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Major Cardiac Circuits
The two major cardiovascular circuits in the human body is the pulmonary circuit and the systemic
circuit. Both of these circuits work together in order to make the body function properly. The major
difference between these two circuits is where the blood travels and what areas of the body the
blood reaches. The pulmonary circuit carries blood to only the lungs which focuses more on gas
exchange. The systemic circuit carries blood to the tissues in the entire body which focuses more on
supplying the tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Another interesting fact that separates these two
circuits is the blood itself and the process that which it flows. At the beginning of the pulmonary
circuit, the blood is deoxygenated. The oxygen poor blood then
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Essay about Wzhou22
Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels
Laszlo Vass, Ed.D. Version 42–0008–01–01
Please explain the purpose of this lab. Include in your explanation the major concepts you learned
and any safety concerns associated with the lab.
Learning the structural and functional differences among arteries, veins, and capillaries.
Identify the major arteries arising from the aorta through observation and dissection of a preserved
specimen. identify the major veins draining into the superior and inferior vena cava through
observation and dissection of a preserved specimen
Exercise 1: Microscopic Structure of Blood Vessels Observations Sketch your slide in the space
below and label the structures ... Show more content on ...
Axillary artery supplies blood to the upper arm while brachial artery supply upper arm region below
the elbow. Radial artery supply lateral side of forearm, ulnar artery supply medial side of the
forearm, and palmar arches supplies hand and fingers (Wright, 1993)
E. List the arteries that branch from the descending abdominal aorta to the femoral artery.
Mesentaric artery, vena cava, abdominal aorta iliolumbar artery and vein common iliac vein, iliac
artery, iliac vein.
F. What is the large vein that enters the liver? Where do its branches originate from?
Lower vena cava.
Branch root is another name for lateral root. Originates from the pericycle
G. Name the major artery and vein that deliver and drain blood to and from the kidneys.
The main artery that supplies blood to the kidney is called the renal artery.
H. What are the differences (if any) you noticed between the major arteries and veins in the human
versus those in the cat?
In the human, the right common carotid artery branches from the brachiocephalic artery, whereas the
left common carotid artery comes directly from the aortic arch. In the cat, both common carotid
arteries branch from the brachiocephalic artery.
Do some research on the internet about deep vein thrombosis (DVT). What
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The Effect Of Temperature On Blood Pressure And Heart Rate
Teacher's Instruction:
Design a lab that will examine a factor that affects blood pressure and heart rate.
Research Question:
What is the effect of temperature on blood pressure and heart rate?
Blood transports nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, antibodies, urea and heat through our
body. The heart is transports blood by pumping it through blood vessels.
Blood flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. The pressure of blood in the
circulatory system is a value called blood pressure (mmHg: "millimeters of mercury"), which is
measured by two numbers: systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. The systolic number is the
pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts), while the diastolic
number is pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between
beats and refilling with blood). The ideal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg.
Heart rate on the other hand is the number of times (in one minute) that the heart beats or contracts.
A heart rate can be anywhere between 60 and 100 beats per minute.
This experiment will involve five individuals putting their left hand in different samples of water of
varying temperatures. Their blood pressure and heart rate will be recorded before the experiment,
and after each water trial, to determine the effect it has on both the blood pressure and heart rate.
1. Temperature of water samples – Subjects will be put in
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Cardiovascular Disease Is The Leading Cause Of Death For...
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women and has an average of
610,000 casualties in the United States every year. This could be contributed to the fact that as
adults, we tend to lead a very demanding lifestyle and constantly struggle through a never–ending to
do list that diminishes the majority of our day. Inside our home, the office, events for the holidays,
and perhaps even school, our responsibility to take care of ourselves doesn't quite make the priority
cutoff. For one thing, it is my understanding I'm supposed to exercise at least three times a week.
About one in every three U.S. adults has reported that no leisure time was spent doing physical
activity to which I can relate. The first hour and ... Show more content on ...
At the same time, with a little research it's never too late to change a bad habit and there is a light at
the end of the tunnel. Significant progress has been made over the last 50 years in understanding the
causes of chronic illnesses, as well as development in areas that provide knowledge to detect,
prevent, and maintain comparable diseases. Improvement in public health and health care have
increased life expectancy by approximately 30 years and has led to dramatic changes in the leading
causes of death. With this information we now have a better understanding of the long term effects
our choices will make and those results have already affected the market around us. Fast food chains
now provide menu selections for their health–conscious customers such as nutritional listings,
optional cooking methods, and the use of organic and Non–GMO ingredients. Similarly, patients
that suffer from congestive heart failure and smoke may be drawn to the more recent e–cigarette.
Although e–cigarettes still have years of long term testing in order to determine their overall hazards
and benefits, current research shows that there is potential for smokers to reduce their health related
risks if electronic cigarettes are used in place of tobacco cigarettes when on the road to the ending
tobacco or nicotine use.
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Medical Monitors for the Heart and Brain
Arterial lines (A–lines) are a monitoring device inserted into arterial vascular system that is used to
assess blood pressure. A transducer in the device is used to translate the arterial pressure into
electrical impulses (Kaur, 2006). It secures the most accurate and precise measurements on a
continuous basis by obtaining intra–arterial pressure. These factors, over the manual and non–
invasive blood pressure cuffs, makes the A–line advantageous particularly in patients that are
receiving vasodilator/vasoactive infusion therapies. The tubing leading the patient also has a
specialized port for ready access to arterial blood samples.
The waveform display is the interpreted reading from the transducer. The waveform reflects the
accuracy and integrity of the actual blood pressure value. Impaired circulation integrity, external
blood pressure devices, incorrect leveling/zeroing of the transducer, air bubbles in the tubing, and
arterial stenosis can impair the arterial lines readings. Infusing intravenous fluids is contraindicated.
Sterility must be maintained during application and dressing changes. It is preferable to use the
patient's non–dominant hand to decrease the chances of dislodgement, hemorrhage, and injury. The
head of the patient's must be at or lower than 60 degrees and the level of the transducer must align
with phlebostatic axis to ensure accurate readings (Iversen, 2011). It is necessary to use pressured
flushing solutions at 300 mg Hg to maintain patency and
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Response Of The Human Cardiovascular System
The tilt study demonstrated the baroreflex response of the human cardiovascular system to changes
in posture. Expected decreases in BP, MAP, CO at 30 seconds post–tilt and immediate decreases in
SV and TPR as seen in Figures 2, 4, 6 and Table 1 were observed. These decreases were due to
increased pooling of blood in the lower limbs leading to lower venous return and subsequently
decreasing flow out of the heart. Furthermore, there was a reflexive response by the autonomic
nervous system in order to regain normal cardiovascular parameters mediated by the baroreceptors.
Going from supine to standing position induced changes in the hydrostatic pressure experienced by
the superior and inferior regions of the body. As tilt occurred blood began to pool in highly
distensible veins of the lower region. Because of this pooling phenomena there was an expected
reduction in venous return to the heart and subsequently a reduced CO (Fig. 5) as seen 30 seconds
post–tilt (Sherwood, 2013). This reduced CO exemplifies the Frank–Starling Law of the Heart
which states that reduced venous return will result in reduced CO by the heart (Sherwood, 2013).
The Frank–Starling Law can also explain lowered SV as seen in Figure 4. The only explanation to
why CO (a product of HR and SV) might have increased in this experiment immediately after tilt
was because HR (Fig. 1) significantly increased at the same time in comparison to the small
decrease in SV as seen in Figure 4. MAP and BP decreases were
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A Silent Killer : Pulmonary Embolism A Silent Killer
Pulmonary Embolism a Silent killer
Pulmonary Embolism is a life–threatening condition that has most serious manifestation of venous
thromboembolism that is leading cause of sudden death. "With massive pulmonary embolism (PE)
being the first or second leading cause of unexpected death in adults, protection against PE is critical
in appropriately selected patients" (Georgiou, Katz, Ganson, Eng, & Hon, 2015). How does this
effect the nursing? If Pulmonary embolism is suspected, nurses goal is to halt PE that is forming a
clot and from embolizing. Nurses must be extra diligent in preventing Pulmonary embolism, be able
to recognize it early, provide prompt help and start appropriate treatment because if it is
unrecognized or untreated it can cause death very quickly. Knowing how to intervene when PE is
suspected can make a difference in life a threatening emergency. "Massive PE, defined as causing
50% or more occlusion of the pulmonary capillary bed, can result in obstructive shock with systemic
hypoperfusion (low cardiac output and acute pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular failure).
Pathophysiology of PE
A Pulmonary Embolism is usually caused by a blood clot (thrombus) that migrates from its original
site to occlude a distal vessel. Normally, human body lyses the thrombi that was formed within the
circulatory system, but if the clot not fibrinolyzed, it may break off and can travel with a
deoxygenated blood to the heart and goes in the lungs by obstructing the
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Contraction Of Exercise Lab Report
– Systolic pressure increases significantly when intensity of exercise increases.
– It refers to the peak blood pressure during the contraction of ventricles.
– It could be used as an indicator of the pumping force of the heart.
– When heart pumps stronger, systolic pressure increases.
– Compared with systolic pressure, diastolic pressure has a rather mild increase when intensity of
exercise increases.
– It refers to the lowest blood pressure when the contraction of ventricles ends.
– It is mainly affected by the dilation of arteries during diastole.
– When arterioles dilate, the peripheral resistence decreases, resulting in a lower diastolic pressure.
– Pulse pressure increases when intensity of exercise increases.
– It is essentially
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Essay about Fantastic Voyage
Let's go on a "!" Imagine that you are a video reporter piloting a mini–sub that has been put through
a miniaturization process making you and the sub only 8 microns long! (Ever see the movie "Inner
Space"?) You have been injected into the femoral vein of a healthy female. The alert just came out
that a bacterium is invading the lower lobe of the right lung!! You are to pilot your sub to the site of
the "invasion" and do a live report on what you see.
Trace your path from the right femoral vein to the lower lobe of the right lung via the right
pulmonary artery:
Rules of the Road:
You may never go the wrong way down a "one–way street"
You are not allowed to "create" new roads
You may choose any possible route
Describe all major ... Show more content on ...
If you borrow ideas from printed sources or from people you have spoken to or heard speak, be
certain to cite the sources of those ideas, even when paraphrasing. Include separate cover and
reference pages that is formatted as per APA guidelines. At least two professional references (other
than your textbook) must be included in your paper. Medical dictionaries and encyclopedias are not
to be included as one of the two minimum references. For information in formatting per APA
guidelines, visit Kaplan's Writing Center.
Dropbox Instructions
Submitting Your Assignment
Put your project in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name you will remember,
using the following naming convention: username–assignment–unit#.doc.
NOTE: If you do not currently have Microsoft Word installed on your computer, please contact your
When you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below:
Click the link that says Submit an Assignment.
In the "Submit to Basket" menu, select Unit 4: Assignment.
In the "Comments" field, include at least the name of the assignment.
Click the Add Attachments button.
Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor
has evaluated it.
Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted
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Importance Of Cerebral Circulation
Cerebral Circulation
A constant flow of blood to the brain is vital to its proper functioning. Blood supplies the brain with
oxygen and to perform maximally the brain requires about 25% of the body's oxygen (Webb, 2016).
Lack of oxygen for a prolonged period results in cell death causing irreversible damage to the brain.
Two paired arteries, four total, supply the vital source of blood to the brain and spinal cord.
Arterial Structures
Blood supply to the brain is divided between the internal carotid arteries (ICA) and the vertebral
arteries. As stated in Cippola's text, the right and left ICA from the bifurcations of the common
carotid arteries and the ICA itself also split in the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. Its primary
function is to supply blood to the cerebrum. The vertebral arteries originate from the subclavian
artery and then "join distally to form the basilar artery", (Cipolla, 2009). The basilar artery later
bifurcates into two posterior cerebral arteries , these arteries "supply the inferolateral surface of the
temporal lobe and the lateral and medial surfaces of the occipital lobe," (Webb, 2016). While the
ICA mainly provides blood to the cerebrum, the vertebral arteries are the primary supply to brain
stem and cerebellum. The ICA and the vertebral arteries join together to form what is known as the
Circle of Willis.
Circle of Willis
The Circle of Willis is also known as the circulus arteriosus. It is a structure that is formed by the
joining of the two
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Blood Vessels Research Paper
1. Discuss the different types of blood vessels. Include the different layers composing blood vessels
(remember to include tissue types) in your discussion.
Blood vessels start to develop during the embryonic stage and continue through the life span. There
are more than 66,000 miles of vessels carrying blood through the body. Blood vessels consist of
arteries, capillaries, and veins. The walls of the arteries and veins consist of three separate layers
called the tunica externa (adventitia), tunica media, and the tunica intima. As blood vessels decrease
in diameter the thickness of the walls also decrease.
Arteries: Carry blood away from the heart and supplies blood to the tissues of the body. There are
several types.
Elastic Arteries: The ... Show more content on ...
They are known as the primary exchange vessels. Capillaries consist of a single layer of
endothelium and associated connective tissue. They carry blood from the arterioles to the venules.
Transfer of nutrients and other vital substances between blood and tissue cells occurs at or near a
capillary. True capillaries receive blood flowing out of the small arterioles. There are three different
types found in the human body: continuous, fenestrated, and sinusoid. The differences in each
function has to do with the location in the body.
