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Marketing and PR Presentation
Artist Profile
Name: Henry-Maitland-Clark
Age: 25
Album: Nobody Has Thought
Previous releases: He had a previous ep out named ‘one single error’ with
the single ‘reason in madness’.
Genre: indie/rock
Style: Alternative
Contemporaries: Kodaline, Imagine Dragons, Hozier
What are the objectives for this project?
For this project I want to create a clear image for my artist, and to establish the audience and the kind of media platforms
that his style of music aims at. As I have put him as just starting out his career in music with only an ep, this means I need to
define what else he could potentially do and what sort of music was on his ep. I want to also decide what kind of ways his
fans could reach his music and where he could potentially be advertised.
Who do you want to target?
The target audience for this artist is generally people around his own age so around 20-25 on average. This age range
means advertising on quite a few different platforms but mainly online as this age have access to the internet constantly
through phones, laptops and tablets. I am going to need to target people that are interested in indie-rock music and to do this
I can look at other bands fan base that play a similar style of music.
How many records do you want to sell?
As he is a fairly new artist and very new to the music industry, it means his name isn’t as well known as others. This
obviously means that the amount of sales is going to be lower that popular artists already out there, for the first official album
after the release of his ep I would like to see 2500 – 3000 sales with the right advertising.
What would make this a successful exercise?
The target is to sell around 3000 records, however outdoing this target would be a way to get his music out there and get
much more awareness and popularity from his target audience. To achieve this, a lot of advertising would need to be carried
out in areas where his target audience can see it. He also needs to have lots of gigs and possibly be a supporting act for
other artists and bands to get noticed and gain publicity and fans of his music.
Keep your targets smart.
• Specific: Is there a clear aim
• Measureable: How will you measure the effect?
• Achievable: Is it something that you can do?
• Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen?
• Time-related: Are there timescales for your project?
Who is the audience for this band?
The audience for this artist is fans of indie/rock music and possibly soul as he has the same sort of voice
and style of music as Hozier. The audience has to be a fan of acoustic music as this is the style of music
that he plays.
What age are they?
The ages of the target audience ranges quite a lot however the main sort of age range is from around 20-
25 with some younger and older. The ages range a lot due to his style of music and also the media
platforms he is played on. He will be played on channels such as bbc radio 1 which reaches a really vast
What do they look like?
His audience are both male and female with a slightly larger amount of females but not by much. They are
young and have a typical indie look at student age. The typical audience for this artist are pictured below;
Who else do they like?
His typical audience enjoys going to festivals, gigs and concerts and has a love for acoustic music and
guitars in particular. They enjoy music such as Hozier, Imagine Dragons, Kodaline and Ed Sheeran.
What media will you use and why? Be specific about the platforms you will use.
His songs would also be up on YouTube as this is a great platform to get lots of people from all over the world interested in
his music. Also there are many influential you tubers that have millions of followers that could be a great way to get his name
out there as they commonly share their ‘favourites’ of the month including what music they have been listening to. One you
tuber even has his own app in which he uploads his current favourite music so this could be a great way to get his name
noticed. I think a large part of the media we would use would be radio as this is something people are still interested in and it
still has such a large following of fans and such a huge audience which would be great for a new artist. There is also social
media such as facebook, twitter, snapchat, vines and instagram that get the artist involved with his fans and help to create a
following of fans who like his image as on all of these different media platforms you are able to post videos which he could
do of him singing.
What magazines might they get in to?
He would appear in music magazines mainly in things such as Q, and NME and potentially in magazines more specified for
women as in many fashion magazines they also include music sections that include music very similar to his style.
What TV channels would they be on?
Music channels would be a main priority as this is a way a lot of people listen to music when they are at home so this is a
way for more people to notice him which will in turn help him to build up a fan base. He could also appear on chat shows as
many artists such as Ed Sheeran in particular have been involved with many chat shows, largely in America to build up his
fan base their so on shows such as ‘Ellen’ and ‘Jimmy Kimmel’.
Which radio stations would play their music?
Radios like BBC radio one would play his music as it goes well with the majority of the other artists and bands that they play
now, he would also be played on their new comers show and possibly one of the live lounges they do. If he wasn’t the main
singer on the live lounge, he could potentially sing along side someone a little more well known as this would gain more
attention and popularity.
Who would they give interviews to?
