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Lesson Learned Essay
Writing an essay on the topic "Lesson Learned Essay" can present a unique set of challenges.
Firstly, it requires deep introspection and reflection on personal experiences to identify a
significant lesson that has been learned. This process can be emotionally taxing as it may involve
revisiting past mistakes, failures, or hardships. Additionally, articulating these experiences in a
coherent and engaging manner can be demanding, as it necessitates effective storytelling skills
and the ability to convey complex emotions and insights.
Furthermore, crafting a compelling narrative around the lesson learned requires careful
structuring and organization to ensure clarity and coherence. It's crucial to strike the right balance
between providing context, describing the events leading up to the lesson, and reflecting on its
significance. Moreover, the essay should offer genuine insights and reflections rather than
resorting to clichГ©s or superficial observations.
Moreover, it's essential to maintain authenticity and honesty throughout the essay, as readers can
easily detect insincerity. This means being willing to confront personal vulnerabilities and
acknowledge areas for growth, which can be uncomfortable but ultimately rewarding.
In summary, writing a "Lesson Learned Essay" entails navigating through emotional depths,
honing storytelling skills, structuring the narrative effectively, and maintaining authenticity
throughout. It's a process that demands both introspection and craft, but when done successfully,
it can offer valuable insights and resonate deeply with readers.
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Lesson Learned Essay Lesson Learned Essay
Ideology Of Classical Liberalism
The ideologies of the Democratic Party originate from the principles of the classical
liberalism philosophy. The most dominant idea of classical liberalism is that the
government s role is to protect the individual s natural rights because individuals are
the primary unit of society (Franks 27). According to John Locke, a philosopher who
contributed to classical liberalisms vitality, the protection of individuals life, liberty,
and property is their natural rights (Jones 227). The ideas of classical liberalism
revolves so much around the individual that Locke believes the people had the
right to combine into a revolutionary force and organize a new form of government,
or a social contract, as they pleased. Because of the importance of the individual,
classical liberalism favors immigrants and people of all classes. Ideally, the
judgment of people is based on their personal characteristics rather than their group
affiliation, minimizing the problem of racism and other forms of bigotry (Franks
28). However, this is a problem with ethnic groups, like American Indians and
immigrants, which concerns classical liberals that believe their collectiveness
hinders their individual natural rights. Finally, classical liberalism also protects the
free marketplace, allowing buyers and sellers to freely circulate ideas in order to
achieve the most success (Franks 28). Therefore, the development of capitalism is an
important ideology protected by classical liberalism, along with the
Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and Effect to...
Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and effect to Latin America
In 1997, the Asian Financial Crisis spread rapidly all over the Asia and affected
almost all the economies in the world. Prior to the Asian Financial Crisis, the Asian
countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, Hong Kong and
Singapore experienced a remarkable growth in the economy that was considered
the highest in the world. These Asian economies increased by a notable proportion
of 6 to 10 percent annually in the GDP. However, what had been regarded as an
Asian miracle seemed to crumple down rapidly 1997 when these Asian countries
were faced with a severe financial crisis in their local stock and currency ... Show
more content on ...
Regardless of the negotiations for support grant from the IMF and the United States
Treasury, the monetary drainage persisted and Brazil was forced to devalue its
currency. As a result, the Brazilian government authorized the real to float, while it
abandoned linking its currency to the U.S. dollar. The financial crisis in Brazil spread
out rapidly to other nations in Latin America and as a result several billions of dollars
were drained from these countries and this hindered the trade exchange with the
United States. As a result, the nations in the Latin America experienced one of the
nastiest economic recession that was mainly fuelled by the Asian financial crisis. The
effect of the financial disaster was predominantly severe in the Latin America s small
economies, for instance Bolivia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile and, Argentina and
Colombia (Hunter, 1999).
Petti (2001) argues that financial shocks can move rapidly throughout the nations
within similar regions as it was revealed by the Mexican peso disaster that occurred
in the year 1994. Similarly, the financial crisis that affected the Asian countries
proved to be a regional financial crisis and it threatened geographically distant vibrant
economies mostly in the Latin America. The Latin America countries began
experiencing the effects of the Asian financial crisis in 1997
An Essential Component Of Innate Immunity
Macrophages form an essential component of innate immunity. Activation of
macrophages releases an array of mediators that regulate all aspect of host defense,
inflammation and homeostasis [1]. In unremitting inflammatory conditions like
rheumatoid arthritis, persistent antigen stimulation resulted in macrophage
dysfunction which leads to inflamed synovial membrane and joint destruction [2].
The presence of macrophages at the site of inflammationcan be further evident by
elevated levels of macrophage derived inflammatory cytokines and mediators such as
TNF О±, IL 1ОІ, IL 6 and COX 2 [3, 4]. Therefore, inhibition of these inflammatory
mediators can helps in ameliorating inflammatory condition.
Conventional treatment options for the ... Show more content on ...
Although these studies have shown anti inflammatory activity of Picrorhiza kurroa;
hitherto, the anti inflammatory pathway has remained enigmatic. Based on above
facts, we undertook the present study to investigate (a) whether PKRE inhibited
carrageenan induced paw edema and cotton pellet implantation induced granuloma
formation and if so (b) what are its effects on macrophage derived pro inflammatory
mediators in serum and (c) to derive plausible anti inflammatory mechanism by
evaluating effect of PKRE on activated peritoneal macrophages.
The HPLC analysis of PKRE has been carried out to determine the concentration of
marker phytoconstituents, Picroside I and Picroside II. Figure 1 represents the
HPLC chromatograms of the PKRE. PKRE found to contain Picroside I: 3.30%w/w
Picroside II: 4.90%w/w of dry extract.
Figure 2 depicts the effect of PKRE on carrageenan induced paw edema. Sub
plantar administration of carrageenan resulted in time dependent increase in paw
edema in all tested groups. Treatment with PKRE (100 and 200mg/kg) and
indomethacin exhibited significant reduction in paw edema in comparison to
control. However, PKRE (100 and 200 mg/kg) were found to be statistically (P 0.01)
significant at all observation period (1, 3 and 5hr).
To investigate whether PKRE inhibited chronic granulomatous inflammatory
condition, sterile cotton pellet were subcutaneously implanted under the
Free College Essays-The First Battle Of Bull Run
The First Battle of Bull Run The first battle of Bull Run, also known as the first
battle of Manassas in the south, was the first major land battle of the Civil War.
The battle started on July 21, 1861 and took place near Manassas Junction,
Virginia( First Battle ). The Union had an army of 28,450 led by Brigadier General
Irvin McDowell( The ).The Confederates had an army of 30,800. 21,900 soldiers
were led by Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard and 8,900 soldiers were led by
General Joseph E. Johnston( Battle Of ). At the beginning of the war, people
throughout the country thought that the war would end quickly( First Blood ). This
battle will make them realize that the war would last longer than expected. What
happened at the first battle... Show more content on ...
Late in the afternoon troops started to approach Beauregard. He prepared to retreat,
unsure whose army the soldiers belonged to( Battle Of ). Early in the civil war, the
Union and Confederate flags were very similar in design and color and it was very
hard to tell the difference between the two. Both flags had stripes and a blue square
in the corner. The additional natural chaos of the battlefield didn t help with the
confusion( Not ). As the troops got closer to Beauregard he could see that the troops
belonged to the Confederacy and that it was Johnston with reinforcements. The new
addition to the Confederate s force gave them the upper hand and they attacked the
unsuspecting Union army( Battle Of ). Colonel James Brown charged into the Union
line into a section of confused New Yorkers( The ). The union army was forced into
a chaotic retreat. The also disorganized Confederates did not pursue the fleeing army(
Battle Of ). The disorganized Union army ran into panicking citizens who had started
to flee upon seeing the Union s defeat. Along with the narrow bridges, overturned
wagons, and cannons the citizens of Washington DC made the retreat nearly
The Controversy Over New Airport Security Measures
The country s recently heightened airport security measures
have become a source of controversy and debate across the
Nation. Due to a recent attempted act of terrorism, where a man
on an international flight to Detroit attempted to blow up the
plane using a bomb, the department of homeland security has taken
new measures to ensure national security in the form of new high
tech full body scans and pat down procedures in airports. The new
body scanning machines create images of people without their
clothing, and the new pat down procedure is generally considered
too personal. Many people feel that the new airport security
screening is an invasion of privacy. A recent poll by Zogby
International ... Show more content on ...
They argue that
terrorists will just change their methods to fit the new security
system. Bruce Schneier, a security expert, told The New York
Times If there are a hundred tactics and I protect against two
of them, I m not making you safer. If we use full body scanning,
they re going to do something else (Schwartz, The New York
On the other side of the argument, the TSA (Transportation
Security Administration)is more concerned with safety and
security, than with individual rights. They argue that adopting
a full body pat down procedure helps detect hidden and dangerous
items, including explosives (CBS New York). Full body scanners
are able to detect non metallic items as well as metallic items,
whereas metal detectors can obviously only detect metal items.
They help to make terrorist attacks more difficult. Former
homeland security secretary Michael Chertoff said in an interview
nothing is 100 Percent (but) The more difficult you make it for
someone to conceal weapons, the fewer people who are going to be
willing or capable of concealment. (Schwartz, The New York
Times). As for the privacy invasion accusations associated with
Crime And Punishment In The Victorian Era
Crime and Punishment The increase in poverty in the 1800s and the rise of the
industrial revolution had a direct correlation to the escalation of crime throughout
the world. The Victorian Era was harsh on the poor and on those who pushed the
boundaries of the law, meaning that living as a criminal was particularly risky.
Many had no other choice because they had no occupation or job that gave decent
pay. However, there were a good number of rich people who were involved in a
recent surge in new ideas and manufacturing. The culmination of these different
classes resulted in acts of misconduct that included theft and riots and murder in
other cases. To make matters worse the system of justice in place across the world
was not yet refined, especially the Wild West days of America and the United
Kingdom. Victorian England was well known for being rampant with crimeand many
people are well aware of killers like Jack the Ripper having the ability to roam the
streets without proper containment. Policing was of low quality, as was the
detective field. The level of safety was extremely low and many crimes were merely
dismissed as accident or non troublesome. The squalor of life had infested itself into
the homes of the less fortunate who relied solely on poor law relief. When these
people became discontented with their measly handouts, they took it upon themselves
to steal from others. Children became pickpockets and women became shoplifters.
Not only did England
The Legacy Of Jazz And The Civil Rights Movement
Austin Hartshorn
Mr. McQuade
AP Literature
May 2, 2016
Marvels of Mingus Jazz is considered America s gift to the world. Throughout all of
America s history jazz has been there to accompany and reflect it. But jazz has had
its own history that is often underappreciated and hidden from the general public.
There is evidence of this covering up of the history of jazz for example in the civil
rights movement. The roots of jazz started with the bringing of African slaves to the
Americas. While many do not know this origin of jazz even fewer would know about
the involvement of jazz in the Civil Rights movement. For the entirety of America s
history jazz has reflected the political and social climate of the current state of the
country. ... Show more content on ...
Interestingly, jazz also represents all of these things off the page. Therefore a
harmonious combination of the two art mediums would result in a powerful piece
of literature. August Wilson was an author who realized this and was able to
create a fusion of music as a support of the major theme in his play Fences. The
way the author uses music to highlight the main theme of discrepancies between
liberalism and conservatism not only represents the 50s as a whole but offers an
accurate depiction of what the jazz communities involvement was in the Civil
Rights Movement. The 1950s was a strange time for the world. It was the decade
after the second world war and there was a sense of xenophobia in society. This
time period was perfect to set Wilson s play in for a variety of reasons. First, he
could use the geography of the play to his advantage. The fact that the play is set in
Pennsylvania is perfect because of its location in the United States. Being in the mid
Atlantic region, it served the perfect place to have influences from both the staunch
grass roots ideology of the South as well as the free thinking socio economic theories
of the North. What this resulted in is the creation of the tugging atmosphere that
permeates the characters thoughts and passively asserts itself in the minds of the
audience. Second the time the play is set in allows for the author to represent these
Women s Rights Essays
Women s Rights
Beginning in the mid 19th century, several generations of woman suffragesupporters
lectured, wrote, marched and disobeyed many rules to change in the Constitution.
parades, silence and hunger strikes where used to demonstrate the need for a change
in the constitution. Women struggled for their rights ,and they struggled equally to
black americans who desired voting rights as well(The Fifteenth Amendment., Susan
Banfield pp.11 20).
Women had it difficult in the mid 1800s to early 1900s. There was a difference in
the treatment of men and women. Married women were legally concidered a
property of the man they married in the eyes of the law. Women... Show more content
on ...
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and women like Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, and
Sojourner Truth, who were pioneer theorists, traveled the country lecturing and
organizing for the next forty years. Winning the right to vote was the key issue, since
the vote would provide the means to accomplish the other reforms. The campaign for
woman s right to vote ran across continous opposition that it took 72 years for the
women and their male supporters to win (When Hens Crow : the Woman s Rights
Movements in Antebellum America pp.66).
During the Women s RightsMovement, women faced incredible obstacles to win
the American civil right to vote, which was later won in 1920.There were some
very important women involved in the Women s Right Movement. Esther Morris,
who was the first woman to hold a judicial position, who led the first successful
state campaign for woman s right to vote, in 1869(What s Right with America.,
Dwight Bohmach pp.260 263). Abigail Scott Duniway, the leader of the successful
fight in the early 1900s. Ida B. Wells Barnett and Mary Church Terrell, arrangers of
thousands of African American women who worked for the right to vote for all
women. Anna Howard Shaw and Carrie Chapman Catt, leaders of the National
American Woman Suffrage Association in the early years of the 20th century, who
got the campaign to its final success.
If the suffrage movement had not been so ignored
Dan Coats Essay
The battle for the state of Indiana is usually quite set. Indiana has long been
considered to be a staunch Republican supporting state, especially in Presidential
races. The Hoosier state has only supported a Democratic candidate for president five
times since 1900. These include Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt in two
elections, Lyndon Johnson, and, by a mere 1% margin, Barak Obama. But, it is also
interesting to note that eleven Democrats have been elected Indianas governor during
that same time span. On the other hand, 14 Republican presidential candidates have
defeated a Democratic candidate by double digit margins, including six times when a
Republican won by more than 20%. Historically, Republicans have been strongest in
the... Show more content on ...
This is important because of that roughly 4.9 million people, enough voted for the
Republican Daniel Coats to return to the US Senate after a 12 year hiatus.
When trying to win any election in Indiana, candidates need to focus on the issues
facing the everyday Hoosier. Specifically, the economy and jobs in Indiana are
paramount. Understandably, candidates try to focus on Indiana s largest economic
markets to get as much support as possible. For example, Northwestern Indiana is the
largest steel producing area in the U.S. Besides steel, pharmaceuticals and medical
devices reign king in central Indiana (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
/eag/ This is largely attributed to the international headquarters and
research facilities of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, the state s largest corporation,
residing in Indianapolis. Similarly, the world headquarters of Mead Johnson
Nutritionals is located in Evansville, Indiana. Logically so, Indiana ranks fifth among
all U.S. states in total sales and shipments of pharmaceutical products and second
highest in the number of bio pharmaceutical related jobs (Terre Haute Economic
Development Center,
Therefore, when politicians look to pick up the work force s vote, they give special
attention to these departments. On
What Is The Breach Of An Agreement
Agreement may be used as evidence in a subsequent proceeding in which any of the
Parties allege a breach of this Agreement. 9. Confidentiality. Charter, Lamonea, and
Oliva agrees that they will keep completely and strictly confidential the existence of
all claims (which led to this Agreement) and the existence, terms, and amount of this
Agreement and that will not hereafter disclose or authorize the disclosure of any
information directly or indirectly concerning Charter and Lamonea s false claims or
this Agreement to any person other than his immediate family (i.e., spouse, par ent(s),
siblings, children), lawyer, or accountants without the prior written consent of all
parties, except as necessary in any legal... Show more content on ...
