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Unit - V
IoT Physical Servers &
Cloud Offerings
6/7/2022 1
• Introduction to Cloud Storage models
• Communication APIs
• Webserver-Web server for IoT
• Cloud for IoT
• Python web application framework
• Designing a RESTful web API.
6/7/2022 2
Introduction to Cloud Computing
• The Internet of Things (IoT) involves the internet-connected devices which are used
to perform the processes and services that supports way of life.
• Another component set to help IoT succeed is cloud computing, which acts as a sort
of front end.
• Cloud computing is an increasingly popular service that offers several advantages to
IOT, and is based on the concept of allowing users to perform normal computing
tasks using services delivered entirely over the internet.
6/7/2022 3
Introduction to Cloud Computing
• In simple words, Cloud Computing means providing computing services over the
internet (called as cloud).
• The computing services include Servers, Software, Storage, Database,
Networking, Analytics, Intelligence etc.,
6/7/2022 4
Introduction to Cloud Computing
• A worker may need to finish a major project that must be submitted to a manager,
but perhaps they encounter problems with memory or space constraints on their
computing device.
• Memory and space constraints can be minimized if an application is instead hosted
on the internet.
• The worker can use a cloud computing service to finish their work because the data is
managed remotely by a server.
6/7/2022 5
Introduction to Cloud Computing
• Another example- you have a problem with your mobile device and you need to
reformat it or reinstall the operating system.
• You can use Google Photos to upload your photos to internet-based storage.
• After the reformat or reinstall, you can then either move the photos back to you
device or you can view the photos on your device from the internet when you want.
6/7/2022 6
Features of Cloud Computing
6/7/2022 7
Types of Cloud Computing Storage Services
6/7/2022 8
Types of Cloud Services
6/7/2022 9
• Infrastructure-as-a-service(IaaS) provides users the ability to provision computing
and storage resources. These resources are provided to the users as a virtual
machine instances and virtual storage.
• Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) provides users the ability to develop and deploy
application in cloud using the development tools, APIs, software libraries and
services provided by the cloud service provider.
• Software-as-a-Service(SaaS) provides the user a complete software application or
the user interface to the application itself.
Types of Cloud Services
6/7/2022 10
• Cost
• Speed
• Security
• Scalability
• Reliability
6/7/2022 11
Cloud Storage API
• A cloud storage API is an application program interface that connects a
locally-based application to a cloud-based storage system, so that a user
can send data to it and access and work with data stored in it.
• To the application, the cloud storage system is just another target device,
like tape or disk-based storage.
• An application program interface (API) is code that allows two software
programs to communicate with each other.
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Cloud Storage API
• The API defines the correct way for a developer to write a program that
requests services from an operating system (OS) or other application.
• APIs are implemented by function calls composed of verbs and nouns.
• The required syntax is described in the documentation of the application
being called.
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How APIs Works
• APIs are made up of two related elements.
• The first is a specification that describes how information is exchanged
between programs, done in the form of a request for processing and a
return of the necessary data.
• The second is a software interface written to that specification and
published in some way for use. The software that wants to access the
features and capabilities of the API is said to call it, and the software that
creates the API is said to publish it.
6/7/2022 14
Why APIs are important
• The web, software designed exchange information via the internet and
cloud computing have all combined to increase the interest in APIs in
general and services in particular.
• Software that was once custom-developed for a specific purpose is now
often written referencing APIs that provide broadly useful features,
reducing development time and cost and mitigating the risk of errors.
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Why APIs are important
• APIs have steadily improved software quality over the last decade, and the
growing number of web services exposed through APIs by cloud providers
is also encouraging the creation of cloud-specific applications, internet of
things (IoT) efforts and apps to support mobile devices and users.
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Basic Types of APIs
• APIs take three basic forms: local, web-like and program-like.
• Local APIs are the original form, from which the name came. They offer
OS or middleware services to application programs. Microsoft's .NET APIs,
the TAPI (Telephony API) for voice applications, and database access
APIs are examples of the local API form.
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Basic Types of APIs
• Web APIs are designed to represent widely used resources like HTML
pages and are accessed using a simple HTTP protocol. Any web URL
activates a web API.
• Web APIs are often called REST (representational state transfer) or
RESTful because the publisher of REST interfaces doesn't save any data
internally between requests. As such, requests from many users can be
intermingled as they would be on the internet.
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Basic Types of APIs
• Program APIs are based on remote procedure call (RPC) technology that
makes a remote program component appear to be local to the rest of the
• Service oriented architecture (SOA) APIs, such as Microsoft's WS-series of
APIs, are program APIs.
6/7/2022 19
WAMP - Autobahn for IoT
• Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) is a sub-protocol of Websocket
which provides publish-subscribe and remote procedure call (RPC) messaging
• WAMP enables distributed application architectures where the application
components are distributed on multiple nodes and communicate with messaging
patterns provided by WAMP.
