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Table of Contents
 Introduction
 Definition of Sadhyosneha
 Principles of Sadhyosneha Vs Classical Sneha
 Dose Fixation and Duration of Sadhyo Sneha
 Indications of Sadhyosneha
 Contraindications of Sadhyo Sneha
 Method of Preparation Sadhyosneha
 Method of Administration of Sadhyo Sneha
 Anupana for Sadhyo Sneha
 Pharmacodynamics Sadhyosneha and Pharmacokinetics of
 Conclusion
 Human body is fond of Sneha, which is essential components of all
body tissues and are especially important in the development of cell
and its membranes.
 Acharya Sushruta postulates that
“Snehasaaroayam purusha”
“Pranascha Snehabhooyishtha”
 The main principle of snehana is imparting greasiness either by
internal or external through different modes, among one is
Sadhyosneha which deals with getting the desired effect of internal
Snehana instantaneously within a day without causing any irritability
to the person.
 Generally Classical snehapana such as Shodhanartha,
Shamanartha and
 have their rules and regulations to follow it compulsorily.
 But in case of Children or
Elderly or
Emergency conditions
 the administration of above snehapana procedures are difficult to
practice or the adaptation of the diet and regimen following the
snehapana is tough.
 So Sadhyosneha is only a way to fix the above mystery without
following the terms and conditions of Snehapana principle.
Exactly What is Sadhyosneha?
The word Sadhyo Means ------- Instantons
Sneha Means -------- Any fatty substance (Unsaturated)
Sadyo-Sneha is a type of Snehana procedure in which administration of Sneha (oleation)
to achieve Samyak or Snigdhalakshana immediately or in a short duration with fixed dose is
called as Sadho Snehana.
And Why Sadhyosneha?
Principles of Sadhyo Sneha Vs Classical Sneha
 Classically Sneha is one which does the function of Snehanam, Vishyandana,
Mardhavata and Kledana .
 na-athi snigdhan vishodayeth appears to be the base for the sadhyo-
 Dalhana commentary given the description that Sadyo-Snehana brings
Snigdha lakshana quickly on the day of administration.
 Chakrapani & Adhamalla opine that, the Snehana therapy, which is said to
produce unctuousness instantaneously, may also take three days to bring
 Post Sadhyo Sneha has no rules and regulation in diet and regimen
 With or Without swedana Procedure.
 Fixed Dose in Fixed duration of one day.
 Specific easily palatable Yoga’s.
 Single dose of Sneha
 Less chances of complications.
Pros and Cons of Sadhyo Snehana
 Simple Convenient Procedure
 Confined procedure
 Single dose Sneha
 Short Duration
 No disturbance in preparing a Patient
 With or without Swedana
 Easy Receptivity
 Less complications
 Easily Palatable Yogas
 Effective and Cost effective
 Post Sadhyo Snehana Procedure No
rules and regulation
 No disturbance in Jeeryamana and
Jeerna laxanas
 Chances of Vyadhi punarbhavata
 Dose fixation
 Difficulty in getting and assessing
Samyak snigdha laxana
Classical Indications
 Bala
 Vruddha
 Durbala
 Sneha Parihara Asahnishu
 Balahina
 Streehata
 Alpadosha
 Raja
 Rajasama
Practical Indications
 Visha,
 abhighata
 Pidaka,
 Visarpa
 Kamala,
 Pandu
 Vatavyadhi (Neurological disorders)
 Muscular disorders ex: Masagata
 Degenerative disease like
Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis,
IBD, atherosclerosis, type II diabetes
Where to Practice Sadhyo snehana?
 Kushta
 Prameha
 Shotha
 Nava jwara
 Udara roga
 Urusthambha
How to Practice Sadhyosneha ?
 Poorvakarma: Deepana and Pachana
 Pradhana Karma: Sadhyo Sneha dose of 3Pala or 3 Pala to 6 Pala Based on Agni, Kosta, Vyadhi,
Kala etc, for shodhanartha
1 Pala to 1.5 Pala for Shamanartha
Form: Liquid for Shodhanartha------Peya form
Semi solid for Shamanartha--- Lehya form
Purpose: Stimulating the utklista kapha or to make kapha utkleshana during Emergency for
Ex: Panchaprasrutika peya or
Saadhyo dugdha with Ghee and Sharkara or Ghee with Salt of 3 pala
Stimulating the Utklissta Pitta (Kapha avruddhikara condition)or to make Pitta utkleshana during
Emergency for Virechanartha.
