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LIB 640 Information Sources and Services
                  Summer 2012


Literacy:               Finding a
WHAT                    through
IS ALL                  the word
THIS?                   maze
What is information seeking?
 What Is Information Seeking?
  • In the simplest terms, information seeking
    involves the search, retrieval, recognition,
    and application of meaningful content. This
    search may be explicit or implicit, the
    retrieval may be the result of specific
    strategies or serendipity, the resulting
    information may be embraced or rejected,
    the entire experience may be carried through
    to a logical conclusion or aborted in
    midstream, and there may be a million other
    potential results.
     • Kingrey, K. P. (2002, Spring). Concepts of information seeking
       and their presence in the practical library literature.
       Library Philosophy and Practice, 4, 2
        Why Seek? Theory 1
ASK Hypothesis developed by
Nicholas Belkin (Rutgers)
 • ―. . . Anomalous States-of-Knowledge
   (abbreviated to ASK). . . . Situations    Nicholas Belkin
   in which the patrons‘ knowledge are
   incomplete or limited in some way, and
   they need further information to get on,
   the patrons are seen to be in an anomalous state of
        • Ammentorp, S. and Hummelshøj, M. (2001). Ask a librarian: Web-
          based reference question services: a model for development. Paper
          presented at 11th NI&D Conference. Spring for information.
          Reykjavik, 30 May–1 June 2001. Retrieved 22. September, 2004.

 Why Seek? Theory 2
The Uncertainty Principle
 developed by Carol
 Kulthau (Rutgers)

  • Uncertainty initiates the
    process of information                    Carol Kuhlthau

         • Kuhlthau, C. C. (2004, May).
           ISP Presentation
           Retrieved June 14, 2007.
  Why Seek? Theory 3
The Gap that does not make sense (“Sense-
 making” hypothesis)

  • “. . . Dervin presents to us a picture
    of a man walking along a road,
    when he comes upon an impassable
    hole in the ground. In this situation,
    he is obviously facing a gap. What Brenda Dervin
    is he to do now?‖
          • Kari, J. (1998, November). Making sense of sense-making:
            From metatheory to substantive theory in the context of
            paranormal information seeking. Paper presented at Nordis-
            Net workshop (Meta)theoretical stands in studying library and
            information institutions: individual, organizational and societal
            aspects, November 12–15 1998, Oslo, Norway. Retrieved
            September 22, 2004.
            See also Dervin‘s Sense-Making Methodology Site
  Who Seeks? Theory 1
Anomalous State of Knowledge
 (ASK) hypothesis (Belkin):

  • “. . . patrons in problematic situations.‖

     • Ammentorp, S. and Hummelshøj, M. Ask a
       Librarian: Web-Based Reference Question
       Services: A Model for Development.‖
                  Steen Ammentorp

                    Marianne Hummelshøj

          Both were formerly at the Royal Danish
         School of Library and Information Science
   Who Seeks? Theory 2
Kulthau’s Information Search Process:
  • People experience the ISP [Information Search
    Process] holistically with an interplay of
    thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    • Kuhlthau, Carol C. ―An Overview of the Information
      Search Process.‖ Retrieved June 14, 2007.

                                    Carol Kuhlthau
 Who Seeks? Theory 3

Sense-Making Hypothesis:
  • ―. . . [a] patron [who] is seen as being locked
   in a situation unable to move further because
   of some kind of gap in his knowledge.‖
     • Ammentorp and Hummelshøj, Ask a librarian:
       web-based reference question services: A model
       for development.

            Brenda Dervin
How Do They Seek? Theory 1

Belkin’s ASK:
  • ―. . . users performing some activity feel that
    they have a knowledge gap that cannot be
    filled directly, and consequently they engage
    into an information seeking process. . .”
     • Brajnik, G. (1999, June). Information seeking as
       explorative learning. Retrieved Sept. 7th, 2003.

