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                                  LGB 11503

......SyllabusLGB 11503-Ship Technology SLT.doc

......Lesson PlanStandard QA Lesson Plan auzuddin Ayob
                                           F Ship Technology LGB11503 SLT.doc
                                           B. Eng Marine Eng;
                                           M. Eng Materials Sc & Eng
The principal oceanographic characteristics that make up the
marine environment and their relevance to the design,
construction, operation and maintenance of marine vessels.

– Oceanography in relation to ships / shipping activities
– The nature of wind, wind description, wind measurement, wind around
  coast line and the regular global wind.
– The nature of waves and swells and their principal effects on ships.
– The nature of tides, current and iceberg and their effects on ships and
  maritime activities.
– The six dimension of movement of a floating body and the design of a
  floating vehicle
– The cause, effect and prevention of corrosion in the maritime
– Type of marine industries and trade
 Ship is any large floating vessel capable of crossing open
  waters (i.e. ocean) and carrying materials and goods from
  one port to another port. In modern times it usually denotes
  a vessel of more than 500 tons of displacement.
 Oceanography also called oceanology or marine
science, is the branch of Earth Sciences that studies the
Earth's oceans and seas. It covers a wide range of topics,
including marine organisms and ecosystem dynamics; ocean
currents, waves, and geophysical fluid dynamics; plate
tectonics and the geology of the sea floor.

Ships are a vital element in the modern world. They still carry some 95
per cent of trade. In 1994 there were more than 80,000 ships each with
a gross tonnage of 100 or more, representing a gross tonnage of over
450 million in total. Although aircraft have displaced the transatlantic
liners, ships still carry large numbers of people on pleasure cruises and
on the multiplicity of ferries operating in all areas of the globe. Ships,
and other marine structures, are needed to exploit the riches of the
Ships- continued

 Although one of the oldest forms of transport, ships, their equipment and
their function, are subject to constant evolution. Changes are driven by
changing patterns of world trade, by social pressures, by technological
improvements in materials, construction techniques and control systems,
and by pressure of economics. As an example, technology now provides
the ability to build much larger, faster ships and these are adopted to gain
the economic advantages those features can confer.

     MS Oasis of the Seas, the world's largest passenger ship, was built
     by South Korean-owned shipbuilding group STX Europe.
75% Of Earth Is Covered
        By Sea
Arctic Ocean
 Atlantic Ocean
 Indian Ocean
Pacific Ocean
Southern Ocean
Sect. 1 ME

  Lesson Plan No 1- Wind

What Is Wind?; Effect of wind on ship and wave

The wind is a large-scale movement of air caused by
differences in atmospheric pressure between localities.
   Air under high pressure moves toward areas of low
pressure. The greater the difference in pressure, the faster
the air flows.
  Strong winds can add to the resistance a ship
experiences and make manoeuvring difficult. Beam wind
will make a ship heel and create waves.
  The wave characteristics depend upon the strength of
wind, its duration and the distance over which it acts, which
is called its fetch.
Sect. 1 ME

 Describing Wind :

• Wind is described with direction and speed.
• The direction of the wind is expressed as the direction from
  which the wind is blowing.
• Winds have different levels of speed, such as “breeze” and
  “gale”, depending on how fast they blow.
    The strength of a wind is classified in broad terms by the
  Beaufort Wind Scale (Fig.1). The wind velocity varies with
  height. Beaufort wind speeds are based on the wind speed
  at a height of 6m.
Devised by British Rear-Admiral, Sir Francis Beaufort in 1805 based on observations of the effects of the wind

Beaufort   Wind Speed          Wave
Number                         Height                       Effects observed on the sea
           knots     mph                    description
(force)                        (feet)
   0       under 1   under 1        -       Calm            Sea is like a mirror
   1        1-3         1-3       0.25      Light air       Ripples with appearance of scales; no foam crests
   2        4-6         4-7      0.5 - 1    Light breeze    Small wavelets; crests of glassy appearance, not breaking
   3        7 - 10    8 - 12      2-3       Gentle breeze   Large wavelets; crests begin to break; scattered whitecaps
   4        11-16     13-18      3½ - 5     Moderate
                                                            Small waves, becoming longer; numerous whitecaps
   5        17-21     19-24       6-8       Fresh breeze    Moderate waves, taking longer form; many whitecaps; some
   6        22-27     25-31      9½-13      Strong breeze   Larger waves forming; whitecaps everywhere; more spray
   7        28-33     32-38     13½-19      Near gale       Sea heaps up; white foam from breaking waves begins to be
                                                                blown in streaks
   8        34-40     39-46      18-25      Gale            Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests
                                                                begin to break into spindrift; foam is blown in well-
                                                                marked streaks
   9        41-47     47-54      23-32      Strong gale     High waves; sea begins to roll; dense streaks of foam; spray
                                                                 may begin to reduce visibility
   10       48-55     55-63      29-41      Storm           Very high waves with overhanging crests; sea takes white
                                                                 appearance as foam is blown in very dense streaks;
                                                                 rolling is heavy and visibility is reduced
   11       56-63     64-72      37-52      Violent storm   Exceptionally high waves; sea covered with white foam
                                                                patches; visibility further reduced
   12      64 and    73 and      45 and     Hurricane       Air filled with foam; sea completely white with driving spray;
            over      over        over                             visibility greatly reduced

           Fig. 1 Beaufort Wind Scale                             ( note :1 knots = 1.852 kmph)
Gale      Strong gale

Storm   Violent storm
Sect. 1 ME

  Beaufort Scale

• The scale is primarily used at sea, but it useful to anyone
  interested in the weather.
• In 1805, Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort (of the British
  Navy) devised the following scale of wind velocity.
• The numbers are arranged in sequential order, with a low
  value zero to a high value of twelve.
Sect. 1 ME
  Wind Measurement
 Wind velocities are measured in a horizontal plane, although a definite
vertical gust component exists. The term ‘velocity’ indicates direction and
speed, although not all wind velocities measure in both quantities. An
anemometer is used to measure speed and the direction of the wind.

            A hemispherical cup anemometer of the type invented in
            1846 by John Thomas Romney Robinson
Sect. 1 ME

Wind Measurement - continued
  Winds are named in accordance with the direction from
  which they are blowing. E.g. a southerly wind is blowing
  from the south.
  Wind direction is measured in a clockwise direction from
  North, either in 360o, eg. spanning 45o, 22.5o or 11.25o.

                                    Fig. 2 Wind Direction

  North West Wind      South Wind
Wind and Wave characteristics.

The winds affect the maintenance and decay of wave
systems as well as their generation. Waves are built by the
surface friction between the wind and the water or sea.
A short, sharp blow will cause steep, but shallow waves
known colloquially as a chop.
 A wind of longer duration will build up longer, larger waves
that are less steep and less inclined to break.
There are three basic wind forms experienced around
coastline; frontal wind, pressure wind and land and sea
Sect. 1 ME
Frontal Wind

This can be the most severe of all, although it usually doesn’t last long.
Associated mostly with the onset of a cold front, this wind will blow very
hard and very strong initially and come in with a sudden impact. But it will
blow itself out very quickly, the worst often being over in less than an hour.

If the cold front is severe, there is usually prior warning in the form of sky
signs. A build up of cumulonimbus clouds, often with lightning and thunder,
appears in the Southern and Western skies.

Just prior to the onset of the storm, when the sky will probably resemble a
boiling cauldron of grey to black cloud, the wind will die right away. This is
the proverbial calm before the storm, because within minutes the frontal
wind will race down in a line across the water, at speeds probably
somewhere between 40 and 60 knots. Temperature will drop considerably
as the cold air comes in, there may be rain, hail, lightning and thunder, and
the wind will blow hard for probably 20 minutes to half an hour before it
begins to ease. It will probably blow itself out within the hour.