Henry M Clark would be giving interviews to the music magazines he is featured in so things like Q magazine. Also radio
interviews on BBC radio one as they regularly get new artists on the show who they think have the potential to do well in the
industry in order to advertise and promote their music.
Which forms of social media would you use and how would you use social media?
It is really common for celebrities to use social media as a way to promote themselves and in a way connect and speak with
their fans. To promote Henry Maitland Clark I would use a large range of social medias in order to connect with a wider
audience and also the audience we are appealing to is students who typically are always on social media. I would use sites
such as twitter, YouTube, instagram, Tumblr, facebook and vine. All of these are some of the most popular of the social
media sites and I feel that these are the most likely to help promote him as they all have the option of posting videos which
could be good in order to send out little clips of him singing to his fans.
Be really specific here and plan the social media campaign. Consider the different platforms available and
how you would use them to reach your audience.
I would use twitter as a way to talk with his fans and have the opportunity to ask questions whether it’s about his music or
personal life as this is a way for his audience to learn more about him. Instagram would be used to post pictures, show
album art and get his audience excited about upcoming music, it would also give his fans a glimpse in to his everyday life
with pictures posted throughout the day. He would also post short video clips of him singing, whether it’s covers or his own
stuff. Tumblr can be used as a blog and is a great way to answer questions as many people write in and ask questions using
this media platform. You can also post pictures and use it in a fairly similar way to instagram. YouTube is great for posting full
length songs and gaining subscribers and a good audience through, it is also a way for him to talk to his fans properly
instead of writing messages back to them through the other social media platforms. Facebook will be used for
announcements as it has so many people using the site that many people will be able to receive updates about him and his
music. Vine is good for posting roughly 30 second clips which can be really fun for the audience to watch and a good way to
advertise his music and singing capabilities. There is also a lot of success stories for singers using vine as a platform for
their music and some have gained fame and millions of followers through it. All of these media platforms are really well linked
with the age range I have selected for this artist as the majority will be using at least one of these sites.
On each of the sites we will hold competitions – all music related in order to win tickets to come to one of his gigs as this can
generate publicity and attention from his audience and also make it fun for his fans to get involved. We will create hashtags
that link with the competition so that more people can find it.
What merchandise would you use to promote this band?
To promote Henry I would create merchandise that is going to specifically attract his audience so I think
that hoodies and jumpers are a main area that would potentially create a lot more attention and popularity. I
think this as the stereotypical image of his audience being a student, indie/rock fan they typically wear
jumpers or hoodies much more than for example a more mature audience. I also think that beanie hats
would be a good direction for his merchandise as this is also a very stereotypical item of clothing that they
would wear and also attracts other people to it. The merchandise should be simple with only his name or
his initials somewhere on the clothing as due to it being someone's name instead of for example a band
name it may seem strange for it to be very large across the front of the item. I would also include some part
of the album art, as if there was a logo that was used on it then this would be included on the merchandise
also. I think that clothing is the best way to go with this particular artist as with the use of social media now
people post pictures of their outfits or new clothes all the time so in a way it promotes him even further as
his fans will most likely take pictures of the merchandise themselves as well as just promoting it as they
walk around with other people seeing his name on their clothes.
Manage the message
What is the message you want to communicate about this band?
I want to promote the message that he’s a new artist with a lot of potential and a great style of music that is perfectly
targeted to his audience, the main message is that his music is something that you want to listen to. Appearing on things like
chat shows and radio shows is a way to show that his music is good and something that people enjoy, which can then in turn
help him to build up a bigger fan base.
What is the main selling point of the band and the album?
The main selling point is his unique voice with the classic sound of his acoustic guitar. His voice is something different from
anyone that is already out there making music and that’s why people enjoy listening to him. His voice is a combination of
many different popular artist already out there as he takes influence from many artists and bands that he enjoys. The album
features his own music written by him with a few covers of songs that he has completely changed to suit his own style and
voice. He has also featured some other established artists in the album including Ben Howard and some new artists like
James Bay. As the artist will be very much involved with BBC radio one and the DJ’s on this station there will also be quotes
from some of them on the advertising of the album to generate a buzz and excitement from potential fans and his existing
audience. Quotes such as, “this album is epic. A must have for all music lovers” – Zane Lowe and “classic, chilled, definitely
one to watch” – Fearne Cotton. These kind of quotes help to excite the audience the artist already has and also get more
listeners of the radio station to want to buy his album as they are more likely to trust their opinion. Having influential DJ’s like
these is a really good way to increase the amount of sales for the album and also the popularity of the artist as it creates the
impression that the artist has a lot of potential and the idea that he must be good if these popular and well known DJ’s are
saying he is. The album will be advertised everywhere and these kind of quotes will also be on all of the advertisements so
that a wide audience are shown the praise for the album which kind of encourages more people to go out and buy it.
