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Start-up Your Creativity!

     A) “Find at least one solution                                                        B) „Find all solutions to
     to balance 10 Nails on the top                                                        connect the nine dots
     of another nail that is fixed                                                         with at most four straight
     and standing up vertically!”                                                          lines without lifting the

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                    1
Zusammen, nicht allein!

Britta Ullrich
Christian Graf
The problems of today
    will not be solved by the
    same thinking that
    produced the problems in
    the first place.
      Albert Einstein

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   3
Creativität &
                                                                                           „Innovation is the
                                                                                           creation of better or
                                                                                           more effective
                                                                                           products, processes,
                                                                                           services, technologies,
                                                                                           or ideas that are
                                                                                           accepted by markets,
                                                                                           governments, and
                Beispiel: Werbeagentur Irniger
                                                                                           society.“ (Wikipedia)
                                                                                           One source of
                                                                                           innovation is
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                 4
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   5
                             CREATIVE THINKING
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   6
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   7
Anybody can be creative, but not
   everybody tries.
                                                                                                   Oleg Vishnepolsky

  We’re all limitlessly creative, but
  only to the extent that we realize that
  we create our own limits with the
  way we think. If you tell yourself
  you’re not creative, it becomes true.
                                                                                                        Brian Clark
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                      8
Co-Creation as
                                                                                           Untapping the
                                                                                           ressources of many
                                                                                           Collaboration is a
                                                                                           • Openness
                                                                                           • Knowledge sharing
                                                                                           • Put group goals first
                                                                                           • Mutual support

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                 9
User Centered                                                         Participatory
                            Design                                                         Design
                                       Questionnaires                                      Workshops
                                       Usability Tests                                     Games
                                         Observation                                       Interaction

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012           10
We often discount
 cooperation, which
 directly limits our ability
 to create complexity.

 Nathan Shedroff

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   11
Let’s Play!
                                                                                          The coffee pot game:
                                                                                          “Individually write down 30
                                                                                             ways how to use a coffee

                                                                                          The ‘2nd thumb’ game:
                                                                                          “Let’s collect 50 ways how
                                                                                          to use a 2nd thumb.”

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                        12
Ein bisschen

Design Thinking
nach Jeff Patton
3000 Ideas                                                 The truth about
                                                                                           product development
                   100 exploratory products

                10 well-developed projects                                                         3000 Ideas =
                                                                                                   1 Commercial Success!

           2 full-fledged product launches

                     1 successful product

                                                                                                    Source: Stevens, G.A. and Burley, J., “3,000 Raw Ideas
                                                                                                    = 1 Commercial Success!”, (May/June 1997) Research
                                                                                                    Technology Management, Vol. 40, #3, pp. 16-27.
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                  14
Progress of Idea
                                                                                           Many not-so-creative
                                                                                            ideas in the unload
                                                                                            phase (first 10min)

                                                                                           Fewer ideas after that
                                                                                             but with higher
                                                                                             probability of being

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                15
                              Ok, it‘s hard
                             (we‘ve known
                             that before...).
                               And now?

Presentation Title | Author City, 03.08.2011
Kreative Produktinnovation - |Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   16
General Approach
                             At least 2 phases:
                             Generate Ideas
                             Select Ideas
                               Quality Matters
The   INNOWIZ methodology
Source: Design Thinking: 4 Steps to Better Software
                                                                                           Design Thinking
    the problem                                                                            Model by Jeff

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012         19
            Identify                                                                       Design Thinking
           solutions:                                                                      Model by Jeff
            Ideate!                                                                        Patton

                                                                                            Source: Design Thinking: 4 Steps to Better Software

            Source: Design Thinking: 4 Steps to Better Software
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                  20
         Refine and

                                                                                            Source: Design Thinking: 4 Steps to Better Software

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                  21
             Create a

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   22
“Clear goals vs.
                                                                                                    fuzzy goals”

                                                                                                    • A business process works
                                                                                                    fine for clear goals.

                                                                                                    • Creative projects are based
                                                                                                    on intuition, hypotheses and

                         1 successful product
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                   23
                                                                                                   Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 4-8
“Why Games in

                                                                                                   Fuzzy Goals!