                                cold front

                              warm front

Frontal wedging: When a warm air mass and a cold air mass collide, you get a front.
Remember how low-pressure warm air rises and cold high-pressure air moves into its place?
The same reaction happens here, except the two forces slam into each other. The cold air
forms a wedge underneath the warm air, allowing it to basically ride up into the troposphere
on its back and generate rain clouds. There are four main kinds of fronts, classified by airflow
momentum. In a warm front, a warm air mass moves into a cold air mass. In a cold front, the
opposite occurs. In a stationary front, neither air mass advances. Think of it as two fronts
bumping into each other by accident. In an occluded front, a cold front overtakes a moving
warm front, like an army swarming over a fleeing enemy.
Sect. 1 ME

Pressure Winds

Formed by the circulation of air around pressure systems, these are the
most common winds of our everyday life. They are fairly predictable in
that they rotate around high and low pressure systems.

On the weather map the isobars, or lines of pressure, indicate their
direction and approximate intensity:

    • winds circulating clockwise around a high-pressure system in the
    Northern Hemisphere.
    • winds circulating anti-clockwise around a low-pressure system in the
    Northern Hemisphere.
    • vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere.

        Northern Hemisphere
Sect. 1 ME

Pressure Winds- continued

The high-pressure system is usually the gentle one, while the low
pressure brings unpleasant winds. As with the other winds, both are
unpredictable and often the area between a high and low-pressure centre
is squeezed to create a sort of wind race or channel through which the
wind increases speed considerably.

This is indicated on the weather map by the closeness of the isobar lines.
The spacing of the isobars is the indication of the gradient of the pressure
and thus the speed of the wind. The closer together the isobars, the
stronger the wind. Unlike frontal winds, the pressure winds do not come in
with a great slam. They are probably more dangerous to offshore boats
because they blow steadily and consistently for long periods and thus
build up heavy and dangerous seas. They are more predictable as they
have a steady increase in wind speed over a period of hours rather than
arriving with the sudden impact of the frontal winds.
The following weather map is from Australia and shows high and low
pressure air masses with a front moving across the bottom of the country.
There are strong winds (isobars close together) around the coast but not in
the middle of the continent, which is typical for this large land mass.
Weather Report (Sattelite Image)
Sect. 1 ME

Land and Sea Breezes

In tropical and sub-tropical regions, land and sea breezes occur
daily. The land breeze can be virtually ignored since it is quite a
gentle offshore zephyr.
Refer to online guide – Forces and Winds
Sect. 1 ME

         A: Sea breeze, B: Land breeze

             Lake - Sea breeze and atmospheric depth

A sea-breeze (or onshore breeze) is a wind from the sea that develops over land near
coasts. It is formed by increasing temperature differences between the land and water
which create a pressure minimum over the land due to its relative warmth and forces
higher pressure, cooler air from the sea to move inland. Generally, air temperature gets
cooler relative to nearby locations as one moves closer to a large body of water.[1]
Sect. 1 ME
  Wind Vectors

  Wind Vectors indicate wind direction and speed. The black arrows
  plotted on this image are wind vectors. These vectors indicate
  direction and intensity of the wind. The vectors point in the direction to
  which the wind is blowing and in this image, winds are primarily
  blowing from west to east. Intensity of the wind is conveyed through
  the size of the vector. The longer the arrows, the stronger the winds.

Atmospheric Pressure
Refer to online guide:
Sect. 1 ME

Global Winds

There are regular winds around the world. Some blow the same way all
year round such as the “Roaring Forties” south of Australia. Others
change their direction depending upon the season. These winds are
very strong and are collectively called trade winds because they have
been used by trading ships for thousands of years.

In the days of sailing ships, winds were essential, and sailing with the
wind behind you was much quicker and easier than trying to sail into a
strong head wind.

The same principal still applies today even though the engine driven
ships do not rely on wind power. However modern ships are so large
and have such high square profiles that strong winds have a huge effect
on fuel consumption and time taken for a trip. This affects the costs of
the journey and in an industry where profit is all important, it is
fundamental for all ship owners and masters to be aware of the global
This creates cell-like patterns of wind around the world, as seen
in the diagram to the left.

However, winds do not simply blow in straight lines from north to
south. Instead, they are bent by the spinning of the Earth:

to the right north of the equator, and
to the left in the south.
Wind is a vital resource. It turns generators that power cities, provides opportunities
for sport, and is affects commerce as ships sail from port to port. Understanding the
global wind patterns can be both advantageous and necessary for industry that
depend on the wind's energy. To understand the global wind patterns it is best to first
view the Earth as a fixed (non rotating) planet.

                                                                    view the Earth as a
                                                                    fixed (non rotating)
The global wind pattern is also known as the "general
circulation" and the surface winds of each hemisphere
are divided into three wind belts:
•Polar Easterlies: From 60-90 degrees latitude.
•Prevailing Westerlies: From 30-60 degrees latitude (aka
•Tropical Easterlies: From 0-30 degrees latitude (aka
Trade Winds).

                                             view the Earth as a
                                             rotating) planet.
Sect. 1 ME

   Lesson Plan No 2- Wave

Seawater is effectively incompressible so its density does not
vary with depth as such. The density of water varies with
temperature and salinity; as does its kinematic viscosity. The
density of seawater increases with increasing salinity.

The term 'sea waves' is applied to waves generated locally by a
wind. When waves travel out of the generation area they are
called swell waves. Waves carry energy and are random in
height, length, and direction. The wave form depends upon depth
of water, current and local geographical features.

All deep sea waves follow the same shape regardless of other
differences. That shape is a trochoid. A trochoid is defined as the
curve traced by a point fixed on a circle as the circle rolls along a
straight line. The standard wave form is a trochoidal wave and it
is used for all naval architecture and ship structure calculations.
Sect. 1 ME

    Trochoidal Wave Form

The waves travel is not due to bodily movement of the whole mass
of water, but is simply constant rotation of points in circles in definite
positions. This motion applies to every particle in the wave, and is
the reason why any floating platform can be unstable.
Sect. 1 ME

Waves - continued

  The following definitions are used in describing a wave:

  Speed or Velocity (V)
  usually expressed in knots is the speed at which individual waves

  Length (L)
  is the horizontal distance between successive crests or successive

  Period or Time (T)
  expressed in seconds is the time interval required for the passage of
  successive crests or successive troughs past given point.

  Height (H)
  is the vertical distance between the top of a crest and the bottom of a
Temperature, Density and Kinematic Viscosity                                                 Sect. 1 ME
Temperature    Density (kg/m3)        Kinematic Viscosity
      C                               (m2/sX106)

                                                                    The appearance of a rough
               Fresh      Salt        Fresh water           Salt
               water      water                             water   sea holds little promise that
0              999.8      1028.0      1.787                 1.828
                                                                    the effect of waves on the
10             999.6      1026.9      1.306                 1.354
                                                                    behaviour of a ship can be
20             998.1      1024.7      1.004                 1.054
                                                                    predicted with any degree of
30             995.6      1021.7      0.801                 0.849
                                                                    There are two very important
Code          Description of sea   Wave height (m)
                                                                    effects causing this problem,
0             Calm (glassy)        0.00                             one, that waves cause a ship
1             Calm (rippled)       0.00-0.10                        to roll and pitch and the other,
2             Smooth (wavelets)    0.10-0.50                        that waves break on board.
3             Slight               0.50-1.25                        These will affect ship motions,
4             Moderate             1.25-2.50                        shipping water, structural
                                                                    loading and loss of ship
5             Rough                2.50-4.00
6             Very rough           4.00-6.00

7             High                 6.00-9.00

8             Very high            9.00-14.00

9             Phenomenal           >14.00
Sect. 1 ME

Lesson Plan No 3- Tides, Current and

 Tide is a flow of a large mass of the sea due to a rise in sea level, which is
 caused by the gravitational effect of the sun and the moon on the earth.
 The moon exerts about twice the pull of the sun since it is so much nearer
 to the earth. The amount of attraction varies inversely as the square of the
 distance, and the moon attracts the part of the earth, which is nearest to it
 more strongly than the parts, which are farthest away.