Continuous Capillaries: Has a continuous lining of endothelial cells. Found in the skeletal muscle,
lung, and many types of connective tissue. They contain small openings called intracellular clefts
between the adjacent endothelial cells. Found in areas of the body such as the central nervous
system, skeletal muscles, and skin.
Fenestrated Capillaries: Contains intracellular clefts and small holes called fenestra. These vessels
allow small molecules as well, as limited amounts of nutrients, to pass through their walls. Most
commonly found in the endocrine system.
Sinusoid Capillaries: Contains a large lumen and a more winding tortuous course. The basement
membrane is either absent or incomplete. Found in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and portions of
the endocrine system. It permits migration of blood cells
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Normal Heart Rate Chart
Normal Heart Rate Chart
The heart is an organ located just behind and slightly to the left of the breastbone, and pumps blood
through a network of veins and arteries known as the circulatory system. The right atrium is sent
blood from the veins, and delivers it to the right ventricle. It is then pumped to the lungs where it is
oxygenated. The left atrium collects the oxygen enriched blood from the lungs and delivers it to the
left ventricle, where it is pumped throughout the body, and the ventricle contractions create blood
A pulse is the beating of the heart as it is felt through the walls of an artery, such as the radial artery
at the wrist. Pulse rates can also be felt and measured at the carotid artery located on the side of ...
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Heart Rate During Exercise
Your maximum heart rate is the highest heart rate that is achieved during strenuous exercise. One
method to calculate your approximate maximum heart rate is the formula: 220 – (your age) =
approximate maximum heart rate. For example, a 30 year old's approximate maximum heart rate is
220 – 30 = 190 beats/min.
You can maximize the benefits and reduce the risks when you are exercising within your target heart
rate zone. Your target heart rate when exercising is normally 60 to 80 percent of your maximum
heart rate. This may be increased or decreased depending on your health factors, and your health
care provider may want you to limit the target heart rate zone to 50 percent. However, it is not
recommended to exceed 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. Anything above 85 percent
increase risks to the orthopedic and cardiovascular system, with minimal added benefits from the
Normal Maximum and Target Heart Rate Chart
The following table shows the approximate target heart rates for various age groups. Find the age
group closest to your age and find your target heart rate. The guidelines for moderately intense
activities is about 50–69% of your maximum heart rate, and hard physical activity is about 70% to
less than 90% of the maximum heart
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A Research Study On Vascular Imaging
Vascular ultrasound (US) is an established non–invasive method of imaging the cardiovascular
system. It is cheap, accessible and provides a rapid diagnosis of many vascular diseases such as
presence of abdominal aortic aneurysm, deep vein thrombosis and limb arterial occlusions. The
majority of vascular ultrasound currently done in the UK is trans–cutaneous ultrasound, in which the
US probe obtains images of the vessels from above the skin.
In recent years intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) has gained popularity in obtaining high–resolution
images of the blood vessels from inside the vascular lumen, providing detailed information of the
vascular lesions and their anatomy.
In this review, utilisation of IVUS in different areas of ... Show more content on ...
The standard IVUS sheaths are 9 Fr with a 0.035 inch guidewire, however 0.014 inch catheters are
available for smaller arteries (Kpodonu et al., 2008).
Once inside the target vessel, IVUS obtains 360 degrees cross sectional images. The sonic wave
reflections from the arterial wall differ depending on the structure of the arterial wall components.
Collagen and elastin produce a stronger sonic reflection thus a hyper–echoic picture of the intima
and adventitia, whilst the smooth muscle cells in the media produce a hypo–echoic picture due to
reduced sonic reflection from these structures (Kpodonu et al., 2008). New generation IVUS devices
can produce three–dimensional pictures by stacking the two–dimensional axial images during pull
back of the US catheter. The pull back could be done either manually or mechanically using a motor.
3–D images are useful in assessment of endovascular device deployment failures, which might not
be detected in conventional angiographies. 3–D images are also helpful in sizing of the arteries and
veins for endovascular device planning (Weissman et al., 1995; Heuser et al., 1997).
IVUS can provide B mode and colour images from inside the vessels. The transducers' frequencies
are generally between 10 MHz and 40MHz (Lee and White, 2004). New generation IVUS with
frequencies of 40MHz to 50MHz are useful for imaging the coronary arteries (Lee and White,
Although higher frequencies can produce higher resolution images, this would
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Mr Jones Case Study Essay
Mr. Jones is a 68 year–old–man with a history of impaired glucose tolerance. His only other medical
problem is hypertension treated with a small dose of angiotensin–converting enzyme inhibitor. He
quit smoking 20 years ago. He has no dyslipidemia and has had stress electrocardiograms every 2
years with normal results. He does not use alcohol. Approximately 3 months ago, he noticed some
burning and tingling in his feet. He admitted that he had not felt well as usual and that his walking
was becoming more of a chore. He denied chest pain or shortness of breath. He denies any other
symptoms had no fever, or chills, cough, blood stools, or hematuria. When seen in the office, he had
gained 5 lbs.
CONCERNING SYMPTOMS ... Show more content on ...
Jones would be his weight gain and the fact that he has burning and tingling in his feet. His weight
gain and complaints of not feeling well with walking becoming a chore could be a sign of heart
failure. Further investigation should consist of asking Mr. Jones if he has been experiencing
shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, swelling, difficulty breathing, coughing or wheezing, lack of
appetite and increased heart rate ("Warning Signs," n.d.). He also has hypertension, which can
ultimately lead to heart failure if not treated properly. The heart has to work hard and as a result, can
lead to thickening of the heart and decreased function.
Burning and tingling in his feet is another red flag when thinking about diabetic neuropathy. When a
patient does not properly watch his or her blood sugar levels it can lead to damage within the
circulatory system. Signs of symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include numbness, tingling, sharp
pains or cramps, "increased sensitivity to touch, muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, loss of balance
and serious foot problems" ("Diabetic Neuropathy,"
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Arterial Lines
Arterial Lines 3/8/05
1– What is an a–line? 2– What are the parts of an a–line? 3– Does it matter if the flush setup is made
with saline or heparin? 4– What are a–lines used for? 5– What do I have to think about before the a–
line goes in? 6– What is an Allen test? 7– Where can a–lines go besides the radial artery? 8– Who
inserts a–lines? 9– How is it done? 10– What kinds of problems can happen during a–line
placement? 11– How do I use an a–line to monitor blood pressure? 12– How should I set the alarm
limits? 13– How do I draw blood samples from a–lines? 14– What order ... Show more content on ...
4– What are a–lines used for?
Two things mainly: blood pressure monitoring, and for patients who need frequent blood draws. Any
patient on more than a small amount of any vasoactive drip really needs to have an a–line for proper
BP management – if they're sick enough to be put in the unit and need pressors, then they're sick
enough for an a–line. Non–invasive automatic blood pressure cuffs are useful, but if a person is
labile – push for an a–line.
Certain situations absolutely require an a–line for BP monitoring: any use of any dose of nipride, for
example. This is a truly powerful drug – it works very quickly, and your patient can rapidly get into
all sorts of trouble unless you're monitoring BP continuously.
I've heard lately that there's a trend towards using fewer a–lines – it seems silly (and painful) to have
your patient get stuck what seems like twelve times in a shift for labs and ABGs. Remember that it's
always been our unit's policy for nurses to send ABGs after every vent change, or for any clinical
change that the patient makes.
Update – this has changed a little: ABGs probably don't seem to be necessary for vent changes that
are only going to affect oxygenation: changes in FiO2 or PEEP, since the O2 sat will keep you
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Synthetic Nervous System
There are varies glands, organs, and systems that are affected by the sympathetic nervous system,
and they include the lacrimal gland, the eye, the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands,
blood vessels, the heart, the trachea,and the lungs. As well as the liver, gallbladder, stomach,
pancreas, the small and large intestines, and many more internal organs. I chose to write about the
cardiovascular system, and how the organs in this system are affected by the sympathetic nervous
system, as well as how a lie detector test would assess these internal changes in the human body.
First, I will start with the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system. When stress is at an all time
high, "the blood vessels that direct blood to the large muscles
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De-Oxygenated Blood: A Case Study
Cells take oxygen from the blood and thrust out the de–oxygenated blood. Now the de–oxygenated
blood has to be sent back to the heart for the blood to be refreshed with oxygen and nutrients. Veins
are the blood vessels that carry the blood, rich in waste content and low in oxygen content back to
the heart
(, ). The
main function of veins is to carry blood back to the heart. Veins are not muscular and are less
flexible when compared to arteries (PVD). Unlike arteries, veins contains one way valves
(unidirectional valves) that prevent the blood from flowing back, thus fighting against the gravity
and allows blood flow only towards the heart. Valves have two ... Show more content on ...
De–oxygenated blood from the foot is collected by several veins that join to form dorsal venous arch
and deep plantar arch on the top and bottom of the foot. From this blood ascends through tibial vein,
which fuses to form popliteal vein around the knees. It then flows through femoral veins as it passes
through the thighs. As it enters the body walls it runs through external iliac veins, which together
with internal iliac veins forms common iliac veins. From the common iliac veins blood enters
inferior vena cava, which passes through the diaphragm and enters right
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Strength And Strength Of Muscular Endurance
Strength Muscular strength is much different from muscular endurance. Strength is the extent to
how much force your muscles can use and apply. Strength concentrates more on quick and short
spurts of energy. An example of how this component of fitness can be tested in an assessment is in
the 'Upper body push and pull strength test'. For this test the equipment used is a Strength Meter
dynamometer. You have three tries when doing this test and the best of three is recorded for each test
(the push and then the pull) and the dynamometer must be set to zero each time. This assessment
works by the person taking the test having the Strength Meter dynamometer placed over their
shoulders where the handles are placed at the front of the body–around ... Show more content on ...
The participants must continuously run between two cones or lines which are set up 20 metres apart
between two recorded beeps. The CD had all the instructions on and will tell the participants when
to start; the first level is a slight jog and gradually gets quicker up through the levels. If you reach
one of the lines before the beep has sounded then you must wait for it to sound before you start
running again. Before you drop out you have to miss three consecutive beeps (one after another).
Speed Speed is the skill to move with a quick pace or move parts of the body quickly. When you
think about speed you usually think its how fast someone can run but it's not just that, as it's also to
do with their acceleration, maximal speed of movement and speed maintenance. This is because
speed needs other components to help it move along in a rapid way, which includes: strength and
power. An example of how this component of fitness can be tested in an assessment is the '100m
Swim Time Trial'. This test is used to measure the participant's ability to sprint swim a given
distance, in this case 100m in a timed environment. This is often used for athletes to practise for
when they are doing triathlons. More than one participant can take part at one time and the pool
should ideally be 50 metres but any pool will do as long as the distance that the participant
completes is 100
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Aneurysms Essay
To begin with, the word aneurysm derives from the Latin word "aneurysma." In Latin "aneurysma"
means dilation and dilation means that act of expanding. From this, it is easier to figure out what an
aneurysm really is. The definition of the English word aneurysm means, blood–filled dilation of a
blood vessel. There are several different types of aneurysm, but this report will only cover a cerebral
one. Intracranial aneurysms are classified as dissecting, saccular, and fusiform. There are many
causes of intracranial aneurysms. Some of the most common causes would include fibromuscular
dysphasia, atherosclerosis, and arteriovenous malformation. Some that are less common, but do
occur would include drugs, infection, and trauma. Dissecting ... Show more content on ...
Saccular aneurysms are the most common and are easily identified because of the berrylike sacs on
the veins or arteries. They are caused by weakness in the vessel wall layers. The sac itself grows
from the intima and adventitia of an vessel. When this occurs abnormal hemodynamic pressure on
the cerebral arteries causes rupture. Saccular aneurysm can be caused by infections, tumors, or
drugs. Aneurysms occur to people in their early forties to their late fifties. Most aneurysms occur to
people that are around age sixty. Intracranial aneurysms are rare to children and only account for 2%
of the total aneurysms. The younger the patient with an intracranial aneurysm the larger the sac.
Location is a big part in classifying the type of aneurysm. About 86.5% of all intracranial aneurysms
occurs in the carotid region. The pieces all fall to place when using the Hunt and Hess scale, which
measures the current status of the expansion. There is a grade 0 to grade 5 scale. Zero is a non
ruptured aneurysm and 5 is basically the point were there is not much doctors can do to make the
patient live. Vasospasm is the term used when a constriction of a vein or artery occurs. It is also the
cause of death when an aneurysm occurs. More than 50% of all surviving patients that get an
intracranial aneurysm have neurological defects. Treatment is wonderful when treating intracranial
aneurysm. The most common approach is surgery, because blood
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The Cardiovascular System Of The Heart And The Vasculature
The cardiovascular system is formed by the heart and the vasculature, a close system of vessels,
which include arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins and lymph vessels.
The heart is located in the mediastinum, about two–thirds from the body midline. Three layers form
the heart. From the inside out: endocardium, myocardium and epicardium. The myocardium, the
thickest of all, is formed by striated muscle to provide the heart with the contractibility necessary to
pump the blood into the vasculature. (Martini, Nath, & Bartholomew, 2008)
The myocardium contains the pacemaker cells that generate electrical impulses to create the heart's
movements. These impulses are triggered by action potentials in the pacemaker cells of the
Sinoatrial Node. These are then transmitted to the atria and to the AV node. (Hull & Slegg, 2009)
The heart is divided into four chambers; the superior chambers (atria) receive blood and are
connected to the inferior chambers (ventricle), through the atrioventricular valves. Once in the
ventricles, blood is ejected to the vasculature through the semilunar valves. These valves, similar to
the ones in the veins, ensure the unidirectionality of blood flow.
