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2011 Heirloom Seed List                                                                      ST                                                                                              Page 1


                                                                                        Seed Company

Books                                                                                                 Books
100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American                                                                100 Vegetables and Where They Came From
                                      100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden Preserved                                               100 Vegetables and Where They Came From By William
                                      by families, collected by seed savers, passed around among                                            Woys Weaver; Illustrated by Signe Sundberg-Hall Hardback
                                      farmers, heirloom tomatoes are now being sought out by                                                , 336 pages ISBN: 9781565122383 (1565122380) Published
                                      more and more home gardeners as an alternative to the                                                 by Algonquin Books about 100 Vegetables and Where They
                                      bland sameness of commercial hybrids. And happily, these                                              Came From A perfect leek from France. Flavorful zucchini
                                      growers are discovering that heirlooms are not only vastly                                            from Italy. An infamous potato from Ireland, and a humble
                                      more flavorful, but are just as hardy and easy to cultivate                                           lentil from Ethiopia. 100 Vegetables offers a veritable
                                      as the hybrids. Dr. Carolyn J. Male, who has raised more                                              cornucopia of vegetables and stories from around the
                                      than a thousand heirloom tomatoes, here presents 100                                                  world--from Argentina to Zimbabwe, from Australia to the
                                      consistently top-performing varieties for North American                                              United States. William Woys Weaver--veggie connoisseur,
                                      gardeners. There are red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, green,                                            gardener, and historian--guides us through a range of
                                      orange, purple, and even black tomatoes--like Black from                                              peppers, potatoes, peas, gourds, onions, tomatoes, greens,
                                      Tula, with green shoulders and a dusky rose-black coloring.                                           and a whole lot more. Not every carrot is the same. All
                                      There are cherry tomatoes, too--try Martino's Roma,                                               beans aren't equal. Take the Petaluma Gold Rush
SKU            Price                  a paste with spectacular yield and built-in tolerance           SKU             Price                 bean, a rugged legume, grown for over 150 years and
16681          16.95                  of blossom end rot. For every gardener, no matter how           16783           18.95                 brought to California by an American whaler from Peru.
experienced, here's everything you need to know to grow and harvest tomatoes with real            Or the violet carrot, which the Greeks brought back from India following the conquests of
taste. About Carolyn J. Male Carolyn J. Male, Ph.D., is a professor of microbiology at the College    Alexander the Great. Mixing history, culinary suggestions, practical information, and personal
of Saint Rose in Albany, New York. She is also a major voice on AOL's tomato forum, and           anecdotes, Weaver introduces us to unusual heirloom vegetables as well as to common
an author whose articles appear in Kitchen Gardening, The American Cottage Gardener, and              favorites. He provides answers to general questions, such as the difference between a yam and a
The Historical Gardener. Dr. Male scientifically--and lovingly--has raised more than a thousand       sweet potato, and presents lively portraits of one hundred vegetable varieties, which he's
different varieties of heirloom tomatoes in her zone 5 garden in upstate New York.                    grown and harvested in his own kitchen garden. Organized alphabetically by common name,
                                                                                                      100 Vegetables includes beautifully detailed drawings throughout and a helpful appendix of
                                                                                                      seed resources.     about William Woys Weaver William Woys Weaver is an organic gardener, food                                             

Books                                                                                                 Books
Northwest Herb Lover’s Handbook                                                                       All the Onions
                                     A Guide To Growing Herbs for Cooking, Crafts, and Home                                                  All the Onions Storey’s Country Wisdom Bulletin A-204
                                     Remedies Mary Preus The soothing smell of lavender,                                                     By Betty E. M. Jacobs Paperback , 32 pages ISBN:
                                     rosemary's piney flavor, the bright colors of nastur-                                               9781580172257 (1580172253) Published by Storey
                                     tiums . . . herbs are wonderful things! In this handsome                                                Publishing   about All the Onions Choosing right varieties
                                     volume, Mary Preus provides a delightful entree into the                                                Seeds, transplants, or sets starting from seed Transplanting
                                     world of herbs with detailed instructions on how to grow                                                Care, Harvest and Braiding Pest and Disease List:  Onions,
                                     50 of the most popular herbs and create an herbal lifestyle.                                            Chives, Garlic, Leeks, Potato Onions, Shallots, Egyptian
                                     Easy and delicious recipes, herbal crafts and gifts, landscap-                                          Onions and Welsh Onions.   Since 1973, Storey’s Country
                                     ing with herbs, traditional and modern medicinal use,                                                   Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instruc-
                                     aromatherapy--it's all here in The Northwest Herb                                                   tions designed to help readers master dozens of country
                                     Lover's Handbook.                                                                                   living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than
                                                                                                                                             170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity re-
                                                                                                                                             flects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike
                                                                                                                                             to cultivate personal independence in everyday life. about
SKU           Price                                                                                   SKU            Price                   Betty E. M. Jacobs With her husband, Betty E. M. Jacobs
16498         16.95                                                                                   16936          3.99                    started Canada’s first commercial Herb Farm in 1965 on a
                                                                                                      southern Vancouver Island. Their experience running this farm for eight years and a lifetime of
                                                                                                      interest in herbs led to Betty’s book, Growing & Using Herbs Successfully. More about the author                        

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(707) 703-1242	                                                          	                                        
2011 Heirloom Seed List                                                                        ST                                                                                          Page 2


                                                                                          Seed Company

Books                                                                                                   Books
An Herbalist’s Guide to Growing & Using                                                                 Basic Bread Baking
                                      An Herbalist’s Guide to Growing &  Using Echinacea A                                                   Basic Bread Baking Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin
                                      Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin By Kathleen Brown                                                       A-198 By Glenn Andrews Paperback , 32 pages ISBN:
                                      Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: 9781580172813 (1580172814)                                                  9781580172196 (1580172199) Published by Storey
                                      Published by Storey Publishing about An Herbalist’s Guide                                              Publishing   Ingredients that make the difference Basic
                                      to Growing & Using Echinacea Since 1973, Storey’s Country                                              Techniques Unleavened breads Tons of recipes
                                      Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instruc-
                                      tions designed to help readers master dozens of country
                                      living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than
                                      170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity
                                      reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers
                                      alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.
                                      about Kathleen Brown Author Kathleen Brown is an herbal
                                      teacher, writer, and gardener. She is author of Storey’s
                                      Herbal Teas and has served as president of the Rocky Moun-
SKU            Price                  tain Unit of the Herb Society of America. She presently lives     SKU           Price
16853          3.99                   in California.                                                    16941         3.99                              

Books                                                                                                   Books
Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game                                                                    Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties
                                     Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game By John J. Mettler Pa-                                             Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties The Gardener's
                                     perback , 208 pages ISBN: 9780882663913 (0882663917)                                                    and Farmer's Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed
                                     Published by Storey Publishing   about Basic Butchering of                                              Saving by Carol Deppe   All gardeners and farmers should
                                     Livestock & Game This is the book for anyone who hunts,                                                 be plant breeders, says author Carol Deppe. Developing
                                     farms, or buys large quantities of meat. The author takes                                               new vegetable varieties doesn't require a specialized
                                     the mystery out of slaughtering and butchering everything                                               education, a lot of land, or even a lot of time. It can be
                                     from beef and veal, to venison, pork, and lamb. The text                                                done on any scale. It's enjoyable. It's deeply
                                     is clear and easy-to-follow. Combined with 130 detailed                                                 rewarding. You can get useful new varieties much faster
                                     illustrations by Elayne Sears, the reader is provided with                                              than you might suppose. And you can eat your mistakes.
                                     complete, step-by-step instructions. Here is everything you                                             Authoritative and easy-to-understand, Breed Your Own
                                     need to know: At what age to butcher an animal How to                                                   Vegetable Varieties: The Gardener's and Farmer's
                                     kill, skin, slaughter, and butcher How to dress out game in                                             Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Saving is the only guide
                                     a field Salting, smoking, and preserving Tools, equipment,                                              to plant breeding and seed saving for the serious home
                                     the setup More than thirty recipes using all kinds of meat                                              gardener and the small-scale farmer or commercial grower.
SKU           Price                  about John J. Mettler John J. Mettler, Jr., D.V.M., is a retired   SKU           Price                  Discover: how to breed for a wide range of different traits
16929         16.95                  large-animal veterinarian in upstate New York and has              16405         27.95                  (flavor, size, shape, or color; cold or heat tolerance; pest
written several books on animals, including Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game and Horse              and disease resistance; and regional adaptation) how to save seed and maintain varieties how
Sense. An avid sportsman, his appreciation of the noble turkey was the inspiration for his most         to conduct your own variety trials and other farm- or garden-based research how to breed for
recent book, Wild Turkeys. John has written on a broad range of veterinary topics for various           performance under organic or sustainable growing methods In this one-size-fits-all world
magazines and has written a veterinary column for American Agriculturist for over 20 years. He          of multinational seed companies, plant patents, and biotech monopolies, more and more
has professional memberships that include the New York State Veterinary Medical Society (past           gardeners and farmers are recognizing that they need to “take back their seeds.” They need to
chairman), the American Association of Equine Practitioners, the Society for Theriogenology,            save more of their own seed, grow and maintain the best traditional and regional varieties,
and the American Veterinary Medical Association.                                                        and develop more of their own unique new varieties. Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties: The
                                                                                                        Gardener's and Farmer's Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Saving shows the way,                              

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(707) 703-1242	                                                            	                                      
2011 Heirloom Seed List                                                                       ST                                                                                              Page 3


                                                                                         Seed Company

Books                                                                                                  Books
Carrots Love Tomatoes                                                                                  Cold-Climate Gardening
                                      Carrots Love Tomatoes Secrets of Companion Planting for                                                 Cold-Climate Gardening How to Extend Your Growing
                                      Successful Gardening By Louise Riotte Paperback , 224                                                   Season by at Least 30 Days By Lewis Hill Paperback , 320
                                      pages ISBN: 9781580170277 (1580170277) Published by                                                     pages ISBN: 9780882664415 (0882664417) Published by
                                      Storey Publishing about Carrots Love Tomatoes This classic                                              Storey Publishing   about Cold-Climate Gardening Early and
                                      has now taught generations of gardeners how to use the                                                  late grosts, arctic winds, an dinhospitable terrain are just a
                                      natural benefits of plants to protect and support each                                                  few of the obstacles facing those who garden in the icebox
                                      other. Here is a reader’s complete reference to which plants                                            region of the United States and Canada. Lewis Hill has
                                      nourish the soil, which keep away bugs and pests, and                                                   spent a lifetime in northern Vermont, and is undaunted by
                                      which plants just don’t get along. Here is a complete guide                                             the challenges of weather and climate. His system for how
                                      to using companion planting to grow a better garden.                                                    to garden more and better in the time that you do have
                                      555,000 copies in print. about Louise Riotte Beloved                                                    is covered in this extensive 308-page guide. Cold-Climate
                                      Storey author and life-long gardener Louise Riotte passed                                               Gardening has much information that will prove invaluable
                                      away in 1998 at the age of 89. She wrote 12 books on                                                    to northern gardeners: how to grow food, how to land-
                                      gardening, companion planting, and garden lore, among                                                   scape, techniques to employ that will protect vulnerable
SKU             Price                 them the ever-popular Carrots Love Tomatoes, which has           SKU            Price                   plantings, how to warm up the soil earlier, and which
16774           14.95                 sold approximately 515,000 copies. Her father taught her         16926          16.95                   species are appropriate to your area. Not just for those who
to believe in and practice astrology, while her mother was a practicing herbalist. Together they       live in the snow belt, this book will also be useful to those who garden in microclimates (such as
inevitably influenced her life and her books, Roses Love Garlic, Astrological Gardening, Sleeping      deep valleys or hillsides) or for those who want to extend their gardening season in any climate.
with a Sunflower, Catfish Ponds & Lily Pads, and her most recent book, Raising Animals by the          Horticulture has deemed it “an immensely useful book,...written with style, wit, and clarity....”
Moon. Her own line drawings are included in all her books. Before authoring books, Riotte was          You will garner advice, tips, guidance, and encouragement necessary to have a successful
a ghost writer for Simon & Schuster and for Jerry Baker’s radio gardening show, and she wrote a        gardening season in spite of Mother Nature's ravages. about Lewis Hill Lewis Hill has been
number of articles for Organic Gardening as well. Riotte took pride in her garden near her home        a nurseryman for more than 55 years. He is the author of 15 books (half written in collaboration
in Ardmore, Oklahoma, which her son Eugene helped care for in her later years.                         with his wife, Nancy Hill) that total more than 600,000 copies in print. Lewis's Secrets of
                                                                                                       Plant Propagation was selected by American Horticultural Society as one of its choices for the                                        

