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Marketing and PR Presentation
Band Profile
Name: Glendale
Age: Early 30’s
Album: Illusion is the first of all pleasures.
Previous releases: N/A (First Album)
Genre: Folk Rock band
Style: Fusion of Folk and Rock Music
Contemporaries: Mumford and Sons, The Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men.
What are the objectives for this project?
(First year objectives) To develop both the Artist and Product side to the band
Artist Development- Create an image that makes the band stand out from the huge competition. (E.G Mumford and Sons)
Prepare career by identifying specific audience and targeting towards them.
Attract and maintain a good fan base.
Product Development- To put all efforts in ‘Illusion is the first of all pleasures’ album. Focus on the location of the advertisements. Have
posters located in public houses and local billboards.
(Second year objectives) Once a good enough reputation is built, look to joining a well known record label to go to the next level-
Important to start from the bottom, identifying the audience first)
Who do you want to target?
An older audience. Ages from 23 to 30, those that appreciate the folk and rock fusion. To be gender neutral in order to target the mass
market later.
How many records do you want to sell?
2000 in first 2 months. 40,000 in the first year and 100,000 the following year.
What would make this a successful exercise?
By organising to play at an event that the audience is interested in would be a good way of promoting the new album.
For an unveiling of the new album, a possible give away at a shopping centre. Playing some of the most popular songs from the album
could be a way of attracting more people. By getting news coverage could be a way to get the name known nationally.
This is one of the main ways in meeting the targets set, especially the sales.
Who is the audience for this band?
The audience for the band is people aged 23-30. Both genders and those who want to explore more into
the folk style of music. Targeting a more older audience is somewhat difficult with the influence young
people have on the industry, however the more mature demographic have the finances and abilities to
purchase albums and visit gigs more frequently.
Plus, targeting them will make the band more unique and provide a selling point to people within that
audience. With the fusion of both rock and folk, this can explore both genre’s and give the possibility for
more sales.
What do they look like?
The audience will be those of a middle class background and appreciate the older music and its culture
rather than the modern mainstream pop. They will be those who have open minds and are willing to listen
to new bands trying to make it big. Other interests they have will be of attending many music festivals,
enjoying the countryside, literature and films.
In terms of features and audience profile, the people will not be overly fussed about appearance and wear
casual clothes. The variety in instruments used such as the Banjo, upright bass and piano will appeal to
their taste.
The quote‘Illusion is the first of all pleasures’ comes from Oscar Wilde. Many aspects of his life have
inspired the lyrics for the songs created in the album.
What media will you use and why?
The media used will be that of Radio and Print in the form of posters. The audience will listen to the radio,
typically BBC Radio 2 or Folk Alley, whereas a younger audience would listen to the mainstream music on
BBC Radio 1.
By having announcements or new songs from the album played on stations where the audience listen to
can be a great way in promoting the band. Having posters is a much more older way of thinking when
looking at social media sites now. Posters of the UK tour can be a good way to gather more of the
audience together (slide 14)
As the audience will be more focused on literature and the finer things in life, they will not have as much
time for social media. They will be enjoying music.
Possible Magazines the audience could read are that of fRoots and The Living Tradition. These are
popular within the age range and audience. They contain reviews on the latest bands. By having a short
review from someone well known and respected could be a way of getting the name out to the audience.
Possible interviews the band would allow exclusive reach on would be those of a folk or rock magazine
that want to explore more about the life of the individuals. By sharing personal information and beliefs
could enhance the audience’s likes towards the band or grab more people’s attention to the band.
fRoots could have a double page spread about the new album and small pull quotes on the influences
behind the lyrics. Questions asked could be of artists they are trying to emulate or strive to be better than,
how big they want to get, their personal life and how they started off.
Which forms of social media would you use and how would you use social media?
By creating a page on both Facebook and Twitter it would allow you to get the message out to the specific fan base. Once people start
following or ‘like’ the page it is from there when you can look into the audience and see their other tastes. For example if they like
extreme sports, you could organise and event where Glendale plays before the activity starts.
It is important to interact with the audience, through the use of twitter, you can release songs and see what people think, first hand.
Even just replying to many of the audience’s questions could prove to be positive publicity.
A Question and Answer session with the audience is important to show that they are thankful for the support. Having competitions is a
great way to grab the attention of both the audience and others using social media.
