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Prof. Dr. G.N Purohit
Dean Post Graduate Studies RAJUVAS and University Head
Dept. Veterinary (Gynecology & Obstetrics)
College of veterinary & Animal Science, Bikaner, Raj.
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
The male
from the
duct and
body or
c tubules.
Embryonic development of the male reproductive tract
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
The male reproductive
organs consist of
two testes which are present
in the scrotum, and the
ducts, accessory sex
glands , penis and prepuce.
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The Testes- Function
Male sex hormone
Spermatozoa- Male
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The scrotum is a bi-lobed sac or
pouch (derived from the skin
and fascia) and is the external
part of male reproductive
system which encloses
the testis.
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The ducts that
transport the
sperms from
testes include
Penis enclosed
in the prepuce
sex glands
Seminal Vesicles
The testes produce the male gamete spermatozoa and many structures produce
fluid portion of semen (sex glands) and the ducts transport semen from testes to
the vagina of female via the copulatory organ
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Permitted for Commercial Purposes
Testis during the fetal life is located in the abdominal cavity,
they pass through the abdominal inguinal canal, and inside
the scrotum
Enlargement of the gubernaculum and its
disappearance play an important role in testicular
Intra-abdominal pressure in the fetus also
determines testis descent
Androgen from fetal testis favors testis descent
Testicular descent
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■ Time of testicular descent
– Stallion - 9 -11 months of gestation
– Cattle -3 ½ - 4 months of gestation
– Sheep and goat -2 ½-3 months of gestation
– Swine -3 months of gestation
– Dogs- 5 days after birth
■ Failure of testis to descent into the scrotum is called
as cryptorchidism.
■ The retained testis is called as
cryptorchid testis.
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Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
Location of scrotum
■ The scrotum is located between the
thighs except in boar and tom cat.
■ In boar and tom cat, it is located
caudal to the thighs, caudal and
ventral to the ischiatic arch.
■ Scrotum is externally composed of
skin which is relatively devoid of hair
except in ram (male sheep) and buck
(male goat) and tom cat (male cat).
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Structure of Scrotum
Beneath the scrotal skin is the
dartos muscle, which consists of
fibroelastic tissue and unstripped
cremaster muscle.
Dartos muscle divides the
scrotum in to two halves.
It is closely attached with the
tunica vaginalis and scrotal
ligament which is a remnant of
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Scrotal ligament
The Testis and
epididymis are fixed in
scrotum by means of
scrotal ligament which is
attached near the tail of
the epididymis and
The Scrotal ligament is
absent in bulls.
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The Scrotum has the following 8 layers from
■ Epidermis – outermost layer
■ Dermis
■ Dartos muscle
■ Connective tissue
■ Parietal layer of vaginal process
■ Cavity of vaginal process (CV)
■ Visceral layer of vaginal process
■ Tunica albuginea
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Seminiferous Tubules
The Tunica albuginea penetrate
the testicular parenchyma to join
at mediastinum.
These fibrous septa divide the
testicular parenchyma into
The lobules are having the highly
coiled seminiferous tubules.
About 75% of the testicular mass
is composed of seminiferous
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Blood supply to scrotum
External pudental artery and also Internal pudental
artery in boar and cat.
Nerve supply to scrotum
Genital nerve which is a branch of genito-femoral
nerve arising from second to fourth lumbar nerve and
perineal nerve.
Smooth muscle of the scrotum is supplied by the
spermatic plexus from pelvic plexus.
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Functions of scortum
It encloses the male gonad
It provides suspensory attachment of testes with remaining
animal body.
It protects the testes from adverse stress conditions.
It serves as a thermic chest of male gonad.
It maintains gonadal temperature through
thermo regulatory mechanism for optimum
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■ The Scrotum, cremaster muscle and pampiniform
plexus maintain the testicular temperature.
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The scrotum becomes flaccid and elongated
due to relaxation of the dartos and cremaster
muscle, under hot climate in order to create
more surface area for heat loss. It becomes
contracted and wrinkled during cold climate
bringing the testicles closer to the body and
reducing the surface area.
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Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
TESTIS Synonyms: Orchium, male gonad
•Testis originated from Greek word- Orchis
 Testis is the primary andrological organ which produces spermatozoa and male
sex hormone (testosterone).
 Morphologically oval shaped, paired glands. Right and left testicles are separated
by muscular septum which is formed by dartos muscle.
 Located outside the abdominal cavity. In most of the species, located between
the thighs within the scrotum.
 Testes are intra-abdominal in elephant, whales, seal, dolphin, birds, rhinoceros
 The testis is supported in one of the two scrotal pouches
where it is held by its tunics and by the spermatic cord.
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The testes has a head, a tail, a lateral
and medial surface, a free border and a
epididymal border
The testes is covered by a
white fibrous capsule the
Tunica albuginea
The septa divide the testes into
sections where the seminiferous
tubules are located
The rete testis is a network of tubules
that carry sperm from seminiferous
tubules to the efferent ducts
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Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
Spermatic cord
The Spermatic cord is
composed of
 Spermatic artery
 Spermatic vein
 Spermatic nerve
 Internal cremaster muscle
 Lymphatic vessels
 Vas deferens
 Tunica vaginalis propria
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Embryonic Development
Origin of testes is initiated from gonadal / genital ridge. It
occurs in 4 phases.
 First Phase
■ Migration of the germ cells at the gonadal ridge.
 Second Phase
■ Formation and proliferation of the blastema for genesis of
indifferent gonad.
 Third Phase
■ Migration of mesonephric cells into gonad.
 Fourth Phase
■ Sexual differentiation and its development
into testis
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Testis consists of
Testicular capsule
Rete tubules
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Testicular parenchyma consists of
■ Seminiferous tubules
■ Interstitial cells or Leydig cells
■ Capillaries
■ Lymphatic vessels
■ Connective tissue
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Testis proper is covered by 2 capsules
■ Tunica vaginalis propria
■ Tunica albuginea
■ Tunica vaginalis propria is
composed of
 Parietal layer – faces scrotum
 Visceral layer – faces testis
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Internal features of testicles
■ The distal end of the testis is attached to the scrotum by the scrotal ligament.
■ The testis proper is closely covered by a thin serous membrane - tunica vaginalis
propria. Beneath this structure is a dense, thick connective capsule – tunica
albuginea, from which septa radiate to the mediastinum testes except in stallion
to form the lobules of the testis.
■ Within this lobules are the seminiferous tubules, which are lined by germinal
epithelium that produces spermatozoa and Sertoli cells which are located in
between the developing germ cells.
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■ The seminiferous tubule is made up of two types of cells: Germ cells
(spermatogonia) which form spermatozoa and Sertoli cells which
are also called sperm mother cells or Nurse cells or Pillar like cells
or Subtentacular cells.
■ Enrico Sertoli was an Italian physiologist and histologist. who
discovered Sertoli cell in 1865
■ The interstitial cells (Leydig cells), which lie between the
seminiferous tubules, secrete male hormones (testosterone). Franz
Leydig discovered them in 1850.
■ The seminiferous tubules converge
at the apex of the lobule at the receptacle
to join the straight tubules.
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Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
■ The straight tubules are also called as tubuli recti that enter the rete
testis, a structure of anastomosing spaces located in the
mediastinum testis.
■ There is no mediastinum testis in the stallion as is present in
other animals.
■ From mediastinum testis numerous fibrous septa radiate and divide
the testis into a number of chambers or lobules of testis.
There are no well-developed septa to
divide the testes into lobules in chicken.
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■ The collecting tubules join the efferent tubules.
■ From the rete testis, 6-24 efferent ducts arise; these ducts form a single duct called as
caput epididymis.
■ On examination of the testes the torturous configuration of blood vessels is most readily
noted in the tunica albuginea in the bull.
■ This is a further provision assisting the heat regulatory mechanism of the testis.
■ The consistency of the testis is usually turgid.
■ The parenchyma is yellow to reddish brown
in color and bulges on section
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Approximate length of
seminiferous tubule
Species Length (in
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Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
Cross section of
seminiferous tubules
contains three layers
Outer capsule
Testicular cells
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Testicular cells are
composed of
Germinal cells
Parenchymal cells or
testicular somatic cells
Sertoli cells
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Physiological functions of testis
 It produces male sex hormone(androgen).
 It secretes testicular fluid.
 It nourishes the newly born male gamete.
 It helps in the transportation of spermatozoa.
 It provides blood-testis barrier.
 It secretes estrogen in limited amount.
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Associated structures of testis
Testicular ligament
■ This is a fetal ligament which is a derivative of gubernaculum
and present during the descent of the testis in to the scrotum.
Later on, it gets atrophied.
Testicular mesentery
■ It is a part of primitive mesentery which encloses fetal testis
and is present during the descent of testis in the scrotum.
■ It continues in the form of peritoneal fold between testes and
epididymis during post-natal life of livestock.
Testicular appendix
■ It is non-functional residual part of
embryonal hood during post-natal life of livestock.
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Blood and Nerve Supply
Blood supply
■ The testis is richly supplied with blood by the spermatic artery/
testicular artery, a branch of the abdominal aorta.
■ The veins on leaving the testicles form a network, the
pampiniform plexus around the artery in the spermatic cord.
■ The spermatic vein which issues from this plexus, usually
joins with the posterior vena-cava on the right side, the left
renal vein on left side.
Nerve Supply
■ The nerves derived from the renal and posterior mesenteric
plexus form the spermatic plexus around the vessels to which
they are chiefly distributed.
