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 Linear Programming and its Usage in
Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard
        Optimization Problems
             M. Reza Rahimi,
             November 2005.


          • Introduction
          • Linear Programming Overview
          • NP Complexity Class
          • Approximation Algorithms
          • Case Study1: Minimum Weight Vertex Cover
          • Case Study2: MAXSAT Problem
          • Conclusion

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

   • One of the most challenging problem in complexity
     theory is problem P vs. NP.
   • Research on this open problem leads researchers to
     think of new methods and different approaches.
   • For example PCP, IP, approximation algorithms,...
   • For some problems it is proved that there does not
     exist any suitable approximation unless P=NP.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

   • So it seems that research on approximation
     algorithms may lead us to good results about P vs.
   • General Method for Approximation Algorithms of
     NP Hard Optimization is Greedy Method.
   • But we must search for Suitable Framework for
     studying NP problems.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

       • Linear Programming was this brake through
       • In this talk I focus on LP and its usage in NP
         Hard Optimization Problems.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                Linear Programming Overview
            • General formulation of linear programming is
              presented as follow:

                  Maximize            C1X1 + C2X2 + … + CdXd
                  Subject to A1,1X1 + … + A1,dXd ≤ b1
                                      A2,1X1 + … + A2,dXd ≤ b2
                                      An,1X1 + … + An,dXd ≤ bn

                  All calculation and Numbers are on Real Numbers.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

      • There are several Polynomial Algorithms for this
        problem such as Ellipsoid and Interior point
      • I neglect talking about them.
      • For these algorithms please refer to optimization

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                  NP Complexity Class

    • NP Complexity Class is only related to Decision
    • For example:

             SAT = {< Φ >: Φ is a satisfying assignment}.

    • So for any optimization problem we consider its
      related decision problem.
    • This will give us intuition about its hardness.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

       • We know the following definition about NP:

                       L ∈ NP ⇔ ∃V(.,.) ∈ P, ∃P(.), ∀x ∈ Σ∗ ,
                                      1. x ∈ L ⇒ ∃y, y ≤ P( x ) and V(x, y) accepts.
                                      2. x ∉ L ⇒ ∀y, y ≤ P( x ) and V(x, y) rejects.

       • We can look at this process like this:

                  Find Certificate Y                  y                     V(X,Y)

                                  X                                          x
Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

      • Example:

                SAT = {< Φ >: Φ is a satisfying assignment}.
                SAT ∈ NP Because :
               1) if Φ 0 ∈ SAT ⇒ We are given True assignment
                , and could check it in polynomial time.
                2)if Φ 0 ∉ SAT ⇒ Then there is no true assignment.

      • There is one another important concept in
        complexity which is Reduction.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                Definition :
                L ≤ P L* ⇔ ∃f (Polynomial Time Function) ∀x ∈ L ⇔ f ( x) ∈ L* .

                                L                                              L*
                                L      L

              Fig1: Graphical Diagram of Reduction Concept

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

          Example :
          SAT = {< Φ >| Φ is satisfiable assignment}.
          3 - CNF = {< Φ >| Φ is 3 - cnf and satisfiable}.
          we show that :
                            SAT ≤ P 3 − CNF .
          (3 − CNF is in this form for example :
             (x1 ∨ x 2 ∨ x 3 ) ∧ ( x1 ∨ x 2 ∨ x 3 ) ∧ (x1 ∨ x 2 ∨ x 3 )

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                             Φ ≡ (¬x1 → x2 ) ↔ ( x3 ∧ x2 )

                                         y1                        y2

                                    ->                                  ^

                     -x1                      x2            x3                    x4

              Φ ≡ ( y1 ↔ (¬x1 → x2 )) ∧ (( x3 ∧ x4 ) ↔ y2 ) ∧ ( y1 ↔ y2 )
              Now each paranthesis can be converted into 3 - OR form
              using truth table.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

