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Seminar on
Dr Saroja M Patil
Final yr. PG Scholar
Dr Ravi.R.Chavan
Asst. professor
Dr M.S.Doddamani
Dept. of RS & BK
Department of RS & BK, Taranth Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Ballari
2 Contents
-General Method Of
Method of preparation
Indications and dose
Market availability
Individual drug properties
Analytical parameters
Research works
Type of kalpana: SANDHANA KALPANA
• Sandhana kalpana is very common kalpana described in Ayurvedic literature.
Asava and Arishtas are more popularly used in Ayurvedic practice. These
preparations occupy unique position in pharmaceutics on account of their
superiority to other preparations.
• These are defined as the preparations which contain self-generated alcohol.
Asava and arishta preparations preserve their qualities even if they become old. This
clearly indicates their shelf life.
According to Acharya Charaka, Asava are those
formulations which are prepared by ‘Asuta Prakriya’
On the basis of consistency Asava has been defined as
As per the ayurvedic pharmaceutics asva-arishta needs following materials;
• Dravya (Drug substance used for decoction/juice)
• Drava dravya (Liquid media)
• Madhura dravya (Sweetening agents)
• Sandhana dravya (Fermentive agents)
• Prakshepaka dravyas (Drugs for additives)
• Sandhana patra (Fermentation vessel)
• Patra samskara (Process especial)
• Sandhana kriya (Fermentation process)
• Sandhana sthala (Location)
• Sandhana avadhi (Duration of fermentation)
The required quantity of water, to which jaggery or sugar as prescribed in the
formula is added, is boiled and cooled.
• This is poured into the fermentation pot, vessel or barrel. Fine powder of
the drugs mentioned in the formula are added.
• The container is covered with a lid and edges are sealed with clay smeared
cloth in seven consecutive layers.
• The container is kept either in a special room, in an under ground cellar or
in a heap of paddy, so as to ensure that for the duration of fermentation, as
far as possible, a constant temperature is maintained, since varying
temperature may impede or accelerate the fermentation.
General Precautions:
If the fermentation is to be carried out in an earthen vessel, it should not be new.
Water should be boiled first in the vessel.
Absolute cleanliness is required during the process.
Each time, the inner surface of the fermentation vessel should be fumigated with ghee
before the liquids poured into it.
The filtered asava should be clear without froth at the top. It should not become sour
The preparation has the characteristic aromatic alcoholic odour.
Asava can be kept indefinitely. They should be kept in well-stoppered bottles or jars.
 Sharangadhara Samhita
(Sha. Sa. Ma, 10th ch)
 AFI Formulations – Volume 1
(Sha. Sa. Ma)
 Bhaishajya ratnavali
(Sha. Sa. Ma)
 Rasatantrasara va siddhaprayoga sangraha (Sha.Sa. Ma)
 Gadanigraha (Aasavaadhikara)
 Rasa Kamadhenu (Pandu rogaadhikara)
 Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara
(Sha Ma Kha & Gadanigraha)
1.Loha Churna(sh.Loha) -192g
2.Shunthi -192g
3.Maricha -192g
4.Pippali -192g
5.Haritaki -192g
6.Vibhitaki -192g
7.Amalaki -192g
8.Yavani -192g
9.Vidanga -192g
10.Musta -192g
11.Chitraka mula twak -192g
12.Dhataki -192g
13.Madhu -3.072kg
14.Guda – 4,800kg
15.Water – 24,576litres.
The coarse powder of all the above herbs is taken and added with
24.5lts of water, 4.8 kg of jaggery, 192g of dhataki and 3.07kgs of
Taken in ghruta lipta fermentation pot.
Stirred well and the container is kept
Sandhibandhana is done and
left undisturbed for about
fermentation it is
filtered and
stored in airtight
 All the ingredients except Triphala are taken in a clean khalwa yantra and made into
yavakuta churna.
 Lohabhasma is mixed with Haritaki churna and macerated with clean water and kept
for 3days.
 The mixture is again mixed with Amalaki and Vibhitaki churna and macerated with
jala and kept for 4days.
 Triphala mishrita lohabhasma and yavakuta churna of all the drugs are taken in a
fermentation pot, mixed well, added with jala, madhu and guda
 The pot is kept undisturbed for 1month and observed for lakshanas.
