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Learning the Basics of
Gmail and Google Drive
Howell Student Email
• Did you know that you have an e-mail
  account through the school?
• You can easily access your e-mail
  from any computer that is connected
  to the Internet.
Accessing your E-mail
• The first thing you need to do is go to the
  Howell Schools Homepage      Click here

• or go to
Once you get to the homepage, click on the
             green link that says Student Google Apps.
                This will take you to a log-in screen.

Click here
When you click the Student Google
Apps link, it will take you to a page that
              looks like this.
To log-in, your username is your
           PowerSchool login and your password is
                 your Student ID number.
First initial of
your first name,
first initial of
your last name
and 5 numbers

Student ID
number ex:
9901…. Or
The first time you log in to your e-mail you will
 have to set up your account. Once you enter
your username and password it will take you to
         a screen that looks like this.
You will need to scroll to the bottom of
          the page and enter the security word in
             the box and then click I accept.
                   Continue to my account.

Type the colored
security word in this
box at the bottom of
the page.

                             Click here to continue
                             once you have entered
                             the word.
You will then be taken to your e-mail.
  You may have some e-mails from
    teachers and the Gmail Team.
To access Google Drive you need to
    click the word Drive at the top of your

Click the
word Drive
to access
When you click Drive, it will open
up a new window that looks like
To create a new item in Google Drive,
           click on the word Create. You will get a
            list of items you can create. For this
               project we will use Presentation.

Click Document
(blue) if you want
to create a new
Word document

   (yellow) to
   create your new
When you select Presentation, a new window will open
   that will look like this. You will need to choose the
theme of your presentation (what you want the slides to
  look like). You can change it later if you decide you
           don’t like it or want something else.
The first thing I would like you to do is
             to change the title of your
          presentation. Click where it says
         Untitled presentation to change it.

Click here to
re-name your
Once you click Untitled presentation, a box
will open up and there will be a place for you to
      type your new title. Please re-name it
Heritage Presentation-Your Name. Then press

        Type Heritage
        Your Name
        (insert your
        name, don’t
        actually write
        the words
        Your Name)

                         Then click OK
Next you are going to share your
presentation with me so that I can have
  access to it as well. Click the Share
 button in the upper right-hand corner.

                                          Click here
When you click Share, a window will
 open like this one. Down at the bottom
you are going to type in my e-mail. Then
           click Share & save.

   In this box type my e-mail:

                   Then click
When you click Share & save, a message
will appear asking you if you really want
 to share this presentation with me.
                Click Yes.

          Click here
When you have successfully shared your
presentation with me, my e-mail will be
listed under Who has access along with
      your name. Then click Done.

       Your name and e-mail

            My e-mail

          Click here
To create a new slide in
     your presentation, click the
               red +.
Click here to add
a new slide to your
You may need to change the layout of your
slide based on what you want to include on it.
Click the Layout button above your slides and
      choose the kind of slide you want.

                  Click Layout to
                  see the different
You may also want to change the Background.
 When you click the word Background, a box
will open up that gives you options on how to
           change the background.

         Click the word
                                    This will change the color of the background
         and the box
         will appear                This will change the image on the background

         with the                  This will change the options back to the original

         options.                   This will apply your changes to all of your
                                    slides not just this one
You will want to include Transitions to
 your presentation to give it effects.
You do that by clicking Transitions. A
side box will appear with your options.

                   Click here to
                   add Transitions

                              Here is where you
                              choose your animation

                                     Click here if you want
                                     this animation on all of
                                     your slide
Once you choose a transition, you
 can click play to see what it will
              look like.

                          Move the bar to change the
                          speed of your transitions

                    Click here to watch
                    the animation
You will need to insert images into your
   presentation. To do that click Insert
             and choose image.

Click Insert

Then choose
When you click Insert and Image, a
       window will open up and you can choose
         where you want to add the picture

Choose this
option to upload
an image saved to
your computer

Choose this
option insert a
URL from a
picture you found
on the Internet
When you get working on your presentation, you
         may find that you need to re-arrange some slide.
          To do this, click on the slide you want to move
           and drag it to the new location you want it.

Click the slide you want
to move and the Move 1
Slide box will appear,
The black line shows you
where in the
presentation the slide
will be moved to.
We will be communicating with one
 another about your presentation by
using the comments feature under the
              Insert tab.

      Click Insert, then
      choose Comment

                           This box will appear after you
                           click comments under Insert.
                           You can type your message to
                           me here and then click Comment.
When you click the Comment button after you type your
         message, it will look like this. We will use comments to
            ask each other questions about or talk about your
         presentation. When you see a comment from me, please
         insert a comment and respond to what I said. I will do
                   the same for your comments as well.

This speech bubble will
appear next to a slide
when there is a
comment on it. The
number tells how many
comments are on the

                                                    This is your
Periodically throughout the creation of your
presentation, you will want to watch it to see
what it looks like and make changes. To watch
    it, click the Present button at the top.

                                  Click here to
                                  watch your
When you click Present, your presentation will
enter full screen mode. Press the spacebar to
 go through your slides. When you are done
 watching it, press esc in the upper left-hand
            corner of your keyboard.
Saving your Presentation
• You will never have to worry about
  saving your presentation. Google
  automatically saves for you when you
  start editing your work.
Accessing your
• When you go to work on your
  presentation again, you will need to
  log-in to your e-mail and choose Drive
  at the top.
• This time your Drive screen will look
  a little different because your
  presentation name will be listed.
When your Google Drive page opens, you
 will find a list of all of the things you
created in Drive. Click on the item you
             want to work on.

