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                          JAWABAN UJIAN NASIONAL 2006 / 2007
                                MATEMATIKA IPA P12 - A
                                 RABU, 18 APRIL 2007

1.   Jawab: C

2.   Jawab: B
      log 3 . 3log 5 = 2log 5 = ab

         log 20 =

3.   Jawab: C
     x2 – 5x + 6 = 0

     x 1 + x2 = -         -
                              -              y1 + y2 = (x1 – 3) + (x2 – 3)
                                                     = (x1 + x2) – 6 = 5 – 6
                  c   6                              =–1
     x1 . x2 =                6
                  a   1
                                             y1 . y2 = (x1 – 3) (x2 – 3)
                                                     = x1.x2 – 3(x1 + x2) + 9
                                                     = 6 – 3(5) + 9 = 0

     x2 – (y1 + y2)x + (y1 . y2) = 0     x2 – (–1)x + 0 = 0  x2 + x = 0

4.   Jawab: E
     Titik Puncak (1, 4)
     Titik potong dengan sumbu X (–1, 0) dan (3, 0)                             (1, 4)
     Titik potong dengan sumbu Y (0, 3)

     Cara 1: Gunakan persamaan y = a (x – x1) (x – x2)               (0, 3)

                 Titik puncak    y = 4, x = 1
                 Titik potong sumbu X  x1 = – 1, x2 = 3
                 4 = a (1 + 1) (1 – 3) = a (–4)                                          (3, 0)
                                                                   (-1, 0)
                 4 = – 4a

                 y = – 1 (x + 1) (x - 3) = – (x2 – 2x - 3)
                 y = – x2 + 2x + 3

                                                     © Aidia Propitious                       1

     Cara 2: Gunakan persamaan y = a (x – xp)2 + yp
              Titik potong sumbu x             x = –1, y = 0
              Titik puncak  xp = 1, yp = 4
              0 = a (– 1 – 1)2 + 4 = a (4) + 4
              0 = 4a + 4  4a = – 4

              y = –1 (x – 1)2 + 4 = – (x2 – 2x + 1) + 4 = – x2 + 2x – 1
              y = –x2 + 2x + 3

5.   Jawab: A
     f(x) = 3x2 – 4x + 6     ;   g(x) = 2x – 1        ;    (f o g)(x) = 101
     (f o g)(x) = f(g(x)) = 3(2x – 1) – 4(2x – 1) + 6
                          = 3(4x2 – 4x + 1) – 8x + 4 + 6
                          = 12x2 – 12x + 3 – 8x + 10
                    101 = 12x2 – 20x + 13
                    12x2 – 20x – 88 = 0  dibagi 4
                    3x2 – 5x – 22 = 0
                    (3x – 11) (x + 2) = 0
                          11    2
                    x1        3    ; x2    2
                           3    3

6.   Jawab: E
     32x+1 – 28.3x + 9 = 0          32x . 31 – 28 . 3x + 9 = 0

     Misal:   3x = A
              3A2 – 28A + 9 = 0
              (3A – 1) (A – 9) = 0              A = 1/3       ;    A=9

              3x = 9    x1 = 2          ;    3x = 1/3            x2 = –1

     3x1 – x2 = 3(2) – (–1) = 7

7.   Jawab: D

     (x – 2)2 + (y + 1)2 = 13               Pusat (2, –1)      ;    Jari-jari (r) =   13
     x = –1      (–1 – 2)2 + (y + 1)2 = 13
                 9 + y2 + 2y + 1 = 13
                 y2 + 2y – 3 = 0
                 (y + 3) (y – 1) = 0
                 y = –3 ; y = 1                         ada 2 titik pada lingkaran: (–1, –3) dan (–1, 1)

     Gunakan rumus :(x – a) (x1 – a) + (y – b) (y1 – b) = r2

     (–1, –3) : (x – 2) (–1 – 2) + (y + 1) (–3 + 1) = 13
                –3 (x – 2) – 2 (y + 1) = 13
                –3x + 6 – 2y – 2 = 13
                3x + 2y + 9 = 0

                                                               © Aidia Propitious                        2

      (–1, 1) :       (x – 2) (–1 – 2) + (y + 1) (1 + 1) = 13
                      –3 (x – 2) + 2 (y + 1) = 13
                      –3x + 6 + 2y + 2 = 13
                      3x – 2y + 5 = 0