Every marketing and PR campaign uses hyperbole. Its role is to make things seem better than they really
are by using exaggeration and emotive words or imagery.
What are the words you will use? What words will help you sell and will appeal to your audience?
In order to create an advertising campaign that is going to increase sales and encourage possible sceptical
people to go out and purchase this album and listen to the artists music you need to ensure the right
language is used. The language must be very persuasive and exaggerated so use of hyperbole is key in
the advertising stage. To help the album sell I am going to be using words such as, ‘epic’, ‘classic’,
‘incredible’. These kind of words make the album appear to be potentially better than it actually is and
encourages more people to spend the money on buying it. This kind of language is even more effective if
used in a quote, whether it’s from a music critic or an established DJ as these kind of people have a great
amount of influence over the public and can change their opinions very easily by the review they give of
the album. If the words they use are really positive and give the album a lot of praise, the amount of sales
is much more likely to increase. The words I have selected as example make the album sound like
something that shouldn’t be ignored or missed by anyone which is great for persuading the audience.
What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album?
I would definitely organise lots of small gigs where he could perform and get some excitement around the release of the
album, I also think that touring with more well known and established artists or bands would be a good idea as this just gets
his name out there to more people who will then know about his new album. Going on tour with such an influential and
popular artist or band is a great way to advertise his own music, if he went on tour with someone that had similar music to
him this could work even better as the fans of the more established artist are much more likely to then enjoy his music also.
A possible meet and greet could also be a good idea as then he would get the chance to actually talk to his fans about his
album, discuss release dates and have an actual conversation with them instead of just talking through social media. There
is then also the potential to do a signing once the album has been released as the fans will then know what he’s like and
hopefully even more people will come, this would be done at a small selection of music stores. This would boost sales and
also generate publicity. Henry could also possibly perform secret gigs that only a selection of people are invited to attend,
this could include fans that are subscribed to him for example on YouTube and then are picked out at random with the
chance to bring one extra person. The gig would be kept secret as would the location. This would just make it much more fun
for the fans and also gives them a chance to listen to a sneak preview of his upcoming album. Influential bloggers/vloggers
and youtbers could also be invited to attend as they have a lot of influence over their subscribers. For example there are
youtubers with over 33 million subscribers and have a good chance of persuading their followers to go and listen to Henry's
music. TV chat shows are a great way to generate publicity and to advertise the album to a large audience, the chat shows
could include here in the UK and in America as if he is a part of so many social media sites it is very likely that a large
percentage of his fans are from the US. If he is on a popular chat show it increases the size of his audience and the fans of
his music as so many more people are getting the chance to see him if they don’t have social media sites for example. He
can also perform on the chat shows as many musicians do so then his audience or potential new fans can see him in
conversation and his personality and also his music and his voice.
Internal motivation
What is the motivation behind this project?
I am personally motivated by this project as I believe that the artist, Henry has music that a lot of people
will enjoy, it is different from anything else out there and I know that it will appeal to a lot of people. I think
that he has the potential to do extremely well in the music industry as his voice is suited to a wide variety of
music genres, meaning it reaches a much larger audience. I think that Henry could definitely go on to be
played more and more on the radio and potentially take part in his own live lounge performance for more
exposure. I also think that he has the potential to go to create songs for popular TV shows and also films
as it would suit many different styles, genres and audiences.
What is it an important project for you?
I think that the most important project for me is generating more publicity and also helping him to create a
larger fan base as I think that advertising him and his music is the main priority and it is what will help him
to sell records and do well in this industry. I think that advertising of him as a brand is so important as it is
the reason he will then have a fan base which generates more publicity and enables him to sell and create
more records. The advertising in my eyes is the most crucial stage of the project as it is the stage when it
can either make or break the artist, I think that the ways in which I have stated to advertise him will work
really well as it means pairing up with a lot of other artists and also working with radio stations and TV
channels to ensure lots of publicity is created surrounding him.