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
Character Bull Stallion Ram Boar Dog Cat
Shape Oval Oval Oval Oval Round to oval Round to oval
Length (cm) 10 - 15 7.5 - 12.5 7.5 - 11.5 10 - 15 2 - 4 1.2 - 2
Diameter (cm) 5 - 8.5 4 - 7 3.8 - 6.8 5 - 9 1 - 2.5 0.7 - 1.5
Weight (gm) 200 - 500 200 - 300 200 - 400 600 7 - 15 0.7 - 1.5
Plane Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vetrical Oblique Vertical
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
■ Shape- Oval
■ Length- 10-15 cm
■ Diameter- 5-8 cm
■ Weight- 200-500 gm
■ Long axis- Vertical
■ Head of epididymis- Lies dorsal to
the testis
■ Body of epididymis- Lies caudal and
medial to the testis
■ Tail of epididymis- Lies ventral to the
■ Vas deferens- Lies parallel to the
body of the epididymis and medial
and cranial to it
■ Location- Anterior prepubic region
■ Bull
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Buffalo BULL
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■ Shape- Oval but compressed from side
to side
■ Length- 7.5-12.5 cm
■ Thickness - About 5 cm
■ Weight- 200-300 gm
■ Long axis- Horizontal
■ Head of epididymis- Lies cranial to the
■ Body of epididymis- Lies dorsal to the
■ Tail of epididymis- Lies caudal to the
■ Vas deferens- Lies dorsal and medial to
the body of the epididymis and testis
■ Location- Intermediate to the prepubic
and perineal region
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Ram and Buck ■ Shape- Oval
■ Length- 7.5-11.5 cm
■ Diameter- 3.8-6.8 cm
■ Weight- 200-400 gm
■ Long axis- Vertical
■ Head of epididymis- Lies dorsal to the testis
■ Body of epididymis- Lies medial to the testis
■ Tail of epididymis- Lies caudal to the testis
■ Location- Anterior prepubic region
Appendix testis
Remnant of the paramesonephric duct,
present as a small protruding structure on the
cranial pole of the testis. It is also seen
occasionally in ram.
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Boar ■ Shape- Oval
■ Length- 10-15 cm
■ Diameter- 5-9 cm
■ Weight- 500-800 gm
■ Long axis- Vertical
■ Head of epididymis- Lies ventral to the testis
■ Body of epididymis- Lies cranial to the testis
■ Tail of epididymis- Lies dorsal to the testis
■ Vas deferens- Lies medial and cranial to the
■ Spermatic cord is long
■ Location- Caudal to thighs, caudal and ventral to
the ischiatic arch (perineal region)
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DOG ■ Shape- Oval
■ Length- 2-4 cm
■ Diameter-1.2-2.5 cm
■ Weight- 7-15 gm
■ Long axis- Horizontal and oblique
■ Head of epididymis- Lies cranial to
the testis
■ Body of epididymis- Lies dorsal to
the testis
■ Tail of epididymis- Lies caudal to
the testis
■ Vas deferens- Lies dorsal and
medial to the body of the
■ Location- Intermediate to the
prepubic and perineal region
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TOM CAT ■ Shape- Oval
■ Length- 1.2-2 cm
■ Long axis Oblique
■ Diameter- 0.7-1.5 cm
■ Location- Caudal to thighs, caudal and
ventral to the ischiatic arch (perineal
Scrotum lies
high in the
perineal region
Testicles are
oval in shape
and lie obliquely
Testicle length
7-10 cm weight
90 -100 gm
Right testicle
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■ For effective functioning, the testes have to be kept at a temperature
of 4-6° C lower than the body temperature.
Scrotal skin and sweat glands
■ It has got temperature receptors. When there is a elevated
environmental temperature, these receptors elicit the response by
producing panting and sweating and lower the body temperature.
■ Scrotal skin is devoid of subcutaneous fat.
■ It is enriched with large adrenergic sweat glands.
■ Sweating allows scrotum to be cooled by
evaporative heat transfer.
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Dartos muscle
■ It is an open mesh like smooth muscle layer which lies beneath the scrotal
■ The contractile characteristics of dartos are androgen dependent and its
ability to contract in cold climates is lost in castrated males.
■ Action of dartos muscle in stallion is enhanced by presence of smooth
muscle in the spermatic cord and tunica albuginea.
■ By contracting in cold weather to hold the testes against the body and by
relaxing in warm weather, it is the principal thermoregulator of the testis.
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External cremaster muscle
■ It raises the testis, thereby playing a role in the thermoregulation
of testis.
■ It contracts and relaxes, creating a ‘pumping action’ on the
pampiniform plexus, thus facilitating blood flow and enhancing
cooling efficiency.
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Tunica albuginea
■ It is richly supplied with network of blood vessels and plays role in
regulation of testicular temperature.
■ In human beings, the difference between body temperature and
testicular temperature is 2oC.
– In bulls : 4oC
– In ram : 5-7oC
■ The anatomical arrangement of testis and
features of testicular blood vessels
maintains the testicular temperature
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Pampiniform plexus
■ In the proximal end of testis,
testicular artery is coiled and
is surrounded by network of
spermatic vein. This
arrangement is called as
pampiniform plexus.
■ Blood present in vein cools
the incoming blood of artery.
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■ Seminiferous tubules are not penetrated by blood and lymph vessels
■ The peritubular cells (Myoid cells) surrounding the seminiferous tubules and the sertoli cell junctional complexes
form the blood testis barrier.
■ The primary function is to prevent autoimmune reactions from destroying the developing germ cells.
■ Myoid cells
■ They are the incomplete or partial barriers located in the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules.
■ This barrier is poorly developed in bull, ram and boar.
■ It is not important in farm animals.
■ Sertoli cell junction
■ The tight junctions formed between two adjacent sertoli cells divide the germ cells in two compartments as basal
compartments and adluminal compartments.
■ They are the true blood testis barrier.
■ The chemical changes which occur in blood cannot occur within the
seminiferous tubules
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Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
Accessory Sex glands of the male
domestic animals include the bulbo-
urethral glands, urethral glands,
prostrate, seminal vesicles and the
ampullary glands
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■ In the bull and stallion, the accessory sex glands can be
manipulated via the rectum to stimulate ejaculation for
collecting semen for a fertility check (breeding soundness
■ In the pig, the bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands are large and
are the source of the gelatinous material found in boar semen.
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Species Ampulla Prostate Vesicular gland
Cattle/Buffalo (+) ++ +++
Sheep (+) ++ +++
Horse ++ ++ ++
Pig Absent + ++
Dog Absent +++ Absent
Cat Absent ++ Absent
Camel + ++ Absent
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Organs of the
Caput Epididymis
Cauda Epididymis
Seminal Vesicles
Vas Deferens
Retractor Penis
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■ They are paired glands located
on either side of the pelvic
urethra near the ischiatic arch
and . between the anus and
■ Ovoid in shape or walnut
■ Blood supply
■ internal pudic artery
■ Nerve supply
■ pelvic plexus
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Physiological functions of cowper’s gland
 To provide pre-ejaculatory secretion,
 To clean the urethral passage through flushing the urethra from urine and
micro-organism, debris and crystal, for maintaining the hygienic condition of
urethral orifice.
 To supplement nutrition or energy to spermatozoa.
 To lubricate the urethral passage.
 To lubricate the vagina of opposite sex partner during mating.
 To maintain optimum pH level of urethral passage which provides
favourable condition for spermatozoa.
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Species differences
Species Diameter (cm) Length (cm)
Bull 1.5 - 3.0 -
Stallion 2.5 - 5.0 -
Ram 0.5 - 1.0 -
Boar 2.5 - 3.0 12.0
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 The size of the cowper’s
gland is smaller in bull
when compared to
 Single duct from each
gland is present.
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 Each gland in stallion
has got 6- 8 excretory
ducts opening into the
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 It is large, dense, thick
and cylindrical in shape.
Single duct from each
gland is present.
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Dogs and Tom cat
■Cowper’s gland is absent in dogs.
■Cowper’s gland in tom cat is as large as in case
of prostate in cats
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■ Present in human beings but absent in bull, stallion,
dog, cat and boar.
■ In bull, boar and ram, pelvic urethra contains
disseminate part of the prostate gland and should
not be called as urethral glands
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■ The urethra in males is the common passage for the excretion of urine as well as
for the transportation of semen.
■ It is about 115 cm in length in bulls.
■ The urethra has three distinct parts namely pelvic part, bulb of urethra and the
penile part.
■ In bull, the pelvic part of urethra is about 20 cm in length and is situated on
pelvic floor.
■ The pelvic urethra is enclosed by heavy urethral muscle or wilson’s
muscle which helps in ejaculation and micturition by its forcible contraction.
■ The bulb of urethra is extra pelvic part situated at ischial arch and is bending,
ventral to the pelvis.
■ The penile urethra runs inside the penis proper.
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The Prostate gland is
located on the floor of
the pelvis on or
around the neck of the
urinary bladder or
cranial portion of the
pelvic urethra or
caudal to the neck of
the bladder.
• It adds its secretion at the time of
ejaculation by means of many
ducts opening on the pelvic
• The secretions are released in the
pelvic urethra near the colliculus
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Colliculus seminalis is
cavernous tissue present
at the neck of urinary
bladder filled with blood
during ejaculation to
close the opening
of the urinary bladder to
prevent mix between
semen and urine during
ejaculation or entrance of
semen to
inside the urinary bladder
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Functions of Prostrate
 To secrete prostatic fluid.
 To secrete more quantity of serous and less quantity of mucous secretion.
 To stimulate the spermatozoal motility.
 To secrete little quantity of certain vital bio-chemicals like fructose and citric acid
for additional supply of nutrition/energy to spermatozoa during its nourishment.
 To provide passage for onward-transit of glandular secretion-from the gland to its
outlet (i.e.pelvic urethra).
 To provide liquid medium for the transport of sperm in female reproductive tract.
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Blood and Nerve supply
■ Blood supply
■ The blood supply of prostate is by internal pudendal
■ Nerve supply
■ The prostate is supplied by pelvic plexus
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 Diffused over a large portion of
the pelvic urethra.
 Ram has no body of prostate
gland and it has only pars
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 Two parts (disseminated portion)-
• pars disseminata
 body of prostrate (Pars propria).
 Body – Wide 2.5 – 4 cm
 Length – 1-1.5 cm.
 Thickness 1-1.5 cm.
 It can be felt as a small protuberance in the cranial
end of pelvic urethra by rectal examination.
 Pars disseminata surrounds the pelvic urethra.
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■ It is situated over the neck of the
bladder and cranial portion of
the urethra.
■ Prostate gland in stallion has two
lateral lobes in the cranial end of
pelvic urethra and are connected
by a structure called isthmus
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Prostate gland is covered
by the seminal vesicle.
Pars disseminata is quite
extensive in boars as in
case of bull and ram.
Body is located dorsal to
the urinary bladder.
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 The prostrate is well developed
 Prostate gland in dogs opens by
two excretory ducts.
 Prostate gland is larger in size,
surrounds the neck of the
 located in the cranial border of
pubis, the size varies with
the age.
 Enlarged in older dogs.
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Bull 3 x 1 x 1 12 x 1.5 x 1.0
Boar 3 x 3 x 1 17 x 1.0 x 1.0
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Seminal Vesicles (glandulae vesiculares) or Vesicular gland
Paired accessory sex gland located on the floor of the pelvis, dorsal and lateral to
the ampulla or neck of the bladder.
