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Marketing Assessment

Organizational Relationships

Description of Best Practices               Level of Compliance                                                                                                Score      Notes/Comments
                                        1      Marketing management lacks understanding of sales function, process, and skills
                                        2      Limited understanding of sales function by Marketing management
Understanding of Sales by Marketing     3      Good understanding of Sales by Marketing management, but less among staff                                        1
                                        4      Understanding of Sales function encouraged among all Marketing staff
                                        5      Understanding of Sales function/process required by all Marketing staff
                                        1      Sales Management lack understanding of Marketing best practices
                                        2      Limited understanding of Marketing function & role by Sales Management
Understanding of Marketing by Sales     3      Good understanding of Marketing function & role by Sales Management                                              3
                                        4      Understanding of Marketing function & role encouraged among all Sales staff
                                        5      Understanding of Marketing function & role required for all Sales staff
                                        1      Casual conversations and meetings on ad hoc basis
                                        2      Casual conversations and ad hoc meetings among select staff and managers
Organizational Development, Training,
& Learning
                                        3      Newsletters, reports, emails are sent out, some formal meetings between groups                                   4
                                        4      Formal alignment program sponsored by Senior Management
                                        5      Formal alignment program required - widespread participation across Sales & MT
                                        1      Marketing to Sales only, generally only when new materials/programs roll out
                                        2      Marketing to Sales only, somewhat informal, occasionally asking for feedback
Communications Style and Ease of
                                        3      Consistent two-way, formal communications around specific activities & programs                                  3
                                        4      Consistent blend of formal & informal among sales and marketing management
                                        5      Two-way, formal and informal communications, continuous feedback loop
                                        1      Undefined. Functions have developed independently and are focused on their own tasks
                                        2      Starting to Define. Efforts underway to prevent disputes, establish common language, and clarify expectations
Relationship Definitions                3      Defined. Common language, few disputes, regular meetings to clarify mutual expectations                          4
                                        4      Aligned. Clear but flexible boundaries, common language, joint planning
                                        5      Integrated. Share systems, performance metrics, and rewards together.
                                        1      Two groups are at odds, open criticism, lack of cooperation, finger-pointing is common
                                        2      Relationships are polite but strained, collaboration is rare, groups work in silos
Collaboration, Trust & Credibility      3      Relationships improving, but open sharing and collaboration is sporadic                                          3
                                        4      Sales & Marketing Management work together well, staff less likely to collaborate
                                        5      Trust is high. All staff in both groups work well together openly, productively.

Metrics & Value-Measurement

Description of Best Practices               Level of Compliance                                                                                                Score      Notes/Comments
                                        1      Operational Marketing metrics only (email click thru rates etc.)

Campaign ROI Maturity                                                                                                                                           5
2      Marketing metrics and some cost metrics; metrics rarely reviewed
Campaign ROI Maturity              3      Review and act on marketing, cost, and campaign ROI metrics                                                        5
                                   4      Metrics for each process/campaign are defined and measured
                                   5      Marketing metrics analyzed to inform resource allocation decisions
                                   1      Marketing campaigns & investments measured rarely, if ever
                                   2      Cost/Lead, Cost/Sale measured, but rarely reviewed
Marketing Metrics Maturity         3      Review and act on ROI and cost metrics for all marketing efforts                                                   2
                                   4      Measure Return on Customer (net present value of customer base)
                                   5      Balanced Scorecard to set objectives, measures, targets, initiatives
                                   1      Value of Marketing investments rarely measured by Sales
                                   2      Sales/Marketing metrics not linked, no cause-effect relationships
Link between Marketing and Sales
                                   3      Metrics becoming linked and understood by Marketing & Sales                                                        1
                                   4      Metrics formally linked, reviewed, major issues acted upon
                                   5      Marketing/Sales metrics are used together to provide predictive insight
                                   1      None
                                   2      Sporadic projects/events in place to improve sales & marketing alignment
Alignment Improvement Practices    3      May benchmark alignment formally, but benchmarks are seldom acted upon                                             2
                                   4      Routinely benchmark sales & marketing alignment and act upon insights
                                   5      Alignment benchmarks, initiatives, & progress are required
                                   1      Very little/no forecasting
                                   2      Sales figures are dramatically higher or lower than forecast
Financial Performance              3      Sales forecasting is improving and variances are getting smaller                                                   1
                                   4      Sales figures are often close to the forecast, but not always
                                   5      Sales figures are usually close to the forecast

Lead Generation & Pipeline Management

Description of Best Practices          Level of Compliance                                                                                                  Score   Notes/Comments
                                   1      No demand generation campaigns, Sales develops their own leads
                                   2      Marketing demand generation and sales demand generation happen separately
Demand Generation                  3      Marketing executes demand generation campaigns. Leads passed to sales & may/may not be followed up on              2
                                   4      Marketing executes demand generation, qualified leads are passed on and sales follows up
                                   5      Synchronized demand generation program managed dually by sales & marketing
                                   1      No lead scoring or qualification - all leads get passed to sales
                                   2      Leads are qualified by Marketing, but sales does not systematically work them
Lead Scoring & Management          3      Improving lead qualification and pass-along process, but leads are not always worked                               1
                                   4      Formal shared lead definitions and processes for passing leads to sales
                                   5      Optimized lead scoring & management process with formal processes in place
                                   1      We have no formal pipeline reporting
                                   2      Sales informally reports pipeline information, but Marketing is not involved
Pipeline Reporting & Visibility    3      Sales management shares formal pipeline reports with marketing management                                          2
                                   4      Sales & marketing staff have access to the same pipeline & use it sporadically to check lead gen. effectiveness
                                   5      Marketing & Sales openly share pipeline and work together to improve the flow of leads in the sales process

Description of Best Practices       Level of Compliance                                                                                               Score   Notes/Comments
                                1      Marketing & Sales report up through siloed executives
                                2      Marketing & Sales executives report to the same senior leader, but do not collaborate
Executive Alignment             3      Marketing & Sales executives are starting to work more collaboratively                                          1
                                4      Marketing & Sales executives are close partners and collaborators
                                5      Marketing & Sales report to a common executive
                                1      Very little risk being taken on either side, rewards not tied to joint success
                                2      One side takes all the risk, rewards are shared
Shared Risks and Rewards        3      Marketing and Sales start sharing risks and rewards                                                             2
                                4      Risks and rewards are always shared between Sales & Marketing
                                5      Managers on both sides share in risks and rewards
                                1      Finger pointing, blame and battles for power and resources are common
                                2      Marketing-business relationship isn't managed or is non-existent
Marketing-Sales Relationship    3      Marketing-Sales relationship managed on ad hoc basis, mostly conflict resolution                                2
                                4      Mostly collaborative and cooperative relationship, proactively working together
                                5      Sales and Marketing share a strong "We rise or fall together culture"
                                1      Consistent conflict and mistrust between Marketing & business
                                2      Transactional relationship between Marketing & Sales, occasional conflict
Relationship/Trust Style        3      Marketing becoming a valued service provider and relationships are strengthening                                1
                                4      Long-term partnership is emerging as credibility is increased on both sides
                                5      Marketing and Sales are trusted partners and collaborate closely on all fronts