Why is it an important project for the band?
It is most important for the artist, Henry Maitland Clark as he is a newcomer to the music industry and
hasn’t yet been established meaning he doesn’t know what to do and needs the help of a PR company to
help him gain recognition. As a new artist it is extremely hard to be noticed and without help it
Could be potentially impossible to get media attention and to work with artists and bands that
Are already out there in the industry.
Motivation of media
Why would the media be interested in this project?
As I am involving other artists, some of which are already established in the music industry themselves it
makes it much more likely for the media to be very interested and intrigued by this new artist. There
already tends to be a buzz and excitement around new artist especially as the media includes up comers
in magazines and on the radio which helps to intrigue both the media and also potential fans of the music
being advertised. The fans are a big part of intriguing the media as if a massive group of people are
suddenly excited about a new album release of a fairly new artist in the music industry, the media are then
going to want to know who that person is and why they are creating such excitement among their fans for
their music. I am also involving the BBC radio one as they regularly have BBC introducing stage at
festivals and also feature new artists on their station all the time to show off ‘ones to watch’ to their
listeners and to basically give the artists a platform to build from. Having DJ’s such as Fearne Cotton and
Zane Lowe who are very well recognised in the music industry on the side of the artist and willing to
promote them in advertising and on their radio shows will help to interest the media as well as they will
want to know if the artist is really as good as they say they are.
Which parts of the media or media products (be specific) would be
interested in the project?
I think that mainly magazines and radio would be most interested as magazines like to get exclusive
interviews for example from new artists/bands and people that they believe are going to one day be big in
the industry. They like to keep an eye on potential stars as they can then be the first to release stories
about them or involve them in their magazine to gain popularity for themselves. TV is also an example of
an area of media that would be interested in this project as a new artist that can generate lots
Of positive publicity is also good for their shows, for example chat shows. Finally I think that
Radio would be very interested in playing his music if the advertising wad good enough as they
Want to be the first to play an artists music and get the exclusive on the new artists. 12
Promotional Materials
Now you have the plans in place, choose some of the following items to
produce for your band:
• Album packaging
• T-shirt design
• Tour poster
• Web site mock up
• Social Media Mock up

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The Challenger.pdf DNHS Official Publication

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  • 1. Marketing and PR Presentation
  • 2. Artist Profile Name: Henry-Maitland-Clark Age: 25 Album: Nobody Has Thought Previous releases: He had a previous ep out named ‘one single error’ with the single ‘reason in madness’. Genre: indie/rock Style: Alternative Contemporaries: Kodaline, Imagine Dragons, Hozier 2
  • 3. Objectives What are the objectives for this project? For this project I want to create a clear image for my artist, and to establish the audience and the kind of media platforms that his style of music aims at. As I have put him as just starting out his career in music with only an ep, this means I need to define what else he could potentially do and what sort of music was on his ep. I want to also decide what kind of ways his fans could reach his music and where he could potentially be advertised. Who do you want to target? The target audience for this artist is generally people around his own age so around 20-25 on average. This age range means advertising on quite a few different platforms but mainly online as this age have access to the internet constantly through phones, laptops and tablets. I am going to need to target people that are interested in indie-rock music and to do this I can look at other bands fan base that play a similar style of music. How many records do you want to sell? As he is a fairly new artist and very new to the music industry, it means his name isn’t as well known as others. This obviously means that the amount of sales is going to be lower that popular artists already out there, for the first official album after the release of his ep I would like to see 2500 – 3000 sales with the right advertising. What would make this a successful exercise? The target is to sell around 3000 records, however outdoing this target would be a way to get his music out there and get much more awareness and popularity from his target audience. To achieve this, a lot of advertising would need to be carried out in areas where his target audience can see it. He also needs to have lots of gigs and possibly be a supporting act for other artists and bands to get noticed and gain publicity and fans of his music. Keep your targets smart. • Specific: Is there a clear aim • Measureable: How will you measure the effect? • Achievable: Is it something that you can do? • Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen? • Time-related: Are there timescales for your project? 3
  • 4. Audience Who is the audience for this band? The audience for this artist is fans of indie/rock music and possibly soul as he has the same sort of voice and style of music as Hozier. The audience has to be a fan of acoustic music as this is the style of music that he plays. What age are they? The ages of the target audience ranges quite a lot however the main sort of age range is from around 20- 25 with some younger and older. The ages range a lot due to his style of music and also the media platforms he is played on. He will be played on channels such as bbc radio 1 which reaches a really vast audience. What do they look like? His audience are both male and female with a slightly larger amount of females but not by much. They are young and have a typical indie look at student age. The typical audience for this artist are pictured below; Who else do they like? His typical audience enjoys going to festivals, gigs and concerts and has a love for acoustic music and guitars in particular. They enjoy music such as Hozier, Imagine Dragons, Kodaline and Ed Sheeran. 4
