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Chapter 8
The Theory of NP-
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 P: the class of problems which can be solved
by a deterministic polynomial algorithm.
 NP : the class of decision problem which can
be solved by a non-deterministic polynomial
 NP-hard: the class of problems to which every
NP problem reduces.
 NP-complete (NPC): the class of problems
which are NP-hard and belong to NP.
8- 3
Some concepts of NPC
 Definition of reduction: Problem A reduces to
problem B (A ∝ B) iff A can be solved by a
deterministic polynomial time algorithm using
a deterministic algorithm that solves B in
polynomial time.
 Up to now, none of the NPC problems can be
solved by a deterministic polynomial time
algorithm in the worst case.
 It does not seem to have any polynomial time
algorithm to solve the NPC problems.
8- 4
 The theory of NP-completeness always
considers the worst case.
 The lower bound of any NPC problem seems
to be in the order of an exponential function.
 Not all NP problems are difficult. (e.g. the
MST problem is an NP problem.)
 If A, B ∈ NPC, then A ∝ B and B ∝ A.
 Theory of NP-completeness:
If any NPC problem can be solved in polynomial
time, then all NP problems can be solved in
polynomial time. (NP = P)
8- 5
Decision problems
 The solution is simply “Yes” or “No”.
 Optimization problems are more difficult.
 e.g. the traveling salesperson problem
 Optimization version:
Find the shortest tour
 Decision version:
Is there a tour whose total length is less than or
equal to a constant c ?
8- 6
Solving an optimization problem by a
decision algorithm :
 Solving TSP optimization
problem by a decision
algorithm :
 Give c1
and test (decision algorithm)
Give c2
and test (decision algorithm)
Give cn
and test (decision algorithm)
 We can easily find the smallest ci
8- 7
The satisfiability problem
 The satisfiability problem
 The logical formula :
v x2
v x3
& - x1
& - x2
the assignment :
← F , x2
← F , x3
← T
will make the above formula true .
, -x2
, x3
) represents x1
← F , x2
← F , x3
← T
8- 8
 If there is at least one assignment which
satisfies a formula, then we say that this
formula is satisfiable; otherwise, it is
 An unsatisfiable formula :
v x2
& x1
v -x2
& -x1
v x2
& -x1
v -x2
8- 9
 Definition of the satisfiability problem: Given
a Boolean formula, determine whether this
formula is satisfiable or not.
 A literal : xi
or -xi
 A clause : x1
v x2
v -x3
≡ Ci
 A formula : conjunctive normal form (CNF)
& C2
& … & Cm
8- 10
 Resolution principle
: x1
v x2
: -x1
v x3
⇒ C3
: x2
v x3
 From C1
, we can
obtain C3
, and C3
be added into the
 The formula becomes:
The resolution principle
x3 C1
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1
0 1 0 1 1
0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1
8- 11
 Another example of resolution principle
: -x1
v -x2
v x3
: x1
v x4
⇒ C3
: -x2
v x3
v x4
 If no new clauses can be deduced, then
it is satisfiable.
v -x2
v x3
(1) & (2) -x2
v x3
(4) & (3) x3
(1) & (3) -x1
v x3
8- 12
 If an empty clause is deduced, then it is
- x1
v -x2
v x3
v -x2
- x3
  ⇓ deduce
  (1) & (2) -x2
v x3
(4) & (5) -x2
(6) & (3) □ (7)
8- 13
Semantic tree
 In a semantic tree, each
path from the root to a
leaf node represents a
class of assignments.
 If each leaf node is
attached with a clause,
then it is unsatisfiable.
8- 14
Nondeterministic algorithms
 A nondeterminstic algorithm consists of
phase 1: guessing
phase 2: checking
 If the checking stage of a nondeterministic
algorithm is of polynomial time-complexity, then
this algorithm is called an NP (nondeterministic
polynomial) algorithm.
 NP problems : (must be decision problems)
 e.g. searching, MST
satisfiability problem (SAT)
traveling salesperson problem (TSP)
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Decision problems
 Decision version of sorting:
Given a1
, a2
,…, an
and c, is there a permutation
of ai
s ( a1
, a2
, … ,an
) such that∣a2
… +∣an
∣ < c ?
 Not all decision problems are NP problems
 E.g. halting problem :
Given a program with a certain input data, will
the program terminate or not?
8- 16
Nondeterministic operations
and functions
[Horowitz 1998]
 Choice(S) : arbitrarily chooses one of the elements in set
 Failure : an unsuccessful completion
 Success : a successful completion
 Nonderministic searching algorithm:
j ← choice(1 : n) /* guessing */
if A(j) = x then success /* checking */
else failure
8- 17
 A nondeterministic algorithm terminates
unsuccessfully iff there does not exist a set of
choices leading to a success signal.
 The time required for choice(1 : n) is O(1).
 A deterministic interpretation of a non-
deterministic algorithm can be made by
allowing unbounded parallelism in
8- 18
Nondeterministic sorting
B ← 0
/* guessing */
for i = 1 to n do
j ← choice(1 : n)
if B[j] ≠ 0 then failure
B[j] = A[i]
/* checking */
for i = 1 to n-1 do
if B[i] > B[i+1] then failure
8- 19
Nondeterministic SAT
/* guessing */
for i = 1 to n do
xi ← choice( true, false )
/* checking */
if E(x1, x2, … ,xn) is true then success
else failure
8- 20
Cook’s theorem
NP = P iff the satisfiability
problem is a P problem.
 SAT is NP-complete.
 It is the first NP-complete
 Every NP problem reduces
to SAT.
Stephen Arthur
8- 21
Transforming searching to SAT
 Does there exist a number in { x(1),
x(2), …, x(n) }, which is equal to 7?