Example: Pippali + Saindhava + four Sneha + Dadhi Mastu all these taken together in Peya form
 Paschat Karma: No need to follow diet and Regimen
Regular Ushnajala in Practice as a Anupana
Benefits of Sadhyo Shehana
 Sadhyo Sneha can change the physical nature of Sneha by
addition of different substances. Because involvement of
supportive Carbohydrate and Protein metabolism. Ex:
Dharoshna Sneha
 It may change chemical property to some extent. Ex: It
neutralises the gastric Ph variations. i.e.
 It balances the gastric secretions. Like Mucus, acid and
Proteases etc
 Also Sneha can made more palatable pleasant to mind by
considering the one’s taste because of disaccharides and
What is the optimam Dose of Sadhyo Sneha ?
 Basically selection of Sneha matra is mystery and contingent because
of Agni and Kosta, former is differs from person to person towards a
later along with involvement of Vyadhi, Bala, Vaya and Kala. But still
all the Acharyas have made well defined standard dose fixation based
on Agni and Kosta parameters.
 Shodhanartha Sneha matra always collateral entry because there is no
direct reference regarding optimum dose of Sneha to get samyak
snigdha laxana within a stipulated time.
 But Kalyanakaraka and Vangasena made a suitable matra for
Shodhanartha i.e. Vardhamana Dose or Arohana Krama Dose. It starts
from 3 Pala and ends with 6 pala on 7th day in Uttama Matra,
Madhyama matra starts from 1½ pala and ends with 3 Pala on 7th Day
So Uttamma Matra Optimum dose for 7 Days 31.5 Pala
Madhyama Matra Optimum Dose for 7 Days 16 Pala
31.5 Pala + 16 Pala = 48 Pala / 14 = 3 Pala for Sadhyo Sneha optimum
Single Dose
Role of Test dose in Sadhyo Snehana
 Vagbhata mentioned one more matra along with Pradhana,
Madhyama and Hrushwa matra known as Hrushiyasi Matra i.e. Test
dose which checks the capacity of agni in particular Kosta, when the
condition of koshta not known by physician.
 In this condition Sneha administered in large dose it may cause
 So before administering any type of matra and any type of Snehana
(Shodhanartha, Shamanartha, Sadhyo Snehanartha) one should
compulsory to advise hrushiyasi matra, because of involvement Agni,
Ama, Dosha, Kosta, Vaya, Kala etc and also to avoid further
 Dose of Hrushiyasi Matra: Arunadatta said the Sneha which digests in
3 hours considered as optimum dose of Hrushiyasi Matra (Test dose).
 Quantity: Madhyama Matra of Vardhamana i.e. 1 to 1½ Pala it dose
Agnideepti which is the dose of Prathama Matra of Sushruta concept
Duration of Sadhyo snehana
 The word Sadhyo Suggests instantaneous it means complete
digestion and metabolism of Sneha with getting samyak
snigdha laxana in a day is considered as Sadhyo Sneha
duration. Dalhana
 According to Chakrapani and Adamalla opines that, the
snehana therapy, which is said to be produce unctuousness
instantaneously, may take 3 days to bring snigdha laxana.
 So for Shodhanartha – it is always 1 day because for
stimulation of Utklishta /Utkleshana
For Shamanartha – it is 1 – 3 days because of Vyadhi shamana
Some important Preparations and
Formulations Sadhyo Sneha in practice
 Pippali + Saindhava + four Sneha + Dadhi Mastu all these taken together in
Peya form
 Intake of Snigdha Yavagu fried in Mamsarasa, well prepared and added with
plentiful of soup in peya form
 Intake of sukshma Yavagu of little rice cooked in milk and added with 3 pala
of gruta in peya form
 Milk of cow in a vessel containing ghee mixed with powederd Sharkara in
lehya form
 Mamsa rasa prepared by boiling large quantity of meat of animals in Jangala
or Anupa region in peya form
 Above mamsa rasa along with Sneha barjita yavagu.