8.    Jawab: A
      f(x) : (x – 2) sisa 24                 f(2) = 24
      f(x) : (2x – 3) sisa 20                f(3/2) = 20

                  –                      –
                  -                      -
                                                     ;    a=2       ;    b = 3/2     ;    f(a) = 24   ;   f(b) = 20

9.    Jawab: E
                                                    2 2 1      x          67
      2x + 2y + 1z = 67.000
                                                    3 1 1      y          61
      3x + 1y + 1z = 61.000
      1x + 3y + 2z = 80.000                         1 3 2      z          80

           2 2 1           2 2
      D= 3 1 1             3 1       (4) + (2) + (9) – (1) – (6) – (12) = –4
         1 3 2             1 3

               67 2 1       67 2
      Dx = 61 1 1           61 1              (134) + (160) + (183) – (80) – (201) – (244) = –48
           80 3 2           80 3

           2 67 1           2 67
      Dy = 3 61 1           3 61              (244) + (67) + (240) – (61) – (160) – (402) = –72
           1 80 2           1 80

               2 2 67       2 2
      Dz = 3 1 61           3 1              (160) + (122) + (603) – (67) – (366) – (480) = –28
           1 3 80           1 3

          Dx          48                       Dy        72                    Dz     28
      x                    12 ; y                             18 ; z                         7
          D            4                       D          4                    D       4

      Harga:      x + y + 4z = (12.000) + (18.000) + 4(7.000) = 58.000

10.   Jawab: C
           2      1              x       y 2                  7 2                   7 3
      A                 ; B                         ; C                    Ct
           1      4                  3         y              3 1                   2 1

                                                                        © Aidia Propitious                            3

                                          x       y 2                  2       1        7 3
      B – A = Ct              
                                              3        y               1       4        2 1

                                      y–4=1                                                    y=5
                                      x + (5) – 2 = 7                                          x=4

      x . y = (4)(5) = 20

11.   Jawab: C
      1x + 0 y < 0200                                 4x + 20y = 1760                                      x + (60) = 200
      4x + 20y < 1760                                 4x + 24y = 0800 –                                    x = 200 – 60
                                                                                                             = 140
                                                                   16y =            960
                                                                     y=              60

      Pendapatan maksimum:                                                 1.000x + 2.000y = 1.000(140) + 2.000(60) = 260.000

12.   Jawab: B
                              0                   1            1                                               2          1       3
      RP      P   R           1               0                1           ;       RQ       Q    R              3         0       3
                              4               2                2                                               2          2       0

                      RP . RQ                          (1)(3)               (1)(-3)         (2)(0)                   0
      cos θ                                                                                                                   0
                      RP          RQ                  12       12          22 . 32          (-3)2          0        6 2

      Θ = 90°

13.   Jawab: A
                                  2           0            2                                               0        0         0
      AB      B       A           2           0            2           ;           AC       C    A         2        0         2
                                  0           0            0                                               2        0         2

      Proyeksi vektor orthogonal AB pada AC :

                  2       0
                  2       2
                                              0                                0          0
                  0       2                                0       4       0            1
                                              2                                2          2            j       k
                      2       2                                    8                    2
            0     2           2               2                                2          2

14.   Jawab: D
      y = x2 – 3                     Persamaan kuadrat                                        Carilah titik potong dengan sumbu X dan Y

       X              0           + 3                 – 3
        y         –3                  0                0                           A (0, –3)                   B (+ 3 , 0)        C (– 3 , 0)

                                                                                                     © Aidia Propitious                         4

                                  Refleksi                              Dilatasi
                                  sumbu x                                k 2
                       (x, y)                (x, -y)       (x, y)                 (kx, ky)
         (0, -3)                  (0, 3)                                 (0, 6)
        (+ 3 , 0)                (+ 3 , 0)                             (+2 3 , 0)
        (– 3 , 0)                (– 3 , 0)                             (–2 3 , 0)

      y = a (x – x1) (x – x2)        6 = a (0 - 2 3 ) (0 + 2 3 )
                                      6 = a (-2 3 ) (2 3 )
                                      6 = – 12 a

      y = –½ (x – 2 3 ) (x + 2 3 )
        = –½ (x2 – 12)
        = –½x2 + 6

15.   Jawab: B
      U3 = a + 2b = 36                         a + 2b = 36                 a + 2(12) = 36
      U5 + U7 = (a + 4b) + (a + 6b)            a + 5b = 72 -               a = 36 – 24
         144 = 2a + 10b                                                    a = 12
          72 = a + 5b                              –3b = –36
                                                     b = 12

