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MATRIX                                     LIFE & HEALTH
PANEL MEMBERS                              SCIENCES HORIZON
                                           PANEL MEMBERS

Alan Blair                                 Bernie Hannigan (Co Chair)
Albert Sherrard                            Albert Sherrard (Co Chair)
Bryan Keating                              Alan Stitt (QUB)
Clare Passmore                             Bert Rima (QUB)
Colin Elliott                              John Lamont (Randox)
Damien McDonnell (Chair)                   Michael Neely (HSC R&D Office)
Ed Vernon                                  David Brownlee (HSC Innovations)
Frank Bryan                                Neville McClenaghan (UU & Diabetica Ltd)
Gerry McCormac                             Peter Donnelly (BioBusiness NI)
Bernie Hannigan                            Stephen Barr (Almac)
Jim McLaughlin                             Tony Bjourson (UU)
                                           Werner Dubitzky (UU)

NORTHERN IRELAND’S LIFE & HEALTH                The whole sector employs around 4,000            Over the past 18 months our intensive work
SCIENCES COMMUNITY IS READY                     people, many in genuinely sustainable,           with colleagues from academia, industry and
TO MEET THE SECTOR’S GLOBAL                     high-value jobs. Around 30 companies in the      healthcare has led to many insights and a
CHALLENGES.                                     region have a clear focus on research and        real understanding of how best to move this
                                                development (R&D) - some very intensively        sector forward. For us, this was a pleasure
The Life & Health Sciences Horizon Panel        so - and in 2005 they spent some £33             and a privilege.
was formed in 2007 to recommend actions         million on the area, directly employing 600
that will accelerate the development of         R&D staff in the process. It is no secret that   We would like to thank all of those who
our vibrant life and health sciences sector,    in recent years major opportunities have         participated in the compilation of this report
boosting economic benefits for the region,       resulted from rising investment in R&D.          and to acknowledge the work of Phil Towers
and improving the quality of health and                                                          and Diana Iacob of PricewaterhouseCoopers
wellbeing products and services available.      Given our region’s small size in the             who assisted at all stages in the work of the
                                                context of this vast global industry, we         Life & Health Sciences Horizon Panel.
With the trend towards individuals taking       accept that we cannot excel at everything.
increased responsibility for their own health   However, this report puts forward strategic
and vitality increasing amid the spectre of     recommendations that identify the key R&D
new or re-emerging infectious diseases and      capabilities and future market opportunities
the need for new treatments, this sector can    to exploit for maximum economic return for
be hugely important.                            the decades ahead.

Our work highlights the strength and depth      By implementing these recommendations we
of the sector and advances made to date.        can ensure not just our continued success
Comprising around 60 companies with a           but look forward to the time when Northern
combined turnover of some £400 million,         Ireland will feature in the world rankings of
the industry is growing. These businesses       significant participants in the huge global
create wealth through products as diverse       healthcare and pharmaceuticals market. This
as medical devices and diagnostics,             would provide great economic benefits and
pharmaceuticals, bio-pharmaceuticals and        position us to meet the challenges that our      Bernie Hannigan & Albert Sherrard
medical disposals, as well as biotechnology-    healthcare systems are facing.                   Joint Chairs - Life & Health Sciences
based services and clinical trials.                                                              Horizon Panel




Importance to the Northern Ireland                 (that includes NIBEC and the Centre                         emergence of new diseases due to
economy: high value-add, export oriented           for Advanced Cardiovascular Research),                      increased global travel and climate
sector                                             Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Centre              changes; growing antibiotic resistance in
                                                   for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, the                   some existing diseases.
Over the past five years, Northern Ireland          Northern Ireland Clinical Cancer Centre and the         •   Focus on prevention and pay-for
industry, academia and government have made        McClay Research Centre for Pharmaceutical                   performance. In a bid to control spiralling
significant commitment to the development of        Sciences.                                                   costs, a growing number of governments,
life sciences capabilities. According to Invest                                                                in both developed and developing countries,
NI data, in excess of $160 million has been        In addition to its intrinsic clinical practice              are trying to shift the focus from the
budgeted for infrastructure enhancement,           expertise, the clinical sector is placing an                treatment of disease to its prevention. At
collaborative research, new product                increasing focus on clinical research and                   the same time, industry will be expected to
development and staff development initiatives.     development (also known as translational                    prove to healthcare payers that its products
This illustrates the local stakeholders’           medicine) and commercialisation of innovation               really work and provide value for money.
determination to maximise the opportunities        arising from its activities. Its strengths lie in the   •   Increasing role of Information
deriving from a long history of technological      seven Recognised Research Groups and the                    Technology (IT). This is anticipated to
innovation, backed by a highly educated, young     Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network                  become a key enabler to more effective
workforce and an internationally recognised        that includes HSC Innovations.                              storage and retrieval of patient records,
research base.                                                                                                 improved tracking of medical research and
                                                   A growing global market                                     therapy outcomes, and better remote care.
The business sector counts approximately 60        At global level, the sector is set to benefit from       •   Pharma industry crisis. The
companies, offering a very diverse range of        rising demand for effective medicines as the                pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a
products, services and capabilities. Data from     population ages, new medical needs emerge                   period of change as it seeks to increase the
Invest NI and DETI suggests that the industry,     and the disease burden of the developing world              pace of innovation in face of its collapsing
as a whole, has a combined turnover of around      increasingly resembles that of the developed                blockbuster model and financial pressure
£310m and employs approximately 4,000              world. By 2020, the global pharmaceuticals                  from healthcare funders. Biotechnology and
people. This tends to be a high value-add          market is projected to be worth some $1.3                   gene therapy are anticipated to yield more
sector and export-oriented, with around 80%        trillion. A number of key trends are anticipated            new products than the traditional molecular
of sales generated from external markets.          to shape-up the future of this industry:                    chemistry-based R&D activity.
                                                                                                           •   Globalised market place. Collaborative
The academic sector offers a strong science        •   Changes in disease patterns put                         product development across boundaries
base, both in life sciences and related sectors,       more pressure on healthcare costs.                      and companies is anticipated to become
through its two world class Universities and           Increase in chronic diseases as a result                more pervasive. India and China are fast
the six regional Colleges of Further & Higher          of ageing population, rise of obesity and               becoming preferred centres of product
Education. Examples are the Nanotechnology             previously terminal diseases becoming                   development and manufacturing activity.
and Advanced Materials Research Institute              chronic through therapy development;


At its most basic, Personalised Medicine refers     - to develop new treatments and to identify the
to the use of information about a person’s          sub-groups of patients for whom they will work
genetic makeup to tailor strategies for the         best. It can also help determine which groups
detection, treatment, or prevention of disease.*    of patients are more prone to developing some
                                                    diseases and, ideally, help with the selection of
People vary from one another in many ways -         lifestyle changes and/or treatments that can
what they eat, the types and amount of stress       delay onset of a disease or reduce its impact.
they experience, exposure to environmental          Personalised medicine is expected to transform
factors, and their DNA. Many of these               healthcare over the next several decades. New
variations play a role in health and disease. The   diagnostic and prognostic tools will increase
combination of these variations across several      ability to predict the likely outcomes of drug
genes can affect each individual’s risk of          therapy, while the expanded use of biomarkers -
developing a disease or reacting to something       biological molecules that indicate a particular
in the environment, and can be one of the           disease state - could result in more focused
reasons why a drug works for one patient and        and targeted drug development. Personalised
not another.                                        medicine also offers the possibility of improved
                                                    health outcomes and has the potential to make
Personalised medicine aims to use these             healthcare more cost-effective.
variations - both in the patient and in the
molecular underpinnings of the disease itself


          RISK                        PREVENTION       TARGETED
       ASSESSMENT                                     MONITORING

                                                                                DIAGNOSIS               THERAPY    RESPONSE

                            EARLY DETECTION TESTING

Source: Personalised Medicine Coalition



GOVERNMENT/HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS                    PATIENTS                                       INDUSTRY

Detect disease at an earlier stage, when it is   Effective and specific therapies                Improve the selection of targets for drug
easier and more economic to treat effectively                                                   discovery
                                                 Less risk of adverse effects
Rational therapeutic decisions based on                                                         Reduce the time, cost and failure rate of
pathomechanism of disease rather than on         Less time lost compared to trial-and-error     clinical trials
trial-and-error approach                         approach to treatment
                                                                                                Monopoly in a specified segment of the
Incorporate diagnostic guidance to treatment     Lower cost of treatment (in the longer term)   market - early entry and longer dominance of
                                                                                                market niche; no competition from generics
Reduced adverse drug reactions and               Facilitates preventive medicine
complications of treatment                                                                      Increased drug effectiveness will command
                                                 Improvement of quality of life                 higher prices
Shift the emphasis in medicine from reaction
to prevention                                                                                   Increased revenues from combination of
                                                                                                diagnostics packaged with therapeutic
Reduce the overall cost of healthcare                                                           products

Increased professional satisfaction                                                             Increase patient compliance with therapy

                                                                                                Revive drugs that failed clinical trials or were
                                                                                                withdrawn from the market

                                                                                                Expanding demand for enabling products
                                                                                                and technologies, such as ICT, Agri-food,

                 KEY DRIVERS AND


                 Scientific progress - whole genome                Shift to prevention and early intervention in a     The ‘blockbuster’ model of one drug fits all

                 sequencing, rapid gene characterisation,         bid to manage spiralling costs.                     is under pressure; improved effectiveness
                 molecular diagnostics.                                                                               levels are required for better defined patient
                                                                  Current drugs are not effective for all patients.   populations.
                 Declining cost of sequencing the human
                 genome.                                          Bid to reduce costs associated with Adverse         The need for enhanced pace of innovation, as
                                                                  Drug Reactions (ADRs).                              current R&D methods are yielding fewer new
                 Advances in information technology and                                                               products.
                 management of health information.                The 2004 General Practitioner contract links
                                                                  remuneration with clinical outcomes.                Financial pressure is mounting, as
                                                                                                                      governments press for lower prices.

                 Mapping of the genome is still in its infancy.   Payment/Reimbursement policies are not              Perceived fragmentation of drug markets.

                                                                  tailored to such a system. Personalised
                 Current availability of bio-banks may restrict   medicine is more expensive and more clinical        Intellectual property ownership difficult to
                 the pace of research.                            data is needed on associated health outcomes        secure, particularly if derived from collaborative
                                                                  and costs benefits.                                  projects.
                 There are non-genomic factors involved in the
                 development of personalised medicine, which      Education and resources implications                Scale of adoption is uncertain - a niche rather
                 require additional scientific research.           - including changes to medical curricula, GP        than all-encompassing adoption may be
                                                                  practices, and other healthcare providers.          envisaged, at least in the shorter term.

                                                                  Policy framework - ethical and privacy concerns
                                                                  regarding gathering, using and storing genetic
                                                                  information need addressed.


The market for personalised medicine is          •    Molecular diagnostics as a stand-alone         ineffective and disruptive for patients. Strong
multifaceted, with overlaps between components        market;                                        demand is also anticipated from other fields,
and disciplines, and interdependencies with      •    Remarket of existing drugs (generic and        such as central nervous system disorders,
associated sectors - e.g. pharmaceutical,             patented);                                     cardiovascular disease and inflammatory disease.
advanced materials, information technology       •    Development of new biologic drugs; and
etc. The diagram below captures the main         •    Development of new therapies, such as          Assuming a scenario where Personalised
constituents of this complex sector.                  cell therapy, gene therapy, monoclonal         Medicine will grow to account for a quarter of
                                                      antibodies etc.                                total pharmaceutical market value, this indicates
Personalised Medicine has the potential                                                              a market potential in excess of $200bn.
to transform healthcare over the next            Companies may specialise in certain disease
several decades.                                 areas or provide technologies that cut across       However, the evolution of the market
                                                 a number of disease groups. Cancer is the           is expected to follow a gradual trend. A
The commercial opportunity for companies         area generating the greatest interest for           personalised approach to medicine has far-
involved in Personalised Medicine can be         pharmacogenomic therapies, as it is a very          reaching implications, and a re-examination of
viewed as coming from a number of key areas:     complex and heterogeneous disease which             current approaches to a wide range of industry
                                                 requires better classification, and because the      practices and policies will be required to allow
                                                 therapies currently available are, by and large,    its promises to be fully realised.

