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Artificial insemination techniques in farm
and pet animals
Head, Department of Veterinary
Gynecology and Obstetrics, College of
Veterinary and Animal Science, Rajasthan
University of Veterinary and Animal
Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India
For suggestions and queries:, 9414325045
Artificial insemination is one technique that has
had the maximum impact on genetic improvement
especially in cattle and buffalo; yet due to
anatomic and physiologic reasons existent with
other species such as small ruminants (sheep and
goats), equines, camels and pets (dogs and cats) the
progress has been slow and the techniques of
insemination widely different.
Techniques- Each of the different techniques used for AI are mentioned
and the insemination techniques are then discussed for each species
• Recto-vaginal (Semen deposited by trans-cervical passage of the
cathetor guided by one hand in the rectum)-cattle, buffalo
• Vaginal (Semen deposited intrauterine by passing the catheter to
the uterus and guiding the catheter through a hand in the vagina
and not in the rectum)- mares.
• Trans-cervical- Passing the cathetor in the cervix without placing
the hand inside- sheep, sows and bitches
• Endoscopic- Trans-cervical passage of endoscope- mares, bitches
• Laparoscopic- Trans-abdominal passage of the endoscope- sheep
and goats.
• In India, for first time, AI was done in 1939 by Sampat
Kumaran at ‘Palace Dairy Farm Mysore”. He inseminated large
number of Halliker cows with semen from Holstein Friesian bulls
and got 33 cows pregnant.
• A pilot project was started in 1942 at Indian Veterinary Research
Institute (IVRI) to study the feasibility of AI under the guidance of
Dr. P. Bhattacharya. This team approved that this technique could
be used under Indian conditions. Four regional centers were
established at Bangalore, Calcutta, Patna and Montgomery (Now in
Pakistan) by Govt. of India.
• Slowly since then, the scope of AI was widened and the technique
has come into general use as a regular practice for breeding of
cattle and buffaloes.
Cattle and Buffalo
• The first buffalo calf through AI was born at the Allahabad
Agricultural Institute in 1943.
• In 1951-56 the Government of India introduced the first five-
year plan (1951-56) with 150 key village centers to perform AI
in order to improve cattle and buffaloes in this country.
• 1956-61-The second five-year plan (1956-61) gave a boost to
AI work by introducing AI in 400 key village centers. Since
then many more AI centers came in operation in India.
• Government of India initiated a major program “National
Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding” (NPCBB) from
October 2000 over a period of ten years, in two phases each of
five years, with an allocation of Rs 402 crore for Phase–I. In
order to consolidate gains made during Phase-I, Phase-II was
initiated from Dec 2006 with an allocation of Rs 775.87 crore.
The NPCBB envisages genetic up gradation on priority basis
with a focus on development and conservation of important
indigenous breeds. The project envisages 100% grant-in-aid to
Implementing Agencies.
• Artificial insemination in India using frozen semen was
introduced during late 1960s. During the year 2010-11, India
produced 63 million bovine frozen semen straws including
over one million buffalo semen straws through 49 semen
stations. Artificial insemination services are provided through
71,341 AI stations clocking 52 million inseminations with
overall conception rate of 35% in bovine and buffalo
population. The demand for semen doses in the country is
projected by NDDB to be around 140 million doses by 2021-
22 in order to to achieve AI coverage of targeted 35%
breedable female animals.
State / UT 2017-18 State / UT 2017-18
Andhra Pradesh 4386 Manipur 13
Arunachal Pradesh 2396 Meghalaya 25
Assam 211 Mizoram 05
Bihar 2823 Nagaland 30
Chattisgarh 747 Orrissa 1424
Goa 34 Punjab 3937
Gujarat 7437 Rajasthan 4231
Haryana 3986 Sikkim 15
Himachal Pradesh 1024 Tamil Nadu 7026
Jammu & Kasmir 971 Telangana 1462
Jharkhand 728 Tripura 153
Karnataka 6672 Uttar Pradesh 12659
Kerala 1111 Uttaranchal 620
Madhya Pradesh 2690 West Bengal 3857
Maharashtra 2306
State-wise Artificial Inseminations* Performed ('000 Nos.) NDDB report
Cattle and Buffalo
• The ease with which guiding the insemination pipette through
the cervix via manipulation per rectum is possible led to the
frequent use of this technique in species such as cattle and
buffalo. The recto-vaginal method of insemination continues
to be the method of choice worldwide although a new
endoscope-guided artificial insemination has been developed
for cows but offers little advantage over the traditional
method of insemination in these two species.
• Preparations for insemination and sanitation
• Important steps to follow and points to remember:
• Ensure that the cow to be bred is truly in heat.
• Restrain the cow first and then thaw the semen. The restraint
area should be familiar to the cow and free of stressful
conditions. Unnecessary excitement may interfere with
physiological mechanisms important to achieving a good
conception rate.
Frozen semen must be taken out from the appropriate labelled goblet. The
color codes for different species and breeds standardized by Govt of India
Breed Code Color
Holstein HF Pink/Rose
HF Crossbred CB HF Pistachio
Green (Light
Jersey JY Yellow
Jersey Crossbred CB JY Salmon
Indigenous cattle Sahiwal-SAH, Red Sindhi-RS, Tharparker-TAH, Gir-
GIR, Kankrej-KANK, Rahi-RATHI, Hariana-HAR,
Sunandini SUN Blue
Buffalo Murrah Buffalo-MBF, Surti-SBF, Jaffarabadi-JBF, Nili
Ravi-NLRVB, Bhadawari-BDBF, Banni-BBF
• Information pertaining to bull number, breed, name of the organization, year,
batch number (as per the day of the year) are printed on the straw and should be
recorded in insemination registers. The codes include name of semen collection
center, production date, batch number, animal ID, name of the bull and breed
code (BS indicates Brown Swiss breed). The article code (N=Conventional
semen, X and Y stand for sexed female and male semen). Many sperm stations
are now using the Bar code which incorporates all the information that can be
identified electronically. Different systems are practiced at different places and
organizations that are shown
Below is the information on a semen sample from Amul and FSB, Bassi
Bull Number Breed Center Registration
Date of
Type of
Sahiwal -0817 SH=
AMUL 26718 24.09.2018 Sample 3
(S 3)
3K (3000
Bull Number Breed Semen
Semen Collection
Date of semen
HF 44980 HF=Holstein
RCDF Frozen Semen
28.03.2017 SE=Second
The ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Government of India
issued an order in July 2018 that additional information including Dams
lactation yield and Sourcing of bulls (PT=Progeny tested, PS=Pedigreed
Sire, ET=Embryo transfer, Imported and Others) should be printed on
semen straws and label for canister holders.
Dams lactation Yield Sourcing of Bulls Printing format
3000 PT 3.0K-PT
3100 PT 3.1K-PT
3500 PS 3.5K-PS
4100 ET 4.1K-ET
8600 Imported 8.6K-IM
2500 Others 2.5K-O
In its meeting on 16 Jan 2019 the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
welfare Govt of India issued further clarifications with regard to bull
identification Nationally that bulls must be given a unique ID
• With regards the printing of semen straws the following was decided in the
minimum standards for semen production in India.
• I I (G) Printing of Straws
Each Semen Station shall print certain key information on the straw in the
following Sequence, starting from the factory end.
1. SS Bull ID - Alphanumeric
2. Breed of Bull
3. Semen Station name
4. Batch No with Ejaculation No in Parentheses
5. Dam's Lactation Yield and source ( e.g. 3380- PT)
6. Brand image
7. Brand Code
• Items serially numbered from 1 to 5 shall be mandatory for all stations.
Items 6 and 7 may be optional.
Thawing the straw and loading it in an AI Gun
• Before thawing the straw, check the water temperature; it should be at
350C-370C, or as instructed by the semen company.
• The straw should be removed from the flask with forceps and submerged
in the warm water. Leave it in for 20-30sec for a 0.25ml straw and 30-
45sec for a 0.5ml one. Semen doses below 50% progressive motility
should be discarded. Do not take out the goblet above the neck.
• After withdrawal, wipe it dry and place it in the gun, which should have
been pre-warmed by rubbing between the hands. Only thaw one straw at a
• Cut the straw (lab plug) end at a 90 degree angle, then slide on to the
plastic sheath and secure with the collar. Hold the gun vertically and gently
press the plunger upwards, until the semen rises to the top. The gun is now
Avoid raising straws above
the frost line
Use forceps to remove
Place straws in 95º F (350 -370C)
water to thaw for at least 30-45
seconds. Use straws within 15 min
Wipe straw completely dry
before placing in
prewarmed A.I. gun
When all straws are used in
the top goblet, remove and
discard it.
Cut straws ¼" below lab seal at 90º
Common suggestions in preparation of AI guns using frozen semen
• Locking mechanisms for sheaths of AI Guns
• Split sheaths are designed for use with O-ring guns.
• Non-split sheaths are designed for use with spiral or
Kombicolor guns.
Straw Size
• Sheaths without plastic inserts are exclusively for use with
½ cc straws.
• Sheaths with plastic inserts will accommodate both ¼ and
½ cc straws
AI Guns and sheaths
Sheaths are available in bulk or
individual packages. Individually packed
sheaths are better
Three types of A.I. guns
Slide sheath over
A.I. gun
Lock sheath and gun
together with snug twist of
the o-ring
Slide sheath underneath
loosened o-ring
Proper seal between straw and sheath
is extremely important
In recent years more precise card type and other electronic thermal regulators of
temperatures for thawing semen at the most accurate temperatures have become
available (1-3).
Similarly for accurate cutting of straws at 900 straw cutters are available (4)
(3) (4)
• Sanitary procedures and insemination practices.
It is easier to learn good habits than to break bad habits.
– Insemination supplies should be kept dry and clean at all times.
Breeding sheaths should be stored in the original package until used.
– Once the insemination device is assembled it must be protected from
contamination and cold shock temperatures.
– Materials used to lubricate the rectum should not come in contact
with the vulva region. Lubricants are generally spermicidal. Avoid
using products that are irritating. Alternatively non spermicidal
lubricants can be used.
