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Fierce 'n Fantas c
Indian Women Business
Leadership Force Shaping
the Global Industrial Future
India’s Fastest Emerging
Empress of the Political Arena
VOL. 09
Gen Equal
How Modern Women
Business Leaders
Can Bridge the
Gender Divide?
Editor's Note
n the ever-evolving landscape of Indian business, one
Iname shines brightly as a symbol of resilience,
innovation, and leadership. Zarine Manchanda, a
prominent figure in the Indian non-profit, for-profit, and
political world, has not only shattered glass ceilings but has
also set new standards for women in leadership roles.
With a remarkable journey that spans decades, Zarine has
carved a path that has made her an inspiration for aspiring
business leaders, especially women, across the nation. Her
story is not merely one of success but a testament to the
limitless potential of individuals who dare to dream and
persevere against all odds.
Zarine’s journey from leaving a princess life to pursue her
dream and then diverting the course to reaching the
pinnacle of the business arena is a story of grit, vision, and
unwavering determination, making her an iconic figure and
a role model for aspiring leaders, particularly women,
throughout the nation.
From an early age, Zarine exhibited a natural flair for
leadership, often taking charge of projects and initiatives
within and outside her family. During this time, she began
to understand the importance of women’s representation in
the corporate world, and she resolved to be a trailblazer in
breaking the gender barriers that often held women back in
leadership roles.
It was clear that Zarine possessed a unique blend of
intelligence, charisma, and tenacity that set her apart. Her
ascent through social and business entrepreneurship ranks
was nothing short of meteoric.
With her unparalleled work ethic and innovative thinking,
she quickly gained recognition as a rising star within the
sectors she chose to enter. Zarine’s ability to navigate
complex challenges with grace and her talent for fostering
collaborative environments earned her respect and admira-
tion from everyone who came in contact with her.
However, Zarine’s impact extends far beyond her profes-
sional accomplishments. She is an ardent advocate for
gender equality in the workplace, dedicating her time and
resources to mentor and empower aspiring women leaders.
Her tireless efforts in championing diversity and inclusion
initiatives have reverberated throughout the corporate
world, inspiring meaningful change and opening doors for
countless talented individuals.
This CIOLook India’s exclusive edition, ‘India’s Powerful
Woman Business Leader to Follow,’ reflects Zarine
Manchanda’s journey through life and career as a visionary
leader who has transcended barriers, shattered stereotypes,
and blazed a trail that lights the way for generations to
As we delve deeper into her remarkable story, we will
uncover the pivotal moments, the strategies that drove her
success, and the enduring legacy of a woman who has not
only climbed the corporate ladder but has also extended a
helping hand to lift others along the way.
Zarine Manchanda is not just a powerful business leader;
she is a force of nature, a symbol of hope, and an inspira-
tion for all who dare to dream and strive for greatness.
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September, 2023
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Pooja M. Bansal
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Fierce 'n Fantas c
Indian Women Business
Leadership Force Shaping
the Global Industrial Future
India’s Fastest Emerging
Empress of the Political Arena
VOL. 09
Gen Equal
How Modern Women
Business Leaders
Can Bridge the
Gender Divide?
Zarine Manchanda
is recognized by CioLook India as
for her exceptional entrepreneurship and
resolute leadership character.
Pooja M. Bansal
n an era characterized by rapid globalization,
Itechnological innovation, and dynamic economic
shifts, Indian women are emerging as a formidable
force in the world of business leadership. Their rise to
prominence is not only reshaping the corporate landscape in
India but also making a profound impact on the global
industrial stage.
In the vast and intricate tapestry of India's corporate
landscape, a remarkable transformation has been
unfolding –
A Transformation Powered by an Unstoppable Force:
Indian Women in Business Leadership
Over the past few decades, these extraordinary women have
risen from the shadows of traditional gender roles to occupy
influential positions, leaving an indelible mark on the
nation's economic and entrepreneurial landscape. Their
meteoric rise is a testament to their resilience, intelligence,
and unwavering determination, and it is reshaping not only
the boardrooms of India but also the global perception of
women in leadership roles.
Let us celebrate the indomitable spirit and remarkable
achievements of Indian women who have defied
stereotypes, overcome challenges, and are driving change in
boardrooms, startups, and conglomerates worldwide. Here
is our chance to witness the awe-inspiring journey of Indian
women in business leadership, shedding light on the key
factors propelling their ascent, the barriers they've
shattered, and the profound impact they are making on
India's economic growth and the global business stage. It is
a story of empowerment, inspiration, and a paradigm shift
that is redefining the contours of leadership in the 21st
Indian WomenBusiness
Leadership Force
Shaping the Global
Industrial Future September | 2023
A Rising Tide of Women Leaders
The 21st century has witnessed a significant transformation
in the traditional roles of women in India. No longer
confined to domestic spheres, Indian women have risen to
leadership positions across diverse sectors, including
technology, finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. This
seismic shift is driven by a confluence of factors, including
increased access to education, changing societal norms, and
the relentless pursuit of excellence by visionary women
Education as the Catalyst
Education has played a pivotal role in empowering Indian
women to break through the glass ceiling. Over the past few
decades, there has been a substantial increase in female
enrollment in higher education institutions, producing a
pool of highly educated and skilled women ready to take on
leadership roles. This educational foundation has provided
them with the knowledge, confidence, and capability to
excel in traditionally male-dominated industries.
Trailblazers in Technology
One of the most striking examples of Indian women's
influence on the global industrial future can be seen in the
technology sector. Women leaders like Arundhati
Bhattacharya, who served as the Chairperson of the State
Bank of India, and Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, the founder of
Biocon, have shattered gender barriers and are at the
forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship. Their
visionary leadership has not only transformed their
respective companies but has also positioned India as a hub
for cutting-edge technology and biotechnology
Financial Powerhouses
In the financial world, names like Chanda Kochhar, who
was the CEO of ICICI Bank, and Nirmala Sitharaman,
India's first female Finance Minister, stand out as powerful
trailblazers. These women have demonstrated that financial
acumen knows no gender boundaries, and their expertise
has a far-reaching impact on India's economic growth and
global financial stability.
