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By Harrison Cole
Candidate number: 2030
 Witness statement -4
 Survey monkey5-8
 Changes based on feedback-9
 Production plan summary -10
 Budget plan 12-14
 Feedback-15
 Financial Break Down 16-19
 Calendar events- 20-21
 IPSO- 22
 Making a complaint -23
 IPSO codes to consider for magazine-24
 Legal and Ethical issues- 25
 Copyright and Trade mark- 26
Witness statement
This is my witness statement, filled out
by my Media Teacher Mr Crafts. I have
been given feedback on the pitch I
completed. I have reflected on the
feedback that I have been given such
as a few spelling errors that I have
I have been told what I have done well
such as explaining the market position
of the where my magazine is pitched
and where it will ultimately end. I have
been given an “EBI” which means
“even better if”. I have been told that I
need to work on my socio –
economics needs in terms of target
Survey Monkey
 Here you can see the screen shots I have
taken from the survey monkey website. I
created this survey so that I could get
feedback from people in the class.
 The feedback that my peers have given me
through the survey monkey has been fairly
even on negatives and positives. This then
suggests the points that I need to improve
on when it comes to pitching a product.
Survey Monkey
 Some of the feedback I received I have embraced, such as making sure that
I don’t use the word “stuff”. Positive feedback was also embraced such as
“the financial slide clearly explained the costs” which helped me to
understand where my pitch was at the right level for the audience.
Survey monkey
Here are some of the questions put to my
peers. I asked questions such as “what
were the areas you think I need to
One area of feedback I found encouraging
was my peers commenting on the clear
and focused ideas that I pitched.
The comments I received enabled me to
embrace ideas that would improve my
Survey Monkey
 Some slightly negative
feedback I received were
comments that I didn’t cover
every piece of detail within the
pitch. I can address this by
having clearer speaker notes.
 I have then taken all the
feedback and modified the
Prezzi that I created to include
comments that I agree with.
Changes to the plan based on
 In my financial analysis, I didn’t mention cameras and
other pieces of equipment. Based on this feedback I
investigated how much the equipment cost and
incorporated into my presentation. This was important to
ensure that all costs were covered
 After incorporating additional costs, I then revisited my
cost model to make sure that I still made a profit. Costs
such as the software licenses to produce the magazine
which will be a monthly charge.
 The following page is a screenshot from my presentation
identifying the production process.
Production Plan Summary
 Scope the magazine issue content, editorial and budget
 Create and manage schedules
 Acquire content
 Initial editing
 Page layout
 Proof read
 Email content to printer
 Approve final copy
 Distribute to re-sellers
 Publish
Date of
Editorial and budgetary
The company will decide what will go into the magazine . This a good chance to
think about who will feature in the magazine. They can decide who to interview,
what the necessary budgets are etc. They will plan several issues ahead.
Managing the
The company sits down and discusses the schedule for when the dates of certain parts of the
magazine has to be completed by. This way the company can have a good idea of when they
need to have information and interview done for the magazine. This also gives the company a
good structure to the work they need to produce for the rock sound magazine.
This step is considered to be important as this will make an impact of the buyer. They will look at
the graphics before they start reading so they need to make sure that the magazine looks
presentable. The illustration will be put at its best as they will make the magazine look very
professional and therefore make a lot of money
In this step they will brush up the finishing touches to the rest of the steps. Meaning they will make sure
that everything is spelt correctly. They will also make sure that the grammar and the punctuation is
This is where they make sure that they know where they are going to put everything that they have worked
on in the magazine. For example they will work on where they are going to place the advertisement and
the pictures.
This will test all the other stages for how the magazine will look as the first copy will be printed out so that
they can see if the magazine is able to be read correctly. If there is a problem they can then open the
documents and then change what they need to so the magazine can be read easily without any
File emailed to
Once they have checked what they need to check they will print of a few more copies and
then send them of to the editor , they will then be checked again and sent back to say they
are okay before they print thousands of copies.
This is the final step of publishing the magazines , the magazines will be
packaged then sent of to the warehouse where the copies will then be
delivered to the shops where people will then buy the magazines.