Markets & Technologies                                                                                             Underlying Disciplines
Molecular Diagnostics                Personalised Therapies                Disease Areas                           Genomics
DNA Sequencing                       Pharmaceuticals                       Cancer                                  Pharmacogenetics
Gene expression profiling             Recombinant human proteins            Diabetes                                Pharmacogenomics
SNP Genotyping                       Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies     Obesity                                 Pharmacoproteomics
Biochips and microarrays             Gene and cell therapy etc.            Cardiovascular                          Pharmacometabonomics
Biomarkers                                                                 Central nervous system etc.
Molecular imaging etc.                                                                                             Systems biology


        RISK                 PREVENTION               TARGETED
     ASSESSMENT                                      MONITORING

                                                                             DIAGNOSIS                   THERAPY             RESPONSE

                      EARLY DETECTION TESTING



The Northern Ireland business sector has a                       The health service is placing an increasing      Successful development of Personalised
number of leading players, providing highly                      focus on clinical research and development,      Medicine in Northern Ireland is dependent on
innovative products and services. The sector                     and commercialisation of innovation arising      the sector’s ability to draw on and develop
has witnessed a period of growth since 2000,                     from the clinical sector. It has enormous        local capability in complementary sectors
with a number of new companies having been                       potential to underpin the development of         and technologies, particularly ICT (e.g.
set-up to exploit the opportunities offered                      Personalised Medicine in Northern Ireland,       bioinformatics) and Advanced Materials (e.g.
by this exciting sector; they consist of both                    for example through its seven recognised         nanostructures). In turn, developments in life
university spin-outs and pure industry ventures.                 Research Groups, the Northern Ireland Clinical   sciences can be a source of innovation and
                                                                 Research Support Centre and the Northern         development for the Agri-food sector (e.g.
The academic sector offers a strong science                      Ireland Cancer Research Centre.                  functional foods, personalised diets etc)
base, both in life sciences and related sectors
through its two world class Universities and the                 The diagram opposite suggests that in areas
six Colleges of Further and Higher Education.                    such as clinical trials and biotechnology
Examples are the Nanotechnology and                              the commercial sector is more advanced in
Advanced Materials Research Institute (that                      successfully exploiting the local scientific
includes NIBEC and the Centre for Advanced                       capability. However, a focused effort is
Cardiovascular Research) and Biomedical                          required to more fully realise the potential
Sciences Research Institute at the University                    offered by the scientific strengths in areas
of Ulster and the Centre for Cancer Research                     such as systems biology and diagnostics.
and Cell Biology, the Northern Ireland Clinical                  This could be achieved through collaborative
Cancer Centre and the McClay Research                            programmes for knowledge and skill transfer,
Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences at                            technology licenses, or creation of well
Queen’s University Belfast.                                      supported spin-off companies.

Source: Technology Capabilities Study for Northern Ireland, MATRIX, 2007


                           Identify how to improve capability                         Support and Encourage

                                                        Clinical                                                 Potential impact on NI economy
                                                                                           Biotechnology                  Small
 Strong                               Medical
 Exploitation Capability

                                  Biotechnology                                                                           Major
                                                                                            Medical devices
                                                                                                                 Timescale to realise impact

                                                                         Systems                                          Current (<2 years)
 Weak                                                                                                                     2-5 years

                                                                                                                          5-10 years

                                                                                                                          10 years

                           Consider strategically how to support                    Build exploitation pathway

                           Weak                           Scientific Capability                         Strong


As the market intelligence indicates, in the        and raising its position in the international
longer term this sector has the potential to        arena. The sector would also be able to
transform the way medicine is delivered. Many       communicate with a single voice and engage
nations have identified the opportunities offered    in a coherent manner with the local support
by this high risk - high reward sector, and         mechanisms and stakeholders, for example
investment in research and commercialisation        to promote skills development and raise the
in this space has intensified in recent years.       profile of the local cluster.

The Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel
has identified an opportunity for Northern
Ireland to carve out a share of this growing
market, by becoming a centre for Integrated
Research & Development in Personalised
Medicine. This would fuel the development
of Personalised Medicine in Northern Ireland,                  Northern Ireland to become a centre for Integrated Research & Development
and place the local cluster on the international                                         in Personalised Medicine to:
map in this highly dynamic sector. The                                                Deliver services to the PM industry;
competitive advantage would be conferred by                                       Commercialise innovations & form spin-outs
the integrated nature of the services provided,                          Achieve global recognition for excellence in a number of strands
harnessing academic scientific expertise,                              Act as Northern Ireland ‘shopwindow’ to the international community
clinical data and practice and a focus on
commercialisable outputs.

The Panel believes that the sector could be
stimulated locally by creating the environment                            Local                                              Applied
for the initiation of commercially-targeted                             ABC Players                                         Research
R&D projects, focussing funding and support
towards applied research not elsewhere funded
and the gap between initial Proof of Concept
and Phase II Clinical trials. Being open to the
full spectrum of the Personalised Medicine                                Leading                                         Development
technologies and practices, is expected to                            Pharma & Biotech
stimulate interest from across the sector and                            Companies
allow the most economically valuable proposals
to emerge.

It is believed that, given the recent                                     Medical                                       Applied Research
developments in local infrastructure, a ‘virtual’                         Charities                                      & Development
support mechanism would be sufficient,
providing leadership, funding and expert
support rather than new physical infrastructure.

A highly focused approach to the development                              Enabled by Northern Ireland Scientific & Clinical Capability
of this exciting sector would help drive closer
cooperation and capability transfer across
the ABC boundaries, thus enhancing the
exploitation capability within the local sector



GOVERNMENT                          ACADEMIC STAKEHOLDERS               BUSINESS SECTOR                     CLINICAL SECTOR

Inputs                              Inputs                              Inputs                              Inputs
• Creating an innovation- and       • Academic research staff           • Business expertise                • A commitment towards
    business-friendly environment   • Enhanced PhD pool                 • Research expertise & facilities       adoption within the local
• Help raise the profile of the      • Research facilities               • Financial investment                  clinical practice
    local capability                • IT capability                                                         • Clinical research expertise
• Attract lead scientists from      • International research partners                                       • Clinical data
    abroad and international                                                                                • Research facilities
    research partners

Outputs                             Outputs                             Outputs                             Outputs
• Development of existing           • IP creation, which can be         • Extended new product              • IP creation, which can be
   businesses, by accessing            commercialised through              pipeline                            commercialised through
   expertise from the local and        spin-out companies or            • Reduced R&D costs                    spin-out companies or
   international scientific             licensing deals                  • IP creation, which can be            licensing deals
   community                        • Spin-out companies                   commercialised through           • Improved patient care,
• Spin-out companies,               • Skills development & export          spin-out companies or               through rational therapeutic
   generating associated tax        • Enhanced international profile        licensing deals                     decisions rather than trial-
   revenues and employment                                              • Attract and retain talent            and-error approach
• FDI traction                                                          • Industry cross-fertilisation      • Cost savings in the long-term,
• Emergence and recycling of                                               (e.g. ICT, Advanced Materials,      through increasing emphasis
   local entrepreneurs                                                     Agri-food)                          on prevention and early
• International reputation, which                                                                              intervention
   in turn generates new



1 Telehealth                                      2 Telecare                                         3 Secure web messaging and e-visits
Telehealth monitoring is the remote exchange      Telecare is the continuous, automatic and          This technology usually acts as an enabler
of physiological data between a patient at        remote monitoring of real time lifestyle changes   for the previous two areas of remote care.
home and medical staff at hospital to assist in   and emergencies over time, in order to manage      Consumer familiarity with the Internet and
diagnosis, progress monitoring and prevention     the risks associated with independent living.      e-mail allows for more efficient communication
of various conditions. Specific product            Telecare is usually designed to create home        with medical staff and for novel healthcare
examples include home-based blood pressure        environments which meet the needs of older         solutions. A specific example of an e-visit could
monitors that relay information to the patients   or disabled people. Specific product examples       be an email exchange between a doctor and
GP surgery. Their immediate applications tend     include fall or bed sensors.                       patient. The market also includes technologies
to lie in the management of chronic disease                                                          and services based exclusively within the health
(e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular etc). The                                                             system (telemedicine) or within the patients’
preventative and personal health management                                                          physical home infrastructure (assistive devices).
aspects are expected to become more                                                                  These do not form part of the Panel’s core
pervasive in the longer term.                                                                        proposals, but instead are recommended for
                                                                                                     consideration in the longer term.


KEY MARKET DRIVERS                                                       KEY CHALLENGES TO DEVELOPMENT

•   Current healthcare systems are unsustainable, in great part due to   •   Slow adoption by healthcare systems, due to factors such as
    an ageing, more chronically-ill population                               resistance to adoption of information technology and new work
•   There have been numerous pilot studies that have demonstrated            practices, and difficulties in changing reimbursement systems within
    social and financial benefits associated with the home care concept        the GP community; significant policy issues therefore remain to be
•   Advancement of technologies and IT infrastructures has led to            addressed
    higher IT spend within healthcare budgets, in a bid to achieve       •   Integration into existing structures is made more difficult by the need
    efficiencies and improve service delivery                                 for a joined-up approach across health, housing and social care
•   Rising expectations of consumers with regards to own health status   •   Maintaining individual privacy - there are concerns regarding
    and involvement in their healthcare decisions                            surveillance and possible loss of privacy and autonomy, and legal
•   Adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR) will act as an enabler       issues relating to data confidentiality and protection.
    for remote care                                                      •   Lack of coherent approach - both within health systems (so far
                                                                             based on regional, small scale pilots) and industry (interoperability
                                                                             issues among devices and telecommunications providers)
                                                                         •   Level of technology development - there is a need for further
                                                                             development for example to provide more consumer-friendly devices
                                                                         •   Country variations in policies and structures make exporting more



The US is, and will remain, easily the largest    In comparison, the entire European market
national market for telehealth, reaching $4.51    is expected to only reach about $1.00 billion
billion in 2010 according to Datamonitor          by 2010, despite having a projected 502
forecasts. It will also show faster growth than   million people.
Canada at 64% CAGR, compared with 32%
for the latter. This very high growth and large   The European market may be smaller than
market share are the result of two                that in the North America, but it will still show
main features of the US market:                   very rapid growth, with an expected CAGR of
• Very high overall US healthcare spending,       60% over the period. The UK is the largest
      given the private care and insurance-       single market at $23 million and will grow by
      based system;                               66% CAGR to $286 million in 2010. The ten
• High and rapidly growing rates of chronic       new EU nations (NEU 10) will be the fastest
      diseases such as diabetes.                  growing market, with a CAGR of 69%, but will
                                                  still only reach a value of $60 million in 2010.


               6,000                                                                                   100%                       Canada

                                                                                                                                  United States
                                                                                                              Percentage Growth

               4,000                                                                                   60%
Million US $


               2,000                                                                                   30%


               0                                                                                       0%







               1,200                                                                                   80%                        Switzerland

                                                                                                       70%                        NEU 10
                                                                                                              Percentage Growth

               800                                                                                                                Rome
Million US $

               600                                                                                     40%
               400                                                                                                                Nordics
                                                                                                       10%                        Germany
               0                                                                                       0%                         United Kingdom







 * Source: From report
 ** Source: Datamonitor, Extending the delivery of healthcare beyond the hospital setting, June 2006


The Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel         The overall aim of the model proposed for
recommends that Northern Ireland becomes the       Northern Ireland is to join up local capability
first UK region committed to the early adoption     across all four of these domains in an
of a telehealth system within the Health and       integrated manner and in a real clinical setting.
Social Care practice. This means establishing
a strong local capability across the telehealth    The Panel concluded that to maximise the
continuum, and deploying this locally to achieve   market opportunity in this area, telehealth
whole connectivity between the health sector       technology should be implemented within our
and the home within 15-20 years.                   own health system.

The Home-based care market encompasses             •    This would allow the DHSSPS to benefit
a wide range of products and services. The              from savings achieved from the delivery
underpinning technologies and systems                   of health services in this manner, whilst
necessary to deliver those services can be              improving patient care; and
sub-divided into four key domains along the        •    At the same time, it would create an
telehealth continuum, as summarised in the              attractive Whole System Integration Test
diagram below.                                          Bed for local and international technology
                                                        providers, who could use Northern Ireland
                                                        as a gateway to UK and European home
                                                        care export markets.


       Medical Devices                      Home Telecomms                       Data Analysis         Response System

       Assistive devices                    Broadband                            Software solutions    Family/carer
       Sensors                              ICT Integration                      Data management       NHS - GP, PCT, ACT,
       Alert systems                        Physical structure                                         Social Services
       Vital signs monitoring devices                                                                  Third party service provider

The Panel considered the Northern Ireland          Data Analysis                                      Government support
capability’s strengths and gaps against the four   • The development of a Home-based care             • The announcement made in January
key areas judged to constitute the home based          market will require a capability in managing      2008, regarding the development of an
care continuum, and the level of support and           and analysing large volumes of data. The          European Centre for Connected Health
commitment provided by the local government.           Panel judged this was not an area were            supported by three Northern Ireland
                                                       a significant capability existed locally at        government departments, is a powerful
Medical Devices                                        present but from preliminary discussions          springboard for future development of
• The panel noted that a local capability              with the Horizon ICT Panel it was an area         the concept. The project has significant
   existed within Northern Ireland within the          that could be further explored for future         buy-in from the private sector locally and
   medical device sector. However, it was              investment.                                       internationally.
   also noted that these companies lacked
   a scale within the market. All of the           Response System
   companies had to seek an export market          • The specific circumstances of each patient
   as there was currently little potential for        group and the economic case for each
   growth domestically.                               initiative will determine the response
• It was acknowledged that a strategy could           system employed. The options to consider
   be developed to build upon the existing            would include:
   capability by seeking additional foreign           - Response to be delivered within the
   direct investment into the province and by              DHSSPS; if so, what are the interface
   developing partnership agreements.                      points, e.g. GPs, Social services,
Home-based Telecommunications                         - Response to be provided by a family
• The development of a Home-based                          member;
   care market will require a high speed              - Response to be delivered by a 3rd
   telecommunications infrastructure. The                  party provider; if so, what
   panel members judged that Northern                      type of activities specifically and
   Ireland was already well served in this                 associated governance; or
   area compared to other regions in the              - Combination of service delivery;
   UK given the existing 100% broadband            • The Panel considered that the most
   coverage. However, the ability to generate         important success factor was not the
   a economic capability by developing                creation of infrastructure. Instead, it
   companies to compete within the                    was ensuring that the existing response
   technology infrastructure sector was not           resources (e.g. GP surgeries, District
   judged to be strong given the dominance            nurses etc) were motivated and
   of the existing technology competitors.            incentivised to adopt this way of working.