   Example :
   INTEGER − PROGRAMMING = {< Am×n , bm×1 >| Am×n and bm×1 are integer matrices,
   ∃X n×1 ∈ Ζ n , Am×n X n×1 ≤ bm×1}.
   We will show that :
   Proof :
                             ¬X 1 ∨ X 2 ∨ X 3 ↔ (1 − X 1 ) + X 2 + X 3
                             ¬X 1 ∨ X 2 ∨ X 3 ≡ 1 ↔ (1 − X 1 ) + X 2 + X 3 ≥ 1
                                            X i ∈ Ζ, 0 ≤ X i ≤ 1

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

   • We conclude this section by the following theorem:
                         Every language in NP is polynomial time
                             reducible to SAT language.
   • Language like SAT, INTEGER-PROGRAMMING,
     Hamiltonian Cycle, and 3-CNF are also the same
     and they belong to NP-Complete set.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                  Approximation Algorithms

      • The following describes the connection of NP
        optimization Complete problem and its related
        optimization problem.

      Decision Version :
      TSP = {< Gn×n , b >| G n×n is complete non negative weighted graph and there
      exists Hamiltonian Cycle such that its cost is less than or
      equal b}.
      Optimization Version :
      OP − TSP :
      we have complete non negative weighted graph G n×n , find the Hamiltonian Cycle
       which its cost is minimun.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

• Bound of Approximation:
   • Suppose that problem P has an optimum solution with cost C-
     op. Algorithm X solves problem P
     with bound ρ(n) if it finds feasible solution with cost C such
                      max {c/c-op, c-op/c} ≤ ρ(n).
   • Note that with this definition we always have ρ(n) ≥1.
   • In the following I try to show that sometimes, finding good
     approximation for optimization problems is very hard.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

 • Theorem:
      It does not exist any polynomial time approximation
      algorithm with Polynomial Bound for OPT-TSP unless
 • Proof:
     we prove that if such an algorithm exists then we can Solve
     Hamiltonian Cycle in Polynomial Time.
        For each graph G with n vertex convert
        It into weighted complete graph G1 as                     G has Hamiltonian Cycle
        the following procedure:                                            Iff
        4)     Assign 1 to each of its edge.                          OPT-TSP(G1)=n
        5)     Assign nρ(n) to the other edges.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

  • I think that it’s now time to study Randomized
    Rounding technique for solving optimization problems.
  • I explore it with two examples.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                Case Study1: Minimum Weight Vertex
• Now we study randomized rounding method in
  approximation algorithms with an example.
• Definition:
   • Vertex Cover: In undirected graph G=(V,E), Set A of
     vertices is said vertex cover if
     for every (u,v) ε E then u ε A or v ε A .
   • Minimum Weight Vertex Cover: In undirected graph
     G=(V,E) which each vertex has w(v) as positive weight Set
     A of vertices is said minimum weight vertex cover if for
     every (u,v) ε E then u ε A or v ε A and w(A) is the least.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                                     Fig2: Vertex Cover

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

           • It is proved that decision version of this
             optimization problem is NP Hard.
           • At the first step we model it as integer

                       x : V → {0,1}
                       if v ∈ Minimum Weight Vertex Cover Set ⇒ x(v) = 1.
                       else x(v) = 0.
                       Integer Programming Method :
                       min ∑ w(v)x(v)
                       ∀u , v ∈ V x(v) + x (u ) ≥ 1
                                       0 ≤ x (v ) ≤ 1

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

       • As it was known it is believed that there is no
         polynomial time algorithm for integer programming.
       • We must think about another method.
       • We investigate its related linear programming.

                                 x : V → [0,1]
                                 Linear Programming Method :
                                 min ∑ w(v)x(v)
                                 ∀u , v ∈ V x(v) + x(u ) ≥ 1
                                                   0 ≤ x (v ) ≤ 1

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

       • The Last method is called Relaxation to linear
       • It’s now time to state the approximation
                          Approximation Min Weight Vertex Cover(G, w)
                         1) C ← Φ
                          2) Compute x an optimal solution to linear programming.
                          3) for each v ∈ V
                          4) do if x (v) ≥ 0.5        / * Rounding Method * /
                          5)        then C ← C ∪ {v}
                          6) Return C.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