 When the earth, sun and moon are in line their combined pull produces
 the largest movement of the water, the spring tides. When the three
 bodies are at right angles this gives the smallest movement, the neap
 tides. This happen fortnightly intervals.
Spring tide

                                         Spring tides occur when the
                                         sun and moon are directly in
                                         line with the earth and their
                                         gravitational pulls reinforce
                                         each other.

The exceptionally high and low tides
that occur at the time of the new moon
or the full moon when the sun, moon,
and earth are approximately aligned.
Neap tide

A tide that occurs when the difference between high
and low tide is least; the lowest level of high tide.
Neap tide comes twice a month, in the first and third
quarters of the moon.
Sect. 1 ME

The earth rotates on its axis once in 24 hours and each meridian turn
comes opposite the moon, so that in each rotation of 24 hours there are 2
high and 2 low tides with roughly six hours between a high tide and the
next low.
This periodic rise and fall of the ocean waters is most noticeable on shores
which shelve gradually and expose a wide expanse of beach between high
and low water tide levels. The influence varies directly as the mass and
inversely as the cube of the distance.

Large differences in tidal range occur at different locations along the ocean
coast due to:
    • secondary tidal waves set up by the primary tidal waves
    • the mass of water moving around the earth
    • the depth of shoaling water
    • the configuration of the coast.
The effects of tides on maritime activity include:

    • It may only be possible to exit and enter estuaries or bays at a
      certain time.
      For example, a large ship can only enter a port at high tide.

    • Launching times.

    • The maximum load the ship can carry.

    • Fishing - because fish follow the current and tides.

    • Design of the waterline of the ship.

    • High tides needed to clear bars, reefs etc under water.
Sect. 1 ME

A current is defined as a body of water moving in a certain
direction. Currents, like tides, are controlled by the
gravitational forces of the moon and the sun. In summer
some currents will flow in one direction, then in winter they
will flow the opposite direction.

Throughout the worlds oceans, there are a number of
significant currents which have been used by ships for
thousands of years. Vikings and ancient greeks knew the
times of year to travel with the currents and make their
sailing/rowing much easier. Modern ship owners use the
same information to allow for more economical travel.

Fishermen throughout time have also used the currents for
their benefit. Fish, large and small, follow the currents as
their food sources are also carried along by the currents.
Sect. 1 ME


The immersed volume of an iceberg is always greater than
the volume above the water and increases with the age of
the ice. Only 10% of the real size can be seen on the surface
of the water and the other part remains under surface of

The effects of iceberg on maritime activity include:
   • Sea level / tides – the melted ice will increase the sea
     volume so the sea level will increase flooding the low
     area nearby.
   • Sea road – usually the ship will use the safest way to
   • Material used for ship’s hull – thicker plate metal used
     for ship’s hull.
   • Type of ship – there are icebreaker ships to break the
     iceberg to ease the ship’s passage.
Sect. 1 ME
Lesson Plan No 4- The six Dimension of
                 movement of a floating body
                                                                                         • Heave

                                                                                         • Yaw

                                                                                         • Pitch

                                                                                         • Sway

                                                                                         • Roll

                                                                                         • Surge
(Relevance of oceanography characteristics i.e wave, wind, current, etc. to ship behavior)
Hogging &

 When the vessel is suspended between the crests of a wave equal to its own
 length, and then; when the vessel is suspended on just one crest at midships.
  In the first case the hull will tend to sag and this is known as the sagging
 condition. In the second case, the hull tends to hog and this is known as the
 hogging condition.
Diagram showing the
wreck of the Malaysian
ship Selendang Ayu,
and the double-bottom
tank leaks
The ship which is always
crossing the oceans will
encounter bad weather,
rough sea with big waves
and experienced hogging
and sagging. Due to the       Aerial view of Selendang Ayu, broken in half off Unalaska Island.
weight of cargo onboard
the process of hogging
and sagging will make the
hull of ship crack at the
joining part and
eventually the ship will be
broken into two parts.
Sect. 1 ME

 Design of Floating Vehicles

 The major requirements of the design of a floating vehicle

 • Most importantly being afloat.

 • Structurally withstand the forces of the ocean.

 • Enable cargoes, passengers and crews to be carried

 • Enable it to operate efficiently and economically.

 • Provide satisfactory conditions for habitation.

(Relevance of oceanography characteristics i.e sea, wave, wind to ship design)
Lesson Plan No 5- Corrosion

All materials including metals deteriorate. Some deteriorate
faster than others, while some deteriorate more than others.
This gradual process of deterioration or degradation is called
corrosion and it affects the metals used in ship construction.

 All metals will corrode on contact with water and air. Effective
coating and minimisation strategies are essential to the
shipbuilding industry and the effective life-span of the
components they manufacture.

The reduction or minimisation of corrosion is of vitally
significant in determining the potential life span and suitability
of materials to be used for shipbuilding, outfitting requirements
and structural applications.
Sect. 1 ME
 The cause, effect and prevention of corrosion in the
 maritime environment .

What is Corrosion

Corrosion can be defined as ‘the destruction of metal by
chemical or electrochemical reaction within its
environment’. Also, it can be defined as ‘the conversion of
metallic iron to a mixture of oxides and other compounds,
resulting in a change in appearance and reducing its

To reduce the waste of materials by corrosion, the correct
materials must be selected, and protection and corrosion
control is needed.
Sect. 1 ME

The Cause of Corrosion
The basic cause of corrosion is that all metals are inherently unstable. They
seek self-destruction by reacting with their environment, forming metal
compounds to obtain the stable state of low free energy. This is the state of
metal found in nature. This instability will demand the metal to return to the
combined state. The rate at which they seek self-destruction will depend on
the environment. The result is corrosion product known as rust.

Basically, metals and compounds in the environment can react with each
other to form another compound of much lower free energy. This
interaction is very likely to take place since systems universally tend to
seek a low-energy situation.

                   reduction                 oxidation
Metallic mineral   →                Metal    →                 Corrosion
                   (extraction)             (corrosion)

The above diagram is the simplification of the process, which converts metallic
compounds or minerals to metal, and back to metallic compounds as corrosion
Sect. 1 ME

The Cause of Corrosion in the Marine Environment

In a marine environment, the main factor that influences corrosion is
the environment itself.

There are several causes of corrosion in the marine environment, such
    • aqueous corrosion in which the metals in contact with sea water
    • atmospheric corrosion of metals exposed on or near coastlines
    • hot salt corrosion in engines operating at sea or taking in salt-
      laden air.

Corrosion by seawater or aqueous corrosion, is an electrochemical
process. All metals and alloys, when in contact with seawater, have a
specific electrical potential (corrosion potential) at a specific level of
acidity or alkalinity in the water.

