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Day 1
Social Responsibilities

   Instructor: Ed Sawyer
Essential                       Readings
1.Lussier, Robert N, Achua, Christopher. (2007) Effective 3rd edition. Thomson

1.Lussier, Robert N. (2004) Leadership – Theory, Application, Skill Development 2nd
edition. Thomson South-Western
2.Bratton, John. (2005). Organizational Leadership. Thomson South-Western
3.Whetten, Cameron (2005). Developing Management Skills 5th edition. Prentice
4.Daft Richard L. (2005). The Leadership Experience. Thomson South-Western
5.Potoker, Elaine S. (2005). Managing Diverse Working Styles: The Leadership
Competitive Advantage. Thomson South-Western.
Assessment 1
Exam Mid Term 2 hour duration
Assessment 2
Final Exam 3 hour duration
Assessment 3
Assignment 2000 words Due -
5 Key Elements of Leadership
•   Leader – Follower Relationship
•   Influence
•   Organisational Objectives
•   Change
•   People

Leaders-Followers                     Organizational
                     Leadership        Objectives

            Change                People
 Benchmarking. Total Quality Management. Customer Focused. Best Practices.
  Globalisation. Information technology. Flexible manufacturing. Lean
  manufacturing. Micromarketing. Competitive advantage. Core competencies.
  Capabilities. Strategic intent. Strategic alliances. Partnering. Outsourcing.
  Networking. Time based competition. Continuous improvement. Business process
  redesign. Cross functional teams. Mission statements. Concurrent engineering.
  Downsizing. Right sizing. Delayering. Information. Revitalisation. Restructuring.
  Reengineering. Organisational redesign. Job redesign. Culture change.
 Pay-for-performance. Computer aided design. Computer aided engineering.
  Computer aided manufacturing. Computer integrated manufacturing. Asset
  management. The new organisation. The learning organisation. The network
  organisation. The innovative organisation. The informated organisation. The
  adaptive organisation. The hybrid organisation. The empowered organisation. The
  transnational organisation. Knowledge workers. Entrepreneurs. Intrapreneurs.Key
  Performance Indicators.Key Value Drivers. Key result Areas. Open Book
  Management. Balanced Scorecard. Had enough? There are more……….
Leadership Roles
 Interpersonal Roles
  ◦ Figure head
  ◦ Leader
  ◦ Liaison
 Informational Roles
  ◦ Monitoring
  ◦ Disseminator
  ◦ Spokesperson
 Decisional Roles
  ◦ Entrepreneur
  ◦ Disturbance Handler
  ◦ Resource Allocator
  ◦ Negotiator
Leadership Theory
• Traits – Leaders are born not made
  Looking for a set of traits which would identify a
  leader e.g. dominance, self reliance, high energy
• Behaviour – What leaders do, and how they do it
• Leadership roles Interpersonal, Informational
• Task Leadership
• People orientated
Leadership Theory
• Contingency – No one good leadership style
  for all situations
  Study to understand which leadership styles
  would work in any given situation
• Integrated – Combining “Trait” “Behavioural”
  and “Contingency” Theories
Leadership Theory
• Management to Leadership – Democratic
  Form of Leadership
• Managers were generally autocratic, this has
  change to distributed leadership
• Managers had a tight reign on controls and
  employees – this has changed to employees
  ownership of tasks and processes
• Management was top down
Day 2
Task orientated Vs People Orientated
 There is a growing understanding in management
 and leadership that people are an important
 aspects of the success of the company.

Managers that do not have the relevant skills to
 deal with people will have difficulty moving up
 the corporate ladder.
 In the traits of an effective leader, there is a fine
 line between good and bad
Bullying style

             Cold, aloof, arrogant
                  Betrayed personal trust
Reasons                      4. Self-centered

for                                  Specific performance
                                               Over managed
• An important aspect of leadership
• Dominant leaders will take charge, however
  this done incorrectly may be seen as
  bossy, pushy arrogant or bullying.
High Energy
•   A drive to achieve
•   Ability to tolerate stress
•   Enthusiasm
•   Drive to achieve
Self Confidence
• Decision making
• Capable
• Self confidence can influence others by having
  a reassuring effect

Locus of Control
• Belief that they are in control of their life and
• Future oriented
• Learn from mistakes
• Emotionally in control
• Secure and positive

• Honesty to self and others
• Trusting – able to trust other to do
  their work
Intelligence - IQ
• Generally have an above average intelligence
• Cognitive ability to think critically

Emotional Intelligence EQ
• Ability to work well with people
• Ability to understand others
• Able to adjust
• Leaders bring about change – therefore must
  be able to adjust

Sensitive to Others
• Understand the individual and group needs and
• Empathy
Douglas McGregor Theory X and Y
• Theory X
  – Believe that people generally dislike work and
    they must be closely supervised
  – People are lazy.
  – People lack ambition
  – People dislike responsibility
  – People are self-centered
  – People don’t like change
Douglas McGregor Theory X and Y
• Theory Y
  – Believe that people generally want to do their best at
    work, and given the chance will do what is best for the
  – People are energetic.
  – People want to make contributions.
  – People do have ambition
  – People will seek responsibility

  This may be self prophesising as people will generally
    rise to the expectation of their leaders
• Differences between unethical and unlawful
• Ethic often relates to cultural beliefs, or
• Situation can often influence the position of a
  persons ethics
Four considerations in ethical decision making
• 1 the utilitarian approach
• 2 the individualism approach
• 3 the moral rights approach
• 4 the justice approach
The utilitarian approach
• The utilitarian approach holds that moral
  behaviour produces the greatest good for the
  greatest number.
• Critics of this approach fear a tendency
  towards a ‘Big Brother’ approach and question
  whether the common good is squeezing the
  life out of the individual.
The individualism approach
• The individualism approach contends that acts
  are moral when they promote the individual's
  best long-term interests, which ultimately
  leads to the greater good.
• Individual self-direction is paramount.
• Individualism is believed to lead to honesty
  and integrity, since that works best in the long
The moral rights approach
• The moral rights approach is the ethical
  concept that moral decisions are those that
  best maintain the rights of those people
  affected by them.
• An ethical decision is one that avoids
  interfering with the fundamental rights of
‘Moral rights’
• the right of free consent
• the right to privacy
• the right of freedom of conscience
• the right of free speech
• the right to due process
• the right to life and safety
The justice approach
• The justice approach is the ethical concept that
  moral decisions must be based on standards of
• equity, fairness and impartiality.
• Three types of justice approaches:
   – distributive justice
   – procedural justice
   – compensatory justice.
Factors affecting ethical choices

the manager: levels or stages of moral development
    ◦ pre-conventional
    ◦ conventional
    ◦ post-conventional

 the organisation

   employment conflicts of interest
   environmental issues
   sexual harassment
   workplace safety
   employee privacy
   ethical conflicts in international business
   the security of company records
   affirmative action.
Day 3
Motivation and Leadership
• Push and Pull Factors of Motivation