  • 5. Media What media will you use and why? Be specific about the platforms you will use. His songs would also be up on YouTube as this is a great platform to get lots of people from all over the world interested in his music. Also there are many influential you tubers that have millions of followers that could be a great way to get his name out there as they commonly share their ‘favourites’ of the month including what music they have been listening to. One you tuber even has his own app in which he uploads his current favourite music so this could be a great way to get his name noticed. I think a large part of the media we would use would be radio as this is something people are still interested in and it still has such a large following of fans and such a huge audience which would be great for a new artist. There is also social media such as facebook, twitter, snapchat, vines and instagram that get the artist involved with his fans and help to create a following of fans who like his image as on all of these different media platforms you are able to post videos which he could do of him singing. What magazines might they get in to? He would appear in music magazines mainly in things such as Q, and NME and potentially in magazines more specified for women as in many fashion magazines they also include music sections that include music very similar to his style. What TV channels would they be on? Music channels would be a main priority as this is a way a lot of people listen to music when they are at home so this is a way for more people to notice him which will in turn help him to build up a fan base. He could also appear on chat shows as many artists such as Ed Sheeran in particular have been involved with many chat shows, largely in America to build up his fan base their so on shows such as ‘Ellen’ and ‘Jimmy Kimmel’. Which radio stations would play their music? Radios like BBC radio one would play his music as it goes well with the majority of the other artists and bands that they play now, he would also be played on their new comers show and possibly one of the live lounges they do. If he wasn’t the main singer on the live lounge, he could potentially sing along side someone a little more well known as this would gain more attention and popularity. Who would they give interviews to? Henry M Clark would be giving interviews to the music magazines he is featured in so things like Q magazine. Also radio interviews on BBC radio one as they regularly get new artists on the show who they think have the potential to do well in the industry in order to advertise and promote their music. 5
  • 6. Media Which forms of social media would you use and how would you use social media? It is really common for celebrities to use social media as a way to promote themselves and in a way connect and speak with their fans. To promote Henry Maitland Clark I would use a large range of social medias in order to connect with a wider audience and also the audience we are appealing to is students who typically are always on social media. I would use sites such as twitter, YouTube, instagram, Tumblr, facebook and vine. All of these are some of the most popular of the social media sites and I feel that these are the most likely to help promote him as they all have the option of posting videos which could be good in order to send out little clips of him singing to his fans. Be really specific here and plan the social media campaign. Consider the different platforms available and how you would use them to reach your audience. I would use twitter as a way to talk with his fans and have the opportunity to ask questions whether it’s about his music or personal life as this is a way for his audience to learn more about him. Instagram would be used to post pictures, show album art and get his audience excited about upcoming music, it would also give his fans a glimpse in to his everyday life with pictures posted throughout the day. He would also post short video clips of him singing, whether it’s covers or his own stuff. Tumblr can be used as a blog and is a great way to answer questions as many people write in and ask questions using this media platform. You can also post pictures and use it in a fairly similar way to instagram. YouTube is great for posting full length songs and gaining subscribers and a good audience through, it is also a way for him to talk to his fans properly instead of writing messages back to them through the other social media platforms. Facebook will be used for announcements as it has so many people using the site that many people will be able to receive updates about him and his music. Vine is good for posting roughly 30 second clips which can be really fun for the audience to watch and a good way to advertise his music and singing capabilities. There is also a lot of success stories for singers using vine as a platform for their music and some have gained fame and millions of followers through it. All of these media platforms are really well linked with the age range I have selected for this artist as the majority will be using at least one of these sites. On each of the sites we will hold competitions – all music related in order to win tickets to come to one of his gigs as this can generate publicity and attention from his audience and also make it fun for his fans to get involved. We will create hashtags that link with the competition so that more people can find it. 6