                                                                                                   • It’s like a voyage of

                                                                                                   • But how do you set a course
                                                                                                   when the destination is
                                                                                                   unknown? Imagine the

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                  24
                                                                                                   Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 5
Game Design

                                                                                                    • Target State ‘B’ (fuzzy):
                                                                                                    What does victory look like?
                                                                                                    A prototype, project plan, list
                                                                                                    of ideas
                                                                                                    • Act 1 (open): introduce
                                                                                                    players, developing themes
                                                                                                    and ideas
                                                                                                    • Act 2 (explore): explore and
                                                                                                    experiment with the themes
                                                                                                    • Act 3 (close): come to
                                                                                                    conclusions, make decisions,
                                                                                                    plan for actions

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                   25
                                                                                                   Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 9-10
Creating Artifacts
                                                                                            and Meaningful
                                                                                            • Nodes: Clusters & Piles
                                                                                            • Linking
                                                                                            • Borders
                                                                                            • Axes
                                                                                            • Circles and Targets
                                                                                            • Metric vs. Ordered Space
                                                                                            • Grids
                                                                                            • Landscapes and Maps
                                                                                            • Metaphors

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012
                                                                                               Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 26

                                                                                           Selbst erarbeiten lassen
                                                                                             oder einige vorgeben
                                                                                             und vom Team
                                                                                             ergänzen lassen!

                                                                                            Sollten stets sichtbar

                                                                                            Idee: Unterschreiben

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                      27
Supportive Tools
for Ideation
Low Cost Support

Method Databases
Random Word Lists
Newspapers &
Card Decks
                                                   CreaJour (Deutsch):
                                                   Glossar, Werkzeuge,

                                            MEKI   „Methoden-            Datenbank kreative
        sportverein/methoden-datenbank-            Ideenfindung“
         datenbank-kreative-ideenfindung/          (Deutsch)


Available in Confluence:
0211653/Auszug_bikablo2.0_Poster-                   31

                                                                                                             Card Decks
                                                                                                             Ideenrausch by Anja
                                                                                                               Ebertz (111
                                                                                                               questions to boast
                                                                                                               your fantasy)

                                                                                                             Thinkpak by Michael
                                                                                               „ThinkPak“      Michalko (45 "idea
                                                                                                               stimulator" cards,
                                                                                                               and 9 evaluationom the

                                                                                                               technique cards )
                                                                                                                           pr esent ers
Card Decks
                                  IDEO Method Cards                e!
                                                     i on f or fr e
                                           iPad Vers
                                  Dan Lockton‘s Design
                                   with Intent Cards
                                                        n for fr ee!
                                           PD F V ersio
Mix and Improvise!

                                                                                                       Image Source:
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                     34
Practice, practice,

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                   35
Higher Cost
Hire Moderators &
Hire Specialised
  Agency (e.g. IDEO,
  Zephram etc.)

Train your staff!
Games for

Sou rce: Ga mest ormin g. Gray , Brown , Ma ca nuf o, 201 0
Low Tech Social
                                                                                             • Warm up when a fairly new group
                                                                                             comes together!

                                                                                             • Draw your name, a simple
                                                                                             mnemonic aid [Eselsbrücke] to
                                                                                             remember your name and some tags
                                                                                             for your interests on a piece of paper.

                                                                                             • Put it on the wall explaining who
                                                                                             you know in the room. If the person
                                                                                             that connects you is not there, draw
                                                                                             this person.

                                                                                             • Variety – if the people know each
                                                                                             other pretty well: Write down three
                                                                                             things others don’t know about you –
                       1 successful product                                                  now let the group guess who it is!
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010,38 105
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                     39
                                                                                              Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010 , S. 105

                                                                                              • When you are already
                                                                                              working on a problem but
                                                                                              running out of solutions.

                                                                                              • Ask for the current
                                                                                              problem’s opposite: What
                                                                                              can we do to avoid that
                                                                                              users buy our product?

                                                                                              • The more extreme the

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, 40 80
Graphic Jam
                                                                                                    • Warm up Game to turn on
                                                                                                    parts of our minds that we
                                                                                                    usually don’t activate in a
                                                                                                    typical business setting.