• Hierarchy of Needs
• Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs suggests people are
  motivated through five levels of needs
  –   Physiological
  –   Safety
  –   Belongingness
  –   Esteem
  –   Self actualisation
Two Factor Theory
• Maintenance – Extrinsic Motivators
  – Motivators which comes from outside the person
     •   Pay
     •   Security
     •   Title
     •   Conditions
• Motivators – Intrinsic Motivators
  – Motivators which comes from within the person
     • Achievement
     • Challenges
     • Advancement
Two Factor Theory
• Are Intrinsic or Extrinsic factors a greater
• Which will keep and employee satisfied with
  their work

The presence of Intrinsic or Extrinsic factors may
  not be a motivator, however the lack of the
  presence may be a de-motivator
Acquired Needs Theory
• All people have the need for
  – Achievement
  – Power
  – Affiliation
Day 4
Position Power Vs Personal Power
• Position Power comes from the perceived or
  delegated power through being placed in a
  position of leadership or management
• Personal Power comes from the personal
  traits and behaviour

• They are relatively independent, however do
Legitimate Power
• Based on the legitimacy given to the person
  by the company. This could include rank, title
• Power is influenced by the ability to give
  rewards or punishment due to their required
Reward Power
• Based on the ability to give something as a
  reward to another person.

    Similar to Reward Power, however it is the
     ability to take away something or punish
     another person.
Referent Power
• Based on the ability to influence someone due
  to a relationship or loyalty.

    Based on the knowledge that person has
     which can be used to influence people
Information Power
• Based on the ability to have the knowledge.
• Knowledge is not power, the use of knowledge
  is power.

    Based on the relationships with people of
     influence or power
6 Degrees of Separation
   Boundary Spanners
    Connectors etc.
Day 5
Contingency Theory
• Effective Leadership depends on a variety of
• Organisation are increasing looking for leaders
  which understand contingency leadership
• Leaders must be able to adapt to the given
• No one leadership style is suitable in all
Day 6

                 Interference      Message Received
Message sent     (Barriers)        (Decoding)

All communication needs to be effective in order to demonstrate our
   intention to our customer and colleague, and to deliver service and
   responses quickly.

To help achieve effective communication, the following five rules apply:

1. Every message must have a purpose.
2. Messages should match the interests and abilities of the receiver.
3. Unnecessary words should be eliminated.
4. Chosen words should be within the experience range of the receiver.
5. Verbal messages should be clear and concise, using the correct words and
   their pronunciation, along with appropriate
   inflection, tone, language, speed and volume of voice.
Verbal communication involves sending and receiving messages via
  language or speech (verbal communication) or via body language

For communication to occur there must be ‘feedback’: the receiver
  must also send a message that indicates they have understood the
  message that has been sent.

Without feedback, there is only monologue, not dialogue – without
 feedback it is possible to argue that no real communication has

Communication comprises both ‘verbal communication’ and ‘non-
  verbal communication’:
The two main causes of breakdowns in communication are:
1. a lack of the necessary communication skills, and
2. a lack of motivation to communicate properly.

 Factors that increase the chance of communication failure or breakdown

  Hidden agendas – where the real message behind the communication is
   something other than the message being sent
  Negative feelings – bad feelings built up in you by actions or words from
  Personal traits – the way that an individual's personal characteristics
   affect their natural communication ability: a person may naturally be an
   'avoider', a 'joker' or a 'blamer' and these traits will affect both the
   messages they send and the way they receive and interpret messages.
When working in the hospitality industry, there is a need to
    communicate with both customers and other staff (colleagues).
It is important that all of these communications are conducted in a
    polite, professional and friendly manner.

Who might communication occur with?
• Workmates/colleagues
• External customers and clients
• Local residents
• Visitors
The medium is the tool you use to communicate.
 There are numerous mediums in the
 workplace, including:
   Fax
   Email
   Speaking face-to-face
   Telephone
   Two-way communication systems
   Simple written messages
   Standard business forms eg: maintenance request
 Using an interpreter
• Paraphrasing is a form of feedback
• It allows the sender that the receiver has
  understood the message
• Conflict should be managed
• Conflict can be functional and dysfunctional
• Conflict can be due to a tangible or intangible
• Conflict can arise from relationships
Conflict Management Styles
                                                           High Concern
High Concern     Accommodating             Collaborating        for
     for               Passive                Assertive
                                                            Others’ and
Others’ Needs       You Win, I Lose         You Win, I Win
                                                            Own Needs

                           You Win Some, I Win Some

Low Concern      Avoiding                        Forcing       High Concern
     for            Passive                    Aggressive           for
 Others’ and    You Lose, I Lose             You Lose, I Win    Own Needs
 Own Needs

Accommodating Conflict
• Accommodating is when one person or group
  attempts to resolve the conflict by giving the
  other person or persons what they want or
• This may not achieve the best for both parties
• May result in further conflict
Avoiding Conflict
• Avoiding is when one person or group
  attempts to resolve the conflict by ignoring
  the issue or person
• This may not achieve the best for both parties
• May result in further conflict or escalation of
  the conflict
• Can be used successfully in some situations
Negotiating Conflict
• Negotiating is the use give and take concessions
• This may achieve for both parties a middle
  ground of compromise where both parties are
• May result in less than favourable results or
• This is often seen in budget reviews where
  management will ask for more, yet expect less.
Collaborating Conflict
• Collaborating is finding a way to jointly resolve
  a situation ( Win/win)
• This may achieve the best for both parties
• Rather than finding a middle ground, thus
  dividing the pie, collaborating will try to grow
  the pie.
• May be time consuming to ensure the best for
  both parties
Forcing Conflict
• Forcing is using bullying or standover tactics to
  force the resolution, usually in one person’s
• This may achieve the resentment and an
  unco-operative outcome
• Forcing may be used when safety or legal
  considerations are paramount
Day 7
   Alignment
   Distributed Leadership
   Integration of Effort
   Out Front
   Up Front
   Resourcing the Future
   Time Based
   Bias for Action
   Learning Focus
   Discipline
   Measurement/Feedback
   Customer Value
   Capabilities
   Micro to Macro

                             Adapted from Prof Danny Samson
Principle 1 : Alignment
• There is good alignment of employee values and
  articulated company values.
• There is good alignment of employee mindsets
  and strategic business imperatives.