16.   Jawab: E
      a = 80.000.000           sederhanakan menjadi a = 80

      U3 = a . r2 = (80) (¾)2 = (80) (9/16) = 45

17.   Jawab: B
      p = hari panas                  p    q           p       q            p  r
      q = ani memakai topi           ~q v r            q       r            ~r          (modus tolens)
      r = memakai payung             ~r                    p       r          ~p

      ~p = hari tidak panas

18.   Jawab: B                                                                                           F
      ACH    titik tengah P  DP = /3 DF
      EGB    titik tengah Q  FQ = 1/3 DF
      DF  Diagonal ruang                                                  D
      Jarak PQ = 1 – 1/3 – 1/3 = 1/3 . 6 3 = 2c

                                                           © Aidia Propitious                                5

19.   Jawab: -

      BG = a 2          ;    BDHF  diwakili oleh garis BH                              ;   BH = a 3

                                         HG2 = BH2 + BG2 – 2(BH) (BG) cos B
                                           a2 = (a 3 )2 + (a 2 )2 – 2(a 3 ) (a 2 ) cos B
           a 2         a 3
                                           a2 = 3a2 + 2a2 - 2 6 a2 . cos B
                                                      5a2   a2            4a2           1
       G                     H           cos B =                                          6         B = 35,3
                  a                                   2 6a      2
                                                                     2 6a       2       3

20.   Jawab: A

           C = 45      ;     a=p          ;   b= 2 2p

      c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C = (p)2 + (2 2 p)2 – 2 (p) (2 2 p) cos 45
           = p2 + 8p2 – 4 2 p2 (½ 2 )
           = 9p2 – 4p2
           = 5p2
      c=         5p

21.   Jawab: C
      cos 40 + (cos 80 + cos 160) =                     cos     40   + [2   cos ½ (80 + 160) . cos ½ (80 – 160)
                                  =                     cos     40   + [2   cos 120 . cos 40 ]
                                  =                     cos     40   (1 +   2 cos 120)
                                  =                     cos     40   (1 +   2 (-½))
                                  =                     0

22.   Jawab: A
      A = x2 – x – 6                     A’ = 2x – 1
      B=4-            5x 1               B’ = - ½ . 5 (5x + 1)-½ = - 5/2 (5x + 1) -½

            2(3) 1           5 . 2 16
               5                  5
            2 5(3) 1

23.   Jawab: E

                 1 (1 2 sin2 x)                       2 . sin x . sin x
      Limit                                   Limit                                 4
       x    0             1                   x   0              1
                   x . tan x                            x . tan x
                          2                                      2

24.   Jawab: C

      f' (x)     2 sin 2x                2 cos 2x                   4 sin 2x                cos 2x
                                 6                      6                               6            6

                                                                          1 1
      f' (0)     4 sin 2(0)               cos 2(0)                   4.    .  3             3
                                     6                      6             2 2

                                                                            © Aidia Propitious                    6

25.   Jawab: D

      27 + 9 + 3 – a3 – a2 – a = 25                                          a3 + a2 + a – 14 = 0

      Gunakan horner:
          2                   1           1      1        -14                 (a – 2) (a2 + 3a + 7) = 0
                                          +      +            +               a=2
                                          2      6        14                  ½a=1
                              1           3      7        0

26.   Jawab: B
      Short-cut agar luas persegi panjang maksimum:
      -       panjang = ½ x = ½ (4) = 2
      -       lebar = ½ y = ½ (5) = 2½
      -       luas maksimum = ¼ xy = ¼ (4)(5) = 5

27.   Jawab: C
      y = x2              ;       x+y=6  y=6–x

      ykurva = ygaris                        x2 = 6 – x  x2 + x – 6 = 0  (x + 3)(x – 2) = 0  x = -3, x = 2