                                                                                                    • Collect terms that the team
                                                                                                    has trouble visualising.

                                                                                                    • Select randomly and ask
                                                                                                    players to draw a visual
                                                                                                    representation within 2-3
                         1 successful product
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                   41
                                                                                                   Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 96
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                   42
                                                                                                   Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 96
Unser Thema heute:

        “XING Café – how should a real life
        networking place for XING look like? What
        does it need to improve your professional

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   43
Brain Writing

                                                                                                      • Individually write down as
                                                                                                      many ideas and
                                                                                                      requirements as possible for
                                                                                                      the new XING Café.

                                                                                                      • 5 Min.

                                                                                                      • When you’re done share
                                                                                                      your thoughts with the
                                                                                                   Creativity, innovation and change: technique library. Open
                                                                                                   University B822/Course reader, John Martin, Ros Bell. 2009

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                         44
Games for

Source: Gamest orming. Gray , Brown, Macanufo, 2010
Design the Box

                                                                                     Game can help facilitating any
                                                                                     vision-oriented discussion:
                                                                                     “The best self representation in
                                                                                     the internet”
                                                                                     • Phase 1: Fill the box
                                                                                     • Phase 2: Make the box
                                                                                     • Phase 3: Sell the box

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 161
Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown,
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012              Macanufo, 2010 , P. 161
Walt Disney

                                                                                           Take three
                                                                                           • Dreamer
                                                                                           • Realist
                                                                                           • Critique

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012            48
The Realist


                  The Dreamer                                                                      The Critic

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                49
Extending Walt
                          Information                                                      Disney: Six Hats



                          Devil's advocate


Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012              50

                      Combine                                                                Put to other use

                      Adapt/Adjust                                                           Eliminate

                      Modify                                                                 Reange or Reverse

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                 51
Brain Sketching

                                                                                                     • Sketch the perfect XING Café
                                                                                                     – consider the previously
                                                                                                     selected requirements!
                                                                                                     15 Minutes

                                                                                                     • Put your idea in the middle
                                                                                                     and receive inspiration.

                                                                                                     • Share your results in the
                                                                                                   Creativity, innovation and change: technique library. Open
                                                                                                   University B822/Course reader, John Martin, Ros Bell. 2009

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                                                         52
Games for

Source: Gamest orming. Gray , Brown, Macanufo, 2010

Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 232

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                  54

Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 245

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012              55
Start, Stop,
                                                                                                   • What are things we need
                                                                                                    to START doing?
                                                                                                   • What are we currently
                                                                                                    doing that we can or
                                                                                                    should STOP?
                                                                                                   • What are we doing now
                                                                                                    that works and should
                                                                                                   • Share the results!

Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 249

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                               56
Dot Voting

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012                57
Summary and

                                                                                           People are central
                                                                                           Innovation as process
                                                                                           with phases: Goal
                                                                                           Setting, Divergent,
                                                                                           Creativity techniques
                                                                                               Anyone can be

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012               59
There is more we
                                                                                           could talk about

                                                                                           Other Techniques
                                                                                           Pitfalls & Patterns
                                                                                           Group processes
                                                                                           Managing innovation
                                                                                           Case studies
                                                                                              How to support
                                                                                             teams for
Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012              60
True brilliance is rare, but
      I think creativity in people
      is the norm and not the
       Mark Parker
       in „SPARK – Be More Innovative through Co-Creation“

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   61
Thank you     Britta Ullrich
                User Experience Manager