6/7/2022 20
WAMP Session Between Client and Router
6/7/2022 21
WAMP - Concepts
• Transport: Transport is channel that connects two peers. The default transport
for WAMP is Web socket. WAMP can run over the transports as well which
support message based reliable bi directional communication.
• Session: Session is a conversation between two peers that runs over a
6/7/2022 22
WAMP - Concepts
• Client: Clients are peers that can have one or more roles. In publish-subscribe
model client can have following roles:
–Publisher: Publisher publishes events (including payload) to the topic
maintained by the Broker.
–Subscriber: Subscriber subscribes to the topics and receives the events
including the payload.
6/7/2022 23
WAMP - Concepts
• In RPC model client can have following roles:
–Caller: Caller issues calls to the remote procedures along with call arguments.
–Callee: Callee executes the procedures to which the calls are issued by the caller
and returns the results back to the caller.
6/7/2022 24
WAMP - Concepts
• Router: Routers are peers that perform generic call and event routing. In publish-
subscribe model Router has the role of a Broker:
–Broker: Broker acts as a router and routes messages published to a topic to all
subscribers subscribed to the topic.
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WAMP Protocol Interaction between the Peers
6/7/2022 26
WAMP Protocol Interaction between the Peers
• In this protocol, WAMP transport used is Websocket.
• WAMP sessions are established over Websocket transport within the
lifetime of Websocket transport.
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Publish Subscribe Messaging using WAMP -
6/7/2022 28
Publish Subscribe Messaging using WAMP -
• The client in Publisher role runs a WAMP application component that
publishes messages to the router.
• The router in broker role runs on the server and routes the messages to
the subscribers.
• The router decouples the publisher from the subscribers.
• The communication between publisher- broker and broker subscribers
happens over a WAMP websocket session.
6/7/2022 29
Commands used for installing Auto Bahn in
6/7/2022 30
Commands used for installing Auto Bahn in
6/7/2022 31
WAMP - Autobahn
• Create a WAMP Publisher Component.
• The publisher component will publish a message containing the current
time stamp to a topic named ‘test – topic’.
• Create a WAMP Subscriber component.
• The subscriber component that subscribes to the ‘test-topic’
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WAMP Publisher Component
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WAMP Subscriber Component
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WAMP Subscriber Component
• Run the application router on a websocket server as follows:
6/7/2022 35
Xively Cloud for IoT
• It is a commercial platform as a service (PAAS) that can be used for
creating solutions for IoT.
• With Xively cloud, IoT developers can focus on the front end infrastructure
and devices for IoT(that generate the data), while the backend data
collection infrastructure is managed by Xively.
6/7/2022 36
Xively Cloud for IoT
• Xively platform comprises of a message bus for real-time message
management and routing, data services for time series archiving, directory
services that provides a search - able directory of objects and business
services for device provisioning and management.
• Xively provides an extensive support for various languages and platforms
• The Xively libraries leverage standards based API over HTTP, sockets and
MQTT for connecting IoT devices to the Xively Cloud.
6/7/2022 37
Xively Cloud for IoT
• To start using Xively python library, first we need to register a developer
account and then create development devices on Xively.
• When a new device is created, Xively automatically creates a Feed ID and
an API key to connect to the device.
• Feed ID is a collection of channels or data streams defined for a device
and associated meta data.
• API keys are used to provide different levels of permissions.
• The default API key has read, update, create and delete permissions.
6/7/2022 38
Xively Cloud for IoT
6/7/2022 39
Xively Cloud for IoT
6/7/2022 40
Xively Cloud for IoT
• Xively devices have one or more channels and each channel enables
bidirectional communication between the IoT devices and Xively cloud.
• IoT devices can send data to a channel using the Xively APIs.
• For each channel one or more triggers can be created. A trigger
specification includes a channel to which the trigger corresponds, trigger
condition and an HTTP post URL to which the request is sent when the
trigger fires.
• Trigger are used to provide integration for third party applications.
6/7/2022 41
Xively Cloud for IoT
• Let us consider an example of using Xively cloud for an IoT system that
monitors temperature and sends the measurements to a Xively channel.
• Temperature monitoring device can be built by raspberry pi board and a
temperature sensor is connected to the board.
• The raspberry pi runs a controller program that reads the sensor values
every few seconds and sends the measurements to a Xively channel.
• Box 8.4 shows the python program for sending the temperature data to
Xively cloud by using Xively python library.
6/7/2022 42
Xively Cloud for IoT
• To keep the program simple and without going in to the details of the
temperature sensor, synthetic data is used (generated randomly in
readTemp Sensor()function).
• A feed object is created by providing the API key and Feed ID. Then a
channel named temperature is created.
• The temperature data is sent to this channel in the runController() function
every 10 seconds.