Healthcare Visionaries
In the healthcare sector, women leaders like Dr Swati
Piramal and Dr Devi Shetty have made significant strides in (7)
Fierce 'n Fantastic
healthcare innovation and accessibility. Their pioneering
efforts in pharmaceuticals and cardiac surgery, respectively,
have not only transformed patient care in India but have
also earned global recognition.
Manufacturing and Beyond
Even in the traditionally male-dominated manufacturing
and automotive industries, women leaders such as Anjali
Bansal and Sulajja Firodia Motwani have played pivotal
roles in steering companies toward success. Their resilience
and strategic insights have demonstrated that gender
diversity is not just a buzzword but a driving force behind
sustainable growth.
Championing Diversity and Inclusion
What sets Indian women business leaders apart is not just
their individual achievements but their commitment to
championing diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
They recognize that fostering an inclusive environment
not only enhances productivity but also nurtures
innovation and creativity.
As we reflect on their remarkable achievements, we
must recognize that their journey is far from over. It
is a journey that continues to inspire, motivate, and
pave the way for countless others who dare to dream
and aspire to leadership roles. The momentum
generated by these trailblazers has set in motion a
transformation that will continue to reverberate
across generations.
It is a transformation that extends beyond
corporate corridors, reaching into every
corner of society, redefining norms, and
dismantling stereotypes. Indian
women in business leadership are
not only driving economic
growth and innovation but also
serving as role models,
mentors, and champions
of gender equality.
The emergence of Indian women as a potent force in
business leadership is a testament to their unwavering
determination, intellect, and resilience. Their influence is
not confined to the borders of India but extends across the
globe, shaping the future of industries, economies, and
societies. As these women continue to break new ground
and inspire future generations, they exemplify the adage:
‘When women support each other, incredible things
happen.’ Their stories of triumph serve as a beacon of
hope, illuminating the path for aspiring women leaders
everywhere and reaffirming that, indeed, the future is both
fierce and fantastic.
September | 2023
India’s Fastest Emerging Socio-Entrepreneurial
Empress of the Political Arena
ll our lives are about choices. The
Amoment we gain a conscious ‘I,’ we
course our own destiny by opting for
one alternative over others. At every turn of
our lifetime, when we reflect on ourselves with
an outside-in vision, we can see our past as a
movie that could teach us how to reshape our
future, only if we can stick to the endeavouring
spirit churning in our innate nature.
All right, external factors matter! What matters
the most are our responses to the external
forces trying to dominate our living force. As
they say, every action has an equal and
opposite reaction; if we do good, and strive to
do good through all of our actions, then only
good will happen to us in the long run.
There are some dreams that will not come true,
even if you are ready to die for it. So instead of
wasting your life in false hope, it is better to
pursue other dreams. Because all the time,
more than dreaming, doing something good to
be remembered forever is the only way to
ensure your worth of being alive. That is how,
when her childhood dream did not come true,
Zarine Manchanda changed her track.
The Shining Light of the Golden Starlet
After the successful launch in 2019 of an NGO, the Zarine
Manchanda Foundation, which generated strong media
coverage and was felicitated with numerous prestigious
awards, including two National Awards, two Governor
Awards, and the Nelson Mandela Peace Award, Zarine
decided to move into entrepreneurship.
She established several businesses in different sectors that
bear her name. Happily for her, Zarine’s foray into
entrepreneurship was not really a saga, as the decisions to
launch her various companies came in a comfortable and
organic manner.
In addition to her charity foundation cum NGO, Zarine now
owns and operates five companies:
• Zarine Manchanda Cafe,
• Zarine Manchanda’s Flavours of the Himachal
Pradesh restaurant,
• Heavenly Flavours Cloud Kitchen,
• Zarine Manchanda Premium Security Agency, and
• Zarine Manchanda Treasures of the Himalayas.
With all the businesses operating successfully, Zarine is
now looking to expand and franchise these businesses
beyond Mumbai into other cities and locations in India and
A Successful Visionary
Sharing her inspiration behind venturing into the corporate
world, Zarine says, “I always had the vision to be a
successful entrepreneur and to grow my businesses so that
they would be impactful on the international stage. I never
wavered in my self-belief; rather, it was mainly a question
of launching the businesses at the proper time, and once my
foundation became successful, it seemed logical to
transition into the entrepreneurial world.”
Zarine’s primary inspiration came from her beloved parents.
Her father was a respected politician and minister in
Himachal Pradesh, where she grew up, and he was a highly
successful businessman with business holdings in many
different sectors. She remembers, “Growing up with him, I
saw first-hand how a CEO operates; how important it is to
have a bold and unique vision, and to be adaptable, to
change course in an ever-changing business environment.
And my inner strength comes from my beloved mother. She
raised me to have a purposeful life. To do good. To help
others. To empower them, and to lead by example.”
To highlight her leadership skills, values and qualities
people greatly admire, Zarine guesses this would be a great
place to add testimonials from her fine employees or from
media executives who have chosen to feature and profile
her, or from the organizers of various award galas who have
felicitated her!
“But to provide insights into this answer, I would say
people admire my spiritual qualities first and foremost. I
speak of spiritual matters all the time, and this topic comes
up in virtually all of my conversations. But even more
important than the words are actions.” Thanks to her
beloved mother, Zarine was always raised to be
compassionate. Always look to help people. Always act
with good karma and good intentions so that God is
pleased. And if he is pleased, good things will come here on
earth in her life’s journey.
Beyond the Spiritual Realm
Zarine thinks people admire her because of her bold vision
and her insistence on establishing a strong USP with unique
branding for all of her business enterprises. She insists, “I
do not follow the crowd; I always want my companies and
business model to be unique and to be the first in a given
Whether it is operating India’s first seven-star café-Zarine
Manchanda Café Or being the first woman to own and
operate a premium security company in India, as is shown
through her Zarine Manchanda Premium Security Agency.
Or whether it is opening India’s first truly Himachal
restaurant, as is her new restaurant, Zarine Manchanda’s
Flavors of the Himachal Pradesh. “To be unique, to be the
first, and to not follow the crowd had always been my
father’s mantra,” she informs. Zarine’s father was a very
successful entrepreneur and businessman.
When asked to brief her USPs and how she is currently
positioned as one of the dynamically multitalented
personalities, Zarine says she is flattered by the question.
