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Info-graphic Research:
The money that film companies make over the year with the different films that they produce and bring out and how well those films do on the box office.
Beauty and the beast : box office – 1.263 billion USD
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales : Box office – 793.2 million USD
Cars 3: Box Office – 350.3 million USD
Transformers the last knight: Box office - 604.9 million USD
Ghost in the shell: Box office – 169.8 million USD
Baywatch: Box office – 177.9 million USD
xXx: Return of Xander Cage: Box office – 346.1 million USD
rings: Box office – 83.1 million USD
Warner bro.
Wonder women: Box office – 816.3 million USD
Dunkirk: Box Office – 492.2 million USD
The Lego Batman: Box office – 311.8 million USD
Annabelle creation: Box office – 280.3million USD
The mummy: Box Office – 407.8 million USD
Get out: Box office – 252.4 million USD
Despicable Me: Box office – 1.007 billion USD
The fate od the furious: Box office – 1.163 billion USD
Atomic Blonde: Box office – 94.1 million USD
I will use these figures in my info graphic as I am going to make it about the box office and I believe that using figures from there top films it will be good to compare the figures of each company and see which of there top
films did the best in comparison. Because I am setting it in 2017 this does mean that it will be incomplete numbers for films that have not yet come out yet but will within the last 3 months before the new year however most
of the big films of this year except justice league and star wars the last Jedi are out at this time, so this info graph will be for the year so far and not the complete year results of 2017. I felt like I could of looked into 2016 box
office but I don’t feel like they had good enough results in money made to fill up a full list of films like 2017 so far does. 2016 is an option that can be looked into if I change my mind about an info graph and want to look into
a different year.
Info-graphic Research:
At the top left of this info graphic it includes a date of the year where this
info graph is set which is 2014 and its in big to stand out so it can show this
to the audience viewing it giving them the information at start and given
it’s the biggest piece of writing on this info graph it shows good colour
scheme as it is black on a blue background making it clear and visible
meaning that it will stand out well on the page with the blue background
and this makes it clear to the person looking at of the information that it
has on it is set in 2014.
Under the 2014 year there is a box that includes the top 10 box office
growths this shows in a chart the best box office figure and gives
information about how much it made and why its at the top as well as a
stand out image of the films that vairy in size compared to other ones
based on how ell it did and goes down to the lowest one which stands the
rest up. The size of each shows in comparison to what each of them made
cutting the two at the bottom close because they made a close amount
this is very clever and uses good colour and images of the films to clearly
show what film it is that has been chosen to be put at the top of list to the
bottom. This would appeal to the audience because of the way it stands
out and how easy it is to read as it is supposed to easy to read and see
what your looking for in terms of information on it.
To the left of the year has the title of the info graph in red to stand out
from the other parts of information on the graph and it is titled “the movie
year by the numbers” which is referring to the box office and the gross
that it made over the year of 2014 and is named cleverly as a title
capturing the audience which is good audience appeal as it has an eye
catching title.
Next to the highest grossing box there is a box that is for the highest rated
films of the years by critics and this is on the website that it gives credit to
called rotten tomatoes it may not be a good source of reviews but it is one
of the top which shows that research has gone into making it, this box also
gives ideas to people who are interested in seeing some of the films
mentioned an idea of the highest rated ones so they can see which ones to
go and see and this is a good idea for audience appeal and something that
can be used in my info graph as it shows extra information and targets
audience appeal well to the people that are viewing it.
In the middle of the page is a bar going across which shows the mpaa rating of the films by
percentage this is to show how many films this year was age rated what in America to give the
person viewing an idea of what films are suitable for what age and also see what the most
popular age rating category films are which is good for box office research as it allows the
person viewing to see what if they are making one would fit with the most of the films that are
made of that year.
Text to the ratings by critics box is a box for which month had the best box office results based
on what films came out on what month and shows that in some months films of much more
popularity came out on certain months where on some months throughout the year people
just didn’t buy into the films that came out at that month at that time which shows that not
every body is interested I every film that comes out and people only go to see films that t hey
like the look of and don’t just go for the sake of it. This is good info for audience appeal
reference because it shows how if advertising reaches somebody and the product appeal
round it is there it will get people out to see it.
Under the percentage bar to the right is a box that shows the information of the top 3 films
released each month throughout all months this is good because it shows what months had
what on that did the best then comparing it to what months did the best on the top right graph
you can see which films where most popular on the month and did the best and see what type
of film it was to earn for future product and this is good audience research.
On the box next to the top 3 films at the box office box there is a box for the films that took up
the most space at the box office of the year 2014 stating that for example comic book movies
take up 18.25% on that year but although only one or two are made a year of comic book
movies they are that popular with the audience of people who go and see it that it is able to
make lots of money taking over the box office in some year because of how much one film
makes in gross compared to multiple different types of films.
At the bottom there is a list of films that broke records but didn’t make it to the top of the list
like it would have been expected to of happen which is very important to have on this info
graph to an audience because it takes less popular films and gives them some credit which they
may need as they didn’t do that well for the record stat they was able to brake and calls them
“honourable mention” which means that they are close to the top and deserve a mention
which appeals to a viewer well.
Next to that is a box for the films that was number one of the box office for the most weeks of
the year 2014 showing which films when out was hat good that they was able to maintain
popularity with the audience that they could stay on which this info graph shows nicely using a
red title and blue numbers to make it stand out.
Info-graphic Research:
This info graph shows the difference between how teenagers spend
there time using social media and how long adults spend using social
media. This graph clearly demonstrates the two different percentages for
each are really close.
It has 2 avatars for each which shows stereo typical teenagers and adults
to make them stand out and this cartoonified to make it appeal as eye
catching to the audience. The avatars use a colour scheme of red for the
teens which shows a more active and fun type of colour where as the
adult is portrayed as grey which shows them to be darker more
experienced and more mature and this stands out and is eye catching to
notice. On the adult it has a Facebook logo and on the teenager it has a
twitter logo this shows the two different types of social media that is
The background of this info graphic is grey which allows writing and
images on the page to stand out but adds a bit more to it then just a
white page which I think works nicely with the info graphic.
At the bottom of the page on the main part of the info graph which is the
statistics it shows a pie chart of how many adults recoded use social
media and how many teens do and the number percentage is very close
together showing that adults and teenagers use it a lot of the time and
that it Is very important and a very big part of media is social media as
there is a huge audience for it on all ages.
Above the pie charts is a paragraph explaining where the information on
the infographic came from and giving credit to the sources that it got it
from which I think is very important as it makes it clear to the person
looking at the info graph that the information that has been included on
it are legible and correct and done by people reliable in finding out
Info-graphic Bibliography:
Put your info-graphic bibliography here.
Where I got the information for my info graph (bibliography)
On all of these I clicked on the movies that have been released this year individually and saw the box office figures.
Put your info-graphic design work here.
Here I have the information for universal studios films of 2017 so far which includes films such as the
mummy and I include the information on how much they earned and I included it as dollars in currency
the reason that I chose universal was because of how big of a company it is in film and the influence it
has on the film industry as well as the mass amount of money that the films it produces makes
therefore I found it important to include information about universal studios. I included the logo in
black and white because I felt it would stand out on the page and I made the writing white with an
outer glow to make it more visible and easily read.
Under universal I included fox as it is another huge company in making films and in 2017 it brought out
Logan that was well received by critics which earned the company a lot of money on the type of film
that it was that was superhero and this makes it a big audience as superhero films are big at the minute
or comic book movies as they are known. I also included the logo as black and white for the company to
match it to the other logos and the pattern that I was making with the logos, and the writing including
the information as white with outer glow as well.
The next company down the middle is paramount in the past known for making films such as star trek
and this year known for making films such as transformers and ghost in the shell as well as others made
a large sum of money and big box office figures with these films making it as every year a lead in box
office and I also put the logo for this in black and white because I feel like this fits well the rest of the
info graph ad the colour of the page in the background sticking to the pattern on the info graph.
Next to paramount I have Sony who are lead in technology as well as film and this year made films such
as Spiderman homecoming that was huge on the box office and stood out among the rest because of
how much money it made and this was also a superhero film or comic book films making over 800
million USD. I used there normal logo as its normally just a white Sony logo and I think that this stands
out well as its just the name in writing rather than a actual logo just keeping it simple.
Under Sony I have a graph which shows the gross that the films have made and compares them to each
over showing who the leading company of the year so far is and that is Disney with a large amount of
money made from films it sits at the most so far with a close compete warner bros who's big films set to
make lots of money are coming at the back end of this year but like Disney also have 2 films coming out
to make a lot of money which is star wars the last jedi and thor ragnarok and warner bros have a huge
one which is justice league and this films is highly anticipated and long awaited by the majority of comic
book fans due to having the biggest read and fan base from any comic book and including the best
selling heroes from all comic books, if the film is good it can lead to huge success on the box office and
Disney will still remain at top because of the money that the force awakens and rogue one have made
in the previous years its clear star wars is set to be the biggest blockbuster franchise of all time with a
huge lead. I thought that this graph was important because it included important data adding up all off
the money made I profit rather than results taking away the money they spent on the film to create a
gross number.
At the top is the box office title of the info graph which is all in plane white in
order to match the other company logos and the writing and pie chart and I
think that this stands out well as it matches the rest of the info graphic.
Under that I have Disney which is the biggest company on the box office this
year so far, it has released less films this year so far but due to the amount
that the films it has made it is top of the list this year and probably will be
throughout and till the end of what left of this year and this is due to the fact
they have not yet released star wars the last jedi or thor ragnarok which are
two other films that are anticipated to make lots of money on the box office.
I made the logo plain black as if I made it white like the rest it didn’t look
right on the page and was far to bright so the darker tone fits it better on this
Under Disney is warner bros which are secondly lead in the box office
different to Disney box office didn’t just choose a certain amount of films
that they was definite would do well they chose to gamble and give
unknown films a chance as well as rebooting old ones and this paid of in
some cases as it made money but they put a lot of money into the projects
and this means that it affects the end gross that it gets at the end of it. Also
like Disney it isn’t done with films just yet as towards the end of the year it
has been saving its big film for last which is justice league set to be released
on the 17th of November the date that the original cartoon and famous
renowned cartoon started based of the most popular comic books series and
the most popular super hero's in comic books its set to make lots of money
which could help the end pay up on what they spent on the other projects
this year. I chose the traditional white and black logo for warner bros as it
fits and what I was after in the first place.