– The vulva region must be thoroughly wiped
clean with a paper towel. This is important in
helping prevent the interior of the reproductive
tract from becoming contaminated and possibly
infected. A folded paper towel can be inserted into
the lower portion of the vulva. The insemination
gun can then be placed between the folds of the
towel and inserted into the vagina without
contacting the lips of the vulva. Alternatively one
person can hold the vulvar lips wide open.
• Protective sheaths should be used in herds or for specific cows
where vulvo-vaginal infection is a problem. When this system is
used, the standard insemination rod and plastic sheath are inserted
into the larger protective sheath. This double protection
combination is passed through the vagina to the external cervical
opening. At the cervix, the tip of the protective device is punctured
by the insemination rod, which is then threaded through the cervix.
This technique should only be used following the
recommendations of a veterinarian, extension specialist, or AI
representative -- and only when specific diseases have been
diagnosed or suspected.
• General tips for insemination
• To avoid the possibility of entering the urethral opening on the
floor of the vagina, the insemination gun should be inserted into
the vulva upward at a 30 ̊ to 40 ̊ angle.
• The anterior portion of the vagina, termed the fornix vagina,
tends to stretch rather easily when the insemination gun is
pushed forward and beyond the cervix. This may give to the false
impression that the gun is advancing through the cervix, when
indeed it is above, below, or to either side of the cervix. The
inseminator should be able to feel the gun within the vaginal
fold, but unable to feel the gun tip within the cervix.
• Place the cervix onto the insemination gun.
Maintain slight forward pressure on the gun
while manipulating the cervix slightly ahead of
the gun.
• The target for semen deposition, the uterine
body, is quite small. Accurate gun tip placement
is probably the most important skill involved in
the whole AI technique. Inseminators generally
identify this target area by feeling for the end of
the cervix and the tip of the gun as the gun
emerges through the internal os or opening.
Depositing the semen in the cervix or randomly
in the uterine horns may result in lower
conception rates.
• Once the AI gun tip is aligned with the internal
cervical os, deposit the semen by pushing the plunger.
Semen deposition should take about five seconds.
Slow delivery maximizes the amount of semen
delivered from the straw and minimizes the unequal
flow of semen into one uterine horn.
• During the process of semen deposition, take care
that the fingers of the palpating hand are not
inadvertently blocking a uterine horn or misdirecting
the flow of semen in some manner.
• Be careful not to pull the insemination gun back
through the cervix while the semen is being expelled.
• If the cow has moved during semen deposition or you
think the gun has moved, stop the semen deposition
and correctly reposition the rod tip before continuing
semen deposition.
The sequence of
events in Artificial
insemination of
cattle and buffalo
• Minimum Standards and Standard Operating Procedures For
Artificial Insemination issued by the Government of India
should be followed.
• Results of depositing semen deep into the uterus using a
Flexible telescopic insemination catheter (Ghent device) did
not result in improvement in the conception rates in cattle.
Handling of Liquid Nitrogen tanks and accessories
• 1. Keep the liquid Nitrogen container in a location that allows easy
withdrawal of semen doses and replenishment of semen and liquid
nitrogen. The surrounding should be well ventilated, dry and dust free.
LN2 containers should be protected from direct sunlight and it is a good
option to cover them with cotton clothing/stryofoam where temperatures
are extreme. Multiple containers should be prevented from colliding
with each other during transport by applying rubber rings
• 2. Clean AI gun, scissors and other accessories whenever they get
soiled or at least once a week with hot water and air dry them. The AI
Gun piston and the scissors should be wiped clean with water after each
insemination. Surgical spirit and soaps are lethal to semen, hence should
not be used to clean equipments.
• 3. Maintain the liquid nitrogen level above the straw level in the
portable container.
4. Measure the liquid nitrogen level of 11 and 35 liter containers
weekly with the help of measuring scale provided and refill with
LN2 if the straws are not submerged. Maintain the record of
measurements to monitor the evaporation rate of containers. The
refill of other containers depends upon their frequency of use. A 3
liter container should be refilled twice weekly.
5. Carry the required semen doses in the portable liquid nitrogen
container to farmer’s door step. Never carry semen straws in
pocket/ thermos-flask / polythene bags filled with water/ice etc.
6. Maintain an accurate semen inventory to lessen the risk of semen
7. Straws once thawed should never be refrozen.
Endoscopic AI for cattle
Endoscopic AI 1. The endoscope 2 Introduction of
scope in a cow and 3 The cervix being visible
• Artificial insemination in mares is still not
allowed by many breed registries and the Jockey
clubs in the Thoroughbred industry.
• Artificial insemination was probably permitted in
the American Quarter horse, Standardbred horses
and the Morgan horse (All these breeds derive
from crosses of Thoroughbreds) a couple of years
back and embryo transfer was legally permitted in
American Quarter horse in 2001.
Artificial Insemination in Mares
• Majority of the mares are still bred on premises, either by
natural cover or by AI with freshly collected semen.
• In the Arabian breed, for example, Registry reports depict that only
about 12% of the mares currently are being bred with transported
cooled or frozen semen.
• Current figures demonstrate that there has been growth in the use
of transported semen by the Arabian horse industry since its
approval in 1995.
• In the Quarter Horse industry the number of mares bred by
transported cooled semen is far lower than the number bred on
premises by natural cover.
• Mares are artificially inseminated by depositing the semen in
the uterus. The inseminator places his hand in the vagina and
guides the insemination gun in the other hand slowly in the
uterus. Freshly collected and diluted semen is preferred by
some owners but for the last more than 4 decades cooled
transported semen has also been in practice.
• Cooled, transported semen (TS) was first successfully used in a
1983 field trial at Hamilton Farm (South Hamilton, MA).
Results of the field trial (50 mares, 3 stallions) indicated that
TS can achieve conception rates equal to those on the best
• Equine frozen semen came into existence when the semen of
Abdullah the winner of 1984 Olympic games, 1985 World Cup
and 1986 World Equestrian Games was frozen and exported to
Europe from America in 1985.
• In India AI with liquid semen was started in 1994 and AI with
frozen semen of Marwari and Kathiawari horses with moderate
conception rates became available since 2003.
Problems with AI in mares
• The mare estrus continues from 4-7 days and mares ovulate 24-48 hours
before the end of estrus.
• Most mares ovulate when the follicle size is above 2.5 cm and is pear
• Thus, inseminations have to be performed either every alternate day
starting from Day 2 of estrus till the end of estrus or, when the follicle has
been monitored manually or ultrasonographically a single or double
insemination close to ovulation can be done
• The semen from many stallions do not freeze properly
• The minimum number of sperms required per insemination would be 250-
500 million.
• Semen has to be deposited intra-uterine by manipulations in the vagina
When to inseminate a mare
• Mares should be inseminated closer to ovulation and this can be monitored
by trans-rectal palpation of the follicle diameters or transrectal
ultrasonographic visualization of the follicle characteristics and endometrial
• It is usual for the veterinarian at the stud to examine all mares in estrus daily
by palpation or ultrasound in order to find the mares suitable for
• Cooled semen that has to be transported from elsewhere must be ordered at
a time depending upon the size of the follicle on the ovary.
• It is also usual to administer a dose of hCG (3000 IU, IM or IV) 48 h before
insemination to assure the ovulation but the follicle size must be at least 30
mm with endometrium showing folding at the time of hCG administration.
Pre-requisites of insemination in mares
Follicle shape change to pear shape (A)
Endometrial folding (B)
Follicle diameter at ovulation (C)
Insemination procedure in mares
• After evaluation that the time for insemination is correct the tail of the
restrained mare is bandaged and the rectum is evacuated of the feces. The
perineum is washed with water and wiped dry with towel.
• The inseminator loads the semen in the syringe when using cooled semen
and the insemination pipette when using frozen semen.
• The inseminator inserts the gloved hand in the vagina and the insemination
pipette manually guiding the pipette through the cervix into the uterus and
deposits the semen in the uterus. A non-spermicidal lubricant should be
used for lubrication.
• The insemination is performed in the uterine body just inside the
full length of the uterine cervix. A sterile insemination pipette (18–
22 in.) is used.
• For cooled transported semen (20-60 mL) a 1 mL sample is
evaluated for motility. Samples with greater than 30% progressive
motility after appropriate warming can then be inseminated.
• It is not necessary to pre-warm the remainder of the insemination
dose before use. Most mares are directly inseminated with
the semen still chilled, which has no detrimental effect on either
the sperm or the mare.
Insemination procedure
Washing the perineum
Tail Bandaging
Holding the AI Gun
Guiding the Gun
Insemination through the
Containers for transport of cooled semen and insemination
pipette and lubricants available commercially. The volume
of semen varies from 20-60mL.
Equitainer for transport
of cooled equine semen
The semi‐flexible Minitube
insemination pipette for AI
with cooled semen
dal jelly
AI with frozen semen in mares
Typically straws of stallion sperm are warmed by immersion in 370C water
for 30 seconds or 70o C water for 7 seconds, and then transferred rapidly to
another water bath at 35o C.
The thawing procedure recommended by personnel who froze the
spermatozoa should be followed closely.
As sperm in the half ml straw is typically frozen at the concentration of 400
million per ml, each straw will hold approximately 200 million sperm.
Depending upon post-thaw motility rates of the sperm, this will mean that
thawing between four and eight straws will commonly be necessary to
achieve the desired insemination dose (500 million) for mares.
• Once all required straws are thawed and added to the container, the
semen should be evaluated and drawn slowly up into a warmed all-
plastic insemination syringe, and inseminated as soon as possible
into the mare.
• Minitube" produces a "Universal" insemination pipette, which will
allow for the removal of an emptied straw from within the holder
of the pipette, without removing the pipette from the mare's cervix.
This means that multiple straws can be loaded into the pipette, and
the semen deposited into the mare, without the need for pre-mixing
the semen in a centrifuge tube or similar container or withdrawal of
the pipette each time.
Universal pipette with its stylet. The inverted cone (arrow) is
located at approximately 10 cm from the tip so that it can pull back
an empty straw.
Hysteroscopic low dose insemination in mares
• Deposition of higher volume of semen and high numbers of sperms in
equines was shown to be undesirable and in 1998 the first few reports of
hysteroscopic low dose insemination appeared in equines.
• Ensuring point of delivery as close to the site of fertilization or near the
site of suspected sperm reservoir in the mare will decrease the
insemination dose needed to achieve optimum conception rate.
