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Lifecycle of a
Solr Search
Chris "Hoss" Hostetter - 2017-09-14
This intermediate session for existing Solr users will provide a
Deep Dive look into the lifecycle of a Solr Search Request. We
will drill down through each layer of code, discussing what
happens at each stage -- including when & how inter-node
communication takes place in a multi-node SolrCloud cluster.
Along the way, we will also review the various places where
users can configure existing (or custom written) plugins to
override or amend the default behavior.
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
1 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Deep Dive look into the lifecycle of 4 Solr Search Requests...
Single Node: Single SolrCore
Simple Query1.
Facet Query2.
SolrCloud: 2 Shards + 2 Replicas
Simple Query3.
Facet Query4.
...and where various types of Plugins can be used.
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
2 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Simple Query
Single Node: Single SolrCore
bin/solr -e techproducts
? q = ipod
& sort = inStock desc, score desc
& fl = id, name
& rows = 10
This sample paginated query is based off of the techproducts
example configs & data that have been included in ever release of Solr
since it was first open sourced.
I have a nostalgic affection for this silly little dataset.
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
3 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
HTTP (Jetty)
Solr Webapp/solr ➔
/techproducts ➔ SolrCore
/select? ➔ RequestHandler
wt=json ➔ ResponseWriter
Purple: The HTTP layer, currently implemented by Jetty
Blue: Solr runs as "webapp" inside the Jetty Servlet container (but
that's just an implementation detail)
Black: The key pieces of the Solr webapp: misc "flat files" that power
the Solr UI, and the SolrDispatchFilter which is responsible
for mapping all HTTP request/responses into their internal Solr
representations and executing them
Red: CoreContainer is singleton responsible to managing the
lifecycle of SolrCores
Green: each SolrCore encapsulates the configs & data for a single
"index" (which in a SolrCloud configuration would be a replica of
some shard or some collection)
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
4 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
SolrCore: techproducts
SolrRequestHandlers SearchComponents
QueryComponent: query
- prepare()
- df=text&q=ipod ➔ Query
- etc...
- process()
- etc...
SearchHandler: /select
- initParams
- df = text (default)
- components (implicit)
- query
- etc...
SearchHandler: /etc...
UpdateRequestHandler : /etc...
FacetComponent: facet
Green: The SolrCore used for this (HTTP) request
Black: Named instances of (plugable) SolrRequestHandlers.
SearchHandler is the most common, and it uses a configurable
list of SearchComponents
Red: Named instances of (plugable) SearchComponents,
QueryComponent is the only one used in this simple request
All SearchComponents implement prepare() & process()
methods, which are called by SearchHandler
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
5 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
- SchemaFields ➔ FieldTypes
+ rows=10 ➔ ok?
fl=id,name ➔ ok?
/ q ➔ LuceneQParser
LuceneQParser + (df=text ➔ text) + "ipod" ➔ TermQuery
( "inStock desc" ➔ bool ➔ BoolField.getSortField(inStock,desc)
+ "score desc" ➔ SortField.SCORE ) ➔ Sort
TextField: text
- Analyzer
- Similarity
- etc...
TextField: etc..
- Analyzer
- Similarity
- etc...
BoolField: bool
- Analyzer
- Similarity
- getSortField
- etc...
Red: QueryComponent.prepare() and it's basic logic for
validating & parsing the basic request params
Green: Named instances of (pluggable) QParserPlugins for
parsing query strings (q & fq params). Here the (implicit) default
Orange: The IndexSchema which contains...
Named SchemaFields (or dynamicFields) which map
Purple: Named instances of (pluggable) FieldTypes which
dictate how the field names mapped to them are parsed,
indexed, sorted, queried, etc...
Blue: The SolrIndexSearcher is ultimately what will be
queried with these parsed queries & sort objects
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
6 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
window(start, rows, windowSize)
(queryResultCache? | Index) ➔ DocList
search(Query,filters[],start,rows,Sort,...) ➔ DocList
DocList {
+ searcher.doc(#)
➔ Stored Fields
➔ Bytes ➔ HTTP...