In ruminants and boar, it is a lobulatory gland in which lobulation have small
central dilatation.
Name of the seminal vesicle in all domestic animals
is vesicular gland except in stallion.
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The Stallion
Vas Deferens
Pelvic Urethral Muscle
Body of
In stallion - large central dilatation is present.
In stallion, structure of seminal vesicle is more
bladder like and glands are located on the walls.
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Blood supply
Both middle rectal artery and the inferior vesicle
artery are the arterial source of seminal vesicle
which is the branch of internal iliac artery.
Nerve supply
The muscular wall of the seminal vesicle is provided
with a plexus of nerve fibres and contain small
sympathetic ganglion.
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Functions of seminal vesicles
Secretion of the seminal vesicle adds nutrients, volume and buffer to the semen.
They open in the pelvic urethra in close proximity with the opening of vas
deferens (Colliculus seminalis )
The salient physiological functions of seminal vesicle are
To produce vital biochemical secretion. The seminal vesicle is the site for
production of fructose and citric acid. The fructose is the main source of
nutrition /energy for the spermatozoa motility. The remaining other biochemical
are also essential for spermatozoa survivability and maintenance.
To secrete vesicular fluid. The seminal vesicle is the main source for the
production of liquid part of ejaculate. The vesicular fluid in the liquid state is the
main source of flow-current and gives impetus for floating vesicular motion due
to surface tension of its liquid state, which helps the male gamete during its
swimming in the liquid seminal plasma by propelling of spermatozoa locomotory
apparatus through dynamic energy.
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Species Peculiarities
Bull Vesicular glands are lobulated, 10-15 cm, long and 2-4 cm, in diameter .
Stallion Seminal vesicles are smooth, 15-20 cm, long and about 2.5-5 cm, in diameter.
A small portion of seminal vesicle is covered with peritoneum in case of bull and
Boar Vesicular glands are proportionately very large, 12-15 cm, long, 5-8 cm wide and 5-8
cm, thick.
They cover the caudal portion of the bladder and extend in to the abdominal cavity.
The volume of ejaculated semen is maximum in porcine species which is probably due
to comparatively heavier and enlarged size of seminal vesicle in boar.
It might be a characteristic features of species.
Ram and Buck Resemble those of the bull
Seminal vesicle is absent in dog and cat
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Species Length (cm) Breadth (cm) Thickness (cm) Weight (gm)
Bull 10 - 15 2 - 4 2 75
Stallion 15 - 20 2. - 5 5 -
Ram 12 - 15 5 - 8 4 200
Boar 4 - 5 2 1.5 5
Biometry of Seminal Vesicle in Different Species
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Ampullary Glands
Ampullary glands are present as dilations of the
terminal portion of the ductus deferens, just before
they enter the pelvic urethra, where their main
function is to act as reservoirs of sperm. This
branched tubular gland lined by simple columnar
epithelium is an enlargement of the ductus deferens
in its terminal portion. In the bull, ram, and dog the
ampullary glands, contribute slightly to the seminal
plasma, whereas their contribution to the ejaculate
is relatively more important in the stallion. The main
constituent of ampullary secretion in the stallion
is ergothioneine. These glands are absent in the cat
and poorly developed in boars
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It is a rudimentary structure and remnant of the
paramesonephric duct in male and is located between
ampullae and seminal vesicles.
It is situated on the caudal dorsal surface of the bladder and
cranial to the prostate.
50 -70 % of bulls have uterus masculinus.
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The tubular ducts of the male reproductive
organs carry spermatozoa from the testes to the
exterior during semen ejaculation. The ducts
include the epididymis, ductus deferens,
ampulla and the urethra. During the passage of
spermatozoa the ducts and the accessory sex
glands contribute the fluid secretions to
collectively form the seminal plasma.
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 The Epididymis is
torturous, coiled tubule
starting from the proximal
portion of the testis and is
responsible for the
nutrition, maturation,
transport and storage of
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• Grossly, the epididymis appears as an approximately
cylindrical organ.
• Spermatozoa stored in the epididymis retain fertilizing
capacity for several weeks.
• The cauda epididymis contains about 75% of total
epididymal spermatozoa.
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The Epididymis
The epididymis is the first
tubular duct of the male
genital system connected to
the testis and the vas
deferens (ductus deferens).
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Epididymis consists of three parts
• Head of epididymis (or) caput
U shaped and hidden
• Body of epididymis (or) corpora (or)
Cylindrical and visible
• Tail (or) cauda
inverted triangular tubular mass and site of
sperm storage
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•The epididymis is closely attached by fibrous tissue to the
surface of the testis proper.
•This is continuous with the vas deferens.
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Length of the epididymis
Species Length
20 metres in stallion
30 metres in bull
50 metres in boar
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The rete testis join the efferent
ductules of the epididymis that
enter the head of the epididymis
which continue as straight tubules,
then they become highly
convoluted and form conical
lobules of the epididymis and open
into a single convoluted tubule the
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The efferent ductules are lined by
ciliated tall columnar epithelium
which consists of both absorptive and
ciliated cells.
The shorter non ciliated cells
among the columnar cells of the
efferent ductules absorb the fluid
secreted by the seminiferous tubules.
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The ductus epididymis is
lined by a very tall
pseudostratified columnar
epithelium. Most cells of the
epithelium, also called
principal cells, have long
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The tail of the epididymis acts as a reservoir of
fully mature sperm and becomes turgid with
stored sperm in sexually active animals.
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Functions of epididymis
 Epididymis is covered by a smooth muscle coat which
transports the sperms by peristaltic movement.
 It has more secretory and absorptive activity.
 The epididymal duct provides the environment for gaining
of fertility by spermatozoa.
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Functions of the epididymis
• Absorption
• Secretion
• Maturation of spermatozoa
• Transportation
• Storage of spermatozoa
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Removal of sperm from the
■ Spermatozoal removal from the epididymis is
caused by periodic contractions of the
epididymis and ductus deferens, resulting in a
gradual trickle of spermatozoa out of the tail,
through the ductus deferens, in to the pelvic
urethra where they are flushed out of the
tract during urination. This allows removal of
sperm from the epididymis on a continual
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■ Inguinal canal is a slit like space between the internal and external inguinal ring.
■ Internal inguinal ring is formed by internal oblique abdominal muscle and external
inguinal ring is formed by the tendons of external oblique abdominal muscle.
■ In dog, bull and boar, the internal inguinal ring is larger but they have short inguinal
■ In stallion, inguinal canal is longer but it has
smaller internal inguinal ring.
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■ It is a siphon shaped structure for
the exit of spermatozoa.
■ Vas deferens passes parallel to
the testis into the spermatic cord
through the inguinal canal and dorso-
medially to the neck of the urinary
■ It has uniform thickness up to the
urinary bladder.
■ Thickness is 3 mm in bulls and 6 mm
in stallion.
■ Blood supply: Internal pudic artery
and spermatic artery.
■ Nerve supply: Pelvic plexus.
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Vas Deferens
Ductus epididymis to urethra
Opens at Colliculus seminalis
Dilation in some species
called ampulla
Union of the vas deferens with the duct of the seminal vesicle with a common
excretory passage lateral to the colliculus seminalis in some species (humans) is
known as Ejaculatory duct.
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Replication or Commercial Purposes
The ductus deferens
consists of an adventitia, a
muscular tunic, and a
mucous membrane.
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The mucosa of the
vas deferens forms
low longitudinal folds.
It is lined by a
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■ The terminal fusiform enlarged glandular portion of vas deferens is called as
ampulla of the vas deferens.
■ Bull: Length – 10 -15 cm, Diameter – 1-1.5 cm
■ Stallion: Length – 15-20 cm, Diameter – 2-2.5 cm
■ It is smaller in boars.
■ Ampulla lies dorsal to the urinary bladder and passes beneath
the body of the prostate and opens in the round
prominence into the pelvic urethra called as
colliculus seminalis.
Ampulla is absent in the dog and cat.
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■ The urethra in males is the common passage
for the excretion of urine as well as for the
transportation of semen.
■ It is about 115 cm in length in bulls.
■ The urethra has three distinct parts namely
pelvic part, bulb of urethra and the penile part.
■ In bull, the pelvic part of urethra is about 20
cm in length and is situated on pelvic floor.
■ The pelvic urethra is enclosed by heavy urethral
muscle or wilson’s muscle which helps in
ejaculation and micturition by its forcible
■ The bulb of urethra is extra pelvic part situated
at ischial arch and is bending, ventral to the
■ The penile urethra runs inside the penis proper.
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Sexual intercourse, or copulation, is the
deposition of sperm into a female via a male
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The penis is the male copulatory organ.
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■ Penis is almost cylindrical
in shape.
■ It extends from ischiatic
arch to the umbilical
region except in tom cat.
■ Penis is supported by
penile fascia and skin.
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Parts of penis
■ Penis has got three parts
 Root or base or phallus root (Radix penis) attached to
ischial bone on ischio-cavernosus muscle.
 Body or phallus body (Shaft or Corpus penis) formed by
fusion of 2 crura (the proximal projections of the corpora
cavernosa), corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum).
 Tip of penis or glans penis or phallus tip
 Conical exterior part of penis freely movable within the sheath
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Types of PENIS
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Fibroelastic type has small
and confined blood spaces,
and these spaces are divided
by a large amount of
fibroelastic tissue. This type of
penis, when quiescent,
exhibits a sigmoid flexure. The
fibroelastic penis appears in
ruminants and boars
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In musculo-cavernous or vascular
type of penis, blood spaces are
relatively larger, and the lining and
septa are more delicate and more
muscular. Stallions, dogs and rabbits
have this type of penis. The vascular
type of penis contains large ratio of
erectile tissue.
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Fibroelastic Musculocavernous
1 Thick fibrous tunica albuginea Tunica albuginea is less pronounced
2 Less erectile tissue More erectile tissue
3 Sigmoid flexure - present Sigmoid flexure - absent
Little blood enters the penis during
More blood enters the penis during erection
Lengthening of penis is achieved
mainly by straightening of the
flexure of the penis
Lengthening of penis is achieved entirely by
vascular engorgement
Difference between Fibroelastic Penis and Musculocavernous penis
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Functions of penis
Passage or urine
Performing sexual intercourse and deposition of semen in the
female tract
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Muscles associated with the penis
Ischiocavernosus Muscles (erector penis
Paired muscles located at the root of the penis.
