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Marketing and PR Presentation
What are the objectives for this project?
The objective of this project is to launch a new appearance of a new band and raise public awareness. This is a good way to
promote a band as this will get a wide range of audiences interested. I will be looking at different techniques on how this
outcome will be successful and what are the key elements in promoting the band, but using similar techniques as other
bands in the same genre.
Who do you want to target?
For the new band I want to target young people as they are more likely to be interested in pop bands. The age range will be
between 16-30. I believe this is appropriate as this is a mixture of different ages. This target audience is young as at this age
they are more likely to be inspired by the modern day artists and they genre is preferred.
How many records do you want to sell?
I want to sell globally, this means over 1M. I want the band to be known internationally like some current bands that are out
there today such as One Direction.
What would make this a successful exercise?
Having a huge fan base and reaching the top charts. Becoming a hugely popular and cracking countries as big as the USA.

Band Profile
Name: From All Sides
Age: 16+
Previous releases: The secret of happiness, Let your Mind think, Lazy habits
Genre: Pop, pop rock
Style: Pop
Contemporaries: pop rock

Specific: Is there a clear aim
This is a clear aim as it is difficult to crack the music industry but starting off small and gradually working the way up this could
be successful. The most important thing to take into consideration is that connecting with the audience and finding your fan
base, as without them they band will not be successful as planned. The music should be something current, modern and that
Measureable: How will you measure the effect?
I will measure the effects by seeing how many records the band can sell and see the increase in popularity. This shows
progression for the band and this is also good for the record label as it will also make them look good and they are making
money by the success also.
Achievable: Is it something that you can do?
This is very achievable as by setting targets for the band. By adverting and promoting the band such as going to popular chat
shows, radio stations and events will increase awareness. By using these methods it will make the goals for the band very
achievable. By being noticed it will become easier.
Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen?
This can be something would actually happened as many young people are interested in young boy bands as they have a
wide interest in this type of genre. Also pop music is the nations favourite genre and is heard everyday. Starting off nationally
such as the UK and working towards bigger countries this will make he band recognised.
Time-related: Are there timescales for your project?
There will be a time scale on how successful the band are as they will have to make public appearance and take advantage of
offers and events they could be presented with that good be good advertisement for the band

Who is the audience for this band?
The audience for the new band are most female as they are a boy band and they are more likely to be fans of the opposite
sex. Males will also be included as it is diverse. Many boy bands have more female fans, such as One direction who are one
of the biggest boy bands today and they have a huge fan base who are mostly female as they are young, attractive and also
inspiring to females.
What age are they?
The age that the band is targeted at is 16+. I found this appropriate as this is more of a mature age and they will be able to
understand that the likes of young children who are at the age of 10. As song of the lyrics might not be understood by the
much younger audience. These type of audience can also be classed as “fan girls” who are obsessive over a music
individual or band.
What do they look like?
The audience for this music genre would mostly likely look like the stereotypical young adolescents for example the kind of
clothes they would wear would be the latest trends such as, beanie hats, skinny jeans, converse, leather jackets, parka
coats, tattoos, piercings and hoodies. The trends will be more urban and modern. Today, society has changed and the
audience from this audience will follow.
Why do they like this band?
Fans of the group like this band because they like the music genre and the types of music they produce. For some people
music can mean so much to them with the song lyrics and can be classed as personal and the music helps them with what
they could be going through and have a much deeper meaning for them, and they inspire them in life. Another reason why
they like the band because they like the band members, for females they would like the members because of the
appearance and find them physically attractive. This is common for male band members to get female attention for this very
reason. For males this would be the opposite they would like the band because of the type of music they produce and also
inspired to be like them and think of them as an icon and look up to the band. For example boys would like their fashion
sense and will start dressing similar to the band.