 Saadhyo dugdha with Ghee and Sharkara or Ghee with Salt of 3 pala
 Payasa prepared with addition of masha and many kinds of fatty substances
in Peya or lehya form.
 Panchaprasrutika peya
Shodhanartha Accha Sneha Vs Pravicharana
Sneha Vs Sadhyo Sneha
Sadhyo Sneha
 Kevala Sneha (Large
quantity) + Odanadi
 Snehasya abhibhootatwat
with less Abhibhuktatwat
 Moderate veerya
 Alternate to both Accha
and Pravicharana
 Oral Route
 Aerobice Path way i.e.
direct active oxygen
produced by
Carbohydrate and Protein
Pravicharana Sneha
 Odanadi Sambandda
 Snehasya alpatwat
With more Abhibhuktatwat
 Alpa veerya
 Alternate to Accha
 Oral + External
 Aerobice Path way i.e.
direct active oxygen
produced by
Shodanartha Acchasneha
 Kevala Sneha
 Shaktyatishayatwa
 Mahat Veerya
 Prathama kalpika
 Oral Route
 Anaerobic Pathway i.e.
in case less oxygen for
production of energy
which utilised by
glycocogenolysis and
glycolysis process
How to Assess the effect of Sadhyosnehana?
 The effect achieved through Samyak snigda laxana by only
Udgara Shuddhi ,
Bojana ruchi,
Vatanulomana, and
Asamhata varchas.
but it may or may not to produce Gatra Mardhavata, Gatra
snigdhata, Twak snigdhata.
Pharmacokinetics of Sadhyo Sneha?
Sadhyo Sneha
2:1 Ratio of H : O
Emulsification of Sneha by
Bile salts of Non polar side
Formation of necessary
Glucose fructose galactose
and Amino acids
Digest in stomach of
Carbohydrates and protein
Breakdown into smaller
particles/droplets of Sneha
Both Sneha and end products
of Carbohydrates and
Protein enters into
Reassembles the
Triglyceride in ER and
enters into Golgiapparatus
Pancreatic lipase acts on
Polar part of Bile salts
Disassembles the
Triglycerides, Fatty acids
from main sneha
Become Lipophilic
Absorbs into Small intestine by
epethilial cells by diffusion
Modifies and Packages
Exported as
Chylomicrons which is
O2 Production
Pharmacodynamics of Sadhyo Sneha?
Enters into Lacteal
Enters into Lymphatic
Enters into Circulation
Via Thoracic duct
Then Becomes aqueous
Liquifies the morbid
Bring Back to Kosta
During this fight and flight
reaction process and
Mobilisation large amount
temperature discharged.
It may considered as Swedana
process along with Sadhyo
Sympathetic nervous System.
i.e. help of Epinephrine and Non
Mobilization of Dosha
What to conclude?
 It is Simple convenient and confined procedure.
 It is for both Shodhanartha and Shamanartha not bruhmanartha.
 Deepana and Pachana must and Should
 Carbohydrate and protein rich Conjugant preparations are the best for while preparing
the any sadhyo Sneha.
 One should not practice accha Sneha as Sadhyo Sneha, which may lands in emergency.
 One should check the capacity of Agni by applying the dose of Hrushiyasi matra.
 Dose should be minimum 3 pala and and 1½ Pala, maximum depends upon Agni and Kosta
for shodhanartha and Shamanartha respectively.
 Duaration for Shodanarha Sadhyo Sneha is 1 day and more than 1 day for Shamanartha
based on condition of vyadhi.
 It is mandatory to follow Ushnajala as best vehicle during Sadhyo snehana which act as
swedakara, Srotoshodhaka, mobilisation of morbid dosha and homeostasis.
 Swedana is may or may not in case of Sadhyo snehana procedure.
 No need to follow the strict diet and regimns after Sadhyo snehana.
 It should be more practiced in where there is improper functioning of bile, lipase enzyme,
intestinal problem.
 Practically it should be utilised in diseases of Vata, Vatapitta and Avarana conditions.