for your kind
                Christian Graf
                UX Manager & Moderator
Literature about Creativity &
De Bono, E. (2008). Creativity Workout: 62 Exercises to Unlock Your Most Creative Ideas. Berkeley, CA :
Gray, D., Brown, S., & Macanufo, J. (2011). Gamestorming : a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and
changemakers. Beijing : O'Reilly.
Heers, R. (2006). Just use it. Göttingen : Cuviller Verlag.
Higgins, J.M., & Wiese, G. (1996). Innovationsmanagement. Berlin: Springer.
Jaworski, J., & Zurlino, F. (2006). Innovationskultur: Vom Leidensdruck zur Leidenschaft. Frankfurt/New York :
Campus Verlag.
Michalko, M. (2003). Thinkertoys : a handbook for creative-thinking techniques (2nd ed.). Berkeley, CA : Ten
Speed Press.
Paulus, P. B., & Nijstad, B. A. (eds.) (2003). Group Creativity: Innovation through Collaboration. New York :
Oxford University Press.
Rickards, T. (Ed.) (2009). The Routledge companion to creativity. London : Routledge.
Stein, M. I. (1975). Stimulating Creativity Vol.2 Group Procedures. New York: Acedemic Press.
Winsor, J. (Ed.) (2006). SPARK – Be More Innovative Through Co-Creation. Chicago, IL: B2 Books.

+ see Take Home Sheet (available by email as well)
Solutions for Initial Problems

                                         A) 12 Nails on top of one nail head

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   64
B) Solution 1

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   65
B) Solution 2

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   66
B) Solution 3

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   67
B) Solution 4

Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012   68

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Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein!