Kasa, Shwasa
Dose: 12-24ml
Rasa- Kashaya
Guna- Laghu,Ushna,Ruksha
Veerya- Ushna
Dhatu- Rasa, Rakta, Medas
Organs- Liver, Spleen, Stomach, Intestine, Heart
And Blood
acc. to
Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara
Lohasava (1)
Acc to BBR & Gadanigraha
Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara explains lohasava in
vol-4 Pandu rogadhikara, and in Gadanigraha it is
explained in 6th chapter Aasavadhikara
In both texts verse goes same as that of
Sharangadhara Madhyama Khanda
Lohasava (2)
Acc to BBR & Gadanigraha
फलत्रिकं निम्बपटोलमुस्ता-पाठामृताचििकिन्दिं ि ।
वेल्लं समंगा ि मधूकसार-किूूरवासात्रिवृताहररद्रा: ॥
दुरालभापपूटकण्टकारर-शक्राशिं यासकिमूरंगे ।
शशांखलेखाकपपकच्छु मूलं मेचि ि त्रबल्वं कु टजश्ि नतक्ता ॥
िायन्न्तका पुष्करकस्य मूलं पलैकमािानि महौषधधानि ।
षधन्ष्ट: पलािां खददरस्य सारो ह्ययोरज: स्यात्पलयुग्ममािम ्
स्याल्लोहककट्ट्ं ि तुलाप्रमाणं तत्पझ्जकं के बुकजवविवयम् ।
प्रक्षिप्य भाण्डे शशशयुग्मघस्राि् सुयाूतपे स्िाप्य ततस्तु योज्य:
लोहासवोऽयं शभषधजोपददष्ट: सवोत्तमो रोगपविाशहेत: ॥
 Ingredients:
Triphala -2pala
Nimba -2pala
Patolapatra -2pala
Mustaa -2pala
Paatha -2pala
Guduchi -2pala
Chitraka -2pala
Raktachandana -2pala
Vidanga -2pala
Manjishta -2pala
Madhukasaara -2pala
Karchura -2pala
Vaasa -2pala
Trivrut -2pala
Haridra -2pala
Duraalabha -2pala
Parapata -2pala
Kanthakaari -2pala
Bhanga -2pala
Yaasaka -2pala
Charmaranga -2pala
Shashankhalekha –
Kapikacchu mula -
Methi -2pala
Bilwa -2pala
Kutaja -2pala
Katuki -2pala
Trayaamana -2pala
Pushkaramula -2pala
Khadirasaara -60pala
Lohabhasma -2pala
Lohakitta -1tula
Kebuka (jala) -5tula
Method of preparation:
All the above mentioned drugs powder is prepared and taken in a clean
bhandapaatra and exposed to sunrays ( suryataapa) for 21days. Later it
is used according to disease condition.
Acc to Rasakamadhenu
Ingredients, method of preparation, dose and
indications is same as that of Sharangadhara
Madhyama Khanda
 Haematinic (Increases haemoglobin levels)
 Hematogenic(Helps in formation of red blood cells)
 Ama paachaka (Detoxifier)
 Anthelminthic
 Anty-hyperlipidemic
 Cardio-protective
 Cholagoggue (Promotes the discharge of bile)
 Depurative (Purifies blood)
 Anti-obesity and fat burner
 Anti-inflammatory
 Mucolytic
 Tonic
Karmukata acc to RSSPS
 Lohasava acts on Blood, Heart, Spleen, Liver And Fatty
Tissues, so it is used in diseases of these organs.
 Anaemia:
Lohasava is haematinic and haematogenic. It contains a good
amount of iron, which can help to treat iron deficiency anaemia. It
is a good formulation, which increases the haemoglobin level
 Obesity:
Lohasava helps to reduce body fats by increasing the metabolic
rate and fat usability. It is likely to promote inch loss and belly fat
Iron deficiency anaemia is also linked with obesity and weight gain
therefore, if the obese or overweight patients also has anaemia,
lohasava is the most suitable remedy.
In Ayurveda, LOHASAVA is used for the treatment of Obstructive
Jaundice. It reduces the blockage due to its LEKHANA KARMA
and improves the bile flow and its excretion.
It is more suitable if the patient has jaundice with DIARRHOEA
and low digestive fire because of its astringent, digestive
stimulant and stomachic actions.
If the patients has CONSTIPATION, then KUMARYASAVA is more
suitable medicine.
Chronicfever and debility:
Lohasava is helpful for treating chronic fever and debility
occurring after fever including malaria and typhoid fever. It
increases digestive fire, so it improves appetite.
Many patients suffer from splenomegaly and hepatomegaly after
having malaria. These conditions are also treatable with
Bronchial asthma:
Lohasava is an effective medication commonly used
for treating asthma. The anti allergic action of the
herbs used in this medicine help to prevent the
abnormal response of the immune system to the
allergens and thus, prevent the attacks of asthma.
It can also provide relief from chest pain and
congestion or choking sensation in the chest.
• LOHASAVA is mainly useful in Pandu roga associated with Shotha,
Gulma, Arsha, Adhmana, Apachana, Pleeha-vruddhi, Kasa, Shwasa,
Aruchi, Grahani and Hrudaya Vikruti.