Budget plan
 In the budget plan I had to make sure that the money that was going to be spent still
enabled me to make a profit. If the magazine made a loss it would fail, because there
would be no income to cover production costs (including staff).
 The following slide is a screenshot of the budget plan, identifying what payments I
have had to made to create the magazine. This includes salaries for permanent and
contract staff (including journalists who collect and edit the content for the magazine).
 In the feedback, people have said that the plan is clear and works well. This has been
told through the online survey monkey. The plan adds up the costs and the income of
the magazine and proves that the magazine will make a profit.
Equipment breakdown
Equipment Description
Camera £279 (Cannon SPX2240SS)
Tripod £19.52 (HAMAHAMA P27E)
Photo shop £17.50 per month (License fee)
Apple Macs £899.00 (one off cost)
Bass Electric
Microphones £79.00
Microphone stand £12.90
Wi fi foc
Budget plan
Staff Salaries Annual Cost
Year 1
Annual Cost
Year 2
Editor 45,000.00 46,350.00
Dependent on experience -
3% increase for year 2
Deputy Editor
30,000.00 30,900.00 Dependent on experience
Reviews Editor
25,000.00 25,750.00 Dependent on experience
Reviews Editor
25,000.00 25,750.00 Dependent on experience
25,000.00 25,750.00 Dependent on experience
Manager 30,000.00 30,900.00 Dependent on experience
Journalist x 3 at
£20k 60,000.00 61,800.00 Dependent on experience
Photographer x1 15,000.00 15,450.00 Dependent on experience
Total Salaries 255,000.00 262,650.00 Annualised
 After receiving feedback on my budget plan, I
incorporated some additional costs that hadn’t previously
been considered and I re-examined the cost model to
ensure that there was still a solid business case for the
magazine. I modified the equipment costs, reviewed
advertising income (benchmarking the revenue against
similar products) and examined other revenue streams.
 One important area of feedback was to examine other
income streams and I have investigated running
competitions for the reader to win tickets by entering at a
low price point – even recovering costs through
telephone entry.
Screenshot of printing costs from
my presentation
This was initially wrong. – THEN the correct breakdown on the NEXT slide
This was initially wrong. – THEN the correct breakdown on the NEXT slide
Costs per year
One off Annualised
10,000 copies 15000 copies
Year 1 Year 2
Salaries 255,000.00 262,650.00
Printing 8,538.00 12,807.00 £8,538 for 10,000 copies
Marketing and
12,000.00 18,000.00
Office Costs 19,200.00 19,200.00 £1,600 per month
IT Equipment 15,429.00 5,210.00 5,210.00 Annualised license costs at £17.50
per month + £5k per year hosting
Total Costs per
15,429.00 299,948.00 317,867.00
Monthly Cost 24,995.67 26,488.92
Income per year
Magazine Sales 358,800.00 538,200.00
Year 1, 10,000 X £2.99 - Year 2,
15,000 * £2.99
Advertising 45,375.00 81,675.00
—1 page of Advertisement= £756.25
—4 pages X £756.25= £3,025
Total annual
Income 404,175.00 619,875.00
Monthly income 33,681.25 51,656.25
Total costs are £24,995 per month (£2.50 per copy)
Total income is £33,681 per month (£3.37 per copy)
Margin £3.37 - £2.50 – 87p per copy (£8,700 per 10,000 copies - £104,400 in year 1)
Income – Outgoings = £104,400 profit in year 1
Calendar events
 The magazine will be released on the 1st August 2015 to make sure
the readers gets a good summer vibe with the magazine.
 There will be up coming events such as the gigs with the bands that
are featured in the magazine, for example posters that are used to
feature the bands. Also the band COASTS gig dates are all in the
magazine in the front.
 The second page gives you all the information on where, when and
what time the featured bands are playing. This is a good way of
promoting the bands as they will have more people turning up to their
Calendar events
 The magazine gets the income from the bands paying to have the dates.
I have found a websites online that allows you to be able to send the
add that you have created for the magazine. They are called specle
which gives you the wide range of magazine for you to choose from.
This is where my magazine will end up being on, then the bands will be
able to have he advertisement of their gigs in my magazine located on
the second page.