Competitions where the prices are to come and see the band. Competitors Mumford and Sons used the same idea when working
Universal Music Irl. The competitions can be set out by having to answer a question about them and the first to reply will win, however
they must use the hashtag created by the band. Having a hashtag can allow the band to instantly read everything that is said about
them. Something such as #GlendalesGifts. Something that can be seen by the audience and make them want to take part.
Another way of promoting the social media pages can be that of a Follow back competition. Something that does not cost the band
anything and that of a non monetary benefit for the fans. By having something such as ‘First 100 people to follow within the next 15
minuets get a follow back’. is a very easy way of gaining people that will see the band. It is from this where everyone will rush to follow
the band.
It is important to not only connect with the audience on social media, but fellow artists and bands that can cross promote each other.
This can be a great way in exploring a large audience. This can be done through a well known band just tweeting ‘Listen to Glendale’s
new Song, I love it’ a small sentence can have large effects on the success of the band.
It is important that all platforms can be seen. For example, once a website is created, include social connect buttons in order for the
audience to look into the band further. Such as ‘Follow Glendale on Twitter, click here’ Making sure all aspects of media are covered is
important, including a YouTube channel link can also provide the viewer with more information on the music.
This should be the same on Twitter and Facebook, have links where it can take the audience to the website. As the audience is one
who enjoys more literature, social media will not be as heavily influential as it can be for a pop group targeting a young age range that
spends over 6 hours a day on the internet.
What merchandise would you use to promote this band?
When looking at the audience and how old they are, it is important to not produce products such as toys, as this will be a
waste of time. The merchandise that could be used is that of T-shirts and other items of clothing that the older audience
between 23-30 will buy and wear, so people can see the name when bumping into the person on the street.
Social media can have a huge impact on sales of merchandise. Here is Mumford and Sons using the page to promote their
own products. On the image on the right you can see that T-Shirts are one of the best ways of merchandise. Having new
products advertised on the right can also be a good way in promotion. The ‘Shield Beer Holder’ makes it clear that the target
is of an older demographic.
Glendale can start to get the name out there once the audience is seen wearing the merchandise. Can be a great way to
boost sales as well as promoting the name. This is a constant benefit as they will always sell.
By creating T-shirts with Hashtags printed on them could be a good way to combine both Mechanising and social media
Manage the message
What is the message you want to communicate about this band?
The message about the band: 4 hardworking individuals that when together produce music that has meaning. A down to
earth band that is still in touch with its fan base and not taken over by the show biz world.
The main selling point of the band: A group of former farmers who never realised how good they were and have now finally
got their break to make it big time. The album ‘Illusion is the first of all pleasures’ has all their thoughts on life up to this point.
Many of the lyrics use phrases and lines from all parts of literature. This appeals to the audience.
The idea behind the music is to offer the audience an alternative to the constant modern pop that is aimed towards young
adults. The reasoning is that when these 4 members were listening to the radio, there was nothing they enjoyed. So they
started singing themselves and were very good.
Using a variety of instruments such as the Banjo and upright bass helps create new, exciting music that gets the listener of
their seat instead of something they expect. The message is that they know targeting an older audience can be harder,
however it is something they want to do. Without Risk it is pointless.
Having all 4 members fairly old when compared to other bands and artists in the industry makes it that much more
interesting to see how they get on.
The challenge of taking on the music industry with relatively no experience is what makes it that much more fun for the
audience. They don’t know what is around the corner, so neither do the listeners.
Critics believe the same: Simon Cowell expressed his thoughts. “I always like to see fresh faces and new artists in the
industry. It is important that we have a wide variety of bands and singers to equate to everyone’s tastes”
Every marketing and PR campaign uses hyperbole. Its role is to make things seem better than they really are by using exaggeration
and emotive words or imagery.
Words used in the promotion of this band have to be that which attract attention to the relatively new alterative of music that has arrived.
The words cannot just be the same cliché’s seen on all albums, they must entice the older listener. Something original that reflects the
Words that will help make sales will be the ones that are appropriate to the audience. Being a more middle class demographic, the
words need to be of length and intellectual, rather than some basic phrases.
Examples of words that could be used are:
“I could listen to that song on repeat for forever”- Something that exaggerates but makes the song look very good.
