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A Guide to Growing                  Native Plants
                                                                      in KAPITI

 CONTENTS                              Some local plants that remind us of our past . . . but also our future potential

 2. Knowing Your Local Conditions                                      Nikau thrive in moist, sheltered, frost-free sites. The
                                                                       shelter they need, however, is long gone from most
 4. Dunelands                                                          areas. We see old nikau in open pasture because,
                                                                       being monocotyledons, they are simply very hard to kill.
                                                                       For nikau to thrive and reproduce once more we must
 8. Lowland Terraces                                                   restore shelter - and in doing so we encourage kereru
                                                                       (NZ pigeon) to visit and spread their seed.
 9. The ‘Nikau Belt’
10. ‘Kamahi Country’
11. Birds in Your Garden
                                                                       Kohekohe, a dominant tree in mild-climate forests
12. Gardening                                                          which receive year-round moisture, impresses with its
                                                                       winter flowering. In summer, large seed capsules
                                                                       develop that by early winter have split open to reveal
14. Pests                                                              orange fleshy seeds. The luxuriant flowering illustrated
                                                                       here is only possible where possums have been
15. Being Water-Wise                                                   eradicated.


                                                                       Pingao (illustrated) and spinifex are two native species
                                                                       adapted to life in the shifting foredunes where they
                                                                       help create smooth dune profiles. Destabilisation of
                                                                       dunes by pastoralism in the 19th century led to mass
                                                                       planting of marram grass and lupin which formed new
                                                                       dunes, but ones with erodable, steep profiles. To re-
                                                                       establish pingao now we need to control rabbits as
                                                                       well as marram.
Your Loc
         Knowing Your Loc al Conditions
         The zones shown here describe areas           rainfall and readily draining soils results   characteristics in wildlife communities       property fits into the picture, and some of
         which share similar ecological conditions.    in summer drought.                            (and farming practices, garden styles and     the local characteristics you could
         They are different from their neighbouring    The patterns of plant succession or valley/   even the weeds you’ll encounter).             consider when you plan your planting.
         zone in some way - perhaps salt is a          spur vegetation will be similar within each   We give a brief overview of the zones. The    The following pages list plants which are
         limiting factor, perhaps the area is frost-   zone but will differ from a neighbouring      boundaries will be blurred in reality - but   suited to the local conditions and which
         free or the combination of low summer         zone. You can also recognise local            you will be able to recognise where your      reflect the natural (native) local vegetation.
DUNELANDS (1)                                        the duneland has huge implications for             with nikau and pukatea in moist, sheltered          Cold air draining into the valleys effectively
                                                     distribution of pollutants, and for effects of     sites. This is the characteristic forest we still   creates a mountain environment at low levels
Salt, summer drought and winter frosts
                                                     drainage and subsequent loss of swamp              see in pockets today - a fresh green canopy         - one with heavy frosts and even snow! For
dictate life in the dunelands. Many of the
                                                     habitat for plants, birds (especially coastal      dotted with olive crowns of tawa. Because           the purposes of gardening, however, we have
westerly winds are strong and dry, so without
                                                     species and water-fowl) and fish (such as eel,     tawa is so sensitive to exposure, kohekohe is       combined it with ‘Kamahi Country’.
rain to wash salt off plants they really can be
                                                     mudfish, inanga). As many people have              often at an advantage in a regenerating forest,
killers. Watch too for the infrequent but
                                                     discovered, what we do to one property can         and you will see many smooth-canopied
damaging easterly gales.                             affect distant neighbours.                         stands of pure kohekohe. Tawa will be more          ‘KAMAHI COUNTRY’(6)
  The youngest dunes have a specialised but                                                             conspicuous on south-facing cool and                Year-round rainfall and cool temperatures on
limited variety of native plants. This is a                                                             sheltered sites. The upper limit of this zone       these old weathered soils has created acidic
shrubland and grassland zone, with some              LOWLAND TERRACES (2)                               is around 150-200 metres.                           conditions, but luxuriant forest growth.
taller growth possible in sheltered hollows.         Like the duneland this zone also has very                                                              Large-leaved species such as rangiora,
Because frosts are light or lacking, it is habitat                                                                                                          wineberry, five finger and lemonwood are
                                                     seasonal rainfall (dry summers) and                ESCARPMENT (4) not detailed in this booklet
for a suprising array of insects. Feeding                                                                                                                   common in the second growth and the forest
                                                     experiences frosts but wind and salt have less
prospects for insect, seed and small fruit-                                                             The vegetation on these steep slopes of thin        understorey, with disturbed bush particularly
                                                     of an influence. The alluvial and silty soils of
eating birds like finches, larks and silvereyes                                                         soils and mobile screes reflects both the mild,
                                                     the old river terraces are deep and fertile but                                                        rich in climbers and tree ferns.
are good.                                                                                               moist climate and the effect of salt-laden
                                                     drain freely, often drying out in summer. Some                                                         Forest succession starts with tauhinu and
  Further inland, older stable dunes have                                                               westerlies along with extreme drainage! So
                                                     of the silts may be heavy in winter; to a plant                                                        manuka and moves on to kamahi (abundant
thin soils which drain readily and organic                                                              we find leathery leaved tree daisies, hardy
                                                     that is similar to a drought. Good drainage is                                                         enough to lend its name to this zone),
matter is rapidly leached away. They can                                                                pittosporums, ngaio and karaka along with
                                                     a mixed blessing as pollutants drain into                                                              rewarewa, five finger and tree ferns. A mature
support forest growth, but quickly lose that                                                            the more temperate species like kohekohe,
                                                     alluvial aquifers that supply many farms.                                                              forest will contain northern rata, rimu and
capacity if cleared. Scattered groups of                                                                titoki and mahoe.
                                                     Totara, titoki and, where there is shelter,                                                            white maire over a tawa canopy.
kanuka, akeake, ngaio and taupata remind
                                                     kohekohe are visually dominant native trees                                                            Properties near bush will enjoy the spillover
us of what bush could have grown. Damp,
                                                     here - they cope well with seasonally dry soils    REIKORANGI (5)                                      of forest wildlife such as ruru (morepork),
sheltered hollows allow a greater range of
                                                     and have tolerated grazing. Smaller trees and                                                          kereru (NZ pigeon), whitehead, riroriro (grey
species to grow, but they need to be frost-                                                             This extensive hill-surrounded valley system,
                                                     shrubs tend to be small-leaved species.                                                                warbler), bellbird and tui.
tolerant ones.                                                                                          where four rivers have down-cut into a basin
  Where peat-filled swamps between dunes                                                                filled with deep, fertile, glacial gravels, has
have been drained and developed for                  The ‘NIKAU BELT’ (3)                               some unique characteristics that separate it,
housing, peat has been replaced with hardfill                                                           ecologically, from other zones in the area.
and peaty sand which creates a whole new             This area has a mild, moist climate year-
                                                     round, generally frost free (especially along
ecological zone! Treat these areas the way you                                                          KEY to the following pages:
would treat dry dunes, but remember the              the banks of rivers, or where rivers issue from
effect of peat on lowering the pH.                   the mountains and there is a constant                                  (shaded) known to be local species, historically, and should cope with
                                                     draining of air that reduces frost). There is      pata   Coprosma
  It is the patchwork of contrasting wet and                                                                                most garden situations
                                                     enough shelter or distance from the sea for
dry areas which gives the duneland its               salt winds not to be a problem. Soils are
ecological interest. Water dominates natural         mostly weathered clays and stabilised screes        rengarenga Ar      (unshaded) not native to this area, but suited to the habitat described
duneland, for two reasons. In some places            coated in loess, although this ecological zone
new dunes have blocked the flow of streams           extends out across the lowlands in places
to the beach, creating swamps. In other              where a mild climate counteracts the effects       nuka    Leptospe    (underlined) good plants to use as ‘nursery crops’ and for quick shelter
places sand plains created by wind scouring          of free drainage. Slopes without vegetation
expose the water-table and small lakes and           cover are prone to erosion during high               Note: the species listed are ones that should do well in the modern garden or bush-
swamps are created, or the compacted                 rainfall.
surface prevents heavy rainfall from draining                                                             edge environment. No attempt is made to list all species likely to have grown in the
away.                                                  Plant succession here progresses from
                                                                                                          area. Our emphasis is on species native to this area, suited to our conditions - we think
                                                     tauhinu to manuka then to kohekohe and
  The inter-connectedness of water through           tawa over large-leaved understorey species,          they give plenty of gardening scope, and a reliable framework to work within.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             PAGE 3
         Foredunes run the entire length of Kapiti-       important for the entire neighbourhood.          are drying, salty and ensure constant sand-   conditions. ❂ Frost should not be a
         Horowhenua. South of Waikanae,                   The pressures of human trampling, rabbit         drift inland. There are summer droughts,      problem here.
         however, we are gradually losing that line       browse and storm events on the foredune          and this is when most salt damage can         Design interest: Few species, but
         of dunes to the sea. The remnants are            vegetation can often be overcome by the          occur. ❂ The dunes are not only low in        colourful & texturally interesting. They
         shored up with walls and groynes. North          home gardener as well as by local                nutrient but without organic content, they    suit massing together in informal groups
         of Waikanae, although the foredunes are          authorities!                                     drain and dry rapidly. If you add organic     which reflect the underlying landforms.
         surviving, stabilisation is an ongoing            Factors for gardeners to consider:              material, you must keep on adding it, for
         concern. So how people garden here is            ❂ The prevailing west-to-north-westerlies        it will break down quickly in these

                                                It is not just the action of waves that causes
                                                coastal erosion during storms - turbulent
                                                wind increases the damage.

                                                               Foreshore gardeners should aim to get air
                                                               flowing smoothly up the beach and over the
                                                               foredune by controlling the height of
                                                               vegetation or having permeable fencing that
                                                               wind can filter through.

                                                                                                 Solid fences, walls and shelterbelts will only
                                                                                                 make the turbulence, and wind erosion, worse.           in the lee
                                                                                                                                                         small leaved pohuehue Muehlenbeckia
                                                                                                                                                         autetaranga, sand daphne Pimelea arenaria
                                                                                                            seaward side (spreading plants)              sand coprosma Coprosma acerosa
                                                                                                            nihinihi, shore bindweed Calystegia          waiuatua, shore spurge Euphorbia glauca
                                                                                                            soldanella                                   taupata Coprosma repens
                                                                                                            pingao Desmoschoenus spiralis                tauhinu, cottonwood Cassinia leptophylla
                                                                                                            spinifex Spinifex sericeus                   piripiri, bidibidi Acaena novae-zelandiae
            To germinate spinifex seeds, first                                                              sand sedge Carex pumila (on moist sites)     mingimingi Coprosma propinqua
            catch your whirlygig! Feel for plump,                                                           tataraheke, sand coprosma Coprosma           Eleocharis neozelandica
            hard seeds in the centre and use those,                                                         acerosa                                      ngaio Myoporum laetum
            keeping the container moist.                                                                    horokaka, ice plant Disphyma australe        akeake Dodonaea viscosa
                                                                                                            NZ spinach Tetragonia trigyna                whau Entelea arborescens
Dry Duneland
Dunes increase in age as you travel inland                than expected. Successful planting relies          air drainage off the hills helps prevent          we need to replenish soils regularly
and their soils mature accordingly.                       on matching the dry/damp patterns and              frost. Plants listed have an asterisk if they     with organic compost.
Between the dunes there are often flat                    using hardier species in sites exposed to          are frost-tender. ❂ The entire area               Design interest: Kanuka and akeake, if
sandplains and hollows created by wind-                   dry salty winds.                                   experiences summer drought. Mulching              left unpruned, have attractive, wind-
scouring where the soil is damp. Much of                  Factors for gardeners to consider:                 with a heavy chip (that will not blow away)       shaven forms that have become key visual
our urban development occurs in this                      ❂ Use salt-resistant species to create             will help plants establish. ❂ In these            focal points in this landscape.
zone and not all the dunes have survived                  shelter for other plants. ❂ Frost is an            sandy soils organic matter will break down
                                                                                                                                                               Prunable hedges:taupata, akeake, olearia
bulldozing, so soils may be less developed                issue - although less to the south where           rapidly. To recreate the old forest fertility
                                                                                                                                                               Street trees: karaka, akeake, ngaio,
                                                                                                                                                               mahoe, kanuka