Source :
 This is a company that handles complaints about the media that may in any way have
offended you in any w ay of from. This could be classed as being racist or even being too
stereo typical toward people . IPSO give you the voice so that you can be heard for the
complaints' because of it being a huge company. They offer you the guidance and support for
your concern about the editors that you have been offended by. You have to fill out this form
that you provide online so that they know what they are dealing with online before that go
through the process of the complaints. They are based within the UK and are only there for
the public. The overall objective for this company is to make sure that the media have the
standards at the correct level for the public. Bellow is the screen shot of the website and the
information that I used for this assignment.
 1. Initial assessment
2. Referral to the publication
3. The investigation
4. Adjudication by the Complaints Committee
5. Remedies
6. Review of the process
7. Complaints which are not pursued
8. Unacceptable behaviour by complainants and
vexatious complaints
Making a Complaint
 When you want to make a complaint you must go online to a website called . This website
deals with all magazine publishing complaints. They ask you to fill out a
few questions to see how the codes have been breached in the complaint
you have made. They then make you upload a file to show your complaint.
This can be done through a JPG,PNG,PDF or DOCX.
IPSO- Codes to consider
 Accuracy- when I publish my magazine I need to make sure that the
information that has been published is accurate. This will include
information such as publishing wrong GIG dates in the magazine. People
would then go to the IPSO website to make a complaint about the incorrect
 Confidential sources- The journalists for my magazine need to make
sure that they are getting the correct information from reliable sources. For
example when interviewing a band member. The journalist has to make
sure that the band member is the actual band member.
 Financial journalism-”Even where the law does not prohibit it,
journalists must not use for their own profit financial information they
receive in advance of its general publication, nor should they pass such
information to others”. This means that the money that is being made for
the interview goes to the magazine and not individual staff.
 Source :
Legal and ethical issues
Intellectual property (IP)
• IP is a term used that refers to the creation of the intellect for which
a monopoly is assigned to designated owners by law.
• This means that if a person invents or creates something, they are
entitled to own the IP.
• Some common types of intellectual property rights (IPR) are
copyright, patents, and design rights. IPR also covers the rights that
protect trademarks. IPR can cover music, literature, and other
artistic works; discoveries and inventions; words, phrases, symbols,
and designs.
Copyright and Trade marks
 When a piece of work is created by someone, they have the right to own it and stop it being copied. The owner of the copyright
has the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio,
video, etc. Original works created today are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his
or her death. For example you cant take someone's song that they have written and then make another version of it without the
creators permission. The original artists has the right to own it and therefore cant be taken.
 Trade marks are logos or words that specifically identify anything. Once a trademark has been produced and registered, they
belong to the business. If the trade mark has been made and then registered and checked it will then have a ‘®’on top of the
trade mark. In the magazine industry making sure that you have all the rights covered is important. The law is in place to make
sure that the magazine will not lose the money because of other magazine’s taking the originals magazines idea.
 Rights cover: The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and
typographical arrangement of published editions, rights to control the ways in which their material may be used. The rights cover;
broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting, issuing, renting and lending copies to the public. In many cases, the
creator will also have the right to be identified as the author and to object to distortions of his work.
 International conventions give protection in most countries, subject to national laws.
Types of work protected:
1. Literary song lyrics, manuscripts, manuals, computer programs, commercial documents, leaflets, newsletters &
articles etc.
2. Artistic photography, painting, sculptures, architecture, technical drawings/diagrams, maps, logos.
3. Typographical arrangement of published editions magazines, periodicals, etc.
 The Copyright (Computer Programs) Regulations 1992 extended the rules covering literary works to include computer programs.
 The magazine would have to ensure that they do not inform any laws above.
The magazine (See image above) is a registered trademark name so use of the identity would require permission from the
institution and publisher.
Legal and Ethical
 When producing my magazine there are many things that the magazine has to be aware of before I
can start to sell the publications.
 Copyright is the main issue within the magazine industry today. Copyright is illegal because in
basic terms it means that you are stealing media pictures or even text from other sources of the
media. For example taking a picture of a celebrity and not asking for permission would be classed
as breach of copyright.
 Copying and pasting text from an online magazine and then putting it in your magazine would also
be classed as breach of copyright. This can be addressed by using an embedded watermark so
that anything copied from the internet cannot be reproduced without this watermark.