Describe how you located, retrieved and stored information:
How I stored the information
I stored the information that I found on a word document to make sure that I
didn’t loose it and then copied all the relevant information that I found into the
PowerPoint and this was a useful way to store information for when I later
needed it.
How I found the information
I found the information by searching in the
films made by each company separately on
the box office in 2017 for example “Disney
films 2017”:
This gives me a list of what films there are
and I chose the ones that are out and have
box office figures and pressed clicked on the
film for information. Here it shows the figure
that it made at the box office of which I
copied out for each film of the year in order
to get my research and once I had retrieved
it I stored it in a word document for later use
in PowerPoint and photoshop when making
the final info graph
The box office figure of the
film. And added to
PowerPoint for storage.
Client research:
Irn bru was formed in 1901 making Irn bru 116 years old which shows that it’s a strong company that is capable of staying in the top tier of drinks and this is good because it means that the company
has over 116 years of feedback showing that they are capable of finding out what people like and what people think of the product and this shows how many improvements can be made to the drink
over the years. Irn bru was formed in Scotland and is renowned as a Scottish drink and its main advertising point is that its Scottish and they are proud about the fact that it is Scottish and the reason
for them selling more Irn bru in Scotland so much in fact it means that it is the number 1 selling soft drink in Scotland and this reason is because of how it always advertises Scotland heritages. In other
country's like America is more rare to find an Irn bru in supermarkets and especially not in restaurants and other aspects of the food industry and where the soft drinks would be. Irn bru has made a big
audience in Australia and it is also known in England to be around and about in different shops like corner shops to huge supermarkets. – This information is from google and includes the company's
history which I can use when making the products as part of a sales point which is an advantage of this research. my client for market research is irn bru and is a renowned soft drink. They strictly
specialise in irn bru or irn bru extra. They advertise there product by shaping there bottle in a strange way and making it stand out while appealing to Scotland which is where it is from and this makes
it clear and stands out. In dc comics irn bru made an appearance in a certain comic series doom patrol vol 2 is the exact comic that it appeared in it. Flavours of the irn br that had to be discarded for
unknown reasons are called.
Client research:
This company known as barr
is the company that
manufactures the rn bru
and own it. The company is
142 years old and was
founded by Robert bar in
1875. this could be useful in
the project as a
manufacturer easter egg in
the advergame or trailer.
The company is very successful it
makes £257.1 million revenue and
is very popular in Scotland alone
which is where its headquarters can
be found. There have been many
company takeovers and ceos over
the year but no matter who takes
over the company it is clear that
they always advertise there main
products of irn bru with the
heritage of Scotland which is
important to the company to make
sure it stays true to its heritage but
also to scottland because it keeps
the drink as a Scottish focus,
through the years irn bru has
improved a great deal and
advertised much more successfully
recently pulling in really high
figures compared to figures from 10
years ago and this is showing that
the companys new direction is
taking the right step and is
appealing to the right audience.
Barr also gives out many jobs
employing 1,032 people in 2016 it
gives people carreers and money
the irn bru logo sticks to a traditional orange background that it has always
had and it is its colour that it uses from its website to its poster
advertisement campaign and it’s the colour of the drink itself. It works really
well with the blue box where the logo sits in the middle the blue box adds to
the orange background and irn bru written in white stands out really well as
it looks like its meat to be there. In the muddle used to connect the irn and
the bru is the company logo that manufactures it of barr or A.G. Barr plc
adding this in is an important feature as it includes the information from the
company that owns the drink and adds it to the logo to make the company
memorable to people who buy it a lot.
This shows that irn bru has two different
varients one is irn bru sugar free and the
other is irn bru xtra these are two
different types of irn bru and each of
these types of irn bru has a separate
advertising campaign based on what
there specialty is which is clever to
advertise them in different ways.
Client research:
• The most popular plastic bottle size is 500 ml.
• 150 ml can
• 250 ml bottle
• 330 ml can
• 330 ml glass bottle
• 500 ml Value Can (formerly the big summer can)
• 500 ml plastic bottle
• 600 ml plastic bottle (Russia)
• 1 litre plastic bottle
• 1.25 litre bottle (Australia, New Zealand, Russia, UK)
• 2 litre plastic bottle
• 2.25 litre plastic bottle (Russia)
• 2.5 litre bottle (UK "Big Bru")
• 3 litre plastic bottle
• 355 ml glass bottle (in Canada)
• 750 ml glass bottle
• 5 litre Syrup containers.
These things appeal to the audience because if they advertise a new shaped bottle of a different type of bottle then it can lead to new customers and interested old customers because of the new
looking bottle its general appeal and this as final can work really well for a product if it wanted to do a re launch or try something new. In these bottles they stick to the same logo on the front for two
of the brand bottles which is the least bottle to the right and the can next to it, although its same logo design the colours are slightly different in the way that it stands out. The company always sticks to
its tradition logo and doesn’t change it showing that its proud of the company it is and where its gone to this is good research because it shows when I make my finalo game products I can not change
the product of irn bru logo as I must stick to its original as the company have for so many years.
Client research:
Irn bru have a very strange way of advertising things for example this poster
here that they used as an advertisement campaign. This image starts off with
an image of a sheep added to an orange background which is the orange
background and then next to it will have a quote next to it and in this case it
says: “I Nicked the cows irn-bru so she told the pigs” this quote can be taken
to two ways. The first way is that he is talking about a female and saying that
she stole his irn bru so she called the police showing that it’s a serious crime
to steal someone's irn bru which works nicely as an advertisement and
catches the audiences attention but what makes this clever is to catch the
audiences attention of what they are saying they hide it and sugar coat it
with a sheep giving it a meaning of animals instead which to people could
literally mean that he stole a cows irn bru so the cow told a group a pigs
obviously its going for the hidden meaning but it’s the way that the
advertisement is done that makes it clever and meaningful to the viewer
because it grabs the attention and keeps you thinking. This is an advantage of
a advertisement research as it allows me to see how they have made
something simple into something clever and this is a good way to start or
make adverts and print because its simple easy to do but it achieves good
audience appeal at the same time and sometimes more then a time spent
poster that Is eye catching because a poster like this keeps you thinking
about what its meaning.
An irn bru can is included at the bottom under the quote to show that its an
irn bru advert and uses “phenomenal” as if to say this is true and they are
shocked by it. This advertisement campaign of phenomenal has gone on a
while and there are a multitude of adverts like this that include a quote and
an image and they are funny and clever.
Client research:
This is another advertisement poster used by irn bru as part of there
feel phenomenal advertising campaign where it takes something nice
and innocent and adds in a hidden meaning to it. The first meaning of
this is that its saying when you go out with your friends clubbing
(partying) have a nice drink of irn bru after and feel phenomenal the
more jokey meaning to this is clubbing and another night of clubbing
or meaning of it is hitting animals or people with bats, and this is
followed by a image to the left of a seal like the sheep picture on the
over poster the hidden meaning for this could be jeking about beating
things with a bat and then having a drink of irn bru at the end of it to
make you feel phenomenal which doesn’t portray a good image but
yet again like the last poster gets you thinking about what it means
and why this is very clever because it makes you think theres a hidden
meaning as well as it portrays it at first glance to be something sweet
and harmless followed by a actual deeper meaning that means
something different. This is a great way yet again to appeal to an
audience and I will be using these ideas as I progress with this unit as I
feel these are good learning points to take from these adverts and the
way that it is set out.
The poster has an orange background with an image of a baby seal on
the front layed on a ice platfrom that has been added to a plain
orange screen with a quote next to it saying: “it really hits the spot
after a good night of clubbing” and followed by a irn bru can
underneath like the last one and a feel phenomenal slogan under that
as it uses to advertise.
The best part of these irn bru adverts is that it gives room for
interpretation and it all depends down to the context that people see
the poster and how they feel it is and means. This is very clever and
on of the reasons its advertisement campaigns are so successful.
Client research:
This advert starts off with a narrator introducing irn bru and saying what it is and that it
tastes amazing and is followed by a man walking out of his house with an irn bru and
saying that’s unbelievable which shows the advert is trying to appeal to the audience with
it taste and shows the starting narrative theme of it tastes good and that’s why it should
be drunk. Then it goes to claim in a comedic way that irn bru gives you super abilities such
as the women that comes on the narrator goes on to say: “that’s not all” followed by a
women saying she can talk to animals and proceeds to talk to a squirell and the squirrel
responds with eat my nuts which is a comedic part of the advert appealing to a comedic
side of audience showing humour like all the irn bru adverts do. This sets a comedic
narrative. On the next part it has a man in a car speaking mandarin and a subtitle
underneath saying that irn bru taught him how to speak mandarin yet again going for
humour and making irn bru out to be this ultimate drink like the red bull adverts do. Which
is clever as it has good audience appeal and grabs the attention of the audience. After this
scene it shows a mens changing room with a floating irn bru pulling a mans towel away
and a women saying irn bru turned me invisible, this shows audience appeal in how irn bru
gives superhuman powers and goes the comedic route again with the follow up building
up a pattern. This scene is followed by a man sat on a chair saying in a really happy way
before irn bru extra “ I used to be dead” which is comedic, genuinely funny and promises
the power of resurrection. Its then followed by the squirrels return talking more about irn
bru and advertising the product closing with “unbelievable stuff.” this advert was really
well done and had good fun and harmless humour which is appealing to a very large
audience of people who like to find adverts entertaining and not boring.
This advert is also comedic and funny, it plays on the heritage of irn bru which is Scotland and
stays true to the Scottish people keeping the slogan of irn bru gets you through and this is
shown by the main person drinking it as being Scottish then it plays on a the rivalry between
England and Scotland for the uk. It shows a true Scotsman that loves his country witness his
daughter bring home a Englishman and when he first sees he is shocked but then he drinks irn
bru and goes all calm again showing humour. The Englishman then takes off his hoodie to
reveal he is wearing an England shirt which upsets the man further but he then drink another
sip of irn bru and it calms him down and hes happy again. Then the Englishmen brings in a dog
wearing a unionjack harness and this disturbs the man even more till he takes another sip of
irn bru and then it plays the slogan of irn bru gets you through. This was cleverly done as an
advert creating good audience appeal in Scotland which is wear its from and where it sells the
most irn brus an amount that even competes with pepsi and coke a year on average but only
in Scotland and I think that a huge part of that is the rin bru advertising scheme like these as
they are comedic and funny and unforgettable which will get lots of people interested and I
think if they spre3ad there advertisements it would go successful but then theres a risk of
loosing the Scotland part that makes it special. This advert like the other irn bru adverts
follows a comedic narrative.