Individual Drug Properties
Dravya Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Karma
Loha bhasma Tikta Snigdha Sheeta Katu Tridosha shamaka
Pippali Katu Laghu, Snigdha, Anushnasheeta Madhura Vatakapha hara
Maricha Katu, tikta Laghu, ruksha ushna katu kaphavatajit
Shunthi Katu Laghu, Snigdha, Ushna Madhura Vatakapha hara
Amalaki Lavana Varjita
Pancha Rasa
Guru, Ruksha,
Sheeta Madhura Tridosha Shamaka
Haritaki lavana varjita
pancha rasa
laghu, ruksha ushna madhura tridoshashamaka
Vibhitaki Kashaya Ruksha, Laghu Ushna Madhura Tridosha Shamaka
Yavani Katu, tikta Ruksha, laghu ushna katu vatahara
Vidanga Katu, Tikta Laghu, Ruksha,
Ushna Katu Vatakaphapaha
Musta Tikta, katu, kashaya Laghu, ruksha sheeta katu Pittakaphahara
Chitraka mula katu Laghu, ruksha ushna katu vatakaphahara
Madhu :
 Rasa : Madhura ,Kashaya
 Guna :Guru ,Ruksha
 Virya :Sheeta
 Vipaka :Katu
 Doshaghnata : Tridoshahara
Guda :
 Rasa : Madhura ,Kashaya
 Guna :Guru, snigdha
 Virya :Ushna
 Vipaka :Madhura
 Doshaghnata : Kaphahara and Pittakaraka
Analytical Parameters
1. Organoleptic characters
2. pH value
3. Specific gravity
4. Total solid content
5. Alcohol percentage
6. Reducing & non reducing
8. Test for Methanol
9. Total acidity
Pharmacopeia Standards
 Organoleptic characters
Colour: Dark Reddish Brown
Smell: Fragrant
Touch: Watery
Taste: Astringent
 Sugars:
Reducing : not more than 3.07%w/v
Non-reducing: traces
 Specific gravity at 25 C
Not less than 1.010
Not more than 1.014
Solid contents
Not less than 6.7% w/v
Not more than 9.7% w/v
pH value
Not less than 3.8
Not more than 4.1
Alcohol contents
Not less than 5.1% v/v
Not more than 7.6 %v/v
Therapeutic indications: Pandu, Shotha, Gulma, Jathara, Arshas, Kushta,
DOSE: 15 to 30ml
Research works
Clinical evaluation of Ayurvedic louha
(iron)containing preparations in iron deficiency
anaemia. – Namrata joshi (uttarkhand)
In the present study it was observed that Navayasa louha and Lohasava are
better than lohabhasma and even conventional iron therapy in the correction of
iron deficiency.
Further it was also observed that out of these two drugs, some of the features
are better corrected by Navayasa louha like Panduta, Pindikodweshtana,
Dourbalya(weakness), Gatrashula(bodyache), shirashula and menstrual
disturbances. Where as…….
Where as Lohasava was found to be more effective in
correction of Shawasa(Shortness of breath),
Hritspandana(Palpitation), Shrama(Fatigue),
Shopha(Oedema), Arochaka(Loss of appetite).
Clinical Evaluation of Lohasava in the Management
of Pandu Roga
(vijay gupta) - BHU
 In the present study Lohasava and its effect in the
management of Pandu Roga is studied.
Four different samples (I-IV) of Lohasava are
prepared out of these four samples, three samples (I-
III) contains Lauha Bhasma, while sample IV
incorporated with Lauha Churna as per the original
reference and all the different samples administered
to the four different groups of anaemic patients, each
group having 10 patients.
Symptomatic relieve observed, in all the groups of
patients, but it was also observed that patients of
group III, having maximum symptomatic relief, than
other groups.
The various haematological parameters,
are also improved in all groups, it is also
noticed that sample I, II is found to be
more effective, than sample IV in
improving Hb level (p<0.05), while sample
III, is better (p<0.01) than sample IV in
increasing Hb level and total RBC count.
Therapeutic efficacy of all the four samples
has been found to be effective, in the
management of Pandu Roga.
Among them the sample III showing better
efficacy, compared to all samples. Sample
III has been prepared by fermenting in the
china clay container.
Systemic standardisation of lohasava - An anti anemic
polyherbal formulation (A.A MANSURI)
 Lohasava is a self-fermented polyherbal formulation used
in the treatment of Anaemia, Jaundice and Digestive
 The aim of present study was to standardise a
commercially available brand of Lohasava with respect to
various physico-chemical and toxicological parameters.
 Alcohol-soluble and water soluble extractives were found
to be 25.16% w/V and 28.18% w/V, respectively.
 Reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars were found to
be 23.25% w/V and 0.45% w/V, respectively.
 Ethanol content was found to be 5.93% V/V employing
headspace GC technique.
Heavy metal analysis by ICp-AeS showed the
absence of lead and mercury whereas arsenic
and cadmium were present within specified
limits of WHO.
Iron content for Lohasava was estimated to be
2.5 µg/mL.
The formulation was also evaluated for
microbial load showing absence of E. coli, P.
aeruginosa, S. aureus and permissible levels of
aerobic viable bacteria and moulds.
The ethyl acetate extract of Lohasava showed
0.000186% w/v of Gallic acid, quantified by
Parameters Affecting
Preparation of Asava and
Effect of temperature
• Temperature affects the fermentation process of Asavarista formulations.
• In Draksharishta formulation, jaggery was added to the decoction of herbal ingredients,
stirred it well and boiled for two minutes in first batch, and in second batch jaggery was
added when the decoc-tion was cooled down to 40°C. Then all the preparation kept in
porcelain jar and kept for fermentation.
• It was observed that physico-chemical parameters were found to be less in cold Arista
than hot Arista.
• Cold Arista showed alcohol content of 7.64% whereas no alcohol formation was
observed in hot Arista on the day of filtration.
 Tannin contents were found to be same in both formulations. Lower pH values
and higher acid value were observed in hot Arista than the cold Arista.
 This result concluded that yeast cells were destroyed while the formulation was
hot due to high temperature. Hence it was not favourable for fermentation
 Where as in cold decoction, yeast cells were not destroyed and assists the
fermentation process.