 Within my magazine I also need to aware of any content that could be considered discriminatory or
politically incorrect. The ethical issues in todays society are mostly around race and equality,For
example if you put on the front cover of a magazine a white or black individual, and then use
wording that could be considered offensive, this could be legally challenged. People can be
offended and may sue the magazine.
 My magazine will have to be very careful what we are writing to avoid any legal action.
Legal Process
 How do I register copyright, trademarks – process and forms to complete
 If you are looking to make sure that you have a legal trademark registered you have to log on to an
internet website, this website is called the Trademarkhub. They have a 99% success rate which
means that they have had successful trade marks that have been registered.
 Source:
Data protection act
 The data protection act controls the personal information Is used for
the magazine. This is a legislation that came into the law in the year
1998. this is an act of parliament that will follow procedures to keep
personal data safe from other people using it. It provides a way for you
to be in control for who sees the data for the magazine.
 Source :
Protecting the IP for Rock Dance
 Making sure that the IP for Rock Dance magazine is very important to make
sure its been protected. This is a very valuable commodity to keep safe from
copyright. A website called Intellectual property magazine allows you to create
your own account. Within this account you can keep safe all the registered
trade marks and copy rights. This website is in use of the EU which means that
Rock Dance are able to use the website to keep the IP protected. You will be
given a 7 day free access when you set up your account. Within the sign up to
the website they give you a detailed guide to how you should be protecting
your, Trademark, Design and strategy.
IPSO- Legal & Ethical impact Rock
 Accuracy- when Rock Dance publish their magazine they need to make
sure that the information that has been published is accurate. This will
include information such as publishing wrong GIG dates in the magazine.
People would then go to the IPSO website to make an complaint about the
incorrect date.
 Confidential sources- My journalists for Rock Dance need to make sure
that they are getting the correct information from reliable sources. For
example when interviewing a band member. The journalist has to make
sure that the band member is the actual band member.
 Discrimination- My magazine must not have any reference to an
individual's, race, colour, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation
or to any physical or mental illness or disability. This can be shown through
images and other quotes within interviews.
 Source :
IP Permission for Logos
 Within my magazine there will be social media logos placed around, this will
be to help promote my magazine on social media and encourage viral
marketing. To use a social media logo that isn't legally mine I have to either buy
the rights to have it or ask permission. If I used Facebooks ident without
permission I would then be facing fines and possibly prison. directly to see if
I'm allowed to use their logo in my magazine.
How to get Permission to use
Facebook’s Logo
Because I am having the Facebook logo in my magazine I need to get some
permission to use it. To do this you simply type into Google “permission to
use Facebook’s logo”. This will then take you to a page as displayed below on
the left hand side of the slide. You must first choose an option for how you
would like to use the logo. For example, having it downloaded online or
having it printed off. The next step is to read the guide lines that have been
written out by Facebook. The guidelines explain what you can do and what
you cant do with the logo. Once you have read this information you are able
to download the logo by clicking download.
Register Trade Mark
 If you have made a design or a logo and what to legally own it you have to
register it on the website. The government have a intellectual
property office to assess your application. The office will be able to tell you if
the application you have sent them meets the rules for the registration. This is
where I will need to send my music magazine Rock Dance off to. The cost of
this registration will cost £170. If the application then meets the rules and
regulations then the government will send you the rights for you to own the
trade mark. This will mean no one can legally copy my logo design.
Water Marks
 This is when a piece of work created by someone has the right to own it and therefore
cant be copied. For example you cant take someone's song that they had written and then
make another version of it. The original artists has the right to own it and therefore cant
be taken. If this is the case of taking a song then selling it the artists then has the right to
take the legal action that is required.
 Source-
Press complaints commission
Here you are also allowed to be able to make the complaints about
what the magazine has In anyway had any offence on you. They deal
with things such as the pictures, text and even colour for the
magazine. This is where I made my complaint about the magazine
about. They then explain when you will hear back from them and
talk about how they are able to deal with the situation. This is based
In the UK and as I have sown it is free to use online.

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Lo5 - Be able to use feedback gained to inform the development and planning of an original print- based media product

  • 2.