- InvertedIndex
- Stored Fields XmlResponseWriter
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
7 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Red: QueryComponent.process() which uses the
SolrIndexSearcher to execute the Query created by it's
prepare() method
Blue: the SolrIndexSearcher includes several caches in
addition to the InvertedIndex, and when executing a query, first
evaluates the start/rows requested to fit a configured "window size"
so that "page #2" type requests can result in a cache hit & re-use the
results computed for "page #1"
Orange: The low level InvertedIndex & The
queryResultCache that can be used in it's place when
executing basic searchers & the DocList containing a sorted
list of (internal) doc#s and their scores for the requested
start+rows of this query
Purple: The Stored Fields of the documents in the index & the
documentCache used by SolrIndexSearcher to
reduce disk reads when popular documents are frequently
matched by searches
Green: Named instances of (pluggable)
QueryResponseWriters which dictate how the data structures
produced once a request is processed get serialized into bytes (for
the HTTP response returned to the original client by Jetty)
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
8 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
More Complex Query
Single Node: Single SolrCore
? q = ipod
& fq = price:[* TO 1000]
& sort = div(popularity,price) asc,
score desc
& fl = id, name, why:[explain style=nl]
& facet = true
& facet.field = cat
This slightly more interesting query builds off the previous example by:
Adding a "filter query" on the (numeric) price field
Changing the primary sort criteria to be a mathematical function
against 2 fields
Requesting an additional psuedo-field explaining the score of each
Faceting on the "cat" (aka: category) field
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
9 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
HTTP (Jetty)
Solr Webapp/solr ➔
/techproducts ➔ SolrCore
/select? ➔ RequestHandler
wt=json ➔ ResponseWriter
The HTTP, Webapp, DispatchFilter, CoreContainer, SolrCore, and
RequestHandler layers all function exactly as in our previous (simpler)
example. It's only once the SearchHandler starts looping over the
components that things get more interesting....
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
10 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
- SchemaFields ➔ FieldTypes
"price:[* TO 1000]" ➔ float
➔ PointRangeQuery(...) ➔ filters[]
➔ ValueSource(IntFieldSource,...)
FloatPointField: float
- ValueSource
- getRangeQuery()
- etc...
IntPointField: int
- ValueSource
- etc...
facet=true ✔
facet.field=cat ➔ ok?
needDocSet = true
Most items identical to those shown in the "simple" query are omitted for
brevity. Of the new items shown here...
Red: In addition to some additional logic in
QueryComponent.prepare() method (to parse the filter
query and more complex sort) we know also see the
FacetComponent.prepare() method, which does it's own
validation & sets a flag indicating that it needs extra info (the
DocSet) once SolrIndexSearcher is asked to execute the
Green: Named instances of (pluggable) ValueSourceParsers
for parsing function strings -- used here in our sort, but could also be
used in queries
Orange: As before the IndexSchema, now showing that
FieldTypes are also responsible for providing the range query
(filter) and ValueSources (used by the functions)
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
11 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
search(...) ➔〈DocList,DocSet〉
DocList {
+ searcher.doc(#)
➔ Stored Fields
+ [explain ...]
+ Facet Counts
➔ Bytes ➔ HTTP...
For Each "cat" Index Terms:
➔ Intersect with DocSet
- InvertedIndex
- Stored Fields
Most items identical to those shown in the "simple" query are omitted for
brevity. Of the new items shown here...
Red: Now when QueryComponent.process() executes the
search, the "needsDocSet" flag set by
FacetComponent.prepare() is also used.
FacetComponent.process() can then use the resulting
DocSet (an unordered set of all matching doc# -- regardless of sort)
to compute the facet counts.
Olive: Named instances of (pluggable) DocTransformers (or
Augmenters) which can be used to annotate individual documents
returned in the results. For this query in particular we see the
ExplainAugmenter which uses the SolrIndexSearcher to
get a (debugging) data structure "explaining" how the score of each
document was computed.
Green: the JsonResponseWriter not only returns the Stored
Fields of each document, but also the results of any
DocTransformers. It also serializes the Facet Counts.
