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Effects of calcium soaps of fatty acids on postpartum reproductive activity in beef
                                cows and growth of calves
            J. L. Espinoza, J. A. Ramirez-Godinez, J. A. Jimenez and A. Flores

                              J ANIM SCI 1995, 73:2888-2892.

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Effects of Calcium Soaps of Fatty Acids on Postpartum Reproductive
              Activity in Beef Cows and Growth of Calves1

          J. L. Espinoza2, J. A. Ramirez-Godinez3, J. A. Jimenez, and A. Flores

                   Facultad de Zootecnia, Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Perif.
         Francisco R. Almada Km. 1, Apdo. Postal 4-28, C.P. 31031, Chihuahua, Chih. Mexico

ABSTRACT: Beef cows were used to determine the                           respectively). A similar tendency was observed in
influence of calcium soaps of fatty acids (CSFA)                         body condition scores in the same postpartum periods
incorporated in a range supplement on postpartum                         (4.1 vs 3.4, P < .01 and 3.6 vs 2.5, P < .01 for M and C,
reproductive characteristics and growth of calves.                       respectively). Concentrations of total cholesterol,
Cows were assigned randomly to receive 0 (C, n = 68)                     high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density
or 125 g/d of CSFA (M, n = 66). Diets were                               lipoprotein cholesterol, very-low-density lipoprotein
isonitrogenous (23%) and were used during 105 d,                         cholesterol, and triglycerides were greater ( P < .01) in
beginning at 61 ± 36 d (range) precalving. Two blood
                                                                         M than in C cows. Percentage of cycling (progesterone
samples were collected monthly (7-d intervals).
                                                                         > 1 ng/mL) cows at 30 to 90 d postpartum was 38% in
Weights of calves at 35, 50, and 90 d of age and
weaning weight adjusted to 200 d of age were greater                     M and 22% in C ( P < .02). Percentage of pregnant
in M than in C (46.8 vs 43.8 kg, P < .05; 56.0 vs 50.6                   cows during the first half of the breeding season was
kg, P < .01; 98.8 vs 91.8 kg, P < .01; and 186 vs 173 kg,                greater ( P < .02) in M (62.5%) than in C cows
P < .01, respectively). Body weights at 35 and 50 d                      (35.5%). We concluded that CSFA incorporated in a
postcalving were greater in M than in C cows (334                        range supplement during pre- and postpartum periods
and 310 kg, P < .01; 329 and 300 kg, P < .01,                            improved reproductive efficiency and growth of calves.

                                Key Words: Beef Cattle, Nutrition, Reproduction, Fat

                                                                                                 J. Anim. Sci. 1995. 73:2888–2892

                        Introduction                                     provision of linolenic acid (precursor to PGF2a) may
                                                                         improve follicular recruitment and conception rates
   Development of commercial products based on                           (Lucy et al., 1991b). Feeding CSFA increased plasma
calcium soaps of fatty acids ( CSFA) offers beef cattle                  LH in beef cows after calf removal (Hightshoe et al.,
producers a method of increasing energy density in                       1991). Addition of supplemental fat to dairy and beef
range supplements without harming forage utilization                     cattle diets probably stimulates lipoprotein cholesterol
(Hightshoe et al., 1990).                                                export by the intestine and increases circulating
   Feeding bypass fat (Megalac) to dairy cows                            plasma LDL and HDL cholesterol concentration
resulted in greater conception rates (Ferguson et al.,                   (Talavera et al., 1985). Feeding diets high in lipid
1988). The mechanism by which bypass fat influences                      content ( 8 % ) to cows and heifers resulted in increased
reproductive function is not well understood. Feeding                    concentration of HDL in serum and follicular fluid
fat may positively influence reproductive performance                    (Wehrman and Williams, 1989).
of cows by promoting an earlier return to positive                          The objectives of this study were to determine the
energy balance, earlier ovarian cycling postpartum,                      influence of Megalac, as a source of CSFA, on
and higher conception rates at first service (Butler                     reproductive efficiency during the postpartum period
and Smith, 1989; Carroll et al., 1990). In addition,                     in suckled beef cows maintained under pasture
                                                                         conditions and to determine the influence of CSFA on
                                                                         calf growth.
   1We gratefully acknowledge Dennis Hallford, Dept. of Anim. and
Range Sci., New Mexico State Univ. for the progesterone assays and
for the preparation of this manuscript.                                                      Materials and Methods
   2Present address: Universidad Autonoma de B.C.S. Apartado
Postal 19-B, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico, C.P. 23000.