                   Giorgio Brajnik
                Assistant Professor in
          Computer Science, University
                        of Udine, Italy
 How Do They Seek? Theory 2

Kuhlthau’s ISP:
  • ―The critical component of the
    ISP is the person‘s own
    formulation of a focus that
    involves gaining a personal
    perspective of the topic or subject
    while using a variety of sources of information.
    In other words, users are constructing their
    own understandings through inquiry.‖
     • Kuhlthau, C. ―Research Interests.‖ Last Updated January
       2012. Retrieved June 10, 2012.
How Do They Seek? Theory 3
 Dervin’s Sense-Making:
    • ― . . . the patron is seen as being locked in a
      situation unable to move further because
      of some kind of gap in his knowledge.
      However the patron tries to bridge this gap
      by asking questions and using the answers
      to closing the gap, making new sense. As
      Belkin, Dervin sees the nature of the
      information need as something situational
      changing as the patrons tries to bridge the
       • Ammentorp and Hummelshøj, “Ask a Librarian: Web-
         Based Reference Question Services: A Model for
           Who, How, Why?
               “person-in-context”

               “active search for information”

               “stress/coping model”
                                                                   Professor Tom
                  • Wilson, Tom and Christina Walsh. ―A
                    revised general model of information                  Wilson
                    behaviour‖ ch. 7 of ―Information
                    Behaviour: An Inter-Disciplinary                       Biography
                    Perspective.‖ British Library Research                  Research
                    and Innovation Report 10. A report to the                   Cats
                    British Library Research & Innovation
                    Centre on a review of the literature.
                    Retrieved Sept. 8th, 2003.
Formerly at the Postgraduate School of Librarianship and Information Science (now The
           Information School) at the University of Sheffield, England
Another Why to Consider
  Self-Generated or Imposed?
     • internally motivated by personal context
     • thought up by one person then given to
       someone else to resolve
       • Gross, M. (2001, January). Imposed
         information seeking in public libraries and
         school library media centers: a common
         behaviour? Information Research, 6, 2.
         Retrieved Sept. 8th, 2003.
Process of Searching
Kulthau’s ISP:

    • Carol C. Kuhlthau, Jannica Heinström and Ross J. Todd,
      ―The ‗information search process‘ revisited: is the model
      still useful?‖ Information Research VOL. 13 NO. 4,
      DECEMBER, 2008.
Information Literacy
   information literacy (IL)
      • Skill in finding the information one
        needs, including an understanding of
        how libraries are organized,
        familiarity with the resources they
        provide (including information
        formats and automated search tools),
        and knowledge of commonly used
        research techniques. More
        • ODLIS
What is Information Literacy?
QUILT’s definition
   Why teach information literacy?
 21st-Century learners may be
  tech-savvy, but they still can be
   •   . . . Today‘s learners have grown up
       in a ―wired‖ world. They have
       constant access to global information
       resources through computers and
       mobile devices, and they expect to be able to retrieve
       information instantly. This bold new generation
       questions the concept of cognitive authority as mob
       indexing an Wikipedia permeate the web. Learners
       are now surrounded by information, whether in
       print, online, or in sound bites of information.
       •   Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media
           Programs. Chapter 1: Developing Visions for Learning.
           IV. The 21st-Century Learner, p. 11.
What is information literacy?
Information Literacy
  •   Information Literacy is a
      transformational process in which the learner
      needs to find, understand, evaluate, and use
      information in various forms to create for personal,
      social or global purposes.
  •   Information Literacy shares a fundamental set of
      core thinking- and problem-solving meta-skills
      with other disciplines. Authentic cross-disciplinary
      problems which include observation and inference,
      analysis of symbols and models, comparison of
      perspectives, and assessment of the rhetorical
      context, engage students in developing mastery
      information literacy over time.
      Copyright © NoodleTools Inc. (updated by D. Abilock 07/13/2007 )

Another concept

What is Information Competence?
  • information competence is the fusing or
    the integration of library literacy,
    computer literacy, media literacy,
    technological literacy, ethics, critical
    thinking, and communication skills
     • Information Competence in the CSU. A Report Submitted to
       Commission on Learning Resources and Instructional Technology
       Work Group on Information Competence
       CLRIT Task 6.1. Susan C. Curzon, Chair
       December 1995
     • Is
What is Information Competence?
Or is it Information Competency?
 What is Information Competency?
   • ―Information Competency is the ability to find,
     evaluate, use, and communicate information in all
     its various formats. It combines aspects of library
     literacy, research methods and technological
     literacy. Information Competency includes
     consideration of the ethical and legal implications
     of information and requires the application of both
     critical thinking and communication skills.‖
      • Information competency definition adopted by the
        Academic Senate for California Community Colleges at
        its 1998 Spring Plenary Session. Available at:
      • Note: Information competency is also referred to as
        information literacy and information competence.

