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Java profiling
Do It Yourself
Alexey Ragozin
JVM diagnostic interfaces
• JVMTI – native API only
• Attach Protocol
 Ad hoc instrumentation
 and more
• Perf counters
• Heap dump
• Flight recorder
• Serviceability agent
MBeans: threading
 CPU usage per thread (user / sys)
 Memory allocation per thread
 Block / wait times
 Should be enabled
 Stack traces
SJK: ttop
2014-10-01T19:27:22.825+0400 Process summary
process cpu=101.80%
application cpu=100.50% (user=86.21% sys=14.29%)
other: cpu=1.30%
GC cpu=0.00% (young=0.00%, old=0.00%)
heap allocation rate 123mb/s
safe point rate: 0.8 (events/s) avg. safe point pause: 211.69ms
safe point sync time: 0.00% processing time: 17.47% (wallclock time)
[000037] user=83.66% sys=14.02% alloc= 121mb/s - Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService1:TcpAcceptor:TcpProcessor
[000075] user= 0.97% sys= 0.08% alloc= 411kb/s - RMI TCP Connection(35)-
[000029] user= 0.61% sys=-0.00% alloc= 697kb/s - Invocation:Management
[000073] user= 0.49% sys=-0.01% alloc= 343kb/s - RMI TCP Connection(33)-
[000023] user= 0.24% sys=-0.01% alloc= 10kb/s - PacketPublisher
[000022] user= 0.00% sys= 0.10% alloc= 11kb/s - PacketReceiver
[000072] user= 0.00% sys= 0.07% alloc= 22kb/s - RMI TCP Connection(31)-
[000056] user= 0.00% sys= 0.05% alloc= 20kb/s - RMI TCP Connection(25)-
[000026] user= 0.12% sys=-0.07% alloc= 2217b/s - Cluster|Member(Id=18, Timestamp=2014-10-01 15:58:3...
[000076] user= 0.00% sys= 0.04% alloc= 6657b/s - JMX server connection timeout 76
[000021] user= 0.00% sys= 0.03% alloc= 526b/s - PacketListener1P
[000034] user= 0.00% sys= 0.02% alloc= 1537b/s - Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService1
[000049] user= 0.00% sys= 0.02% alloc= 6011b/s - JMX server connection timeout 49
[000032] user= 0.00% sys= 0.01% alloc= 0b/s - DistributedCache
Available via PerfCounters
MBeans: memory
• Memory geometry information
• Collection count
• Last collection details
 for each collector
• GC events available as notifications
since Java 7
[GC: Copy#1806 time: 7ms interval: 332ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-325397.59kb/s] Tenured
Gen: 162185k+14k->162199k[max:477888k,rate:42.22kb/s] Survivor Space: 235k-13k->222k[max:23872k,rate:-41.93kb/s]]
[GC: Copy#1807 time: 8ms interval: 338ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-319621.30kb/s] Tenured
Gen: 162199k+219k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:648.30kb/s] Survivor Space: 222k-217k->4k[max:23872k,rate:-644.90kb/s]]
[GC: Copy#1808 time: 7ms interval: 321ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-336548.29kb/s] Tenured
Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 4k-2k->1k[max:23872k,rate:-7.64kb/s]]
[GC: Copy#1809 time: 7ms interval: 321ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-336548.29kb/s] Tenured
Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 1k+0k->1k[max:23872k,rate:0.24kb/s]]
[GC: Copy#1810 time: 4ms interval: 700ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-154331.43kb/s] Tenured
Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 1k+288k->290k[max:23872k,rate:412.00kb/s]]
[GC: Copy#1811 time: 5ms interval: 311ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-347369.77kb/s] Tenured
Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 290k-155k->135k[max:23872k,rate:-498.52kb/s]]
[GC: Copy#1812 time: 3ms interval: 340ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-317741.18kb/s] Tenured
Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 135k-2k->132k[max:23872k,rate:-6.14kb/s]]
[GC: Copy#1813 time: 6ms interval: 325ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-332406.15kb/s] Tenured
Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 132k+0k->133k[max:23872k,rate:0.65kb/s]]
Copy[ collections: 28 | avg: 0.0065 secs | total: 0.2 secs ]
MarkSweepCompact[ collections: 0 | avg: NaN secs | total: 0.0 secs ]
MBeans: diagnostic commands
• Forcing GC / GC log rotation
• Head dump
• Flight recorder
• Changing --XX options
• etc
Java 8
JVM Attach Protocol
• List JVM processes
• Attach to JVM by PID
• Send control commands
 heap dump / histogram
 stack dump
• Inspect system properties and VM options
• Launch instrumentation agents
SJK: hh --dead
Dead object histogram
 Similar to jmap –histo
 Invoke jmap –histo two time
 all heap objects
 live heap object
 calculates difference
 Can show top N rows
SJK: hh --dead
1: 19117456 2038375696 [C
2: 9543865 441272568 [Ljava.lang.Object;
3: 13519356 432619392 java.util.HashMap$Entry
4: 12558262 301398288 java.lang.String
5: 7193066 287722640 org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionKey
6: 619253 160678888 [I
7: 4710497 113051928$1$1
8: 571327 100876880 [Ljava.util.HashMap$Entry;
9: 1436183 57447320 org.hibernate.event.spi.FlushEntityEvent
10: 1661932 53181824 java.util.Stack
11: 209899 52047904 [B
12: 1624200 51974400 org.hibernate.engine.internal.Cascade
13: 929354 44608992 java.util.HashMap
14: 1812762 43506288 org.hibernate.i.u.c.IdentityMap$IdentityMapEntry
15: 850157 34006280 java.util.TreeMap$Entry
16: 1044636 25071264 java.util.ArrayList
17: 1340986 23423328 [Ljava.lang.Class;
18: 710973 22751136$WeakClassKey
19: 885164 21243936 org.hibernate.event.internal.WrapVisitor
20: 885126 21243024 org.hibernate.event.internal.FlushVisitor
Total 95197823 4793878008
SJK: jps
JDK’s jps on steroid
 Uses attach API
 Lists VMs
 Filtering by JVM system properties
 Prints property values
 Prints effective –XX options
SJK: jps
My favorite command
> sjk jps -pd PID MAIN duser.dir XMaxHeapSize
90543 sjk-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /var/vas_sdk_test_server -XX:MaxHeapSize=32126271488
5315 WrapperSimpleApp /var/vas_sdk_test_server/vas-sdk-test-13030 -XX:MaxHeapSize=4294967296
11094 WrapperSimpleApp /var/vas_sdk_test_server/vas-sdk-test-13020 -XX:MaxHeapSize=4294967296
993 Main /var/gedoms-uat/private/rtdb_1 -XX:MaxHeapSize=12884901888
56603 AxiomApplication /var/gedoms-uat/private/gedoms_1 -XX:MaxHeapSize=2147483648
24046 WrapperSimpleApp /var/sonar/sonar-3.6.2/bin/linux-x86-64 -XX:MaxHeapSize=536870912
Perf counters
 Based on shared memory
 safe for target JVM
 Flat data model
 misc JVM counters
 safepoint statistics
 GC tennuring stats
 you can add own counter programmatically
 jcmd PID PerfCounter.print
Stack Trace Sampling
• Dump stack traces via local connection
• Store in highly compressed dump
10-30 bytes per trace
• Frame frequency
• Conditional frame frequency
• Traces classification histogram
Flame Graphs
Tracking down CPU hogs
sjk ssa -f tracedump.std --categorize -tf **.CoyoteAdapter.service -nc
"Facelets compile=com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.Compiler.compile"
"Seam bijection=org.jboss.seam.**.aroundInvoke/!**.proceed"
Total samples 2732050 100.00%
JDBC 405439 14.84%
Hibernate 802932 29.39%
Facelets compile 395784 14.49%
Seam bijection 385491 14.11%
JSF.execute 290355 10.63%
JSF.render 297868 10.90%
Other 154181 5.64% 0.00%
Seam bijection
Facelets compile
Tracking down CPU hogs
Stack frame frequency histogram
sjk ssa -f tracedump --histo -tf **!**.jdbc -tt ogr.hibernate
Trc (%)FrmNTerm (%)Frame
69950687%699506 0 0%org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.autoFlushIfRequired(
68937085%689370 10 0%org.hibernate.internal.QueryImpl.list(