   3To whom correspondence should be addressed.                            Multiparous Angus and Hereford × Angus cows ( n =
   Received October 4, 1994.                                             134) ranging from 5 to 7 yr of age were blocked by
   Accepted June 1, 1995.                                                breed and age and assigned randomly to receive 1 kg/d


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RESPONSE OF RANGE BEEF COWS AND CALVES TO BYPASS FAT                                                             2889
of a control diet ( C, n = 68) containing grain sorghum           (Sera-Pak, Ames Division). The VLDL was calculated
(80%), meat meal (18%), and urea ( 2 % ) (ME = 3.12               to be 1/5 of TG (Sera-Pak, Ames Division). Serum P4
Mcal) or the same diet plus 125 g/d of Megalac ( M, n             was determined by RIA using a commercial kit
= 66; Church & Dwight Co., Princeton, NJ) as a                    (Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles, CA). Assays were
source of CSFA (ME = 3.8 Mcal). Diets were                        performed by the Animal Science Endocrinology
isonitrogenous (CP = 23%) and were fed during 105 d,              Laboratory at New Mexico State University and the
beginning at 61 ± 3.9 d precalving. Birth weight of               between- and within-assay coefficients of variation
calves was recorded. At three postpartum periods (35,             were 5.2 and 8.1%, respectively.
50, and 95 d), body condition scores ( BC1, BC2, and                 Data for calf weight, weight and body condition
BC3 [Whitman, 1975]) and body weights ( BW1, BW2,                 score in cows, and lipid metabolites were analyzed by
and BW3) of cows were recorded. Weights of calves in              analysis of variance in a completely randomized
the same postpartum periods ( WC1, WC2, and WC3)                  design using the GLM procedure (SAS, 1988). Preg-
and weaning weight ( WW) at 198 ± 6.0 d and 202 ±                 nancy rates at the first and second half and at end of
5.1 d of age in C and M calves, respectively, were                the breeding season were compared by chi-square
recorded. All cows were exposed to mature Hereford                (Steel and Torrie, 1980). The percentage of cycling
bulls (three bulls by group) that had passed breeding             cows at 30 to 90 d and after 90 d postpartum were
soundness examinations (BIF, 1990) for a                          analyzed by the Catmod procedure (SAS, 1988).
190-d breeding period on two pastures under a
30-d rotational system. Two blood samples were
collected monthly from each cow (7-d intervals) on                                    Results and Discussion
different postpartum periods, for determination of
total cholesterol ( CHOL) , high-density lipoprotein                 Calf Weight. Calf weights from birth to weaning are
cholesterol ( HDL) , low-density lipoprotein cholesterol          shown in Table 1. The birth weight was similar ( P >
( LDL) , very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol                 .05) for calves from M (31.8 kg) and C (30.6 kg)
( VLDL) , triglycerides ( TG) , and progesterone ( P4) .          groups. Even though diets were not isoenergetic, the
The percentage of cycling cows at 30 to 90 d and > 90 d           metabolizable energy provided by 125 g of M was not
postpartum was determined by the P4 concentration                 sufficient to stimulate greater fetal growth. Similar
( P 4 > 1 ng/mL = cycling cow). Blood was collected into          research for birth weight in Hereford calves was
evacuated tubes via jugular venipuncture, maintained
                                                                  reported by Stuedemann et al. (1968). However, WC1
on ice, allowed to clot, and centrifuged within 12 h
                                                                  was greater ( P < .05) in calves from the M group
after collection. Serum was harvested and stored at
                                                                  (46.8 kg) than in calves from the C group (43.8 kg)
−20°C until P4 and lipids (CHOL, HDL, LDL, VLDL,
                                                                  and was affected by sex, age, and birth weight ( P <
and TG) were determined. Lipid profiles were deter-
                                                                  .05). Male calves were heavier. A similar difference
mined by a commercial laboratory using automated,
                                                                  was observed in WC2 ( P < .01), with values of 56.0
enzymatic procedures. The CHOL was determined in
                                                                  and 50.6 kg for calves of M and C, respectively. The
serum after having been hydrolyzed and oxidized
enzymatically. In the oxidation process, H2O2 was                 WC3 and adjusted WW were greater ( P < .01) in
produced. Its presence of peroxidase, by reaction with            calves of the M group, with a difference of 7 and 13 kg
4-amino-antipirine and fenol, was transformed in a                for each variable, respectively (Table 1). Sex and age
coloring of quinonimine (Merck-Me     ´xico, S. A.). The          of calf affected ( P < .01) WC3, WW, and gain from
HDL were separated from chylomicrons, VLDL, and                   birth to weaning (132.8 kg in M vs 120.8 kg in C,
LDL by addition of a precipitating reagent (phos-
photungstic acid-magnesium chloride) to serum. After
centrifugation, the cholesterol content of the HDL                  Table 1. Weights of calves (kg) produced by cows
fraction remained in the supernatant and was deter-                     receiving either a control diet or Megalac
mined by the enzymatic colorimetric method using
cholesterol esterase, cholesterol oxidase, peroxidase,                                                         Diet
and the chromogen 4-aminophenazone/phenol (Sera-
Pak, Ames Division). The LDL was determined by                    Item                    Controla ± SEb          Megalacc ± SEd       P
difference between CHOL and HDL. The enzymatic                    Birth wt                      30.6 ±   .77           31.8 ±   .70   > .05
colorimetric method for TG determination is based on              Days of age
the principle that glycerol released from hydrolysis of            35 (WC 1 )                   43.8 ± 2.67            46.8 ± 2.53    < .05
triglycerides by lipoprotein lipase is converted by                50 (WC 2 )                   50.6 ± 2.47            56.0 ± 2.12    < .01
glycerolquinase into glycerol-3-phosphate, which is                95 (WC 3 )                   91.8 ± 4.01            98.8 ± 3.60    < .01
oxidized by glycerolphosphate oxidase to dihydrox-                Weaning wte                  173.0 ± 2.98           186.0 ± 2.72    < .01
yacetone phosphate and hydrogen peroxide. In the                      a1 kg/d during 105 d, 68 cows with calf.