This Agreement may not be changed, modified, amended or altered except by
written agreement signed by all Parties hereto. This Agreement supersedes all prior
agreements and understandings between Charter, Lamonea, and Oliva. 11.
Severability The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if any clause or
provision herein shall be adjudged invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent
jurisdiction or by operation of any applicable law, it shall not affect the validity of
any other clause or provision, which shall remain in full force and effect. 12.
Governing Law. This Agreement will in all material respects be interpreted, enforced,
and governed under the laws of the State of California. 13. No Other Consideration.
Charter, Lamonea, and Oliva affirms that the only consideration received for entering
into this Agreement is as stated herein, and that no other promise, representation or
agreement of any kind has been made to, or relied upon by, all parties in connection
with the execution of this Agreement. All parties further acknowledges that they have
read the entire Agreement, has been fully advised of the legal effect of each provision
contained in this Agreement by counsel of their own choosing, and fully understands
the meaning and intent of the Agreement, including, but not limited to, mutually
protecting all parties, and its final and binding effect in relation to the release of all
Eliza Haywood s Love In Excess
Eliza Haywood s Love in Excess is a novel about the many whirlwinds of romance
surrounding the main character, the Count D elmont. In part, one Amena explores her
sexuality and on several occasions meet the Count, in the end, the affair was founded
out and Amena is labeled a ruined woman, therefore she was sent to a monastery. The
Count quickly moves on and marries, Amena s loverival and friend Alovisa. Soon
after marrying Alovisa, the Count falls in love with a woman named Milliora.
Alovisa is the jealous and overprotective wife, longing for her husband to love her
the way she does; in the end that love and devotion indirectly cause her death, which
is accidently brought on by the Count. In part three another woman appears, Ciamara,
who... Show more content on ...
It s not hard to relate to how Alovisa felt when it came to seeing the Count with
Amena. She had not been long in the drawing room, before it grew full of
company, but D elmont not being amongst em, she had her eyes fixed toward the
door, expecting every moment to see him enter; but how impossible is it to
represent her confusion, when he appeared, leading the young Amena (41). Later
on, Alovisa expressed how she felt disdain, despair and jealousie (41), she
describes them as violent emotions; everyone has some point in their lives as felt
envy especially in the love department, many women reading amatory fiction could
probably relate. On the other side of the coin looking through the eyes of Amena,
some women reading at one time could have been in her shoes, thought to be the
apple of someone s eyes then only in the end getting cast away, or like Amena
getting sent away so for the sake of Alovisa and D elmont s relationship. (78 79).
Amatory fiction such as Love in Excess, probably coined the phrase all is fair in love
The, The And, And The United Arab Emirates And United...
Text analysis makes qualitative research faster and easier by highlighting important
terms and allowing us to categorize open ended responses. The ability to analyze
what your respondents say helps you gain insight into their attitudes, behaviors,
concerns, motivations, and culture. The qualitative content analysis, focus is more on
the intentionality and it implications. While the quantitative content analysis
transforms observations of finding categories into quantitative statistical data.
In this assignment I choose to find out more about what the biggest web news in
France, United Arab Emirates and United States is writing about the ISIS situation. I
am really interested in finding out if a UAE article writes fewer words about ISIS
since it is an Islamic group and UAE is an Islamic country, compared to France and
the United States.
One of the biggest newspapers in France is France 24, which broadcasts 24 hours a
day, seven days a week to 250 million TV households in 177 countries around the
world (France 24, 2014). Their website I used to find my articles had 24 million
visits a month and its published both in English and French.
In United Arab Emirates one of the biggest newspaper is the Khaleej Times, which is
an English language newspaper published in the United Arab Emirates (United Arab
Emirates, 2014). With around 150 000 copies which cover Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait,
Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Khaleej Times in the most popular newspaper in
Benefits Of Fantasy Football
Fantasy Football is a game that belongs to a billion dollar industry called fantasy
sports wherein players, aptly called team owners, can acquire or draft an entire team
of real life professional football players. Arranged into leagues that mimic real ones,
Fantasy Football participants gain score points through statistical capabilities or
performances of the real world playerswhich are included in the fantasy rosters of the
respective owners.
In essence, the way to win in Fantasy Football is to always have high quality players.
Since the performance of the real world players can change in between real world
matches, you need to make regular updates or changes to the players in your fantasy
roster to keep up with the fantasy games. This ... Show more content on ...
To do this you just go the players page in your league s website, there you will find
the list of players to choose from. Commonly, for each player that you acquire, a
corresponding member of your team should be dropped too.
All in all, after acquiring a new player and dropping an old one, your roster will be
changed. But there are other ways of changing players in Football Fantasy and here
they are.
Activating Bench Players To Active Status
One of the most overlooked ways of changing players in an existing lineup is by
simply changing the status of a certain player from bench to active or vice versa.
You can access this function online by simply going to your team s webpage. There
you will find a menu that permits you to change the status of each of the players on
your roster. Always remember to save the changes before you exit the page.
Trading Players
This can be the easiest way of changing the player composition of a Fantasy
Football team. For one, this method of changing players on a team is allowed even
if the season has already started. And more importantly, this method has very few
restrictions; so the process and the agreements that lead to the trading of players is
entirely left to the preferences of the two teams that decide to
1980 Usa Hockey
In 1980 the United States defeated the Soviet Union in a game of hockey that came
to be known as the greatest moment in sports history. The team was compromised of
all amateur players. Since then rules have changed and now the use of professional
athletes is allowed in Olympic competition. It is my belief that the use of professional
athletes in Olympic competition ruins the pride and glory of the games.
Prior to 1952 only amateur athletes were allowed in the Olympic Games, both winter
and summer. Then the Soviet Union and its 14 Communist allies entered the games.
They trained 8 hours a day, 365 days a year. They won most of the gold, silver and
bronze during the 1970s and 1980s. None of these athletes were amateur, and yet they
were ... Show more content on ...
In 1998 in Nagano an unknown number of players on the U.S. men s hockey team
caused about $1,000 worth of damage to their rooms at the Olympic athlete s village
about 10 hours after they were eliminated from the Olympic tournament. Chairs were
broken, and two apartments were damaged by activated fire extinguishers.
( This just showed a poor display of sportsmanship and was a
disgrace to the United States at the Olympics.
Not that many teams dominate like the mens basketball team and not all other
teams destroy hotel rooms after losing, but there are other reasons professional
athletes should not be used, such as what it is they are playing for. They don t
really care if they win or not, because they play for money, not pride. Amatuers aren
t worried about money, they play for their pride of the sport and for the chance to
play for their country.
Professional athletes who make millions of dollars a year tend not to get as much out
of the Olympic experience. They fly in just before their event, stay in the most
expensive hotel, and fly back home after their event is over. They miss the Olympic
village, the interaction with other athletes, and sometimes even the ceremonies.
This can be the opportunity of a lifetime for a lot of amatuer athletes, where as
profressionals are allready on big time teams and don t care about playing in the
Theo Faron
On November 16th, 2027, a short news (done by newsreaders Mishal Husain Rob
Curling) reports on the state of the world: girls became sterilized and no
youngsters are born for eighteen years. Most of the world s societies have folded
and in Britain all foreigners are declared unlawful immigrants and area unit
rounded up by British military forces to be deported. In addition, the youngest
person in the world, South American nation Baby Diego (Juan archangel Yacuzzi),
has been killed by one of his fans once he refused to grant them an autograph. Theo
Faron (Clive Owen) leaves the cafe and stops to put liquor to his coffee the shop is
blown up by a bomb. The act is credited to a secretive guerrilla cluster, the Fishes.
Theo is stunned by the... Show more content on ...
They take Kee and her baby and leave Theo and Marichka to be executed by Patric
(Charlie Hunman), one of Luke s lieutenants. They are able to escape when a fight
erupts nearby. Theo goes looking for Kee, finding her in a decrepit flat which is
under fire from the military. Theo finds Kee with Luke, who is firing at the British
forces outside. As Theo attempts to take Kee and the baby out, Luke opens fire in
Theo s direction Luke is killed a few moments later. As Theo and Kee walk out of
the house, everyone who sees the baby stands in awe and the fighting stops. The
two walk outside the building and begin to walk away. The fighting resumes. They
go back to Marichka and the small boat she s holding for them and float out into
Bexhill s harbor. Marichka refuses to depart with them and pushes the boat out. The
two make it out to a close by buoy that marks the rendezvous point. As they wait, jets
fly above and start an attack of Bexhill. Kee sees blood at the bottom of the boat and
panics, thinking it s hers. Theo tells her he was hit in the abdomen once Luke shot at
him. Theo has barely enough time to show Kee the way to burp the baby
The Concert Of The Packed Recital Hall
In the packed recital hall, an orchestra performs their warmup rituals. The venue
boasts of chandeliers, perfect lighting, cushioned seats and richly carpeted aisles
leading to the stage on which stands a Steinway grand piano in front of the orchestra.
The pianist and conductor mount the stage. The soloist bows while the audience
claps. Silence descends on the room and the performer takes a seat at the piano.
Strains of beautiful music emanate from the instruments and fill the room. The
pianist s fingers fly across the keys. Amazed, the audience listens in total silence.
One of the greatest composers had left his mark on this audience. The piece was the
Concerto No.1 in D minor by Johann Sebastian Bach. He was the greatest composer
not just because of that piece but also considering music history, his personal story,
his popularity during lifetime, the volume of his compositions, the make up of his
music, and familiarity today.
Music history is divided four main time periods. Famous musicians lived and
composed masterpieces throughout all four eras. The Baroque period, from 1600
1750, was characterized by ornamented and extravagant pieces. Well known
musicians, Bach and Handel, achieved recognition for their choral works during this
time. The Classical period spanning from 1750 1825, differentiates from the Baroque
period in that music employed strict and simple technique. At the peak of the
Classical period, Mozart and Beethoven produced orchestral and instrumental works.
James Parkinson And Geisenheimer s Essay
Did you know that 60,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson s and 700,000
people suffer from Alzheimer s each year? Alzheimer s and Parkinson s date back
to the 1700 s and 1800 s to when they were discovered. These illnesses are just as
terrifying to the families as it is to the patient. Because of the scare in the diseases,
these families wanted answers. The patients were sent to James Parkinson and Alois
Alzheimerwhich were the doctors who diagnosed these illnesses. Alois Alzheimer
was born on June 14, 1864 in a small Bavarian town in Marktbreit Germany (Alois,
A1). He was born into a catholic family and had an early interest in science. His
father was a royal notary in the kingdom of Bavaria, and because of his first wife s
death during child birth, he remarried and had 6 more children wife his deceased
wife s sister, in which Alois was the first born of his second marriage. As a young
boy, Alois had grew up being taught that the strong looked over the weak. Years later,
in 1894, he had married Cecilia Geisenheimer and had 3 children with her. As the...
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In his report in 1908 of Auguste s illness, he was able to take the credit and name
the illness after himself because he had discovered plaque only and plaque and
tangles in the brain to be different stages in the same disease process. James
Parkinson observed prolonged trembling mostly in hands and feet and his
descriptions on this illness was so comprehensive that his research had influenced
other pathologists to study Parkinson s. As four decades had passed, a French
physician, Jean Martin Charcot named the syndrome after James Parkinson. His
famous essay on the Shaking Palsy established the Syndrome and recognized it as a
My Most Impactful Experience At A Summer Camp
Most people have some sort of experience or memory that has had a profound
impact on their life. A parent passed away, a competition was won, or an obstacle
was faced. My most impactful experience is much simpler, yet just as important as
these moments. Summer camp. I know, it does not sound like anything big, but
my years at a small summer camp in Maine made me who I am today. Now, on the
outside, Camp Bishopswood looks like any other religious camp on a lake. The
beautiful view, the sounds and smells of the natural world, and quaint little cabins
surrounded by trees. I drove onto the property eight years ago and did not think
anything special of it, aside from the fact that it looked like a fun way to spend a
week. It certainly was full of fun, but that was only the start of it. My first day
there gave way to a week, and it went by in a snap. My time there was fun, I made
some new friends, learned a few things, and my parents did not have to worry
about me being bored for a week. It was a win win for everyone in my family,
including my sister who got to join me at camp for some time. As I look back now,
I still had no clue what this camp had to offer. The magic started with my decision
to come during the week of my birthday. I assumed it would not change anything
and I would just push my birthday party until later in the summer. Boy, was I
wrong. Not only did my counselors acknowledge my birthday, the entire camp
sang a modified rendition of Happy Birthday at breakfast! After that, campers who
I did not even know were walking up to me and wishing me a happy birthday. For a
day, it felt like I was the most important person at camp! I felt included in a place
where I truly belonged. After that, every year, my birthday week was the first to be
booked. The weeks turned into years and before I knew it, I was old enough to
become a counselor in training. This was the year that my whole outlook changed. I
was an extremely sheltered 15 year old high schoolstudent fresh out of my sophomore
year, learning how to do something never asked of me. Taking care of children is
certainly not as easy as I thought, but I learned. The program taught me everything I
needed to know to become a real counselor,
Essay about The Possible Mechanisms of Scrapie
The Possible Mechanisms of Scrapie Contraction
Scrapie was first discovered in Great Britain in the late 1900 s. The first case of
scrapie in the United States was found in Michigan in 1947 when the flock owner
had imported sheep of British origin several years prior. Since then scientists have
researched to find the cause of the scrapie agent that are classified as transmissible
spongiform encephalopathy. At the present, scientists have presented three main
theories that explain why the scrapie agent holds a dangerous threat against its host
and how it elicits its symptoms. Scientists are finding genetic alternatives to prevent
and dampen the spread of scrapie within sheep and goat flocks. They use methods
such as tatoing and genetic ... Show more content on ...
Because of the mysterious nature of the disease, the origin of scrapie and the damage
it causes the body can only be theorized. The three main theories of scrapie and its
structure s effect on the symptoms it causes sheep and goats all present potential
information about the disease and its cure (Scrapie Fact Sheet. August 2001: http:/
The uncertainty of the origin and cause of scrapie is due to the insufficient research
to find a solution to the epidemic because it is still considered a relatively new
disease and not an immediate threat to humans. There have been three main theories
of the cause of scrapie and its resistant nature to all previous experimental cures. The
first theory is that the agent is a virus with unusual characteristics. The second theory
is that the agent is a prion, which is an exclusively host coded protein that is modified
to a protease resistant form after infection. The last theory is that the agent is a virino,
a small nucleic acid coated with a host derived protective protein that allows it to
resist scientists futile attempts at destroying it (Scrapie Fact Sheet. August 2001:
The first theory of the scrapie agent being an unusual virus presents a serious problem
to scientists because viruses do not respond to antibiotics and other chemicals of that
nature. Scientists would have to find an
Essay The Mexican-American War
The Mexican American War. The Mexican American war was a process of years of
battles between the Mexicans and Americans but I think after this informational
paper, you ll seem to know a little bit more knowledge about it. How it all started,
well in the beginning, the Americans and Mexicans both wanted to control Texas, but
at the time it was a part of the Mexican territory, well soon enough Americans
wanted control over it so badly that they started to travel into Texas s land. Part of
the reason why Americans wanted it so badly was because it was a big land and
had lots of resources and just did not want the Mexicans to have any control over it.
( Social Studies for kids The Mexican American war) As more Americans moved to
the land,... Show more content on ...