      Adding to the confusion of terms!
                Several other terms and combinations of
                 terms have been also used by different
                 • ‗infoliteracy‘, ‗informacy‘, ‗information
                   empowerment‘, ‗information competence‘,
                   ‗information competency‘, ‗information
                   competencies‘, ‗information literacy skills‘,
                   ‗information literacy and skills‘, ‗skills of
                   information literacy‘, ‗information literacy
Sirje Virkus
                   competence‘, ‗information literacy
                   competencies‘, ‗information competence skills‘,
                   ‗information handling skills‘, ‗information
                   problem solving‘, ‗information problem solving
                   skills‘, ‗information fluency‘, ‗information
                   mediacy‘ and even ‗information mastery‘
                    • Sirje Virkus: ―Information literacy in Europe: a
                      literature review‖
                      Information Research, Vol. 8 No. 4, July 2003
    Now also as Information Literacies
              Why the plural?
                   • The use of the term
                     ―information literacies‖
                     emphasizes the complexity and
                     multiplicity of skills and strategies
Dr. Dianne Oberg     involved in finding and using
                      • Dianne Oberg: “Promoting Information
                        Literacies: A Focus on Inquiry.‖ 70th IFLA
                        General Conference and Council, 22-27 August
                        2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina
 A related term often used outside library media circles

Inquiry-based learning
  What is inquiry-based learning?
   • An old adage states: ―Tell me and I forget,
     show me and I remember, involve me and I
     understand.‖ . . . Inquiry implies involvement
     that leads to understanding. Furthermore,
     involvement in learning implies possessing
     skills and attitudes that permit you to seek
     resolutions to questions and issues while you
     construct new knowledge.
Project, Problem, and Inquiry-based Learning
  Explore the Approaches
     • Project-based learning, problem-based
       learning, and inquiry-based learning all
       three closely relate to the information
       processing approach. They all fit well with
       technology-rich learning environments
       where the focus is not on the hardware
       and software, but on the learning
        • Project, Problem, and Inquiry-based Learning

Another Related Term
Resource-Based Learning
  • Resource-based learning actively involves
    students, teachers and teacher-librarians in
    the effective use of a wide range of print, non
    print and human resources . . . Students who
    use a wide range of resources in various
    mediums for learning have the opportunity
    to approach a theme, issue or topic of study
    in ways which allow for a range of learning
    styles and access to the theme or topic via
    cognitive or affective appeals. More
     • Resource-Based Learning: Approaches
Yet another related term
Lifelong learning
  • Lifelong learning is the process of acquiring
    and expanding knowledge, skills, and
    dispositions throughout your life to foster
    well-being. It isn't about taking an adult
    pottery class or reading a nonfiction book
    occasionally. It's about the decisions you make
    and the problems you solve in everyday life.
    From enrolling in an structured, formal
    education program to considering whether to
    believe an infomercial's gimmick, lifelong
    learning takes many forms.
And another!      21st   Century Literacies

21st Century Literacies
   • 21st Century Literacies refer to the skills
     needed to flourish in today's society and in
     the future. Today discrete disciplines have
     emerged around information, media,
     multicultural, and visual literacies. It is
     the combination of literacies that can
     better help K-12 students and adult
     learners address and solve the issues that
     confront them.
Better known as   21st   Century Skills
Used also by
What about Kentucky?
 How do we put it all together?
Use the school library media center!
  After all, why are we doing this?
 Dr. Ross Todd, Rutgers University:
  • The destination is not an information literature
    student, but rather, the development of a
    knowledgeable and knowing person, one who is
    able to engage effectively with a rich and
    complex information world, and who is able to
    develop new understandings, insights and
      • School Libraries as Knowledge Spaces: Connections and
        Actions; Outcomes and Evidence Powerpoint presentation for
        SLAV conference, Victoria, Australia

                        The School Library Association of Victoria
     Shifting the focus of School Libraries
                     From: collections, position
                     and advocacy
                     Through: connections,
                     actions and evidence-based
                     practice centering on a
                     shared philosophy and
Developing knowledge process of inquiry learning
 and understanding To: making a real
A thinking community difference to student
                     learning outcomes
                       From Ross Todd‘s PPT School Libraries as
                       Knowledge Spaces: Connections and
                       Actions; Outcomes and Evidence

The Library as
 a Knowledge
Space, not an
    Ross Todd
Evidence for the benefits
 Student Learning through Ohio
  School Libraries (2004)
  • Students appear to indicate that the school library –
    not as a passive supply agency, but as an instructional
    agency – helps them substantially in their learning.
  • What is clearly perceived to be of help is the library’s
    part in engaging students in an active process of
    building their own understanding and knowledge – the
    library as an agency for active learning.