                                                                      b,dBased on 68 and 66 calves, respectively.
presence of peroxidase, hydrogen peroxide oxidizes                    cControl diet mixed with 125 g/d of Megalac during 105 d, 66
the chromogen 4-aminophenasone/N-ethyl-N-(3-sul-                  cows with calf.
phopropyl)-m-anisidine to a violet-colored compound                  eAdjusted to 200 d of age.

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2890                                                                ESPINOZA ET AL.

respectively). The WW adjusted to 200 d of age was                                 Table 3. Reproductive performance of cows fed a
greater in M calves (186 kg) than C calves (173.8                                  control diet or a diet supplemented with Megalac
   The increase in calf weights observed in the M                                                                   Diet
group can be explained possibly by a greater milk
                                                                                Item                   Controla            Megalacb         P
production of cows fed bypass fat (Coppock and Wilks,
1991). However, in those studies dairy cows were used                                                         Percentage cycling
and were fed greater levels of bypass fat. Moreover,                            30 to 90 dc                  22.0            38.0       <   .02
                                                                                > 90 dd                      72.0            61.0       >   .05
Knapp and Grummer (1991) observed that milk fat
                                                                                FHBSe                        37.5            62.5       <   .02
percentage was greater for Holstein cows fed 5 than                             EBSf                         84.7            90.9       >   .05
for those fed 0% fat (3.46 vs 3.15%, respectively).                                 a1 kg/d during 105 d, 68 cows with calves.
   Weight and Body Condition Score in Cows. Body                                    bControl diet mixed with 125 g of Megalac during 105 d, 66 cows
weight was greater ( P < .01) in M cows at 35 and 50 d                          with calves.
                                                                                   cCycling cows at 30 to 90 d postcalving.
postpartum (BW1 = 334 vs 310 kg; BW2 = 329 vs 299                                  dCycling cows after 90 d postcalving.
kg). However, BW3 was similar ( P > .05) between                                   ePregnant cows at first half of a 190-d breeding season.
groups (376 vs 360 kg in M and C, respectively). This                              fPregnant cows at end of a 190-d breeding season.

similarity at period 3 was expected because BW3 was
obtained 30 d after treatments ended, when cows were
on common pasture. Body condition scores (BC1, BC2,                             (1975) reported that beef calves with greater
and BC3) followed a trend similar to that of BW (4.1                            preweaning growth had more serum cholesterol than
vs 3.4, P < .01; 3.6 vs 2.25, P < .01; and 6.2 vs 5.9, P >                      did calves that gained less rapidly. Furthermore,
.05, for M and C, respectively). Body condition score                           cholesterol in calves declined after weaning. Serum
change between BC2 and BC3 was greater ( P < .01)                               concentration of lipid metabolites (CHOL, HDL, LDL,
in C than in M. Body condition score, body weight at                            VLDL, and TG) were greater ( P < .01) in cows fed
second period, and body condition score change                                  CSFA (Table 2). A similar response was observed by
between BC2 and BC3 were affected ( P < .01) by                                 Peters and Corah (1993) in beef heifers fed .454 kg of
postpartum days. The tendencies in body weight and                              Megalac. Sklan et al. (1989) reported that serum
condition scores at the start of the postpartum period                          levels of CHOL and HDL were greater between 15 and
support observations that energy intake in this period                          29 d postpartum in CSFA-supplemented cows. Greater
is less than required (Haresign, 1988). Williams                                concentrations of CHOL, HDL, and TG were also
(1989) found that body condition score remained                                 observed by Morgan and Williams (1989) in cows fed
constant through the first 100 d postpartum, and all                            diets with elevated lipids. Williams (1989) observed
cows exhibited a slight decrease (13.7 kg) in BW that                           that mean concentrations of total CHOL and TG in
did not differ between groups (8% vs 2.8% dietary                               control animals (2.8% dietary lipid) were lower than
lipid). However, in our study, feeding 125 g/d of                               in animals fed a high-lipid ( 8 % ) diet during the 4th,
Megalac maintained a greater body weight and body                               5th, and 6th wk after calving. By the 4th wk, plasma
condition score during the first 50 d postpartum.                               concentrations of CHOL and TG in cows supplemented
   Lipid Metabolites. Plasma concentrations of                                  with a high-fat diet were greater than control values
cholesterol increased with ingestion of milk lipids by                          by 1.7- and 1.4-fold, respectively. The greater concen-
suckling calves (Carroll and Hamilton, 1973). O’Kelly                           tration of metabolites can be explained by increased
                                                                                intestinal secretion of lipoproteins with a high content
                                                                                of TG such as VLDL.