67652484%676524 0 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultAutoFlushEventListener.onAutoFlush(
67513684%675136 0 0%org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.list(
57383671%573836 4 0%org.hibernate.ejb.QueryImpl.getResultList(
55096868%550968 1 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener.flushEverythingToExecutions(
53389266%533892 132 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener.flushEntities(
38151447%381514 882 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractVisitor.processEntityPropertyValues(
27101833%271018 0 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultFlushEntityEventListener.onFlushEntity(
Working with heap dumps
Java API to traverse heap dump object graph
Available at
 Based on NetBeans profiler library
 No temporary files used
 Fixed generic method signatures
 Improved performance
Useful for
 In-place processing of large heap dumps
150 GiB is my personal record
 Write domain specific heap usage reports
Working with heap dumps
 Convenient way to extract value from dump
 Error proof
 Handles String, primitives/boxed and arrays
Working with heap dumps
See also
Heap dump meets SQL
SJK Summary
 Single executable JAR
 Command line interface
 Exploits JMX/JVMAttachProtocol/PerfCounters
 Sampling profiler included
 Extensible commands
 Write commands for your own application
Btrace: CLI profiler
• Instrumenting
• Used via CLI or API
• Scriptable
with Java
BTrace script
Profiler prof = Profiling.newProfiler();
@OnMethod(clazz = "org.jboss.seam.Component",
method = "/(inject|disinject|outject)/")
void entryByMethod2(@ProbeClassName String className,
@ProbeMethodName String methodName, @Self Object component) {
if (component != null) {
Field nameField = field(classOf(component), "name", true);
if (nameField != null) {
String name = (String)get(nameField, component);
Profiling.recordEntry(prof, concat("org.jboss.seam.Component.",
concat(methodName, concat(":", name))));
@OnMethod(clazz = "org.jboss.seam.Component",
method = "/(inject|disinject|outject)/",
location = @Location(value = Kind.RETURN))
void exitByMthd2(@ProbeClassName String className,
@ProbeMethodName String methodName, @Self Object component,
@Duration long duration) {
if (component != null) {
Field nameField = field(classOf(component), "name", true);
if (nameField != null) {
String name = (String)get(nameField, component);
Profiling.recordExit(prof, concat("org.jboss.seam.Component.",
concat(methodName, concat(":", name))), duration);
System Information Gatherer And Reporter
• Cross platform
• Common system metrics
 CPU, Context switches, IO, etc
• Java bindings
 Self extracting JAR: org.gridkit.lab:sigar-lib:1.6.4
Flight Recorder
+ Accessible via JMX
+ Targeting JVM internals
+ Low overhead
‐ Non-compact file format
‐ Biased profiling
‐ Weak support for thread sampling
Flight Recorder
Non uniform
Serviceability agent
Ultimate JVM debugging tool
• Use binding to platform debugger (windbg, gdbg)
can work with core dumps
• Use RTTI information from JVM binaries
OpenJDK requires debug symbols to be installed for SA to work
• Introspect JVM internals by inspecting process memory
• Used by jstack -F and other JVM tools accepting core dumps
• Very buggy!
• Very slow!
• Abandoned?
Mixed Stack Sampling
Sampling via SA
• Sample all Java, JVM and native
• Slow (~10 times application slow down)
Serviceability Agent Summary
Hybrid stack trace sampling
• Slow and intrusive
• Stack parsing issues (-XX:+PreserveFramePointer should help)
• There are alternatives:
Honest Profiler -
Perf Map Agent -
Heap walking with SA
• May be faster for large heaps
No need heap to disk serialization!