 In the ancient time, containers for preparation of Asavarista were placed in
Dhanya Rashi (Ex-Kanakbindu arista), Bhugarbha (Ex-Kharjurasava),
Koshthasara (Ex-Kumaryasava), etc in order avoid minimum temperature
 Optimum temperature in the range of 20-35°C is suitable for initiation of
Fermentation time
 Duration of fermentation vary according to different seasons. Literature
revealed that fermentation takes place in 6 days during autumn and summer
seasons, 10 days in winter and 8 days in rainy and spring seasons. Generally in
hot tropical climate 7-10 days are enough and 30 days in cool temperature
climate. Duration of fermentation ranges from 7 days to 180 days with
different formulation.
 The effect of fermentation time was studied in Amritar-ishta which was kept
for one year. Results revealed that the specific gravity, total solid content and
sugar content were gradually decreased with increase in time. Alcohol content
was found to be increase up to six months. The pH value remains constant.
Use of various containers and
preparation conditions
 Earthen pot and several other vessels were used tradi-tionally for fermentation.
Besides earthen pots several other vessels were used for preparation of different
Asavarista formulation which includes Glass, Aluminium, Tinned-copper, Stainless
Steel, Porcelain Jar, Gold Vessel.
 Studies concludes that vessels of tinned copper were the better choice for
fermentation process than aluminium. Earthen and wooden containers have certain
limitations as earthen pots may break, while wooden containers require pre-
treatment and there may be chances of contamination.
 Hence, with the advancement of pharmaceutical technology these pots were replaced
by plastic and steel containers. The final product of this container were analysed for
the efficacy and the study concluded that plastic and steel containers are suitable for
carrying out the Sandhana process.
Significance of Sandhana Dravya
 Fermentors are microorganism, which initiates the pro-cess of fermentation. Dhataki
pushpa was introduced by Acharya Vagbhata as fermentor in the manufacturing of
Asavarista. Besides Dhataki pushpa some other drugs were also used in Sandhana
Kalpana which include Madhuka pushpa (Kutajarishta) and Surabeeja/Kinva (Sura).
 A study was conducted to know the effect of addition of yeast (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae) and Dhataki pushpa to fermenting media.
 The result revealed that the sample containing yeast showed onset and completion of
fermentation process as started on the second day and completed within one month.
Whereas samples contain Dhataki pushpa, fermentation started on the fifth day and
completed in second month.
 This difference may be due to time taken by the yeast cells of Dhataki pushpa
for natural growth and multiplication.
 In another study both Dhataki pushpa and isolated strain of Saccharomyces
cerevisiae from same flower were used as inoculum for fermentation.
 Result showed that flower of Dhataki was capable to initiate alcoholic
fermentation as normally achieved by the use of pure yeast culture. Flower of
Dhataki pushpa was found to contain high percentage of tannins (22%).
During anaerobic fermentation, these phenolic compounds brought enzymatic
conversion to simple phenols and alcohol.
 This may justified the extensive use of W. fruticosa in Arista preparation to
produce alcohol.
Metal/Minerals in Asava and
Fine powders of metals (Loha churna) and minerals are added as
ingredient for the preparation of Sandhana kalpana due to their vital
therapeutic effects.
It is observed that some microorganisms consume these metals under
optimum growth conditions.
In Lohasava, loha churna are converted into minute particles by the
action of alcohol and show high content of iron i.e 0.0612 %.
Merits of Sandhana Kalpana
(Biomedical Fermentation)
 Undesirable sugars are removed from the plant materials by fermentation process and make the product
more bio-availability by eliminating side effects such as gas and bloating.
 As the fermentation process undergoes a gradient increase of alcohol level, it extracts a wide range of
active ingredients from the herb than any other methods of extraction.
 Yeast acts as natural cleansing system because of natural binding of yeast cell wall with the heavy metals
and pesticide residue.
 Fermentation not only removes the contamination but also reduce the toxicity of some toxic
components in plants. Herb cells are ruptured by fermentation process and exposed openly to the
menstruum where the cell walls are broken down by bacterial enzyme which further assists in the
reaching process.
 Fermentation process creates an active transport system which removes the constituents from the herbal
material to the menstruum.
Market availability
• Shudha louha (Loha Churna) mentioned by AFI in the ingredients of
lohasava is Lohabhasma or shodhita loha??
• Lohasava is the asava preparation which contains one rasoushadhi as
the main ingredient i.e Louha bhasma and other herbal drugs.
• Other than Lohasava, Kumaryasava said by acharya yogaratnakara
also contains Louha bhasma as a ingredient.
• Though the reference for Lohasava in the book Rasatantra Saara Va
Siddha Prayoga Sangraha is taken from Sharangadhara samhita
ingredients and method of preparation varies.
• Arishta and asava are considered as best formulation in Ayurveda because they
posses better keeping quality, which is likely due to the contribution of
fermentation to preservation.
• These are nothing but the fermented syrups. These are the oral Ayurvedic
formulations has been use as tonic since many decades.
• Lohasava contains 4-10% of self generated alcohol in it and is proved to be best
in treating anaemia.
• Lohasava proved to be best in treating obstructive jaundice associated with
diarrhoea and low digestive fire.