Who else do they like?
By liking this band the fans will also like the similar bands and music that is out there today. For example One Direction who
are a huge boy band and are known internationally they produce pop music. Other pop artists are the likes of Little Mix who
are an all female girl band. The likes of Justin Bieber and Salina Gomez are also pop artists and fans will also like them too
as they are very similar. Artists from similar genres will have similar audiences.
What media will you use and why? Be specific about the platforms you will use.
The types of media I will use is social as it is current the most popular and the most effective type of method as people from
around the global are in one social media and is used daily. This is a good way to post the band and get people to have their
actual opinion on the band. Using twitter and Facebook are one of the best social media to use today as millions of people
will be connected to either one of these networks. Also radio stations is another effective methods as it is focused strictly on
music and there are many specific genres they play. As the band are a pop group they could appear on popular stations
such as Capital FM as this station is mostly based on pop music that are currently on the charts.
What magazines might they get in to?
The types of magazines pop bands are mostly shown are the types of publications that are more tabloid based, such
as, Closer, Ok! And Teen magazine as young teenagers would mostly likely to read them. Teen magazine is aimed at the
female audience as they are known to be obsessive male bands.
By reading these types of magazines the female audience will see what the latest news about the band are such as
interviews, gossip, tour dates and album releases, these are all the fact fans would be interested in. by having these facts on
the publication it will raise their fan base.
What TV channels would they be on?
They would be on a range of different TV channels such as music channels, MTV channel, Viva, and even chat shows, as
this is a good way to promote the band and any new release such as a new song or album or even film. Many bands are
known to make public appearances as this will I've them a bigger audience who may not be a fan of the band or even know
them will raise awareness and reach out to others too. Chat shows such a the Graham Norton show and Alan Carr chatty
man these are some the popular family chat shows bands and other musicians would appear on.

Which radio stations would play their music?
The common radio stations that would play pop music are, Capital FM, and the Hits, these stations would play pop music
on the radio more often. The Hits play the biggest music in the UK right now, so pop bands that make it to the charts are
more commonly played an get aired. This is another way of promoting a new release of album and single, places such as
cars will play these songs to raise audience awareness. Radios are a good way to broadcast as it will get to a more
diverse and other audiences from different genres will be warned its out there. By also broadcasting it on radio its also a
popular because it its promoted on your radio without you even wanting to hear about this band promotion but however its
reaching out to as many people.
Different stations have there own genre of songs they would like to play on their radio. I have selected these two popular
stations as you know pop is most common to be on the charts because the type of music is preferred by many different
Who would they give interviews to?
Bands will give interviews to many different magazine companies, such as Closer and OK! These are the main
publications as they are the most popular on the market and come out daily. Magazines have a major interest in
interviewing bands as it‟s the main topic and in the publics interest. This gives the band a better chance to get themselves
noticed by different companies and it brings them in the good light by using these different techniques to promote the
band. Also going on chat shows to get interviewed live and even have a radio interview is also a very good way as it
increases publicity. On the chat shows they would talk about the band and their new release will be played and shown on
the show to make the audience aware and if they are interested they are willing to even buy the album or single.
Which forms of social media would you use?
For musicians the best social media to use are the ones that the public will be most familiar with such as
Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instragram this is a good way for the band to interact with the fans and the public as they
can communicate through social networks and it gives them tasters and little insiders about eh life and keeps the public up
to date with new release and also up coming events.
Using social media is a good for the a new band as social media is one of the fastest way to get information and details
about any sort of artist. Fans can also have their say and connect with other people in the same culture and they can feel
part of the community, this way they can share opinions and interact with each other.
How would you use social media?
I would use social media to update different events, tour dates and different activities the band would get up to, this is
informing fans what they are doing on occasion and can bring fans together to interact and have their say in what is
going on. This is a good way to increase popularity as it can get broadcasted on different pages and will get a wide range
of audience together. By using social media it‟s a good way to get noticed internationally from all over the world getting
people together rather than going to the place its self to promote. Its faster and easier and also even cheaper for the
band and the company.
Uploading videos on social media is also an effective way to get to the audience as it gives them tasters depending on
what the video could be about. Social media is a modern way to promote the band because a huge amount of people
use them in their everyday life.
What merchandise would you use to promote this band?

Having merchandises to promote the band is a good way for
everyone to access and use. You can also get different
merchandises for a reasonable price.
By purchasing these products you are promoting the band
even though you do not realise but people will be able to
see your t-shirt of whatever product you have bought
around. Not only are you promoting but also it‟s a fashion
trend and everyone will be willing to buy one depending on
how successful they sell out. This makes the band look
good but also the company of the band will also look good
as they will be making a lot of money from them.
T-shirts are one of the most effective merchandises as they
can be worn by both men and women, its also modern and
trendy for young people to wear as they are extremely
popular with teenagers as they are a huge part of fashion it
will most likely be liked by other people and become
Also by buying merchandising you are promoting a band or
artist without realising as you are wearing something that is
also classed as fashionable.

