following table shows an example of a break-even analysis for five different prices of one product. Unit Selling Price $21.95 $23.95 $25.95 $27.95 $29.95 Unit Variable Cost $ 7.95 $ 7.95 $ 7.95 $ 7.95 $ 7.95 Unit Contribution(A) $14.00 $16.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.00 Estimated Sales 27,500 27,500 25,000 20,000 18,000 Revenue $603,625 $646,650 $648,750 $559,000 $539,100 Fixed Costs(B) $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 Variable Costs $218,625 $214,650 $198,750 $159,000 $143,100 Profit (loss) ($15,000) $ 32,000 $ 50,000 $0 ($4,000) Break-even (units)(C) $28,571 $ 25,000 $ 22,222 $ 20,000 $ 18,182
  • 8. Experience curves may be due to:6 retail price working back, rather than processor must build in anticipated • more efficient production from the cost working up. As a rule of costs, which will be invoiced to the processes thumb, retailers’ margins average company at year-end for the rebate, • higher discounts due to greater around 30% with distributors’ margins based on the processor’s total sales to volumes of purchases being as high as 30%, depending on the food service distributors. • workers becoming more efficient what services are being provided. The processor should not jump into Calculating Mark-Ups The approach is similar when a volume rebate schedule without first dealing with food service distributors calculating the impact of the increased When setting prices, companies such as Associated Food Distributors, volumes in the form of lower per-unit must take into account their own costs but with allowances made for volume costs. Many processors offer a volume as well as the various mark-ups rebates. Volume rebate schedules are rebate schedule that reduces profit required as a product moves toward the stepped with higher volumes, which ability because the volume rebate is consumer. In the food business, mark- means a higher percentage volume greater than the cost savings of the ups are usually calculated from the rebate is payable by the processor. The increased output. Table 2: Cost-Volume Relationships Product 1 2000 Units 4000 Units Unit Variable Cost $40 $40 Total Variable Cost 80,000 160,000 Break-Even Total Fixed Costs (B) Total Traceable Fixed Costs 240,000 240,000 ═ Total Direct Cost 320,000 400,000 Point (C) Unit Contribution (A) Divided by Volume 2000 4000 Average Unit Cost $160/unit $100/unit Increases in volume have the greatest impact on products with high PVCM because most of the costs are fixed for these products. Other features of the marketing 4. Floor stock protection is a References program to consider when setting contentious area whereby the store prices: asks that any downward adjustment 1. Beckman, M. Dale, David 1. A minimum delivery size is set to in price apply to the whole- L.Kurtz, and Louis E. Boone. capitalize on freight. Minimum saler’s/retailer’s inventory of a Foundations of Marketing. Fifth Order Size for freight prepaid product. Most processors do not Canadian Edition. Dryden Canada. shipments is 2300 pounds or more. offer floor stock protection in the Toronto, On. 1992. p. 480) An industry standard for minimum belief that it is up to the store to 2. Alberta Agriculture. Marketing order size is 30% contribution.. control its inventory. Food In Alberta: An Access 2. New Store opening. In the case of 5.Some businesses charge prices Directory. p. 43. a new store or a change of according to “rules of thumb,” 3. An Industry Guide to Couponing ownership, 15% off invoice for a such as price is twice labor plus Practices. FCPMC and CCGD. period of seven days, with a case materials, or price is materials and January, 1991. p. 5. allotment of 15 cases per checkout. labor plus 20% for fixed costs and 4. “Pricing-Think Value Not Cost”, 3. “Deal prices.” It is important to 25% for profit. These methods for The Best Readings from Business - recognize that “deal” periods are setting prices are not Marketing—Views from the set by retailers in December, so the recommended, as calculating actual Trenches, PWS–Kent Publishing processor has to have the year’s costs is the only sure means of Company: Boston, MA. p. 225. promotion program agreed to by ensuring that prices cover costs. 5. Guiltinan, Joseph and Gordon the store prior to December 31 for Paul. Marketing Management, - the following 12 months. Most Strategies and Programs, Fourth processors have some type of Edition. McGraw–Hill; Toronto, maximum order volume to avoid Ontario. p. 226. the wholesaler/retailer stocking up on the product while “on deal.”