Principles and practice of sadhyo snehana

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Principles and practice of sadhyo snehana

  • 1.
  • 2. Table of Contents  Introduction  Definition of Sadhyosneha  Principles of Sadhyosneha Vs Classical Sneha  Dose Fixation and Duration of Sadhyo Sneha  Indications of Sadhyosneha  Contraindications of Sadhyo Sneha  Method of Preparation Sadhyosneha  Method of Administration of Sadhyo Sneha  Anupana for Sadhyo Sneha  Pharmacodynamics Sadhyosneha and Pharmacokinetics of Sadhyosnehana  Conclusion
  • 3. Introduction  Human body is fond of Sneha, which is essential components of all body tissues and are especially important in the development of cell and its membranes.  Acharya Sushruta postulates that “Snehasaaroayam purusha” and “Pranascha Snehabhooyishtha”  The main principle of snehana is imparting greasiness either by internal or external through different modes, among one is Sadhyosneha which deals with getting the desired effect of internal Snehana instantaneously within a day without causing any irritability to the person.
  • 4.  Generally Classical snehapana such as Shodhanartha, Shamanartha and Bruhmanartha  have their rules and regulations to follow it compulsorily.  But in case of Children or Elderly or Emergency conditions  the administration of above snehapana procedures are difficult to practice or the adaptation of the diet and regimen following the snehapana is tough.  So Sadhyosneha is only a way to fix the above mystery without following the terms and conditions of Snehapana principle.
  • 5. Exactly What is Sadhyosneha? Definition: The word Sadhyo Means ------- Instantons Sneha Means -------- Any fatty substance (Unsaturated) Sadyo-Sneha is a type of Snehana procedure in which administration of Sneha (oleation) to achieve Samyak or Snigdhalakshana immediately or in a short duration with fixed dose is called as Sadho Snehana. And Why Sadhyosneha?
  • 6. Principles of Sadhyo Sneha Vs Classical Sneha  Classically Sneha is one which does the function of Snehanam, Vishyandana, Mardhavata and Kledana .  na-athi snigdhan vishodayeth appears to be the base for the sadhyo- snehana.  Dalhana commentary given the description that Sadyo-Snehana brings Snigdha lakshana quickly on the day of administration.  Chakrapani & Adhamalla opine that, the Snehana therapy, which is said to produce unctuousness instantaneously, may also take three days to bring Snigdha-lakshana.  Post Sadhyo Sneha has no rules and regulation in diet and regimen  With or Without swedana Procedure.  Fixed Dose in Fixed duration of one day.  Specific easily palatable Yoga’s.  Single dose of Sneha  Less chances of complications.
  • 7. Pros and Cons of Sadhyo Snehana Pros  Simple Convenient Procedure  Confined procedure  Single dose Sneha  Short Duration  No disturbance in preparing a Patient  With or without Swedana  Easy Receptivity  Less complications  Easily Palatable Yogas  Effective and Cost effective  Post Sadhyo Snehana Procedure No rules and regulation  No disturbance in Jeeryamana and Jeerna laxanas Cons  Chances of Vyadhi punarbhavata  Dose fixation  Difficulty in getting and assessing Samyak snigdha laxana
  • 8. Indications: Classical Indications  Bala  Vruddha  Durbala  Sneha Parihara Asahnishu  Balahina  Streehata  Alpadosha  Raja  Rajasama Practical Indications  Visha,  abhighata  Pidaka,  Visarpa  Kamala,  Pandu  Vatavyadhi (Neurological disorders)  Muscular disorders ex: Masagata vata  Degenerative disease like Parkinson’s disease, osteoarthritis, IBD, atherosclerosis, type II diabetes etc Where to Practice Sadhyo snehana?