             Proof :
             C :: The soulution of algorithm.
             C* :: The real optimal set of integer programming.
             Z* :: The optimal value of the linear programming.
             Obviously we have                               Z* ≤ w(C* ).
             Obviously                              C is vertex cover.
             Z* = ∑ w(v) x(v) ≥                     ∑ w(v) x(v)
                      v∈V                     v∈V , x ( v ) ≥ 0.5

                                          ≥         ∑ w(v)0.5 =∑ w(v)0.5 = 0.5w(C ).
                                              v∈V , x ( v ) ≥ 0.5

             0.5w(C) ≤ Z* ≤ w(C* ) ⇒ { ρ = 2}

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

  • Hastad proved that there is no Polynomial time algorithm for
    vertex cover that achieves an approximation better that 1.16
    unless P=NP (1997).
  • Now we consider another example.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                  Case Study2: MAXSAT Problem

                  MAXSAT :
                  Given K - CNF Formula with each Clause C j has weight Wj ≥ 0.
                  Find assignment to variables that maximizes :
                  C j is true

                  Example :
                  Φ = (x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 )( x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 )(x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ).
                  C1 = (x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ) → w 1
                  C 2 = ( x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ) → w 2
                  C3 = (x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ) → w 3
                                                     Max      ∑w
                                                            C j is true

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

      • We state the following randomized algorithm for this
        problem. (Johnson 1974).

            1) for variables x1 ,...x n randomly assign
                to 0 or 1 with probability 0.5.
            2) return      ∑w
                         C J istrue

            Claim :
                                                          1 −1
            The preceding algorithm has [(1-                k
                                                              )] approximation bound.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

             Proof :
             Define the following random varibles :
             I j = 1 if clause C j satisfiable if not 0.
                                    ∑ w =∑ w I
                                  C j is true
                                                          j j

                                   p(I j = 1 ) = (1 -         ).
                                   p(I j = 0 ) = (          ).
             E{    ∑ w j} =E{∑ w jI j} =∑ w jE{I j} =(1-
                 C j is true               Cj              Cj
                                                                       )∑ w j .
                                                                     2k C j
                               1 −1
             ρ = [(1 -           k

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

         • We can extend Johnson algorithm as follow:

                     1) for variables x1 ,...x n randomly and independently assign
                        to 1 or 0 with probability p i and 1 - p i
                     2) return            ∑w
                                      C J istrue

                     Claim :
                     E{   ∑ w } = ∑ w (1 − ∏ (1 − p )∏ p )
                        C j is true
                                                           if xi
                                                                   i           i
                                                                       if xi

                     The proof is just the same.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

          • Now we model it with IP and relax it.
   Integer Programming Model for MAXSAT :
   Max ∑ w jz j

   ∀C j            ∑ y + ∑ (1- y ) ≥ z
                   if x i
                            i            i         j
                                if x i

                   0 ≤ yi ≤ 1
                   0 ≤ zj ≤1                 yi , z j ∈ Ζ

                                                            Relaxation for MAXSAT :
                                                            Max ∑ w jz j

                                                            ∀C j           ∑ y + ∑ (1- y ) ≥ z
                                                                           if x i
                                                                                        if x i
                                                                                                 i        j

                                                                           0 ≤ yi ≤ 1
                                                                           0 ≤ zj ≤1                 yi , z j ∈ ℜ

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

       1) Solve the LP and find vector (y* , z * ).
        2) use extended Johnson algorithm with p i = y*i .
       3) return
        Lemma :
        for any feasible solution (y* , z* ) to LP and for any clause C j with k Literals,
        we have
                                  1 - ∏ (1- y i )∏ (y i ) ≥ (1 − (1 − ) k ) z j
                                      if x i     if x i              k
        Claim :
        The above algorithm has (1- 1/e) -1 approximation ratio.

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

        Proof :
        ∑ w {1 − ∏ (1 − p )∏ ( p )} =
                                         i             i

        ∑  w j {1 − ∏ (1 − yi )∏ ( yi )} ≥ (1 − (1 − ) k )∑ w j z j =
                             *       *                             *

        Cj          xi         xi                   k Cj
                 1 k        *         1 k       *
        (1 − (1 − ) ) Z LP ≥ (1 − (1 − ) ) Z IP
                 k                    k
        [ρ = (1 − 1 / e) −1       ]

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

                    •     Algorithm
                    2. Compute the value from Johnson
                       algorithm (w1).
                    3. Compute the value from LP Based
                       algorithm (w2).
                    4. Return MAX(w1,w2).