Market research: Pepsi and Irn-Bru
Soft drink market
This Pepsi advert shows that it is
going like irn bru for a colour code
and Pepsis colour is blue in the
poster it goes for a much more
serious tone where it uses the logo
as a o to say “open” your mind which
is a clever play on words as the
image is of a Pepsi can which could
be symbolising the Pepsi can as our
minds and we need to open it.
This poster has arrows
pointing up on it which shows
the liquid inside fizzing up and
exploding out of it like when
you shake up a can and the
arrows point to where the fizz
is going which is up but also to
the slogan of the poster which
I find cleverly done. This
poster doesn’t show an
ordinary Pepsi can it shows a
different type of Pepsi can
with patens on the front of it
which could be a special
version of Pepsi as Pepsi
customize there products for
different times and events. An
example of this would be
when the champions league
starts in football Pepsi make a
special can and bottle for it
that they sell individually and
in packs and have a special
code on the cans that give you
the chance to win tickets to
see games which is something
that irn bru don’t actually do
when they advertise there
The type of drink that Pepsi is a cola.
The manufacturer of Pepsi is and its country of origin is
united states. Pepsi was introduced
in 1893 making it124 years ago and
was originally known as brads drink
this makes Pepsi older then irn bru
for what it originally was but unlike
irn bru Pepsi changed its name in
1961 which was 56 years ago and
that’s when it became Pepsi. Pepsi is
much more successful as a drink
worldwide even competing with irn
bru in Scotland where irn bru sells
the most. Pepsi has 9 variants
ranging in all kind of flavours where
as irn bru only have 2 variants the
names of the Pepsi variants have
also changed for example Pepsi zero
sugar becoming Pepsi max. Pepsis
most contended competitor is coca
cola who also make a cola but the
choice between the two is often
decided on taste between different
peoples opinion so who sells the
most can vary. Pepsi max is a big
seller for Pepsi as it is the most
favoured flavour of Pepsi and is
appealing to all audiences for its look
style and taste.
Market research: coca cola and irn bru
Soft drink market
This poster uses green that is
gritty as a background to
symbolise that the company
is a old long lasting one has
the image of the glass of coke
that hasn’t changed since the
beginning which shows that
like irn bru coke doesn’t
change its original form and
remembers what it was and
sticks to its originality. The
glass and classic coca cola
swirl has been drawn like a
old cartoon poster would
have been in the 40s and 50s
and going before showing the
rise of cokes popularity in its
time when it was originally as
well loved and became as
known as it is today but its
also choosing a famous time
and using it to show that coca
cola was there through it all
and its still here with us now
the same which is where I
think that the advertisement
scheme is going like irn brus it
shows a strong narrative of
sticking to the past.
The slogan that this advertisement
uses is that everything tastes better
with coca cola and it plays on how
when people have meals or pick nick
for many years they bring coca cola or
when in a restaurant people order a
coca cola with it and this uses that to
say yes everything does taste better
with coke.
The type of drink that coca cola is like
Pepsi is a cola. The manufacturer is
The coca cola company and its country
of origin is united states like Pepsi. It
was introduced in 1886 which would
make it 131 years old which would be
older then irn bru but close to when
irn bru was introduced as well
however unlike irn bru coca cola is
everywhere in the world and like irn
bru and Pepsi a lead sales drink in
Scotland which is where irn bru sells
the most of its drinks. The colour of
the drink is black caramel and its
flavour is cola. Its got 7 variants
ranging from all different flavours and
changing the name of them on some
but keeping it the same for most for
example coca cola zero or coke zero a
leading coke seller is keeping its name
from when it was originally given and
its biggest competitor is Pepsi as they
share a very close amount of sales and
are very close in competing. Its logo
has stayed the same with its simple
wording and un complicated simple
Audience research:
Observation: There are more males taking my survey then females shown by the 15 males that answered my quiz and the 3 females that answered my survey for
research this shows that there will not be that any mixed responses between genders in this survey for Irn Bru.
What this says about my audience: this says that 83.33% of my audience is male and 16.67% of my audience from this survey is female this could mean
that more males are interested in Irn bru as a survey and answering questions about the drink of Irn bru.
How will your product appeal to this audience: I will aim my advertisement of Irn bru at more of a male audience the reason for this is because it
seems like most of my audience are males that I am aiming Irn bru at and so I fell like this is the best idea.
Audience research:
Observation: more people like the idea of having a bottle of Irn bru then those that would prefer a can of Irn bru and this means that there is a chance that I should
focus all of my advertising around the idea of having a bottle as the main feature of the advergame and other aspects of my advertising just like the TV advert and print.
What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience are much more impressed in the idea of having bottles as the main advertisement point
of Irn bru then the can because it gives it much more of a memorable look then other parts would give and this is important because it shows the style of product I need to
use to appeal to large audience.
How will your product appeal to this audience: my product will appeal to this audience because it will include a bottle as the main face of Irn bru and
advertise the fact that it is in a bottle more then a can but then I will include a can as well at some point this way it shows that I am appealing to both parts of the audience
to those who like cans and also to those who like bottles at the sometime. But the bottle will be the main part as it’s the most popular.
Audience research:
Observation: the majority of people do not have a kind or good liking to the drink Irn bru this could be because they are not keen on the drink itself and the flavour or
the advertising campaign at present. However 38.89% of people do like Irn bru compared to the other 61.11% of people and I can see that there is a audience at the start that
I can build up with my products and try and change the mind of the other 61.11%.
What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience are not interested in Irn bru at present and don’t like it and its either the current
advertisement as to why or the taste of the drink itself.
How will your product appeal to this audience: for my product to appeal to the audience I am going to try and make a new campaign that fits the
product better and doesn’t just appeal to Scotland but also to the rest of the world and use its history.
Audience research:
Observation: the biggest audience that I have in social class is middle class and I have 3 people that say that they are lower class but this shows that my main target
group is middle class as that’s who answered the survey the most.
What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience is mainly middle class with a small mix of higher and lower class which is interesting data
to be received.
How will your product appeal to this audience: my product of irn bru will be aimed at the middle class ranged appealing to the majority of the people
that answered this survey and also the higher class range as well so it works.
Audience research:
Observation: the majority of people would not recommended irn bru to their friends 13 out of the 18 people that answered this question would not recommended irn bru
which shows me that I changes need to made to the problem with irn bru.
What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience is not to keen on irn bru and don’t like it that much and they would not recommend it to
their friends.
How will your product appeal to this audience: my product will appeal to the 5 people that liked irn bru and would recommended and to appeal to the
other 13 people I will find out what they don’t like about tern bru and see how it can be improved so that they could recommend it to a friend.
Audience research:
Observation: people are much more willing to spend 1 pound to £1.50 on irn bru where as £1.50 to £2 only has 1 person that would pay that showing that the average price
is the one to keep it with.
What this says about my audience: this tells me that people would much rather just pay the average amount for an irn bru as is expectable for this audience and
they would not be willing to pay more so keep it as it is
How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make sure that I advertise an irn bru that sticks with a average price of which everyone is most willing to
pay keeping it as what it is now.
Audience research:
Observation: the majority of people don’t like the taste of irn bru showing me that I would need to not touch upon the taste with the advertisement or I would advertise anew
version of the drink.
What this says about my audience: that 10 out of 18 of them don’t like the taste of irn bru and prefer a different type of drink then irn bru. And the rest of the
people that like it I can appeal to.
How will your product appeal to this audience: I will not touch upon the taste or I will make a new version to advertise and promise a different taste to it
making it more like a cola or a weakened version of irn bru if people think that its to strong.
Audience research:
Observation:half the people that answered the survey don’t drink irn bru and the over half don’t drink it often which means am appealing to an audience not appealed by irn
bru which means that changes need to be made.
What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience don’t drink irn bru at all or they barley drink it.
How will your product appeal to this audience: I'm going have to try and make a advertise that will reach further out and appeal to more and more people as
a idea to start with in order to appeal to this audience I need to get them interested in irn bru so that they want to buy it.
Audience research:
Observation: 3 people thinks that irn bru is great where as the rest of my audience have a different opinion and have specified that they don’t like the taste of it as
they don’t believe it is nice tasting.
What this says about my audience: they do not like the taste of irn bru and would prefer a different taste and only 3 people thing that its great which is 17%
of people who answered the survey.
How will your product appeal to this audience: I will advertise a different taste of irn bru to people offering them a different type of drink to start off
with that tastes different then its something they haven't tried yet.
Audience research:
Observation: peoples personal experiences with irn bru where just disappointment and nothing else other then a few odd comments where they liked it but the rest of
people don’t like the taste again and don’t have any experience with the drink since they first tried it.
What this says about my audience: my audience don’t like irn bru that much and it will need changes in order to be able to appeal to them
How will your product appeal to this audience: my product will advertise a different type of irn bru that tastes as something they havnt and wont try to
try and get them interested in the idea of irn bru again.
Audience research:
What this says about my audience:
How will your product appeal to this audience:
Audience research:
What this says about my audience:
How will your product appeal to this audience:
Audience research:
What this says about my audience:
How will your product appeal to this audience:
Idea Generation:
Print Advert
Making a general poster and including the company name on it. The idea that I would have is to set it in Scotland as it’s a Scottish drink and then have it on the country from space view possibly taking
off from the ground showing how it blasts of in your mouth and showing some imagery of the taste in the photo. I would include a slogan that would be related to the atmosphere to the poster and
the drink and how It fits around it and makes it suit the scenery of the poster and makes it remunerable. Above it on the top I would have the logo of the drink. At the bottom I would have the price
this way it shows how much things cost and this way it has information on it which is great to show the person viewing the advertisement the price of what he is buying and set it up well or the viewer.
Highland games
The idea behind this is that I would make a poster that is based around the Scottish goes that they play based on brute strength and try and represent irn bru with them showing the athletes that take
part in these games with an irn bru that would make the people in Scotland want to buy it and would hopefully keep it at the top of drink sales in the Scotland and this is if I aim it particular at the idea
of keeping it in Scotland and not making it aimed at world. This idea would also include the company logo in big above it and would also have the idea of price and the average that I make that would
be related to the poster and so would the TV advert that I choose this way I keep all of the sale techniques linked together and make sure that it is impressive to look at and a good quality looking irn
bru print. I would take different ideas from each of them to shape it around past ones not loosing sight of that it looks like at the present time and try and improve it a great deal. I will take advise form
other company plans to advertise there product and then see how it shapes together. I would include the price in this idea as I think that that would be important information.