“So, I will do my level best to answer! My businesses
encompass a fairly wide range of sectors. From a
hospitality industry café, restaurant and cloud kitchen, on
the one hand, to a security company and fine decor business
offering showpiece gifts and other collectables.
In all these businesses, I strive to the maximum extent to
brand these companies with luxury and spiritual charm.
For example, my café and new restaurant offer seven-star
decor from floor to ceiling, including the finest crockery and
cutlery. Beyond this luxurious appeal, we introduced
spiritual charm in that our waiter staff rings beautiful
Tibetan Bells to provide a blessing when they bring food
and drinks to a guest’s table.”
The bells are from Dharamshala, where Zarine grew up
near the home of the Dalai Lama. She adds, “Our guests
love this wonderful and unique blessing!”
A similar standard of luxury is stamped with her premium
security agency as their security guards and other
employees wear elegant and colourful uniforms, and they
are trained to provide impeccable service that makes their
clients feel safe, secure, and comfortable when the guards
are on duty at their premises.
Zarine believes the concepts of luxury and spiritual charm
can be deeply entwined so that customers and clients feel
they are receiving the best service in an elegant, refined
manner. And also to provide blessings and the highest
ethical standards. “So that my businesses grow and prosper
in a positive way through client and customer loyalty.”
Levelling the Playing Field
Regarding her current positioning, Zarine is very pleased
that her extensive media coverage includes all of India’s
most prestigious publications. As such, she has been
profiled and featured in leading business, economic and
political magazines and publications that focus on beauty,
glamour and lifestyle. In this way, she is probably one of a
rare few women to receive coverage in such diverse and
varied publications, and she hopes it is a testament to her
skills and vision as a businesswoman and CEO and aspiring
politician on one side but also in a way that her lifestyle and
fashion tastes are also recognized and praised.
When probed about considering the current industry
scenario, and being a woman leader, what kind of
challenges Zarine faces, and how she drives herself to
overcome them, Zarine says, “I am proud to be an Indian,
proud to be a woman, and proud that India takes giant steps
every generation to increase possibilities for young girls
throughout our country to be educated, and to have as
many career and business opportunities available as
But the playing field is not yet equal, and there are still
stubborn stereotypes and resistance to women and girls
being afforded the same respect and opportunities as men
and boys can take for granted. The fact that she is a young
woman entrepreneur only adds to that challenge. Because
there are so few young women in the entrepreneurial arena.
While this general societal and cultural imbalance exists,
things are improving. Zarine believes she can do her part to
correct the imbalance and remedy the situation by being
empowered, keeping her bold vision and USP constantly in
place, and insisting on leading and not following. “All of us
women can think and act this way. And if we coalesce
around these points, that gap will narrow quickly and
permanently as it should.”
A Generational Bold Step Forward
Perhaps again, due to her upbringing and the strong values
instilled in her by her dynamic, charismatic father, who was
a successful businessman and prominent minister, as well as
her mother, who raised her with a compassionate heart and
focused on helping others, whenever Zarine meets a new
industry contact in media, philanthropy, politics,
government, or other business, she feels she receives
immediate respect and admiration. She hopes this is
because of the values instilled in her by her parents.
Zarine further says that, of course, entrepreneurship is
crucial. “As I already said, each generation seems to take a
bold, positive step forward regarding evening the playing
field for men and women, boys and girls.” Girls and women
have every right to be mentally and financially independent
and not rely on husbands or others as sole providers.
If she can, Zarine wants to lead by example and show girls
and women that anything is possible if you dream, envision,
think, strategize, and act in a big and bold manner. She
always says: ‘Don’t follow the trend, because trends come
and go. But bold vision and bolder actions are timeless and
can survive the fickle nature of trends.’
Right now, if you ask every young girl in India what she
wants to be when she grows up, probably 90% will answer
a Bollywood actress and a movie star! But she believes that
in one generation or two generations, after her business
career and life is over, she hopes that young girls in the
future will reply that they want to be a philanthropist or an
entrepreneur! “And this is the legacy I hope to have in my
own life. So that girls and women can succeed in many
sectors beyond the glamour industry.”
Making Your Own Mark
In her advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to
venture into any industry they wish to, especially to women
entrepreneurs, Zarine says that she has already said it
previously, but it deserves emphasis again. ‘Dream big and
bold and follow your dreams. Please do not follow the
crowd. As it is easy to get lost that way. Create a bold
vision in your mind and then take the steps confidently to
achieve whatever that vision is. Create a USP that is unique
to your life experiences. Always have a plan B, even a plan
C. Because so often, our plan A does not materialize for one
reason or another. We must adapt to life’s challenges,
problems, and misfortunes.’
“On this point, I will note that, as I just mentioned, when I
was a little girl, I aspired to be a Bollywood actress and
wanted to be a famous movie star! I came to Mumbai,
leaving my ‘Princess Life’ behind in Himachal Pradesh. I
struggled to crack into Bollywood. However, I always had a
B plan and a C plan due to my father’s profound influence
on me. So I knew that politics, commerce, and
entrepreneurship were a natural fit for me due to my blessed
DNA. And so, at my lowest point, struggling to make my
mark in Bollywood, I opened my NGO cum charity
foundation, which propelled me to the success I now have
in both the non-profit and for-profit worlds.
And focus on your legacy as I do. How do you want people
to remember you when you are gone from this world, and
what can you do during this precious life to make sure that
you have a legacy that survives and thrives? These
questions-and the answers to the questions-are always on
my mind.”
From an Ideal to an Ideology
Zarine says she is extremely busy as a young woman
entrepreneur with many businesses bearing her name. She
hopes the very fact that she operates so many businesses as
a young woman entrepreneur helps other women
entrepreneurs. Because numerous media outlets have
covered her life story, values, business model, and branding
concepts in rich detail. Thus, she hopes this USP of Zarine
Manchanda–India’s Powerful Woman Business Leader to
Follow–helps other women entrepreneurs.
On envisioning moving ahead in the future, Zarine says that
she has bold visions. She works extremely hard and is very
ambitious! With the successes of her various companies to
date, she is now exploring and expanding each of these
companies into other cities in India and even
internationally. “I firmly believe that blending luxury and
spiritual charm as I have done till date is a winning business
concept, and each of my growing businesses proves this
point,” she says.
