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Spring Web Service, Spring
   Integration and Spring Batch

                                   Eberhard Wolff
                            Principal & Regional Director
                               SpringSource Germany

Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
About the presentation...
•  Take a concrete project...
•  How can you solve your problems (using the Spring

•    You will see new Spring technologies in action...
•    You will get a different impression about Spring...
•    You will see how to do Web Services, EAI...
•    ...and even batches

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The Case

Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
Build an Application
•  Should process orders
•  Orders may come in as a file
•  Or with a web service
•  Express orders are processed immediately
•  Other orders in a batch at night for the
   next day

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•  I don't do Model Driven Development
  –  Sorry, Markus
•  I don’t do PowerPoint architectures

•  I have something far better...

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Web Services

Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
How you could have done it...

•  Generate a service POJO using Java
•  Export it via XFire
•  Clients use WSDL generated from the interface

•  Drawbacks:
   –  XFire is deprecated and you depend on how it generates the
   –  Exposes an interface that might be used internally
   –  ...and makes it unchangeable because external clients depend
      on it
   –  Types like java.util.Map cannot be expressed in WSDL, so
      work arounds must be used

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Contract First

•  Contract First: Define the interface before the
•  Contract First is the key to interoperability
•  Web Services are used for interoperability
•  Not using Contract First with Web Services is therefore
   unwise (almost a contradiction)
•  Also good to organize projects
   –  Decide about the interface
   –  Start coding the implementation
   –  ...and the client
•  That used to work well for CORBA in the last century...

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So let’s use WSDL
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>	
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl=""	
<schema xmlns=""	

                                                                          •  Send an order with some
<complexType name="Order">	
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="express"	
type="boolean" />	
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1"	
name="order-item" type="tns:OrderElement" />	

                                                                             order items
<complexType name="OrderElement">	
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="count"	
nillable="false" type="positiveInteger" />	
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="item"	
nillable="false" type="string" />	

                                                                          •  80 lines of WSDL in Eclipse
<element name="orderRequest">	
<element name="order" type="tns:Order" />	

<element name="orderResponse">	
<element name="result" type="string" />	

                                                                          •  Show in 5 point font here
<wsdl:message name="orderResponse">	
<wsdl:part element="tns:orderResponse" name="orderResponse">	
<wsdl:message name="orderRequest">	
<wsdl:part element="tns:orderRequest" name="orderRequest">	
<wsdl:portType name="Order">	
<wsdl:operation name="order">	
<wsdl:input message="tns:orderRequest"	
<wsdl:output message="tns:orderResponse"	

                                                                          •  Just too much code
<wsdl:binding name="OrderSoap11" type="tns:Order">	
<soap:binding style="document"	
transport="" />	
<wsdl:operation name="order">	
<soap:operation soapAction="" />	
<wsdl:input name="orderRequest">	
<soap:body use="literal" />	
<wsdl:output name="orderResponse">	
<soap:body use="literal" />	
<wsdl:service name="OrderService">	
<wsdl:port binding="tns:OrderSoap11" name="OrderSoap11">	
location="http://localhost:8080/order-handling/services" />	

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•  We want Contract First...
•  ...but not with WSDL
•  We mostly care about the data format
•  ...which is defined with XML Schema

•  Spring Web Services lets you focus on the
   XML Schema

   Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.   11
                                                                   •  34 lines are XSD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>	
<wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl=""	

                                                                   •  These actually define the data on the
<schema xmlns=""	
<complexType name="Order">	

<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="express"	
type="boolean" />	
<element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1"	
name="order-item" type="tns:OrderElement" />	
<complexType name="OrderElement">	

                                                                   •  Easy to deduce from XML sample
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="count"	
nillable="false" type="positiveInteger" />	
<element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="item"	
nillable="false" type="string" />	

<element name="orderRequest">	
<element name="order" type="tns:Order" />	

                                                                              –  Tool support: XML Spy, Trang, Microsoft XML
<element name="orderResponse">	
<element name="result" type="string" />	
                                                                                 to Schema …