• These values and mindsets guide employee
  behaviors and are aligned with customer
  requirements, the stated strategy and the
  financial performance requirements of the firm.
Principle 2 : ‘Distributed’ Leadership

 Senior Managers in great companies are having less
  and less to do with organizational and day to day
  operational issues. These have been devolved to
  individuals and work groups who have been given, and
  who accept, increased decision making authority,
  responsibility and accountability.

 Managers pull back from managing the short term and
  focus on creating and resourcing the medium and
  long-term for the firm. They have become strategists
  and change agents.
Principle 3 : Integration

 Leading companies have broadened the scope and
  span of all employees’ objectives and responsibility
  cycle. They achieve an integration of effort and
  purpose across the firm, often restructuring to suit,
  from functional hierarchies to a systemic value
  chain/process focus.

 They also are involved in integrating their activities,
  values and goals with those of customers and suppliers
  including material and technology supplies.They focus
  on making all relationships partnership-like.
Principle 4 : Being ‘Out Front’

 Being ‘out front’ means leading customer
  requirements, leading environmental policy and
  practice, leading industry standards, leading
  supplier partnership development, leading in
  quality, leading in responsiveness, leading in
  product design and features, leading in
  technology management.......

 Leading firms make extensive use of information
  technology in order to look and act global.
Principle 5 : Being ‘Up Front’
 Being ‘out front’ means leading customer Being ‘up
  front’ means being open, honest and acting with
  integrity in all areas of business activity.. only making
  promises to customers that can be kept...
 telling employees “the way it is”...confronting
  unacceptable behavior etc

 Senior Managers in leading organizations place an
  extremely high value on the “quality” of their working
  relationships and the effectiveness of the executive
  management team.
Principle 6 :Resourcing the Medium
            Term (3 years)
 Whilst being lean, leading organizations do not
  cut so ‘close to the bone’ as to stop their
  development. They have enough professional
  resources to engage in key strategic projects.
  Operators are able to balance their time between
  operating, improving processes and learning.
 This is not to say cost reduction is not a driving
  focus in leading firms, it invariably is. By
  investing in learning today, great companies build
  cost reduction and other capabilities for
Principle 7 : Being Time Based
• This means having time as a critical value and
  set of measures, whether its the time taken to
  respond to customer enquiries, the order to
  delivery time or the product development

• To be an effective time based competitor
  requires mastery of cost, quality and flexibility.
Principle 8 : Having a Bias For Action
• Leading firms are as good at executing ideas and
  strategies as formulating them.

• Leading firms have developed change management
  capabilities and project management disciplines as
  core capabilities themselves!
• Accountability is ‘tough and hard’ in these
Principle 9 : Having a Learning Focus
• Learning for all employees is seen as critical to
  success in leading firms.
• This is born from being always dissatisfied with
  performance and processes, and realizing that
  improved knowledge translates into improved
  processes and then performance. Ranging from
  multi-skilling to management think tanks, excellent
  firms continually invest in the brains of all their
Principle 10: Being Disciplined
 Leading firms have not empowered their workforces and
  ‘set them free’.
 They have more structure rather than less, lots of
  standardization and documentation, with a strong
  systems perspective.

 Improvement processes are standardized in their nature.
  Many best practice firms seem to go ‘overboard’ in their
  behaviors aimed at achieving discipline, integrity of
  process control and standardized procedures.
Principle 11: Measurement and
 Leading companies measure a range of non-
  financial parameters as well as financials. They
  recognize that corporate value potential is like an
 The financials represent the 10% you can see; the
  other 90%, the technological, operational and
  organizational systems that you don’t see in
  company accounts need to be measured,
  evaluated and actively managed.
 Leading companies frequently use performance
  scorecards in their operations.
Principle 12: Driving Customer
 Leading companies do more than just know their
  customers’ requirements.
 They drive to maximize customer value creation through
  their organizations' activities.

 They create customer needs that never existed before,
  they predict changes in customer needs before they
  happen, they identify customer needs that even the
  customer can’t identify for themselves, they relentlessly
  pursue previously unnerved customers etc .
Principle 13:Investing in Capabilities

• Core capabilities’ are defined, managed,
  communicated, valued and ‘held sacred’ as priority
  areas for investment and decision making.

• The principle of capabilities investment directly
  supports the principle of driving customer value as
  capabilities are the means by which superior order
  winner characteristics are developed.
Principle 14: Connection Between Micro
               and Macro
• In leading organizations each and every employee
  understands how his/her individual and team-based
  work effort connects with, and contributes to, the
  ‘big picture’ of business success. There is a strong
  connectedness between business goals and
  individual and work group goals.
Day 8
• A lot is discussed about the benefits of teams
• Teams are not always the best answer
• Teams often bring about a
–Synergy                    –Pressure to conform
                            to    group
–Avoids major errors        standards and
–Faster, better decisions
                            –Ostracized for
–Continuous                       productivity
                            –Social loafing
–Stimulates self-           –Inter-group conflicts
–Greater job satisfaction
–Needs fulfillment
5 Determinants
                 of Effective
               Team Decisions

 Team Size
                       Member’s              Team
                        Status            Cohesiveness

          Member’s                  Quality
          Traits and                  of
            Values                Leadership