• Mares inseminated near the UTJ using hysteroscopy with as few as 5
million progressively motile morphologically normal sperm have
conceived at a rate similar to that for much higher sperm numbers when
deposited in the uterine body by routine AI methods.
• The mare is prepared for routine AI as above. The disinfected
endoscope (videoendoscope preferred) is inserted through the
cervix and directed up the uterine horn on the same side as the
expected ovulation until the papilla of the UTJ is visualized.
• A sterile catheter preloaded with the insemination dose is
directed into the biopsy channel of the endoscope and the
semen is deposited onto the UTJ, or as close as possible next to
it. An air flush through the catheter follows the semen
deposition to ensure that all of the insemination dose is
delivered from the catheter.
• The advantage of this technique is particularly important to
stallions with limited sperm production. It is also applicable to use
of frozen semen and sex-sorted semen.
One straw of a stallion’s frozen semen with less than the typical
insemination dose needed for standard insemination may be
delivered by this technique.
The advantage to the mare is that her uterus is exposed to a
reduced sperm challenge. When frozen semen is used by standard
AI, many mares react with an inflammatory response (Mating
induced endometritis) to the concentrated dose of spermatozoa
inseminated. Use of the low-dose hysteroscopic insemination
technique will circumvent this problem
Hysteroscopic insemination in mares
A, Endoscopic view of the oviductal papilla. B, Endoscopic catheter
approaching the papilla to deliver a small volume of semen.
• For problem mares, conventional
insemination into the uterine body
appears to be superior to
hysteroscopic insemination and in
normal mares, the highest
pregnancy rates can be expected by
hysteroscopic insemination.
AI in sheep and goats
• Sheep are less manageable for artificial insemination than is the cow
because estrus cannot be detected readily without the presence of
rams, the technique of insemination is less straightforward than in
cows, and ovine semen is less easy to freeze than bovine semen.
• However, the most important limitation of the use of AI in sheep
and to some extent in goats is in the method of insemination, as
intrauterine insemination is difficult to achieve because the cervical
canal of the ewe is very tortuous. Because intracervical AI results in
both a lower conception rate and a lower number of lambs per litter
than natural service, a number of methods of insemination have been
devised that try to bypass the cervix.
• The methods of AI in sheep and goats include the intra-
vaginal, intra-cervical, trans-cervical intrauterine, and
laparoscopic intrauterine routes.
• Around 50 to 100 million spermatozoa are needed in one dose
for vaginal insemination, but 25 to 50 million are suggested
for cervical insemination and 15 to 20 million are enough for
laparoscopic AI in sheep.
Vaginal Insemination
• Vaginal insemination deposits semen into the cranial part of the
vagina using a speculum without attempting to locate the
• Conception rates can be improved by inseminating the ewe
twice daily and raising the hind quarters after insemination.
• However, conception rates with vaginal insemination are
extremely poor for both sheep and goats
Intra-cervical insemination
• Intracervical insemination is best achieved with the hindquarters of
the ewe elevated. After cleaning of the perineum, the vagina is
opened with a duck-billed speculum, and the cervix is located.
• The insemination catheter is then inserted as far as possible into
the cervix.
• Due to the anatomic barriers the intracervical insemination using
chilled semen (5-150 C) has moderate conception rates
Trans-cervical Intrauterine Insemination
• The difficulty in traversing the cervix led to attempts of
inseminating sheep by grasping the cervix while placing the animal
in special position (Guelph TCAI)
• Other approaches included the use of curved catheters
(with/without cervical retraction)
• The use of cervical dilation pharmaceuticals such as PGE2 creams.
However, the success with such approaches have been moderate.
The Guelph method of trans-cervical AI in sheep
The transcervical intrauterine insemination route in sheep, by using
curved catheters and PGE2 creams
Trans-cervical insemination in goats
• Trans-cervical insemination is easier in goats compared to sheep as the
number of cervical folds are lesser in number and are less deep.
• Frozen semen is available in India for many sheep and goat breeds with the
Central Institute for Research on goats, Makhdoom, CSWRI, Avikanagar,
National Agricultural Research Institute and also other institutions.
• The trans-cervical inseminations in goats have resulted in acceptable
conception rates.
• The procedure of AI utilizes speculum and raising of hind quarters.
Trans-cervical Artificial Insemination in goats
Laparoscopic Intrauterine Insemination in sheep
• The method of direct intrauterine, laparoscopic insemination was developed
to overcome many of the difficulties of intravaginal and intracervical
• In this method, ewes are sedated and restrained in a cradle. Laparoscopy is
performed close to the udder after administering local anaesthetic.
• The abdomen is insufflated with CO2, the uterus is located and semen is
injected into the uterine lumen via a small stab wound. The semen can be
introduced to the uterus via a simple pipette or by the use of specialised
insemination equipment.
1. Surgical sites are located cranial to the udder and medial or lateral to
the mammary/superficial epigastric veins. Local anesthetic is infiltrated,
and the sites are scored to identify them prior to the surgical procedure.
Left of the image is cranial.
Sequence of events in
laparoscopic AI in
2. A 5 or 10 mm trocar and cannula pointing laterally, are inserted
through the near incision into the abdominal cavity with a firm
pressure and the trocar withdrawn to be replaced with a laparoscope.
3. Introduction of the
endoscope to locate the
uterine horn. The CO2
insufflation is shown.
4. A laparoscopic AI gun and needle apparatus (A) are used to inject
semen (B) intra-uterine at the level of the mid-horn along the greater
curvature (C).
Laparoscopic Intrauterine Insemination in sheep
AI techniques in sows
• Artificial insemination (AI) of swine is widely practiced in
countries with intensive pig production. In Western Europe, more
than 90% of the sows have been bred by AI for more than two
• In practice, fresh diluted semen for intracervical insemination is
mostly used in pigs.
• Frozen storage of boar semen still yields inferior fertility due to the
loss of membrane integrity during freezing and thawing.
Consequently, freshly diluted semen (liquid semen) is widely used
for AI on the day of collection or in the following days.
• Ovulation occurs at the beginning of the last third of oestrus
regardless of the overall duration of oestrus. Precise prediction
of the time of spontaneous ovulation in individual pigs has not
yet been achieved. However, prediction of oestrus duration by
observing the onset of oestrus after weaning has found broad
acceptance in AI practice for calculation of the expected time
of ovulation. AI should be timed as close as possible to
ovulation, preferably within 12 to 24 h before ovulation.
• In most cases, one insemination/day is adequate. Schedule in
such a way that ensures repeat inseminations will occur less
than 24 hours apart.
• For example, breed sows scheduled for a second service before
the first-service sows each day. If doing a third-service mating,
complete those before the second service, or 12 hours
following the second mating
• Before using the semen, evaluate it under a microscope.
Shipment, diluent, storage temperature , fluctuations in
temperature and length of time since collection may all affect
the shelf life, motility and viability of the semen.
• Before inseminating the female, use a paper towel to clean the
• Lubricate the tip of the spirette or catheter using any non
spermicidal lubricant or a few drops of extended semen. Avoid
getting lubricant in the opening of the spirette /catheter.
• Gently guide the spirette /catheter, with the tip pointed up,
through the vagina to the cervix. The bottle of diluted semen is
not attached to the spirette /catheter at this point. Keep the tip
pointed up to reduce the chance of coming into contact with the
bladder, which could cause a backflow of urine into the spirette
/catheter. If this happens, use a new spirette /catheter because
urine kills sperm . This is the primary reason the bottle of diluted
semen should not be connected to the spirette /catheter until the
cervix has been entered. Not connecting the bottle at this point
also avoids exposing the semen unnecessarily to extremes of
light or temperature . When using the cochette system instead of
a bottle, it is common practice to attach the cochette before
inserting the spirette/catheter because great dexterity is required .
• Use a counterclockwise rotation to insert the spirette into the
cervix. Resistance can be felt by gently pulling back on the
spirette .
• Gently invert the bottle of diluted semen two or three times to
mix the semen. Attach the bottle to the end of the spirette and
discharge the semen slowly. A gentle squeeze to start the
process may be needed, but after that the semen should be
allowed to be taken up by uterine contractions. This process
takes at least 3 minutes. Because of the variation in intensity of
uterine contractions, gilts often take longer to inseminate than
sows. Depositing the semen too rapidly will cause a backflow
of semen out of the vulva.
• Today, boars can be managed for production of 20 to 40 traditional AI
doses containing 2.5 to 3.0 billion motile sperm in 75 to 100 mL of
extender or 40 to 60 doses with 1.5 to 2.0 billion sperm in similar or
reduced volumes for use in cervical or intrauterine AI. Storage
temperatures range from 15° to 18°C for extended boar semen.
• Mixing or pooling semen from different boars (Heterospermic
Insemination) has become a common technique for processing boar
semen for AI. Pooled semen has been found to yield good fertility
results in swine.
• A uniformly successful freezing and thawing protocol for porcine
spermatozoa still eludes the industry. Certain boars and breeds appear
to exhibit better sperm freezability than others, confounding results.
However, use of frozen semen is still unpopular in pigs.
AI catheters for pigs
Artificial Insemination in Bitches
AI in the bitch is a difficult
procedure however, the
demand is increasing over the
last couple of years.
One of the driving factors for
this trend is the craze for
pedigreed dogs
• The hygiene aspect is of special concern for breeders who opt for
international insemination driving them to take their bitches to other
countries for mating/insemination.
Though there has been attempts of import of animal semen however,
because of the poor freezability of dog semen, exceptionally high cost
of resultant pups, difficulty in determining the appropriate period to
inseminate a bitch and lack of legal permission to transport canine
semen by Air, the prospects of importing semen of pedigreed dogs in
India seem to be currently low.
Dog breeding usually involves mating with purebred dogs. Cross-
breeding in dogs is uncommon except for the planned cross-breeding to
produce designer breeds. Semen of one breed not used in other breed
There are about 340 dog breeds recognized by the World
Canine Organization. But the standards for breed recognition vary from
country to country – the American Kennel Club currently recognizes only
167 breeds. It is beyond the scope of anyone to keep semen of so many
breeds and it is beyond our scope to describe all the breeds identified
worldwide. A lot of size variations do exist between the available dog
breeds with subtle differences in the anatomic location of the external and
internal reproductive organs.