  • 9. success and failure. Income levels What Needs to be Done The marketing manager should Different customers have different Marketing is the transferring of concentrate on marketing plans that will income levels, tastes and preferences goods from producers to consumers. best serve the company and reach the for products. Some may consider Marketing a new product may seem most consumers, because these are the a product essential, others, simple, but actually finding consumers centerpieces of the marketing process. conspicuous consumption. to buy the product and getting it to A good marketing plan should identify them requires marketing managers to problems or hurdles to overcome and Number of market outlets overcome many hurdles. Some of these collect the kind of information needed The number of market outlets is the hurdles, such as the market structure, to solve them. number of places consumers can cannot be changed but must be purchase the product, whether in one understood; others simply require time Marketing Structure large store, many small ones, roadside and hard work to overcome. A successful study of the marketing stands or mail order. One of the first issues managers or structure must include a marketing plan owners must decide is which area is specific to the product and the market best suited to their interests, share goal. A market cost feasibility Participants in the experiences and expertise. analysis should be formulated. This information should be used to Marketing Process Production determine production practices, Many firms are involved in the Production is developing new changes in the products, if needed, and marketing process. This section focuses products or modifying existing ones, where products should be sold for the on who is involved. There are a variety organizing production schedules, and greatest return. of middlemen and organizations who keeping equipment operational. It An assessment of the current specialize in performing various includes buying decisions about business environment also is required. marketing functions. There are no equipment, whether to buy new or used, Although the business environment limits as to how they are organized. and what equipment is actually needed of a particular area may be beyond the There are several types of middlemen: to produce the products. control of local managers, it needs to be Wholesalers understood, because it often influences Wholesalers sell to retailers, other Marketing the type of marketing organization wholesalers and industrial users, but do Marketing involves collecting required for success. not sell in significant amounts to information, analyzing alternative An understanding of customer ultimate consumers. There are two market outlets, developing different requirements, including the following, main kinds of wholesalers. product forms, pricing products to is needed. compete in the marketplace, deciding Agent wholesalers the scope of the proposed market area Market territory Agent wholesalers can act as and meeting consumers’ needs at the The physical locations where the representatives of their clients. They right prices. product is going to be sold must be also can provide access to market decided. It must be determined territories that would be available only Procurement whether it is local, national or if the producer expended additional Procurement is contracting with somewhere between. time and cost. This activity requires a sellers of inputs, maintaining an great deal of specialization, and they adequate supply for production and Population concentrations charge fees for these services. For this scheduling deliveries to the local plant. There have to be enough people fee, however, they can help locate within a market who will buy the Labor management alternative buyers, locations, prices, product on a timely basis. It is easier to Labor managers hire and supervise products, and various retail market sell a given level of production employees to obtain optimum outlets. In addition, some may throughout the year in urban areas production and maintain good specialize in a certain kind of product, where there are many different types of working relationships. in different market locations, or in a consumers. In rural areas, a greater It is difficult for one person to large number of different products. percentage of people will have to buy satisfactorily do everything, such as the product in order to sell the same Merchant wholesalers making decisions concerning Merchant wholesalers buy and sell amount. A major factor in selling production, marketing, procurement for their own gain based on their products is how many times a year the and labor management. Without knowledge of the market situation. For product will be purchased: once a day, concerted effort and attention to all example, they buy directly from week, month, or year. The fewer times details, the chances of success are processors and sell products to retailers, a product is purchased by a specific lowered. A management decision to other wholesalers, and industrial users. consumer per year, the more buyers organize production and separate They usually specialize in similar types needed. marketing activities for each new of products in which they have storage product is often the difference between
  • 10. and transportation investments. producers need to understand the of thousands of products, from luxury pitfalls of producing too few or too items to basic necessities. They have Brokers many products. many different traditions and tastes, Brokers act only as representatives ranging from ethnic to generic for their clients. Brokers’ incomes are Surplus products. Consumers affect production from fees and commissions and are Too many products at a given price decisions every day. payments for their knowledge of market in a certain market location are called Consumers are the final buyers and outlets and contacts. Brokers do not surplus and will lower income users of products. The intent of any assume physical control of the potential. Consumers may consider business is to make and sell a product. products. They follow directions of buying the surplus at a lower “sale” The manager must do the following. each principal and have less discre- price. This is a signal to producers to • Make it in the form that tionary power in price negotiation. send fewer products to that location. consumers want. Commission people Shortage • Make it when consumers want it. Commission people usually control There is a shortage when consumers • Sell it in places where consumers the physical handling of the product, want to purchase more products than want it. moving it from one location to another. are available at specific locations. • Sell it at prices consumers are They arrange for the terms of sale and When this happens, consumers who willing to pay. collect money from the buyer for the want the products are usually willing to Managers have to get market sale of the products. They deduct pay higher prices to get them. This will information in order to make the predetermined fees and send the result in local retail managers offering following day-to-day decisions. balance to the processor. higher prices to wholesalers to get • What