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liver Abscess
By Dr Mengistu.K
Pyogenic Liver Abscess
• Pyogenic liver abscesses are the most common
liver abscesses seen in the United States.
• Previously they were felt to be due to portal
infection, often occurring in young patients
secondary to acute appendicitis.
• Pyogenic liver abscess is now mostly seen in
patients 50 to 60 years old and is more often
related to biliary tract disease or is cryptogenic.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 2
• The development of a hepatic abscess occurs
when an inoculum of bacteria, regardless of
the route of exposure, exceeds the liver’s
ability to clear it.
• This results in tissue invasion, neutrophil
infiltration, and formation of an organized
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 3
• Six distinct categories have been identified as
potential sources:
– Bile ducts, causing ascending cholangitis
– Portal vein, causing pylephlebitis from appendicitis
or diverticulitis
– Direct extension from a contiguous disease ( e.g
gangrenous cholecystitis, perforated ulcers, and
subphrenic abscesses)
– Trauma due to blunt or penetrating injuries
– Hepatic artery, due to septicemia; and
– Cryptogenic
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 4
• Disease of the biliary system accounts for 35–
40% of all pyogenic liver abscesses, and 40%
related to an underlying malignancy.
• Intestinal pathology is responsible for 20% of
all pyogenic liver abscesses. Diverticulitis,
perforated colon cancers are being the most
common causes and appendicitis accounts for
only 2%.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 5
• Arterial embolization of bacteria via the
hepatic artery causes approximately 12% of
pyogenic liver abscesses.
• Cryptogenic abscesses, those of unknown
etiology, occur in 10–45% of patients.
• Hepatic abscesses associated with trauma can
be manifested in a delayed fashion up to
several weeks after injury.
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Predisposing Factors
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• Involve the right hemiliver in 75% of cases due to
preferential laminar blood flow to the right side has been
• The left liver is involved in approximately 20% of the
cases; the caudate lobe is rarely involved (5%).
• Bilobar involvement with multiple abscesses is
• Approximately 50% of hepatic abscesses are solitary.
• Vary in size from less than 1 mm to 3 or 4 cm in diameter.
when multiple, may coalesce to give a honeycomb
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 8
• In general, portal, traumatic, and cryptogenic
hepatic abscesses are solitary and large, while
biliary and arterial abscesses are multiple and
• Fungal abscesses are usually multiple,
bilateral, and miliary
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 9
• The most common infecting agents are gram
negative organisms. Escherichia coli is found in two
thirds, and Streptococcus faecalis, Klebsiella, and
Proteus vulgaris are also common.
• Anaerobic organisms such as Bacteroides fragilis are
also seen frequently involved about 40% to 60% of
the time..
• Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are more common
in patients with endocarditis and infected indwelling
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 10
• Approximately 40% of abscesses are
monomicrobial, an additional 40% are
polymicrobial, and 20% are culture negative
• Abscesses from pyelophlebitis or cholangitis
tend to be polymicrobial, with a high
preponderance of gram-negative bacilli.
• Systemic infections, on the other hand, usually
cause infection with a single organism.
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Clinical Features
• The classic triad of fever, jaundice, and right upper
quadrant tenderness was present in less than 10% of
patients overall.
• On physical examination, fever and right upper quadrant
tenderness are the most common findings.
• Tenderness is present in 40% to 70% of patients.
• Jaundice is also found in approximately 25% of cases.
• Chest findings are often found in approximately 25% of
patients, and hepatomegaly is also commonly noted in
approximately 50%.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 13
Laboratory Evaluation
• Leucocytosis in 70% to 90% of patients, an
elevated sedimentation rate, and an elevated
alkaline phosphatase (AP) level mildly
elevated in 80% of cases are the most
common laboratory findings.
• Abscess cultures are positive for growth in the
majority (80–97%), whereas blood cultures
are positive in only 50–60% of cases.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 14
• Chest radiographs
– Abnormal in 50% of patients.