“Nothing can stop these guys”- Having a critic or someone well known say a quote such as this could help hugely. Again Hyperbole
used as obviously there are many hurdles to jump over to make it within the industry, however it complements their work ethic and drive
to do as well as they can.
Perhaps as the audience is of an intellectual one, and seen as the band’s album is named after an Oscar Wilde quote it could be fitting
to use another poem with hyperbole in it.
This way the marketing campaign can appeal specifically to that audience targeted.
"By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April's breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood And
fired the shot heard round the world.”
By Ralph Waldo Emerson from "The Concord Hymn”
This would be very personal to the band as they were all farmers. By using poems from their past jobs could make them work harder to
remember what an opportunity this is. The idea behind the quote in relation to this band is that, the shot fired and hear around the world
is their music. Being globally known is something of a long term goal and reachable.
What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album?
The promotion of this band is related to the ambition and goals of the band overall. To start small and work up may be seen
as a safe approach, however it is to get the foot in the door. By gathering a small selection of fans they have already
gathered plus their guests can be a way to experiment with new songs and try something new. By attempting to get local
media coverage would expand the audience straight away.
Once they have started to gather a large fan base, only then should they look at taking part in festivals and gigs. By playing
at Glastonbury this would provide media coverage already due to the big bands and artists already attracting it. Being
televised would be a great way for the country to see them.
From this it can only get bigger in terms of promotion, they can speak to radio stations and their reporters, answering
questions on where they see themselves in the future. The promotion can take off through festivals and gigs, as soon as the
audience hear the music and are allowed to see what the band I capable of, then you can target them.
By studying what the audience's interests are can allow the band to know where to feature. As the target audience does not
watch as much television, taking part in a late night chat show is seen as a waste of time as the audience will not see it.
By having a signing session at a music store where they also perform could be a good way to attract publicity as well as
appear to give something back to the fans. Outside HMV in a busy shopping market could be a great way to entice the
public. Also, be giving out free albums in a PR stunt can be a great way to advertise and promote the band. They may be
losing money short term, however the name will be out there and more people will start to listen and therefore buy in the
As the audience is of a smaller section to the many pop bands out there in the industry, it is important to travel the country.
Having a tour where it takes you all the way around the country visiting many areas can be the best way to promote the
band. Coming to an area close to the audience shows that they band is willing to go to the listener rather than the other way
around. Making it more convenient for the audience gives the band a better chance of making sales.
Internal motivation
What is the motivation behind this project?
The motivation behind the band is that of wanting to achieve something they never thought they would. It was only a year
ago, all 4 members were working on a farm in Glendale, Northumberland singing to each other. Now they find themselves as
part of a band representing the area.
This is seen as the last and only chance the band has as making it big and they are not going to give up on that opportunity.
The band does not need monetary benefits in terms of motivation. The motivation they need comes from within themselves.
Questions over their experience and talent in the industry, as well as targeting an unusual audience is used a fuel for them to
go further.
They take all comments on board and it does not affect them, they believe they can make it therefore money is not needed
to wave in front of their faces. They want to perform to their audience as the band themselves never got to hear as much
varieties of music.
It is an important project for Glendale as for years they thought they would be stuck on a farm singing to songs as they
worked. Now they have the backing of their area and all the bands who have been in the same situation.
The motivation for the Marketing and PR representatives would be the money generated. The more they push to get the
bands name out there, the more they will get out of it. By promoting poorly, they will not be recognised and get paid less,
whereas if the campaign is a success there are many possibilities from where you can take it next.
If the campaign is a success and the album makes many sales because of it, other up and coming artists/bands will see it
and want to work with the same people. Short term money can be a positive motivation, however the idea of future clients
will also be a good factor.
Motivation of media
Why would the media be interested in this project?
The media would be particularly interested in this project as they always like to see new bands coming to take on the
industry with an open mind and the willingness to work and achieve what they set out to. The specific areas would be the
print side of the media. fRoots magazine. Originally called Folk Roots, the magazine is interested in all areas to do with folk
They achieved a circulation of 12,000 magazines in 2006. They are well known within the music industry. They are involved
in live music production, as well as the BBC Radio 3 Awards for World Music, and the Europe in Union concert series.