                                  gro                                           es
                                        ves                               tre        lar
                      d                       of wind r e s i s t a n t                          to
          shr   ublan                                                                                 lee

                                                                                                                                                                                The copper butterfly is
Small plants & Ground Covers                                                                                        frost resistant species on moist flats                      abundant on the coast because
petako, sickle spleenwort Asplenium                                                                                                                                             that’s where its native host
polyodon                                                                                                                                                                        plant       pohuehue          or
                                                           Trees - on younger dunes & dry sand plains
huruhuruwhenua, shining spleenwort                                                                                                                                              Muehlenbeckia grows densely.
                                                           ngaio Myoporum laetum
Asplenium oblongifolium                                                                                                                                                         M. complexa is a versatile plant
                                                           kanuka Kunzia ericoides - survives best
mingimingi      Cyathodes fasciculatus
                                                           planted in groves                                                                                                    - it even makes a great hedge
mingimingi Coprosma propinqua                                                                                Moist sand plains & hollows - low stature . . .
                                                           akeake Dodonaea viscosa                                                                                              when grown along a wire
Coprosma rigida                                                                                              remuremu Selliera radicans
                                                           taupata     Coprosma repens                                                                                          netting fence - and is a popular
taupata Coprosma repens                                                                                      shore pimpernel Samolus repens
                                                           rautini, Chatham Is.akeake Senecio huntii                                                                            pot plant overseas.
coastal tree daisy Olearia solandri                                                                          Gunnera arenaria
                                                           whau* Entelea arborescens
tauhinu Cassinia leptophylla                                                                                 sand buttercup Ranunculus acaulis
korokio Corokia cotoneaster                                                                                  panakenake Pratia angulata
Juncus australis (tolerates dry conditions)                Trees - older dunes with soils. As above, plus:
                                                                                                             libertia Libertia perigrinans
hibiscus Hibiscus trionum                                  titoki*   Alectryon excelsus
                                                                                                             Carex flagellifera
rengarenga Arthropodium cirratum                           akiraho Olearia paniculata
                                                                                                             sand sedge Carex pumila
ngutukaka, kakabeak Clianthus puniceus                     mahoe Melicytus ramiflorus
                                                                                                             blue wheat grass Agropyron scabrum
                                                           kowhai Sophora microphylla                                                                          . . . and taller species
                                                                                                             toetoe Cortaderia toetoe
Climbers                                                   mapou Myrsine australis                                                                             cabbage tree Cordyline australis
                                                                                                             harakeke, swamp flax Phormium tenax
kaiwhiria, native jasmine Parsonsia capsularis             kaikomako Pennantia corymbosa                                                                       karaka Corynocarpus laevigatus
                                                                                                             rengarenga Arthropodium cirrhatum
puataua Clematis forsteri                                  matai Prumnopitys taxifolia                                                                         kahikatea Dacrycarpus dacrydioides
                                                                                                             shore fuchsia * Fuchsia procumbens

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PAGE 5
Duneland Streams
                                                     Streams in the duneland are mostly             courses have been straightened (which
                                                     deep, meandering channels with steep,          speeds up their flow and erosional
                                                     eroded banks. Plants suited to growing         energy), they are treated as drains for
                                                     on their banks will be ones which cope         farm effluent and stormwater, and most
                                                     with dry, well-drained sites, not ‘wet feet’   have lost any streamside (riparian)
                                                     sites.                                         vegetation. Our planting plans may help
                                                     ❂ They act as visual corridors through         restore vitality to those waterways.
                                                     the landscape but many of their natural        ❂ Inanga (adult whitebait) spawn
                                                                                                    within streamside grasses and reeds
                                                                                                    hundreds of metres from the coast,
                                                                                                    where salt water turns to fresh water
                                                                                                    on the spring tide. This is another
                                                                                                    argument for keeping stock or mowers
                                                                                                    away from stream edges and to allow
                            Ideal heights for streamside planting:                                  plants to grow which will minimise
                                                                                                    erosion along the stream banks.
                                                                                                    ❂ Overhanging vegetation contributes
                                                             Shrubs & grasses                       to the shading and nutrient supply for
                                                             (1-2m)                                 all manner of stream life. Native,
                                3m max.                                                             evergreen vegetation is better than
                                                                                                    deciduous vegetation as both shading
                                                                                                    and nutrient will be constant year-

                                                                             Small trees
                                      6m max.

                                                                                                    Stream banks
                                                     .                                              kowhai Sophora microphylla
                                                 AR                                                 ngaio Myoporum laetum
                                            AD                                                      koromiko Hebe stricta
                                          SH                                       Large trees      muakaro, scented broom Carmichaelia
                                                                                   (>4m)            odorata
                                                                                                    tree tutu Coriaria arborea (poisonous fruit)
                                          12m max.                                                  toetoe Cortaderia toetoe
                                                                                                                                               Duneland Wetlands
Swamps and ponds created by poor                  water-logging. Much wetland has been lost      ❂ Avoid planting raupo in ponds with
drainage will have a fluctuating water            (and wildlife habitat with it) so recreating   high nutrient levels - it will soon choke
level - suited to plants which tolerate           swamps and ponds is a positive                 the pond. The flip side is raupo is good
occasional or seasonal waterlogging. Wet          contribution to local ecology.                 for filtering grey water - as are
areas created by a high water-table                                                              Schoenoplectus validus and Baumea                 Swamp flax (harakeke) and
                                                  Factors for gardeners to consider:                                                               coastal flax are different species.
generally have a more stable water-level,         ❂ Peaty soils, when drained, shrink and        articulata ❂ Give priority to planting
                                                                                                                                                   You won’t find much coastal flax
and plants grow in zones around the               prove difficult to manage. You could add       banks above wetlands that are surrounded          growing in this area as it commonly
edges according to their tolerance of             topsoil or sand to condition the garden.       by rural land. Plants may help filter the         grows on well-drained rocky sites.
                                                                                                 high nitrogen levels in seepage and runoff.       But you will find lots of large
                                                                                                                                                   swamp flax (Phormium tenax)
                                                                                                                                                   growing where the soil is damp
                                                                                                                                                   year-round. Its seed pods are erect
                                                                                                                                                   (on coastal flax they hang down and
                                                                                                                                                   are twisted).

                                                                                                                                                                             Designing a wetland?
                                                                                                                                                                     Small gestures for local wildife
                                                                                                                                                                                     go a long way.

                                                                                                                                                                               A stump or dead tree
                                                                                                                                                                              overlooking the water
                                                                                                                                                                                is a natural vantage
                                                                                                                                                                                       for shags and

                                                                                                                                                                                       An island in a
                                                                                                 Wet edges
                                                                                                                                                                                 pond can provide a
                                                                                                 pukio Carex secta
                                                                                                                                                                              predator-free roosting
Damp raised ground (or occasional waterlogging)                                                  Carex geminata
                                                                                                                                                                                  site for waterfowl.
manuka Leptospermum scoparium                                                                    Carex lessoniana
koromiko Hebe stricta var. atkinsonii                                                            upoko tangata, giant umbrella sedge
                                                                                                                                                                    Dabblers and swamp birds like
karamu Coprosma robusta                                                                          Cyperus ustulatus
                                                                                                                                                                               the shelter of over-
hukihuki, swamp coprosma Coprosma                                                                wiwi, sea rush Juncus maritimus
                                                                                                                                                                                hanging pond-side
tenuicaulis                                       Damp edges & hollows                           jointed wire rush, oioi Leptocarpus similis
                                                                                                                                                                            vegetation; ducks like
Olearia virgata                                   cabbage tree Cordyline australis               raupo Typha orientalis                                                          a grassy bank for
toetoe Cortaderia toetoe                          harakeke, swamp flax Phormium tenax            kapungawha, lake clubrush                                                              access - so
cabbage tree Cordyline australis                  Carex virgata                                  Schoenoplectus validus                                                              provide both.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 7
Lowland terraces
         The character of remnant patches of native   Even though this area is devoted to             frost - or the clay-rich silts that are heavy   not exposed to wind.
         growth on the free-draining lowlands         horticulture and grazing, native vegetation     in winter and dry in summer, reduces the        Design interest: Stone walls are part of
         today is dominated by totara, with groves    plays a dominant role in the landscape,         range of plants that will do well without       the alluvial lowland scenery. The remnant
         of kohekohe, titoki and matai where bush     giving residents a ‘framework’ on which         shelter. So, firstly, concentrate on            patches of native trees have rounded
         has been protected from stock. The           to build a visually sympathetic garden.         providing shelter! Plants listed have an        crowns - this is a ‘soft’ landscape.
         understorey shrubs are mostly hardy,         Factors for gardeners to consider:              asterisk if frost-tender when young. The
                                                                                                                                                      Prunable hedges: kohuhu, mapou
         small-leaved and divaricating species                                                        banks of larger streams will be frost-free
                                                      ❂ The combination of good drainage,                                                             Street trees: titoki, totara, mahoe,
         which make interesting garden plants.                                                        so tender plants like tree ferns and
                                                      drying winds and summer drought, plus                                                           kaikomako
                                                                                                      kawakawa may do well in sites that are