At first angry words were swapped, but Mexico soon got tired of words and wanted
action to happen. The first major action was at the Alamo, a San Antonio area fort,
there were a total of 189 defenders, and the fort was well ordered by Mexico. In the
same year Mexican general Santa Anna ordered the massacre of 342 American
prisoners. Americans obviously didn t like that and reacted by fighting back, the
result of Americans fighting back was the battle of San Jacinto in which hundreds
of Americans defeated a much larger Mexican force. Half of the Mexican soldiers
were killed and most were taken as prisoners. ( Social Studies for kids The
Mexican American war) In 1844, the U.S. took over Texas, making it apart of the
American land. Two years later, war began. The first major battle of the Mexican
American war took place at Palo Alto, not far from the US/Mexico border in Texas,
by May of 1846, lots of things had happened that had soon enough broke out into
war. Mexican general Mariano arista, positioned blockade to fort Texas, knowing
that American general Zachary Taylor would have to come and break the blockade,
arista then laid a trap, picking the time and place the battle would take place. (The
Mexican American war, article) Basically neither side could claim victory,
then soon after followed the battle of Monterrey, American forces under General
Zachary Taylor seized the Mexican city. The California city of Monterey surrendered
Facilitate Seller Relationship With Sears
Helen Chang 2620 N Berkeley Lake Rd. N.W. Apt. 924 Duluth, GA 30096 (305)
395 9098 | ObjectiveMy objective is to find an
opportunity to display my skills and knowledge in a challenging field where I can
grow as a person and as a professional. Education Florida State UniversityTallahassee,
FL Bachelor of Science, Political Science, ChineseGraduated May 2014 Work
Experience iSpring Water Systems Project Manager Atlanta, GANovember 2014
Present Facilitate seller relationship with Amazon, Sears, Overstock,
Taking a Look at Life with Lex
Life With Lex is a newly set up retail establishment that will offer fashionable
clothing for sale to women aging from eighteen to fifty years old. Life With Lex is a
sole proprietorship small business that will be located in uptown Kingston, New
York. The uptown area of Kingston is becoming an extremely popular shoppingarea
for locals because of its hip, vintage feel. While my inceptive goal is to open one
boutiquein uptown Kingston, my extension plans include inherently franchising my
boutique Life With Lex, and/or the premises I am located in, a highly acknowledged
brand name. In the future, I would truly hope to occupy a substantial portion of the
online retail market. The small business venture that I own and operate, a boutique
named Life With Lex, is the perfect establishment for women to purchase products
ranging from stylish clothing all the way to useful accessories. Flourishing
businesses have a common characteristic in that they do something serviceable for
their customers. Therefore, if I precisely understand customer problems and needs,
my business will have a better chance of triumph. My target market for my boutique
Life With Lex is women aged from eighteen to fifty years old. Within this thirty two
age range, there are working class women and college students. Being in this
particular age range, I personally know and fully understand that working class and
college women like to buy fashionable, stylish clothing and other vaguely
The Most Influential Battles of the American Revolution
During the Revolutionary War, there were many battles that were fought, but there
were a few that changed the result of the war. The battles of Trenton and Princeton
were fought strategically. During both of the battles, Washington made bold moves
that later impacted the army s success. Another battle that was fought was the Battle
of Saratoga, and before this battle, the Continental Armydid not have a strong chance
of winning because they were facing the powerful and well equipped British army.
The Battle of Saratoga was the battle that completely changed the tide of the war. The
Battle of Yorktown was the last land battle fought of the Revolutionary War. It was
also the battle where the British surrendered to the Americans and won... Show more
content on ...
During the march to Trenton, there was a storm, so the Hessians did not send out an
early morning patrol to look out for enemies. The storm also helped to hide
Washington s army, so the Hessians did not know they were coming.
Major General Nathanael Greene and Major General John Sullivan were two men
serving under General Washington. They were both marching with Washington on
December 26, 1776. Washington s plan of attack was to split his army into two
groups in order to surround the Hessians. He and Major General Nathanael Greene
would enter from the north, while Major General John Sullivan would enter Trenton
from the south. Greene and Sullivan followed the plan, and the Hessians were
completely taken by surprise. Both Generals moved into a position to surround the
Hessians. Many soldiers started to abandon their artillery, so the Americans captured
the abandoned artillery and used it to their advantage.
Some of the Hessian and British soldiers tried to escape over Assunpink Bridge, but
General Sullivan led troops to the bridge and guarded it to prevent more escapes.
The Hessians and British were now trapped. The Hessians who tried to escape
through the apple orchards and over Assunpink Bridge were all forced to surrender.
The Americans had won the battle of Trenton in less than two hours.
More than 400 British and Hessian soldiers escaped, and 106 had
Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1-3 Reaction Paper
DES III challenge it took 22 hours and 15 minutes to crack the message.
AES(advanced encryption standard)
It was first published in year 2001and is more mathematically efficient and elegant
cryptographic algorithm [4]. Its main strength rests in the option for various key
lengths. It allows to choose 128 bit, 192 bit, or 256 bit is exponentially stronger
than the 56 bit uses Permutation Substitution that is, it involves a series of
substitution and permutation steps to create the encrypted block. Substitution is
simply a mapping of one value to another and permutation is the re ordering of the bit
positions for each of the inputs.there can be 2^128,2^192, 2^256 combinations of the
key. Maximum amount of data that can be transferred
The Perception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt
The Perception of Roosevelt During the 1920 s a series of events were set into
motion that plunged America into one of the worst time of its existence come
1929 and later the Great Depression. Through the challenges America faced, it
arose to become the world s strongest leading economical and political superpower.
As the country began to emerge stronger than ever, leaders arose to the occasion
and aided its progression as a world power. One such leader was be Franklin
Delano Roosevelt. Due to his actions, the memory of him was preserved in the
form of political cartoons for individuals to view and come to the conclusion that
despite some ill feelings toward the man, he was a man of noble character who
aided America in achieving greatness. Roosevelt grew up in a wealthy New York
family, and was offered every opportunity of success. He took advantage of this
and became educated at Harvard College and Columbia Law School; from here, he
became an accomplished a successful career as a lawyer and politician. In August
of 1921, he contracted Polio and became paralyzed from the waist down. Due to his
extreme optimism that he gained throughout his privileged life, he used his Polio to
this to his advantage when he ran for President by showing that he was part of a
minority, the disabled, he became more relatable to the general public. He was seen
as a man of action and without fear. This mentality was demonstrated during his
inaugural address when he stated that The
The Differences Between Parliamentary Presidential System
Differences between Parliamentary system and Presidential system [Judiciary]
In relating both systems, parliamentary and presidential systems are currently using
different judiciary system to enforce law in society. Before entering judiciary
segment, it is essential to understand the definition of judiciary where it can be noted
...Judiciary is commonly considered the third branch of government. It stabilizes the
political system by solving disputes involving the country s law... (Barrington, 2010,
p. 280)
...It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the
law is... John Marshall cited in (Woll, 1992, p. 251)
From this definition above, the judiciary simply implies the body or branch that play
... Show more content on ...
Administration of law in United Kingdom is different with United States of America,
this can shown in:
...The United Kingdom does not have a single body of law applicable throughout the
kingdom. Scotland has it is own distinctive system and courts, and in Northern
Ireland certain spheres of law differ in substance from those operating in England and
The main civil courts in England and Wales are:
Magistrates Courts
County Courts for small cases and
The High Court, which is divided into
The Chancery Division,
The Family Division, and
The Queen s Bench Division (including the maritime and commercial courts), for the
more important cases...
(The United Kingdom Judicial System)
But in United States of America the courts that operating are:
...Supreme Courts consisted of six justices, who rode the circuit as judges of the
Courts of Appeals. The courts was reduced to five members at one time and
expended to ten at another. Since 1869, The Supreme Courts has consistently had
nine members. And since 1891, the justices have no had to serve on courts of appeal,
although each justice has some responsibilities with at least one appeals court...
(Woll, 1992, p. 268)
The differences are can be shown when comparing the administration on judiciary
branch. In United States of America the judiciary branches are administered by
congress because:
...Generally, Congress determines the jurisdiction of the federal courts. In some cases,
Cultural Background Assignment
1.What is your cultural background?
I was raised in a home that was Baptist, but we did not attend church every week. I
did attend church by myself from the third grade through the ninth grade. We lived
in an upper middle class neighborhood that was almost 100% white. My aunts and
uncles, as well as my grandparents, lived close by so we visited frequently.
2.Do you identify with a particular ethnic group?
I identify myself as white, non Hispanic. 3.Select an ethnic group you come the
closest to identifying with, and describe the group s customary behaviors regarding
each of the following:
a.Role the father, mother, children, and other extended familymembers.
As I was raised in a completely white environment I look back and only ... Show
more content on ...
When I was 12 my grandfather died of cancer. I knew he was sick and was dying
but we never discussed it. I was able to see my grandfather before he died and was
able to attend his funeral. Two years later my grandmother died suddenly and we
were able to attend his funeral. I vaguely remember attending a couple other funerals
but I was really too young to understand what exactly was going on.
4.How do you feel about your ethnic identity? What are the strengths and weaknesses
you perceive in your ethnic group?
I am very lucky in that I grew up in a household that ethnicity was never discussed.
I always believed (as my parents did) that everyone was equal. I think this was
definitely a strength in that I never looked down on anyone. I can say the only
weakness that my ethnic group would have is those that do look down upon other
ethnic groups. I did not witness this from anyone (that I remember) until I was an
5.What ethnic groups lived in your home environment when you were growing up?
How did your family relate to families of other ethnic groups (consider attitudes,
experiences, power relationship; i.e., was one dependent on, or subordinate to,
How Is Mr Kurtz Justified In Heart Of Darkness
Throughout history, imperialism has affected thousands of people and many more.
The idea of advancing onto another civilization for their own betterment is prevalent
throughout the ages as well as in the Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness, a novel
written by Joseph Conrad reflects his own personal experience of imperialism in the
Congo Free Stateof Africathrough Marlow s eyes. For the duration of the book,
selfishness and strive for virtue overpowers the idea of bringing order to an
uncivilized nation. Marlow, the protagonist of the tale, presents how corrupt a person
can become when given the chance to better themselves with riches. Many places
throughout the world have been affected by Europe s imperialistic ideals in the past
and even... Show more content on ...
Kurtz justified their actions because they both had some severe experience that
implemented on them. Mr. Kurtz was an intelligent man with aspirations but was
driven insane because of his time in solitude in the forest, and Marlow s actions
are justified because he had seen that Mr. Kurtz was a good man and he believed
that it was in his power to leave Mr. Kurtz in the best note possible, insuring his
immortality. The influence that Mr. Kurtz had on everyone is what drove many
of the characters to do what they did. For example, The man presented himself as a
voice. Not of course that I did not connect him with some sort of action. Hadn t I
been told in all the tones of jealousy and admiration that he had collected, bartered,
swindled, or stolen more ivory that all the other agents together? . A man who
worked at one of the stations was envious of Mr. Kurtz and his achievements, this
was the outlook of many of the people who worked at various stations. Marlow
considered Kurtz a supreme being and influenced him into believing that his
actions were justified. He believed that Kurtz was a remarkable man because, He
had something to say. He said it. [...] when a long time after I heard once more, not
his own voice, but the echo of his magnificent eloquence thrown to me from a soul
as translucently pure as a cliff of crystal . It also affected Mr. Kurtz s intended
because she was left with believing that the last word he said was her name and that
he will be remembered in the best of ways in her mind. Even in death, Mr. Kurtz
exuded power over
The Importance Of My Trip To Europe
Everyone has at least one thing, place, or person that is meaningful to them,
something that provokes a strong emotion. For me, there are a few things that are
very meaningful to me. There is one thing that stands out to me as something I don t
want to ever forget about. This is the trip to three countries in Europe this past June.
As a graduation gift, I went with my teacher and students on a trip to Paris,
Switzerland, and Italy. This trip not only changed my view on everything but it
also changed who I am. This trip was brought about my teacher. Every year she
uses EF Tours, an education tour provider, to give her students options for
different trips all over the world. Some places include Mexico, Australia, Europe,
and more. Typically, students 10th grade and above are invited to join her for a trip,
which is cheaper than it would be to just go without EF tours. Every year I heard
about these trips since I had her as my teacher all four years of high school.
Originally, the thoughtof going on the trips scared me. My mindwould go all over the
place thinking of all of the bad things that could happen. Thinking about it made
my heart feel like it was trying to come out of my chest, like a bird escaping its
cage. As the four years went by, I would hear about these trips and just push the idea
of it out of my mind. That was until senior year when this trip came up. The plan
was to travel to the three countries with a possibility of going to England. Whenever I
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a program that employed millions of
young, unmarried men on environmental projects during the Great Depression from
1933 1942. The CCC was one of FDR s most popular and most successful New Deal
programs. It employed 300,000 men that helped plant over three billion trees,
constructed nature trails in more than 800 parks around the United States, and shaped
the national parks we enjoy today ( The CCC s impact can be noticed
everyday all around the nation. The book Hitch by Jeanette Ingold is historically
accurate with its portrayal of the Civilian Conservation Corps. This CCC stuff is just
temporary for me, to bring in a little cash (Ingold 36). This quote gives a good
representation... Show more content on ...
Compton is pretty angry in this quote because he is working beside criminals. In
fact, Moss had been arrested for trespassing on railroad property. A lot of men and
women were arrested for petty crimes, and many were sent to the CCC to get them
off of the streets and to give people something to do. According to,
one Chicago judge felt the CCC was largely responsible for the large reduction in
crime. The CCC gave young men a job, taught them skills, and provided them with
a lot of benefits. It gave them a sense of self worth and value as they helped their
families, it helped the communities they worked in, and it boosted their own self
esteem. Having real work to do charged up the guys (Ingold 285). The CCC was
developed to create jobs that would boost the economy. The CCC specifically
targeted young men, providing them with employment, food, and shelter. These
young men often sent money home to their families. In exchange, the men received
training and education that would stay with the throughout their lives. Besides
economic benefits, the CCC also provided a lasting legacy in our country. There
are 16 parks that were built by the CCC in South Carolina alone. The CCC was a
resounding success for the New Deal and the country because it supplied jobs,
education, and a place for young men to
Kankakee Research Paper
I chose the city of Kankakee, Illinois not only because I was born and raised here,
but because I believe that there is so much potential for change here. Kankakee is
a 100% urban city in Illinois and is located 45 minutes from the south side of
Chicago. Kankakee has been known to some as a very southern suburb, but it is
not. Kankakee is a part of a tri city area and is not included in the southern suburbs
of Chicago. I heard a recording of Jay Leno saying that Kankakee is one of the
worst places to live years ago and that lit the fire in me to return and see great things
happen here. Kankakee is often talked about in a negative way from the residentsand
those who visit the area, but I see the potential of this city in its people.... Show more
content on ...
I believe the proper way to minister in this context is to connect with some of the
existing establishments and groups of people to rally together to start the change in
the community. As a Community Organizer I had the privilege of networking and
affiliating with various community organizations in Kankakee. I plan to utilize
former contacts and to create new relationships with people that want to see a positive
change in the community regarding youth violence and delinquency. I believe that
being in contact with the Kankakee Police Department, mayoral candidates,
churches, ministerial groups, residents, parents, and youth is a starting point for me.
I am coming into the community as a former resident, but I will not assume to
know the specific problems that the residents feel are responsible for youth violence
and delinquency. I will be open to hear their thoughts, write down suggestions, and
work to form a committee that would like to work on creating solutions to this
problem. As a subset to this committee I will also organize a youth committee that
will pull together resources in the community that they feel are apart of the solution
and also brainstorm ideas on creating a bigger solution. We will utilize the youth to
speak their voice and to be hands on in making the change for themselves and their
peers. We will support the youths so that they feel that they have all of the proper
tools and resources that they need. I feel that being an activist for our community is a
ministry within itself. Social justice is a very important part of ministry that is
The Qualitative Methodology Of Research Essay
The qualitative methodology of this research can be considered appropriate, as the
researchers have explained about the participants subjective experiences throughout
the article in different sections such as data collection and analysis, experience of
healthcare and effects of the illness, experience of spiritual needs and variation over
the course of the illness, spiritual help/support, developing spiritual support
guidelines and services, conclusions and implications for the nurse managers.