Marine vessels are exposed to the atmosphere, fresh water and
seawater. In each of this element of the environment, there exist a
large range of conditions, which may be corrosive.
Sect. 1 ME


In the atmosphere there will be some trace of water in the form of water
vapour. This would lead to condensation that will produce droplets of
water or a continuous film in the case of extreme humidity. Metals will
react with condensations and form corrosion product.

Aqueous Corrosion

Any kind of water (domestic and industrial) can give rise to corrosion.
The same process as described previously will occur if metal and water
come into direct contact .


Salt corrosion is mainly encountered in marine environments. Seawater
contains a wide range of salts for example, sodium chloride, magnesium
fluorides and calcium bromides. Because of the high chloride content,
seawater corrodes most metals. The salt content also gives rise to higher
electric conductivity than fresh water.
Corrosion process- electrochemical process

The corrosion process is an electrochemical process which
begins when the metal reacts to its environment and its atoms
are exposed to the moisture filled atmosphere, giving up
electrons and releasing positively charged ions into the
moisture filled solution which become electrically conductive,
and is called an electrolyte. The point of corrosion is called an
Sect. 1 ME
Corrosion process- Galvanic Corrosion
Corrosion is the chemical breakdown of the surface of
the metal, with consequent loss in thickness and
strength. Galvanic corrosion is very much like corrosion
in the marine environment, but bear in mind that
corrosion can also take place if only one metal is
 When two different metals are electrically connected,
an electric potential exists between them. In the
diagram, the two metals are copper and steel.
Seawater will act as electrolyte in this process.
Because of the electric potential, base metal, in this
case the steel, tends to release its electron and
become an ion. The electron will travel to the cathode
or the noble metal. The conventional current will flow
the other way round the circuit. At the cathode, the
electrons ionise oxygen and water molecules and
which become hydroxyl ions. The cathode will be
protected from corrosion.
                                                           Electro-chemical corrosion involving wet
 As the process continues, steel will continuously         corrosion (Galvanic Corrosion)
breakdown into ions that will change its thickness and       (Galvanic corrosion is a common
hence strength. This process will continue until the         problem when dissimilar metals
potential between the metals is no longer capable of         are immersed in seawater in a
ionising the base metal and corrosion stops.                 marine environment, and an
                                                             electrical connection is made)
Electro-chemical corrosion involving wet corrosion- Galvanic corrosion
Sect. 1 ME
The prevention of corrosion in the marine environment

There are several ways in which corrosion can be prevented and controlled. In
general, the first level of protection is control of the metal - which means the use of
the correct metal for the job. The second level is control of the environment; either by
modification or exclusion from contact with the metal.
The final control is through the design – avoiding designs in which the kinetics of
attack on one metal is stimulated by another and avoidance of design, which lead to
localized attack, impingement and cavitation etc.
Corrosion prevention methods used in seawater include:
     • methods based on protective coatings (isolation from seawater)
     • impressed voltage or coupling to sacrificial anode (changing the potential of
       the metal)
     • passivation of metal (using corrosion inhibitors) -hard non-reactive surface film
     • changing the pH of the local environment (using chemical)
     • methods based on modification of metal or change to more corrosion resistant
Most corrosion-resistant metals rely on hard non-reactive surface of oxide film to
provide protection against corrosion (passivation of metal) .If the oxide is slightly
adherent, stable and self-healing, as on many stainless steels and titanium, then the
metal will be highly resistant to corrosion. If the film is loose, powdery, easily
damaged and non-self repairing, such as rust on steel, then corrosion will continue
unchecked. Even so, the most stable oxides may be attacked when aggressive
concentrations of hydrochloric acid are formed in chloride environments.
Cathodic Protection - sacrificial anode

In the example above, zinc plates are used to induce sacrificial corrosion of the “
below the waterline” components such as hull, stern, propeller and rudder areas.
Cathodic Protection – impressed current systems
Protective Coatings of marine structures - Metallic coatings
 Electroless Plating, Hot Dip Galvanizing, Anodising, Painting
Sect. 2 ME

 Lesson Plan No 6- Marine Industries
Merchant Industry
Transport of Raw Materials:
   • Oil- Crude oil is transported by sea in oil tankers
   • Iron Ore- Iron ore is transported by ship in the form of crushed
   rock. It stows at about 0.4 – 0.5 m3/tonne and is one of the densest
   materials carried by ship.
   • Coal - Coal stows at about 1.2 – 1.4 m3/tonne and is carried
   mainly in bulk carriers of more than 40,000 dwt.
   • Bauxite- Bauxite stows at about 0.7 – 1.1 m3/tonne and is carried
   usually in medium size carriers or multi-deck cargo vessels.
Transport of Manufactured Goods:
         Steel, Engineering Components, Electrical and Electronic
Sect. 2 ME


  International trade evolved from the need for different
  countries to import and export various goods.
   Approximately three quarters of the world’s trade is moved
  by sea transport.
  There is no country in the world that is totally self sufficient,
  they all import something.
   Some countries, such as Japan, Singapore, Brunei and
  Papua New Guinea are highly dependent on imported
Sect. 2 ME

                                 Trade Route
•   Route 1 – Blue – Atlantic and Indian Oceans - Europe, around Cape of Good
    Hope (Sth. Africa), around Australia (anti-clockwise), Japan.
•   Route 2 – Red – Atlantic and Pacific Oceans – Europe, around Cape Horn
    (Argentina), Japan
•   Route 3 – Green – Atlantic and Pacific Oceans – Europe, Panama Canal, Japan
•   Route 4 – Pink – Atlantic Ocean, Red Sea and Pacific Ocean – Europe, Red Sea,
    Suez Canal (Egypt), India, Asia, Japan
•   Route 5 – Blue Dash – Atlantic Ocean – Europe, United States of America
•   Route 6 – Blue Dash – Pacific Ocean – United States of America, Japan
Sect. 2 ME

Examples of trade by sea:

     Raw Material       From                     To

     Iron ore           South Africa Australia   Japan
                        Scandinavia              USA
                        USA                      Europe
     Grain              Canada                   Malaysia
                        South America
     Oil                Malaysia                 USA
     Timber             Indonesia                Japan
                        USA                      Australia
     Coal               South Africa             England
                        Eastern Europe           Malaysia
                        USA                      Western Europe
                        Australia                Japan
Sect. 2 ME

The Fishing Industry
The fishing industry provides an important protein-rich source of food for
many populations in the world. This is due to the fact that ¾ of the land of
the world is surrounded by sea making fish readily available.

The major Malaysian fishing areas are: Endau, Mersing, Penarik Village,
Merchong Village, Pulau Perak, Pulau Labuan, Pulau Mabul, Seas off
Kota Kinabalu, Kudat, Miri, Tanjung Karang, Sungai Besar, Bagan Datoh,
Lumut and Penang.

There are four main countries that have relatively large fishing fleets:
California(a state of America) - product from deep sea.
Sect. 2 ME

The Naval Defence Industry

Naval Defence vehicles are needed for:

   • Defence for countries

   • Defence and protection of main trade routes from the pirates,
   which rob the merchant ships.

   • Protection for fishing vessels from pirates

   • Prevention of fishing vessels trespassing and crossing the
   country’s fishing border.

   • Protection of offshore rigs and oil platforms.
Sect. 2 ME
Oil & Gas Industry
Oil drilling rigs and supply platforms rigs
Drilling for oil in the sea became a commercial necessity as the land supplies of oil
became restricted. Drilling ships and rigs firstly sunk bores to establish the supply. The
drilling platform does not sit on the seabed but floats on submerged tanks at the end of
legs at each corner of the platform.