The band may be targeting an older audience by working with this part of the media, however they have good connections to
all that is music in the country. By taking part in a small interview for the magazine would allow their name to be seen by the
specific audience.
The media and fRoots would be interested in Glendale as they are always looking to put new music on their website.
Here is a small image taken from the website. The sentence at the bottom of
‘Maybe your first sighting of the excellent leveret’ is something Glendale can
fRoots can insert many new videos and pieces about the up and coming bands
for all the viewers to see.
Other areas within the media industry that would be interested in Glendale are
that of the radio. BBC Radio 2 and Folk Alley are stations where the latest songs
off the album could be played. The media would be interested as it attracts more
listeners by having much more different music played.
Promotional Materials
Here I have created an album cover for Glendale. The
idea behind it is to make it look stylish, slick and
professional- To reflect the audience it is aimed
The Background imagery is to create that Illusion that
the album is called.
I have chosen the gold colour to entice the more older
audience as it is seen as a popular ‘Greatest Hits’
shade. The name, Glendale has been manipulated in
order to make it stand out from the other text.
This will now be its house style and will feature on all
Here is have created a simplistic yet appropriate design for Glendale. The
use of the banjo shows what kind of music the band is. The ‘#’ used allows
the audience to advertise to their fellow demographic. It is a clever way to
get the band seen more.
Using a hashtag brings more interaction from the audience as it a very
modern technique that will only be recognised by social media users.
Being in black and white keeps to the older target audience. Young
children will not buy something such as this as it is not loud enough,
however those that appreciate music can see its retro value.
With the help of is was able to create the tour poster for Glendale. It has all the required information of where
they will be visiting and at what dates. The use of the brown was to keep in the house style colours. The album cover was in a
similar shade.
The Northumberland based band will start in Newcastle and finish in Cardiff, covering 5 major Arenas around the UK. This allows
great interaction from fans all around the country and starts to make the band that much more well known.
The use of the lines in the background help illustrate the albums name of ‘Illusion is the first of all pleasures’. As the band will be
playing the songs from their first piece of work it is right that the poster reflects this.
Using different text helps make it that much more readable for the audience and the use of people in the poster makes it instantly
recognisable as as concert poster. Having ‘UK Arena Tour 2015’ in a different colour makes it stand out as the most important,
with the content in a smaller, darker text below.
The use of the mud surrounding
the name Glendale which seen
in the centre helps reflect the
bands image.
Former farmers who are now
making it big time.
The marketing strategy wants to
focus on them being down to
earth and not taken over by the
power of the industry.
The tour is to help interact with
their fan base, just like the T-
shirts made but better.
By going to all areas around the
UK rather than just one shows
the willingness to go the
audience which they appreciate.
Ways to promote Glendale through the media!
A good way to promote Glendale can be through the use of social media. Twitter can offer bands a great way to expand their fan
#GlendalesGifts can be a way of interacting with the audience. This can be set up through the website and other social media
sites. A Facebook page allows to ‘friend’ your fans and promote the band more personally. Keeping them up to date with any
changes or just giving a status update to tell them what they are working on or where they are going.
Offering chances to win prizes and gifts is a great way to promote the band. Everyone loves free things and the chance to win
tickets can be a good opportunity. It is from this that people may like the band and go to other events.
Developing hashtags can play a huge part in promotion. Competitions always bring in people. This can act as the foot in the door
needed to branch out for more fans. Giving out tickets will gain loyalty and there is more of a chance they will tweet something
on a hashtag of #Glendale and other people will see this.
Other ways to promote the band can be to use small newspapers. Send a small press release on the band. The background
information and what genre would provide a much greater audience. Social media will aim towards the target market, however it
is important not to stay in one.
Provide to everyone, use media to your advantage. An article I a small newspaper puts Glendale on the internet for 4 to 6 weeks.
This will be in the popular searches. News does not disappear unlike tweets.
Tweets can be great but once they go off the timeline, you will only see them if you follow the band and look through previous
tweets. If the band uses print media to their advantage they can start to become bigger.
Another way can be to post events on the social media sites, post new songs or ideas and see what the specific audience thinks.
Perhaps hire a photographer to take images at an event and publish them to place around on billboards or upload on Facebook.