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Xively Cloud for IoT
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Xively Cloud for IoT
6/7/2022 45
Xively Cloud for IoT
6/7/2022 46
Xively Cloud for IoT
• Figure 8.6 shows the temperature channel in the Xively dashboard. In this
example a single Xively device with one channel is created. Xively can also
have multiple channels and multiple devices.
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Xively Cloud for IoT
6/7/2022 48
Python Web Application Framework - Django
• Django is an open source web application framework for developing web
applications in Python.
• A "web application framework" in general is a collection of solutions,
packages and best practices that allows development of web
applications and dynamic websites.
• Django is based on the Model-Template-View architecture and provides a
separation of the data model from the business rules and the user
6/7/2022 49
Python Web Application Framework - Django
• Django provides a unified API to a database backend.
• Thus web applications built with Django can work with different databases
without requiring any code changes.
• With this fiexibility in web application design combined with the powerful
capabilities of the Python language and the Python ecosystem, Django is best
suited for cloud applications.
• Django consists of an object-relational mapper, a web templating system and
a regular-expression- based URL dispatcher.
6/7/2022 50
Django Architecture
• Django is Model-Template-View (MTV) framework .
• The model acts as a definition of some stored data and handles the
interactions with the database. In a web application, the data can be
stored in a relational database, non-relational database, an XML file,
etc. A Django model is a Python class that outlines the variables and
methods for a particular type of data.
6/7/2022 51
Django Architecture
• In a typical Django web application, the template is simply an HTML
page with a few extra placeholders. Django’s template language can
be used to create various forms of text files (XML, email, CSS,
Javascript, CSV, etc.)
6/7/2022 52
Django Architecture
• The view ties the model to the template. The view is where you write the
code that actually generates the web pages. View determines what
data is to be displayed, retrieves the data from the database and passes
the data to the template.
6/7/2022 53
Starting Development with Django
Creating a Django Project and App
• When a new Django project is created, a number of files are created as
described below
6/7/2022 54
Starting Development with Django
• A Django can have multiple Apps, where these Apps are used to write the
code that makes website function.
• When a new application is created a new directory for the application is
also created which has a number of files including –
6/7/2022 55
Starting Development with Django
6/7/2022 56
Starting Development with Django
• Django comes with a built in, light weight web server that can be used for
development purposes.
• When the Django development server is started the default project can be
viewed at the URL: http://localhost:8000.
6/7/2022 57
Starting Development with Django
6/7/2022 58
Starting Development with Django
Configuring a Database
• Developers have a wide choice of databases that can be used for web
applications including both relational and non relational databases.
• Django provides a unified API for database backend thus giving the
freedom to choose the database.
• Django supports various relational database engines including MySQL,
PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite3.
6/7/2022 59
Starting Development with Django
• Support for non relational data bases such as MongoDB can be added by
installing additional engines (Eg. Django- MongoDB engine for
• The first step in setting up a database is to install and configure a
database server.
• After installing the data base, the next step is to specify the database
settings in the file in the Django project.
6/7/2022 60
Commands to setup My SQL
6/7/2022 61
Database setting to use MySQL with a
Django Project
6/7/2022 62
6/7/2022 63
Starting Development with Django
6/7/2022 64
Defining a Model
• A Model acts as a definition of the data in the database.
• Box 8.10 shows an example of a Django model for TemperatureData
collected by an IoT Device.
• The TemperatureData table in the database is defined as a class in the
Django Model.
• Each class that represents a database table is a subclass of
django.db.models.Model which contains all the functionality that allows
the models to interact with the database.
6/7/2022 65
Defining a Model
• The TemperatureData class has fields timestamp, temperature, lat and lon
all of which are CharField.
• To sync the models with the database, run the following command:
• >python syncdb
• When the syncdb command is run for the fist time, it creates all the tables
defined in the Django model in the configured database.
6/7/2022 66
Defining a Model
6/7/2022 67
Django Admin Site
• Django provides an administration system that allows to manage the
website without writing the additional code.
• This “admin” system reads the Django model and provides an interface
that can be used to add content to the site.
• The Django admin site is enabled by adding d jango.contrib.admin and d
jango.contrib.admindocs to the INSTALLED_APPS section in the file.
6/7/2022 68
Django Admin Site
• The admin site also requires URL pattern definitions in the file.
• To define which application models to be editable in the admin interface, a
new file named is created in the application folder.
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Django Admin Site
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Django Admin Site
6/7/2022 71
Defining a View
• The view contains the logic that glues the model to the template.
• The view determines the data to be displayed in the template, retrieves
the data from the database and passes it to the template.
• Conversely, the view also extracts the data posted in a form in the
template and inserts it in the database.
• Typically, each page in the website has a separate view, which is
basically a python function in the file.