              -               -                   -

                  -               -                       -       -       -       -   -            -

28.   Jawab: D
      y = -x2 + 4                     ;   y = -2x + 1

      ykurva = ygaris                         -x2 + 4 = -2x + 1                         x2 – 2x – 3 = 0
                                              (x – 3) (x + 1) = 0
                                              x = 3 , x = -1

                      –                               -

                      –                                       -       –       -       -             -

                                                                                          © Aidia Propitious   7

29.   Jawab: E
      P(A) = 3/8       ;    P(B) = 6/10

30.   Jawab: D
      Fmod = 14    ;       L = 48,5   ;   c=6   ;   f k = 4 + 6 + 9 = 19      ;   n = 50

                           –                        –
      Mod =

      Jika ditemukan kesalahan dalam pembahasan,
      mohon hubungi
      atau 08999812979. Terima kasih.

                                                         © Aidia Propitious                8

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JAWAB UAN IPA 2006/2007 P12

  • 1. JAWABAN UJIAN NASIONAL 2006 / 2007 MATEMATIKA IPA P12 - A RABU, 18 APRIL 2007 1. Jawab: C 2. Jawab: B 2 log 3 . 3log 5 = 2log 5 = ab 15 log 20 = 3. Jawab: C x2 – 5x + 6 = 0 x 1 + x2 = - - - y1 + y2 = (x1 – 3) + (x2 – 3) = (x1 + x2) – 6 = 5 – 6 c 6 =–1 x1 . x2 = 6 a 1 y1 . y2 = (x1 – 3) (x2 – 3) = x1.x2 – 3(x1 + x2) + 9 = 6 – 3(5) + 9 = 0 x2 – (y1 + y2)x + (y1 . y2) = 0  x2 – (–1)x + 0 = 0  x2 + x = 0 4. Jawab: E Titik Puncak (1, 4) Titik potong dengan sumbu X (–1, 0) dan (3, 0) (1, 4) Titik potong dengan sumbu Y (0, 3) Cara 1: Gunakan persamaan y = a (x – x1) (x – x2) (0, 3) Titik puncak  y = 4, x = 1 Titik potong sumbu X  x1 = – 1, x2 = 3 4 = a (1 + 1) (1 – 3) = a (–4) (3, 0) (-1, 0) 4 = – 4a a=–1 y = – 1 (x + 1) (x - 3) = – (x2 – 2x - 3) y = – x2 + 2x + 3 © Aidia Propitious 1
  • 2. Cara 2: Gunakan persamaan y = a (x – xp)2 + yp Titik potong sumbu x  x = –1, y = 0 Titik puncak  xp = 1, yp = 4 0 = a (– 1 – 1)2 + 4 = a (4) + 4 0 = 4a + 4  4a = – 4 a=–1 y = –1 (x – 1)2 + 4 = – (x2 – 2x + 1) + 4 = – x2 + 2x – 1 y = –x2 + 2x + 3 5. Jawab: A f(x) = 3x2 – 4x + 6 ; g(x) = 2x – 1 ; (f o g)(x) = 101 2 (f o g)(x) = f(g(x)) = 3(2x – 1) – 4(2x – 1) + 6 = 3(4x2 – 4x + 1) – 8x + 4 + 6 = 12x2 – 12x + 3 – 8x + 10 101 = 12x2 – 20x + 13 12x2 – 20x – 88 = 0  dibagi 4 3x2 – 5x – 22 = 0 (3x – 11) (x + 2) = 0 11 2 x1 3 ; x2 2 3 3 6. Jawab: E 32x+1 – 28.3x + 9 = 0  32x . 