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  • 1. Seminar on Lohasava By Dr Saroja M Patil Final yr. PG Scholar Guide Dr Ravi.R.Chavan Asst. professor PROFESSOR &HOD Dr M.S.Doddamani Dept. of RS & BK Department of RS & BK, Taranth Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Ballari
  • 2. 2 Contents Introduction Asava -General Method Of Preparation -Precautions -Characteristics -Preservation References Ingredients Method of preparation Indications and dose Market availability Individual drug properties Analytical parameters Research works Discussion Conclusion
  • 3. 3 Type of kalpana: SANDHANA KALPANA • Sandhana kalpana is very common kalpana described in Ayurvedic literature. Asava and Arishtas are more popularly used in Ayurvedic practice. These preparations occupy unique position in pharmaceutics on account of their superiority to other preparations. • These are defined as the preparations which contain self-generated alcohol. Asava and arishta preparations preserve their qualities even if they become old. This clearly indicates their shelf life. INTRODUCTION
  • 4. 4 Asava: According to Acharya Charaka, Asava are those formulations which are prepared by ‘Asuta Prakriya’ (fermentation). On the basis of consistency Asava has been defined as Dravapradhana. Asava
  • 5. REQUIREMENTS 5 As per the ayurvedic pharmaceutics asva-arishta needs following materials; • Dravya (Drug substance used for decoction/juice) • Drava dravya (Liquid media) • Madhura dravya (Sweetening agents) • Sandhana dravya (Fermentive agents) • Prakshepaka dravyas (Drugs for additives) • Sandhana patra (Fermentation vessel) • Patra samskara (Process especial) • Sandhana kriya (Fermentation process) • Sandhana sthala (Location) • Sandhana avadhi (Duration of fermentation)
  • 6. ASAVA IN GENERAL 6MethodofPreparation The required quantity of water, to which jaggery or sugar as prescribed in the formula is added, is boiled and cooled. • This is poured into the fermentation pot, vessel or barrel. Fine powder of the drugs mentioned in the formula are added. • The container is covered with a lid and edges are sealed with clay smeared cloth in seven consecutive layers. • The container is kept either in a special room, in an under ground cellar or in a heap of paddy, so as to ensure that for the duration of fermentation, as far as possible, a constant temperature is maintained, since varying temperature may impede or accelerate the fermentation.
  • 7. 7 General Precautions: If the fermentation is to be carried out in an earthen vessel, it should not be new. Water should be boiled first in the vessel. Absolute cleanliness is required during the process. Each time, the inner surface of the fermentation vessel should be fumigated with ghee before the liquids poured into it. Characteristics: The filtered asava should be clear without froth at the top. It should not become sour (chukra). The preparation has the characteristic aromatic alcoholic odour. Preservation: Asava can be kept indefinitely. They should be kept in well-stoppered bottles or jars.
  • 8. REFERENCES8  Sharangadhara Samhita (Sha. Sa. Ma, 10th ch)  AFI Formulations – Volume 1 (Sha. Sa. Ma)  Bhaishajya ratnavali (Sha. Sa. Ma)  Rasatantrasara va siddhaprayoga sangraha (Sha.Sa. Ma)  Gadanigraha (Aasavaadhikara)  Rasa Kamadhenu (Pandu rogaadhikara)  Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara (Sha Ma Kha & Gadanigraha)
  • 10. INGREDIENTS 1.Loha Churna(sh.Loha) -192g 2.Shunthi -192g 3.Maricha -192g 4.Pippali -192g 5.Haritaki -192g 6.Vibhitaki -192g 7.Amalaki -192g 8.Yavani -192g 9.Vidanga -192g 10.Musta -192g 11.Chitraka mula twak -192g 12.Dhataki -192g 13.Madhu -3.072kg 14.Guda – 4,800kg 15.Water – 24,576litres. 10
  • 11. METHOD OF PREPARATION 11 The coarse powder of all the above herbs is taken and added with 24.5lts of water, 4.8 kg of jaggery, 192g of dhataki and 3.07kgs of madhu. Taken in ghruta lipta fermentation pot. Stirred well and the container is kept closed Sandhibandhana is done and left undisturbed for about 1month After fermentation it is filtered and stored in airtight container.