The research design seemed appropriate to address the aims of the research as
sampling, data collection and analysis was carried out on the basis of qualitative
research method.
Although the researcher fails to clearly state which type of sampling was used in
the research, however from observation it has been assumed that purposive
sampling was used which was considered appropriate for this type of study.
Purposive sampling is the type of sampling where participants are usually recruited
to a study because of their exposure to or their experience of the phenomenon in
question, which tends to ensure richness in the data, gathered (Borbasi and Jackson
2012, p.135). The researcher has not been able to give reason behind some
participants not taking part as out of 26 patients accepting the information about the
study 17 agreed to participate. One died before the first interview leaving with a
sample of 16 patients, which can be considered appropriate sample size as qualitative
samples are
Explain How The United States Should Reflect The
Answer this question from the perspective of Britain, France, and the United States
and within the context of the early 1930s. How do you think each country would
react to the situation in Germany as described by Rumbold and Messersmith? Your
response should reflect the domestic context of each country in the early 1930s. The
U.K, France, and the U.S would have reacted similarly to the situation in Germany
during the 1930s given the situation at the time. The United States during the 1930s
suffered greatly due to the Great Depressioncaused by Black Tuesday, crash of the
stock market. There was mass unemployment and uncertainty. To make matter worse,
Herbert Hoover, the president at the time, did little to help the American public.
Hoover argued that market would fix itself and that the government should not
interfere in order to help the public. As a result, the U.S pursued a policy of
isolationism in order to focus on the situation within the country instead of worry
about the rise of Adolf Hitlerin Nazi Germany. Both the French and the British had
their suspicion that Nazi Germany would be a troublesome state. However, the
situation warranted that they appease to... Show more content on ...
As previously stated, the situation in Europe was poor. The Great Depression in the
U.S affected the British economy. Unemployment and stagnant economic growth
made the public reluctant to add Germany into the list of problem that Britain had to
face. In addition, pro nazi sentiment in Britain was active. The Daily Mail and
former prime minister David Lloyd George expressed friendly sentiment towards the
Nazis. Furthermore, Neville Chamberlain expressed that he could secure peace
between the two nations by appeasing to Hitler. Chamberlain argued that Hitler only
wanted the German people living in Czechoslovakia, not conquest. By doing that
Chamberlain believed he secured peace for our
Washington Crossing The Delaware Compare And Contrast
Emmanuel Leutze s painting Washington Crossing the Delaware shares some
similarities with David Shulman s poem Washington Crossing the Delaware ;
however, the dissimilarities are more abundant. These works of art and literature
portray the scene of that remembered Christmas day when Washington and his army
set out to conquer to Hessian people. Although they have similarities, there are some
differences in these works that are nothing less than noticeable. Join me in observing
the similarities and dissimilarities in these pieces.
There are parallels in Shulman s poem and Leutze s painting and I would like to
point them out. First, how the water is represented in these two works are very much
alike. In the painting, you can see that they are ... Show more content on ...
The main difference in these two works is the disorder and movement. The painting
by Leutze expresses more of a chaotic scene while the Shulman s poem creates a
slightly more composed environment. Struggle is more evident in the painting. While
the poem is serene and instills confidence and excitement for battle in the reader, the
painting depicts struggling men fighting for a cause we are not quite certain of. Also,
the feeling depicted in the painting is predominantly distraught while the poem
makes me feel the scene is filled with precise determination. Washington commands:
so go alight, crew, and win! (Shulman line 14). This is him telling them to go sneak,
fight, and win the battle. This makes evident some of the varying differences of these
two works. You can see how in the painting Washington is not promoting ideas or
confidence in his crew like he is the poem (Leutze Washington Crossing the Delaware
). This is a leading reason in the difference of disorder. Also, the painting shows ice as
a major obstacle, while in the poem no ice is mentioned. This shows how there is
another element of conflict in the painting than in the written work which can add to
the madness happening. The poem depicts the brave, fearless leader watching the
army he is leading and rather triumphantly commanding them to go into battle and
win (Shulman s Washington Crossing the Delaware). When the poem
Test Drive Case Study
Drivers who take the 2018 Kia Soul Near Santa Fe NM for a test drive will love the
abundance of features found in this model as well as the great low price. This is
before they learn about the 10 year/100,000 mile warranty on the powertrain, as
well as the reliability of this model. In addition, this vehicle holds its resale value
very well. One area where it truly stands out from its competitors is in the interior.
Not only is it stylish, it s packed with excellent equipment and the materials are all
of high quality. Anyone in the market for a new vehicle will want to take this one
for a test drive. What s New For 2018 Those who have considered a Soul in the past
will be thrilled to learn that Kia has added to the standard features on... Show more
content on ...
The Soul Plus Individuals who want an automatic transmission will need to choose
this trim level or higher on the Kia Soul near Santa Fe . This model comes with a
2.0 liter engine along with 17 inch alloy wheels. Other features found on the Soul
Plus include automatic climate control, the UVO3 system with a seven inch color
touchscreen, remote keyless entry and cruise control. In addition, this trim level
includes Drive Mode Select, fog lights, exterior mirrors that are heated and a
rearview camera, among others. Furthermore, the cargo area includes 12 volt
power outlets. Visit one of our Santa Fe Kia Dealers to learn more about these and
the many other features found in this trim level. Packages are also available on the
2018 Kia Soul Plus. Select the Audio package and get features such as a navigation
system that makes use of an eight inch touchscreen, a shift knob and steering wheel
encased in leather and two USB charging points. Those who choose the Audio
package may also add the Primo Lit package that comes with items such as
ventilated front seats, heated seats in both the front and rear, a heating steering
wheel and HID headlights. The Soul Exclaim The Exclaim rounds out the Soul
lineup and comes with a turbocharged 1.6 liter engine, a dual clutch seven speed
automatic transmission and bigger disc brakes in the front. The headlights are
automatic on this model, the seats are leather and the car rides on 18 inch alloy
wheels. Choose this model and
Xylitol Research Paper
The benefits of xylitol is a healthy alternative to sugar, or is it?
I got a little excited when I came across it. I thought it might be a better, healthier
option for me to include into my anti aging routine.
I am always on the look out for a healthy sugar substitute. Especially since I have
such a sweet tooth, yet I always seem to come back to the same one I have always
use, raw honey.
Yes, it seems to get yourself worked up over xylitol, is all for nothing.
There are of course so many good and bad arguments about this stuff. It is difficult to
find a clear opinion or argument on the benefits of xylitol.
I have a little rule I like to follow when it comes to what goes in my body.
If there are too many questions marks about something I avoid it. Bbecause healthy
and natural should not have two conflicting sides ever.
For ... Show more content on ...
This to me is a much healthier option.
I get my kids to brush their teeth with activated charcoal another healthy alternative.
It has become a popular substitute as it is the only sweetener on the market that tastes
very much like sugar and yet offers fewer calories.
benefits of xylitol
Benefits Of Xylitol
What makes the benefits of xylitol so popular is the belief the general population has
about it being a healthier choice.
You know, it actually occurs naturally in many stone fruits, oats, mushrooms, birch
tree bark and corn cob.
Sadly, however, most of the Xylitol you find on the local supermarket shelf sourced
from the corn cob.
It is cheaper and usually from genetically modified corn, produced in China.
One product I found Nirvana has a great marketing angle for using corn cob, it does
so, because it is helping protect the birch tree.
Well, yes, protecting the birch tree is good, but, if it s coming from the corn cob left
over from ethanol production which is GMO, then it has to just be all about the
The Meaning Of Characters In George Orwell s Animal
Important to the story are the characters because they put a deeper meaning into a
story. As seen in Orwell s book animal farm as he makes the animals and the other
characters represent people during the Russian revolution. You can see this with Mr.
Jones as orwell uses him to represent Czar Nicholas 2 of the Russian revolution.
Overall, the character with the most influence on the story out of all the animals on
Animal Farm is Mr. Jones, but nevertheless the other animals had a major impact on
the story. Mr. Jones caused the story to happen the way that it did and he helps
portray the deeper meaning of the story which makes him have the most influence on
the story. He caused the story to happen the way it did because through his actions,
consequently he directly influenced the animals to rebel and run their own farm.
After the rebellion, you see him taking place in the Red Lion Inn after the rebellion.
Accordingly, while talking to the other farmers there, he influenced them directly
into keeping their animals from doing the same as his and influencing them into
helping him in taking back his farm in the Battle of the Cowshed because who likes
their things being taken away. He indirectly influenced the animal in the fear of him
coming back after the rebellion and the Battle of the Cowshed. Used by Squealer like
that in persuading the animals into agreeing with something when he says, Yes, Jones
would come back! Surely, comrades,... surely there is no one among you
An Idea That Protects A Proprietor s Land Title
Indefeasibility Introduction Indefeasibility of title is an idea that protects a
proprietor s land title. It allows for the proprietor to be immune from attack by
adverse claims and interests in the land, in which he, the proprietor, is registered.
This concept is based around the Torrens system in New Zealand, this concept
consists of three main principles, the mirror, the curtain and the insurance
principles. This essay will discuss the concept of indefeasibility of title, the Torrens
system and how these have provided security of title for land owners in New
Zealand. I will also report on two significant cases that will illustrate the concept of
Indefeasibility of title, they are Frazer v Walker and Efstratiou, Glantschnig and
Petrovic v Glatnschnig. Common Law Common law was implemented in New
Zealand when the British settlers arrived. It was in accordance with English law
and was known as the Deeds system and Act and was replaced by the Torrens
system in 1870. Common Law basically stated that no one could confer a better
title than the one they have and therefore if a deed was deemed invalid, so too was
the title (Hinde 2013). Torrens System The Torrens system is what indefeasibility of
title has been built around. It has existed since 1870 and has been refined and is now
found in the Land Transfer Act 1952. The system, as mentioned earlier, consists of
three principles, the mirror principle, the curtain principle and the insurance principle.
The Mirror principle:
The Subjection Of Women Mill Summary
In many literary examples women are in pushed to change themselves in order to
be the person society expects them to be. This change was the result of constant
ridicule revolving around the idea that men, in fact, are superior to women in many
ways. Overtime these judgements against women have become less of an issue,
however are still relevant. Women are as capable as men of being independent and
valuable, but because they are subjected they still fall vulnerable to oppression by
society which changes their view of themselves so they act in different ways in
order to please society. The Subjection Of Women Mill explains how women are
equal to men in character and ability, but are not viewed this way in society. Though
this article was... Show more content on ...
Pearl was not affected by any outside influences, she would just act in a not
ordinary way. This development lead to her being portrayed as strong and
independent, however this quickly changed. Hawthorne creates this character, and
then suddenly has her act in the complete opposite you would expect. In chapter 20
Hawthorne specifically makes it known that Pearl is leading a good life, however
thanks to the men who have supported her. Chillingworth had left land and money
for Pearl to inherit, and she then went onto marrying a rich English man. With this,
Hawthorne had changed pearl into falling victim to society s standards of
depending on men. This idea of depending on men is still a factor today. Men are
seen as superior in the work force, therefore leading to them controlling all the
authority in life. Women then end up depending on their husbands to bring money
home for families in order to continue their life. Women are as capable as men of
doing many tasks but aren t respected as being skillful at times because they are
objectified by men as only being useful as a body or a pretty face, which affects
how women view themselves and portray themselves to society in order to please
men. This idea is reflected in many pop culture projects, such as songs, books,
television shows, and movies. An example of a project where this oppression occurs
includes the 2007 movie Transformers. In one scene in this movie, the leading
The Posal Of Kris Corporation Information Technology
Kris Corporation Information Technology Proposal Kris Corporation Information
Technology Proposal
Information Technology Proposal
Kris Corporation is a prominent company that deal with manufacturing parts utilized
by the automotive industry. The organization s Active Domain infrastructure
comprises of two main domains. The parent domain is kris.local and the child domain
is corp.kris.local. The AD infrastructure of the organization is running on Server
2008. The company has five branches located in five cities namely, Chicago (IL),
Baltimore (MD), Atlanta (GA), Seattle (WA) and San Diego (CA). Its manufacturing
plants are located in Seattle and Atlanta.
Recently, the company has developed a number of concerns relating to its
information system. First, the corporation is concerned about adopting multiple
domains in its information systems. Secondly, some automobile manufacturing
companies have approached the corporation and requested it to use a single identity
in the process of procuring orders. Kris Corporation is also concerned with disaster
recovery of its systems and physical space of servers especially at the Atlanta branch
since it is the corporation s headquarter. File sharing is also a big concern to the
company since the locations are connected to the internet independently.
This proposal focuses on identifying and analyzing various changes in the information
technology department of the company and developing solution recommendations for
information technology problems experienced by the company. The proposal will
discuss various benefits the corporation will acquire from updating and changing the
current information systems to the modern systems.
Active Directory
Kris Corporation should adopt the new Windows Server 2012 in its information
systems due to the following reasons. First, the server has the freedom to choose
Oskar Schindler s Death Of The Jewish Ghetto
Many words can be used to describe Oskar Schindler; partier, alcoholic, womanizer,
etc, but the most unlikely word that can be used is savior, which he proved to be in
the 1940s. Schindler was definitely a sinner, but he did the unthinkable at the time,
He [Schindler] was no saint. And yet, the same man would prove to have depths of
courage and humanity rare at any time even rarer during the time in which he lived.
(Roberts, pg. 6). During the grueling years of the Holocaustand World War II, Oskar
Schindlerproved that love and kindness still existed by rescuing over 1,000 Jewish
residents of Krakow, Poland. By doing this alone, the Nazis would have killed him
because at that time, it was even illegal to be touching a Jew, let alone saving them.
One major factor that led to the saving of the Jews was the liquidation of the
Krakow Jewish Ghetto, Schindler witnessed a few hours of beastiality with which
the liquidation [of Krakow] was executed. The horror of what he saw undoubtedly
played a role in his indignation and his unfailing and compassion with the persecuted
[Jews]. (Thompson. pg. 138). After the invasion of Poland, the Nazis set up several
ghettos around the country, one of which was in Krakow, where they held Jews.
Eventually these ghettos didn t seem worthy of Adolph Hitler s Final Solution so
these ghettos were liquidated and thousands of it s residents were massacred and sent
to concentration camps, Schindler experienced one of these liquidations. Oskar
Internal Vs. External Communication
Information Technology Management (ITPM involves leading the implementation of
an IT infrastructure upgrade, migration, or installation. According to their corporate
website, Telephone Data Systems, Inc. is the parent company to U.S.
Cellular, TDS Telecom (an internet service provider), and OneNeck IT Solutions (a
hosted IT consulting company). IT Project Managers within this company and others
use both common communication methods, as well as many unique to their profession
and colleagues. The purpose of this report is to examine Telephone Data Systems Inc.
(TDS) and ITPM through an analysis of internal vs. external communication, in
person vs. other (electronic) forms of communication, and the use of official lines of
communication vs. unofficial lines of communication.
Internal vs. External Communication
Internal communication between colleagues at TDS, which takes place through
various in person and other forms of communication, has a heavy reliance on
technical diction. Flexibility and knowledge of the technical language within the field
can help in adapting to the work environment. Even if not familiar with all of the
technologies, knowing the technical language can help in putting the puzzle together.
Collaborative learning among peers is another key aspect of the internal workplace
communication environment. Although many are intimidating as technical
professionals, sending a quick message to a coworker or stopping by their desk to
Examples Of Conformism In One Flew Over The Cuckoo s
The Oregon Mental Institution and Welton Academy are the oppressive institutions,
which use a variety of methods to subdue the characters into conformity. Inside of the
institutions, there are two main oppressive forces that have power over everyone:
Nurse Ratched and Mr. Nolan. In both institutions, the oppressors use many similar
methods to subdue the characters. These methods include manipulation,
intimidation, and imposition of strict rules set by the staff. In One Flew Over the
Cuckoo s Nest, Nurse Ratched uses manipulation and intimidation to control the
patients on the ward; therefore, allowing her to have power over all the patients.