Using a blog can be a good way to bring fans in. Providing honest opinions on songs, what they mean and what you are
planning next. The website is important not to overlook. Having space for feedback and interaction is important. The use of
advertisements can be good. Having competitions and social media on the right hand side of the web page can promote the
band internally.

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Task 6

  • 1. Marketing and PR Presentation
  • 2. Band Profile Name: Glendale Age: Early 30’s Album: Illusion is the first of all pleasures. Previous releases: N/A (First Album) Genre: Folk Rock band Style: Fusion of Folk and Rock Music Contemporaries: Mumford and Sons, The Lumineers, Of Monsters and Men.
  • 3. Objectives What are the objectives for this project? (First year objectives) To develop both the Artist and Product side to the band Artist Development- Create an image that makes the band stand out from the huge competition. (E.G Mumford and Sons) Prepare career by identifying specific audience and targeting towards them. Attract and maintain a good fan base. Product Development- To put all efforts in ‘Illusion is the first of all pleasures’ album. Focus on the location of the advertisements. Have posters located in public houses and local billboards. (Second year objectives) Once a good enough reputation is built, look to joining a well known record label to go to the next level- Important to start from the bottom, identifying the audience first) Who do you want to target? An older audience. Ages from 23 to 30, those that appreciate the folk and rock fusion. To be gender neutral in order to target the mass market later. How many records do you want to sell? 2000 in first 2 months. 40,000 in the first year and 100,000 the following year. What would make this a successful exercise? By organising to play at an event that the audience is interested in would be a good way of promoting the new album. For an unveiling of the new album, a possible give away at a shopping centre. Playing some of the most popular songs from the album could be a way of attracting more people. By getting news coverage could be a way to get the name known nationally. This is one of the main ways in meeting the targets set, especially the sales.
  • 4. Audience Who is the audience for this band? The audience for the band is people aged 23-30. Both genders and those who want to explore more into the folk style of music. Targeting a more older audience is somewhat difficult with the influence young people have on the industry, however the more mature demographic have the finances and abilities to purchase albums and visit gigs more frequently. Plus, targeting them will make the band more unique and provide a selling point to people within that audience. With the fusion of both rock and folk, this can explore both genre’s and give the possibility for more sales. What do they look like? The audience will be those of a middle class background and appreciate the older music and its culture rather than the modern mainstream pop. They will be those who have open minds and are willing to listen to new bands trying to make it big. Other interests they have will be of attending many music festivals, enjoying the countryside, literature and films. In terms of features and audience profile, the people will not be overly fussed about appearance and wear casual clothes. The variety in instruments used such as the Banjo, upright bass and piano will appeal to their taste. The quote‘Illusion is the first of all pleasures’ comes from Oscar Wilde. Many aspects of his life have inspired the lyrics for the songs created in the album.
  • 5. Media What media will you use and why? The media used will be that of Radio and Print in the form of posters. The audience will listen to the radio, typically BBC Radio 2 or Folk Alley, whereas a younger audience would listen to the mainstream music on BBC Radio 1. By having announcements or new songs from the album played on stations where the audience listen to can be a great way in promoting the band. Having posters is a much more older way of thinking when looking at social media sites now. Posters of the UK tour can be a good way to gather more of the audience together (slide 14) As the audience will be more focused on literature and the finer things in life, they will not have as much time for social media. They will be enjoying music. Possible Magazines the audience could read are that of fRoots and The Living Tradition. These are popular within the age range and audience. They contain reviews on the latest bands. By having a short review from someone well known and respected could be a way of getting the name out to the audience. Possible interviews the band would allow exclusive reach on would be those of a folk or rock magazine that want to explore more about the life of the individuals. By sharing personal information and beliefs could enhance the audience’s likes towards the band or grab more people’s attention to the band. fRoots could have a double page spread about the new album and small pull quotes on the influences behind the lyrics. Questions asked could be of artists they are trying to emulate or strive to be better than, how big they want to get, their personal life and how they started off.