As with the heart, endothelium provides the internal layer (tunica intima) for all the vasculature.
Apart from the capillaries and venules, which only consist of endothelium, the rest of the
vasculature is formed by three layers: tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica adventitia. (Marieb &
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Cardiac Overloads
Cardiac output is the amount of blood the heart pumps in 1 minute and depends on heart rate,
contractility, preload, and afterload. Understanding the supply and the practical relevance of each of
these four components is important in interpreting the values of cardiac output.
Afterload is the intraventricular pressure sufficient to open the aortic valve allowing ejection of the
ventricular contents, Or the load against which the ventricle contracts or otherwise stress the wall
during ventricular ejection.
On the right side, it is expressed as Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) and on the left side as
Peripheral Vascular Resistance (SVR). The greater the afterload, the lower the cardiac output, the
greater the pressure of the right atrium.
The higher the aortic pressure, the higher the LV afterload. It is usually measured at the end of
systole. The most common influence on afterload is vascular tone or resistance to blood flow. In
addition, other factors, such as valve stenosis or blood viscosity, can affect the afterload. Vascular
resistance is controlled and manipulated with drugs to increase or decrease afterload.1–2
When considering post–load equivalent to systolic stress, an interrelation and interdependence
between preload and afterload are revealed.
The increase in afterload ... Show more content on ...
Diuretics and digitalis constitute conventional therapy for congestive heart failure, but systemic
vasodilators offer an innovative approach in acute and chronic heart failure by decreasing the
increase in systolic wall ventricular stress by reducing aortic and/or impedance reduces cardiac
venous return. As a result, vasodilators increase cardiac output (CO) by decreasing peripheral
vascular resistance (PVR) and/or decrease left ventricular end–diastolic pressure (LVEDP) by
decreasing venous
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Digital Image Analysis Of Eye Fundus Images
ABSTRACT: Digital image analysis of eye fundus images has several benefits than current observer
based techniques. The characteristic symptoms of different systemic diseases like hypertension,
glaucoma, diabetes and cardiovascular disorder etc. affects retinal vessels. Diseases like diabetes
show abnormalities and diameter changes in retinal blood vessels. In hypertension retinal blood
vessels show dilatation and elongation of main arteries and veins. Arteriolar to venular diameter
ratio (AVR) express high blood pressure levels, diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity.
Among other image processing operations the estimation of AVR requires vessel segmentation,
accurate vessel width measurement and artery or vein classification[1]. Hence the identification of
arteries is essential to detect eye diseases. The work has been done on automated classification of
retinal vessels and hence it is a challenging task. Nowadays for image analysis graph based methods
have been used which are useful for retinal vessel segmentation,retinal image registration and retinal
vessel classification[2]. The segmented vessels are analyzed using type of intersection and then
assigned artery or vein labels to each vessel segment. So the combination of labels and intensity
features decides final artery or vein class.
Most of the methods uses intensity features to differentiate
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IVC Filter Controversy
Inferior vena cava filters have been around since the late 1960s, and the first FDA approved
removable IVC filters were approved in 2003 and 2004. Permanent filters had already been FDA
approved at that time. On average 250,000 people each year have an IVC filter implanted.
According to an article in the Journal of American College of Cardiology from 2013, Accepted
indications for IVCF placement include the presence of acute venous thromboembolism with
inability to administer anticoagulation medication or failure of anticoagulation. Despite these clear
indications, IVCF have been commonly placed in patients for primary prevention of pulmonary
emboli in patients deemed to be at high risk, along with several other "soft" indications. As a result,
... Show more content on ...
In a 2014 Safety Communication Update, the FDA recommended that physicians who used
retrievable IVC filters consider removing the filter as soon as the risk of pulmonary embolism had
abated. They cited to a 2013 decision in the Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic
Disorder, which suggested that if a patients risk for pulmonary embolism had passed, "the
risk/benefit profile begin to favor removal of the IVC filter between 29 and 54 days after
implantation." Previously in 2010, the FDA published a Safety Communication about the risk of
leaving a retrievable IVC filter in a patient too long., and recommended removing the filter as soon
as "protection from the PE is no longer needed." Furthermore, a study from the Journal of Vascular
and Interventional Radiology, published in February 2012, found that 40% of Bard Recovery IVC
filters fractured after 5.5 years. Additionally, of the 363 people who were implanted with the device,
only 97 had it removed. The study evaluated cases involving filter migration into the pulmonary
arteries, iliac/femoral veins, on in the right ventricle of heart, and the renal
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Ekg Vs Ecg
Your heart does more in one minute than some people do in years. Hundreds of thousands of signals
are sent throughout the heart in the forms of electrical impulses, which tell the heart when to expand
and contract at the correct times. These actions are recorded on an EKG or ECG, which helps
doctors determine whether or not something is wrong with your heart.
There are multiple parts of the heart that plays a role in the electrical conduction of the heart. First
off is the SA node which is commonly known as the pacemaker of the heart – this can be found in
the right atrium inferior to the superior vena cava. This node sends electrical impulses (to both atria)
to tell the heart to expand and contract. On the opposite side of the right atrium is located the AV
node which makes sure all the blood is in the ventricle before they ... Show more content on ...
You use it by placing skin electrodes on the body in specific places. There are multiple letters shown
in the animation – P, QRS, T, and U. The letter "P" represents the depolarization of the atria. Next,
the QRS complex shows the depolarization of the ventricles. The QRS complex wave is much
bigger than the "P" wave because the atria is much smaller than the ventricles. After, the "T" shows
the REpolarization of the ventricles. The "U" wave does not appear very much, but shows often
when something is wrong with the heart – some also can believe it is the repolarization of the
purkinje fibers.
Conclusively, the SA node controls heart rate, and also sends signals through the heart, to the AV
node, down to the AV bundle and up on the purkinje fibers which spread the signal through the
ventricles. The EKG scan is used to show the heart rate, and how the heart is functioning at that
moment. There are multiple letters involved in this – P, QRS, T, and sometimes
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Exercise As A Healthy Lifestyle
Dear Karen, I am addressing you about your interest in exercise as a supplemental component in
leading a healthy lifestyle. Based on the results of your medical evaluations, I believe an exercise
prescription is a viable option to help you reach your health and general fitness goals. I am excited
for the opportunity to work with you and think you have made an excellent choice to pursue
exercise as a treatment option. I like to stress with my clients that, although the goal is to get you
exercising on your own, I am here to teach and support you so that you are comfortable and
confident that you are making decisions that will impact your health in a positive way. Although my
services are science based and effective, it is crucial that you do not use them as a replacement for
general medical care from your physician. Exercise is a significant component to health in many
ways. In the United States, the leading causes of premature death are primarily diseases of the heart
and circulatory systems. Diseases of utmost significance are coronary artery disease, stroke, type II
diabetes, and cancer. More and more evidence suggests that the increase in deaths with each of these
conditions is correlated with a decrease in the amount of exercise performed by the general
population. The good news is that you have taken the first step toward reversing this trend and I can
help you achieve success. Vast amounts of research suggest exercise can help mitigate your risk for
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Heart Structure
This passage is mainly about the structure and function of the heart which is located in the middle
compartment of the chest but also tells about cardiovascular system, pulmonary system and so on.
In the first paragraph, author illustrates about the heart shortly. The heart is a muscular organ in
humans and other animals, which pumps blood through a 60,000 mile of blood vessels of the
circulatory system. Blood moves through many tubes called arteries and veins which together are
called blood vessels. It weighs between about 280 to 340 grams in men and 230 to 280 grams in
women. Size of the heart is about your fist. Pumping of the heart relies on a complicate system of
muscle which is called myocardium, valves, coronary vessels, the conduction ... Show more content
on ...
Like contraction and relaxation of the heart, myocytes and myocardium. Squeezing blood out of its
heart chamber is name as contraction but relaxation is expanding to allow the blood inside the heart
chamber. In last sentence, narrator had added the similar action to explain about contraction and
relaxation. Myocytes works together to contract and relax the heart chamber in right sequence to
pump blood to the lungs and the body. There are various blood cells in our body. Those are red
blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and all that sort of things. Red blood cells transport and carry
oxygen to all body. On the other hand, white blood cells attack bacteria and help to fight disease or
infection. Lastly, platelets help the blood if you get cut.
Narrator informs the heart in the right side, left side, pulmonary circulation and the function of the
blood. The right side of your heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. Though,
the left side of your heart is given the blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body. For more
information, heart has four different kinds of chambers. Two upper chambers and two lower ones.
Therefore, formulate of the right atrium and right ventricle, is in control for pulmonary circulation.
Narrator told that the blood must rotate from the right part of the heart and through the lungs before
being moved to the left side and throughout the whole
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Case Study Of Pvss
Since most institutions have limited experience with PVS, the data presented are useful because of
the large cohort of infants with primary PVS amassed for comparison. While the present data
suggest that primary PVS during infancy has a poor prognosis, lack of harmonized collection, entry
criteria, definitions, and surveillance protocols across studies limits interpretation. Given the large
variability and widely ranging heterogeneity of the studies from which the data were drawn, pooled
results should be interpreted with caution. However, the data help to identify sources of variability
in results across studies, represent the best available evidence for clinical care and family–centered
counseling, and can be used to inform ... Show more content on ...
Echocardiography can underestimate the degree of PVS, because blood flow is redistributed toward
the less–obstructed portions of the lung, resulting in decreased flow through the stenotic vein.81
Alternatively, the pulmonary veins may have been normal initially, and the stenosis developed over
time.3,5 While most studies continue to use echocardiography as the primary modality in the
diagnosis of PVS8, potential advantages of cardiac CT or MRI include better delineation of
pulmonary venous anatomy and blood flow distribution.79 To answer questions on the timing and
nature of disease progression, more uniform methods of diagnosis surveillance, with pre–specified
cut–off values for defining PVS, are needed.1,79,82
Evidence on longer–term benefits of treatments for primary PVS is lacking.1,41,64,83–85 Poor
outcomes following intervention have led some health care providers to recommend against
treatment, particularly in the setting of multi–vessel disease.86 While we observed no differences in
outcomes among infants with severe disease provided surgical intervention compared to those
provided non–intervention/medical therapy, baseline heterogeneity among enrolled patients, marked
variation in type of intervention, and inconsistency in the completeness of data reported among
studies, limit data interpretations. Increased awareness and improvements in non–invasive
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Hypothermia Treatment Of Cardiac Arrest
Hypothermia for Cardiac Arrest
Survivors of cardiac arrest often suffer from neurological damage when oxygen to the brain is
depleted. This ischemia to the brain can cause lesions or damaged areas; which can effect any part
of the body that is controlled by that portion of the brain. Decreasing the body temperature of a
patient has shown to be effective in decreasing the amount of damage to the brain. Therapeutic
hypothermia may be a reasonable treatment for patients following cardiac arrest due to its ability to
decrease the impact of ischemia; reducing the number of lesions to the brain and possibly reducing
the patient mortality rate. This paper will discuss the benefits, risks, and Mercy Hospital 's protocol
for using therapeutic hypothermia following a cardiac arrest.
Article Summary One In the first article, "Caring for Patients Receiving Therapeutic Hypothermia
Post Cardiac Arrest in the Intensive Care Unit", Gardner and MacDonald state that decreasing the
body temperature of a patient to 32° to 34° has shown improved outcomes during trials. This
treatment is intended for "patients who present with non–perfusing ventricular tachycardia or
ventricular fibrillation, are resuscitated to hemodynamic stability, and remain unresponsive"
(Gardner & MacDonald, p. 15). The article states that brain injury occurs when there is a loss of
oxygen carrying blood flow to the brain. This damage starts at the cellular level and leads to
neurological dysfunction.
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Hypotensive Effect of Aqueous Extract of the Leaves of...
Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica ñ Drug Research, Vol. 64 No. 6 pp. 547ñ552, 2007
ISSN 0001–6837 Polish Pharmaceutical Society
*FABIAN C. AMAECHINA and ERIC K. OMOGBAI Department of Pharmacology and
Toxicology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria
Abstract: The plant of Phyllanthus amarus is used as diuretic and to lower blood pressure in
traditional medicine practice. The effect of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Phyllanthus amarus
on blood pressure was evaluated in normotensive male rabbits. Intravenously administered aqueous
doses (5 mg to 80 mg/kg) of the extract to anaesthesized normotensive male rabbits produced a ...
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The infusion of the aerial parts has been reported to be used to manage non–insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus, for the relief of stomach ache and to treat dysentery (5). The plant extract has also
been reported to have antitumor and anticarcinogenic activity (6). As a con–
* Corresponding author:; phone: +2341–0802–3303–138.
Effect of extract on blood pressure and heart rate Each rabbit was anaesthetized with pentobarbital at
the dose of 40 mg/kg, administered intravenously through the marginal ear vein, previously
canulated with 21–G butterfly canula. The trachea was canulated with a plastic canula to ease
respiration. The vagus nerve was located and separated from the carotid artery, which was cleared of
connective tissues and canulated with a plastic canula connected to a pressure transducer via a
three–way tap. The pressure transducer transmitted the blood pressure to Ugo Basile twin channel
recorder (model 7090), which recorded the blood pressure and heart rate. The channel recorder was
always calibrated before and after each experiment, using a mercury sphygmomanometer. When the
animal had stabilized and the blood pressure and heart rate had remained constant, the extract was
administered in graded doses of 5 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg, 40 mg/kg and 80 mg/kg. The effects
of the graded doses of the extract on blood pressure
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Central Venous Pressure Research Paper
central venous pressure (CVP) line is a long, thin, flexible tube that is inserted into superior vena
cava or into the right atrium and end up in the thoracic. CVP catheter can be left far longer than an
intravenous catheter (IV), so its useful For long–term treatment such as infection, cancer, or it used
to to provide nutrition. It allows monitoring blood pressures such as the central venous pressure, the
pulmonary artery pressure, and the pulmonary capillary wedge pressures. It can be used to estimate
cardiac output and vascular resistance. It's also allows the patient to have medicine or fluids at home
instead of in the hospital.