         Click on the name of
         your presentation to
         open it and continue
         working on it
Get Started!
• Now you are ready to get working on
  your presentation!
• If you have any questions raise your
  hand and I will come help you.
• You can also ask your neighbor for
  help too.

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Learning the basics of gmail and google drive

  • 1. Learning the Basics of Gmail and Google Drive
  • 2. Howell Student Email • Did you know that you have an e-mail account through the school? • You can easily access your e-mail from any computer that is connected to the Internet.
  • 3. Accessing your E-mail • The first thing you need to do is go to the Howell Schools Homepage Click here • or go to
  • 4. Once you get to the homepage, click on the green link that says Student Google Apps. This will take you to a log-in screen. Click here
  • 5. When you click the Student Google Apps link, it will take you to a page that looks like this.
  • 6. To log-in, your username is your PowerSchool login and your password is your Student ID number. First initial of your first name, first initial of your last name and 5 numbers Student ID number ex: 9901…. Or 8000….
  • 7. The first time you log in to your e-mail you will have to set up your account. Once you enter your username and password it will take you to a screen that looks like this.
  • 8. You will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and enter the security word in the box and then click I accept. Continue to my account. Type the colored security word in this box at the bottom of the page. Click here to continue once you have entered the word.
  • 9. You will then be taken to your e-mail. You may have some e-mails from teachers and the Gmail Team.
  • 10. To access Google Drive you need to click the word Drive at the top of your e-mail. Click the word Drive to access Google Drive.
  • 11. When you click Drive, it will open up a new window that looks like this.
  • 12. To create a new item in Google Drive, click on the word Create. You will get a list of items you can create. For this project we will use Presentation. Click Document (blue) if you want to create a new Word document Click Presentation (yellow) to create your new PowerPoint
  • 13. When you select Presentation, a new window will open that will look like this. You will need to choose the theme of your presentation (what you want the slides to look like). You can change it later if you decide you don’t like it or want something else.
  • 14. The first thing I would like you to do is to change the title of your presentation. Click where it says Untitled presentation to change it. Click here to re-name your presentation
  • 15. Once you click Untitled presentation, a box will open up and there will be a place for you to type your new title. Please re-name it Heritage Presentation-Your Name. Then press OK. Type Heritage Presentation- Your Name (insert your name, don’t actually write the words Your Name) Then click OK
  • 16. Next you are going to share your presentation with me so that I can have access to it as well. Click the Share button in the upper right-hand corner. Click here
  • 17. When you click Share, a window will open like this one. Down at the bottom you are going to type in my e-mail. Then click Share & save. In this box type my e-mail: Then click here
  • 18. When you click Share & save, a message will appear asking you if you really want to share this presentation with me. Click Yes. Click here
  • 19. When you have successfully shared your presentation with me, my e-mail will be listed under Who has access along with your name. Then click Done. Your name and e-mail My e-mail Click here
  • 20. To create a new slide in your presentation, click the red +. Click here to add a new slide to your presentation.
  • 21. You may need to change the layout of your slide based on what you want to include on it. Click the Layout button above your slides and choose the kind of slide you want. Click Layout to see the different options
  • 22. You may also want to change the Background. When you click the word Background, a box will open up that gives you options on how to change the background. Click the word Background This will change the color of the background and the box will appear This will change the image on the background with the This will change the options back to the original options. This will apply your changes to all of your slides not just this one
  • 23. You will want to include Transitions to your presentation to give it effects. You do that by clicking Transitions. A side box will appear with your options. Click here to add Transitions Here is where you choose your animation Click here if you want this animation on all of your slide
  • 24. Once you choose a transition, you can click play to see what it will look like. Move the bar to change the speed of your transitions Click here to watch the animation
  • 25. You will need to insert images into your presentation. To do that click Insert and choose image. Click Insert Then choose Image
  • 26. When you click Insert and Image, a window will open up and you can choose where you want to add the picture from. Choose this option to upload an image saved to your computer Choose this option insert a URL from a picture you found on the Internet
  • 27. When you get working on your presentation, you may find that you need to re-arrange some slide. To do this, click on the slide you want to move and drag it to the new location you want it. Click the slide you want to move and the Move 1 Slide box will appear, The black line shows you where in the presentation the slide will be moved to.
  • 28. We will be communicating with one another about your presentation by using the comments feature under the Insert tab. Click Insert, then choose Comment This box will appear after you click comments under Insert. You can type your message to me here and then click Comment.
  • 29. When you click the Comment button after you type your message, it will look like this. We will use comments to ask each other questions about or talk about your presentation. When you see a comment from me, please insert a comment and respond to what I said. I will do the same for your comments as well. This speech bubble will appear next to a slide when there is a comment on it. The number tells how many comments are on the slide. This is your published comment
  • 30. Periodically throughout the creation of your presentation, you will want to watch it to see what it looks like and make changes. To watch it, click the Present button at the top. Click here to watch your presentation
  • 31. When you click Present, your presentation will enter full screen mode. Press the spacebar to go through your slides. When you are done watching it, press esc in the upper left-hand corner of your keyboard.
  • 32. Saving your Presentation • You will never have to worry about saving your presentation. Google automatically saves for you when you start editing your work.
  • 33. Accessing your Presentation • When you go to work on your presentation again, you will need to log-in to your e-mail and choose Drive at the top. • This time your Drive screen will look a little different because your presentation name will be listed.
  • 34. When your Google Drive page opens, you will find a list of all of the things you created in Drive. Click on the item you want to work on. Click on the name of your presentation to open it and continue working on it
  • 35. Get Started! • Now you are ready to get working on your presentation! • If you have any questions raise your hand and I will come help you. • You can also ask your neighbor for help too.