Social Networking
 Boundary spanners
  ◦   Boundary spanners are well connected in the inter-network and the connection of other networks or groups.
      They are well-positioned to be innovators and to introduce new ideas into the group, since they have access
      to ideas and information flowing from other networks. They are able to combine different information and
      knowledge, found in various places, into new products and services.
 Central Connectors
  ◦   They are the quantitative connectors within a network. They have many dealings with individuals, and have a
      well connected and knowledgeable association with the network. Due to this connection they can have a lot
      of power to influence other members of the group. This can be an asset to the organisation if the values align
      with the organisation, however they can also become a hindrance, if their network is tight or selective.
 Information brokers
  ◦   Information brokers are similar to boundary spanners. Unlike boundary spanners who connect to outside the
      network information brokers connect several subnetworks within the organization. Information brokers are
      essential because they prevent the many groups within any large organization from falling apart into separate
      identities. They have many indirect connections throughout the organization.
 Peripheral specialists
  ◦   Peripheral specialists are outsiders in the network, however are very important as they are pulled in for
      specific advice or tasks. They are not tightly integrated into the group, yet are integral to the group. They may
      not spend a lot of time communicating with others, and often don’t want to work in a committee.
• Disc is a way of studying the behaviours of
  individuals in their environment or within a
  specific situation
• Split into 4 different personality types
  –   Dominance – relating to control, power and assertiveness
  –   Influence – relating to social situations and communication
  –   Submission – relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness
  –   Compliance– relating to structure and organization
 People who score high in the intensity of the "D"
  styles factor are very active in dealing with
  problems and challenges, while low "D" scores
  are people who want to do more research before
  committing to a decision. High "D" people are
  described as
  demanding, forceful, egocentric, strong
  willed, driving, determined, ambitious, aggressive
  , and pioneering. Low D scores describe those
  who are conservative, low
  keyed, cooperative, calculating, undemanding, ca
  utious, mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful.
People with high "I" scores influence others
  through talking and activity and tend to be
  emotional. They are described as
  convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, p
  ersuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and
  optimistic. Those with low "I" scores influence
  more by data and facts, and not with feelings.
  They are described as
  reflective, factual, calculating, skeptical, logical
  , suspicious, matter of fact, pessimistic, and
Steadiness: People with high "S" styles scores
  want a steady pace, security, and do not like
  sudden change. High "S" individuals are
  calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable,
   deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be
  unemotional and poker faced. Low "S"
  intensity scores are those who like change and
  variety. People with low "S" scores are
  described as
  restless, demonstrative, impatient, eager, or
  even impulsive.
People with high "C" styles adhere to
  rules, regulations, and structure. They like to
  do quality work and do it right the first time.
  High "C" people are
  careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic, di
  plomatic, accurate, and tactful. Those with
  low "C" scores challenge the rules and want
  independence and are described as self-
  willed, stubborn, opinionated, unsystematic, a
  rbitrary, and unconcerned with details.
• Placing people into teams which have
  different styles and priorities may cause
• Its important to understand that everyone is
  different and sometimes people will not
  achieve if the personalities are different
• Teams can be highly effective, or ineffective
Self-Managed Teams
• Relatively autonomous workgroups in which
  the obligations and responsibilities which have
  traditionally been management, have been
  transferred to the group of people who
  perform a complex task with highly
  interdependent activities
Make Operating                   Acquire Supplies
   Decisions                        & Materials

                                     Interact with
 Assign Work       Self-Managed       Customers
                    Teams Are
                      Usually          Perform
Plan Schedules    Empowered to:     Team Member

   Create Task                       Deal with
   Procedures                        Conflicts
Stronger Commitment

               Improved Quality
                 and Efficiency

                 More Satisfied Employees

                       Lower Turnover / Absenteeism

                                  Faster Product Development
Benefits of
Using                                       Flexibility Dealing with
Self-Managed                                  Personnel Shortages
Team                                               Helps Solve Problems &
                                                   Suggest Improvements
Stages of Team Development
Forming                   Storming                Norming              Performing
High Commitment           Less Commitment         Variable Commit.     High Commitment
Low Competence            Some Competence         High Competence      High Competence
Members come              Members become          Commitment changes   Commitment and
committed but have not    dissatisfied with the                        competence remain high
                          team as they develop    while competence
developed competence in
                          confidence.             remains constant.
working together.

Appropriate Leadership Style
Autocratic      Consultative                      Participative        Empowerment
High Task                 High Task               Low Task             Low Task

Low Relationship          High Relationship High Relationship          Low Relationship
Day 9
Charismatic Leader
Charismatic leaders work on personalities to achieve their goals
  and objectives.

Usually formed by attributes rather than positional power

Usually thought to be people of exceptional quality, people
  inspire to be like them.

Influence based on follower perceptions that the leader is
  endowed with the gift of divine inspiration or supernatural
Qualities of a Charismatic Leader
The ability to show the followers a vision and to have the followers to rally behind that

Communication Skills
Charismatic leaders generally have the ability to communicate complex ideas in common
  ways and ways which appeal to their followers

Self Confidence
The Charismatic leader will portray a confidence in their conviction which will inspire
  others to follow

Aspire Trust
Charismatic leaders generally have the ability to have followers trust in what they are
  trying to achieve
Qualities of a Charismatic Leader
High Risk
Risk taking is an integral part of the charismatic leader. By taking risks the leader can show
   followers the path

Bias for Action
Charismatic leaders generally have the ability to communicate complex ideas in

Relationship Builder
The Charismatic leader will build relationships with their followers

Empower Others
Charismatic leaders generally empower other to achieve and to ensure the vision is on course

Self Promoting
Charismatic leaders ensure others know of their exploits.
Transformational Leader
Transformational leaders work on abilities rather than
   personalities to achieve their goals and objectives.

Create organisational and process commitment

Often task orientated

Uses all of the qualities of the charismatic leader
Recognizing need
    for change.

Create a new vision.

Manage Transition

    the change.
Day 10
What is it?
• The set of key
  values, assumptions, understandings and ways
  of thinking that is shared by members of an
  organization and taught to new members.

Characteristics of Low-Performance
 Insular thinking

 Resistance to change

 Politicized internal

 Unhealthy promotion

Characteristics of High-Performance

Culture reinforcement
Intensely people oriented
Results oriented
Emphasis on
 achievement and

Symbolic Leadership Actions for Shaping

• Leaders serve as role models

• Ceremonial events for high achievers

• Special appearances by leaders

• Organizational structure


Ethnocentrism        Obstacles            and

                 Glass           Work
                Ceiling       Environment
The diversity of customers and colleagues

People are different. There are a number of things that make us all
  different, including:
 The way they live – including where and how they live
 Values and principles – the importance placed on people, actions
  and things, and personal guidelines for living life
 Educational background
 Sporting interests
 Food and beverage tastes
 Lifestyle background – what car do they drive, where have they
 Place of birth – born in Australia or overseas?
 Styles of communication
 Religious beliefs – who or what do they believe in?
 Is English their first or second language?
The diversity of customers and
• Just because these people are different to you doesn’t make them any better
  or worse – they are just different.
• In your industry workplace you must make sure that any personal bias is not
  allowed to adversely influence and affect the way you interact with such
• In an industry that is such a strong service-oriented industry there is
  absolutely no room for prejudice.
• Prejudice relates to holding a personal bias or point of view that disposes
  you to prejudging a person (or situation) rather than deal with the facts that
  relate to the person (or situation).

Keys in factoring in appropriate verbal and non-verbal
    communication when dealing with people from another culture

•   Identify the country/culture
•   Take time to plan what to say and how to say it
•   Be mindful of your body language – much/most non-verbal communication is spontaneous
•   Avoid industry/establishment jargon
•   Avoid Australian slang/colloquialisms
•   Avoid complex statements
•   Give the person your full attention
•   Use alternative communication strategies to support the verbal communication
•   Be alert to feedback from the other person – especially in regard to identifying when
    something you may have said/done has given unintended offence.