31 – 28 . 3x + 9 = 0 Misal: 3x = A 3A2 – 28A + 9 = 0 (3A – 1) (A – 9) = 0  A = 1/3 ; A=9 3x = 9  x1 = 2 ; 3x = 1/3  x2 = –1 3x1 – x2 = 3(2) – (–1) = 7 7. Jawab: D (x – 2)2 + (y + 1)2 = 13  Pusat (2, –1) ; Jari-jari (r) = 13 x = –1  (–1 – 2)2 + (y + 1)2 = 13  9 + y2 + 2y + 1 = 13  y2 + 2y – 3 = 0  (y + 3) (y – 1) = 0  y = –3 ; y = 1  ada 2 titik pada lingkaran: (–1, –3) dan (–1, 1) Gunakan rumus :(x – a) (x1 – a) + (y – b) (y1 – b) = r2 (–1, –3) : (x – 2) (–1 – 2) + (y + 1) (–3 + 1) = 13 –3 (x – 2) – 2 (y + 1) = 13 –3x + 6 – 2y – 2 = 13 3x + 2y + 9 = 0 © Aidia Propitious 2
  • 3. (–1, 1) : (x – 2) (–1 – 2) + (y + 1) (1 + 1) = 13 –3 (x – 2) + 2 (y + 1) = 13 –3x + 6 + 2y + 2 = 13 3x – 2y + 5 = 0 8. Jawab: A f(x) : (x – 2) sisa 24  f(2) = 24 f(x) : (2x – 3) sisa 20  f(3/2) = 20 – – - - ; a=2 ; b = 3/2 ; f(a) = 24 ; f(b) = 20 9. Jawab: E 2 2 1 x 67 2x + 2y + 1z = 67.000 3 1 1 y 61 3x + 1y + 1z = 61.000 1x + 3y + 2z = 80.000 1 3 2 z 80 2 2 1 2 2 D= 3 1 1 3 1 (4) + (2) + (9) – (1) – (6) – (12) = –4 1 3 2 1 3 67 2 1 67 2 Dx = 61 1 1 61 1 (134) + (160) + (183) – (80) – (201) – (244) = –48 80 3 2 80 3 2 67 1 2 67 Dy = 3 61 1 3 61 (244) + (67) + (240) – (61) – (160) – (402) = –72 1 80 2 1 80 2 2 67 2 2 Dz = 3 1 61 3 1 (160) + (122) + (603) – (67) – (366) – (480) = –28 1 3 80 1 3 Dx 48 Dy 72 Dz 28 x 12 ; y 18 ; z 7 D 4 D 4 D 4 Harga: x + y + 4z = (12.000) + (18.000) + 4(7.000) = 58.000 10. Jawab: C 2 1 x y 2 7 2 7 3 A ; B ; C Ct 1 4 3 y 3 1 2 1 © Aidia Propitious 3
  • 4. x y 2 2 1 7 3 B – A = Ct  3 y 1 4 2 1 y–4=1  y=5 x + (5) – 2 = 7  x=4 x . y = (4)(5) = 20 11. Jawab: C 1x + 0 y < 0200 4x + 20y = 1760 x + (60) = 200 4x + 20y < 1760 4x + 24y = 0800 – x = 200 – 60 = 140 16y = 960 y= 60 Pendapatan maksimum: 1.000x + 2.000y = 1.000(140) + 2.000(60) = 260.000 12. Jawab: B 0 1 1 2 1 3 RP P R 1 0 1 ; RQ Q R 3 0 3 4 2 2 2 2 0 RP . RQ (1)(3) (1)(-3) (2)(0) 0 cos θ 0 RP RQ 12 12 22 . 32 (-3)2 0 6 2 Θ = 90° 13. Jawab: A 2 0 2 0 0 0 AB B A 2 0 2 ; AC C A 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 2 Proyeksi vektor orthogonal AB pada AC : 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 1 2 2 2 2 j k 2 2 8 2 0 2 2 2 2 2 14. Jawab: D y = x2 – 3  Persamaan kuadrat  Carilah titik potong dengan sumbu X dan Y X 0 + 3 – 3 y –3 0 0 A (0, –3) B (+ 3 , 0) C (– 3 , 0) © Aidia Propitious 4