6/7/2022 72
Defining a View
• Views can also perform additional tasks such as authentication, sending
emails, etc.,
• Box 8.12 shows an example of a Django view for the Weather Station
• This view corresponds to the webpage that displays latest entry in the
TemperatureData table.
• In this view the Django’s built in object-relational mapping API is used to
retrieve the data from the TemperatureData Table.
6/7/2022 73
Defining a View
• The object- relational mapping API allows the developers to write generic
code for interacting with the database without worrying about the
underlying database engine.
• So the same code for database interactions works with different database
• A specific python library can be chose to the database backend used (eg.
MySQLdb for MySQL, PyMongo for MongoDB etc.) to write database
backed specific code.
6/7/2022 74
Defining a View
• In the view shown in Box 8.12, the
TemperatureData.objects.order_by(‘_id’) query returns the latest entry in
the table.
• To retrieve all entries, can use table.objects.all().
• To retrieve specific entries, use table.objects.filter(**Kwargs) to filter out
queries that match the specified condition.
6/7/2022 75
Defining a View
• To render the retrieved entries in the template, the render_to_response
function is used.
• This function renders a given template with a given context dictionary and
returns an HttpResponse object with that rendered text.
• Box 8.13 shows an alternative view that retrieves data from the Xively
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Defining a View
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Defining a View
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Defining a View
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Defining a Template
• A Django Template is typically an HTML file (it can be any sort of text file
such as XML, email, CSS, Java script, CSV etc,).
• Django templates allow separation of the presentation of data from the
actual data by using placeholders and associated logic (Using template
• A template receives a context from the view and presents the data in
context variables in the placeholders.
6/7/2022 80
Defining a Template
• Box 8.14 shows an example of a template for the Weather Station app
and the variables containing the retrieved temperature, latitude and
longitude are passed to the template.
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Defining a Template
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Defining a Template
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Defining a Template
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Defining a Template
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Defining the URL Patterns
• URL patterns are a way of mapping the URLs to the views that should
handle the URL requests.
• The URLs requested by the user are matched with the URL patterns and
the view corresponding to the pattern that matches the URL is used to
handle the request.
6/7/2022 86
Defining the URL Patterns
• Box 8.15 shows an example of the URL patterns for the Weather Station
Project and the URL patterns are constructed using regular expressions.
• The simplest regular expression (r’ ^ $’) corresponds to the root of the
website or the home page.
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Defining the URL Patterns
6/7/2022 88
Defining the URL Patterns
• With the Django models, views, templates and URL patterns defined for
the Django project, the application finally runs with the commands shown
in Box 8.16.
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Designing a RESTful Web API
• Django REST framework can be installed as follows:
6/7/2022 90
Designing a RESTful Web API
• After installing the Django REST framework, create a new Django project
named restfulapi, and then start a new app called myapp, as follows:
6/7/2022 91
Designing a RESTful Web API
• The REST API allows to create, view, update and delete a collection of
resources where each resource represents a sensor data reading from a
weather monitoring station.
• Box 8.17 shows the Django model for such a station.
• The station model contains four fields – station name, timestamp,
temperature, latitude and longitude
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
• Box 8.18 shows the Django views for the REST API.
• ViewSets are used for the views that allows to combine the logic for a set
of related views in a single class.
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
• Box 8.19 shows the serializers for the REST API.
• Serializers allow complex data (such as querysets and model instances)
to be converted to native python datatypes that can be easily rendered
into JSON, XML or other content types.
• Serializers also provide de-serialization, allowing parsed data to be
converted back into complex types, after first validating the incoming
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
• Box 8.20 shows the URL patterns for the REST API.
• Since, ViewSets are used instead of views, it can automatically generate
the URL conf for API, by registering the ViewSets with a router class.
• Routers automatically determining how the URLs for an application
should be mapped to the logic that deals with handling incoming
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
• Box 8.21 shows the settings for the REST API Django project.
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Designing a RESTful Web API
• Box 8.21 shows the settings for the REST API Django project.
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Designing a RESTful Web API
• After creating the station REST API source files, the next step is to setup
the database and then run the Django development web server as
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Designing a RESTful Web API
• Box 8.22 shows examples of interacting with the Station REST API using
• The HTTP POST method is used to create a new resource, GET method
is used to obtain information about a resource, PUT method is used to
update a resource and DELETE method is used to delete a resource.