  • 1. Start-up Your Creativity! A) “Find at least one solution B) „Find all solutions to to balance 10 Nails on the top connect the nine dots of another nail that is fixed with at most four straight and standing up vertically!” lines without lifting the pen!“ Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 1
  • 3. The problems of today will not be solved by the same thinking that produced the problems in the first place. Albert Einstein Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 3
  • 4. Creativität & Innovation „Innovation is the creation of better or more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by markets, governments, and Beispiel: Werbeagentur Irniger society.“ (Wikipedia) One source of innovation is creativity/ideation Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 4
  • 5. CREATIVITY IS A PROPERTY! YOU HAVE IT OR YOU DO NOT HAVE IT Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 5
  • 6. STRUCTURE IS BAD FOR CREATIVE THINKING Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 6
  • 7. THE LONGER THE BRAINSTORM, THE BETTER Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 7
  • 8. Anybody can be creative, but not everybody tries. Oleg Vishnepolsky We’re all limitlessly creative, but only to the extent that we realize that we create our own limits with the way we think. If you tell yourself you’re not creative, it becomes true. Brian Clark Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 8
  • 9. Co-Creation as Paradigm Untapping the ressources of many Collaboration is a must! • Openness • Knowledge sharing • Put group goals first • Mutual support Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 9
  • 10. User Centered Participatory Design Design Questionnaires Workshops Usability Tests Games Observation Interaction Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 10
  • 11. We often discount cooperation, which directly limits our ability to create complexity. Nathan Shedroff Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 11
  • 12. Let’s Play! The coffee pot game: “Individually write down 30 ways how to use a coffee pot!” The ‘2nd thumb’ game: “Let’s collect 50 ways how to use a 2nd thumb.” Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 12
  • 14. 3000 Ideas The truth about product development 100 exploratory products 10 well-developed projects 3000 Ideas = 1 Commercial Success! 2 full-fledged product launches 1 successful product Source: Stevens, G.A. and Burley, J., “3,000 Raw Ideas = 1 Commercial Success!”, (May/June 1997) Research Technology Management, Vol. 40, #3, pp. 16-27. Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 14
  • 15. Progress of Idea Generation Many not-so-creative ideas in the unload phase (first 10min) Fewer ideas after that but with higher probability of being creative. Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 15
  • 16. it‘ Ok, it‘s hard (we‘ (we‘ve known that before...). And now? Presentation Title | Author City, 03.08.2011 Kreative Produktinnovation - |Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 16
  • 17. General Approach At least 2 phases: Generate Ideas „Ideate“ (divergent): Quantity Matters Select Ideas „Iterate“ (convergent): Quality Matters The INNOWIZ methodology
  • 18. Source: Design Thinking: 4 Steps to Better Software
  • 19. 1. Design Thinking Understand the problem Model by Jeff Patton Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 19
  • 20. 2. Identify Design Thinking solutions: Model by Jeff Ideate! Patton Source: Design Thinking: 4 Steps to Better Software Source: Design Thinking: 4 Steps to Better Software Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 20
  • 21. 3. Refine and validate: Iterate! Source: Design Thinking: 4 Steps to Better Software Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 21
  • 22. 4. Create a plan! Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 22
  • 23. “Clear goals vs. fuzzy goals” • A business process works fine for clear goals. • Creative projects are based on intuition, hypotheses and guesses. 1 successful product Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 23 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 4-8
  • 24. “Why Games in Business?” Fuzzy Goals! • It’s like a voyage of discovery! • But how do you set a course when the destination is unknown? Imagine the world! Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 24 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 5
  • 25. Game Design • Target State ‘B’ (fuzzy): What does victory look like? A prototype, project plan, list of ideas • Act 1 (open): introduce players, developing themes and ideas • Act 2 (explore): explore and experiment with the themes • Act 3 (close): come to conclusions, make decisions, plan for actions Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 25 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 9-10
  • 26. Creating Artifacts and Meaningful Space • Nodes: Clusters & Piles • Linking • Borders • Axes • Circles and Targets • Metric vs. Ordered Space • Grids • Landscapes and Maps • Metaphors Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 26 32-39
  • 27. Spielregeln Selbst erarbeiten lassen oder einige vorgeben und vom Team ergänzen lassen! Sollten stets sichtbar sein! Idee: Unterschreiben lassen! Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 27
  • 29. Low Cost Support Method Databases Random Word Lists Dictionaries Newspapers & Magazines Templates Card Decks
  • 30. Method Databases CreaJour (Deutsch): Glossar, Werkzeuge, Prozessmodelle, Techniken MEKI „Methoden- Datenbank kreative ompetenz-ideenfindung-im- sportverein/methoden-datenbank- Ideenfindung“ kreative-ideenfindung/meki-methoden- datenbank-kreative-ideenfindung/ (Deutsch)
  • 31. Templates Flipchartplakate »bikablo® posters« (Neuland) Available in Confluence: https://confluence.xing.hh/confluence/download/attachments/4 0211653/Auszug_bikablo2.0_Poster- 31 Templates.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1323946052962
  • 32. Card Decks „Ideenrausch“ (physical) Ideenrausch by Anja Ebertz (111 questions to boast your fantasy) Thinkpak by Michael „ThinkPak“ Michalko (45 "idea stimulator" cards, and 9 evaluationom the http://ecx.images- fr Available technique cards ) pr esent ers
  • 33. Card Decks (virtual) IDEO Method Cards e! i on f or fr e iPad Vers Dan Lockton‘s Design with Intent Cards n for fr ee! PD F V ersio
  • 34. Mix and Improvise! ersonalized_tshirt-235782520332281963 Image Source: Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 34
  • 35. Practice, practice, practice! Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 35
  • 36. Higher Cost Support Hire Moderators & Facilitators Hire Specialised Agency (e.g. IDEO, Zephram etc.) Train your staff!