  • 3. Contents  Witness statement -4  Survey monkey5-8  Changes based on feedback-9  Production plan summary -10  Budget plan 12-14  Feedback-15  Financial Break Down 16-19  Calendar events- 20-21  IPSO- 22  Making a complaint -23  IPSO codes to consider for magazine-24  Legal and Ethical issues- 25  Copyright and Trade mark- 26
  • 4. Witness statement This is my witness statement, filled out by my Media Teacher Mr Crafts. I have been given feedback on the pitch I completed. I have reflected on the feedback that I have been given such as a few spelling errors that I have made. I have been told what I have done well such as explaining the market position of the where my magazine is pitched and where it will ultimately end. I have been given an “EBI” which means “even better if”. I have been told that I need to work on my socio – economics needs in terms of target audience.
  • 5. Survey Monkey  Here you can see the screen shots I have taken from the survey monkey website. I created this survey so that I could get feedback from people in the class.  The feedback that my peers have given me through the survey monkey has been fairly even on negatives and positives. This then suggests the points that I need to improve on when it comes to pitching a product.
  • 6. Survey Monkey  Some of the feedback I received I have embraced, such as making sure that I don’t use the word “stuff”. Positive feedback was also embraced such as “the financial slide clearly explained the costs” which helped me to understand where my pitch was at the right level for the audience.
  • 7. Survey monkey Here are some of the questions put to my peers. I asked questions such as “what were the areas you think I need to improve?” One area of feedback I found encouraging was my peers commenting on the clear and focused ideas that I pitched. The comments I received enabled me to embrace ideas that would improve my pitch.
  • 8. Survey Monkey  Some slightly negative feedback I received were comments that I didn’t cover every piece of detail within the pitch. I can address this by having clearer speaker notes.  I have then taken all the feedback and modified the Prezzi that I created to include comments that I agree with.
  • 9. Changes to the plan based on feedback  In my financial analysis, I didn’t mention cameras and other pieces of equipment. Based on this feedback I investigated how much the equipment cost and incorporated into my presentation. This was important to ensure that all costs were covered  After incorporating additional costs, I then revisited my cost model to make sure that I still made a profit. Costs such as the software licenses to produce the magazine which will be a monthly charge.  The following page is a screenshot from my presentation identifying the production process.
  • 10. Production Plan Summary  Scope the magazine issue content, editorial and budget  Create and manage schedules  Acquire content  Initial editing  Page layout  Proof read  Email content to printer  Approve final copy  Distribute to re-sellers  Publish
  • 11. Process Distribution Date of publication Editorial and budgetary decision The company will decide what will go into the magazine . This a good chance to think about who will feature in the magazine. They can decide who to interview, what the necessary budgets are etc. They will plan several issues ahead. Managing the schedule The company sits down and discusses the schedule for when the dates of certain parts of the magazine has to be completed by. This way the company can have a good idea of when they need to have information and interview done for the magazine. This also gives the company a good structure to the work they need to produce for the rock sound magazine. Content Acquisition This step is considered to be important as this will make an impact of the buyer. They will look at the graphics before they start reading so they need to make sure that the magazine looks presentable. The illustration will be put at its best as they will make the magazine look very professional and therefore make a lot of money Sub- editing In this step they will brush up the finishing touches to the rest of the steps. Meaning they will make sure that everything is spelt correctly. They will also make sure that the grammar and the punctuation is correct. Page Layout This is where they make sure that they know where they are going to put everything that they have worked on in the magazine. For example they will work on where they are going to place the advertisement and the pictures. Proof reading This will test all the other stages for how the magazine will look as the first copy will be printed out so that they can see if the magazine is able to be read correctly. If there is a problem they can then open the documents and then change what they need to so the magazine can be read easily without any errors. File emailed to printer Once they have checked what they need to check they will print of a few more copies and then send them of to the editor , they will then be checked again and sent back to say they are okay before they print thousands of copies. This is the final step of publishing the magazines , the magazines will be packaged then sent of to the warehouse where the copies will then be delivered to the shops where people will then buy the magazines.