– Findings may include an elevated right
hemidiaphragm, a right pleural effusion, and/or
right lower lobe atelectasis.
• Abdominal films may show
– Hepatomegaly
– Air-fluid levels in the presence of gas-forming
– Portal venous gas if pylephlebitis is the source
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• Ultrasound will distinguish
solid from cystic lesions
and is 80–95% sensitive.
• Usually demonstrates a
round or oval area that is
less echogenic than the
surrounding liver.
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• Computed tomography
(CT) is more sensitive
(95–100%) than US in
detecting hepatic
• An abscess is of lower
attenuation than the
surrounding liver, and the
wall of the abscess may
enhance with intravenous
contrast administration.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 17
• The current cornerstones of treatment include
– IV antibiotic therapy
– correction of the underlying cause and
– needle aspiration,
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 18
IV antibiotic therapy
• Broad-spectrum antibiotics covering gram-
negative, gram-positive, and anaerobic
organisms should be used.
• Combinations such as ampicillin, an
aminoglycoside, and metronidazole or a third-
generation cephalosporin with metronidazole
are appropriate
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 19
• Antibiotic therapy must be continued for at least 8
• If aspiration done IV antibiotic therapy should be
given for 4–6 weeks; however, many studies now
document success with only 2 weeks of antibiotic
• Aspiration and IV antibiotic therapy can be expected
to be effective in 80 to 90% of patients.
• In the setting of multiple abscesses <1.5 cm in size
and no concurrent surgical disease, patients may be
treated with IV antibiotics alone.
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Aspiration and Percutaneous Catheter
• Have similar mortality rates
• Recurrence rates and the requirement for
surgical intervention may be greater in those
who only undergo aspiration.
• Recurrence (15%) in patients with biliary tract
disease and obstructive lesions but less than
2% with cryptogenic abscesses.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 21
• Percutaneous drainage is not appropriate for
those patients with
– Multiple large abscesses
– A known intra-abdominal source that requires
– An abscess of unknown etiology
– Ascites and
– Abscesses that would require transpleural
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 22
Surgical Drainage
• Extraperitoneally via a 12th-rib resection
• Transperitoneally surgical exploration
• Reserved for patients for
– Failed nonoperative therapy,
– Those who need surgical treatment of the
underlying source,
– Those with multiple macroscopic abscesses,
– Those on steroids, or those patients with
concomitant ascites
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 23
• Up to 40% of patients develop complications
from pyogenic liver abscesses
• Generalized sepsis: most common
• Pleural effusions
• Empyema, and pneumonia.
• Intraperitoneal rupture
• Hemobilia and hepatic vein thrombosis
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7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 25
 Series from the 1990s have demonstrated a mortality rate below 10%.
The most recent series from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
(MSKCC) has reported a 3% mortality.
Amebic Abscess
• Amebic abscesses are the most common type of
liver abscesses worldwide.
• Entamoeba histolytica is a parasite that is
endemic worldwide, infecting approximately
10% of the world's population.
• Amebiasis is largely a disease of tropical and
developing countries but is also a significant
problem in developed countries because of
immigration and travel between countries.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 26
• E. histolytica infections have estimated that as
many as 55% of those in endemic regions are
infected, although less than 50% are
• Amebiasis follows a bimodal age distribution.
One peak is at age 2–3 years, with a case
fatality rate of 20%, and the second peak is at
>40 years, with a case fatality rate of 70%.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 27
• Low socioeconomic status and unsanitary
conditions are significant independent risk
factors for infection.
• Amebic liver abscess is ten times as common in
men as in women and is a rare disease in
• Heavy alcohol consumption is commonly
reported and may render the liver more
susceptible to amebic infection.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 28
• Hepatic amebic abscess is essentially the result of
liquefaction necrosis of the liver producing a cavity
full of blood and liquefied tissue.
• Ingestion of E. histolytica cysts through a fecal-oral
route is the cause of amebiasis.