 Table 2. Serum lipids (mg/dL) in cows fed either a                                Reproductive Performance. The percentage of cycling
  control diet or a diet supplemented with Megalac                              cows 30 to 90 d after calving was greater ( P < .02) in
                                                                                M (38%) than in C (22%). However, after 90 d
                                                                                postpartum, the percentage of cycling cows was
                                                                                similar ( P > .05) between treatments (61 vs 72% for
Metabolitea           Controlb ± SEc         Megalacd ± SEe              P      M and C, respectively [Table 3]).
CHOL                   146.2   ±   7.62          186.6   ±   6.99    <   .01       The percentage of pregnant cows at end of the
HDL                     67.8   ±   4.49           81.4   ±   4.12    <   .02    breeding season was similar ( P > .05) between
LDL                     97.1   ±   9.4           130.1   ±   8.6     <   .01    treatments (91 vs 84% in M and C, respectively);
VLDL                    18.7   ±   1.25           26.0   ±   1.15    <   .01
TG                      94.0   ±   6.27          130.0   ±   5.75    <   .01
                                                                                however, 62.5% of cows in M were pregnant during the
   aCHOL = total cholesterol; HDL = high-density lipoprotein
                                                                                first half of the breeding season, compared with 35.5%
cholesterol; LDL = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; VLDL = very-            ( P < .02) in the C group (Table 3). Similar results
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG = triglycerides.                        were reported by Ferguson et al. (1988), who
   b1 kg/d during 105 d, 68 cows with calf.
   c,eBased on 32 and 38 samples, respectively.
                                                                                observed greater conception rates and fewer open days
   dControl diet mixed with 125 g/d of Megalac during 105 d, 66                 in dairy cows supplemented with bypass fat. In
cows with calf.                                                                 contrast, cows fed CSFA (Sklan et al., 1991) initiated

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RESPONSE OF RANGE BEEF COWS AND CALVES TO BYPASS FAT                                                       2891
ovarian cyclicity later than controls; however, after             calving in our study may be related to a greater CHOL
cyclicity began, more fat-fed cows than controls had              available for P4 synthesis in M cows. This speculation
normal cycle length (18 to 26 d). Conception rate was             is based on a study in which 80% of lipid-fed females
greater in cows fed CSFA and number of open days                  exhibited at least slight increases in baseline P4 before
was reduced.                                                      induced estrous cycle with GnRH treatment, compared
   Feeding diets that contain fats and that are higher            with 37% of controls (Williams, 1989). These observa-
in energy may partially alleviate negative energy                 tions suggest that fat supplement affects the “quality”
balance and stimulate ovarian function (Lucy et al.,              of the corpus luteum rather than the number or
1991b). Hypothetically, the additional dietary energy             quantity of corpora lutea.
(and not the CSFA) stimulated the development of
follicles and led to larger ovarian follicles in fat-fed
cows. To test this hypothesis, Lucy et al. (1991a)                                             Implications
conducted an experiment in which three diets were
formulated for postpartum lactating cows: a control                  The calcium soaps of fatty acids may be used in
diet (no CSFA), a diet containing CSFA with energy                relatively small amounts in beef cow diets on range to
density equivalent to that of the control diet, and a             improve reproductive efficiency during the postpartum
third diet that contained both additional energy and              period. In this study, feeding Megalac resulted in more
CSFA. In that experiment, after 4 wk of feeding the               cows cycling at 30 to 90 d postpartum and more cows
experimental diets, preovulatory follicles were larger            pregnant during the first half of the breeding season.
in diameter in cows fed the CSFA diets with either                These effects would result in older calves during the
normal or high energy levels than in cows fed the                 next production cycle and a greater efficiency in the
control diet.                                                     herd. Moreover, calves produced by Megalac-sup-
   Although mechanisms have not yet been deter-                   plemented cows were heavier than those produced by
mined, mean serum concentrations of LH measured                   controls, which could justify addition of Megalac to
during three periods surrounding calf removal were                pre- and postpartum cattle diets.