  • 12. METHOD OF PREPARATION ACC TO (RSSPS)  All the ingredients except Triphala are taken in a clean khalwa yantra and made into yavakuta churna.  Lohabhasma is mixed with Haritaki churna and macerated with clean water and kept for 3days.  The mixture is again mixed with Amalaki and Vibhitaki churna and macerated with jala and kept for 4days.  Triphala mishrita lohabhasma and yavakuta churna of all the drugs are taken in a fermentation pot, mixed well, added with jala, madhu and guda  The pot is kept undisturbed for 1month and observed for lakshanas. 12
  • 14. Rasa- Kashaya Guna- Laghu,Ushna,Ruksha Veerya- Ushna Dosha-Vatakaphahara Dhatu- Rasa, Rakta, Medas Organs- Liver, Spleen, Stomach, Intestine, Heart And Blood 14 Guna Karma
  • 15. Lohasava acc. to Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara and Gadanigraha 15
  • 16. Lohasava (1) Acc to BBR & Gadanigraha Bharata Bhaishajya Ratnakara explains lohasava in vol-4 Pandu rogadhikara, and in Gadanigraha it is explained in 6th chapter Aasavadhikara In both texts verse goes same as that of Sharangadhara Madhyama Khanda 16
  • 17. Lohasava (2) Acc to BBR & Gadanigraha फलत्रिकं निम्बपटोलमुस्ता-पाठामृताचििकिन्दिं ि । वेल्लं समंगा ि मधूकसार-किूूरवासात्रिवृताहररद्रा: ॥ दुरालभापपूटकण्टकारर-शक्राशिं यासकिमूरंगे । शशांखलेखाकपपकच्छु मूलं मेचि ि त्रबल्वं कु टजश्ि नतक्ता ॥ िायन्न्तका पुष्करकस्य मूलं पलैकमािानि महौषधधानि । षधन्ष्ट: पलािां खददरस्य सारो ह्ययोरज: स्यात्पलयुग्ममािम ् ॥ स्याल्लोहककट्ट्ं ि तुलाप्रमाणं तत्पझ्जकं के बुकजवविवयम् । प्रक्षिप्य भाण्डे शशशयुग्मघस्राि् सुयाूतपे स्िाप्य ततस्तु योज्य: ॥ लोहासवोऽयं शभषधजोपददष्ट: सवोत्तमो रोगपविाशहेत: ॥ 17
  • 18.  Ingredients: Triphala -2pala Nimba -2pala Patolapatra -2pala Mustaa -2pala Paatha -2pala Guduchi -2pala Chitraka -2pala Raktachandana -2pala Vidanga -2pala Manjishta -2pala Madhukasaara -2pala Karchura -2pala Vaasa -2pala Trivrut -2pala Haridra -2pala Duraalabha -2pala Parapata -2pala Kanthakaari -2pala Bhanga -2pala Yaasaka -2pala Charmaranga -2pala Shashankhalekha – 2pala Kapikacchu mula - 2pala Methi -2pala Bilwa -2pala Kutaja -2pala Katuki -2pala Trayaamana -2pala Pushkaramula -2pala 18
  • 19. Khadirasaara -60pala Lohabhasma -2pala Lohakitta -1tula Kebuka (jala) -5tula Method of preparation: All the above mentioned drugs powder is prepared and taken in a clean bhandapaatra and exposed to sunrays ( suryataapa) for 21days. Later it is used according to disease condition. 19
  • 20. Lohasava Acc to Rasakamadhenu Ingredients, method of preparation, dose and indications is same as that of Sharangadhara Madhyama Khanda 20
  • 21. MEDICINAL PROPERTIES  Haematinic (Increases haemoglobin levels)  Hematogenic(Helps in formation of red blood cells)  Ama paachaka (Detoxifier)  Anthelminthic  Anty-hyperlipidemic  Cardio-protective  Cholagoggue (Promotes the discharge of bile)  Depurative (Purifies blood)  Anti-obesity and fat burner  Anti-inflammatory  Mucolytic  Tonic 21
  • 22. Karmukata acc to RSSPS  Lohasava acts on Blood, Heart, Spleen, Liver And Fatty Tissues, so it is used in diseases of these organs.  Anaemia: Lohasava is haematinic and haematogenic. It contains a good amount of iron, which can help to treat iron deficiency anaemia. It is a good formulation, which increases the haemoglobin level significantly.  Obesity: Lohasava helps to reduce body fats by increasing the metabolic rate and fat usability. It is likely to promote inch loss and belly fat significantly. Iron deficiency anaemia is also linked with obesity and weight gain therefore, if the obese or overweight patients also has anaemia, lohasava is the most suitable remedy. 22
  • 23. Jaundice: In Ayurveda, LOHASAVA is used for the treatment of Obstructive Jaundice. It reduces the blockage due to its LEKHANA KARMA and improves the bile flow and its excretion. It is more suitable if the patient has jaundice with DIARRHOEA and low digestive fire because of its astringent, digestive stimulant and stomachic actions. If the patients has CONSTIPATION, then KUMARYASAVA is more suitable medicine. Chronicfever and debility: Lohasava is helpful for treating chronic fever and debility occurring after fever including malaria and typhoid fever. It increases digestive fire, so it improves appetite. Many patients suffer from splenomegaly and hepatomegaly after having malaria. These conditions are also treatable with lohasava. 23
  • 24. Bronchial asthma: Lohasava is an effective medication commonly used for treating asthma. The anti allergic action of the herbs used in this medicine help to prevent the abnormal response of the immune system to the allergens and thus, prevent the attacks of asthma. It can also provide relief from chest pain and congestion or choking sensation in the chest. 24 • LOHASAVA is mainly useful in Pandu roga associated with Shotha, Gulma, Arsha, Adhmana, Apachana, Pleeha-vruddhi, Kasa, Shwasa, Aruchi, Grahani and Hrudaya Vikruti.