• Once ingested, the cysts are not degraded in the
stomach and pass to the intestines, where the
trophozoite is released and passed on to the colon.
• In the colon, the trophozoite can invade mucosa,
resulting in disease.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 29
• Amebae multiply and block small intrahepatic
portal radicles with consequent focal
infarction of hepatocytes.
• They contain a proteolytic enzyme that also
destroys liver parenchyma.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 30
• Invasive amebiasis can include anything from
amebic dysentery to metastatic abscesses.
• The most common form of the invasive disease
is colitis.
• The amebic abscess is most commonly located
in the superior-anterior aspect of the right lobe
of the liver near the diaphragm.
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• The most common extraintestinal site of
amebiasis is the liver, occurring in 1–7% of
children and 50% of adults (usually males)
with invasive disease.
• The majority (70–80%) of patients experience
a gradual onset of symptoms with worsening
diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and
stools consisting of blood and mucus.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 32
Clinical Features
• About 80% of patients with amebic liver abscess
present with symptoms lasting from a few days
to 4 weeks.
• The duration of symptoms has been found to be
typically less than 10 days.
• The typical clinical picture is a patient 20 to 40
years of age who has recently traveled to an
endemic area, with fever, chills, anorexia, right
upper quadrant pain and tenderness, and
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 33
• The abdominal pain is typically constant, dull,
and localized to the right upper quadrant.
• Although some studies report higher numbers,
approximately 25% of patients have diarrhea
despite an obligatory colonic infection.
• Synchronous hepatic abscess is found in one
third of patients with active amebic colitis.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 34
• Patients presenting acutely (symptoms <10
days) versus those with a chronic presentation
(>2 weeks) differ clinically.
• Acute presentations are typically more
dramatic, with high fevers, chills, and significant
abdominal tenderness.
• In the acute presentation, 50% of patients have
multiple lesions, whereas with the chronic
presentation, more than 80% of patients have a
single right-sided lesion.
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• Laboratory abnormalities are common in
amebic abscess.
• Patients typically have a mild to moderate
leukocytosis without eosinophilia. whereas
elevated transaminase levels and jaundice are
• The most common biochemical abnormality is
a mildly elevated AP level.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 37
• Because more than 70% of patients with amebic
liver abscess do not have detectable amebae in
their stool, the most useful laboratory evaluation
is the measurement of circulating antiamebic
antibodies, which are present in 90% to 95% of
• The EIA has a reported sensitivity of 99% and
specificity greater than 90% in patients with
hepatic abscess.
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Abdominal CT scan is probably more sensitive
than ultrasound and is helpful in differentiating
amebic from pyogenic abscess, with rim
enhancement noted in the latter.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 39
• The mainstay of treatment for amebic abscesses
is metronidazole (750 mg orally three times per
day for 10 days), which is curative in more than
90% of patients.
• Clinical improvement is usually seen within 3
• The time necessary for the abscess to resolve
depends on the initial size at presentation and
varies from 30 to 300 days.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 40
In general, aspiration is recommended for
 diagnostic uncertainty
 failure to respond to metronidazole therapy in 3
to 5 days, or
in abscesses felt to be at high risk for rupture.
NB: Abscesses larger than 5 cm in diameter and
in the left liver which has a higher risk of rupture
into the pericardium, and aspiration needs to be
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• The mortality rate for all patients with amebic
liver abscess is about 5% and does not appear
to be affected by the addition of aspiration to
metronidazole therapy or chronicity of
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 42
Hydatid Cyst
• Hydatid disease, or echinococcosis, is a
zoonosis that occurs primarily in sheep-
grazing areas of the world.
• There are three species of Echinococcus that
cause hydatid disease. Echinococcus
granulosus is the most common, whereas E.
multilocularis and E. oligartus account for a
small number of cases.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 43
• 70% of hydatid cysts form in the liver. A few
ova pass through the liver and are held up in
the pulmonary capillary bed or enter the
systemic circulation, forming cysts in the lung,
spleen, brain, or bones.