  • 7. Merchandise What merchandise would you use to promote this band? To promote Henry I would create merchandise that is going to specifically attract his audience so I think that hoodies and jumpers are a main area that would potentially create a lot more attention and popularity. I think this as the stereotypical image of his audience being a student, indie/rock fan they typically wear jumpers or hoodies much more than for example a more mature audience. I also think that beanie hats would be a good direction for his merchandise as this is also a very stereotypical item of clothing that they would wear and also attracts other people to it. The merchandise should be simple with only his name or his initials somewhere on the clothing as due to it being someone's name instead of for example a band name it may seem strange for it to be very large across the front of the item. I would also include some part of the album art, as if there was a logo that was used on it then this would be included on the merchandise also. I think that clothing is the best way to go with this particular artist as with the use of social media now people post pictures of their outfits or new clothes all the time so in a way it promotes him even further as his fans will most likely take pictures of the merchandise themselves as well as just promoting it as they walk around with other people seeing his name on their clothes. 7
  • 8. Manage the message What is the message you want to communicate about this band? I want to promote the message that he’s a new artist with a lot of potential and a great style of music that is perfectly targeted to his audience, the main message is that his music is something that you want to listen to. Appearing on things like chat shows and radio shows is a way to show that his music is good and something that people enjoy, which can then in turn help him to build up a bigger fan base. What is the main selling point of the band and the album? The main selling point is his unique voice with the classic sound of his acoustic guitar. His voice is something different from anyone that is already out there making music and that’s why people enjoy listening to him. His voice is a combination of many different popular artist already out there as he takes influence from many artists and bands that he enjoys. The album features his own music written by him with a few covers of songs that he has completely changed to suit his own style and voice. He has also featured some other established artists in the album including Ben Howard and some new artists like James Bay. As the artist will be very much involved with BBC radio one and the DJ’s on this station there will also be quotes from some of them on the advertising of the album to generate a buzz and excitement from potential fans and his existing audience. Quotes such as, “this album is epic. A must have for all music lovers” – Zane Lowe and “classic, chilled, definitely one to watch” – Fearne Cotton. These kind of quotes help to excite the audience the artist already has and also get more listeners of the radio station to want to buy his album as they are more likely to trust their opinion. Having influential DJ’s like these is a really good way to increase the amount of sales for the album and also the popularity of the artist as it creates the impression that the artist has a lot of potential and the idea that he must be good if these popular and well known DJ’s are saying he is. The album will be advertised everywhere and these kind of quotes will also be on all of the advertisements so that a wide audience are shown the praise for the album which kind of encourages more people to go out and buy it. 8
  • 9. Hyperbole Every marketing and PR campaign uses hyperbole. Its role is to make things seem better than they really are by using exaggeration and emotive words or imagery. What are the words you will use? What words will help you sell and will appeal to your audience? In order to create an advertising campaign that is going to increase sales and encourage possible sceptical people to go out and purchase this album and listen to the artists music you need to ensure the right language is used. The language must be very persuasive and exaggerated so use of hyperbole is key in the advertising stage. To help the album sell I am going to be using words such as, ‘epic’, ‘classic’, ‘incredible’. These kind of words make the album appear to be potentially better than it actually is and encourages more people to spend the money on buying it. This kind of language is even more effective if used in a quote, whether it’s from a music critic or an established DJ as these kind of people have a great amount of influence over the public and can change their opinions very easily by the review they give of the album. If the words they use are really positive and give the album a lot of praise, the amount of sales is much more likely to increase. The words I have selected as example make the album sound like something that shouldn’t be ignored or missed by anyone which is great for persuading the audience. 9
  • 10. Events What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album? I would definitely organise lots of small gigs where he could perform and get some excitement around the release of the album, I also think that touring with more well known and established artists or bands would be a good idea as this just gets his name out there to more people who will then know about his new album. Going on tour with such an influential and popular artist or band is a great way to advertise his own music, if he went on tour with someone that had similar music to him this could work even better as the fans of the more established artist are much more likely to then enjoy his music also. A possible meet and greet could also be a good idea as then he would get the chance to actually talk to his fans about his album, discuss release dates and have an actual conversation with them instead of just talking through social media. There is then also the potential to do a signing once the album has been released as the fans will then know what he’s like and hopefully even more people will come, this would be done at a