Types :
1– Tunneled Central Venous Catheters : is a long flexible tube which one end be placed in or near
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An Reflection Of Advanced Perioperative Practice
For this reflection of advanced perioperative practice I will be using a case study approach, I will
also be using the Gibbs' reflective cycle. (1988). Gibbs' reflective cycle (1988) is a model of
reflection that I feel allows me to achieve the depth of reflection that is required, I also feel that this
model helps me to break the scenario that I have chose to reflect on into manageable sections. This
model includes 6 stages of reflection which include description, feelings, evaluation, analysis
,conclusion, action plan.
(University of Cumbria, 2015).
In order to adhere to the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) standards of conduct,
performance and ethics (2008) all personal details of the patients have been altered or not disclosed
in order to keep the patient 's identity confidential and safe, but also to keep the identity of the
hospital in which the patient was treated confidential.
The case that I have chosen to reflect on was a patient that was already staying on a ward within the
hospital, the patient was rushed to the emergency theatre late at night from the ward with a
suspected internal bleed, the cause and exact location of the bleed was unknown, the patient
presented a complex case for the theatre staff as the patient 's condition was largely unpredictable
along with the amount of blood loss that the patient could lose. My role within the theatre team was
on the anaesthetic side, I was supported by my mentor who I feel I have learned a vast amount of
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Symptoms And Treatment Of A Hospital Stays And Extensive...
Patients who are expected to have long hospital stays and extensive IV therapy are likely to receive
a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC). PICC lines have been found to be a relatively safe
and cost effective route to administer long term intravenous (IV) medications such as antibiotics,
chemotherapy and total parenteral nutrition (TPN). These devices are most often inserted at the
patient's bedside by nurses who have received advanced training in the placement of PICC lines.
Evidence based practice for sterile technique during insertion has been established and as a result,
infection rates remain relatively low. There is one going debate, however, as to the safety of these
catheters in patients who are at an increased risk ... Show more content on ...
Antithrombotic treatment for his DVT was risky due to his increased risk for hemoptysis, however,
a 2 lumen PICC line was placed in the right basilic vein, and he was started on a Heparin infusion.
In reviewing his records during his hospitalization, there were no other IV medications administered
other than the heparin infusion. During the infusion, he had increased hemoptysis and the
medication order was discontinued. Given this patients history of DVT and an increased risk of
upper extremity DVT associated with PICC lines, I question whether or not he was a good candidate
for PICC placement.
As previously stated, there is widespread debate as to whether or not PICC lines increase the risk of
DVT and there is very little research on PICC placements in patients who have a previous history of
DVT or chronic disease of the vascular system. I reviewed several research studies on the increased
risk of DVT associated with PICC line placement assuming the most common complication would
be infection. However, there is evidence that PICC lines can predispose patients to upper limb DVT
and possible pulmonary embolism. Few of the studies I reviewed, unfortunately, mention PICC
placement in patients who have a prior history of DVT, thereby further increasing the risk for DVT
complications. It is important to look at factors that may
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Diagnosis Of Disease Of A Patient
The first step in correct diagnosis of disease of a patient is to know his medical history. Physician
should carefully ask patient information about his/her symptoms such as the onset, duration, and
possible relief. The next step is physical examination of the patient. After listening to the patient 's
description of the history of the symptoms, physicians generally conduct a physical examination.
Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation are the four components of physical examination.
In general inspection, physician examines general body posture and proportion of the patient and
then site of injury is inspected locally. After inspection, physician uses his/her hands and fingers to
feel the body of the patient to know the body temperature as well as to feel underlying parts of body
of the patient. This procedure is known as palpation. After palpation, physician taps body parts to
get information about density of tissues and this is known as percussion. Finally, Auscultation is
listening to body sounds with the help of stethoscope.
The pressure of blood exerted on the walls of arteries is called arterial blood pressure or simply
blood pressure. It helps to propel blood at a high velocity along the arteries. Blood pressure is taken
with an instrument called sphygmomanometer and the unit of blood pressure is usually millimetres
of mercury (mm Hg). The blood pressure, by this instrument, is measured in terms of air pressure
when the air pressure becomes equal to the
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Curricular Proficiency Syndrome
The femoral artery (Fig 4) begins immediately behind the inguinal ligament, midway between the
anterior superior spine of the ileum and the symphysis pubis, and passes down the front and medial
side of the thigh. It ends at the junction of the middle with the lower third of the thigh, where it
passes through an opening in the Adductor Magnus to become the popliteal artery.(Henery, 2007)
The femoral sheath. In the upper third of the thigh the femoral artery is contained in the femoral
triangle (Scarpa's triangle), and in the middle third of the thigh, in the adductor canal (Hunter's
The femoral sheath (crural sheath) (Fig5) is formed by a prolongation downward, behind the
inguinal ligament, of the fasciæ which line the abdomen, the transversalis fascia being continued
down in front of the femoral vessels and the iliac fascia behind them.(Henery, 2007). ... Show more
content on ...
below the inguinal ligament. The lateral compartment contains the femoral artery, and the
intermediate the femoral vein, while the medial and smallest compartment is named the femoral
canal, and contains some lymphatic vessels and a lymph gland imbedded in a small amount of
areolar tissue.
The femoral canal is conical and measures about 1.25 cm. in length. Its base directed upward and
named the femoral ring, is oval in form, its long diameter being directed transversely and measuring
about 1.25
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Describe The Difference Between Right Atrium And Right...
The heart is made up of four chambers, two atriums and two ventricles. The right side of the heart
receives deoxygenated blood and pumps the blood to the lungs, whereas the left side of the heart
receives the oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the rest of the body.
The right side of the heart consists of the right atrium and right ventricle. The right atrium receives
the deoxygenated blood via the vena cava (both the inferior and superior) from the rest of the body.
The blood then travels through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle where it then gets pumped
to the lungs, where gas exchange can occur. The chambers on the left side of the heart are the left
ventricle and atrium. The left atrium receives the oxygenated blood from the lungs via the
pulmonary vein. It is then pumped through the atrioventricular valve into the left ventricle, where it
is pumped through the aorta and to the rest of the body. One adaptation of the heart is the thickness
of the walls. The ventricles have thicker walls than the atria as blood gets pumped out with higher
pressures. The left ventricle is even thicker as it must withstand the ... Show more content on ...
The contraction, known as systole, pumps blood out of the heart. The relaxion phase, diastole, is
when the heart muscles relax, and fill will blood. These cause the stereotypical heart sounds, 'lub'
and 'dub'. The 'lub' occurs when the atrioventricular valves close, and the 'dub' when the semilunar
valves close.
An athletes heart has some slight adaptations that make it more efficient. In response to endurance
training, both the right and left ventricles expanded. For strength athletes, the muscle of the heart
thickened, but only for the left ventricle. These adaptations cause the heart to pump blood more
effectively as the myocardial contractions are more forceful, and the filling and ejection of blood
from the heart chambers is
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Fantasy Voyage from Femoral Vein to Right Lobe of the Lung...
HS 130
Unit 4 Assignment
Fantasy Voyage and Battle of the Lung
Hello everyone and welcome aboard! I am S Y. with Voyage Health. Today, we will embark together
in my mini–sub and we shall travel through the body of this young lady named Lola. In this journey
we will enter her body through the femoral vein and travel all the way to her lung.
Alert! Alert!
An alert just came and we are in for a surprise. Bacteria have invaded Lola's lower lobe of her right
lung and we shall report the invasion and document all we see.
Let's proceed. We are being injected into the femoral vein close to the groin area. The femoral vein
runs parallel with the femoral artery through the upper thigh and pelvic region of the body. (Yahoo
Health, 2013) ... Show more content on ...
Next stop. Right atrium. One of the four chambers of the heart, the right atrium lets deoxygenated
blood to pass through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle and from there to the lung to
oxygenate. The tricuspid valve, also known as right atrioventricular valve is located between the two
chambers and it looks like flaps that blocks blood flowing back into the atrium. (Yahoo Health,
2013) The right ventricle of the heart has the mission to pump the blood into the pulmonary artery
via the pulmonary valve and pulmonary trunk right into the lungs. Ready to go through the
pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery? Here we go! Weeeee.....
We are steps away from the most magnificent oxygen factory you have ever seen. Short and wide,
the pulmonary artery begins at the base of the right ventricle and with a considerable size of 1.2
inches in diameter and 2.0 inches in length. Interesting fact: the pulmonary artery is one of the only
arteries that carry deoxygenated blood. The other artery is the umbilical artery in the fetus. This is
just something I remembered from an Anatomy class I used to take in college. The main pulmonary
artery extends from the right ventricle of the heart and branches into left and right pulmonary
arteries. The left and right pulmonary arteries extend to the left lung and right lungs.(Bailey, Regina
Now just relax and sit back. Enjoy the ride to the lung! Going through the
Finally, as promised,
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Metacarpal Veins
The systemic circulation consists of the arterial and the venous systems.
Arteries are a high pressure system and a pulse can be palpated. The muscle layer in arteries is
stronger and they will not collapse like veins. Arteries are also deeper than veins and are surrounded
by nerve endings, making arterial puncture painful.
The venous system consists of superficial and deep veins. The superficial or cutaneous veins are
those used for venipuncture. Because thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities
can easily extend to the deep veins, it is important to avoid the use of these veins. Superficial veins
are bluish in color. The pressure within veins is low and therefore a pulse will not be palpated in a
Knowledge of vein wall anatomy and physiology is ... Show more content on ...
If large enough they may accommodate a small gauge needle, however they are used as a last resort.
Metacarpal Veins:
The metacarpal veins are formed by the union of the digital veins. They are usually visible, lie flat
on the hand, are easy to feel, and are easily accessible. The hand provides a flat surface for
stabilization and as this vein is in the extremity it allows successive venipunctures to be performed
above the site. These veins may therefore be the first choice for venipuncture.
Cephalic Vein:
The cephalic vein flows upward along the radial aspect of the forearm. Its size readily
accommodates a large needle, while its position provides easy access and natural splinting. This
vein can be accessed from the wrist to the upper arm (using the most distal region of the vein first).
These veins tend to "roll" so "anchoring" the vein during venipuncture essential.
Accessory Cephalic Vein:
The accessory cephalic vein ascends the arm and joins the cephalic vein below the elbow. Its large
size accommodates a large needle.
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Lower-Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease Case Study
Individuals who are experiencing aching in their legs may have lower–extremity peripheral arterial
disease. The venous surgeons at Advanced Vascular Associates can assist individuals who are
suffering with aching legs through Aching legs treatment Mendham.
Lower–Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease
Lower–extremity peripheral arterial disease occurs when the arteries in the legs are damaged and
have hardened. When the arteries in the legs are blocked or narrowed, adequate blood flow is
impossible. The inability of the muscles to receive the blood they need can lead to cramping and
pain in the lower legs. Another symptom commonly associated with the narrowing or blocking of
arteries is slow wound healing.
This painful cramping and aching frequently occurs as ... Show more content on ...
The aorta exits the heart, descending into the abdomen at which point it divides into the iliac
arteries, ultimately splitting into the femoral arteries at the groin.
The femoral artery descends along the back of the femur, knee and then branches into smaller
arteries responsible for providing oxygenated blood to the lower legs, feet and toes.
Individuals who are experiencing cramping and pain in their legs should consider seeking aching
legs treatment Mendham at Advanced Vascular Associates. Dedicated staff members and venous
surgeons ensure that patients receive the best venous care possible in and around Mendham.
Understanding the Venous System of the Leg
The venous system returns the deoxygenated blood to the heart. This deoxygenated blood carries the
waste products of metabolism, including carbon dioxide away from the muscles and up to the torso,
where they are disposed of.
The leg has two sets of veins the deep venous system and the superficial
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Fallot Colostomy
The most common comorbid cardiac malformation is a ventricular septal defect (VSD). or tetralogy
of Fallot (TOF) and others are isolated defects. In Case of VSD the patency of the ductus arteriosus
can be maintained by the use of prostaglandin while the colostomy is established. Also the patent
foramen ovale may need to be enlarged by the balloon technique in the case of inadequate atrial
mixing. This is the only case where the cardiac lesion will have to be repaired before the ARM.
When EA/TEF is present also then many factors are involved in the treatment. Such as the ligation
or division of the distal TEF along with a colostomy. If the child has TOF the descending aorta may
be on the right side, making the definitive repair of the EA/TEF easier from the left thoracic
approach. A systemic–to–pulmonary shunt may be required Only in the presence of a cyanotic
cardiac lesion ... Show more content on ...