                                                                                                                                                                   No-one knows for
                                                                                                                                                                   certain how many
                                                                                                                                                                   years cicada pupa stay
                                                                                                                                                                   underground but it
                                                                                                                                                                   clearly helps if you
                                                                                                                                                                   don’t dig around the
                                                                                                                                                                   base of your trees!
                                                                                                      Small plants & ground covers
                                                                                                      koromiko Hebe stricta var. atkinsonii           Big trees
                                                                                                      toetoe Cortaderia toetoe                        titoki* Alectryon excelsus
                                                                                                      muakoro, scented broom Carmichaelia             kohekohe       Dysoxylum spectabile
                                                                                                      odorata                                         totara Podocarpus totara
                                                                                                      thin-leaved coprosma Coprosma aereolata         matai Prumnopitys taxifolia
                                                                                                      Coprosma rhamnoides
                                                                                                      stiff stemmed coprosma Coprosma                 Small trees
                                                                                                      crassifolia                                     manuka Leptospermum scoparium
         Ferns (all prefer semi-shade)                                                                                                                poataniwha Melicope simplex
                                                                                                      Hydrocotyle novae-zealandiae (moist, shaded
         huruhuruwhenua, shining spleenwort                                                                                                           wineberry Aristotelia serrata
         Asplenium oblongifolium                      Climbers                                                                                        kaikomako Pennantia corymbosa
                                                                                                      mikoikoi, NZ iris Libertia ixioides
         manamana, hen & chicken Asplenium            kaiku, NZ jasmine Parsonsia heterophylla -                                                      mapou Myrsine australis - good in dry sites
                                                                                                      bush rock lily Arthropodium candidum
         bulbiferum                                   not P. capsularis which prefers drier habitat                                                   kowhai Sophora microphylla
                                                                                                      raupeka Earina autumnalis (orchid)
         panako, thread fern Blechnum filiforme       akatea, small white rata Metrosideros                                                           kawakawa Macropiper excelsum
                                                                                                      peka a waka Earina mucronata (orchid)
         tarawera, button fern Pellaea rotundifolia   perforata                                                                                       mahoe, whiteywood Melicytus ramiflorus
                                                                                                      coastal astelia Astelia banksii (part shade)
         hounds tongue Phymatasorus pustulatus        climbing fuchsia Fuchsia perscandens                                                            wharangi Melicope ternata
                                                                                                      Carex solandri
         ponga, silver tree fern Cyathea dealbata     Clematis foetida (yellow flowers)                                                               kohuhu Pittosporum tenuifolium
                                                                                                      wind grass Anamanthele lessoniana (semi-
         wheki Dicksonia squarrosa                    puataua Clematis forsteri
‘Nikau’ Belt
                                                                                                                                               The ‘Nikau’ Belt
The combination of low frost frequency,       environment. Today the zone is important      shelter provides. Mature trees may die if     Design interest: Apart from tawa and
year-round soil moisture and reasonably       for the density of kohekohe in second         exposed to wind, and juveniles (which         titoki’s olive green crowns, the palette
nutritious soils create a mild, productive    growth stands - a tree of moist, coastal      make attractive garden plants) also           here is a distinctive fresh green, with
growing environment. With shelter, trees      areas rapidly disappearing through            require a draft-free, shady site ❂ your       kohekohe, mahoe, kawakawa and
like tawa and nikau find the humidity they    pressures of lowland development and          gardens are a vital link for birds moving     hangehange the greatest contributors.
thrive in. Fragments of mature forest (seen   possum browsing of the remnants.              down into the lowlands from the Tararua       Sizeable clusters of trees tend to nestle
near Emerald Glen or in Nikau Reserve)        Factors for gardeners to consider:            foothills.They’ll appreciate continuous       into the landforms - this can be mimicked
remind us of the potential lushness of this   ❂ Tawa needs the humidity that good           plantings.                                    on a smaller scale with low vegetation
                                                                                                                                          around buildings.
                                                                                                                                          Prunable hedges: Lemonwood, kohuhu,
                                                                                                                                          Street trees: Kohekohe,titoki, lacebark,

                                                                                                                                          Big trees
                                                                                                                                          kohekohe      Dysoxylum spectabile
                                                                                                                                          cabbage tree Cordyline australis
                                                                                                                                          rewarewa Knightia excelsa
                                                                                                                                          titoki Alectryon excelsus
                                                                                                                                          tawa Beilschmedia tawa
                                                                                                                                          turepo, small leaved milk tree Streblus

                                                                                                                                          Small trees
                                                                                                                                          manuka Leptospermum scoparium
                                                                                            Small Plants & Ground Covers                  karamu Coprosma robusta
                                                                                            maukoro, whip broom Carmichaelia              wharangi Melicope ternata
                                                                                            flagelliformis                                wineberry Aristotelia serrata
                                                                                            maukoro, scented broom Carmichaelia odorata   lacebark Hoheria sexstylosa
                                                                                            koromiko Hebe stricta var. atkinsonii         kawakawa Macropiper excelsum
                                                                                            koromiko Hebe parviflora                      mahoe Melicytus ramiflorus
                                              Climbers                                      poroporo Solanum aviculare                    pigeonwood Hedycarya arborea
Ferns                                         NZ jasmine Parsonsia heterophylla             hangehange Geniostoma rupestre var.           kotukutuku, tree fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata
huruhuruwhenua, shining spleenwort            akatea, pink rata vine Metrosideros diffusa   ligustrifolium (shade)                        (moist sites)
Asplenium oblongifolium                       rata vine Metrosideros fulgens                mikoikoi, NZ iris Libertia ixioides           kohuhu Pittosporum tenuifolium
panako, thread fern Blechnum filiforme        puawananga, bush clematis Clematis            turutu, NZ blueberry Dianella nigra           kanono Coprosma grandifolia
tarawera, button fern Pellaea rotundifolia    paniculata                                    panakenake Pratia angulata                    lemonwood Pittosporum eugenioides
hounds tongue Phymatosorus pustulatus         kohia, NZ passionvine Passiflora tetrandra    raupeka Earina autumnalis (orchid)            nikau Rhophalostyis sapida - (shelter)
wheki Dicksonia squarrosa                     kiekie Freycinetia baueriana ssp banksii      peka a waka Earina mucronata (orchid)         rangiora Brachyglottis repanda (understorey)

                                                                                                                                                                                         PAGE 9
‘Kamahi’ Country
On the foothills behind the lowlands, or      particular) kamahi is a showy specimen         and cool nights that mean young plants        the most of flowering trees and vines.
in the Reikorangi Basin, there is plenty of   tree with a rich supply of nectar for birds.   in particular require good shelter. ❂ a       Prunable       hedges:        large-leaved
year-round rainfall. As a result the soils    Rata vines, passionvine, clematis and          common complaint along disturbed bush         coprosmas
are deeply weathered, leached and             supplejack contribute colour and bird          edges is the tree disease Armillaria which
                                                                                                                                           Street trees: Northern rata, kamahi,
somewhat acidic. First manuka, and then       food to the garden.                            will spread to new plantings, so remove
kamahi dominates the regenerating bush.       Factors for gardeners to consider:             infected wood where possible.
Like many other hill country trees            ❂ although there is great variety of plant     Design interest: flowering interest in
(rewarewa, northern rata and heketara in      types and forms possible, beware of frost      natives comes into its own up here - make