                                                                   •  ...and can be used for POX (Plain Old
<wsdl:message name="orderResponse">	
<wsdl:part element="tns:orderResponse" name="orderResponse">	
<wsdl:message name="orderRequest">	

                                                                      XML) without SOAP as well
<wsdl:part element="tns:orderRequest" name="orderRequest">	
<wsdl:portType name="Order">	
<wsdl:operation name="order">	
<wsdl:input message="tns:orderRequest"	
<wsdl:output message="tns:orderResponse"	
<wsdl:binding name="OrderSoap11" type="tns:Order">	

                                                                   •  The rest is SOAP binding/ports/
<soap:binding style="document"	
transport="" />	
<wsdl:operation name="order">	
<soap:operation soapAction="" />	
<wsdl:input name="orderRequest">	

<soap:body use="literal" />	
<wsdl:output name="orderResponse">	
<soap:body use="literal" />	

                                                                   •  Can the WSDL be generated?
<wsdl:service name="OrderService">	
<wsdl:port binding="tns:OrderSoap11" name="OrderSoap11">	
location="http://localhost:8080/order-handling/services" />	

                             Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.   12
XSD: Domain Types

<schema ...>	
  <complexType name="Order">	
      <element name="customer-number" type="integer" />	
      <element name="express" type="boolean" minOccurs="0" />	
      <element name="order-item" type="tns:OrderElement"	
       maxOccurs="unbounded" />	
    </sequence>	                             Note: Optional elements
  </complexType>	                            and positive integers
  <complexType name="OrderElement">	
    <all>	                                   cannot be expressed in
      <element name="count"	                 Java i.e. this is more
       type="positiveInteger" />	
      <element name="item" type="string" />	 expressive

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XSD: Request and Response
  <element name="orderRequest">	
        <element name="order" type="tns:Order" />	
  <element name="orderResponse">	
        <element name="result" type="string" />	
</schema>	               WSDL can now be easily                                      generated:
                                                           The operation is essentially defined

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•  Contract First becomes an option

•  You can define the data format on the wire
   –  Interoperability
   –  Full power of XML Schema

•  You are not tied to SOAP but can also use POX
•  ...potentially with different transport like JMS

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How do you handle the
•  Use a Object / XML mapper (OXM)
   –  I.e. JAXB, XStream, ...
•  ...and make the request / response a Java Object
•  Then handle it (much like a controller in MVC)

•  Easy
•  Adapter between external representation and internal
•  Benefit: Decoupling business logic from changes of interface

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How do you handle the
•  Class for Endpoint needs only some annotations
•  Will be instantiated as a Spring Bean
•  (Almost) no Spring configuration needed (Spring!=XML)
•  ...but can be done in XML as well
•  Spring==Freedom of Choice
public class OrderEndpoint {	
   @PayloadRoot(localPart = "orderRequest",	
    namespace = "")	
   public OrderResponse handleOrder(OrderRequest req) {	

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•  Robustness Principle (aka Postel’s Law):
  –  Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what
     you accept from others.
  –  I.e. try to accept every message sent to you
  –  I.e. only require the data filled that you really need
  –  ...but only send complete and totally valid responses
•  Some Object / XML support this
  –  but for some the XML must be deserializable into

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XPath to the Rescue

•  Only needed XML parts are read

public class OrderEndpoint {	
   @PayloadRoot(localPart = "orderRequest", 	
    namespace = "")	
   public Source handleOrder(	
    NodeList orderItemNodeList,	
    Boolean expressAsBoolean,	
    double customer) {	

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Web Services
•  Using Spring Web Services you can...
   –    ...use Contract First without the WSDL overhead
   –    ...decouple the business logic from interface and clients
   –    ...implement robust Web Services using XPath easily
   –    ...or with an Object/XML mapper (less robust but easier)

•  Currently in 1.5.6
   –  1.5 introduced jms-namespace, email transport, JMS

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The core

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The core

•  Essentially an integration issues
•  A Batch or JMS online output
•  A Web Services or File input
•  Internal routing and handling

•  Best practice: Pipes and Filter
   –  Pipes transfer messages
   –  ...and store / buffer them
   –  Filter handle them (routing, etc.)