Systems & Technology

Description of Best Practices       Level of Compliance                                                                                               Score   Notes/Comments
                                1      No marketing automation, campaigns are ad hoc, project driven, or by request
                                2      Processes are becoming defined, technology is used sporadically
Marketing Automation            3      Technology is implemented to automate key marketing processes                                                   2
                                4      Process metrics exist and are benchmarked and reviewed often
                                5      Real-time messaging, lead scoring & nurturing, closed loop systems
                                1      No Sales Automation system in place
                                2      Sales automation system in place (, Right Now, etc.) but not widely/consistently used by sales
Sales Automation                3      Sales automation system in place, use required - some data is inconsistent, missing, outdated                   1
                                4      System in place, widely used by sales, data is reliable and current
                                5      Sales automation system is required by sales mgmt., drives pipeline reports and revenue projection
                                1      Systems are disparate and siloed. Access is ad hoc and manual
                                2      Systems are siloed. Standard reports are automated, but rarely used
System Integration              3      Beginning to link systems to provide a shared view of customer & sales data                                     2
                                4      Major systems are integrated and key reports are automated & widely used for decision-making & forecasting
                                5      Shared view of customer for sales & marketing. Data is complete, current, and clean
1      Customer and prospect data resides in multiple places, difficult to access, ad hoc data pulling
                                   2      Processes are becoming defined, technology is used sporadically
Access to Data & Data Management   3      Technology is implemented to automate key marketing processes                                                        1
                                   4      Process metrics exists and are benchmarked and reviewed often
                                   5      Sales & Marketing have a single, shared view of customer data and automated or formal processes

Messaging & Materials

Description of Best Practices          Level of Compliance                                                                                                    Score   Notes/Comments
                                   1      Collateral from marketing is often thrown away by sales. Lots of home-grown rogue materials in the field
                                   2      Marketing collateral is distributed by marketing, sometimes used
Marketing Materials & Collateral   3      Marketing is beginning to seek sales input on marketing collateral, and rogue materials are diminishing              2
                                   4      Sales has input on collateral, mostly satisfied -- collateral is consistently used
                                   5      Sales and marketing collaborate on marketing materials. Collateral is highly valued and consistently used
                                   1      Sales messaging in the field is completely different than the official marketing messages
                                   2      Sales is aware of the official marketing message, but often chooses different/old messages in the selling process
Messaging & Brand                  3      Sales is beginning to integrate marketing and brand messages into their sales discussions                            1
                                   4      Sales often echoes marketing messages, but not always
                                   5      Sales and marketing messages are completely in sync
Sales Assessment

Organizational Relationships

Description of Best Practices               Level of Compliance                                                                                                Score    Notes/Comments
                                        1      Marketing management lacks understanding of sales function, process, and skills
                                        2      Limited understanding of sales function by Marketing management
Understanding of Sales by Marketing     3      Good understanding of Sales by Marketing management, but less among staff                                        5
                                        4      Understanding of Sales function encouraged among all Marketing staff
                                        5      Understanding of Sales function/process required by all Marketing staff
                                        1      Sales Management lack understanding of Marketing best practices
                                        2      Limited understanding of Marketing function & role by Sales Management
Understanding of Marketing by Sales     3      Good understanding of Marketing function & role by Sales Management                                              5
                                        4      Understanding of Marketing function & role encouraged among all Sales staff
                                        5      Understanding of Marketing function & role required for all Sales staff
                                        1      Casual conversations and meetings on ad hoc basis
                                        2      Casual conversations and ad hoc meetings among select staff and managers
Organizational Development, Training,
& Learning
                                        3      Newsletters, reports, emails are sent out, some formal meetings between groups                                   4
                                        4      Formal alignment program sponsored by Senior Management
                                        5      Formal alignment program required - widespread participation across Sales & Mktg
                                        1      Marketing to Sales only, generally only when new materials/programs roll out
                                        2      Marketing to Sales only, somewhat informal, occasionally asking for feedback
Communications Style and Ease of
                                        3      Consistent two-way, formal communications around specific activities & programs                                  5
                                        4      Consistent blend of formal & informal among sales and marketing management
                                        5      Two-way, formal and informal communications, continuous feedback loop
                                        1      Undefined. Functions have developed independently and are focused on their own tasks
                                        2      Starting to Define. Efforts underway to prevent disputes, establish common language, and clarify expectations
Relationship Definitions                3      Defined. Common language, few disputes, regular meetings to clarify mutual expectations                          2
                                        4      Aligned. Clear but flexible boundaries, common language, joint planning
                                        5      Integrated. Share systems, performance metrics, and rewards together.
                                        1      Two groups are at odds, open criticism, lack of cooperation, finger-pointing is common
                                        2      Relationships are polite but strained, collaboration is rare, groups work in silos
Collaboration, Trust & Credibility      3      Relationships improving, but open sharing and collaboration is sporadic                                          2
                                        4      Sales & Marketing Management work together well, staff less likely to collaborate
                                        5      Trust is high. All staff in both groups work well together openly, productively.

Metrics & Value-Measurement

Description of Best Practices               Level of Compliance                                                                                                Score    Notes/Comments
                                        1      Operational Marketing metrics only (email click thru rates etc.)
                                        2      Marketing metrics and some cost metrics; metrics rarely reviewed
Campaign ROI Maturity                   3      Review and act on marketing, cost, and campaign ROI metrics                                                      2
                                        4      Metrics for each process/campaign are defined and measured
Campaign ROI Maturity                                                                                                                                        2
                                   5      Marketing metrics analyzed to inform resource allocation decisions
                                   1      Marketing campaigns & investments measured rarely, if ever
                                   2      Cost/Lead, Cost/Sale measured, but rarely reviewed
Marketing Metrics Maturity         3      Review and act on ROI and cost metrics for all marketing efforts                                                   5
                                   4      Measure Return on Customer (net present value of customer base)
                                   5      Balanced Scorecard to set objectives, measures, targets, initiatives
                                   1      Value of Marketing investments rarely measured by Sales
                                   2      Sales/Marketing metrics not linked, no cause-effect relationships
Link between Marketing and Sales
                                   3      Metrics becoming linked and understood by Marketing & Sales                                                        2
                                   4      Metrics formally linked, reviewed, major issues acted upon
                                   5      Marketing/Sales metrics are used together to provide predictive insight
                                   1      None
                                   2      Sporadic projects/events in place to improve sales & marketing alignment
Alignment Improvement Practices    3      May benchmark alignment formally, but benchmarks are seldom acted upon                                             5
                                   4      Routinely benchmark sales & marketing alignment and act upon insights
                                   5      Alignment benchmarks, initiatives, & progress are required
                                   1      Very little/no forecasting
                                   2      Sales figures are dramatically higher or lower than forecast
Financial Performance              3      Sales forecasting is improving and variances are getting smaller                                                   2
                                   4      Sales figures are often close to the forecast, but not always
                                   5      Sales figures are usually close to the forecast