     • Review of the Findings Powerpoint
     • Researchers: Dr. Ross Todd and
       Dr. Carol Kuhlthau, Rutgers
Keith Curry Lance

  What Research Tells Us About the
   Importance of School Libraries
     • At this point . . . there is a clear consensus in
       the results now [2002] available for eight
       states*: School libraries are a powerful force
       in the lives of America's children. The school
       library is one of the few factors whose
       contribution to academic achievement has
       been documented empirically, and it is a
       contribution that cannot be explained away
       by other powerful influences on student
        • White House Conference on School Libraries
        • *Now 19 states and 1 Canadian province—see
        Another summary of impact studies
  Mission of the school library?
 Empowering Learners:
  Guidelines for School Library
  Media Program
  •     The mission of the school
        library media program is to
        ensure that students and staff
        are effective users of
        information. The school
        library media specialist
        (SLMP) empowers
        students to be critical thinkers,
        enthusiastic readers, skillful
        researchers, and ethical users
        of information . . .
      • Empowering Learners, p. 8.

A European view
   School Library and School Librarianship
     • The stream of information from TV channels,
       Internet, CD-ROMs, computer programmes
       etc. is unending. If the students, when they
       become adult citizens, are not to feel lost and
       helpless in the face of such rich sources of
       information, they must learn [to] devise
       personal strategies for information retrieval
       while they are still at school. Information
       Literacy and ―strategies for independent
       learning skill development‖ are key
       components of any school library.
          • From a White Paper by Gert Larsen, School Library
            Advisor, Albertslund, Denmark, p. 7
          • Part of Project GrandSlam - General Research and New
            Development in School Libraries As Multimedia Learning

   A previous project in the same series
The Key Concept?
 Competence and comfort with
  information and information sources
     • Have you ever heard of Data Smog? A term coined
       by author David Shenk, it refers to the idea that too
       much information can create a barrier in our lives.
     • Information literacy is the solution to Data Smog. It
       allows us to cope by giving us the skills to know when
       we need information and where to locate it effectively
       and efficiently. It includes the technological skills
       needed to use the modern library as a gateway to
       information. It enables us to analyze and evaluate the
       information we find, thus giving us confidence in
       using that information to make a decision or create a
        • Introduction to Information Literacy, Association for College and
          Research Libraries (a division of the American Library Association)

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Information Seeking Information Literacy: What is all this?