                                                                                                                                           Big trees
                                                                                                                                           rimu Dacrydium cupressinum
                                                                                                                                           white maire Nestegis lanceolata
                                                                                                                                           tawa Beilschmiedia tawa - needs shelter
                                                                                                                                           rewarewa Knightia excelsa
                                                                                                                                           northern rata Metrosideros robusta
                                                                                                                                           miro Prumnopitys ferruginea
  Overseas, many beetles fly to
  escape animals which eat                                                                                                                 Small trees
                                                                                                                                           raukaua, five finger Pseudopanax
  them. Here, there were so few
                                              Small Plants & Ground Covers                                                                 anomalus
  animals many beetles stopped                everlasting daisy Helichrysum bellidioides     Climbers                                      kanono Coprosma grandifolia
  flying. They grew big and                   Nertera depressa (damp ground)                 kaiku, NZ jasmine Parsonsia heterophylla      horoeka, lancewood Pseudopanax
  heavy. When humans brought                  Lagenifera pumila                              akatea, pink rata vine Metrosideros diffusa   crassifolius
  rats to NZ most of these giant              turutu, NZ blueberry Dianella nigra            rata vine Metrosideros fulgens                pate Schefflera digitata
                                              hangehange        Geniostoma rupestre var.     puawananga, bush clematis Clematis            rangiora Brachyglottis repanda
  beetles were eaten out. This
                                              ligustrifolium                                 paniculata                                    mahoe, whiteywood Melicytus ramiflorus
       one is the HUHU beetle.                karamu Coprosma robusta                        kohia, NZ passionvine Passiflora tetrandra    kaikomako Pennantia corymbosa
                                              tutu Coriaria arborea                          Ferns                                         putaputaweta Carpodetus serratus
                                              Coprosma rhamnoides                            kiokio Blechnum novae-zelandiae               pigeonwood Hedycarya arborea
                                              koromiko Hebe stricta                          hounds tongue Phymatosorus pustulatus         kamahi Weinmannia racemosa
                                              hunangamoho Chionochloa conspicua (a           piupiu, crown fern Blechnum discolor          heketara, tree daisy Olearia rani
                                              tussock)                                       kotate, soft tree fern Cyathea smithii        kotukutuku, tree fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata
                                              Cortaderia fulvida (a small toetoe)            mamaku Cyathea medullaris                     broadleaf Griselinia littoralis
                                              mikoikoi, NZ iris Libertia ixioides            ponga, silver tree fern Cyathea dealbata      kawakawa Macropiper excelsum
                                              winika Dendrobium cunninghamii (orchid)        wheki Dicksonia squarrosa                     forest cabbage tree Cordyline banksii
BIRDS in YOUR GARDEN                                                                            & BUGS !
What does your garden offer a bird?              flowers are available throughout the            . . . and butterflies and moths and
There is a big ecological difference             year, but they eat fruits also, and tui show   worms . . . one of the features of the
between gardens with numerous birds              a preference for native fruits (especially     New Zealand insect fauna is that so
(especially starlings, sparrows and              podocarps) over exotic species.                many species are dependant upon a
blackbirds) and gardens with a great             The main fruit and foliage eaters (NZ          particular plant for part of their life
variety of birds. The latter reflects the        pigeons, starlings, silver-eyes) are useful    cycle - perhaps all of it.
range of feeding opportunities the               for distributing plants around, especially     Having a diversity of native plants in
gardens offer, as well as safe roosting and      the pigeon which can swallow the really        your garden is good for this reason
nesting places.                                  big fruits - but it works both ways. These     alone.                                      Whiteheads or popokatea are
Most of our garden birds are ones which          birds also transport your garden species       Over half our native bugs evolved in        endemic to the North Island.
have recently immigrated from countries          fruits back into the bush where we don’t       forest situations but with so much          These noisy birds move in
already full of predators (so the birds          necessarily want them.                         forest cleared their options are limited.   flocks, eating insects off forest
have learnt defensive behaviour). This           Finches, larks, sparrows feed mostly on        A small corner of your garden that is       trees. They rarely fly in the
                                                 grass seeds and small insects in the open.     allowed to stay dank, still and             open, but may be tempted into
includes ‘natives’ like fantails and tits that
                                                                                                                                            gardens along bush margins by
came from Australia long before humans,          Your garden might also provide for water       undisturbed is precious habitat for our
                                                                                                                                            the fruits of hangehange,
but recently enough to still have                birds that feed on invertebrates, fish and     native insects.
                                                                                                                                            putaputaweta, mahoe or rimu.
Australian traits.                               foliage. Swamp and pond birds like
Our endemic birds don’t have those               pukeko, ducks, scaups etc. need privacy
survival skills ingrained: they can’t share      and shelter. Shags, kingfishers appreciate
gardens with cats, dogs, rats and even           perches beside the water.
magpies except on brief feeding visits.          And don’t be in too much of a rush to
So you could reduce the number of bird-          fell that old dead tree - it could become
killers for a start.                             home for your local morepork (as long
Most birds have a preferred diet (and a          as you eradicate the possums first).
way of seeking it) although most show            So you can see that every garden is a
a burst of interest in protein around            potential food source for birds at any
breeding time. They might primarily              time of year. What our native birds need
be insect eaters hawking on the wing             is not food so much as habitat where they
(fantails), feeding in ground litter             can breed and roost free from predation,
(blackbirds, thrushes, tits), feeding            nest disturbance and competition from
from inside tree canopies (riroriro,             aggressive immigrant species. Some of
whiteheads) or from the outer crown              the shyer ones will appreciate linkages
of trees and bushes (silver-eyes,                between gardens (perhaps an avenue
starlings).                                      of street trees?) so that they need not
Nectar eaters, like tui, bellbird and            fly in the open.
silver-eyes, will seek out whatever
    You                     Landscape
Are You a Gardener? The New Landscape                                                                  species                 NATIVE                  Protecting Natural
                                                                                                    gone wild                 SPECIES
                                                                                                     (2068)                       (2000)               Remnants
Whether you plant a shelter belt or a             Where once there was 15 metres height
herbaceous border you’re deciding what            of luxuriant growth producing its own
plants will do best in that location - that’s     nutrients and microclimate, and                                                                      What’s important?
at the heart of gardening. Add a dash of          perhaps a metre of organic soil below                                                                ❂ fencing - to let palatable plants and
imagination and sensitivity to your               this, now there is more likely to be
                                                                                                                                                        seedlings grow, and to reduce
surroundings to those practical                   10cm of grass on a soil dependent on
                                                                                                                                                        trampling damage;
decisions and you’re on the way to being          fertilisation.
a garden designer as well.                        Where once the wind blew across a                                                                    ❂ sealing the bush edges from wind to
Although the range of native plants never         tightly woven, wind-resistant coastal                          Introduced                             create the cool, humid microclimate
seems as broad as the selection of                shrubland of uniform height, now it is                                                                that many interior forest plants need.
                                                                                                                 in gardens
exotics, your native garden can be just           more likely to swirl turbulently around                         (16,900)                              Use low stature, fast growing plants
as satisfying and interesting. Plus, it’s a       hedges,     houses      and     solitary                                      Dept.of Conservation    such as taupata or manuka in coastal
haven for all those insects which prefer          macrocarpas.                                                                                          areas; karamu or mahoe on the
or rely on native species for their welfare.                                                      Biodiversity is not simply a numbers                  lowlands; poroporo, karamu or
                                                  The waterways are rich in nutrient from
                                                                                                  game: increasing the number of plant
                                                  rural run-off, most swamps are drained,         species in the country does not
                                                                                                                                                        kohuhu in the foothills and in the hill
Elegant plantings of Carex provide good habitat
for stream life and help absorb flood waters.     their peat soils shrunken or replaced           necessarily improve biodiversity if it’s at           country. If there are tawa in the stand,
                                                  with hardfill.                                  the expense of the native flora.                      plant a taller shelter belt to minimise
                                                  So, what plants will suit these new             The diagram suggests that ‘windows of                 wind exposure to their crowns (use
                                                  situations? Will the natives once present       opportunity’ are now more likely to be                salt resistant species like kohekohe
                                                  survive today? Here are some tips:              filled by an imported species than by a
                                                                                                                                                        and kaikomako in the lowlands);
                                                                                                  native species. So, gardening with
                                                  ❂ near the coast, accept that you are in        natives is rather like an insurance policy           ❂ retaining the natural water table and
                                                   a shrubland zone - the only native trees       for our native flora.                                 soil moisture patterns in the vicinity.
                                                   likely to thrive there are the resilient                                                             Kahikatea is particularly vulnerable to
                                                   coastal trees ngaio, karaka, akeake,
                                                   kohekohe or taupata which will quickly      old wetlands.
                                                   resprout if damaged by salt or wind.                                                                ❂ controlling weed and animal pests.
                                                                                              ❂ on fertile river terraces and open
                                                   Concentrate on smoothing the flow of                                                                 Rats and possums prevent fruiting and
                                                                                               spaces (especially well drained areas)
                                                   wind (mass planting of same-age plants                                                               seedling growth. See p.16 for advice;
                                                                                               deep-rooted trees or tiny-leaved shrubs
                                                   helps). Avoid plants with large, soft,      have the best tolerance to stresses.                    ❂ limiting access. Make a path, but only
                                                   non-shiny leaves. Take particular care                                                               one, especially where neighbours
                                                                                              ❂ in inland areas once forested: see
                                                   with young plants (mulch and water                                                                   share a natural remnant. You can’t
                                                   well).                                      what grows around the edges of forest
                                                                                               remnants and plant those species                         expect great seedling growth where
                                                  ❂ once a wetland plant, always a             (shrubs, vines, hardy ferns), or have a                  kids play or everyone has a track to
                                                   wetland plant, so they should survive       look at a regenerating scrub area and                    their favourite spot;
                                                   in the ‘new landscape’. But now they        plant those species: they can withstand
                                                   have a modern role to play - purifying                                                              ❂ stock nibbling over the fence? Plant
                                                                                               exposure. Plant in groups, and add
                                                   water and providing shade for wildlife                                                               species they don’t like - ngaio, rangiora
                                                                                               ‘internal’ bush remnant species later
                                                   in streams. Concentrate on riparian                                                                  and poroporo for example.
                                                                                               when there is shelter.
                                                   planting and restoring the water to
Simply                                      You
Or Simply Gardening Where Can You Source Specialist Native    Native                                                         For Getting
                                                                                                                        Tips For Getting The
Choosing to garden with natives is a
                                     Native Plants? Plant Stockists                                                           Results
                                                                                                                        Best Results
personal preference, but look at some
of the reasons why people enjoy doing       One of the features of lowland Kapiti-         Talisman Nursery             Starting from scratch? On bare land your
it:                                         Horowhenua is that so little natural                                        worst enemies are the drying wind,
                                                                                           Ringawhata Road
                                            vegetation remains. Without the ability                                     weeds that appreciate your disturbance
❂ if they use species already proven &                                                     Otaki
                                            to go out and collect seed we rely on                                       of the soil and hungry rabbits.
 suited to the locality they ’ll get
                                            neighbours and specialist plant nurseries                                   Dense planting is advised, to provide
 optimum growth and minimum
                                            to stock our gardens.                          Otaihanga Nurseries          cool cover for tender roots as quickly as
                                            Try, where you can, to use plants bred         117 Otaihanga Road           possible and to suppress weeds. You can
❂ they appreciate the character of
                                            from local stock. Eco-sourcing is quite        Paraparaumu                  thin growth later.
 natural landscape around them - that
                                            valid. Although people will point out                                       A mulch will have the same effect, but
 ‘sense of place’
                                            that birds carry seeds long distances, a                                    could blow away in exposed coastal
❂ their sense of garden design overrides                                                   Gus Evans Nurseries
                                            great number of plant species have fruits                                   gardens unless you pin it down with
  any reluctance about planting                                                            12 Utauta Street
                                            eaten by small birds or geckos which                                        netting or fibrous mat.
  ‘common’ or ‘scrubby’ species.
                                            don’t have big ranges, or perhaps the          Waikanae                     ‘Nursery’ crops are a good idea for
❂ they are aware that there are specific    seeds are wind distributed. The plants
                                                                                                                        large planting programmes, to provide
 plant host-insect relationships which      don’t get widely distributed at all.
                                                                                           Naturally Native             quick shelter from the wind. Start with
 they can nurture (and have gardens
                                            The same goes for pollination, so some                                      native adventives (the first plants to
 full of native butterflies, cicada and                                                    30 Gammon Mill Road
                                            plants are relatively ‘incestuous’ and                                      establish quickly after disturbance, such
 moths)                                                                                    Tauranga
                                            develop local traits that often give plants                                 as taupata in the duneland, manuka or
❂ they want to re-create and improve        tolerance to local stressful conditions.                                    karamu elsewhere) and a year or two
 habitat for wildlife (especially                                                                                       later interplant with other species. With
                                                                                           Matatoa Trees and Shrubs
 important in the wetlands)                                                                                             time, you can thin or remove the
                                            Many gardeners experience difficulty           P.O.Box 31
❂ it gives them a buzz nurturing &                                                                                      ‘nursery’ plants. A useful exotic species
                                            getting the pure species of manuka and         Engles Road
 protecting vulnerable and unusual                                                                                      to use like this is tree lucerne.
                                            kanuka established. It is possible that the
 native species                                                                            Shannon
                                            seedlings develop best with soil fungi
❂ it provides plants ideal for weaving      present. Try adding Trichoderma (available
 and dying, for symbolic uses and for       from garden suppliers) to the planting hole,   Plantwise
 using in flower arrangements               or a handful of soil taken from under          Summit Road
❂ they know they’re contributing to New     established groves of manuka, and use
                                                                                           Lower Hutt
  Zealand’s biodiversity (and preventing    locally sourced seedlings.
  outsiders using windows of
  opportunity to take over). Did you                                                       Taupo Native Plant Nursery
  look at the pie diagram on the previous                                                  P.O.Box 437
  page?                                                                                    Taupo
          Eating Your Garden
          Eating Your                                                                                Taking Over Your Patch
                                                                                                                 Your Pa
          Rabbits are a major pest for gardeners        Possum numbers are high inland of            We are familiar with weeds like gorse and    duneland.
          especially in the sand country, and hares     State Highway 1.                             blackberry but there are other weeds of      Treatment: Roundup, Escort
          are common in inland rural areas. It pays                                                  particular concern in Kapiti that
                                                                                                     gardeners might unwittingly spread           Pampas
          to eradicate them before planting or          Control methods include:
          protect new plantings. Hares will not         ❂ Bait stations using Talon 20P pellets      thinking they are attractive fruiting or
          take poison readily so the best option is       or Pindone pellets (delayed kill           flowering garden specimens.
          to shoot them. Note that rabbits seem           response, so pulse for cost
                                                          effectiveness).                            Boxthorn
          partial to hebe, coprosma and aciphylla.
                                                        ❂ Timms traps set near palatable trees.
          Control methods include:                        Possum favourites include coprosma,
          ❂ Magtoxin tablets for fumigating               tree fuchsia, five-finger, kohekohe -
            burrows                                       and they love ripening male pine
          ❂ Pindone cereal rabbit pellets (an             cones. Bait with fruit and cinnamon
                                                                                                                                                  Two species of tall grass, like toetoe,
            anticoagulant poison)                         or dates.
                                                                                                                                                  but they flower late in summer and
          ❂ Shooting is only permissible in rural       ❂ Live trapping. As above - but you have
                                                                                                                                                  their dead leaves spiral like pencil
            areas. Remember it is an offence to           to dispose of the possum yourself!
                                                                                                                                                  shavings. Concentrated in disturbed
            carry a loaded fire arm on any vehicle.     ❂ Shooting (see previous notes)
                                                                                                     Erect, thorny shrub with red fruit, active   sites like dunes and along riverbeds.
            It is also an offence to discharge a fire                                                in duneland.                                 Treatment: Spray after flowering with
            arm so as to annoy or frighten anyone,
                                                        Rats and mice prevent the germination        Treatment: Spray regrowth after cutting      Roundup, Gallant.
            so warn your neighbours before you
                                                        of seeds to a greater degree than most       to ground level with diesel/Grazon
            shoot near dwellings.                                                                                                                 Old Man’s Beard
                                                        of us are aware.                             mixture. Or rip out manually. NB
                                                                                                     discarded branches can resprout.
          Protect plants with:
                                                        Control methods include:
          ❂ Oxblood, in liquid form, painted onto                                                    Boneseed
                                                        ❂ Bait stations using Talon 50WB pellets
                                                          (a length of drain pipe does the trick).
          ❂ Acrylic paint +egg powder repellent
            painted onto foliage
          ❂ Tyres, netting or plastic sleeves placed
            around young plants
          ❂ Exclusion fencing made of chicken
            netting                                                                                                                               A smothering clematis, on lowlands
                                                                                                                                                  and inland areas. Leaves are arranged
                                                                                                                                                  in fives (native clematis have leaves in
                                                                                                     Yellow-flowering shrub with fleshy           threes). Fluffy seedheads.
                                                                                                     leaves and black fruit, active in            Treatment: Roundup, Escort.