Manage the message
What is the message you want to communicate about this band?
The message I wan to communicate about the band is that they are young and that young people can relate to them and
also be inspired and people they look up to as successful and talented people. As many bands and solo artists are
sometimes known for the wrong reasons. By having a good message and by managing it well to the audience this can make
the band successful.
What is the main selling point of the band and the album?
The main selling point for the band is when they have reacted number one in the charts. This means that the song and
album is successful as people who have heard it on the charts will start downloading the new track such as on itunes, this
shows that the band is popular which makes its the main selling point. For example as the band are similar to One direction
the biggest boy band worldwide their main selling point was with the number one hit „Beautiful‟ from then on the band have
cracked America and have even been compared to the legendary boy band of all time The Beatles.
Every marketing and PR campaign uses hyperbole. Its role is to make things seem better than they really are by using
exaggeration and emotive words or imagery.
What are the words you will use? What words will help you sell and will appeal to your audience?

Using words such as the best boy band ever! This makes the public think that they are. Such as huge fans of the band they
will be behind this quote as fan girls for example look up to the band and they are inspired therefore beleiving everything the
media makes them out to be.
Another word that could be used is Number One sellers. This makes the band sound successful and making the audience
think they are extremely popular. By using hyperbole it show the band in a different light and making people listen to their
music and making them popular and its showing them in a positive view.

What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album?
Being invited onto popular chat shows to promote the band is an affective method. As a lot of artists will use this to get reach
to a wide range of audience that might not have heard of the band before making it more globe. Not only is good for the
band but also for the manager, and even the chat show host as it brings different viewers in.
Would they play small secret gigs?
Starting off with small secret gigs it gets band noticed and out there. This method works like the word of mouth. This is where
someone will see the band, like it and will pass their experience on to someone else ect. Most new bands would star off this
way to see if they connect with the audience and if they have a fan base.
Would they appear for a signing in a flagship record store?
Appearing in a record store is also appropriate for the band, any music related event is good promotion as it is connecting
with the audience and getting them known. Going for signing is good as this is engaging with the audience more and it is
more local. This also works both ways as its good the store manager and also for the band.
Would they play on TV chat shows?
As I have mentioned on the first paragraph playing on chat shows in my opinion is the most effective method as it reaches to
a wider range audience even if they have never heard of the band this is a good way to be discovered.
Would they go on a huge arena tour?
Depending on the bands popularity they would get to tour. By touring fans of the band will come together to put on a show of
their album. By selling out a whole arena means the band are successful and also well liked.

What other events and happenings could you create to raise the public profile of the band?
For example some bands such as JLS and One Direction have made a music film based on the band. This sort of thing will
be seen in cinema theatres and there will also be a huge promotion behind it. This gives the band a chance to be seen in a
different light and gives the public a chance to see what they are like making it more personal.
Motivation of media
Why would the media be interested in this project?
Which parts of the media or media products (be specific) would be interested in the project?
The media would be interested in this project as its new and exciting. The media is always eager to discover new talent
especially boy bands as its huge with the female audience. Such as for the band being invited to chat shows will make the
audience hooked as they want to see them talk and even perform seeing what they are capable of making it intriguing for the
public. In today's generation its all about new urban bands and current music, this is in the publics interest as they want fresh
new artists.

Specific: Is there a clear aim
There is a clear aim as there is a view of how successful the band want to be, like fore example One Direction. By setting
yourself a target means working towards it to get where the band want to be. This inspires them to be as successful and sets
the a goal.
Measureable: How will you measure the effect?
I will measure the effects by seeing how many records the band can sell and see the increase in popularity. This shows
progression for the band and this is also good for the record label as it will also make them look good and they are making
money by the success also.
Achievable: Is it something that you can do?
This is very achievable as by setting targets for the band. By adverting and promoting the band such as going to popular
chat shows, radio stations and events will increase awareness. By using these methods it will make the goals for the band
very achievable. By being noticed it will become easier.
Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen?
This can be something would actually happened as many young people are interested in young boy bands as they have a
wide interest in this type of genre. Also pop music is the nations favourite genre and is heard everyday. Starting off nationally
such as the UK and working towards bigger countries this will make he band recognised.
Time-related: Are there timescales for your project?
There will be a time scale on how successful the band are as they will have to make public appearance and take advantage
of offers and events they could be presented with that good be good advertisement for the band
Time-related: Are there timescales for your project?
The timescale for this project is left open and it depends on the band and also the audience if they connect with the band
also. By taking it steady it gives the band time to develop and connect with each other in order to be successful. th