GOVERNMENT                         ACADEMIC SECTOR                   BUSINESS SECTOR                     CLINICAL SECTOR

Inputs                             Inputs                            Inputs                              Inputs
• A commitment to a                • Social studies                  • An investment in new              • A commitment to changing
    ‘connected health’ agenda      • ICT capability                      technologies                        working practices
    and establishment of NI as a   • Curricula for new disciplines   • A long-term contractual           • Adjusting reward structures
    test-bed for associated            in eHealth                        commitment to the
    technology                                                           public sector
• A commitment to a joined
    up approach to the market
• Embrace an attitude of

Outputs                            Outputs                           Outputs                             Outputs
• Stimulate indigenous             • Graduates to fulfil a new        • An opportunity to participate     • A new model of healthcare
   companies                          model of health delivery          in a locally significant market      management
• Create a knowledge base          • Growing reputation in the       • Potential to export proven        • Improved health and quality of
   from which export potential        Connected Health field             technology and know-how to          life for relevant patient groups
   can be exploited                                                     US and European markets             through enhanced
• Attract FDI companies,                                                                                    independent living
   interested in using NI as a                                                                           • Improved work practices for
   gateway to UK and European                                                                               health professionals
   markets                                                                                               • Realisation of cost savings
• Demonstration of the                                                                                      which can be redistributed
   government’s commitment to                                                                               towards other priority areas,
   smarter working practices to                                                                             thus increasing productivity
   improve patient care                                                                                     levels


The health technologies and life sciences            Personalised medicine specific factors:
sector has the potential to become a major           • Participation from the clinical sector
contributor to Northern Ireland’s knowledge-            would be critical to help demonstrate
based economy. There are however a number of            the economics and clinical benefits of
prerequisites to successfully realising the market      pharmacogenetics in clinical practice;
opportunities identified by the Horizon Panel.        • Application in existing vs. new drugs would
                                                        imply forming public-private partnerships to
General enabling factors:                               enable enhancements of existing generic
• Most importantly, accomplishing the                   drugs; and
   healthcare opportunities identified by             • Addressing the ethical framework -
   the Life & Health Sciences Panel is                  safeguards need to be put in place to
   dependent on the sector’s ability to                 prevent the misuse of genetic information.
   exploit and develop local capability in a
   number of allied areas. This is an era of         Home-based care specific factors:
   convergence of technologies, and Life &           • Scalable approach to roll-out - it is
   Health Sciences sits right at the interplay          recommended that DHSSPS retains the
   of technologies from related sectors                 control over the patient groups and the
   - Advanced Materials, ICT, Advanced                  parts of the healthcare system impacted at
   Engineering etc;                                     each stage;
• The competitive position of Northern               • Defining technology standards and
   Ireland is dependent on the ability to               protocols - common technology standards
   provide an integrated service and product            and protocols need developed to provide
   portfolio. This means a joined-up approach           interoperability of devices;
   among the private sector companies,               • Stakeholder engagement - existing
   but also the use of academic and clinical            response resources (e.g. GP surgeries,
   capability as a catalyst to innovation and           District nurses etc) need motivated and
   science. Collaboration with international            incentivised to adopt this way of working;
   partners, including RoI and GB, would also           and
   help address some of the gaps that may            • Adjusting funding policy - aim to use and
   exist                                                adjust the existing reward and operational
   in the local capability;                             structures (e.g. GP contracts) as much
• The availability of an adequate skills base           as possible, rather than creating a new,
   is of paramount importance. The right                parallel system.
   quality and volume of skills is necessary
   to fuel the growth of the sector. The
   education system has been engaging a
   lot more with the industry in the last few
   years, but even more can be done to align
   the curriculum to the changing needs of
   the industry; and
• Supportive policy environment - this would
   involve the creation of an innovation- and
   business- friendly environment, which
   would support indigenous existing and new
   companies, as well as overseas companies
   considering operating in Northern Ireland.



PERSONALISED MEDICINE                                                      HOME-BASED CARE

Market rationale                                                           Market rationale
• Large, emerging market across all segments, driven by need for           • Developing market, driven by the need for more efficient healthcare
   more effective treatments & shift to preventative medicine, and the        provision and increasing consumer demand for enhanced quality of
   innovation & patent crisis in the pharmaceuticals sector                   life
• Obstacles: costs, data availability, ethical concerns, reimbursement     • Market currently dominated by pilots. Proven benefits, but also show
   policy                                                                     that ‘one size doesn’t fit all’
• Number of players & government investment increasing globally            • Main technology platforms exist, albeit requiring further development
• High risk, high reward market                                            • Obstacles to adoption: Device & IT Interoperability, Variation in
• NI has some of the building blocks in place, but lacking critical mass      regional policy, Healthcare system resistance to technology &
                                                                              change, Reimbursement policy
                                                                           • Northern Ireland capability lagging behind

Northern Ireland Opportunity                                               Northern Ireland Opportunity
• Focus on clear commercialisable applications in the Personalised         • Focus on telehealth and telecare segments (excludes telemedicine
   Medicine space                                                             and house aids)
• Open/Bottom-up approach - based on competitive projects                  • Adoption within mainstream healthcare system to become Northern
• Create a virtual mechanism, using existing physical infrastructure &        Ireland’s competitive differentiator
   tech transfer structures                                                • Top-down approach, with decision on policy and strategic approach
• Support collaborative networks, resource development, profile                to roll-out resting exclusively with DHSSPS.
   raising                                                                 • Phased roll-out
• Use funding to incentivise collaboration, technology transfer and
   attract international players

PERSONALISED MEDICINE                                                     HOME-BASED CARE

Advantages                                                                Advantages
• Potential for immediate engagement of existing companies and            • High FDI traction prospects
   impact on their commercially-targeted R&D activity                     • Technology platforms available internationally, albeit requiring
• Draws on and stimulates R&D in related and complementary fields             improvement
• Additional funding leveraged through public sources (UK, RoI and        • Lower risk and more immediate economic impact on both patient
   European sources) and major international players                         care and local economy (3 years +)
• Attract PhD and other highly skilled professionals. Retain indigenous   • Significant interest in full adoption from DHSSPS locally, which
   talent                                                                    would be a key competitive advantage compared to other pilot-
• Longer term - creation of new companies                                    based schemes.

Draw-backs                                                                Draw-backs
• Long-term economic impact (10 years +)                                  • Limited indigenous scientific capability locally
• High risk portfolio                                                     • Global market prospects dependent of adoption rates in each

Key success factors                                                       Key success factors
• Building critical mass and profile through sustained investment          • Adjust reimbursement strategy to incentivise adoption
• Combining academic and clinical capability will confer a strong         • Embedding behavioural changes - among healthcare professionals
   competitive advantage                                                     and patients
• Commitment from all stakeholders


1                                              4
25   INTRODUCTION                              69   FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS
26   Economic importance of the sector         71   General Enabling Factors
29   The Horizon Panel objectives              73   Personalised Medicine
30   Approach to delivery                      74   Home-based Care

33   What is Personalised Medicine?
34   Applications of Personalised Medicine
36   Benefits of Personalised Medicine
37   Key market drivers and challenges to
41   The Market for Personalised Medicine is
42   Commercial Prospects
48   Northern Ireland Capability
52   The Opportunity for Northern Ireland

56   Defining the market
57   Key market drivers and challenges to
59   Driving Policies and Iniatives in the
60   Commercial prospects
62   The Opportunity for Northern Ireland
64   Realising the Home-Based Care
     Opportunity for Northern Ireland
66   Northern Ireland Capability
67   Economic Benefits
68   Key Stakeholder Inputs & Outputs





As technologies converge, ‘life sciences’          •   The need for stronger links with academia       Over the past five years Northern Ireland
represents an all-encompassing title capturing         and clinicians in order to bolster technology   industry, academia and government have made
a wide range of industry sub-sectors such              transfer and innovation                         significant commitment to the development of
as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical         •   Shortage of ‘veteran’ entrepreneurs in          life sciences capabilities. In excess of $160
devices and diagnostics, drug delivery, clinical       Northern Ireland, with the experience and       million has been budgeted for infrastructure
trials etc. The sector in Northern Ireland             time to mentor life science businesses          enhancement, collaborative research, new
comprises organisations across the Academic,       •   Need to remain at the forefront of R&D,         product development and staff development
Business and Clinical (ABC) sectors.                   in light of increasing competition from low     initiatives.
                                                       cost manufacturing regions
The business sector counts approximately 60                                                            In the same timeframe, Northern Ireland
companies, offering a very diverse range of        The academic sector offers a strong science         life science companies have committed to
products, services and capabilities. Data from     base, both in life sciences and related sectors     strategic investment expenditure in the order
Invest NI and DETI suggests that the industry      through its two world class Universities and        of $340 million including approved government
as a whole has a combined turnover of around       the six regional Colleges of Further & Higher       assistance of $70 million. In a country with a
£310 million and employs approximately 4,000       Education. Examples are the Nanotechnology          population of just 1.7 million people, employing
people. This tends to be a high value-add          and Advanced Materials Research Institute (that     around 4,000 in life sciences, this level of
sector and export-oriented, with around 80%        includes NIBEC and the Centre for Advanced          investment (almost $125,000 per employee) is
of sales generated from external markets.          Cardiovascular Research), Biomedical Sciences       impressive.
                                                   Research Institute, Centre for Cancer Research
The top five companies by size account for          and Cell Biology, the Northern Ireland Clinical     This illustrates the local stakeholders’
some two thirds of the sector’s turnover           Cancer Centre and the McClay Research Centre        determination to maximise the opportunities
and 3,838 of its employees. The majority           for Pharmaceutical Sciences.                        deriving from a long history of technological
of companies in the sector are small, with                                                             innovation, backed by a highly educated, young
turnovers of under £500,000.                       In addition to its intrinsic clinical practise      workforce and an internationally recognised
                                                   expertise, the clinical sector is placing an        research base.
The issues facing local industry include:          increasing focus on clinical research and
• Difficulty of gaining access to early stage       development and commercialisation of
    funding, due to the higher risk and longer     innovation arising from the clinical sector. Its
    lead times to commercialisation that apply     strengths lie in the seven recognised Research
    to this sector                                 Groups, the Northern Ireland Clinical Research
• Skill shortages in certain areas                 Support Centre and multiple joint programmes
• Long and costly product development,             with equivalent organisations in Ireland and the
    due to compliance with a strict regulatory     UK as well as the local academic and business
    regime                                         sectors.


A growing market                                       Growing antibiotic resistance                        However, the human genome has proved more
At global level, the sector is set to benefit from      in existing diseases.                                complex and less amenable to mechanistic
rising demand for effective medicines as the           The overuse of antibiotics, and the limited          analysis than many scientists anticipated,
population ages, new medical needs emerge              number of new ones in the pipeline, has              when the draft map was completed in 2001.
and the disease burden of the developing world         left little defence against several previously       Hence the fact that Pharma is still struggling
increasingly resembles that of the developed           contained pathogens. Examples include                to apply the insights it has gleaned from the
world. By 2020, the global pharmaceuticals             hospital infections and tuberculosis.                molecular sciences - genomics, proteomics,
market is projected to be worth some $1.3                                                                   metabonomics and the like - to improve
trillion. The market is anticipated to be shaped       Industry innovation crisis                           its performance. The industry requires
up by a number of key trends:                          Currently, it appears that the global                a fresh approach to its R&D processes,
                                                       pharmaceutical industry is not in a strong           and identification of target molecules and
Changes in disease patterns put                        position to capitalise on the market                 compounds.
pressure on healthcare costs                           opportunities, unless it can change the way in
Increase in chronic diseases. The global               which it operates. Its core problem is the slowing   Globalising marketplace
population is projected to rise from 6.5 billion       pace of innovation in providing effective new        Globalisation will bring fundamental changes,
in 2005 to 7.6 billion in 2020. It is also aging       therapies for the world’s unmet medical needs.       particularly in the area of product development.
rapidly; by 2020, about 719.4m people - 9.4%                                                                With an inexpensive supply of highly trained
of the world’s inhabitants - will be 65 or more,       The industry’s best hope of earning higher           researchers and improving intellectual
compared with 477.4 million (7.3%) two years           returns lies in the development of packages of       property norms, China and India look likely to
ago. Older people typically consume more               products and services targeted at patients with      become a focus of product development and
healthcare products and services than younger          specific disease subtypes and that, if it was to      manufacturing activity in life sciences.
people, as they tend to develop multiple               make such “targeted treatments”, it would have
chronic diseases. Obesity, especially in the US,       to start by focusing on diseases rather than         Changing relationships
is another driver of higher costs, as it tends         compounds.                                           Co-operation will be a critical element of
to lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes,                                                               success in life sciences. Biotech and big
coronary heart disease and osteoarthritis.             Biotechnology research is anticipated to             pharma will work together to bring new
                                                       deliver more new products than the traditional       products to market. Teams will co-operate
More new diseases.                                     molecular R&D activities. Gene therapy is            globally on processes such as product
Greater population density, increased travel           likely to move from treatment of conditions to       development or test analysis. Increasing levels
and climate changes have increased the                 cures by modifying patient DNA. Previously           of patient choice and knowledge will place a
appearance of new pathogens. These are                 untreatable conditions could therefore find           premium on successful relationships between
often viral, initially difficult to treat, and highly   a treatment, as is, for example, the case of         physicians and those in their care.
dangerous. Examples include ebola, SARS and            cancer and other genetic conditions.
potentially avian flu.