• Inspecting portion of heap (e.g. Eden only)
• Some code in jdi-sa.jar should be optimized to fix performance
Thank you
Alexey Ragozin
- my technical blog
- my open source projects

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Java profiling Do It Yourself ( 2016)

  • 1. Java profiling Do It Yourself Alexey Ragozin JUG.MSK.RU 2016
  • 2. JVM diagnostic interfaces • JMX • JVMTI – native API only • Attach Protocol  Ad hoc instrumentation  and more • Perf counters • Heap dump • Flight recorder • Serviceability agent
  • 3. MBeans: threading  CPU usage per thread (user / sys)  Memory allocation per thread  Block / wait times  Should be enabled  Stack traces Invaluable
  • 4. SJK: ttop 2014-10-01T19:27:22.825+0400 Process summary process cpu=101.80% application cpu=100.50% (user=86.21% sys=14.29%) other: cpu=1.30% GC cpu=0.00% (young=0.00%, old=0.00%) heap allocation rate 123mb/s safe point rate: 0.8 (events/s) avg. safe point pause: 211.69ms safe point sync time: 0.00% processing time: 17.47% (wallclock time) [000037] user=83.66% sys=14.02% alloc= 121mb/s - Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService1:TcpAcceptor:TcpProcessor [000075] user= 0.97% sys= 0.08% alloc= 411kb/s - RMI TCP Connection(35)- [000029] user= 0.61% sys=-0.00% alloc= 697kb/s - Invocation:Management [000073] user= 0.49% sys=-0.01% alloc= 343kb/s - RMI TCP Connection(33)- [000023] user= 0.24% sys=-0.01% alloc= 10kb/s - PacketPublisher [000022] user= 0.00% sys= 0.10% alloc= 11kb/s - PacketReceiver [000072] user= 0.00% sys= 0.07% alloc= 22kb/s - RMI TCP Connection(31)- [000056] user= 0.00% sys= 0.05% alloc= 20kb/s - RMI TCP Connection(25)- [000026] user= 0.12% sys=-0.07% alloc= 2217b/s - Cluster|Member(Id=18, Timestamp=2014-10-01 15:58:3... [000076] user= 0.00% sys= 0.04% alloc= 6657b/s - JMX server connection timeout 76 [000021] user= 0.00% sys= 0.03% alloc= 526b/s - PacketListener1P [000034] user= 0.00% sys= 0.02% alloc= 1537b/s - Proxy:ExtendTcpProxyService1 [000049] user= 0.00% sys= 0.02% alloc= 6011b/s - JMX server connection timeout 49 [000032] user= 0.00% sys= 0.01% alloc= 0b/s - DistributedCache Available via PerfCounters
  • 5. MBeans: memory • Memory geometry information • Collection count • Last collection details  for each collector • GC events available as notifications since Java 7
  • 6. SJK: GC [GC: Copy#1806 time: 7ms interval: 332ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-325397.59kb/s] Tenured Gen: 162185k+14k->162199k[max:477888k,rate:42.22kb/s] Survivor Space: 235k-13k->222k[max:23872k,rate:-41.93kb/s]] [GC: Copy#1807 time: 8ms interval: 338ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-319621.30kb/s] Tenured Gen: 162199k+219k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:648.30kb/s] Survivor Space: 222k-217k->4k[max:23872k,rate:-644.90kb/s]] [GC: Copy#1808 time: 7ms interval: 321ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-336548.29kb/s] Tenured Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 4k-2k->1k[max:23872k,rate:-7.64kb/s]] [GC: Copy#1809 time: 7ms interval: 321ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-336548.29kb/s] Tenured Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 1k+0k->1k[max:23872k,rate:0.24kb/s]] [GC: Copy#1810 time: 4ms interval: 700ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-154331.43kb/s] Tenured Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 1k+288k->290k[max:23872k,rate:412.00kb/s]] [GC: Copy#1811 time: 5ms interval: 311ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-347369.77kb/s] Tenured Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 290k-155k->135k[max:23872k,rate:-498.52kb/s]] [GC: Copy#1812 time: 3ms interval: 340ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-317741.18kb/s] Tenured Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 135k-2k->132k[max:23872k,rate:-6.14kb/s]] [GC: Copy#1813 time: 6ms interval: 325ms mem: Eden Space: 108032k-108032k->0k[max:191168k,rate:-332406.15kb/s] Tenured Gen: 162418k+0k->162418k[max:477888k,rate:0.00kb/s] Survivor Space: 132k+0k->133k[max:23872k,rate:0.65kb/s]] Total Copy[ collections: 28 | avg: 0.0065 secs | total: 0.2 secs ] MarkSweepCompact[ collections: 0 | avg: NaN secs | total: 0.0 secs ]