Lead Generation & Pipeline Management
Description of Best Practices          Level of Compliance                                                                                                  Score   Notes/Comments
                                   1      No demand generation campaigns, Sales develops their own leads
                                   2      Marketing demand generation and sales demand generation happen separately
Demand Generation                  3      Marketing executes demand generation campaigns. Leads passed to sales & may/may not be followed up on              2
                                   4      Marketing executes demand generation, qualified leads are passed on and sales follows up
                                   5      Synchronized demand generation program managed dually by sales & marketing
                                   1      No lead scoring or qualification - all leads get passed to sales
                                   2      Leads are qualified by Marketing, but sales does not systematically work them
Lead Scoring & Management          3      Improving lead qualification and pass-along process, but leads are not always worked                               5
                                   4      Formal shared lead definitions and processes for passing leads to sales
                                   5      Optimized lead scoring & management process with formal processes in place
                                   1      We have no formal pipeline reporting
                                   2      Sales informally reports pipeline information, but Marketing is not involved
Pipeline Reporting & Visibility    3      Sales management shares formal pipeline reports with marketing management                                          5
                                   4      Sales & marketing staff have access to the same pipeline & use it sporadically to check lead gen. effectiveness
                                   5      Marketing & Sales openly share pipeline and work together to improve the flow of leads in the sales process


Description of Best Practices          Level of Compliance                                                                                                  Score   Notes/Comments
                                   1      Marketing & Sales report up through siloed executives
                                   2      Marketing & Sales executives report to the same senior leader, but do not collaborate
Executive Alignment                                                                                                                                          2
Executive Alignment                3      Marketing & Sales executives are starting to work more collaboratively                                          2
                                   4      Marketing & Sales executives are close partners and collaborators
                                   5      Marketing & Sales report to a common executive
                                   1      Very little risk being taken on either side, rewards not tied to joint success
                                   2      One side takes all the risk, rewards are shared
Shared Risks and Rewards           3      Marketing and Sales start sharing risks and rewards                                                             5
                                   4      Risks and rewards are always shared between Sales & Marketing
                                   5      Managers on both sides share in risks and rewards
                                   1      Finger pointing, blame and battles for power and resources are common
                                   2      Marketing-business relationship isn't managed or is non-existent
Marketing-Sales Relationship       3      Marketing-Sales relationship managed on ad hoc basis, mostly conflict resolution                                4
                                   4      Mostly collaborative and cooperative relationship, proactively working together
                                   5      Sales and Marketing share a strong "We rise or fall together culture"
                                   1      Consistent conflict and mistrust between Marketing & business
                                   2      Transactional relationship between Marketing & Sales, occasional conflict
Relationship/Trust Style           3      Marketing becoming a valued service provider and relationships are strengthening                                4
                                   4      Long-term partnership is emerging as credibility is increased on both sides
                                   5      Marketing and Sales are trusted partners and collaborate closely on all fronts

Systems & Technology

Description of Best Practices          Level of Compliance                                                                                               Score   Notes/Comments
                                   1      No marketing automation, campaigns are ad hoc, project driven, or by request
                                   2      Processes are becoming defined, technology is used sporadically
Marketing Automation               3      Technology is implemented to automate key marketing processes                                                   5
                                   4      Process metrics exist and are benchmarked and reviewed often
                                   5      Real-time messaging, lead scoring & nurturing, closed loop systems
                                   1      No Sales Automation system in place
                                   2      Sales automation system in place (, Right Now, etc.) but not widely/consistently used by sales
Sales Automation                   3      Sales automation system in place, use required - some data is inconsistent, missing, outdated                   5
                                   4      System in place, widely used by sales, data is reliable and current
                                   5      Sales automation system is required by sales mgmt., drives pipeline reports and revenue projection
                                   1      Systems are disparate and siloed. Access is ad hoc and manual
                                   2      Systems are siloed. Standard reports are automated, but rarely used
System Integration                 3      Beginning to link systems to provide a shared view of customer & sales data                                     4
                                   4      Major systems are integrated and key reports are automated & widely used for decision-making & forecasting
                                   5      Shared view of customer for sales & marketing. Data is complete, current, and clean
                                   1      Customer and prospect data resides in multiple places, difficult to access, ad hoc data pulling
                                   2      Processes are becoming defined, technology is used sporadically
Access to Data & Data Management   3      Technology is implemented to automate key marketing processes                                                   2
                                   4      Process metrics exists and are benchmarked and reviewed often
                                   5      Sales & Marketing have a single, shared view of customer data and automated or formal processes

Messaging & Materials

Description of Best Practices          Level of Compliance                                                                                               Score   Notes/Comments
1   Collateral from marketing is often thrown away by sales. Lots of home-grown rogue materials in the field
                                   2   Marketing collateral is distributed by marketing, sometimes used
Marketing Materials & Collateral   3   Marketing is beginning to seek sales input on marketing collateral, and rogue materials are diminishing             5
                                   4   Sales has input on collateral, mostly satisfied -- collateral is consistently used
                                   5   Sales and marketing collaborate on marketing materials. Collateral is highly valued and consistently used
                                   1   Sales messaging in the field is completely different than the official marketing messages
                                   2   Sales is aware of the official marketing message, but often chooses different/old messages in the selling process
Messaging & Brand                  3   Sales is beginning to integrate marketing and brand messages into their sales discussions                           4
                                   4   Sales often echoes marketing messages, but not always
                                   5   Sales and marketing messages are completely in sync
Sales & Marketing Alignment Tool

Sales & Marketing Alignment Criteria            Marketing       Sales          Sales & Marketing Alignment Index

Organizational Relationships                      3.0           3.8                                            Organizational Relationships

Metrics & Value-Measurement                       2.2           3.2                                                   4.0

Lead Generation & Pipeline Management             1.7           4.0                Messaging & Materials
                                                                                                                                              Metrics & Value-Measurement

Culture                                           1.5           3.8

Systems & Technology                              1.5           4.0
Messaging & Materials                             1.5           4.5                Systems & Technology
                                                                                                                                              Lead Generation & Pipeline

Weighted Sales & Marketing Alignment Score (out of 100)
                                                 40.5           75.9
                                            5           19.75          19.75
Sales & Marketing Alignment Tool

Marketing Results                                  Scores   Recommendations

Organizational Relationships
                                                            Increase marketing exposure to sales process through sales ride-along, collaboration on
Understanding of Sales by Marketing                  1      presentations, continued dialogue

                                                            Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in
Understanding of Marketing by Sales                  3      dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle

Organizational Development, Training, & Learning     4      0

                                                            Increase formal sales communication to marketing. Weekly debriefing calls, shared access to
Communications Style and Ease of Access              3      reports

Relationship Definitions                             4      0

                                                            Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in
Collaboration, Trust & Credibility                   3      dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle

Organizational Relationships Maturity Average        3

Metrics & Value-Measurement
Campaign ROI Maturity                                5      0

Marketing Metrics Maturity                           2      Review ROI metrics regularly and adjust resource allocation accordingly

Link between Marketing and Sales Metrics             1      Create 2-3 shared metrics, targets and tie targets to shared rewards

                                                            Identify alignment measurements and benchmarks. Regularly assess alignment and create shared
Alignment Improvement Practices                      2      action plans for improvement

                                                            Develop a process to forecast responses/sales from key marketing programs. Identify and improve
Financial Performance                                1      gaps between actual and forecast

Metrics & Value-Measurement Maturity Average         2

Lead Generation & Pipeline Management
Involve sales early, and develop a demand generation campaign calendar. Seek sales involvement
Demand Generation                                2   in lead follow-up during campaign periods

                                                     Sales & Marketing collaborate on common lead definitions, scoring thresholds for passing leads, and
Lead Scoring & Management                        1   workflow

                                                     Allow pipeline report access by both sales & marketing. Tie pipeline activity back to campaigns &
Pipeline Reporting & Visibility                  2   leads

Lead Generation & Pipeline Management Maturity


Executive Alignment                              1   Engage senior management in directing collaborative work sessions, projects, and expectations

Shared Risks and Rewards                         2   Establish shared reward system, and work to collaborate and share risk

Marketing-Sales Relationship                     2   Create opportunities for pro-active sales & marketing collaboration projects

Relationship/Trust Style                         1

Culture Maturity Average                         2

Systems & Technology
Marketing Automation                             2   Identify need and resources available to create marketing automation. Research best practices.

                                                     Identify need and resources available to create sales automation. Research vendors & best
Sales Automation                                 1   practices.

                                                     Find ways to open systems and create a unified view of customer data. Data warehouses can be
System Integration                               2   powerful here.

                                                     Research technology solutions, best practices, and critical metrics for sharing data across functions
Access to Data & Data Management                 1   and maintaining data integrity.

System & Technology Maturity Average             2

Messaging & Materials
                                                     Involve sales early in the collateral development process. Sample "home grown" sales collateral to
Marketing Materials & Collateral                 2   understand what is actually being used in the field, and why. Ride along with sales on sales calls to
                                                     get a sense of how collateral is being used.

Messaging & Brand                                1   Communicate brand messaging, rationale, and related research to sales regularly and consistently.
Messaging & Materials Maturity Average                                                           2

Increase marketing exposure to sales process through sales ride-along, collaboration on presentations, continued dialogue
Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle
Establish a structured alignment plan. Use best practices to align goals, measurements, metrics and rewards
Increase formal sales communication to marketing. Weekly debriefing calls, shared access to reports
Introduce regular meetings btw. Sales & mktg. , collaborate to establish common language and define roles & handoffs
Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle
Define processes and key metrics for each campaign type, track all campaign costs and create ROI targets
Review ROI metrics regularly and adjust resource allocation accordingly
Create 2-3 shared metrics, targets and tie targets to shared rewards
Identify alignment measurements and benchmarks. Regularly assess alignment and create shared action plans for improvement
Develop a process to forecast responses/sales from key marketing programs. Identify and improve gaps between actual and forecast
Involve sales early, and develop a demand generation campaign calendar. Seek sales involvement in lead follow-up during campaign periods
Sales & Marketing collaborate on common lead definitions, scoring thresholds for passing leads, and workflow
Allow pipeline report access by both sales & marketing. Tie pipeline activity back to campaigns & leads
Engage senior management in directing collaborative work sessions, projects, and expectations
Establish shared reward system, and work to collaborate and share risk
Create opportunities for pro-active sales & marketing collaboration projects
Work on relationships and shared rewards/risks to establish trust and dependency between groups
Identify need and resources available to create marketing automation. Research best practices.
Identify need and resources available to create sales automation. Research vendors & best practices.
Find ways to open systems and create a unified view of customer data. Data warehouses can be powerful here.
Research technology solutions, best practices, and critical metrics for sharing data across functions and maintaining data integrity.
Involve sales early in the collateral development process. Sample "home grown" sales collateral to understand what is actually being used in the field, and why. Ride along with sales on sales calls to get a sense of how collateral is being used.
Communicate brand messaging, rationale, and related research to sales regularly and consistently.
Sales & Marketing Alignment Tool

Sales Results                                      Scores   Recommendations

Organizational Relationships

Understanding of Sales by Marketing                  5      0

Understanding of Marketing by Sales                  5      0

Organizational Development, Training, & Learning     4      0

Communications Style and Ease of Access              5      0

                                                            Introduce regular meetings btw. Sales & mktg. , collaborate to establish common language and
Relationship Definitions                             2      define roles & handoffs

                                                            Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in
Collaboration, Trust & Credibility                   2      dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle

Organizational Relationships Maturity Average        4

Metrics & Value-Measurement
                                                            Define processes and key metrics for each campaign type, track all campaign costs and create ROI
Campaign ROI Maturity                                2      targets

Marketing Metrics Maturity                           5      0

Link between Marketing and Sales Metrics             2      Create 2-3 shared metrics, targets and tie targets to shared rewards

Alignment Improvement Practices                      5      0

                                                            Develop a process to forecast responses/sales from key marketing programs. Identify and improve
Financial Performance                                2      gaps between actual and forecast

Metrics & Value-Measurement Maturity Average         3

Lead Generation & Pipeline Management
Involve sales early, and develop a demand generation campaign calendar. Seek sales involvement
Demand Generation                                2   in lead follow-up during campaign periods

Lead Scoring & Management                        5   0

Pipeline Reporting & Visibility                  5   0

Lead Generation & Pipeline Management Maturity


Executive Alignment                              2   Engage senior management in directing collaborative work sessions, projects, and expectations

Shared Risks and Rewards                         5   0

Marketing-Sales Relationship                     4   0

Relationship/Trust Style                         4   0

Culture Maturity Average                         4

Systems & Technology
Marketing Automation                             5   0

Sales Automation                                 5   0

System Integration                               4   0

                                                     Research technology solutions, best practices, and critical metrics for sharing data across functions
Access to Data & Data Management                 2   and maintaining data integrity.