Propellers all around the rig connect to satellite positioning equipment keep the ship
above the bore hole to an accuracy of a few meters. Although in heavy seas drilling must
be stopped.
When the rig is drilling in a water level of several hundred meters this would be
considered a very accurate positioning system. When oil has been located the well head
must be tapped to allow the drilling rig to move on.

This is done by capping the well head on the sea bed with a device known as a
Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is simply a manifold with several valves constructed
of stainless steel

Oil Production Platform

The oil production platform simply contains pumps and tanks for removing the oil to
tankers or monitoring flow through a pipeline to shore. The production platform has
accommodation for the crews who are flown on and off as tours of duty are completed.
Lgb section 1_marine_environment_rev1

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Lgb section 1_marine_environment_rev1

  • 1. SHIP TECHNOLOGY LGB 11503 ......SyllabusLGB 11503-Ship Technology SLT.doc Lecturer: ......Lesson PlanStandard QA Lesson Plan auzuddin Ayob F Ship Technology LGB11503 SLT.doc B. Eng Marine Eng; M. Eng Materials Sc & Eng
  • 3. SECTION 1- TOPIC 1 The principal oceanographic characteristics that make up the marine environment and their relevance to the design, construction, operation and maintenance of marine vessels. – Oceanography in relation to ships / shipping activities – The nature of wind, wind description, wind measurement, wind around coast line and the regular global wind. – The nature of waves and swells and their principal effects on ships. – The nature of tides, current and iceberg and their effects on ships and maritime activities. – The six dimension of movement of a floating body and the design of a floating vehicle – The cause, effect and prevention of corrosion in the maritime environment. – Type of marine industries and trade
  • 4. Introduction OCEANOGRAPHY IN RELATION TO SHIPS / SHIPPING ACTIVITIES  Ship is any large floating vessel capable of crossing open waters (i.e. ocean) and carrying materials and goods from one port to another port. In modern times it usually denotes a vessel of more than 500 tons of displacement.
  • 5.  Oceanography also called oceanology or marine science, is the branch of Earth Sciences that studies the Earth's oceans and seas. It covers a wide range of topics, including marine organisms and ecosystem dynamics; ocean currents, waves, and geophysical fluid dynamics; plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor.
  • 6. Ships Ships are a vital element in the modern world. They still carry some 95 per cent of trade. In 1994 there were more than 80,000 ships each with a gross tonnage of 100 or more, representing a gross tonnage of over 450 million in total. Although aircraft have displaced the transatlantic liners, ships still carry large numbers of people on pleasure cruises and on the multiplicity of ferries operating in all areas of the globe. Ships, and other marine structures, are needed to exploit the riches of the deep.
  • 7. Ships- continued Although one of the oldest forms of transport, ships, their equipment and their function, are subject to constant evolution. Changes are driven by changing patterns of world trade, by social pressures, by technological improvements in materials, construction techniques and control systems, and by pressure of economics. As an example, technology now provides the ability to build much larger, faster ships and these are adopted to gain the economic advantages those features can confer. MS Oasis of the Seas, the world's largest passenger ship, was built by South Korean-owned shipbuilding group STX Europe.
  • 8. 75% Of Earth Is Covered By Sea
  • 9. Arctic Ocean  Atlantic Ocean  Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Southern Ocean
  • 10. Sect. 1 ME Lesson Plan No 1- Wind What Is Wind?; Effect of wind on ship and wave characteristics. The wind is a large-scale movement of air caused by differences in atmospheric pressure between localities. Air under high pressure moves toward areas of low pressure. The greater the difference in pressure, the faster the air flows. Strong winds can add to the resistance a ship experiences and make manoeuvring difficult. Beam wind will make a ship heel and create waves. The wave characteristics depend upon the strength of wind, its duration and the distance over which it acts, which is called its fetch.
  • 11. Sect. 1 ME Describing Wind : • Wind is described with direction and speed. • The direction of the wind is expressed as the direction from which the wind is blowing. • Winds have different levels of speed, such as “breeze” and “gale”, depending on how fast they blow. The strength of a wind is classified in broad terms by the Beaufort Wind Scale (Fig.1). The wind velocity varies with height. Beaufort wind speeds are based on the wind speed at a height of 6m.
  • 12. Devised by British Rear-Admiral, Sir Francis Beaufort in 1805 based on observations of the effects of the wind Beaufort Wind Speed Wave WMO* Number Height Effects observed on the sea knots mph description (force) (feet) 0 under 1 under 1 - Calm Sea is like a mirror 1 1-3 1-3 0.25 Light air Ripples with appearance of scales; no foam crests 2 4-6 4-7 0.5 - 1 Light breeze Small wavelets; crests of glassy appearance, not breaking 3 7 - 10 8 - 12 2-3 Gentle breeze Large wavelets; crests begin to break; scattered whitecaps 4 11-16 13-18 3½ - 5 Moderate Small waves, becoming longer; numerous whitecaps breeze 5 17-21 19-24 6-8 Fresh breeze Moderate waves, taking longer form; many whitecaps; some spray 6 22-27 25-31 9½-13 Strong breeze Larger waves forming; whitecaps everywhere; more spray 7 28-33 32-38 13½-19 Near gale Sea heaps up; white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks 8 34-40 39-46 18-25 Gale Moderately high waves of greater length; edges of crests begin to break into spindrift; foam is blown in well- marked streaks 9 41-47 47-54 23-32 Strong gale High waves; sea begins to roll; dense streaks of foam; spray may begin to reduce visibility 10 48-55 55-63 29-41 Storm Very high waves with overhanging crests; sea takes white appearance as foam is blown in very dense streaks; rolling is heavy and visibility is reduced 11 56-63 64-72 37-52 Violent storm Exceptionally high waves; sea covered with white foam patches; visibility further reduced 12 64 and 73 and 45 and Hurricane Air filled with foam; sea completely white with driving spray; over over over visibility greatly reduced Fig. 1 Beaufort Wind Scale ( note :1 knots = 1.852 kmph)
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. Gale Strong gale Storm Violent storm
  • 17. Sect. 1 ME Beaufort Scale • The scale is primarily used at sea, but it useful to anyone interested in the weather. • In 1805, Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort (of the British Navy) devised the following scale of wind velocity. • The numbers are arranged in sequential order, with a low value zero to a high value of twelve.
  • 18. Sect. 1 ME Wind Measurement Wind velocities are measured in a horizontal plane, although a definite vertical gust component exists. The term ‘velocity’ indicates direction and speed, although not all wind velocities measure in both quantities. An anemometer is used to measure speed and the direction of the wind. A hemispherical cup anemometer of the type invented in 1846 by John Thomas Romney Robinson
  • 19. Sect. 1 ME Wind Measurement - continued Winds are named in accordance with the direction from which they are blowing. E.g. a southerly wind is blowing from the south. Wind direction is measured in a clockwise direction from North, either in 360o, eg. spanning 45o, 22.5o or 11.25o. Fig. 2 Wind Direction North West Wind South Wind
  • 20. Wind and Wave characteristics. The winds affect the maintenance and decay of wave systems as well as their generation. Waves are built by the surface friction between the wind and the water or sea. A short, sharp blow will cause steep, but shallow waves known colloquially as a chop. A wind of longer duration will build up longer, larger waves that are less steep and less inclined to break. There are three basic wind forms experienced around coastline; frontal wind, pressure wind and land and sea breezes.