• Three weeks after infection, a visible hydatid
cyst develops and then slowly grows in a
spherical manner.
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• A pericyst, a fibrous capsule derived from host
tissues, develops around the hydatid cyst.
• The cyst wall itself has two layers: an outer
gelatinous membrane (ectocyst) and an inner
germinal membrane (endocyst).
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• The clinical presentation of a hydatid cyst is
largely asymptomatic until complications occur.
• The most common presenting symptoms are
abdominal pain, dyspepsia, and vomiting.
• The most frequent sign is hepatomegaly.
Jaundice and fever are each present in about 8%
of patients
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 46
• Ultrasound is most commonly used worldwide for
the diagnosis of echinococcosis.
• A simple hydatid cyst is well circumscribed with
budding signs on the cyst membrane and may
contain free-floating hyperechogenic hydatid sand.
• A rosette appearance is seen when daughter cysts
are present.
• Calcifications in the wall of the cyst are highly
suggestive of hydatid disease
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• The treatment of hepatic hydatid cysts is
primarily surgical.
• In general, most cysts are treated, but in
elderly patients with small, asymptomatic,
densely calcified cysts, conservative
management is appropriate.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 48
• Hepatic schistosomiasis is usually a complication of the
intestinal disease,because emboli of schistosomiasis
ova reach the liver via the mesenteric venous system.
• Schistosomiasis has three stages of clinical
– First stage: itching after the entry of cercariae
– second stage: fever, urticaria, and eosinophilia; and
– Third stage: hepatic fibrosis followed by presinusoidal
portal hypertension
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 49
• During this third phase the liver shrinks, the
spleen enlarges, and the patient may develop
complications of portal hypertension.
• Active infection is detected by stool examination.
• Serologic tests indicate past exposure without
specifics regarding timing.
• A negative serologic test result rules out
schistosomal infection.
7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 50

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Liver abscess

  • 1. liver Abscess By Dr Mengistu.K
  • 2. Pyogenic Liver Abscess • Pyogenic liver abscesses are the most common liver abscesses seen in the United States. • Previously they were felt to be due to portal infection, often occurring in young patients secondary to acute appendicitis. • Pyogenic liver abscess is now mostly seen in patients 50 to 60 years old and is more often related to biliary tract disease or is cryptogenic. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 2
  • 3. Pathogenesis • The development of a hepatic abscess occurs when an inoculum of bacteria, regardless of the route of exposure, exceeds the liver’s ability to clear it. • This results in tissue invasion, neutrophil infiltration, and formation of an organized abscess. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 3
  • 4. • Six distinct categories have been identified as potential sources: – Bile ducts, causing ascending cholangitis – Portal vein, causing pylephlebitis from appendicitis or diverticulitis – Direct extension from a contiguous disease ( e.g gangrenous cholecystitis, perforated ulcers, and subphrenic abscesses) – Trauma due to blunt or penetrating injuries – Hepatic artery, due to septicemia; and – Cryptogenic 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 4
  • 5. • Disease of the biliary system accounts for 35– 40% of all pyogenic liver abscesses, and 40% related to an underlying malignancy. • Intestinal pathology is responsible for 20% of all pyogenic liver abscesses. Diverticulitis, perforated colon cancers are being the most common causes and appendicitis accounts for only 2%. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 5
  • 6. • Arterial embolization of bacteria via the hepatic artery causes approximately 12% of pyogenic liver abscesses. • Cryptogenic abscesses, those of unknown etiology, occur in 10–45% of patients. • Hepatic abscesses associated with trauma can be manifested in a delayed fashion up to several weeks after injury. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 6
  • 8. Pathology • Involve the right hemiliver in 75% of cases due to preferential laminar blood flow to the right side has been postulated. • The left liver is involved in approximately 20% of the cases; the caudate lobe is rarely involved (5%). • Bilobar involvement with multiple abscesses is uncommon. • Approximately 50% of hepatic abscesses are solitary. • Vary in size from less than 1 mm to 3 or 4 cm in diameter. when multiple, may coalesce to give a honeycomb appearance. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 8
  • 9. • In general, portal, traumatic, and cryptogenic hepatic abscesses are solitary and large, while biliary and arterial abscesses are multiple and small. • Fungal abscesses are usually multiple, bilateral, and miliary 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 9