•  Spring Integration supports this

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Pipes and Filter:

          Was just
Web Service                                                                                                               fulfillment

    File                               incomingfile                                                  FileParser

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Spring Integration
  Configuration for Frontend
<file:inbound-channel-adapter id="incomingfilename"	
    <interval-trigger interval="1000" />	

  delete-files="true" input-channel="incomingfilename"	
  output-channel="incomingfile" />	

Web Service polled, file name read
 Directory is                                        fulfillment
 Then content is put as a string in the incomingfile
   File         incomingfile          FileParser
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Parsing the file
@MessageEndpoint	 Class automatically instantiated as a Spring Bean
public class FileParser {	
 @Resource	     MessageChannel with matching name is injected
 private MessageChannel fulfillment;	

 @ServiceActivator(inputChannel =	
   "incomingfile")	                      Method called each
 public void handleFile(String content){	time a message is
   Order order = ...;	                   available on the
   GenericMessage<Order> orderMessage =	 channel incomingfile
    new GenericMessage<Order>(order);	
Web Service                                    fulfillment

     File                               incomingfile                                                 FileParser
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Pipes and Filter:

This channel has a queue
Further processing is async                                                                  express


                                                                                               normal                        Normal
                                                                                             fulfillment                    FulFillment

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 express or normal?
                     Class automatically instantiated as a Spring Bean

public class FulFillmentRouter {	

  public String routeOrder(Order order) {	
     if (order.isExpress()) {	
        return "expressfulfillment";	
     } else {	
        return "normalfulfillment";	
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JMS Adapter
for express orders
<beans ...>	
  <bean id="connectionFactory"	

  <jms:outbound-gateway id="jmsout"	
   request-destination="fulfillment-queue" />	

 JMS adapter handles JMS replies transparently i.e. they are
 sent to correct Spring Integration response channel
 Adapters allow the integration of external systems
 with FTP, RMI, HttpInvoker, File, Web Services etc.

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Database for normal orders

public class NormalFulFillment {	

  private OrderDao orderDao;	
  public void setOrderDao(OrderDao orderDao) {	
     this.orderDao = orderDao;	

  @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "normalfulfillment")	
  public Order execute(Order order) {	
      RendezvousChannel is used to feed back the success
}	    Passed in as reply to header in the message

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Other remarks
•  Sending a message can be asynchronous using a queue
•  I.e. a different thread will take it and actually handle it
•  Spring Integration can also be used with:
   –  Plain XML Spring configuration
   –  By setting up the environment with Java

•  Spring Integration is currently in 1.0.2

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The Order Processing Batch

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•  Typically consists of steps
•  Steps read and write data
•  In this case only one step: Read the orders,
   process them, write them back

•  Typical issues:
  –  Restarts
  –  Optimizations (i.e. commits)
  –  Large volumes of data cannot be loaded at once

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How to read the data...

•  Load data using a cursor

•  Alternative: Only read the primary keys
•  Alternative: Load chunks of data
•  No option: Load all data (just too much

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Spring Batch Configuration:
 Processing and Invoices
<job id="fulfillmentjob">	
  <step id="process" next="invoice">	
      <chunk reader="processOrderReader"	
             commit-interval="10" />	
    </tasklet>	         •  Commit every 10 items
  <step id="invoice">	
                        •  Commit optimization is transparent
    ... 	               •  Thanks to Spring transaction support
                                                                              Store for restarts etc.
<job-repository id="jobRepository" data-source="dataSource"	
transaction-manager="transactionManager" />

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Order Reader

<bean id="processOrderReader"	
  <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/>	
  <property name="fetchSize" value="10" />	
  <property name="sql"	
  <property name="rowMapper">	
    <bean class="....OrderParameterizedRowMapper"/>	