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
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Designing a RESTful Web API
6/7/2022 111

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  • 1. Unit - V IoT Physical Servers & Cloud Offerings 6/7/2022 1
  • 2. Outline • Introduction to Cloud Storage models • Communication APIs • Webserver-Web server for IoT • Cloud for IoT • Python web application framework • Designing a RESTful web API. 6/7/2022 2
  • 3. Introduction to Cloud Computing • The Internet of Things (IoT) involves the internet-connected devices which are used to perform the processes and services that supports way of life. • Another component set to help IoT succeed is cloud computing, which acts as a sort of front end. • Cloud computing is an increasingly popular service that offers several advantages to IOT, and is based on the concept of allowing users to perform normal computing tasks using services delivered entirely over the internet. 6/7/2022 3
  • 4. Introduction to Cloud Computing • In simple words, Cloud Computing means providing computing services over the internet (called as cloud). • The computing services include Servers, Software, Storage, Database, Networking, Analytics, Intelligence etc., 6/7/2022 4
  • 5. Introduction to Cloud Computing • A worker may need to finish a major project that must be submitted to a manager, but perhaps they encounter problems with memory or space constraints on their computing device. • Memory and space constraints can be minimized if an application is instead hosted on the internet. • The worker can use a cloud computing service to finish their work because the data is managed remotely by a server. 6/7/2022 5
  • 6. Introduction to Cloud Computing • Another example- you have a problem with your mobile device and you need to reformat it or reinstall the operating system. • You can use Google Photos to upload your photos to internet-based storage. • After the reformat or reinstall, you can then either move the photos back to you device or you can view the photos on your device from the internet when you want. 6/7/2022 6
  • 7. Features of Cloud Computing 6/7/2022 7
  • 8. Types of Cloud Computing Storage Services 6/7/2022 8
  • 9. Types of Cloud Services 6/7/2022 9 • Infrastructure-as-a-service(IaaS) provides users the ability to provision computing and storage resources. These resources are provided to the users as a virtual machine instances and virtual storage. • Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) provides users the ability to develop and deploy application in cloud using the development tools, APIs, software libraries and services provided by the cloud service provider. • Software-as-a-Service(SaaS) provides the user a complete software application or the user interface to the application itself.
  • 10. Types of Cloud Services 6/7/2022 10
  • 11. Advantages • Cost • Speed • Security • Scalability • Reliability 6/7/2022 11
  • 12. Cloud Storage API • A cloud storage API is an application program interface that connects a locally-based application to a cloud-based storage system, so that a user can send data to it and access and work with data stored in it. • To the application, the cloud storage system is just another target device, like tape or disk-based storage. • An application program interface (API) is code that allows two software programs to communicate with each other. 6/7/2022 12
  • 13. Cloud Storage API • The API defines the correct way for a developer to write a program that requests services from an operating system (OS) or other application. • APIs are implemented by function calls composed of verbs and nouns. • The required syntax is described in the documentation of the application being called. 6/7/2022 13
  • 14. How APIs Works • APIs are made up of two related elements. • The first is a specification that describes how information is exchanged between programs, done in the form of a request for processing and a return of the necessary data. • The second is a software interface written to that specification and published in some way for use. The software that wants to access the features and capabilities of the API is said to call it, and the software that creates the API is said to publish it. 6/7/2022 14
  • 15. Why APIs are important • The web, software designed exchange information via the internet and cloud computing have all combined to increase the interest in APIs in general and services in particular. • Software that was once custom-developed for a specific purpose is now often written referencing APIs that provide broadly useful features, reducing development time and cost and mitigating the risk of errors. 6/7/2022 15
  • 16. Why APIs are important • APIs have steadily improved software quality over the last decade, and the growing number of web services exposed through APIs by cloud providers is also encouraging the creation of cloud-specific applications, internet of things (IoT) efforts and apps to support mobile devices and users. 6/7/2022 16
  • 17. Basic Types of APIs • APIs take three basic forms: local, web-like and program-like. • Local APIs are the original form, from which the name came. They offer OS or middleware services to application programs. Microsoft's .NET APIs, the TAPI (Telephony API) for voice applications, and database access APIs are examples of the local API form. 6/7/2022 17
  • 18. Basic Types of APIs • Web APIs are designed to represent widely used resources like HTML pages and are accessed using a simple HTTP protocol. Any web URL activates a web API. • Web APIs are often called REST (representational state transfer) or RESTful because the publisher of REST interfaces doesn't save any data internally between requests. As such, requests from many users can be intermingled as they would be on the internet. 6/7/2022 18
  • 19. Basic Types of APIs • Program APIs are based on remote procedure call (RPC) technology that makes a remote program component appear to be local to the rest of the software. • Service oriented architecture (SOA) APIs, such as Microsoft's WS-series of APIs, are program APIs. 6/7/2022 19