  • 25. Individual Drug Properties Dravya Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Karma Loha bhasma Tikta Snigdha Sheeta Katu Tridosha shamaka Pippali Katu Laghu, Snigdha, Anushnasheeta Madhura Vatakapha hara Maricha Katu, tikta Laghu, ruksha ushna katu kaphavatajit Shunthi Katu Laghu, Snigdha, Ushna Madhura Vatakapha hara 25
  • 26. Amalaki Lavana Varjita Pancha Rasa Guru, Ruksha, Sheeta Sheeta Madhura Tridosha Shamaka Haritaki lavana varjita pancha rasa laghu, ruksha ushna madhura tridoshashamaka Vibhitaki Kashaya Ruksha, Laghu Ushna Madhura Tridosha Shamaka Yavani Katu, tikta Ruksha, laghu ushna katu vatahara Vidanga Katu, Tikta Laghu, Ruksha, tikshna Ushna Katu Vatakaphapaha Musta Tikta, katu, kashaya Laghu, ruksha sheeta katu Pittakaphahara Chitraka mula katu Laghu, ruksha ushna katu vatakaphahara 26
  • 27. Madhu :  Rasa : Madhura ,Kashaya  Guna :Guru ,Ruksha  Virya :Sheeta  Vipaka :Katu  Doshaghnata : Tridoshahara Guda :  Rasa : Madhura ,Kashaya  Guna :Guru, snigdha  Virya :Ushna  Vipaka :Madhura  Doshaghnata : Kaphahara and Pittakaraka 27
  • 28. Analytical Parameters 1. Organoleptic characters 2. pH value 3. Specific gravity 4. Total solid content 5. Alcohol percentage 6. Reducing & non reducing sugars 7. TLC/HPTLC 8. Test for Methanol 9. Total acidity 28
  • 29. Pharmacopeia Standards  Organoleptic characters Colour: Dark Reddish Brown Smell: Fragrant Touch: Watery Taste: Astringent  Sugars: Reducing : not more than 3.07%w/v Non-reducing: traces  Specific gravity at 25 C Not less than 1.010 Not more than 1.014 29
  • 30. Solid contents Not less than 6.7% w/v Not more than 9.7% w/v pH value Not less than 3.8 Not more than 4.1 Alcohol contents Not less than 5.1% v/v Not more than 7.6 %v/v Therapeutic indications: Pandu, Shotha, Gulma, Jathara, Arshas, Kushta, Pliharoga DOSE: 15 to 30ml 30
  • 31. Research works Clinical evaluation of Ayurvedic louha (iron)containing preparations in iron deficiency anaemia. – Namrata joshi (uttarkhand) In the present study it was observed that Navayasa louha and Lohasava are better than lohabhasma and even conventional iron therapy in the correction of iron deficiency. Further it was also observed that out of these two drugs, some of the features are better corrected by Navayasa louha like Panduta, Pindikodweshtana, Dourbalya(weakness), Gatrashula(bodyache), shirashula and menstrual disturbances. Where as……. 31
  • 32. Where as Lohasava was found to be more effective in correction of Shawasa(Shortness of breath), Hritspandana(Palpitation), Shrama(Fatigue), Shopha(Oedema), Arochaka(Loss of appetite). 32
  • 33. Clinical Evaluation of Lohasava in the Management of Pandu Roga (vijay gupta) - BHU  In the present study Lohasava and its effect in the management of Pandu Roga is studied. Four different samples (I-IV) of Lohasava are prepared out of these four samples, three samples (I- III) contains Lauha Bhasma, while sample IV incorporated with Lauha Churna as per the original reference and all the different samples administered to the four different groups of anaemic patients, each group having 10 patients. Symptomatic relieve observed, in all the groups of patients, but it was also observed that patients of group III, having maximum symptomatic relief, than other groups. 33
  • 34. The various haematological parameters, are also improved in all groups, it is also noticed that sample I, II is found to be more effective, than sample IV in improving Hb level (p<0.05), while sample III, is better (p<0.01) than sample IV in increasing Hb level and total RBC count. Therapeutic efficacy of all the four samples has been found to be effective, in the management of Pandu Roga. Among them the sample III showing better efficacy, compared to all samples. Sample III has been prepared by fermenting in the china clay container. 34
  • 35. Systemic standardisation of lohasava - An anti anemic polyherbal formulation (A.A MANSURI)  Lohasava is a self-fermented polyherbal formulation used in the treatment of Anaemia, Jaundice and Digestive disorders.  The aim of present study was to standardise a commercially available brand of Lohasava with respect to various physico-chemical and toxicological parameters.  Alcohol-soluble and water soluble extractives were found to be 25.16% w/V and 28.18% w/V, respectively.  Reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars were found to be 23.25% w/V and 0.45% w/V, respectively.  Ethanol content was found to be 5.93% V/V employing headspace GC technique. 35
  • 36. Heavy metal analysis by ICp-AeS showed the absence of lead and mercury whereas arsenic and cadmium were present within specified limits of WHO. Iron content for Lohasava was estimated to be 2.5 µg/mL. The formulation was also evaluated for microbial load showing absence of E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus and permissible levels of aerobic viable bacteria and moulds. The ethyl acetate extract of Lohasava showed 0.000186% w/v of Gallic acid, quantified by HptLC. 36
  • 37. Parameters Affecting Preparation of Asava and Arista37 Effect of temperature • Temperature affects the fermentation process of Asavarista formulations. • In Draksharishta formulation, jaggery was added to the decoction of herbal ingredients, stirred it well and boiled for two minutes in first batch, and in second batch jaggery was added when the decoc-tion was cooled down to 40°C. Then all the preparation kept in porcelain jar and kept for fermentation. • It was observed that physico-chemical parameters were found to be less in cold Arista than hot Arista. • Cold Arista showed alcohol content of 7.64% whereas no alcohol formation was observed in hot Arista on the day of filtration.