                                                                                             Kapiti District does not store water. Its
                                                                                             supply relies on rainfall maintaining river
Banana Passionfruit                       Some garden and farm trees become
                                                                                             levels and on bore water. As we know,
                                          problems when their original
                                                                                             summers usually stretch demand for
                                          circumstances change. Macrocarpa
                                                                                             water beyond supply!
                                          seedlings will proliferate in open
                                          ground if grazing stock are removed.               This guide should help you plant
                                          Sycamore can establish in native bush              species adapted to the climate of your
                                          and shade out other plants. It is a                neighbourhood and its stresses, but
                                          particular problem around Reikorangi.              there are other common-sense
                                          Crack willow, once popular for                     precautions to take to minimise water-
                                          streamside planting, will resprout from            useage when supplies are low:
Vigorous climber with green/pink          branches moved downstream during                                                                 Two coastal gardens which have solved the water
flower and yellow pulpy fruit. Most                                                                 Soak, don’t sprinkle                   crisis by using naturally resilient seaside species:
active in frost-free ‘Nikau Belt’ and                                                                   Water the roots, not the leaves    (above) prostrate ngaio and pingao, (below) a
                                                                                                                                           silvery combination of spinifex with the northern
riverbeds.                                                                                                                                 hibiscus and, in the centre, the milky leaves of the
                                          For a full list of pest plants in the Wellington     Water late in the evening to                shore spurge Euphorbia glauca.
Treatment: Roundup. Cut back in
                                          area refer to the detailed literature provided       minimise evaporation
winter/spring and spray regrowth.
                                          by Wellington Regional Council. Their Pest
Wild Ginger                               Plant Section in Upper Hutt can be                 Add water-retaining crystals to pots
                                          contacted on 04-5264133.
                                                                                                                   Install a rain-
                                                                                                                   water tank to
                                          Using Herbicides
                                                                                                                   collect garden
                                          At all times be as specific as possible,                                 water off your roof
                                          targetting only the problem plants. Do
                                          not use herbicides where there is a risk
                                                                                              Use timers, moisture meters, directional
                                          of seepage into waterways.
                                                                                              sprinklers and hose triggers as ways of
                                                                                                      controlling water wastage
(Both Kahili and Yellow Ginger)
“Tropical’ leaves, yellow flower spires
                                                                                                       Put your washing machine rinse
and dense rhizomatour root system.
                                                                                                                   water to good use!
Treatment: Dig up and dispose of all
rhizomes and tubers.                                                                           And after you’ve watered . . . mulch

                                                                                             Nearly one third of Kapiti’s water supply
                                                                                             is directed at gardens. Wise use and wise
                                                                                             planting can reduce this substantially.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 15
(left) This colourful dune garden uses local
          ingredients: pingao, coastal flax and ngaio;
          (centre) the shore spurge Euphorbia glauca
          grows best on coarse sand or fine shingle;
          (right) the rengarenga lily and Tecomanthe, a
          vine from the Three Kings Islands, are
          perfectly suited to that difficult, shady south
          side of coastal houses.
Clockwise: Bush-edge gardens can be show-cases for our flowering
vines, in this case Metrosideros fulgens; Carex flagellifera graces a
deck where the background colour is
provided by kamahi seedheads; toetoe
are ideal grasses for difficult spots and a
great food source for finches; this bush-
edge garden is designed to evoke a
naturalistic grassy clearing, using silver
tussock    (Poa    cita),   Chionochloa
flavicans (flowering) and juvenile
putaputaweta (Carpodetus serratus); the
large-leaved coprosmas such as karamu
and taupata are sometimes treated with
scorn as a garden plant because they
‘grow everywhere’, yet this ability to
tolerate a wide range of conditions makes
them ideal nursery plants or gap fillers.
Try them espalliered against a sunny wall
or as a bird-friendly hedge.

                                                                        PAGE 17

                                                                                                           The Native Garden: Design Themes
B O F FA                                                                                                   from Wild New Zealand Isobel
MISKELL                                                                                                    Gabites & Rob Lucas 1998; Godwit.
planning        design        ecology
                                                                                                           Gardening with New Zealand
P.O.Box 11 442                                                                                             Plants, Shrubs and Trees Muriel E.
3rd Floor, 111 Dixon Street
Wellington, New Zealand                                                                                    Fisher, E. Satchell, Janet M. Watkins
Tel: 64 4 385 9315                                                                                         1970; Collins.
Fax: 64 4 384 3089

                                                                                                           The Cultivation of New Zealand
                                                                                                           Plants Lawrie Metcalfe 1993; Godwit.

                                                                                                           Native Forest Restoration; A
                                                                                                           Practical Guide for Landowners
                                                                                                           Tim Porteous 1993. Queen Elizabeth
                                                                                                           the Second National Trust.

                                                                                                           The QuickFind Guide to Growing
                                                                                                           Native Plants Andrew Crowe. Viking.
Boffa Miskell encourages design and restoration projects which reflect the spirit of our natural places.
We are pleased to support this guide and help Kapiti put these principles into practice.                   The Wellington Regional Plant
                                                                                                           Guide Wellington Regional Council.

                                                                                                           Nga Manu Nature Reserve in Waikanae
                                                                                                           has native plants labelled in their
                                                                                                           natural habitat.

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A Guide to Growing Native Plants in Kapiti, New Zealand