 Assume n = 2.
nondeterministic algorithm:
i = choice(1,2)
if x(i)=7 then SUCCESS
8- 22
i=1 v i=2
& i=1 → i≠2
& i=2 → i≠1
& x(1)=7 & i=1 → SUCCESS
& x(2)=7 & i=2 → SUCCESS
& x(1)≠7 & i=1 → FAILURE
& x(2)≠7 & i=2 → FAILURE
& SUCCESS (Guarantees a successful
& x(1)=7 (Input Data)
& x(2)≠7
8- 23
 CNF (conjunctive normal form) :
i=1 v i=2 (1)
i≠1 v i≠2 (2)
x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v SUCCESS (3)
x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v SUCCESS (4)
x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FAILURE (5)
x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FAILURE (6)
x(1)=7 (9)
x(2)≠7 (10)
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 Satisfiable at the following assignment :
i=1 satisfying (1)
i≠2 satisfying (2), (4) and (6)
SUCCESS satisfying (3), (4) and (8)
−FAILURE satisfying (7)
x(1)=7 satisfying (5) and (9)
x(2)≠7 satisfying (4) and (10)
8- 25
The semantic tree
i=1 v i=2 (1)
i≠1 v i≠2 (2)
x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v SUCCESS (3)
x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v SUCCESS (4)
x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FAILURE (5)
x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FAILURE (6)
x(1)=7 (9)
x(2)≠7 (10)
8- 26
Searching for 7, but x(1)≠7, x(2)≠7
CNF (conjunctive normal form) :
i=1 v i=2 (1)
i≠1 v i≠2 (2)
x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v SUCCESS (3)
x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v SUCCESS (4)
x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FAILURE (5)
x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FAILURE (6)
x(1) ≠ 7 (9)
x(2) ≠ 7 (10)
8- 27
 Apply resolution principle :
(9) & (5) i≠1 v FAILURE (11)
(10) & (6) i≠2 v FAILURE (12)
(7) & (8) -FAILURE (13)
(13) & (11) i≠1 (14)
(13) & (12) i≠2 (15)
(14) & (1) i=2 (11)
(15) & (16) □ (17)
We get an empty clause ⇒ unsatisfiable
⇒ 7 does not exit in x(1) or x(2).
8- 28
 CNF:
i=1 v i=2 (1)
i≠1 v i≠2 (2)
x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v S U C C E S S (3 )
x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v S U C C E S S (4 )
x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FA I L U R E ( 5 )
x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FA I L U R E ( 6 )
x(1)=7 (9)
x(2)=7 (10)
Searching for 7, where x(1)=7, x(2)=7
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The semantic
It implies that both assignments (i=1, i=2) satisfy the
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The node cover problem
 Def: Given a graph G=(V, E), S is the node
cover if S ⊆ V and for every edge (u, v) ∈ E,
either u ∈ S or v ∈ S.
node cover :
{1, 3}
{5, 2, 4}
 Decision problem : ∃ S ∋ | S | ≤ K ?
8- 31
Transforming the node cover
problem to SAT
i1 ← choice({1, 2, …, n})
i2 ← choice({1, 2, …, n} – {i1})
ik ← choice({1, 2, …, n} – {i1, i2, …, ik-1}).
For j=1 to m do
if ej is not incident to one of νit
8- 32
i1 = 1 v i1 = 2… v i1 = n
(i1≠ 1→i1=2 v i1=3…v i1 = n)
i2 = 1 v i2 = 2… v i2 = n
ik = 1 v ik = 2… v ik = n
i1 ≠1 v i2 ≠1 (i1=1 →i2≠1 & ... & ik≠1)
i1 ≠1 v i3 ≠1
ik-1 ≠n v ik ≠n
∈e1 v νi2
∈e1 v … v νik
∉e1→ Failure)
∈e2 v νi2
∈e2 v … v νik
∈em v νi2
∈em v … v νik
(To be continued)
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8- 34
SAT is NP-complete
(1) SAT has an NP algorithm.
(2) SAT is NP-hard:
 Every NP algorithm for problem A can be
transformed in polynomial time to SAT
[Horowitz 1998] such that SAT is satisfiable
if and only if the answer for A is “YES”.
 That is, every NP problem ∝ SAT .
 By (1) and (2), SAT is NP-complete.
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Proof of NP-Completeness
 To show that A is NP-complete
(I) Prove that A is an NP problem.
(II) Prove that ∃ B ∈ NPC, B ∝ A.
⇒ A ∈ NPC
 Why ?
8- 36
3-satisfiability problem (3-
 Def: Each clause contains exactly three
 (I) 3-SAT is an NP problem (obviously)
 (II) SAT ∝ 3-SAT
(1) One literal L1
in a clause in SAT :
in 3-SAT :
v y1
v y2
v -y1
v y2
v y1
v -y2
v -y1
v -y2
8- 37
(2) Two literals L1
, L2
in a clause in SAT :
in 3-SAT :
v L2
v y1
v L2
v -y1
(3) Three literals in a clause : remain unchanged.