Connect the penis to the ischial arch of the pelvis.
Bulbospongiosus muscle
A single muscle that covers the root and ventral
surface of the penis as well as the bulbourethral
glands (link to glands page)
The function of this muscle is to empty the
extrapelvic urethra of sperm in a similar way to the
urethralis muscle emptying the pelvic urethra.
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Urethral muscle is a circular muscle which aids
in ejaculation and micturition by its forcible
Retractor penis Muscles
Paired muscles originating on the caudal
vertebrae and inserting on the ventrolateral
surfaces of the penis.
Maintains the sigmoid flexure of the fibroelastic
penis when the muscles are contracted.
When the muscles are relaxed the penis
protrudes through the prepuce as the sigmoid
flexure unbends
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In stallions, the retractor penis muscle is relatively
underdeveloped. The retractor muscle contracts to retract the
penis into the sheath and relaxes to allow the penis to extend
from the sheath. The protrusion of penis in stallion involves
penile erection.
In bulls, protrusion of penis is not affected much by erection,
but more by relaxation of the retractor penis muscle and
straightening of the sigmoid flexure.
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Erection is due to a neurovascular mechanism:
an inflow of arterial blood and an obstruction of
venous return. Penile erection is caused by
contraction of the ischiocavernosus muscle
(erector penis muscle), which compresses the
penis against the ischium, obstructing the blood
flow through the dorsal veins. Consequently,
the vascular spaces of the erectile tissue
become distended with blood. Rigidity is due to
an increase in intracavernous arterial pressure
simultaneous with contraction of the perineal
muscles (ischiocavernosus) under the somatic
control of the pudendal nerve.
Penile erection and ejaculation
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In all species, vaginal intromission of the penis requires
full erection except in the dog. The penis of the dog
contains a bone called os penis which facilitates
vaginal entry without full erection. In fact, the fully
erected dog’s penis cannot enter the bitch’s vagina
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 Characterized by “S” shaped curve or sigmoid flexure (Post-Scrotal).
 Sigmoid flexure is post-scrotal in bulls.
 Penis in adult bull – 36 inches long from root to tip.
 The erectile tissue is small in amount as compared to that of the stallion.
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 The diameter of the penis is less than 4-5 cm even in erectile state.
 The glans penis is 7.5 to 12.5 cm long and is rather pointed.
 Retractor penis muscle is well developed.
 The thickened dorsal portion of the fibrous sheath in the penis is known as dorsal apical
ligament of the penis.
 At the time of erection and service the penis is protruded, 10-24 inches out of sheath
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 Large amount of erectile tissue is present in the penis of stallion.
 Length about 50 cm ; diameter 2.5 to 6 cm ; 15-20 cm lies, free in the prepuce.
 At the time of erection the penis will double its length and thickness, with the glans
penis gets enlarged three or more times than its normal size
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Stallion Penis
■ At the base of the glans, there is
a border known as corona
■ The projected end of the urethra
outside the glans is called
urethral process.
■ The urethral process is situated
at the fossa glandis.
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 Penis of ram is characterized by the presence of urethral process extending 4-5 cm beyond glans penis
 Length about 30 cm ; Diameter 1.5 -2 cm ; glans penis 5-7.5 cm long
 Well developed sigmoid flexure is present.
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 The sigmoid flexure is present but it is prescrotal.
 The cranial portion of the penis has no glans but is spirally twisted
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 The os-penis is characteristically found in male dog.
 The penis of dog in its caudal part has two distinct corpora cavernosa in its
caudal part separated by a median septum.
 Length about 6.5 – 25 cm.
 In the cranial free portion, there is a bone called os penis which varies from 5 to
10 cm in length, depending upon the size of the dog. Ventrally, this bone is
grooved for the urethra.
 Penile bone also present in foxes, raccoons and hedgehogs.
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 Glans penis has two parts,
 Pars longa glandis
 Bulbus glandis.
 Bulbus glandis expands greatly
at the time of erection and
prevents withdrawal during
ejaculation. Vagina also
contracts over the penis. This
results in coital lock or
copulatory tie.
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 Directed caudally and downward
 Urethra located dorsally
 Os penis is often lacking but when present , it is short 3-4 mm long.
 No glans penis.
 In the cat the bulbus glandis is absent
 Penis has terminal cap about 1 cm that contains numerous papillae or spines pointing
towards the base of the penis. These may cause the female to cry out of intromission.
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■ In the male cat, the glans is covered with 120 to 150 penile spines
that are directed backward, away from the end of the glans. These
penile spines start to appear at about 12 weeks of age and are fully
developed at puberty.
■ The spines rake the walls of the female's vagina, which is probably a
trigger for ovulation. The female will utter a loud yowl as the male
pulls his penis from her vagina. This act also occurs to clear the
vagina of other sperm in the context of a 2nd (or more) mating, thus
giving the latter males a larger chance of conception.
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• Externally the penis is covered by a triangular shaped
sheath, the prepuce, which opens to the rear.
• The male camel urinates towards the rear between the hind
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Due to presence of well developed lateral preputial muscle, in
addition to the cranial and caudal muscles the preputial orifice can
be directed either cranially or caudally during erection and
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The secondary andrological organ, which is formed
by invagination of the abdominal skin fold and
encloses the penis, is known as prepuce (cutaneous
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 It is the double invagination of skin which contains and covers the free portion
of penis, when it is non-erect.
 It covers the body of the penis behind the glans, when the penis is erect.
 Preputial orifice is the external opening of the prepuce.
 Preputial lining is a freely movable membrane or modified skin which is
attached firmly only at glans penis and preputial orifice.
 Blood supply: External pudendal artery
 Nerve supply: Innervation from pudic, ilio-hypogastric, ilio-inguinal nerves
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The prepuce is hairless and contains many
smegma secreting glands important for lubrication
between the shaft of the penis and the prepuce
during copulation. Within the prepuce are varying
amounts of striated muscle fibres; the cranial
preputial muscles responsible for retracting the
prepuce and the caudal preputial muscles
responsible for protracting the prepuce.
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Bull/Buffalo Bull
 Prepuce is long and narrow (35-40 cm length).
 Preputial orifice is surrounded by a tuft of long preputial hairs.
 There are usually 2 pairs of cranial and caudal preputial
muscles, protractors and retractors that draw the preputial opening
forward or backward.
 The fornix of the prepuce is the point at which the prepuce reflects upon
the penis just caudal to the glans.
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 Has preputial cavity of 15-20 cm deep and then a second reflection of
prepuce to form the prepuce proper of the penis. The opening between
these two cavities is called as the “preputial ring”.
 The engaging and disengaging of the glans penis in the preputial ring
causes the sucking noise frequently heard when the gelding or stallion
 The stallion has a double folded prepuce. Some times in the outer fold, wax
accumulates and it must be removed manually. The wax is called ‘beans’
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 Prepuce has a small orifice.
 Caudal part of the prepuce is narrow and the cranial part wide.
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■Intra preputial urination
■Swine and ruminants urinate inside
the prepuce.
■Extra preputial urination
■Horses, dogs and cats extend the penis beyond
the sheath and urinate.
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Associated structures of Penis
Sigmoid flexure
The sigmoid flexure is a ‘S’ shaped bent of penis which is
characteristically found in bull, buffalo-bull, boar, ram, buck and
some wild animals like giraffe.
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Sigmoid Flexure
 Usually sigmoid flexure is post-scrotal in
most of species except boar where it is
 Its posterior portion is attached to the
retractor penis muscle.
 During copulation the flaccid sigmoid
flexure becomes straightened due to
relaxation of retractor penis muscle.
 After copulation the sigmoid flexure takes
its original “S” shape, due to contraction of
retractor penis muscle.
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Os-penis (Os priapi or Baculum )
 The os-penis is characteristically
found in male dog, ferrets and
mink. It is occasionally present in
 It is absent in other species. The
size of os-penis is grown up as
the age advances.
 It may be utilized as age-indicator.
 The os-penis of each species has a
characteristic shape which serves
as diagnostic taxonomic structures
in certain livestock.
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
Cork screw penis
The cork screw penis is
the modified structure of
external extremity of
penis which is a
characteristic feature of
This helps
in intromission of
boar penis in the
genitalia of sow (
Cervical canal in sow is
cork screw like).
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources
Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
The phalli are the external extremity of male genitalia
in place of penis which is a characteristic feature of
ducks and geese. This helps in intromission.
Penile papillae
The penile papillae are located at anterior
portion of penis which is a characteristic
feature of tom-cat, hamster, house-mice
and rat. This probably helps in ovulation.
Other structures
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
Other structures
 Urethral sinus
 The urethral sinus is located around
the end of penis which is
characteristic feature of stallion. This
contains urethral sinus diverticulum.
 Urethral process
 The urethral process is a filliform
appendage extending form the
anterior portion of glans penis which
is a characteristic feature in ram,
buck and giraffe.
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
Blood and Nerve supply
 Blood supply
 Internal pudendal artery to the root of penis
 Obturator artery to the body of the penis
 External pudendal artery that gives rise to
dorsal artery of penis – after passing through
the inguinal canal.
 Nerve supply
 Autonomic nerves of the pelvic plexus and
haemorroidal and pudendal nerves. The
sensory nerve fibres to the glans penis come
from the dorsal nerve of the penis, The glans
penis is plentifully supplied with nerves and
nerve endings.
Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
Dr. GN Purohit - Confidential - Content & Video Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes

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Male reproductive organs anatomy and physiology

  • 1. REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS OF MALE DOMESTCIC ANIMALS FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Prof. Dr. G.N Purohit MVSC, PhD, MNVAS Dean Post Graduate Studies RAJUVAS and University Head Dept. Veterinary (Gynecology & Obstetrics) College of veterinary & Animal Science, Bikaner, Raj. India. Email: GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 2. The male reproductive tract develops from the Wolffian duct and body or mesonephri c tubules. Embryonic development of the male reproductive tract GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 3. The male reproductive organs consist of two testes which are present in the scrotum, and the ducts, accessory sex glands , penis and prepuce. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 4. The Testes- Function Male sex hormone (androgens). Spermatozoa- Male gamete GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 5. SCROTUM The scrotum is a bi-lobed sac or pouch (derived from the skin and fascia) and is the external part of male reproductive system which encloses the testis. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 6. The ducts that transport the sperms from testes include Epididymis Ductus Deferens Urethra Copulatory organ Penis enclosed in the prepuce Accessory sex glands Prostrate Seminal Vesicles Bulbourethral glands The testes produce the male gamete spermatozoa and many structures produce fluid portion of semen (sex glands) and the ducts transport semen from testes to the vagina of female via the copulatory organ GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 7. Testis during the fetal life is located in the abdominal cavity, they pass through the abdominal inguinal canal, and inside the scrotum Enlargement of the gubernaculum and its disappearance play an important role in testicular descent Intra-abdominal pressure in the fetus also determines testis descent Androgen from fetal testis favors testis descent Testicular descent GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 8. ■ Time of testicular descent – Stallion - 9 -11 months of gestation – Cattle -3 ½ - 4 months of gestation – Sheep and goat -2 ½-3 months of gestation – Swine -3 months of gestation – Dogs- 5 days after birth ■ Failure of testis to descent into the scrotum is called as cryptorchidism. ■ The retained testis is called as cryptorchid testis. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 9. SCROTUM GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 10. Location of scrotum ■ The scrotum is located between the thighs except in boar and tom cat. ■ In boar and tom cat, it is located caudal to the thighs, caudal and ventral to the ischiatic arch. ■ Scrotum is externally composed of skin which is relatively devoid of hair except in ram (male sheep) and buck (male goat) and tom cat (male cat). GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 11. Structure of Scrotum Beneath the scrotal skin is the dartos muscle, which consists of fibroelastic tissue and unstripped cremaster muscle. Dartos muscle divides the scrotum in to two halves. It is closely attached with the tunica vaginalis and scrotal ligament which is a remnant of gubernaculum. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 12. Scrotal ligament The Testis and epididymis are fixed in scrotum by means of scrotal ligament which is attached near the tail of the epididymis and mesorchium. The Scrotal ligament is absent in bulls. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 13. The Scrotum has the following 8 layers from externally ■ Epidermis – outermost layer ■ Dermis ■ Dartos muscle ■ Connective tissue ■ Parietal layer of vaginal process (PVP) ■ Cavity of vaginal process (CV) ■ Visceral layer of vaginal process (VVP) ■ Tunica albuginea GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 14. Seminiferous Tubules The Tunica albuginea penetrate the testicular parenchyma to join at mediastinum. These fibrous septa divide the testicular parenchyma into lobules. The lobules are having the highly coiled seminiferous tubules. About 75% of the testicular mass is composed of seminiferous tubules. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 15. Blood supply to scrotum External pudental artery and also Internal pudental artery in boar and cat. Nerve supply to scrotum Genital nerve which is a branch of genito-femoral nerve arising from second to fourth lumbar nerve and perineal nerve. Smooth muscle of the scrotum is supplied by the spermatic plexus from pelvic plexus. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 16. Functions of scortum It encloses the male gonad It provides suspensory attachment of testes with remaining animal body. It protects the testes from adverse stress conditions. It serves as a thermic chest of male gonad. It maintains gonadal temperature through thermo regulatory mechanism for optimum spermatogenesis GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 17. ■ The Scrotum, cremaster muscle and pampiniform plexus maintain the testicular temperature. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 18. The scrotum becomes flaccid and elongated due to relaxation of the dartos and cremaster muscle, under hot climate in order to create more surface area for heat loss. It becomes contracted and wrinkled during cold climate bringing the testicles closer to the body and reducing the surface area. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 19. TESTES GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 20. TESTIS Synonyms: Orchium, male gonad •Testis originated from Greek word- Orchis  Testis is the primary andrological organ which produces spermatozoa and male sex hormone (testosterone).  Morphologically oval shaped, paired glands. Right and left testicles are separated by muscular septum which is formed by dartos muscle.  Located outside the abdominal cavity. In most of the species, located between the thighs within the scrotum.  Testes are intra-abdominal in elephant, whales, seal, dolphin, birds, rhinoceros (testchondas)  The testis is supported in one of the two scrotal pouches where it is held by its tunics and by the spermatic cord. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 21. The testes has a head, a tail, a lateral and medial surface, a free border and a epididymal border The testes is covered by a white fibrous capsule the Tunica albuginea The septa divide the testes into sections where the seminiferous tubules are located The rete testis is a network of tubules that carry sperm from seminiferous tubules to the efferent ducts GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 22. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 23. Spermatic cord The Spermatic cord is composed of  Spermatic artery  Spermatic vein  Spermatic nerve  Internal cremaster muscle  Lymphatic vessels  Vas deferens  Tunica vaginalis propria GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 24. Embryonic Development Origin of testes is initiated from gonadal / genital ridge. It occurs in 4 phases.  First Phase ■ Migration of the germ cells at the gonadal ridge.  Second Phase ■ Formation and proliferation of the blastema for genesis of indifferent gonad.  Third Phase ■ Migration of mesonephric cells into gonad.  Fourth Phase ■ Sexual differentiation and its development into testis GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 25. Testis consists of Testicular capsule Parenchyma Mediastinum Rete tubules GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 26. Testicular parenchyma consists of ■ Seminiferous tubules ■ Interstitial cells or Leydig cells ■ Capillaries ■ Lymphatic vessels ■ Connective tissue GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 27. Testis proper is covered by 2 capsules ■ Tunica vaginalis propria ■ Tunica albuginea ■ Tunica vaginalis propria is composed of  Parietal layer – faces scrotum  Visceral layer – faces testis GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 28. Internal features of testicles ■ The distal end of the testis is attached to the scrotum by the scrotal ligament. ■ The testis proper is closely covered by a thin serous membrane - tunica vaginalis propria. Beneath this structure is a dense, thick connective capsule – tunica albuginea, from which septa radiate to the mediastinum testes except in stallion to form the lobules of the testis. ■ Within this lobules are the seminiferous tubules, which are lined by germinal epithelium that produces spermatozoa and Sertoli cells which are located in between the developing germ cells. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 29. ■ The seminiferous tubule is made up of two types of cells: Germ cells (spermatogonia) which form spermatozoa and Sertoli cells which are also called sperm mother cells or Nurse cells or Pillar like cells or Subtentacular cells. ■ Enrico Sertoli was an Italian physiologist and histologist. who discovered Sertoli cell in 1865 ■ The interstitial cells (Leydig cells), which lie between the seminiferous tubules, secrete male hormones (testosterone). Franz Leydig discovered them in 1850. ■ The seminiferous tubules converge at the apex of the lobule at the receptacle to join the straight tubules. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 30. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 31. ■ The straight tubules are also called as tubuli recti that enter the rete testis, a structure of anastomosing spaces located in the mediastinum testis. ■ There is no mediastinum testis in the stallion as is present in other animals. ■ From mediastinum testis numerous fibrous septa radiate and divide the testis into a number of chambers or lobules of testis. There are no well-developed septa to divide the testes into lobules in chicken. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 32. ■ The collecting tubules join the efferent tubules. ■ From the rete testis, 6-24 efferent ducts arise; these ducts form a single duct called as caput epididymis. ■ On examination of the testes the torturous configuration of blood vessels is most readily noted in the tunica albuginea in the bull. ■ This is a further provision assisting the heat regulatory mechanism of the testis. ■ The consistency of the testis is usually turgid. ■ The parenchyma is yellow to reddish brown in color and bulges on section GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 33. Approximate length of seminiferous tubule Species Length (in meters) 6000 5000 4000 150 25 GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 34. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 35. Cross section of seminiferous tubules contains three layers Outer capsule Basement membrane Testicular cells GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 36. Testicular cells are composed of Germinal cells Parenchymal cells or testicular somatic cells Sertoli cells GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 37. Physiological functions of testis  It produces male sex hormone(androgen).  It secretes testicular fluid.  It nourishes the newly born male gamete.  It helps in the transportation of spermatozoa.  It provides blood-testis barrier.  It secretes estrogen in limited amount. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 38. Associated structures of testis Testicular ligament ■ This is a fetal ligament which is a derivative of gubernaculum and present during the descent of the testis in to the scrotum. Later on, it gets atrophied. Testicular mesentery ■ It is a part of primitive mesentery which encloses fetal testis and is present during the descent of testis in the scrotum. ■ It continues in the form of peritoneal fold between testes and epididymis during post-natal life of livestock. Testicular appendix ■ It is non-functional residual part of embryonal hood during post-natal life of livestock. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 39. Blood and Nerve Supply Blood supply ■ The testis is richly supplied with blood by the spermatic artery/ testicular artery, a branch of the abdominal aorta. ■ The veins on leaving the testicles form a network, the pampiniform plexus around the artery in the spermatic cord. ■ The spermatic vein which issues from this plexus, usually joins with the posterior vena-cava on the right side, the left renal vein on left side. Nerve Supply ■ The nerves derived from the renal and posterior mesenteric plexus form the spermatic plexus around the vessels to which they are chiefly distributed. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 40. SPECIES DIFFERENCES IN TESTICULAR MEASUREMENTS Character Bull Stallion Ram Boar Dog Cat Shape Oval Oval Oval Oval Round to oval Round to oval Length (cm) 10 - 15 7.5 - 12.5 7.5 - 11.5 10 - 15 2 - 4 1.2 - 2 Diameter (cm) 5 - 8.5 4 - 7 3.8 - 6.8 5 - 9 1 - 2.5 0.7 - 1.5 Weight (gm) 200 - 500 200 - 300 200 - 400 600 7 - 15 0.7 - 1.5 Plane Vertical Horizontal Vertical Vetrical Oblique Vertical GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 41. TESTICLES OF - BULL ■ Shape- Oval ■ Length- 10-15 cm ■ Diameter- 5-8 cm ■ Weight- 200-500 gm ■ Long axis- Vertical ■ Head of epididymis- Lies dorsal to the testis ■ Body of epididymis- Lies caudal and medial to the testis ■ Tail of epididymis- Lies ventral to the testis ■ Vas deferens- Lies parallel to the body of the epididymis and medial and cranial to it ■ Location- Anterior prepubic region ■ Bull GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 42. Buffalo BULL GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 43. Stallion ■ Shape- Oval but compressed from side to side ■ Length- 7.5-12.5 cm ■ Thickness - About 5 cm ■ Weight- 200-300 gm ■ Long axis- Horizontal ■ Head of epididymis- Lies cranial to the testis ■ Body of epididymis- Lies dorsal to the testis ■ Tail of epididymis- Lies caudal to the testis ■ Vas deferens- Lies dorsal and medial to the body of the epididymis and testis ■ Location- Intermediate to the prepubic and perineal region GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 44. Ram and Buck ■ Shape- Oval ■ Length- 7.5-11.5 cm ■ Diameter- 3.8-6.8 cm ■ Weight- 200-400 gm ■ Long axis- Vertical ■ Head of epididymis- Lies dorsal to the testis ■ Body of epididymis- Lies medial to the testis ■ Tail of epididymis- Lies caudal to the testis ■ Location- Anterior prepubic region Appendix testis Remnant of the paramesonephric duct, present as a small protruding structure on the cranial pole of the testis. It is also seen occasionally in ram. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 45. Boar ■ Shape- Oval ■ Length- 10-15 cm ■ Diameter- 5-9 cm ■ Weight- 500-800 gm ■ Long axis- Vertical ■ Head of epididymis- Lies ventral to the testis ■ Body of epididymis- Lies cranial to the testis ■ Tail of epididymis- Lies dorsal to the testis ■ Vas deferens- Lies medial and cranial to the testis ■ Spermatic cord is long ■ Location- Caudal to thighs, caudal and ventral to the ischiatic arch (perineal region) GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 46. DOG ■ Shape- Oval ■ Length- 2-4 cm ■ Diameter-1.2-2.5 cm ■ Weight- 7-15 gm ■ Long axis- Horizontal and oblique ■ Head of epididymis- Lies cranial to the testis ■ Body of epididymis- Lies dorsal to the testis ■ Tail of epididymis- Lies caudal to the testis ■ Vas deferens- Lies dorsal and medial to the body of the epididymis ■ Location- Intermediate to the prepubic and perineal region GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 47. TOM CAT ■ Shape- Oval ■ Length- 1.2-2 cm ■ Long axis Oblique ■ Diameter- 0.7-1.5 cm ■ Location- Caudal to thighs, caudal and ventral to the ischiatic arch (perineal region) GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir)
  • 48. MALE CAMEL Scrotum lies high in the perineal region Testicles are oval in shape and lie obliquely Testicle length 7-10 cm weight 90 -100 gm Right testicle smaller. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 49. THERMOREGULATION OF TESTIS ■ For effective functioning, the testes have to be kept at a temperature of 4-6° C lower than the body temperature. Scrotal skin and sweat glands ■ It has got temperature receptors. When there is a elevated environmental temperature, these receptors elicit the response by producing panting and sweating and lower the body temperature. ■ Scrotal skin is devoid of subcutaneous fat. ■ It is enriched with large adrenergic sweat glands. ■ Sweating allows scrotum to be cooled by evaporative heat transfer. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 50. Dartos muscle ■ It is an open mesh like smooth muscle layer which lies beneath the scrotal skin. ■ The contractile characteristics of dartos are androgen dependent and its ability to contract in cold climates is lost in castrated males. ■ Action of dartos muscle in stallion is enhanced by presence of smooth muscle in the spermatic cord and tunica albuginea. ■ By contracting in cold weather to hold the testes against the body and by relaxing in warm weather, it is the principal thermoregulator of the testis. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 51. External cremaster muscle ■ It raises the testis, thereby playing a role in the thermoregulation of testis. ■ It contracts and relaxes, creating a ‘pumping action’ on the pampiniform plexus, thus facilitating blood flow and enhancing cooling efficiency. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 52. Tunica albuginea ■ It is richly supplied with network of blood vessels and plays role in regulation of testicular temperature. ■ In human beings, the difference between body temperature and testicular temperature is 2oC. – In bulls : 4oC – In ram : 5-7oC ■ The anatomical arrangement of testis and features of testicular blood vessels maintains the testicular temperature GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 53. Pampiniform plexus ■ In the proximal end of testis, testicular artery is coiled and is surrounded by network of spermatic vein. This arrangement is called as pampiniform plexus. ■ Blood present in vein cools the incoming blood of artery. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 54. BLOOD TESTIS BARRIER ■ Seminiferous tubules are not penetrated by blood and lymph vessels ■ The peritubular cells (Myoid cells) surrounding the seminiferous tubules and the sertoli cell junctional complexes form the blood testis barrier. ■ The primary function is to prevent autoimmune reactions from destroying the developing germ cells. ■ Myoid cells ■ They are the incomplete or partial barriers located in the basement membrane of seminiferous tubules. ■ This barrier is poorly developed in bull, ram and boar. ■ It is not important in farm animals. ■ Sertoli cell junction ■ The tight junctions formed between two adjacent sertoli cells divide the germ cells in two compartments as basal compartments and adluminal compartments. ■ They are the true blood testis barrier. ■ The chemical changes which occur in blood cannot occur within the seminiferous tubules GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 55. ACCESSORY SEX GLANDS GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 56. Accessory Sex glands of the male domestic animals include the bulbo- urethral glands, urethral glands, prostrate, seminal vesicles and the ampullary glands Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes
  • 57. ■ In the bull and stallion, the accessory sex glands can be manipulated via the rectum to stimulate ejaculation for collecting semen for a fertility check (breeding soundness exam). ■ In the pig, the bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands are large and are the source of the gelatinous material found in boar semen. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 58. Species Ampulla Prostate Vesicular gland Bulbourethral gland Cattle/Buffalo (+) ++ +++ + Sheep (+) ++ +++ + Horse ++ ++ ++ + Pig Absent + ++ +++ Dog Absent +++ Absent Absent Cat Absent ++ Absent ++ Camel + ++ Absent ++ GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 59. Reproductive Organs of the Bull Cowpers Gland Caput Epididymis Cauda Epididymis Testis Scrotum Glans Penis Bladder Ampulla Seminal Vesicles Prostate Rectum Vas Deferens Gubernaculum Sigmoid Flexure Retractor Penis Muscle Prepuce GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 60. BULBO-URETHRAL GLAND OR COWPER’S GLAND ■ They are paired glands located on either side of the pelvic urethra near the ischiatic arch and . between the anus and urethra. ■ Ovoid in shape or walnut shaped. ■ Blood supply ■ internal pudic artery ■ Nerve supply ■ pelvic plexus GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 61. Physiological functions of cowper’s gland  To provide pre-ejaculatory secretion,  To clean the urethral passage through flushing the urethra from urine and micro-organism, debris and crystal, for maintaining the hygienic condition of urethral orifice.  To supplement nutrition or energy to spermatozoa.  To lubricate the urethral passage.  To lubricate the vagina of opposite sex partner during mating.  To maintain optimum pH level of urethral passage which provides favourable condition for spermatozoa. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 62. Species differences Species Diameter (cm) Length (cm) Bull 1.5 - 3.0 - Stallion 2.5 - 5.0 - Ram 0.5 - 1.0 - Boar 2.5 - 3.0 12.0 GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 63. Bull  The size of the cowper’s gland is smaller in bull when compared to stallion.  Single duct from each gland is present. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 64. Stallion  Each gland in stallion has got 6- 8 excretory ducts opening into the urethra. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 65. Boars  It is large, dense, thick and cylindrical in shape. Single duct from each gland is present. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 66. Dogs and Tom cat ■Cowper’s gland is absent in dogs. ■Cowper’s gland in tom cat is as large as in case of prostate in cats GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 67. URETHRAL GLANDS ■ Present in human beings but absent in bull, stallion, dog, cat and boar. ■ In bull, boar and ram, pelvic urethra contains disseminate part of the prostate gland and should not be called as urethral glands GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 68. URETHRA ■ The urethra in males is the common passage for the excretion of urine as well as for the transportation of semen. ■ It is about 115 cm in length in bulls. ■ The urethra has three distinct parts namely pelvic part, bulb of urethra and the penile part. ■ In bull, the pelvic part of urethra is about 20 cm in length and is situated on pelvic floor. ■ The pelvic urethra is enclosed by heavy urethral muscle or wilson’s muscle which helps in ejaculation and micturition by its forcible contraction. ■ The bulb of urethra is extra pelvic part situated at ischial arch and is bending, ventral to the pelvis. ■ The penile urethra runs inside the penis proper. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 69. PROSTATE GLAND The Prostate gland is located on the floor of the pelvis on or around the neck of the urinary bladder or cranial portion of the pelvic urethra or caudal to the neck of the bladder. • It adds its secretion at the time of ejaculation by means of many ducts opening on the pelvic urethra. • The secretions are released in the pelvic urethra near the colliculus seminalis GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 70. Colliculus seminalis Colliculus seminalis is cavernous tissue present at the neck of urinary bladder filled with blood during ejaculation to close the opening of the urinary bladder to prevent mix between semen and urine during ejaculation or entrance of semen to inside the urinary bladder GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 71. Functions of Prostrate  To secrete prostatic fluid.  To secrete more quantity of serous and less quantity of mucous secretion.  To stimulate the spermatozoal motility.  To secrete little quantity of certain vital bio-chemicals like fructose and citric acid for additional supply of nutrition/energy to spermatozoa during its nourishment.  To provide passage for onward-transit of glandular secretion-from the gland to its outlet (i.e.pelvic urethra).  To provide liquid medium for the transport of sperm in female reproductive tract. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 72. Blood and Nerve supply ■ Blood supply ■ The blood supply of prostate is by internal pudendal artery. ■ Nerve supply ■ The prostate is supplied by pelvic plexus GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 73. Ram  Diffused over a large portion of the pelvic urethra.  Ram has no body of prostate gland and it has only pars disseminata. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 74. Bull  Two parts (disseminated portion)- • pars disseminata  body of prostrate (Pars propria).  Body – Wide 2.5 – 4 cm  Length – 1-1.5 cm.  Thickness 1-1.5 cm.  It can be felt as a small protuberance in the cranial end of pelvic urethra by rectal examination.  