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J anim sci 1995-espinoza-2888-92

  • 1. Effects of calcium soaps of fatty acids on postpartum reproductive activity in beef cows and growth of calves J. L. Espinoza, J. A. Ramirez-Godinez, J. A. Jimenez and A. Flores J ANIM SCI 1995, 73:2888-2892. The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: Downloaded from by guest on August 18, 2011
  • 2. Effects of Calcium Soaps of Fatty Acids on Postpartum Reproductive Activity in Beef Cows and Growth of Calves1 J. L. Espinoza2, J. A. Ramirez-Godinez3, J. A. Jimenez, and A. Flores ´ Facultad de Zootecnia, Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua, Perif. ´ Francisco R. Almada Km. 1, Apdo. Postal 4-28, C.P. 31031, Chihuahua, Chih. Mexico ABSTRACT: Beef cows were used to determine the respectively). A similar tendency was observed in influence of calcium soaps of fatty acids (CSFA) body condition scores in the same postpartum periods incorporated in a range supplement on postpartum (4.1 vs 3.4, P < .01 and 3.6 vs 2.5, P < .01 for M and C, reproductive characteristics and growth of calves. respectively). Concentrations of total cholesterol, Cows were assigned randomly to receive 0 (C, n = 68) high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density or 125 g/d of CSFA (M, n = 66). Diets were lipoprotein cholesterol, very-low-density lipoprotein isonitrogenous (23%) and were used during 105 d, cholesterol, and triglycerides were greater ( P < .01) in beginning at 61 ± 36 d (range) precalving. Two blood M than in C cows. Percentage of cycling (progesterone samples were collected monthly (7-d intervals). > 1 ng/mL) cows at 30 to 90 d postpartum was 38% in Weights of calves at 35, 50, and 90 d of age and weaning weight adjusted to 200 d of age were greater M and 22% in C ( P < .02). Percentage of pregnant in M than in C (46.8 vs 43.8 kg, P < .05; 56.0 vs 50.6 cows during the first half of the breeding season was kg, P < .01; 98.8 vs 91.8 kg, P < .01; and 186 vs 173 kg, greater ( P < .02) in M (62.5%) than in C cows P < .01, respectively). Body weights at 35 and 50 d (35.5%). We concluded that CSFA incorporated in a postcalving were greater in M than in C cows (334 range supplement during pre- and postpartum periods and 310 kg, P < .01; 329 and 300 kg, P < .01, improved reproductive efficiency and growth of calves. Key Words: Beef Cattle, Nutrition, Reproduction, Fat J. Anim. Sci. 1995. 73:2888–2892 Introduction provision of linolenic acid (precursor to PGF2a) may improve follicular recruitment and conception rates Development of commercial products based on (Lucy et al., 1991b). Feeding CSFA increased plasma calcium soaps of fatty acids ( CSFA) offers beef cattle LH in beef cows after calf removal (Hightshoe et al., producers a method of increasing energy density in 1991). Addition of supplemental fat to dairy and beef range supplements without harming forage utilization cattle diets probably stimulates lipoprotein cholesterol (Hightshoe et al., 1990). export by the intestine and increases circulating Feeding bypass fat (Megalac) to dairy cows plasma LDL and HDL cholesterol concentration resulted in greater conception rates (Ferguson et al., (Talavera et al., 1985). Feeding diets high in lipid 1988). The mechanism by which bypass fat influences content ( 8 % ) to cows and heifers resulted in increased reproductive function is not well understood. Feeding concentration of HDL in serum and follicular fluid fat may positively influence reproductive performance (Wehrman and Williams, 1989). of cows by promoting an earlier return to positive The objectives of this study were to determine the energy balance, earlier ovarian cycling postpartum, influence of Megalac, as a source of CSFA, on and higher conception rates at first service (Butler reproductive efficiency during the postpartum period and Smith, 1989; Carroll et al., 1990). In addition, in suckled beef cows maintained under pasture conditions and to determine the influence of CSFA on calf growth. 1We gratefully acknowledge Dennis Hallford, Dept. of Anim. and Range Sci., New Mexico State Univ. for the progesterone assays and for the preparation of this manuscript. Materials and Methods 2Present address: Universidad Autonoma de B.C.S. Apartado ´ ´ Postal 19-B, La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico, C.P. 23000. 3To whom correspondence should be addressed. Multiparous Angus and Hereford × Angus cows ( n = Received October 4, 1994. 134) ranging from 5 to 7 yr of age were blocked by Accepted June 1, 1995. breed and age and assigned randomly to receive 1 kg/d 2888 Downloaded from by guest on August 18, 2011