(4) More than 3 literals L1
, L2
, …, Lk
in a clause :
in 3-SAT :
v L2
v y1
v -y1
v y2
v -yk-4
v yk-3
v Lk
v -yk-3
8- 38
SAT transform
S S′
 The instance S′ in 3-
v x2
v y1
v x2
v -y1
v y2
v y3
v -y2
v y3
v y2
v -y3
v -y2
v -y3
v -x2
v y4
v -y4
v y5
v -y5
v y6
v x6
v -y6
 An instance S in SAT :
v x2
v -x2
v x3
v -x4
v x5
v x6
Example of transforming SAT to 3-
8- 39
 Proof : S is satisfiable ⇔ S′ is satisfiable
≤ 3 literals in S (trivial)
consider ≥ 4 literals
S : L1
v L2
v … v Lk
S′: L1
v L2
v y1
v -y1
v y2
v -y2
v y3
v -yk-4
v yk-3
v Lk
v -yk-3
8- 40
 S is satisfiable ⇒ at least Li
= T
Assume : Lj
= F ∀ j ≠ i
assign : yi-1
= F
= T ∀ j < i-1
= F ∀ j > i-1
( Li
v -yi-2
v yi-1
⇒ S′ is satisfiable.
 “⇐”
If S′ is satisfiable, then assignment satisfying
S′ can not contain yi
’s only.
⇒ at least one Li
must be true.
(We can also apply the resolution principle).
Thus, 3-SAT is NP-complete.
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Comment for 3-SAT
 If a problem is NP-complete, its special cases
may or may not be NP-complete.
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Chromatic number decision
problem (CN)
 Def: A coloring of a graph G=(V, E) is a function
f : V → { 1, 2, 3,…, k } such that if (u, v) ∈ E, then
f(u)≠f(v). The CN problem is to determine if G has a
coloring for k.
<Theorem> Satisfiability with at most 3 literals per
clause (SATY) ∝ CN.
f(a)=1, f(b)=2, f(c)=1
f(d)=2, f(e)=3
8- 43
Proof :
instance of SATY :
variable : x1, x2, …, xn , n ≥ 4
clause : c1, c2, …, cr
instance of CN :
G=(V, E)
V={ x1, x2, …, xn }∪{ -x1, -x2, …, -xn }
∪{ y1, y2, …, yn }∪{ c1, c2, …, cr }
newly added
E={ (xi, -xi) | 1≤ i ≤ n }∪{ (yi, yj) | i ≠ j }
∪{ (yi, xj) | i ≠ j }∪{ (yi, -xj) | i ≠ j }
∪{ (xi, cj) | xi ∉ cj }∪{ (-xi, cj) | -xi ∉ cj }
8- 44
v x2
v x3
v -x4
v x2
Example of SATY ∝ CN
True assignment:
E={ (xi
, -xi
) | 1≤ i ≤ n }∪{ (yi
, yj
) | i ≠ j }
∪{ (yi
, xj
) | i ≠ j }∪{ (yi
, -xj
) | i ≠ j }
∪{ (xi
, cj
) | xi
∉ cj
}∪{ (-xi
, cj
) | -xi
∉ cj
8- 45
 Satisfiable ⇔ n+1 colorable
 “⇒”
(1) f(yi
) = i
(2) if xi
= T, then f(xi
) = i, f(-xi
) = n+1
else f(xi
) = n+1, f(-xi
) = i
(3)if xi
in cj
and xi
= T, then f(cj
) = f(xi
if -xi
in cj
and -xi
= T, then f(cj
) = f(-xi
( at least one such xi
Proof of SATY ∝ CN
8- 46
 “⇐”
(1) yi
must be assigned with color i.
(2) f(xi
) ≠ f(-xi
either f(xi
) = i and f(-xi
) = n+1
or f(xi
) = n+1 and f(-xi
) = i
(3) at most 3 literals in cj
and n ≥ 4
⇒ at least one xi
, ∋ xi
and -xi
are not in cj
⇒ f(cj
) ≠ n+1
(4) if f(cj
) = i = f(xi
), assign xi
to T
if f(cj
) = i = f(-xi
), assign -xi
to T
(5) if f(cj
) = i = f(xi
) ⇒ (cj
, xi
) ∉ E
⇒ xi
in cj
⇒ cj
is true
if f(cj
) = i = f(-xi
) ⇒ similarly
8- 47
Set cover decision problem
 Def: F = {Si
} = { S1
, S2
, …, Sk
= { u1
, u2
, …, un
T is a set cover of F if T ⊆ F and
The set cover decision problem is to determine if F has
a cover T containing no more than c sets.
 Example
F = {(u1
, u3
), (u2
, u4
), (u2
, u3
), (u4
), (u1
, u3
, u4
T = { s1
, s3
, s4
} set cover
T = { s1
, s2
} set cover, exact cover
8- 48
Exact cover problem
(Notations same as those in set cover.)
Def: To determine if F has an exact cover T,
which is a cover of F and the sets in T are
pairwise disjoint.
<Theorem> CN ∝ exact cover
(No proof here.)
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Sum of subsets problem
 Def: A set of positive numbers A = { a1
, a2
, …,
a constant C
Determine if ∃ A′ ⊆ A ∋
 e.g. A = { 7, 5, 19, 1, 12, 8, 14 }
 C = 21, A′ = { 7, 14 }
 C = 11, no solution
<Theorem> Exact cover ∝ sum of subsets.
8- 50
 Proof :
instance of exact cover :
F = { S1
, S2
, …, Sk
instance of sum of subsets :
A = { a1
, a2
, …, ak
} where
where eij
= 1 if uj
∈ Si
= 0 if otherwise.
 Why k+1? (See the example on the next page.)
Exact cover ∝ sum of subsets
{ }
= ...,,2,1
iji kea )1(
+= ∑≤≤
kkkkC n
−++=+= ∑≤≤
8- 51
Example of Exact cover ∝ sum of
 Valid transformation:
u1=6, u2=8, u3=9, n=3
EC: S1={6,8}, S2={9},
S3={6,9}, S4={8,9}
SS: a1=51
 Invalid transformation:
EC: S1={6,8}, S2={8}, S3={8},
S4={8,9}. K=4
Suppose k-2=2 is used.