• Although the first reports on AI in dogs subsequent to the Spallanzani experiments
(in late 18th century) appeared by the end of the fifties, reporting the use of fresh
semen, the use of diluted chilled semen by the sixties, the use of frozen semen
appeared, only in the nineties when this technique was introduced into dog
breeding practice, particularly in USA and Nordic countries.
• The reproductive physiology of this species and unfavorable response of the dog
sperm to freezing are the two major constraints to the initial efforts to improve
the AI technique in dogs and these still continue.
• At most nowadays, as a consequence of the demand for reproductive technologies,
AI with fresh or refrigerated semen, is the current service offered in the small
animal veterinary practice.
• According to Linde-Forsberg, from all the AI in dogs performed by veterinarians
today in Europe, about 50-55% is done with fresh semen, collected at the clinic,
10% with chilled semen and around 35-40% with frozen semen.
• Potential breed problems that are of health and inheritance concern
have been stressed for breeding dogs naturally and thus need to be
looked before artificial insemination also, as they may raise legal issues
later by the bitch owners.
• Labrador Retrievers can inherit eye defects such as Progressive
Retinal Atrophy (PRA) (causes total blindness). Other potentially
heritable problems include Retinal Dysplasia (causes eventual
blindness), Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) (usually inherited), cataracts
(inherited), and entropion (when the dog’s eyelids turn in or out).
• Congenital Hip Dysplasia usually affects medium-to-large breeds such as
German Shepherds but smaller breeds can also be affected, such as Cocker
Spaniels and Shetland Sheepdogs. Some dogs may not display any symptoms of
this condition, but they still should not be bred if they have this issue.
• Osteochondrosis Dessicans (OCD), an elbow joint problem should also be
• No dog with patellar luxation should be bred, as this is a hereditary condition.
Smaller dogs are more prone to this issue than larger ones.
For some breeds, deafness can be a problem. Failure of the BAER test for
audibility means the dog should not be breed.
Many breeds will need to be checked for heart issues like Sub aortic stenosis
(SAS) and other malformations of the heart or valves
• Many common breeds have specific temperament tests, such as a WAC test
for Doberman’s and thus a temperament test is required by some kennel clubs.
Besides this both male and female dogs should be free of brucellosis.
It is beyond our scope to mention all the disorders and it is suggested that the
Published by The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association USA or
other appropriate material should be referred
Timing mating/Insemination in the bitch
• The bitch usually presents a relatively long follicular phase and considerable
variability exists in the onset of estrous behavior and acceptance of the male,
making it difficult to determine occurrence of the LH surge and onset of
ovulation in this species unless specific methods for timing the ovulation and
estimating the fertile period are used.
Determination of blood progesterone and the vaginal cell cornification on
cytological specimens are the most widely used techniques, to which recently
has been added the vaginal endoscopy (that replaces the vaginoscopic exam)
and the ultrasonographic follow-up of the follicular development and
• The bitch should be inseminated during the fertile period determined by
any/all of the procedures mentioned above.
Slide preparation for vaginal cytology in the bitch
• Schematic representation of the major morphological changes of the predominant
epithelial cell in the vaginal cytology during the dog estrous cycle. On the bottom,
images of the vaginal péri-estrus cytological preparations stained with Diff-Quik.
• Other ways to more precisely determine the fertile period of
the bitch and the right time to inseminate a bitch include trans-
abdominal ultrasonography and vaginal endoscopy (which has
replaced vaginoscopic examination).
Ultrasonographic scans of canine ovaries before and after LH surge and
ovulation. Ultrasound Scans are compared with images of longitudinal
sections of canine ovaries of similar stages of follicle development.
Vaginal endoscopy of the bitch. [From left to right] Aspect of
the vaginal folds at early proestrus, proestrus, estrus and
Techniques of Artificial Insemination in Bitches
AI in the bitch is a difficult procedure Five forms of insemination of the
bitch have been described
• 1. Vaginal insemination
• 2. Endoscope-assisted trans-cervical insemination (EIU)
• 3. Non-Endoscopic Intrauterine insemination (Norwegian catheter)
• 4. Laparotomy insemination (surgical insemination, surgical implant)
• 5. Laparoscopic insemination
Transvaginal Insemination: Catheters
• The Osiris catheter is a rigid catheter with an inflatable balloon with a syringe
port to blow up the balloon and a separate port for insemination. The main
limitation to Osiris catheters is that they only come in one size. They are
adequate for small and medium breeds; however, they are inadequate for toy,
large, and giant breeds.
• Other catheters like foley catheter or bovine insemination pipettes have been
used with limited success.
• The Mavic catheter (Minitube) is a plastic catheter with a malleable
permanent stylet and a cuff located at the rostral end of the catheter, which is
inflated with air once in situ. A separate insemination channel is provided,
which has a valve to prevent backflow of semen. Mavic catheters come in 3
different sizes and most accurately emulate natural mating.
The Orisis (A) and the Mavic Catheters (B) for
AI in bitch
Transvaginal Insemination: Technique
• The bitch should be in standing position. An assistant ensures she
doesn't sit or collapse or specially designed crates may be used. Digital
vaginal examination ensures no anatomic anomaly or obstruction to
catheter passage, and provides a small amount of water-soluble
lubrication. The catheter is passed along the dorsal surface of the
caudal tubular tract, initially sharply dorsally through the vulva to
avoid the clitoral fossa and the urethra, and then slightly ventrally as the
catheter is advanced through the vestibulovaginal junction (the
singulum) into the vagina with the tip of the catheter passing under the
dorsal median post-cervical folds, coming to rest as close as possible to
the vaginal fornix and the cervical opening.
• With the Mavic catheter, once the catheter is
in position, the cuff is inflated to occlude and
distend the vagina, emulating the glans penis.
Semen can be inseminated as an extended
total volume or by inseminating the sperm-
rich fraction first, followed by prostate
fluid/semen extender. Collectively, the
insemination should occur slowly over 10 to
20 minutes. Rapid insemination distends the
anterior vagina, which results in contractions
of the abdomen and/or vagina and expulsion
of the inseminate.
Intrauterine Insemination
• Intrauterine Insemination has been reported to be performed either by
using the Norwegian (Scandinavian) catheter or endoscopy.
• Intrauterine insemination is indicated for poor-quality semen, chilled
semen, frozen semen, if progesterone is > 90 nmol/L, and for some
obstructions to the female tubular tract.
• The Norwegian catheter is a rigid catheter, passed trans-vaginally into
the vaginal fornix. The cervix is palpated and fixed by trans-abdominal
palpation, and the catheter is then threaded through the cervix using
manipulation of both the rigid catheter and the cervix. This technique
requires skill, practice, and dogs with the appropriately sized abdomen
and is used in Scandinavian countries.
Scandinavian catheters and their tips
Passing the Scandinavian catheters for AI in the bitch. The cervix is located
by an abdominal palpation while the catheter is passed through the vagina.
Endoscopic Intrauterine Insemination
• A cystoscope or a human utero-endoscope is used for the purpose.
• On introduction of the endoscope the vaginal mucosa and the cervical
opening can be visualized prior to the passage of the catheter. The bitch
is standing and, if receptive, is usually not sedated. The vagina is
insufflated. A cuffed device can be used to occlude the caudal tubular
tract and to hold the endoscope. The technique requires practice and
skill and expensive equipment but is minimally invasive, allows
visualization of the uterine lumen, and is predictable.
• The endoscope assembly ready for insemination in the bitch and the
manner of introduction.
The endoscope assembly
ready for insemination in the
bitch and the manner of
Surgical Insemination in bitches
• A midline exploratory laparotomy incision is
made under general anesthesia to permit
exteriorization of the uterus. Each uterine
horn is catheterized with 22-gauge catheters.
The inseminate is inseminated into each of
the catheters and the laparotomy incision is
• Being invasive the technique is unpopular
Artificial insemination in camels
• Artificial insemiantion in camels has suffered from
poor development on account of lack of clearly
defined traits for propagation, poorly defined estrous
cycle, induced nature of their ovulation presence of a
thick gel in the semen and poor freezing of semen.
• Majority of studies report low post-thaw motilities
and few, if any, pregnancies with AI using chilled or
frozen semen
Semen collection
• Natural mating occurs in camel in a sitting
position hence semen collection is done in the
same position using female camel or artificial
dummy for mounting.
• Semen is collected using the Artificial Vagina
with rubber liners similar to bull, mounting
over female camel in sitting position
The camel semen has a thick gel that liquefies in 1-
8 hours making it difficult to evaluate and handle
• Cervical canal presents longitudinal folds which
extend on annular muscular projections and form the
cervical rings
• The external cervical orifice is surrounded by 1-2
circular indented rings of the cranial part of the
mucosa of the vagina
• Consistency of cervix does not differ with that of
the uterus which makes it difficult to identify by
rectal palpation
• Thus insemination in the camel requires passing the
catheter by placing the hand in the vagina and not the
Insemination problems in camels
• Exceptionally few pregnancies have resulted from AI using liquid
extended semen and reports on pregnancies resulting from frozen semen
in camel are not traceable.
• Due to induced nature of ovulation an hCG injection 2000-3000 IU
administered IM or IV is suggested 24 hours before mating. An
alternative suggested is mating with vasectomized males after AI
• The follicles in camels greater in diameter than 2.5 cm rarely ovulate.
Only follicles in the size of 0.9-2.0 cm ovulate in response to a mating.
AI in Cats
• Insemination of domestic cats is undertaken relatively rarely because of
the small volumes of semen obtained (0.05–0.25 mL) and the need for
anaesthesia for collection and insemination.
• However, it is used in conserving rare breeds or for international trade
and especially for the conservation of wild Felidae, many of these species
being endangered.
• Ovulation has to be induced before insemination. The most commonly
used hormone for this purpose is hCG: one or two doses are given and
insemination performed 15 to 30 hours later.
• Intravaginal insemination has been reported, with poor to moderate
pregnancy rates.
• In domestic cats, intrauterine insemination via a laparotomy is
considered more convenient, yielding pregnancy rates of 80% for fresh
semen and 0% to 20% for frozen semen.