Target audience for Scotland
For th3 Scotland target audience I would make sure to keep the irn bru idea related to Scotland this would fit into all my ideas that I would make it fit into its heritage and this will make sure that I
appeal to its proper audience of Scotland and try and theme this around the whole idea of Scotland. I think that this is a good idea because it maintains the concept of Scotland and keeping it in
Scotland this is a good decision because its important to keep its main selling point. I have an idea for this project to have the concept to taking irn bru across the world and including all different idea
generations and this would all original.
the next idea that I have is about Irn Bru going global this would show irn bru traveling the world and giving away irn brus in a truck that is specially formed from irn bru and as you go past Scotland it
would include Scottish people taking part in sports traditional to them and athletes from Scotland as you leave Scotland you would travel to London where you will throw in some irn bru into the royal
palace and other land marks and just people on the street while dodging cars and other objects that are in the way of the road. After this you would travel to Paris through the euro tunnel entering a
new level collecting pints and still delivering it to different landmarks and then finally to America as too would collect enough points to be able to fly around the area going to America dodging objects
on the way there.
Idea Generation:
For the advergame my idea is to do a old 80s style game like the goonies arcade game but a play on it for irn bru this concept I think will work because it fits in line with the dark theme of
Halloween and the tv adverts idea is based upon the Halloween zombie theme and I think/ feel that including an idea like this in the advergame is good because it reflects on the rest of the
products I will have done as well. The importance of the advergame is to add in a theme of irn bru into a classic game, the idea I have is to make it so that your character has to grab the irn bru
cans or bottles dependent on what I decide and once all are collected a key will open and with this key a door to the next level. I only intend to do one level with this advergame and I think that’s
all that’s needed to show what type of game it is. The game will include enemy's that reflect Pepsi but not exact copies and the way to beat them is kick them. The scenery of the game will be a
dark dungeon like chamber filled with dark areas but also lit up and the idea behind this is that it is basically a hellish feel to it with Halloween coming and the only way to get you though the levels
is irn bru and this in tern plays on the slogan “irn bru gets you through” but with the game, I think that it’s a good feature and it reflects the product as well as the advergame.
Target audience for Scotland
With this advergame it doesn’t really have an aim at a Scottish audience other then the play on the companies slogan for irn bru which I don’t feel necessary irn bru is from Scotland and it a best
seller in Scotland I don’t feel like its necessary to remind them that its Scottish as a drink when they know already therefore my approach with a new theme rather then Scotland is to theme it
around the holiday coming up with a campaign for each holiday as coke and Pepsi do this way I still keep my audience appeal in Scotland but can also expand out to different places allowing more
audiences to learn the name.
System and how it would work
There would be a huge health bar at the top which would be where you would be able to keep track of how careful you would need to be, the game would get harder on each level and I think
that using the health bar on the first level would be silly as the first level is always one that’s easy to get people into it I would have it so that it got harder as it went along giving me more room to
make the game and more time on the other assets of the game, the characters that are played as would look human in pretty much every way. This would help stick to the irn bru gets you
through as we drink it and it gets us through. The enemy's would also have lives the top right opposite the health bar and the reason for this is to clearly show the two sides fighting and laso
make them both stand out. In level one I will have it where once an enemy is defeated it disappears from the health bar all together.
Idea Generation:
Tv advert
For the tv advert I believe that I good individual idea would be one of a hand and a zombie holding the irn bru in his hand, this is good because it means that it keeps in theme with a zombie tone and
stands out from other adverts I would include a lot of panning shots in the advert and I think that this will as a whole work nicely to create suspense on the advert and in a whole and as total it will all
fit together in a final project nicely and I think that this will look really nice on the work I will also include some horror music in the trailer as this ads suspense to the overall look of the advert I think
that this works really well with the overall look of the project and I believe that this fits nicely with the Halloween theme of my other ideas for print and advergame this is really good as an overall
look for the game and I thin that it will work well I will have a shot of a man walking over to the zombie hand and handing the zombie hand an irn bru and saying irn bru will get you through then the
zombie hand will fall back into the grave and the narrator will come on and say irn bru gets you through, even death. This touch will show that irn bru can get you through anything but it will also be
comedic as a whole and I think that this will work really well with.
Audience appeal
The reason that this advert will appeal to the audience is because of the way that it looks at the moment we are going into Halloween and this is good because it means that people are into the
creepy atmosphere at the minute and this means that this advert will appeal to a large range of people everywhere as it follows the same type of horror mode that people are interested in and this is
because of the type of moth this odes mean that sadly people will only be interested and the advert will only be relevant for the Halloween month however If it has good audience results it an be use
or the concept can be used in Halloweens to come and also the idea but adverts don’t normally last more then a month anyway.
Tv Advert
I had another idea that was going to be random showing an advert being horrible and the actor in the advert is struggling to get through the advert knowing how bad it is as an advert however when
he drinks the irn bru while shooting it he's all into making the advert and this is a strange idea but I think that if its executed correctly then it could work well as whole so I would say that this idea
would be a prime one to use if I ever need however it might be unrealistic in what I am able to do as it would require equipment and actors of which I don’t have access to its more likely I choose the
zombie hand advert.
Idea Generation:
General ideas for the project on irn bruTv Advert Advergame
The idea behind the tv advert is that it looks at
horror in general on Halloween which I think is
important and I feel that having this on a tv
advert at this time of year is a good idea and I
think that it works nicely overall with the look
of the advert. The advergame and the print
poster will follow the same concept and will all
be linked which I believe to be a nice feature
that works well as whole with the over all look
of it.
The advergame will be set as though it is a arcade3 game
classic and will follow this type of set up and I feel that this set
up will fit the games overall look nicely it will also link to the
overall look of the game and how it all fits together. There will
be a 2d set up and a health bar at the top left of the screen
the reason for this is so that it is clearly visible and shows the
health of your player and the inspiration that I will take and
use for this will be from dark souls as I feel that game has the
best and most visible health making you ware what your
health is on all the time and so that is the health bar that I will
be using.
For the poster I have the idea of following the idea of the tv advert
exact but for the poster so that both stand out and both of them
are linked almost as if it’s a poster for the advert and the drink the
poster will feature the look of a traditional horror and classic
horror film style meaning black and white as that is what is
associated with horror in the time period that this would be from.
Individual Idea:
I will have a hand like this
on the advert and the
poster and this hand will
be holding an irn bru with
a creepy background and I
think that these put
together will work well as
a whole. The idea that I
have behind this is that
they both look spooky and
creepy and fit with the
concept of Halloween in a
good way.
This is green fog and I
intend to have these
as the background for
my advergame and my
poster as well as my tv
advert the reason for
this is because I
believe that it ads a
nice touch to it and
that’s what I need in
these as it needs to fit
around this horror and
Halloween idea.
The game will have this type of background
setting as I think that it works well as an
arcade game however I would make it
darker and stand out more. The reason that
I want it like this game is because the game
is addictive to play and challenging but I
would be remembered I think it would work
as a game to get ion the phone and would
have a lot of people plying it I would replace
the doors with irn bru and so he irn bru
would unlock a key to the next level instead,
the game would be easy to understand and
it wouldn’t be complicated to do.
The background to the advert for tv
and the poster would both have this
graveyard in it and I think that
having this is an important feature
because it ads mystery and horror
like the fog as well as the Halloween
theme I would have a panning shot
of the graveyard like this one where
it would start randomly and get the
person watching it interested into
the game and I think that this will
work nicely as an idea for the tv
advert, the poster would be a
simple hand holding irn bru and
grave yard in the background.
The reason that I chose this type of health bar is because I feel
like this stands out the most and makes you more ware as a
player to watch it and I think it will be a nice touch to the
Group Idea:
Here we came up with group ideas that we could use for the tv
advert we each had individual ideas that we then added and put
down onto this poster as a form of planning I think that overall we
each had are own good ideas but we had to come up with one that
we wanted to use and that idea was in the end the main idea that
we had. I think that it was important to use these ideas in the final
because it shows mixed peoples ideas in one which can sometimes
work to create good ideas but other times it can go wrong.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Health and safety
Potential Issue How will the issue be
spilling water on the computers I am working on
my work.
don’t bring water near a computer to make sure
that I do not spill water.
back pains that hurt due to not sitting up at the
chair correctly.
sit at the chair correctly to avoid back pain
being tired while doing work loosing
concentration could cause a injury.
get lots of sleep the day before to make sure
your awake while doing work.
tripping on wires while filming the trailer for the
watch where your stepping when filming the
falling over while filming the trailer. look where your going when walking and try not
to fall.
electric shock while on computers or near plug
be careful near wires and plugs in case of getting
an electric shock.
The idea of this story board is that it will start off with a zoom out shot of a graveyard and then it will move to zoom in on a grave where a zombie hand will be
hanging out as zombie grunts and noises play in the background and then the Irn Bru bottle will be given to a zombie of which will make him happy and stop growing
and then a voice will come on saying Irn Bru gets you through even in death and it will be a short advert and I think it will work as a good one when its put together.
This schedule shows the flexibility of each member of the group
individually and what days they would be able to do and what works
for them and then from this I can work on a schedule.
Planning Docs (Advergame):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
This was an experiment to see what type of a game I could create and for this
experiment I went with the idea of using an irn bru typed dark souls, it would
have been in 3rd person and it would have had an irn bru as the main selling
point to the game an this as an experiment is just a play around with ideas that I
had in coming up with a final look for my work I would say that as whole I t
looks like it has gone ok but this is not an idea that will be going with as my final
so I am happy that this worked as an advergame but I also believe that it could
work if it was going for a proper full game but as a mobile app type game
defiantly not but it is a nice concept.
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
This is my poster experiment and I like the look of this and how it all fits
together I think that I would work reall well as a look for a poster with real
effort and skill put into it. As an experiment I am more then happy with this
look because it feels although it is advertising the look of irn bru and it has
ballons on the side that say big irn bru gets you through I feel like this is well
done and noticeable and this looks really nice and I think that the hand coming
out of the grave with black and white scenery is the exact look and style that I
was going for and this is reassuring as I was able to do it on the experiment I
feel I can get exactly what I want when I need to make the final piece
Finished Stuff: a3 poster for irn bru
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog. Here I wnet with the idea that I was treating this drink
although it was film and the advert with the hand
holding it was film and it needed critics as they
influence so many thing I felt that film critics would
work best so my advertising scheme is to show how
high rated the drink is by critics and how it is for
example certified fresh on rotten tamatoes which I
think is a nice touch and I would mos certainly have
this as a main selling point and I feel that it works
nicely and ads something to ti that other posters
don’t have. I followed the idea that other posters
have and I kept it Halloween themed as the tv advert
and advergame are making sure that it sticks to the
main intension that I had from the begging which I did
and I would say that this as a poster went very well.