Books                                                                                                  Books
Cold-Climate Gardening                                                                                 Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and All
                                      Cold-Climate Gardening How to Extend Your Growing                                                       Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and All Climates Second
                                      Season by at Least 30 Days By Lewis Hill Paperback , 320                                                Edition by Robert Kourik   Drip irrigation is the best way to
                                      pages ISBN: 9780882664415 (0882664417) Published by                                                     help any plant flourish and survive tough times, especially
                                      Storey Publishing Early and late grosts, arctic winds, an                                               short or long droughts. Pick the wrong “stuff
                                      dinhospitable terrain are just a few of the obstacles facing                                            ” and you easily can feel overwhelmed. Robert
                                      those who garden in the icebox region of the United States                                              Kourik’s Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and
                                      and Canada. Lewis Hill has spent a lifetime in northern                                                 All Climates clearly explains how to use less water yet
                                      Vermont, and is undaunted by the challenges of weather                                                  increase the yields of vegetables and promote the growth
                                      and climate. His system for how to garden more and better                                               and flowering of all plants—trees, shrubs, and
                                      in the time that you do have is covered in this extensive                                               container plants—in any climate, even where it rains
                                      308-page guide. Cold-Climate Gardening has much infor-                                                  irregularly. In the tradition of the original groundbreaking
                                      mation that will prove invaluable to northern gardeners:                                                book, this fully revised edition incorporates new informa-
                                      how to grow food, how to landscape, techniques to employ                                                tion essential for gardeners, including how to manage
                                      that will protect vulnerable plantings, how to warm up                                                  limited water supplies with precision and efficiency,
SKU             Price                 the soil earlier, and which species are appropriate to your      SKU            Price                   without the clutter of hundreds of widgets and gizmos,
16958           16.95                 area. Not just for those who live in the snow belt, this book    16434          24.95                   and the knowledge is shared in Kourik’s inimitable,
will also be useful to those who garden in microclimates (such as deep valleys or hillsides) or        friendly, down-to-earth, and easy-to-understand style.   Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and
for those who want to extend their gardening season in any climate. Horticulture has deemed            All Climates reveals how to: Utilize drip irrigation for everything you grow—trees, shrubs,
it “an immensely useful book,...written with style, wit, and clarity....” You will garner advice,      hanging plants, container plants, and vegetable and flower gardens —and save up to 50
tips, guidance, and encouragement necessary to have a successful gardening season in spite of          percent of your water compared to sprinklers. Use a streamlined configuration of hardware and
Mother Nature’s ravages. about Lewis Hill Lewis Hill has been a nurseryman for more than 55            tubing. Choose the best, sturdiest hardware that will last for decades in your home landscape
years. He is the author of 15 books (half written in collaboration with his wife, Nancy Hill) that     and vegetable garden. Pick tubing that has no emitters punched on the outside—these
total more than 600,000 copies in print. Lewis’s Secrets of Plant Propagation was selected by          have a tendency to break off—and use this tubing buried beneath the surface to irrigate
American Horticultural Society as one of its choices for the “75 Great Garden Books.” The Hills live   without losing any water to wind or evaporation. Roll out a drip system in a very short period of                                                    

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(707) 703-1242	                                                           	                                        
2011 Heirloom Seed List                                                                       ST                                                                                           Page 4


                                                                                          Seed Company

Books                                                                                                  Books
Ecological Aquaculture                                                                                 Eggs and Chickens
                                    Ecological Aquaculture A Sustainable Solution by Laurence                                               Eggs & Chickens Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-17 By
                                    Hutchinson Ecological Aquaculture offers a design frame-                                                John Vivian Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: 9780882661919
                                    work for successful ecological aquaculture in all but the                                               (0882661914) Published by Storey Publishing Has a
                                    most extreme climates and regions. The systems described                                                chapter on producing your own food!
                                    are not wasteful or polluting; they are self-sustaining.
                                    While primarily aimed at people with a freshwater resource
                                    who want to make use of it in a sustainable way, Ecological
                                    Aquaculture is also a work of groundbreaking ideas and
                                    practices for those interested in environmental manage-
                                    ment and aquatic ecosystem enhancement and repair. It
                                    serves as a reference work for academic research and a
                                    practical guide for planning authorities and conservation
                                    programs. The book includes two AIDGAP freshwater iden-
                                    tification guides. About the Author Laurence Hutchinson
SKU           Price                 Laurence Hutchinson evaluates and works on aquaculture             SKU           Price
16515         45                    sites in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada,            16846         3.99
Europe, and Asia. He is a member of the Freshwater Biological Association and the Organic
Aquaculture Initiative. ...                                          

Books                                                                                                  Books
Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal                                                                     Family Friendly Farming
                                       Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal War Stories from the Local                                        Family Friendly Farming A Multi-Generational Home-Based
                                       Food Front by Joel Salatin   Drawing upon 40 years’                                            Business Testament by   Joel Salatin   Saving the landscape,
                                       experience as an ecological farmer and marketer, Joel                                                rebuilding entrepreneurial rural families, and protecting
                                       Salatin explains with humor and passion why Americans                                                nutritious food are the themes of this timeless treatise-
                                       do not have the freedom to choose the food they purchase                                             hence the word “testament.” Delving into the soul of the
                                       and eat. From child labor regulations to food inspection,                                            Salatin family's nationally acclaimed Polyface Farm,
                                       bureaucrats provide themselves sole discretion over                                                  author Joel Salatin offers Family Friendly Farming as the
                                       what food is available in the local marketplace. Their                                               key to dealing with resource issues, food policy, and social
                                       system favors industrial, global corporate food systems                                              fabric. With humor and personal stories, he opens his
                                       and discourages community-based food commerce,                                                       family and farm convictions for all to see, share, and enjoy.
                                       resulting in homogenized selection, mediocre quality, and                                            Written from his unabashed “Christian libertarian environ-
                                       exposure to nonorganic farming practices. Salatin’s                                            mentalist capitalist” perspective, his ideas are guaranteed
                                       expert insight explains why local food is expensive and                                              to encourage and challenge virtually every “ism” in the
                                       difficult to find and will illuminate for the reader a deeper                                        culture. It will captivate anyone passionate about healing
SKU             Price                  understanding of the industrial food complex. About             SKU            Price                 the land, healing families, and healing the food supply. For
16431           23.95                  the Author Joel Salatin Called “the high priest of the          16435          35                    several decades young people have been leaving the family
pasture” by The New York Times, Joel Salatin likes to refer to himself as a “Christian-libertarian-    farm. The ones left behind are now responsible for society's greatest resources: clean land
environmentalist-lunatic farmer.” He lives with his family on Polyface Farm in the Shenandoah          and clean food. Anyone dedicated to preserving these resources will find in these pages a non-
Valley of Virginia. Salatin has developed a system of pasture rotation that produces nutrient-rich     governmental, self-empowerment approach to environmentalism and food safety. The heart of
grass and maximizes the composting of animal waste. Each species on the farm is dependent on           this book is aimed toward parents tired of their Dilbert cubicle at the end of the expressway who
another. The cows, for example, eat the nutrient rich grass in Pasture A and then are moved to         want to reconnect with their children through a pastoral lifestyle. It's written for anyone
Pasture B. The chickens then move to Pasture A where they pick through the cow pies ...                who yearns to grow old working with and being adored by value-sharing grandchildren and
                                                                                                       honored by passionate, productive adult children. Family Friendly Farming can make any family
                                                                                                       business more viable and any family more functional. The ten-chapter section on how to get the                                             

Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011	                                              All Rights Reserved. 	                                          Prices and Availability Subject to Change
(707) 703-1242	                                                           	                                       
2011 Heirloom Seed List                                                             ST                                                                                           Page 5


                                                                               Seed Company

Books                                                                                       Books
Fast and Easy Ways to Cook Vegetables                                                       Favorite Pickles & Relishes
                            Fast and Easy Ways to Cook Vegetables Storey Country                                                  Favorite Pickles & Relishes Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin
                            Wisdom Bulletin A-105 By Penny Noepel Paperback , 32                                                  A-91 By Andrea Chesman Paperback , 32 pages ISBN:
                            pages ISBN: 9780882665214 (0882665219) Published by                                                   9780882663340 (0882663348) Published by Storey
                            Storey Publishing                                                                                     Publishing     about Favorite Pickles & Relishes Since 1973,
                                                                                                                                  Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered
                                                                                                                                  practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers
                                                                                                                                  master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily.
                                                                                                                                  There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and
                                                                                                                                  their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire
                                                                                                                                  of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal
                                                                                                                                  independence in everyday life. about Andrea Chesman
                                                                                                                                  Andrea Chesman is the author of several cookbooks, includ-
                                                                                                                                  ing, Mom’s Best Desserts and Mom’s Best
                                                                                                                                  One-Dish Suppers. She lives in Vermont with her husband
SKU        Price                                                                            SKU            Price                  and two growing sons.
16848      3.99                                                                             16893          3.99                             

Books                                                                                       Books
Fertilizers for Free                                                                        Food Drying Techniques
                            Fertilizers for Free Storey’s Country Wisdom Bulletin                                                 Food Drying Techniques Storey's Country Wisdom Bul-
                            A-203 By Charles Siegchrist Paperback , 32 pages ISBN:                                                letin A-197 By Carol W. Costenbader Paperback , 32 pages
                            9781580172240 (1580172245) Published by Storey                                                        ISBN: 9781580172189 (1580172180) Published by Storey
                            Publishing   about Fertilizers for Free Since 1973, Storey’s                                          Publishing   Blanching Air-drying Sun-drying Dehydrator
                            Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on                                             Oven-drying Pasteurizing Packing Rehydrating Fruit Leath-
                            instructions designed to help readers master dozens of                                                ers Drying Herbs Drying Meats about Food Drying Tech-
                            country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more                                          niques Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins
                            than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popular-                                         have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to
                            ity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers                                           help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly
                            alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life.                                            and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series,
                                                                                                                                  and their remarkable popularity reflects the common de-
                                                                                                                                  sire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal
                                                                                                                                  independence in everyday life. about Carol W. Costenbader
                                                                                                                                  Food writer Carol Costenbader has cooked and preserved
SKU        Price                                                                            SKU            Price                  homegrown fruits, herbs, and vegetables for more than
16959      3.99                                                                             16938          3.99                   35 years. Besides The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest,
                                                                                            her books include Storey's Well-Stocked Pantry Series: Mustards, Ketchups & Vinegars
                                                                                            and Preserving Fruits & Vegetables. Second in command of the family vegetable garden and a
                                                                                            volunteer cook at Christian Ministries Homeless Shelter, Carol is founder of The Health Adventure
                                                                                            and Friends of the Health Adventure, a good health teaching facility. Carol and her family divide
                                                                                            their time between central Florida and the mountains of North Carolina.               