  • 1. A Guide to Growing Native Plants in KAPITI CONTENTS Some local plants that remind us of our past . . . but also our future potential 2. Knowing Your Local Conditions Nikau thrive in moist, sheltered, frost-free sites. The shelter they need, however, is long gone from most 4. Dunelands areas. We see old nikau in open pasture because, being monocotyledons, they are simply very hard to kill. For nikau to thrive and reproduce once more we must 8. Lowland Terraces restore shelter - and in doing so we encourage kereru (NZ pigeon) to visit and spread their seed. 9. The ‘Nikau Belt’ 10. ‘Kamahi Country’ 11. Birds in Your Garden Kohekohe, a dominant tree in mild-climate forests 12. Gardening which receive year-round moisture, impresses with its winter flowering. In summer, large seed capsules develop that by early winter have split open to reveal 14. Pests orange fleshy seeds. The luxuriant flowering illustrated here is only possible where possums have been 15. Being Water-Wise eradicated. References Pingao (illustrated) and spinifex are two native species adapted to life in the shifting foredunes where they help create smooth dune profiles. Destabilisation of dunes by pastoralism in the 19th century led to mass planting of marram grass and lupin which formed new dunes, but ones with erodable, steep profiles. To re- establish pingao now we need to control rabbits as well as marram.
  • 2. Your Loc ocal Knowing Your Loc al Conditions The zones shown here describe areas rainfall and readily draining soils results characteristics in wildlife communities property fits into the picture, and some of which share similar ecological conditions. in summer drought. (and farming practices, garden styles and the local characteristics you could They are different from their neighbouring The patterns of plant succession or valley/ even the weeds you’ll encounter). consider when you plan your planting. zone in some way - perhaps salt is a spur vegetation will be similar within each We give a brief overview of the zones. The The following pages list plants which are limiting factor, perhaps the area is frost- zone but will differ from a neighbouring boundaries will be blurred in reality - but suited to the local conditions and which free or the combination of low summer zone. You can also recognise local you will be able to recognise where your reflect the natural (native) local vegetation. PAGE 2
  • 3. DUNELANDS (1) the duneland has huge implications for with nikau and pukatea in moist, sheltered Cold air draining into the valleys effectively distribution of pollutants, and for effects of sites. This is the characteristic forest we still creates a mountain environment at low levels Salt, summer drought and winter frosts drainage and subsequent loss of swamp see in pockets today - a fresh green canopy - one with heavy frosts and even snow! For dictate life in the dunelands. Many of the habitat for plants, birds (especially coastal dotted with olive crowns of tawa. Because the purposes of gardening, however, we have westerly winds are strong and dry, so without species and water-fowl) and fish (such as eel, tawa is so sensitive to exposure, kohekohe is combined it with ‘Kamahi Country’. rain to wash salt off plants they really can be mudfish, inanga). As many people have often at an advantage in a regenerating forest, killers. Watch too for the infrequent but discovered, what we do to one property can and you will see many smooth-canopied damaging easterly gales. affect distant neighbours. stands of pure kohekohe. Tawa will be more ‘KAMAHI COUNTRY’(6) The youngest dunes have a specialised but conspicuous on south-facing cool and Year-round rainfall and cool temperatures on limited variety of native plants. This is a sheltered sites. The upper limit of this zone these old weathered soils has created acidic shrubland and grassland zone, with some LOWLAND TERRACES (2) is around 150-200 metres. conditions, but luxuriant forest growth. taller growth possible in sheltered hollows. Like the duneland this zone also has very Large-leaved species such as rangiora, Because frosts are light or lacking, it is habitat wineberry, five finger and lemonwood are seasonal rainfall (dry summers) and ESCARPMENT (4) not detailed in this booklet for a suprising array of insects. Feeding common in the second growth and the forest experiences frosts but wind and salt have less prospects for insect, seed and small fruit- The vegetation on these steep slopes of thin understorey, with disturbed bush particularly of an influence. The alluvial and silty soils of eating birds like finches, larks and silvereyes soils and mobile screes reflects both the mild, the old river terraces are deep and fertile but rich in climbers and tree ferns. are good. moist climate and the effect of salt-laden drain freely, often drying out in summer. Some Forest succession starts with tauhinu and Further inland, older stable dunes have westerlies along with extreme drainage! So of the silts may be heavy in winter; to a plant manuka and moves on to kamahi (abundant thin soils which drain readily and organic we find leathery leaved tree daisies, hardy that is similar to a drought. Good drainage is enough to lend its name to this zone), matter is rapidly leached away. They can pittosporums, ngaio and karaka along with a mixed blessing as pollutants drain into rewarewa, five finger and tree ferns. A mature support forest growth, but quickly lose that the more temperate species like kohekohe, alluvial aquifers that supply many farms. forest will contain northern rata, rimu and capacity if cleared. Scattered groups of titoki and mahoe. Totara, titoki and, where there is shelter, white maire over a tawa canopy. kanuka, akeake, ngaio and taupata remind kohekohe are visually dominant native trees Properties near bush will enjoy the spillover us of what bush could have grown. Damp, here - they cope well with seasonally dry soils REIKORANGI (5) of forest wildlife such as ruru (morepork), sheltered hollows allow a greater range of and have tolerated grazing. Smaller trees and kereru (NZ pigeon), whitehead, riroriro (grey species to grow, but they need to be frost- This extensive hill-surrounded valley system, shrubs tend to be small-leaved species. warbler), bellbird and tui. tolerant ones. where four rivers have down-cut into a basin Where peat-filled swamps between dunes filled with deep, fertile, glacial gravels, has have been drained and developed for The ‘NIKAU BELT’ (3) some unique characteristics that separate it, housing, peat has been replaced with hardfill ecologically, from other zones in the area. and peaty sand which creates a whole new This area has a mild, moist climate year- round, generally frost free (especially along ecological zone! Treat these areas the way you KEY to the following pages: would treat dry dunes, but remember the the banks of rivers, or where rivers issue from effect of peat on lowering the pH. the mountains and there is a constant (shaded) known to be local species, historically, and should cope with draining of air that reduces frost). There is pata Coprosma It is the patchwork of contrasting wet and most garden situations enough shelter or distance from the sea for dry areas which gives the duneland its salt winds not to be a problem. Soils are ecological interest. Water dominates natural mostly weathered clays and stabilised screes rengarenga Ar (unshaded) not native to this area, but suited to the habitat described duneland, for two reasons. In some places coated in loess, although this ecological zone new dunes have blocked the flow of streams extends out across the lowlands in places to the beach, creating swamps. In other where a mild climate counteracts the effects nuka Leptospe (underlined) good plants to use as ‘nursery crops’ and for quick shelter places sand plains created by wind scouring of free drainage. Slopes without vegetation expose the water-table and small lakes and cover are prone to erosion during high Note: the species listed are ones that should do well in the modern garden or bush- swamps are created, or the compacted rainfall. surface prevents heavy rainfall from draining edge environment. No attempt is made to list all species likely to have grown in the away. Plant succession here progresses from area. Our emphasis is on species native to this area, suited to our conditions - we think tauhinu to manuka then to kohekohe and The inter-connectedness of water through tawa over large-leaved understorey species, they give plenty of gardening scope, and a reliable framework to work within. PAGE 3
  • 4. Foredune Foredunes run the entire length of Kapiti- important for the entire neighbourhood. are drying, salty and ensure constant sand- conditions. ❂ Frost should not be a Horowhenua. South of Waikanae, The pressures of human trampling, rabbit drift inland. There are summer droughts, problem here. however, we are gradually losing that line browse and storm events on the foredune and this is when most salt damage can Design interest: Few species, but of dunes to the sea. The remnants are vegetation can often be overcome by the occur. ❂ The dunes are not only low in colourful & texturally interesting. They shored up with walls and groynes. North home gardener as well as by local nutrient but without organic content, they suit massing together in informal groups of Waikanae, although the foredunes are authorities! drain and dry rapidly. If you add organic which reflect the underlying landforms. surviving, stabilisation is an ongoing Factors for gardeners to consider: material, you must keep on adding it, for concern. So how people garden here is ❂ The prevailing west-to-north-westerlies it will break down quickly in these It is not just the action of waves that causes coastal erosion during storms - turbulent wind increases the damage. Foreshore gardeners should aim to get air flowing smoothly up the beach and over the foredune by controlling the height of vegetation or having permeable fencing that wind can filter through. Solid fences, walls and shelterbelts will only make the turbulence, and wind erosion, worse. in the lee small leaved pohuehue Muehlenbeckia complexa autetaranga, sand daphne Pimelea arenaria seaward side (spreading plants) sand coprosma Coprosma acerosa nihinihi, shore bindweed Calystegia waiuatua, shore spurge Euphorbia glauca soldanella taupata Coprosma repens pingao Desmoschoenus spiralis tauhinu, cottonwood Cassinia leptophylla spinifex Spinifex sericeus piripiri, bidibidi Acaena novae-zelandiae To germinate spinifex seeds, first sand sedge Carex pumila (on moist sites) mingimingi Coprosma propinqua catch your whirlygig! Feel for plump, tataraheke, sand coprosma Coprosma Eleocharis neozelandica hard seeds in the centre and use those, acerosa ngaio Myoporum laetum keeping the container moist. horokaka, ice plant Disphyma australe akeake Dodonaea viscosa NZ spinach Tetragonia trigyna whau Entelea arborescens PAGE 4
  • 5. Dry Duneland Dunes increase in age as you travel inland than expected. Successful planting relies air drainage off the hills helps prevent we need to replenish soils regularly and their soils mature accordingly. on matching the dry/damp patterns and frost. Plants listed have an asterisk if they with organic compost. Between the dunes there are often flat using hardier species in sites exposed to are frost-tender. ❂ The entire area Design interest: Kanuka and akeake, if sandplains and hollows created by wind- dry salty winds. experiences summer drought. Mulching left unpruned, have attractive, wind- scouring where the soil is damp. Much of Factors for gardeners to consider: with a heavy chip (that will not blow away) shaven forms that have become key visual our urban development occurs in this ❂ Use salt-resistant species to create will help plants establish. ❂ In these focal points in this landscape. zone and not all the dunes have survived shelter for other plants. ❂ Frost is an sandy soils organic matter will break down Prunable hedges:taupata, akeake, olearia bulldozing, so soils may be less developed issue - although less to the south where rapidly. To recreate the old forest fertility Street trees: karaka, akeake, ngaio, mahoe, kanuka gro es ves tre lar ger d of wind r e s i s t a n t to shr ublan lee The copper butterfly is Small plants & Ground Covers frost resistant species on moist flats abundant on the coast because petako, sickle spleenwort Asplenium that’s where its native host polyodon plant pohuehue or Trees - on younger dunes & dry sand plains huruhuruwhenua, shining spleenwort Muehlenbeckia grows densely. ngaio Myoporum laetum Asplenium oblongifolium M. complexa is a versatile plant kanuka Kunzia ericoides - survives best mingimingi Cyathodes fasciculatus planted in groves - it even makes a great hedge mingimingi Coprosma propinqua Moist sand plains & hollows - low stature . . . akeake Dodonaea viscosa when grown along a wire Coprosma rigida remuremu Selliera radicans taupata Coprosma repens netting fence - and is a popular taupata Coprosma repens shore pimpernel Samolus repens rautini, Chatham Is.akeake Senecio huntii pot plant overseas. coastal tree daisy Olearia solandri Gunnera arenaria whau* Entelea arborescens tauhinu Cassinia leptophylla sand buttercup Ranunculus acaulis korokio Corokia cotoneaster panakenake Pratia angulata Juncus australis (tolerates dry conditions) Trees - older dunes with soils. As above, plus: libertia Libertia perigrinans hibiscus Hibiscus trionum titoki* Alectryon excelsus Carex flagellifera rengarenga Arthropodium cirratum akiraho Olearia paniculata sand sedge Carex pumila ngutukaka, kakabeak Clianthus puniceus mahoe Melicytus ramiflorus blue wheat grass Agropyron scabrum kowhai Sophora microphylla . . . and taller species toetoe Cortaderia toetoe Climbers mapou Myrsine australis cabbage tree Cordyline australis harakeke, swamp flax Phormium tenax kaiwhiria, native jasmine Parsonsia capsularis kaikomako Pennantia corymbosa karaka Corynocarpus laevigatus rengarenga Arthropodium cirrhatum puataua Clematis forsteri matai Prumnopitys taxifolia kahikatea Dacrycarpus dacrydioides shore fuchsia * Fuchsia procumbens PAGE 5
  • 6. Duneland Streams Streams in the duneland are mostly courses have been straightened (which deep, meandering channels with steep, speeds up their flow and erosional eroded banks. Plants suited to growing energy), they are treated as drains for on their banks will be ones which cope farm effluent and stormwater, and most with dry, well-drained sites, not ‘wet feet’ have lost any streamside (riparian) sites. vegetation. Our planting plans may help ❂ They act as visual corridors through restore vitality to those waterways. the landscape but many of their natural ❂ Inanga (adult whitebait) spawn within streamside grasses and reeds hundreds of metres from the coast, where salt water turns to fresh water on the spring tide. This is another argument for keeping stock or mowers away from stream edges and to allow Ideal heights for streamside planting: plants to grow which will minimise erosion along the stream banks. ❂ Overhanging vegetation contributes Shrubs & grasses to the shading and nutrient supply for (1-2m) all manner of stream life. Native, 3m max. evergreen vegetation is better than deciduous vegetation as both shading and nutrient will be constant year- round. Small trees (2-4m) 6m max. Stream banks . kowhai Sophora microphylla EA AR ngaio Myoporum laetum ED AD koromiko Hebe stricta SH Large trees muakaro, scented broom Carmichaelia (>4m) odorata tree tutu Coriaria arborea (poisonous fruit) 12m max. toetoe Cortaderia toetoe PAGE 6