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

     • In this talk the randomized rounding method is explored
       with two example.
     • This new method opens new insight into approximation
       algorithms and complexity theory.

                                            The End

Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

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Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems

  • 1. 1 Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems M. Reza Rahimi, November 2005.
  • 2. 2 Outline • Introduction • Linear Programming Overview • NP Complexity Class • Approximation Algorithms • Case Study1: Minimum Weight Vertex Cover • Case Study2: MAXSAT Problem • Conclusion Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 3. 3 Introduction • One of the most challenging problem in complexity theory is problem P vs. NP. NP • Research on this open problem leads researchers to think of new methods and different approaches. • For example PCP, IP, approximation algorithms,... • For some problems it is proved that there does not exist any suitable approximation unless P=NP. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 4. 4 • So it seems that research on approximation algorithms may lead us to good results about P vs. NP. • General Method for Approximation Algorithms of NP Hard Optimization is Greedy Method. • But we must search for Suitable Framework for studying NP problems. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 5. 5 • Linear Programming was this brake through method. • In this talk I focus on LP and its usage in NP Hard Optimization Problems. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 6. 6 Linear Programming Overview • General formulation of linear programming is presented as follow: Maximize C1X1 + C2X2 + … + CdXd Subject to A1,1X1 + … + A1,dXd ≤ b1 A2,1X1 + … + A2,dXd ≤ b2 … An,1X1 + … + An,dXd ≤ bn All calculation and Numbers are on Real Numbers. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 7. 7 • There are several Polynomial Algorithms for this problem such as Ellipsoid and Interior point method. method • I neglect talking about them. • For these algorithms please refer to optimization references. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 8. 8 NP Complexity Class • NP Complexity Class is only related to Decision Problem. • For example: SAT = {< Φ >: Φ is a satisfying assignment}. • So for any optimization problem we consider its related decision problem. • This will give us intuition about its hardness. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 9. 9 • We know the following definition about NP: L ∈ NP ⇔ ∃V(.,.) ∈ P, ∃P(.), ∀x ∈ Σ∗ , 1. x ∈ L ⇒ ∃y, y ≤ P( x ) and V(x, y) accepts. 2. x ∉ L ⇒ ∀y, y ≤ P( x ) and V(x, y) rejects. • We can look at this process like this: Y Find Certificate Y y V(X,Y) X x X x Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 10. 10 • Example: SAT = {< Φ >: Φ is a satisfying assignment}. SAT ∈ NP Because : 1) if Φ 0 ∈ SAT ⇒ We are given True assignment , and could check it in polynomial time. 2)if Φ 0 ∉ SAT ⇒ Then there is no true assignment. • There is one another important concept in complexity which is Reduction. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 11. 11 Definition : L ≤ P L* ⇔ ∃f (Polynomial Time Function) ∀x ∈ L ⇔ f ( x) ∈ L* . f L L* f L L L* Fig1: Graphical Diagram of Reduction Concept Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 12. 12 Example : SAT = {< Φ >| Φ is satisfiable assignment}. 3 - CNF = {< Φ >| Φ is 3 - cnf and satisfiable}. we show that : SAT ≤ P 3 − CNF . (3 − CNF is in this form for example : (x1 ∨ x 2 ∨ x 3 ) ∧ ( x1 ∨ x 2 ∨ x 3 ) ∧ (x1 ∨ x 2 ∨ x 3 ) Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 13. 13 Φ ≡ (¬x1 → x2 ) ↔ ( x3 ∧ x2 ) <-> y1 y2 -> ^ -x1 x2 x3 x4 Φ ≡ ( y1 ↔ (¬x1 → x2 )) ∧ (( x3 ∧ x4 ) ↔ y2 ) ∧ ( y1 ↔ y2 ) Now each paranthesis can be converted into 3 - OR form using truth table. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 14. 14 Example : INTEGER − PROGRAMMING = {< Am×n , bm×1 >| Am×n and bm×1 are integer matrices, ∃X n×1 ∈ Ζ n , Am×n X n×1 ≤ bm×1}. Obviously INTEGER − PROGRAMMING ∈ NP. We will show that : 3 − CNF ≤ P INTEGER − PROGRAMMING. Proof : ¬X 1 ∨ X 2 ∨ X 3 ↔ (1 − X 1 ) + X 2 + X 3 ¬X 1 ∨ X 2 ∨ X 3 ≡ 1 ↔ (1 − X 1 ) + X 2 + X 3 ≥ 1 X i ∈ Ζ, 0 ≤ X i ≤ 1 Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 15. 15 • We conclude this section by the following theorem: Every language in NP is polynomial time reducible to SAT language. • Language like SAT, INTEGER-PROGRAMMING, Hamiltonian Cycle, and 3-CNF are also the same and they belong to NP-Complete set. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 16. 16 Approximation Algorithms • The following describes the connection of NP optimization Complete problem and its related optimization problem. Decision Version : TSP = {< Gn×n , b >| G n×n is complete non negative weighted graph and there exists Hamiltonian Cycle such that its cost is less than or equal b}. Optimization Version : OP − TSP : we have complete non negative weighted graph G n×n , find the Hamiltonian Cycle which its cost is minimun. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 17. 17 • Bound of Approximation: • Suppose that problem P has an optimum solution with cost C- op. Algorithm X solves problem P with bound ρ(n) if it finds feasible solution with cost C such as: max {c/c-op, c-op/c} ≤ ρ(n). • Note that with this definition we always have ρ(n) ≥1. • In the following I try to show that sometimes, finding good approximation for optimization problems is very hard. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 18. 18 • Theorem: It does not exist any polynomial time approximation algorithm with Polynomial Bound for OPT-TSP unless P=NP. • Proof: we prove that if such an algorithm exists then we can Solve Hamiltonian Cycle in Polynomial Time. For each graph G with n vertex convert It into weighted complete graph G1 as G has Hamiltonian Cycle the following procedure: Iff 4) Assign 1 to each of its edge. OPT-TSP(G1)=n 5) Assign nρ(n) to the other edges. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 19. 19 • I think that it’s now time to study Randomized Rounding technique for solving optimization problems. • I explore it with two examples. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 20. 20 Case Study1: Minimum Weight Vertex Cover • Now we study randomized rounding method in approximation algorithms with an example. • Definition: • Vertex Cover: In undirected graph G=(V,E), Set A of vertices is said vertex cover if for every (u,v) ε E then u ε A or v ε A . • Minimum Weight Vertex Cover: In undirected graph G=(V,E) which each vertex has w(v) as positive weight Set A of vertices is said minimum weight vertex cover if for every (u,v) ε E then u ε A or v ε A and w(A) is the least. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 21. 21 Fig2: Vertex Cover Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 22. 22 • It is proved that decision version of this optimization problem is NP Hard. • At the first step we model it as integer programming. x : V → {0,1} if v ∈ Minimum Weight Vertex Cover Set ⇒ x(v) = 1. else x(v) = 0. Integer Programming Method : min ∑ w(v)x(v) v∈V ∀u , v ∈ V x(v) + x (u ) ≥ 1 0 ≤ x (v ) ≤ 1 Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 23. 23 • As it was known it is believed that there is no polynomial time algorithm for integer programming. • We must think about another method. • We investigate its related linear programming. x : V → [0,1] Linear Programming Method : min ∑ w(v)x(v) v∈V ∀u , v ∈ V x(v) + x(u ) ≥ 1 0 ≤ x (v ) ≤ 1 Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 24. 24 • The Last method is called Relaxation to linear programming. programming • It’s now time to state the approximation algorithm. Approximation Min Weight Vertex Cover(G, w) 1) C ← Φ 2) Compute x an optimal solution to linear programming. 