This is evident when Nurse Ratched catches Billy sleeping with Candy Starr;
although he is able to get the confidence to stand up to Nurse Ratched, she says
what worries me Billy, is how your poor mother is going to take this, resulting in
Billy losing all his confidence to the Nurse, as she uses his mother to manipulate him
into not rebelling against her. Ultimately, she causes Billy to commit suicide because
of the way Nurse Ratched and his mother make him feel. Similarly to this example, in
Dead Poet s Society, Mr. Nolan uses Mr. Keating s students parents to subdue them
into conformity. When he speaks to the students, he often uses their parents by asking
how the boys parents would feel if they got expelled, which the boys knew would
have a negative result, forcing them to conform to the standards that the school has.

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Lesson Learned Essay

  • 1. Lesson Learned Essay Writing an essay on the topic "Lesson Learned Essay" can present a unique set of challenges. Firstly, it requires deep introspection and reflection on personal experiences to identify a significant lesson that has been learned. This process can be emotionally taxing as it may involve revisiting past mistakes, failures, or hardships. Additionally, articulating these experiences in a coherent and engaging manner can be demanding, as it necessitates effective storytelling skills and the ability to convey complex emotions and insights. Furthermore, crafting a compelling narrative around the lesson learned requires careful structuring and organization to ensure clarity and coherence. It's crucial to strike the right balance between providing context, describing the events leading up to the lesson, and reflecting on its significance. Moreover, the essay should offer genuine insights and reflections rather than resorting to clichГ©s or superficial observations. Moreover, it's essential to maintain authenticity and honesty throughout the essay, as readers can easily detect insincerity. This means being willing to confront personal vulnerabilities and acknowledge areas for growth, which can be uncomfortable but ultimately rewarding. In summary, writing a "Lesson Learned Essay" entails navigating through emotional depths, honing storytelling skills, structuring the narrative effectively, and maintaining authenticity throughout. It's a process that demands both introspection and craft, but when done successfully, it can offer valuable insights and resonate deeply with readers. [Note: For assistance with similar essays and more, you can visit] Lesson Learned Essay Lesson Learned Essay
  • 2. Ideology Of Classical Liberalism The ideologies of the Democratic Party originate from the principles of the classical liberalism philosophy. The most dominant idea of classical liberalism is that the government s role is to protect the individual s natural rights because individuals are the primary unit of society (Franks 27). According to John Locke, a philosopher who contributed to classical liberalisms vitality, the protection of individuals life, liberty, and property is their natural rights (Jones 227). The ideas of classical liberalism revolves so much around the individual that Locke believes the people had the right to combine into a revolutionary force and organize a new form of government, or a social contract, as they pleased. Because of the importance of the individual, classical liberalism favors immigrants and people of all classes. Ideally, the judgment of people is based on their personal characteristics rather than their group affiliation, minimizing the problem of racism and other forms of bigotry (Franks 28). However, this is a problem with ethnic groups, like American Indians and immigrants, which concerns classical liberals that believe their collectiveness hinders their individual natural rights. Finally, classical liberalism also protects the free marketplace, allowing buyers and sellers to freely circulate ideas in order to achieve the most success (Franks 28). Therefore, the development of capitalism is an important ideology protected by classical liberalism, along with the
  • 3. Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and Effect to... Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and effect to Latin America Name: Institution: Date: Abstract In 1997, the Asian Financial Crisis spread rapidly all over the Asia and affected almost all the economies in the world. Prior to the Asian Financial Crisis, the Asian countries such as Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Singapore experienced a remarkable growth in the economy that was considered the highest in the world. These Asian economies increased by a notable proportion of 6 to 10 percent annually in the GDP. However, what had been regarded as an Asian miracle seemed to crumple down rapidly 1997 when these Asian countries were faced with a severe financial crisis in their local stock and currency ... Show more content on ... Regardless of the negotiations for support grant from the IMF and the United States Treasury, the monetary drainage persisted and Brazil was forced to devalue its currency. As a result, the Brazilian government authorized the real to float, while it abandoned linking its currency to the U.S. dollar. The financial crisis in Brazil spread out rapidly to other nations in Latin America and as a result several billions of dollars were drained from these countries and this hindered the trade exchange with the United States. As a result, the nations in the Latin America experienced one of the nastiest economic recession that was mainly fuelled by the Asian financial crisis. The effect of the financial disaster was predominantly severe in the Latin America s small economies, for instance Bolivia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Chile and, Argentina and Colombia (Hunter, 1999). Petti (2001) argues that financial shocks can move rapidly throughout the nations within similar regions as it was revealed by the Mexican peso disaster that occurred in the year 1994. Similarly, the financial crisis that affected the Asian countries proved to be a regional financial crisis and it threatened geographically distant vibrant economies mostly in the Latin America. The Latin America countries began experiencing the effects of the Asian financial crisis in 1997
  • 4. An Essential Component Of Innate Immunity Macrophages form an essential component of innate immunity. Activation of macrophages releases an array of mediators that regulate all aspect of host defense, inflammation and homeostasis [1]. In unremitting inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, persistent antigen stimulation resulted in macrophage dysfunction which leads to inflamed synovial membrane and joint destruction [2]. The presence of macrophages at the site of inflammationcan be further evident by elevated levels of macrophage derived inflammatory cytokines and mediators such as TNF О±, IL 1ОІ, IL 6 and COX 2 [3, 4]. Therefore, inhibition of these inflammatory mediators can helps in ameliorating inflammatory condition. Conventional treatment options for the ... Show more content on ... Although these studies have shown anti inflammatory activity of Picrorhiza kurroa; hitherto, the anti inflammatory pathway has remained enigmatic. Based on above facts, we undertook the present study to investigate (a) whether PKRE inhibited carrageenan induced paw edema and cotton pellet implantation induced granuloma formation and if so (b) what are its effects on macrophage derived pro inflammatory mediators in serum and (c) to derive plausible anti inflammatory mechanism by evaluating effect of PKRE on activated peritoneal macrophages. RESULT The HPLC analysis of PKRE has been carried out to determine the concentration of marker phytoconstituents, Picroside I and Picroside II. Figure 1 represents the HPLC chromatograms of the PKRE. PKRE found to contain Picroside I: 3.30%w/w Picroside II: 4.90%w/w of dry extract. Figure 2 depicts the effect of PKRE on carrageenan induced paw edema. Sub plantar administration of carrageenan resulted in time dependent increase in paw edema in all tested groups. Treatment with PKRE (100 and 200mg/kg) and indomethacin exhibited significant reduction in paw edema in comparison to control. However, PKRE (100 and 200 mg/kg) were found to be statistically (P 0.01) significant at all observation period (1, 3 and 5hr). To investigate whether PKRE inhibited chronic granulomatous inflammatory condition, sterile cotton pellet were subcutaneously implanted under the
  • 5. Free College Essays-The First Battle Of Bull Run The First Battle of Bull Run The first battle of Bull Run, also known as the first battle of Manassas in the south, was the first major land battle of the Civil War. The battle started on July 21, 1861 and took place near Manassas Junction, Virginia( First Battle ). The Union had an army of 28,450 led by Brigadier General Irvin McDowell( The ).The Confederates had an army of 30,800. 21,900 soldiers were led by Brigadier General P.G.T. Beauregard and 8,900 soldiers were led by General Joseph E. Johnston( Battle Of ). At the beginning of the war, people throughout the country thought that the war would end quickly( First Blood ). This battle will make them realize that the war would last longer than expected. What happened at the first battle... Show more content on ... Late in the afternoon troops started to approach Beauregard. He prepared to retreat, unsure whose army the soldiers belonged to( Battle Of ). Early in the civil war, the Union and Confederate flags were very similar in design and color and it was very hard to tell the difference between the two. Both flags had stripes and a blue square in the corner. The additional natural chaos of the battlefield didn t help with the confusion( Not ). As the troops got closer to Beauregard he could see that the troops belonged to the Confederacy and that it was Johnston with reinforcements. The new addition to the Confederate s force gave them the upper hand and they attacked the unsuspecting Union army( Battle Of ). Colonel James Brown charged into the Union line into a section of confused New Yorkers( The ). The union army was forced into a chaotic retreat. The also disorganized Confederates did not pursue the fleeing army( Battle Of ). The disorganized Union army ran into panicking citizens who had started to flee upon seeing the Union s defeat. Along with the narrow bridges, overturned wagons, and cannons the citizens of Washington DC made the retreat nearly
  • 6. The Controversy Over New Airport Security Measures Essay The country s recently heightened airport security measures have become a source of controversy and debate across the Nation. Due to a recent attempted act of terrorism, where a man on an international flight to Detroit attempted to blow up the plane using a bomb, the department of homeland security has taken new measures to ensure national security in the form of new high tech full body scans and pat down procedures in airports. The new body scanning machines create images of people without their clothing, and the new pat down procedure is generally considered too personal. Many people feel that the new airport security screening is an invasion of privacy. A recent poll by Zogby International ... Show more content on ... They argue that terrorists will just change their methods to fit the new security system. Bruce Schneier, a security expert, told The New York Times If there are a hundred tactics and I protect against two of them, I m not making you safer. If we use full body scanning, they re going to do something else (Schwartz, The New York Times). On the other side of the argument, the TSA (Transportation Security Administration)is more concerned with safety and security, than with individual rights. They argue that adopting
  • 7. a full body pat down procedure helps detect hidden and dangerous items, including explosives (CBS New York). Full body scanners are able to detect non metallic items as well as metallic items, whereas metal detectors can obviously only detect metal items. They help to make terrorist attacks more difficult. Former homeland security secretary Michael Chertoff said in an interview nothing is 100 Percent (but) The more difficult you make it for someone to conceal weapons, the fewer people who are going to be willing or capable of concealment. (Schwartz, The New York Times). As for the privacy invasion accusations associated with the
  • 8. Crime And Punishment In The Victorian Era Crime and Punishment The increase in poverty in the 1800s and the rise of the industrial revolution had a direct correlation to the escalation of crime throughout the world. The Victorian Era was harsh on the poor and on those who pushed the boundaries of the law, meaning that living as a criminal was particularly risky. Many had no other choice because they had no occupation or job that gave decent pay. However, there were a good number of rich people who were involved in a recent surge in new ideas and manufacturing. The culmination of these different classes resulted in acts of misconduct that included theft and riots and murder in other cases. To make matters worse the system of justice in place across the world was not yet refined, especially the Wild West days of America and the United Kingdom. Victorian England was well known for being rampant with crimeand many people are well aware of killers like Jack the Ripper having the ability to roam the streets without proper containment. Policing was of low quality, as was the detective field. The level of safety was extremely low and many crimes were merely dismissed as accident or non troublesome. The squalor of life had infested itself into the homes of the less fortunate who relied solely on poor law relief. When these people became discontented with their measly handouts, they took it upon themselves to steal from others. Children became pickpockets and women became shoplifters. Not only did England
  • 9. The Legacy Of Jazz And The Civil Rights Movement Austin Hartshorn Mr. McQuade AP Literature May 2, 2016 Marvels of Mingus Jazz is considered America s gift to the world. Throughout all of America s history jazz has been there to accompany and reflect it. But jazz has had its own history that is often underappreciated and hidden from the general public. There is evidence of this covering up of the history of jazz for example in the civil rights movement. The roots of jazz started with the bringing of African slaves to the Americas. While many do not know this origin of jazz even fewer would know about the involvement of jazz in the Civil Rights movement. For the entirety of America s history jazz has reflected the political and social climate of the current state of the country. ... Show more content on ... Interestingly, jazz also represents all of these things off the page. Therefore a harmonious combination of the two art mediums would result in a powerful piece of literature. August Wilson was an author who realized this and was able to create a fusion of music as a support of the major theme in his play Fences. The way the author uses music to highlight the main theme of discrepancies between liberalism and conservatism not only represents the 50s as a whole but offers an accurate depiction of what the jazz communities involvement was in the Civil Rights Movement. The 1950s was a strange time for the world. It was the decade after the second world war and there was a sense of xenophobia in society. This time period was perfect to set Wilson s play in for a variety of reasons. First, he could use the geography of the play to his advantage. The fact that the play is set in Pennsylvania is perfect because of its location in the United States. Being in the mid Atlantic region, it served the perfect place to have influences from both the staunch grass roots ideology of the South as well as the free thinking socio economic theories of the North. What this resulted in is the creation of the tugging atmosphere that permeates the characters thoughts and passively asserts itself in the minds of the audience. Second the time the play is set in allows for the author to represent these
  • 10. Women s Rights Essays Women s Rights Beginning in the mid 19th century, several generations of woman suffragesupporters lectured, wrote, marched and disobeyed many rules to change in the Constitution. parades, silence and hunger strikes where used to demonstrate the need for a change in the constitution. Women struggled for their rights ,and they struggled equally to black americans who desired voting rights as well(The Fifteenth Amendment., Susan Banfield pp.11 20). Women had it difficult in the mid 1800s to early 1900s. There was a difference in the treatment of men and women. Married women were legally concidered a property of the man they married in the eyes of the law. Women... Show more content on ... Elizabeth Cady Stanton and women like Susan B. Anthony, Lucy Stone, and Sojourner Truth, who were pioneer theorists, traveled the country lecturing and organizing for the next forty years. Winning the right to vote was the key issue, since the vote would provide the means to accomplish the other reforms. The campaign for woman s right to vote ran across continous opposition that it took 72 years for the women and their male supporters to win (When Hens Crow : the Woman s Rights Movements in Antebellum America pp.66). During the Women s RightsMovement, women faced incredible obstacles to win the American civil right to vote, which was later won in 1920.There were some very important women involved in the Women s Right Movement. Esther Morris, who was the first woman to hold a judicial position, who led the first successful state campaign for woman s right to vote, in 1869(What s Right with America., Dwight Bohmach pp.260 263). Abigail Scott Duniway, the leader of the successful fight in the early 1900s. Ida B. Wells Barnett and Mary Church Terrell, arrangers of thousands of African American women who worked for the right to vote for all women. Anna Howard Shaw and Carrie Chapman Catt, leaders of the National American Woman Suffrage Association in the early years of the 20th century, who got the campaign to its final success. If the suffrage movement had not been so ignored
  • 11. Dan Coats Essay The battle for the state of Indiana is usually quite set. Indiana has long been considered to be a staunch Republican supporting state, especially in Presidential races. The Hoosier state has only supported a Democratic candidate for president five times since 1900. These include Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt in two elections, Lyndon Johnson, and, by a mere 1% margin, Barak Obama. But, it is also interesting to note that eleven Democrats have been elected Indianas governor during that same time span. On the other hand, 14 Republican presidential candidates have defeated a Democratic candidate by double digit margins, including six times when a Republican won by more than 20%. Historically, Republicans have been strongest in the... Show more content on ... This is important because of that roughly 4.9 million people, enough voted for the Republican Daniel Coats to return to the US Senate after a 12 year hiatus. When trying to win any election in Indiana, candidates need to focus on the issues facing the everyday Hoosier. Specifically, the economy and jobs in Indiana are paramount. Understandably, candidates try to focus on Indiana s largest economic markets to get as much support as possible. For example, Northwestern Indiana is the largest steel producing area in the U.S. Besides steel, pharmaceuticals and medical devices reign king in central Indiana (Bureau of Labor Statistics, /eag/ This is largely attributed to the international headquarters and research facilities of pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly, the state s largest corporation, residing in Indianapolis. Similarly, the world headquarters of Mead Johnson Nutritionals is located in Evansville, Indiana. Logically so, Indiana ranks fifth among all U.S. states in total sales and shipments of pharmaceutical products and second highest in the number of bio pharmaceutical related jobs (Terre Haute Economic Development Center, Therefore, when politicians look to pick up the work force s vote, they give special attention to these departments. On
  • 12. What Is The Breach Of An Agreement Agreement may be used as evidence in a subsequent proceeding in which any of the Parties allege a breach of this Agreement. 9. Confidentiality. Charter, Lamonea, and Oliva agrees that they will keep completely and strictly confidential the existence of all claims (which led to this Agreement) and the existence, terms, and amount of this Agreement and that will not hereafter disclose or authorize the disclosure of any information directly or indirectly concerning Charter and Lamonea s false claims or this Agreement to any person other than his immediate family (i.e., spouse, par ent(s), siblings, children), lawyer, or accountants without the prior written consent of all parties, except as necessary in any legal... Show more content on ... This Agreement may not be changed, modified, amended or altered except by written agreement signed by all Parties hereto. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between Charter, Lamonea, and Oliva. 11. Severability The provisions of this Agreement are severable, and if any clause or provision herein shall be adjudged invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or by operation of any applicable law, it shall not affect the validity of any other clause or provision, which shall remain in full force and effect. 12. Governing Law. This Agreement will in all material respects be interpreted, enforced, and governed under the laws of the State of California. 13. No Other Consideration. Charter, Lamonea, and Oliva affirms that the only consideration received for entering into this Agreement is as stated herein, and that no other promise, representation or agreement of any kind has been made to, or relied upon by, all parties in connection with the execution of this Agreement. All parties further acknowledges that they have read the entire Agreement, has been fully advised of the legal effect of each provision contained in this Agreement by counsel of their own choosing, and fully understands the meaning and intent of the Agreement, including, but not limited to, mutually protecting all parties, and its final and binding effect in relation to the release of all claims.