  • 7. Wetlands Duneland Wetlands Swamps and ponds created by poor water-logging. Much wetland has been lost ❂ Avoid planting raupo in ponds with drainage will have a fluctuating water (and wildlife habitat with it) so recreating high nutrient levels - it will soon choke level - suited to plants which tolerate swamps and ponds is a positive the pond. The flip side is raupo is good occasional or seasonal waterlogging. Wet contribution to local ecology. for filtering grey water - as are areas created by a high water-table Schoenoplectus validus and Baumea Swamp flax (harakeke) and Factors for gardeners to consider: coastal flax are different species. generally have a more stable water-level, ❂ Peaty soils, when drained, shrink and articulata ❂ Give priority to planting You won’t find much coastal flax and plants grow in zones around the prove difficult to manage. You could add banks above wetlands that are surrounded growing in this area as it commonly edges according to their tolerance of topsoil or sand to condition the garden. by rural land. Plants may help filter the grows on well-drained rocky sites. high nitrogen levels in seepage and runoff. But you will find lots of large swamp flax (Phormium tenax) growing where the soil is damp year-round. Its seed pods are erect (on coastal flax they hang down and are twisted). Designing a wetland? Small gestures for local wildife go a long way. A stump or dead tree overlooking the water is a natural vantage for shags and kingfishers. An island in a Wet edges pond can provide a pukio Carex secta predator-free roosting Damp raised ground (or occasional waterlogging) Carex geminata site for waterfowl. manuka Leptospermum scoparium Carex lessoniana koromiko Hebe stricta var. atkinsonii upoko tangata, giant umbrella sedge Dabblers and swamp birds like karamu Coprosma robusta Cyperus ustulatus the shelter of over- hukihuki, swamp coprosma Coprosma wiwi, sea rush Juncus maritimus hanging pond-side tenuicaulis Damp edges & hollows jointed wire rush, oioi Leptocarpus similis vegetation; ducks like Olearia virgata cabbage tree Cordyline australis raupo Typha orientalis a grassy bank for toetoe Cortaderia toetoe harakeke, swamp flax Phormium tenax kapungawha, lake clubrush access - so cabbage tree Cordyline australis Carex virgata Schoenoplectus validus provide both. PAGE 7
  • 8. Lowland terraces The character of remnant patches of native Even though this area is devoted to frost - or the clay-rich silts that are heavy not exposed to wind. growth on the free-draining lowlands horticulture and grazing, native vegetation in winter and dry in summer, reduces the Design interest: Stone walls are part of today is dominated by totara, with groves plays a dominant role in the landscape, range of plants that will do well without the alluvial lowland scenery. The remnant of kohekohe, titoki and matai where bush giving residents a ‘framework’ on which shelter. So, firstly, concentrate on patches of native trees have rounded has been protected from stock. The to build a visually sympathetic garden. providing shelter! Plants listed have an crowns - this is a ‘soft’ landscape. understorey shrubs are mostly hardy, Factors for gardeners to consider: asterisk if frost-tender when young. The Prunable hedges: kohuhu, mapou small-leaved and divaricating species banks of larger streams will be frost-free ❂ The combination of good drainage, Street trees: titoki, totara, mahoe, which make interesting garden plants. so tender plants like tree ferns and drying winds and summer drought, plus kaikomako kawakawa may do well in sites that are No-one knows for certain how many years cicada pupa stay underground but it clearly helps if you don’t dig around the base of your trees! Small plants & ground covers koromiko Hebe stricta var. atkinsonii Big trees toetoe Cortaderia toetoe titoki* Alectryon excelsus muakoro, scented broom Carmichaelia kohekohe Dysoxylum spectabile odorata totara Podocarpus totara thin-leaved coprosma Coprosma aereolata matai Prumnopitys taxifolia Coprosma rhamnoides stiff stemmed coprosma Coprosma Small trees crassifolia manuka Leptospermum scoparium Ferns (all prefer semi-shade) poataniwha Melicope simplex Hydrocotyle novae-zealandiae (moist, shaded huruhuruwhenua, shining spleenwort wineberry Aristotelia serrata ground) Asplenium oblongifolium Climbers kaikomako Pennantia corymbosa mikoikoi, NZ iris Libertia ixioides manamana, hen & chicken Asplenium kaiku, NZ jasmine Parsonsia heterophylla - mapou Myrsine australis - good in dry sites bush rock lily Arthropodium candidum bulbiferum not P. capsularis which prefers drier habitat kowhai Sophora microphylla raupeka Earina autumnalis (orchid) panako, thread fern Blechnum filiforme akatea, small white rata Metrosideros kawakawa Macropiper excelsum peka a waka Earina mucronata (orchid) tarawera, button fern Pellaea rotundifolia perforata mahoe, whiteywood Melicytus ramiflorus coastal astelia Astelia banksii (part shade) hounds tongue Phymatasorus pustulatus climbing fuchsia Fuchsia perscandens wharangi Melicope ternata Carex solandri ponga, silver tree fern Cyathea dealbata Clematis foetida (yellow flowers) kohuhu Pittosporum tenuifolium wind grass Anamanthele lessoniana (semi- wheki Dicksonia squarrosa puataua Clematis forsteri shade) PAGE 8
  • 9. ‘Nikau’ Belt The ‘Nikau’ Belt The combination of low frost frequency, environment. Today the zone is important shelter provides. Mature trees may die if Design interest: Apart from tawa and year-round soil moisture and reasonably for the density of kohekohe in second exposed to wind, and juveniles (which titoki’s olive green crowns, the palette nutritious soils create a mild, productive growth stands - a tree of moist, coastal make attractive garden plants) also here is a distinctive fresh green, with growing environment. With shelter, trees areas rapidly disappearing through require a draft-free, shady site ❂ your kohekohe, mahoe, kawakawa and like tawa and nikau find the humidity they pressures of lowland development and gardens are a vital link for birds moving hangehange the greatest contributors. thrive in. Fragments of mature forest (seen possum browsing of the remnants. down into the lowlands from the Tararua Sizeable clusters of trees tend to nestle near Emerald Glen or in Nikau Reserve) Factors for gardeners to consider: foothills.They’ll appreciate continuous into the landforms - this can be mimicked remind us of the potential lushness of this ❂ Tawa needs the humidity that good plantings. on a smaller scale with low vegetation around buildings. Prunable hedges: Lemonwood, kohuhu, poroporo Street trees: Kohekohe,titoki, lacebark, turepo Big trees kohekohe Dysoxylum spectabile cabbage tree Cordyline australis rewarewa Knightia excelsa titoki Alectryon excelsus tawa Beilschmedia tawa turepo, small leaved milk tree Streblus heterophyllus Small trees manuka Leptospermum scoparium Small Plants & Ground Covers karamu Coprosma robusta maukoro, whip broom Carmichaelia wharangi Melicope ternata flagelliformis wineberry Aristotelia serrata maukoro, scented broom Carmichaelia odorata lacebark Hoheria sexstylosa koromiko Hebe stricta var. atkinsonii kawakawa Macropiper excelsum koromiko Hebe parviflora mahoe Melicytus ramiflorus Climbers poroporo Solanum aviculare pigeonwood Hedycarya arborea Ferns NZ jasmine Parsonsia heterophylla hangehange Geniostoma rupestre var. kotukutuku, tree fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata huruhuruwhenua, shining spleenwort akatea, pink rata vine Metrosideros diffusa ligustrifolium (shade) (moist sites) Asplenium oblongifolium rata vine Metrosideros fulgens mikoikoi, NZ iris Libertia ixioides kohuhu Pittosporum tenuifolium panako, thread fern Blechnum filiforme puawananga, bush clematis Clematis turutu, NZ blueberry Dianella nigra kanono Coprosma grandifolia tarawera, button fern Pellaea rotundifolia paniculata panakenake Pratia angulata lemonwood Pittosporum eugenioides hounds tongue Phymatosorus pustulatus kohia, NZ passionvine Passiflora tetrandra raupeka Earina autumnalis (orchid) nikau Rhophalostyis sapida - (shelter) wheki Dicksonia squarrosa kiekie Freycinetia baueriana ssp banksii peka a waka Earina mucronata (orchid) rangiora Brachyglottis repanda (understorey) PAGE 9
  • 10. ‘Kamahi’ Country On the foothills behind the lowlands, or particular) kamahi is a showy specimen and cool nights that mean young plants the most of flowering trees and vines. in the Reikorangi Basin, there is plenty of tree with a rich supply of nectar for birds. in particular require good shelter. ❂ a Prunable hedges: large-leaved year-round rainfall. As a result the soils Rata vines, passionvine, clematis and common complaint along disturbed bush coprosmas are deeply weathered, leached and supplejack contribute colour and bird edges is the tree disease Armillaria which Street trees: Northern rata, kamahi, somewhat acidic. First manuka, and then food to the garden. will spread to new plantings, so remove kaikomako kamahi dominates the regenerating bush. Factors for gardeners to consider: infected wood where possible. Like many other hill country trees ❂ although there is great variety of plant Design interest: flowering interest in (rewarewa, northern rata and heketara in types and forms possible, beware of frost natives comes into its own up here - make Big trees rimu Dacrydium cupressinum white maire Nestegis lanceolata tawa Beilschmiedia tawa - needs shelter rewarewa Knightia excelsa northern rata Metrosideros robusta miro Prumnopitys ferruginea Overseas, many beetles fly to escape animals which eat Small trees raukaua, five finger Pseudopanax them. Here, there were so few Small Plants & Ground Covers anomalus animals many beetles stopped everlasting daisy Helichrysum bellidioides Climbers kanono Coprosma grandifolia flying. They grew big and Nertera depressa (damp ground) kaiku, NZ jasmine Parsonsia heterophylla horoeka, lancewood Pseudopanax heavy. When humans brought Lagenifera pumila akatea, pink rata vine Metrosideros diffusa crassifolius rats to NZ most of these giant turutu, NZ blueberry Dianella nigra rata vine Metrosideros fulgens pate Schefflera digitata hangehange Geniostoma rupestre var. puawananga, bush clematis Clematis rangiora Brachyglottis repanda beetles were eaten out. This ligustrifolium paniculata mahoe, whiteywood Melicytus ramiflorus one is the HUHU beetle. karamu Coprosma robusta kohia, NZ passionvine Passiflora tetrandra kaikomako Pennantia corymbosa tutu Coriaria arborea Ferns putaputaweta Carpodetus serratus Coprosma rhamnoides kiokio Blechnum novae-zelandiae pigeonwood Hedycarya arborea koromiko Hebe stricta hounds tongue Phymatosorus pustulatus kamahi Weinmannia racemosa hunangamoho Chionochloa conspicua (a piupiu, crown fern Blechnum discolor heketara, tree daisy Olearia rani tussock) kotate, soft tree fern Cyathea smithii kotukutuku, tree fuchsia Fuchsia excorticata Cortaderia fulvida (a small toetoe) mamaku Cyathea medullaris broadleaf Griselinia littoralis mikoikoi, NZ iris Libertia ixioides ponga, silver tree fern Cyathea dealbata kawakawa Macropiper excelsum winika Dendrobium cunninghamii (orchid) wheki Dicksonia squarrosa forest cabbage tree Cordyline banksii
  • 11. BIRDS in YOUR GARDEN & BUGS ! What does your garden offer a bird? flowers are available throughout the . . . and butterflies and moths and There is a big ecological difference year, but they eat fruits also, and tui show worms . . . one of the features of the between gardens with numerous birds a preference for native fruits (especially New Zealand insect fauna is that so (especially starlings, sparrows and podocarps) over exotic species. many species are dependant upon a blackbirds) and gardens with a great The main fruit and foliage eaters (NZ particular plant for part of their life variety of birds. The latter reflects the pigeons, starlings, silver-eyes) are useful cycle - perhaps all of it. range of feeding opportunities the for distributing plants around, especially Having a diversity of native plants in gardens offer, as well as safe roosting and the pigeon which can swallow the really your garden is good for this reason nesting places. big fruits - but it works both ways. These alone. Whiteheads or popokatea are Most of our garden birds are ones which birds also transport your garden species Over half our native bugs evolved in endemic to the North Island. have recently immigrated from countries fruits back into the bush where we don’t forest situations but with so much These noisy birds move in already full of predators (so the birds necessarily want them. forest cleared their options are limited. flocks, eating insects off forest have learnt defensive behaviour). This Finches, larks, sparrows feed mostly on A small corner of your garden that is trees. They rarely fly in the grass seeds and small insects in the open. allowed to stay dank, still and open, but may be tempted into includes ‘natives’ like fantails and tits that gardens along bush margins by came from Australia long before humans, Your garden might also provide for water undisturbed is precious habitat for our the fruits of hangehange, but recently enough to still have birds that feed on invertebrates, fish and native insects. putaputaweta, mahoe or rimu. Australian traits. foliage. Swamp and pond birds like Our endemic birds don’t have those pukeko, ducks, scaups etc. need privacy survival skills ingrained: they can’t share and shelter. Shags, kingfishers appreciate gardens with cats, dogs, rats and even perches beside the water. magpies except on brief feeding visits. And don’t be in too much of a rush to So you could reduce the number of bird- fell that old dead tree - it could become killers for a start. home for your local morepork (as long Most birds have a preferred diet (and a as you eradicate the possums first). way of seeking it) although most show So you can see that every garden is a a burst of interest in protein around potential food source for birds at any breeding time. They might primarily time of year. What our native birds need be insect eaters hawking on the wing is not food so much as habitat where they (fantails), feeding in ground litter can breed and roost free from predation, (blackbirds, thrushes, tits), feeding nest disturbance and competition from from inside tree canopies (riroriro, aggressive immigrant species. Some of whiteheads) or from the outer crown the shyer ones will appreciate linkages of trees and bushes (silver-eyes, between gardens (perhaps an avenue starlings). of street trees?) so that they need not Nectar eaters, like tui, bellbird and fly in the open. silver-eyes, will seek out whatever