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(707) 703-1242	                                                	                                        
2011 Heirloom Seed List                                                                     ST                                                                                           Page 6


                                                                                        Seed Company

Books                                                                                                Books
Four-Season Harvest                                                                                  Fresh Food from Small Spaces
                                      Four-Season Harvest   Organic Vegetables From Your                                                  Fresh Food from Small Spaces The Square-Inch Gardener’s
                                      Garden All Year Long BY Eliot Coleman Foreword by Barbara                                           Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting, and Sprouting
                                      Damrosch “Four-Season Harvest is a magnificent work.                                                by R. J. Ruppenthal   “Growing some of one’s own food is
                                      It's enticing, inspiring, sensible, and it opens a whole                                        vital to understanding the cycle of life on our planet and
                                      new world for the home grower.” —Peter Fossel,                                                establishing a measure of independence from the brutality
                                      Country Journal If you love the joys of eating home-garden                                          of the global food production system. Unfortunately, many
                                      vegetables but always thought those joys had to stop at                                             urban dwellers avoid gardening due to a perceived lack
                                      the end of summer, this book is for you. Eliot Coleman                                              of space. Ruppenthal explodes these barriers by showing
                                      introduces the surprising fact that most of the United                                              us in cogent hands-on detail how to cultivate meaningful
                                      States has more winter sunshine than the south of France.                                           quantities of healthful food from the air, sun, water, and
                                      He shows how North American gardeners can successfully                                              earth available to us in our own spaces, no matter how
                                      use that sun to raise a wide variety of traditional winter                                          small.” —Stephen and Rebekah Hren, authors of
                                      vegetables in backyard cold frames and plastic covered                                              The Carbon-Free Home Books on container gardening have
                                      tunnel greenhouses without supplementary heat. Coleman                                              been wildly popular with urban and suburban readers,
SKU             Price                 expands upon his own experiences with new ideas learned        SKU            Price                 but until now, there has been no comprehensive “how-to”
16409           24.95                 on a winter-vegetable pilgrimage across the ocean to the       16462          24.95                 guide for growing fresh food in the absence of open land.
acknowledged kingdom of vegetable cuisine, the southern part of France, which lies on the            Fresh Food from Small Spaces fills the gap as a practical, comprehensive, and downright fun
44th parallel, the same latitude as his farm in Maine. This story of sunshine, weather patterns,     guide to growing food in small spaces. It provides readers with the knowledge and skills neces-
old limitations and expectations, and new realities is delightfully innovative in the best garden-   sary to produce their own fresh vegetables, mushrooms, sprouts, and fermented foods as well as
ing tradition. Four-Season Harvest will have you feasting on fresh produce from your garden          to raise bees and chickens—all without reliance on energy-intensive systems like indoor
all through the winter.   To learn more about the possibility of a four-season farm, please visit    lighting and hydroponics. Readers will learn how to transform their balconies and windowsills
Coleman's website About the Author Eliot Coleman Eliot has                into productive vegetable gardens, their countertops and storage lockers into commercial-
over 30 years experience in all aspects of organic farming, including field vegetables, green-       quality sprout and mushroom farms, and their outside nooks and crannies into whatever they
house vegetables, rotational grazing of cattle and sheep, and range poultry. He is the author of     can imagine, including sustainable nurseries for honeybees and chickens. Free space for the city                 

Books                                                                                                Books
Fresh from the Garden Cookbook                                                                       Wildly Successful Plants Northern California
                                     Fresh from the Garden Cookbook Recipes Inspired by                                                  From the author of Golden Gate Gardening (over 20,000
                                     Kitchen Gardens Ann Lovejoy In this new book, Ann exu-                                              copies sold) comes this complete guide to the most reli-
                                     berantly consolidates her gardening and cooking expertise                                           able, must-have plants for Northern California gardens.
                                     into a year-round feast of fruits, vegetables, and herbs,                                           Pam Peirce pinpoints 50 often overlooked main plant
                                     complete with color photographs. Her simple, uncluttered                                            species that effortlessly add dazzle to gardens throughout
                                     recipes emphasize bright flavors and a creativity centered                                          Northern California. These tough yet beautiful plants
                                     on an abundance of fresh produce, from the familiar to                                              bloom yearlong and persevere in gardens despite neglect,
                                     the more exotic. Fresh from the Garden will appeal even                                             drought, or frost. This book profiles these “”regional survi-
                                     to readers who don’t have a vegetable garden or orchard                                             vors,”” spotlighting such plants as calla lilies, nasturtiums,
                                     in their backyard: Thanks to the ever-expanding farmers                                             cineraria, and more. A resource for all gardeners, it includes
                                     markets and popular community-supported agriculture                                                 chapters on the history, climate, and care of plants, as well
                                     programs in the Pacific Northwest, fresh, organic produce is                                        as weeds, annuals, perennials, bulbs, succulentscactus,
                                     always easy to come by.                                                                             and shrubs. It also contains lists of other well-adapted
                                                                                                                                         plants beyond those in the 50 species profiled.
SKU           Price                                                                                  SKU           Price
16955         22.95                                                                                  16496         24.95                                    

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Books                                                                                                 Books
From Vines to Wines                                                                                   Garden Seed Inventory
                                       From Vines to Wines The Complete Guide to Growing Grapes                                             Garden Seed Inventory, Sixth Edition An Inventory of Seed
                                       and Making Your Own Wine By Jeff Cox Paperback , 256                                                 Catalogs Listing All Nonhybrid Vegetable Seeds Available
                                       pages ISBN: 9781580171052 (1580171052) Published by                                                  in the United States and Canada by Seed Savers Exchange  
                                       Storey Publishing   Create you own backyard winery! From                                             Garden Seed Inventory is an essential reference for all
                                       breaking ground to savoring the finished product, Jeff                                               serious vegetable growers who care about seeds and
                                       Cox's From Vines to Wines is the most complete and                                               preserving our common garden heritage. This comprehen-
                                       up-to-date guide to growing flawless grapes and making                                               sive “catalog of catalogs” is now available in an updated
                                       extraordinary wine. Wine connoisseurs, gardeners, and                                                sixth edition, and lists nearly 8,500 nonhybrid varieties
                                       home winemakers will find the latest techniques in this                                              of everything from amaranth to zucchini. As traditional
                                       fully revised and updated edition. With thorough, illus-                                             plant breeding gives way to bioengineering and patented
                                       trated instructions, you'll learn how to: -- Choose and                                          varieties, it has become even more important to recognize
                                       prepare a vineyard site -- Construct sturdy and effective                                            and preserve our rich vegetable legacy: seeds brought to
                                       trellising systems -- Plant, prune, and harvest the perfect                                          this country by immigrants from every corner of the world,
                                       grapes for your climate -- Press, ferment, age and bottle                                            or developed here by farmers and breeders for superior
SKU             Price                  your own wine -- Judge wine for clarity, color, aroma, body,   SKU             Price                 taste, regional adaptability, disease resistance, and other
16931           18.95                  and taste about Jeff Cox Freelance author and journalist       16410           26                    virtues. Far from being obsolete or inferior, these varieties
Jeff Cox is a contributing editor to Organic Gardening magazine, The Wine News, and is the            represent the cream of our vegetable crops. Garden Seed Inventory opens the door and invites
host of Grow It! on the Home & Garden Television Network. He has written 13 gardening books,          us all to discover them.   About the Author Seed Savers Exchange Seed Savers Exchange is a
including the Storey title From Vines to Wines as well as Seasonal Celebrations, The Perennial        nonprofit organization committed to saving heirloom garden seeds from extinction. Founded in
Garden (with his wife, Marilyn Cox), The Spirit of Gardening, and Flowers For All Seasons. Jeff is    1975 by Kent and Diane Whealy, SSE now has nearly 8,000 members around the world.
a member of the Author's Guild of America, Garden Writers' Association of America,
and the San Francisco Professional Food Society. He lives in Kenwood, California.                                              

Books                                                                                                 Books
Grafting Fruit Trees                                                                                  Grow the Best Strawberries
                                     Grafting Fruit Trees Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin                                                    Grow the Best Strawberries Storey’s Country Wisdom
                                     A-35 By Larry Southwick Paperback , 32 pages ISBN:                                                     Bulletin A-190 By Louise Riotte Paperback , 32 pages
                                     9780882662091 (0882662090) Published by Storey                                                         ISBN: 9781580171588 (1580171583) Published by Storey
                                     Publishing Definition of terms Wound Dressing Why Graft?                                               Publishing   Since 1973, Storey’s Country Wisdom Bulletins
                                     Types of Grafts When to Graft or Bud Source of Scion and                                               have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to
                                     Bud Wood Ten Essentials of Successful Grafting Ten most                                                help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly
                                     asked questions                                                                                        and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series,
                                                                                                                                            and their remarkable popularity reflects the common de-
                                                                                                                                            sire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal
                                                                                                                                            independence in everyday life. about Louise Riotte Beloved
                                                                                                                                            Storey author and life-long gardener Louise Riotte passed
                                                                                                                                            away in 1998 at the age of 89. She wrote 12 books on
                                                                                                                                            gardening, companion planting, and garden lore, among
                                                                                                                                            them the ever-popular Carrots Love Tomatoes, which has
SKU           Price                                                                                   SKU            Price                  sold approximately 515,000 copies. Her father taught her
16826         3.99                                                                                    16960          3.99                   to believe in and practice astrology, while her mother was
                                                                                                      a practicing herbalist. Together they inevitably influenced her life and her books, Roses Love
                                                                                                      Garlic, Astrological Gardening, Sleeping with a Sunflower, Catfish Ponds & Lily Pads, and her
                                                                                                      most recent book, Raising Animals by the Moon. Her own line drawings are included in all her
                                                                                                      books. Before authoring books, Riotte was a ghost writer for Simon & Schuster and for Jerry
                                                                                                      Baker’s radio gardening show, and she wrote a number of articles for Organic Gardening as well.
                                                                                                      Riotte took pride in her garden near her home in Ardmore, Oklahoma, which her son Eugene
                                                                                                      helped care for in her later years.                            