There are usually hemivertebrae present that will tilt the pelvis to a varying degree and when severe
then it may result in severe deformity of the lower body. The absence of several pelvic vertebrae is
more often associated with urinary incontinence than with bowel incontinence. At times the spinal
malformation may be very severe with lack of development of the sacrum and sacral nerve plexus, a
condition known as caudal regression or caudal dysgenesis sequence. In these instances, the baby's
buttocks are flat and the gluteal crease is barely discernable. The clinical import of this condition is
that the pelvic musculature and innervation are impossible to utilize. The establishment of an anal
opening on the perineum will result in a perineal colostomy with little or no bowel control and no
possibility of maintaining a colostomy bag seal. In these cases, establishment of a permanent
colostomy is required following separation of the distal bowel from the urogenital
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Major Cardiac Circuits

  • 1. Major Cardiac Circuits The two major cardiovascular circuits in the human body is the pulmonary circuit and the systemic circuit. Both of these circuits work together in order to make the body function properly. The major difference between these two circuits is where the blood travels and what areas of the body the blood reaches. The pulmonary circuit carries blood to only the lungs which focuses more on gas exchange. The systemic circuit carries blood to the tissues in the entire body which focuses more on supplying the tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Another interesting fact that separates these two circuits is the blood itself and the process that which it flows. At the beginning of the pulmonary circuit, the blood is deoxygenated. The oxygen poor blood then ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Essay about Wzhou22 Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels Laszlo Vass, Ed.D. Version 42–0008–01–01 Purpose Please explain the purpose of this lab. Include in your explanation the major concepts you learned and any safety concerns associated with the lab. Learning the structural and functional differences among arteries, veins, and capillaries. Identify the major arteries arising from the aorta through observation and dissection of a preserved specimen. identify the major veins draining into the superior and inferior vena cava through observation and dissection of a preserved specimen Exercise 1: Microscopic Structure of Blood Vessels Observations Sketch your slide in the space below and label the structures ... Show more content on ... Axillary artery supplies blood to the upper arm while brachial artery supply upper arm region below the elbow. Radial artery supply lateral side of forearm, ulnar artery supply medial side of the forearm, and palmar arches supplies hand and fingers (Wright, 1993) E. List the arteries that branch from the descending abdominal aorta to the femoral artery. Mesentaric artery, vena cava, abdominal aorta iliolumbar artery and vein common iliac vein, iliac artery, iliac vein. F. What is the large vein that enters the liver? Where do its branches originate from? Lower vena cava. Branch root is another name for lateral root. Originates from the pericycle G. Name the major artery and vein that deliver and drain blood to and from the kidneys. The main artery that supplies blood to the kidney is called the renal artery. H. What are the differences (if any) you noticed between the major arteries and veins in the human versus those in the cat?
  • 4. In the human, the right common carotid artery branches from the brachiocephalic artery, whereas the left common carotid artery comes directly from the aortic arch. In the cat, both common carotid arteries branch from the brachiocephalic artery. Conclusion Do some research on the internet about deep vein thrombosis (DVT). What ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. The Effect Of Temperature On Blood Pressure And Heart Rate Teacher's Instruction: Design a lab that will examine a factor that affects blood pressure and heart rate. Research Question: What is the effect of temperature on blood pressure and heart rate? Introduction: Blood transports nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, antibodies, urea and heat through our body. The heart is transports blood by pumping it through blood vessels. Blood flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. The pressure of blood in the circulatory system is a value called blood pressure (mmHg: "millimeters of mercury"), which is measured by two numbers: systolic pressure and diastolic pressure. The systolic number is the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats (when the heart muscle contracts), while the diastolic number is pressure in the arteries between heartbeats (when the heart muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood). The ideal blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg. Heart rate on the other hand is the number of times (in one minute) that the heart beats or contracts. A heart rate can be anywhere between 60 and 100 beats per minute. This experiment will involve five individuals putting their left hand in different samples of water of varying temperatures. Their blood pressure and heart rate will be recorded before the experiment, and after each water trial, to determine the effect it has on both the blood pressure and heart rate. Variables: Independent 1. Temperature of water samples – Subjects will be put in ... Get more on ...
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  • 8. Cardiovascular Disease Is The Leading Cause Of Death For... Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women and has an average of 610,000 casualties in the United States every year. This could be contributed to the fact that as adults, we tend to lead a very demanding lifestyle and constantly struggle through a never–ending to do list that diminishes the majority of our day. Inside our home, the office, events for the holidays, and perhaps even school, our responsibility to take care of ourselves doesn't quite make the priority cutoff. For one thing, it is my understanding I'm supposed to exercise at least three times a week. About one in every three U.S. adults has reported that no leisure time was spent doing physical activity to which I can relate. The first hour and ... Show more content on ... At the same time, with a little research it's never too late to change a bad habit and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Significant progress has been made over the last 50 years in understanding the causes of chronic illnesses, as well as development in areas that provide knowledge to detect, prevent, and maintain comparable diseases. Improvement in public health and health care have increased life expectancy by approximately 30 years and has led to dramatic changes in the leading causes of death. With this information we now have a better understanding of the long term effects our choices will make and those results have already affected the market around us. Fast food chains now provide menu selections for their health–conscious customers such as nutritional listings, optional cooking methods, and the use of organic and Non–GMO ingredients. Similarly, patients that suffer from congestive heart failure and smoke may be drawn to the more recent e–cigarette. Although e–cigarettes still have years of long term testing in order to determine their overall hazards and benefits, current research shows that there is potential for smokers to reduce their health related risks if electronic cigarettes are used in place of tobacco cigarettes when on the road to the ending tobacco or nicotine use. ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Medical Monitors for the Heart and Brain Arterial lines (A–lines) are a monitoring device inserted into arterial vascular system that is used to assess blood pressure. A transducer in the device is used to translate the arterial pressure into electrical impulses (Kaur, 2006). It secures the most accurate and precise measurements on a continuous basis by obtaining intra–arterial pressure. These factors, over the manual and non– invasive blood pressure cuffs, makes the A–line advantageous particularly in patients that are receiving vasodilator/vasoactive infusion therapies. The tubing leading the patient also has a specialized port for ready access to arterial blood samples. The waveform display is the interpreted reading from the transducer. The waveform reflects the accuracy and integrity of the actual blood pressure value. Impaired circulation integrity, external blood pressure devices, incorrect leveling/zeroing of the transducer, air bubbles in the tubing, and arterial stenosis can impair the arterial lines readings. Infusing intravenous fluids is contraindicated. Sterility must be maintained during application and dressing changes. It is preferable to use the patient's non–dominant hand to decrease the chances of dislodgement, hemorrhage, and injury. The head of the patient's must be at or lower than 60 degrees and the level of the transducer must align with phlebostatic axis to ensure accurate readings (Iversen, 2011). It is necessary to use pressured flushing solutions at 300 mg Hg to maintain patency and ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Response Of The Human Cardiovascular System The tilt study demonstrated the baroreflex response of the human cardiovascular system to changes in posture. Expected decreases in BP, MAP, CO at 30 seconds post–tilt and immediate decreases in SV and TPR as seen in Figures 2, 4, 6 and Table 1 were observed. These decreases were due to increased pooling of blood in the lower limbs leading to lower venous return and subsequently decreasing flow out of the heart. Furthermore, there was a reflexive response by the autonomic nervous system in order to regain normal cardiovascular parameters mediated by the baroreceptors. Going from supine to standing position induced changes in the hydrostatic pressure experienced by the superior and inferior regions of the body. As tilt occurred blood began to pool in highly distensible veins of the lower region. Because of this pooling phenomena there was an expected reduction in venous return to the heart and subsequently a reduced CO (Fig. 5) as seen 30 seconds post–tilt (Sherwood, 2013). This reduced CO exemplifies the Frank–Starling Law of the Heart which states that reduced venous return will result in reduced CO by the heart (Sherwood, 2013). The Frank–Starling Law can also explain lowered SV as seen in Figure 4. The only explanation to why CO (a product of HR and SV) might have increased in this experiment immediately after tilt was because HR (Fig. 1) significantly increased at the same time in comparison to the small decrease in SV as seen in Figure 4. MAP and BP decreases were ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. A Silent Killer : Pulmonary Embolism A Silent Killer Pulmonary Embolism a Silent killer Pulmonary Embolism is a life–threatening condition that has most serious manifestation of venous thromboembolism that is leading cause of sudden death. "With massive pulmonary embolism (PE) being the first or second leading cause of unexpected death in adults, protection against PE is critical in appropriately selected patients" (Georgiou, Katz, Ganson, Eng, & Hon, 2015). How does this effect the nursing? If Pulmonary embolism is suspected, nurses goal is to halt PE that is forming a clot and from embolizing. Nurses must be extra diligent in preventing Pulmonary embolism, be able to recognize it early, provide prompt help and start appropriate treatment because if it is unrecognized or untreated it can cause death very quickly. Knowing how to intervene when PE is suspected can make a difference in life a threatening emergency. "Massive PE, defined as causing 50% or more occlusion of the pulmonary capillary bed, can result in obstructive shock with systemic hypoperfusion (low cardiac output and acute pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular failure). ANA''. Pathophysiology of PE A Pulmonary Embolism is usually caused by a blood clot (thrombus) that migrates from its original site to occlude a distal vessel. Normally, human body lyses the thrombi that was formed within the circulatory system, but if the clot not fibrinolyzed, it may break off and can travel with a deoxygenated blood to the heart and goes in the lungs by obstructing the ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. Contraction Of Exercise Lab Report Obervations – Systolic pressure increases significantly when intensity of exercise increases. – It refers to the peak blood pressure during the contraction of ventricles. – It could be used as an indicator of the pumping force of the heart. – When heart pumps stronger, systolic pressure increases. – Compared with systolic pressure, diastolic pressure has a rather mild increase when intensity of exercise increases. – It refers to the lowest blood pressure when the contraction of ventricles ends. – It is mainly affected by the dilation of arteries during diastole. – When arterioles dilate, the peripheral resistence decreases, resulting in a lower diastolic pressure. – Pulse pressure increases when intensity of exercise increases. – It is essentially ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Essay about Fantastic Voyage Let's go on a "!" Imagine that you are a video reporter piloting a mini–sub that has been put through a miniaturization process making you and the sub only 8 microns long! (Ever see the movie "Inner Space"?) You have been injected into the femoral vein of a healthy female. The alert just came out that a bacterium is invading the lower lobe of the right lung!! You are to pilot your sub to the site of the "invasion" and do a live report on what you see. Trace your path from the right femoral vein to the lower lobe of the right lung via the right pulmonary artery: Rules of the Road: You may never go the wrong way down a "one–way street" You are not allowed to "create" new roads You may choose any possible route Describe all major ... Show more content on ... If you borrow ideas from printed sources or from people you have spoken to or heard speak, be certain to cite the sources of those ideas, even when paraphrasing. Include separate cover and reference pages that is formatted as per APA guidelines. At least two professional references (other than your textbook) must be included in your paper. Medical dictionaries and encyclopedias are not to be included as one of the two minimum references. For information in formatting per APA guidelines, visit Kaplan's Writing Center. Dropbox Instructions Submitting Your Assignment Put your project in a Word document. Save it in a location and with a name you will remember, using the following naming convention: username–assignment–unit#.doc. NOTE: If you do not currently have Microsoft Word installed on your computer, please contact your instructor. When you are ready to submit it, click on the Dropbox and complete the steps below: Click the link that says Submit an Assignment. In the "Submit to Basket" menu, select Unit 4: Assignment.