Increasing Role of Information                     Pay-for-performance
Technology (IT)                                    The provision of healthcare is not all that
More pervasive use of IT will lead to more         is changing; so is the way in which it is
effective storage and retrieval of patient         measured. Several countries have set up
records, improved tracking of medical              agencies specifically to compare the safety and
outcomes and better remote care. Automation        efficacy of different forms of intervention and
of simpler processes is also anticipated to        promote the use of evidence-based medicine.
free up physicians’ time to focus on higher-       The US Agency for Healthcare Research and
value activities such as diagnosis and patient     Quality is one such body, as is the UK Centre
communication.                                     for Health Technology Evaluation - a division
                                                   of the National Institute for Clinical Health
Blurring Healthcare Boundaries                     and Effectiveness (NICE). The industry will
Changes in the way healthcare is delivered         have to prove to healthcare payers, who are
will arguably play an a critical role in shaping   increasingly interested in establishing best
the industry’s future. The primary-care sector     medical practice, that its products really work
is expanding and becoming more regimented,         and provide value for money.
as general practitioners perform more minor
surgical procedures and healthcare payers          Focus on prevention
increasingly mandate the treatment protocols       A growing number of governments in both
they must follow, including the drugs they can     developed and developing countries are trying
prescribe. Conversely, the secondary-care          to shift the focus from the treatment of disease
sector is contracting, as clinical advances        to its prevention. For example, at least 18
render previously terminal diseases chronic;       countries have already introduced nationwide
healthcare providers like Clinovia in the UK,      bans on smoking in enclosed public places, as
and Gentiva in the US, deliver secondary care      have a number of US states. Similarly, some
at home; and hospitals focus on the specialist     countries are waging war against rising levels
care that cannot be supplied anywhere else.        of obesity. The role of genetics in identifying
The self-medication sector is also growing, as     those at risk and in early interventions is also
more and more products that would once have        expected to play a major role in preventative
been available only on prescription are sold in    medicine.
OTC formats.


The Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel        The Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel was tasked to deliver on the
is one of the five technology horizon scanning     following objectives:
panels established under the auspices of the
Northern Ireland Science Industry Panel -
MATRIX. The other four Horizon panels
                                                  i     Identify the sustainable market opportunities that could be
represent the following sectors: ICT, Advanced          exploited distinctively by the NI science and industry base;
Materials, Agri-food and Advanced Engineering
                                                  ii    Identify the research and technology strengths of the Northern
MATRIX is an expert advisory panel
                                                        Ireland science and industry base relevant to the identified
reporting to DETI and the DETI Minister on
matters pertinent to the exploitation and               market opportunities;
commercialisation of science, technology and
R&D. It is led by high-technology and R&D         iii   Determine the opportunities for external collaboration that
intensive industry and advises Northern Ireland
Government on the development of improved
                                                        would supplement critical gaps in NI research and technology
interfaces between Northern Ireland business            capability in ensuring early delivery of potential outputs;
and the research, science and technology
base, with a view to ensuring the region’s        iv Engage with key stakeholders and partners critical to the
science and R&D strengths are exploited
for maximum economic and commercial
                                                     success of relevant market opportunities (public, private and
advantage.                                           academic) in Northern Ireland to assist in the prioritisation of
                                                     the key technology enabled business opportunities for the

                                                  v     Identify internal and external networks (including those
                                                        networks wider than the life and health sciences sector)
                                                        essential to deliver technology and business growth and
                                                        establish processes to build and sustain these networks; and

                                                  vi Identify investment opportunities in the sector.


We adopted a step driven approach to              1 Project Mobilisation
achieving the project deliverables, underpinned   An initial meeting was held with the Matrix
by monthly Panel working meetings. The            secretariat to agree the approach to delivering
12-strong Panel brought together leading          and managing the project. This was then
representatives from across the local             captured in the Project Initiation Document.
industry - academics (6), clinical sector
R&D representatives (2), and private sector       2 Project Scoping
companies (2 large businesses and 2 SMEs).        Given the broad and complex nature of the
The Panel was co-chaired by leaders from          health technologies and life sciences sector,
business and academia.                            it was important to select the most appropriate

                                      Project mobilisation
                                                                                                    MONTHLY MEETINGS WITH THE HORIZON LIFE & HEALTH SCIENCES PANEL

                                       Project scoping
                                    Define key areas of focus

    Market Opportunities Assessment                   Market Opportunities Assessment
          Personalised Medicine                               Home-based Care

                                   Consolidation of options
                                   Roadmap to Development

                                      5. Report production

approach to identifying the relevant market        The profile of the local sector capability was
opportunities for Northern Ireland. It was         also analysed, drawing information from DETI’s
ultimately agreed that the most effective means    parallel study on Northern Ireland Technology
to achieving this was through a brainstorming      capability, and the BioBusiness and Invest NI
session, which would harness the collective        Sector review conducted in 2006.
knowledge of the Panel members and the
market acumen of the PwC core team and             In light of the research findings, a number of
expert advisors. The event was held in May         suggestions were made on potential areas
2007 and elicited views on ‘Sustainable Market     of focus for the Northern Ireland cluster, and
Opportunities for Northern Ireland plc’ from       models for implementation.
a wide number of standpoints: World disease
prevalence, Key industry trends, Emerging and      4 Consolidation Of Options
cross-cutting technologies, Policy & regulation,   The options on the best approach for
and Northern Ireland competitive position.         Northern Ireland approaching this market
                                                   and establishing a competitive position were
Over 100 innovative ideas were generated,          deliberated with the Panel members. A number
which were then analysed and found to cluster      of options to the implementation models were
around 11 principal market-related themes. The     discussed, together with the implications for
Panel filtered these further and selected the top   the local stakeholders.
priorities through a voting process. The results
were discussed at the Panel meeting in June,       The emerging thoughts were shared and tested
when the top two key areas of focus for Northern   with a limited number of key sector leaders in
Ireland were agreed as: Personalised Medicine      the local economy. These discussions helped
and Home-based Care.                               gauge their views on how the proposed models
                                                   could be effectively deployed, and initiated
3 In-depth Market Analysis                         early buy-in and engagement across the
In-depth market research was carried out           industry community.
within the two selected themes, to explore
specific technology application opportunities       5 Reporting
within each. The research used analysis of         The final report explores the recommendations
extensive market intelligence and interviews       of the Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel
with international and local industry experts,     in the areas of Personalised Medicine and
to establish: Key areas of market growth,          Home-based Care and summarises the market
Emerging technology applications, Key players,     rationale for these recommendations.
and Potential collaboration partners.




At its most basic, Personalised Medicine refers     of patients are more prone to developing some        specific genetic risk for certain diseases.
to the use of information about a person’s          diseases and, ideally, help with the selection of    A key factor that will drive the integration of
genetic makeup to tailor strategies for the         lifestyle changes and/or treatments that can         diagnostics and therapeutics is the availability
detection, treatment, or prevention of disease.*    delay onset of a disease or reduce its impact.       of improved and more precise diagnostic
                                                                                                         methods, which are easy to perform and are
People vary from one another in many ways -         Personalised Medicine is expected to transform       not prohibitively expensive.
what they eat, the types and amount of stress       healthcare over the next several decades. New
they experience, exposure to environmental          diagnostic and prognostic tools will increase        Although scientific advances such as
factors, and their DNA. Many of these               the ability to predict the likely outcomes of drug   the mapping of the human genome and
variations play a role in health and disease. The   therapy, while the expanded use of biomarkers        computation technology are underpinning
combination of these variations across several      - biological molecules that indicate a particular    fast scientific developments, adoption in the
genes can affect each individual’s risk of          disease state - could result in more focused         mainstream clinical system lags behind. If
developing a disease or reacting to something       and targeted drug development. Personalised          Personalised Medicine is to realise its potential,
in the environment, and can be one of the           Medicine also offers the possibility of improved     it will require an extensive system of support.
reasons why a drug works for one patient and        health outcomes and has the potential to make        This system will include new regulatory
not another.                                        healthcare more cost-effective.                      approaches, revamped medical education
                                                                                                         curricula, integrated health information
Personalised Medicine aims to use these             The illustration arrow reflects the current and       systems, legislation to protect against
variations - both in the patient and in the         anticipated flow of healthcare services, and          genetic discrimination, insurance coverage
molecular underpinnings of the disease itself       changing points of intervention, as medicine         for sophisticated molecular diagnostic tests,
- to develop new treatments and to identify the     becomes more personalised. Early detection           and a reimbursement system that encourages
sub-groups of patients for whom they will work      testing will play an increasing role, with           proactive care.
best. It can also help determine which groups       expanded screening programmes for detecting


          RISK                         PREVENTION       TARGETED
       ASSESSMENT                                      MONITORING

                                                                                DIAGNOSIS                 THERAPY                 RESPONSE

                             EARLY DETECTION TESTING

* (Source: Personalised Medicine Coalition)
** (Source: Personalised Medicine Coalition)



Currently, physicians often have to use trial       Governments and medical communities are             screening programmes and diagnostic tests
and error methods to find the most effective         increasingly stressing preventive medicine as       at personal and General Practitioner level
medication for each patient. As more is learnt      the most cost-effective approach to improving       would enable people to be more in charge of
about which molecular variations best predict       the quality of life. Developments in molecular      their own health and health practitioners to
how a patient will react to a treatment, and        diagnostics and genetic testing will drive this     recommend life style, nutritional and medical
develop accurate and cost-effective tests,          market. The design and validation of preventive     action at an early stage.
doctors will have more information to guide
their decision about which medications are
likely to work best. Testing is already being
used to find the one in four women likely to
respond to a particular breast cancer drug. In
addition, testing could help predict the best                                                            BETTER
dosing schedule or combination of drugs for a
                                                                                                       AND EARLIER
particular patient.                                                                                   INTERVENTION

Molecular analysis could determine precisely
which variant of a disease a person has, or
whether they are susceptible to drug toxicities,
to help guide treatment choices. For preventive
medicine, such analysis could improve the ability
to identify which individuals are predisposed                                                                                       INCREASED
                                                                        MORE                         BENEFIT
                                                                                                                                   ADOPTION OF
to develop a particular condition - and guide                         EFFECTIVE                  FOR HEALTHCARE
decisions about interventions that might                              THERAPIES                     SYSTEMS
prevent it, delay its onset or reduce its impact.

Toxicity associated with inappropriate use of
approved drugs is a real problem and a cost to
healthcare systems, that Personalised Medicine
can provide a partial solution to. In the USA
alone, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are                                                               IMPROVED
responsible for approximately 100,000 drug-                                                              SAFETY
related deaths and 2.2 million hospitalisations                                                        OF DRUGS
per year, representing a cost of roughly
$100 billion.


Genotyping may be used for rescuing ‘dead            and toxicity in some patients. By defining the      Repositioning of a drug through
drugs’ that have failed clinical trials because      genotypic characteristics, patients who are        pharmacogenomics can extend the patent
of lack of efficacy and toxicity problems.            non-responders and those liable to adverse         life of a drug. A drug with redefined new
New indications can be explored in defined            reactions, can be excluded.                        indications for a particular group of patients
populations groups where the drug use is safe                                                           would start a new patent life.
and effective.

Redefining the patient population for marketed
drugs would enhance effectiveness and safety.
Upper figures for efficacy of medical treatment
of most diseases are less than 100%. Example
percentage of patients that show lack of                                                                  MORE
                                                                                                     EFFICIENT DRUG
response to current therapy in key disease
areas: Epilepsy - 70%, Hypertension - 65%,                                                              PROCESS
Depression - 60%, Diabetes mellitus - 55%,
Rheumatoid arthritis - 50%, Alzheimer’s
disease - 30%. Improvement in treatment is
an opportunity for development of Personalised

A better understanding of genetic variations                                                                                           EXPAND
                                                                       RESCUING                         BENEFIT
                                                                                                                                      MARKET OF
could help scientists identify new disease                           ‘DEAD DRUGS’                         FOR
subgroups and their associated molecular                                                               INDUSTRY
pathways, and design drugs that target them.
Molecular analysis could also help select
patients for inclusion in, or exclusion from,
late stage clinical trials - helping gain approval
for drugs that might otherwise be abandoned
because they appear to be ineffective in the
larger patient population.                                                                                                EXTEND
                                                                                    IMPROVED                          PATIENT LIFE BY
                                                                                   EFFICACY OF                       IDENTIFYING NEW
Pharmacogenomics may be applied to expand                                          TREATMENTS                          APPLICATIONS
markets for approved drugs with generally
restricted use because of limited efficacy



GOVERNMENT/HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS                     PATIENTS                                       INDUSTRY

Detect disease at an earlier stage, when it is    Effective and specific therapies                Improve the selection of targets for drug
easier and more economic to treat effectively                                                    discovery
                                                  Less risk of adverse effects
Rational therapeutic decisions based on                                                          Reduce the time, cost and failure rate of
pathomechanism of disease rather than on          Less time lost compared to trial and error     clinical trials
trial-and-error approach                          approach to treatment
                                                                                                 Monopoly in a specified segment of the
Incorporate diagnostic guidance to treatment      Lower cost of treatment (in the longer term)   market - early entry and longer dominance of
                                                                                                 market niche; no competition from generics
Reduced adverse drug reactions and                Facilitates preventive medicine
complications of treatment                                                                       Increased drug effectiveness will command
                                                  Improvement of quality of life                 higher prices
Shift the emphasis in medicine from reaction to
prevention                                                                                       Increased revenues from combination of
                                                                                                 diagnostics packaged with therapeutic
Reduce the overall cost of healthcare                                                            products

Increased professional satisfaction                                                              Increase patient compliance with therapy

                                                                                                 Revive drugs that failed clinical trials or were
                                                                                                 withdrawn from the market