  • 12. Budget plan  In the budget plan I had to make sure that the money that was going to be spent still enabled me to make a profit. If the magazine made a loss it would fail, because there would be no income to cover production costs (including staff).  The following slide is a screenshot of the budget plan, identifying what payments I have had to made to create the magazine. This includes salaries for permanent and contract staff (including journalists who collect and edit the content for the magazine).  In the feedback, people have said that the plan is clear and works well. This has been told through the online survey monkey. The plan adds up the costs and the income of the magazine and proves that the magazine will make a profit.
  • 13. Equipment breakdown Equipment Description Camera £279 (Cannon SPX2240SS) Tripod £19.52 (HAMAHAMA P27E) Photo shop £17.50 per month (License fee) Apple Macs £899.00 (one off cost) Bass Electric Guitars £459.00 Microphones £79.00 Microphone stand £12.90 Wi fi foc
  • 14. Budget plan Staff Salaries Annual Cost Year 1 Annual Cost Year 2 Comments Editor 45,000.00 46,350.00 Dependent on experience - 3% increase for year 2 Deputy Editor 30,000.00 30,900.00 Dependent on experience Reviews Editor 25,000.00 25,750.00 Dependent on experience Reviews Editor 25,000.00 25,750.00 Dependent on experience Designer 25,000.00 25,750.00 Dependent on experience Business Development Manager 30,000.00 30,900.00 Dependent on experience Freelance Journalist x 3 at £20k 60,000.00 61,800.00 Dependent on experience Freelance Photographer x1 15,000.00 15,450.00 Dependent on experience Total Salaries 255,000.00 262,650.00 Annualised
  • 15. Feedback  After receiving feedback on my budget plan, I incorporated some additional costs that hadn’t previously been considered and I re-examined the cost model to ensure that there was still a solid business case for the magazine. I modified the equipment costs, reviewed advertising income (benchmarking the revenue against similar products) and examined other revenue streams.  One important area of feedback was to examine other income streams and I have investigated running competitions for the reader to win tickets by entering at a low price point – even recovering costs through telephone entry.
  • 16. Screenshot of printing costs from my presentation This was initially wrong. – THEN the correct breakdown on the NEXT slide
  • 17. This was initially wrong. – THEN the correct breakdown on the NEXT slide
  • 18. Outgoings Costs per year One off Annualised 10,000 copies 15000 copies Year 1 Year 2 Salaries 255,000.00 262,650.00 Printing 8,538.00 12,807.00 £8,538 for 10,000 copies Marketing and Distribution 12,000.00 18,000.00 Office Costs 19,200.00 19,200.00 £1,600 per month IT Equipment 15,429.00 5,210.00 5,210.00 Annualised license costs at £17.50 per month + £5k per year hosting Total Costs per year 15,429.00 299,948.00 317,867.00 Monthly Cost 24,995.67 26,488.92
  • 19. Income Income per year Magazine Sales 358,800.00 538,200.00 Year 1, 10,000 X £2.99 - Year 2, 15,000 * £2.99 Advertising 45,375.00 81,675.00 —1 page of Advertisement= £756.25 —4 pages X £756.25= £3,025 Total annual Income 404,175.00 619,875.00 Monthly income 33,681.25 51,656.25 Total costs are £24,995 per month (£2.50 per copy) Total income is £33,681 per month (£3.37 per copy) Margin £3.37 - £2.50 – 87p per copy (£8,700 per 10,000 copies - £104,400 in year 1) Income – Outgoings = £104,400 profit in year 1
  • 20. Calendar events  The magazine will be released on the 1st August 2015 to make sure the readers gets a good summer vibe with the magazine.  There will be up coming events such as the gigs with the bands that are featured in the magazine, for example posters that are used to feature the bands. Also the band COASTS gig dates are all in the magazine in the front.  The second page gives you all the information on where, when and what time the featured bands are playing. This is a good way of promoting the bands as they will have more people turning up to their Gigs.