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
12 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Simple Query
SolrCloud: 4 Nodes, 2 Shards, 2 Replicas
bin/solr -e cloud
? q = ipod
& sort = inStock desc, score desc
& fl = id, name
& rows = 10
This is the same as or original simple query, still using the
techproducts sample configs & data, but from here on we'll assume
we're using a 4 node SolrCloud cluster, with the techproducts
collection configured to have 2 shards, with a replication factor of 2.
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
13 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
/techproducts ➔ tech_s1_r2
Jetty: http://host1:8983
/techproducts ?➔ host4
Jetty: http://host3:8983
/techproducts ?➔ tech_s2_r2
Jetty: http://host2:8983
/techproducts ➔ tech_s2_r1
Jetty: http://host4:8983
Purple: 4 Jetty instances, running on (the same port 8983 of) 4
different hosts
Black: The 4 SolrDispatchFilters running inside each of
these 4 Jetty instances, and how each of them resolves requests for
the techproducts collection.
Green the individual SolrCores (which are each a replica of some
shard of a collection) running in each Solr node. Note that for the
purposes of illustrating the diff possible ways a Solr request may be
routed, host3 does not contain any SolrCores that are part of the
techproducts collection.
(Other Layers such as the Solr webapp and the CoreContainer have
been omitted to save space)
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
14 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
coordinator shard1
prepare() + process()
α: q=ipod&fl=id&fsv=true
➔ top ids + sort values
β1: ids=X,Y,Z&fl=name ➔ ...
prepare() + process()
α: q=ipod&fl=id&fsv=true
➔ top ids + sort values
β2: ids=A,..,G&fl=name ➔ ...
SearchHandler: /select
Repeat until done:
➔ ShardRequests (α,β)
Loop: ShardRequests
α: shard top10 + sort values
β: full fl for final top10 ids
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
15 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Purple: The HTTP Layer showing 3 hosts: an arbitrary 'coordinator'
node, and 2 nodes each hosting a replica of the 2 shards for the
Black: SearchHandler. On the coordinator node,
SearchHandler executes new logic to execute sub-requests
created by it's SearchComponents to arbitrarily selected replicas
of each shard. On the replicas handling these sub-requests, the
SearchHandler processes these requests just as if they were
simple (single node) queries.
Red: SearchComponent methods. On the coordinator node
SearchHandler loops over every component calling
SearchComponent.distributedProcess() to
create/modify sub-requests for the individual shards, and then calls
SearchComponent.handleResponse() to merge the
results from each shard and decide if/when/what additional
information may be needed. This process repeats until all calls to
distributedProcess() on all SearchComponents
indicate that they are finished.
Green & Blue: The 2 stages (α & β) of shard sub-requests needed to
process this simple query. Note that the α-requests are identical for
both shards, but the β-requests are slightly different to request the
fl fields for the matches specific to that shard.
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
16 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Shard Request α
sort=inStock desc, score desc numFound=42+314=356
Z, Zebra
F, Frog
B, Boat
D, Deer
C, Car
X, X-Ray
G, Gong
A, Apple
Y, Yo-Yo
E, Ear
Shard 1
Shard 2
Y〈false,9〉 Shard Request β
Shard 1
A, Apple
B, Boat
C, Car
D, Deer
E, Ear
F, Frog
G, Gong
Shard 2
X, X-Ray
Y, Yo-Yo
Z, Zebra
Here we see hypothetical α request+responses, hypothetical β
requests+responses, & the final Merged results from both -- showing how
the IDs and sort values from the α request are used to determine which
documents will be in the final results, and in which order. For these specific
documents, the β requests+responses fill in the fl fields for the final
Red & Blue: The responses from shard1 & shard2 for the α request
Green & Purple: The responses from shard1 & shard2 for the β
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
17 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Complex Query*
SolrCloud: 4 Node, 2 Shards, 2 Replicas
? q = ipod
& sort = inStock desc, score desc
& fl = id, name
& facet = true
& facet.field = cat
In the interest of time, this query is not as "Complex" as the "Complex"
Single Core query we looked at before. I've omitted things like fq params,
sorting on functions, and the use of DocTransformers in the fl
because nothing about how those are handled in a Single Core query
changes when they are requested by a coordinator node in a SolrCloud
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
18 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
coordinator shard1
prepare() + process()
α: q=ipod&fl=id&fsv=true
➔ top ids + sort values
β1: ids=X,Y,Z&fl=name ➔...
prepare() + process()
α: facet.limit=N + extra
➔ top terms w/counts
β1: ..._terms=aa,qq,... ➔...