quantity of a product are additional volume. When these consumers willing to purchase? Speculative middlemen additional prices are offered to pro- • Who is making those products, Speculative middlemen take title to cessors, it is a signal to move more and who is competing for the products. They buy products based products to that location. This infor- those consumers? on their knowledge of the possibility of mation is valuable. Information from all • What prices are consumers willing selling at a higher price. Their goal is to locations should be combined to decide to pay? make a profit from price differences in whether or not to expand production. • What is the speed with which various locations. products and information travel Organizing to Sell through the channels of Retailers distribution? Retailers buy from many processors New Products • How long does it take for a price and wholesalers to develop a product When selling new products, increase to reach the producer? mix that will attract consumers to their managers are faced with problem areas • Based on this information, stores. They rely on consistent quality that are unique for each product. should production be increased and availability of products. They buy Products have to be delivered to or decreased? and sell for their own gain. locations where consumers will be able Managers need to decide what kind to buy them. For some products this is Food Ingredients— of a market territory they want to serve complicated, but for others the and how they can use any or all of the marketing process is fairly straight- Availability and participants in the marketing process. forward. In any case, managers should Seasonality Their selection will depend on different gather the kind of information needed Ingredients are one of the more population concentrations, income to fully understand and be able to important factors in maintaining a levels, number of competitive products choose the most profitable alternative. consistent quality, especially in food and number of market outlets. All these To start this process, managers must products. The producer must know should be used to develop the type of have enough information in all of the where to locate ingredients at different market organization that will best serve following problem areas. times of the year, especially if they are consumers and sell the product. seasonal. Proper storage and handling If these data are too difficult to Consumers— should be considered, as well as personally collect, they can be Convincing Them to Buy transportation and packaging. Costs of purchased from various marketing ingredients that change frequently can Identify consumers create problems when estimating consultants and middlemen. Who will most likely buy the production costs. This may require Pitfalls to Avoid When product, how often will they buy it, contracting for future delivery what price they are willing to pay, and (discussed later). Seasonality of some Devising a Marketing Plan where will they be buying it? Care must be taken when devising produce will require purchases in Consumers have specific wants and different locations during the year. Pro- a marketing plan. The buying public, needs. Their incomes vary from high to unfortunately, is very choosy, and ducts that require special handling, such middle or low. They are given choices as fresh meat or vegetables, present a
  • 11. different set of problems and cost neighborhood stores, have a unique required to convince consumers to buy factors. Also, shelf life of ingredients clientele. Again, the products must their products. needs to be considered. match the clientele and image of the A good way to begin test marketing One very important thing should be specialty store. is to take samples to store managers and noted: The only way to maintain convince them the products will sell consistent-quality products is to buy Roadside stands and make them money. Samples should consistent-quality ingredients. This A roadside stand may be an be ready for consumers to test. Selling cannot be emphasized enough. People alternative for fresh products or other them at reduced prices or giving them might be willing to buy the product seasonal products, such as jams, jellies away is a good way to entice consumers once, and if it is of good quality, they or pickles. These are open for part of to try new products. It is important to will continue to buy it. However, if the year at a time when consumers are seek immediate feedback about what they notice a difference in quality each willing to drive to a specific stand to consumers think of the products and time they purchase it, they will cease to buy them. any suggestions they may have for buy the product, and it will be almost Mail-order sales improvement. impossible to get them to buy the When using mail-order outlets, sales When doing test marketing, it is product again. volume can be controlled by the important to determine how the number and type of catalogs sent. When products are competing with other using mail-order catalogs, it is im- brands. Count the number of competing Alternative Retail Outlets portant to know the number distributed brands in the stores. Buy some and There are many ways to distribute compare them. and the characteristics of the readers. If, products once they have been produced. Do not forget that location within for example, 400,000 people receive the These marketing channels need to be any store is very important. Certain catalog, and 1 percent of them order the set up before production, not after. locations have “higher traffic” than product, that means there will be 4,000 These include large chain stores, mail- others. This means more consumers orders. If 5 percent of them order the order sales, neighborhood stores, will see products in those areas and will product, there will be 20,000 orders. roadside stands, and door-to-door sales. be more likely to buy. The highest Producers need to understand and be Alternative retail outlets can help exposure for new products in stores is prepared for the potential volume of producers reach a specific consumer at the ends of the aisles or at the mail orders. Conversely, there could be group with income levels suitable to the checkout counter. There is a preferred very few sales, and there could be product, ethnic preferences that match height on store shelves where people products left over. the products, and lifestyles that are can see your product without looking served by the products. Different retail Government contracts up or down. outlets that will be able to sell products Government contracts cover such should be considered. outlets as prisons, military bases and Advertising government cafeterias. Contracts with Advertising is controlled Large chain stores communication about a product. various government purchasing These stores can provide an Through symbols and language, it tells agencies can provide sales opportunity for a larger number of what a product or service can do for the opportunities as long as government consumers than a local store. They offer consumer. specifications are met. thousands of choices of different Advertising, when properly When formulating distribution plans, products from