  • 10. Bacteriology • The most common infecting agents are gram negative organisms. Escherichia coli is found in two thirds, and Streptococcus faecalis, Klebsiella, and Proteus vulgaris are also common. • Anaerobic organisms such as Bacteroides fragilis are also seen frequently involved about 40% to 60% of the time.. • Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are more common in patients with endocarditis and infected indwelling catheters. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 10
  • 11. • Approximately 40% of abscesses are monomicrobial, an additional 40% are polymicrobial, and 20% are culture negative • Abscesses from pyelophlebitis or cholangitis tend to be polymicrobial, with a high preponderance of gram-negative bacilli. • Systemic infections, on the other hand, usually cause infection with a single organism. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 11
  • 13. Clinical Features • The classic triad of fever, jaundice, and right upper quadrant tenderness was present in less than 10% of patients overall. • On physical examination, fever and right upper quadrant tenderness are the most common findings. • Tenderness is present in 40% to 70% of patients. • Jaundice is also found in approximately 25% of cases. • Chest findings are often found in approximately 25% of patients, and hepatomegaly is also commonly noted in approximately 50%. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 13
  • 14. Laboratory Evaluation • Leucocytosis in 70% to 90% of patients, an elevated sedimentation rate, and an elevated alkaline phosphatase (AP) level mildly elevated in 80% of cases are the most common laboratory findings. • Abscess cultures are positive for growth in the majority (80–97%), whereas blood cultures are positive in only 50–60% of cases. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 14
  • 15. Radiology • Chest radiographs – Abnormal in 50% of patients. – Findings may include an elevated right hemidiaphragm, a right pleural effusion, and/or right lower lobe atelectasis. • Abdominal films may show – Hepatomegaly – Air-fluid levels in the presence of gas-forming organisms – Portal venous gas if pylephlebitis is the source 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 15
  • 16. • Ultrasound will distinguish solid from cystic lesions and is 80–95% sensitive. • Usually demonstrates a round or oval area that is less echogenic than the surrounding liver. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 16
  • 17. • Computed tomography (CT) is more sensitive (95–100%) than US in detecting hepatic abscesses. • An abscess is of lower attenuation than the surrounding liver, and the wall of the abscess may enhance with intravenous contrast administration. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 17
  • 18. Treatment • The current cornerstones of treatment include – IV antibiotic therapy – correction of the underlying cause and – needle aspiration, 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 18
  • 19. IV antibiotic therapy • Broad-spectrum antibiotics covering gram- negative, gram-positive, and anaerobic organisms should be used. • Combinations such as ampicillin, an aminoglycoside, and metronidazole or a third- generation cephalosporin with metronidazole are appropriate 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 19
  • 20. • Antibiotic therapy must be continued for at least 8 weeks. • If aspiration done IV antibiotic therapy should be given for 4–6 weeks; however, many studies now document success with only 2 weeks of antibiotic therapy • Aspiration and IV antibiotic therapy can be expected to be effective in 80 to 90% of patients. • In the setting of multiple abscesses <1.5 cm in size and no concurrent surgical disease, patients may be treated with IV antibiotics alone. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 20
  • 21. Aspiration and Percutaneous Catheter Drainage • Have similar mortality rates • Recurrence rates and the requirement for surgical intervention may be greater in those who only undergo aspiration. • Recurrence (15%) in patients with biliary tract disease and obstructive lesions but less than 2% with cryptogenic abscesses. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 21
  • 22. • Percutaneous drainage is not appropriate for those patients with – Multiple large abscesses – A known intra-abdominal source that requires surgery – An abscess of unknown etiology – Ascites and – Abscesses that would require transpleural drainage 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 22
  • 23. Surgical Drainage • Extraperitoneally via a 12th-rib resection • Transperitoneally surgical exploration • Reserved for patients for – Failed nonoperative therapy, – Those who need surgical treatment of the underlying source, – Those with multiple macroscopic abscesses, – Those on steroids, or those patients with concomitant ascites 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 23
  • 24. Complications • Up to 40% of patients develop complications from pyogenic liver abscesses • Generalized sepsis: most common • Pleural effusions • Empyema, and pneumonia. • Intraperitoneal rupture • Hemobilia and hepatic vein thrombosis 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 24
  • 25. Outcome 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 25  Series from the 1990s have demonstrated a mortality rate below 10%. The most recent series from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) has reported a 3% mortality.