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Task 6 lo4%20pro%20forma[1]

  • 1. Marketing and PR Presentation
  • 2. Objectives What are the objectives for this project? The objective of this project is to launch a new appearance of a new band and raise public awareness. This is a good way to promote a band as this will get a wide range of audiences interested. I will be looking at different techniques on how this outcome will be successful and what are the key elements in promoting the band, but using similar techniques as other bands in the same genre. Who do you want to target? For the new band I want to target young people as they are more likely to be interested in pop bands. The age range will be between 16-30. I believe this is appropriate as this is a mixture of different ages. This target audience is young as at this age they are more likely to be inspired by the modern day artists and they genre is preferred. How many records do you want to sell? I want to sell globally, this means over 1M. I want the band to be known internationally like some current bands that are out there today such as One Direction. What would make this a successful exercise? Having a huge fan base and reaching the top charts. Becoming a hugely popular and cracking countries as big as the USA. 2
  • 3. Band Profile Name: From All Sides Age: 16+ Previous releases: The secret of happiness, Let your Mind think, Lazy habits Genre: Pop, pop rock Style: Pop Contemporaries: pop rock 3
  • 4. Think SMART Specific: Is there a clear aim This is a clear aim as it is difficult to crack the music industry but starting off small and gradually working the way up this could be successful. The most important thing to take into consideration is that connecting with the audience and finding your fan base, as without them they band will not be successful as planned. The music should be something current, modern and that different. Measureable: How will you measure the effect? I will measure the effects by seeing how many records the band can sell and see the increase in popularity. This shows progression for the band and this is also good for the record label as it will also make them look good and they are making money by the success also. Achievable: Is it something that you can do? This is very achievable as by setting targets for the band. By adverting and promoting the band such as going to popular chat shows, radio stations and events will increase awareness. By using these methods it will make the goals for the band very achievable. By being noticed it will become easier. Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen? This can be something would actually happened as many young people are interested in young boy bands as they have a wide interest in this type of genre. Also pop music is the nations favourite genre and is heard everyday. Starting off nationally such as the UK and working towards bigger countries this will make he band recognised. Time-related: Are there timescales for your project? There will be a time scale on how successful the band are as they will have to make public appearance and take advantage of offers and events they could be presented with that good be good advertisement for the band 4
  • 5. Audience Who is the audience for this band? The audience for the new band are most female as they are a boy band and they are more likely to be fans of the opposite sex. Males will also be included as it is diverse. Many boy bands have more female fans, such as One direction who are one of the biggest boy bands today and they have a huge fan base who are mostly female as they are young, attractive and also inspiring to females. What age are they? The age that the band is targeted at is 16+. I found this appropriate as this is more of a mature age and they will be able to understand that the likes of young children who are at the age of 10. As song of the lyrics might not be understood by the much younger audience. These type of audience can also be classed as “fan girls” who are obsessive over a music individual or band. What do they look like? The audience for this music genre would mostly likely look like the stereotypical young adolescents for example the kind of clothes they would wear would be the latest trends such as, beanie hats, skinny jeans, converse, leather jackets, parka coats, tattoos, piercings and hoodies. The trends will be more urban and modern. Today, society has changed and the audience from this audience will follow. Why do they like this band? Fans of the group like this band because they like the music genre and the types of music they produce. For some people music can mean so much to them with the song lyrics and can be classed as personal and the music helps them with what they could be going through and have a much deeper meaning for them, and they inspire them in life. Another reason why they like the band because they like the band members, for females they would like the members because of the appearance and find them physically attractive. This is common for male band members to get female attention for this very reason. For males this would be the opposite they would like the band because of the type of music they produce and also inspired to be like them and think of them as an icon and look up to the band. For example boys would like their fashion sense and will start dressing similar to the band. 5
  • 6. Who else do they like? By liking this band the fans will also like the similar bands and music that is out there today. For example One Direction who are a huge boy band and are known internationally they produce pop music. Other pop artists are the likes of Little Mix who are an all female girl band. The likes of Justin Bieber and Salina Gomez are also pop artists and fans will also like them too as they are very similar. Artists from similar genres will have similar audiences.