SS: a1=21
{ } { }9,8,6...,,2,1 ==
8- 52
Partition problem
 Def: Given a set of positive numbers A =
{ a1
determine if ∃ a partition P, ∋
 e. g. A = {3, 6, 1, 9, 4, 11}
partition : {3, 1, 9, 4} and {6, 11}
<Theorem> sum of subsets ∝ partition
∑∑ ∉∈
8- 53
Sum of subsets ∝ partition
proof :
instance of sum of subsets :
A = { a1, a2, …, an }, C
instance of partition :
B = { b1, b2, …, bn+2 }, where bi = ai, 1≤ i ≤ n
bn+1 = C+1
bn+2 = ( ∑ ai )+1−C
C = ∑ai ⇔ ( ∑ai )+bn+2 = ( ∑ai )+bn+1
ai∈S ai∈S ai∉S
⇔ partition : { bi | ai∈S}∪{bn+2}
and { bi | ai∉S }∪{bn+1}
8- 54
 Why bn+1
= C+1 ? why not bn+1
= C ?
 To avoid bn+1
and bn+2
to be partitioned into
the same subset.
8- 55
Bin packing problem
 Def: n items, each of size ci
, ci
> 0
Each bin capacity : C
 Determine if we can assign the items into
k bins, ∋ ∑ci
≤ C , 1≤j≤k.
<Theorem> partition ∝ bin packing.
8- 56
VLSI discrete layout problem
 Given: n rectangles, each with height hi
width wi
and an area A
Determine if there is a placement of the n
rectangles within the area A according to the rules :
1. Boundaries of rectangles parallel to x axis or y
2. Corners of rectangles lie on integer points.
3. No two rectangles overlap.
4. Two rectangles are separated by at least a unit
(See the figure on the next page.)
8- 57
A Successful Placement
<Theorem> bin packing ∝ VLSI discrete layout.
8- 58
Max clique problem
 Def: A maximal complete subgraph of a graph
G=(V,E) is a clique. The max (maximum) clique
problem is to determine the size of a largest
clique in G.
 e. g.
<Theorem> SAT ∝ clique decision problem.
maximal cliques :
{a, b}, {a, c, d}
{c, d, e, f}
maximum clique :
{c, d, e, f}
8- 59
Node cover decision problem
 Def: A set S ⊆ V is a node cover for a graph
G = (V, E) iff all edges in E are incident to at
least one vertex in S. ∃ S, ∋ |S| ≤ K ?
<Theorem> clique decision problem ∝
node cover decision problem.
(See proof on the next page.)
8- 60
Clique decision ∝ node cover
 G=(V,E) : clique Q of size k (Q⊆V)
G’=(V,E’) : node cover S of size n-k, S=V-Q
where E’={(u,v)|u∈V, v ∈V and (u,v)∉E}
8- 61
Hamiltonian cycle problem
 Def: A Hamiltonian cycle is a round trip path
along n edges of G which visits every vertex
once and returns to its starting vertex.
 e.g.
Hamiltonian cycle : 1, 2, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1.
<Theorem> SAT ∝ directed Hamiltonian cycle
( in a directed graph )
8- 62
Traveling salesperson problem
 Def: A tour of a directed graph G=(V,
E) is a directed cycle that includes every
vertex in V. The problem is to find a tour
of minimum cost.
<Theorem> Directed Hamiltonian cycle ∝
traveling salesperson decision problem.
(See proof on the next page.)
8- 63
Proof of Hamiltonian ∝ TSP
8- 64
0/1 knapsack problem
 Def: n objects, each with a weight wi
> 0
a profit pi
> 0
capacity of knapsack : M
Maximize ∑pi
Subject to ∑wi
≤ M
= 0 or 1, 1≤ i ≤n
 Decision version :
Given K, ∃ ∑pi
≥ K ?
 Knapsack problem : 0 ≤ xi
≤ 1, 1≤ i ≤n.
<Theorem> partition ∝ 0/1 knapsack decision
8- 65
 Refer to Sec. 11.3, Sec. 11.4 and its
exercises of [Horowitz 1998] for the proofs of
more NP-complete problems.
 [[Horowitz 1998] E. Howowitz, S. Sahni and S.
Rajasekaran, Computer Algorithms, Computer
Science Press, New York, 1998, 「台北圖書」代
理 , 02-23625376

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Np cooks theorem

  • 1. 8- 1 Chapter 8 The Theory of NP- Completeness
  • 2. 8- 2  P: the class of problems which can be solved by a deterministic polynomial algorithm.  NP : the class of decision problem which can be solved by a non-deterministic polynomial algorithm.  NP-hard: the class of problems to which every NP problem reduces.  NP-complete (NPC): the class of problems which are NP-hard and belong to NP.
  • 3. 8- 3 Some concepts of NPC  Definition of reduction: Problem A reduces to problem B (A ∝ B) iff A can be solved by a deterministic polynomial time algorithm using a deterministic algorithm that solves B in polynomial time.  Up to now, none of the NPC problems can be solved by a deterministic polynomial time algorithm in the worst case.  It does not seem to have any polynomial time algorithm to solve the NPC problems.
  • 4. 8- 4  The theory of NP-completeness always considers the worst case.  The lower bound of any NPC problem seems to be in the order of an exponential function.  Not all NP problems are difficult. (e.g. the MST problem is an NP problem.)  If A, B ∈ NPC, then A ∝ B and B ∝ A.  Theory of NP-completeness: If any NPC problem can be solved in polynomial time, then all NP problems can be solved in polynomial time. (NP = P)
  • 5. 8- 5 Decision problems  The solution is simply “Yes” or “No”.  Optimization problems are more difficult.  e.g. the traveling salesperson problem  Optimization version: Find the shortest tour  Decision version: Is there a tour whose total length is less than or equal to a constant c ?