α: shard top10 + sort values
β: full fl for final top10 ids
α: facet.field=cat
w/facet.limit overrequest
β: request missing counts
for final top terms
SearchHandler: /select
➔ ShardRequests (α, β)
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
19 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Purple: The HTTP Layer showing 3 hosts: an arbitrary 'coordinator'
node, and 2 nodes each hosting a replica of the 2 shards for the
collection. To save space, the (largely redundant) details of the
requests to shard2 are not shown.
Black: SearchHandler. To save space, the details (shown in
previous diagrams) regarding how SearchHandler processes
requests when acting as a coordinator have been omitted -- the key
thing to note is that even with the added complexity of the
FacetComponent, there are still only 2 stages of sub-requests to
each shard (α & β)
Red: SearchComponent methods:
QueryComponent behaves exactly as before
Now that FacetComponent is in use, it can modify the sub-
requests created by QueryComponent to "piggy back" on
them and request additional information from each shard.
Green & Blue: The 2 stages (α & β) of shard sub-requests needed to
process this query. Although the details of the requests to shard2 are
omitted for brevity, the α-requests are identical for both shards, and
(as before) the β-requests are slightly different to request both the
the fl fields for the document matches specific to that shard, as well
as the facet counts for any "candidate" terms that were not included
in the α response from that shard.
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
20 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Shard Request α
Shard Request β
auto: 253 (3 + 250)
lawn: 190 (20 + 170)
DVD: 102 (5 + 97)
Final (Merge α+β)Shard 1
games: 40
lawn: 20
books: 10
DVD: 5
beach: 4
toys: 3
Shard 2
auto: 250
lawn: 170
food: 100
DVD: 97
books: 90
clothing: 90
Shard 1
auto: 3
food: 0
Shard 2
games: 45
auto: 250-253 (? + 250)
lawn: 190 (20 + 170)
games: 40-130 (40 + ?)
food: 100-103 (? + 100)
DVD: 102 (5 + 97)
Merge α
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
21 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Here we see the additional information involved in α & β
requests+responses+merging for our more complex queries compared to
what we looked at before. The information requested & merged by
QueryComponent is omitted for brevity, and we focus solely on how
FacetComponent modifies those requests to "overrequest" the
original facet.limit and what it does with the results.
In the α request, over-request additional terms from each shard beyond
what the user asked for; In the β request, ask each shard for the details
about any terms that are "candidates" for the final results but where NOT
already returned by this shard in the α response.
Each term that is a candidate for the final response is shown in a unique
color. Black/Grey is used to indicate terms where incomplete information
is available to the coordinator, but enough is known to be confident that
they can't possibly be candidates for the final results. Faded terms (in
italics) show at what stage the coordinating FacetComponent knows
that particular term can be eliminated for consideration.