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2011 Heirloom Seed List                                                                        ST                                                                                             Page 8


                                                                                          Seed Company

Books                                                                                                  Books
Growing & Using Dill                                                                                   Growing & Using Herbs Successfully
                                      Growing & Using Dill Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin                                                     Growing & Using Herbs Successfully By Betty E. M.
                                      A-200 By Glenn Andrews Paperback , 32 pages ISBN:                                                       Jacobs Paperback , 240 pages ISBN: 9780882662497
                                      9781580172219 (1580172210) Published by Storey                                                          (088266249X) Published by Storey Publishing about
                                      Publishing When, where and how to plant.  Harvesting and                                                Growing & Using Herbs Successfully Nowhere will you
                                      Preserving  TONS of Recips Dill Butter Recipe Dill Vinegar                                              find more complete and straightforward information on
                                      Recipe Appetizers, Soups, Etc...                                                                        growing, harvesting, and using herbs.  If fanciful prose
                                                                                                                                              and personal anecdotes are not your cup of tea (although
                                                                                                                                              we can’t resist it!), this book will satisfy your thirst
                                                                                                                                              for hard-core, unfiltered horticultural know-how. This
                                                                                                                                              illustrated guide teaches readers how to plant, propagate,
                                                                                                                                              harvest, dry, freeze, store, and sell (both wholesale and
                                                                                                                                              retail) 64 of the most popular herbs. One of the best and
                                                                                                                                              most straightforward works on growing herbs that this
                                                                                                                                              reviewer and zealous herb grower has read.-- New York Bo-
SKU            Price                                                                                   SKU             Price                  tanical Garden Magazine. A selection of Better Homes and
16809          3.99                                                                                    16961           14.95                  Gardens and Rodale Book Clubs. Over 113,000 copies sold.  
                                                                                                       about Betty E. M. Jacobs With her husband, Betty E. M. Jacobs started Canada’s first commercial
                                                                                                       Herb Farm in 1965 on a southern Vancouver Island. Their experience running this farm for eight
                                                                                                       years and a lifetime of interest in herbs led to Betty’s book, Growing & Using Herbs Successfully.                                       

Books                                                                                                  Books
Growing & Using Lavender                                                                               Growing Great Garlic
                                       Growing & Using Lavender Storey's Country Wisdom                                                 Growing Great Garlic The Definitive Guide for Organic
                                       Bulletin A-155 By Patricia R. Barrett Paperback , 32 pages                                           Gardeners and Small Farmers BY Ron L. Engeland   The
                                       ISBN: 9780882664750 (0882664751) Published by Storey                                                 first garlic book written specifically for organic garden-
                                       Publishing   about Growing & Using Lavender Since 1973,                                              ers and small-scale farmers Growing Great Garlic is the
                                       Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered                                                   definitive grower's guide written by a small scale
                                       practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers                                            farmer who makes his living growing over 200 strains of
                                       master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily.                                           garlic. Commercial growers will want to consult this book
                                       There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and                                               regularly. The author tells us: which strains to plant when
                                       their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire                                               to fertilize when to plant when to prune flower stalks how
                                       of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal                                             to plant when to harvest Plus, how to store, market, and
                                       independence in everyday life. about Patricia R. Barrett                                             process the crop. Growing Great Garlic makes a genuine
                                       Author Patti Barrett is stress-free as she gardens and cleans                                        contribution in the field of garlic classification that will
                                       at home in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Her dwelling                                             help the public recognize several distinct varietal types
                                       encounters much traffic--she lives with her husband,                                                 of garlic. About the Author Ron L. Engeland For the past
SKU             Price                  two daughters, one dog and four cats--and yet she keeps         SKU           Price                  fifteen years, author Ron Engeland has farmed organically
16937           3.99                   realistic standards and practices her own easy tips found in    16412         16.95                  with his wife, Watershine, and two children in north central
Too Busy to Clean? She effectively devotes minimal time and effort to the maintanence of her           Washington state. In addition to garlic they raise over 100 varieties of apples, plus peaches,
house. Patti is also a freelance writer and enjoys gardening. More about the author                    apricots, plums, raspberries, potatoes, and cut and dried flowers. Ron also manages an irrigation
                                                                                                       company and writes numerous articles.                                      

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Books                                                                                                Books
Herbal Antibiotics                                                                                   Holy Shit
                                     Herbal Antibiotics Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug-                                             Holy Shit Managing Manure To Save Mankind by Gene
                                     Resistant Bacteria By Stephen Harrod Buhner Paperback ,                                                Logsdon Illustrations by Brooke Budner “With a combina-
                                     144 pages ISBN: 9781580171489 (1580171486) Published                                                   tion of deep knowledge, longtime farming experience,
                                     by Storey Publishing about Herbal Antibiotics Current infor-                                           and great humor, Gene Logsdon tells us everything we
                                     mation about antibiotic resistant microbes and the herbs                                               don't know about human and animal wastes, and
                                     that are effective in fighting them. about Stephen Harrod                                              what to do about it. As the author writes, 'Sooner or
                                     Buhner Some have titled Stephen Harrod Buhner as one of                                                later we have to live in the same world as our colons.'
                                     the forerunners of our time for the return to an ecological                                            Not to mention the wastes of all the animals we raise for
                                     foundation of healing. However, he comes from a long                                                   food! This is the book to read if you give a crap about crap.”
                                     line of medical practitioners and healers. His grandfather                                             —Sim Van der Ryn, Author of The Toilet Papers In
                                     was president of the Kentucky Medical Association and                                                  his insightful new book, Holy Shit, Managing Manure To
                                     his great-uncle was Surgeon General of the United States.                                              Save Mankind, contrary farmer Gene Logsdon provides
                                     Stephen has added to this family heritage by becoming                                                  the inside story of manure—our greatest, yet most
                                     a respected figure in herbal medicine. He is the author of                                             misunderstood, natural resource. He begins by lamenting a
SKU            Price                 Storey’s Herbal Antibiotics, Herbs for Hepatitis C and the      SKU            Price                   modern society that not only throws away both animal and
16962          12.95                 Liver, as well as Sacred Plant Medicine; One Spirit, Many       16934          17.5                    human manure—worth billions of dollars in fertil-
Peoples; and Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers. He is a national lecturer on herbal medicine and       izer value—but that spends a staggering amount of money to do so. This wastefulness
is an adjunct faculty member at the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies. Stephen has         makes even less sense as the supply of mined or chemically synthesized fertilizers dwindles and
served as president of the Colorado Association for Healing Practitioners and as a lobbyist on       their cost skyrockets. In fact, he argues, if we do not learn how to turn our manures into fertil-
herbal and holistic medicines and education in the Colorado legislature.                             izer to keep food production in line with increasing population, our civilization, like so many
                                                                                                     that went before it, will inevitably decline. With his trademark humor, his years of experience
                                                                                                     writing about both farming and waste management, and his uncanny eye for the small but
                                                                                                     important details, Logsdon artfully describes how to manage farm manure, pet manure, and
                                                                                                     human manure to make fertilizer and humus. He covers the field, so to speak, discussing topics                                     

Books                                                                                                Books
Homebrewers Garden                                                                                   Homegrown Whole Grains
                                     Homebrewers Garden   The Homebrewer's Garden                                                        Homegrown Whole Grains Grow, Harvest, and Cook Wheat,
                                     How to Easily Grow, Prepare, and Use Your Own Hops,                                                     Barley, Oats, Rice, Corn and More By Sara Pitzer Paperback ,
                                     Malts, Brewing Herbs By Joe Fisher and Dennis Fisher Pa-                                                168 pages ISBN: 9781603421539 (160342153X) Published
                                     perback , 192 pages ISBN: 9781580170109 (1580170102)                                                    by Storey Publishing A backyard field of grains? Yes,
                                     Published by Storey Publishing Grow Your Own...Brew Your                                                absolutely! Wheat and corn are rapidly replacing grass
                                     Own! If you have a backyard, or even a sun-facing porch,                                                in the yards of dedicated locavores across the country.
                                     you can greatly enhance the flavor, aroma, and uniqueness                                               For adventurous homeowners who want to get in on the
                                     of your homebrew by growing your own hops, brewing                                                      movement, Homegrown Whole Grains is the place to begin.
                                     herbs, and malt grains. Easy instructions will help you put                                             Growing whole grains is simpler and more rewarding than
                                     the “home” into your homebrew from setting up your first                                                most people imagine. With as little as 1000 square feet of
                                     hop trellis, to malting grain at home, to brewing recipes                                               land, backyard farmers can grow enough wheat to harvest
                                     specially formulated for homegrown ingredients. When you                                                50 pounds in a single afternoon - and those 50 pounds
                                     grow your own organic ingredients, you can be sure they                                                 can be baked into 50 loaves of fresh bread. In addition to
                                     are the freshest and purest available.   about Joe Fisher Joe                                           providing information on wheat and corn, Homegrown
SKU           Price                  Fisher is a freelance writer who has worked as an assistant     SKU             Price                   Whole Grains includes complete growing, harvesting,
16873         14.95                  tapster in Oxford, where he became acquainted with real         16771           14.95                   and threshing instructions for barley, millet, oats, rice,
beer. He has written many articles for The New England Coastal News, a bi-monthly newspaper          rye, spelt, and quinoa, and lighter coverage of several specialty grains. Readers will also find
on maritime subjects. Committed kit brewers with a history of success, Joe and his brother           helpful tips on processing whole grains, from what to look for in a home mill to how to dry corn
Dennis are members of the American Homebrewer's Association, Seed Savers Exchange,               and remove the hulls from barley and rice. Chapters for each grain include inventive recipes
Flower & Herb Exchange, Maine Organic Farmers' and Gardeners' Association. They              for cereals, desserts, casseroles, salads, soups and stews, and, of course, home-baked breads,
have written for Zymurgy magazine and live and brew in Winterport, Maine. Together they have         the crowning achievement of the home grain grower. Sara Pitzer shares dozens of ideas for
written Storey's Brewing Made Easy, Great Beer From Kits, and The Homebrewer's               using whole grains - from cooking sturdy wheat berries in a slow cooker to malting barley for
Garden.                                                                                              homebrewed beer. Whether milled into nutritional flours or used in any of their unmilled states,
                                                                                                     wheat, barley, quinoa, and the other grain crops are healthful additions to every diet. about                             

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Books                                                                                               Books
Sustainable Food                                                                                    How to Stay Alive in the Woods
                                      How to Buy Right and Spend Less Wondering whether it’s                                            How to Stay Alive in the Woods A Complete Guide to Food,
                                      worth it to splurge on the locally raised beef? What about                                        Shelter and Self-Preservation Anywhere By Bradford Angier
                                      those organic carrots? New in the Chelsea Green Guides                                            Hardback , 320 pages ISBN: 9781579122218 (1579122213)
                                      series, Sustainable Food: How to Buy Right and Spend Less                                         Published by Black Dog & Leventhal   about How to Stay
                                      helps the average shopper navigate the choices, whether                                           Alive in the Woods HOW TO STAY ALIVE IN THE WOODS is a
                                      strolling the aisles of a modern supermarket or foraging                                          practical, readable-and potentially indispensable-manual
                                      at a local farmers market. This down-to-earth, casual                                             for anyone venturing into the great outdoors. Broken
                                      guide—small enough to be slipped into your pocket—                                                down into four essential sections, Sustenance, Warmth,
                                      answers these and other questions for the shopper:                                                Orientation and Safety, this enlightening guide reveals how
                                      What are the differences among organic, local, fair-trade,                                        to catch game without a gun, what plants to eat (full-color
                                      free-range, naturally raised, and biodynamic foods? How                                           illustrations of these make identification simple), how to
                                      affordable is it to subscribe to a CSA farm—and what are                                          build a warm shelter, make clothing, protect yourself and
                                      the advantages? Is it better to choose wild Alaskan salmon                                        signal for help. Detailed illustrations and expanded instruc-
                                      at $18.99, or the Chilean farmed fish at $11.99? What                                             tions, newly commissioned for this deluxe edition, offer
SKU            Price                  cooking oils can be sustainably sourced? How can a food       SKU           Price                 crucial information at a glance, making How to Stay Alive in
16517          7.95                   co-op increase access to, and affordability of, healthier,    16930         19.95                 the Woods truly a lifesaver. A sturdy, durable rubber cover
Earth-friendly foods? Where can you find sustainably produced sugar, and are there any local re-    with Dayglo type protects this must-have from the elements.
placements for sweeteners from faraway lands? What do the distinctions between shade-grown
and trellised coffee mean? Is shark okay to eat? How about mackerel? Why is the war on plastic
bags so important? Sustainable eating just got easier. About the Author Elise McDonough Elise
McDonough trained at New York City’s Natural Gourmet Institute, but her informal training in
counterculture cuisine began at the Cleveland Food Co-op, where she was initiated into the
world of food politics, strange ingredients, and alternative diets. She lives in New York, where
she volunteers at the Union Square Greenmarket, and is actively involved in many local farm                                     