• However, in some countries this procedure is considered to be invasive
and unethical and is prohibited for normal breeding. Sperm doses are 50
to 80 × 106 for vaginal insemination and 20 to 50 ×106 for intrauterine

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Artificial insemination techniques in farm and pet animals

  • 1. Artificial insemination techniques in farm and pet animals Prof G N PUROHIT Head, Department of Veterinary Gynecology and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner, Rajasthan, India For suggestions and queries:, 9414325045
  • 2. Artificial insemination is one technique that has had the maximum impact on genetic improvement especially in cattle and buffalo; yet due to anatomic and physiologic reasons existent with other species such as small ruminants (sheep and goats), equines, camels and pets (dogs and cats) the progress has been slow and the techniques of insemination widely different.
  • 3. Techniques- Each of the different techniques used for AI are mentioned and the insemination techniques are then discussed for each species • Recto-vaginal (Semen deposited by trans-cervical passage of the cathetor guided by one hand in the rectum)-cattle, buffalo • Vaginal (Semen deposited intrauterine by passing the catheter to the uterus and guiding the catheter through a hand in the vagina and not in the rectum)- mares. • Trans-cervical- Passing the cathetor in the cervix without placing the hand inside- sheep, sows and bitches • Endoscopic- Trans-cervical passage of endoscope- mares, bitches • Laparoscopic- Trans-abdominal passage of the endoscope- sheep and goats.
  • 4. • In India, for first time, AI was done in 1939 by Sampat Kumaran at ‘Palace Dairy Farm Mysore”. He inseminated large number of Halliker cows with semen from Holstein Friesian bulls and got 33 cows pregnant. • A pilot project was started in 1942 at Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) to study the feasibility of AI under the guidance of Dr. P. Bhattacharya. This team approved that this technique could be used under Indian conditions. Four regional centers were established at Bangalore, Calcutta, Patna and Montgomery (Now in Pakistan) by Govt. of India. • Slowly since then, the scope of AI was widened and the technique has come into general use as a regular practice for breeding of cattle and buffaloes. Cattle and Buffalo
  • 5. • The first buffalo calf through AI was born at the Allahabad Agricultural Institute in 1943. • In 1951-56 the Government of India introduced the first five- year plan (1951-56) with 150 key village centers to perform AI in order to improve cattle and buffaloes in this country. • 1956-61-The second five-year plan (1956-61) gave a boost to AI work by introducing AI in 400 key village centers. Since then many more AI centers came in operation in India.
  • 6. • Government of India initiated a major program “National Project for Cattle and Buffalo Breeding” (NPCBB) from October 2000 over a period of ten years, in two phases each of five years, with an allocation of Rs 402 crore for Phase–I. In order to consolidate gains made during Phase-I, Phase-II was initiated from Dec 2006 with an allocation of Rs 775.87 crore. The NPCBB envisages genetic up gradation on priority basis with a focus on development and conservation of important indigenous breeds. The project envisages 100% grant-in-aid to Implementing Agencies.
  • 7. • Artificial insemination in India using frozen semen was introduced during late 1960s. During the year 2010-11, India produced 63 million bovine frozen semen straws including over one million buffalo semen straws through 49 semen stations. Artificial insemination services are provided through 71,341 AI stations clocking 52 million inseminations with overall conception rate of 35% in bovine and buffalo population. The demand for semen doses in the country is projected by NDDB to be around 140 million doses by 2021- 22 in order to to achieve AI coverage of targeted 35% breedable female animals.
  • 8. State / UT 2017-18 State / UT 2017-18 Andhra Pradesh 4386 Manipur 13 Arunachal Pradesh 2396 Meghalaya 25 Assam 211 Mizoram 05 Bihar 2823 Nagaland 30 Chattisgarh 747 Orrissa 1424 Goa 34 Punjab 3937 Gujarat 7437 Rajasthan 4231 Haryana 3986 Sikkim 15 Himachal Pradesh 1024 Tamil Nadu 7026 Jammu & Kasmir 971 Telangana 1462 Jharkhand 728 Tripura 153 Karnataka 6672 Uttar Pradesh 12659 Kerala 1111 Uttaranchal 620 Madhya Pradesh 2690 West Bengal 3857 Maharashtra 2306 State-wise Artificial Inseminations* Performed ('000 Nos.) NDDB report
  • 9. Cattle and Buffalo • The ease with which guiding the insemination pipette through the cervix via manipulation per rectum is possible led to the frequent use of this technique in species such as cattle and buffalo. The recto-vaginal method of insemination continues to be the method of choice worldwide although a new endoscope-guided artificial insemination has been developed for cows but offers little advantage over the traditional method of insemination in these two species.
  • 10. • Preparations for insemination and sanitation • Important steps to follow and points to remember: • Ensure that the cow to be bred is truly in heat. • Restrain the cow first and then thaw the semen. The restraint area should be familiar to the cow and free of stressful conditions. Unnecessary excitement may interfere with physiological mechanisms important to achieving a good conception rate.
  • 11. Frozen semen must be taken out from the appropriate labelled goblet. The color codes for different species and breeds standardized by Govt of India Breed Code Color Holstein HF Pink/Rose HF Crossbred CB HF Pistachio Green (Light green) Jersey JY Yellow Jersey Crossbred CB JY Salmon Indigenous cattle Sahiwal-SAH, Red Sindhi-RS, Tharparker-TAH, Gir- GIR, Kankrej-KANK, Rahi-RATHI, Hariana-HAR, Deoni-DEONI Orange Sunandini SUN Blue Buffalo Murrah Buffalo-MBF, Surti-SBF, Jaffarabadi-JBF, Nili Ravi-NLRVB, Bhadawari-BDBF, Banni-BBF Grey
  • 12. • Information pertaining to bull number, breed, name of the organization, year, batch number (as per the day of the year) are printed on the straw and should be recorded in insemination registers. The codes include name of semen collection center, production date, batch number, animal ID, name of the bull and breed code (BS indicates Brown Swiss breed). The article code (N=Conventional semen, X and Y stand for sexed female and male semen). Many sperm stations are now using the Bar code which incorporates all the information that can be identified electronically. Different systems are practiced at different places and organizations that are shown
  • 13. Below is the information on a semen sample from Amul and FSB, Bassi Bull Number Breed Center Registration Number Date of semen collection Collection number Dams lactation yield Type of semen Sahiwal -0817 SH= Sahiwal AMUL 26718 24.09.2018 Sample 3 (S 3) 3K (3000 litres) Pedigree selected Bull Number Breed Semen Marketing Institution Semen Collection Center Date of semen collection Collection number HF 44980 HF=Holstein Friesian RCDF Frozen Semen Bank BASSI 28.03.2017 SE=Second Ejaculate
  • 14.
  • 15. The ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Government of India issued an order in July 2018 that additional information including Dams lactation yield and Sourcing of bulls (PT=Progeny tested, PS=Pedigreed Sire, ET=Embryo transfer, Imported and Others) should be printed on semen straws and label for canister holders. Dams lactation Yield Sourcing of Bulls Printing format 3000 PT 3.0K-PT 3100 PT 3.1K-PT 3500 PS 3.5K-PS 4100 ET 4.1K-ET 8600 Imported 8.6K-IM 2500 Others 2.5K-O
  • 16. In its meeting on 16 Jan 2019 the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare Govt of India issued further clarifications with regard to bull identification Nationally that bulls must be given a unique ID • With regards the printing of semen straws the following was decided in the minimum standards for semen production in India. • I I (G) Printing of Straws Each Semen Station shall print certain key information on the straw in the following Sequence, starting from the factory end. 1. SS Bull ID - Alphanumeric 2. Breed of Bull 3. Semen Station name 4. Batch No with Ejaculation No in Parentheses 5. Dam's Lactation Yield and source ( e.g. 3380- PT) 6. Brand image 7. Brand Code • Items serially numbered from 1 to 5 shall be mandatory for all stations. Items 6 and 7 may be optional.
  • 17. Thawing the straw and loading it in an AI Gun • Before thawing the straw, check the water temperature; it should be at 350C-370C, or as instructed by the semen company. • The straw should be removed from the flask with forceps and submerged in the warm water. Leave it in for 20-30sec for a 0.25ml straw and 30- 45sec for a 0.5ml one. Semen doses below 50% progressive motility should be discarded. Do not take out the goblet above the neck. • After withdrawal, wipe it dry and place it in the gun, which should have been pre-warmed by rubbing between the hands. Only thaw one straw at a time. • Cut the straw (lab plug) end at a 90 degree angle, then slide on to the plastic sheath and secure with the collar. Hold the gun vertically and gently press the plunger upwards, until the semen rises to the top. The gun is now ready.
  • 18. Avoid raising straws above the frost line Use forceps to remove straws Place straws in 95º F (350 -370C) water to thaw for at least 30-45 seconds. Use straws within 15 min Wipe straw completely dry before placing in prewarmed A.I. gun When all straws are used in the top goblet, remove and discard it. Cut straws ¼" below lab seal at 90º angle. Common suggestions in preparation of AI guns using frozen semen
  • 19. • Locking mechanisms for sheaths of AI Guns • Split sheaths are designed for use with O-ring guns. • Non-split sheaths are designed for use with spiral or Kombicolor guns. Straw Size • Sheaths without plastic inserts are exclusively for use with ½ cc straws. • Sheaths with plastic inserts will accommodate both ¼ and ½ cc straws
  • 20. AI Guns and sheaths Sheaths are available in bulk or individual packages. Individually packed sheaths are better Three types of A.I. guns
  • 21. Slide sheath over A.I. gun Lock sheath and gun together with snug twist of the o-ring Slide sheath underneath loosened o-ring Proper seal between straw and sheath is extremely important
  • 22. In recent years more precise card type and other electronic thermal regulators of temperatures for thawing semen at the most accurate temperatures have become available (1-3). Similarly for accurate cutting of straws at 900 straw cutters are available (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)
  • 23. • Sanitary procedures and insemination practices. It is easier to learn good habits than to break bad habits. – Insemination supplies should be kept dry and clean at all times. Breeding sheaths should be stored in the original package until used. – Once the insemination device is assembled it must be protected from contamination and cold shock temperatures. – Materials used to lubricate the rectum should not come in contact with the vulva region. Lubricants are generally spermicidal. Avoid using products that are irritating. Alternatively non spermicidal lubricants can be used.