(While the "..." ellipses are used to denote the possibility of many
additional terms depending on the value of facet.limit=N (which
defaults to 100), viewers may find the easiest way to understand how
these results are merged & refined is to assume N=3 and imagine the
ellipses do not exist in the diagram)
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
22 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
Q & A
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
23 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
My Company
These Slides
Solr Docs & Mailing List
Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request
24 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM

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Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request - Chris "Hoss" Hostetter, Lucidworks

  • 1. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request Chris "Hoss" Hostetter - 2017-09-14 Abstract: This intermediate session for existing Solr users will provide a Deep Dive look into the lifecycle of a Solr Search Request. We will drill down through each layer of code, discussing what happens at each stage -- including when & how inter-node communication takes place in a multi-node SolrCloud cluster. Along the way, we will also review the various places where users can configure existing (or custom written) plugins to override or amend the default behavior. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 1 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 2. Agenda Deep Dive look into the lifecycle of 4 Solr Search Requests... Single Node: Single SolrCore Simple Query1. Facet Query2. SolrCloud: 2 Shards + 2 Replicas Simple Query3. Facet Query4. ...and where various types of Plugins can be used. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 2 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 3. Simple Query Single Node: Single SolrCore bin/solr -e techproducts http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select ? q = ipod & sort = inStock desc, score desc & fl = id, name & rows = 10 This sample paginated query is based off of the techproducts example configs & data that have been included in ever release of Solr since it was first open sourced. I have a nostalgic affection for this silly little dataset. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 3 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 4. HTTP (Jetty) SolrDispatchFilter Solr Webapp/solr ➔ CoreContainer /techproducts ➔ SolrCore /select? ➔ RequestHandler SolrCore foo SolrCore etc... wt=json ➔ ResponseWriter ...:8983/solr/techproducts/select?... UI:HTML,Javascript, Images,CSS SolrCore techproducts Purple: The HTTP layer, currently implemented by Jetty Blue: Solr runs as "webapp" inside the Jetty Servlet container (but that's just an implementation detail) Black: The key pieces of the Solr webapp: misc "flat files" that power the Solr UI, and the SolrDispatchFilter which is responsible for mapping all HTTP request/responses into their internal Solr representations and executing them Red: CoreContainer is singleton responsible to managing the lifecycle of SolrCores Green: each SolrCore encapsulates the configs & data for a single "index" (which in a SolrCloud configuration would be a replica of some shard or some collection) Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 4 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 5. SolrCore: techproducts SolrRequestHandlers SearchComponents QueryComponent: query - prepare() - df=text&q=ipod ➔ Query - etc... - process() - etc... SearchHandler: /select - initParams - df = text (default) - components (implicit) - query - etc... SearchHandler: /etc... UpdateRequestHandler : /etc... FacetComponent: facet etc... Green: The SolrCore used for this (HTTP) request Black: Named instances of (plugable) SolrRequestHandlers. SearchHandler is the most common, and it uses a configurable list of SearchComponents Red: Named instances of (plugable) SearchComponents, QueryComponent is the only one used in this simple request All SearchComponents implement prepare() & process() methods, which are called by SearchHandler Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 5 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 6. SolrIndexSearcher query IndexSchema - SchemaFields ➔ FieldTypes QueryComponent.prepare() + rows=10 ➔ ok? fl=id,name ➔ ok? / q ➔ LuceneQParser LuceneQParser + (df=text ➔ text) + "ipod" ➔ TermQuery ( "inStock desc" ➔ bool ➔ BoolField.getSortField(inStock,desc) + "score desc" ➔ SortField.SCORE ) ➔ Sort TextField: text - Analyzer - Similarity - etc... TextField: etc.. - Analyzer - Similarity - etc... BoolField: bool - Analyzer - Similarity - getSortField - etc... LuceneQParser DismaxQParser etc... Red: QueryComponent.prepare() and it's basic logic for validating & parsing the basic request params Green: Named instances of (pluggable) QParserPlugins for parsing query strings (q & fq params). Here the (implicit) default LuceneQParser Orange: The IndexSchema which contains... Named SchemaFields (or dynamicFields) which map to... Purple: Named instances of (pluggable) FieldTypes which dictate how the field names mapped to them are parsed, indexed, sorted, queried, etc... Blue: The SolrIndexSearcher is ultimately what will be queried with these parsed queries & sort objects Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 6 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 7. window(start, rows, windowSize) (queryResultCache? | Index) ➔ DocList queryQueryComponent.process() search(Query,filters[],start,rows,Sort,...) ➔ DocList JsonResponseWriter DocList { + searcher.doc(#) ➔ Stored Fields } ➔ Bytes ➔ HTTP... documentCache queryResultCache filterCache IndexReader - InvertedIndex - Stored Fields XmlResponseWriter etc... Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 7 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 8. Red: QueryComponent.process() which uses the SolrIndexSearcher to execute the Query created by it's prepare() method Blue: the SolrIndexSearcher includes several caches in addition to the InvertedIndex, and when executing a query, first evaluates the start/rows requested to fit a configured "window size" so that "page #2" type requests can result in a cache hit & re-use the results computed for "page #1" Orange: The low level InvertedIndex & The queryResultCache that can be used in it's place when executing basic searchers & the DocList containing a sorted list of (internal) doc#s and their scores for the requested start+rows of this query Purple: The Stored Fields of the documents in the index & the documentCache used by SolrIndexSearcher to reduce disk reads when popular documents are frequently matched by searches Green: Named instances of (pluggable) QueryResponseWriters which dictate how the data structures produced once a request is processed get serialized into bytes (for the HTTP response returned to the original client by Jetty) Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 8 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 9. More Complex Query Single Node: Single SolrCore http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select ? q = ipod & fq = price:[* TO 1000] & sort = div(popularity,price) asc, score desc & fl = id, name, why:[explain style=nl] & facet = true & facet.field = cat This slightly more interesting query builds off the previous example by: Adding a "filter query" on the (numeric) price field Changing the primary sort criteria to be a mathematical function against 2 fields Requesting an additional psuedo-field explaining the score of each document Faceting on the "cat" (aka: category) field Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 9 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 10. HTTP (Jetty) SolrDispatchFilter Solr Webapp/solr ➔ CoreContainer /techproducts ➔ SolrCore /select? ➔ RequestHandler SolrCore foo SolrCore etc... wt=json ➔ ResponseWriter ...:8983/solr/techproducts/select?... UI:HTML,Javascript, Images,CSS SolrCore techproducts The HTTP, Webapp, DispatchFilter, CoreContainer, SolrCore, and RequestHandler layers all function exactly as in our previous (simpler) example. It's only once the SearchHandler starts looping over the components that things get more interesting.... Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 10 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 11. query IndexSchema - SchemaFields ➔ FieldTypes QueryComponent.prepare() etc... "price:[* TO 1000]" ➔ float ➔ PointRangeQuery(...) ➔ filters[] div(popularity,price) ➔ ValueSource(IntFieldSource,...) FloatPointField: float - ValueSource - getRangeQuery() - etc... IntPointField: int - ValueSource - etc... FacetComponent.prepare() facet=true ✔ facet.field=cat ➔ ok? needDocSet = true SolrIndexSearcher div() sum() etc... Most items identical to those shown in the "simple" query are omitted for brevity. Of the new items shown here... Red: In addition to some additional logic in QueryComponent.prepare() method (to parse the filter query and more complex sort) we know also see the FacetComponent.prepare() method, which does it's own validation & sets a flag indicating that it needs extra info (the DocSet) once SolrIndexSearcher is asked to execute the Query Green: Named instances of (pluggable) ValueSourceParsers for parsing function strings -- used here in our sort, but could also be used in queries Orange: As before the IndexSchema, now showing that FieldTypes are also responsible for providing the range query (filter) and ValueSources (used by the functions) Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 11 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 12. SolrIndexSearcher queryQueryComponent.process() search(...) ➔〈DocList,DocSet〉 etc... JsonResponseWriter DocList { + searcher.doc(#) ➔ Stored Fields + [explain ...] } + Facet Counts ➔ Bytes ➔ HTTP... ExplainAugmenter ChildDocTransformer queryFacetComponent.process() For Each "cat" Index Terms: ➔ Intersect with DocSet SubQueryAugmenter etc... searcher.explain(#) documentCache queryResultCache filterCache IndexReader - InvertedIndex - Stored Fields Most items identical to those shown in the "simple" query are omitted for brevity. Of the new items shown here... Red: Now when QueryComponent.process() executes the search, the "needsDocSet" flag set by FacetComponent.prepare() is also used. FacetComponent.process() can then use the resulting DocSet (an unordered set of all matching doc# -- regardless of sort) to compute the facet counts. Olive: Named instances of (pluggable) DocTransformers (or Augmenters) which can be used to annotate individual documents returned in the results. For this query in particular we see the ExplainAugmenter which uses the SolrIndexSearcher to get a (debugging) data structure "explaining" how the score of each document was computed. Green: the JsonResponseWriter not only returns the Stored Fields of each document, but also the results of any DocTransformers. It also serializes the Facet Counts. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 12 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 13. Simple Query SolrCloud: 4 Nodes, 2 Shards, 2 Replicas bin/solr -e cloud ... http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select ? q = ipod & sort = inStock desc, score desc & fl = id, name & rows = 10 This is the same as or original simple query, still using the techproducts sample configs & data, but from here on we'll assume we're using a 4 node SolrCloud cluster, with the techproducts collection configured to have 2 shards, with a replication factor of 2. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 13 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 14. SolrDispatchFilter /techproducts ➔ tech_s1_r2 Jetty: http://host1:8983 SolrDispatchFilter /techproducts ?➔ host4 Jetty: http://host3:8983 SolrDispatchFilter /techproducts ?➔ tech_s2_r2 Jetty: http://host2:8983 SolrDispatchFilter /techproducts ➔ tech_s2_r1 Jetty: http://host4:8983 techproducts tech_s1_r2 foo foo_s1_r1 foo foo_s2_r1 techproducts tech_s1_r1 techproducts tech_s2_r1 foo foo_s1_r2 techproducts tech_s2_r2 foo foo_s2_r2 Purple: 4 Jetty instances, running on (the same port 8983 of) 4 different hosts Black: The 4 SolrDispatchFilters running inside each of these 4 Jetty instances, and how each of them resolves requests for the techproducts collection. Green the individual SolrCores (which are each a replica of some shard of a collection) running in each Solr node. Note that for the purposes of illustrating the diff possible ways a Solr request may be routed, host3 does not contain any SolrCores that are part of the techproducts collection. (Other Layers such as the Solr webapp and the CoreContainer have been omitted to save space) Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 14 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 15. coordinator shard1 QueryComponent: prepare() + process() α: q=ipod&fl=id&fsv=true ➔ top ids + sort values β1: ids=X,Y,Z&fl=name ➔ ... shard2 QueryComponent: prepare() + process() α: q=ipod&fl=id&fsv=true ➔ top ids + sort values β2: ids=A,..,G&fl=name ➔ ... SearchHandler: /select Repeat until done: query.distributedProcess ➔ ShardRequests (α,β) Loop: ShardRequests query.handleResponse QueryComponent: distributedProcess() α: shard top10 + sort values β: full fl for final top10 ids FacetComponent Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 15 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 16. Purple: The HTTP Layer showing 3 hosts: an arbitrary 'coordinator' node, and 2 nodes each hosting a replica of the 2 shards for the collection Black: SearchHandler. On the coordinator node, SearchHandler executes new logic to execute sub-requests created by it's SearchComponents to arbitrarily selected replicas of each shard. On the replicas handling these sub-requests, the SearchHandler processes these requests just as if they were simple (single node) queries. Red: SearchComponent methods. On the coordinator node SearchHandler loops over every component calling SearchComponent.distributedProcess() to create/modify sub-requests for the individual shards, and then calls SearchComponent.handleResponse() to merge the results from each shard and decide if/when/what additional information may be needed. This process repeats until all calls to distributedProcess() on all SearchComponents indicate that they are finished. Green & Blue: The 2 stages (α & β) of shard sub-requests needed to process this simple query. Note that the α-requests are identical for both shards, but the β-requests are slightly different to request the fl fields for the matches specific to that shard. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 16 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 17. Shard Request α q=ipod&fl=id&fsv=true&rows=10 sort=inStock desc, score desc numFound=42+314=356 Z, Zebra F, Frog B, Boat D, Deer C, Car X, X-Ray G, Gong A, Apple Y, Yo-Yo E, Ear Merged Shard 1 numFound=42 F〈true,6〉 B〈true,6〉 D〈true,5〉 C〈true,3〉 G〈true,2〉 A〈true,1〉 E〈false,5〉 Shard 2 numFound=314 Z〈true,6〉 X〈true,3〉 Y〈false,9〉 Shard Request β q=ipod&ids=...