3) for each v ∈ V 4) do if x (v) ≥ 0.5 / * Rounding Method * / 5) then C ← C ∪ {v} 6) Return C. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 25. 25 Proof : C :: The soulution of algorithm. C* :: The real optimal set of integer programming. Z* :: The optimal value of the linear programming. Obviously we have Z* ≤ w(C* ). Obviously C is vertex cover. Z* = ∑ w(v) x(v) ≥ ∑ w(v) x(v) v∈V v∈V , x ( v ) ≥ 0.5 ≥ ∑ w(v)0.5 =∑ w(v)0.5 = 0.5w(C ). v∈C v∈V , x ( v ) ≥ 0.5 0.5w(C) ≤ Z* ≤ w(C* ) ⇒ { ρ = 2} Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 26. 26 • Hastad proved that there is no Polynomial time algorithm for vertex cover that achieves an approximation better that 1.16 unless P=NP (1997). • Now we consider another example. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 27. 27 Case Study2: MAXSAT Problem MAXSAT : Given K - CNF Formula with each Clause C j has weight Wj ≥ 0. Find assignment to variables that maximizes : ∑w C j is true j Example : Φ = (x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 )( x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 )(x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ). C1 = (x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ) → w 1 C 2 = ( x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ) → w 2 C3 = (x1 + x 2 + x 3 + x 4 ) → w 3 Max ∑w C j is true j Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 28. 28 • We state the following randomized algorithm for this problem. (Johnson 1974). 1) for variables x1 ,...x n randomly assign to 0 or 1 with probability 0.5. 2) return ∑w C J istrue j Claim : 1 −1 The preceding algorithm has [(1- k )] approximation bound. 2 Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 29. 29 Proof : Define the following random varibles : I j = 1 if clause C j satisfiable if not 0. ∑ w =∑ w I C j is true j Cj j j 1 p(I j = 1 ) = (1 - ). 2k 1 p(I j = 0 ) = ( ). 2k 1 E{ ∑ w j} =E{∑ w jI j} =∑ w jE{I j} =(1- C j is true Cj Cj )∑ w j . 2k C j 1 −1 ρ = [(1 - k )] 2 Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 30. 30 • We can extend Johnson algorithm as follow: 1) for variables x1 ,...x n randomly and independently assign to 1 or 0 with probability p i and 1 - p i 2) return ∑w C J istrue j Claim : E{ ∑ w } = ∑ w (1 − ∏ (1 − p )∏ p ) C j is true j Cj j if xi i i if xi The proof is just the same. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 31. 31 • Now we model it with IP and relax it. Integer Programming Model for MAXSAT : Max ∑ w jz j Relaxation Cj ∀C j ∑ y + ∑ (1- y ) ≥ z if x i i i j if x i 0 ≤ yi ≤ 1 0 ≤ zj ≤1 yi , z j ∈ Ζ Relaxation for MAXSAT : Max ∑ w jz j Cj ∀C j ∑ y + ∑ (1- y ) ≥ z if x i i if x i i j 0 ≤ yi ≤ 1 0 ≤ zj ≤1 yi , z j ∈ ℜ Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 32. 32 Algorithm 1) Solve the LP and find vector (y* , z * ). 2) use extended Johnson algorithm with p i = y*i . 3) return Lemma : for any feasible solution (y* , z* ) to LP and for any clause C j with k Literals, we have 1 1 - ∏ (1- y i )∏ (y i ) ≥ (1 − (1 − ) k ) z j if x i if x i k Claim : The above algorithm has (1- 1/e) -1 approximation ratio. Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 33. 33 Proof : ∑ w {1 − ∏ (1 − p )∏ ( p )} = Cj j xi i i xi 1 ∑ w j {1 − ∏ (1 − yi )∏ ( yi )} ≥ (1 − (1 − ) k )∑ w j z j = * * * Cj xi xi k Cj 1 k * 1 k * (1 − (1 − ) ) Z LP ≥ (1 − (1 − ) ) Z IP k k [ρ = (1 − 1 / e) −1 ] Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 34. 34 Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 35. 35 • Algorithm 2. Compute the value from Johnson algorithm (w1). 3. Compute the value from LP Based algorithm (w2). 4. Return MAX(w1,w2). Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems
  • 36. 36 Conclusion • In this talk the randomized rounding method is explored with two example. • This new method opens new insight into approximation algorithms and complexity theory. The End Linear Programming and its Usage in Approximation Algorithms for NP Hard Optimization Problems