  • 7. Media What media will you use and why? Be specific about the platforms you will use. The types of media I will use is social as it is current the most popular and the most effective type of method as people from around the global are in one social media and is used daily. This is a good way to post the band and get people to have their actual opinion on the band. Using twitter and Facebook are one of the best social media to use today as millions of people will be connected to either one of these networks. Also radio stations is another effective methods as it is focused strictly on music and there are many specific genres they play. As the band are a pop group they could appear on popular stations such as Capital FM as this station is mostly based on pop music that are currently on the charts. What magazines might they get in to? The types of magazines pop bands are mostly shown are the types of publications that are more tabloid based, such as, Closer, Ok! And Teen magazine as young teenagers would mostly likely to read them. Teen magazine is aimed at the female audience as they are known to be obsessive male bands. By reading these types of magazines the female audience will see what the latest news about the band are such as interviews, gossip, tour dates and album releases, these are all the fact fans would be interested in. by having these facts on the publication it will raise their fan base. What TV channels would they be on? They would be on a range of different TV channels such as music channels, MTV channel, Viva, and even chat shows, as this is a good way to promote the band and any new release such as a new song or album or even film. Many bands are known to make public appearances as this will I've them a bigger audience who may not be a fan of the band or even know them will raise awareness and reach out to others too. Chat shows such a the Graham Norton show and Alan Carr chatty man these are some the popular family chat shows bands and other musicians would appear on. 7
  • 8. Which radio stations would play their music? The common radio stations that would play pop music are, Capital FM, and the Hits, these stations would play pop music on the radio more often. The Hits play the biggest music in the UK right now, so pop bands that make it to the charts are more commonly played an get aired. This is another way of promoting a new release of album and single, places such as cars will play these songs to raise audience awareness. Radios are a good way to broadcast as it will get to a more diverse and other audiences from different genres will be warned its out there. By also broadcasting it on radio its also a popular because it its promoted on your radio without you even wanting to hear about this band promotion but however its reaching out to as many people. Different stations have there own genre of songs they would like to play on their radio. I have selected these two popular stations as you know pop is most common to be on the charts because the type of music is preferred by many different people. Who would they give interviews to? Bands will give interviews to many different magazine companies, such as Closer and OK! These are the main publications as they are the most popular on the market and come out daily. Magazines have a major interest in interviewing bands as it‟s the main topic and in the publics interest. This gives the band a better chance to get themselves noticed by different companies and it brings them in the good light by using these different techniques to promote the band. Also going on chat shows to get interviewed live and even have a radio interview is also a very good way as it increases publicity. On the chat shows they would talk about the band and their new release will be played and shown on the show to make the audience aware and if they are interested they are willing to even buy the album or single. Which forms of social media would you use? For musicians the best social media to use are the ones that the public will be most familiar with such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instragram this is a good way for the band to interact with the fans and the public as they can communicate through social networks and it gives them tasters and little insiders about eh life and keeps the public up to date with new release and also up coming events.
  • 9. Using social media is a good for the a new band as social media is one of the fastest way to get information and details about any sort of artist. Fans can also have their say and connect with other people in the same culture and they can feel part of the community, this way they can share opinions and interact with each other. How would you use social media? I would use social media to update different events, tour dates and different activities the band would get up to, this is informing fans what they are doing on occasion and can bring fans together to interact and have their say in what is going on. This is a good way to increase popularity as it can get broadcasted on different pages and will get a wide range of audience together. By using social media it‟s a good way to get noticed internationally from all over the world getting people together rather than going to the place its self to promote. Its faster and easier and also even cheaper for the band and the company. Uploading videos on social media is also an effective way to get to the audience as it gives them tasters depending on what the video could be about. Social media is a modern way to promote the band because a huge amount of people use them in their everyday life.
  • 10. Merchandise What merchandise would you use to promote this band? Having merchandises to promote the band is a good way for everyone to access and use. You can also get different merchandises for a reasonable price. By purchasing these products you are promoting the band even though you do not realise but people will be able to see your t-shirt of whatever product you have bought around. Not only are you promoting but also it‟s a fashion trend and everyone will be willing to buy one depending on how successful they sell out. This makes the band look good but also the company of the band will also look good as they will be making a lot of money from them. T-shirts are one of the most effective merchandises as they can be worn by both men and women, its also modern and trendy for young people to wear as they are extremely popular with teenagers as they are a huge part of fashion it will most likely be liked by other people and become common. Also by buying merchandising you are promoting a band or artist without realising as you are wearing something that is also classed as fashionable. 10