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Irn bru pro forma

  • 2. Info-graphic Research: The money that film companies make over the year with the different films that they produce and bring out and how well those films do on the box office. Disney: Beauty and the beast : box office – 1.263 billion USD Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead men tell no tales : Box office – 793.2 million USD Cars 3: Box Office – 350.3 million USD Transformers the last knight: Box office - 604.9 million USD Ghost in the shell: Box office – 169.8 million USD Baywatch: Box office – 177.9 million USD xXx: Return of Xander Cage: Box office – 346.1 million USD rings: Box office – 83.1 million USD Warner bro. Wonder women: Box office – 816.3 million USD Dunkirk: Box Office – 492.2 million USD The Lego Batman: Box office – 311.8 million USD Annabelle creation: Box office – 280.3million USD Universal The mummy: Box Office – 407.8 million USD Get out: Box office – 252.4 million USD Despicable Me: Box office – 1.007 billion USD The fate od the furious: Box office – 1.163 billion USD Atomic Blonde: Box office – 94.1 million USD I will use these figures in my info graphic as I am going to make it about the box office and I believe that using figures from there top films it will be good to compare the figures of each company and see which of there top films did the best in comparison. Because I am setting it in 2017 this does mean that it will be incomplete numbers for films that have not yet come out yet but will within the last 3 months before the new year however most of the big films of this year except justice league and star wars the last Jedi are out at this time, so this info graph will be for the year so far and not the complete year results of 2017. I felt like I could of looked into 2016 box office but I don’t feel like they had good enough results in money made to fill up a full list of films like 2017 so far does. 2016 is an option that can be looked into if I change my mind about an info graph and want to look into a different year.
  • 3. Info-graphic Research: At the top left of this info graphic it includes a date of the year where this info graph is set which is 2014 and its in big to stand out so it can show this to the audience viewing it giving them the information at start and given it’s the biggest piece of writing on this info graph it shows good colour scheme as it is black on a blue background making it clear and visible meaning that it will stand out well on the page with the blue background and this makes it clear to the person looking at of the information that it has on it is set in 2014. Under the 2014 year there is a box that includes the top 10 box office growths this shows in a chart the best box office figure and gives information about how much it made and why its at the top as well as a stand out image of the films that vairy in size compared to other ones based on how ell it did and goes down to the lowest one which stands the rest up. The size of each shows in comparison to what each of them made cutting the two at the bottom close because they made a close amount this is very clever and uses good colour and images of the films to clearly show what film it is that has been chosen to be put at the top of list to the bottom. This would appeal to the audience because of the way it stands out and how easy it is to read as it is supposed to easy to read and see what your looking for in terms of information on it. To the left of the year has the title of the info graph in red to stand out from the other parts of information on the graph and it is titled “the movie year by the numbers” which is referring to the box office and the gross that it made over the year of 2014 and is named cleverly as a title capturing the audience which is good audience appeal as it has an eye catching title. Next to the highest grossing box there is a box that is for the highest rated films of the years by critics and this is on the website that it gives credit to called rotten tomatoes it may not be a good source of reviews but it is one of the top which shows that research has gone into making it, this box also gives ideas to people who are interested in seeing some of the films mentioned an idea of the highest rated ones so they can see which ones to go and see and this is a good idea for audience appeal and something that can be used in my info graph as it shows extra information and targets audience appeal well to the people that are viewing it. In the middle of the page is a bar going across which shows the mpaa rating of the films by percentage this is to show how many films this year was age rated what in America to give the person viewing an idea of what films are suitable for what age and also see what the most popular age rating category films are which is good for box office research as it allows the person viewing to see what if they are making one would fit with the most of the films that are made of that year. Text to the ratings by critics box is a box for which month had the best box office results based on what films came out on what month and shows that in some months films of much more popularity came out on certain months where on some months throughout the year people just didn’t buy into the films that came out at that month at that time which shows that not every body is interested I every film that comes out and people only go to see films that t hey like the look of and don’t just go for the sake of it. This is good info for audience appeal reference because it shows how if advertising reaches somebody and the product appeal round it is there it will get people out to see it. Under the percentage bar to the right is a box that shows the information of the top 3 films released each month throughout all months this is good because it shows what months had what on that did the best then comparing it to what months did the best on the top right graph you can see which films where most popular on the month and did the best and see what type of film it was to earn for future product and this is good audience research. On the box next to the top 3 films at the box office box there is a box for the films that took up the most space at the box office of the year 2014 stating that for example comic book movies take up 18.25% on that year but although only one or two are made a year of comic book movies they are that popular with the audience of people who go and see it that it is able to make lots of money taking over the box office in some year because of how much one film makes in gross compared to multiple different types of films. At the bottom there is a list of films that broke records but didn’t make it to the top of the list like it would have been expected to of happen which is very important to have on this info graph to an audience because it takes less popular films and gives them some credit which they may need as they didn’t do that well for the record stat they was able to brake and calls them “honourable mention” which means that they are close to the top and deserve a mention which appeals to a viewer well. Next to that is a box for the films that was number one of the box office for the most weeks of the year 2014 showing which films when out was hat good that they was able to maintain popularity with the audience that they could stay on which this info graph shows nicely using a red title and blue numbers to make it stand out.
  • 4. Info-graphic Research: This info graph shows the difference between how teenagers spend there time using social media and how long adults spend using social media. This graph clearly demonstrates the two different percentages for each are really close. It has 2 avatars for each which shows stereo typical teenagers and adults to make them stand out and this cartoonified to make it appeal as eye catching to the audience. The avatars use a colour scheme of red for the teens which shows a more active and fun type of colour where as the adult is portrayed as grey which shows them to be darker more experienced and more mature and this stands out and is eye catching to notice. On the adult it has a Facebook logo and on the teenager it has a twitter logo this shows the two different types of social media that is used. The background of this info graphic is grey which allows writing and images on the page to stand out but adds a bit more to it then just a white page which I think works nicely with the info graphic. At the bottom of the page on the main part of the info graph which is the statistics it shows a pie chart of how many adults recoded use social media and how many teens do and the number percentage is very close together showing that adults and teenagers use it a lot of the time and that it Is very important and a very big part of media is social media as there is a huge audience for it on all ages. Above the pie charts is a paragraph explaining where the information on the infographic came from and giving credit to the sources that it got it from which I think is very important as it makes it clear to the person looking at the info graph that the information that has been included on it are legible and correct and done by people reliable in finding out research.
  • 5. Info-graphic Bibliography: Put your info-graphic bibliography here. Where I got the information for my info graph (bibliography) 2.16.0....0...1.1.64.psy-ab..7.16.2727.0..0i131k1.0.up3iiIax8uM ab..2.5.867...0i67k1j0i8i7i30k1j0i13k1.0.80D0neH_EL0 ab..0.5.848...0i67k1j0i7i30k1j0i8i7i30k1.0.fF7CddpDf7c ab..0.13.1931...0i7i30k1j0i8i7i30k1j0i67k1j0i13k1.0.TrA3C1igGSM ab..1.16.3028.0..0i67k1j0i131k1.112.evqn07swu7I ab..1.8.1139.0..0i131k1.81.sOEaeguAzRE On all of these I clicked on the movies that have been released this year individually and saw the box office figures.
  • 6. Info-graphic: Put your info-graphic design work here. Here I have the information for universal studios films of 2017 so far which includes films such as the mummy and I include the information on how much they earned and I included it as dollars in currency the reason that I chose universal was because of how big of a company it is in film and the influence it has on the film industry as well as the mass amount of money that the films it produces makes therefore I found it important to include information about universal studios. I included the logo in black and white because I felt it would stand out on the page and I made the writing white with an outer glow to make it more visible and easily read. Under universal I included fox as it is another huge company in making films and in 2017 it brought out Logan that was well received by critics which earned the company a lot of money on the type of film that it was that was superhero and this makes it a big audience as superhero films are big at the minute or comic book movies as they are known. I also included the logo as black and white for the company to match it to the other logos and the pattern that I was making with the logos, and the writing including the information as white with outer glow as well. The next company down the middle is paramount in the past known for making films such as star trek and this year known for making films such as transformers and ghost in the shell as well as others made a large sum of money and big box office figures with these films making it as every year a lead in box office and I also put the logo for this in black and white because I feel like this fits well the rest of the info graph ad the colour of the page in the background sticking to the pattern on the info graph. Next to paramount I have Sony who are lead in technology as well as film and this year made films such as Spiderman homecoming that was huge on the box office and stood out among the rest because of how much money it made and this was also a superhero film or comic book films making over 800 million USD. I used there normal logo as its normally just a white Sony logo and I think that this stands out well as its just the name in writing rather than a actual logo just keeping it simple. Under Sony I have a graph which shows the gross that the films have made and compares them to each over showing who the leading company of the year so far is and that is Disney with a large amount of money made from films it sits at the most so far with a close compete warner bros who's big films set to make lots of money are coming at the back end of this year but like Disney also have 2 films coming out to make a lot of money which is star wars the last jedi and thor ragnarok and warner bros have a huge one which is justice league and this films is highly anticipated and long awaited by the majority of comic book fans due to having the biggest read and fan base from any comic book and including the best selling heroes from all comic books, if the film is good it can lead to huge success on the box office and Disney will still remain at top because of the money that the force awakens and rogue one have made in the previous years its clear star wars is set to be the biggest blockbuster franchise of all time with a huge lead. I thought that this graph was important because it included important data adding up all off the money made I profit rather than results taking away the money they spent on the film to create a gross number. At the top is the box office title of the info graph which is all in plane white in order to match the other company logos and the writing and pie chart and I think that this stands out well as it matches the rest of the info graphic. Under that I have Disney which is the biggest company on the box office this year so far, it has released less films this year so far but due to the amount that the films it has made it is top of the list this year and probably will be throughout and till the end of what left of this year and this is due to the fact they have not yet released star wars the last jedi or thor ragnarok which are two other films that are anticipated to make lots of money on the box office. I made the logo plain black as if I made it white like the rest it didn’t look right on the page and was far to bright so the darker tone fits it better on this infographic. Under Disney is warner bros which are secondly lead in the box office different to Disney box office didn’t just choose a certain amount of films that they was definite would do well they chose to gamble and give unknown films a chance as well as rebooting old ones and this paid of in some cases as it made money but they put a lot of money into the projects and this means that it affects the end gross that it gets at the end of it. Also like Disney it isn’t done with films just yet as towards the end of the year it has been saving its big film for last which is justice league set to be released on the 17th of November the date that the original cartoon and famous renowned cartoon started based of the most popular comic books series and the most popular super hero's in comic books its set to make lots of money which could help the end pay up on what they spent on the other projects this year. I chose the traditional white and black logo for warner bros as it fits and what I was after in the first place.