small selection of music stores. This would boost sales and also generate publicity. Henry could also possibly perform secret gigs that only a selection of people are invited to attend, this could include fans that are subscribed to him for example on YouTube and then are picked out at random with the chance to bring one extra person. The gig would be kept secret as would the location. This would just make it much more fun for the fans and also gives them a chance to listen to a sneak preview of his upcoming album. Influential bloggers/vloggers and youtbers could also be invited to attend as they have a lot of influence over their subscribers. For example there are youtubers with over 33 million subscribers and have a good chance of persuading their followers to go and listen to Henry's music. TV chat shows are a great way to generate publicity and to advertise the album to a large audience, the chat shows could include here in the UK and in America as if he is a part of so many social media sites it is very likely that a large percentage of his fans are from the US. If he is on a popular chat show it increases the size of his audience and the fans of his music as so many more people are getting the chance to see him if they don’t have social media sites for example. He can also perform on the chat shows as many musicians do so then his audience or potential new fans can see him in conversation and his personality and also his music and his voice. 10
  • 11. Internal motivation What is the motivation behind this project? I am personally motivated by this project as I believe that the artist, Henry has music that a lot of people will enjoy, it is different from anything else out there and I know that it will appeal to a lot of people. I think that he has the potential to do extremely well in the music industry as his voice is suited to a wide variety of music genres, meaning it reaches a much larger audience. I think that Henry could definitely go on to be played more and more on the radio and potentially take part in his own live lounge performance for more exposure. I also think that he has the potential to go to create songs for popular TV shows and also films as it would suit many different styles, genres and audiences. What is it an important project for you? I think that the most important project for me is generating more publicity and also helping him to create a larger fan base as I think that advertising him and his music is the main priority and it is what will help him to sell records and do well in this industry. I think that advertising of him as a brand is so important as it is the reason he will then have a fan base which generates more publicity and enables him to sell and create more records. The advertising in my eyes is the most crucial stage of the project as it is the stage when it can either make or break the artist, I think that the ways in which I have stated to advertise him will work really well as it means pairing up with a lot of other artists and also working with radio stations and TV channels to ensure lots of publicity is created surrounding him. Why is it an important project for the band? It is most important for the artist, Henry Maitland Clark as he is a newcomer to the music industry and hasn’t yet been established meaning he doesn’t know what to do and needs the help of a PR company to help him gain recognition. As a new artist it is extremely hard to be noticed and without help it Could be potentially impossible to get media attention and to work with artists and bands that Are already out there in the industry. 11
  • 12. Motivation of media Why would the media be interested in this project? As I am involving other artists, some of which are already established in the music industry themselves it makes it much more likely for the media to be very interested and intrigued by this new artist. There already tends to be a buzz and excitement around new artist especially as the media includes up comers in magazines and on the radio which helps to intrigue both the media and also potential fans of the music being advertised. The fans are a big part of intriguing the media as if a massive group of people are suddenly excited about a new album release of a fairly new artist in the music industry, the media are then going to want to know who that person is and why they are creating such excitement among their fans for their music. I am also involving the BBC radio one as they regularly have BBC introducing stage at festivals and also feature new artists on their station all the time to show off ‘ones to watch’ to their listeners and to basically give the artists a platform to build from. Having DJ’s such as Fearne Cotton and Zane Lowe who are very well recognised in the music industry on the side of the artist and willing to promote them in advertising and on their radio shows will help to interest the media as well as they will want to know if the artist is really as good as they say they are. Which parts of the media or media products (be specific) would be interested in the project? I think that mainly magazines and radio would be most interested as magazines like to get exclusive interviews for example from new artists/bands and people that they believe are going to one day be big in the industry. They like to keep an eye on potential stars as they can then be the first to release stories about them or involve them in their magazine to gain popularity for themselves. TV is also an example of an area of media that would be interested in this project as a new artist that can generate lots Of positive publicity is also good for their shows, for example chat shows. Finally I think that Radio would be very interested in playing his music if the advertising wad good enough as they Want to be the first to play an artists music and get the exclusive on the new artists. 12
  • 13. Promotional Materials Now you have the plans in place, choose some of the following items to produce for your band: • Album packaging • T-shirt design • Tour poster • Web site mock up • Social Media Mock up 13