  • 6. 8- 6 Solving an optimization problem by a decision algorithm :  Solving TSP optimization problem by a decision algorithm :  Give c1 and test (decision algorithm) Give c2 and test (decision algorithm)  Give cn and test (decision algorithm)  We can easily find the smallest ci
  • 7. 8- 7 The satisfiability problem  The satisfiability problem  The logical formula : x1 v x2 v x3 & - x1 & - x2 the assignment : x1 ← F , x2 ← F , x3 ← T will make the above formula true . (-x1 , -x2 , x3 ) represents x1 ← F , x2 ← F , x3 ← T
  • 8. 8- 8  If there is at least one assignment which satisfies a formula, then we say that this formula is satisfiable; otherwise, it is unsatisfiable.  An unsatisfiable formula : x1 v x2 & x1 v -x2 & -x1 v x2 & -x1 v -x2
  • 9. 8- 9  Definition of the satisfiability problem: Given a Boolean formula, determine whether this formula is satisfiable or not.    A literal : xi or -xi  A clause : x1 v x2 v -x3 ≡ Ci  A formula : conjunctive normal form (CNF) C1 & C2 & … & Cm
  • 10. 8- 10  Resolution principle C1 : x1 v x2 C2 : -x1 v x3 ⇒ C3 : x2 v x3  From C1 &C2 , we can obtain C3 , and C3 can be added into the formula.  The formula becomes: C1 &C2 &C3 The resolution principle x1 x2 x3 C1 &C2 C3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
  • 11. 8- 11  Another example of resolution principle C1 : -x1 v -x2 v x3 C2 : x1 v x4 ⇒ C3 : -x2 v x3 v x4  If no new clauses can be deduced, then it is satisfiable. -x1 v -x2 v x3 (1) x1 (2) x2 (3) (1) & (2) -x2 v x3 (4) (4) & (3) x3 (5) (1) & (3) -x1 v x3 (6)
  • 12. 8- 12  If an empty clause is deduced, then it is unsatisfiable. - x1 v -x2 v x3 (1) x1 v -x2 (2) x2 (3) - x3 (4)   ⇓ deduce   (1) & (2) -x2 v x3 (5) (4) & (5) -x2 (6) (6) & (3) □ (7)
  • 13. 8- 13 Semantic tree  In a semantic tree, each path from the root to a leaf node represents a class of assignments.  If each leaf node is attached with a clause, then it is unsatisfiable.
  • 14. 8- 14 Nondeterministic algorithms  A nondeterminstic algorithm consists of phase 1: guessing phase 2: checking  If the checking stage of a nondeterministic algorithm is of polynomial time-complexity, then this algorithm is called an NP (nondeterministic polynomial) algorithm.  NP problems : (must be decision problems)  e.g. searching, MST sorting satisfiability problem (SAT) traveling salesperson problem (TSP)
  • 15. 8- 15 Decision problems  Decision version of sorting: Given a1 , a2 ,…, an and c, is there a permutation of ai ′ s ( a1 ′ , a2 ′ , … ,an ′ ) such that∣a2 ′ –a1 ′ ∣+∣a3 ′ –a2 ′ ∣+ … +∣an ′ –an-1 ′ ∣ < c ?  Not all decision problems are NP problems  E.g. halting problem :  Given a program with a certain input data, will the program terminate or not?  NP-hard  Undecidable
  • 16. 8- 16 Nondeterministic operations and functions [Horowitz 1998]  Choice(S) : arbitrarily chooses one of the elements in set S  Failure : an unsuccessful completion  Success : a successful completion  Nonderministic searching algorithm: j ← choice(1 : n) /* guessing */ if A(j) = x then success /* checking */ else failure
  • 17. 8- 17  A nondeterministic algorithm terminates unsuccessfully iff there does not exist a set of choices leading to a success signal.  The time required for choice(1 : n) is O(1).  A deterministic interpretation of a non- deterministic algorithm can be made by allowing unbounded parallelism in computation.