Pars disseminata surrounds the pelvic urethra. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 75. ■ STALLION ■ It is situated over the neck of the bladder and cranial portion of the urethra. ■ Prostate gland in stallion has two lateral lobes in the cranial end of pelvic urethra and are connected by a structure called isthmus GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 76. Boar Prostate gland is covered by the seminal vesicle. Pars disseminata is quite extensive in boars as in case of bull and ram. Body is located dorsal to the urinary bladder. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 77. Dog  The prostrate is well developed  Prostate gland in dogs opens by two excretory ducts.  Prostate gland is larger in size, surrounds the neck of the bladder,  located in the cranial border of pubis, the size varies with the age.  Enlarged in older dogs. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 78. PARS PROPRIA AND PARS DISSEMINATA SPECIES PARS PROPRIA (cm) PARS DISSEMINATA (cm) Bull 3 x 1 x 1 12 x 1.5 x 1.0 Boar 3 x 3 x 1 17 x 1.0 x 1.0 GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 79. Seminal Vesicles (glandulae vesiculares) or Vesicular gland Paired accessory sex gland located on the floor of the pelvis, dorsal and lateral to the ampulla or neck of the bladder. In ruminants and boar, it is a lobulatory gland in which lobulation have small central dilatation. Name of the seminal vesicle in all domestic animals is vesicular gland except in stallion. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 80. The Stallion Seminal Vesicles Bulbospongiosus Muscle Cowper’s Gland Vas Deferens Pelvic Urethral Muscle Body of Prostate Ampulla Bladder Ischiocavernosus Muscle Crus Penis Retractor Penis Muscle In stallion - large central dilatation is present. In stallion, structure of seminal vesicle is more bladder like and glands are located on the walls. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 81. Blood supply Both middle rectal artery and the inferior vesicle artery are the arterial source of seminal vesicle which is the branch of internal iliac artery. Nerve supply The muscular wall of the seminal vesicle is provided with a plexus of nerve fibres and contain small sympathetic ganglion. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 82. Functions of seminal vesicles Secretion of the seminal vesicle adds nutrients, volume and buffer to the semen. They open in the pelvic urethra in close proximity with the opening of vas deferens (Colliculus seminalis ) The salient physiological functions of seminal vesicle are To produce vital biochemical secretion. The seminal vesicle is the site for production of fructose and citric acid. The fructose is the main source of nutrition /energy for the spermatozoa motility. The remaining other biochemical are also essential for spermatozoa survivability and maintenance. To secrete vesicular fluid. The seminal vesicle is the main source for the production of liquid part of ejaculate. The vesicular fluid in the liquid state is the main source of flow-current and gives impetus for floating vesicular motion due to surface tension of its liquid state, which helps the male gamete during its swimming in the liquid seminal plasma by propelling of spermatozoa locomotory apparatus through dynamic energy. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 83. Species Peculiarities Bull Vesicular glands are lobulated, 10-15 cm, long and 2-4 cm, in diameter . Stallion Seminal vesicles are smooth, 15-20 cm, long and about 2.5-5 cm, in diameter. A small portion of seminal vesicle is covered with peritoneum in case of bull and stallion. Boar Vesicular glands are proportionately very large, 12-15 cm, long, 5-8 cm wide and 5-8 cm, thick. They cover the caudal portion of the bladder and extend in to the abdominal cavity. The volume of ejaculated semen is maximum in porcine species which is probably due to comparatively heavier and enlarged size of seminal vesicle in boar. It might be a characteristic features of species. Ram and Buck Resemble those of the bull Seminal vesicle is absent in dog and cat GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 84. Species Length (cm) Breadth (cm) Thickness (cm) Weight (gm) Bull 10 - 15 2 - 4 2 75 Stallion 15 - 20 2. - 5 5 - Ram 12 - 15 5 - 8 4 200 Boar 4 - 5 2 1.5 5 Biometry of Seminal Vesicle in Different Species GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 85. Ampullary Glands Ampullary glands are present as dilations of the terminal portion of the ductus deferens, just before they enter the pelvic urethra, where their main function is to act as reservoirs of sperm. This branched tubular gland lined by simple columnar epithelium is an enlargement of the ductus deferens in its terminal portion. In the bull, ram, and dog the ampullary glands, contribute slightly to the seminal plasma, whereas their contribution to the ejaculate is relatively more important in the stallion. The main constituent of ampullary secretion in the stallion is ergothioneine. These glands are absent in the cat and poorly developed in boars GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 86. UTERUS MASCULINUS It is a rudimentary structure and remnant of the paramesonephric duct in male and is located between ampullae and seminal vesicles. It is situated on the caudal dorsal surface of the bladder and cranial to the prostate. 50 -70 % of bulls have uterus masculinus. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 87. TUBULAR DUCTS Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir)
  • 88. The tubular ducts of the male reproductive organs carry spermatozoa from the testes to the exterior during semen ejaculation. The ducts include the epididymis, ductus deferens, ampulla and the urethra. During the passage of spermatozoa the ducts and the accessory sex glands contribute the fluid secretions to collectively form the seminal plasma. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 89. Epididymis  The Epididymis is torturous, coiled tubule starting from the proximal portion of the testis and is responsible for the nutrition, maturation, transport and storage of spermatozoa. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 90. Epididymis • Grossly, the epididymis appears as an approximately cylindrical organ. • Spermatozoa stored in the epididymis retain fertilizing capacity for several weeks. • The cauda epididymis contains about 75% of total epididymal spermatozoa. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 91. The Epididymis The epididymis is the first tubular duct of the male genital system connected to the testis and the vas deferens (ductus deferens). GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 92. Epididymis consists of three parts • Head of epididymis (or) caput U shaped and hidden • Body of epididymis (or) corpora (or) corpus Cylindrical and visible • Tail (or) cauda inverted triangular tubular mass and site of sperm storage GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 93. •The epididymis is closely attached by fibrous tissue to the surface of the testis proper. •This is continuous with the vas deferens. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 94. Length of the epididymis Species Length 20 metres in stallion 30 metres in bull 50 metres in boar GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 95. The rete testis join the efferent ductules of the epididymis that enter the head of the epididymis which continue as straight tubules, then they become highly convoluted and form conical lobules of the epididymis and open into a single convoluted tubule the DUCTUS EPIDIDYMIS GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 96. The efferent ductules are lined by ciliated tall columnar epithelium which consists of both absorptive and ciliated cells. The shorter non ciliated cells among the columnar cells of the efferent ductules absorb the fluid secreted by the seminiferous tubules. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 97. The ductus epididymis is lined by a very tall pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Most cells of the epithelium, also called principal cells, have long stereocilia. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 98. The tail of the epididymis acts as a reservoir of fully mature sperm and becomes turgid with stored sperm in sexually active animals. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 99. Functions of epididymis  Epididymis is covered by a smooth muscle coat which transports the sperms by peristaltic movement.  It has more secretory and absorptive activity.  The epididymal duct provides the environment for gaining of fertility by spermatozoa. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 100. Functions of the epididymis • Absorption • Secretion • Maturation of spermatozoa • Transportation • Storage of spermatozoa GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 101. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 102. Removal of sperm from the epididymis ■ Spermatozoal removal from the epididymis is caused by periodic contractions of the epididymis and ductus deferens, resulting in a gradual trickle of spermatozoa out of the tail, through the ductus deferens, in to the pelvic urethra where they are flushed out of the tract during urination. This allows removal of sperm from the epididymis on a continual basis. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 103. INGUINAL CANAL ■ Inguinal canal is a slit like space between the internal and external inguinal ring. ■ Internal inguinal ring is formed by internal oblique abdominal muscle and external inguinal ring is formed by the tendons of external oblique abdominal muscle. ■ In dog, bull and boar, the internal inguinal ring is larger but they have short inguinal canal. ■ In stallion, inguinal canal is longer but it has smaller internal inguinal ring. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 104. VAS DEFERENS OR DUCTUS DEFERENS ■ It is a siphon shaped structure for the exit of spermatozoa. ■ Vas deferens passes parallel to the testis into the spermatic cord through the inguinal canal and dorso- medially to the neck of the urinary bladder. ■ It has uniform thickness up to the urinary bladder. ■ Thickness is 3 mm in bulls and 6 mm in stallion. ■ Blood supply: Internal pudic artery and spermatic artery. ■ Nerve supply: Pelvic plexus. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 105. Vas Deferens 3 2 1 Ductus epididymis to urethra Opens at Colliculus seminalis Dilation in some species called ampulla Union of the vas deferens with the duct of the seminal vesicle with a common excretory passage lateral to the colliculus seminalis in some species (humans) is known as Ejaculatory duct. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 106. The ductus deferens consists of an adventitia, a muscular tunic, and a mucous membrane. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 107. The mucosa of the vas deferens forms low longitudinal folds. It is lined by a pseudostratified columnar epithelium. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 108. Ampulla ■ The terminal fusiform enlarged glandular portion of vas deferens is called as ampulla of the vas deferens. ■ Bull: Length – 10 -15 cm, Diameter – 1-1.5 cm ■ Stallion: Length – 15-20 cm, Diameter – 2-2.5 cm ■ It is smaller in boars. ■ Ampulla lies dorsal to the urinary bladder and passes beneath the body of the prostate and opens in the round prominence into the pelvic urethra called as colliculus seminalis. Ampulla is absent in the dog and cat. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 109. URETHRA ■ The urethra in males is the common passage for the excretion of urine as well as for the transportation of semen. ■ It is about 115 cm in length in bulls. ■ The urethra has three distinct parts namely pelvic part, bulb of urethra and the penile part. ■ In bull, the pelvic part of urethra is about 20 cm in length and is situated on pelvic floor. ■ The pelvic urethra is enclosed by heavy urethral muscle or wilson’s muscle which helps in ejaculation and micturition by its forcible contraction. ■ The bulb of urethra is extra pelvic part situated at ischial arch and is bending, ventral to the pelvis. ■ The penile urethra runs inside the penis proper. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 110. COPULATORY ORGAN OF MALE GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 111. Sexual intercourse, or copulation, is the deposition of sperm into a female via a male organ. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes The penis is the male copulatory organ.