According to Zarine, leadership should be the same whether
it comes from a man or a woman. The same qualities that
people admire in men, they should admire in women as
well. This is why she wants the playing field to be
completely equal in our country.
Take Action
She mentions, again and again, the need for a bold vision
and bold actions. The need to have a personalized USP
based on life experiences and specific business models
being implemented, and the need not to follow the crowd or
to follow trends. But all this advice applies equally to a man
or a woman.
“For us women, I think it is important to craft our own
leadership and management style.” Strength does not
always equate with physical strength or even decibel levels!
Women can lead and govern differently. To be sure, it still
requires force and dynamism. But this can be uniquely
feminine in terms of how it is developed and implemented.
For herself, Zarine enjoyed a princess life growing up
thanks to her father. This explains why it was so easy to
introduce a luxury component into the branding of her
- -
various enterprises. Her mother instilled in Zarine the core
beliefs and values she lives by. Especially her strong
spiritual part. From this standpoint, it was easy to bring
spiritual charm into her business vision.
Transform the Times Ahead
It was due to this vision that, alongside winning several
awards, Zarine had also been conferred a doctorate. And
she won numerous awards from prestigious media outlets
for her entrepreneurship and multiple business expansion.
Zarine proudly serves as Regional Director for India’s
BRICS CCI (Chamber of Commerce of India). It is a trade
organization that looks to facilitate and expand India’s
bilateral trade relations with other member countries,
including Brazil, Russia, China, and South Africa.
She is also proud to serve as Chairperson and Editor-in-
Chief for the states of Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, and
Goa for India’s National Council of News and
Finally, with her strong interest in politics and the success
in building her political base through her charity
foundation, which has hosted over 500 charity programs
since its inception in 2019, Zarine is entering politics and
contesting elections in 2024 as MLA candidate in Andheri
through her national party-Zarine Manchanda People’s
Stay in the known.
Get CIOLOOKINDIA Magazine in print and digital on
n the landscape of modern business, gender equality
Ihas emerged as a rallying cry, and it’s not just a matter
of social justice; it’s a matter of economic imperative.
For centuries, women have been underrepresented in
leadership positions, stifling the full potential of our global
However, as we venture further into the 21st century,
women leaders (including social, business, and political)
are proving themselves not only as a driving force of
change but also as the bridge builders in the quest for
gender equality. In India, it begun with stalwarts like
Savitribai Phule, Sarojini Nayadu, Sindhutai Sapkal,
Ahilyabai Holkar, Anandibai Joshi, Indira Gandhi, and
Kalpana Chawla.
Modern women business leaders serve as living proof that
gender is not a determinant of success. Their remarkable
journeys from entry-level positions to executive suites
inspire young women to believe in their potential and aspire
to leadership roles. By showcasing their achievements,
these leaders demonstrate that gender should never be a
hindrance to pursuing one’s career goals.
This exploration delves into the dynamic world of modern
women business leaders and explores how they are
championing the cause of gender equality, not just within
their organizations but also across industries and societies at
The Unveiling of Modern Women Business Leaders
The dawn of the 21st century brought with it a remarkable
transformation in the business world. Women, who had
historically faced formidable barriers in ascending the
corporate ladder, began to break through the glass ceiling
with determination and ingenuity.
How ModernWomen
Business Leaders
Can Bridge the Gender
Names like Sudha Murthy, Chanda Kochar, Arundhati
Bhattacharya, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Kiran Bedi, Dr Swati
Piramal, and Dr Devi Shetty have become synonymous
with leadership excellence, inspiring a new generation of
women to rise to the occasion. Their journeys are a
testament to the transformative power of resilience,
education, and empowerment.
Championing Gender Equality from the Top Down
One of the most significant contributions of modern women
business leaders is their unwavering commitment to gender
equality within their organizations. They understand that
true change begins at the top, and they are taking concrete
steps to create inclusive cultures where everyone, regardless
of gender, has equal opportunities to thrive.
These leaders are actively promoting diversity and
inclusion initiatives, setting targets for female
representation at all levels of their companies, and
implementing policies that address gender pay gaps. Their
efforts are not merely symbolic but are driving tangible
change in corporate landscapes.
Beyond the Boardroom: Advocating for Change
Modern women business leaders understand that their
influence extends beyond their respective boardrooms. They
are using their platforms and visibility to advocate for
systemic change. These leaders are actively participating in
public discourse, addressing issues such as equal pay,
parental leave policies, and mentorship programs that
support women in leadership roles.
Through initiatives like Lean In Circles, the 30% Club, and
HeForShe, these leaders are engaging with the broader
community to foster a more inclusive and equitable future September | 2023
for all. They are leveraging their experiences and expertise
to inspire and empower the next generation of female
Mentorship and Paying It Forward
One of the most significant ways modern women business
leaders are bridging the gender divide is through
mentorship. They recognize the importance of guiding and
nurturing young talent, particularly women, to help them
navigate the challenges of the corporate world.
These leaders are actively mentoring and sponsoring
aspiring women, providing them with opportunities, and
helping them build the skills and confidence needed to
succeed in leadership positions. By paying it forward, they
are creating a ripple effect that will continue to shape the
future of business leadership.
A Bridge to a Brighter Future
In the quest for gender equality, modern women business
leaders have emerged as powerful agents of change, not
only within their respective organizations but also in
shaping a more equitable and inclusive world for future
generations. Their influence extends far beyond the
boardroom, as they actively work to dismantle systemic
barriers, inspire young talent, and create a business
environment that values diversity and equal opportunity.
In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, women
business leaders are not just breaking barriers; they are
building bridges. They are the architects of change, the
champions of equality, and the role models for generations
to come. As we celebrate their achievements, it’s clear that
the gender divide is gradually narrowing, and the path to
gender equality is becoming more defined.