  • 7. MBeans: diagnostic commands • Forcing GC / GC log rotation • Head dump • Flight recorder • Changing --XX options • etc Java 8
  • 8. JVM Attach Protocol • List JVM processes • Attach to JVM by PID • Send control commands  heap dump / histogram  stack dump • Inspect system properties and VM options • Launch instrumentation agents
  • 9. SJK: hh --dead Dead object histogram  Similar to jmap –histo  Invoke jmap –histo two time  all heap objects  live heap object  calculates difference  Can show top N rows
  • 10. SJK: hh --dead 1: 19117456 2038375696 [C 2: 9543865 441272568 [Ljava.lang.Object; 3: 13519356 432619392 java.util.HashMap$Entry 4: 12558262 301398288 java.lang.String 5: 7193066 287722640 org.hibernate.engine.spi.CollectionKey 6: 619253 160678888 [I 7: 4710497 113051928$1$1 8: 571327 100876880 [Ljava.util.HashMap$Entry; 9: 1436183 57447320 org.hibernate.event.spi.FlushEntityEvent 10: 1661932 53181824 java.util.Stack 11: 209899 52047904 [B 12: 1624200 51974400 org.hibernate.engine.internal.Cascade 13: 929354 44608992 java.util.HashMap 14: 1812762 43506288 org.hibernate.i.u.c.IdentityMap$IdentityMapEntry 15: 850157 34006280 java.util.TreeMap$Entry 16: 1044636 25071264 java.util.ArrayList 17: 1340986 23423328 [Ljava.lang.Class; 18: 710973 22751136$WeakClassKey 19: 885164 21243936 org.hibernate.event.internal.WrapVisitor 20: 885126 21243024 org.hibernate.event.internal.FlushVisitor ... Total 95197823 4793878008
  • 11. SJK: jps JDK’s jps on steroid  Uses attach API  Lists VMs  Filtering by JVM system properties  Prints property values  Prints effective –XX options
  • 12. SJK: jps My favorite command > sjk jps -pd PID MAIN duser.dir XMaxHeapSize 90543 sjk-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /var/vas_sdk_test_server -XX:MaxHeapSize=32126271488 5315 WrapperSimpleApp /var/vas_sdk_test_server/vas-sdk-test-13030 -XX:MaxHeapSize=4294967296 11094 WrapperSimpleApp /var/vas_sdk_test_server/vas-sdk-test-13020 -XX:MaxHeapSize=4294967296 993 Main /var/gedoms-uat/private/rtdb_1 -XX:MaxHeapSize=12884901888 56603 AxiomApplication /var/gedoms-uat/private/gedoms_1 -XX:MaxHeapSize=2147483648 24046 WrapperSimpleApp /var/sonar/sonar-3.6.2/bin/linux-x86-64 -XX:MaxHeapSize=536870912
  • 13. Perf counters  Based on shared memory  safe for target JVM  Flat data model  misc JVM counters  safepoint statistics  GC tennuring stats  you can add own counter programmatically  jcmd PID PerfCounter.print
  • 14. Stack Trace Sampling Capture • Dump stack traces via local connection • Store in highly compressed dump 10-30 bytes per trace Analysis • Frame frequency • Conditional frame frequency • Traces classification histogram
  • 16. Tracking down CPU hogs Command sjk ssa -f tracedump.std --categorize -tf **.CoyoteAdapter.service -nc JDBC=**.jdbc Hibernate=org.hibernate "Facelets compile=com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.Compiler.compile" "Seam bijection=org.jboss.seam.**.aroundInvoke/!**.proceed" JSF.execute=com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute JSF.render=com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.render Other=** Report Total samples 2732050 100.00% JDBC 405439 14.84% Hibernate 802932 29.39% Facelets compile 395784 14.49% Seam bijection 385491 14.11% JSF.execute 290355 10.63% JSF.render 297868 10.90% Other 154181 5.64% 0.00% 20.00% 40.00% 60.00% 80.00% 100.00% Time Other JSF.render JSF.execute Seam bijection Facelets compile Hibernate JDBC Excel