  • 24. – The vulva region must be thoroughly wiped clean with a paper towel. This is important in helping prevent the interior of the reproductive tract from becoming contaminated and possibly infected. A folded paper towel can be inserted into the lower portion of the vulva. The insemination gun can then be placed between the folds of the towel and inserted into the vagina without contacting the lips of the vulva. Alternatively one person can hold the vulvar lips wide open.
  • 25. • Protective sheaths should be used in herds or for specific cows where vulvo-vaginal infection is a problem. When this system is used, the standard insemination rod and plastic sheath are inserted into the larger protective sheath. This double protection combination is passed through the vagina to the external cervical opening. At the cervix, the tip of the protective device is punctured by the insemination rod, which is then threaded through the cervix. This technique should only be used following the recommendations of a veterinarian, extension specialist, or AI representative -- and only when specific diseases have been diagnosed or suspected.
  • 26. • General tips for insemination • To avoid the possibility of entering the urethral opening on the floor of the vagina, the insemination gun should be inserted into the vulva upward at a 30 ̊ to 40 ̊ angle. • The anterior portion of the vagina, termed the fornix vagina, tends to stretch rather easily when the insemination gun is pushed forward and beyond the cervix. This may give to the false impression that the gun is advancing through the cervix, when indeed it is above, below, or to either side of the cervix. The inseminator should be able to feel the gun within the vaginal fold, but unable to feel the gun tip within the cervix.
  • 27. • Place the cervix onto the insemination gun. Maintain slight forward pressure on the gun while manipulating the cervix slightly ahead of the gun. • The target for semen deposition, the uterine body, is quite small. Accurate gun tip placement is probably the most important skill involved in the whole AI technique. Inseminators generally identify this target area by feeling for the end of the cervix and the tip of the gun as the gun emerges through the internal os or opening. Depositing the semen in the cervix or randomly in the uterine horns may result in lower conception rates.
  • 28. • Once the AI gun tip is aligned with the internal cervical os, deposit the semen by pushing the plunger. Semen deposition should take about five seconds. Slow delivery maximizes the amount of semen delivered from the straw and minimizes the unequal flow of semen into one uterine horn. • During the process of semen deposition, take care that the fingers of the palpating hand are not inadvertently blocking a uterine horn or misdirecting the flow of semen in some manner. • Be careful not to pull the insemination gun back through the cervix while the semen is being expelled. • If the cow has moved during semen deposition or you think the gun has moved, stop the semen deposition and correctly reposition the rod tip before continuing semen deposition.
  • 29. The sequence of events in Artificial insemination of cattle and buffalo
  • 30. • Minimum Standards and Standard Operating Procedures For Artificial Insemination issued by the Government of India should be followed. • Results of depositing semen deep into the uterus using a Flexible telescopic insemination catheter (Ghent device) did not result in improvement in the conception rates in cattle.
  • 31. Handling of Liquid Nitrogen tanks and accessories • 1. Keep the liquid Nitrogen container in a location that allows easy withdrawal of semen doses and replenishment of semen and liquid nitrogen. The surrounding should be well ventilated, dry and dust free. LN2 containers should be protected from direct sunlight and it is a good option to cover them with cotton clothing/stryofoam where temperatures are extreme. Multiple containers should be prevented from colliding with each other during transport by applying rubber rings • 2. Clean AI gun, scissors and other accessories whenever they get soiled or at least once a week with hot water and air dry them. The AI Gun piston and the scissors should be wiped clean with water after each insemination. Surgical spirit and soaps are lethal to semen, hence should not be used to clean equipments. • 3. Maintain the liquid nitrogen level above the straw level in the portable container.
  • 32. 4. Measure the liquid nitrogen level of 11 and 35 liter containers weekly with the help of measuring scale provided and refill with LN2 if the straws are not submerged. Maintain the record of measurements to monitor the evaporation rate of containers. The refill of other containers depends upon their frequency of use. A 3 liter container should be refilled twice weekly. 5. Carry the required semen doses in the portable liquid nitrogen container to farmer’s door step. Never carry semen straws in pocket/ thermos-flask / polythene bags filled with water/ice etc. 6. Maintain an accurate semen inventory to lessen the risk of semen exposure 7. Straws once thawed should never be refrozen.
  • 34. Endoscopic AI 1. The endoscope 2 Introduction of scope in a cow and 3 The cervix being visible 1. 2. 3. cervix 2.
  • 35. • Artificial insemination in mares is still not allowed by many breed registries and the Jockey clubs in the Thoroughbred industry. • Artificial insemination was probably permitted in the American Quarter horse, Standardbred horses and the Morgan horse (All these breeds derive from crosses of Thoroughbreds) a couple of years back and embryo transfer was legally permitted in American Quarter horse in 2001. Artificial Insemination in Mares
  • 36. • Majority of the mares are still bred on premises, either by natural cover or by AI with freshly collected semen.
  • 37. • In the Arabian breed, for example, Registry reports depict that only about 12% of the mares currently are being bred with transported cooled or frozen semen. • Current figures demonstrate that there has been growth in the use of transported semen by the Arabian horse industry since its approval in 1995. • In the Quarter Horse industry the number of mares bred by transported cooled semen is far lower than the number bred on premises by natural cover.
  • 38. • Mares are artificially inseminated by depositing the semen in the uterus. The inseminator places his hand in the vagina and guides the insemination gun in the other hand slowly in the uterus. Freshly collected and diluted semen is preferred by some owners but for the last more than 4 decades cooled transported semen has also been in practice. • Cooled, transported semen (TS) was first successfully used in a 1983 field trial at Hamilton Farm (South Hamilton, MA). Results of the field trial (50 mares, 3 stallions) indicated that TS can achieve conception rates equal to those on the best farms
  • 39. • Equine frozen semen came into existence when the semen of Abdullah the winner of 1984 Olympic games, 1985 World Cup and 1986 World Equestrian Games was frozen and exported to Europe from America in 1985. • In India AI with liquid semen was started in 1994 and AI with frozen semen of Marwari and Kathiawari horses with moderate conception rates became available since 2003.
  • 40. Problems with AI in mares • The mare estrus continues from 4-7 days and mares ovulate 24-48 hours before the end of estrus. • Most mares ovulate when the follicle size is above 2.5 cm and is pear shaped. • Thus, inseminations have to be performed either every alternate day starting from Day 2 of estrus till the end of estrus or, when the follicle has been monitored manually or ultrasonographically a single or double insemination close to ovulation can be done • The semen from many stallions do not freeze properly • The minimum number of sperms required per insemination would be 250- 500 million. • Semen has to be deposited intra-uterine by manipulations in the vagina
  • 41. When to inseminate a mare • Mares should be inseminated closer to ovulation and this can be monitored by trans-rectal palpation of the follicle diameters or transrectal ultrasonographic visualization of the follicle characteristics and endometrial appearance. • It is usual for the veterinarian at the stud to examine all mares in estrus daily by palpation or ultrasound in order to find the mares suitable for insemination. • Cooled semen that has to be transported from elsewhere must be ordered at a time depending upon the size of the follicle on the ovary. • It is also usual to administer a dose of hCG (3000 IU, IM or IV) 48 h before insemination to assure the ovulation but the follicle size must be at least 30 mm with endometrium showing folding at the time of hCG administration.
  • 42. Pre-requisites of insemination in mares Follicle shape change to pear shape (A) Endometrial folding (B) Follicle diameter at ovulation (C) A B C
  • 43. Insemination procedure in mares • After evaluation that the time for insemination is correct the tail of the restrained mare is bandaged and the rectum is evacuated of the feces. The perineum is washed with water and wiped dry with towel. • The inseminator loads the semen in the syringe when using cooled semen and the insemination pipette when using frozen semen. • The inseminator inserts the gloved hand in the vagina and the insemination pipette manually guiding the pipette through the cervix into the uterus and deposits the semen in the uterus. A non-spermicidal lubricant should be used for lubrication.
  • 44. • The insemination is performed in the uterine body just inside the full length of the uterine cervix. A sterile insemination pipette (18– 22 in.) is used. • For cooled transported semen (20-60 mL) a 1 mL sample is evaluated for motility. Samples with greater than 30% progressive motility after appropriate warming can then be inseminated. • It is not necessary to pre-warm the remainder of the insemination dose before use. Most mares are directly inseminated with the semen still chilled, which has no detrimental effect on either the sperm or the mare.
  • 45. Insemination procedure Washing the perineum Tail Bandaging Holding the AI Gun Guiding the Gun Insemination through the vagina
  • 46. Containers for transport of cooled semen and insemination pipette and lubricants available commercially. The volume of semen varies from 20-60mL. Equitainer for transport of cooled equine semen The semi‐flexible Minitube insemination pipette for AI with cooled semen Non Spermici dal jelly
  • 47. AI with frozen semen in mares Typically straws of stallion sperm are warmed by immersion in 370C water for 30 seconds or 70o C water for 7 seconds, and then transferred rapidly to another water bath at 35o C. The thawing procedure recommended by personnel who froze the spermatozoa should be followed closely. As sperm in the half ml straw is typically frozen at the concentration of 400 million per ml, each straw will hold approximately 200 million sperm. Depending upon post-thaw motility rates of the sperm, this will mean that thawing between four and eight straws will commonly be necessary to achieve the desired insemination dose (500 million) for mares.
  • 48. • Once all required straws are thawed and added to the container, the semen should be evaluated and drawn slowly up into a warmed all- plastic insemination syringe, and inseminated as soon as possible into the mare. • Minitube" produces a "Universal" insemination pipette, which will allow for the removal of an emptied straw from within the holder of the pipette, without removing the pipette from the mare's cervix. This means that multiple straws can be loaded into the pipette, and the semen deposited into the mare, without the need for pre-mixing the semen in a centrifuge tube or similar container or withdrawal of the pipette each time.
  • 49. Universal pipette with its stylet. The inverted cone (arrow) is located at approximately 10 cm from the tip so that it can pull back an empty straw.