However, the journey is far from over. Modern women
business leaders are acutely aware that much work remains
to be done. They are unwavering in their commitment to
creating a world where gender equality is not a distant
aspiration but a lived reality. Their efforts, both within their
organizations and beyond, are a testament to the
transformative power of leadership, and they serve as a
beacon of hope for a future where gender equality knows no
bounds. As they continue to lead, mentor, and advocate,
these women are not just shaping industries; they are
shaping a brighter and more equal future for all. (18) I N D I A

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  • 1. Fierce 'n Fantas c Indian Women Business Leadership Force Shaping the Global Industrial Future Manchanda India’s Fastest Emerging Socio-Entrepreneurial Empress of the Political Arena India's Business VOL. 09 ISSUE 01 2023 Gen Equal How Modern Women Business Leaders Can Bridge the Gender Divide? to
  • 2.
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  • 5. A TRAILBLAZING FEMININE FORCE POSITIVELY TRANSFORMING THE FUTURE n the ever-evolving landscape of Indian business, one Iname shines brightly as a symbol of resilience, innovation, and leadership. Zarine Manchanda, a prominent figure in the Indian non-profit, for-profit, and political world, has not only shattered glass ceilings but has also set new standards for women in leadership roles. With a remarkable journey that spans decades, Zarine has carved a path that has made her an inspiration for aspiring business leaders, especially women, across the nation. Her story is not merely one of success but a testament to the limitless potential of individuals who dare to dream and persevere against all odds. Zarine’s journey from leaving a princess life to pursue her dream and then diverting the course to reaching the pinnacle of the business arena is a story of grit, vision, and unwavering determination, making her an iconic figure and a role model for aspiring leaders, particularly women, throughout the nation. From an early age, Zarine exhibited a natural flair for leadership, often taking charge of projects and initiatives within and outside her family. During this time, she began to understand the importance of women’s representation in the corporate world, and she resolved to be a trailblazer in breaking the gender barriers that often held women back in leadership roles. It was clear that Zarine possessed a unique blend of intelligence, charisma, and tenacity that set her apart. Her ascent through social and business entrepreneurship ranks was nothing short of meteoric. With her unparalleled work ethic and innovative thinking, she quickly gained recognition as a rising star within the sectors she chose to enter. Zarine’s ability to navigate complex challenges with grace and her talent for fostering collaborative environments earned her respect and admira- tion from everyone who came in contact with her. However, Zarine’s impact extends far beyond her profes- sional accomplishments. She is an ardent advocate for gender equality in the workplace, dedicating her time and resources to mentor and empower aspiring women leaders. Her tireless efforts in championing diversity and inclusion initiatives have reverberated throughout the corporate world, inspiring meaningful change and opening doors for countless talented individuals. This CIOLook India’s exclusive edition, ‘India’s Powerful Woman Business Leader to Follow,’ reflects Zarine Manchanda’s journey through life and career as a visionary leader who has transcended barriers, shattered stereotypes, and blazed a trail that lights the way for generations to come. As we delve deeper into her remarkable story, we will uncover the pivotal moments, the strategies that drove her success, and the enduring legacy of a woman who has not only climbed the corporate ladder but has also extended a helping hand to lift others along the way. Zarine Manchanda is not just a powerful business leader; she is a force of nature, a symbol of hope, and an inspira- tion for all who dare to dream and strive for greatness.
  • 6. CONTENT DESIGN Visualizer : Sandeep Tikode Art & Design Director : Rashmi Singh Associate Designer : Sameen Arif SALES Sr. Vice President : Swapnali Vasaikar Sr. Sales Manager : Tejaswini Whaval Team Leader : Suraj Gadekar BDE : Akshay Dokh TECHNICAL September, 2023 Copyright © 2023 CIOLOOK India, All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from CIOLOOK India. Reprint rights remain solely with CIOLOOK India. FOLLOW US ON WE ARE ALSO AVAILABLE ON Email For Subscription CONTACT US ON Pooja M. Bansal Editor-in-Chief I N D I A SME-SMO Technical Head : Prachi Mokashi Technical Specialist: Rajeshwari Avhad Technical Consultant : Tanaji Fartade Research Analyst : Renuka Kulkarni SEO Lead : Nikita Khadalkar Managing Editor: Kedar Borgaonkar Assisting Editor : Gaurav PR Wankhade Cover Price: Rs.200/- Fierce 'n Fantas c Indian Women Business Leadership Force Shaping the Global Industrial Future Manchanda India’s Fastest Emerging Socio-Entrepreneurial Empress of the Political Arena India's Business VOL. 09 ISSUE 01 2023 Gen Equal How Modern Women Business Leaders Can Bridge the Gender Divide?