  • 6. Media Which forms of social media would you use and how would you use social media? By creating a page on both Facebook and Twitter it would allow you to get the message out to the specific fan base. Once people start following or ‘like’ the page it is from there when you can look into the audience and see their other tastes. For example if they like extreme sports, you could organise and event where Glendale plays before the activity starts. It is important to interact with the audience, through the use of twitter, you can release songs and see what people think, first hand. Even just replying to many of the audience’s questions could prove to be positive publicity. A Question and Answer session with the audience is important to show that they are thankful for the support. Having competitions is a great way to grab the attention of both the audience and others using social media. Competitions where the prices are to come and see the band. Competitors Mumford and Sons used the same idea when working Universal Music Irl. The competitions can be set out by having to answer a question about them and the first to reply will win, however they must use the hashtag created by the band. Having a hashtag can allow the band to instantly read everything that is said about them. Something such as #GlendalesGifts. Something that can be seen by the audience and make them want to take part. Another way of promoting the social media pages can be that of a Follow back competition. Something that does not cost the band anything and that of a non monetary benefit for the fans. By having something such as ‘First 100 people to follow within the next 15 minuets get a follow back’. is a very easy way of gaining people that will see the band. It is from this where everyone will rush to follow the band. It is important to not only connect with the audience on social media, but fellow artists and bands that can cross promote each other. This can be a great way in exploring a large audience. This can be done through a well known band just tweeting ‘Listen to Glendale’s new Song, I love it’ a small sentence can have large effects on the success of the band. It is important that all platforms can be seen. For example, once a website is created, include social connect buttons in order for the audience to look into the band further. Such as ‘Follow Glendale on Twitter, click here’ Making sure all aspects of media are covered is important, including a YouTube channel link can also provide the viewer with more information on the music. This should be the same on Twitter and Facebook, have links where it can take the audience to the website. As the audience is one who enjoys more literature, social media will not be as heavily influential as it can be for a pop group targeting a young age range that spends over 6 hours a day on the internet.
  • 7. Merchandise What merchandise would you use to promote this band? When looking at the audience and how old they are, it is important to not produce products such as toys, as this will be a waste of time. The merchandise that could be used is that of T-shirts and other items of clothing that the older audience between 23-30 will buy and wear, so people can see the name when bumping into the person on the street. Social media can have a huge impact on sales of merchandise. Here is Mumford and Sons using the page to promote their own products. On the image on the right you can see that T-Shirts are one of the best ways of merchandise. Having new products advertised on the right can also be a good way in promotion. The ‘Shield Beer Holder’ makes it clear that the target is of an older demographic. Glendale can start to get the name out there once the audience is seen wearing the merchandise. Can be a great way to boost sales as well as promoting the name. This is a constant benefit as they will always sell. By creating T-shirts with Hashtags printed on them could be a good way to combine both Mechanising and social media promotion.
  • 8. Manage the message What is the message you want to communicate about this band? The message about the band: 4 hardworking individuals that when together produce music that has meaning. A down to earth band that is still in touch with its fan base and not taken over by the show biz world. The main selling point of the band: A group of former farmers who never realised how good they were and have now finally got their break to make it big time. The album ‘Illusion is the first of all pleasures’ has all their thoughts on life up to this point. Many of the lyrics use phrases and lines from all parts of literature. This appeals to the audience. The idea behind the music is to offer the audience an alternative to the constant modern pop that is aimed towards young adults. The reasoning is that when these 4 members were listening to the radio, there was nothing they enjoyed. So they started singing themselves and were very good. Using a variety of instruments such as the Banjo and upright bass helps create new, exciting music that gets the listener of their seat instead of something they expect. The message is that they know targeting an older audience can be harder, however it is something they want to do. Without Risk it is pointless. Having all 4 members fairly old when compared to other bands and artists in the industry makes it that much more interesting to see how they get on. The challenge of taking on the music industry with relatively no experience is what makes it that much more fun for the audience. They don’t know what is around the corner, so neither do the listeners. Critics believe the same: Simon Cowell expressed his thoughts. “I always like to see fresh faces and new artists in the industry. It is important that we have a wide variety of bands and singers to equate to everyone’s tastes”
  • 9. Hyperbole Every marketing and PR campaign uses hyperbole. Its role is to make things seem better than they really are by using exaggeration and emotive words or imagery. Words used in the promotion of this band have to be that which attract attention to the relatively new alterative of music that has arrived. The words cannot just be the same cliché’s seen on all albums, they must entice the older listener. Something original that reflects the band. Words that will help make sales will be the ones that are appropriate to the audience. Being a more middle class demographic, the words need to be of length and intellectual, rather than some basic phrases. Examples of words that could be used are: “I could listen to that song on repeat for forever”- Something that exaggerates but makes the song look very good. “Nothing can stop these guys”- Having a critic or someone well known say a quote such as this could help hugely. Again Hyperbole used as obviously there are many hurdles to jump over to make it within the industry, however it complements their work ethic and drive to do as well as they can. Perhaps as the audience is of an intellectual one, and seen as the band’s album is named after an Oscar Wilde quote it could be fitting to use another poem with hyperbole in it. This way the marketing campaign can appeal specifically to that audience targeted. "By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April's breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood And fired the shot heard round the world.” By Ralph Waldo Emerson from "The Concord Hymn” This would be very personal to the band as they were all farmers. By using poems from their past jobs could make them work harder to remember what an opportunity this is. The idea behind the quote in relation to this band is that, the shot fired and hear around the world is their music. Being globally known is something of a long term goal and reachable.