System & Technology Maturity Average             4

Messaging & Materials

Marketing Materials & Collateral                 5   0

Messaging & Brand                                4   0
Messaging & Materials Maturity Average                                                           5

Increase marketing exposure to sales process through sales ride-along, collaboration on presentations, continued dialogue
Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle
Establish a structured alignment plan. Use best practices to align goals, measurements, metrics and rewards
Increase formal sales communication to marketing. Weekly debriefing calls, shared access to reports
Introduce regular meetings btw. Sales & mktg. , collaborate to establish common language and define roles & handoffs
Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle
Define processes and key metrics for each campaign type, track all campaign costs and create ROI targets
Review ROI metrics regularly and adjust resource allocation accordingly
Create 2-3 shared metrics, targets and tie targets to shared rewards
Identify alignment measurements and benchmarks. Regularly assess alignment and create shared action plans for improvement
Develop a process to forecast responses/sales from key marketing programs. Identify and improve gaps between actual and forecast
Involve sales early, and develop a demand generation campaign calendar. Seek sales involvement in lead follow-up during campaign periods
Sales & Marketing collaborate on common lead definitions, scoring thresholds for passing leads, and workflow
Allow pipeline report access by both sales & marketing. Tie pipeline activity back to campaigns & leads
Engage senior management in directing collaborative work sessions, projects, and expectations
Establish shared reward system, and work to collaborate and share risk
Create opportunities for pro-active sales & marketing collaboration projects
Work on relationships and shared rewards/risks to establish trust and dependency between groups
Identify need and resources available to create marketing automation. Research best practices.
Identify need and resources available to create sales automation. Research vendors & best practices.
Find ways to open systems and create a unified view of customer data. Data warehouses can be powerful here.
Research technology solutions, best practices, and critical metrics for sharing data across functions and maintaining data integrity.
Involve sales early in the collateral development process. Sample "home grown" sales collateral to understand what is actually being used in the field, and why. Ride along with sales on sales calls to get a sense of how collateral is being used.
Communicate brand messaging, rationale, and related research to sales regularly and consistently.
Sales & Marketing Alignment Tool

Weighting Scale

 Organizational   Metrics and Value-    Lead Generation &              Systems &      Messaging &
 Relationships      Measurement        Pipeline Management
                                                                       Technology      Materials      Total

     15%                15%                   40%             10%        15%             5%          100%

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Sales Marketing Alignment Tool