                                 Read the data using a database cursor

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Order Writer
public class OrderBatchProcess	
 extends AbstractItemStreamItemWriter<Order> {	

  private OrderDao orderDao;	

  public void setOrderDao(OrderDao orderDao) {	
     this.orderDao = orderDao;	

  public void write(List<? extends Order> items) throws Exception {	
     for (Order item : items) {	
        // do the processing	
                                     •  Just a POJO service
        orderDao.update(item);	      •  Works on a chunk

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Other features of
Spring Batch
•  More complex batches with dependent steps, validation, etc.
•  Other datasources (i.e. XML files, other files)
•  ...and other targets for the data
•  Can be controlled using JMX
•  Status of job / step instance is automatically persisted
•  Therefore: Easy restart
•  Present jobs is restartable anyway
•  Scalability by Remote Chunking and Partitioning
•  Spring Batch is in 2.0.1

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                    Sum up

Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
Sum up
•  Spring is far more than the Spring Framework
•  Spring Web Services:
   –  Contract first using XML Schema
   –  Robust implementations using XPath
   –  Easy annotation based programming model

•  Spring Integration:
   –  Infrastructure for asynchronous Pipes and Filters including
      Routing etc.
   –  Integration with JMS, Files, XML, databases... available
   –  Annotations, plain Spring XML or plain Java code

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Sum up

•  Spring Batch
  –  Easy infrastructure for Batches
  –  Restart etc. included
  –  Monitoring possible

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Spring Web Service, Spring Integration and Spring Batch