                                                                                                 Expanding demand for enabling products
                                                                                                 and technologies, such as ICT, Agri-food,
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report
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Life & health Sciences Horizon Panel Report

  • 2. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG MATRIX LIFE & HEALTH PANEL MEMBERS SCIENCES HORIZON PANEL MEMBERS Alan Blair Bernie Hannigan (Co Chair) Albert Sherrard Albert Sherrard (Co Chair) Bryan Keating Alan Stitt (QUB) Clare Passmore Bert Rima (QUB) Colin Elliott John Lamont (Randox) Damien McDonnell (Chair) Michael Neely (HSC R&D Office) Ed Vernon David Brownlee (HSC Innovations) Frank Bryan Neville McClenaghan (UU & Diabetica Ltd) Gerry McCormac Peter Donnelly (BioBusiness NI) Bernie Hannigan Stephen Barr (Almac) Jim McLaughlin Tony Bjourson (UU) Werner Dubitzky (UU)
  • 3. PAGE 03 PROSPERITY AND HEALTH DELIVERED BY SCIENCE NORTHERN IRELAND’S LIFE & HEALTH The whole sector employs around 4,000 Over the past 18 months our intensive work SCIENCES COMMUNITY IS READY people, many in genuinely sustainable, with colleagues from academia, industry and TO MEET THE SECTOR’S GLOBAL high-value jobs. Around 30 companies in the healthcare has led to many insights and a CHALLENGES. region have a clear focus on research and real understanding of how best to move this development (R&D) - some very intensively sector forward. For us, this was a pleasure The Life & Health Sciences Horizon Panel so - and in 2005 they spent some £33 and a privilege. was formed in 2007 to recommend actions million on the area, directly employing 600 that will accelerate the development of R&D staff in the process. It is no secret that We would like to thank all of those who our vibrant life and health sciences sector, in recent years major opportunities have participated in the compilation of this report boosting economic benefits for the region, resulted from rising investment in R&D. and to acknowledge the work of Phil Towers and improving the quality of health and and Diana Iacob of PricewaterhouseCoopers wellbeing products and services available. Given our region’s small size in the who assisted at all stages in the work of the context of this vast global industry, we Life & Health Sciences Horizon Panel. With the trend towards individuals taking accept that we cannot excel at everything. increased responsibility for their own health However, this report puts forward strategic and vitality increasing amid the spectre of recommendations that identify the key R&D new or re-emerging infectious diseases and capabilities and future market opportunities the need for new treatments, this sector can to exploit for maximum economic return for be hugely important. the decades ahead. Our work highlights the strength and depth By implementing these recommendations we of the sector and advances made to date. can ensure not just our continued success Comprising around 60 companies with a but look forward to the time when Northern combined turnover of some £400 million, Ireland will feature in the world rankings of the industry is growing. These businesses significant participants in the huge global create wealth through products as diverse healthcare and pharmaceuticals market. This as medical devices and diagnostics, would provide great economic benefits and pharmaceuticals, bio-pharmaceuticals and position us to meet the challenges that our Bernie Hannigan & Albert Sherrard medical disposals, as well as biotechnology- healthcare systems are facing. Joint Chairs - Life & Health Sciences based services and clinical trials. Horizon Panel
  • 5. PAGE 05 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THE ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES & LIFE SCIENCES SECTOR Importance to the Northern Ireland (that includes NIBEC and the Centre emergence of new diseases due to economy: high value-add, export oriented for Advanced Cardiovascular Research), increased global travel and climate sector Biomedical Sciences Research Institute, Centre changes; growing antibiotic resistance in for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, the some existing diseases. Over the past five years, Northern Ireland Northern Ireland Clinical Cancer Centre and the • Focus on prevention and pay-for industry, academia and government have made McClay Research Centre for Pharmaceutical performance. In a bid to control spiralling significant commitment to the development of Sciences. costs, a growing number of governments, life sciences capabilities. According to Invest in both developed and developing countries, NI data, in excess of $160 million has been In addition to its intrinsic clinical practice are trying to shift the focus from the budgeted for infrastructure enhancement, expertise, the clinical sector is placing an treatment of disease to its prevention. At collaborative research, new product increasing focus on clinical research and the same time, industry will be expected to development and staff development initiatives. development (also known as translational prove to healthcare payers that its products This illustrates the local stakeholders’ medicine) and commercialisation of innovation really work and provide value for money. determination to maximise the opportunities arising from its activities. Its strengths lie in the • Increasing role of Information deriving from a long history of technological seven Recognised Research Groups and the Technology (IT). This is anticipated to innovation, backed by a highly educated, young Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network become a key enabler to more effective workforce and an internationally recognised that includes HSC Innovations. storage and retrieval of patient records, research base. improved tracking of medical research and A growing global market therapy outcomes, and better remote care. The business sector counts approximately 60 At global level, the sector is set to benefit from • Pharma industry crisis. The companies, offering a very diverse range of rising demand for effective medicines as the pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a products, services and capabilities. Data from population ages, new medical needs emerge period of change as it seeks to increase the Invest NI and DETI suggests that the industry, and the disease burden of the developing world pace of innovation in face of its collapsing as a whole, has a combined turnover of around increasingly resembles that of the developed blockbuster model and financial pressure £310m and employs approximately 4,000 world. By 2020, the global pharmaceuticals from healthcare funders. Biotechnology and people. This tends to be a high value-add market is projected to be worth some $1.3 gene therapy are anticipated to yield more sector and export-oriented, with around 80% trillion. A number of key trends are anticipated new products than the traditional molecular of sales generated from external markets. to shape-up the future of this industry: chemistry-based R&D activity. • Globalised market place. Collaborative The academic sector offers a strong science • Changes in disease patterns put product development across boundaries base, both in life sciences and related sectors, more pressure on healthcare costs. and companies is anticipated to become through its two world class Universities and Increase in chronic diseases as a result more pervasive. India and China are fast the six regional Colleges of Further & Higher of ageing population, rise of obesity and becoming preferred centres of product Education. Examples are the Nanotechnology previously terminal diseases becoming development and manufacturing activity. and Advanced Materials Research Institute chronic through therapy development;
  • 6. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG WHAT IS PERSONALISED MEDICINE? At its most basic, Personalised Medicine refers - to develop new treatments and to identify the to the use of information about a person’s sub-groups of patients for whom they will work genetic makeup to tailor strategies for the best. It can also help determine which groups detection, treatment, or prevention of disease.* of patients are more prone to developing some diseases and, ideally, help with the selection of People vary from one another in many ways - lifestyle changes and/or treatments that can what they eat, the types and amount of stress delay onset of a disease or reduce its impact. they experience, exposure to environmental Personalised medicine is expected to transform factors, and their DNA. Many of these healthcare over the next several decades. New variations play a role in health and disease. The diagnostic and prognostic tools will increase combination of these variations across several ability to predict the likely outcomes of drug genes can affect each individual’s risk of therapy, while the expanded use of biomarkers - developing a disease or reacting to something biological molecules that indicate a particular in the environment, and can be one of the disease state - could result in more focused reasons why a drug works for one patient and and targeted drug development. Personalised not another. medicine also offers the possibility of improved health outcomes and has the potential to make Personalised medicine aims to use these healthcare more cost-effective. variations - both in the patient and in the molecular underpinnings of the disease itself THE PARADIGM OF PERSONALISED MEDICINE RISK PREVENTION TARGETED ASSESSMENT MONITORING DIAGNOSIS THERAPY RESPONSE MONITORING EARLY DETECTION TESTING Source: Personalised Medicine Coalition
  • 7. PAGE 07 BENEFITS OF PERSONALISED MEDICINE A PERSONALISED APPROACH TO MEDICINE OFFERS SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS FOR EACH OF THE MAJOR STAKEHOLDER GROUPS - PATIENTS, GOVERNMENTS, AS WELL AS INDUSTRY. THESE ARE SUMMARISED BELOW. GOVERNMENT/HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS PATIENTS INDUSTRY Detect disease at an earlier stage, when it is Effective and specific therapies Improve the selection of targets for drug easier and more economic to treat effectively discovery Less risk of adverse effects Rational therapeutic decisions based on Reduce the time, cost and failure rate of pathomechanism of disease rather than on Less time lost compared to trial-and-error clinical trials trial-and-error approach approach to treatment Monopoly in a specified segment of the Incorporate diagnostic guidance to treatment Lower cost of treatment (in the longer term) market - early entry and longer dominance of market niche; no competition from generics Reduced adverse drug reactions and Facilitates preventive medicine complications of treatment Increased drug effectiveness will command Improvement of quality of life higher prices Shift the emphasis in medicine from reaction to prevention Increased revenues from combination of diagnostics packaged with therapeutic Reduce the overall cost of healthcare products Increased professional satisfaction Increase patient compliance with therapy prescribed Revive drugs that failed clinical trials or were withdrawn from the market Expanding demand for enabling products and technologies, such as ICT, Agri-food, nanotechnology.
  • 8. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG KEY DRIVERS AND CHALLENGES TO DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALISED MEDICINE PROGRESS OF SCIENTIFIC CAPABILITY ADOPTION IN HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS ADOPTION BY INDUSTRY Scientific progress - whole genome Shift to prevention and early intervention in a The ‘blockbuster’ model of one drug fits all KEY DRIVERS sequencing, rapid gene characterisation, bid to manage spiralling costs. is under pressure; improved effectiveness molecular diagnostics. levels are required for better defined patient Current drugs are not effective for all patients. populations. Declining cost of sequencing the human genome. Bid to reduce costs associated with Adverse The need for enhanced pace of innovation, as Drug Reactions (ADRs). current R&D methods are yielding fewer new Advances in information technology and products. management of health information. The 2004 General Practitioner contract links remuneration with clinical outcomes. Financial pressure is mounting, as governments press for lower prices. Mapping of the genome is still in its infancy. Payment/Reimbursement policies are not Perceived fragmentation of drug markets. KEY CHALLENGES tailored to such a system. Personalised Current availability of bio-banks may restrict medicine is more expensive and more clinical Intellectual property ownership difficult to the pace of research. data is needed on associated health outcomes secure, particularly if derived from collaborative and costs benefits. projects. There are non-genomic factors involved in the development of personalised medicine, which Education and resources implications Scale of adoption is uncertain - a niche rather require additional scientific research. - including changes to medical curricula, GP than all-encompassing adoption may be practices, and other healthcare providers. envisaged, at least in the shorter term. Policy framework - ethical and privacy concerns regarding gathering, using and storing genetic information need addressed.
  • 9. PAGE 09 COMMERCIAL PROSPECTS FOR PERSONALISED MEDICINE The market for personalised medicine is • Molecular diagnostics as a stand-alone ineffective and disruptive for patients. Strong multifaceted, with overlaps between components market; demand is also anticipated from other fields, and disciplines, and interdependencies with • Remarket of existing drugs (generic and such as central nervous system disorders, associated sectors - e.g. pharmaceutical, patented); cardiovascular disease and inflammatory disease. advanced materials, information technology • Development of new biologic drugs; and etc. The diagram below captures the main • Development of new therapies, such as Assuming a scenario where Personalised constituents of this complex sector. cell therapy, gene therapy, monoclonal Medicine will grow to account for a quarter of antibodies etc. total pharmaceutical market value, this indicates Personalised Medicine has the potential a market potential in excess of $200bn. to transform healthcare over the next Companies may specialise in certain disease several decades. areas or provide technologies that cut across However, the evolution of the market a number of disease groups. Cancer is the is expected to follow a gradual trend. A The commercial opportunity for companies area generating the greatest interest for personalised approach to medicine has far- involved in Personalised Medicine can be pharmacogenomic therapies, as it is a very reaching implications, and a re-examination of viewed as coming from a number of key areas: complex and heterogeneous disease which current approaches to a wide range of industry requires better classification, and because the practices and policies will be required to allow therapies currently available are, by and large, its promises to be fully realised. Markets & Technologies Underlying Disciplines Molecular Diagnostics Personalised Therapies Disease Areas Genomics DNA Sequencing Pharmaceuticals Cancer Pharmacogenetics Gene expression profiling Recombinant human proteins Diabetes Pharmacogenomics SNP Genotyping Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies Obesity Pharmacoproteomics Biochips and microarrays Gene and cell therapy etc. Cardiovascular Pharmacometabonomics Biomarkers Central nervous system etc. Molecular imaging etc. Systems biology Bioinformatics Nanotechnology THE PARADIGM OF PERSONALISED MEDICINE RISK PREVENTION TARGETED ASSESSMENT MONITORING DIAGNOSIS THERAPY RESPONSE MONITORING EARLY DETECTION TESTING