  • 13. Eliza Haywood s Love In Excess Eliza Haywood s Love in Excess is a novel about the many whirlwinds of romance surrounding the main character, the Count D elmont. In part, one Amena explores her sexuality and on several occasions meet the Count, in the end, the affair was founded out and Amena is labeled a ruined woman, therefore she was sent to a monastery. The Count quickly moves on and marries, Amena s loverival and friend Alovisa. Soon after marrying Alovisa, the Count falls in love with a woman named Milliora. Alovisa is the jealous and overprotective wife, longing for her husband to love her the way she does; in the end that love and devotion indirectly cause her death, which is accidently brought on by the Count. In part three another woman appears, Ciamara, who... Show more content on ... It s not hard to relate to how Alovisa felt when it came to seeing the Count with Amena. She had not been long in the drawing room, before it grew full of company, but D elmont not being amongst em, she had her eyes fixed toward the door, expecting every moment to see him enter; but how impossible is it to represent her confusion, when he appeared, leading the young Amena (41). Later on, Alovisa expressed how she felt disdain, despair and jealousie (41), she describes them as violent emotions; everyone has some point in their lives as felt envy especially in the love department, many women reading amatory fiction could probably relate. On the other side of the coin looking through the eyes of Amena, some women reading at one time could have been in her shoes, thought to be the apple of someone s eyes then only in the end getting cast away, or like Amena getting sent away so for the sake of Alovisa and D elmont s relationship. (78 79). Amatory fiction such as Love in Excess, probably coined the phrase all is fair in love and
  • 14. The, The And, And The United Arab Emirates And United... Introduction Text analysis makes qualitative research faster and easier by highlighting important terms and allowing us to categorize open ended responses. The ability to analyze what your respondents say helps you gain insight into their attitudes, behaviors, concerns, motivations, and culture. The qualitative content analysis, focus is more on the intentionality and it implications. While the quantitative content analysis transforms observations of finding categories into quantitative statistical data. In this assignment I choose to find out more about what the biggest web news in France, United Arab Emirates and United States is writing about the ISIS situation. I am really interested in finding out if a UAE article writes fewer words about ISIS since it is an Islamic group and UAE is an Islamic country, compared to France and the United States. Methods One of the biggest newspapers in France is France 24, which broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week to 250 million TV households in 177 countries around the world (France 24, 2014). Their website I used to find my articles had 24 million visits a month and its published both in English and French. In United Arab Emirates one of the biggest newspaper is the Khaleej Times, which is an English language newspaper published in the United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates, 2014). With around 150 000 copies which cover Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Khaleej Times in the most popular newspaper in
  • 15. Benefits Of Fantasy Football Fantasy Football is a game that belongs to a billion dollar industry called fantasy sports wherein players, aptly called team owners, can acquire or draft an entire team of real life professional football players. Arranged into leagues that mimic real ones, Fantasy Football participants gain score points through statistical capabilities or performances of the real world playerswhich are included in the fantasy rosters of the respective owners. In essence, the way to win in Fantasy Football is to always have high quality players. Since the performance of the real world players can change in between real world matches, you need to make regular updates or changes to the players in your fantasy roster to keep up with the fantasy games. This ... Show more content on ... To do this you just go the players page in your league s website, there you will find the list of players to choose from. Commonly, for each player that you acquire, a corresponding member of your team should be dropped too. All in all, after acquiring a new player and dropping an old one, your roster will be changed. But there are other ways of changing players in Football Fantasy and here they are. Activating Bench Players To Active Status One of the most overlooked ways of changing players in an existing lineup is by simply changing the status of a certain player from bench to active or vice versa. You can access this function online by simply going to your team s webpage. There you will find a menu that permits you to change the status of each of the players on your roster. Always remember to save the changes before you exit the page. Trading Players This can be the easiest way of changing the player composition of a Fantasy Football team. For one, this method of changing players on a team is allowed even if the season has already started. And more importantly, this method has very few restrictions; so the process and the agreements that lead to the trading of players is entirely left to the preferences of the two teams that decide to
  • 16. 1980 Usa Hockey In 1980 the United States defeated the Soviet Union in a game of hockey that came to be known as the greatest moment in sports history. The team was compromised of all amateur players. Since then rules have changed and now the use of professional athletes is allowed in Olympic competition. It is my belief that the use of professional athletes in Olympic competition ruins the pride and glory of the games. Prior to 1952 only amateur athletes were allowed in the Olympic Games, both winter and summer. Then the Soviet Union and its 14 Communist allies entered the games. They trained 8 hours a day, 365 days a year. They won most of the gold, silver and bronze during the 1970s and 1980s. None of these athletes were amateur, and yet they were ... Show more content on ... In 1998 in Nagano an unknown number of players on the U.S. men s hockey team caused about $1,000 worth of damage to their rooms at the Olympic athlete s village about 10 hours after they were eliminated from the Olympic tournament. Chairs were broken, and two apartments were damaged by activated fire extinguishers. ( This just showed a poor display of sportsmanship and was a disgrace to the United States at the Olympics. Not that many teams dominate like the mens basketball team and not all other teams destroy hotel rooms after losing, but there are other reasons professional athletes should not be used, such as what it is they are playing for. They don t really care if they win or not, because they play for money, not pride. Amatuers aren t worried about money, they play for their pride of the sport and for the chance to play for their country. Professional athletes who make millions of dollars a year tend not to get as much out of the Olympic experience. They fly in just before their event, stay in the most expensive hotel, and fly back home after their event is over. They miss the Olympic village, the interaction with other athletes, and sometimes even the ceremonies. This can be the opportunity of a lifetime for a lot of amatuer athletes, where as profressionals are allready on big time teams and don t care about playing in the olympics
  • 17. Theo Faron On November 16th, 2027, a short news (done by newsreaders Mishal Husain Rob Curling) reports on the state of the world: girls became sterilized and no youngsters are born for eighteen years. Most of the world s societies have folded and in Britain all foreigners are declared unlawful immigrants and area unit rounded up by British military forces to be deported. In addition, the youngest person in the world, South American nation Baby Diego (Juan archangel Yacuzzi), has been killed by one of his fans once he refused to grant them an autograph. Theo Faron (Clive Owen) leaves the cafe and stops to put liquor to his coffee the shop is blown up by a bomb. The act is credited to a secretive guerrilla cluster, the Fishes. Theo is stunned by the... Show more content on ... They take Kee and her baby and leave Theo and Marichka to be executed by Patric (Charlie Hunman), one of Luke s lieutenants. They are able to escape when a fight erupts nearby. Theo goes looking for Kee, finding her in a decrepit flat which is under fire from the military. Theo finds Kee with Luke, who is firing at the British forces outside. As Theo attempts to take Kee and the baby out, Luke opens fire in Theo s direction Luke is killed a few moments later. As Theo and Kee walk out of the house, everyone who sees the baby stands in awe and the fighting stops. The two walk outside the building and begin to walk away. The fighting resumes. They go back to Marichka and the small boat she s holding for them and float out into Bexhill s harbor. Marichka refuses to depart with them and pushes the boat out. The two make it out to a close by buoy that marks the rendezvous point. As they wait, jets fly above and start an attack of Bexhill. Kee sees blood at the bottom of the boat and panics, thinking it s hers. Theo tells her he was hit in the abdomen once Luke shot at him. Theo has barely enough time to show Kee the way to burp the baby
  • 18. The Concert Of The Packed Recital Hall In the packed recital hall, an orchestra performs their warmup rituals. The venue boasts of chandeliers, perfect lighting, cushioned seats and richly carpeted aisles leading to the stage on which stands a Steinway grand piano in front of the orchestra. The pianist and conductor mount the stage. The soloist bows while the audience claps. Silence descends on the room and the performer takes a seat at the piano. Strains of beautiful music emanate from the instruments and fill the room. The pianist s fingers fly across the keys. Amazed, the audience listens in total silence. One of the greatest composers had left his mark on this audience. The piece was the Concerto No.1 in D minor by Johann Sebastian Bach. He was the greatest composer not just because of that piece but also considering music history, his personal story, his popularity during lifetime, the volume of his compositions, the make up of his music, and familiarity today. Music history is divided four main time periods. Famous musicians lived and composed masterpieces throughout all four eras. The Baroque period, from 1600 1750, was characterized by ornamented and extravagant pieces. Well known musicians, Bach and Handel, achieved recognition for their choral works during this time. The Classical period spanning from 1750 1825, differentiates from the Baroque period in that music employed strict and simple technique. At the peak of the Classical period, Mozart and Beethoven produced orchestral and instrumental works.
  • 19. James Parkinson And Geisenheimer s Essay Did you know that 60,000 people are diagnosed with Parkinson s and 700,000 people suffer from Alzheimer s each year? Alzheimer s and Parkinson s date back to the 1700 s and 1800 s to when they were discovered. These illnesses are just as terrifying to the families as it is to the patient. Because of the scare in the diseases, these families wanted answers. The patients were sent to James Parkinson and Alois Alzheimerwhich were the doctors who diagnosed these illnesses. Alois Alzheimer was born on June 14, 1864 in a small Bavarian town in Marktbreit Germany (Alois, A1). He was born into a catholic family and had an early interest in science. His father was a royal notary in the kingdom of Bavaria, and because of his first wife s death during child birth, he remarried and had 6 more children wife his deceased wife s sister, in which Alois was the first born of his second marriage. As a young boy, Alois had grew up being taught that the strong looked over the weak. Years later, in 1894, he had married Cecilia Geisenheimer and had 3 children with her. As the... Show more content on ... In his report in 1908 of Auguste s illness, he was able to take the credit and name the illness after himself because he had discovered plaque only and plaque and tangles in the brain to be different stages in the same disease process. James Parkinson observed prolonged trembling mostly in hands and feet and his descriptions on this illness was so comprehensive that his research had influenced other pathologists to study Parkinson s. As four decades had passed, a French physician, Jean Martin Charcot named the syndrome after James Parkinson. His famous essay on the Shaking Palsy established the Syndrome and recognized it as a medical
  • 20. My Most Impactful Experience At A Summer Camp Most people have some sort of experience or memory that has had a profound impact on their life. A parent passed away, a competition was won, or an obstacle was faced. My most impactful experience is much simpler, yet just as important as these moments. Summer camp. I know, it does not sound like anything big, but my years at a small summer camp in Maine made me who I am today. Now, on the outside, Camp Bishopswood looks like any other religious camp on a lake. The beautiful view, the sounds and smells of the natural world, and quaint little cabins surrounded by trees. I drove onto the property eight years ago and did not think anything special of it, aside from the fact that it looked like a fun way to spend a week. It certainly was full of fun, but that was only the start of it. My first day there gave way to a week, and it went by in a snap. My time there was fun, I made some new friends, learned a few things, and my parents did not have to worry about me being bored for a week. It was a win win for everyone in my family, including my sister who got to join me at camp for some time. As I look back now, I still had no clue what this camp had to offer. The magic started with my decision to come during the week of my birthday. I assumed it would not change anything and I would just push my birthday party until later in the summer. Boy, was I wrong. Not only did my counselors acknowledge my birthday, the entire camp sang a modified rendition of Happy Birthday at breakfast! After that, campers who I did not even know were walking up to me and wishing me a happy birthday. For a day, it felt like I was the most important person at camp! I felt included in a place where I truly belonged. After that, every year, my birthday week was the first to be booked. The weeks turned into years and before I knew it, I was old enough to become a counselor in training. This was the year that my whole outlook changed. I was an extremely sheltered 15 year old high schoolstudent fresh out of my sophomore year, learning how to do something never asked of me. Taking care of children is certainly not as easy as I thought, but I learned. The program taught me everything I needed to know to become a real counselor,
  • 21. Essay about The Possible Mechanisms of Scrapie Contraction The Possible Mechanisms of Scrapie Contraction Scrapie was first discovered in Great Britain in the late 1900 s. The first case of scrapie in the United States was found in Michigan in 1947 when the flock owner had imported sheep of British origin several years prior. Since then scientists have researched to find the cause of the scrapie agent that are classified as transmissible spongiform encephalopathy. At the present, scientists have presented three main theories that explain why the scrapie agent holds a dangerous threat against its host and how it elicits its symptoms. Scientists are finding genetic alternatives to prevent and dampen the spread of scrapie within sheep and goat flocks. They use methods such as tatoing and genetic ... Show more content on ... Because of the mysterious nature of the disease, the origin of scrapie and the damage it causes the body can only be theorized. The three main theories of scrapie and its structure s effect on the symptoms it causes sheep and goats all present potential information about the disease and its cure (Scrapie Fact Sheet. August 2001: http:/ / The uncertainty of the origin and cause of scrapie is due to the insufficient research to find a solution to the epidemic because it is still considered a relatively new disease and not an immediate threat to humans. There have been three main theories of the cause of scrapie and its resistant nature to all previous experimental cures. The first theory is that the agent is a virus with unusual characteristics. The second theory is that the agent is a prion, which is an exclusively host coded protein that is modified to a protease resistant form after infection. The last theory is that the agent is a virino, a small nucleic acid coated with a host derived protective protein that allows it to resist scientists futile attempts at destroying it (Scrapie Fact Sheet. August 2001: The first theory of the scrapie agent being an unusual virus presents a serious problem to scientists because viruses do not respond to antibiotics and other chemicals of that nature. Scientists would have to find an
  • 22. Essay The Mexican-American War The Mexican American War. The Mexican American war was a process of years of battles between the Mexicans and Americans but I think after this informational paper, you ll seem to know a little bit more knowledge about it. How it all started, well in the beginning, the Americans and Mexicans both wanted to control Texas, but at the time it was a part of the Mexican territory, well soon enough Americans wanted control over it so badly that they started to travel into Texas s land. Part of the reason why Americans wanted it so badly was because it was a big land and had lots of resources and just did not want the Mexicans to have any control over it. ( Social Studies for kids The Mexican American war) As more Americans moved to the land,... Show more content on ... At first angry words were swapped, but Mexico soon got tired of words and wanted action to happen. The first major action was at the Alamo, a San Antonio area fort, there were a total of 189 defenders, and the fort was well ordered by Mexico. In the same year Mexican general Santa Anna ordered the massacre of 342 American prisoners. Americans obviously didn t like that and reacted by fighting back, the result of Americans fighting back was the battle of San Jacinto in which hundreds of Americans defeated a much larger Mexican force. Half of the Mexican soldiers were killed and most were taken as prisoners. ( Social Studies for kids The Mexican American war) In 1844, the U.S. took over Texas, making it apart of the American land. Two years later, war began. The first major battle of the Mexican American war took place at Palo Alto, not far from the US/Mexico border in Texas, by May of 1846, lots of things had happened that had soon enough broke out into war. Mexican general Mariano arista, positioned blockade to fort Texas, knowing that American general Zachary Taylor would have to come and break the blockade, arista then laid a trap, picking the time and place the battle would take place. (The Mexican American war, article) Basically neither side could claim victory, then soon after followed the battle of Monterrey, American forces under General Zachary Taylor seized the Mexican city. The California city of Monterey surrendered to
  • 23. Facilitate Seller Relationship With Sears Helen Chang 2620 N Berkeley Lake Rd. N.W. Apt. 924 Duluth, GA 30096 (305) 395 9098 | ObjectiveMy objective is to find an opportunity to display my skills and knowledge in a challenging field where I can grow as a person and as a professional. Education Florida State UniversityTallahassee, FL Bachelor of Science, Political Science, ChineseGraduated May 2014 Work Experience iSpring Water Systems Project Manager Atlanta, GANovember 2014 Present Facilitate seller relationship with Amazon, Sears, Overstock,