  • 21. Sect. 1 ME Frontal Wind This can be the most severe of all, although it usually doesn’t last long. Associated mostly with the onset of a cold front, this wind will blow very hard and very strong initially and come in with a sudden impact. But it will blow itself out very quickly, the worst often being over in less than an hour. If the cold front is severe, there is usually prior warning in the form of sky signs. A build up of cumulonimbus clouds, often with lightning and thunder, appears in the Southern and Western skies. Just prior to the onset of the storm, when the sky will probably resemble a boiling cauldron of grey to black cloud, the wind will die right away. This is the proverbial calm before the storm, because within minutes the frontal wind will race down in a line across the water, at speeds probably somewhere between 40 and 60 knots. Temperature will drop considerably as the cold air comes in, there may be rain, hail, lightning and thunder, and the wind will blow hard for probably 20 minutes to half an hour before it begins to ease. It will probably blow itself out within the hour.
  • 22. FRONTAL WIND cold front warm front Frontal wedging: When a warm air mass and a cold air mass collide, you get a front. Remember how low-pressure warm air rises and cold high-pressure air moves into its place? The same reaction happens here, except the two forces slam into each other. The cold air forms a wedge underneath the warm air, allowing it to basically ride up into the troposphere on its back and generate rain clouds. There are four main kinds of fronts, classified by airflow momentum. In a warm front, a warm air mass moves into a cold air mass. In a cold front, the opposite occurs. In a stationary front, neither air mass advances. Think of it as two fronts bumping into each other by accident. In an occluded front, a cold front overtakes a moving warm front, like an army swarming over a fleeing enemy.
  • 23. Sect. 1 ME Pressure Winds Formed by the circulation of air around pressure systems, these are the most common winds of our everyday life. They are fairly predictable in that they rotate around high and low pressure systems. On the weather map the isobars, or lines of pressure, indicate their direction and approximate intensity: • winds circulating clockwise around a high-pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere. • winds circulating anti-clockwise around a low-pressure system in the Northern Hemisphere. • vice versa in the Southern Hemisphere. Northern Hemisphere Isobars
  • 24. Sect. 1 ME Pressure Winds- continued The high-pressure system is usually the gentle one, while the low pressure brings unpleasant winds. As with the other winds, both are unpredictable and often the area between a high and low-pressure centre is squeezed to create a sort of wind race or channel through which the wind increases speed considerably. This is indicated on the weather map by the closeness of the isobar lines. The spacing of the isobars is the indication of the gradient of the pressure and thus the speed of the wind. The closer together the isobars, the stronger the wind. Unlike frontal winds, the pressure winds do not come in with a great slam. They are probably more dangerous to offshore boats because they blow steadily and consistently for long periods and thus build up heavy and dangerous seas. They are more predictable as they have a steady increase in wind speed over a period of hours rather than arriving with the sudden impact of the frontal winds.
  • 25. The following weather map is from Australia and shows high and low pressure air masses with a front moving across the bottom of the country. There are strong winds (isobars close together) around the coast but not in the middle of the continent, which is typical for this large land mass.
  • 27. Sect. 1 ME Land and Sea Breezes In tropical and sub-tropical regions, land and sea breezes occur daily. The land breeze can be virtually ignored since it is quite a gentle offshore zephyr. Refer to online guide – Forces and Winds
  • 28. Sect. 1 ME A: Sea breeze, B: Land breeze Lake - Sea breeze and atmospheric depth A sea-breeze (or onshore breeze) is a wind from the sea that develops over land near coasts. It is formed by increasing temperature differences between the land and water which create a pressure minimum over the land due to its relative warmth and forces higher pressure, cooler air from the sea to move inland. Generally, air temperature gets cooler relative to nearby locations as one moves closer to a large body of water.[1]
  • 29. Sect. 1 ME Wind Vectors Wind Vectors indicate wind direction and speed. The black arrows plotted on this image are wind vectors. These vectors indicate direction and intensity of the wind. The vectors point in the direction to which the wind is blowing and in this image, winds are primarily blowing from west to east. Intensity of the wind is conveyed through the size of the vector. The longer the arrows, the stronger the winds. Atmospheric Pressure Refer to online guide:
  • 30. Sect. 1 ME Global Winds There are regular winds around the world. Some blow the same way all year round such as the “Roaring Forties” south of Australia. Others change their direction depending upon the season. These winds are very strong and are collectively called trade winds because they have been used by trading ships for thousands of years. In the days of sailing ships, winds were essential, and sailing with the wind behind you was much quicker and easier than trying to sail into a strong head wind. The same principal still applies today even though the engine driven ships do not rely on wind power. However modern ships are so large and have such high square profiles that strong winds have a huge effect on fuel consumption and time taken for a trip. This affects the costs of the journey and in an industry where profit is all important, it is fundamental for all ship owners and masters to be aware of the global winds.
  • 31. This creates cell-like patterns of wind around the world, as seen in the diagram to the left. However, winds do not simply blow in straight lines from north to south. Instead, they are bent by the spinning of the Earth: to the right north of the equator, and to the left in the south.
  • 32. Wind is a vital resource. It turns generators that power cities, provides opportunities for sport, and is affects commerce as ships sail from port to port. Understanding the global wind patterns can be both advantageous and necessary for industry that depend on the wind's energy. To understand the global wind patterns it is best to first view the Earth as a fixed (non rotating) planet. view the Earth as a fixed (non rotating) planet
  • 33. The global wind pattern is also known as the "general circulation" and the surface winds of each hemisphere are divided into three wind belts: •Polar Easterlies: From 60-90 degrees latitude. •Prevailing Westerlies: From 30-60 degrees latitude (aka Westerlies). •Tropical Easterlies: From 0-30 degrees latitude (aka Trade Winds). view the Earth as a rotating) planet.
  • 34. Sect. 1 ME Lesson Plan No 2- Wave Waves Seawater is effectively incompressible so its density does not vary with depth as such. The density of water varies with temperature and salinity; as does its kinematic viscosity. The density of seawater increases with increasing salinity. The term 'sea waves' is applied to waves generated locally by a wind. When waves travel out of the generation area they are called swell waves. Waves carry energy and are random in height, length, and direction. The wave form depends upon depth of water, current and local geographical features. All deep sea waves follow the same shape regardless of other differences. That shape is a trochoid. A trochoid is defined as the curve traced by a point fixed on a circle as the circle rolls along a straight line. The standard wave form is a trochoidal wave and it is used for all naval architecture and ship structure calculations.
  • 35. Sect. 1 ME Trochoidal Wave Form The waves travel is not due to bodily movement of the whole mass of water, but is simply constant rotation of points in circles in definite positions. This motion applies to every particle in the wave, and is the reason why any floating platform can be unstable.
  • 36. Sect. 1 ME Waves - continued The following definitions are used in describing a wave: Speed or Velocity (V) usually expressed in knots is the speed at which individual waves travel. Length (L) is the horizontal distance between successive crests or successive troughs. Period or Time (T) expressed in seconds is the time interval required for the passage of successive crests or successive troughs past given point. Height (H) is the vertical distance between the top of a crest and the bottom of a trough.
  • 37. Temperature, Density and Kinematic Viscosity Sect. 1 ME Temperature Density (kg/m3) Kinematic Viscosity o C (m2/sX106) The appearance of a rough Fresh Salt Fresh water Salt water water water sea holds little promise that 0 999.8 1028.0 1.787 1.828 the effect of waves on the 10 999.6 1026.9 1.306 1.354 behaviour of a ship can be 20 998.1 1024.7 1.004 1.054 predicted with any degree of 30 995.6 1021.7 0.801 0.849 certainty. There are two very important Code Description of sea Wave height (m) effects causing this problem, 0 Calm (glassy) 0.00 one, that waves cause a ship 1 Calm (rippled) 0.00-0.10 to roll and pitch and the other, 2 Smooth (wavelets) 0.10-0.50 that waves break on board. 3 Slight 0.50-1.25 These will affect ship motions, 4 Moderate 1.25-2.50 shipping water, structural loading and loss of ship 5 Rough 2.50-4.00 speed. 6 Very rough 4.00-6.00 7 High 6.00-9.00 8 Very high 9.00-14.00 9 Phenomenal >14.00