Day 11
Social responsibility

 Social responsibility is the obligation of
  organisation/management to make choices and take
  actions that will contribute to the welfare and
  interests of society as well as the organisation.
 Social responsibility involves:
 ◦ distinguishing right from wrong
 ◦ being a good corporate citizen

 Many social-responsibilities issues are ambiguous
  with respect to right and wrong.
Organisational stakeholders
Leadership Studies and Social Responsibility

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Leadership Studies and Social Responsibility

  • 1. Day 1 Leadership And Social Responsibilities WHO IS A LEADER Instructor: Ed Sawyer
  • 2. Essential Readings 1.Lussier, Robert N, Achua, Christopher. (2007) Effective 3rd edition. Thomson South-Western Supplementary 1.Lussier, Robert N. (2004) Leadership – Theory, Application, Skill Development 2nd edition. Thomson South-Western 2.Bratton, John. (2005). Organizational Leadership. Thomson South-Western 3.Whetten, Cameron (2005). Developing Management Skills 5th edition. Prentice Hall 4.Daft Richard L. (2005). The Leadership Experience. Thomson South-Western 5.Potoker, Elaine S. (2005). Managing Diverse Working Styles: The Leadership Competitive Advantage. Thomson South-Western.
  • 3. Assessments Assessment 1 Exam Mid Term 2 hour duration Assessment 2 Final Exam 3 hour duration Assessment 3 Assignment 2000 words Due -
  • 4. 5 Key Elements of Leadership • Leader – Follower Relationship • Influence • Organisational Objectives • Change • People
  • 5. Influence Leaders-Followers Organizational Leadership Objectives Change People
  • 6.  Benchmarking. Total Quality Management. Customer Focused. Best Practices. Globalisation. Information technology. Flexible manufacturing. Lean manufacturing. Micromarketing. Competitive advantage. Core competencies. Capabilities. Strategic intent. Strategic alliances. Partnering. Outsourcing. Networking. Time based competition. Continuous improvement. Business process redesign. Cross functional teams. Mission statements. Concurrent engineering. Downsizing. Right sizing. Delayering. Information. Revitalisation. Restructuring. Reengineering. Organisational redesign. Job redesign. Culture change. Gainsharing.  Pay-for-performance. Computer aided design. Computer aided engineering. Computer aided manufacturing. Computer integrated manufacturing. Asset management. The new organisation. The learning organisation. The network organisation. The innovative organisation. The informated organisation. The adaptive organisation. The hybrid organisation. The empowered organisation. The transnational organisation. Knowledge workers. Entrepreneurs. Intrapreneurs.Key Performance Indicators.Key Value Drivers. Key result Areas. Open Book Management. Balanced Scorecard. Had enough? There are more……….
  • 7. Leadership Roles  Interpersonal Roles ◦ Figure head ◦ Leader ◦ Liaison  Informational Roles ◦ Monitoring ◦ Disseminator ◦ Spokesperson  Decisional Roles ◦ Entrepreneur ◦ Disturbance Handler ◦ Resource Allocator ◦ Negotiator
  • 8. Leadership Theory • Traits – Leaders are born not made Looking for a set of traits which would identify a leader e.g. dominance, self reliance, high energy • Behaviour – What leaders do, and how they do it • Leadership roles Interpersonal, Informational Decisional • Task Leadership • People orientated
  • 9. Leadership Theory • Contingency – No one good leadership style for all situations Study to understand which leadership styles would work in any given situation • Integrated – Combining “Trait” “Behavioural” and “Contingency” Theories
  • 10. Leadership Theory • Management to Leadership – Democratic Form of Leadership • Managers were generally autocratic, this has change to distributed leadership • Managers had a tight reign on controls and employees – this has changed to employees ownership of tasks and processes • Management was top down
  • 12. Task orientated Vs People Orientated There is a growing understanding in management and leadership that people are an important aspects of the success of the company. Managers that do not have the relevant skills to deal with people will have difficulty moving up the corporate ladder. In the traits of an effective leader, there is a fine line between good and bad
  • 13. Bullying style Cold, aloof, arrogant 6 Betrayed personal trust Major Reasons 4. Self-centered for Specific performance problems Executive Over managed Derailment
  • 14. Dominance • An important aspect of leadership • Dominant leaders will take charge, however this done incorrectly may be seen as bossy, pushy arrogant or bullying. High Energy • A drive to achieve • Ability to tolerate stress • Enthusiasm • Drive to achieve
  • 15. Self Confidence • Decision making • Capable • Self confidence can influence others by having a reassuring effect Locus of Control • Belief that they are in control of their life and destiny • Future oriented • Learn from mistakes
  • 16. Stability • Emotionally in control • Secure and positive Integrity • Honesty to self and others • Trusting – able to trust other to do their work
  • 17. Intelligence - IQ • Generally have an above average intelligence • Cognitive ability to think critically Emotional Intelligence EQ • Ability to work well with people • Ability to understand others emotions/feelings
  • 18. Flexibility • Able to adjust • Leaders bring about change – therefore must be able to adjust Sensitive to Others • Understand the individual and group needs and wants • Empathy
  • 19. Douglas McGregor Theory X and Y • Theory X – Believe that people generally dislike work and they must be closely supervised – People are lazy. – People lack ambition – People dislike responsibility – People are self-centered – People don’t like change
  • 20. Douglas McGregor Theory X and Y • Theory Y – Believe that people generally want to do their best at work, and given the chance will do what is best for the company – People are energetic. – People want to make contributions. – People do have ambition – People will seek responsibility This may be self prophesising as people will generally rise to the expectation of their leaders
  • 21. Ethics • Differences between unethical and unlawful • Ethic often relates to cultural beliefs, or practices • Situation can often influence the position of a persons ethics
  • 22. Ethics Four considerations in ethical decision making • 1 the utilitarian approach • 2 the individualism approach • 3 the moral rights approach • 4 the justice approach
  • 23. Ethics The utilitarian approach • The utilitarian approach holds that moral behaviour produces the greatest good for the greatest number. • Critics of this approach fear a tendency towards a ‘Big Brother’ approach and question whether the common good is squeezing the life out of the individual.
  • 24. Ethics The individualism approach • The individualism approach contends that acts are moral when they promote the individual's best long-term interests, which ultimately leads to the greater good. • Individual self-direction is paramount. • Individualism is believed to lead to honesty and integrity, since that works best in the long run.
  • 25. Ethics The moral rights approach • The moral rights approach is the ethical concept that moral decisions are those that best maintain the rights of those people affected by them. • An ethical decision is one that avoids interfering with the fundamental rights of others.
  • 26. Ethics ‘Moral rights’ • the right of free consent • the right to privacy • the right of freedom of conscience • the right of free speech • the right to due process • the right to life and safety
  • 27. Ethics The justice approach • The justice approach is the ethical concept that moral decisions must be based on standards of • equity, fairness and impartiality. • Three types of justice approaches: – distributive justice – procedural justice – compensatory justice.
  • 28. Factors affecting ethical choices the manager: levels or stages of moral development ◦ pre-conventional ◦ conventional ◦ post-conventional  the organisation  employment conflicts of interest  environmental issues  sexual harassment  workplace safety  employee privacy  ethical conflicts in international business  the security of company records  affirmative action.