  • 10. Events What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album? The promotion of this band is related to the ambition and goals of the band overall. To start small and work up may be seen as a safe approach, however it is to get the foot in the door. By gathering a small selection of fans they have already gathered plus their guests can be a way to experiment with new songs and try something new. By attempting to get local media coverage would expand the audience straight away. Once they have started to gather a large fan base, only then should they look at taking part in festivals and gigs. By playing at Glastonbury this would provide media coverage already due to the big bands and artists already attracting it. Being televised would be a great way for the country to see them. From this it can only get bigger in terms of promotion, they can speak to radio stations and their reporters, answering questions on where they see themselves in the future. The promotion can take off through festivals and gigs, as soon as the audience hear the music and are allowed to see what the band I capable of, then you can target them. By studying what the audience's interests are can allow the band to know where to feature. As the target audience does not watch as much television, taking part in a late night chat show is seen as a waste of time as the audience will not see it. By having a signing session at a music store where they also perform could be a good way to attract publicity as well as appear to give something back to the fans. Outside HMV in a busy shopping market could be a great way to entice the public. Also, be giving out free albums in a PR stunt can be a great way to advertise and promote the band. They may be losing money short term, however the name will be out there and more people will start to listen and therefore buy in the future. As the audience is of a smaller section to the many pop bands out there in the industry, it is important to travel the country. Having a tour where it takes you all the way around the country visiting many areas can be the best way to promote the band. Coming to an area close to the audience shows that they band is willing to go to the listener rather than the other way around. Making it more convenient for the audience gives the band a better chance of making sales.
  • 11. Internal motivation What is the motivation behind this project? The motivation behind the band is that of wanting to achieve something they never thought they would. It was only a year ago, all 4 members were working on a farm in Glendale, Northumberland singing to each other. Now they find themselves as part of a band representing the area. This is seen as the last and only chance the band has as making it big and they are not going to give up on that opportunity. The band does not need monetary benefits in terms of motivation. The motivation they need comes from within themselves. Questions over their experience and talent in the industry, as well as targeting an unusual audience is used a fuel for them to go further. They take all comments on board and it does not affect them, they believe they can make it therefore money is not needed to wave in front of their faces. They want to perform to their audience as the band themselves never got to hear as much varieties of music. It is an important project for Glendale as for years they thought they would be stuck on a farm singing to songs as they worked. Now they have the backing of their area and all the bands who have been in the same situation. The motivation for the Marketing and PR representatives would be the money generated. The more they push to get the bands name out there, the more they will get out of it. By promoting poorly, they will not be recognised and get paid less, whereas if the campaign is a success there are many possibilities from where you can take it next. If the campaign is a success and the album makes many sales because of it, other up and coming artists/bands will see it and want to work with the same people. Short term money can be a positive motivation, however the idea of future clients will also be a good factor.
  • 12. Motivation of media Why would the media be interested in this project? The media would be particularly interested in this project as they always like to see new bands coming to take on the industry with an open mind and the willingness to work and achieve what they set out to. The specific areas would be the print side of the media. fRoots magazine. Originally called Folk Roots, the magazine is interested in all areas to do with folk music. They achieved a circulation of 12,000 magazines in 2006. They are well known within the music industry. They are involved in live music production, as well as the BBC Radio 3 Awards for World Music, and the Europe in Union concert series. The band may be targeting an older audience by working with this part of the media, however they have good connections to all that is music in the country. By taking part in a small interview for the magazine would allow their name to be seen by the specific audience. The media and fRoots would be interested in Glendale as they are always looking to put new music on their website. Here is a small image taken from the website. The sentence at the bottom of ‘Maybe your first sighting of the excellent leveret’ is something Glendale can replicate. fRoots can insert many new videos and pieces about the up and coming bands for all the viewers to see. Other areas within the media industry that would be interested in Glendale are that of the radio. BBC Radio 2 and Folk Alley are stations where the latest songs off the album could be played. The media would be interested as it attracts more listeners by having much more different music played.