  • 7. Zarine Manchanda I N D I A is recognized by CioLook India as for her exceptional entrepreneurship and resolute leadership character. Pooja M. Bansal Editor-in-Chief India's Business to
  • 8. n an era characterized by rapid globalization, Itechnological innovation, and dynamic economic shifts, Indian women are emerging as a formidable force in the world of business leadership. Their rise to prominence is not only reshaping the corporate landscape in India but also making a profound impact on the global industrial stage. In the vast and intricate tapestry of India's corporate landscape, a remarkable transformation has been unfolding – A Transformation Powered by an Unstoppable Force: Indian Women in Business Leadership Over the past few decades, these extraordinary women have risen from the shadows of traditional gender roles to occupy influential positions, leaving an indelible mark on the nation's economic and entrepreneurial landscape. Their meteoric rise is a testament to their resilience, intelligence, and unwavering determination, and it is reshaping not only the boardrooms of India but also the global perception of women in leadership roles. Let us celebrate the indomitable spirit and remarkable achievements of Indian women who have defied stereotypes, overcome challenges, and are driving change in boardrooms, startups, and conglomerates worldwide. Here is our chance to witness the awe-inspiring journey of Indian women in business leadership, shedding light on the key factors propelling their ascent, the barriers they've shattered, and the profound impact they are making on India's economic growth and the global business stage. It is a story of empowerment, inspiration, and a paradigm shift that is redefining the contours of leadership in the 21st century. Indian WomenBusiness Leadership Force Shaping the Global Industrial Future September | 2023 (6) A Rising Tide of Women Leaders The 21st century has witnessed a significant transformation in the traditional roles of women in India. No longer confined to domestic spheres, Indian women have risen to leadership positions across diverse sectors, including technology, finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. This seismic shift is driven by a confluence of factors, including increased access to education, changing societal norms, and the relentless pursuit of excellence by visionary women leaders. Education as the Catalyst Education has played a pivotal role in empowering Indian women to break through the glass ceiling. Over the past few decades, there has been a substantial increase in female enrollment in higher education institutions, producing a pool of highly educated and skilled women ready to take on leadership roles. This educational foundation has provided them with the knowledge, confidence, and capability to excel in traditionally male-dominated industries. Trailblazers in Technology One of the most striking examples of Indian women's influence on the global industrial future can be seen in the technology sector. Women leaders like Arundhati Bhattacharya, who served as the Chairperson of the State Bank of India, and Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, the founder of Biocon, have shattered gender barriers and are at the forefront of innovation and entrepreneurship. Their visionary leadership has not only transformed their respective companies but has also positioned India as a hub for cutting-edge technology and biotechnology advancements. Financial Powerhouses In the financial world, names like Chanda Kochhar, who was the CEO of ICICI Bank, and Nirmala Sitharaman, India's first female Finance Minister, stand out as powerful trailblazers. These women have demonstrated that financial acumen knows no gender boundaries, and their expertise has a far-reaching impact on India's economic growth and global financial stability. Healthcare Visionaries In the healthcare sector, women leaders like Dr Swati Piramal and Dr Devi Shetty have made significant strides in
  • 9. (7) Fierce 'n Fantastic healthcare innovation and accessibility. Their pioneering efforts in pharmaceuticals and cardiac surgery, respectively, have not only transformed patient care in India but have also earned global recognition. Manufacturing and Beyond Even in the traditionally male-dominated manufacturing and automotive industries, women leaders such as Anjali Bansal and Sulajja Firodia Motwani have played pivotal roles in steering companies toward success. Their resilience and strategic insights have demonstrated that gender diversity is not just a buzzword but a driving force behind sustainable growth. Championing Diversity and Inclusion What sets Indian women business leaders apart is not just their individual achievements but their commitment to championing diversity and inclusion in the workplace. They recognize that fostering an inclusive environment not only enhances productivity but also nurtures innovation and creativity. As we reflect on their remarkable achievements, we must recognize that their journey is far from over. It is a journey that continues to inspire, motivate, and pave the way for countless others who dare to dream and aspire to leadership roles. The momentum generated by these trailblazers has set in motion a transformation that will continue to reverberate across generations. It is a transformation that extends beyond corporate corridors, reaching into every corner of society, redefining norms, and dismantling stereotypes. Indian women in business leadership are not only driving economic growth and innovation but also serving as role models, mentors, and champions of gender equality. The emergence of Indian women as a potent force in business leadership is a testament to their unwavering determination, intellect, and resilience. Their influence is not confined to the borders of India but extends across the globe, shaping the future of industries, economies, and societies. As these women continue to break new ground and inspire future generations, they exemplify the adage: ‘When women support each other, incredible things happen.’ Their stories of triumph serve as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path for aspiring women leaders everywhere and reaffirming that, indeed, the future is both fierce and fantastic. September | 2023
  • 10. Story Manchanda India’s Fastest Emerging Socio-Entrepreneurial Empress of the Political Arena ll our lives are about choices. The Amoment we gain a conscious ‘I,’ we course our own destiny by opting for one alternative over others. At every turn of our lifetime, when we reflect on ourselves with an outside-in vision, we can see our past as a movie that could teach us how to reshape our future, only if we can stick to the endeavouring spirit churning in our innate nature. All right, external factors matter! What matters the most are our responses to the external forces trying to dominate our living force. As they say, every action has an equal and opposite reaction; if we do good, and strive to do good through all of our actions, then only good will happen to us in the long run. There are some dreams that will not come true, even if you are ready to die for it. So instead of wasting your life in false hope, it is better to pursue other dreams. Because all the time, more than dreaming, doing something good to be remembered forever is the only way to ensure your worth of being alive. That is how, when her childhood dream did not come true, Zarine Manchanda changed her track.