  • 11. Manage the message What is the message you want to communicate about this band? The message I wan to communicate about the band is that they are young and that young people can relate to them and also be inspired and people they look up to as successful and talented people. As many bands and solo artists are sometimes known for the wrong reasons. By having a good message and by managing it well to the audience this can make the band successful. What is the main selling point of the band and the album? The main selling point for the band is when they have reacted number one in the charts. This means that the song and album is successful as people who have heard it on the charts will start downloading the new track such as on itunes, this shows that the band is popular which makes its the main selling point. For example as the band are similar to One direction the biggest boy band worldwide their main selling point was with the number one hit „Beautiful‟ from then on the band have cracked America and have even been compared to the legendary boy band of all time The Beatles.
  • 12. Hyperbole Every marketing and PR campaign uses hyperbole. Its role is to make things seem better than they really are by using exaggeration and emotive words or imagery. What are the words you will use? What words will help you sell and will appeal to your audience? Using words such as the best boy band ever! This makes the public think that they are. Such as huge fans of the band they will be behind this quote as fan girls for example look up to the band and they are inspired therefore beleiving everything the media makes them out to be. Another word that could be used is Number One sellers. This makes the band sound successful and making the audience think they are extremely popular. By using hyperbole it show the band in a different light and making people listen to their music and making them popular and its showing them in a positive view. 12
  • 13. Events What events would you put on as part of the promotion of this band and album? Being invited onto popular chat shows to promote the band is an affective method. As a lot of artists will use this to get reach to a wide range of audience that might not have heard of the band before making it more globe. Not only is good for the band but also for the manager, and even the chat show host as it brings different viewers in. Would they play small secret gigs? Starting off with small secret gigs it gets band noticed and out there. This method works like the word of mouth. This is where someone will see the band, like it and will pass their experience on to someone else ect. Most new bands would star off this way to see if they connect with the audience and if they have a fan base. Would they appear for a signing in a flagship record store? Appearing in a record store is also appropriate for the band, any music related event is good promotion as it is connecting with the audience and getting them known. Going for signing is good as this is engaging with the audience more and it is more local. This also works both ways as its good the store manager and also for the band. Would they play on TV chat shows? As I have mentioned on the first paragraph playing on chat shows in my opinion is the most effective method as it reaches to a wider range audience even if they have never heard of the band this is a good way to be discovered. Would they go on a huge arena tour? Depending on the bands popularity they would get to tour. By touring fans of the band will come together to put on a show of their album. By selling out a whole arena means the band are successful and also well liked. What other events and happenings could you create to raise the public profile of the band? For example some bands such as JLS and One Direction have made a music film based on the band. This sort of thing will be seen in cinema theatres and there will also be a huge promotion behind it. This gives the band a chance to be seen in a different light and gives the public a chance to see what they are like making it more personal.
  • 14. Motivation of media Why would the media be interested in this project? Which parts of the media or media products (be specific) would be interested in the project? The media would be interested in this project as its new and exciting. The media is always eager to discover new talent especially boy bands as its huge with the female audience. Such as for the band being invited to chat shows will make the audience hooked as they want to see them talk and even perform seeing what they are capable of making it intriguing for the public. In today's generation its all about new urban bands and current music, this is in the publics interest as they want fresh new artists. 14
  • 15. SMART Specific: Is there a clear aim There is a clear aim as there is a view of how successful the band want to be, like fore example One Direction. By setting yourself a target means working towards it to get where the band want to be. This inspires them to be as successful and sets the a goal. Measureable: How will you measure the effect? I will measure the effects by seeing how many records the band can sell and see the increase in popularity. This shows progression for the band and this is also good for the record label as it will also make them look good and they are making money by the success also. Achievable: Is it something that you can do? This is very achievable as by setting targets for the band. By adverting and promoting the band such as going to popular chat shows, radio stations and events will increase awareness. By using these methods it will make the goals for the band very achievable. By being noticed it will become easier. Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen? This can be something would actually happened as many young people are interested in young boy bands as they have a wide interest in this type of genre. Also pop music is the nations favourite genre and is heard everyday. Starting off nationally such as the UK and working towards bigger countries this will make he band recognised. Time-related: Are there timescales for your project? There will be a time scale on how successful the band are as they will have to make public appearance and take advantage of offers and events they could be presented with that good be good advertisement for the band Time-related: Are there timescales for your project? The timescale for this project is left open and it depends on the band and also the audience if they connect with the band also. By taking it steady it gives the band time to develop and connect with each other in order to be successful. th 15