  • 7. Research: Describe how you located, retrieved and stored information: How I stored the information I stored the information that I found on a word document to make sure that I didn’t loose it and then copied all the relevant information that I found into the PowerPoint and this was a useful way to store information for when I later needed it. How I found the information I found the information by searching in the films made by each company separately on the box office in 2017 for example “Disney films 2017”: This gives me a list of what films there are and I chose the ones that are out and have box office figures and pressed clicked on the film for information. Here it shows the figure that it made at the box office of which I copied out for each film of the year in order to get my research and once I had retrieved it I stored it in a word document for later use in PowerPoint and photoshop when making the final info graph The box office figure of the film. And added to PowerPoint for storage.
  • 8. Client research: Irn bru was formed in 1901 making Irn bru 116 years old which shows that it’s a strong company that is capable of staying in the top tier of drinks and this is good because it means that the company has over 116 years of feedback showing that they are capable of finding out what people like and what people think of the product and this shows how many improvements can be made to the drink over the years. Irn bru was formed in Scotland and is renowned as a Scottish drink and its main advertising point is that its Scottish and they are proud about the fact that it is Scottish and the reason for them selling more Irn bru in Scotland so much in fact it means that it is the number 1 selling soft drink in Scotland and this reason is because of how it always advertises Scotland heritages. In other country's like America is more rare to find an Irn bru in supermarkets and especially not in restaurants and other aspects of the food industry and where the soft drinks would be. Irn bru has made a big audience in Australia and it is also known in England to be around and about in different shops like corner shops to huge supermarkets. – This information is from google and includes the company's history which I can use when making the products as part of a sales point which is an advantage of this research. my client for market research is irn bru and is a renowned soft drink. They strictly specialise in irn bru or irn bru extra. They advertise there product by shaping there bottle in a strange way and making it stand out while appealing to Scotland which is where it is from and this makes it clear and stands out. In dc comics irn bru made an appearance in a certain comic series doom patrol vol 2 is the exact comic that it appeared in it. Flavours of the irn br that had to be discarded for unknown reasons are called.
  • 9. Client research: This company known as barr is the company that manufactures the rn bru and own it. The company is 142 years old and was founded by Robert bar in 1875. this could be useful in the project as a manufacturer easter egg in the advergame or trailer. The company is very successful it makes £257.1 million revenue and is very popular in Scotland alone which is where its headquarters can be found. There have been many company takeovers and ceos over the year but no matter who takes over the company it is clear that they always advertise there main products of irn bru with the heritage of Scotland which is important to the company to make sure it stays true to its heritage but also to scottland because it keeps the drink as a Scottish focus, through the years irn bru has improved a great deal and advertised much more successfully recently pulling in really high figures compared to figures from 10 years ago and this is showing that the companys new direction is taking the right step and is appealing to the right audience. Barr also gives out many jobs employing 1,032 people in 2016 it gives people carreers and money the irn bru logo sticks to a traditional orange background that it has always had and it is its colour that it uses from its website to its poster advertisement campaign and it’s the colour of the drink itself. It works really well with the blue box where the logo sits in the middle the blue box adds to the orange background and irn bru written in white stands out really well as it looks like its meat to be there. In the muddle used to connect the irn and the bru is the company logo that manufactures it of barr or A.G. Barr plc adding this in is an important feature as it includes the information from the company that owns the drink and adds it to the logo to make the company memorable to people who buy it a lot. This shows that irn bru has two different varients one is irn bru sugar free and the other is irn bru xtra these are two different types of irn bru and each of these types of irn bru has a separate advertising campaign based on what there specialty is which is clever to advertise them in different ways.
  • 10. Client research: Packaging: • The most popular plastic bottle size is 500 ml. • 150 ml can • 250 ml bottle • 330 ml can • 330 ml glass bottle • 500 ml Value Can (formerly the big summer can) • 500 ml plastic bottle • 600 ml plastic bottle (Russia) • 1 litre plastic bottle • 1.25 litre bottle (Australia, New Zealand, Russia, UK) • 2 litre plastic bottle • 2.25 litre plastic bottle (Russia) • 2.5 litre bottle (UK "Big Bru") • 3 litre plastic bottle • 355 ml glass bottle (in Canada) • 750 ml glass bottle • 5 litre Syrup containers. These things appeal to the audience because if they advertise a new shaped bottle of a different type of bottle then it can lead to new customers and interested old customers because of the new looking bottle its general appeal and this as final can work really well for a product if it wanted to do a re launch or try something new. In these bottles they stick to the same logo on the front for two of the brand bottles which is the least bottle to the right and the can next to it, although its same logo design the colours are slightly different in the way that it stands out. The company always sticks to its tradition logo and doesn’t change it showing that its proud of the company it is and where its gone to this is good research because it shows when I make my finalo game products I can not change the product of irn bru logo as I must stick to its original as the company have for so many years.
  • 11. Client research: Irn bru have a very strange way of advertising things for example this poster here that they used as an advertisement campaign. This image starts off with an image of a sheep added to an orange background which is the orange background and then next to it will have a quote next to it and in this case it says: “I Nicked the cows irn-bru so she told the pigs” this quote can be taken to two ways. The first way is that he is talking about a female and saying that she stole his irn bru so she called the police showing that it’s a serious crime to steal someone's irn bru which works nicely as an advertisement and catches the audiences attention but what makes this clever is to catch the audiences attention of what they are saying they hide it and sugar coat it with a sheep giving it a meaning of animals instead which to people could literally mean that he stole a cows irn bru so the cow told a group a pigs obviously its going for the hidden meaning but it’s the way that the advertisement is done that makes it clever and meaningful to the viewer because it grabs the attention and keeps you thinking. This is an advantage of a advertisement research as it allows me to see how they have made something simple into something clever and this is a good way to start or make adverts and print because its simple easy to do but it achieves good audience appeal at the same time and sometimes more then a time spent poster that Is eye catching because a poster like this keeps you thinking about what its meaning. An irn bru can is included at the bottom under the quote to show that its an irn bru advert and uses “phenomenal” as if to say this is true and they are shocked by it. This advertisement campaign of phenomenal has gone on a while and there are a multitude of adverts like this that include a quote and an image and they are funny and clever.
  • 12. Client research: This is another advertisement poster used by irn bru as part of there feel phenomenal advertising campaign where it takes something nice and innocent and adds in a hidden meaning to it. The first meaning of this is that its saying when you go out with your friends clubbing (partying) have a nice drink of irn bru after and feel phenomenal the more jokey meaning to this is clubbing and another night of clubbing or meaning of it is hitting animals or people with bats, and this is followed by a image to the left of a seal like the sheep picture on the over poster the hidden meaning for this could be jeking about beating things with a bat and then having a drink of irn bru at the end of it to make you feel phenomenal which doesn’t portray a good image but yet again like the last poster gets you thinking about what it means and why this is very clever because it makes you think theres a hidden meaning as well as it portrays it at first glance to be something sweet and harmless followed by a actual deeper meaning that means something different. This is a great way yet again to appeal to an audience and I will be using these ideas as I progress with this unit as I feel these are good learning points to take from these adverts and the way that it is set out. The poster has an orange background with an image of a baby seal on the front layed on a ice platfrom that has been added to a plain orange screen with a quote next to it saying: “it really hits the spot after a good night of clubbing” and followed by a irn bru can underneath like the last one and a feel phenomenal slogan under that as it uses to advertise. The best part of these irn bru adverts is that it gives room for interpretation and it all depends down to the context that people see the poster and how they feel it is and means. This is very clever and on of the reasons its advertisement campaigns are so successful.
  • 13. Client research: This advert starts off with a narrator introducing irn bru and saying what it is and that it tastes amazing and is followed by a man walking out of his house with an irn bru and saying that’s unbelievable which shows the advert is trying to appeal to the audience with it taste and shows the starting narrative theme of it tastes good and that’s why it should be drunk. Then it goes to claim in a comedic way that irn bru gives you super abilities such as the women that comes on the narrator goes on to say: “that’s not all” followed by a women saying she can talk to animals and proceeds to talk to a squirell and the squirrel responds with eat my nuts which is a comedic part of the advert appealing to a comedic side of audience showing humour like all the irn bru adverts do. This sets a comedic narrative. On the next part it has a man in a car speaking mandarin and a subtitle underneath saying that irn bru taught him how to speak mandarin yet again going for humour and making irn bru out to be this ultimate drink like the red bull adverts do. Which is clever as it has good audience appeal and grabs the attention of the audience. After this scene it shows a mens changing room with a floating irn bru pulling a mans towel away and a women saying irn bru turned me invisible, this shows audience appeal in how irn bru gives superhuman powers and goes the comedic route again with the follow up building up a pattern. This scene is followed by a man sat on a chair saying in a really happy way before irn bru extra “ I used to be dead” which is comedic, genuinely funny and promises the power of resurrection. Its then followed by the squirrels return talking more about irn bru and advertising the product closing with “unbelievable stuff.” this advert was really well done and had good fun and harmless humour which is appealing to a very large audience of people who like to find adverts entertaining and not boring. This advert is also comedic and funny, it plays on the heritage of irn bru which is Scotland and stays true to the Scottish people keeping the slogan of irn bru gets you through and this is shown by the main person drinking it as being Scottish then it plays on a the rivalry between England and Scotland for the uk. It shows a true Scotsman that loves his country witness his daughter bring home a Englishman and when he first sees he is shocked but then he drinks irn bru and goes all calm again showing humour. The Englishman then takes off his hoodie to reveal he is wearing an England shirt which upsets the man further but he then drink another sip of irn bru and it calms him down and hes happy again. Then the Englishmen brings in a dog wearing a unionjack harness and this disturbs the man even more till he takes another sip of irn bru and then it plays the slogan of irn bru gets you through. This was cleverly done as an advert creating good audience appeal in Scotland which is wear its from and where it sells the most irn brus an amount that even competes with pepsi and coke a year on average but only in Scotland and I think that a huge part of that is the rin bru advertising scheme like these as they are comedic and funny and unforgettable which will get lots of people interested and I think if they spre3ad there advertisements it would go successful but then theres a risk of loosing the Scotland part that makes it special. This advert like the other irn bru adverts follows a comedic narrative.