  • 38. Sect. 1 ME Lesson Plan No 3- Tides, Current and Iceberg Tides Tide is a flow of a large mass of the sea due to a rise in sea level, which is caused by the gravitational effect of the sun and the moon on the earth. The moon exerts about twice the pull of the sun since it is so much nearer to the earth. The amount of attraction varies inversely as the square of the distance, and the moon attracts the part of the earth, which is nearest to it more strongly than the parts, which are farthest away. When the earth, sun and moon are in line their combined pull produces the largest movement of the water, the spring tides. When the three bodies are at right angles this gives the smallest movement, the neap tides. This happen fortnightly intervals.
  • 39. Spring tide Spring tides occur when the sun and moon are directly in line with the earth and their gravitational pulls reinforce each other. The exceptionally high and low tides that occur at the time of the new moon or the full moon when the sun, moon, and earth are approximately aligned.
  • 40. Neap tide A tide that occurs when the difference between high and low tide is least; the lowest level of high tide. Neap tide comes twice a month, in the first and third quarters of the moon.
  • 41. Sect. 1 ME The earth rotates on its axis once in 24 hours and each meridian turn comes opposite the moon, so that in each rotation of 24 hours there are 2 high and 2 low tides with roughly six hours between a high tide and the next low. This periodic rise and fall of the ocean waters is most noticeable on shores which shelve gradually and expose a wide expanse of beach between high and low water tide levels. The influence varies directly as the mass and inversely as the cube of the distance. Large differences in tidal range occur at different locations along the ocean coast due to: • secondary tidal waves set up by the primary tidal waves • the mass of water moving around the earth • the depth of shoaling water • the configuration of the coast.
  • 42. The effects of tides on maritime activity include: • It may only be possible to exit and enter estuaries or bays at a certain time. For example, a large ship can only enter a port at high tide. • Launching times. • The maximum load the ship can carry. • Fishing - because fish follow the current and tides. • Design of the waterline of the ship. • High tides needed to clear bars, reefs etc under water.
  • 43. Sect. 1 ME Current A current is defined as a body of water moving in a certain direction. Currents, like tides, are controlled by the gravitational forces of the moon and the sun. In summer some currents will flow in one direction, then in winter they will flow the opposite direction. Throughout the worlds oceans, there are a number of significant currents which have been used by ships for thousands of years. Vikings and ancient greeks knew the times of year to travel with the currents and make their sailing/rowing much easier. Modern ship owners use the same information to allow for more economical travel. Fishermen throughout time have also used the currents for their benefit. Fish, large and small, follow the currents as their food sources are also carried along by the currents.
  • 44. Sect. 1 ME Icebergs The immersed volume of an iceberg is always greater than the volume above the water and increases with the age of the ice. Only 10% of the real size can be seen on the surface of the water and the other part remains under surface of water. The effects of iceberg on maritime activity include: • Sea level / tides – the melted ice will increase the sea volume so the sea level will increase flooding the low area nearby. • Sea road – usually the ship will use the safest way to travel. • Material used for ship’s hull – thicker plate metal used for ship’s hull. • Type of ship – there are icebreaker ships to break the iceberg to ease the ship’s passage.
  • 45. Sect. 1 ME Lesson Plan No 4- The six Dimension of movement of a floating body • Heave • Yaw • Pitch • Sway • Roll • Surge (Relevance of oceanography characteristics i.e wave, wind, current, etc. to ship behavior)
  • 46. Hogging & Sagging When the vessel is suspended between the crests of a wave equal to its own length, and then; when the vessel is suspended on just one crest at midships. In the first case the hull will tend to sag and this is known as the sagging condition. In the second case, the hull tends to hog and this is known as the hogging condition.
  • 47. Diagram showing the wreck of the Malaysian ship Selendang Ayu, and the double-bottom tank leaks The ship which is always crossing the oceans will encounter bad weather, rough sea with big waves and experienced hogging and sagging. Due to the Aerial view of Selendang Ayu, broken in half off Unalaska Island. weight of cargo onboard the process of hogging and sagging will make the hull of ship crack at the joining part and eventually the ship will be broken into two parts.
  • 48. Sect. 1 ME Design of Floating Vehicles The major requirements of the design of a floating vehicle are; • Most importantly being afloat. • Structurally withstand the forces of the ocean. • Enable cargoes, passengers and crews to be carried safely. • Enable it to operate efficiently and economically. • Provide satisfactory conditions for habitation. (Relevance of oceanography characteristics i.e sea, wave, wind to ship design)
  • 49. Lesson Plan No 5- Corrosion Introduction All materials including metals deteriorate. Some deteriorate faster than others, while some deteriorate more than others. This gradual process of deterioration or degradation is called corrosion and it affects the metals used in ship construction. All metals will corrode on contact with water and air. Effective coating and minimisation strategies are essential to the shipbuilding industry and the effective life-span of the components they manufacture. The reduction or minimisation of corrosion is of vitally significant in determining the potential life span and suitability of materials to be used for shipbuilding, outfitting requirements and structural applications.
  • 50.
  • 51. Sect. 1 ME The cause, effect and prevention of corrosion in the maritime environment . What is Corrosion Corrosion can be defined as ‘the destruction of metal by chemical or electrochemical reaction within its environment’. Also, it can be defined as ‘the conversion of metallic iron to a mixture of oxides and other compounds, resulting in a change in appearance and reducing its strength’. To reduce the waste of materials by corrosion, the correct materials must be selected, and protection and corrosion control is needed.
  • 52. Sect. 1 ME The Cause of Corrosion The basic cause of corrosion is that all metals are inherently unstable. They seek self-destruction by reacting with their environment, forming metal compounds to obtain the stable state of low free energy. This is the state of metal found in nature. This instability will demand the metal to return to the combined state. The rate at which they seek self-destruction will depend on the environment. The result is corrosion product known as rust. Basically, metals and compounds in the environment can react with each other to form another compound of much lower free energy. This interaction is very likely to take place since systems universally tend to seek a low-energy situation. reduction oxidation Metallic mineral → Metal → Corrosion products (extraction) (corrosion) The above diagram is the simplification of the process, which converts metallic compounds or minerals to metal, and back to metallic compounds as corrosion products.
  • 53. Sect. 1 ME The Cause of Corrosion in the Marine Environment In a marine environment, the main factor that influences corrosion is the environment itself. There are several causes of corrosion in the marine environment, such as: • aqueous corrosion in which the metals in contact with sea water • atmospheric corrosion of metals exposed on or near coastlines • hot salt corrosion in engines operating at sea or taking in salt- laden air. Corrosion by seawater or aqueous corrosion, is an electrochemical process. All metals and alloys, when in contact with seawater, have a specific electrical potential (corrosion potential) at a specific level of acidity or alkalinity in the water. Marine vessels are exposed to the atmosphere, fresh water and seawater. In each of this element of the environment, there exist a large range of conditions, which may be corrosive.