  • 1. Spring Web Service, Spring Integration and Spring Batch Eberhard Wolff Principal & Regional Director SpringSource Germany Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
  • 2. About the presentation... •  Take a concrete project... •  How can you solve your problems (using the Spring Portfolio)? •  You will see new Spring technologies in action... •  You will get a different impression about Spring... •  You will see how to do Web Services, EAI... •  ...and even batches Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 2
  • 3. The Case Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
  • 4. Build an Application •  Should process orders •  Orders may come in as a file •  Or with a web service •  Express orders are processed immediately •  Other orders in a batch at night for the next day Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 4
  • 5. Architecture •  I don't do Model Driven Development –  Sorry, Markus •  I don’t do PowerPoint architectures •  I have something far better... Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 5
  • 6. Architecture Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 6
  • 7. Web Services Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
  • 8. How you could have done it... •  Generate a service POJO using Java •  Export it via XFire •  Clients use WSDL generated from the interface •  Drawbacks: –  XFire is deprecated and you depend on how it generates the WSDL –  Exposes an interface that might be used internally –  ...and makes it unchangeable because external clients depend on it –  Types like java.util.Map cannot be expressed in WSDL, so work arounds must be used Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 8
  • 9. Contract First •  Contract First: Define the interface before the implementation •  Contract First is the key to interoperability •  Web Services are used for interoperability •  Not using Contract First with Web Services is therefore unwise (almost a contradiction) •  Also good to organize projects –  Decide about the interface –  Start coding the implementation –  ...and the client •  That used to work well for CORBA in the last century... Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 9
  • 10. So let’s use WSDL <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:sch="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="" targetNamespace=""> <wsdl:types> <schema xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" •  Send an order with some targetNamespace=""> <complexType name="Order"> <sequence> <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="express" type="boolean" /> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1" name="order-item" type="tns:OrderElement" /> order items </sequence> </complexType> <complexType name="OrderElement"> <all> <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="count" nillable="false" type="positiveInteger" /> <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="item" nillable="false" type="string" /> •  80 lines of WSDL in Eclipse </all> </complexType> <element name="orderRequest"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="order" type="tns:Order" /> </sequence> formatting </complexType> </element> <element name="orderResponse"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="result" type="string" /> </sequence> </complexType> •  Show in 5 point font here </element> </schema> </wsdl:types> <wsdl:message name="orderResponse"> <wsdl:part element="tns:orderResponse" name="orderResponse"> </wsdl:part> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="orderRequest"> <wsdl:part element="tns:orderRequest" name="orderRequest"> </wsdl:part> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:portType name="Order"> <wsdl:operation name="order"> <wsdl:input message="tns:orderRequest" name="orderRequest"> </wsdl:input> <wsdl:output message="tns:orderResponse" •  Just too much code name="orderResponse"> </wsdl:output> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> <wsdl:binding name="OrderSoap11" type="tns:Order"> <soap:binding style="document" transport="" /> <wsdl:operation name="order"> <soap:operation soapAction="" /> <wsdl:input name="orderRequest"> <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:input> <wsdl:output name="orderResponse"> <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:output> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:binding> <wsdl:service name="OrderService"> <wsdl:port binding="tns:OrderSoap11" name="OrderSoap11"> <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/order-handling/services" /> </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service> </wsdl:definitions> Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 10
  • 11. So? •  We want Contract First... •  ...but not with WSDL •  We mostly care about the data format •  ...which is defined with XML Schema •  Spring Web Services lets you focus on the XML Schema Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 11
  • 12. WSDL vs. XSD •  34 lines are XSD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:sch="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tns="" targetNamespace=""> •  These actually define the data on the <wsdl:types> <schema xmlns="" elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""> <complexType name="Order"> <sequence> wire <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="express" type="boolean" /> <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="1" name="order-item" type="tns:OrderElement" /> </sequence> </complexType> <complexType name="OrderElement"> •  Easy to deduce from XML sample <all> <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="count" nillable="false" type="positiveInteger" /> <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="item" nillable="false" type="string" /> </all> messages </complexType> <element name="orderRequest"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="order" type="tns:Order" /> </sequence> –  Tool support: XML Spy, Trang, Microsoft XML </complexType> </element> <element name="orderResponse"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="result" type="string" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> to