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  • 12. The Shining Light of the Golden Starlet After the successful launch in 2019 of an NGO, the Zarine Manchanda Foundation, which generated strong media coverage and was felicitated with numerous prestigious awards, including two National Awards, two Governor Awards, and the Nelson Mandela Peace Award, Zarine decided to move into entrepreneurship. She established several businesses in different sectors that bear her name. Happily for her, Zarine’s foray into entrepreneurship was not really a saga, as the decisions to launch her various companies came in a comfortable and organic manner. In addition to her charity foundation cum NGO, Zarine now owns and operates five companies: • Zarine Manchanda Cafe, • Zarine Manchanda’s Flavours of the Himachal Pradesh restaurant, • Heavenly Flavours Cloud Kitchen, • Zarine Manchanda Premium Security Agency, and • Zarine Manchanda Treasures of the Himalayas. With all the businesses operating successfully, Zarine is now looking to expand and franchise these businesses beyond Mumbai into other cities and locations in India and internationally. A Successful Visionary Sharing her inspiration behind venturing into the corporate world, Zarine says, “I always had the vision to be a successful entrepreneur and to grow my businesses so that they would be impactful on the international stage. I never wavered in my self-belief; rather, it was mainly a question of launching the businesses at the proper time, and once my foundation became successful, it seemed logical to transition into the entrepreneurial world.” Zarine’s primary inspiration came from her beloved parents. Her father was a respected politician and minister in Himachal Pradesh, where she grew up, and he was a highly successful businessman with business holdings in many different sectors. She remembers, “Growing up with him, I saw first-hand how a CEO operates; how important it is to have a bold and unique vision, and to be adaptable, to change course in an ever-changing business environment. And my inner strength comes from my beloved mother. She raised me to have a purposeful life. To do good. To help others. To empower them, and to lead by example.” To highlight her leadership skills, values and qualities people greatly admire, Zarine guesses this would be a great place to add testimonials from her fine employees or from media executives who have chosen to feature and profile her, or from the organizers of various award galas who have felicitated her! “But to provide insights into this answer, I would say people admire my spiritual qualities first and foremost. I speak of spiritual matters all the time, and this topic comes up in virtually all of my conversations. But even more important than the words are actions.” Thanks to her beloved mother, Zarine was always raised to be compassionate. Always look to help people. Always act with good karma and good intentions so that God is pleased. And if he is pleased, good things will come here on earth in her life’s journey. Beyond the Spiritual Realm Zarine thinks people admire her because of her bold vision and her insistence on establishing a strong USP with unique branding for all of her business enterprises. She insists, “I do not follow the crowd; I always want my companies and business model to be unique and to be the first in a given sector. Whether it is operating India’s first seven-star café-Zarine Manchanda Café Or being the first woman to own and operate a premium security company in India, as is shown through her Zarine Manchanda Premium Security Agency. Or whether it is opening India’s first truly Himachal restaurant, as is her new restaurant, Zarine Manchanda’s Flavors of the Himachal Pradesh. “To be unique, to be the first, and to not follow the crowd had always been my father’s mantra,” she informs. Zarine’s father was a very successful entrepreneur and businessman. When asked to brief her USPs and how she is currently positioned as one of the dynamically multitalented personalities, Zarine says she is flattered by the question. “So, I will do my level best to answer! My businesses encompass a fairly wide range of sectors. From a hospitality industry café, restaurant and cloud kitchen, on the one hand, to a security company and fine decor business offering showpiece gifts and other collectables. In all these businesses, I strive to the maximum extent to brand these companies with luxury and spiritual charm. For example, my café and new restaurant offer seven-star
  • 13. decor from floor to ceiling, including the finest crockery and cutlery. Beyond this luxurious appeal, we introduced spiritual charm in that our waiter staff rings beautiful Tibetan Bells to provide a blessing when they bring food and drinks to a guest’s table.” The bells are from Dharamshala, where Zarine grew up near the home of the Dalai Lama. She adds, “Our guests love this wonderful and unique blessing!” A similar standard of luxury is stamped with her premium security agency as their security guards and other employees wear elegant and colourful uniforms, and they are trained to provide impeccable service that makes their clients feel safe, secure, and comfortable when the guards are on duty at their premises. Zarine believes the concepts of luxury and spiritual charm can be deeply entwined so that customers and clients feel they are receiving the best service in an elegant, refined manner. And also to provide blessings and the highest ethical standards. “So that my businesses grow and prosper in a positive way through client and customer loyalty.” Levelling the Playing Field Regarding her current positioning, Zarine is very pleased that her extensive media coverage includes all of India’s most prestigious publications. As such, she has been profiled and featured in leading business, economic and political magazines and publications that focus on beauty, glamour and lifestyle. In this way, she is probably one of a
  • 14. rare few women to receive coverage in such diverse and varied publications, and she hopes it is a testament to her skills and vision as a businesswoman and CEO and aspiring politician on one side but also in a way that her lifestyle and fashion tastes are also recognized and praised. When probed about considering the current industry scenario, and being a woman leader, what kind of challenges Zarine faces, and how she drives herself to overcome them, Zarine says, “I am proud to be an Indian, proud to be a woman, and proud that India takes giant steps every generation to increase possibilities for young girls throughout our country to be educated, and to have as many career and business opportunities available as possible.” But the playing field is not yet equal, and there are still stubborn stereotypes and resistance to women and girls being afforded the same respect and opportunities as men and boys can take for granted. The fact that she is a young woman entrepreneur only adds to that challenge. Because there are so few young women in the entrepreneurial arena. While this general societal and cultural imbalance exists, things are improving. Zarine believes she can do her part to correct the imbalance and remedy the situation by being empowered, keeping her bold vision and USP constantly in place, and insisting on leading and not following. “All of us women can think and act this way. And if we coalesce around these points, that gap will narrow quickly and permanently as it should.” A Generational Bold Step Forward Perhaps again, due to her upbringing and the strong values instilled in her by her dynamic, charismatic father, who was a successful businessman and prominent minister, as well as her mother, who raised her with a compassionate heart and focused on helping others, whenever Zarine meets a new industry contact in media, philanthropy, politics, government, or other business, she feels she receives immediate respect and admiration. She hopes this is because of the values instilled in her by her parents. Zarine further says that, of course, entrepreneurship is crucial. “As I already said, each generation seems to take a bold, positive step forward regarding evening the playing field for men and women, boys and girls.” Girls and women have every right to be mentally and financially independent and not rely on husbands or others as sole providers. If she can, Zarine wants to lead by example and show girls and women that anything is possible if you dream, envision, think, strategize, and act in a big and bold manner. She always says: ‘Don’t follow the trend, because trends come and go. But bold vision and bolder actions are timeless and can survive the fickle nature of trends.’ Right now, if you ask every young girl in India what she wants to be when she grows up, probably 90% will answer a Bollywood actress and a movie star! But she believes that in one generation or two generations, after her business career and life is over, she hopes that young girls in the future will reply that they want to be a philanthropist or an entrepreneur! “And this is the legacy I hope to have in my own life. So that girls and women can succeed in many sectors beyond the glamour industry.”