  • 12. GARDENING Introduced You Landscape Are You a Gardener? The New Landscape species NATIVE Protecting Natural Natural gone wild SPECIES (2068) (2000) Remnants Whether you plant a shelter belt or a Where once there was 15 metres height herbaceous border you’re deciding what of luxuriant growth producing its own plants will do best in that location - that’s nutrients and microclimate, and What’s important? at the heart of gardening. Add a dash of perhaps a metre of organic soil below ❂ fencing - to let palatable plants and imagination and sensitivity to your this, now there is more likely to be seedlings grow, and to reduce surroundings to those practical 10cm of grass on a soil dependent on trampling damage; decisions and you’re on the way to being fertilisation. a garden designer as well. Where once the wind blew across a ❂ sealing the bush edges from wind to Although the range of native plants never tightly woven, wind-resistant coastal Introduced create the cool, humid microclimate species seems as broad as the selection of shrubland of uniform height, now it is that many interior forest plants need. in gardens exotics, your native garden can be just more likely to swirl turbulently around (16,900) Use low stature, fast growing plants as satisfying and interesting. Plus, it’s a hedges, houses and solitary Dept.of Conservation such as taupata or manuka in coastal haven for all those insects which prefer macrocarpas. areas; karamu or mahoe on the or rely on native species for their welfare. Biodiversity is not simply a numbers lowlands; poroporo, karamu or The waterways are rich in nutrient from game: increasing the number of plant rural run-off, most swamps are drained, species in the country does not kohuhu in the foothills and in the hill Elegant plantings of Carex provide good habitat for stream life and help absorb flood waters. their peat soils shrunken or replaced necessarily improve biodiversity if it’s at country. If there are tawa in the stand, with hardfill. the expense of the native flora. plant a taller shelter belt to minimise So, what plants will suit these new The diagram suggests that ‘windows of wind exposure to their crowns (use situations? Will the natives once present opportunity’ are now more likely to be salt resistant species like kohekohe survive today? Here are some tips: filled by an imported species than by a and kaikomako in the lowlands); native species. So, gardening with ❂ near the coast, accept that you are in natives is rather like an insurance policy ❂ retaining the natural water table and a shrubland zone - the only native trees for our native flora. soil moisture patterns in the vicinity. likely to thrive there are the resilient Kahikatea is particularly vulnerable to coastal trees ngaio, karaka, akeake, drainage; kohekohe or taupata which will quickly old wetlands. resprout if damaged by salt or wind. ❂ controlling weed and animal pests. ❂ on fertile river terraces and open Concentrate on smoothing the flow of Rats and possums prevent fruiting and spaces (especially well drained areas) wind (mass planting of same-age plants seedling growth. See p.16 for advice; deep-rooted trees or tiny-leaved shrubs helps). Avoid plants with large, soft, have the best tolerance to stresses. ❂ limiting access. Make a path, but only non-shiny leaves. Take particular care one, especially where neighbours ❂ in inland areas once forested: see with young plants (mulch and water share a natural remnant. You can’t well). what grows around the edges of forest remnants and plant those species expect great seedling growth where ❂ once a wetland plant, always a (shrubs, vines, hardy ferns), or have a kids play or everyone has a track to wetland plant, so they should survive look at a regenerating scrub area and their favourite spot; in the ‘new landscape’. But now they plant those species: they can withstand have a modern role to play - purifying ❂ stock nibbling over the fence? Plant exposure. Plant in groups, and add water and providing shade for wildlife species they don’t like - ngaio, rangiora ‘internal’ bush remnant species later in streams. Concentrate on riparian and poroporo for example. when there is shelter. planting and restoring the water to
  • 13. Simply You Or Simply Gardening Where Can You Source Specialist Native Native For Getting Tips For Getting The Choosing to garden with natives is a Native Native Plants? Plant Stockists Results Best Results personal preference, but look at some of the reasons why people enjoy doing One of the features of lowland Kapiti- Talisman Nursery Starting from scratch? On bare land your it: Horowhenua is that so little natural worst enemies are the drying wind, Ringawhata Road vegetation remains. Without the ability weeds that appreciate your disturbance ❂ if they use species already proven & Otaki to go out and collect seed we rely on of the soil and hungry rabbits. suited to the locality they ’ll get neighbours and specialist plant nurseries Dense planting is advised, to provide optimum growth and minimum to stock our gardens. Otaihanga Nurseries cool cover for tender roots as quickly as maintenance Try, where you can, to use plants bred 117 Otaihanga Road possible and to suppress weeds. You can ❂ they appreciate the character of from local stock. Eco-sourcing is quite Paraparaumu thin growth later. natural landscape around them - that valid. Although people will point out A mulch will have the same effect, but ‘sense of place’ that birds carry seeds long distances, a could blow away in exposed coastal ❂ their sense of garden design overrides Gus Evans Nurseries great number of plant species have fruits gardens unless you pin it down with any reluctance about planting 12 Utauta Street eaten by small birds or geckos which netting or fibrous mat. ‘common’ or ‘scrubby’ species. don’t have big ranges, or perhaps the Waikanae ‘Nursery’ crops are a good idea for ❂ they are aware that there are specific seeds are wind distributed. The plants large planting programmes, to provide plant host-insect relationships which don’t get widely distributed at all. Naturally Native quick shelter from the wind. Start with they can nurture (and have gardens The same goes for pollination, so some native adventives (the first plants to full of native butterflies, cicada and 30 Gammon Mill Road plants are relatively ‘incestuous’ and establish quickly after disturbance, such moths) Tauranga develop local traits that often give plants as taupata in the duneland, manuka or ❂ they want to re-create and improve tolerance to local stressful conditions. karamu elsewhere) and a year or two habitat for wildlife (especially later interplant with other species. With Matatoa Trees and Shrubs important in the wetlands) time, you can thin or remove the Many gardeners experience difficulty P.O.Box 31 ❂ it gives them a buzz nurturing & ‘nursery’ plants. A useful exotic species getting the pure species of manuka and Engles Road protecting vulnerable and unusual to use like this is tree lucerne. kanuka established. It is possible that the native species Shannon seedlings develop best with soil fungi ❂ it provides plants ideal for weaving present. Try adding Trichoderma (available and dying, for symbolic uses and for from garden suppliers) to the planting hole, Plantwise using in flower arrangements or a handful of soil taken from under Summit Road ❂ they know they’re contributing to New established groves of manuka, and use Lower Hutt Zealand’s biodiversity (and preventing locally sourced seedlings. outsiders using windows of opportunity to take over). Did you Taupo Native Plant Nursery look at the pie diagram on the previous P.O.Box 437 page? Taupo
  • 14. PESTS Eating Your Garden Eating Your Taking Over Your Patch Your Pa Rabbits are a major pest for gardeners Possum numbers are high inland of We are familiar with weeds like gorse and duneland. especially in the sand country, and hares State Highway 1. blackberry but there are other weeds of Treatment: Roundup, Escort are common in inland rural areas. It pays particular concern in Kapiti that gardeners might unwittingly spread Pampas to eradicate them before planting or Control methods include: protect new plantings. Hares will not ❂ Bait stations using Talon 20P pellets thinking they are attractive fruiting or take poison readily so the best option is or Pindone pellets (delayed kill flowering garden specimens. to shoot them. Note that rabbits seem response, so pulse for cost effectiveness). Boxthorn partial to hebe, coprosma and aciphylla. ❂ Timms traps set near palatable trees. Control methods include: Possum favourites include coprosma, ❂ Magtoxin tablets for fumigating tree fuchsia, five-finger, kohekohe - burrows and they love ripening male pine ❂ Pindone cereal rabbit pellets (an cones. Bait with fruit and cinnamon Two species of tall grass, like toetoe, anticoagulant poison) or dates. but they flower late in summer and ❂ Shooting is only permissible in rural ❂ Live trapping. As above - but you have their dead leaves spiral like pencil areas. Remember it is an offence to to dispose of the possum yourself! shavings. Concentrated in disturbed carry a loaded fire arm on any vehicle. ❂ Shooting (see previous notes) Erect, thorny shrub with red fruit, active sites like dunes and along riverbeds. It is also an offence to discharge a fire in duneland. Treatment: Spray after flowering with arm so as to annoy or frighten anyone, Rats and mice prevent the germination Treatment: Spray regrowth after cutting Roundup, Gallant. so warn your neighbours before you of seeds to a greater degree than most to ground level with diesel/Grazon shoot near dwellings. Old Man’s Beard of us are aware. mixture. Or rip out manually. NB discarded branches can resprout. Protect plants with: Control methods include: ❂ Oxblood, in liquid form, painted onto Boneseed ❂ Bait stations using Talon 50WB pellets foliage (a length of drain pipe does the trick). ❂ Acrylic paint +egg powder repellent painted onto foliage ❂ Tyres, netting or plastic sleeves placed around young plants ❂ Exclusion fencing made of chicken netting A smothering clematis, on lowlands and inland areas. Leaves are arranged in fives (native clematis have leaves in Yellow-flowering shrub with fleshy threes). Fluffy seedheads. leaves and black fruit, active in Treatment: Roundup, Escort. PAGE 14
  • 15. BEING WATER-WISE Kapiti District does not store water. Its supply relies on rainfall maintaining river Banana Passionfruit Some garden and farm trees become levels and on bore water. As we know, problems when their original summers usually stretch demand for circumstances change. Macrocarpa water beyond supply! seedlings will proliferate in open ground if grazing stock are removed. This guide should help you plant Sycamore can establish in native bush species adapted to the climate of your and shade out other plants. It is a neighbourhood and its stresses, but particular problem around Reikorangi. there are other common-sense Crack willow, once popular for precautions to take to minimise water- streamside planting, will resprout from useage when supplies are low: Vigorous climber with green/pink branches moved downstream during Two coastal gardens which have solved the water flower and yellow pulpy fruit. Most Soak, don’t sprinkle crisis by using naturally resilient seaside species: floods. active in frost-free ‘Nikau Belt’ and Water the roots, not the leaves (above) prostrate ngaio and pingao, (below) a silvery combination of spinifex with the northern riverbeds. hibiscus and, in the centre, the milky leaves of the For a full list of pest plants in the Wellington Water late in the evening to shore spurge Euphorbia glauca. Treatment: Roundup. Cut back in area refer to the detailed literature provided minimise evaporation winter/spring and spray regrowth. by Wellington Regional Council. Their Pest Wild Ginger Plant Section in Upper Hutt can be Add water-retaining crystals to pots contacted on 04-5264133. Install a rain- water tank to Using Herbicides collect garden At all times be as specific as possible, water off your roof targetting only the problem plants. Do not use herbicides where there is a risk Use timers, moisture meters, directional of seepage into waterways. sprinklers and hose triggers as ways of controlling water wastage (Both Kahili and Yellow Ginger) “Tropical’ leaves, yellow flower spires Put your washing machine rinse and dense rhizomatour root system. water to good use! Treatment: Dig up and dispose of all rhizomes and tubers. And after you’ve watered . . . mulch Nearly one third of Kapiti’s water supply is directed at gardens. Wise use and wise planting can reduce this substantially. PAGE 15
  • 16. (left) This colourful dune garden uses local ingredients: pingao, coastal flax and ngaio; (centre) the shore spurge Euphorbia glauca grows best on coarse sand or fine shingle; (right) the rengarenga lily and Tecomanthe, a vine from the Three Kings Islands, are perfectly suited to that difficult, shady south side of coastal houses. PAGE 16
  • 17. Clockwise: Bush-edge gardens can be show-cases for our flowering vines, in this case Metrosideros fulgens; Carex flagellifera graces a deck where the background colour is provided by kamahi seedheads; toetoe are ideal grasses for difficult spots and a great food source for finches; this bush- edge garden is designed to evoke a naturalistic grassy clearing, using silver tussock (Poa cita), Chionochloa flavicans (flowering) and juvenile putaputaweta (Carpodetus serratus); the large-leaved coprosmas such as karamu and taupata are sometimes treated with scorn as a garden plant because they ‘grow everywhere’, yet this ability to tolerate a wide range of conditions makes them ideal nursery plants or gap fillers. Try them espalliered against a sunny wall or as a bird-friendly hedge. PAGE 17
  • 18. References The Native Garden: Design Themes B O F FA from Wild New Zealand Isobel MISKELL Gabites & Rob Lucas 1998; Godwit. planning design ecology Gardening with New Zealand P.O.Box 11 442 Plants, Shrubs and Trees Muriel E. 3rd Floor, 111 Dixon Street Wellington, New Zealand Fisher, E. Satchell, Janet M. Watkins Tel: 64 4 385 9315 1970; Collins. Fax: 64 4 384 3089 The Cultivation of New Zealand Plants Lawrie Metcalfe 1993; Godwit. Native Forest Restoration; A Practical Guide for Landowners Tim Porteous 1993. Queen Elizabeth the Second National Trust. The QuickFind Guide to Growing Native Plants Andrew Crowe. Viking. Boffa Miskell encourages design and restoration projects which reflect the spirit of our natural places. We are pleased to support this guide and help Kapiti put these principles into practice. The Wellington Regional Plant Guide Wellington Regional Council. Nga Manu Nature Reserve in Waikanae has native plants labelled in their natural habitat.