which consumers must understood, is a powerful tool for be sure to inquire about terms of sales. decide to spend their money. Large management. It can be most effective Some large discount chains and chain stores usually require large with products that can be differentiated government procurers do not pay within quantities of a product delivered at from similar products based on 30 days. In fact, sometimes payment is specific times to specific places at consumer-accepted quality differences. not received for at least 60 days. predetermined prices. Getting shelf Consumer information is gathered by Marketers must take this into space can require substantial fees. giving small samples to consumers in consideration when planning cash flow Neighborhood stores statements and making marketing plans. stores or retail businesses. This These stores often work with local information can give a direct consumer producers if the managers feel the Test Marketing response to a new product for that products will be accepted by their Regardless of the outlet chosen, test location. clientele. Each store has developed a marketing a product in potential sales Regardless of the quality of a clientele unique to that store, and new areas is essential. This is especially true product’s advertising, it is important to products have to be a part of that image. if the product is new or different from remember a product has to compete on what is already on the market. its own. Brand preference cannot be Specialty stores Producers must work with retail established if the product fails to meet Specialty stores are often single-line managers to decide how much consumer expectations. A well stores or discount houses that, like advertising and promotion will be developed overall advertising program
  • 12. can tell consumers what a product or The marketing manager for a Packaging service can do for them compared to product must find a price that satisfies The purpose of a package is to similar products on the market. If both consumers and producers. protect the product from spoiling and consumers are convinced, they will buy Consumers are always willing to pay keep it clean until it is opened by the the products. lower prices for any product. Producers consumer. Many producers overlook “Business is built best which are always willing to offer products for the importance of product packaging, attracts the kind of customer and only sale at higher prices. A market price for but this is the first thing consumers see. the kind of customer it can best serve. long-term production is established When the package is appealing, con- Every business is qualified by its when the price of any product is equal sumers are more likely to buy it. As management’s beliefs to serve a to or above the average total cost of long as the anticipated quality is there, particular segment of the total market, production and at a price consumers consumers will be satisfied. They will and by reflecting its essential character, will pay. buy the product in the package they its advertising can most effectively like and will not buy it in one they do reach this segment and keep it a long Frequency of not like – even though the product is time.” (Maynard) Consumer Purchases the same. Frequency of consumer purchases is The consumer decides the size of Pricing Competitively very important. Repeat purchases are package most suited to each product. One question to ask is whether the the keys to a successful outlet selection. The size and type of package will product is priced similarly to other Not all products are purchased at the depend on knowing what the consumer competing brands but above costs of same frequency, and marketing man- will accept for each type of product. production. For more information on agers need to understand how often Consumers are more likely to buy this, see K-State Research and consumers will be purchasing their smaller food packages of items that are Extension bulletin Economic Analysis products when determining production used occasionally. They will buy large of a New Business—Doing it Right, rate, transportation, storage, etc. The packages of items used frequently and MF-2184. most common purchasing patterns are in a relatively short time, if the product Once consumers have been as follow. remains safe to use during this period. identified, a retail outlet has been Most plant and animal products must located and test marketing completed, Daily be packaged appropriately to be producers need to determine at what Some products – such as milk, preserved: pickled, canned, smoked, price a product will sell and still be bread, and doughnuts – might be cooked, dried, or frozen. The type of profitable. Price is the only means for purchased daily, meaning the producer processing will determine the length of generating income and profit for the will have to deliver the product time the product can be safely used producer. frequently. These products are usually from the time processed. There is no one method of setting quite perishable. prices. It is imperative to keep in mind Storage and that costs of production do not Weekly determine the price of the product. These are generally products with a Transportation of Consumers are only interested in the 3- to 6-week shelf life. For these Food Products lowest price they can get, and they do products, careful control of production Products must be stored from the not care what it costs to produce the inventory will be necessary. A producer time they are processed until they are product. must have the ability and capacity to transported and sold to consumers. If the consumer’s desire for the store products between deliveries. Various products require different types product is great, set the price high Monthly of storage and transportation facilities. enough to ration the available supply These require a larger consumer Storage and transportation are for sale. As production increases, prices territory if the consumer only buys one critical to the marketing process. may have to be lowered to sell item per month compared to one per Obviously, different products require additional products. However, do not week. Delivery will be less often, and different types of storage and lower prices below the cost of storage will have to be increased, either transportation facilities. For example, production. Always know your cost of on the shelf or in the back room. frozen products should not be allowed production, and never price your to thaw during storage and product below that if the goal is to Seasonal transportation. Keeping the product remain in business. These are products that generally are frozen requires additional expense. Part If the consumer’s desire for the associated with a specific growing of the storage and transportation cost product is not great, and if the product season or holiday. These types of includes spoilage and breakage. is in a competitive market, sales will products usually are sold only during Fresh products have to move to depend on the success of convincing one time period each year. consumers quickly. Dried products can consumers to buy products for prices remain in storage and be moved above total costs. through marketing channels at a slower