  • 30.
  • 31. Motivation and Leadership • Push and Pull Factors of Motivation • Hierarchy of Needs • Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs suggests people are motivated through five levels of needs – Physiological – Safety – Belongingness – Esteem – Self actualisation
  • 33. Two Factor Theory • Maintenance – Extrinsic Motivators – Motivators which comes from outside the person • Pay • Security • Title • Conditions • Motivators – Intrinsic Motivators – Motivators which comes from within the person • Achievement • Challenges • Advancement
  • 34. Two Factor Theory • Are Intrinsic or Extrinsic factors a greater motivation • Which will keep and employee satisfied with their work The presence of Intrinsic or Extrinsic factors may not be a motivator, however the lack of the presence may be a de-motivator
  • 35. Acquired Needs Theory • All people have the need for – Achievement – Power – Affiliation
  • 37. Position Power Vs Personal Power • Position Power comes from the perceived or delegated power through being placed in a position of leadership or management • Personal Power comes from the personal traits and behaviour • They are relatively independent, however do overlap
  • 38. Legitimate Power • Based on the legitimacy given to the person by the company. This could include rank, title etc. • Power is influenced by the ability to give rewards or punishment due to their required position
  • 39. Reward Power • Based on the ability to give something as a reward to another person.  Similar to Reward Power, however it is the ability to take away something or punish another person.
  • 40. Referent Power • Based on the ability to influence someone due to a relationship or loyalty.  Based on the knowledge that person has which can be used to influence people
  • 41. Information Power • Based on the ability to have the knowledge. • Knowledge is not power, the use of knowledge is power.  Based on the relationships with people of influence or power
  • 42. 6 Degrees of Separation Boundary Spanners Connectors etc.
  • 45. Contingency Theory • Effective Leadership depends on a variety of variables
  • 46.
  • 47. • Organisation are increasing looking for leaders which understand contingency leadership • Leaders must be able to adapt to the given situation • No one leadership style is suitable in all situations
  • 49. Communication Interference Message Received Message sent (Barriers) (Decoding) (Encoding) Medium Feedback
  • 50. All communication needs to be effective in order to demonstrate our intention to our customer and colleague, and to deliver service and responses quickly. To help achieve effective communication, the following five rules apply: 1. Every message must have a purpose. 2. Messages should match the interests and abilities of the receiver. 3. Unnecessary words should be eliminated. 4. Chosen words should be within the experience range of the receiver. 5. Verbal messages should be clear and concise, using the correct words and their pronunciation, along with appropriate inflection, tone, language, speed and volume of voice.
  • 51. Verbal communication involves sending and receiving messages via language or speech (verbal communication) or via body language (non-verbal). For communication to occur there must be ‘feedback’: the receiver must also send a message that indicates they have understood the message that has been sent. Without feedback, there is only monologue, not dialogue – without feedback it is possible to argue that no real communication has occurred. Communication comprises both ‘verbal communication’ and ‘non- verbal communication’:
  • 52. The two main causes of breakdowns in communication are: 1. a lack of the necessary communication skills, and 2. a lack of motivation to communicate properly. Factors that increase the chance of communication failure or breakdown include:  Hidden agendas – where the real message behind the communication is something other than the message being sent  Negative feelings – bad feelings built up in you by actions or words from others.  Personal traits – the way that an individual's personal characteristics affect their natural communication ability: a person may naturally be an 'avoider', a 'joker' or a 'blamer' and these traits will affect both the messages they send and the way they receive and interpret messages.
  • 53. When working in the hospitality industry, there is a need to communicate with both customers and other staff (colleagues). It is important that all of these communications are conducted in a polite, professional and friendly manner. Who might communication occur with? • Workmates/colleagues • External customers and clients • Local residents • Visitors
  • 54. The medium is the tool you use to communicate. There are numerous mediums in the workplace, including:  Fax  Email  Speaking face-to-face  Telephone  Two-way communication systems  Simple written messages  Standard business forms eg: maintenance request  Using an interpreter
  • 55. Paraphrasing • Paraphrasing is a form of feedback • It allows the sender that the receiver has understood the message
  • 56. Conflict • Conflict should be managed • Conflict can be functional and dysfunctional • Conflict can be due to a tangible or intangible problem • Conflict can arise from relationships
  • 57. Conflict Management Styles High Concern High Concern Accommodating Collaborating for for Passive Assertive Others’ and Others’ Needs You Win, I Lose You Win, I Win Own Needs Negotiating Assertive You Win Some, I Win Some Low Concern Avoiding Forcing High Concern for Passive Aggressive for Others’ and You Lose, I Lose You Lose, I Win Own Needs Own Needs 4-13
  • 58. Accommodating Conflict • Accommodating is when one person or group attempts to resolve the conflict by giving the other person or persons what they want or need • This may not achieve the best for both parties • May result in further conflict
  • 59. Avoiding Conflict • Avoiding is when one person or group attempts to resolve the conflict by ignoring the issue or person • This may not achieve the best for both parties • May result in further conflict or escalation of the conflict • Can be used successfully in some situations
  • 60. Negotiating Conflict • Negotiating is the use give and take concessions (bartering) • This may achieve for both parties a middle ground of compromise where both parties are satisfied • May result in less than favourable results or productivity • This is often seen in budget reviews where management will ask for more, yet expect less.
  • 61. Collaborating Conflict • Collaborating is finding a way to jointly resolve a situation ( Win/win) • This may achieve the best for both parties • Rather than finding a middle ground, thus dividing the pie, collaborating will try to grow the pie. • May be time consuming to ensure the best for both parties
  • 62. Forcing Conflict • Forcing is using bullying or standover tactics to force the resolution, usually in one person’s favour • This may achieve the resentment and an unco-operative outcome • Forcing may be used when safety or legal considerations are paramount
  • 64. Alignment  Distributed Leadership  Integration of Effort  Out Front  Up Front  Resourcing the Future  Time Based  Bias for Action  Learning Focus  Discipline  Measurement/Feedback  Customer Value  Capabilities  Micro to Macro Adapted from Prof Danny Samson
  • 65. Principle 1 : Alignment • There is good alignment of employee values and articulated company values. • There is good alignment of employee mindsets and strategic business imperatives. • These values and mindsets guide employee behaviors and are aligned with customer requirements, the stated strategy and the financial performance requirements of the firm.
  • 66. Principle 2 : ‘Distributed’ Leadership  Senior Managers in great companies are having less and less to do with organizational and day to day operational issues. These have been devolved to individuals and work groups who have been given, and who accept, increased decision making authority, responsibility and accountability.  Managers pull back from managing the short term and focus on creating and resourcing the medium and long-term for the firm. They have become strategists and change agents.