  • 9. Contraindications  Kushta  Prameha  Shotha  Nava jwara  Udara roga  Urusthambha
  • 10. How to Practice Sadhyosneha ?  Poorvakarma: Deepana and Pachana  Pradhana Karma: Sadhyo Sneha dose of 3Pala or 3 Pala to 6 Pala Based on Agni, Kosta, Vyadhi, Kala etc, for shodhanartha 1 Pala to 1.5 Pala for Shamanartha Form: Liquid for Shodhanartha------Peya form Semi solid for Shamanartha--- Lehya form Purpose: Stimulating the utklista kapha or to make kapha utkleshana during Emergency for Vamanartha Ex: Panchaprasrutika peya or Saadhyo dugdha with Ghee and Sharkara or Ghee with Salt of 3 pala Stimulating the Utklissta Pitta (Kapha avruddhikara condition)or to make Pitta utkleshana during Emergency for Virechanartha. Example: Pippali + Saindhava + four Sneha + Dadhi Mastu all these taken together in Peya form  Paschat Karma: No need to follow diet and Regimen Regular Ushnajala in Practice as a Anupana
  • 11. Benefits of Sadhyo Shehana  Sadhyo Sneha can change the physical nature of Sneha by addition of different substances. Because involvement of supportive Carbohydrate and Protein metabolism. Ex: Dharoshna Sneha  It may change chemical property to some extent. Ex: It neutralises the gastric Ph variations. i.e.  It balances the gastric secretions. Like Mucus, acid and Proteases etc  Also Sneha can made more palatable pleasant to mind by considering the one’s taste because of disaccharides and monosaccharides
  • 12. What is the optimam Dose of Sadhyo Sneha ?  Basically selection of Sneha matra is mystery and contingent because of Agni and Kosta, former is differs from person to person towards a later along with involvement of Vyadhi, Bala, Vaya and Kala. But still all the Acharyas have made well defined standard dose fixation based on Agni and Kosta parameters.  Shodhanartha Sneha matra always collateral entry because there is no direct reference regarding optimum dose of Sneha to get samyak snigdha laxana within a stipulated time.  But Kalyanakaraka and Vangasena made a suitable matra for Shodhanartha i.e. Vardhamana Dose or Arohana Krama Dose. It starts from 3 Pala and ends with 6 pala on 7th day in Uttama Matra, Madhyama matra starts from 1½ pala and ends with 3 Pala on 7th Day So Uttamma Matra Optimum dose for 7 Days 31.5 Pala Madhyama Matra Optimum Dose for 7 Days 16 Pala 31.5 Pala + 16 Pala = 48 Pala / 14 = 3 Pala for Sadhyo Sneha optimum Single Dose
  • 13. Role of Test dose in Sadhyo Snehana  Vagbhata mentioned one more matra along with Pradhana, Madhyama and Hrushwa matra known as Hrushiyasi Matra i.e. Test dose which checks the capacity of agni in particular Kosta, when the condition of koshta not known by physician.  In this condition Sneha administered in large dose it may cause Pranasamshaya,  So before administering any type of matra and any type of Snehana (Shodhanartha, Shamanartha, Sadhyo Snehanartha) one should compulsory to advise hrushiyasi matra, because of involvement Agni, Ama, Dosha, Kosta, Vaya, Kala etc and also to avoid further complications.  Dose of Hrushiyasi Matra: Arunadatta said the Sneha which digests in 3 hours considered as optimum dose of Hrushiyasi Matra (Test dose).  Quantity: Madhyama Matra of Vardhamana i.e. 1 to 1½ Pala it dose Agnideepti which is the dose of Prathama Matra of Sushruta concept
  • 14. Duration of Sadhyo snehana  The word Sadhyo Suggests instantaneous it means complete digestion and metabolism of Sneha with getting samyak snigdha laxana in a day is considered as Sadhyo Sneha duration. Dalhana  According to Chakrapani and Adamalla opines that, the snehana therapy, which is said to be produce unctuousness instantaneously, may take 3 days to bring snigdha laxana.  So for Shodhanartha – it is always 1 day because for stimulation of Utklishta /Utkleshana For Shamanartha – it is 1 – 3 days because of Vyadhi shamana