  • 3. RESPONSE OF RANGE BEEF COWS AND CALVES TO BYPASS FAT 2889 of a control diet ( C, n = 68) containing grain sorghum (Sera-Pak, Ames Division). The VLDL was calculated (80%), meat meal (18%), and urea ( 2 % ) (ME = 3.12 to be 1/5 of TG (Sera-Pak, Ames Division). Serum P4 Mcal) or the same diet plus 125 g/d of Megalac ( M, n was determined by RIA using a commercial kit = 66; Church & Dwight Co., Princeton, NJ) as a (Diagnostic Products, Los Angeles, CA). Assays were source of CSFA (ME = 3.8 Mcal). Diets were performed by the Animal Science Endocrinology isonitrogenous (CP = 23%) and were fed during 105 d, Laboratory at New Mexico State University and the beginning at 61 ± 3.9 d precalving. Birth weight of between- and within-assay coefficients of variation calves was recorded. At three postpartum periods (35, were 5.2 and 8.1%, respectively. 50, and 95 d), body condition scores ( BC1, BC2, and Data for calf weight, weight and body condition BC3 [Whitman, 1975]) and body weights ( BW1, BW2, score in cows, and lipid metabolites were analyzed by and BW3) of cows were recorded. Weights of calves in analysis of variance in a completely randomized the same postpartum periods ( WC1, WC2, and WC3) design using the GLM procedure (SAS, 1988). Preg- and weaning weight ( WW) at 198 ± 6.0 d and 202 ± nancy rates at the first and second half and at end of 5.1 d of age in C and M calves, respectively, were the breeding season were compared by chi-square recorded. All cows were exposed to mature Hereford (Steel and Torrie, 1980). The percentage of cycling bulls (three bulls by group) that had passed breeding cows at 30 to 90 d and after 90 d postpartum were soundness examinations (BIF, 1990) for a analyzed by the Catmod procedure (SAS, 1988). 190-d breeding period on two pastures under a 30-d rotational system. Two blood samples were collected monthly from each cow (7-d intervals) on Results and Discussion different postpartum periods, for determination of total cholesterol ( CHOL) , high-density lipoprotein Calf Weight. Calf weights from birth to weaning are cholesterol ( HDL) , low-density lipoprotein cholesterol shown in Table 1. The birth weight was similar ( P > ( LDL) , very-low-density lipoprotein cholesterol .05) for calves from M (31.8 kg) and C (30.6 kg) ( VLDL) , triglycerides ( TG) , and progesterone ( P4) . groups. Even though diets were not isoenergetic, the The percentage of cycling cows at 30 to 90 d and > 90 d metabolizable energy provided by 125 g of M was not postpartum was determined by the P4 concentration sufficient to stimulate greater fetal growth. Similar ( P 4 > 1 ng/mL = cycling cow). Blood was collected into research for birth weight in Hereford calves was evacuated tubes via jugular venipuncture, maintained reported by Stuedemann et al. (1968). However, WC1 on ice, allowed to clot, and centrifuged within 12 h was greater ( P < .05) in calves from the M group after collection. Serum was harvested and stored at (46.8 kg) than in calves from the C group (43.8 kg) −20°C until P4 and lipids (CHOL, HDL, LDL, VLDL, and was affected by sex, age, and birth weight ( P < and TG) were determined. Lipid profiles were deter- .05). Male calves were heavier. A similar difference mined by a commercial laboratory using automated, was observed in WC2 ( P < .01), with values of 56.0 enzymatic procedures. The CHOL was determined in and 50.6 kg for calves of M and C, respectively. The serum after having been hydrolyzed and oxidized enzymatically. In the oxidation process, H2O2 was WC3 and adjusted WW were greater ( P < .01) in produced. Its presence of peroxidase, by reaction with calves of the M group, with a difference of 7 and 13 kg 4-amino-antipirine and fenol, was transformed in a for each variable, respectively (Table 1). Sex and age coloring of quinonimine (Merck-Me ´xico, S. A.). The of calf affected ( P < .01) WC3, WW, and gain from HDL were separated from chylomicrons, VLDL, and birth to weaning (132.8 kg in M vs 120.8 kg in C, LDL by addition of a precipitating reagent (phos- photungstic acid-magnesium chloride) to serum. After centrifugation, the cholesterol content of the HDL Table 1. Weights of calves (kg) produced by cows fraction remained in the supernatant and was deter- receiving either a control diet or Megalac mined by the enzymatic colorimetric method using cholesterol esterase, cholesterol oxidase, peroxidase, Diet and the chromogen 4-aminophenazone/phenol (Sera- Pak, Ames