  • 10. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG NORTHERN IRELAND CURRENT CAPABILITY IN PERSONALISED MEDICINE A NUMBER OF KEY BUILDING BLOCKS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PERSONALISED MEDICINE ALREADY EXIST IN NORTHERN IRELAND, ACROSS THE ACADEMIC, PRIVATE BUSINESS AND CLINICAL (ABC) SECTORS. OVER THE PAST FEW YEARS, NORTHERN IRELAND INDUSTRY, ACADEMIA AND GOVERNMENT HAVE MADE SIGNIFICANT COMMITMENT TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE SCIENCES CAPABILITIES. The Northern Ireland business sector has a The health service is placing an increasing Successful development of Personalised number of leading players, providing highly focus on clinical research and development, Medicine in Northern Ireland is dependent on innovative products and services. The sector and commercialisation of innovation arising the sector’s ability to draw on and develop has witnessed a period of growth since 2000, from the clinical sector. It has enormous local capability in complementary sectors with a number of new companies having been potential to underpin the development of and technologies, particularly ICT (e.g. set-up to exploit the opportunities offered Personalised Medicine in Northern Ireland, bioinformatics) and Advanced Materials (e.g. by this exciting sector; they consist of both for example through its seven recognised nanostructures). In turn, developments in life university spin-outs and pure industry ventures. Research Groups, the Northern Ireland Clinical sciences can be a source of innovation and Research Support Centre and the Northern development for the Agri-food sector (e.g. The academic sector offers a strong science Ireland Cancer Research Centre. functional foods, personalised diets etc) base, both in life sciences and related sectors through its two world class Universities and the The diagram opposite suggests that in areas six Colleges of Further and Higher Education. such as clinical trials and biotechnology Examples are the Nanotechnology and the commercial sector is more advanced in Advanced Materials Research Institute (that successfully exploiting the local scientific includes NIBEC and the Centre for Advanced capability. However, a focused effort is Cardiovascular Research) and Biomedical required to more fully realise the potential Sciences Research Institute at the University offered by the scientific strengths in areas of Ulster and the Centre for Cancer Research such as systems biology and diagnostics. and Cell Biology, the Northern Ireland Clinical This could be achieved through collaborative Cancer Centre and the McClay Research programmes for knowledge and skill transfer, Centre for Pharmaceutical Sciences at technology licenses, or creation of well Queen’s University Belfast. supported spin-off companies. Source: Technology Capabilities Study for Northern Ireland, MATRIX, 2007
  • 11. PAGE 11 FIGURE 11: LIFESCIENCES CAPABILITY IN NORTHERN IRELAND Identify how to improve capability Support and Encourage Clinical Potential impact on NI economy trials Biotechnology Small Strong Medical disposals Medium Agribiology Exploitation Capability Biotechnology Major services Pharmaceuticals Medical devices diagnostics Timescale to realise impact Systems Current (<2 years) biology Weak 2-5 years 5-10 years 10 years Consider strategically how to support Build exploitation pathway Weak Scientific Capability Strong
  • 12. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG REALISING THE PERSONALISED MEDICINE OPPORTUNITY FOR NORTHERN IRELAND As the market intelligence indicates, in the and raising its position in the international longer term this sector has the potential to arena. The sector would also be able to transform the way medicine is delivered. Many communicate with a single voice and engage nations have identified the opportunities offered in a coherent manner with the local support by this high risk - high reward sector, and mechanisms and stakeholders, for example investment in research and commercialisation to promote skills development and raise the in this space has intensified in recent years. profile of the local cluster. The Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel has identified an opportunity for Northern Ireland to carve out a share of this growing market, by becoming a centre for Integrated Research & Development in Personalised Medicine. This would fuel the development of Personalised Medicine in Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland to become a centre for Integrated Research & Development and place the local cluster on the international in Personalised Medicine to: map in this highly dynamic sector. The Deliver services to the PM industry; competitive advantage would be conferred by Commercialise innovations & form spin-outs the integrated nature of the services provided, Achieve global recognition for excellence in a number of strands harnessing academic scientific expertise, Act as Northern Ireland ‘shopwindow’ to the international community clinical data and practice and a focus on commercialisable outputs. The Panel believes that the sector could be stimulated locally by creating the environment Local Applied for the initiation of commercially-targeted ABC Players Research R&D projects, focussing funding and support towards applied research not elsewhere funded and the gap between initial Proof of Concept and Phase II Clinical trials. Being open to the full spectrum of the Personalised Medicine Leading Development technologies and practices, is expected to Pharma & Biotech stimulate interest from across the sector and Companies allow the most economically valuable proposals to emerge. It is believed that, given the recent Medical Applied Research developments in local infrastructure, a ‘virtual’ Charities & Development support mechanism would be sufficient, providing leadership, funding and expert support rather than new physical infrastructure. A highly focused approach to the development Enabled by Northern Ireland Scientific & Clinical Capability of this exciting sector would help drive closer cooperation and capability transfer across the ABC boundaries, thus enhancing the exploitation capability within the local sector
  • 13. PAGE 13 KEY STAKEHOLDER INPUTS & OUTPUTS THE IMPLICATIONS IN TERMS OF COMMITMENT, RESOURCES AND BENEFITS FOR EACH OF THE LOCAL STAKEHOLDER GROUPS IN REALISING THE PERSONALISED MEDICINE MARKET OPPORTUNITY CAN BE SUMMARISED AS FOLLOWS: GOVERNMENT ACADEMIC STAKEHOLDERS BUSINESS SECTOR CLINICAL SECTOR Inputs Inputs Inputs Inputs • Creating an innovation- and • Academic research staff • Business expertise • A commitment towards business-friendly environment • Enhanced PhD pool • Research expertise & facilities adoption within the local • Help raise the profile of the • Research facilities • Financial investment clinical practice local capability • IT capability • Clinical research expertise • Attract lead scientists from • International research partners • Clinical data abroad and international • Research facilities research partners Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs • Development of existing • IP creation, which can be • Extended new product • IP creation, which can be businesses, by accessing commercialised through pipeline commercialised through expertise from the local and spin-out companies or • Reduced R&D costs spin-out companies or international scientific licensing deals • IP creation, which can be licensing deals community • Spin-out companies commercialised through • Improved patient care, • Spin-out companies, • Skills development & export spin-out companies or through rational therapeutic generating associated tax • Enhanced international profile licensing deals decisions rather than trial- revenues and employment • Attract and retain talent and-error approach • FDI traction • Industry cross-fertilisation • Cost savings in the long-term, • Emergence and recycling of (e.g. ICT, Advanced Materials, through increasing emphasis local entrepreneurs Agri-food) on prevention and early • International reputation, which intervention in turn generates new business.
  • 14. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG WHAT IS HOME-BASED CARE? THE CORE PROPOSAL FROM THE HORIZON PANEL CONCERNS THE LINK BETWEEN PATIENTS IN THEIR HOMES AND THE HEALTH SYSTEM. THIS LINK CAN BE CONSIDERED TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING THREE MARKET COMPONENTS. 1 Telehealth 2 Telecare 3 Secure web messaging and e-visits Telehealth monitoring is the remote exchange Telecare is the continuous, automatic and This technology usually acts as an enabler of physiological data between a patient at remote monitoring of real time lifestyle changes for the previous two areas of remote care. home and medical staff at hospital to assist in and emergencies over time, in order to manage Consumer familiarity with the Internet and diagnosis, progress monitoring and prevention the risks associated with independent living. e-mail allows for more efficient communication of various conditions. Specific product Telecare is usually designed to create home with medical staff and for novel healthcare examples include home-based blood pressure environments which meet the needs of older solutions. A specific example of an e-visit could monitors that relay information to the patients or disabled people. Specific product examples be an email exchange between a doctor and GP surgery. Their immediate applications tend include fall or bed sensors. patient. The market also includes technologies to lie in the management of chronic disease and services based exclusively within the health (e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular etc). The system (telemedicine) or within the patients’ preventative and personal health management physical home infrastructure (assistive devices). aspects are expected to become more These do not form part of the Panel’s core pervasive in the longer term. proposals, but instead are recommended for consideration in the longer term.
  • 15. PAGE 15 KEY MARKET DRIVERS AND CHALLENGES TO DEVELOPMENT KEY MARKET DRIVERS KEY CHALLENGES TO DEVELOPMENT • Current healthcare systems are unsustainable, in great part due to • Slow adoption by healthcare systems, due to factors such as an ageing, more chronically-ill population resistance to adoption of information technology and new work • There have been numerous pilot studies that have demonstrated practices, and difficulties in changing reimbursement systems within social and financial benefits associated with the home care concept the GP community; significant policy issues therefore remain to be • Advancement of technologies and IT infrastructures has led to addressed higher IT spend within healthcare budgets, in a bid to achieve • Integration into existing structures is made more difficult by the need efficiencies and improve service delivery for a joined-up approach across health, housing and social care • Rising expectations of consumers with regards to own health status • Maintaining individual privacy - there are concerns regarding and involvement in their healthcare decisions surveillance and possible loss of privacy and autonomy, and legal • Adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHR) will act as an enabler issues relating to data confidentiality and protection. for remote care • Lack of coherent approach - both within health systems (so far based on regional, small scale pilots) and industry (interoperability issues among devices and telecommunications providers) • Level of technology development - there is a need for further development for example to provide more consumer-friendly devices • Country variations in policies and structures make exporting more difficult
  • 16. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG COMMERCIAL PROSPECTS FOR THE HOME-BASED CARE MARKET THE CORE PROPOSAL FROM THE HORIZON PANEL CONCERNS THE LINK BETWEEN PATIENTS IN THEIR HOMES AND THE HEALTH SYSTEM. The US is, and will remain, easily the largest In comparison, the entire European market national market for telehealth, reaching $4.51 is expected to only reach about $1.00 billion billion in 2010 according to Datamonitor by 2010, despite having a projected 502 forecasts. It will also show faster growth than million people. Canada at 64% CAGR, compared with 32% for the latter. This very high growth and large The European market may be smaller than market share are the result of two that in the North America, but it will still show main features of the US market: very rapid growth, with an expected CAGR of • Very high overall US healthcare spending, 60% over the period. The UK is the largest given the private care and insurance- single market at $23 million and will grow by based system; 66% CAGR to $286 million in 2010. The ten • High and rapidly growing rates of chronic new EU nations (NEU 10) will be the fastest diseases such as diabetes. growing market, with a CAGR of 69%, but will still only reach a value of $60 million in 2010.
  • 17. PAGE 17 TELEHEALTH MARKET IN NORTH AMERICA BY COUNTRY (2005-2010)* 6,000 100% Canada United States 5,000 Growth Percentage Growth 4,000 60% Million US $ 3,000 2,000 30% 1,000 0 0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 TELEHEALTH MARKET IN EUROPE BY COUNTRY (2005-2010)** 1,200 80% Switzerland 70% NEU 10 1,000 Spain 60% Percentage Growth 800 Rome 50% Million US $ Italy 600 40% Benelux 30% 400 Nordics 20% France 200 10% Germany 0 0% United Kingdom 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Growth * Source: From report ** Source: Datamonitor, Extending the delivery of healthcare beyond the hospital setting, June 2006
  • 18. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG REALISING THE HOME-BASED CARE OPPORTUNITY FOR NORTHERN IRELAND The Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel The overall aim of the model proposed for recommends that Northern Ireland becomes the Northern Ireland is to join up local capability first UK region committed to the early adoption across all four of these domains in an of a telehealth system within the Health and integrated manner and in a real clinical setting. Social Care practice. This means establishing a strong local capability across the telehealth The Panel concluded that to maximise the continuum, and deploying this locally to achieve market opportunity in this area, telehealth whole connectivity between the health sector technology should be implemented within our and the home within 15-20 years. own health system. The Home-based care market encompasses • This would allow the DHSSPS to benefit a wide range of products and services. The from savings achieved from the delivery underpinning technologies and systems of health services in this manner, whilst necessary to deliver those services can be improving patient care; and sub-divided into four key domains along the • At the same time, it would create an telehealth continuum, as summarised in the attractive Whole System Integration Test diagram below. Bed for local and international technology providers, who could use Northern Ireland as a gateway to UK and European home care export markets. NORTHERN IRELAND POSITION ALONG THE HOMECARE CONTINUUM: WHOLE SYSTEM CONNECTIVITY Medical Devices Home Telecomms Data Analysis Response System Assistive devices Broadband Software solutions Family/carer Sensors ICT Integration Data management NHS - GP, PCT, ACT, Alert systems Physical structure Social Services Vital signs monitoring devices Third party service provider
  • 19. PAGE 19 The Panel considered the Northern Ireland Data Analysis Government support capability’s strengths and gaps against the four • The development of a Home-based care • The announcement made in January key areas judged to constitute the home based market will require a capability in managing 2008, regarding the development of an care continuum, and the level of support and and analysing large volumes of data. The European Centre for Connected Health commitment provided by the local government. Panel judged this was not an area were supported by three Northern Ireland a significant capability existed locally at government departments, is a powerful Medical Devices present but from preliminary discussions springboard for future development of • The panel noted that a local capability with the Horizon ICT Panel it was an area the concept. The project has significant existed within Northern Ireland within the that could be further explored for future buy-in from the private sector locally and medical device sector. However, it was investment. internationally. also noted that these companies lacked a scale within the market. All of the Response System companies had to seek an export market • The specific circumstances of each patient as there was currently little potential for group and the economic case for each growth domestically. initiative will determine the response • It was acknowledged that a strategy could system employed. The options to consider be developed to build upon the existing would include: capability by seeking additional foreign - Response to be delivered within the direct investment into the province and by DHSSPS; if so, what are the interface developing partnership agreements. points, e.g. GPs, Social services, others; Home-based Telecommunications - Response to be provided by a family • The development of a Home-based member; care market will require a high speed - Response to be delivered by a 3rd telecommunications infrastructure. The party provider; if so, what panel members judged that Northern type of activities specifically and Ireland was already well served in this associated governance; or area compared to other regions in the - Combination of service delivery; UK given the existing 100% broadband • The Panel considered that the most coverage. However, the ability to generate important success factor was not the a economic capability by developing creation of infrastructure. Instead, it companies to compete within the was ensuring that the existing response technology infrastructure sector was not resources (e.g. GP surgeries, District judged to be strong given the dominance nurses etc) were motivated and of the existing technology competitors. incentivised to adopt this way of working.