  • 26. Amebic Abscess • Amebic abscesses are the most common type of liver abscesses worldwide. • Entamoeba histolytica is a parasite that is endemic worldwide, infecting approximately 10% of the world's population. • Amebiasis is largely a disease of tropical and developing countries but is also a significant problem in developed countries because of immigration and travel between countries. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 26
  • 27. Epidemiology • E. histolytica infections have estimated that as many as 55% of those in endemic regions are infected, although less than 50% are symptomatic. • Amebiasis follows a bimodal age distribution. One peak is at age 2–3 years, with a case fatality rate of 20%, and the second peak is at >40 years, with a case fatality rate of 70%. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 27
  • 28. • Low socioeconomic status and unsanitary conditions are significant independent risk factors for infection. • Amebic liver abscess is ten times as common in men as in women and is a rare disease in children • Heavy alcohol consumption is commonly reported and may render the liver more susceptible to amebic infection. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 28
  • 29. Pathogenesis • Hepatic amebic abscess is essentially the result of liquefaction necrosis of the liver producing a cavity full of blood and liquefied tissue. • Ingestion of E. histolytica cysts through a fecal-oral route is the cause of amebiasis. • Once ingested, the cysts are not degraded in the stomach and pass to the intestines, where the trophozoite is released and passed on to the colon. • In the colon, the trophozoite can invade mucosa, resulting in disease. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 29
  • 30. • Amebae multiply and block small intrahepatic portal radicles with consequent focal infarction of hepatocytes. • They contain a proteolytic enzyme that also destroys liver parenchyma. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 30
  • 31. Pathology • Invasive amebiasis can include anything from amebic dysentery to metastatic abscesses. • The most common form of the invasive disease is colitis. • The amebic abscess is most commonly located in the superior-anterior aspect of the right lobe of the liver near the diaphragm. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 31
  • 32. • The most common extraintestinal site of amebiasis is the liver, occurring in 1–7% of children and 50% of adults (usually males) with invasive disease. • The majority (70–80%) of patients experience a gradual onset of symptoms with worsening diarrhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and stools consisting of blood and mucus. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 32
  • 33. Clinical Features • About 80% of patients with amebic liver abscess present with symptoms lasting from a few days to 4 weeks. • The duration of symptoms has been found to be typically less than 10 days. • The typical clinical picture is a patient 20 to 40 years of age who has recently traveled to an endemic area, with fever, chills, anorexia, right upper quadrant pain and tenderness, and hepatomegaly. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 33
  • 34. • The abdominal pain is typically constant, dull, and localized to the right upper quadrant. • Although some studies report higher numbers, approximately 25% of patients have diarrhea despite an obligatory colonic infection. • Synchronous hepatic abscess is found in one third of patients with active amebic colitis. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 34
  • 35. • Patients presenting acutely (symptoms <10 days) versus those with a chronic presentation (>2 weeks) differ clinically. • Acute presentations are typically more dramatic, with high fevers, chills, and significant abdominal tenderness. • In the acute presentation, 50% of patients have multiple lesions, whereas with the chronic presentation, more than 80% of patients have a single right-sided lesion. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 35
  • 37. • Laboratory abnormalities are common in amebic abscess. • Patients typically have a mild to moderate leukocytosis without eosinophilia. whereas elevated transaminase levels and jaundice are unusual. • The most common biochemical abnormality is a mildly elevated AP level. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 37