  • 24. Taking a Look at Life with Lex Life With Lex is a newly set up retail establishment that will offer fashionable clothing for sale to women aging from eighteen to fifty years old. Life With Lex is a sole proprietorship small business that will be located in uptown Kingston, New York. The uptown area of Kingston is becoming an extremely popular shoppingarea for locals because of its hip, vintage feel. While my inceptive goal is to open one boutiquein uptown Kingston, my extension plans include inherently franchising my boutique Life With Lex, and/or the premises I am located in, a highly acknowledged brand name. In the future, I would truly hope to occupy a substantial portion of the online retail market. The small business venture that I own and operate, a boutique named Life With Lex, is the perfect establishment for women to purchase products ranging from stylish clothing all the way to useful accessories. Flourishing businesses have a common characteristic in that they do something serviceable for their customers. Therefore, if I precisely understand customer problems and needs, my business will have a better chance of triumph. My target market for my boutique Life With Lex is women aged from eighteen to fifty years old. Within this thirty two age range, there are working class women and college students. Being in this particular age range, I personally know and fully understand that working class and college women like to buy fashionable, stylish clothing and other vaguely conservative
  • 25. The Most Influential Battles of the American Revolution Essay During the Revolutionary War, there were many battles that were fought, but there were a few that changed the result of the war. The battles of Trenton and Princeton were fought strategically. During both of the battles, Washington made bold moves that later impacted the army s success. Another battle that was fought was the Battle of Saratoga, and before this battle, the Continental Armydid not have a strong chance of winning because they were facing the powerful and well equipped British army. The Battle of Saratoga was the battle that completely changed the tide of the war. The Battle of Yorktown was the last land battle fought of the Revolutionary War. It was also the battle where the British surrendered to the Americans and won... Show more content on ... During the march to Trenton, there was a storm, so the Hessians did not send out an early morning patrol to look out for enemies. The storm also helped to hide Washington s army, so the Hessians did not know they were coming. Major General Nathanael Greene and Major General John Sullivan were two men serving under General Washington. They were both marching with Washington on December 26, 1776. Washington s plan of attack was to split his army into two groups in order to surround the Hessians. He and Major General Nathanael Greene would enter from the north, while Major General John Sullivan would enter Trenton from the south. Greene and Sullivan followed the plan, and the Hessians were completely taken by surprise. Both Generals moved into a position to surround the Hessians. Many soldiers started to abandon their artillery, so the Americans captured the abandoned artillery and used it to their advantage. Some of the Hessian and British soldiers tried to escape over Assunpink Bridge, but General Sullivan led troops to the bridge and guarded it to prevent more escapes. The Hessians and British were now trapped. The Hessians who tried to escape through the apple orchards and over Assunpink Bridge were all forced to surrender. The Americans had won the battle of Trenton in less than two hours. More than 400 British and Hessian soldiers escaped, and 106 had
  • 26. Nt1310 Unit 3 Assignment 1-3 Reaction Paper DES III challenge it took 22 hours and 15 minutes to crack the message. AES(advanced encryption standard) It was first published in year 2001and is more mathematically efficient and elegant cryptographic algorithm [4]. Its main strength rests in the option for various key lengths. It allows to choose 128 bit, 192 bit, or 256 bit is exponentially stronger than the 56 bit uses Permutation Substitution that is, it involves a series of substitution and permutation steps to create the encrypted block. Substitution is simply a mapping of one value to another and permutation is the re ordering of the bit positions for each of the inputs.there can be 2^128,2^192, 2^256 combinations of the key. Maximum amount of data that can be transferred
  • 27. The Perception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt The Perception of Roosevelt During the 1920 s a series of events were set into motion that plunged America into one of the worst time of its existence come 1929 and later the Great Depression. Through the challenges America faced, it arose to become the world s strongest leading economical and political superpower. As the country began to emerge stronger than ever, leaders arose to the occasion and aided its progression as a world power. One such leader was be Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Due to his actions, the memory of him was preserved in the form of political cartoons for individuals to view and come to the conclusion that despite some ill feelings toward the man, he was a man of noble character who aided America in achieving greatness. Roosevelt grew up in a wealthy New York family, and was offered every opportunity of success. He took advantage of this and became educated at Harvard College and Columbia Law School; from here, he became an accomplished a successful career as a lawyer and politician. In August of 1921, he contracted Polio and became paralyzed from the waist down. Due to his extreme optimism that he gained throughout his privileged life, he used his Polio to this to his advantage when he ran for President by showing that he was part of a minority, the disabled, he became more relatable to the general public. He was seen as a man of action and without fear. This mentality was demonstrated during his inaugural address when he stated that The
  • 28. The Differences Between Parliamentary Presidential System Differences between Parliamentary system and Presidential system [Judiciary] In relating both systems, parliamentary and presidential systems are currently using different judiciary system to enforce law in society. Before entering judiciary segment, it is essential to understand the definition of judiciary where it can be noted that: ...Judiciary is commonly considered the third branch of government. It stabilizes the political system by solving disputes involving the country s law... (Barrington, 2010, p. 280) ...It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is... John Marshall cited in (Woll, 1992, p. 251) From this definition above, the judiciary simply implies the body or branch that play ... Show more content on ... Administration of law in United Kingdom is different with United States of America, this can shown in: ...The United Kingdom does not have a single body of law applicable throughout the kingdom. Scotland has it is own distinctive system and courts, and in Northern Ireland certain spheres of law differ in substance from those operating in England and Wales. The main civil courts in England and Wales are: Magistrates Courts County Courts for small cases and The High Court, which is divided into The Chancery Division, The Family Division, and The Queen s Bench Division (including the maritime and commercial courts), for the more important cases... (The United Kingdom Judicial System) But in United States of America the courts that operating are: ...Supreme Courts consisted of six justices, who rode the circuit as judges of the Courts of Appeals. The courts was reduced to five members at one time and expended to ten at another. Since 1869, The Supreme Courts has consistently had nine members. And since 1891, the justices have no had to serve on courts of appeal, although each justice has some responsibilities with at least one appeals court... (Woll, 1992, p. 268) The differences are can be shown when comparing the administration on judiciary branch. In United States of America the judiciary branches are administered by congress because: ...Generally, Congress determines the jurisdiction of the federal courts. In some cases,
  • 29. Cultural Background Assignment 1.What is your cultural background? I was raised in a home that was Baptist, but we did not attend church every week. I did attend church by myself from the third grade through the ninth grade. We lived in an upper middle class neighborhood that was almost 100% white. My aunts and uncles, as well as my grandparents, lived close by so we visited frequently. 2.Do you identify with a particular ethnic group? I identify myself as white, non Hispanic. 3.Select an ethnic group you come the closest to identifying with, and describe the group s customary behaviors regarding each of the following: a.Role the father, mother, children, and other extended familymembers. As I was raised in a completely white environment I look back and only ... Show more content on ... When I was 12 my grandfather died of cancer. I knew he was sick and was dying but we never discussed it. I was able to see my grandfather before he died and was able to attend his funeral. Two years later my grandmother died suddenly and we were able to attend his funeral. I vaguely remember attending a couple other funerals but I was really too young to understand what exactly was going on. 4.How do you feel about your ethnic identity? What are the strengths and weaknesses you perceive in your ethnic group? I am very lucky in that I grew up in a household that ethnicity was never discussed. I always believed (as my parents did) that everyone was equal. I think this was definitely a strength in that I never looked down on anyone. I can say the only weakness that my ethnic group would have is those that do look down upon other ethnic groups. I did not witness this from anyone (that I remember) until I was an adult. 5.What ethnic groups lived in your home environment when you were growing up? How did your family relate to families of other ethnic groups (consider attitudes, experiences, power relationship; i.e., was one dependent on, or subordinate to,
  • 30. How Is Mr Kurtz Justified In Heart Of Darkness Imperialism Throughout history, imperialism has affected thousands of people and many more. The idea of advancing onto another civilization for their own betterment is prevalent throughout the ages as well as in the Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness, a novel written by Joseph Conrad reflects his own personal experience of imperialism in the Congo Free Stateof Africathrough Marlow s eyes. For the duration of the book, selfishness and strive for virtue overpowers the idea of bringing order to an uncivilized nation. Marlow, the protagonist of the tale, presents how corrupt a person can become when given the chance to better themselves with riches. Many places throughout the world have been affected by Europe s imperialistic ideals in the past and even... Show more content on ... Kurtz justified their actions because they both had some severe experience that implemented on them. Mr. Kurtz was an intelligent man with aspirations but was driven insane because of his time in solitude in the forest, and Marlow s actions are justified because he had seen that Mr. Kurtz was a good man and he believed that it was in his power to leave Mr. Kurtz in the best note possible, insuring his immortality. The influence that Mr. Kurtz had on everyone is what drove many of the characters to do what they did. For example, The man presented himself as a voice. Not of course that I did not connect him with some sort of action. Hadn t I been told in all the tones of jealousy and admiration that he had collected, bartered, swindled, or stolen more ivory that all the other agents together? . A man who worked at one of the stations was envious of Mr. Kurtz and his achievements, this was the outlook of many of the people who worked at various stations. Marlow considered Kurtz a supreme being and influenced him into believing that his actions were justified. He believed that Kurtz was a remarkable man because, He had something to say. He said it. [...] when a long time after I heard once more, not his own voice, but the echo of his magnificent eloquence thrown to me from a soul as translucently pure as a cliff of crystal . It also affected Mr. Kurtz s intended because she was left with believing that the last word he said was her name and that he will be remembered in the best of ways in her mind. Even in death, Mr. Kurtz exuded power over
  • 31. The Importance Of My Trip To Europe Everyone has at least one thing, place, or person that is meaningful to them, something that provokes a strong emotion. For me, there are a few things that are very meaningful to me. There is one thing that stands out to me as something I don t want to ever forget about. This is the trip to three countries in Europe this past June. As a graduation gift, I went with my teacher and students on a trip to Paris, Switzerland, and Italy. This trip not only changed my view on everything but it also changed who I am. This trip was brought about my teacher. Every year she uses EF Tours, an education tour provider, to give her students options for different trips all over the world. Some places include Mexico, Australia, Europe, and more. Typically, students 10th grade and above are invited to join her for a trip, which is cheaper than it would be to just go without EF tours. Every year I heard about these trips since I had her as my teacher all four years of high school. Originally, the thoughtof going on the trips scared me. My mindwould go all over the place thinking of all of the bad things that could happen. Thinking about it made my heart feel like it was trying to come out of my chest, like a bird escaping its cage. As the four years went by, I would hear about these trips and just push the idea of it out of my mind. That was until senior year when this trip came up. The plan was to travel to the three countries with a possibility of going to England. Whenever I heard
  • 32. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was a program that employed millions of young, unmarried men on environmental projects during the Great Depression from 1933 1942. The CCC was one of FDR s most popular and most successful New Deal programs. It employed 300,000 men that helped plant over three billion trees, constructed nature trails in more than 800 parks around the United States, and shaped the national parks we enjoy today ( The CCC s impact can be noticed everyday all around the nation. The book Hitch by Jeanette Ingold is historically accurate with its portrayal of the Civilian Conservation Corps. This CCC stuff is just temporary for me, to bring in a little cash (Ingold 36). This quote gives a good representation... Show more content on ... Compton is pretty angry in this quote because he is working beside criminals. In fact, Moss had been arrested for trespassing on railroad property. A lot of men and women were arrested for petty crimes, and many were sent to the CCC to get them off of the streets and to give people something to do. According to, one Chicago judge felt the CCC was largely responsible for the large reduction in crime. The CCC gave young men a job, taught them skills, and provided them with a lot of benefits. It gave them a sense of self worth and value as they helped their families, it helped the communities they worked in, and it boosted their own self esteem. Having real work to do charged up the guys (Ingold 285). The CCC was developed to create jobs that would boost the economy. The CCC specifically targeted young men, providing them with employment, food, and shelter. These young men often sent money home to their families. In exchange, the men received training and education that would stay with the throughout their lives. Besides economic benefits, the CCC also provided a lasting legacy in our country. There are 16 parks that were built by the CCC in South Carolina alone. The CCC was a resounding success for the New Deal and the country because it supplied jobs, education, and a place for young men to
  • 33. Kankakee Research Paper I chose the city of Kankakee, Illinois not only because I was born and raised here, but because I believe that there is so much potential for change here. Kankakee is a 100% urban city in Illinois and is located 45 minutes from the south side of Chicago. Kankakee has been known to some as a very southern suburb, but it is not. Kankakee is a part of a tri city area and is not included in the southern suburbs of Chicago. I heard a recording of Jay Leno saying that Kankakee is one of the worst places to live years ago and that lit the fire in me to return and see great things happen here. Kankakee is often talked about in a negative way from the residentsand those who visit the area, but I see the potential of this city in its people.... Show more content on ... I believe the proper way to minister in this context is to connect with some of the existing establishments and groups of people to rally together to start the change in the community. As a Community Organizer I had the privilege of networking and affiliating with various community organizations in Kankakee. I plan to utilize former contacts and to create new relationships with people that want to see a positive change in the community regarding youth violence and delinquency. I believe that being in contact with the Kankakee Police Department, mayoral candidates, churches, ministerial groups, residents, parents, and youth is a starting point for me. I am coming into the community as a former resident, but I will not assume to know the specific problems that the residents feel are responsible for youth violence and delinquency. I will be open to hear their thoughts, write down suggestions, and work to form a committee that would like to work on creating solutions to this problem. As a subset to this committee I will also organize a youth committee that will pull together resources in the community that they feel are apart of the solution and also brainstorm ideas on creating a bigger solution. We will utilize the youth to speak their voice and to be hands on in making the change for themselves and their peers. We will support the youths so that they feel that they have all of the proper tools and resources that they need. I feel that being an activist for our community is a ministry within itself. Social justice is a very important part of ministry that is sometimes
  • 34. The Qualitative Methodology Of Research Essay The qualitative methodology of this research can be considered appropriate, as the researchers have explained about the participants subjective experiences throughout the article in different sections such as data collection and analysis, experience of healthcare and effects of the illness, experience of spiritual needs and variation over the course of the illness, spiritual help/support, developing spiritual support guidelines and services, conclusions and implications for the nurse managers. The research design seemed appropriate to address the aims of the research as sampling, data collection and analysis was carried out on the basis of qualitative research method. Although the researcher fails to clearly state which type of sampling was used in the research, however from observation it has been assumed that purposive sampling was used which was considered appropriate for this type of study. Purposive sampling is the type of sampling where participants are usually recruited to a study because of their exposure to or their experience of the phenomenon in question, which tends to ensure richness in the data, gathered (Borbasi and Jackson 2012, p.135). The researcher has not been able to give reason behind some participants not taking part as out of 26 patients accepting the information about the study 17 agreed to participate. One died before the first interview leaving with a sample of 16 patients, which can be considered appropriate sample size as qualitative samples are