  • 15. Some important Preparations and Formulations Sadhyo Sneha in practice  Pippali + Saindhava + four Sneha + Dadhi Mastu all these taken together in Peya form  Intake of Snigdha Yavagu fried in Mamsarasa, well prepared and added with plentiful of soup in peya form  Intake of sukshma Yavagu of little rice cooked in milk and added with 3 pala of gruta in peya form  Milk of cow in a vessel containing ghee mixed with powederd Sharkara in lehya form  Mamsa rasa prepared by boiling large quantity of meat of animals in Jangala or Anupa region in peya form  Above mamsa rasa along with Sneha barjita yavagu.  Saadhyo dugdha with Ghee and Sharkara or Ghee with Salt of 3 pala  Payasa prepared with addition of masha and many kinds of fatty substances in Peya or lehya form.  Panchaprasrutika peya
  • 16. Shodhanartha Accha Sneha Vs Pravicharana Sneha Vs Sadhyo Sneha Sadhyo Sneha  Kevala Sneha (Large quantity) + Odanadi Sambandha  Snehasya abhibhootatwat with less Abhibhuktatwat Annena  Moderate veerya  Alternate to both Accha and Pravicharana  Oral Route  Aerobice Path way i.e. direct active oxygen produced by Carbohydrate and Protein metabolism Pravicharana Sneha  Odanadi Sambandda  Snehasya alpatwat With more Abhibhuktatwat Annena  Alpa veerya  Alternate to Accha  Oral + External  Aerobice Path way i.e. direct active oxygen produced by Carbohydrate metabolism Shodanartha Acchasneha  Kevala Sneha  Shaktyatishayatwa  Mahat Veerya  Prathama kalpika  Oral Route  Anaerobic Pathway i.e. in case less oxygen for production of energy which utilised by glycocogenolysis and glycolysis process
  • 17. How to Assess the effect of Sadhyosnehana?  The effect achieved through Samyak snigda laxana by only Udgara Shuddhi , Bojana ruchi, vishyandana, Kledana, Vatanulomana, and Asamhata varchas. but it may or may not to produce Gatra Mardhavata, Gatra snigdhata, Twak snigdhata.
  • 18. Pharmacokinetics of Sadhyo Sneha? Sadhyo Sneha 2:1 Ratio of H : O Emulsification of Sneha by Bile salts of Non polar side Formation of necessary Glucose fructose galactose and Amino acids Digest in stomach of Carbohydrates and protein Breakdown into smaller particles/droplets of Sneha Both Sneha and end products of Carbohydrates and Protein enters into duodenum Reassembles the Triglyceride in ER and enters into Golgiapparatus Pancreatic lipase acts on Polar part of Bile salts Disassembles the Triglycerides, Fatty acids from main sneha Become Lipophilic Absorbs into Small intestine by epethilial cells by diffusion Modifies and Packages Exported as Chylomicrons which is exocytosis O2 Production
  • 19. Pharmacodynamics of Sadhyo Sneha? Enters into Lacteal (Triglyceride) Enters into Lymphatic System Enters into Circulation Via Thoracic duct Then Becomes aqueous Liquifies the morbid Dosha Bring Back to Kosta During this fight and flight reaction process and Mobilisation large amount temperature discharged. It may considered as Swedana process along with Sadhyo snehana Sympathetic nervous System. i.e. help of Epinephrine and Non Ephinephrine Mobilization of Dosha
  • 20. What to conclude?  It is Simple convenient and confined procedure.  It is for both Shodhanartha and Shamanartha not bruhmanartha.  Deepana and Pachana must and Should  Carbohydrate and protein rich Conjugant preparations are the best for while preparing the any sadhyo Sneha.  One should not practice accha Sneha as Sadhyo Sneha, which may lands in emergency.  One should check the capacity of Agni by applying the dose of Hrushiyasi matra.  Dose should be minimum 3 pala and and 1½ Pala, maximum depends upon Agni and Kosta for shodhanartha and Shamanartha respectively.  Duaration for Shodanarha Sadhyo Sneha is 1 day and more than 1 day for Shamanartha based on condition of vyadhi.  It is mandatory to follow Ushnajala as best vehicle during Sadhyo snehana which act as swedakara, Srotoshodhaka, mobilisation of morbid dosha and homeostasis.  Swedana is may or may not in case of Sadhyo snehana procedure.  No need to follow the strict diet and regimns after Sadhyo snehana.  It should be more practiced in where there is improper functioning of bile, lipase enzyme, intestinal problem.  Practically it should be utilised in diseases of Vata, Vatapitta and Avarana conditions.