  • 14. Market research: Pepsi and Irn-Bru Soft drink market This Pepsi advert shows that it is going like irn bru for a colour code and Pepsis colour is blue in the poster it goes for a much more serious tone where it uses the logo as a o to say “open” your mind which is a clever play on words as the image is of a Pepsi can which could be symbolising the Pepsi can as our minds and we need to open it. This poster has arrows pointing up on it which shows the liquid inside fizzing up and exploding out of it like when you shake up a can and the arrows point to where the fizz is going which is up but also to the slogan of the poster which I find cleverly done. This poster doesn’t show an ordinary Pepsi can it shows a different type of Pepsi can with patens on the front of it which could be a special version of Pepsi as Pepsi customize there products for different times and events. An example of this would be when the champions league starts in football Pepsi make a special can and bottle for it that they sell individually and in packs and have a special code on the cans that give you the chance to win tickets to see games which is something that irn bru don’t actually do when they advertise there products. The type of drink that Pepsi is a cola. The manufacturer of Pepsi is and its country of origin is united states. Pepsi was introduced in 1893 making it124 years ago and was originally known as brads drink this makes Pepsi older then irn bru for what it originally was but unlike irn bru Pepsi changed its name in 1961 which was 56 years ago and that’s when it became Pepsi. Pepsi is much more successful as a drink worldwide even competing with irn bru in Scotland where irn bru sells the most. Pepsi has 9 variants ranging in all kind of flavours where as irn bru only have 2 variants the names of the Pepsi variants have also changed for example Pepsi zero sugar becoming Pepsi max. Pepsis most contended competitor is coca cola who also make a cola but the choice between the two is often decided on taste between different peoples opinion so who sells the most can vary. Pepsi max is a big seller for Pepsi as it is the most favoured flavour of Pepsi and is appealing to all audiences for its look style and taste.
  • 15. Market research: coca cola and irn bru Soft drink market This poster uses green that is gritty as a background to symbolise that the company is a old long lasting one has the image of the glass of coke that hasn’t changed since the beginning which shows that like irn bru coke doesn’t change its original form and remembers what it was and sticks to its originality. The glass and classic coca cola swirl has been drawn like a old cartoon poster would have been in the 40s and 50s and going before showing the rise of cokes popularity in its time when it was originally as well loved and became as known as it is today but its also choosing a famous time and using it to show that coca cola was there through it all and its still here with us now the same which is where I think that the advertisement scheme is going like irn brus it shows a strong narrative of sticking to the past. The slogan that this advertisement uses is that everything tastes better with coca cola and it plays on how when people have meals or pick nick for many years they bring coca cola or when in a restaurant people order a coca cola with it and this uses that to say yes everything does taste better with coke. The type of drink that coca cola is like Pepsi is a cola. The manufacturer is The coca cola company and its country of origin is united states like Pepsi. It was introduced in 1886 which would make it 131 years old which would be older then irn bru but close to when irn bru was introduced as well however unlike irn bru coca cola is everywhere in the world and like irn bru and Pepsi a lead sales drink in Scotland which is where irn bru sells the most of its drinks. The colour of the drink is black caramel and its flavour is cola. Its got 7 variants ranging from all different flavours and changing the name of them on some but keeping it the same for most for example coca cola zero or coke zero a leading coke seller is keeping its name from when it was originally given and its biggest competitor is Pepsi as they share a very close amount of sales and are very close in competing. Its logo has stayed the same with its simple wording and un complicated simple logo.
  • 16. Audience research: Observation: There are more males taking my survey then females shown by the 15 males that answered my quiz and the 3 females that answered my survey for research this shows that there will not be that any mixed responses between genders in this survey for Irn Bru. What this says about my audience: this says that 83.33% of my audience is male and 16.67% of my audience from this survey is female this could mean that more males are interested in Irn bru as a survey and answering questions about the drink of Irn bru. How will your product appeal to this audience: I will aim my advertisement of Irn bru at more of a male audience the reason for this is because it seems like most of my audience are males that I am aiming Irn bru at and so I fell like this is the best idea.
  • 17. Audience research: Observation: more people like the idea of having a bottle of Irn bru then those that would prefer a can of Irn bru and this means that there is a chance that I should focus all of my advertising around the idea of having a bottle as the main feature of the advergame and other aspects of my advertising just like the TV advert and print. What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience are much more impressed in the idea of having bottles as the main advertisement point of Irn bru then the can because it gives it much more of a memorable look then other parts would give and this is important because it shows the style of product I need to use to appeal to large audience. How will your product appeal to this audience: my product will appeal to this audience because it will include a bottle as the main face of Irn bru and advertise the fact that it is in a bottle more then a can but then I will include a can as well at some point this way it shows that I am appealing to both parts of the audience to those who like cans and also to those who like bottles at the sometime. But the bottle will be the main part as it’s the most popular.
  • 18. Audience research: Observation: the majority of people do not have a kind or good liking to the drink Irn bru this could be because they are not keen on the drink itself and the flavour or the advertising campaign at present. However 38.89% of people do like Irn bru compared to the other 61.11% of people and I can see that there is a audience at the start that I can build up with my products and try and change the mind of the other 61.11%. What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience are not interested in Irn bru at present and don’t like it and its either the current advertisement as to why or the taste of the drink itself. How will your product appeal to this audience: for my product to appeal to the audience I am going to try and make a new campaign that fits the product better and doesn’t just appeal to Scotland but also to the rest of the world and use its history.
  • 19. Audience research: Observation: the biggest audience that I have in social class is middle class and I have 3 people that say that they are lower class but this shows that my main target group is middle class as that’s who answered the survey the most. What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience is mainly middle class with a small mix of higher and lower class which is interesting data to be received. How will your product appeal to this audience: my product of irn bru will be aimed at the middle class ranged appealing to the majority of the people that answered this survey and also the higher class range as well so it works.
  • 20. Audience research: Observation: the majority of people would not recommended irn bru to their friends 13 out of the 18 people that answered this question would not recommended irn bru which shows me that I changes need to made to the problem with irn bru. What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience is not to keen on irn bru and don’t like it that much and they would not recommend it to their friends. How will your product appeal to this audience: my product will appeal to the 5 people that liked irn bru and would recommended and to appeal to the other 13 people I will find out what they don’t like about tern bru and see how it can be improved so that they could recommend it to a friend.
  • 21. Audience research: Observation: people are much more willing to spend 1 pound to £1.50 on irn bru where as £1.50 to £2 only has 1 person that would pay that showing that the average price is the one to keep it with. What this says about my audience: this tells me that people would much rather just pay the average amount for an irn bru as is expectable for this audience and they would not be willing to pay more so keep it as it is How will your product appeal to this audience: I will make sure that I advertise an irn bru that sticks with a average price of which everyone is most willing to pay keeping it as what it is now.
  • 22. Audience research: Observation: the majority of people don’t like the taste of irn bru showing me that I would need to not touch upon the taste with the advertisement or I would advertise anew version of the drink. What this says about my audience: that 10 out of 18 of them don’t like the taste of irn bru and prefer a different type of drink then irn bru. And the rest of the people that like it I can appeal to. How will your product appeal to this audience: I will not touch upon the taste or I will make a new version to advertise and promise a different taste to it making it more like a cola or a weakened version of irn bru if people think that its to strong.
  • 23. Audience research: Observation:half the people that answered the survey don’t drink irn bru and the over half don’t drink it often which means am appealing to an audience not appealed by irn bru which means that changes need to be made. What this says about my audience: this tells me that my audience don’t drink irn bru at all or they barley drink it. How will your product appeal to this audience: I'm going have to try and make a advertise that will reach further out and appeal to more and more people as a idea to start with in order to appeal to this audience I need to get them interested in irn bru so that they want to buy it.
  • 24. Audience research: Observation: 3 people thinks that irn bru is great where as the rest of my audience have a different opinion and have specified that they don’t like the taste of it as they don’t believe it is nice tasting. What this says about my audience: they do not like the taste of irn bru and would prefer a different taste and only 3 people thing that its great which is 17% of people who answered the survey. How will your product appeal to this audience: I will advertise a different taste of irn bru to people offering them a different type of drink to start off with that tastes different then its something they haven't tried yet.
  • 25. Audience research: Observation: peoples personal experiences with irn bru where just disappointment and nothing else other then a few odd comments where they liked it but the rest of people don’t like the taste again and don’t have any experience with the drink since they first tried it. What this says about my audience: my audience don’t like irn bru that much and it will need changes in order to be able to appeal to them How will your product appeal to this audience: my product will advertise a different type of irn bru that tastes as something they havnt and wont try to try and get them interested in the idea of irn bru again.
  • 26. Audience research: Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 27. Audience research: Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 28. Audience research: Observation: What this says about my audience: How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 29. Idea Generation: Print Advert Poster Making a general poster and including the company name on it. The idea that I would have is to set it in Scotland as it’s a Scottish drink and then have it on the country from space view possibly taking off from the ground showing how it blasts of in your mouth and showing some imagery of the taste in the photo. I would include a slogan that would be related to the atmosphere to the poster and the drink and how It fits around it and makes it suit the scenery of the poster and makes it remunerable. Above it on the top I would have the logo of the drink. At the bottom I would have the price this way it shows how much things cost and this way it has information on it which is great to show the person viewing the advertisement the price of what he is buying and set it up well or the viewer. Highland games The idea behind this is that I would make a poster that is based around the Scottish goes that they play based on brute strength and try and represent irn bru with them showing the athletes that take part in these games with an irn bru that would make the people in Scotland want to buy it and would hopefully keep it at the top of drink sales in the Scotland and this is if I aim it particular at the idea of keeping it in Scotland and not making it aimed at world. This idea would also include the company logo in big above it and would also have the idea of price and the average that I make that would be related to the poster and so would the TV advert that I choose this way I keep all of the sale techniques linked together and make sure that it is impressive to look at and a good quality looking irn bru print. I would take different ideas from each of them to shape it around past ones not loosing sight of that it looks like at the present time and try and improve it a great deal. I will take advise form other company plans to advertise there product and then see how it shapes together. I would include the price in this idea as I think that that would be important information. Target audience for Scotland For th3 Scotland target audience I would make sure to keep the irn bru idea related to Scotland this would fit into all my ideas that I would make it fit into its heritage and this will make sure that I appeal to its proper audience of Scotland and try and theme this around the whole idea of Scotland. I think that this is a good idea because it maintains the concept of Scotland and keeping it in Scotland this is a good decision because its important to keep its main selling point. I have an idea for this project to have the concept to taking irn bru across the world and including all different idea generations and this would all original. Global the next idea that I have is about Irn Bru going global this would show irn bru traveling the world and giving away irn brus in a truck that is specially formed from irn bru and as you go past Scotland it would include Scottish people taking part in sports traditional to them and athletes from Scotland as you leave Scotland you would travel to London where you will throw in some irn bru into the royal palace and other land marks and just people on the street while dodging cars and other objects that are in the way of the road. After this you would travel to Paris through the euro tunnel entering a new level collecting pints and still delivering it to different landmarks and then finally to America as too would collect enough points to be able to fly around the area going to America dodging objects on the way there.