Schema … </schema> •  ...and can be used for POX (Plain Old </wsdl:types> <wsdl:message name="orderResponse"> <wsdl:part element="tns:orderResponse" name="orderResponse"> </wsdl:part> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:message name="orderRequest"> XML) without SOAP as well <wsdl:part element="tns:orderRequest" name="orderRequest"> </wsdl:part> </wsdl:message> <wsdl:portType name="Order"> <wsdl:operation name="order"> <wsdl:input message="tns:orderRequest" name="orderRequest"> </wsdl:input> <wsdl:output message="tns:orderResponse" name="orderResponse"> </wsdl:output> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:portType> <wsdl:binding name="OrderSoap11" type="tns:Order"> •  The rest is SOAP binding/ports/ <soap:binding style="document" transport="" /> <wsdl:operation name="order"> <soap:operation soapAction="" /> <wsdl:input name="orderRequest"> operations <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:input> <wsdl:output name="orderResponse"> <soap:body use="literal" /> </wsdl:output> </wsdl:operation> </wsdl:binding> •  Can the WSDL be generated? <wsdl:service name="OrderService"> <wsdl:port binding="tns:OrderSoap11" name="OrderSoap11"> <soap:address location="http://localhost:8080/order-handling/services" /> </wsdl:port> </wsdl:service> </wsdl:definitions> Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 12
  • 13. XSD: Domain Types <schema ...> <complexType name="Order"> <sequence> <element name="customer-number" type="integer" /> <element name="express" type="boolean" minOccurs="0" /> <element name="order-item" type="tns:OrderElement" maxOccurs="unbounded" /> </sequence> Note: Optional elements </complexType> and positive integers <complexType name="OrderElement"> <all> cannot be expressed in <element name="count" Java i.e. this is more type="positiveInteger" /> <element name="item" type="string" /> expressive </all> </complexType> Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 13
  • 14. XSD: Request and Response <element name="orderRequest"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="order" type="tns:Order" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> <element name="orderResponse"> <complexType> <sequence> <element name="result" type="string" /> </sequence> </complexType> </element> </schema> WSDL can now be easily generated: The operation is essentially defined Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 14
  • 15. Benefits •  Contract First becomes an option •  You can define the data format on the wire –  Interoperability –  Full power of XML Schema •  You are not tied to SOAP but can also use POX •  ...potentially with different transport like JMS Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 15
  • 16. How do you handle the message? •  Use a Object / XML mapper (OXM) –  I.e. JAXB, XStream, ... •  ...and make the request / response a Java Object •  Then handle it (much like a controller in MVC) •  Easy •  Adapter between external representation and internal •  Benefit: Decoupling business logic from changes of interface Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 16
  • 17. How do you handle the message? •  Class for Endpoint needs only some annotations •  Will be instantiated as a Spring Bean •  (Almost) no Spring configuration needed (Spring!=XML) •  ...but can be done in XML as well •  Spring==Freedom of Choice @Endpoint public class OrderEndpoint { @PayloadRoot(localPart = "orderRequest", namespace = "") public OrderResponse handleOrder(OrderRequest req) { ... } } Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 17
  • 18. Problems... •  Robustness Principle (aka Postel’s Law): –  Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others. –  I.e. try to accept every message sent to you –  I.e. only require the data filled that you really need –  ...but only send complete and totally valid responses •  Some Object / XML support this –  but for some the XML must be deserializable into objects Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 18
  • 19. XPath to the Rescue •  Only needed XML parts are read @Endpoint public class OrderEndpoint { @PayloadRoot(localPart = "orderRequest", namespace = "") public Source handleOrder( @XPathParam("/tns:orderRequest/tns:order/tns:order-item") NodeList orderItemNodeList, @XPathParam("/tns:orderRequest/tns:order/tns:express/text()") Boolean expressAsBoolean, @XPathParam("/tns:orderRequest/tns:order/tns:customer/text()") double customer) { ... } } Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 19
  • 20. Web Services •  Using Spring Web Services you can... –  ...use Contract First without the WSDL overhead –  ...decouple the business logic from interface and clients –  ...implement robust Web Services using XPath easily –  ...or with an Object/XML mapper (less robust but easier) •  Currently in 1.5.6 –  1.5 introduced jms-namespace, email transport, JMS transport... Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 20
  • 21. Architecture Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 21
  • 22. The core Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
  • 23. The core •  Essentially an integration issues •  A Batch or JMS online output •  A Web Services or File input •  Internal routing and handling •  Best practice: Pipes and Filter –  Pipes transfer messages –  ...and store / buffer them –  Filter handle them (routing, etc.) •  Spring Integration supports this Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 23
  • 24. Pipes and Filter: Frontend Was just covered Web Service fulfillment File incomingfile FileParser Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 24
  • 25. Spring Integration Configuration for Frontend <file:inbound-channel-adapter id="incomingfilename" directory="file:/tmp/files"> <poller> <interval-trigger interval="1000" /> </poller> </file:inbound-channel-adapter> <file:file-to-string-transformer delete-files="true" input-channel="incomingfilename" output-channel="incomingfile" /> Web Service polled, file name read Directory is fulfillment Then content is put as a string in the incomingfile channel File incomingfile FileParser Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 25