  • 5. Refleksi Dilatasi sumbu x k 2 (x, y) (x, -y) (x, y) (kx, ky) (0, -3) (0, 3) (0, 6) (+ 3 , 0) (+ 3 , 0) (+2 3 , 0) (– 3 , 0) (– 3 , 0) (–2 3 , 0) y = a (x – x1) (x – x2)  6 = a (0 - 2 3 ) (0 + 2 3 ) 6 = a (-2 3 ) (2 3 ) 6 = – 12 a a=–½ y = –½ (x – 2 3 ) (x + 2 3 ) = –½ (x2 – 12) = –½x2 + 6 15. Jawab: B U3 = a + 2b = 36 a + 2b = 36 a + 2(12) = 36 U5 + U7 = (a + 4b) + (a + 6b) a + 5b = 72 - a = 36 – 24 144 = 2a + 10b a = 12 72 = a + 5b –3b = –36 b = 12 16. Jawab: E a = 80.000.000  sederhanakan menjadi a = 80 r=¾ U3 = a . r2 = (80) (¾)2 = (80) (9/16) = 45 17. Jawab: B p = hari panas p q p q p r q = ani memakai topi ~q v r q r ~r (modus tolens) r = memakai payung ~r p r ~p ~p = hari tidak panas 18. Jawab: B F 1 ACH  titik tengah P  DP = /3 DF Q EGB  titik tengah Q  FQ = 1/3 DF P DF  Diagonal ruang D Jarak PQ = 1 – 1/3 – 1/3 = 1/3 . 6 3 = 2c © Aidia Propitious 5
  • 6. 19. Jawab: - BG = a 2 ; BDHF  diwakili oleh garis BH ; BH = a 3 B HG2 = BH2 + BG2 – 2(BH) (BG) cos B a2 = (a 3 )2 + (a 2 )2 – 2(a 3 ) (a 2 ) cos B a 2 a 3 a2 = 3a2 + 2a2 - 2 6 a2 . cos B 5a2 a2 4a2 1 G H cos B = 6  B = 35,3 a 2 6a 2 2 6a 2 3 20. Jawab: A C = 45 ; a=p ; b= 2 2p c2 = a2 + b2 – 2ab cos C = (p)2 + (2 2 p)2 – 2 (p) (2 2 p) cos 45 = p2 + 8p2 – 4 2 p2 (½ 2 ) = 9p2 – 4p2 = 5p2 c= 5p 21. Jawab: C cos 40 + (cos 80 + cos 160) = cos 40 + [2 cos ½ (80 + 160) . cos ½ (80 – 160) = cos 40 + [2 cos 120 . cos 40 ] = cos 40 (1 + 2 cos 120) = cos 40 (1 + 2 (-½)) = 0 22. Jawab: A A = x2 – x – 6  A’ = 2x – 1 B=4- 5x 1  B’ = - ½ . 5 (5x + 1)-½ = - 5/2 (5x + 1) -½ 2(3) 1 5 . 2 16 8 5 5 2 5(3) 1 23. Jawab: E 1 (1 2 sin2 x) 2 . sin x . sin x Limit Limit 4 x 0 1 x 0 1 x . tan x x . tan x 2 2 24. Jawab: C f' (x) 2 sin 2x 2 cos 2x 4 sin 2x cos 2x 6 6 6 6 1 1 f' (0) 4 sin 2(0) cos 2(0) 4. . 3 3 6 6 2 2 © Aidia Propitious 6
  • 7. 25. Jawab: D 27 + 9 + 3 – a3 – a2 – a = 25  a3 + a2 + a – 14 = 0 Gunakan horner: 2 1 1 1 -14 (a – 2) (a2 + 3a + 7) = 0 + + + a=2 2 6 14 ½a=1 1 3 7 0 26. Jawab: B Short-cut agar luas persegi panjang maksimum: - panjang = ½ x = ½ (4) = 2 - lebar = ½ y = ½ (5) = 2½ - luas maksimum = ¼ xy = ¼ (4)(5) = 5 27. Jawab: C y = x2 ; x+y=6  y=6–x ykurva = ygaris  x2 = 6 – x  x2 + x – 6 = 0  (x + 3)(x – 2) = 0  x = -3, x = 2 - - - - - - - - - - - 28. Jawab: D y = -x2 + 4 ; y = -2x + 1 ykurva = ygaris  -x2 + 4 = -2x + 1  x2 – 2x – 3 = 0  (x – 3) (x + 1) = 0  x = 3 , x = -1 – - – - – - - - © Aidia Propitious 7
  • 8. 29. Jawab: E P(A) = 3/8 ; P(B) = 6/10 30. Jawab: D Fmod = 14 ; L = 48,5 ; c=6 ; f k = 4 + 6 + 9 = 19 ; n = 50 – – Mod = Jika ditemukan kesalahan dalam pembahasan, mohon hubungi atau 08999812979. Terima kasih. © Aidia Propitious 8