  • 20. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG KEY STAKEHOLDER INPUTS & OUTPUTS THE TABLE BELOW SUMMARISES THE COMMITMENT NECESSARY FROM GOVERNMENT, ACADEMIA, BUSINESS AND THE CLINICAL FIELD TO SUCCESSFULLY DELIVER HOME-BASED CARE WITHIN THE NORTHERN IRELAND ECONOMY. THE TABLE ALSO HIGHLIGHTS THE POTENTIAL RETURN FOR EACH RESPECTIVE GROUP. GOVERNMENT ACADEMIC SECTOR BUSINESS SECTOR CLINICAL SECTOR Inputs Inputs Inputs Inputs • A commitment to a • Social studies • An investment in new • A commitment to changing ‘connected health’ agenda • ICT capability technologies working practices and establishment of NI as a • Curricula for new disciplines • A long-term contractual • Adjusting reward structures test-bed for associated in eHealth commitment to the technology public sector • A commitment to a joined up approach to the market opportunity • Embrace an attitude of change Outputs Outputs Outputs Outputs • Stimulate indigenous • Graduates to fulfil a new • An opportunity to participate • A new model of healthcare companies model of health delivery in a locally significant market management • Create a knowledge base • Growing reputation in the • Potential to export proven • Improved health and quality of from which export potential Connected Health field technology and know-how to life for relevant patient groups can be exploited US and European markets through enhanced • Attract FDI companies, independent living interested in using NI as a • Improved work practices for gateway to UK and European health professionals markets • Realisation of cost savings • Demonstration of the which can be redistributed government’s commitment to towards other priority areas, smarter working practices to thus increasing productivity improve patient care levels
  • 21. PAGE 21 FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS The health technologies and life sciences Personalised medicine specific factors: sector has the potential to become a major • Participation from the clinical sector contributor to Northern Ireland’s knowledge- would be critical to help demonstrate based economy. There are however a number of the economics and clinical benefits of prerequisites to successfully realising the market pharmacogenetics in clinical practice; opportunities identified by the Horizon Panel. • Application in existing vs. new drugs would imply forming public-private partnerships to General enabling factors: enable enhancements of existing generic • Most importantly, accomplishing the drugs; and healthcare opportunities identified by • Addressing the ethical framework - the Life & Health Sciences Panel is safeguards need to be put in place to dependent on the sector’s ability to prevent the misuse of genetic information. exploit and develop local capability in a number of allied areas. This is an era of Home-based care specific factors: convergence of technologies, and Life & • Scalable approach to roll-out - it is Health Sciences sits right at the interplay recommended that DHSSPS retains the of technologies from related sectors control over the patient groups and the - Advanced Materials, ICT, Advanced parts of the healthcare system impacted at Engineering etc; each stage; • The competitive position of Northern • Defining technology standards and Ireland is dependent on the ability to protocols - common technology standards provide an integrated service and product and protocols need developed to provide portfolio. This means a joined-up approach interoperability of devices; among the private sector companies, • Stakeholder engagement - existing but also the use of academic and clinical response resources (e.g. GP surgeries, capability as a catalyst to innovation and District nurses etc) need motivated and science. Collaboration with international incentivised to adopt this way of working; partners, including RoI and GB, would also and help address some of the gaps that may • Adjusting funding policy - aim to use and exist adjust the existing reward and operational in the local capability; structures (e.g. GP contracts) as much • The availability of an adequate skills base as possible, rather than creating a new, is of paramount importance. The right parallel system. quality and volume of skills is necessary to fuel the growth of the sector. The education system has been engaging a lot more with the industry in the last few years, but even more can be done to align the curriculum to the changing needs of the industry; and • Supportive policy environment - this would involve the creation of an innovation- and business- friendly environment, which would support indigenous existing and new companies, as well as overseas companies considering operating in Northern Ireland.
  • 22. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS TWO DISTINCT MARKET OPPORTUNITIES HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED BY THE HEALTH AND LIFE SCIENCES HORIZON PANEL: PERSONALISED MEDICINE AND HOME-BASED CARE. WHILST THEY HAVE A NUMBER OF COMMON FEATURES, IN THAT BOTH ADDRESS ISSUES FACING THE GLOBAL HEALTH AND ECONOMY IN THE LONG-TERM, AND THEY ULTIMATELY COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER WITHIN THE INTEGRATED HEALTHCARE CONCEPT, THE TWO MODELS OFFER DIFFERENT PROPOSITIONS IN TERMS OF TYPE OF CAPABILITY IMPACTED LOCALLY, ECONOMIC IMPACT, TIMESCALE AND RISK FACTORS. THE TWO MARKET PROPOSALS ARE SUMMARISED BELOW. PERSONALISED MEDICINE HOME-BASED CARE Market rationale Market rationale • Large, emerging market across all segments, driven by need for • Developing market, driven by the need for more efficient healthcare more effective treatments & shift to preventative medicine, and the provision and increasing consumer demand for enhanced quality of innovation & patent crisis in the pharmaceuticals sector life • Obstacles: costs, data availability, ethical concerns, reimbursement • Market currently dominated by pilots. Proven benefits, but also show policy that ‘one size doesn’t fit all’ • Number of players & government investment increasing globally • Main technology platforms exist, albeit requiring further development • High risk, high reward market • Obstacles to adoption: Device & IT Interoperability, Variation in • NI has some of the building blocks in place, but lacking critical mass regional policy, Healthcare system resistance to technology & change, Reimbursement policy • Northern Ireland capability lagging behind Northern Ireland Opportunity Northern Ireland Opportunity • Focus on clear commercialisable applications in the Personalised • Focus on telehealth and telecare segments (excludes telemedicine Medicine space and house aids) • Open/Bottom-up approach - based on competitive projects • Adoption within mainstream healthcare system to become Northern • Create a virtual mechanism, using existing physical infrastructure & Ireland’s competitive differentiator tech transfer structures • Top-down approach, with decision on policy and strategic approach • Support collaborative networks, resource development, profile to roll-out resting exclusively with DHSSPS. raising • Phased roll-out • Use funding to incentivise collaboration, technology transfer and attract international players
  • 23. PAGE 23 PERSONALISED MEDICINE HOME-BASED CARE Advantages Advantages • Potential for immediate engagement of existing companies and • High FDI traction prospects impact on their commercially-targeted R&D activity • Technology platforms available internationally, albeit requiring • Draws on and stimulates R&D in related and complementary fields improvement • Additional funding leveraged through public sources (UK, RoI and • Lower risk and more immediate economic impact on both patient European sources) and major international players care and local economy (3 years +) • Attract PhD and other highly skilled professionals. Retain indigenous • Significant interest in full adoption from DHSSPS locally, which talent would be a key competitive advantage compared to other pilot- • Longer term - creation of new companies based schemes. Draw-backs Draw-backs • Long-term economic impact (10 years +) • Limited indigenous scientific capability locally • High risk portfolio • Global market prospects dependent of adoption rates in each country Key success factors Key success factors • Building critical mass and profile through sustained investment • Adjust reimbursement strategy to incentivise adoption • Combining academic and clinical capability will confer a strong • Embedding behavioural changes - among healthcare professionals competitive advantage and patients • Commitment from all stakeholders
  • 24. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG CONTENTS 1 4 25 INTRODUCTION 69 FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS 26 Economic importance of the sector 71 General Enabling Factors 29 The Horizon Panel objectives 73 Personalised Medicine 30 Approach to delivery 74 Home-based Care 2 32 PERSONALISED MEDICINE - THE OPPORTUNITY FOR NORTHERN IRELAND 33 What is Personalised Medicine? 34 Applications of Personalised Medicine 36 Benefits of Personalised Medicine 37 Key market drivers and challenges to development 41 The Market for Personalised Medicine is Multifaceted 42 Commercial Prospects 48 Northern Ireland Capability 52 The Opportunity for Northern Ireland 3 55 HOME-BASED CARE MARKET - THE OPPORTUNITY FOR NORTHERN IRELAND 56 Defining the market 57 Key market drivers and challenges to development 59 Driving Policies and Iniatives in the Sector 60 Commercial prospects 62 The Opportunity for Northern Ireland 64 Realising the Home-Based Care Opportunity for Northern Ireland 66 Northern Ireland Capability 67 Economic Benefits 68 Key Stakeholder Inputs & Outputs
  • 26. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG THE ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE OF THE HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES & LIFE SCIENCES SECTOR NORTHERN IRELAND CONTEXT As technologies converge, ‘life sciences’ • The need for stronger links with academia Over the past five years Northern Ireland represents an all-encompassing title capturing and clinicians in order to bolster technology industry, academia and government have made a wide range of industry sub-sectors such transfer and innovation significant commitment to the development of as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, medical • Shortage of ‘veteran’ entrepreneurs in life sciences capabilities. In excess of $160 devices and diagnostics, drug delivery, clinical Northern Ireland, with the experience and million has been budgeted for infrastructure trials etc. The sector in Northern Ireland time to mentor life science businesses enhancement, collaborative research, new comprises organisations across the Academic, • Need to remain at the forefront of R&D, product development and staff development Business and Clinical (ABC) sectors. in light of increasing competition from low initiatives. cost manufacturing regions The business sector counts approximately 60 In the same timeframe, Northern Ireland companies, offering a very diverse range of The academic sector offers a strong science life science companies have committed to products, services and capabilities. Data from base, both in life sciences and related sectors strategic investment expenditure in the order Invest NI and DETI suggests that the industry through its two world class Universities and of $340 million including approved government as a whole has a combined turnover of around the six regional Colleges of Further & Higher assistance of $70 million. In a country with a £310 million and employs approximately 4,000 Education. Examples are the Nanotechnology population of just 1.7 million people, employing people. This tends to be a high value-add and Advanced Materials Research Institute (that around 4,000 in life sciences, this level of sector and export-oriented, with around 80% includes NIBEC and the Centre for Advanced investment (almost $125,000 per employee) is of sales generated from external markets. Cardiovascular Research), Biomedical Sciences impressive. Research Institute, Centre for Cancer Research The top five companies by size account for and Cell Biology, the Northern Ireland Clinical This illustrates the local stakeholders’ some two thirds of the sector’s turnover Cancer Centre and the McClay Research Centre determination to maximise the opportunities and 3,838 of its employees. The majority for Pharmaceutical Sciences. deriving from a long history of technological of companies in the sector are small, with innovation, backed by a highly educated, young turnovers of under £500,000. In addition to its intrinsic clinical practise workforce and an internationally recognised expertise, the clinical sector is placing an research base. The issues facing local industry include: increasing focus on clinical research and • Difficulty of gaining access to early stage development and commercialisation of funding, due to the higher risk and longer innovation arising from the clinical sector. Its lead times to commercialisation that apply strengths lie in the seven recognised Research to this sector Groups, the Northern Ireland Clinical Research • Skill shortages in certain areas Support Centre and multiple joint programmes • Long and costly product development, with equivalent organisations in Ireland and the due to compliance with a strict regulatory UK as well as the local academic and business regime sectors.
  • 27. PAGE 27 GLOBAL CONTEXT A growing market Growing antibiotic resistance However, the human genome has proved more At global level, the sector is set to benefit from in existing diseases. complex and less amenable to mechanistic rising demand for effective medicines as the The overuse of antibiotics, and the limited analysis than many scientists anticipated, population ages, new medical needs emerge number of new ones in the pipeline, has when the draft map was completed in 2001. and the disease burden of the developing world left little defence against several previously Hence the fact that Pharma is still struggling increasingly resembles that of the developed contained pathogens. Examples include to apply the insights it has gleaned from the world. By 2020, the global pharmaceuticals hospital infections and tuberculosis. molecular sciences - genomics, proteomics, market is projected to be worth some $1.3 metabonomics and the like - to improve trillion. The market is anticipated to be shaped Industry innovation crisis its performance. The industry requires up by a number of key trends: Currently, it appears that the global a fresh approach to its R&D processes, pharmaceutical industry is not in a strong and identification of target molecules and Changes in disease patterns put position to capitalise on the market compounds. pressure on healthcare costs opportunities, unless it can change the way in Increase in chronic diseases. The global which it operates. Its core problem is the slowing Globalising marketplace population is projected to rise from 6.5 billion pace of innovation in providing effective new Globalisation will bring fundamental changes, in 2005 to 7.6 billion in 2020. It is also aging therapies for the world’s unmet medical needs. particularly in the area of product development. rapidly; by 2020, about 719.4m people - 9.4% With an inexpensive supply of highly trained of the world’s inhabitants - will be 65 or more, The industry’s best hope of earning higher researchers and improving intellectual compared with 477.4 million (7.3%) two years returns lies in the development of packages of property norms, China and India look likely to ago. Older people typically consume more products and services targeted at patients with become a focus of product development and healthcare products and services than younger specific disease subtypes and that, if it was to manufacturing activity in life sciences. people, as they tend to develop multiple make such “targeted treatments”, it would have chronic diseases. Obesity, especially in the US, to start by focusing on diseases rather than Changing relationships is another driver of higher costs, as it tends compounds. Co-operation will be a critical element of to lead to chronic diseases such as diabetes, success in life sciences. Biotech and big coronary heart disease and osteoarthritis. Biotechnology research is anticipated to pharma will work together to bring new deliver more new products than the traditional products to market. Teams will co-operate More new diseases. molecular R&D activities. Gene therapy is globally on processes such as product Greater population density, increased travel likely to move from treatment of conditions to development or test analysis. Increasing levels and climate changes have increased the cures by modifying patient DNA. Previously of patient choice and knowledge will place a appearance of new pathogens. These are untreatable conditions could therefore find premium on successful relationships between often viral, initially difficult to treat, and highly a treatment, as is, for example, the case of physicians and those in their care. dangerous. Examples include ebola, SARS and cancer and other genetic conditions. potentially avian flu.