Division). The LDL was determined by Item Controla ± SEb Megalacc ± SEd P difference between CHOL and HDL. The enzymatic Birth wt 30.6 ± .77 31.8 ± .70 > .05 colorimetric method for TG determination is based on Days of age the principle that glycerol released from hydrolysis of 35 (WC 1 ) 43.8 ± 2.67 46.8 ± 2.53 < .05 triglycerides by lipoprotein lipase is converted by 50 (WC 2 ) 50.6 ± 2.47 56.0 ± 2.12 < .01 glycerolquinase into glycerol-3-phosphate, which is 95 (WC 3 ) 91.8 ± 4.01 98.8 ± 3.60 < .01 oxidized by glycerolphosphate oxidase to dihydrox- Weaning wte 173.0 ± 2.98 186.0 ± 2.72 < .01 yacetone phosphate and hydrogen peroxide. In the a1 kg/d during 105 d, 68 cows with calf. b,dBased on 68 and 66 calves, respectively. presence of peroxidase, hydrogen peroxide oxidizes cControl diet mixed with 125 g/d of Megalac during 105 d, 66 the chromogen 4-aminophenasone/N-ethyl-N-(3-sul- cows with calf. phopropyl)-m-anisidine to a violet-colored compound eAdjusted to 200 d of age. Downloaded from by guest on August 18, 2011
  • 4. 2890 ESPINOZA ET AL. respectively). The WW adjusted to 200 d of age was Table 3. Reproductive performance of cows fed a greater in M calves (186 kg) than C calves (173.8 control diet or a diet supplemented with Megalac kg). The increase in calf weights observed in the M Diet group can be explained possibly by a greater milk Item Controla Megalacb P production of cows fed bypass fat (Coppock and Wilks, 1991). However, in those studies dairy cows were used Percentage cycling and were fed greater levels of bypass fat. Moreover, 30 to 90 dc 22.0 38.0 < .02 > 90 dd 72.0 61.0 > .05 Knapp and Grummer (1991) observed that milk fat FHBSe 37.5 62.5 < .02 percentage was greater for Holstein cows fed 5 than EBSf 84.7 90.9 > .05 for those fed 0% fat (3.46 vs 3.15%, respectively). a1 kg/d during 105 d, 68 cows with calves. Weight and Body Condition Score in Cows. Body bControl diet mixed with 125 g of Megalac during 105 d, 66 cows weight was greater ( P < .01) in M cows at 35 and 50 d with calves. cCycling cows at 30 to 90 d postcalving. postpartum (BW1 = 334 vs 310 kg; BW2 = 329 vs 299 dCycling cows after 90 d postcalving. kg). However, BW3 was similar ( P > .05) between ePregnant cows at first half of a 190-d breeding season. groups (376 vs 360 kg in M and C, respectively). This fPregnant cows at end of a 190-d breeding season. similarity at period 3 was expected because BW3 was obtained 30 d after treatments ended, when cows were on common pasture. Body condition scores (BC1, BC2, (1975) reported that beef calves with greater and BC3) followed a trend similar to that of BW (4.1 preweaning growth had more serum cholesterol than vs 3.4, P < .01; 3.6 vs 2.25, P < .01; and 6.2 vs 5.9, P > did calves that gained less rapidly. Furthermore, .05, for M and C, respectively). Body condition score cholesterol in calves declined after weaning. Serum change between BC2 and BC3 was greater ( P < .01) concentration of lipid metabolites (CHOL, HDL, LDL, in C than in M. Body condition score, body weight at VLDL, and TG) were greater ( P < .01) in cows fed second period, and body condition score change CSFA (Table 2). A similar response was observed by between BC2 and BC3 were affected ( P < .01) by Peters and Corah (1993) in beef heifers fed .454 kg of postpartum days. The tendencies in body weight and Megalac. Sklan et al. (1989) reported that serum condition scores at the start of the postpartum period levels of CHOL and HDL were greater between 15 and support observations that energy intake in this period 29 d postpartum in CSFA-supplemented cows. Greater is less than required (Haresign, 1988). Williams concentrations of CHOL, HDL, and TG were also (1989) found that body condition score remained observed by Morgan and Williams (1989) in cows fed constant through the first 100 d postpartum, and all diets with elevated lipids. Williams (1989) observed cows exhibited a slight decrease (13.7 kg) in BW that that mean concentrations of total CHOL and TG in did not differ between groups (8% vs 2.8% dietary control animals (2.8% dietary lipid) were lower than lipid). However, in our study, feeding 125 g/d of in animals fed a high-lipid ( 8 % ) diet during the 4th, Megalac maintained a greater body weight and body 5th, and 6th wk after calving. By the 4th wk, plasma condition score during the first 50 d postpartum. concentrations of CHOL and TG in cows supplemented Lipid Metabolites. Plasma concentrations of with a high-fat diet were greater than control values cholesterol increased with