  • 37. Games for Opening Sou rce: Ga mest ormin g. Gray , Brown , Ma ca nuf o, 201 0
  • 38. Low Tech Social Network • Warm up when a fairly new group comes together! • Draw your name, a simple mnemonic aid [Eselsbrücke] to remember your name and some tags for your interests on a piece of paper. • Put it on the wall explaining who you know in the room. If the person that connects you is not there, draw this person. • Variety – if the people know each other pretty well: Write down three things others don’t know about you – 1 successful product now let the group guess who it is! Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010,38 105 S.
  • 39. Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 39 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010 , S. 105
  • 40. Anti-Problem • When you are already working on a problem but running out of solutions. • Ask for the current problem’s opposite: What can we do to avoid that users buy our product? • The more extreme the better! Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, 40 80 P.
  • 41. Graphic Jam • Warm up Game to turn on parts of our minds that we usually don’t activate in a typical business setting. • Collect terms that the team has trouble visualising. • Select randomly and ask players to draw a visual representation within 2-3 Minutes. 1 successful product Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 41 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 96
  • 42. Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 42 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 96
  • 43. Unser Thema heute: “XING Café – how should a real life networking place for XING look like? What does it need to improve your professional networking?” Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 43
  • 44. Brain Writing • Individually write down as many ideas and requirements as possible for the new XING Café. • 5 Min. • When you’re done share your thoughts with the others! Source Creativity, innovation and change: technique library. Open University B822/Course reader, John Martin, Ros Bell. 2009 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 44
  • 45. Games for Exploring Source: Gamest orming. Gray , Brown, Macanufo, 2010
  • 46. Design the Box Game can help facilitating any vision-oriented discussion: “The best self representation in the internet” • Phase 1: Fill the box • Phase 2: Make the box • Phase 3: Sell the box Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 161 46
  • 47. Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 Macanufo, 2010 , P. 161 47
  • 48. Walt Disney Method Take three Perspectives • Dreamer • Realist • Critique Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 48
  • 49. The Realist FOCUS The Dreamer The Critic Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 49
  • 50. Extending Walt Information Disney: Six Hats Optimism Alternatives Feelings Devil's advocate Managing Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 50
  • 51. SCAMPER Substitute Combine Put to other use Adapt/Adjust Eliminate Modify Reange or Reverse Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 51
  • 52. Brain Sketching • Sketch the perfect XING Café – consider the previously selected requirements! 15 Minutes • Put your idea in the middle and receive inspiration. • Share your results in the plenum. Source Creativity, innovation and change: technique library. Open University B822/Course reader, John Martin, Ros Bell. 2009 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 52
  • 53. Games for Closing Source: Gamest orming. Gray , Brown, Macanufo, 2010
  • 54. 100-EUR-Test Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 232 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 54
  • 55. NUF-Test Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 245 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 55
  • 56. Start, Stop, Continue • What are things we need to START doing? • What are we currently doing that we can or should STOP? • What are we doing now that works and should CONTINUE? • Share the results! Source: Gamestorming. Gray, Brown, Macanufo, 2010, P. 249 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 56
  • 57. Dot Voting Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 57
  • 59. Conclusion People are central Innovation as process with phases: Goal Setting, Divergent, Recombination, Convergent Creativity techniques Anyone can be innovative! Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 59
  • 60. There is more we could talk about Other Techniques Pitfalls & Patterns Group processes Managing innovation Case studies How to support teams for successfull innovation Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 60
  • 61. True brilliance is rare, but I think creativity in people is the norm and not the exception. Mark Parker in „SPARK – Be More Innovative through Co-Creation“ Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 61
  • 62. Thank you Britta Ullrich User Experience Manager for your kind attention! Christian Graf UX Manager & Moderator
  • 63. Literature about Creativity & Innovation De Bono, E. (2008). Creativity Workout: 62 Exercises to Unlock Your Most Creative Ideas. Berkeley, CA : ULYSSES PRESS Gray, D., Brown, S., & Macanufo, J. (2011). Gamestorming : a playbook for innovators, rulebreakers, and changemakers. Beijing : O'Reilly. Heers, R. (2006). Just use it. Göttingen : Cuviller Verlag. Higgins, J.M., & Wiese, G. (1996). Innovationsmanagement. Berlin: Springer. Jaworski, J., & Zurlino, F. (2006). Innovationskultur: Vom Leidensdruck zur Leidenschaft. Frankfurt/New York : Campus Verlag. Michalko, M. (2003). Thinkertoys : a handbook for creative-thinking techniques (2nd ed.). Berkeley, CA : Ten Speed Press. Paulus, P. B., & Nijstad, B. A. (eds.) (2003). Group Creativity: Innovation through Collaboration. New York : Oxford University Press. Rickards, T. (Ed.) (2009). The Routledge companion to creativity. London : Routledge. Stein, M. I. (1975). Stimulating Creativity Vol.2 Group Procedures. New York: Acedemic Press. Winsor, J. (Ed.) (2006). SPARK – Be More Innovative Through Co-Creation. Chicago, IL: B2 Books. + see Take Home Sheet (available by email as well)
  • 64. Solutions for Initial Problems A) 12 Nails on top of one nail head Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 64
  • 65. B) Solution 1 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 65
  • 66. B) Solution 2 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 66
  • 67. B) Solution 3 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 67
  • 68. B) Solution 4 Kreative Produktinnovation - Zusammen, nicht allein! | Ullrich & Graf | Hamburg, 09. Januar 2012 68