  • 28. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG Increasing Role of Information Pay-for-performance Technology (IT) The provision of healthcare is not all that More pervasive use of IT will lead to more is changing; so is the way in which it is effective storage and retrieval of patient measured. Several countries have set up records, improved tracking of medical agencies specifically to compare the safety and outcomes and better remote care. Automation efficacy of different forms of intervention and of simpler processes is also anticipated to promote the use of evidence-based medicine. free up physicians’ time to focus on higher- The US Agency for Healthcare Research and value activities such as diagnosis and patient Quality is one such body, as is the UK Centre communication. for Health Technology Evaluation - a division of the National Institute for Clinical Health Blurring Healthcare Boundaries and Effectiveness (NICE). The industry will Changes in the way healthcare is delivered have to prove to healthcare payers, who are will arguably play an a critical role in shaping increasingly interested in establishing best the industry’s future. The primary-care sector medical practice, that its products really work is expanding and becoming more regimented, and provide value for money. as general practitioners perform more minor surgical procedures and healthcare payers Focus on prevention increasingly mandate the treatment protocols A growing number of governments in both they must follow, including the drugs they can developed and developing countries are trying prescribe. Conversely, the secondary-care to shift the focus from the treatment of disease sector is contracting, as clinical advances to its prevention. For example, at least 18 render previously terminal diseases chronic; countries have already introduced nationwide healthcare providers like Clinovia in the UK, bans on smoking in enclosed public places, as and Gentiva in the US, deliver secondary care have a number of US states. Similarly, some at home; and hospitals focus on the specialist countries are waging war against rising levels care that cannot be supplied anywhere else. of obesity. The role of genetics in identifying The self-medication sector is also growing, as those at risk and in early interventions is also more and more products that would once have expected to play a major role in preventative been available only on prescription are sold in medicine. OTC formats.
  • 29. PAGE 29 THE HORIZON PANEL OBJECTIVES The Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel The Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel was tasked to deliver on the is one of the five technology horizon scanning following objectives: panels established under the auspices of the Northern Ireland Science Industry Panel - MATRIX. The other four Horizon panels i Identify the sustainable market opportunities that could be represent the following sectors: ICT, Advanced exploited distinctively by the NI science and industry base; Materials, Agri-food and Advanced Engineering (Transport). ii Identify the research and technology strengths of the Northern MATRIX is an expert advisory panel Ireland science and industry base relevant to the identified reporting to DETI and the DETI Minister on matters pertinent to the exploitation and market opportunities; commercialisation of science, technology and R&D. It is led by high-technology and R&D iii Determine the opportunities for external collaboration that intensive industry and advises Northern Ireland Government on the development of improved would supplement critical gaps in NI research and technology interfaces between Northern Ireland business capability in ensuring early delivery of potential outputs; and the research, science and technology base, with a view to ensuring the region’s iv Engage with key stakeholders and partners critical to the science and R&D strengths are exploited for maximum economic and commercial success of relevant market opportunities (public, private and advantage. academic) in Northern Ireland to assist in the prioritisation of the key technology enabled business opportunities for the sector; v Identify internal and external networks (including those networks wider than the life and health sciences sector) essential to deliver technology and business growth and establish processes to build and sustain these networks; and vi Identify investment opportunities in the sector.
  • 30. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG APPROACH TO DELIVERY We adopted a step driven approach to 1 Project Mobilisation achieving the project deliverables, underpinned An initial meeting was held with the Matrix by monthly Panel working meetings. The secretariat to agree the approach to delivering 12-strong Panel brought together leading and managing the project. This was then representatives from across the local captured in the Project Initiation Document. industry - academics (6), clinical sector R&D representatives (2), and private sector 2 Project Scoping companies (2 large businesses and 2 SMEs). Given the broad and complex nature of the The Panel was co-chaired by leaders from health technologies and life sciences sector, business and academia. it was important to select the most appropriate Project mobilisation MONTHLY MEETINGS WITH THE HORIZON LIFE & HEALTH SCIENCES PANEL Project scoping Define key areas of focus Market Opportunities Assessment Market Opportunities Assessment Personalised Medicine Home-based Care Consolidation of options Roadmap to Development 5. Report production
  • 31. PAGE 31 approach to identifying the relevant market The profile of the local sector capability was opportunities for Northern Ireland. It was also analysed, drawing information from DETI’s ultimately agreed that the most effective means parallel study on Northern Ireland Technology to achieving this was through a brainstorming capability, and the BioBusiness and Invest NI session, which would harness the collective Sector review conducted in 2006. knowledge of the Panel members and the market acumen of the PwC core team and In light of the research findings, a number of expert advisors. The event was held in May suggestions were made on potential areas 2007 and elicited views on ‘Sustainable Market of focus for the Northern Ireland cluster, and Opportunities for Northern Ireland plc’ from models for implementation. a wide number of standpoints: World disease prevalence, Key industry trends, Emerging and 4 Consolidation Of Options cross-cutting technologies, Policy & regulation, The options on the best approach for and Northern Ireland competitive position. Northern Ireland approaching this market and establishing a competitive position were Over 100 innovative ideas were generated, deliberated with the Panel members. A number which were then analysed and found to cluster of options to the implementation models were around 11 principal market-related themes. The discussed, together with the implications for Panel filtered these further and selected the top the local stakeholders. priorities through a voting process. The results were discussed at the Panel meeting in June, The emerging thoughts were shared and tested when the top two key areas of focus for Northern with a limited number of key sector leaders in Ireland were agreed as: Personalised Medicine the local economy. These discussions helped and Home-based Care. gauge their views on how the proposed models could be effectively deployed, and initiated 3 In-depth Market Analysis early buy-in and engagement across the In-depth market research was carried out industry community. within the two selected themes, to explore specific technology application opportunities 5 Reporting within each. The research used analysis of The final report explores the recommendations extensive market intelligence and interviews of the Life and Health Sciences Horizon Panel with international and local industry experts, in the areas of Personalised Medicine and to establish: Key areas of market growth, Home-based Care and summarises the market Emerging technology applications, Key players, rationale for these recommendations. and Potential collaboration partners.
  • 33. PAGE 33 WHAT IS PERSONALISED MEDICINE? At its most basic, Personalised Medicine refers of patients are more prone to developing some specific genetic risk for certain diseases. to the use of information about a person’s diseases and, ideally, help with the selection of A key factor that will drive the integration of genetic makeup to tailor strategies for the lifestyle changes and/or treatments that can diagnostics and therapeutics is the availability detection, treatment, or prevention of disease.* delay onset of a disease or reduce its impact. of improved and more precise diagnostic methods, which are easy to perform and are People vary from one another in many ways - Personalised Medicine is expected to transform not prohibitively expensive. what they eat, the types and amount of stress healthcare over the next several decades. New they experience, exposure to environmental diagnostic and prognostic tools will increase Although scientific advances such as factors, and their DNA. Many of these the ability to predict the likely outcomes of drug the mapping of the human genome and variations play a role in health and disease. The therapy, while the expanded use of biomarkers computation technology are underpinning combination of these variations across several - biological molecules that indicate a particular fast scientific developments, adoption in the genes can affect each individual’s risk of disease state - could result in more focused mainstream clinical system lags behind. If developing a disease or reacting to something and targeted drug development. Personalised Personalised Medicine is to realise its potential, in the environment, and can be one of the Medicine also offers the possibility of improved it will require an extensive system of support. reasons why a drug works for one patient and health outcomes and has the potential to make This system will include new regulatory not another. healthcare more cost-effective. approaches, revamped medical education curricula, integrated health information Personalised Medicine aims to use these The illustration arrow reflects the current and systems, legislation to protect against variations - both in the patient and in the anticipated flow of healthcare services, and genetic discrimination, insurance coverage molecular underpinnings of the disease itself changing points of intervention, as medicine for sophisticated molecular diagnostic tests, - to develop new treatments and to identify the becomes more personalised. Early detection and a reimbursement system that encourages sub-groups of patients for whom they will work testing will play an increasing role, with proactive care. best. It can also help determine which groups expanded screening programmes for detecting THE PARADIGM OF PERSONALISED MEDICINE** RISK PREVENTION TARGETED ASSESSMENT MONITORING DIAGNOSIS THERAPY RESPONSE MONITORING EARLY DETECTION TESTING * (Source: Personalised Medicine Coalition) ** (Source: Personalised Medicine Coalition)
  • 34. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG APPLICATIONS OF PERSONALISED MEDICINE A PERSONALISED APPROACH TO MEDICINE PROMISES A NUMBER OF BENEFITS IN ADDRESSING THE KEY CHALLENGES FACING HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS WORLDWIDE: Currently, physicians often have to use trial Governments and medical communities are screening programmes and diagnostic tests and error methods to find the most effective increasingly stressing preventive medicine as at personal and General Practitioner level medication for each patient. As more is learnt the most cost-effective approach to improving would enable people to be more in charge of about which molecular variations best predict the quality of life. Developments in molecular their own health and health practitioners to how a patient will react to a treatment, and diagnostics and genetic testing will drive this recommend life style, nutritional and medical develop accurate and cost-effective tests, market. The design and validation of preventive action at an early stage. doctors will have more information to guide their decision about which medications are likely to work best. Testing is already being used to find the one in four women likely to respond to a particular breast cancer drug. In addition, testing could help predict the best BETTER DIAGNOSES dosing schedule or combination of drugs for a AND EARLIER particular patient. INTERVENTION Molecular analysis could determine precisely which variant of a disease a person has, or whether they are susceptible to drug toxicities, to help guide treatment choices. For preventive medicine, such analysis could improve the ability to identify which individuals are predisposed INCREASED MORE BENEFIT ADOPTION OF to develop a particular condition - and guide EFFECTIVE FOR HEALTHCARE PREVENTATIVE decisions about interventions that might THERAPIES SYSTEMS CARE prevent it, delay its onset or reduce its impact. Toxicity associated with inappropriate use of approved drugs is a real problem and a cost to healthcare systems, that Personalised Medicine can provide a partial solution to. In the USA alone, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are IMPROVED responsible for approximately 100,000 drug- SAFETY related deaths and 2.2 million hospitalisations OF DRUGS per year, representing a cost of roughly $100 billion.
  • 35. PAGE 35 PERSONALISED MEDICINE ALSO HAS THE POTENTIAL TO HELP THE PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY TO IMPROVE ITS PERFORMANCE AROUND BOTH NEW PRODUCT R&D AND EXISTING DRUGS. Genotyping may be used for rescuing ‘dead and toxicity in some patients. By defining the Repositioning of a drug through drugs’ that have failed clinical trials because genotypic characteristics, patients who are pharmacogenomics can extend the patent of lack of efficacy and toxicity problems. non-responders and those liable to adverse life of a drug. A drug with redefined new New indications can be explored in defined reactions, can be excluded. indications for a particular group of patients populations groups where the drug use is safe would start a new patent life. and effective. Redefining the patient population for marketed drugs would enhance effectiveness and safety. Upper figures for efficacy of medical treatment of most diseases are less than 100%. Example percentage of patients that show lack of MORE EFFICIENT DRUG response to current therapy in key disease DEVELOPMENT areas: Epilepsy - 70%, Hypertension - 65%, PROCESS Depression - 60%, Diabetes mellitus - 55%, Rheumatoid arthritis - 50%, Alzheimer’s disease - 30%. Improvement in treatment is an opportunity for development of Personalised Medicines. A better understanding of genetic variations EXPAND RESCUING BENEFIT MARKET OF could help scientists identify new disease ‘DEAD DRUGS’ FOR EXISTING subgroups and their associated molecular INDUSTRY DRUGS pathways, and design drugs that target them. Molecular analysis could also help select patients for inclusion in, or exclusion from, late stage clinical trials - helping gain approval for drugs that might otherwise be abandoned because they appear to be ineffective in the larger patient population. EXTEND IMPROVED PATIENT LIFE BY EFFICACY OF IDENTIFYING NEW Pharmacogenomics may be applied to expand TREATMENTS APPLICATIONS markets for approved drugs with generally restricted use because of limited efficacy
  • 36. PROFITING FROM SCIENCE WWW.MATRIX-NI.ORG BENEFITS OF PERSONALISED MEDICINE A PERSONALISED APPROACH TO MEDICINE THEREFORE OFFERS THE PROSPECT FOR SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS FOR EACH OF THE MAJOR STAKEHOLDER GROUPS - PATIENTS, GOVERNMENTS, AND INDUSTRY. THESE ARE SUMMARISED BELOW. GOVERNMENT/HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS PATIENTS INDUSTRY Detect disease at an earlier stage, when it is Effective and specific therapies Improve the selection of targets for drug easier and more economic to treat effectively discovery Less risk of adverse effects Rational therapeutic decisions based on Reduce the time, cost and failure rate of pathomechanism of disease rather than on Less time lost compared to trial and error clinical trials trial-and-error approach approach to treatment Monopoly in a specified segment of the Incorporate diagnostic guidance to treatment Lower cost of treatment (in the longer term) market - early entry and longer dominance of market niche; no competition from generics Reduced adverse drug reactions and Facilitates preventive medicine complications of treatment Increased drug effectiveness will command Improvement of quality of life higher prices Shift the emphasis in medicine from reaction to prevention Increased revenues from combination of diagnostics packaged with therapeutic Reduce the overall cost of healthcare products Increased professional satisfaction Increase patient compliance with therapy prescribed Revive drugs that failed clinical trials or were withdrawn from the market Expanding demand for enabling products and technologies, such as ICT, Agri-food, nanotechnology.