  • 26. Parsing the file @MessageEndpoint Class automatically instantiated as a Spring Bean public class FileParser { @Resource MessageChannel with matching name is injected private MessageChannel fulfillment; @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "incomingfile") Method called each public void handleFile(String content){ time a message is Order order = ...; available on the GenericMessage<Order> orderMessage = channel incomingfile new GenericMessage<Order>(order); fulfillment.send(orderMessage); } Web Service fulfillment } File incomingfile FileParser Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 26
  • 27. Pipes and Filter: Backend This channel has a queue Further processing is async express JMS fulfillment FulFillment fulfillment Router normal Normal fulfillment FulFillment Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 27
  • 28. FulFillmentRouter: express or normal? Class automatically instantiated as a Spring Bean @MessageEndpoint public class FulFillmentRouter { @Router(inputChannel="fulfillment") public String routeOrder(Order order) { if (order.isExpress()) { return "expressfulfillment"; } else { return "normalfulfillment"; } } } Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 28
  • 29. JMS Adapter for express orders <beans ...> <bean id="connectionFactory" class="org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory"> ... </bean> <jms:outbound-gateway id="jmsout" request-channel="expressfulfillment" request-destination="fulfillment-queue" /> </beans> JMS adapter handles JMS replies transparently i.e. they are sent to correct Spring Integration response channel Adapters allow the integration of external systems with FTP, RMI, HttpInvoker, File, Web Services etc. Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 29
  • 30. Database for normal orders @MessageEndpoint public class NormalFulFillment { private OrderDao orderDao; @Autowired public void setOrderDao(OrderDao orderDao) { this.orderDao = orderDao; } @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "normalfulfillment") public Order execute(Order order) { ... } RendezvousChannel is used to feed back the success } Passed in as reply to header in the message Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 30
  • 31. Other remarks •  Sending a message can be asynchronous using a queue •  I.e. a different thread will take it and actually handle it •  Spring Integration can also be used with: –  Plain XML Spring configuration –  By setting up the environment with Java •  Spring Integration is currently in 1.0.2 Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 31
  • 32. Architecture Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 32
  • 33. The Order Processing Batch Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
  • 34. Batches •  Typically consists of steps •  Steps read and write data •  In this case only one step: Read the orders, process them, write them back •  Typical issues: –  Restarts –  Optimizations (i.e. commits) –  Large volumes of data cannot be loaded at once Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 34
  • 35. How to read the data... •  Load data using a cursor •  Alternative: Only read the primary keys •  Alternative: Load chunks of data •  No option: Load all data (just too much data) Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 35
  • 36. Spring Batch Configuration: Processing and Invoices <job id="fulfillmentjob"> <step id="process" next="invoice"> <tasklet> <chunk reader="processOrderReader" writer="processOrderWriter" commit-interval="10" /> </tasklet> •  Commit every 10 items </step> <step id="invoice"> •  Commit optimization is transparent ... •  Thanks to Spring transaction support </step> </job> Store for restarts etc. <job-repository id="jobRepository" data-source="dataSource" transaction-manager="transactionManager" /> Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 36
  • 37. Order Reader <bean id="processOrderReader" class="....JdbcCursorItemReader"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"/> <property name="fetchSize" value="10" /> <property name="sql" value="SELECT * FROM T_ORDER WHERE C_PROCESSED=0" /> <property name="rowMapper"> <bean class="....OrderParameterizedRowMapper"/> </property> </bean> Read the data using a database cursor Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 37
  • 38. Order Writer public class OrderBatchProcess extends AbstractItemStreamItemWriter<Order> { private OrderDao orderDao; @Autowired public void setOrderDao(OrderDao orderDao) { this.orderDao = orderDao; } public void write(List<? extends Order> items) throws Exception { for (Order item : items) { // do the processing item.setProcessed(true); •  Just a POJO service orderDao.update(item); •  Works on a chunk } } } Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 38
  • 39. Other features of Spring Batch •  More complex batches with dependent steps, validation, etc. •  Other datasources (i.e. XML files, other files) •  ...and other targets for the data •  Can be controlled using JMX •  Status of job / step instance is automatically persisted •  Therefore: Easy restart •  Present jobs is restartable anyway •  Scalability by Remote Chunking and Partitioning •  Spring Batch is in 2.0.1 Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 39
  • 40. Σ Sum up Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited.
  • 41. Sum up Σ •  Spring is far more than the Spring Framework •  Spring Web Services: –  Contract first using XML Schema –  Robust implementations using XPath –  Easy annotation based programming model •  Spring Integration: –  Infrastructure for asynchronous Pipes and Filters including Routing etc. –  Integration with JMS, Files, XML, databases... available –  Annotations, plain Spring XML or plain Java code Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 41
  • 42. Sum up •  Spring Batch Σ –  Easy infrastructure for Batches –  Restart etc. included –  Monitoring possible Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 42
  • 43. Build
 Copyright 2007 SpringSource. Copying, publishing or distributing without express written permission is prohibited. 43