  • 21. Calendar events  The magazine gets the income from the bands paying to have the dates. I have found a websites online that allows you to be able to send the add that you have created for the magazine. They are called specle which gives you the wide range of magazine for you to choose from. This is where my magazine will end up being on, then the bands will be able to have he advertisement of their gigs in my magazine located on the second page. Source : publishing
  • 22. IPSO  This is a company that handles complaints about the media that may in any way have offended you in any w ay of from. This could be classed as being racist or even being too stereo typical toward people . IPSO give you the voice so that you can be heard for the complaints' because of it being a huge company. They offer you the guidance and support for your concern about the editors that you have been offended by. You have to fill out this form that you provide online so that they know what they are dealing with online before that go through the process of the complaints. They are based within the UK and are only there for the public. The overall objective for this company is to make sure that the media have the standards at the correct level for the public. Bellow is the screen shot of the website and the information that I used for this assignment.  1. Initial assessment 2. Referral to the publication 3. The investigation 4. Adjudication by the Complaints Committee 5. Remedies 6. Review of the process 7. Complaints which are not pursued 8. Unacceptable behaviour by complainants and vexatious complaints ml
  • 23. Making a Complaint  When you want to make a complaint you must go online to a website called . This website deals with all magazine publishing complaints. They ask you to fill out a few questions to see how the codes have been breached in the complaint you have made. They then make you upload a file to show your complaint. This can be done through a JPG,PNG,PDF or DOCX.
  • 24. IPSO- Codes to consider  Accuracy- when I publish my magazine I need to make sure that the information that has been published is accurate. This will include information such as publishing wrong GIG dates in the magazine. People would then go to the IPSO website to make a complaint about the incorrect date.  Confidential sources- The journalists for my magazine need to make sure that they are getting the correct information from reliable sources. For example when interviewing a band member. The journalist has to make sure that the band member is the actual band member.  Financial journalism-”Even where the law does not prohibit it, journalists must not use for their own profit financial information they receive in advance of its general publication, nor should they pass such information to others”. This means that the money that is being made for the interview goes to the magazine and not individual staff.  Source :
  • 25. Legal and ethical issues Intellectual property (IP) • IP is a term used that refers to the creation of the intellect for which a monopoly is assigned to designated owners by law. • This means that if a person invents or creates something, they are entitled to own the IP. • Some common types of intellectual property rights (IPR) are copyright, patents, and design rights. IPR also covers the rights that protect trademarks. IPR can cover music, literature, and other artistic works; discoveries and inventions; words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Source: property-office
  • 26. Copyright and Trade marks  When a piece of work is created by someone, they have the right to own it and stop it being copied. The owner of the copyright has the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc. Original works created today are protected for the lifetime of the author or creator and for a period of 50 years after his or her death. For example you cant take someone's song that they have written and then make another version of it without the creators permission. The original artists has the right to own it and therefore cant be taken.  Trade marks are logos or words that specifically identify anything. Once a trademark has been produced and registered, they belong to the business. If the trade mark has been made and then registered and checked it will then have a ‘®’on top of the trade mark. In the magazine industry making sure that you have all the rights covered is important. The law is in place to make sure that the magazine will not lose the money because of other magazine’s taking the originals magazines idea. Source-   Rights cover: The law gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical, artistic works, sound recordings, broadcasts, films and typographical arrangement of published editions, rights to control the ways in which their material may be used. The rights cover; broadcast and public performance, copying, adapting, issuing, renting and lending copies to the public. In many cases, the creator will also have the right to be identified as the author and to object to distortions of his work.  International conventions give protection in most countries, subject to national laws. Types of work protected: 1. Literary song lyrics, manuscripts, manuals, computer programs, commercial documents, leaflets, newsletters & articles etc. 2. Artistic photography, painting, sculptures, architecture, technical drawings/diagrams, maps, logos. 3. Typographical arrangement of published editions magazines, periodicals, etc.  The Copyright (Computer Programs) Regulations 1992 extended the rules covering literary works to include computer programs.  The magazine would have to ensure that they do not inform any laws above. The magazine (See image above) is a registered trademark name so use of the identity would require permission from the institution and publisher.