  • 67. Principle 3 : Integration  Leading companies have broadened the scope and span of all employees’ objectives and responsibility cycle. They achieve an integration of effort and purpose across the firm, often restructuring to suit, from functional hierarchies to a systemic value chain/process focus.  They also are involved in integrating their activities, values and goals with those of customers and suppliers including material and technology supplies.They focus on making all relationships partnership-like.
  • 68. Principle 4 : Being ‘Out Front’  Being ‘out front’ means leading customer requirements, leading environmental policy and practice, leading industry standards, leading supplier partnership development, leading in quality, leading in responsiveness, leading in product design and features, leading in technology management.......  Leading firms make extensive use of information technology in order to look and act global.
  • 69. Principle 5 : Being ‘Up Front’  Being ‘out front’ means leading customer Being ‘up front’ means being open, honest and acting with integrity in all areas of business activity.. only making promises to customers that can be kept...  telling employees “the way it is”...confronting unacceptable behavior etc  Senior Managers in leading organizations place an extremely high value on the “quality” of their working relationships and the effectiveness of the executive management team.
  • 70. Principle 6 :Resourcing the Medium Term (3 years)  Whilst being lean, leading organizations do not cut so ‘close to the bone’ as to stop their development. They have enough professional resources to engage in key strategic projects. Operators are able to balance their time between operating, improving processes and learning.  This is not to say cost reduction is not a driving focus in leading firms, it invariably is. By investing in learning today, great companies build cost reduction and other capabilities for tomorrow.
  • 71. Principle 7 : Being Time Based • This means having time as a critical value and set of measures, whether its the time taken to respond to customer enquiries, the order to delivery time or the product development time. • To be an effective time based competitor requires mastery of cost, quality and flexibility.
  • 72. Principle 8 : Having a Bias For Action • Leading firms are as good at executing ideas and strategies as formulating them. • Leading firms have developed change management capabilities and project management disciplines as core capabilities themselves! • Accountability is ‘tough and hard’ in these companies
  • 73. Principle 9 : Having a Learning Focus • Learning for all employees is seen as critical to success in leading firms. • This is born from being always dissatisfied with performance and processes, and realizing that improved knowledge translates into improved processes and then performance. Ranging from multi-skilling to management think tanks, excellent firms continually invest in the brains of all their employees.
  • 74. Principle 10: Being Disciplined  Leading firms have not empowered their workforces and ‘set them free’.  They have more structure rather than less, lots of standardization and documentation, with a strong systems perspective.  Improvement processes are standardized in their nature. Many best practice firms seem to go ‘overboard’ in their behaviors aimed at achieving discipline, integrity of process control and standardized procedures.
  • 75. Principle 11: Measurement and Reporting/Publication  Leading companies measure a range of non- financial parameters as well as financials. They recognize that corporate value potential is like an iceberg.  The financials represent the 10% you can see; the other 90%, the technological, operational and organizational systems that you don’t see in company accounts need to be measured, evaluated and actively managed.  Leading companies frequently use performance scorecards in their operations.
  • 76. Principle 12: Driving Customer Value  Leading companies do more than just know their customers’ requirements.  They drive to maximize customer value creation through their organizations' activities.  They create customer needs that never existed before, they predict changes in customer needs before they happen, they identify customer needs that even the customer can’t identify for themselves, they relentlessly pursue previously unnerved customers etc .
  • 77. Principle 13:Investing in Capabilities • Core capabilities’ are defined, managed, communicated, valued and ‘held sacred’ as priority areas for investment and decision making. • The principle of capabilities investment directly supports the principle of driving customer value as capabilities are the means by which superior order winner characteristics are developed.
  • 78. Principle 14: Connection Between Micro and Macro • In leading organizations each and every employee understands how his/her individual and team-based work effort connects with, and contributes to, the ‘big picture’ of business success. There is a strong connectedness between business goals and individual and work group goals.
  • 80. • A lot is discussed about the benefits of teams • Teams are not always the best answer • Teams often bring about a
  • 81. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES –Synergy –Pressure to conform to group –Avoids major errors standards and conduct –Faster, better decisions –Ostracized for –Continuous productivity improvement –Social loafing –Innovation –Groupthink –Stimulates self- –Inter-group conflicts motivation –Greater job satisfaction –Needs fulfillment
  • 82. 5 Determinants of Effective Team Decisions Team Size Member’s Team and Status Cohesiveness Composition Member’s Quality Traits and of Values Leadership 7-
  • 83. Social Networking  Boundary spanners ◦ Boundary spanners are well connected in the inter-network and the connection of other networks or groups. They are well-positioned to be innovators and to introduce new ideas into the group, since they have access to ideas and information flowing from other networks. They are able to combine different information and knowledge, found in various places, into new products and services.  Central Connectors ◦ They are the quantitative connectors within a network. They have many dealings with individuals, and have a well connected and knowledgeable association with the network. Due to this connection they can have a lot of power to influence other members of the group. This can be an asset to the organisation if the values align with the organisation, however they can also become a hindrance, if their network is tight or selective.  Information brokers ◦ Information brokers are similar to boundary spanners. Unlike boundary spanners who connect to outside the network information brokers connect several subnetworks within the organization. Information brokers are essential because they prevent the many groups within any large organization from falling apart into separate identities. They have many indirect connections throughout the organization.  Peripheral specialists ◦ Peripheral specialists are outsiders in the network, however are very important as they are pulled in for specific advice or tasks. They are not tightly integrated into the group, yet are integral to the group. They may not spend a lot of time communicating with others, and often don’t want to work in a committee.
  • 84. DISC • Disc is a way of studying the behaviours of individuals in their environment or within a specific situation • Split into 4 different personality types – Dominance – relating to control, power and assertiveness – Influence – relating to social situations and communication – Submission – relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness – Compliance– relating to structure and organization
  • 85. Dominance  People who score high in the intensity of the "D" styles factor are very active in dealing with problems and challenges, while low "D" scores are people who want to do more research before committing to a decision. High "D" people are described as demanding, forceful, egocentric, strong willed, driving, determined, ambitious, aggressive , and pioneering. Low D scores describe those who are conservative, low keyed, cooperative, calculating, undemanding, ca utious, mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful.