  • 18. 8- 18 Nondeterministic sorting B ← 0 /* guessing */ for i = 1 to n do j ← choice(1 : n) if B[j] ≠ 0 then failure B[j] = A[i] /* checking */ for i = 1 to n-1 do if B[i] > B[i+1] then failure success
  • 19. 8- 19 Nondeterministic SAT /* guessing */ for i = 1 to n do xi ← choice( true, false ) /* checking */ if E(x1, x2, … ,xn) is true then success else failure
  • 20. 8- 20 Cook’s theorem NP = P iff the satisfiability problem is a P problem.  SAT is NP-complete.  It is the first NP-complete problem.  Every NP problem reduces to SAT. Stephen Arthur Cook (1939~)
  • 21. 8- 21 Transforming searching to SAT  Does there exist a number in { x(1), x(2), …, x(n) }, which is equal to 7?  Assume n = 2. nondeterministic algorithm: i = choice(1,2) if x(i)=7 then SUCCESS else FAILURE
  • 22. 8- 22 i=1 v i=2 & i=1 → i≠2 & i=2 → i≠1 & x(1)=7 & i=1 → SUCCESS & x(2)=7 & i=2 → SUCCESS & x(1)≠7 & i=1 → FAILURE & x(2)≠7 & i=2 → FAILURE & FAILURE → -SUCCESS & SUCCESS (Guarantees a successful termination) & x(1)=7 (Input Data) & x(2)≠7
  • 23. 8- 23  CNF (conjunctive normal form) : i=1 v i=2 (1) i≠1 v i≠2 (2) x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v SUCCESS (3) x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v SUCCESS (4) x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FAILURE (5) x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FAILURE (6) -FAILURE v -SUCCESS (7) SUCCESS (8) x(1)=7 (9) x(2)≠7 (10)
  • 24. 8- 24  Satisfiable at the following assignment : i=1 satisfying (1) i≠2 satisfying (2), (4) and (6) SUCCESS satisfying (3), (4) and (8) −FAILURE satisfying (7) x(1)=7 satisfying (5) and (9) x(2)≠7 satisfying (4) and (10)
  • 25. 8- 25 The semantic tree i=1 v i=2 (1) i≠1 v i≠2 (2) x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v SUCCESS (3) x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v SUCCESS (4) x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FAILURE (5) x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FAILURE (6) -FAILURE v -SUCCESS (7) SUCCESS (8) x(1)=7 (9) x(2)≠7 (10)
  • 26. 8- 26 Searching for 7, but x(1)≠7, x(2)≠7  CNF (conjunctive normal form) : i=1 v i=2 (1) i≠1 v i≠2 (2) x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v SUCCESS (3) x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v SUCCESS (4) x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FAILURE (5) x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FAILURE (6) SUCCESS (7) -SUCCESS v -FAILURE (8) x(1) ≠ 7 (9) x(2) ≠ 7 (10)
  • 27. 8- 27  Apply resolution principle : (9) & (5) i≠1 v FAILURE (11) (10) & (6) i≠2 v FAILURE (12) (7) & (8) -FAILURE (13) (13) & (11) i≠1 (14) (13) & (12) i≠2 (15) (14) & (1) i=2 (11) (15) & (16) □ (17) We get an empty clause ⇒ unsatisfiable ⇒ 7 does not exit in x(1) or x(2).
  • 28. 8- 28  CNF: i=1 v i=2 (1) i≠1 v i≠2 (2) x(1)≠7 v i≠1 v S U C C E S S (3 ) x(2)≠7 v i≠2 v S U C C E S S (4 ) x(1)=7 v i≠1 v FA I L U R E ( 5 ) x(2)=7 v i≠2 v FA I L U R E ( 6 ) SUCCESS (7) -SUCCESS v -FAILURE (8) x(1)=7 (9) x(2)=7 (10) Searching for 7, where x(1)=7, x(2)=7
  • 29. 8- 29 The semantic tree It implies that both assignments (i=1, i=2) satisfy the clauses.
  • 30. 8- 30 The node cover problem  Def: Given a graph G=(V, E), S is the node cover if S ⊆ V and for every edge (u, v) ∈ E, either u ∈ S or v ∈ S. node cover : {1, 3} {5, 2, 4}  Decision problem : ∃ S ∋ | S | ≤ K ?
  • 31. 8- 31 Transforming the node cover problem to SAT BEGIN i1 ← choice({1, 2, …, n}) i2 ← choice({1, 2, …, n} – {i1})  ik ← choice({1, 2, …, n} – {i1, i2, …, ik-1}). For j=1 to m do BEGIN if ej is not incident to one of νit (1≤t≤k) then FAILURE END SUCCESS
  • 32. 8- 32 i1 = 1 v i1 = 2… v i1 = n (i1≠ 1→i1=2 v i1=3…v i1 = n) i2 = 1 v i2 = 2… v i2 = n  ik = 1 v ik = 2… v ik = n i1 ≠1 v i2 ≠1 (i1=1 →i2≠1 & ... & ik≠1) i1 ≠1 v i3 ≠1  ik-1 ≠n v ik ≠n νi1 ∈e1 v νi2 ∈e1 v … v νik ∈e1 v FAILURE (νi1 ∉e1&νi2 ∉e1&…&νik ∉e1→ Failure) νi1 ∈e2 v νi2 ∈e2 v … v νik ∈e2 v FAILURE  νi1 ∈em v νi2 ∈em v … v νik ∈em v FAILURE SUCCESS CN F: (To be continued)
  • 33. 8- 33 -SUCCESS v -FAILURE νr1 ∈e1 νs1 ∈e1 νr2 ∈e2 νs2 ∈e2  νrm ∈em νsm ∈em
  • 34. 8- 34 SAT is NP-complete (1) SAT has an NP algorithm. (2) SAT is NP-hard:  Every NP algorithm for problem A can be transformed in polynomial time to SAT [Horowitz 1998] such that SAT is satisfiable if and only if the answer for A is “YES”.  That is, every NP problem ∝ SAT .  By (1) and (2), SAT is NP-complete.
  • 35. 8- 35 Proof of NP-Completeness  To show that A is NP-complete (I) Prove that A is an NP problem. (II) Prove that ∃ B ∈ NPC, B ∝ A. ⇒ A ∈ NPC  Why ?