  • 1. LIB 640 Information Sources and Services Summer 2012 Information Seeking Information Literacy: Finding a way WHAT through IS ALL the word THIS? maze
  • 2. 2 What is information seeking?  What Is Information Seeking? • In the simplest terms, information seeking involves the search, retrieval, recognition, and application of meaningful content. This search may be explicit or implicit, the retrieval may be the result of specific strategies or serendipity, the resulting information may be embraced or rejected, the entire experience may be carried through to a logical conclusion or aborted in midstream, and there may be a million other potential results. • Kingrey, K. P. (2002, Spring). Concepts of information seeking and their presence in the practical library literature. Library Philosophy and Practice, 4, 2
  • 3. 3 Why Seek? Theory 1 ASK Hypothesis developed by Nicholas Belkin (Rutgers) • ―. . . Anomalous States-of-Knowledge (abbreviated to ASK). . . . Situations Nicholas Belkin in which the patrons‘ knowledge are incomplete or limited in some way, and they need further information to get on, the patrons are seen to be in an anomalous state of knowledge.‖ • Ammentorp, S. and Hummelshøj, M. (2001). Ask a librarian: Web- based reference question services: a model for development. Paper presented at 11th NI&D Conference. Spring for information. Reykjavik, 30 May–1 June 2001. Retrieved 22. September, 2004.
  • 4. 4 Why Seek? Theory 2 The Uncertainty Principle developed by Carol Kulthau (Rutgers) • Uncertainty initiates the process of information Carol Kuhlthau seeking • Kuhlthau, C. C. (2004, May). ISP Presentation Retrieved June 14, 2007. /loex/loex_presentation.ppt
  • 5. 5 Why Seek? Theory 3 The Gap that does not make sense (“Sense- making” hypothesis) • “. . . Dervin presents to us a picture of a man walking along a road, when he comes upon an impassable hole in the ground. In this situation, he is obviously facing a gap. What Brenda Dervin is he to do now?‖ • Kari, J. (1998, November). Making sense of sense-making: From metatheory to substantive theory in the context of paranormal information seeking. Paper presented at Nordis- Net workshop (Meta)theoretical stands in studying library and information institutions: individual, organizational and societal aspects, November 12–15 1998, Oslo, Norway. Retrieved September 22, 2004. See also Dervin‘s Sense-Making Methodology Site
  • 6. 6 Who Seeks? Theory 1 Anomalous State of Knowledge (ASK) hypothesis (Belkin): • “. . . patrons in problematic situations.‖ • Ammentorp, S. and Hummelshøj, M. Ask a Librarian: Web-Based Reference Question Services: A Model for Development.‖ Steen Ammentorp Marianne Hummelshøj Both were formerly at the Royal Danish School of Library and Information Science
  • 7. 7 Who Seeks? Theory 2 Kulthau’s Information Search Process: • People experience the ISP [Information Search Process] holistically with an interplay of thoughts, feelings, and actions. • Kuhlthau, Carol C. ―An Overview of the Information Search Process.‖ Retrieved June 14, 2007. Carol Kuhlthau
  • 8. 8 Who Seeks? Theory 3 Sense-Making Hypothesis: • ―. . . [a] patron [who] is seen as being locked in a situation unable to move further because of some kind of gap in his knowledge.‖ • Ammentorp and Hummelshøj, Ask a librarian: web-based reference question services: A model for development. Brenda Dervin
  • 9. 9 How Do They Seek? Theory 1 Belkin’s ASK: • ―. . . users performing some activity feel that they have a knowledge gap that cannot be filled directly, and consequently they engage into an information seeking process. . .” • Brajnik, G. (1999, June). Information seeking as explorative learning. Retrieved Sept. 7th, 2003. Giorgio Brajnik Assistant Professor in Computer Science, University of Udine, Italy
  • 10. 10 How Do They Seek? Theory 2 Kuhlthau’s ISP: • ―The critical component of the ISP is the person‘s own formulation of a focus that involves gaining a personal perspective of the topic or subject while using a variety of sources of information. In other words, users are constructing their own understandings through inquiry.‖ • Kuhlthau, C. ―Research Interests.‖ Last Updated January 2012. Retrieved June 10, 2012. •
  • 11. 11 How Do They Seek? Theory 3 Dervin’s Sense-Making: • ― . . . the patron is seen as being locked in a situation unable to move further because of some kind of gap in his knowledge. However the patron tries to bridge this gap by asking questions and using the answers to closing the gap, making new sense. As Belkin, Dervin sees the nature of the information need as something situational changing as the patrons tries to bridge the gap.‖ • Ammentorp and Hummelshøj, “Ask a Librarian: Web- Based Reference Question Services: A Model for Development.”
  • 12. 12 Who, How, Why?  “person-in-context”  “active search for information”  “stress/coping model” Professor Tom • Wilson, Tom and Christina Walsh. ―A revised general model of information Wilson behaviour‖ ch. 7 of ―Information Behaviour: An Inter-Disciplinary Biography Perspective.‖ British Library Research Research and Innovation Report 10. A report to the Cats British Library Research & Innovation Centre on a review of the literature. Retrieved Sept. 8th, 2003. Formerly at the Postgraduate School of Librarianship and Information Science (now The Information School) at the University of Sheffield, England
  • 13. 13 Another Why to Consider Self-Generated or Imposed? • internally motivated by personal context OR • thought up by one person then given to someone else to resolve • Gross, M. (2001, January). Imposed information seeking in public libraries and school library media centers: a common behaviour? Information Research, 6, 2. Retrieved Sept. 8th, 2003.