Books                                                                                               Books
The Ann Lovejoy Handbook of Northwest                                                               Keeping the Harvest
                                    In this updated second edition of Ann Lovejoy's                                                     Keeping the Harvest Discover the Homegrown Goodness
                                    definitive gardening manual, Lovejoy explains how to cre-                                               of Putting Up Your Own Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs Over
                                    ate gorgeous ornamental gardens follwing the principles                                                 200,000 copies in print!  Revised and updated to meet the
                                    and techniques of organic and sustainable gardening.                                                    USDA guidelines. By Nancy Chioffi and Gretchen Mead Pa-
                                    Emphasizing good soil prep, composting, drainage, mulch-                                                perback , 208 pages ISBN: 9780882666501 (0882666509)
                                    ing, and proper plant selection. Lovejoy covers every step                                              Published by Storey Publishing In all my years I don't
                                    from landscaping and design to planting beds, all with the                                              think I've seen a book so complete on so many differ-
                                    goal of creating a lovely garden without chemical fertilizers                                           ent types of food storage methods.  Exhaustive diagrams,
                                    or chemical pest controls. Janet Loughrey's color                                                   charts and tables of every kind!  Keep The Harvest covers:
                                    photographs throughout show the splendid results.                                                       How much to plant with garden planning chart showing
                                                                                                                                            variety and yield.   Nutritional Effects of Storing Food Freez-
                                                                                                                                            ing; what to freeze, how to, packaging, labeling, contain-
                                                                                                                                            ers, flash freezing, yield conversion fresh to frozen chart,
                                                                                                                                            blanching, and microwave blanching. Canning; equipment,
SKU           Price                                                                                 SKU             Price                   water bath canning, step by step, yield conversion fresh
16499         27.95                                                                                 16881           14.95                   to canned, pressure canning, and timetables. Jams and
                                                                                                    Jellies; equipment needed, preparations, reduced sugar, trouble shooting, and recipes. Pickles
                                                                                                    and Relishes; equipment, processing, handling, and recipes. Drying; homemade dryers, drying
                                                                                                    fruitvegetables, sulfuring, fruit leathers, drying herbs, and microwave drying herbs. Common
                                                                                                    storage methods and Grains; root cellars, building a root cellar, storage containers, outdoor stor-
                                                                                                    age, storing grains, and sprouting seeds for food.  Part Two; very detailed instructions, specific
                                                                                                    vegetables and fruits, and best methods.  Over 40 pages. Fruits and Berries; tips for canning,
                                                                                                    yield fresh to canned, syrups, and fruit juices of many types. Part III; exhaustive list of charts and
                                                                                                    conversions to make it a breeze.                      