  • 38.  Tannin contents were found to be same in both formulations. Lower pH values and higher acid value were observed in hot Arista than the cold Arista.  This result concluded that yeast cells were destroyed while the formulation was hot due to high temperature. Hence it was not favourable for fermentation process.  Where as in cold decoction, yeast cells were not destroyed and assists the fermentation process.  In the ancient time, containers for preparation of Asavarista were placed in Dhanya Rashi (Ex-Kanakbindu arista), Bhugarbha (Ex-Kharjurasava), Koshthasara (Ex-Kumaryasava), etc in order avoid minimum temperature variation.  Optimum temperature in the range of 20-35°C is suitable for initiation of fermentation. 38
  • 39. Fermentation time  Duration of fermentation vary according to different seasons. Literature revealed that fermentation takes place in 6 days during autumn and summer seasons, 10 days in winter and 8 days in rainy and spring seasons. Generally in hot tropical climate 7-10 days are enough and 30 days in cool temperature climate. Duration of fermentation ranges from 7 days to 180 days with different formulation.  The effect of fermentation time was studied in Amritar-ishta which was kept for one year. Results revealed that the specific gravity, total solid content and sugar content were gradually decreased with increase in time. Alcohol content was found to be increase up to six months. The pH value remains constant. 39
  • 40. Use of various containers and preparation conditions  Earthen pot and several other vessels were used tradi-tionally for fermentation. Besides earthen pots several other vessels were used for preparation of different Asavarista formulation which includes Glass, Aluminium, Tinned-copper, Stainless Steel, Porcelain Jar, Gold Vessel.  Studies concludes that vessels of tinned copper were the better choice for fermentation process than aluminium. Earthen and wooden containers have certain limitations as earthen pots may break, while wooden containers require pre- treatment and there may be chances of contamination.  Hence, with the advancement of pharmaceutical technology these pots were replaced by plastic and steel containers. The final product of this container were analysed for the efficacy and the study concluded that plastic and steel containers are suitable for carrying out the Sandhana process. 40
  • 41. Significance of Sandhana Dravya (Fermentor)  Fermentors are microorganism, which initiates the pro-cess of fermentation. Dhataki pushpa was introduced by Acharya Vagbhata as fermentor in the manufacturing of Asavarista. Besides Dhataki pushpa some other drugs were also used in Sandhana Kalpana which include Madhuka pushpa (Kutajarishta) and Surabeeja/Kinva (Sura).  A study was conducted to know the effect of addition of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and Dhataki pushpa to fermenting media.  The result revealed that the sample containing yeast showed onset and completion of fermentation process as started on the second day and completed within one month. Whereas samples contain Dhataki pushpa, fermentation started on the fifth day and completed in second month. 41
  • 42.  This difference may be due to time taken by the yeast cells of Dhataki pushpa for natural growth and multiplication.  In another study both Dhataki pushpa and isolated strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae from same flower were used as inoculum for fermentation.  Result showed that flower of Dhataki was capable to initiate alcoholic fermentation as normally achieved by the use of pure yeast culture. Flower of Dhataki pushpa was found to contain high percentage of tannins (22%). During anaerobic fermentation, these phenolic compounds brought enzymatic conversion to simple phenols and alcohol.  This may justified the extensive use of W. fruticosa in Arista preparation to produce alcohol. 42
  • 43. Metal/Minerals in Asava and Arista Fine powders of metals (Loha churna) and minerals are added as ingredient for the preparation of Sandhana kalpana due to their vital therapeutic effects. It is observed that some microorganisms consume these metals under optimum growth conditions. In Lohasava, loha churna are converted into minute particles by the action of alcohol and show high content of iron i.e 0.0612 %. 43
  • 44. Merits of Sandhana Kalpana (Biomedical Fermentation)  Undesirable sugars are removed from the plant materials by fermentation process and make the product more bio-availability by eliminating side effects such as gas and bloating.  As the fermentation process undergoes a gradient increase of alcohol level, it extracts a wide range of active ingredients from the herb than any other methods of extraction.  Yeast acts as natural cleansing system because of natural binding of yeast cell wall with the heavy metals and pesticide residue.  Fermentation not only removes the contamination but also reduce the toxicity of some toxic components in plants. Herb cells are ruptured by fermentation process and exposed openly to the menstruum where the cell walls are broken down by bacterial enzyme which further assists in the reaching process.  Fermentation process creates an active transport system which removes the constituents from the herbal material to the menstruum. 44
  • 46. 46 • Shudha louha (Loha Churna) mentioned by AFI in the ingredients of lohasava is Lohabhasma or shodhita loha?? • Lohasava is the asava preparation which contains one rasoushadhi as the main ingredient i.e Louha bhasma and other herbal drugs. • Other than Lohasava, Kumaryasava said by acharya yogaratnakara also contains Louha bhasma as a ingredient. • Though the reference for Lohasava in the book Rasatantra Saara Va Siddha Prayoga Sangraha is taken from Sharangadhara samhita ingredients and method of preparation varies. DISCUSSION
  • 47. CONCLUSION47 • Arishta and asava are considered as best formulation in Ayurveda because they posses better keeping quality, which is likely due to the contribution of fermentation to preservation. • These are nothing but the fermented syrups. These are the oral Ayurvedic formulations has been use as tonic since many decades. • Lohasava contains 4-10% of self generated alcohol in it and is proved to be best in treating anaemia. • Lohasava proved to be best in treating obstructive jaundice associated with diarrhoea and low digestive fire.
  • 48. 48