  • 17. Tracking down CPU hogs Stack frame frequency histogram Command sjk ssa -f tracedump --histo -tf **!**.jdbc -tt ogr.hibernate Report Trc (%)FrmNTerm (%)Frame 69950687%699506 0 0%org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.autoFlushIfRequired( 68937085%689370 10 0%org.hibernate.internal.QueryImpl.list( 67652484%676524 0 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultAutoFlushEventListener.onAutoFlush( 67513684%675136 0 0%org.hibernate.internal.SessionImpl.list( 57383671%573836 4 0%org.hibernate.ejb.QueryImpl.getResultList( 55096868%550968 1 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener.flushEverythingToExecutions( 53389266%533892 132 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractFlushingEventListener.flushEntities( 38151447%381514 882 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.AbstractVisitor.processEntityPropertyValues( 27101833%271018 0 0%org.hibernate.event.internal.DefaultFlushEntityEventListener.onFlushEntity(
  • 18. Working with heap dumps Java API to traverse heap dump object graph Available at  Based on NetBeans profiler library  No temporary files used  Fixed generic method signatures  Improved performance Useful for  In-place processing of large heap dumps 150 GiB is my personal record  Write domain specific heap usage reports
  • 19. Working with heap dumps HeapPath  Convenient way to extract value from dump  Error proof  Handles String, primitives/boxed and arrays myfield1.myfield2.myfield3 myarrayfield[0].myfield myarrayfield[*].myfield myarrayfield[*][*] myfield1.*.myfield3 [*].value(MyClass) myhashmap?entrySet[key=description].value
  • 20. Working with heap dumps See also Heap dump meets SQL
  • 21. SJK Summary Visit  Single executable JAR  Command line interface  Exploits JMX/JVMAttachProtocol/PerfCounters  Sampling profiler included  Extensible commands  Write commands for your own application
  • 22. Btrace: CLI profiler BTrace • Instrumenting profiler • Used via CLI or API • Scriptable with Java BTrace script @Property Profiler prof = Profiling.newProfiler(); @OnMethod(clazz = "org.jboss.seam.Component", method = "/(inject|disinject|outject)/") void entryByMethod2(@ProbeClassName String className, @ProbeMethodName String methodName, @Self Object component) { if (component != null) { Field nameField = field(classOf(component), "name", true); if (nameField != null) { String name = (String)get(nameField, component); Profiling.recordEntry(prof, concat("org.jboss.seam.Component.", concat(methodName, concat(":", name)))); } } } @OnMethod(clazz = "org.jboss.seam.Component", method = "/(inject|disinject|outject)/", location = @Location(value = Kind.RETURN)) void exitByMthd2(@ProbeClassName String className, @ProbeMethodName String methodName, @Self Object component, @Duration long duration) { if (component != null) { Field nameField = field(classOf(component), "name", true); if (nameField != null) { String name = (String)get(nameField, component); Profiling.recordExit(prof, concat("org.jboss.seam.Component.", concat(methodName, concat(":", name))), duration); } } }
  • 23. Sigar System Information Gatherer And Reporter • Cross platform • Common system metrics  CPU, Context switches, IO, etc • Java bindings  Self extracting JAR: org.gridkit.lab:sigar-lib:1.6.4
  • 24. Flight Recorder + Accessible via JMX + Targeting JVM internals + Low overhead ‐ Non-compact file format ‐ Biased profiling ‐ Weak support for thread sampling
  • 26. Serviceability agent Ultimate JVM debugging tool • Use binding to platform debugger (windbg, gdbg) can work with core dumps • Use RTTI information from JVM binaries OpenJDK requires debug symbols to be installed for SA to work • Introspect JVM internals by inspecting process memory • Used by jstack -F and other JVM tools accepting core dumps • Very buggy! • Very slow! • Abandoned?
  • 27. Mixed Stack Sampling Sampling via SA • Sample all Java, JVM and native • Slow (~10 times application slow down)
  • 28. Serviceability Agent Summary Hybrid stack trace sampling • Slow and intrusive • Stack parsing issues (-XX:+PreserveFramePointer should help) • There are alternatives: Honest Profiler - Perf Map Agent - Heap walking with SA • May be faster for large heaps No need heap to disk serialization! • Inspecting portion of heap (e.g. Eden only) • Some code in jdi-sa.jar should be optimized to fix performance
  • 29. Thank you Alexey Ragozin - my technical blog - my open source projects