  • 14. 14 Process of Searching Kulthau’s ISP: • Carol C. Kuhlthau, Jannica Heinström and Ross J. Todd, ―The ‗information search process‘ revisited: is the model still useful?‖ Information Research VOL. 13 NO. 4, DECEMBER, 2008.
  • 15. 15 Information Literacy information literacy (IL) • Skill in finding the information one needs, including an understanding of how libraries are organized, familiarity with the resources they provide (including information formats and automated search tools), and knowledge of commonly used research techniques. More • ODLIS
  • 18. 18 Why teach information literacy?  21st-Century learners may be tech-savvy, but they still can be overwhelmed: • . . . Today‘s learners have grown up in a ―wired‖ world. They have constant access to global information resources through computers and mobile devices, and they expect to be able to retrieve information instantly. This bold new generation questions the concept of cognitive authority as mob indexing an Wikipedia permeate the web. Learners are now surrounded by information, whether in print, online, or in sound bites of information. • Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Programs. Chapter 1: Developing Visions for Learning. IV. The 21st-Century Learner, p. 11.
  • 19. 19 What is information literacy? Information Literacy • Information Literacy is a transformational process in which the learner needs to find, understand, evaluate, and use information in various forms to create for personal, social or global purposes. • Information Literacy shares a fundamental set of core thinking- and problem-solving meta-skills with other disciplines. Authentic cross-disciplinary problems which include observation and inference, analysis of symbols and models, comparison of perspectives, and assessment of the rhetorical context, engage students in developing mastery information literacy over time. Copyright © NoodleTools Inc. (updated by D. Abilock 07/13/2007 )
  • 20. 20 Another concept What is Information Competence? • information competence is the fusing or the integration of library literacy, computer literacy, media literacy, technological literacy, ethics, critical thinking, and communication skills • Information Competence in the CSU. A Report Submitted to Commission on Learning Resources and Instructional Technology Work Group on Information Competence CLRIT Task 6.1. Susan C. Curzon, Chair December 1995 • Is
  • 21. 21 What is Information Competence?
  • 22. 22 Or is it Information Competency?  What is Information Competency? • ―Information Competency is the ability to find, evaluate, use, and communicate information in all its various formats. It combines aspects of library literacy, research methods and technological literacy. Information Competency includes consideration of the ethical and legal implications of information and requires the application of both critical thinking and communication skills.‖ • Information competency definition adopted by the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges at its 1998 Spring Plenary Session. Available at: • Note: Information competency is also referred to as information literacy and information competence.
  • 23. 23 Adding to the confusion of terms!  Several other terms and combinations of terms have been also used by different authors: • ‗infoliteracy‘, ‗informacy‘, ‗information empowerment‘, ‗information competence‘, ‗information competency‘, ‗information competencies‘, ‗information literacy skills‘, ‗information literacy and skills‘, ‗skills of information literacy‘, ‗information literacy Sirje Virkus competence‘, ‗information literacy competencies‘, ‗information competence skills‘, ‗information handling skills‘, ‗information problem solving‘, ‗information problem solving skills‘, ‗information fluency‘, ‗information mediacy‘ and even ‗information mastery‘ • Sirje Virkus: ―Information literacy in Europe: a literature review‖ Information Research, Vol. 8 No. 4, July 2003
  • 24. 24 Now also as Information Literacies Why the plural? • The use of the term ―information literacies‖ emphasizes the complexity and multiplicity of skills and strategies Dr. Dianne Oberg involved in finding and using information. • Dianne Oberg: “Promoting Information Literacies: A Focus on Inquiry.‖ 70th IFLA General Conference and Council, 22-27 August 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • 25. 25 A related term often used outside library media circles Inquiry-based learning  What is inquiry-based learning? • An old adage states: ―Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.‖ . . . Inquiry implies involvement that leads to understanding. Furthermore, involvement in learning implies possessing skills and attitudes that permit you to seek resolutions to questions and issues while you construct new knowledge. •
  • 26. 26 Project, Problem, and Inquiry-based Learning Explore the Approaches • Project-based learning, problem-based learning, and inquiry-based learning all three closely relate to the information processing approach. They all fit well with technology-rich learning environments where the focus is not on the hardware and software, but on the learning experience. • Project, Problem, and Inquiry-based Learning