  • 1. Marketing Assessment Organizational Relationships Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 Marketing management lacks understanding of sales function, process, and skills 2 Limited understanding of sales function by Marketing management Understanding of Sales by Marketing 3 Good understanding of Sales by Marketing management, but less among staff 1 4 Understanding of Sales function encouraged among all Marketing staff 5 Understanding of Sales function/process required by all Marketing staff 1 Sales Management lack understanding of Marketing best practices 2 Limited understanding of Marketing function & role by Sales Management Understanding of Marketing by Sales 3 Good understanding of Marketing function & role by Sales Management 3 4 Understanding of Marketing function & role encouraged among all Sales staff 5 Understanding of Marketing function & role required for all Sales staff 1 Casual conversations and meetings on ad hoc basis 2 Casual conversations and ad hoc meetings among select staff and managers Organizational Development, Training, & Learning 3 Newsletters, reports, emails are sent out, some formal meetings between groups 4 4 Formal alignment program sponsored by Senior Management 5 Formal alignment program required - widespread participation across Sales & MT 1 Marketing to Sales only, generally only when new materials/programs roll out 2 Marketing to Sales only, somewhat informal, occasionally asking for feedback Communications Style and Ease of Access 3 Consistent two-way, formal communications around specific activities & programs 3 4 Consistent blend of formal & informal among sales and marketing management 5 Two-way, formal and informal communications, continuous feedback loop 1 Undefined. Functions have developed independently and are focused on their own tasks 2 Starting to Define. Efforts underway to prevent disputes, establish common language, and clarify expectations Relationship Definitions 3 Defined. Common language, few disputes, regular meetings to clarify mutual expectations 4 4 Aligned. Clear but flexible boundaries, common language, joint planning 5 Integrated. Share systems, performance metrics, and rewards together. 1 Two groups are at odds, open criticism, lack of cooperation, finger-pointing is common 2 Relationships are polite but strained, collaboration is rare, groups work in silos Collaboration, Trust & Credibility 3 Relationships improving, but open sharing and collaboration is sporadic 3 4 Sales & Marketing Management work together well, staff less likely to collaborate 5 Trust is high. All staff in both groups work well together openly, productively. Metrics & Value-Measurement Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 Operational Marketing metrics only (email click thru rates etc.) Campaign ROI Maturity 5
  • 2. 2 Marketing metrics and some cost metrics; metrics rarely reviewed Campaign ROI Maturity 3 Review and act on marketing, cost, and campaign ROI metrics 5 4 Metrics for each process/campaign are defined and measured 5 Marketing metrics analyzed to inform resource allocation decisions 1 Marketing campaigns & investments measured rarely, if ever 2 Cost/Lead, Cost/Sale measured, but rarely reviewed Marketing Metrics Maturity 3 Review and act on ROI and cost metrics for all marketing efforts 2 4 Measure Return on Customer (net present value of customer base) 5 Balanced Scorecard to set objectives, measures, targets, initiatives 1 Value of Marketing investments rarely measured by Sales 2 Sales/Marketing metrics not linked, no cause-effect relationships Link between Marketing and Sales Metrics 3 Metrics becoming linked and understood by Marketing & Sales 1 4 Metrics formally linked, reviewed, major issues acted upon 5 Marketing/Sales metrics are used together to provide predictive insight 1 None 2 Sporadic projects/events in place to improve sales & marketing alignment Alignment Improvement Practices 3 May benchmark alignment formally, but benchmarks are seldom acted upon 2 4 Routinely benchmark sales & marketing alignment and act upon insights 5 Alignment benchmarks, initiatives, & progress are required 1 Very little/no forecasting 2 Sales figures are dramatically higher or lower than forecast Financial Performance 3 Sales forecasting is improving and variances are getting smaller 1 4 Sales figures are often close to the forecast, but not always 5 Sales figures are usually close to the forecast Lead Generation & Pipeline Management Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 No demand generation campaigns, Sales develops their own leads 2 Marketing demand generation and sales demand generation happen separately Demand Generation 3 Marketing executes demand generation campaigns. Leads passed to sales & may/may not be followed up on 2 4 Marketing executes demand generation, qualified leads are passed on and sales follows up 5 Synchronized demand generation program managed dually by sales & marketing 1 No lead scoring or qualification - all leads get passed to sales 2 Leads are qualified by Marketing, but sales does not systematically work them Lead Scoring & Management 3 Improving lead qualification and pass-along process, but leads are not always worked 1 4 Formal shared lead definitions and processes for passing leads to sales 5 Optimized lead scoring & management process with formal processes in place 1 We have no formal pipeline reporting 2 Sales informally reports pipeline information, but Marketing is not involved Pipeline Reporting & Visibility 3 Sales management shares formal pipeline reports with marketing management 2 4 Sales & marketing staff have access to the same pipeline & use it sporadically to check lead gen. effectiveness 5 Marketing & Sales openly share pipeline and work together to improve the flow of leads in the sales process
  • 3. Culture Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 Marketing & Sales report up through siloed executives 2 Marketing & Sales executives report to the same senior leader, but do not collaborate Executive Alignment 3 Marketing & Sales executives are starting to work more collaboratively 1 4 Marketing & Sales executives are close partners and collaborators 5 Marketing & Sales report to a common executive 1 Very little risk being taken on either side, rewards not tied to joint success 2 One side takes all the risk, rewards are shared Shared Risks and Rewards 3 Marketing and Sales start sharing risks and rewards 2 4 Risks and rewards are always shared between Sales & Marketing 5 Managers on both sides share in risks and rewards 1 Finger pointing, blame and battles for power and resources are common 2 Marketing-business relationship isn't managed or is non-existent Marketing-Sales Relationship 3 Marketing-Sales relationship managed on ad hoc basis, mostly conflict resolution 2 4 Mostly collaborative and cooperative relationship, proactively working together 5 Sales and Marketing share a strong "We rise or fall together culture" 1 Consistent conflict and mistrust between Marketing & business 2 Transactional relationship between Marketing & Sales, occasional conflict Relationship/Trust Style 3 Marketing becoming a valued service provider and relationships are strengthening 1 4 Long-term partnership is emerging as credibility is increased on both sides 5 Marketing and Sales are trusted partners and collaborate closely on all fronts Systems & Technology Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 No marketing automation, campaigns are ad hoc, project driven, or by request 2 Processes are becoming defined, technology is used sporadically Marketing Automation 3 Technology is implemented to automate key marketing processes 2 4 Process metrics exist and are benchmarked and reviewed often 5 Real-time messaging, lead scoring & nurturing, closed loop systems 1 No Sales Automation system in place 2 Sales automation system in place (, Right Now, etc.) but not widely/consistently used by sales Sales Automation 3 Sales automation system in place, use required - some data is inconsistent, missing, outdated 1 4 System in place, widely used by sales, data is reliable and current 5 Sales automation system is required by sales mgmt., drives pipeline reports and revenue projection 1 Systems are disparate and siloed. Access is ad hoc and manual 2 Systems are siloed. Standard reports are automated, but rarely used System Integration 3 Beginning to link systems to provide a shared view of customer & sales data 2 4 Major systems are integrated and key reports are automated & widely used for decision-making & forecasting 5 Shared view of customer for sales & marketing. Data is complete, current, and clean
  • 4. 1 Customer and prospect data resides in multiple places, difficult to access, ad hoc data pulling 2 Processes are becoming defined, technology is used sporadically Access to Data & Data Management 3 Technology is implemented to automate key marketing processes 1 4 Process metrics exists and are benchmarked and reviewed often 5 Sales & Marketing have a single, shared view of customer data and automated or formal processes Messaging & Materials Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 Collateral from marketing is often thrown away by sales. Lots of home-grown rogue materials in the field 2 Marketing collateral is distributed by marketing, sometimes used Marketing Materials & Collateral 3 Marketing is beginning to seek sales input on marketing collateral, and rogue materials are diminishing 2 4 Sales has input on collateral, mostly satisfied -- collateral is consistently used 5 Sales and marketing collaborate on marketing materials. Collateral is highly valued and consistently used 1 Sales messaging in the field is completely different than the official marketing messages 2 Sales is aware of the official marketing message, but often chooses different/old messages in the selling process Messaging & Brand 3 Sales is beginning to integrate marketing and brand messages into their sales discussions 1 4 Sales often echoes marketing messages, but not always 5 Sales and marketing messages are completely in sync