  • 30. Idea Generation: Advergame For the advergame my idea is to do a old 80s style game like the goonies arcade game but a play on it for irn bru this concept I think will work because it fits in line with the dark theme of Halloween and the tv adverts idea is based upon the Halloween zombie theme and I think/ feel that including an idea like this in the advergame is good because it reflects on the rest of the products I will have done as well. The importance of the advergame is to add in a theme of irn bru into a classic game, the idea I have is to make it so that your character has to grab the irn bru cans or bottles dependent on what I decide and once all are collected a key will open and with this key a door to the next level. I only intend to do one level with this advergame and I think that’s all that’s needed to show what type of game it is. The game will include enemy's that reflect Pepsi but not exact copies and the way to beat them is kick them. The scenery of the game will be a dark dungeon like chamber filled with dark areas but also lit up and the idea behind this is that it is basically a hellish feel to it with Halloween coming and the only way to get you though the levels is irn bru and this in tern plays on the slogan “irn bru gets you through” but with the game, I think that it’s a good feature and it reflects the product as well as the advergame. Target audience for Scotland With this advergame it doesn’t really have an aim at a Scottish audience other then the play on the companies slogan for irn bru which I don’t feel necessary irn bru is from Scotland and it a best seller in Scotland I don’t feel like its necessary to remind them that its Scottish as a drink when they know already therefore my approach with a new theme rather then Scotland is to theme it around the holiday coming up with a campaign for each holiday as coke and Pepsi do this way I still keep my audience appeal in Scotland but can also expand out to different places allowing more audiences to learn the name. Advergame System and how it would work There would be a huge health bar at the top which would be where you would be able to keep track of how careful you would need to be, the game would get harder on each level and I think that using the health bar on the first level would be silly as the first level is always one that’s easy to get people into it I would have it so that it got harder as it went along giving me more room to make the game and more time on the other assets of the game, the characters that are played as would look human in pretty much every way. This would help stick to the irn bru gets you through as we drink it and it gets us through. The enemy's would also have lives the top right opposite the health bar and the reason for this is to clearly show the two sides fighting and laso make them both stand out. In level one I will have it where once an enemy is defeated it disappears from the health bar all together.
  • 31. Idea Generation: Tv advert For the tv advert I believe that I good individual idea would be one of a hand and a zombie holding the irn bru in his hand, this is good because it means that it keeps in theme with a zombie tone and stands out from other adverts I would include a lot of panning shots in the advert and I think that this will as a whole work nicely to create suspense on the advert and in a whole and as total it will all fit together in a final project nicely and I think that this will look really nice on the work I will also include some horror music in the trailer as this ads suspense to the overall look of the advert I think that this works really well with the overall look of the project and I believe that this fits nicely with the Halloween theme of my other ideas for print and advergame this is really good as an overall look for the game and I thin that it will work well I will have a shot of a man walking over to the zombie hand and handing the zombie hand an irn bru and saying irn bru will get you through then the zombie hand will fall back into the grave and the narrator will come on and say irn bru gets you through, even death. This touch will show that irn bru can get you through anything but it will also be comedic as a whole and I think that this will work really well with. Audience appeal The reason that this advert will appeal to the audience is because of the way that it looks at the moment we are going into Halloween and this is good because it means that people are into the creepy atmosphere at the minute and this means that this advert will appeal to a large range of people everywhere as it follows the same type of horror mode that people are interested in and this is because of the type of moth this odes mean that sadly people will only be interested and the advert will only be relevant for the Halloween month however If it has good audience results it an be use or the concept can be used in Halloweens to come and also the idea but adverts don’t normally last more then a month anyway. Tv Advert I had another idea that was going to be random showing an advert being horrible and the actor in the advert is struggling to get through the advert knowing how bad it is as an advert however when he drinks the irn bru while shooting it he's all into making the advert and this is a strange idea but I think that if its executed correctly then it could work well as whole so I would say that this idea would be a prime one to use if I ever need however it might be unrealistic in what I am able to do as it would require equipment and actors of which I don’t have access to its more likely I choose the zombie hand advert.
  • 32. Idea Generation: General ideas for the project on irn bruTv Advert Advergame Print The idea behind the tv advert is that it looks at horror in general on Halloween which I think is important and I feel that having this on a tv advert at this time of year is a good idea and I think that it works nicely overall with the look of the advert. The advergame and the print poster will follow the same concept and will all be linked which I believe to be a nice feature that works well as whole with the over all look of it. The advergame will be set as though it is a arcade3 game classic and will follow this type of set up and I feel that this set up will fit the games overall look nicely it will also link to the overall look of the game and how it all fits together. There will be a 2d set up and a health bar at the top left of the screen the reason for this is so that it is clearly visible and shows the health of your player and the inspiration that I will take and use for this will be from dark souls as I feel that game has the best and most visible health making you ware what your health is on all the time and so that is the health bar that I will be using. For the poster I have the idea of following the idea of the tv advert exact but for the poster so that both stand out and both of them are linked almost as if it’s a poster for the advert and the drink the poster will feature the look of a traditional horror and classic horror film style meaning black and white as that is what is associated with horror in the time period that this would be from.
  • 33. Individual Idea: I will have a hand like this on the advert and the poster and this hand will be holding an irn bru with a creepy background and I think that these put together will work well as a whole. The idea that I have behind this is that they both look spooky and creepy and fit with the concept of Halloween in a good way. This is green fog and I intend to have these as the background for my advergame and my poster as well as my tv advert the reason for this is because I believe that it ads a nice touch to it and that’s what I need in these as it needs to fit around this horror and Halloween idea. The game will have this type of background setting as I think that it works well as an arcade game however I would make it darker and stand out more. The reason that I want it like this game is because the game is addictive to play and challenging but I would be remembered I think it would work as a game to get ion the phone and would have a lot of people plying it I would replace the doors with irn bru and so he irn bru would unlock a key to the next level instead, the game would be easy to understand and it wouldn’t be complicated to do. The background to the advert for tv and the poster would both have this graveyard in it and I think that having this is an important feature because it ads mystery and horror like the fog as well as the Halloween theme I would have a panning shot of the graveyard like this one where it would start randomly and get the person watching it interested into the game and I think that this will work nicely as an idea for the tv advert, the poster would be a simple hand holding irn bru and grave yard in the background. The reason that I chose this type of health bar is because I feel like this stands out the most and makes you more ware as a player to watch it and I think it will be a nice touch to the advergame.
  • 34. Group Idea: Here we came up with group ideas that we could use for the tv advert we each had individual ideas that we then added and put down onto this poster as a form of planning I think that overall we each had are own good ideas but we had to come up with one that we wanted to use and that idea was in the end the main idea that we had. I think that it was important to use these ideas in the final because it shows mixed peoples ideas in one which can sometimes work to create good ideas but other times it can go wrong.
  • 35. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 36. Health and safety Potential Issue How will the issue be avoided? spilling water on the computers I am working on my work. don’t bring water near a computer to make sure that I do not spill water. back pains that hurt due to not sitting up at the chair correctly. sit at the chair correctly to avoid back pain correctly. being tired while doing work loosing concentration could cause a injury. get lots of sleep the day before to make sure your awake while doing work. tripping on wires while filming the trailer for the project. watch where your stepping when filming the trailer. falling over while filming the trailer. look where your going when walking and try not to fall. electric shock while on computers or near plug sockets. be careful near wires and plugs in case of getting an electric shock.
  • 37. Storyboard The idea of this story board is that it will start off with a zoom out shot of a graveyard and then it will move to zoom in on a grave where a zombie hand will be hanging out as zombie grunts and noises play in the background and then the Irn Bru bottle will be given to a zombie of which will make him happy and stop growing and then a voice will come on saying Irn Bru gets you through even in death and it will be a short advert and I think it will work as a good one when its put together.
  • 38. This schedule shows the flexibility of each member of the group individually and what days they would be able to do and what works for them and then from this I can work on a schedule.
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  • 42. Planning Docs (Advergame): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here. This was an experiment to see what type of a game I could create and for this experiment I went with the idea of using an irn bru typed dark souls, it would have been in 3rd person and it would have had an irn bru as the main selling point to the game an this as an experiment is just a play around with ideas that I had in coming up with a final look for my work I would say that as whole I t looks like it has gone ok but this is not an idea that will be going with as my final so I am happy that this worked as an advergame but I also believe that it could work if it was going for a proper full game but as a mobile app type game defiantly not but it is a nice concept.
  • 43. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here. This is my poster experiment and I like the look of this and how it all fits together I think that I would work reall well as a look for a poster with real effort and skill put into it. As an experiment I am more then happy with this look because it feels although it is advertising the look of irn bru and it has ballons on the side that say big irn bru gets you through I feel like this is well done and noticeable and this looks really nice and I think that the hand coming out of the grave with black and white scenery is the exact look and style that I was going for and this is reassuring as I was able to do it on the experiment I feel I can get exactly what I want when I need to make the final piece
  • 44. Finished Stuff: a3 poster for irn bru Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog. Here I wnet with the idea that I was treating this drink although it was film and the advert with the hand holding it was film and it needed critics as they influence so many thing I felt that film critics would work best so my advertising scheme is to show how high rated the drink is by critics and how it is for example certified fresh on rotten tamatoes which I think is a nice touch and I would mos certainly have this as a main selling point and I feel that it works nicely and ads something to ti that other posters don’t have. I followed the idea that other posters have and I kept it Halloween themed as the tv advert and advergame are making sure that it sticks to the main intension that I had from the begging which I did and I would say that this as a poster went very well.

Editor's Notes

  1. Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  2. Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  3. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  4. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  5. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  6. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  7. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  8. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  9. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  10. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  11. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  12. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  13. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  14. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  15. Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  16. Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products.