  • 27. 27 Another Related Term Resource-Based Learning • Resource-based learning actively involves students, teachers and teacher-librarians in the effective use of a wide range of print, non print and human resources . . . Students who use a wide range of resources in various mediums for learning have the opportunity to approach a theme, issue or topic of study in ways which allow for a range of learning styles and access to the theme or topic via cognitive or affective appeals. More • Resource-Based Learning: Approaches
  • 28. 28 Yet another related term Lifelong learning • Lifelong learning is the process of acquiring and expanding knowledge, skills, and dispositions throughout your life to foster well-being. It isn't about taking an adult pottery class or reading a nonfiction book occasionally. It's about the decisions you make and the problems you solve in everyday life. From enrolling in an structured, formal education program to considering whether to believe an infomercial's gimmick, lifelong learning takes many forms.
  • 29. 29 And another! 21st Century Literacies 21st Century Literacies • 21st Century Literacies refer to the skills needed to flourish in today's society and in the future. Today discrete disciplines have emerged around information, media, multicultural, and visual literacies. It is the combination of literacies that can better help K-12 students and adult learners address and solve the issues that confront them. •
  • 30. 30 Better known as 21st Century Skills
  • 33. 33 How do we put it all together? Use the school library media center!
  • 34. 34 After all, why are we doing this?  Dr. Ross Todd, Rutgers University: • The destination is not an information literature student, but rather, the development of a knowledgeable and knowing person, one who is able to engage effectively with a rich and complex information world, and who is able to develop new understandings, insights and ideas. • School Libraries as Knowledge Spaces: Connections and Actions; Outcomes and Evidence Powerpoint presentation for SLAV conference, Victoria, Australia The School Library Association of Victoria
  • 35. 35 Shifting the focus of School Libraries From: collections, position and advocacy Through: connections, actions and evidence-based practice centering on a shared philosophy and Developing knowledge process of inquiry learning and understanding To: making a real A thinking community difference to student learning outcomes From Ross Todd‘s PPT School Libraries as Knowledge Spaces: Connections and Actions; Outcomes and Evidence
  • 36. 36 The Library as a Knowledge Space, not an Information Place Ross Todd
  • 37. 37 Evidence for the benefits  Student Learning through Ohio School Libraries (2004) • Students appear to indicate that the school library – not as a passive supply agency, but as an instructional agency – helps them substantially in their learning. • What is clearly perceived to be of help is the library’s part in engaging students in an active process of building their own understanding and knowledge – the library as an agency for active learning. • Review of the Findings Powerpoint presentation. • Researchers: Dr. Ross Todd and Dr. Carol Kuhlthau, Rutgers
  • 38. 38 Keith Curry Lance What Research Tells Us About the Importance of School Libraries • At this point . . . there is a clear consensus in the results now [2002] available for eight states*: School libraries are a powerful force in the lives of America's children. The school library is one of the few factors whose contribution to academic achievement has been documented empirically, and it is a contribution that cannot be explained away by other powerful influences on student performance. • White House Conference on School Libraries • *Now 19 states and 1 Canadian province—see
  • 39. 39 Another summary of impact studies
  • 40. 40 Mission of the school library?  Empowering Learners: Guidelines for School Library Media Program • The mission of the school library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of information. The school library media specialist (SLMP) empowers students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information . . . • Empowering Learners, p. 8.
  • 41. 41 A European view  School Library and School Librarianship • The stream of information from TV channels, Internet, CD-ROMs, computer programmes etc. is unending. If the students, when they become adult citizens, are not to feel lost and helpless in the face of such rich sources of information, they must learn [to] devise personal strategies for information retrieval while they are still at school. Information Literacy and ―strategies for independent learning skill development‖ are key components of any school library. • From a White Paper by Gert Larsen, School Library Advisor, Albertslund, Denmark, p. 7 • Part of Project GrandSlam - General Research and New Development in School Libraries As Multimedia Learning Centres A previous project in the same series
  • 42. 42 The Key Concept?  Competence and comfort with information and information sources • Have you ever heard of Data Smog? A term coined by author David Shenk, it refers to the idea that too much information can create a barrier in our lives. • Information literacy is the solution to Data Smog. It allows us to cope by giving us the skills to know when we need information and where to locate it effectively and efficiently. It includes the technological skills needed to use the modern library as a gateway to information. It enables us to analyze and evaluate the information we find, thus giving us confidence in using that information to make a decision or create a product. • Introduction to Information Literacy, Association for College and Research Libraries (a division of the American Library Association)