  • 5. Sales Assessment Organizational Relationships Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 Marketing management lacks understanding of sales function, process, and skills 2 Limited understanding of sales function by Marketing management Understanding of Sales by Marketing 3 Good understanding of Sales by Marketing management, but less among staff 5 4 Understanding of Sales function encouraged among all Marketing staff 5 Understanding of Sales function/process required by all Marketing staff 1 Sales Management lack understanding of Marketing best practices 2 Limited understanding of Marketing function & role by Sales Management Understanding of Marketing by Sales 3 Good understanding of Marketing function & role by Sales Management 5 4 Understanding of Marketing function & role encouraged among all Sales staff 5 Understanding of Marketing function & role required for all Sales staff 1 Casual conversations and meetings on ad hoc basis 2 Casual conversations and ad hoc meetings among select staff and managers Organizational Development, Training, & Learning 3 Newsletters, reports, emails are sent out, some formal meetings between groups 4 4 Formal alignment program sponsored by Senior Management 5 Formal alignment program required - widespread participation across Sales & Mktg 1 Marketing to Sales only, generally only when new materials/programs roll out 2 Marketing to Sales only, somewhat informal, occasionally asking for feedback Communications Style and Ease of Access 3 Consistent two-way, formal communications around specific activities & programs 5 4 Consistent blend of formal & informal among sales and marketing management 5 Two-way, formal and informal communications, continuous feedback loop 1 Undefined. Functions have developed independently and are focused on their own tasks 2 Starting to Define. Efforts underway to prevent disputes, establish common language, and clarify expectations Relationship Definitions 3 Defined. Common language, few disputes, regular meetings to clarify mutual expectations 2 4 Aligned. Clear but flexible boundaries, common language, joint planning 5 Integrated. Share systems, performance metrics, and rewards together. 1 Two groups are at odds, open criticism, lack of cooperation, finger-pointing is common 2 Relationships are polite but strained, collaboration is rare, groups work in silos Collaboration, Trust & Credibility 3 Relationships improving, but open sharing and collaboration is sporadic 2 4 Sales & Marketing Management work together well, staff less likely to collaborate 5 Trust is high. All staff in both groups work well together openly, productively. Metrics & Value-Measurement Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 Operational Marketing metrics only (email click thru rates etc.) 2 Marketing metrics and some cost metrics; metrics rarely reviewed Campaign ROI Maturity 3 Review and act on marketing, cost, and campaign ROI metrics 2 4 Metrics for each process/campaign are defined and measured
  • 6. Campaign ROI Maturity 2 5 Marketing metrics analyzed to inform resource allocation decisions 1 Marketing campaigns & investments measured rarely, if ever 2 Cost/Lead, Cost/Sale measured, but rarely reviewed Marketing Metrics Maturity 3 Review and act on ROI and cost metrics for all marketing efforts 5 4 Measure Return on Customer (net present value of customer base) 5 Balanced Scorecard to set objectives, measures, targets, initiatives 1 Value of Marketing investments rarely measured by Sales 2 Sales/Marketing metrics not linked, no cause-effect relationships Link between Marketing and Sales Metrics 3 Metrics becoming linked and understood by Marketing & Sales 2 4 Metrics formally linked, reviewed, major issues acted upon 5 Marketing/Sales metrics are used together to provide predictive insight 1 None 2 Sporadic projects/events in place to improve sales & marketing alignment Alignment Improvement Practices 3 May benchmark alignment formally, but benchmarks are seldom acted upon 5 4 Routinely benchmark sales & marketing alignment and act upon insights 5 Alignment benchmarks, initiatives, & progress are required 1 Very little/no forecasting 2 Sales figures are dramatically higher or lower than forecast Financial Performance 3 Sales forecasting is improving and variances are getting smaller 2 4 Sales figures are often close to the forecast, but not always 5 Sales figures are usually close to the forecast Lead Generation & Pipeline Management Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 No demand generation campaigns, Sales develops their own leads 2 Marketing demand generation and sales demand generation happen separately Demand Generation 3 Marketing executes demand generation campaigns. Leads passed to sales & may/may not be followed up on 2 4 Marketing executes demand generation, qualified leads are passed on and sales follows up 5 Synchronized demand generation program managed dually by sales & marketing 1 No lead scoring or qualification - all leads get passed to sales 2 Leads are qualified by Marketing, but sales does not systematically work them Lead Scoring & Management 3 Improving lead qualification and pass-along process, but leads are not always worked 5 4 Formal shared lead definitions and processes for passing leads to sales 5 Optimized lead scoring & management process with formal processes in place 1 We have no formal pipeline reporting 2 Sales informally reports pipeline information, but Marketing is not involved Pipeline Reporting & Visibility 3 Sales management shares formal pipeline reports with marketing management 5 4 Sales & marketing staff have access to the same pipeline & use it sporadically to check lead gen. effectiveness 5 Marketing & Sales openly share pipeline and work together to improve the flow of leads in the sales process Culture Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 Marketing & Sales report up through siloed executives 2 Marketing & Sales executives report to the same senior leader, but do not collaborate Executive Alignment 2
  • 7. Executive Alignment 3 Marketing & Sales executives are starting to work more collaboratively 2 4 Marketing & Sales executives are close partners and collaborators 5 Marketing & Sales report to a common executive 1 Very little risk being taken on either side, rewards not tied to joint success 2 One side takes all the risk, rewards are shared Shared Risks and Rewards 3 Marketing and Sales start sharing risks and rewards 5 4 Risks and rewards are always shared between Sales & Marketing 5 Managers on both sides share in risks and rewards 1 Finger pointing, blame and battles for power and resources are common 2 Marketing-business relationship isn't managed or is non-existent Marketing-Sales Relationship 3 Marketing-Sales relationship managed on ad hoc basis, mostly conflict resolution 4 4 Mostly collaborative and cooperative relationship, proactively working together 5 Sales and Marketing share a strong "We rise or fall together culture" 1 Consistent conflict and mistrust between Marketing & business 2 Transactional relationship between Marketing & Sales, occasional conflict Relationship/Trust Style 3 Marketing becoming a valued service provider and relationships are strengthening 4 4 Long-term partnership is emerging as credibility is increased on both sides 5 Marketing and Sales are trusted partners and collaborate closely on all fronts Systems & Technology Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments 1 No marketing automation, campaigns are ad hoc, project driven, or by request 2 Processes are becoming defined, technology is used sporadically Marketing Automation 3 Technology is implemented to automate key marketing processes 5 4 Process metrics exist and are benchmarked and reviewed often 5 Real-time messaging, lead scoring & nurturing, closed loop systems 1 No Sales Automation system in place 2 Sales automation system in place (, Right Now, etc.) but not widely/consistently used by sales Sales Automation 3 Sales automation system in place, use required - some data is inconsistent, missing, outdated 5 4 System in place, widely used by sales, data is reliable and current 5 Sales automation system is required by sales mgmt., drives pipeline reports and revenue projection 1 Systems are disparate and siloed. Access is ad hoc and manual 2 Systems are siloed. Standard reports are automated, but rarely used System Integration 3 Beginning to link systems to provide a shared view of customer & sales data 4 4 Major systems are integrated and key reports are automated & widely used for decision-making & forecasting 5 Shared view of customer for sales & marketing. Data is complete, current, and clean 1 Customer and prospect data resides in multiple places, difficult to access, ad hoc data pulling 2 Processes are becoming defined, technology is used sporadically Access to Data & Data Management 3 Technology is implemented to automate key marketing processes 2 4 Process metrics exists and are benchmarked and reviewed often 5 Sales & Marketing have a single, shared view of customer data and automated or formal processes Messaging & Materials Description of Best Practices Level of Compliance Score Notes/Comments
  • 8. 1 Collateral from marketing is often thrown away by sales. Lots of home-grown rogue materials in the field 2 Marketing collateral is distributed by marketing, sometimes used Marketing Materials & Collateral 3 Marketing is beginning to seek sales input on marketing collateral, and rogue materials are diminishing 5 4 Sales has input on collateral, mostly satisfied -- collateral is consistently used 5 Sales and marketing collaborate on marketing materials. Collateral is highly valued and consistently used 1 Sales messaging in the field is completely different than the official marketing messages 2 Sales is aware of the official marketing message, but often chooses different/old messages in the selling process Messaging & Brand 3 Sales is beginning to integrate marketing and brand messages into their sales discussions 4 4 Sales often echoes marketing messages, but not always 5 Sales and marketing messages are completely in sync
  • 9. Sales & Marketing Alignment Tool Sales & Marketing Alignment Criteria Marketing Sales Sales & Marketing Alignment Index Organizational Relationships 3.0 3.8 Organizational Relationships 5.0 Metrics & Value-Measurement 2.2 3.2 4.0 3.0 Lead Generation & Pipeline Management 1.7 4.0 Messaging & Materials 2.0 Metrics & Value-Measurement 1.0 Culture 1.5 3.8 0.0 Systems & Technology 1.5 4.0 Messaging & Materials 1.5 4.5 Systems & Technology Lead Generation & Pipeline Management Weighted Sales & Marketing Alignment Score (out of 100) 40.5 75.9 Culture 5 19.75 19.75