  • 27. Legal and Ethical  When producing my magazine there are many things that the magazine has to be aware of before I can start to sell the publications.  Copyright is the main issue within the magazine industry today. Copyright is illegal because in basic terms it means that you are stealing media pictures or even text from other sources of the media. For example taking a picture of a celebrity and not asking for permission would be classed as breach of copyright.  Copying and pasting text from an online magazine and then putting it in your magazine would also be classed as breach of copyright. This can be addressed by using an embedded watermark so that anything copied from the internet cannot be reproduced without this watermark.  Within my magazine I also need to aware of any content that could be considered discriminatory or politically incorrect. The ethical issues in todays society are mostly around race and equality,For example if you put on the front cover of a magazine a white or black individual, and then use wording that could be considered offensive, this could be legally challenged. People can be offended and may sue the magazine.  My magazine will have to be very careful what we are writing to avoid any legal action. Source:
  • 28. Legal Process  How do I register copyright, trademarks – process and forms to complete  If you are looking to make sure that you have a legal trademark registered you have to log on to an internet website, this website is called the Trademarkhub. They have a 99% success rate which means that they have had successful trade marks that have been registered.  Source:
  • 29. Data protection act  The data protection act controls the personal information Is used for the magazine. This is a legislation that came into the law in the year 1998. this is an act of parliament that will follow procedures to keep personal data safe from other people using it. It provides a way for you to be in control for who sees the data for the magazine.  Source :
  • 30. Protecting the IP for Rock Dance  Making sure that the IP for Rock Dance magazine is very important to make sure its been protected. This is a very valuable commodity to keep safe from copyright. A website called Intellectual property magazine allows you to create your own account. Within this account you can keep safe all the registered trade marks and copy rights. This website is in use of the EU which means that Rock Dance are able to use the website to keep the IP protected. You will be given a 7 day free access when you set up your account. Within the sign up to the website they give you a detailed guide to how you should be protecting your, Trademark, Design and strategy. Source: http://www.intellectualpropertym ip-in-the-cloud-110081.htm
  • 31. IPSO- Legal & Ethical impact Rock Sound  Accuracy- when Rock Dance publish their magazine they need to make sure that the information that has been published is accurate. This will include information such as publishing wrong GIG dates in the magazine. People would then go to the IPSO website to make an complaint about the incorrect date.  Confidential sources- My journalists for Rock Dance need to make sure that they are getting the correct information from reliable sources. For example when interviewing a band member. The journalist has to make sure that the band member is the actual band member.  Discrimination- My magazine must not have any reference to an individual's, race, colour, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or to any physical or mental illness or disability. This can be shown through images and other quotes within interviews.  Source :
  • 32. IP Permission for Logos  Within my magazine there will be social media logos placed around, this will be to help promote my magazine on social media and encourage viral marketing. To use a social media logo that isn't legally mine I have to either buy the rights to have it or ask permission. If I used Facebooks ident without permission I would then be facing fines and possibly prison. directly to see if I'm allowed to use their logo in my magazine. 
  • 33. How to get Permission to use Facebook’s Logo Because I am having the Facebook logo in my magazine I need to get some permission to use it. To do this you simply type into Google “permission to use Facebook’s logo”. This will then take you to a page as displayed below on the left hand side of the slide. You must first choose an option for how you would like to use the logo. For example, having it downloaded online or having it printed off. The next step is to read the guide lines that have been written out by Facebook. The guidelines explain what you can do and what you cant do with the logo. Once you have read this information you are able to download the logo by clicking download. Source:
  • 34. Register Trade Mark  If you have made a design or a logo and what to legally own it you have to register it on the website. The government have a intellectual property office to assess your application. The office will be able to tell you if the application you have sent them meets the rules for the registration. This is where I will need to send my music magazine Rock Dance off to. The cost of this registration will cost £170. If the application then meets the rules and regulations then the government will send you the rights for you to own the trade mark. This will mean no one can legally copy my logo design.
  • 35. Water Marks  This is when a piece of work created by someone has the right to own it and therefore cant be copied. For example you cant take someone's song that they had written and then make another version of it. The original artists has the right to own it and therefore cant be taken. If this is the case of taking a song then selling it the artists then has the right to take the legal action that is required.  Source-
  • 36. Press complaints commission Here you are also allowed to be able to make the complaints about what the magazine has In anyway had any offence on you. They deal with things such as the pictures, text and even colour for the magazine. This is where I made my complaint about the magazine about. They then explain when you will hear back from them and talk about how they are able to deal with the situation. This is based In the UK and as I have sown it is free to use online. complaints/makingaco mplaint.html