  • 50. Hysteroscopic low dose insemination in mares • Deposition of higher volume of semen and high numbers of sperms in equines was shown to be undesirable and in 1998 the first few reports of hysteroscopic low dose insemination appeared in equines. • Ensuring point of delivery as close to the site of fertilization or near the site of suspected sperm reservoir in the mare will decrease the insemination dose needed to achieve optimum conception rate. • Mares inseminated near the UTJ using hysteroscopy with as few as 5 million progressively motile morphologically normal sperm have conceived at a rate similar to that for much higher sperm numbers when deposited in the uterine body by routine AI methods.
  • 51. • The mare is prepared for routine AI as above. The disinfected endoscope (videoendoscope preferred) is inserted through the cervix and directed up the uterine horn on the same side as the expected ovulation until the papilla of the UTJ is visualized. • A sterile catheter preloaded with the insemination dose is directed into the biopsy channel of the endoscope and the semen is deposited onto the UTJ, or as close as possible next to it. An air flush through the catheter follows the semen deposition to ensure that all of the insemination dose is delivered from the catheter.
  • 52. • The advantage of this technique is particularly important to stallions with limited sperm production. It is also applicable to use of frozen semen and sex-sorted semen. One straw of a stallion’s frozen semen with less than the typical insemination dose needed for standard insemination may be delivered by this technique. The advantage to the mare is that her uterus is exposed to a reduced sperm challenge. When frozen semen is used by standard AI, many mares react with an inflammatory response (Mating induced endometritis) to the concentrated dose of spermatozoa inseminated. Use of the low-dose hysteroscopic insemination technique will circumvent this problem
  • 53. Hysteroscopic insemination in mares A, Endoscopic view of the oviductal papilla. B, Endoscopic catheter approaching the papilla to deliver a small volume of semen.
  • 54. • For problem mares, conventional insemination into the uterine body appears to be superior to hysteroscopic insemination and in normal mares, the highest pregnancy rates can be expected by hysteroscopic insemination.
  • 55. AI in sheep and goats • Sheep are less manageable for artificial insemination than is the cow because estrus cannot be detected readily without the presence of rams, the technique of insemination is less straightforward than in cows, and ovine semen is less easy to freeze than bovine semen. • However, the most important limitation of the use of AI in sheep and to some extent in goats is in the method of insemination, as intrauterine insemination is difficult to achieve because the cervical canal of the ewe is very tortuous. Because intracervical AI results in both a lower conception rate and a lower number of lambs per litter than natural service, a number of methods of insemination have been devised that try to bypass the cervix.
  • 56. • The methods of AI in sheep and goats include the intra- vaginal, intra-cervical, trans-cervical intrauterine, and laparoscopic intrauterine routes. • Around 50 to 100 million spermatozoa are needed in one dose for vaginal insemination, but 25 to 50 million are suggested for cervical insemination and 15 to 20 million are enough for laparoscopic AI in sheep.
  • 57. Vaginal Insemination • Vaginal insemination deposits semen into the cranial part of the vagina using a speculum without attempting to locate the cervix. • Conception rates can be improved by inseminating the ewe twice daily and raising the hind quarters after insemination. • However, conception rates with vaginal insemination are extremely poor for both sheep and goats
  • 58. Intra-cervical insemination • Intracervical insemination is best achieved with the hindquarters of the ewe elevated. After cleaning of the perineum, the vagina is opened with a duck-billed speculum, and the cervix is located. • The insemination catheter is then inserted as far as possible into the cervix. • Due to the anatomic barriers the intracervical insemination using chilled semen (5-150 C) has moderate conception rates
  • 59. Trans-cervical Intrauterine Insemination • The difficulty in traversing the cervix led to attempts of inseminating sheep by grasping the cervix while placing the animal in special position (Guelph TCAI) • Other approaches included the use of curved catheters (with/without cervical retraction) • The use of cervical dilation pharmaceuticals such as PGE2 creams. However, the success with such approaches have been moderate.
  • 60. The Guelph method of trans-cervical AI in sheep
  • 61. The transcervical intrauterine insemination route in sheep, by using curved catheters and PGE2 creams
  • 62. Trans-cervical insemination in goats • Trans-cervical insemination is easier in goats compared to sheep as the number of cervical folds are lesser in number and are less deep. • Frozen semen is available in India for many sheep and goat breeds with the Central Institute for Research on goats, Makhdoom, CSWRI, Avikanagar, National Agricultural Research Institute and also other institutions. • The trans-cervical inseminations in goats have resulted in acceptable conception rates. • The procedure of AI utilizes speculum and raising of hind quarters.
  • 64. Laparoscopic Intrauterine Insemination in sheep • The method of direct intrauterine, laparoscopic insemination was developed to overcome many of the difficulties of intravaginal and intracervical insemination. • In this method, ewes are sedated and restrained in a cradle. Laparoscopy is performed close to the udder after administering local anaesthetic. • The abdomen is insufflated with CO2, the uterus is located and semen is injected into the uterine lumen via a small stab wound. The semen can be introduced to the uterus via a simple pipette or by the use of specialised insemination equipment.
  • 65. 1. Surgical sites are located cranial to the udder and medial or lateral to the mammary/superficial epigastric veins. Local anesthetic is infiltrated, and the sites are scored to identify them prior to the surgical procedure. Left of the image is cranial. Sequence of events in laparoscopic AI in sheep
  • 66. 2. A 5 or 10 mm trocar and cannula pointing laterally, are inserted through the near incision into the abdominal cavity with a firm pressure and the trocar withdrawn to be replaced with a laparoscope.
  • 67. 3. Introduction of the endoscope to locate the uterine horn. The CO2 insufflation is shown.
  • 68. 4. A laparoscopic AI gun and needle apparatus (A) are used to inject semen (B) intra-uterine at the level of the mid-horn along the greater curvature (C). (A) (B) (C)
  • 70. AI techniques in sows • Artificial insemination (AI) of swine is widely practiced in countries with intensive pig production. In Western Europe, more than 90% of the sows have been bred by AI for more than two decades. • In practice, fresh diluted semen for intracervical insemination is mostly used in pigs. • Frozen storage of boar semen still yields inferior fertility due to the loss of membrane integrity during freezing and thawing. Consequently, freshly diluted semen (liquid semen) is widely used for AI on the day of collection or in the following days.
  • 71. • Ovulation occurs at the beginning of the last third of oestrus regardless of the overall duration of oestrus. Precise prediction of the time of spontaneous ovulation in individual pigs has not yet been achieved. However, prediction of oestrus duration by observing the onset of oestrus after weaning has found broad acceptance in AI practice for calculation of the expected time of ovulation. AI should be timed as close as possible to ovulation, preferably within 12 to 24 h before ovulation.
  • 72. • In most cases, one insemination/day is adequate. Schedule in such a way that ensures repeat inseminations will occur less than 24 hours apart. • For example, breed sows scheduled for a second service before the first-service sows each day. If doing a third-service mating, complete those before the second service, or 12 hours following the second mating
  • 73. • Before using the semen, evaluate it under a microscope. Shipment, diluent, storage temperature , fluctuations in temperature and length of time since collection may all affect the shelf life, motility and viability of the semen. • Before inseminating the female, use a paper towel to clean the vulva. • Lubricate the tip of the spirette or catheter using any non spermicidal lubricant or a few drops of extended semen. Avoid getting lubricant in the opening of the spirette /catheter.
  • 74. • Gently guide the spirette /catheter, with the tip pointed up, through the vagina to the cervix. The bottle of diluted semen is not attached to the spirette /catheter at this point. Keep the tip pointed up to reduce the chance of coming into contact with the bladder, which could cause a backflow of urine into the spirette /catheter. If this happens, use a new spirette /catheter because urine kills sperm . This is the primary reason the bottle of diluted semen should not be connected to the spirette /catheter until the cervix has been entered. Not connecting the bottle at this point also avoids exposing the semen unnecessarily to extremes of light or temperature . When using the cochette system instead of a bottle, it is common practice to attach the cochette before inserting the spirette/catheter because great dexterity is required .
  • 75. • Use a counterclockwise rotation to insert the spirette into the cervix. Resistance can be felt by gently pulling back on the spirette . • Gently invert the bottle of diluted semen two or three times to mix the semen. Attach the bottle to the end of the spirette and discharge the semen slowly. A gentle squeeze to start the process may be needed, but after that the semen should be allowed to be taken up by uterine contractions. This process takes at least 3 minutes. Because of the variation in intensity of uterine contractions, gilts often take longer to inseminate than sows. Depositing the semen too rapidly will cause a backflow of semen out of the vulva.
  • 76. • Today, boars can be managed for production of 20 to 40 traditional AI doses containing 2.5 to 3.0 billion motile sperm in 75 to 100 mL of extender or 40 to 60 doses with 1.5 to 2.0 billion sperm in similar or reduced volumes for use in cervical or intrauterine AI. Storage temperatures range from 15° to 18°C for extended boar semen. • Mixing or pooling semen from different boars (Heterospermic Insemination) has become a common technique for processing boar semen for AI. Pooled semen has been found to yield good fertility results in swine. • A uniformly successful freezing and thawing protocol for porcine spermatozoa still eludes the industry. Certain boars and breeds appear to exhibit better sperm freezability than others, confounding results. However, use of frozen semen is still unpopular in pigs.
  • 78. Artificial Insemination in Bitches AI in the bitch is a difficult procedure however, the demand is increasing over the last couple of years. One of the driving factors for this trend is the craze for pedigreed dogs
  • 79. • The hygiene aspect is of special concern for breeders who opt for international insemination driving them to take their bitches to other countries for mating/insemination. Though there has been attempts of import of animal semen however, because of the poor freezability of dog semen, exceptionally high cost of resultant pups, difficulty in determining the appropriate period to inseminate a bitch and lack of legal permission to transport canine semen by Air, the prospects of importing semen of pedigreed dogs in India seem to be currently low.
  • 80. Dog breeding usually involves mating with purebred dogs. Cross- breeding in dogs is uncommon except for the planned cross-breeding to produce designer breeds. Semen of one breed not used in other breed There are about 340 dog breeds recognized by the World Canine Organization. But the standards for breed recognition vary from country to country – the American Kennel Club currently recognizes only 167 breeds. It is beyond the scope of anyone to keep semen of so many breeds and it is beyond our scope to describe all the breeds identified worldwide. A lot of size variations do exist between the available dog breeds with subtle differences in the anatomic location of the external and internal reproductive organs.
  • 81.