  • 10. Sales & Marketing Alignment Tool Marketing Results Scores Recommendations Organizational Relationships Increase marketing exposure to sales process through sales ride-along, collaboration on Understanding of Sales by Marketing 1 presentations, continued dialogue Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in Understanding of Marketing by Sales 3 dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle Organizational Development, Training, & Learning 4 0 Increase formal sales communication to marketing. Weekly debriefing calls, shared access to Communications Style and Ease of Access 3 reports Relationship Definitions 4 0 Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in Collaboration, Trust & Credibility 3 dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle Organizational Relationships Maturity Average 3 Metrics & Value-Measurement Campaign ROI Maturity 5 0 Marketing Metrics Maturity 2 Review ROI metrics regularly and adjust resource allocation accordingly Link between Marketing and Sales Metrics 1 Create 2-3 shared metrics, targets and tie targets to shared rewards Identify alignment measurements and benchmarks. Regularly assess alignment and create shared Alignment Improvement Practices 2 action plans for improvement Develop a process to forecast responses/sales from key marketing programs. Identify and improve Financial Performance 1 gaps between actual and forecast Metrics & Value-Measurement Maturity Average 2 Lead Generation & Pipeline Management
  • 11. Involve sales early, and develop a demand generation campaign calendar. Seek sales involvement Demand Generation 2 in lead follow-up during campaign periods Sales & Marketing collaborate on common lead definitions, scoring thresholds for passing leads, and Lead Scoring & Management 1 workflow Allow pipeline report access by both sales & marketing. Tie pipeline activity back to campaigns & Pipeline Reporting & Visibility 2 leads Lead Generation & Pipeline Management Maturity Average 2 Culture Executive Alignment 1 Engage senior management in directing collaborative work sessions, projects, and expectations Shared Risks and Rewards 2 Establish shared reward system, and work to collaborate and share risk Marketing-Sales Relationship 2 Create opportunities for pro-active sales & marketing collaboration projects Relationship/Trust Style 1 Culture Maturity Average 2 Systems & Technology Marketing Automation 2 Identify need and resources available to create marketing automation. Research best practices. Identify need and resources available to create sales automation. Research vendors & best Sales Automation 1 practices. Find ways to open systems and create a unified view of customer data. Data warehouses can be System Integration 2 powerful here. Research technology solutions, best practices, and critical metrics for sharing data across functions Access to Data & Data Management 1 and maintaining data integrity. System & Technology Maturity Average 2 Messaging & Materials Involve sales early in the collateral development process. Sample "home grown" sales collateral to Marketing Materials & Collateral 2 understand what is actually being used in the field, and why. Ride along with sales on sales calls to get a sense of how collateral is being used. Messaging & Brand 1 Communicate brand messaging, rationale, and related research to sales regularly and consistently.
  • 12. Messaging & Materials Maturity Average 2 Increase marketing exposure to sales process through sales ride-along, collaboration on presentations, continued dialogue Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle Establish a structured alignment plan. Use best practices to align goals, measurements, metrics and rewards Increase formal sales communication to marketing. Weekly debriefing calls, shared access to reports Introduce regular meetings btw. Sales & mktg. , collaborate to establish common language and define roles & handoffs Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle Define processes and key metrics for each campaign type, track all campaign costs and create ROI targets Review ROI metrics regularly and adjust resource allocation accordingly Create 2-3 shared metrics, targets and tie targets to shared rewards Identify alignment measurements and benchmarks. Regularly assess alignment and create shared action plans for improvement Develop a process to forecast responses/sales from key marketing programs. Identify and improve gaps between actual and forecast Involve sales early, and develop a demand generation campaign calendar. Seek sales involvement in lead follow-up during campaign periods Sales & Marketing collaborate on common lead definitions, scoring thresholds for passing leads, and workflow Allow pipeline report access by both sales & marketing. Tie pipeline activity back to campaigns & leads Engage senior management in directing collaborative work sessions, projects, and expectations Establish shared reward system, and work to collaborate and share risk Create opportunities for pro-active sales & marketing collaboration projects Work on relationships and shared rewards/risks to establish trust and dependency between groups Identify need and resources available to create marketing automation. Research best practices. Identify need and resources available to create sales automation. Research vendors & best practices. Find ways to open systems and create a unified view of customer data. Data warehouses can be powerful here. Research technology solutions, best practices, and critical metrics for sharing data across functions and maintaining data integrity. Involve sales early in the collateral development process. Sample "home grown" sales collateral to understand what is actually being used in the field, and why. Ride along with sales on sales calls to get a sense of how collateral is being used. Communicate brand messaging, rationale, and related research to sales regularly and consistently.
  • 13. Sales & Marketing Alignment Tool Sales Results Scores Recommendations Organizational Relationships Understanding of Sales by Marketing 5 0 Understanding of Marketing by Sales 5 0 Organizational Development, Training, & Learning 4 0 Communications Style and Ease of Access 5 0 Introduce regular meetings btw. Sales & mktg. , collaborate to establish common language and Relationship Definitions 2 define roles & handoffs Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in Collaboration, Trust & Credibility 2 dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle Organizational Relationships Maturity Average 4 Metrics & Value-Measurement Define processes and key metrics for each campaign type, track all campaign costs and create ROI Campaign ROI Maturity 2 targets Marketing Metrics Maturity 5 0 Link between Marketing and Sales Metrics 2 Create 2-3 shared metrics, targets and tie targets to shared rewards Alignment Improvement Practices 5 0 Develop a process to forecast responses/sales from key marketing programs. Identify and improve Financial Performance 2 gaps between actual and forecast Metrics & Value-Measurement Maturity Average 3 Lead Generation & Pipeline Management
  • 14. Involve sales early, and develop a demand generation campaign calendar. Seek sales involvement Demand Generation 2 in lead follow-up during campaign periods Lead Scoring & Management 5 0 Pipeline Reporting & Visibility 5 0 Lead Generation & Pipeline Management Maturity Average 4 Culture Executive Alignment 2 Engage senior management in directing collaborative work sessions, projects, and expectations Shared Risks and Rewards 5 0 Marketing-Sales Relationship 4 0 Relationship/Trust Style 4 0 Culture Maturity Average 4 Systems & Technology Marketing Automation 5 0 Sales Automation 5 0 System Integration 4 0 Research technology solutions, best practices, and critical metrics for sharing data across functions Access to Data & Data Management 2 and maintaining data integrity. System & Technology Maturity Average 4 Messaging & Materials Marketing Materials & Collateral 5 0 Messaging & Brand 4 0
  • 15. Messaging & Materials Maturity Average 5 Increase marketing exposure to sales process through sales ride-along, collaboration on presentations, continued dialogue Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle Establish a structured alignment plan. Use best practices to align goals, measurements, metrics and rewards Increase formal sales communication to marketing. Weekly debriefing calls, shared access to reports Introduce regular meetings btw. Sales & mktg. , collaborate to establish common language and define roles & handoffs Increase dialogue btw. Sales and marketing regarding the marketing process, include sales in dialogue earlier in the marketing cycle Define processes and key metrics for each campaign type, track all campaign costs and create ROI targets Review ROI metrics regularly and adjust resource allocation accordingly Create 2-3 shared metrics, targets and tie targets to shared rewards Identify alignment measurements and benchmarks. Regularly assess alignment and create shared action plans for improvement Develop a process to forecast responses/sales from key marketing programs. Identify and improve gaps between actual and forecast Involve sales early, and develop a demand generation campaign calendar. Seek sales involvement in lead follow-up during campaign periods Sales & Marketing collaborate on common lead definitions, scoring thresholds for passing leads, and workflow Allow pipeline report access by both sales & marketing. Tie pipeline activity back to campaigns & leads Engage senior management in directing collaborative work sessions, projects, and expectations Establish shared reward system, and work to collaborate and share risk Create opportunities for pro-active sales & marketing collaboration projects Work on relationships and shared rewards/risks to establish trust and dependency between groups Identify need and resources available to create marketing automation. Research best practices. Identify need and resources available to create sales automation. Research vendors & best practices. Find ways to open systems and create a unified view of customer data. Data warehouses can be powerful here. Research technology solutions, best practices, and critical metrics for sharing data across functions and maintaining data integrity. Involve sales early in the collateral development process. Sample "home grown" sales collateral to understand what is actually being used in the field, and why. Ride along with sales on sales calls to get a sense of how collateral is being used. Communicate brand messaging, rationale, and related research to sales regularly and consistently.
  • 16. Sales & Marketing Alignment Tool Weighting Scale Organizational Metrics and Value- Lead Generation & Systems & Messaging & Relationships Measurement Pipeline Management Culture Technology Materials Total 15% 15% 40% 10% 15% 5% 100%