  • 112. PENIS Tunica Albugiea Corpus caverno sum Corpus spongio sum GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 113. Penis ■ Penis is almost cylindrical in shape. ■ It extends from ischiatic arch to the umbilical region except in tom cat. ■ Penis is supported by penile fascia and skin. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 114. Parts of penis ■ Penis has got three parts  Root or base or phallus root (Radix penis) attached to ischial bone on ischio-cavernosus muscle.  Body or phallus body (Shaft or Corpus penis) formed by fusion of 2 crura (the proximal projections of the corpora cavernosa), corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum).  Tip of penis or glans penis or phallus tip  Conical exterior part of penis freely movable within the sheath GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 115. Dr. GN Purohit - Confidential - Content & Video Not Permitted for Commercial Purposes GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 116. Types of PENIS Fibroelastic Musculo- cavernous GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 117. Fibroelastic type has small and confined blood spaces, and these spaces are divided by a large amount of fibroelastic tissue. This type of penis, when quiescent, exhibits a sigmoid flexure. The fibroelastic penis appears in ruminants and boars GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 118. In musculo-cavernous or vascular type of penis, blood spaces are relatively larger, and the lining and septa are more delicate and more muscular. Stallions, dogs and rabbits have this type of penis. The vascular type of penis contains large ratio of erectile tissue. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 119. Fibroelastic Musculocavernous 1 Thick fibrous tunica albuginea Tunica albuginea is less pronounced 2 Less erectile tissue More erectile tissue 3 Sigmoid flexure - present Sigmoid flexure - absent 4 Little blood enters the penis during erection More blood enters the penis during erection 5 Lengthening of penis is achieved mainly by straightening of the sigmoid flexure of the penis Lengthening of penis is achieved entirely by vascular engorgement Difference between Fibroelastic Penis and Musculocavernous penis GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 120. Functions of penis Passage or urine Performing sexual intercourse and deposition of semen in the female tract GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 121. Muscles associated with the penis Ischiocavernosus Muscles (erector penis muscle) Paired muscles located at the root of the penis. Connect the penis to the ischial arch of the pelvis. Bulbospongiosus muscle A single muscle that covers the root and ventral surface of the penis as well as the bulbourethral glands (link to glands page) The function of this muscle is to empty the extrapelvic urethra of sperm in a similar way to the urethralis muscle emptying the pelvic urethra. . GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 122. Urethral muscle is a circular muscle which aids in ejaculation and micturition by its forcible contraction. Retractor penis Muscles Paired muscles originating on the caudal vertebrae and inserting on the ventrolateral surfaces of the penis. Maintains the sigmoid flexure of the fibroelastic penis when the muscles are contracted. When the muscles are relaxed the penis protrudes through the prepuce as the sigmoid flexure unbends GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 123. In stallions, the retractor penis muscle is relatively underdeveloped. The retractor muscle contracts to retract the penis into the sheath and relaxes to allow the penis to extend from the sheath. The protrusion of penis in stallion involves penile erection. In bulls, protrusion of penis is not affected much by erection, but more by relaxation of the retractor penis muscle and straightening of the sigmoid flexure. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 124. Erection is due to a neurovascular mechanism: an inflow of arterial blood and an obstruction of venous return. Penile erection is caused by contraction of the ischiocavernosus muscle (erector penis muscle), which compresses the penis against the ischium, obstructing the blood flow through the dorsal veins. Consequently, the vascular spaces of the erectile tissue become distended with blood. Rigidity is due to an increase in intracavernous arterial pressure simultaneous with contraction of the perineal muscles (ischiocavernosus) under the somatic control of the pudendal nerve. Penile erection and ejaculation GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 125. In all species, vaginal intromission of the penis requires full erection except in the dog. The penis of the dog contains a bone called os penis which facilitates vaginal entry without full erection. In fact, the fully erected dog’s penis cannot enter the bitch’s vagina GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 126.  Characterized by “S” shaped curve or sigmoid flexure (Post-Scrotal).  Sigmoid flexure is post-scrotal in bulls.  Penis in adult bull – 36 inches long from root to tip.  The erectile tissue is small in amount as compared to that of the stallion. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 127.  The diameter of the penis is less than 4-5 cm even in erectile state.  The glans penis is 7.5 to 12.5 cm long and is rather pointed.  Retractor penis muscle is well developed.  The thickened dorsal portion of the fibrous sheath in the penis is known as dorsal apical ligament of the penis.  At the time of erection and service the penis is protruded, 10-24 inches out of sheath GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 128. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 129.  Large amount of erectile tissue is present in the penis of stallion.  Length about 50 cm ; diameter 2.5 to 6 cm ; 15-20 cm lies, free in the prepuce.  At the time of erection the penis will double its length and thickness, with the glans penis gets enlarged three or more times than its normal size GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 130. Stallion Penis ■ At the base of the glans, there is a border known as corona glandis. ■ The projected end of the urethra outside the glans is called urethral process. ■ The urethral process is situated at the fossa glandis. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 131.  Penis of ram is characterized by the presence of urethral process extending 4-5 cm beyond glans penis  Length about 30 cm ; Diameter 1.5 -2 cm ; glans penis 5-7.5 cm long  Well developed sigmoid flexure is present. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 132.  The sigmoid flexure is present but it is prescrotal.  The cranial portion of the penis has no glans but is spirally twisted counterclock-wise. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 133.  The os-penis is characteristically found in male dog.  The penis of dog in its caudal part has two distinct corpora cavernosa in its caudal part separated by a median septum.  Length about 6.5 – 25 cm.  In the cranial free portion, there is a bone called os penis which varies from 5 to 10 cm in length, depending upon the size of the dog. Ventrally, this bone is grooved for the urethra.  Penile bone also present in foxes, raccoons and hedgehogs. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 134.  Glans penis has two parts,  Pars longa glandis  Bulbus glandis.  Bulbus glandis expands greatly at the time of erection and prevents withdrawal during ejaculation. Vagina also contracts over the penis. This results in coital lock or copulatory tie. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 135.  Directed caudally and downward  Urethra located dorsally  Os penis is often lacking but when present , it is short 3-4 mm long.  No glans penis.  In the cat the bulbus glandis is absent  Penis has terminal cap about 1 cm that contains numerous papillae or spines pointing towards the base of the penis. These may cause the female to cry out of intromission. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 136. ■ In the male cat, the glans is covered with 120 to 150 penile spines that are directed backward, away from the end of the glans. These penile spines start to appear at about 12 weeks of age and are fully developed at puberty. ■ The spines rake the walls of the female's vagina, which is probably a trigger for ovulation. The female will utter a loud yowl as the male pulls his penis from her vagina. This act also occurs to clear the vagina of other sperm in the context of a 2nd (or more) mating, thus giving the latter males a larger chance of conception. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 137. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 138. • Externally the penis is covered by a triangular shaped sheath, the prepuce, which opens to the rear. • The male camel urinates towards the rear between the hind legs GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 139. Due to presence of well developed lateral preputial muscle, in addition to the cranial and caudal muscles the preputial orifice can be directed either cranially or caudally during erection and micturition GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 140. The secondary andrological organ, which is formed by invagination of the abdominal skin fold and encloses the penis, is known as prepuce (cutaneous sheath) GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 141.  It is the double invagination of skin which contains and covers the free portion of penis, when it is non-erect.  It covers the body of the penis behind the glans, when the penis is erect.  Preputial orifice is the external opening of the prepuce.  Preputial lining is a freely movable membrane or modified skin which is attached firmly only at glans penis and preputial orifice.  Blood supply: External pudendal artery  Nerve supply: Innervation from pudic, ilio-hypogastric, ilio-inguinal nerves GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 142. The prepuce is hairless and contains many smegma secreting glands important for lubrication between the shaft of the penis and the prepuce during copulation. Within the prepuce are varying amounts of striated muscle fibres; the cranial preputial muscles responsible for retracting the prepuce and the caudal preputial muscles responsible for protracting the prepuce. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 143. Bull/Buffalo Bull  Prepuce is long and narrow (35-40 cm length).  Preputial orifice is surrounded by a tuft of long preputial hairs.  There are usually 2 pairs of cranial and caudal preputial muscles, protractors and retractors that draw the preputial opening forward or backward.  The fornix of the prepuce is the point at which the prepuce reflects upon the penis just caudal to the glans. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 144. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 145.  Has preputial cavity of 15-20 cm deep and then a second reflection of prepuce to form the prepuce proper of the penis. The opening between these two cavities is called as the “preputial ring”.  The engaging and disengaging of the glans penis in the preputial ring causes the sucking noise frequently heard when the gelding or stallion trots.  The stallion has a double folded prepuce. Some times in the outer fold, wax accumulates and it must be removed manually. The wax is called ‘beans’ GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 146. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 147.  Prepuce has a small orifice.  Caudal part of the prepuce is narrow and the cranial part wide. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 148. ■Intra preputial urination ■Swine and ruminants urinate inside the prepuce. ■Extra preputial urination ■Horses, dogs and cats extend the penis beyond the sheath and urinate. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 149. Associated structures of Penis Sigmoid flexure The sigmoid flexure is a ‘S’ shaped bent of penis which is characteristically found in bull, buffalo-bull, boar, ram, buck and some wild animals like giraffe. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 150. Sigmoid Flexure  Usually sigmoid flexure is post-scrotal in most of species except boar where it is pre-scrotal.  Its posterior portion is attached to the retractor penis muscle.  During copulation the flaccid sigmoid flexure becomes straightened due to relaxation of retractor penis muscle.  After copulation the sigmoid flexure takes its original “S” shape, due to contraction of retractor penis muscle. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 151. Os-penis (Os priapi or Baculum )  The os-penis is characteristically found in male dog, ferrets and mink. It is occasionally present in tom-cat.  It is absent in other species. The size of os-penis is grown up as the age advances.  It may be utilized as age-indicator.  The os-penis of each species has a characteristic shape which serves as diagnostic taxonomic structures in certain livestock. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 152. Cork screw penis The cork screw penis is the modified structure of external extremity of penis which is a characteristic feature of boar. This helps in intromission of boar penis in the genitalia of sow ( Cervical canal in sow is cork screw like). GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 153. Phalli The phalli are the external extremity of male genitalia in place of penis which is a characteristic feature of ducks and geese. This helps in intromission. Penile papillae The penile papillae are located at anterior portion of penis which is a characteristic feature of tom-cat, hamster, house-mice and rat. This probably helps in ovulation. Other structures GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 154. Other structures  Urethral sinus  The urethral sinus is located around the end of penis which is characteristic feature of stallion. This contains urethral sinus diverticulum.  Urethral process  The urethral process is a filliform appendage extending form the anterior portion of glans penis which is a characteristic feature in ram, buck and giraffe. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes
  • 155. Blood and Nerve supply  Blood supply  Internal pudendal artery to the root of penis  Obturator artery to the body of the penis  External pudendal artery that gives rise to dorsal artery of penis – after passing through the inguinal canal.  Nerve supply  Autonomic nerves of the pelvic plexus and haemorroidal and pudendal nerves. The sensory nerve fibres to the glans penis come from the dorsal nerve of the penis, The glans penis is plentifully supplied with nerves and nerve endings. GOVIND NARAYAN PUROHIT (GNP Sir) Dr. GN Purohit – Educational and Confidential - Content collected from different sources Not Permitted for Replication or Commercial Purposes