&fl=name Shard 1 A, Apple B, Boat C, Car D, Deer E, Ear F, Frog G, Gong Shard 2 X, X-Ray Y, Yo-Yo Z, Zebra Here we see hypothetical α request+responses, hypothetical β requests+responses, & the final Merged results from both -- showing how the IDs and sort values from the α request are used to determine which documents will be in the final results, and in which order. For these specific documents, the β requests+responses fill in the fl fields for the final client. Red & Blue: The responses from shard1 & shard2 for the α request Green & Purple: The responses from shard1 & shard2 for the β request Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 17 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 18. Complex Query* SolrCloud: 4 Node, 2 Shards, 2 Replicas http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/select ? q = ipod & sort = inStock desc, score desc & fl = id, name & facet = true & facet.field = cat In the interest of time, this query is not as "Complex" as the "Complex" Single Core query we looked at before. I've omitted things like fq params, sorting on functions, and the use of DocTransformers in the fl because nothing about how those are handled in a Single Core query changes when they are requested by a coordinator node in a SolrCloud query. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 18 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 19. coordinator shard1 QueryComponent: prepare() + process() α: q=ipod&fl=id&fsv=true ➔ top ids + sort values β1: ids=X,Y,Z&fl=name ➔... FacetComponent: prepare() + process() α: facet.limit=N + extra ➔ top terms w/counts β1: ..._terms=aa,qq,... ➔... QueryComponent: distributedProcess() α: shard top10 + sort values β: full fl for final top10 ids shard2 FacetComponent: distributedProcess() α: facet.field=cat w/facet.limit overrequest β: request missing counts for final top terms SearchHandler: /select ➔ ShardRequests (α, β) Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 19 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 20. Purple: The HTTP Layer showing 3 hosts: an arbitrary 'coordinator' node, and 2 nodes each hosting a replica of the 2 shards for the collection. To save space, the (largely redundant) details of the requests to shard2 are not shown. Black: SearchHandler. To save space, the details (shown in previous diagrams) regarding how SearchHandler processes requests when acting as a coordinator have been omitted -- the key thing to note is that even with the added complexity of the FacetComponent, there are still only 2 stages of sub-requests to each shard (α & β) Red: SearchComponent methods: QueryComponent behaves exactly as before Now that FacetComponent is in use, it can modify the sub- requests created by QueryComponent to "piggy back" on them and request additional information from each shard. Green & Blue: The 2 stages (α & β) of shard sub-requests needed to process this query. Although the details of the requests to shard2 are omitted for brevity, the α-requests are identical for both shards, and (as before) the β-requests are slightly different to request both the the fl fields for the document matches specific to that shard, as well as the facet counts for any "candidate" terms that were not included in the α response from that shard. Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 20 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 21. Shard Request α facet.field=cat facet.limit=N+OVERREQUEST Shard Request β facet.field={!_terms=...}cat auto: 253 (3 + 250) lawn: 190 (20 + 170) ... DVD: 102 (5 + 97) Final (Merge α+β)Shard 1 games: 40 ... lawn: 20 books: 10 DVD: 5 ... beach: 4 toys: 3 Shard 2 auto: 250 lawn: 170 ... food: 100 DVD: 97 ... books: 90 clothing: 90 Shard 1 auto: 3 food: 0 Shard 2 games: 45 N auto: 250-253 (? + 250) lawn: 190 (20 + 170) ... games: 40-130 (40 + ?) food: 100-103 (? + 100) DVD: 102 (5 + 97) ... Merge α Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 21 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 22. Here we see the additional information involved in α & β requests+responses+merging for our more complex queries compared to what we looked at before. The information requested & merged by QueryComponent is omitted for brevity, and we focus solely on how FacetComponent modifies those requests to "overrequest" the original facet.limit and what it does with the results. In the α request, over-request additional terms from each shard beyond what the user asked for; In the β request, ask each shard for the details about any terms that are "candidates" for the final results but where NOT already returned by this shard in the α response. Each term that is a candidate for the final response is shown in a unique color. Black/Grey is used to indicate terms where incomplete information is available to the coordinator, but enough is known to be confident that they can't possibly be candidates for the final results. Faded terms (in italics) show at what stage the coordinating FacetComponent knows that particular term can be eliminated for consideration. (While the "..." ellipses are used to denote the possibility of many additional terms depending on the value of facet.limit=N (which defaults to 100), viewers may find the easiest way to understand how these results are merged & refined is to assume N=3 and imagine the ellipses do not exist in the diagram) Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 22 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 23. Q & A Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 23 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM
  • 24. Me My Company These Slides Solr Docs & Mailing List Lifecycle of a Solr Search Request 24 of 24 10/4/17, 4:32 PM