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2011 Heirloom Seed List

  • 1. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 1 SU LE Seed Company Books Books 100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American 100 Vegetables and Where They Came From Garden 100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden Preserved 100 Vegetables and Where They Came From By William by families, collected by seed savers, passed around among Woys Weaver; Illustrated by Signe Sundberg-Hall Hardback farmers, heirloom tomatoes are now being sought out by , 336 pages ISBN: 9781565122383 (1565122380) Published more and more home gardeners as an alternative to the by Algonquin Books about 100 Vegetables and Where They bland sameness of commercial hybrids. And happily, these Came From A perfect leek from France. Flavorful zucchini growers are discovering that heirlooms are not only vastly from Italy. An infamous potato from Ireland, and a humble more flavorful, but are just as hardy and easy to cultivate lentil from Ethiopia. 100 Vegetables offers a veritable as the hybrids. Dr. Carolyn J. Male, who has raised more cornucopia of vegetables and stories from around the than a thousand heirloom tomatoes, here presents 100 world--from Argentina to Zimbabwe, from Australia to the consistently top-performing varieties for North American United States. William Woys Weaver--veggie connoisseur, gardeners. There are red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, green, gardener, and historian--guides us through a range of orange, purple, and even black tomatoes--like Black from peppers, potatoes, peas, gourds, onions, tomatoes, greens, Tula, with green shoulders and a dusky rose-black coloring. and a whole lot more. Not every carrot is the same. All There are cherry tomatoes, too--try Martino's Roma, beans aren't equal. Take the Petaluma Gold Rush SKU Price a paste with spectacular yield and built-in tolerance SKU Price bean, a rugged legume, grown for over 150 years and 16681 16.95 of blossom end rot. For every gardener, no matter how 16783 18.95 brought to California by an American whaler from Peru. experienced, here's everything you need to know to grow and harvest tomatoes with real Or the violet carrot, which the Greeks brought back from India following the conquests of taste. About Carolyn J. Male Carolyn J. Male, Ph.D., is a professor of microbiology at the College Alexander the Great. Mixing history, culinary suggestions, practical information, and personal of Saint Rose in Albany, New York. She is also a major voice on AOL's tomato forum, and anecdotes, Weaver introduces us to unusual heirloom vegetables as well as to common an author whose articles appear in Kitchen Gardening, The American Cottage Gardener, and favorites. He provides answers to general questions, such as the difference between a yam and a The Historical Gardener. Dr. Male scientifically--and lovingly--has raised more than a thousand sweet potato, and presents lively portraits of one hundred vegetable varieties, which he's different varieties of heirloom tomatoes in her zone 5 garden in upstate New York.     grown and harvested in his own kitchen garden. Organized alphabetically by common name, 100 Vegetables includes beautifully detailed drawings throughout and a helpful appendix of seed resources.     about William Woys Weaver William Woys Weaver is an organic gardener, food Books Books Northwest Herb Lover’s Handbook All the Onions A Guide To Growing Herbs for Cooking, Crafts, and Home All the Onions Storey’s Country Wisdom Bulletin A-204 Remedies Mary Preus The soothing smell of lavender, By Betty E. M. Jacobs Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: rosemary's piney flavor, the bright colors of nastur- 9781580172257 (1580172253) Published by Storey tiums . . . herbs are wonderful things! In this handsome Publishing   about All the Onions Choosing right varieties volume, Mary Preus provides a delightful entree into the Seeds, transplants, or sets starting from seed Transplanting world of herbs with detailed instructions on how to grow Care, Harvest and Braiding Pest and Disease List:  Onions, 50 of the most popular herbs and create an herbal lifestyle. Chives, Garlic, Leeks, Potato Onions, Shallots, Egyptian Easy and delicious recipes, herbal crafts and gifts, landscap- Onions and Welsh Onions.   Since 1973, Storey’s Country ing with herbs, traditional and modern medicinal use, Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instruc- aromatherapy--it's all here in The Northwest Herb tions designed to help readers master dozens of country Lover's Handbook. living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity re- flects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life. about SKU Price SKU Price Betty E. M. Jacobs With her husband, Betty E. M. Jacobs 16498 16.95 16936 3.99 started Canada’s first commercial Herb Farm in 1965 on a southern Vancouver Island. Their experience running this farm for eight years and a lifetime of interest in herbs led to Betty’s book, Growing & Using Herbs Successfully. More about the author Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 2. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 2 SU LE Seed Company Books Books An Herbalist’s Guide to Growing & Using Basic Bread Baking Echinacea An Herbalist’s Guide to Growing &  Using Echinacea A Basic Bread Baking Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletin Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin By Kathleen Brown A-198 By Glenn Andrews Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: 9781580172813 (1580172814) 9781580172196 (1580172199) Published by Storey Published by Storey Publishing about An Herbalist’s Guide Publishing   Ingredients that make the difference Basic to Growing & Using Echinacea Since 1973, Storey’s Country Techniques Unleavened breads Tons of recipes Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instruc- tions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life. about Kathleen Brown Author Kathleen Brown is an herbal teacher, writer, and gardener. She is author of Storey’s Herbal Teas and has served as president of the Rocky Moun- SKU Price tain Unit of the Herb Society of America. She presently lives SKU Price 16853 3.99 in California. 16941 3.99 Books Books Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game By John J. Mettler Pa- Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties The Gardener's perback , 208 pages ISBN: 9780882663913 (0882663917) and Farmer's Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Published by Storey Publishing   about Basic Butchering of Saving by Carol Deppe   All gardeners and farmers should Livestock & Game This is the book for anyone who hunts, be plant breeders, says author Carol Deppe. Developing farms, or buys large quantities of meat. The author takes new vegetable varieties doesn't require a specialized the mystery out of slaughtering and butchering everything education, a lot of land, or even a lot of time. It can be from beef and veal, to venison, pork, and lamb. The text done on any scale. It's enjoyable. It's deeply is clear and easy-to-follow. Combined with 130 detailed rewarding. You can get useful new varieties much faster illustrations by Elayne Sears, the reader is provided with than you might suppose. And you can eat your mistakes. complete, step-by-step instructions. Here is everything you Authoritative and easy-to-understand, Breed Your Own need to know: At what age to butcher an animal How to Vegetable Varieties: The Gardener's and Farmer's kill, skin, slaughter, and butcher How to dress out game in Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Saving is the only guide a field Salting, smoking, and preserving Tools, equipment, to plant breeding and seed saving for the serious home the setup More than thirty recipes using all kinds of meat gardener and the small-scale farmer or commercial grower. SKU Price about John J. Mettler John J. Mettler, Jr., D.V.M., is a retired SKU Price Discover: how to breed for a wide range of different traits 16929 16.95 large-animal veterinarian in upstate New York and has 16405 27.95 (flavor, size, shape, or color; cold or heat tolerance; pest written several books on animals, including Basic Butchering of Livestock & Game and Horse and disease resistance; and regional adaptation) how to save seed and maintain varieties how Sense. An avid sportsman, his appreciation of the noble turkey was the inspiration for his most to conduct your own variety trials and other farm- or garden-based research how to breed for recent book, Wild Turkeys. John has written on a broad range of veterinary topics for various performance under organic or sustainable growing methods In this one-size-fits-all world magazines and has written a veterinary column for American Agriculturist for over 20 years. He of multinational seed companies, plant patents, and biotech monopolies, more and more has professional memberships that include the New York State Veterinary Medical Society (past gardeners and farmers are recognizing that they need to “take back their seeds.” They need to chairman), the American Association of Equine Practitioners, the Society for Theriogenology, save more of their own seed, grow and maintain the best traditional and regional varieties, and the American Veterinary Medical Association. and develop more of their own unique new varieties. Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties: The Gardener's and Farmer's Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Saving shows the way, Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 3. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 3 SU LE Seed Company Books Books Carrots Love Tomatoes Cold-Climate Gardening Carrots Love Tomatoes Secrets of Companion Planting for Cold-Climate Gardening How to Extend Your Growing Successful Gardening By Louise Riotte Paperback , 224 Season by at Least 30 Days By Lewis Hill Paperback , 320 pages ISBN: 9781580170277 (1580170277) Published by pages ISBN: 9780882664415 (0882664417) Published by Storey Publishing about Carrots Love Tomatoes This classic Storey Publishing   about Cold-Climate Gardening Early and has now taught generations of gardeners how to use the late grosts, arctic winds, an dinhospitable terrain are just a natural benefits of plants to protect and support each few of the obstacles facing those who garden in the icebox other. Here is a reader’s complete reference to which plants region of the United States and Canada. Lewis Hill has nourish the soil, which keep away bugs and pests, and spent a lifetime in northern Vermont, and is undaunted by which plants just don’t get along. Here is a complete guide the challenges of weather and climate. His system for how to using companion planting to grow a better garden. to garden more and better in the time that you do have 555,000 copies in print. about Louise Riotte Beloved is covered in this extensive 308-page guide. Cold-Climate Storey author and life-long gardener Louise Riotte passed Gardening has much information that will prove invaluable away in 1998 at the age of 89. She wrote 12 books on to northern gardeners: how to grow food, how to land- gardening, companion planting, and garden lore, among scape, techniques to employ that will protect vulnerable SKU Price them the ever-popular Carrots Love Tomatoes, which has SKU Price plantings, how to warm up the soil earlier, and which 16774 14.95 sold approximately 515,000 copies. Her father taught her 16926 16.95 species are appropriate to your area. Not just for those who to believe in and practice astrology, while her mother was a practicing herbalist. Together they live in the snow belt, this book will also be useful to those who garden in microclimates (such as inevitably influenced her life and her books, Roses Love Garlic, Astrological Gardening, Sleeping deep valleys or hillsides) or for those who want to extend their gardening season in any climate. with a Sunflower, Catfish Ponds & Lily Pads, and her most recent book, Raising Animals by the Horticulture has deemed it “an immensely useful book,...written with style, wit, and clarity....” Moon. Her own line drawings are included in all her books. Before authoring books, Riotte was You will garner advice, tips, guidance, and encouragement necessary to have a successful a ghost writer for Simon & Schuster and for Jerry Baker’s radio gardening show, and she wrote a gardening season in spite of Mother Nature's ravages. about Lewis Hill Lewis Hill has been number of articles for Organic Gardening as well. Riotte took pride in her garden near her home a nurseryman for more than 55 years. He is the author of 15 books (half written in collaboration in Ardmore, Oklahoma, which her son Eugene helped care for in her later years. with his wife, Nancy Hill) that total more than 600,000 copies in print. Lewis's Secrets of Plant Propagation was selected by American Horticultural Society as one of its choices for the Books Books Cold-Climate Gardening Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and All Climates Cold-Climate Gardening How to Extend Your Growing Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and All Climates Second Season by at Least 30 Days By Lewis Hill Paperback , 320 Edition by Robert Kourik   Drip irrigation is the best way to pages ISBN: 9780882664415 (0882664417) Published by help any plant flourish and survive tough times, especially Storey Publishing Early and late grosts, arctic winds, an short or long droughts. Pick the wrong “stuff dinhospitable terrain are just a few of the obstacles facing ” and you easily can feel overwhelmed. Robert those who garden in the icebox region of the United States Kourik’s Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and and Canada. Lewis Hill has spent a lifetime in northern All Climates clearly explains how to use less water yet Vermont, and is undaunted by the challenges of weather increase the yields of vegetables and promote the growth and climate. His system for how to garden more and better and flowering of all plants—trees, shrubs, and in the time that you do have is covered in this extensive container plants—in any climate, even where it rains 308-page guide. Cold-Climate Gardening has much infor- irregularly. In the tradition of the original groundbreaking mation that will prove invaluable to northern gardeners: book, this fully revised edition incorporates new informa- how to grow food, how to landscape, techniques to employ tion essential for gardeners, including how to manage that will protect vulnerable plantings, how to warm up limited water supplies with precision and efficiency, SKU Price the soil earlier, and which species are appropriate to your SKU Price without the clutter of hundreds of widgets and gizmos, 16958 16.95 area. Not just for those who live in the snow belt, this book 16434 24.95 and the knowledge is shared in Kourik’s inimitable, will also be useful to those who garden in microclimates (such as deep valleys or hillsides) or friendly, down-to-earth, and easy-to-understand style.   Drip Irrigation for Every Landscape and for those who want to extend their gardening season in any climate. Horticulture has deemed All Climates reveals how to: Utilize drip irrigation for everything you grow—trees, shrubs, it “an immensely useful book,...written with style, wit, and clarity....” You will garner advice, hanging plants, container plants, and vegetable and flower gardens —and save up to 50 tips, guidance, and encouragement necessary to have a successful gardening season in spite of percent of your water compared to sprinklers. Use a streamlined configuration of hardware and Mother Nature’s ravages. about Lewis Hill Lewis Hill has been a nurseryman for more than 55 tubing. Choose the best, sturdiest hardware that will last for decades in your home landscape years. He is the author of 15 books (half written in collaboration with his wife, Nancy Hill) that and vegetable garden. Pick tubing that has no emitters punched on the outside—these total more than 600,000 copies in print. Lewis’s Secrets of Plant Propagation was selected by have a tendency to break off—and use this tubing buried beneath the surface to irrigate American Horticultural Society as one of its choices for the “75 Great Garden Books.” The Hills live without losing any water to wind or evaporation. Roll out a drip system in a very short period of Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 4. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 4 SU LE Seed Company Books Books Ecological Aquaculture Eggs and Chickens Ecological Aquaculture A Sustainable Solution by Laurence Eggs & Chickens Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin A-17 By Hutchinson Ecological Aquaculture offers a design frame- John Vivian Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: 9780882661919 work for successful ecological aquaculture in all but the (0882661914) Published by Storey Publishing Has a most extreme climates and regions. The systems described chapter on producing your own food! are not wasteful or polluting; they are self-sustaining. While primarily aimed at people with a freshwater resource who want to make use of it in a sustainable way, Ecological Aquaculture is also a work of groundbreaking ideas and practices for those interested in environmental manage- ment and aquatic ecosystem enhancement and repair. It serves as a reference work for academic research and a practical guide for planning authorities and conservation programs. The book includes two AIDGAP freshwater iden- tification guides. About the Author Laurence Hutchinson SKU Price Laurence Hutchinson evaluates and works on aquaculture SKU Price 16515 45 sites in the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, 16846 3.99 Europe, and Asia. He is a member of the Freshwater Biological Association and the Organic Aquaculture Initiative. ... Books Books Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal Family Friendly Farming Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal War Stories from the Local Family Friendly Farming A Multi-Generational Home-Based Food Front by Joel Salatin   Drawing upon 40 years’ Business Testament by   Joel Salatin   Saving the landscape, experience as an ecological farmer and marketer, Joel rebuilding entrepreneurial rural families, and protecting Salatin explains with humor and passion why Americans nutritious food are the themes of this timeless treatise- do not have the freedom to choose the food they purchase hence the word “testament.” Delving into the soul of the and eat. From child labor regulations to food inspection, Salatin family's nationally acclaimed Polyface Farm, bureaucrats provide themselves sole discretion over author Joel Salatin offers Family Friendly Farming as the what food is available in the local marketplace. Their key to dealing with resource issues, food policy, and social system favors industrial, global corporate food systems fabric. With humor and personal stories, he opens his and discourages community-based food commerce, family and farm convictions for all to see, share, and enjoy. resulting in homogenized selection, mediocre quality, and Written from his unabashed “Christian libertarian environ- exposure to nonorganic farming practices. Salatin’s mentalist capitalist” perspective, his ideas are guaranteed expert insight explains why local food is expensive and to encourage and challenge virtually every “ism” in the difficult to find and will illuminate for the reader a deeper culture. It will captivate anyone passionate about healing SKU Price understanding of the industrial food complex. About SKU Price the land, healing families, and healing the food supply. For 16431 23.95 the Author Joel Salatin Called “the high priest of the 16435 35 several decades young people have been leaving the family pasture” by The New York Times, Joel Salatin likes to refer to himself as a “Christian-libertarian- farm. The ones left behind are now responsible for society's greatest resources: clean land environmentalist-lunatic farmer.” He lives with his family on Polyface Farm in the Shenandoah and clean food. Anyone dedicated to preserving these resources will find in these pages a non- Valley of Virginia. Salatin has developed a system of pasture rotation that produces nutrient-rich governmental, self-empowerment approach to environmentalism and food safety. The heart of grass and maximizes the composting of animal waste. Each species on the farm is dependent on this book is aimed toward parents tired of their Dilbert cubicle at the end of the expressway who another. The cows, for example, eat the nutrient rich grass in Pasture A and then are moved to want to reconnect with their children through a pastoral lifestyle. It's written for anyone Pasture B. The chickens then move to Pasture A where they pick through the cow pies ... who yearns to grow old working with and being adored by value-sharing grandchildren and honored by passionate, productive adult children. Family Friendly Farming can make any family business more viable and any family more functional. The ten-chapter section on how to get the Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 5. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 5 SU LE Seed Company Books Books Fast and Easy Ways to Cook Vegetables Favorite Pickles & Relishes Fast and Easy Ways to Cook Vegetables Storey Country Favorite Pickles & Relishes Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Wisdom Bulletin A-105 By Penny Noepel Paperback , 32 A-91 By Andrea Chesman Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: pages ISBN: 9780882665214 (0882665219) Published by 9780882663340 (0882663348) Published by Storey Storey Publishing   Publishing     about Favorite Pickles & Relishes Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life. about Andrea Chesman Andrea Chesman is the author of several cookbooks, includ- ing, Mom’s Best Desserts and Mom’s Best One-Dish Suppers. She lives in Vermont with her husband SKU Price SKU Price and two growing sons. 16848 3.99 16893 3.99 Books Books Fertilizers for Free Food Drying Techniques Fertilizers for Free Storey’s Country Wisdom Bulletin Food Drying Techniques Storey's Country Wisdom Bul- A-203 By Charles Siegchrist Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: letin A-197 By Carol W. Costenbader Paperback , 32 pages 9781580172240 (1580172245) Published by Storey ISBN: 9781580172189 (1580172180) Published by Storey Publishing   about Fertilizers for Free Since 1973, Storey’s Publishing   Blanching Air-drying Sun-drying Dehydrator Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered practical, hands-on Oven-drying Pasteurizing Packing Rehydrating Fruit Leath- instructions designed to help readers master dozens of ers Drying Herbs Drying Meats about Food Drying Tech- country living skills quickly and easily. There are now more niques Since 1973, Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popular- have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to ity reflects the common desire of country and city dwellers help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life. and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common de- sire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life. about Carol W. Costenbader Food writer Carol Costenbader has cooked and preserved SKU Price SKU Price homegrown fruits, herbs, and vegetables for more than 16959 3.99 16938 3.99 35 years. Besides The Big Book of Preserving the Harvest, her books include Storey's Well-Stocked Pantry Series: Mustards, Ketchups & Vinegars and Preserving Fruits & Vegetables. Second in command of the family vegetable garden and a volunteer cook at Christian Ministries Homeless Shelter, Carol is founder of The Health Adventure and Friends of the Health Adventure, a good health teaching facility. Carol and her family divide their time between central Florida and the mountains of North Carolina. Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 6. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 6 SU LE Seed Company Books Books Four-Season Harvest Fresh Food from Small Spaces Four-Season Harvest   Organic Vegetables From Your Fresh Food from Small Spaces The Square-Inch Gardener’s Garden All Year Long BY Eliot Coleman Foreword by Barbara Guide to Year-Round Growing, Fermenting, and Sprouting Damrosch “Four-Season Harvest is a magnificent work. by R. J. Ruppenthal   “Growing some of one’s own food is It's enticing, inspiring, sensible, and it opens a whole vital to understanding the cycle of life on our planet and new world for the home grower.” —Peter Fossel, establishing a measure of independence from the brutality Country Journal If you love the joys of eating home-garden of the global food production system. Unfortunately, many vegetables but always thought those joys had to stop at urban dwellers avoid gardening due to a perceived lack the end of summer, this book is for you. Eliot Coleman of space. Ruppenthal explodes these barriers by showing introduces the surprising fact that most of the United us in cogent hands-on detail how to cultivate meaningful States has more winter sunshine than the south of France. quantities of healthful food from the air, sun, water, and He shows how North American gardeners can successfully earth available to us in our own spaces, no matter how use that sun to raise a wide variety of traditional winter small.” —Stephen and Rebekah Hren, authors of vegetables in backyard cold frames and plastic covered The Carbon-Free Home Books on container gardening have tunnel greenhouses without supplementary heat. Coleman been wildly popular with urban and suburban readers, SKU Price expands upon his own experiences with new ideas learned SKU Price but until now, there has been no comprehensive “how-to” 16409 24.95 on a winter-vegetable pilgrimage across the ocean to the 16462 24.95 guide for growing fresh food in the absence of open land. acknowledged kingdom of vegetable cuisine, the southern part of France, which lies on the Fresh Food from Small Spaces fills the gap as a practical, comprehensive, and downright fun 44th parallel, the same latitude as his farm in Maine. This story of sunshine, weather patterns, guide to growing food in small spaces. It provides readers with the knowledge and skills neces- old limitations and expectations, and new realities is delightfully innovative in the best garden- sary to produce their own fresh vegetables, mushrooms, sprouts, and fermented foods as well as ing tradition. Four-Season Harvest will have you feasting on fresh produce from your garden to raise bees and chickens—all without reliance on energy-intensive systems like indoor all through the winter.   To learn more about the possibility of a four-season farm, please visit lighting and hydroponics. Readers will learn how to transform their balconies and windowsills Coleman's website About the Author Eliot Coleman Eliot has into productive vegetable gardens, their countertops and storage lockers into commercial- over 30 years experience in all aspects of organic farming, including field vegetables, green- quality sprout and mushroom farms, and their outside nooks and crannies into whatever they house vegetables, rotational grazing of cattle and sheep, and range poultry. He is the author of can imagine, including sustainable nurseries for honeybees and chickens. Free space for the city Books Books Fresh from the Garden Cookbook Wildly Successful Plants Northern California Fresh from the Garden Cookbook Recipes Inspired by From the author of Golden Gate Gardening (over 20,000 Kitchen Gardens Ann Lovejoy In this new book, Ann exu- copies sold) comes this complete guide to the most reli- berantly consolidates her gardening and cooking expertise able, must-have plants for Northern California gardens. into a year-round feast of fruits, vegetables, and herbs, Pam Peirce pinpoints 50 often overlooked main plant complete with color photographs. Her simple, uncluttered species that effortlessly add dazzle to gardens throughout recipes emphasize bright flavors and a creativity centered Northern California. These tough yet beautiful plants on an abundance of fresh produce, from the familiar to bloom yearlong and persevere in gardens despite neglect, the more exotic. Fresh from the Garden will appeal even drought, or frost. This book profiles these “”regional survi- to readers who don’t have a vegetable garden or orchard vors,”” spotlighting such plants as calla lilies, nasturtiums, in their backyard: Thanks to the ever-expanding farmers cineraria, and more. A resource for all gardeners, it includes markets and popular community-supported agriculture chapters on the history, climate, and care of plants, as well programs in the Pacific Northwest, fresh, organic produce is as weeds, annuals, perennials, bulbs, succulentscactus, always easy to come by. and shrubs. It also contains lists of other well-adapted plants beyond those in the 50 species profiled. SKU Price SKU Price 16955 22.95 16496 24.95 Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 7. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 7 SU LE Seed Company Books Books From Vines to Wines Garden Seed Inventory From Vines to Wines The Complete Guide to Growing Grapes Garden Seed Inventory, Sixth Edition An Inventory of Seed and Making Your Own Wine By Jeff Cox Paperback , 256 Catalogs Listing All Nonhybrid Vegetable Seeds Available pages ISBN: 9781580171052 (1580171052) Published by in the United States and Canada by Seed Savers Exchange   Storey Publishing   Create you own backyard winery! From Garden Seed Inventory is an essential reference for all breaking ground to savoring the finished product, Jeff serious vegetable growers who care about seeds and Cox's From Vines to Wines is the most complete and preserving our common garden heritage. This comprehen- up-to-date guide to growing flawless grapes and making sive “catalog of catalogs” is now available in an updated extraordinary wine. Wine connoisseurs, gardeners, and sixth edition, and lists nearly 8,500 nonhybrid varieties home winemakers will find the latest techniques in this of everything from amaranth to zucchini. As traditional fully revised and updated edition. With thorough, illus- plant breeding gives way to bioengineering and patented trated instructions, you'll learn how to: -- Choose and varieties, it has become even more important to recognize prepare a vineyard site -- Construct sturdy and effective and preserve our rich vegetable legacy: seeds brought to trellising systems -- Plant, prune, and harvest the perfect this country by immigrants from every corner of the world, grapes for your climate -- Press, ferment, age and bottle or developed here by farmers and breeders for superior SKU Price your own wine -- Judge wine for clarity, color, aroma, body, SKU Price taste, regional adaptability, disease resistance, and other 16931 18.95 and taste about Jeff Cox Freelance author and journalist 16410 26 virtues. Far from being obsolete or inferior, these varieties Jeff Cox is a contributing editor to Organic Gardening magazine, The Wine News, and is the represent the cream of our vegetable crops. Garden Seed Inventory opens the door and invites host of Grow It! on the Home & Garden Television Network. He has written 13 gardening books, us all to discover them.   About the Author Seed Savers Exchange Seed Savers Exchange is a including the Storey title From Vines to Wines as well as Seasonal Celebrations, The Perennial nonprofit organization committed to saving heirloom garden seeds from extinction. Founded in Garden (with his wife, Marilyn Cox), The Spirit of Gardening, and Flowers For All Seasons. Jeff is 1975 by Kent and Diane Whealy, SSE now has nearly 8,000 members around the world. a member of the Author's Guild of America, Garden Writers' Association of America, and the San Francisco Professional Food Society. He lives in Kenwood, California. Books Books Grafting Fruit Trees Grow the Best Strawberries Grafting Fruit Trees Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Grow the Best Strawberries Storey’s Country Wisdom A-35 By Larry Southwick Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: Bulletin A-190 By Louise Riotte Paperback , 32 pages 9780882662091 (0882662090) Published by Storey ISBN: 9781580171588 (1580171583) Published by Storey Publishing Definition of terms Wound Dressing Why Graft? Publishing   Since 1973, Storey’s Country Wisdom Bulletins Types of Grafts When to Graft or Bud Source of Scion and have offered practical, hands-on instructions designed to Bud Wood Ten Essentials of Successful Grafting Ten most help readers master dozens of country living skills quickly asked questions and easily. There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and their remarkable popularity reflects the common de- sire of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal independence in everyday life. about Louise Riotte Beloved Storey author and life-long gardener Louise Riotte passed away in 1998 at the age of 89. She wrote 12 books on gardening, companion planting, and garden lore, among them the ever-popular Carrots Love Tomatoes, which has SKU Price SKU Price sold approximately 515,000 copies. Her father taught her 16826 3.99 16960 3.99 to believe in and practice astrology, while her mother was a practicing herbalist. Together they inevitably influenced her life and her books, Roses Love Garlic, Astrological Gardening, Sleeping with a Sunflower, Catfish Ponds & Lily Pads, and her most recent book, Raising Animals by the Moon. Her own line drawings are included in all her books. Before authoring books, Riotte was a ghost writer for Simon & Schuster and for Jerry Baker’s radio gardening show, and she wrote a number of articles for Organic Gardening as well. Riotte took pride in her garden near her home in Ardmore, Oklahoma, which her son Eugene helped care for in her later years. Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 8. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 8 SU LE Seed Company Books Books Growing & Using Dill Growing & Using Herbs Successfully Growing & Using Dill Storey Country Wisdom Bulletin Growing & Using Herbs Successfully By Betty E. M. A-200 By Glenn Andrews Paperback , 32 pages ISBN: Jacobs Paperback , 240 pages ISBN: 9780882662497 9781580172219 (1580172210) Published by Storey (088266249X) Published by Storey Publishing about Publishing When, where and how to plant.  Harvesting and Growing & Using Herbs Successfully Nowhere will you Preserving  TONS of Recips Dill Butter Recipe Dill Vinegar find more complete and straightforward information on Recipe Appetizers, Soups, Etc... growing, harvesting, and using herbs.  If fanciful prose and personal anecdotes are not your cup of tea (although we can’t resist it!), this book will satisfy your thirst for hard-core, unfiltered horticultural know-how. This illustrated guide teaches readers how to plant, propagate, harvest, dry, freeze, store, and sell (both wholesale and retail) 64 of the most popular herbs. One of the best and most straightforward works on growing herbs that this reviewer and zealous herb grower has read.-- New York Bo- SKU Price SKU Price tanical Garden Magazine. A selection of Better Homes and 16809 3.99 16961 14.95 Gardens and Rodale Book Clubs. Over 113,000 copies sold.   about Betty E. M. Jacobs With her husband, Betty E. M. Jacobs started Canada’s first commercial Herb Farm in 1965 on a southern Vancouver Island. Their experience running this farm for eight years and a lifetime of interest in herbs led to Betty’s book, Growing & Using Herbs Successfully. Books Books Growing & Using Lavender Growing Great Garlic Growing & Using Lavender Storey's Country Wisdom Growing Great Garlic The Definitive Guide for Organic Bulletin A-155 By Patricia R. Barrett Paperback , 32 pages Gardeners and Small Farmers BY Ron L. Engeland   The ISBN: 9780882664750 (0882664751) Published by Storey first garlic book written specifically for organic garden- Publishing   about Growing & Using Lavender Since 1973, ers and small-scale farmers Growing Great Garlic is the Storey's Country Wisdom Bulletins have offered definitive grower's guide written by a small scale practical, hands-on instructions designed to help readers farmer who makes his living growing over 200 strains of master dozens of country living skills quickly and easily. garlic. Commercial growers will want to consult this book There are now more than 170 titles in this series, and regularly. The author tells us: which strains to plant when their remarkable popularity reflects the common desire to fertilize when to plant when to prune flower stalks how of country and city dwellers alike to cultivate personal to plant when to harvest Plus, how to store, market, and independence in everyday life. about Patricia R. Barrett process the crop. Growing Great Garlic makes a genuine Author Patti Barrett is stress-free as she gardens and cleans contribution in the field of garlic classification that will at home in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. Her dwelling help the public recognize several distinct varietal types encounters much traffic--she lives with her husband, of garlic. About the Author Ron L. Engeland For the past SKU Price two daughters, one dog and four cats--and yet she keeps SKU Price fifteen years, author Ron Engeland has farmed organically 16937 3.99 realistic standards and practices her own easy tips found in 16412 16.95 with his wife, Watershine, and two children in north central Too Busy to Clean? She effectively devotes minimal time and effort to the maintanence of her Washington state. In addition to garlic they raise over 100 varieties of apples, plus peaches, house. Patti is also a freelance writer and enjoys gardening. More about the author apricots, plums, raspberries, potatoes, and cut and dried flowers. Ron also manages an irrigation company and writes numerous articles. Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 9. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 9 SU LE Seed Company Books Books Herbal Antibiotics Holy Shit Herbal Antibiotics Natural Alternatives for Treating Drug- Holy Shit Managing Manure To Save Mankind by Gene Resistant Bacteria By Stephen Harrod Buhner Paperback , Logsdon Illustrations by Brooke Budner “With a combina- 144 pages ISBN: 9781580171489 (1580171486) Published tion of deep knowledge, longtime farming experience, by Storey Publishing about Herbal Antibiotics Current infor- and great humor, Gene Logsdon tells us everything we mation about antibiotic resistant microbes and the herbs don't know about human and animal wastes, and that are effective in fighting them. about Stephen Harrod what to do about it. As the author writes, 'Sooner or Buhner Some have titled Stephen Harrod Buhner as one of later we have to live in the same world as our colons.' the forerunners of our time for the return to an ecological Not to mention the wastes of all the animals we raise for foundation of healing. However, he comes from a long food! This is the book to read if you give a crap about crap.” line of medical practitioners and healers. His grandfather —Sim Van der Ryn, Author of The Toilet Papers In was president of the Kentucky Medical Association and his insightful new book, Holy Shit, Managing Manure To his great-uncle was Surgeon General of the United States. Save Mankind, contrary farmer Gene Logsdon provides Stephen has added to this family heritage by becoming the inside story of manure—our greatest, yet most a respected figure in herbal medicine. He is the author of misunderstood, natural resource. He begins by lamenting a SKU Price Storey’s Herbal Antibiotics, Herbs for Hepatitis C and the SKU Price modern society that not only throws away both animal and 16962 12.95 Liver, as well as Sacred Plant Medicine; One Spirit, Many 16934 17.5 human manure—worth billions of dollars in fertil- Peoples; and Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers. He is a national lecturer on herbal medicine and izer value—but that spends a staggering amount of money to do so. This wastefulness is an adjunct faculty member at the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies. Stephen has makes even less sense as the supply of mined or chemically synthesized fertilizers dwindles and served as president of the Colorado Association for Healing Practitioners and as a lobbyist on their cost skyrockets. In fact, he argues, if we do not learn how to turn our manures into fertil- herbal and holistic medicines and education in the Colorado legislature. izer to keep food production in line with increasing population, our civilization, like so many that went before it, will inevitably decline. With his trademark humor, his years of experience writing about both farming and waste management, and his uncanny eye for the small but important details, Logsdon artfully describes how to manage farm manure, pet manure, and human manure to make fertilizer and humus. He covers the field, so to speak, discussing topics Books Books Homebrewers Garden Homegrown Whole Grains Homebrewers Garden   The Homebrewer's Garden Homegrown Whole Grains Grow, Harvest, and Cook Wheat, How to Easily Grow, Prepare, and Use Your Own Hops, Barley, Oats, Rice, Corn and More By Sara Pitzer Paperback , Malts, Brewing Herbs By Joe Fisher and Dennis Fisher Pa- 168 pages ISBN: 9781603421539 (160342153X) Published perback , 192 pages ISBN: 9781580170109 (1580170102) by Storey Publishing A backyard field of grains? Yes, Published by Storey Publishing Grow Your Own...Brew Your absolutely! Wheat and corn are rapidly replacing grass Own! If you have a backyard, or even a sun-facing porch, in the yards of dedicated locavores across the country. you can greatly enhance the flavor, aroma, and uniqueness For adventurous homeowners who want to get in on the of your homebrew by growing your own hops, brewing movement, Homegrown Whole Grains is the place to begin. herbs, and malt grains. Easy instructions will help you put Growing whole grains is simpler and more rewarding than the “home” into your homebrew from setting up your first most people imagine. With as little as 1000 square feet of hop trellis, to malting grain at home, to brewing recipes land, backyard farmers can grow enough wheat to harvest specially formulated for homegrown ingredients. When you 50 pounds in a single afternoon - and those 50 pounds grow your own organic ingredients, you can be sure they can be baked into 50 loaves of fresh bread. In addition to are the freshest and purest available.   about Joe Fisher Joe providing information on wheat and corn, Homegrown SKU Price Fisher is a freelance writer who has worked as an assistant SKU Price Whole Grains includes complete growing, harvesting, 16873 14.95 tapster in Oxford, where he became acquainted with real 16771 14.95 and threshing instructions for barley, millet, oats, rice, beer. He has written many articles for The New England Coastal News, a bi-monthly newspaper rye, spelt, and quinoa, and lighter coverage of several specialty grains. Readers will also find on maritime subjects. Committed kit brewers with a history of success, Joe and his brother helpful tips on processing whole grains, from what to look for in a home mill to how to dry corn Dennis are members of the American Homebrewer's Association, Seed Savers Exchange, and remove the hulls from barley and rice. Chapters for each grain include inventive recipes Flower & Herb Exchange, Maine Organic Farmers' and Gardeners' Association. They for cereals, desserts, casseroles, salads, soups and stews, and, of course, home-baked breads, have written for Zymurgy magazine and live and brew in Winterport, Maine. Together they have the crowning achievement of the home grain grower. Sara Pitzer shares dozens of ideas for written Storey's Brewing Made Easy, Great Beer From Kits, and The Homebrewer's using whole grains - from cooking sturdy wheat berries in a slow cooker to malting barley for Garden. homebrewed beer. Whether milled into nutritional flours or used in any of their unmilled states, wheat, barley, quinoa, and the other grain crops are healthful additions to every diet. about Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242
  • 10. AINAB 2011 Heirloom Seed List ST Page 10 SU LE Seed Company Books Books Sustainable Food How to Stay Alive in the Woods How to Buy Right and Spend Less Wondering whether it’s How to Stay Alive in the Woods A Complete Guide to Food, worth it to splurge on the locally raised beef? What about Shelter and Self-Preservation Anywhere By Bradford Angier those organic carrots? New in the Chelsea Green Guides Hardback , 320 pages ISBN: 9781579122218 (1579122213) series, Sustainable Food: How to Buy Right and Spend Less Published by Black Dog & Leventhal   about How to Stay helps the average shopper navigate the choices, whether Alive in the Woods HOW TO STAY ALIVE IN THE WOODS is a strolling the aisles of a modern supermarket or foraging practical, readable-and potentially indispensable-manual at a local farmers market. This down-to-earth, casual for anyone venturing into the great outdoors. Broken guide—small enough to be slipped into your pocket— down into four essential sections, Sustenance, Warmth, answers these and other questions for the shopper: Orientation and Safety, this enlightening guide reveals how What are the differences among organic, local, fair-trade, to catch game without a gun, what plants to eat (full-color free-range, naturally raised, and biodynamic foods? How illustrations of these make identification simple), how to affordable is it to subscribe to a CSA farm—and what are build a warm shelter, make clothing, protect yourself and the advantages? Is it better to choose wild Alaskan salmon signal for help. Detailed illustrations and expanded instruc- at $18.99, or the Chilean farmed fish at $11.99? What tions, newly commissioned for this deluxe edition, offer SKU Price cooking oils can be sustainably sourced? How can a food SKU Price crucial information at a glance, making How to Stay Alive in 16517 7.95 co-op increase access to, and affordability of, healthier, 16930 19.95 the Woods truly a lifesaver. A sturdy, durable rubber cover Earth-friendly foods? Where can you find sustainably produced sugar, and are there any local re- with Dayglo type protects this must-have from the elements. placements for sweeteners from faraway lands? What do the distinctions between shade-grown and trellised coffee mean? Is shark okay to eat? How about mackerel? Why is the war on plastic bags so important? Sustainable eating just got easier. About the Author Elise McDonough Elise McDonough trained at New York City’s Natural Gourmet Institute, but her informal training in counterculture cuisine began at the Cleveland Food Co-op, where she was initiated into the world of food politics, strange ingredients, and alternative diets. She lives in New York, where she volunteers at the Union Square Greenmarket, and is actively involved in many local farm Books Books The Ann Lovejoy Handbook of Northwest Keeping the Harvest Gardening In this updated second edition of Ann Lovejoy's Keeping the Harvest Discover the Homegrown Goodness definitive gardening manual, Lovejoy explains how to cre- of Putting Up Your Own Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs Over ate gorgeous ornamental gardens follwing the principles 200,000 copies in print!  Revised and updated to meet the and techniques of organic and sustainable gardening. USDA guidelines. By Nancy Chioffi and Gretchen Mead Pa- Emphasizing good soil prep, composting, drainage, mulch- perback , 208 pages ISBN: 9780882666501 (0882666509) ing, and proper plant selection. Lovejoy covers every step Published by Storey Publishing In all my years I don't from landscaping and design to planting beds, all with the think I've seen a book so complete on so many differ- goal of creating a lovely garden without chemical fertilizers ent types of food storage methods.  Exhaustive diagrams, or chemical pest controls. Janet Loughrey's color charts and tables of every kind!  Keep The Harvest covers: photographs throughout show the splendid results. How much to plant with garden planning chart showing variety and yield.   Nutritional Effects of Storing Food Freez- ing; what to freeze, how to, packaging, labeling, contain- ers, flash freezing, yield conversion fresh to frozen chart, blanching, and microwave blanching. Canning; equipment, SKU Price SKU Price water bath canning, step by step, yield conversion fresh 16499 27.95 16881 14.95 to canned, pressure canning, and timetables. Jams and Jellies; equipment needed, preparations, reduced sugar, trouble shooting, and recipes. Pickles and Relishes; equipment, processing, handling, and recipes. Drying; homemade dryers, drying fruitvegetables, sulfuring, fruit leathers, drying herbs, and microwave drying herbs. Common storage methods and Grains; root cellars, building a root cellar, storage containers, outdoor stor- age, storing grains, and sprouting seeds for food.  Part Two; very detailed instructions, specific vegetables and fruits, and best methods.  Over 40 pages. Fruits and Berries; tips for canning, yield fresh to canned, syrups, and fruit juices of many types. Part III; exhaustive list of charts and conversions to make it a breeze. Sustainable Seed Company Copyright ©2011 All Rights Reserved. Prices and Availability Subject to Change (707) 703-1242