ingestion of milk lipids by by 1.7- and 1.4-fold, respectively. The greater concen- suckling calves (Carroll and Hamilton, 1973). O’Kelly tration of metabolites can be explained by increased intestinal secretion of lipoproteins with a high content of TG such as VLDL. Table 2. Serum lipids (mg/dL) in cows fed either a Reproductive Performance. The percentage of cycling control diet or a diet supplemented with Megalac cows 30 to 90 d after calving was greater ( P < .02) in M (38%) than in C (22%). However, after 90 d Diet postpartum, the percentage of cycling cows was similar ( P > .05) between treatments (61 vs 72% for Metabolitea Controlb ± SEc Megalacd ± SEe P M and C, respectively [Table 3]). CHOL 146.2 ± 7.62 186.6 ± 6.99 < .01 The percentage of pregnant cows at end of the HDL 67.8 ± 4.49 81.4 ± 4.12 < .02 breeding season was similar ( P > .05) between LDL 97.1 ± 9.4 130.1 ± 8.6 < .01 treatments (91 vs 84% in M and C, respectively); VLDL 18.7 ± 1.25 26.0 ± 1.15 < .01 TG 94.0 ± 6.27 130.0 ± 5.75 < .01 however, 62.5% of cows in M were pregnant during the aCHOL = total cholesterol; HDL = high-density lipoprotein first half of the breeding season, compared with 35.5% cholesterol; LDL = low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; VLDL = very- ( P < .02) in the C group (Table 3). Similar results low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG = triglycerides. were reported by Ferguson et al. (1988), who b1 kg/d during 105 d, 68 cows with calf. c,eBased on 32 and 38 samples, respectively. observed greater conception rates and fewer open days dControl diet mixed with 125 g/d of Megalac during 105 d, 66 in dairy cows supplemented with bypass fat. In cows with calf. contrast, cows fed CSFA (Sklan et al., 1991) initiated Downloaded from by guest on August 18, 2011
  • 5. RESPONSE OF RANGE BEEF COWS AND CALVES TO BYPASS FAT 2891 ovarian cyclicity later than controls; however, after calving in our study may be related to a greater CHOL cyclicity began, more fat-fed cows than controls had available for P4 synthesis in M cows. This speculation normal cycle length (18 to 26 d). Conception rate was is based on a study in which 80% of lipid-fed females greater in cows fed CSFA and number of open days exhibited at least slight increases in baseline P4 before was reduced. induced estrous cycle with GnRH treatment, compared Feeding diets that contain fats and that are higher with 37% of controls (Williams, 1989). These observa- in energy may partially alleviate negative energy tions suggest that fat supplement affects the “quality” balance and stimulate ovarian function (Lucy et al., of the corpus luteum rather than the number or 1991b). Hypothetically, the additional dietary energy quantity of corpora lutea. (and not the CSFA) stimulated the development of follicles and led to larger ovarian follicles in fat-fed cows. To test this hypothesis, Lucy et al. (1991a) Implications conducted an experiment in which three diets were formulated for postpartum lactating cows: a control The calcium soaps of fatty acids may be used in diet (no CSFA), a diet containing CSFA with energy relatively small amounts in beef cow diets on range to density equivalent to that of the control diet, and a improve reproductive efficiency during the postpartum third diet that contained both additional energy and period. In this study, feeding Megalac resulted in more CSFA. In that experiment, after 4 wk of feeding the cows cycling at 30 to 90 d postpartum and more cows experimental diets, preovulatory follicles were larger pregnant during the first half of the breeding season. in diameter in cows fed the CSFA diets with either These effects would result in older calves during the normal or high energy levels than in cows fed the next production cycle and a greater efficiency in the control diet. herd. Moreover, calves produced by Megalac-sup- Although mechanisms have not yet been deter- plemented cows were heavier than those produced by mined, mean serum concentrations of LH measured controls, which could justify addition of Megalac to during three periods surrounding calf removal were pre- and postpartum cattle diets. greater in cows receiving CSFA than in controls (Hightshoe et al., 1991). Similar responses were observed by Lucy et al. (1989), who found that basal Literature Cited LH was increased in early postpartum dairy cows BIF. 1990. 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  • 7. Citations This article has been cited by 3 HighWire-hosted articles: Downloaded from by guest on August 18, 2011