  • 20. WAMP - Autobahn for IoT • Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) is a sub-protocol of Websocket which provides publish-subscribe and remote procedure call (RPC) messaging patterns. • WAMP enables distributed application architectures where the application components are distributed on multiple nodes and communicate with messaging patterns provided by WAMP. 6/7/2022 20
  • 21. WAMP Session Between Client and Router 6/7/2022 21
  • 22. WAMP - Concepts • Transport: Transport is channel that connects two peers. The default transport for WAMP is Web socket. WAMP can run over the transports as well which support message based reliable bi directional communication. • Session: Session is a conversation between two peers that runs over a transport. 6/7/2022 22
  • 23. WAMP - Concepts • Client: Clients are peers that can have one or more roles. In publish-subscribe model client can have following roles: –Publisher: Publisher publishes events (including payload) to the topic maintained by the Broker. –Subscriber: Subscriber subscribes to the topics and receives the events including the payload. 6/7/2022 23
  • 24. WAMP - Concepts • In RPC model client can have following roles: –Caller: Caller issues calls to the remote procedures along with call arguments. –Callee: Callee executes the procedures to which the calls are issued by the caller and returns the results back to the caller. 6/7/2022 24
  • 25. WAMP - Concepts • Router: Routers are peers that perform generic call and event routing. In publish- subscribe model Router has the role of a Broker: –Broker: Broker acts as a router and routes messages published to a topic to all subscribers subscribed to the topic. 6/7/2022 25
  • 26. WAMP Protocol Interaction between the Peers 6/7/2022 26
  • 27. WAMP Protocol Interaction between the Peers • In this protocol, WAMP transport used is Websocket. • WAMP sessions are established over Websocket transport within the lifetime of Websocket transport. 6/7/2022 27
  • 28. Publish Subscribe Messaging using WAMP - Autobahn 6/7/2022 28
  • 29. Publish Subscribe Messaging using WAMP - Autobahn • The client in Publisher role runs a WAMP application component that publishes messages to the router. • The router in broker role runs on the server and routes the messages to the subscribers. • The router decouples the publisher from the subscribers. • The communication between publisher- broker and broker subscribers happens over a WAMP websocket session. 6/7/2022 29
  • 30. Commands used for installing Auto Bahn in Python 6/7/2022 30
  • 31. Commands used for installing Auto Bahn in Python 6/7/2022 31
  • 32. WAMP - Autobahn • Create a WAMP Publisher Component. • The publisher component will publish a message containing the current time stamp to a topic named ‘test – topic’. • Create a WAMP Subscriber component. • The subscriber component that subscribes to the ‘test-topic’ 6/7/2022 32
  • 35. WAMP Subscriber Component • Run the application router on a websocket server as follows: 6/7/2022 35
  • 36. Xively Cloud for IoT • It is a commercial platform as a service (PAAS) that can be used for creating solutions for IoT. • With Xively cloud, IoT developers can focus on the front end infrastructure and devices for IoT(that generate the data), while the backend data collection infrastructure is managed by Xively. 6/7/2022 36
  • 37. Xively Cloud for IoT • Xively platform comprises of a message bus for real-time message management and routing, data services for time series archiving, directory services that provides a search - able directory of objects and business services for device provisioning and management. • Xively provides an extensive support for various languages and platforms • The Xively libraries leverage standards based API over HTTP, sockets and MQTT for connecting IoT devices to the Xively Cloud. 6/7/2022 37
  • 38. Xively Cloud for IoT • To start using Xively python library, first we need to register a developer account and then create development devices on Xively. • When a new device is created, Xively automatically creates a Feed ID and an API key to connect to the device. • Feed ID is a collection of channels or data streams defined for a device and associated meta data. • API keys are used to provide different levels of permissions. • The default API key has read, update, create and delete permissions. 6/7/2022 38
  • 39. Xively Cloud for IoT 6/7/2022 39
  • 40. Xively Cloud for IoT 6/7/2022 40
  • 41. Xively Cloud for IoT • Xively devices have one or more channels and each channel enables bidirectional communication between the IoT devices and Xively cloud. • IoT devices can send data to a channel using the Xively APIs. • For each channel one or more triggers can be created. A trigger specification includes a channel to which the trigger corresponds, trigger condition and an HTTP post URL to which the request is sent when the trigger fires. • Trigger are used to provide integration for third party applications. 6/7/2022 41
  • 42. Xively Cloud for IoT • Let us consider an example of using Xively cloud for an IoT system that monitors temperature and sends the measurements to a Xively channel. • Temperature monitoring device can be built by raspberry pi board and a temperature sensor is connected to the board. • The raspberry pi runs a controller program that reads the sensor values every few seconds and sends the measurements to a Xively channel. • Box 8.4 shows the python program for sending the temperature data to Xively cloud by using Xively python library. 6/7/2022 42
  • 43. Xively Cloud for IoT • To keep the program simple and without going in to the details of the temperature sensor, synthetic data is used (generated randomly in readTemp Sensor()function). • A feed object is created by providing the API key and Feed ID. Then a channel named temperature is created. • The temperature data is sent to this channel in the runController() function every 10 seconds. 6/7/2022 43
  • 44. Xively Cloud for IoT 6/7/2022 44
  • 45. Xively Cloud for IoT 6/7/2022 45
  • 46. Xively Cloud for IoT 6/7/2022 46