  • 82. • Although the first reports on AI in dogs subsequent to the Spallanzani experiments (in late 18th century) appeared by the end of the fifties, reporting the use of fresh semen, the use of diluted chilled semen by the sixties, the use of frozen semen appeared, only in the nineties when this technique was introduced into dog breeding practice, particularly in USA and Nordic countries. • The reproductive physiology of this species and unfavorable response of the dog sperm to freezing are the two major constraints to the initial efforts to improve the AI technique in dogs and these still continue. • At most nowadays, as a consequence of the demand for reproductive technologies, AI with fresh or refrigerated semen, is the current service offered in the small animal veterinary practice. • According to Linde-Forsberg, from all the AI in dogs performed by veterinarians today in Europe, about 50-55% is done with fresh semen, collected at the clinic, 10% with chilled semen and around 35-40% with frozen semen.
  • 83. • Potential breed problems that are of health and inheritance concern have been stressed for breeding dogs naturally and thus need to be looked before artificial insemination also, as they may raise legal issues later by the bitch owners. • Labrador Retrievers can inherit eye defects such as Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) (causes total blindness). Other potentially heritable problems include Retinal Dysplasia (causes eventual blindness), Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) (usually inherited), cataracts (inherited), and entropion (when the dog’s eyelids turn in or out).
  • 84. • Congenital Hip Dysplasia usually affects medium-to-large breeds such as German Shepherds but smaller breeds can also be affected, such as Cocker Spaniels and Shetland Sheepdogs. Some dogs may not display any symptoms of this condition, but they still should not be bred if they have this issue. • Osteochondrosis Dessicans (OCD), an elbow joint problem should also be investigated. • No dog with patellar luxation should be bred, as this is a hereditary condition. Smaller dogs are more prone to this issue than larger ones. • For some breeds, deafness can be a problem. Failure of the BAER test for audibility means the dog should not be breed. Many breeds will need to be checked for heart issues like Sub aortic stenosis (SAS) and other malformations of the heart or valves
  • 85. • Many common breeds have specific temperament tests, such as a WAC test for Doberman’s and thus a temperament test is required by some kennel clubs. Besides this both male and female dogs should be free of brucellosis. It is beyond our scope to mention all the disorders and it is suggested that the GUIDE TO CONGENITAL AND HERITABLE DISORDERS IN DOGS Published by The Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association USA or other appropriate material should be referred
  • 86. Timing mating/Insemination in the bitch • The bitch usually presents a relatively long follicular phase and considerable variability exists in the onset of estrous behavior and acceptance of the male, making it difficult to determine occurrence of the LH surge and onset of ovulation in this species unless specific methods for timing the ovulation and estimating the fertile period are used. Determination of blood progesterone and the vaginal cell cornification on cytological specimens are the most widely used techniques, to which recently has been added the vaginal endoscopy (that replaces the vaginoscopic exam) and the ultrasonographic follow-up of the follicular development and ovulation. • The bitch should be inseminated during the fertile period determined by any/all of the procedures mentioned above.
  • 87. Slide preparation for vaginal cytology in the bitch
  • 88. • Schematic representation of the major morphological changes of the predominant epithelial cell in the vaginal cytology during the dog estrous cycle. On the bottom, images of the vaginal péri-estrus cytological preparations stained with Diff-Quik.
  • 89. • Other ways to more precisely determine the fertile period of the bitch and the right time to inseminate a bitch include trans- abdominal ultrasonography and vaginal endoscopy (which has replaced vaginoscopic examination).
  • 90. Ultrasonographic scans of canine ovaries before and after LH surge and ovulation. Ultrasound Scans are compared with images of longitudinal sections of canine ovaries of similar stages of follicle development.
  • 91. Vaginal endoscopy of the bitch. [From left to right] Aspect of the vaginal folds at early proestrus, proestrus, estrus and diestrus.
  • 92. Techniques of Artificial Insemination in Bitches AI in the bitch is a difficult procedure Five forms of insemination of the bitch have been described • 1. Vaginal insemination • 2. Endoscope-assisted trans-cervical insemination (EIU) • 3. Non-Endoscopic Intrauterine insemination (Norwegian catheter) • 4. Laparotomy insemination (surgical insemination, surgical implant) • 5. Laparoscopic insemination
  • 93. Transvaginal Insemination: Catheters • The Osiris catheter is a rigid catheter with an inflatable balloon with a syringe port to blow up the balloon and a separate port for insemination. The main limitation to Osiris catheters is that they only come in one size. They are adequate for small and medium breeds; however, they are inadequate for toy, large, and giant breeds. • Other catheters like foley catheter or bovine insemination pipettes have been used with limited success. • The Mavic catheter (Minitube) is a plastic catheter with a malleable permanent stylet and a cuff located at the rostral end of the catheter, which is inflated with air once in situ. A separate insemination channel is provided, which has a valve to prevent backflow of semen. Mavic catheters come in 3 different sizes and most accurately emulate natural mating.
  • 94. The Orisis (A) and the Mavic Catheters (B) for AI in bitch A B
  • 95. Transvaginal Insemination: Technique • The bitch should be in standing position. An assistant ensures she doesn't sit or collapse or specially designed crates may be used. Digital vaginal examination ensures no anatomic anomaly or obstruction to catheter passage, and provides a small amount of water-soluble lubrication. The catheter is passed along the dorsal surface of the caudal tubular tract, initially sharply dorsally through the vulva to avoid the clitoral fossa and the urethra, and then slightly ventrally as the catheter is advanced through the vestibulovaginal junction (the singulum) into the vagina with the tip of the catheter passing under the dorsal median post-cervical folds, coming to rest as close as possible to the vaginal fornix and the cervical opening.
  • 96. • With the Mavic catheter, once the catheter is in position, the cuff is inflated to occlude and distend the vagina, emulating the glans penis. Semen can be inseminated as an extended total volume or by inseminating the sperm- rich fraction first, followed by prostate fluid/semen extender. Collectively, the insemination should occur slowly over 10 to 20 minutes. Rapid insemination distends the anterior vagina, which results in contractions of the abdomen and/or vagina and expulsion of the inseminate.
  • 97. Intrauterine Insemination • Intrauterine Insemination has been reported to be performed either by using the Norwegian (Scandinavian) catheter or endoscopy. • Intrauterine insemination is indicated for poor-quality semen, chilled semen, frozen semen, if progesterone is > 90 nmol/L, and for some obstructions to the female tubular tract. • The Norwegian catheter is a rigid catheter, passed trans-vaginally into the vaginal fornix. The cervix is palpated and fixed by trans-abdominal palpation, and the catheter is then threaded through the cervix using manipulation of both the rigid catheter and the cervix. This technique requires skill, practice, and dogs with the appropriately sized abdomen and is used in Scandinavian countries.
  • 99. Passing the Scandinavian catheters for AI in the bitch. The cervix is located by an abdominal palpation while the catheter is passed through the vagina.
  • 100. Endoscopic Intrauterine Insemination • A cystoscope or a human utero-endoscope is used for the purpose. • On introduction of the endoscope the vaginal mucosa and the cervical opening can be visualized prior to the passage of the catheter. The bitch is standing and, if receptive, is usually not sedated. The vagina is insufflated. A cuffed device can be used to occlude the caudal tubular tract and to hold the endoscope. The technique requires practice and skill and expensive equipment but is minimally invasive, allows visualization of the uterine lumen, and is predictable. • The endoscope assembly ready for insemination in the bitch and the manner of introduction.
  • 101. The endoscope assembly ready for insemination in the bitch and the manner of introduction.
  • 102. Surgical Insemination in bitches • A midline exploratory laparotomy incision is made under general anesthesia to permit exteriorization of the uterus. Each uterine horn is catheterized with 22-gauge catheters. The inseminate is inseminated into each of the catheters and the laparotomy incision is closed. • Being invasive the technique is unpopular
  • 103. Artificial insemination in camels • Artificial insemiantion in camels has suffered from poor development on account of lack of clearly defined traits for propagation, poorly defined estrous cycle, induced nature of their ovulation presence of a thick gel in the semen and poor freezing of semen. • Majority of studies report low post-thaw motilities and few, if any, pregnancies with AI using chilled or frozen semen
  • 104. Semen collection • Natural mating occurs in camel in a sitting position hence semen collection is done in the same position using female camel or artificial dummy for mounting. • Semen is collected using the Artificial Vagina with rubber liners similar to bull, mounting over female camel in sitting position
  • 105. The camel semen has a thick gel that liquefies in 1- 8 hours making it difficult to evaluate and handle • Cervical canal presents longitudinal folds which extend on annular muscular projections and form the cervical rings • The external cervical orifice is surrounded by 1-2 circular indented rings of the cranial part of the mucosa of the vagina • Consistency of cervix does not differ with that of the uterus which makes it difficult to identify by rectal palpation • Thus insemination in the camel requires passing the catheter by placing the hand in the vagina and not the rectum
  • 106. Insemination problems in camels • Exceptionally few pregnancies have resulted from AI using liquid extended semen and reports on pregnancies resulting from frozen semen in camel are not traceable. • Due to induced nature of ovulation an hCG injection 2000-3000 IU administered IM or IV is suggested 24 hours before mating. An alternative suggested is mating with vasectomized males after AI • The follicles in camels greater in diameter than 2.5 cm rarely ovulate. Only follicles in the size of 0.9-2.0 cm ovulate in response to a mating.
  • 107. AI in Cats • Insemination of domestic cats is undertaken relatively rarely because of the small volumes of semen obtained (0.05–0.25 mL) and the need for anaesthesia for collection and insemination. • However, it is used in conserving rare breeds or for international trade and especially for the conservation of wild Felidae, many of these species being endangered. • Ovulation has to be induced before insemination. The most commonly used hormone for this purpose is hCG: one or two doses are given and insemination performed 15 to 30 hours later.
  • 108. • Intravaginal insemination has been reported, with poor to moderate pregnancy rates. • In domestic cats, intrauterine insemination via a laparotomy is considered more convenient, yielding pregnancy rates of 80% for fresh semen and 0% to 20% for frozen semen. • However, in some countries this procedure is considered to be invasive and unethical and is prohibited for normal breeding. Sperm doses are 50 to 80 × 106 for vaginal insemination and 20 to 50 ×106 for intrauterine insemination.