  • 38. • Because more than 70% of patients with amebic liver abscess do not have detectable amebae in their stool, the most useful laboratory evaluation is the measurement of circulating antiamebic antibodies, which are present in 90% to 95% of patients. • The EIA has a reported sensitivity of 99% and specificity greater than 90% in patients with hepatic abscess. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 38
  • 39. Abdominal CT scan is probably more sensitive than ultrasound and is helpful in differentiating amebic from pyogenic abscess, with rim enhancement noted in the latter. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 39
  • 40. Management • The mainstay of treatment for amebic abscesses is metronidazole (750 mg orally three times per day for 10 days), which is curative in more than 90% of patients. • Clinical improvement is usually seen within 3 days. • The time necessary for the abscess to resolve depends on the initial size at presentation and varies from 30 to 300 days. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 40
  • 41. In general, aspiration is recommended for  diagnostic uncertainty  failure to respond to metronidazole therapy in 3 to 5 days, or in abscesses felt to be at high risk for rupture. NB: Abscesses larger than 5 cm in diameter and in the left liver which has a higher risk of rupture into the pericardium, and aspiration needs to be considered. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 41
  • 42. • The mortality rate for all patients with amebic liver abscess is about 5% and does not appear to be affected by the addition of aspiration to metronidazole therapy or chronicity of symptoms. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 42
  • 43. Hydatid Cyst • Hydatid disease, or echinococcosis, is a zoonosis that occurs primarily in sheep- grazing areas of the world. • There are three species of Echinococcus that cause hydatid disease. Echinococcus granulosus is the most common, whereas E. multilocularis and E. oligartus account for a small number of cases. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 43
  • 44. • 70% of hydatid cysts form in the liver. A few ova pass through the liver and are held up in the pulmonary capillary bed or enter the systemic circulation, forming cysts in the lung, spleen, brain, or bones. • Three weeks after infection, a visible hydatid cyst develops and then slowly grows in a spherical manner. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 44
  • 45. • A pericyst, a fibrous capsule derived from host tissues, develops around the hydatid cyst. • The cyst wall itself has two layers: an outer gelatinous membrane (ectocyst) and an inner germinal membrane (endocyst). 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 45
  • 46. • The clinical presentation of a hydatid cyst is largely asymptomatic until complications occur. • The most common presenting symptoms are abdominal pain, dyspepsia, and vomiting. • The most frequent sign is hepatomegaly. Jaundice and fever are each present in about 8% of patients 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 46
  • 47. • Ultrasound is most commonly used worldwide for the diagnosis of echinococcosis. • A simple hydatid cyst is well circumscribed with budding signs on the cyst membrane and may contain free-floating hyperechogenic hydatid sand. • A rosette appearance is seen when daughter cysts are present. • Calcifications in the wall of the cyst are highly suggestive of hydatid disease 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 47
  • 48. • The treatment of hepatic hydatid cysts is primarily surgical. • In general, most cysts are treated, but in elderly patients with small, asymptomatic, densely calcified cysts, conservative management is appropriate. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 48
  • 49. Schistosomiasis • Hepatic schistosomiasis is usually a complication of the intestinal disease,because emboli of schistosomiasis ova reach the liver via the mesenteric venous system. • Schistosomiasis has three stages of clinical symptomatology: – First stage: itching after the entry of cercariae – second stage: fever, urticaria, and eosinophilia; and – Third stage: hepatic fibrosis followed by presinusoidal portal hypertension 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 49
  • 50. • During this third phase the liver shrinks, the spleen enlarges, and the patient may develop complications of portal hypertension. • Active infection is detected by stool examination. • Serologic tests indicate past exposure without specifics regarding timing. • A negative serologic test result rules out schistosomal infection. 7/30/2016 Dr.mengistu 50