  • 47. Xively Cloud for IoT • Figure 8.6 shows the temperature channel in the Xively dashboard. In this example a single Xively device with one channel is created. Xively can also have multiple channels and multiple devices. 6/7/2022 47
  • 48. Xively Cloud for IoT 6/7/2022 48
  • 49. Python Web Application Framework - Django • Django is an open source web application framework for developing web applications in Python. • A "web application framework" in general is a collection of solutions, packages and best practices that allows development of web applications and dynamic websites. • Django is based on the Model-Template-View architecture and provides a separation of the data model from the business rules and the user interface. 6/7/2022 49
  • 50. Python Web Application Framework - Django • Django provides a unified API to a database backend. • Thus web applications built with Django can work with different databases without requiring any code changes. • With this fiexibility in web application design combined with the powerful capabilities of the Python language and the Python ecosystem, Django is best suited for cloud applications. • Django consists of an object-relational mapper, a web templating system and a regular-expression- based URL dispatcher. 6/7/2022 50
  • 51. Django Architecture • Django is Model-Template-View (MTV) framework . Model • The model acts as a definition of some stored data and handles the interactions with the database. In a web application, the data can be stored in a relational database, non-relational database, an XML file, etc. A Django model is a Python class that outlines the variables and methods for a particular type of data. 6/7/2022 51
  • 52. Django Architecture Template • In a typical Django web application, the template is simply an HTML page with a few extra placeholders. Django’s template language can be used to create various forms of text files (XML, email, CSS, Javascript, CSV, etc.) 6/7/2022 52
  • 53. Django Architecture View • The view ties the model to the template. The view is where you write the code that actually generates the web pages. View determines what data is to be displayed, retrieves the data from the database and passes the data to the template. 6/7/2022 53
  • 54. Starting Development with Django Creating a Django Project and App • When a new Django project is created, a number of files are created as described below 6/7/2022 54
  • 55. Starting Development with Django • A Django can have multiple Apps, where these Apps are used to write the code that makes website function. • When a new application is created a new directory for the application is also created which has a number of files including – 6/7/2022 55
  • 56. Starting Development with Django 6/7/2022 56
  • 57. Starting Development with Django • Django comes with a built in, light weight web server that can be used for development purposes. • When the Django development server is started the default project can be viewed at the URL: http://localhost:8000. 6/7/2022 57
  • 58. Starting Development with Django 6/7/2022 58
  • 59. Starting Development with Django Configuring a Database • Developers have a wide choice of databases that can be used for web applications including both relational and non relational databases. • Django provides a unified API for database backend thus giving the freedom to choose the database. • Django supports various relational database engines including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle and SQLite3. 6/7/2022 59
  • 60. Starting Development with Django • Support for non relational data bases such as MongoDB can be added by installing additional engines (Eg. Django- MongoDB engine for MkongoDB). • The first step in setting up a database is to install and configure a database server. • After installing the data base, the next step is to specify the database settings in the file in the Django project. 6/7/2022 60
  • 61. Commands to setup My SQL 6/7/2022 61
  • 62. Database setting to use MySQL with a Django Project 6/7/2022 62
  • 64. Starting Development with Django 6/7/2022 64
  • 65. Defining a Model • A Model acts as a definition of the data in the database. • Box 8.10 shows an example of a Django model for TemperatureData collected by an IoT Device. • The TemperatureData table in the database is defined as a class in the Django Model. • Each class that represents a database table is a subclass of django.db.models.Model which contains all the functionality that allows the models to interact with the database. 6/7/2022 65
  • 66. Defining a Model • The TemperatureData class has fields timestamp, temperature, lat and lon all of which are CharField. • To sync the models with the database, run the following command: • >python syncdb • When the syncdb command is run for the fist time, it creates all the tables defined in the Django model in the configured database. 6/7/2022 66
  • 68. Django Admin Site • Django provides an administration system that allows to manage the website without writing the additional code. • This “admin” system reads the Django model and provides an interface that can be used to add content to the site. • The Django admin site is enabled by adding d jango.contrib.admin and d jango.contrib.admindocs to the INSTALLED_APPS section in the file. 6/7/2022 68
  • 69. Django Admin Site • The admin site also requires URL pattern definitions in the file. • To define which application models to be editable in the admin interface, a new file named is created in the application folder. • 6/7/2022 69
  • 72. Defining a View • The view contains the logic that glues the model to the template. • The view determines the data to be displayed in the template, retrieves the data from the database and passes it to the template. • Conversely, the view also extracts the data posted in a form in the template and inserts it in the database. • Typically, each page in the website has a separate view, which is basically a python function in the file. 6/7/2022 72