  • 54. Sect. 1 ME Atmosphere In the atmosphere there will be some trace of water in the form of water vapour. This would lead to condensation that will produce droplets of water or a continuous film in the case of extreme humidity. Metals will react with condensations and form corrosion product. Aqueous Corrosion Any kind of water (domestic and industrial) can give rise to corrosion. The same process as described previously will occur if metal and water come into direct contact . Seawater Salt corrosion is mainly encountered in marine environments. Seawater contains a wide range of salts for example, sodium chloride, magnesium fluorides and calcium bromides. Because of the high chloride content, seawater corrodes most metals. The salt content also gives rise to higher electric conductivity than fresh water.
  • 55. Corrosion process- electrochemical process The corrosion process is an electrochemical process which begins when the metal reacts to its environment and its atoms are exposed to the moisture filled atmosphere, giving up electrons and releasing positively charged ions into the moisture filled solution which become electrically conductive, and is called an electrolyte. The point of corrosion is called an Anode.
  • 56. Sect. 1 ME Corrosion process- Galvanic Corrosion Corrosion is the chemical breakdown of the surface of the metal, with consequent loss in thickness and strength. Galvanic corrosion is very much like corrosion in the marine environment, but bear in mind that corrosion can also take place if only one metal is present. When two different metals are electrically connected, an electric potential exists between them. In the diagram, the two metals are copper and steel. Seawater will act as electrolyte in this process. Because of the electric potential, base metal, in this case the steel, tends to release its electron and become an ion. The electron will travel to the cathode or the noble metal. The conventional current will flow the other way round the circuit. At the cathode, the electrons ionise oxygen and water molecules and which become hydroxyl ions. The cathode will be protected from corrosion. Electro-chemical corrosion involving wet As the process continues, steel will continuously corrosion (Galvanic Corrosion) breakdown into ions that will change its thickness and (Galvanic corrosion is a common hence strength. This process will continue until the problem when dissimilar metals potential between the metals is no longer capable of are immersed in seawater in a ionising the base metal and corrosion stops. marine environment, and an electrical connection is made)
  • 57. Electro-chemical corrosion involving wet corrosion- Galvanic corrosion
  • 58.
  • 59.
  • 60. Sect. 1 ME The prevention of corrosion in the marine environment There are several ways in which corrosion can be prevented and controlled. In general, the first level of protection is control of the metal - which means the use of the correct metal for the job. The second level is control of the environment; either by modification or exclusion from contact with the metal. The final control is through the design – avoiding designs in which the kinetics of attack on one metal is stimulated by another and avoidance of design, which lead to localized attack, impingement and cavitation etc. Corrosion prevention methods used in seawater include: • methods based on protective coatings (isolation from seawater) • impressed voltage or coupling to sacrificial anode (changing the potential of the metal) • passivation of metal (using corrosion inhibitors) -hard non-reactive surface film • changing the pH of the local environment (using chemical) • methods based on modification of metal or change to more corrosion resistant material. Most corrosion-resistant metals rely on hard non-reactive surface of oxide film to provide protection against corrosion (passivation of metal) .If the oxide is slightly adherent, stable and self-healing, as on many stainless steels and titanium, then the metal will be highly resistant to corrosion. If the film is loose, powdery, easily damaged and non-self repairing, such as rust on steel, then corrosion will continue unchecked. Even so, the most stable oxides may be attacked when aggressive concentrations of hydrochloric acid are formed in chloride environments.
  • 61. Cathodic Protection - sacrificial anode In the example above, zinc plates are used to induce sacrificial corrosion of the “ below the waterline” components such as hull, stern, propeller and rudder areas.
  • 62. Cathodic Protection – impressed current systems
  • 63. Protective Coatings of marine structures - Metallic coatings Electroless Plating, Hot Dip Galvanizing, Anodising, Painting etc.
  • 64. Sect. 2 ME Lesson Plan No 6- Marine Industries Merchant Industry Transport of Raw Materials: • Oil- Crude oil is transported by sea in oil tankers • Iron Ore- Iron ore is transported by ship in the form of crushed rock. It stows at about 0.4 – 0.5 m3/tonne and is one of the densest materials carried by ship. • Coal - Coal stows at about 1.2 – 1.4 m3/tonne and is carried mainly in bulk carriers of more than 40,000 dwt. • Bauxite- Bauxite stows at about 0.7 – 1.1 m3/tonne and is carried usually in medium size carriers or multi-deck cargo vessels. Transport of Manufactured Goods: Steel, Engineering Components, Electrical and Electronic Components,
  • 65. Sect. 2 ME Trade International trade evolved from the need for different countries to import and export various goods. Approximately three quarters of the world’s trade is moved by sea transport. There is no country in the world that is totally self sufficient, they all import something. Some countries, such as Japan, Singapore, Brunei and Papua New Guinea are highly dependent on imported goods.
  • 66. Sect. 2 ME Trade Route • Route 1 – Blue – Atlantic and Indian Oceans - Europe, around Cape of Good Hope (Sth. Africa), around Australia (anti-clockwise), Japan. • Route 2 – Red – Atlantic and Pacific Oceans – Europe, around Cape Horn (Argentina), Japan • Route 3 – Green – Atlantic and Pacific Oceans – Europe, Panama Canal, Japan • Route 4 – Pink – Atlantic Ocean, Red Sea and Pacific Ocean – Europe, Red Sea, Suez Canal (Egypt), India, Asia, Japan • Route 5 – Blue Dash – Atlantic Ocean – Europe, United States of America • Route 6 – Blue Dash – Pacific Ocean – United States of America, Japan
  • 67. Sect. 2 ME Examples of trade by sea: Raw Material From To Iron ore South Africa Australia Japan Scandinavia USA USA Europe Grain Canada Malaysia Australia South America Oil Malaysia USA Timber Indonesia Japan USA Australia Scandinavia Coal South Africa England Eastern Europe Malaysia USA Western Europe Australia Japan
  • 68. Sect. 2 ME The Fishing Industry The fishing industry provides an important protein-rich source of food for many populations in the world. This is due to the fact that ¾ of the land of the world is surrounded by sea making fish readily available. The major Malaysian fishing areas are: Endau, Mersing, Penarik Village, Merchong Village, Pulau Perak, Pulau Labuan, Pulau Mabul, Seas off Kota Kinabalu, Kudat, Miri, Tanjung Karang, Sungai Besar, Bagan Datoh, Lumut and Penang. There are four main countries that have relatively large fishing fleets: Japan Norway Indonesia California(a state of America) - product from deep sea.
  • 69. Sect. 2 ME The Naval Defence Industry Naval Defence vehicles are needed for: • Defence for countries • Defence and protection of main trade routes from the pirates, which rob the merchant ships. • Protection for fishing vessels from pirates • Prevention of fishing vessels trespassing and crossing the country’s fishing border. • Protection of offshore rigs and oil platforms.
  • 70. Sect. 2 ME Oil & Gas Industry Oil drilling rigs and supply platforms rigs Drilling for oil in the sea became a commercial necessity as the land supplies of oil became restricted. Drilling ships and rigs firstly sunk bores to establish the supply. The drilling platform does not sit on the seabed but floats on submerged tanks at the end of legs at each corner of the platform. Propellers all around the rig connect to satellite positioning equipment keep the ship above the bore hole to an accuracy of a few meters. Although in heavy seas drilling must be stopped. When the rig is drilling in a water level of several hundred meters this would be considered a very accurate positioning system. When oil has been located the well head must be tapped to allow the drilling rig to move on. This is done by capping the well head on the sea bed with a device known as a Christmas tree. The Christmas tree is simply a manifold with several valves constructed of stainless steel Oil Production Platform The oil production platform simply contains pumps and tanks for removing the oil to tankers or monitoring flow through a pipeline to shore. The production platform has accommodation for the crews who are flown on and off as tours of duty are completed.