  • 36. 8- 36 3-satisfiability problem (3- SAT)  Def: Each clause contains exactly three literals.  (I) 3-SAT is an NP problem (obviously)  (II) SAT ∝ 3-SAT Proof: (1) One literal L1 in a clause in SAT : in 3-SAT : L1 v y1 v y2 L1 v -y1 v y2 L1 v y1 v -y2 L1 v -y1 v -y2
  • 37. 8- 37 (2) Two literals L1 , L2 in a clause in SAT : in 3-SAT : L1 v L2 v y1 L1 v L2 v -y1 (3) Three literals in a clause : remain unchanged. (4) More than 3 literals L1 , L2 , …, Lk in a clause : in 3-SAT : L1 v L2 v y1 L3 v -y1 v y2  Lk-2 v -yk-4 v yk-3 Lk-1 v Lk v -yk-3
  • 38. 8- 38 SAT transform 3-SAT S S′  The instance S′ in 3- SAT : x1 v x2 v y1 x1 v x2 v -y1 -x3 v y2 v y3 -x3 v -y2 v y3 -x3 v y2 v -y3 -x3 v -y2 v -y3 x1 v -x2 v y4 x3 v -y4 v y5 -x4 v -y5 v y6 x5 v x6 v -y6  An instance S in SAT : x1 v x2 -x3 x1 v -x2 v x3 v -x4 v x5 v x6 Example of transforming SAT to 3- SAT
  • 39. 8- 39  Proof : S is satisfiable ⇔ S′ is satisfiable “⇒” ≤ 3 literals in S (trivial) consider ≥ 4 literals S : L1 v L2 v … v Lk S′: L1 v L2 v y1 L3 v -y1 v y2 L4 v -y2 v y3  Lk-2 v -yk-4 v yk-3 Lk-1 v Lk v -yk-3
  • 40. 8- 40  S is satisfiable ⇒ at least Li = T Assume : Lj = F ∀ j ≠ i assign : yi-1 = F yj = T ∀ j < i-1 yj = F ∀ j > i-1 ( Li v -yi-2 v yi-1 ) ⇒ S′ is satisfiable.  “⇐” If S′ is satisfiable, then assignment satisfying S′ can not contain yi ’s only. ⇒ at least one Li must be true. (We can also apply the resolution principle). Thus, 3-SAT is NP-complete.
  • 41. 8- 41 Comment for 3-SAT  If a problem is NP-complete, its special cases may or may not be NP-complete.
  • 42. 8- 42 Chromatic number decision problem (CN)  Def: A coloring of a graph G=(V, E) is a function f : V → { 1, 2, 3,…, k } such that if (u, v) ∈ E, then f(u)≠f(v). The CN problem is to determine if G has a coloring for k. <Theorem> Satisfiability with at most 3 literals per clause (SATY) ∝ CN. 3-colorable f(a)=1, f(b)=2, f(c)=1 f(d)=2, f(e)=3
  • 43. 8- 43 Proof : instance of SATY : variable : x1, x2, …, xn , n ≥ 4 clause : c1, c2, …, cr instance of CN : G=(V, E) V={ x1, x2, …, xn }∪{ -x1, -x2, …, -xn } ∪{ y1, y2, …, yn }∪{ c1, c2, …, cr }  newly added E={ (xi, -xi) | 1≤ i ≤ n }∪{ (yi, yj) | i ≠ j } ∪{ (yi, xj) | i ≠ j }∪{ (yi, -xj) | i ≠ j } ∪{ (xi, cj) | xi ∉ cj }∪{ (-xi, cj) | -xi ∉ cj } SATY ∝ CN
  • 44. 8- 44 x1 v x2 v x3 (1) -x3 v -x4 v x2 (2) ⇓ Example of SATY ∝ CN True assignment: x1 =T x2 =F x3 =F x4 =T E={ (xi , -xi ) | 1≤ i ≤ n }∪{ (yi , yj ) | i ≠ j } ∪{ (yi , xj ) | i ≠ j }∪{ (yi , -xj ) | i ≠ j } ∪{ (xi , cj ) | xi ∉ cj }∪{ (-xi , cj ) | -xi ∉ cj }
  • 45. 8- 45  Satisfiable ⇔ n+1 colorable  “⇒” (1) f(yi ) = i (2) if xi = T, then f(xi ) = i, f(-xi ) = n+1 else f(xi ) = n+1, f(-xi ) = i (3)if xi in cj and xi = T, then f(cj ) = f(xi ) if -xi in cj and -xi = T, then f(cj ) = f(-xi ) ( at least one such xi ) Proof of SATY ∝ CN
  • 46. 8- 46  “⇐” (1) yi must be assigned with color i. (2) f(xi ) ≠ f(-xi ) either f(xi ) = i and f(-xi ) = n+1 or f(xi ) = n+1 and f(-xi ) = i (3) at most 3 literals in cj and n ≥ 4 ⇒ at least one xi , ∋ xi and -xi are not in cj ⇒ f(cj ) ≠ n+1 (4) if f(cj ) = i = f(xi ), assign xi to T if f(cj ) = i = f(-xi ), assign -xi to T (5) if f(cj ) = i = f(xi ) ⇒ (cj , xi ) ∉ E ⇒ xi in cj ⇒ cj is true if f(cj ) = i = f(-xi ) ⇒ similarly
  • 47. 8- 47 Set cover decision problem  Def: F = {Si } = { S1 , S2 , …, Sk } = { u1 , u2 , …, un } T is a set cover of F if T ⊆ F and The set cover decision problem is to determine if F has a cover T containing no more than c sets.  Example F = {(u1 , u3 ), (u2 , u4 ), (u2 , u3 ), (u4 ), (u1 , u3 , u4 )} s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 T = { s1 , s3 , s4 } set cover T = { s1 , s2 } set cover, exact cover FS i i S ∈  FS i TS i ii SS ∈∈ =
  • 48. 8- 48 Exact cover problem (Notations same as those in set cover.) Def: To determine if F has an exact cover T, which is a cover of F and the sets in T are pairwise disjoint. <Theorem> CN ∝ exact cover (No proof here.)