  • 19. In the "Comments" field, include at least the name of the assignment. Click the Add Attachments button. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document. To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Importance Of Cerebral Circulation Cerebral Circulation A constant flow of blood to the brain is vital to its proper functioning. Blood supplies the brain with oxygen and to perform maximally the brain requires about 25% of the body's oxygen (Webb, 2016). Lack of oxygen for a prolonged period results in cell death causing irreversible damage to the brain. Two paired arteries, four total, supply the vital source of blood to the brain and spinal cord. Arterial Structures Blood supply to the brain is divided between the internal carotid arteries (ICA) and the vertebral arteries. As stated in Cippola's text, the right and left ICA from the bifurcations of the common carotid arteries and the ICA itself also split in the anterior and middle cerebral arteries. Its primary function is to supply blood to the cerebrum. The vertebral arteries originate from the subclavian artery and then "join distally to form the basilar artery", (Cipolla, 2009). The basilar artery later bifurcates into two posterior cerebral arteries , these arteries "supply the inferolateral surface of the temporal lobe and the lateral and medial surfaces of the occipital lobe," (Webb, 2016). While the ICA mainly provides blood to the cerebrum, the vertebral arteries are the primary supply to brain stem and cerebellum. The ICA and the vertebral arteries join together to form what is known as the Circle of Willis. Circle of Willis The Circle of Willis is also known as the circulus arteriosus. It is a structure that is formed by the joining of the two ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Blood Vessels Research Paper 1. Discuss the different types of blood vessels. Include the different layers composing blood vessels (remember to include tissue types) in your discussion. Blood vessels start to develop during the embryonic stage and continue through the life span. There are more than 66,000 miles of vessels carrying blood through the body. Blood vessels consist of arteries, capillaries, and veins. The walls of the arteries and veins consist of three separate layers called the tunica externa (adventitia), tunica media, and the tunica intima. As blood vessels decrease in diameter the thickness of the walls also decrease. Arteries: Carry blood away from the heart and supplies blood to the tissues of the body. There are several types. Elastic Arteries: The ... Show more content on ... They are known as the primary exchange vessels. Capillaries consist of a single layer of endothelium and associated connective tissue. They carry blood from the arterioles to the venules. Transfer of nutrients and other vital substances between blood and tissue cells occurs at or near a capillary. True capillaries receive blood flowing out of the small arterioles. There are three different types found in the human body: continuous, fenestrated, and sinusoid. The differences in each function has to do with the location in the body. Continuous Capillaries: Has a continuous lining of endothelial cells. Found in the skeletal muscle, lung, and many types of connective tissue. They contain small openings called intracellular clefts between the adjacent endothelial cells. Found in areas of the body such as the central nervous system, skeletal muscles, and skin. Fenestrated Capillaries: Contains intracellular clefts and small holes called fenestra. These vessels allow small molecules as well, as limited amounts of nutrients, to pass through their walls. Most commonly found in the endocrine system. Sinusoid Capillaries: Contains a large lumen and a more winding tortuous course. The basement membrane is either absent or incomplete. Found in the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and portions of the endocrine system. It permits migration of blood cells ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Normal Heart Rate Chart Normal Heart Rate Chart The heart is an organ located just behind and slightly to the left of the breastbone, and pumps blood through a network of veins and arteries known as the circulatory system. The right atrium is sent blood from the veins, and delivers it to the right ventricle. It is then pumped to the lungs where it is oxygenated. The left atrium collects the oxygen enriched blood from the lungs and delivers it to the left ventricle, where it is pumped throughout the body, and the ventricle contractions create blood pressure. A pulse is the beating of the heart as it is felt through the walls of an artery, such as the radial artery at the wrist. Pulse rates can also be felt and measured at the carotid artery located on the side of ... Show more content on ... Heart Rate During Exercise Your maximum heart rate is the highest heart rate that is achieved during strenuous exercise. One method to calculate your approximate maximum heart rate is the formula: 220 – (your age) = approximate maximum heart rate. For example, a 30 year old's approximate maximum heart rate is 220 – 30 = 190 beats/min. You can maximize the benefits and reduce the risks when you are exercising within your target heart rate zone. Your target heart rate when exercising is normally 60 to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. This may be increased or decreased depending on your health factors, and your health care provider may want you to limit the target heart rate zone to 50 percent. However, it is not recommended to exceed 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. Anything above 85 percent increase risks to the orthopedic and cardiovascular system, with minimal added benefits from the exercise. Normal Maximum and Target Heart Rate Chart The following table shows the approximate target heart rates for various age groups. Find the age group closest to your age and find your target heart rate. The guidelines for moderately intense activities is about 50–69% of your maximum heart rate, and hard physical activity is about 70% to less than 90% of the maximum heart ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. A Research Study On Vascular Imaging Introduction Vascular ultrasound (US) is an established non–invasive method of imaging the cardiovascular system. It is cheap, accessible and provides a rapid diagnosis of many vascular diseases such as presence of abdominal aortic aneurysm, deep vein thrombosis and limb arterial occlusions. The majority of vascular ultrasound currently done in the UK is trans–cutaneous ultrasound, in which the US probe obtains images of the vessels from above the skin. In recent years intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) has gained popularity in obtaining high–resolution images of the blood vessels from inside the vascular lumen, providing detailed information of the vascular lesions and their anatomy. In this review, utilisation of IVUS in different areas of ... Show more content on ... The standard IVUS sheaths are 9 Fr with a 0.035 inch guidewire, however 0.014 inch catheters are available for smaller arteries (Kpodonu et al., 2008). Once inside the target vessel, IVUS obtains 360 degrees cross sectional images. The sonic wave reflections from the arterial wall differ depending on the structure of the arterial wall components. Collagen and elastin produce a stronger sonic reflection thus a hyper–echoic picture of the intima and adventitia, whilst the smooth muscle cells in the media produce a hypo–echoic picture due to reduced sonic reflection from these structures (Kpodonu et al., 2008). New generation IVUS devices can produce three–dimensional pictures by stacking the two–dimensional axial images during pull back of the US catheter. The pull back could be done either manually or mechanically using a motor. 3–D images are useful in assessment of endovascular device deployment failures, which might not be detected in conventional angiographies. 3–D images are also helpful in sizing of the arteries and veins for endovascular device planning (Weissman et al., 1995; Heuser et al., 1997). IVUS can provide B mode and colour images from inside the vessels. The transducers' frequencies are generally between 10 MHz and 40MHz (Lee and White, 2004). New generation IVUS with frequencies of 40MHz to 50MHz are useful for imaging the coronary arteries (Lee and White, 2004). Although higher frequencies can produce higher resolution images, this would ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Mr Jones Case Study Essay HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Mr. Jones is a 68 year–old–man with a history of impaired glucose tolerance. His only other medical problem is hypertension treated with a small dose of angiotensin–converting enzyme inhibitor. He quit smoking 20 years ago. He has no dyslipidemia and has had stress electrocardiograms every 2 years with normal results. He does not use alcohol. Approximately 3 months ago, he noticed some burning and tingling in his feet. He admitted that he had not felt well as usual and that his walking was becoming more of a chore. He denied chest pain or shortness of breath. He denies any other symptoms had no fever, or chills, cough, blood stools, or hematuria. When seen in the office, he had gained 5 lbs. CONCERNING SYMPTOMS ... Show more content on ... Jones would be his weight gain and the fact that he has burning and tingling in his feet. His weight gain and complaints of not feeling well with walking becoming a chore could be a sign of heart failure. Further investigation should consist of asking Mr. Jones if he has been experiencing shortness of breath, trouble sleeping, swelling, difficulty breathing, coughing or wheezing, lack of appetite and increased heart rate ("Warning Signs," n.d.). He also has hypertension, which can ultimately lead to heart failure if not treated properly. The heart has to work hard and as a result, can lead to thickening of the heart and decreased function. Burning and tingling in his feet is another red flag when thinking about diabetic neuropathy. When a patient does not properly watch his or her blood sugar levels it can lead to damage within the circulatory system. Signs of symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include numbness, tingling, sharp pains or cramps, "increased sensitivity to touch, muscle weakness, loss of reflexes, loss of balance and serious foot problems" ("Diabetic Neuropathy," ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Arterial Lines Arterial Lines 3/8/05 1– What is an a–line? 2– What are the parts of an a–line? 3– Does it matter if the flush setup is made with saline or heparin? 4– What are a–lines used for? 5– What do I have to think about before the a– line goes in? 6– What is an Allen test? 7– Where can a–lines go besides the radial artery? 8– Who inserts a–lines? 9– How is it done? 10– What kinds of problems can happen during a–line placement? 11– How do I use an a–line to monitor blood pressure? 12– How should I set the alarm limits? 13– How do I draw blood samples from a–lines? 14– What order ... Show more content on ... 4– What are a–lines used for? Two things mainly: blood pressure monitoring, and for patients who need frequent blood draws. Any patient on more than a small amount of any vasoactive drip really needs to have an a–line for proper BP management – if they're sick enough to be put in the unit and need pressors, then they're sick enough for an a–line. Non–invasive automatic blood pressure cuffs are useful, but if a person is labile – push for an a–line. Certain situations absolutely require an a–line for BP monitoring: any use of any dose of nipride, for example. This is a truly powerful drug – it works very quickly, and your patient can rapidly get into all sorts of trouble unless you're monitoring BP continuously. I've heard lately that there's a trend towards using fewer a–lines – it seems silly (and painful) to have your patient get stuck what seems like twelve times in a shift for labs and ABGs. Remember that it's always been our unit's policy for nurses to send ABGs after every vent change, or for any clinical change that the patient makes. Update – this has changed a little: ABGs probably don't seem to be necessary for vent changes that are only going to affect oxygenation: changes in FiO2 or PEEP, since the O2 sat will keep you ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Synthetic Nervous System There are varies glands, organs, and systems that are affected by the sympathetic nervous system, and they include the lacrimal gland, the eye, the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands, blood vessels, the heart, the trachea,and the lungs. As well as the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, the small and large intestines, and many more internal organs. I chose to write about the cardiovascular system, and how the organs in this system are affected by the sympathetic nervous system, as well as how a lie detector test would assess these internal changes in the human body. First, I will start with the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system. When stress is at an all time high, "the blood vessels that direct blood to the large muscles ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. De-Oxygenated Blood: A Case Study Cells take oxygen from the blood and thrust out the de–oxygenated blood. Now the de–oxygenated blood has to be sent back to the heart for the blood to be refreshed with oxygen and nutrients. Veins are the blood vessels that carry the blood, rich in waste content and low in oxygen content back to the heart (, ). The main function of veins is to carry blood back to the heart. Veins are not muscular and are less flexible when compared to arteries (PVD). Unlike arteries, veins contains one way valves (unidirectional valves) that prevent the blood from flowing back, thus fighting against the gravity and allows blood flow only towards the heart. Valves have two ... Show more content on ... De–oxygenated blood from the foot is collected by several veins that join to form dorsal venous arch and deep plantar arch on the top and bottom of the foot. From this blood ascends through tibial vein, which fuses to form popliteal vein around the knees. It then flows through femoral veins as it passes through the thighs. As it enters the body walls it runs through external iliac veins, which together with internal iliac veins forms common iliac veins. From the common iliac veins blood enters inferior vena cava, which passes through the diaphragm and enters right ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Strength And Strength Of Muscular Endurance Strength Muscular strength is much different from muscular endurance. Strength is the extent to how much force your muscles can use and apply. Strength concentrates more on quick and short spurts of energy. An example of how this component of fitness can be tested in an assessment is in the 'Upper body push and pull strength test'. For this test the equipment used is a Strength Meter dynamometer. You have three tries when doing this test and the best of three is recorded for each test (the push and then the pull) and the dynamometer must be set to zero each time. This assessment works by the person taking the test having the Strength Meter dynamometer placed over their shoulders where the handles are placed at the front of the body–around ... Show more content on ... The participants must continuously run between two cones or lines which are set up 20 metres apart between two recorded beeps. The CD had all the instructions on and will tell the participants when to start; the first level is a slight jog and gradually gets quicker up through the levels. If you reach one of the lines before the beep has sounded then you must wait for it to sound before you start running again. Before you drop out you have to miss three consecutive beeps (one after another). Speed Speed is the skill to move with a quick pace or move parts of the body quickly. When you think about speed you usually think its how fast someone can run but it's not just that, as it's also to do with their acceleration, maximal speed of movement and speed maintenance. This is because speed needs other components to help it move along in a rapid way, which includes: strength and power. An example of how this component of fitness can be tested in an assessment is the '100m Swim Time Trial'. This test is used to measure the participant's ability to sprint swim a given distance, in this case 100m in a timed environment. This is often used for athletes to practise for when they are doing triathlons. More than one participant can take part at one time and the pool should ideally be 50 metres but any pool will do as long as the distance that the participant completes is 100 ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Aneurysms Essay To begin with, the word aneurysm derives from the Latin word "aneurysma." In Latin "aneurysma" means dilation and dilation means that act of expanding. From this, it is easier to figure out what an aneurysm really is. The definition of the English word aneurysm means, blood–filled dilation of a blood vessel. There are several different types of aneurysm, but this report will only cover a cerebral one. Intracranial aneurysms are classified as dissecting, saccular, and fusiform. There are many causes of intracranial aneurysms. Some of the most common causes would include fibromuscular dysphasia, atherosclerosis, and arteriovenous malformation. Some that are less common, but do occur would include drugs, infection, and trauma. Dissecting ... Show more content on ... Saccular aneurysms are the most common and are easily identified because of the berrylike sacs on the veins or arteries. They are caused by weakness in the vessel wall layers. The sac itself grows from the intima and adventitia of an vessel. When this occurs abnormal hemodynamic pressure on the cerebral arteries causes rupture. Saccular aneurysm can be caused by infections, tumors, or drugs. Aneurysms occur to people in their early forties to their late fifties. Most aneurysms occur to people that are around age sixty. Intracranial aneurysms are rare to children and only account for 2% of the total aneurysms. The younger the patient with an intracranial aneurysm the larger the sac. Location is a big part in classifying the type of aneurysm. About 86.5% of all intracranial aneurysms occurs in the carotid region. The pieces all fall to place when using the Hunt and Hess scale, which measures the current status of the expansion. There is a grade 0 to grade 