  • 35. Explain How The United States Should Reflect The Domestic... Answer this question from the perspective of Britain, France, and the United States and within the context of the early 1930s. How do you think each country would react to the situation in Germany as described by Rumbold and Messersmith? Your response should reflect the domestic context of each country in the early 1930s. The U.K, France, and the U.S would have reacted similarly to the situation in Germany during the 1930s given the situation at the time. The United States during the 1930s suffered greatly due to the Great Depressioncaused by Black Tuesday, crash of the stock market. There was mass unemployment and uncertainty. To make matter worse, Herbert Hoover, the president at the time, did little to help the American public. Hoover argued that market would fix itself and that the government should not interfere in order to help the public. As a result, the U.S pursued a policy of isolationism in order to focus on the situation within the country instead of worry about the rise of Adolf Hitlerin Nazi Germany. Both the French and the British had their suspicion that Nazi Germany would be a troublesome state. However, the situation warranted that they appease to... Show more content on ... As previously stated, the situation in Europe was poor. The Great Depression in the U.S affected the British economy. Unemployment and stagnant economic growth made the public reluctant to add Germany into the list of problem that Britain had to face. In addition, pro nazi sentiment in Britain was active. The Daily Mail and former prime minister David Lloyd George expressed friendly sentiment towards the Nazis. Furthermore, Neville Chamberlain expressed that he could secure peace between the two nations by appeasing to Hitler. Chamberlain argued that Hitler only wanted the German people living in Czechoslovakia, not conquest. By doing that Chamberlain believed he secured peace for our
  • 36. Washington Crossing The Delaware Compare And Contrast Essay Emmanuel Leutze s painting Washington Crossing the Delaware shares some similarities with David Shulman s poem Washington Crossing the Delaware ; however, the dissimilarities are more abundant. These works of art and literature portray the scene of that remembered Christmas day when Washington and his army set out to conquer to Hessian people. Although they have similarities, there are some differences in these works that are nothing less than noticeable. Join me in observing the similarities and dissimilarities in these pieces. There are parallels in Shulman s poem and Leutze s painting and I would like to point them out. First, how the water is represented in these two works are very much alike. In the painting, you can see that they are ... Show more content on ... The main difference in these two works is the disorder and movement. The painting by Leutze expresses more of a chaotic scene while the Shulman s poem creates a slightly more composed environment. Struggle is more evident in the painting. While the poem is serene and instills confidence and excitement for battle in the reader, the painting depicts struggling men fighting for a cause we are not quite certain of. Also, the feeling depicted in the painting is predominantly distraught while the poem makes me feel the scene is filled with precise determination. Washington commands: so go alight, crew, and win! (Shulman line 14). This is him telling them to go sneak, fight, and win the battle. This makes evident some of the varying differences of these two works. You can see how in the painting Washington is not promoting ideas or confidence in his crew like he is the poem (Leutze Washington Crossing the Delaware ). This is a leading reason in the difference of disorder. Also, the painting shows ice as a major obstacle, while in the poem no ice is mentioned. This shows how there is another element of conflict in the painting than in the written work which can add to the madness happening. The poem depicts the brave, fearless leader watching the army he is leading and rather triumphantly commanding them to go into battle and win (Shulman s Washington Crossing the Delaware). When the poem
  • 37. Test Drive Case Study Drivers who take the 2018 Kia Soul Near Santa Fe NM for a test drive will love the abundance of features found in this model as well as the great low price. This is before they learn about the 10 year/100,000 mile warranty on the powertrain, as well as the reliability of this model. In addition, this vehicle holds its resale value very well. One area where it truly stands out from its competitors is in the interior. Not only is it stylish, it s packed with excellent equipment and the materials are all of high quality. Anyone in the market for a new vehicle will want to take this one for a test drive. What s New For 2018 Those who have considered a Soul in the past will be thrilled to learn that Kia has added to the standard features on... Show more content on ... The Soul Plus Individuals who want an automatic transmission will need to choose this trim level or higher on the Kia Soul near Santa Fe . This model comes with a 2.0 liter engine along with 17 inch alloy wheels. Other features found on the Soul Plus include automatic climate control, the UVO3 system with a seven inch color touchscreen, remote keyless entry and cruise control. In addition, this trim level includes Drive Mode Select, fog lights, exterior mirrors that are heated and a rearview camera, among others. Furthermore, the cargo area includes 12 volt power outlets. Visit one of our Santa Fe Kia Dealers to learn more about these and the many other features found in this trim level. Packages are also available on the 2018 Kia Soul Plus. Select the Audio package and get features such as a navigation system that makes use of an eight inch touchscreen, a shift knob and steering wheel encased in leather and two USB charging points. Those who choose the Audio package may also add the Primo Lit package that comes with items such as ventilated front seats, heated seats in both the front and rear, a heating steering wheel and HID headlights. The Soul Exclaim The Exclaim rounds out the Soul lineup and comes with a turbocharged 1.6 liter engine, a dual clutch seven speed automatic transmission and bigger disc brakes in the front. The headlights are automatic on this model, the seats are leather and the car rides on 18 inch alloy wheels. Choose this model and
  • 38. Xylitol Research Paper The benefits of xylitol is a healthy alternative to sugar, or is it? I got a little excited when I came across it. I thought it might be a better, healthier option for me to include into my anti aging routine. I am always on the look out for a healthy sugar substitute. Especially since I have such a sweet tooth, yet I always seem to come back to the same one I have always use, raw honey. Yes, it seems to get yourself worked up over xylitol, is all for nothing. There are of course so many good and bad arguments about this stuff. It is difficult to find a clear opinion or argument on the benefits of xylitol. I have a little rule I like to follow when it comes to what goes in my body. If there are too many questions marks about something I avoid it. Bbecause healthy and natural should not have two conflicting sides ever. For ... Show more content on ... This to me is a much healthier option. I get my kids to brush their teeth with activated charcoal another healthy alternative. It has become a popular substitute as it is the only sweetener on the market that tastes very much like sugar and yet offers fewer calories. benefits of xylitol Benefits Of Xylitol What makes the benefits of xylitol so popular is the belief the general population has about it being a healthier choice. You know, it actually occurs naturally in many stone fruits, oats, mushrooms, birch tree bark and corn cob. Sadly, however, most of the Xylitol you find on the local supermarket shelf sourced from the corn cob. It is cheaper and usually from genetically modified corn, produced in China. One product I found Nirvana has a great marketing angle for using corn cob, it does so, because it is helping protect the birch tree.
  • 39. Well, yes, protecting the birch tree is good, but, if it s coming from the corn cob left over from ethanol production which is GMO, then it has to just be all about the
  • 40. The Meaning Of Characters In George Orwell s Animal Farm Important to the story are the characters because they put a deeper meaning into a story. As seen in Orwell s book animal farm as he makes the animals and the other characters represent people during the Russian revolution. You can see this with Mr. Jones as orwell uses him to represent Czar Nicholas 2 of the Russian revolution. Overall, the character with the most influence on the story out of all the animals on Animal Farm is Mr. Jones, but nevertheless the other animals had a major impact on the story. Mr. Jones caused the story to happen the way that it did and he helps portray the deeper meaning of the story which makes him have the most influence on the story. He caused the story to happen the way it did because through his actions, consequently he directly influenced the animals to rebel and run their own farm. After the rebellion, you see him taking place in the Red Lion Inn after the rebellion. Accordingly, while talking to the other farmers there, he influenced them directly into keeping their animals from doing the same as his and influencing them into helping him in taking back his farm in the Battle of the Cowshed because who likes their things being taken away. He indirectly influenced the animal in the fear of him coming back after the rebellion and the Battle of the Cowshed. Used by Squealer like that in persuading the animals into agreeing with something when he says, Yes, Jones would come back! Surely, comrades,... surely there is no one among you
  • 41. An Idea That Protects A Proprietor s Land Title Indefeasibility Introduction Indefeasibility of title is an idea that protects a proprietor s land title. It allows for the proprietor to be immune from attack by adverse claims and interests in the land, in which he, the proprietor, is registered. This concept is based around the Torrens system in New Zealand, this concept consists of three main principles, the mirror, the curtain and the insurance principles. This essay will discuss the concept of indefeasibility of title, the Torrens system and how these have provided security of title for land owners in New Zealand. I will also report on two significant cases that will illustrate the concept of Indefeasibility of title, they are Frazer v Walker and Efstratiou, Glantschnig and Petrovic v Glatnschnig. Common Law Common law was implemented in New Zealand when the British settlers arrived. It was in accordance with English law and was known as the Deeds system and Act and was replaced by the Torrens system in 1870. Common Law basically stated that no one could confer a better title than the one they have and therefore if a deed was deemed invalid, so too was the title (Hinde 2013). Torrens System The Torrens system is what indefeasibility of title has been built around. It has existed since 1870 and has been refined and is now found in the Land Transfer Act 1952. The system, as mentioned earlier, consists of three principles, the mirror principle, the curtain principle and the insurance principle. The Mirror principle:
  • 42. The Subjection Of Women Mill Summary In many literary examples women are in pushed to change themselves in order to be the person society expects them to be. This change was the result of constant ridicule revolving around the idea that men, in fact, are superior to women in many ways. Overtime these judgements against women have become less of an issue, however are still relevant. Women are as capable as men of being independent and valuable, but because they are subjected they still fall vulnerable to oppression by society which changes their view of themselves so they act in different ways in order to please society. The Subjection Of Women Mill explains how women are equal to men in character and ability, but are not viewed this way in society. Though this article was... Show more content on ... Pearl was not affected by any outside influences, she would just act in a not ordinary way. This development lead to her being portrayed as strong and independent, however this quickly changed. Hawthorne creates this character, and then suddenly has her act in the complete opposite you would expect. In chapter 20 Hawthorne specifically makes it known that Pearl is leading a good life, however thanks to the men who have supported her. Chillingworth had left land and money for Pearl to inherit, and she then went onto marrying a rich English man. With this, Hawthorne had changed pearl into falling victim to society s standards of depending on men. This idea of depending on men is still a factor today. Men are seen as superior in the work force, therefore leading to them controlling all the authority in life. Women then end up depending on their husbands to bring money home for families in order to continue their life. Women are as capable as men of doing many tasks but aren t respected as being skillful at times because they are objectified by men as only being useful as a body or a pretty face, which affects how women view themselves and portray themselves to society in order to please men. This idea is reflected in many pop culture projects, such as songs, books, television shows, and movies. An example of a project where this oppression occurs includes the 2007 movie Transformers. In one scene in this movie, the leading
  • 43. The Posal Of Kris Corporation Information Technology Proposal Kris Corporation Information Technology Proposal Kris Corporation Information Technology Proposal Introduction Information Technology Proposal Kris Corporation is a prominent company that deal with manufacturing parts utilized by the automotive industry. The organization s Active Domain infrastructure comprises of two main domains. The parent domain is kris.local and the child domain is corp.kris.local. The AD infrastructure of the organization is running on Server 2008. The company has five branches located in five cities namely, Chicago (IL), Baltimore (MD), Atlanta (GA), Seattle (WA) and San Diego (CA). Its manufacturing plants are located in Seattle and Atlanta. Recently, the company has developed a number of concerns relating to its information system. First, the corporation is concerned about adopting multiple domains in its information systems. Secondly, some automobile manufacturing companies have approached the corporation and requested it to use a single identity in the process of procuring orders. Kris Corporation is also concerned with disaster recovery of its systems and physical space of servers especially at the Atlanta branch since it is the corporation s headquarter. File sharing is also a big concern to the company since the locations are connected to the internet independently. This proposal focuses on identifying and analyzing various changes in the information technology department of the company and developing solution recommendations for information technology problems experienced by the company. The proposal will discuss various benefits the corporation will acquire from updating and changing the current information systems to the modern systems. Active Directory Kris Corporation should adopt the new Windows Server 2012 in its information systems due to the following reasons. First, the server has the freedom to choose
  • 44. Oskar Schindler s Death Of The Jewish Ghetto Many words can be used to describe Oskar Schindler; partier, alcoholic, womanizer, etc, but the most unlikely word that can be used is savior, which he proved to be in the 1940s. Schindler was definitely a sinner, but he did the unthinkable at the time, He [Schindler] was no saint. And yet, the same man would prove to have depths of courage and humanity rare at any time even rarer during the time in which he lived. (Roberts, pg. 6). During the grueling years of the Holocaustand World War II, Oskar Schindlerproved that love and kindness still existed by rescuing over 1,000 Jewish residents of Krakow, Poland. By doing this alone, the Nazis would have killed him because at that time, it was even illegal to be touching a Jew, let alone saving them. One major factor that led to the saving of the Jews was the liquidation of the Krakow Jewish Ghetto, Schindler witnessed a few hours of beastiality with which the liquidation [of Krakow] was executed. The horror of what he saw undoubtedly played a role in his indignation and his unfailing and compassion with the persecuted [Jews]. (Thompson. pg. 138). After the invasion of Poland, the Nazis set up several ghettos around the country, one of which was in Krakow, where they held Jews. Eventually these ghettos didn t seem worthy of Adolph Hitler s Final Solution so these ghettos were liquidated and thousands of it s residents were massacred and sent to concentration camps, Schindler experienced one of these liquidations. Oskar
  • 45. Internal Vs. External Communication Introduction Information Technology Management (ITPM involves leading the implementation of an IT infrastructure upgrade, migration, or installation. According to their corporate website, Telephone Data Systems, Inc. is the parent company to U.S. Cellular, TDS Telecom (an internet service provider), and OneNeck IT Solutions (a hosted IT consulting company). IT Project Managers within this company and others use both common communication methods, as well as many unique to their profession and colleagues. The purpose of this report is to examine Telephone Data Systems Inc. (TDS) and ITPM through an analysis of internal vs. external communication, in person vs. other (electronic) forms of communication, and the use of official lines of communication vs. unofficial lines of communication. Internal vs. External Communication Internal communication between colleagues at TDS, which takes place through various in person and other forms of communication, has a heavy reliance on technical diction. Flexibility and knowledge of the technical language within the field can help in adapting to the work environment. Even if not familiar with all of the technologies, knowing the technical language can help in putting the puzzle together. Collaborative learning among peers is another key aspect of the internal workplace communication environment. Although many are intimidating as technical professionals, sending a quick message to a coworker or stopping by their desk to
  • 46. Examples Of Conformism In One Flew Over The Cuckoo s Society The Oregon Mental Institution and Welton Academy are the oppressive institutions, which use a variety of methods to subdue the characters into conformity. Inside of the institutions, there are two main oppressive forces that have power over everyone: Nurse Ratched and Mr. Nolan. In both institutions, the oppressors use many similar methods to subdue the characters. These methods include manipulation, intimidation, and imposition of strict rules set by the staff. In One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest, Nurse Ratched uses manipulation and intimidation to control the patients on the ward; therefore, allowing her to have power over all the patients. This is evident when Nurse Ratched catches Billy sleeping with Candy Starr; although he is able to get the confidence to stand up to Nurse Ratched, she says what worries me Billy, is how your poor mother is going to take this, resulting in Billy losing all his confidence to the Nurse, as she uses his mother to manipulate him into not rebelling against her. Ultimately, she causes Billy to commit suicide because of the way Nurse Ratched and his mother make him feel. Similarly to this example, in Dead Poet s Society, Mr. Nolan uses Mr. Keating s students parents to subdue them into conformity. When he speaks to the students, he often uses their parents by asking how the boys parents would feel if they got expelled, which the boys knew would have a negative result, forcing them to conform to the standards that the school has.