  • 49. 8- 49 Sum of subsets problem  Def: A set of positive numbers A = { a1 , a2 , …, an } a constant C Determine if ∃ A′ ⊆ A ∋  e.g. A = { 7, 5, 19, 1, 12, 8, 14 }  C = 21, A′ = { 7, 14 }  C = 11, no solution <Theorem> Exact cover ∝ sum of subsets. Ca Aa i i =∑′∈
  • 50. 8- 50  Proof : instance of exact cover : F = { S1 , S2 , …, Sk } instance of sum of subsets : A = { a1 , a2 , …, ak } where where eij = 1 if uj ∈ Si eij = 0 if otherwise.  Why k+1? (See the example on the next page.) Exact cover ∝ sum of subsets { } FS ni i uuuS ∈ = ...,,2,1 j nj iji kea )1( 1 += ∑≤≤ kkkkC n nj j /)1)1)((1()1( 1 −++=+= ∑≤≤
  • 51. 8- 51 Example of Exact cover ∝ sum of subsets  Valid transformation: u1=6, u2=8, u3=9, n=3 EC: S1={6,8}, S2={9}, S3={6,9}, S4={8,9} k=4 SS: a1=51 +52 =30 a2=53 =125 a3=51 +53 =130 a4=52 +53 =150  Invalid transformation: EC: S1={6,8}, S2={8}, S3={8}, S4={8,9}. K=4 Suppose k-2=2 is used. SS: a1=21 +22 =6 a2=22 =4 a3=22 =4 a4=22 +23 =12 C=21 +22 +23 =14 { } { }9,8,6...,,2,1 == ∈  FS ni i uuuS
  • 52. 8- 52 Partition problem  Def: Given a set of positive numbers A = { a1 ,a2 ,…,an }, determine if ∃ a partition P, ∋  e. g. A = {3, 6, 1, 9, 4, 11} partition : {3, 1, 9, 4} and {6, 11} <Theorem> sum of subsets ∝ partition ∑∑ ∉∈ = Pa i Pa i ii aa
  • 53. 8- 53 Sum of subsets ∝ partition proof : instance of sum of subsets : A = { a1, a2, …, an }, C instance of partition : B = { b1, b2, …, bn+2 }, where bi = ai, 1≤ i ≤ n bn+1 = C+1 bn+2 = ( ∑ ai )+1−C 1≤i≤n C = ∑ai ⇔ ( ∑ai )+bn+2 = ( ∑ai )+bn+1 ai∈S ai∈S ai∉S ⇔ partition : { bi | ai∈S}∪{bn+2} and { bi | ai∉S }∪{bn+1} S S’ A C
  • 54. 8- 54  Why bn+1 = C+1 ? why not bn+1 = C ?  To avoid bn+1 and bn+2 to be partitioned into the same subset.
  • 55. 8- 55 Bin packing problem  Def: n items, each of size ci , ci > 0 Each bin capacity : C  Determine if we can assign the items into k bins, ∋ ∑ci ≤ C , 1≤j≤k. i∈binj <Theorem> partition ∝ bin packing.
  • 56. 8- 56 VLSI discrete layout problem  Given: n rectangles, each with height hi (integer) width wi and an area A Determine if there is a placement of the n rectangles within the area A according to the rules : 1. Boundaries of rectangles parallel to x axis or y axis. 2. Corners of rectangles lie on integer points. 3. No two rectangles overlap. 4. Two rectangles are separated by at least a unit distance. (See the figure on the next page.)
  • 57. 8- 57 A Successful Placement <Theorem> bin packing ∝ VLSI discrete layout.
  • 58. 8- 58 Max clique problem  Def: A maximal complete subgraph of a graph G=(V,E) is a clique. The max (maximum) clique problem is to determine the size of a largest clique in G.  e. g. <Theorem> SAT ∝ clique decision problem. maximal cliques : {a, b}, {a, c, d} {c, d, e, f} maximum clique : (largest) {c, d, e, f}
  • 59. 8- 59 Node cover decision problem  Def: A set S ⊆ V is a node cover for a graph G = (V, E) iff all edges in E are incident to at least one vertex in S. ∃ S, ∋ |S| ≤ K ? <Theorem> clique decision problem ∝ node cover decision problem. (See proof on the next page.)
  • 60. 8- 60 Clique decision ∝ node cover decision  G=(V,E) : clique Q of size k (Q⊆V) G’=(V,E’) : node cover S of size n-k, S=V-Q where E’={(u,v)|u∈V, v ∈V and (u,v)∉E}
  • 61. 8- 61 Hamiltonian cycle problem  Def: A Hamiltonian cycle is a round trip path along n edges of G which visits every vertex once and returns to its starting vertex.  e.g. Hamiltonian cycle : 1, 2, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 1. <Theorem> SAT ∝ directed Hamiltonian cycle ( in a directed graph )
  • 62. 8- 62 Traveling salesperson problem  Def: A tour of a directed graph G=(V, E) is a directed cycle that includes every vertex in V. The problem is to find a tour of minimum cost. <Theorem> Directed Hamiltonian cycle ∝ traveling salesperson decision problem. (See proof on the next page.)
  • 63. 8- 63 Proof of Hamiltonian ∝ TSP
  • 64. 8- 64 0/1 knapsack problem  Def: n objects, each with a weight wi > 0 a profit pi > 0 capacity of knapsack : M Maximize ∑pi xi 1≤i≤n Subject to ∑wi xi ≤ M 1≤i≤n xi = 0 or 1, 1≤ i ≤n  Decision version : Given K, ∃ ∑pi xi ≥ K ? 1≤i≤n  Knapsack problem : 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1, 1≤ i ≤n. <Theorem> partition ∝ 0/1 knapsack decision problem.
  • 65. 8- 65  Refer to Sec. 11.3, Sec. 11.4 and its exercises of [Horowitz 1998] for the proofs of more NP-complete problems.  [[Horowitz 1998] E. Howowitz, S. Sahni and S. Rajasekaran, Computer Algorithms, Computer Science Press, New York, 1998, 「台北圖書」代 理 , 02-23625376