5 scale. Zero is a non ruptured aneurysm and 5 is basically the point were there is not much doctors can do to make the patient live. Vasospasm is the term used when a constriction of a vein or artery occurs. It is also the cause of death when an aneurysm occurs. More than 50% of all surviving patients that get an intracranial aneurysm have neurological defects. Treatment is wonderful when treating intracranial aneurysm. The most common approach is surgery, because blood ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Cardiovascular System Of The Heart And The Vasculature The cardiovascular system is formed by the heart and the vasculature, a close system of vessels, which include arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins and lymph vessels. The heart is located in the mediastinum, about two–thirds from the body midline. Three layers form the heart. From the inside out: endocardium, myocardium and epicardium. The myocardium, the thickest of all, is formed by striated muscle to provide the heart with the contractibility necessary to pump the blood into the vasculature. (Martini, Nath, & Bartholomew, 2008) The myocardium contains the pacemaker cells that generate electrical impulses to create the heart's movements. These impulses are triggered by action potentials in the pacemaker cells of the Sinoatrial Node. These are then transmitted to the atria and to the AV node. (Hull & Slegg, 2009) The heart is divided into four chambers; the superior chambers (atria) receive blood and are connected to the inferior chambers (ventricle), through the atrioventricular valves. Once in the ventricles, blood is ejected to the vasculature through the semilunar valves. These valves, similar to the ones in the veins, ensure the unidirectionality of blood flow. As with the heart, endothelium provides the internal layer (tunica intima) for all the vasculature. Apart from the capillaries and venules, which only consist of endothelium, the rest of the vasculature is formed by three layers: tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica adventitia. (Marieb & ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Cardiac Overloads Abstract Cardiac output is the amount of blood the heart pumps in 1 minute and depends on heart rate, contractility, preload, and afterload. Understanding the supply and the practical relevance of each of these four components is important in interpreting the values of cardiac output. Afterload is the intraventricular pressure sufficient to open the aortic valve allowing ejection of the ventricular contents, Or the load against which the ventricle contracts or otherwise stress the wall during ventricular ejection. On the right side, it is expressed as Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) and on the left side as Peripheral Vascular Resistance (SVR). The greater the afterload, the lower the cardiac output, the greater the pressure of the right atrium. The higher the aortic pressure, the higher the LV afterload. It is usually measured at the end of systole. The most common influence on afterload is vascular tone or resistance to blood flow. In addition, other factors, such as valve stenosis or blood viscosity, can affect the afterload. Vascular resistance is controlled and manipulated with drugs to increase or decrease afterload.1–2 When considering post–load equivalent to systolic stress, an interrelation and interdependence between preload and afterload are revealed. The increase in afterload ... Show more content on ... Diuretics and digitalis constitute conventional therapy for congestive heart failure, but systemic vasodilators offer an innovative approach in acute and chronic heart failure by decreasing the increase in systolic wall ventricular stress by reducing aortic and/or impedance reduces cardiac venous return. As a result, vasodilators increase cardiac output (CO) by decreasing peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) and/or decrease left ventricular end–diastolic pressure (LVEDP) by decreasing venous ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Digital Image Analysis Of Eye Fundus Images ABSTRACT: Digital image analysis of eye fundus images has several benefits than current observer based techniques. The characteristic symptoms of different systemic diseases like hypertension, glaucoma, diabetes and cardiovascular disorder etc. affects retinal vessels. Diseases like diabetes show abnormalities and diameter changes in retinal blood vessels. In hypertension retinal blood vessels show dilatation and elongation of main arteries and veins. Arteriolar to venular diameter ratio (AVR) express high blood pressure levels, diabetic retinopathy and retinopathy of prematurity. Among other image processing operations the estimation of AVR requires vessel segmentation, accurate vessel width measurement and artery or vein classification[1]. Hence the identification of arteries is essential to detect eye diseases. The work has been done on automated classification of retinal vessels and hence it is a challenging task. Nowadays for image analysis graph based methods have been used which are useful for retinal vessel segmentation,retinal image registration and retinal vessel classification[2]. The segmented vessels are analyzed using type of intersection and then assigned artery or vein labels to each vessel segment. So the combination of labels and intensity features decides final artery or vein class. INTRODUCTION Most of the methods uses intensity features to differentiate ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. IVC Filter Controversy Inferior vena cava filters have been around since the late 1960s, and the first FDA approved removable IVC filters were approved in 2003 and 2004. Permanent filters had already been FDA approved at that time. On average 250,000 people each year have an IVC filter implanted. According to an article in the Journal of American College of Cardiology from 2013, Accepted indications for IVCF placement include the presence of acute venous thromboembolism with inability to administer anticoagulation medication or failure of anticoagulation. Despite these clear indications, IVCF have been commonly placed in patients for primary prevention of pulmonary emboli in patients deemed to be at high risk, along with several other "soft" indications. As a result, ... Show more content on ... In a 2014 Safety Communication Update, the FDA recommended that physicians who used retrievable IVC filters consider removing the filter as soon as the risk of pulmonary embolism had abated. They cited to a 2013 decision in the Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorder, which suggested that if a patients risk for pulmonary embolism had passed, "the risk/benefit profile begin to favor removal of the IVC filter between 29 and 54 days after implantation." Previously in 2010, the FDA published a Safety Communication about the risk of leaving a retrievable IVC filter in a patient too long., and recommended removing the filter as soon as "protection from the PE is no longer needed." Furthermore, a study from the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, published in February 2012, found that 40% of Bard Recovery IVC filters fractured after 5.5 years. Additionally, of the 363 people who were implanted with the device, only 97 had it removed. The study evaluated cases involving filter migration into the pulmonary arteries, iliac/femoral veins, on in the right ventricle of heart, and the renal ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Ekg Vs Ecg Your heart does more in one minute than some people do in years. Hundreds of thousands of signals are sent throughout the heart in the forms of electrical impulses, which tell the heart when to expand and contract at the correct times. These actions are recorded on an EKG or ECG, which helps doctors determine whether or not something is wrong with your heart. There are multiple parts of the heart that plays a role in the electrical conduction of the heart. First off is the SA node which is commonly known as the pacemaker of the heart – this can be found in the right atrium inferior to the superior vena cava. This node sends electrical impulses (to both atria) to tell the heart to expand and contract. On the opposite side of the right atrium is located the AV node which makes sure all the blood is in the ventricle before they ... Show more content on ... You use it by placing skin electrodes on the body in specific places. There are multiple letters shown in the animation – P, QRS, T, and U. The letter "P" represents the depolarization of the atria. Next, the QRS complex shows the depolarization of the ventricles. The QRS complex wave is much bigger than the "P" wave because the atria is much smaller than the ventricles. After, the "T" shows the REpolarization of the ventricles. The "U" wave does not appear very much, but shows often when something is wrong with the heart – some also can believe it is the repolarization of the purkinje fibers. Conclusively, the SA node controls heart rate, and also sends signals through the heart, to the AV node, down to the AV bundle and up on the purkinje fibers which spread the signal through the ventricles. The EKG scan is used to show the heart rate, and how the heart is functioning at that moment. There are multiple letters involved in this – P, QRS, T, and sometimes ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Exercise As A Healthy Lifestyle Dear Karen, I am addressing you about your interest in exercise as a supplemental component in leading a healthy lifestyle. Based on the results of your medical evaluations, I believe an exercise prescription is a viable option to help you reach your health and general fitness goals. I am excited for the opportunity to work with you and think you have made an excellent choice to pursue exercise as a treatment option. I like to stress with my clients that, although the goal is to get you exercising on your own, I am here to teach and support you so that you are comfortable and confident that you are making decisions that will impact your health in a positive way. Although my services are science based and effective, it is crucial that you do not use them as a replacement for general medical care from your physician. Exercise is a significant component to health in many ways. In the United States, the leading causes of premature death are primarily diseases of the heart and circulatory systems. Diseases of utmost significance are coronary artery disease, stroke, type II diabetes, and cancer. More and more evidence suggests that the increase in deaths with each of these conditions is correlated with a decrease in the amount of exercise performed by the general population. The good news is that you have taken the first step toward reversing this trend and I can help you achieve success. Vast amounts of research suggest exercise can help mitigate your risk for cardiovascular ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Heart Structure This passage is mainly about the structure and function of the heart which is located in the middle compartment of the chest but also tells about cardiovascular system, pulmonary system and so on. In the first paragraph, author illustrates about the heart shortly. The heart is a muscular organ in humans and other animals, which pumps blood through a 60,000 mile of blood vessels of the circulatory system. Blood moves through many tubes called arteries and veins which together are called blood vessels. It weighs between about 280 to 340 grams in men and 230 to 280 grams in women. Size of the heart is about your fist. Pumping of the heart relies on a complicate system of muscle which is called myocardium, valves, coronary vessels, the conduction ... Show more content on ... Like contraction and relaxation of the heart, myocytes and myocardium. Squeezing blood out of its heart chamber is name as contraction but relaxation is expanding to allow the blood inside the heart chamber. In last sentence, narrator had added the similar action to explain about contraction and relaxation. Myocytes works together to contract and relax the heart chamber in right sequence to pump blood to the lungs and the body. There are various blood cells in our body. Those are red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and all that sort of things. Red blood cells transport and carry oxygen to all body. On the other hand, white blood cells attack bacteria and help to fight disease or infection. Lastly, platelets help the blood if you get cut. Narrator informs the heart in the right side, left side, pulmonary circulation and the function of the blood. The right side of your heart receives blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs. Though, the left side of your heart is given the blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body. For more information, heart has four different kinds of chambers. Two upper chambers and two lower ones. Therefore, formulate of the right atrium and right ventricle, is in control for pulmonary circulation. Narrator told that the blood must rotate from the right part of the heart and through the lungs before being moved to the left side and throughout the whole ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Case Study Of Pvss DISCUSSION Since most institutions have limited experience with PVS, the data presented are useful because of the large cohort of infants with primary PVS amassed for comparison. While the present data suggest that primary PVS during infancy has a poor prognosis, lack of harmonized collection, entry criteria, definitions, and surveillance protocols across studies limits interpretation. Given the large variability and widely ranging heterogeneity of the studies from which the data were drawn, pooled results should be interpreted with caution. However, the data help to identify sources of variability in results across studies, represent the best available evidence for clinical care and family–centered counseling, and can be used to inform ... Show more content on ... Echocardiography can underestimate the degree of PVS, because blood flow is redistributed toward the less–obstructed portions of the lung, resulting in decreased flow through the stenotic vein.81 Alternatively, the pulmonary veins may have been normal initially, and the stenosis developed over time.3,5 While most studies continue to use echocardiography as the primary modality in the diagnosis of PVS8, potential advantages of cardiac CT or MRI include better delineation of pulmonary venous anatomy and blood flow distribution.79 To answer questions on the timing and nature of disease progression, more uniform methods of diagnosis surveillance, with pre–specified cut–off values for defining PVS, are needed.1,79,82 Evidence on longer–term benefits of treatments for primary PVS is lacking.1,41,64,83–85 Poor outcomes following intervention have led some health care providers to recommend against treatment, particularly in the setting of multi–vessel disease.86 While we observed no differences in outcomes among infants with severe disease provided surgical intervention compared to those provided non–intervention/medical therapy, baseline heterogeneity among enrolled patients, marked variation in type of intervention, and inconsistency in the completeness of data reported among studies, limit data interpretations. Increased awareness and improvements in non–invasive ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Hypothermia Treatment Of Cardiac Arrest Hypothermia for Cardiac Arrest Introduction Survivors of cardiac arrest often suffer from neurological damage when oxygen to the brain is depleted. This ischemia to the brain can cause lesions or damaged areas; which can effect any part of the body that is controlled by that portion of the brain. Decreasing the body temperature of a patient has shown to be effective in decreasing the amount of damage to the brain. Therapeutic hypothermia may be a reasonable treatment for patients following cardiac arrest due to its ability to decrease the impact of ischemia; reducing the number of lesions to the brain and possibly reducing the patient mortality rate. This paper will discuss the benefits, risks, and Mercy Hospital 's protocol for using therapeutic hypothermia following a cardiac arrest. Article Summary One In the first article, "Caring for Patients Receiving Therapeutic Hypothermia Post Cardiac Arrest in the Intensive Care Unit", Gardner and MacDonald state that decreasing the body temperature of a patient to 32° to 34° has shown improved outcomes during trials. This treatment is intended for "patients who present with non–perfusing ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation, are resuscitated to hemodynamic stability, and remain unresponsive" (Gardner & MacDonald, p. 15). The article states that brain injury occurs when there is a loss of oxygen carrying blood flow to the brain. This damage starts at the cellular level and leads to neurological dysfunction. ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Hypotensive Effect of Aqueous Extract of the Leaves of... Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica ñ Drug Research, Vol. 64 No. 6 pp. 547ñ552, 2007 ISSN 0001–6837 Polish Pharmaceutical Society HYPOTENSIVE EFFECT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF THE LEAVES OF PHYLLANTHUS AMARUS SCHUM AND THONN (EUPHORBIACEAE). *FABIAN C. AMAECHINA and ERIC K. OMOGBAI Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria Abstract: The plant of Phyllanthus amarus is used as diuretic and to lower blood pressure in traditional medicine practice. The effect of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Phyllanthus amarus on blood pressure was evaluated in normotensive male rabbits. Intravenously administered aqueous doses (5 mg to 80 mg/kg) of the extract to anaesthesized normotensive male rabbits produced a ... Show more content on ... The infusion of the aerial parts has been reported to be used to manage non–insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, for the relief of stomach ache and to treat dysentery (5). The plant extract has also been reported to have antitumor and anticarcinogenic activity (6). As a con– * Corresponding author:; phone: +2341–0802–3303–138. 547 548 FABIAN C. AMAECHINA and ERIC K. OMOGBAI Effect of extract on blood pressure and heart rate Each rabbit was anaesthetized with pentobarbital at the dose of 40 mg/kg, administered intravenously through the marginal ear vein, previously canulated with 21–G butterfly canula. The trachea was canulated with a plastic canula to ease respiration. The vagus nerve was located and separated from the carotid artery, which was cleared of connective tissues and canulated with a plastic canula connected to a pressure transducer via a three–way tap. The pressure transducer transmitted the blood pressure to Ugo Basile twin channel recorder (model 7090), which recorded the blood pressure and heart rate. The channel recorder was always calibrated before and after each experiment, using a mercury sphygmomanometer. When the animal had stabilized and the blood pressure and heart rate had remained constant, the extract was administered in graded doses of 5 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg, 20 mg/kg, 40 mg/kg and 80 mg/kg. The effects of the graded doses of the extract on blood pressure