  • 73. Defining a View • Views can also perform additional tasks such as authentication, sending emails, etc., • Box 8.12 shows an example of a Django view for the Weather Station app. • This view corresponds to the webpage that displays latest entry in the TemperatureData table. • In this view the Django’s built in object-relational mapping API is used to retrieve the data from the TemperatureData Table. 6/7/2022 73
  • 74. Defining a View • The object- relational mapping API allows the developers to write generic code for interacting with the database without worrying about the underlying database engine. • So the same code for database interactions works with different database backends. • A specific python library can be chose to the database backend used (eg. MySQLdb for MySQL, PyMongo for MongoDB etc.) to write database backed specific code. 6/7/2022 74
  • 75. Defining a View • In the view shown in Box 8.12, the TemperatureData.objects.order_by(‘_id’) query returns the latest entry in the table. • To retrieve all entries, can use table.objects.all(). • To retrieve specific entries, use table.objects.filter(**Kwargs) to filter out queries that match the specified condition. 6/7/2022 75
  • 76. Defining a View • To render the retrieved entries in the template, the render_to_response function is used. • This function renders a given template with a given context dictionary and returns an HttpResponse object with that rendered text. • Box 8.13 shows an alternative view that retrieves data from the Xively cloud. 6/7/2022 76
  • 80. Defining a Template • A Django Template is typically an HTML file (it can be any sort of text file such as XML, email, CSS, Java script, CSV etc,). • Django templates allow separation of the presentation of data from the actual data by using placeholders and associated logic (Using template tags). • A template receives a context from the view and presents the data in context variables in the placeholders. 6/7/2022 80
  • 81. Defining a Template • Box 8.14 shows an example of a template for the Weather Station app and the variables containing the retrieved temperature, latitude and longitude are passed to the template. 6/7/2022 81
  • 86. Defining the URL Patterns • URL patterns are a way of mapping the URLs to the views that should handle the URL requests. • The URLs requested by the user are matched with the URL patterns and the view corresponding to the pattern that matches the URL is used to handle the request. 6/7/2022 86
  • 87. Defining the URL Patterns • Box 8.15 shows an example of the URL patterns for the Weather Station Project and the URL patterns are constructed using regular expressions. • The simplest regular expression (r’ ^ $’) corresponds to the root of the website or the home page. 6/7/2022 87
  • 88. Defining the URL Patterns 6/7/2022 88
  • 89. Defining the URL Patterns • With the Django models, views, templates and URL patterns defined for the Django project, the application finally runs with the commands shown in Box 8.16. • 6/7/2022 89
  • 90. Designing a RESTful Web API • Django REST framework can be installed as follows: 6/7/2022 90
  • 91. Designing a RESTful Web API • After installing the Django REST framework, create a new Django project named restfulapi, and then start a new app called myapp, as follows: 6/7/2022 91
  • 92. Designing a RESTful Web API • The REST API allows to create, view, update and delete a collection of resources where each resource represents a sensor data reading from a weather monitoring station. • Box 8.17 shows the Django model for such a station. • The station model contains four fields – station name, timestamp, temperature, latitude and longitude 6/7/2022 92
  • 93. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 93
  • 94. Designing a RESTful Web API • Box 8.18 shows the Django views for the REST API. • ViewSets are used for the views that allows to combine the logic for a set of related views in a single class. • 6/7/2022 94
  • 95. Designing a RESTful Web API • 6/7/2022 95
  • 96. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 96
  • 97. Designing a RESTful Web API • Box 8.19 shows the serializers for the REST API. • Serializers allow complex data (such as querysets and model instances) to be converted to native python datatypes that can be easily rendered into JSON, XML or other content types. • Serializers also provide de-serialization, allowing parsed data to be converted back into complex types, after first validating the incoming data. 6/7/2022 97
  • 98. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 98
  • 99. Designing a RESTful Web API • Box 8.20 shows the URL patterns for the REST API. • Since, ViewSets are used instead of views, it can automatically generate the URL conf for API, by registering the ViewSets with a router class. • Routers automatically determining how the URLs for an application should be mapped to the logic that deals with handling incoming requests. 6/7/2022 99
  • 100. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 100
  • 101. Designing a RESTful Web API • Box 8.21 shows the settings for the REST API Django project. 6/7/2022 101
  • 102. Designing a RESTful Web API • Box 8.21 shows the settings for the REST API Django project. 6/7/2022 102
  • 103. Designing a RESTful Web API • After creating the station REST API source files, the next step is to setup the database and then run the Django development web server as follows: 6/7/2022 103
  • 104. Designing a RESTful Web API • Box 8.22 shows examples of interacting with the Station REST API using CURL. • The HTTP POST method is used to create a new resource, GET method is used to obtain information about a resource, PUT method is used to update a resource and DELETE method is used to delete a resource. 6/7/2022 104
  • 105. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 105
  • 106. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 106
  • 107. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 107
  • 108. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 108
  • 109. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 109
  • 110. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 110
  • 111. Designing a RESTful Web API 6/7/2022 111