  • 13. Promotional Materials Here I have created an album cover for Glendale. The idea behind it is to make it look stylish, slick and professional- To reflect the audience it is aimed towards. The Background imagery is to create that Illusion that the album is called. I have chosen the gold colour to entice the more older audience as it is seen as a popular ‘Greatest Hits’ shade. The name, Glendale has been manipulated in order to make it stand out from the other text. This will now be its house style and will feature on all merchandise. Here is have created a simplistic yet appropriate design for Glendale. The use of the banjo shows what kind of music the band is. The ‘#’ used allows the audience to advertise to their fellow demographic. It is a clever way to get the band seen more. Using a hashtag brings more interaction from the audience as it a very modern technique that will only be recognised by social media users. Being in black and white keeps to the older target audience. Young children will not buy something such as this as it is not loud enough, however those that appreciate music can see its retro value.
  • 14. With the help of is was able to create the tour poster for Glendale. It has all the required information of where they will be visiting and at what dates. The use of the brown was to keep in the house style colours. The album cover was in a similar shade. The Northumberland based band will start in Newcastle and finish in Cardiff, covering 5 major Arenas around the UK. This allows great interaction from fans all around the country and starts to make the band that much more well known. The use of the lines in the background help illustrate the albums name of ‘Illusion is the first of all pleasures’. As the band will be playing the songs from their first piece of work it is right that the poster reflects this. Using different text helps make it that much more readable for the audience and the use of people in the poster makes it instantly recognisable as as concert poster. Having ‘UK Arena Tour 2015’ in a different colour makes it stand out as the most important, with the content in a smaller, darker text below. The use of the mud surrounding the name Glendale which seen in the centre helps reflect the bands image. Former farmers who are now making it big time. The marketing strategy wants to focus on them being down to earth and not taken over by the power of the industry. The tour is to help interact with their fan base, just like the T- shirts made but better. By going to all areas around the UK rather than just one shows the willingness to go the audience which they appreciate.
  • 15. Ways to promote Glendale through the media! A good way to promote Glendale can be through the use of social media. Twitter can offer bands a great way to expand their fan base. #GlendalesGifts can be a way of interacting with the audience. This can be set up through the website and other social media sites. A Facebook page allows to ‘friend’ your fans and promote the band more personally. Keeping them up to date with any changes or just giving a status update to tell them what they are working on or where they are going. Offering chances to win prizes and gifts is a great way to promote the band. Everyone loves free things and the chance to win tickets can be a good opportunity. It is from this that people may like the band and go to other events. Developing hashtags can play a huge part in promotion. Competitions always bring in people. This can act as the foot in the door needed to branch out for more fans. Giving out tickets will gain loyalty and there is more of a chance they will tweet something on a hashtag of #Glendale and other people will see this. Other ways to promote the band can be to use small newspapers. Send a small press release on the band. The background information and what genre would provide a much greater audience. Social media will aim towards the target market, however it is important not to stay in one. Provide to everyone, use media to your advantage. An article I a small newspaper puts Glendale on the internet for 4 to 6 weeks. This will be in the popular searches. News does not disappear unlike tweets. Tweets can be great but once they go off the timeline, you will only see them if you follow the band and look through previous tweets. If the band uses print media to their advantage they can start to become bigger. Another way can be to post events on the social media sites, post new songs or ideas and see what the specific audience thinks. Perhaps hire a photographer to take images at an event and publish them to place around on billboards or upload on Facebook. Using a blog can be a good way to bring fans in. Providing honest opinions on songs, what they mean and what you are planning next. The website is important not to overlook. Having space for feedback and interaction is important. The use of advertisements can be good. Having competitions and social media on the right hand side of the web page can promote the band internally.