  • 60. ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Central Venous Pressure Research Paper central venous pressure (CVP) line is a long, thin, flexible tube that is inserted into superior vena cava or into the right atrium and end up in the thoracic. CVP catheter can be left far longer than an intravenous catheter (IV), so its useful For long–term treatment such as infection, cancer, or it used to to provide nutrition. It allows monitoring blood pressures such as the central venous pressure, the pulmonary artery pressure, and the pulmonary capillary wedge pressures. It can be used to estimate cardiac output and vascular resistance. It's also allows the patient to have medicine or fluids at home instead of in the hospital. Types : 1– Tunneled Central Venous Catheters : is a long flexible tube which one end be placed in or near ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. An Reflection Of Advanced Perioperative Practice For this reflection of advanced perioperative practice I will be using a case study approach, I will also be using the Gibbs' reflective cycle. (1988). Gibbs' reflective cycle (1988) is a model of reflection that I feel allows me to achieve the depth of reflection that is required, I also feel that this model helps me to break the scenario that I have chose to reflect on into manageable sections. This model includes 6 stages of reflection which include description, feelings, evaluation, analysis ,conclusion, action plan. (University of Cumbria, 2015). In order to adhere to the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) standards of conduct, performance and ethics (2008) all personal details of the patients have been altered or not disclosed in order to keep the patient 's identity confidential and safe, but also to keep the identity of the hospital in which the patient was treated confidential. The case that I have chosen to reflect on was a patient that was already staying on a ward within the hospital, the patient was rushed to the emergency theatre late at night from the ward with a suspected internal bleed, the cause and exact location of the bleed was unknown, the patient presented a complex case for the theatre staff as the patient 's condition was largely unpredictable along with the amount of blood loss that the patient could lose. My role within the theatre team was on the anaesthetic side, I was supported by my mentor who I feel I have learned a vast amount of ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Symptoms And Treatment Of A Hospital Stays And Extensive... Patients who are expected to have long hospital stays and extensive IV therapy are likely to receive a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC). PICC lines have been found to be a relatively safe and cost effective route to administer long term intravenous (IV) medications such as antibiotics, chemotherapy and total parenteral nutrition (TPN). These devices are most often inserted at the patient's bedside by nurses who have received advanced training in the placement of PICC lines. Evidence based practice for sterile technique during insertion has been established and as a result, infection rates remain relatively low. There is one going debate, however, as to the safety of these catheters in patients who are at an increased risk ... Show more content on ... Antithrombotic treatment for his DVT was risky due to his increased risk for hemoptysis, however, a 2 lumen PICC line was placed in the right basilic vein, and he was started on a Heparin infusion. In reviewing his records during his hospitalization, there were no other IV medications administered other than the heparin infusion. During the infusion, he had increased hemoptysis and the medication order was discontinued. Given this patients history of DVT and an increased risk of upper extremity DVT associated with PICC lines, I question whether or not he was a good candidate for PICC placement. As previously stated, there is widespread debate as to whether or not PICC lines increase the risk of DVT and there is very little research on PICC placements in patients who have a previous history of DVT or chronic disease of the vascular system. I reviewed several research studies on the increased risk of DVT associated with PICC line placement assuming the most common complication would be infection. However, there is evidence that PICC lines can predispose patients to upper limb DVT and possible pulmonary embolism. Few of the studies I reviewed, unfortunately, mention PICC placement in patients who have a prior history of DVT, thereby further increasing the risk for DVT complications. It is important to look at factors that may ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Diagnosis Of Disease Of A Patient The first step in correct diagnosis of disease of a patient is to know his medical history. Physician should carefully ask patient information about his/her symptoms such as the onset, duration, and possible relief. The next step is physical examination of the patient. After listening to the patient 's description of the history of the symptoms, physicians generally conduct a physical examination. Inspection, Palpation, Percussion and Auscultation are the four components of physical examination. In general inspection, physician examines general body posture and proportion of the patient and then site of injury is inspected locally. After inspection, physician uses his/her hands and fingers to feel the body of the patient to know the body temperature as well as to feel underlying parts of body of the patient. This procedure is known as palpation. After palpation, physician taps body parts to get information about density of tissues and this is known as percussion. Finally, Auscultation is listening to body sounds with the help of stethoscope. The pressure of blood exerted on the walls of arteries is called arterial blood pressure or simply blood pressure. It helps to propel blood at a high velocity along the arteries. Blood pressure is taken with an instrument called sphygmomanometer and the unit of blood pressure is usually millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). The blood pressure, by this instrument, is measured in terms of air pressure when the air pressure becomes equal to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Curricular Proficiency Syndrome The femoral artery (Fig 4) begins immediately behind the inguinal ligament, midway between the anterior superior spine of the ileum and the symphysis pubis, and passes down the front and medial side of the thigh. It ends at the junction of the middle with the lower third of the thigh, where it passes through an opening in the Adductor Magnus to become the popliteal artery.(Henery, 2007) The femoral sheath. In the upper third of the thigh the femoral artery is contained in the femoral triangle (Scarpa's triangle), and in the middle third of the thigh, in the adductor canal (Hunter's canal). The femoral sheath (crural sheath) (Fig5) is formed by a prolongation downward, behind the inguinal ligament, of the fasciæ which line the abdomen, the transversalis fascia being continued down in front of the femoral vessels and the iliac fascia behind them.(Henery, 2007). ... Show more content on ... below the inguinal ligament. The lateral compartment contains the femoral artery, and the intermediate the femoral vein, while the medial and smallest compartment is named the femoral canal, and contains some lymphatic vessels and a lymph gland imbedded in a small amount of areolar tissue. The femoral canal is conical and measures about 1.25 cm. in length. Its base directed upward and named the femoral ring, is oval in form, its long diameter being directed transversely and measuring about 1.25 ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Describe The Difference Between Right Atrium And Right... The heart is made up of four chambers, two atriums and two ventricles. The right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood and pumps the blood to the lungs, whereas the left side of the heart receives the oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it to the rest of the body. The right side of the heart consists of the right atrium and right ventricle. The right atrium receives the deoxygenated blood via the vena cava (both the inferior and superior) from the rest of the body. The blood then travels through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle where it then gets pumped to the lungs, where gas exchange can occur. The chambers on the left side of the heart are the left ventricle and atrium. The left atrium receives the oxygenated blood from the lungs via the pulmonary vein. It is then pumped through the atrioventricular valve into the left ventricle, where it is pumped through the aorta and to the rest of the body. One adaptation of the heart is the thickness of the walls. The ventricles have thicker walls than the atria as blood gets pumped out with higher pressures. The left ventricle is even thicker as it must withstand the ... Show more content on ... The contraction, known as systole, pumps blood out of the heart. The relaxion phase, diastole, is when the heart muscles relax, and fill will blood. These cause the stereotypical heart sounds, 'lub' and 'dub'. The 'lub' occurs when the atrioventricular valves close, and the 'dub' when the semilunar valves close. An athletes heart has some slight adaptations that make it more efficient. In response to endurance training, both the right and left ventricles expanded. For strength athletes, the muscle of the heart thickened, but only for the left ventricle. These adaptations cause the heart to pump blood more effectively as the myocardial contractions are more forceful, and the filling and ejection of blood from the heart chambers is ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Fantasy Voyage from Femoral Vein to Right Lobe of the Lung... HS 130 Unit 4 Assignment Fantasy Voyage and Battle of the Lung Hello everyone and welcome aboard! I am S Y. with Voyage Health. Today, we will embark together in my mini–sub and we shall travel through the body of this young lady named Lola. In this journey we will enter her body through the femoral vein and travel all the way to her lung. Alert! Alert! An alert just came and we are in for a surprise. Bacteria have invaded Lola's lower lobe of her right lung and we shall report the invasion and document all we see. Let's proceed. We are being injected into the femoral vein close to the groin area. The femoral vein runs parallel with the femoral artery through the upper thigh and pelvic region of the body. (Yahoo Health, 2013) ... Show more content on ... Next stop. Right atrium. One of the four chambers of the heart, the right atrium lets deoxygenated blood to pass through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle and from there to the lung to oxygenate. The tricuspid valve, also known as right atrioventricular valve is located between the two chambers and it looks like flaps that blocks blood flowing back into the atrium. (Yahoo Health, 2013) The right ventricle of the heart has the mission to pump the blood into the pulmonary artery via the pulmonary valve and pulmonary trunk right into the lungs. Ready to go through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary artery? Here we go! Weeeee..... We are steps away from the most magnificent oxygen factory you have ever seen. Short and wide, the pulmonary artery begins at the base of the right ventricle and with a considerable size of 1.2 inches in diameter and 2.0 inches in length. Interesting fact: the pulmonary artery is one of the only arteries that carry deoxygenated blood. The other artery is the umbilical artery in the fetus. This is just something I remembered from an Anatomy class I used to take in college. The main pulmonary artery extends from the right ventricle of the heart and branches into left and right pulmonary arteries. The left and right pulmonary arteries extend to the left lung and right lungs.(Bailey, Regina 2013) Now just relax and sit back. Enjoy the ride to the lung! Going through the Finally, as promised, ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Metacarpal Veins The systemic circulation consists of the arterial and the venous systems. Arteries are a high pressure system and a pulse can be palpated. The muscle layer in arteries is stronger and they will not collapse like veins. Arteries are also deeper than veins and are surrounded by nerve endings, making arterial puncture painful. The venous system consists of superficial and deep veins. The superficial or cutaneous veins are those used for venipuncture. Because thrombosis of the superficial veins of the lower extremities can easily extend to the deep veins, it is important to avoid the use of these veins. Superficial veins are bluish in color. The pressure within veins is low and therefore a pulse will not be palpated in a vein. Knowledge of vein wall anatomy and physiology is ... Show more content on ... If large enough they may accommodate a small gauge needle, however they are used as a last resort. Metacarpal Veins: The metacarpal veins are formed by the union of the digital veins. They are usually visible, lie flat on the hand, are easy to feel, and are easily accessible. The hand provides a flat surface for stabilization and as this vein is in the extremity it allows successive venipunctures to be performed above the site. These veins may therefore be the first choice for venipuncture. Cephalic Vein: The cephalic vein flows upward along the radial aspect of the forearm. Its size readily accommodates a large needle, while its position provides easy access and natural splinting. This vein can be accessed from the wrist to the upper arm (using the most distal region of the vein first). These veins tend to "roll" so "anchoring" the vein during venipuncture essential. Accessory Cephalic Vein: The accessory cephalic vein ascends the arm and joins the cephalic vein below the elbow. Its large size accommodates a large needle. Basilic ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Lower-Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease Case Study Individuals who are experiencing aching in their legs may have lower–extremity peripheral arterial disease. The venous surgeons at Advanced Vascular Associates can assist individuals who are suffering with aching legs through Aching legs treatment Mendham. Lower–Extremity Peripheral Arterial Disease Lower–extremity peripheral arterial disease occurs when the arteries in the legs are damaged and have hardened. When the arteries in the legs are blocked or narrowed, adequate blood flow is impossible. The inability of the muscles to receive the blood they need can lead to cramping and pain in the lower legs. Another symptom commonly associated with the narrowing or blocking of arteries is slow wound healing. This painful cramping and aching frequently occurs as ... Show more content on ... The aorta exits the heart, descending into the abdomen at which point it divides into the iliac arteries, ultimately splitting into the femoral arteries at the groin. The femoral artery descends along the back of the femur, knee and then branches into smaller arteries responsible for providing oxygenated blood to the lower legs, feet and toes. Individuals who are experiencing cramping and pain in their legs should consider seeking aching legs treatment Mendham at Advanced Vascular Associates. Dedicated staff members and venous surgeons ensure that patients receive the best venous care possible in and around Mendham. Understanding the Venous System of the Leg The venous system returns the deoxygenated blood to the heart. This deoxygenated blood carries the waste products of metabolism, including carbon dioxide away from the muscles and up to the torso, where they are disposed of. The leg has two sets of veins the deep venous system and the superficial ... Get more on ...
  • 79.
  • 80. Fallot Colostomy The most common comorbid cardiac malformation is a ventricular septal defect (VSD). or tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) and others are isolated defects. In Case of VSD the patency of the ductus arteriosus can be maintained by the use of prostaglandin while the colostomy is established. Also the patent foramen ovale may need to be enlarged by the balloon technique in the case of inadequate atrial mixing. This is the only case where the cardiac lesion will have to be repaired before the ARM. When EA/TEF is present also then many factors are involved in the treatment. Such as the ligation or division of the distal TEF along with a colostomy. If the child has TOF the descending aorta may be on the right side, making the definitive repair of the EA/TEF easier from the left thoracic approach. A systemic–to–pulmonary shunt may be required Only in the presence of a cyanotic cardiac lesion ... Show more content on ... There are usually hemivertebrae present that will tilt the pelvis to a varying degree and when severe then it may result in severe deformity of the lower body. The absence of several pelvic vertebrae is more often associated with urinary incontinence than with bowel incontinence. At times the spinal malformation may be very severe with lack of development of the sacrum and sacral nerve plexus, a condition known as caudal regression or caudal dysgenesis sequence. In these instances, the baby's buttocks are flat and the gluteal crease is barely discernable. The clinical import of this condition is that the pelvic musculature and innervation are impossible to utilize. The establishment of an anal opening on the perineum will result in a perineal colostomy with little or no bowel control and no possibility of maintaining a colostomy bag seal. In these cases, establishment of a permanent colostomy is required following separation of the distal bowel from the urogenital ... Get more on ...