  • 86. Influence People with high "I" scores influence others through talking and activity and tend to be emotional. They are described as convincing, magnetic, political, enthusiastic, p ersuasive, warm, demonstrative, trusting, and optimistic. Those with low "I" scores influence more by data and facts, and not with feelings. They are described as reflective, factual, calculating, skeptical, logical , suspicious, matter of fact, pessimistic, and critical.
  • 87. Submissive Steadiness: People with high "S" styles scores want a steady pace, security, and do not like sudden change. High "S" individuals are calm, relaxed, patient, possessive, predictable, deliberate, stable, consistent, and tend to be unemotional and poker faced. Low "S" intensity scores are those who like change and variety. People with low "S" scores are described as restless, demonstrative, impatient, eager, or even impulsive.
  • 88. Conscientious People with high "C" styles adhere to rules, regulations, and structure. They like to do quality work and do it right the first time. High "C" people are careful, cautious, exacting, neat, systematic, di plomatic, accurate, and tactful. Those with low "C" scores challenge the rules and want independence and are described as self- willed, stubborn, opinionated, unsystematic, a rbitrary, and unconcerned with details.
  • 89. • Placing people into teams which have different styles and priorities may cause conflict • Its important to understand that everyone is different and sometimes people will not achieve if the personalities are different • Teams can be highly effective, or ineffective
  • 90. Self-Managed Teams • Relatively autonomous workgroups in which the obligations and responsibilities which have traditionally been management, have been transferred to the group of people who perform a complex task with highly interdependent activities
  • 91. Make Operating Acquire Supplies Decisions & Materials Interact with Assign Work Self-Managed Customers Teams Are Usually Perform Plan Schedules Empowered to: Team Member Evaluations Create Task Deal with Procedures Conflicts
  • 92. Stronger Commitment Improved Quality and Efficiency More Satisfied Employees Lower Turnover / Absenteeism Potential Faster Product Development Benefits of Using Flexibility Dealing with Self-Managed Personnel Shortages Team Helps Solve Problems & Suggest Improvements
  • 93. Stages of Team Development Forming Storming Norming Performing High Commitment Less Commitment Variable Commit. High Commitment Low Competence Some Competence High Competence High Competence Members come Members become Commitment changes Commitment and committed but have not dissatisfied with the competence remain high team as they develop while competence developed competence in confidence. remains constant. working together. Appropriate Leadership Style Autocratic Consultative Participative Empowerment High Task High Task Low Task Low Task Low Relationship High Relationship High Relationship Low Relationship
  • 95. Charismatic Leader Charismatic leaders work on personalities to achieve their goals and objectives. Usually formed by attributes rather than positional power Usually thought to be people of exceptional quality, people inspire to be like them. Influence based on follower perceptions that the leader is endowed with the gift of divine inspiration or supernatural qualities.
  • 96. Qualities of a Charismatic Leader Vision The ability to show the followers a vision and to have the followers to rally behind that vision. Communication Skills Charismatic leaders generally have the ability to communicate complex ideas in common ways and ways which appeal to their followers Self Confidence The Charismatic leader will portray a confidence in their conviction which will inspire others to follow Aspire Trust Charismatic leaders generally have the ability to have followers trust in what they are trying to achieve
  • 97. Qualities of a Charismatic Leader High Risk Risk taking is an integral part of the charismatic leader. By taking risks the leader can show followers the path Bias for Action Charismatic leaders generally have the ability to communicate complex ideas in Relationship Builder The Charismatic leader will build relationships with their followers Empower Others Charismatic leaders generally empower other to achieve and to ensure the vision is on course Self Promoting Charismatic leaders ensure others know of their exploits.
  • 98. Transformational Leader Transformational leaders work on abilities rather than personalities to achieve their goals and objectives. Create organisational and process commitment Often task orientated Uses all of the qualities of the charismatic leader
  • 99. Recognizing need for change. Create a new vision. Manage Transition Institutionalize the change.
  • 102. Culture • The set of key values, assumptions, understandings and ways of thinking that is shared by members of an organization and taught to new members. 11-3
  • 103. Characteristics of Low-Performance Cultures  Insular thinking  Resistance to change  Politicized internal environment  Unhealthy promotion practices 11-4
  • 104. Characteristics of High-Performance Cultures Culture reinforcement tools Intensely people oriented Results oriented Emphasis on achievement and excellence 11-5
  • 105. Symbolic Leadership Actions for Shaping Culture • Leaders serve as role models • Ceremonial events for high achievers • Special appearances by leaders • Organizational structure 11-6
  • 106. Stereotypes and Prejudice Policies Ethnocentrism Obstacles and Practices Unfriendly Glass Work Ceiling Environment
  • 107. The diversity of customers and colleagues People are different. There are a number of things that make us all different, including:  The way they live – including where and how they live  Values and principles – the importance placed on people, actions and things, and personal guidelines for living life  Educational background  Sporting interests  Food and beverage tastes  Lifestyle background – what car do they drive, where have they worked?  Place of birth – born in Australia or overseas?  Styles of communication  Religious beliefs – who or what do they believe in?  Is English their first or second language?
  • 108. The diversity of customers and colleagues • Just because these people are different to you doesn’t make them any better or worse – they are just different. • In your industry workplace you must make sure that any personal bias is not allowed to adversely influence and affect the way you interact with such individuals. • In an industry that is such a strong service-oriented industry there is absolutely no room for prejudice. • Prejudice relates to holding a personal bias or point of view that disposes you to prejudging a person (or situation) rather than deal with the facts that relate to the person (or situation). 10 8
  • 109. Keys in factoring in appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication when dealing with people from another culture include: • Identify the country/culture • Take time to plan what to say and how to say it • Be mindful of your body language – much/most non-verbal communication is spontaneous • Avoid industry/establishment jargon • Avoid Australian slang/colloquialisms • Avoid complex statements • Give the person your full attention • Use alternative communication strategies to support the verbal communication • Be alert to feedback from the other person – especially in regard to identifying when something you may have said/done has given unintended offence. 10 9
  • 111. Social responsibility  Social responsibility is the obligation of organisation/management to make choices and take actions that will contribute to the welfare and interests of society as well as the organisation.  Social responsibility involves: ◦ distinguishing right from wrong ◦ being a good corporate citizen  Many social-responsibilities issues are ambiguous with respect to right and wrong.