  • 15. Making Your Own Mark In her advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into any industry they wish to, especially to women entrepreneurs, Zarine says that she has already said it previously, but it deserves emphasis again. ‘Dream big and bold and follow your dreams. Please do not follow the crowd. As it is easy to get lost that way. Create a bold vision in your mind and then take the steps confidently to achieve whatever that vision is. Create a USP that is unique to your life experiences. Always have a plan B, even a plan C. Because so often, our plan A does not materialize for one reason or another. We must adapt to life’s challenges, problems, and misfortunes.’ “On this point, I will note that, as I just mentioned, when I was a little girl, I aspired to be a Bollywood actress and wanted to be a famous movie star! I came to Mumbai, leaving my ‘Princess Life’ behind in Himachal Pradesh. I struggled to crack into Bollywood. However, I always had a B plan and a C plan due to my father’s profound influence on me. So I knew that politics, commerce, and entrepreneurship were a natural fit for me due to my blessed DNA. And so, at my lowest point, struggling to make my mark in Bollywood, I opened my NGO cum charity foundation, which propelled me to the success I now have in both the non-profit and for-profit worlds. And focus on your legacy as I do. How do you want people to remember you when you are gone from this world, and what can you do during this precious life to make sure that you have a legacy that survives and thrives? These questions-and the answers to the questions-are always on my mind.” From an Ideal to an Ideology Zarine says she is extremely busy as a young woman entrepreneur with many businesses bearing her name. She hopes the very fact that she operates so many businesses as a young woman entrepreneur helps other women entrepreneurs. Because numerous media outlets have covered her life story, values, business model, and branding concepts in rich detail. Thus, she hopes this USP of Zarine Manchanda–India’s Powerful Woman Business Leader to Follow–helps other women entrepreneurs. On envisioning moving ahead in the future, Zarine says that she has bold visions. She works extremely hard and is very ambitious! With the successes of her various companies to date, she is now exploring and expanding each of these companies into other cities in India and even internationally. “I firmly believe that blending luxury and spiritual charm as I have done till date is a winning business concept, and each of my growing businesses proves this point,” she says. According to Zarine, leadership should be the same whether it comes from a man or a woman. The same qualities that people admire in men, they should admire in women as well. This is why she wants the playing field to be completely equal in our country. Take Action She mentions, again and again, the need for a bold vision and bold actions. The need to have a personalized USP based on life experiences and specific business models being implemented, and the need not to follow the crowd or to follow trends. But all this advice applies equally to a man or a woman. “For us women, I think it is important to craft our own leadership and management style.” Strength does not always equate with physical strength or even decibel levels! Women can lead and govern differently. To be sure, it still requires force and dynamism. But this can be uniquely feminine in terms of how it is developed and implemented. For herself, Zarine enjoyed a princess life growing up thanks to her father. This explains why it was so easy to introduce a luxury component into the branding of her - -
  • 16. various enterprises. Her mother instilled in Zarine the core beliefs and values she lives by. Especially her strong spiritual part. From this standpoint, it was easy to bring spiritual charm into her business vision. Transform the Times Ahead It was due to this vision that, alongside winning several awards, Zarine had also been conferred a doctorate. And she won numerous awards from prestigious media outlets for her entrepreneurship and multiple business expansion. Zarine proudly serves as Regional Director for India’s BRICS CCI (Chamber of Commerce of India). It is a trade organization that looks to facilitate and expand India’s bilateral trade relations with other member countries, including Brazil, Russia, China, and South Africa. She is also proud to serve as Chairperson and Editor-in- Chief for the states of Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Goa for India’s National Council of News and Broadcasting. Finally, with her strong interest in politics and the success in building her political base through her charity foundation, which has hosted over 500 charity programs since its inception in 2019, Zarine is entering politics and contesting elections in 2024 as MLA candidate in Andheri through her national party-Zarine Manchanda People’s Party. ,
  • 17. Stay in the known. Subscribe to CIOLOOKINDIA Get CIOLOOKINDIA Magazine in print and digital on SUBSCRIBE TODAY
  • 18. n the landscape of modern business, gender equality Ihas emerged as a rallying cry, and it’s not just a matter of social justice; it’s a matter of economic imperative. For centuries, women have been underrepresented in leadership positions, stifling the full potential of our global economy. However, as we venture further into the 21st century, women leaders (including social, business, and political) are proving themselves not only as a driving force of change but also as the bridge builders in the quest for gender equality. In India, it begun with stalwarts like Savitribai Phule, Sarojini Nayadu, Sindhutai Sapkal, Ahilyabai Holkar, Anandibai Joshi, Indira Gandhi, and Kalpana Chawla. Modern women business leaders serve as living proof that gender is not a determinant of success. Their remarkable journeys from entry-level positions to executive suites inspire young women to believe in their potential and aspire to leadership roles. By showcasing their achievements, these leaders demonstrate that gender should never be a hindrance to pursuing one’s career goals. This exploration delves into the dynamic world of modern women business leaders and explores how they are championing the cause of gender equality, not just within their organizations but also across industries and societies at large. The Unveiling of Modern Women Business Leaders The dawn of the 21st century brought with it a remarkable transformation in the business world. Women, who had historically faced formidable barriers in ascending the corporate ladder, began to break through the glass ceiling with determination and ingenuity. How ModernWomen Business Leaders Can Bridge the Gender Divide? Names like Sudha Murthy, Chanda Kochar, Arundhati Bhattacharya, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Kiran Bedi, Dr Swati Piramal, and Dr Devi Shetty have become synonymous with leadership excellence, inspiring a new generation of women to rise to the occasion. Their journeys are a testament to the transformative power of resilience, education, and empowerment. Championing Gender Equality from the Top Down One of the most significant contributions of modern women business leaders is their unwavering commitment to gender equality within their organizations. They understand that true change begins at the top, and they are taking concrete steps to create inclusive cultures where everyone, regardless of gender, has equal opportunities to thrive. These leaders are actively promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives, setting targets for female representation at all levels of their companies, and implementing policies that address gender pay gaps. Their efforts are not merely symbolic but are driving tangible change in corporate landscapes. Beyond the Boardroom: Advocating for Change Modern women business leaders understand that their influence extends beyond their respective boardrooms. They are using their platforms and visibility to advocate for systemic change. These leaders are actively participating in public discourse, addressing issues such as equal pay, parental leave policies, and mentorship programs that support women in leadership roles. Through initiatives like Lean In Circles, the 30% Club, and HeForShe, these leaders are engaging with the broader community to foster a more inclusive and equitable future September | 2023 (16)
  • 20. for all. They are leveraging their experiences and expertise to inspire and empower the next generation of female leaders. Mentorship and Paying It Forward One of the most significant ways modern women business leaders are bridging the gender divide is through mentorship. They recognize the importance of guiding and nurturing young talent, particularly women, to help them navigate the challenges of the corporate world. These leaders are actively mentoring and sponsoring aspiring women, providing them with opportunities, and helping them build the skills and confidence needed to succeed in leadership positions. By paying it forward, they are creating a ripple effect that will continue to shape the future of business leadership. A Bridge to a Brighter Future In the quest for gender equality, modern women business leaders have emerged as powerful agents of change, not only within their respective organizations but also in shaping a more equitable and inclusive world for future generations. Their influence extends far beyond the boardroom, as they actively work to dismantle systemic barriers, inspire young talent, and create a business environment that values diversity and equal opportunity. In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business, women business leaders are not just breaking barriers; they are building bridges. They are the architects of change, the champions of equality, and the role models for generations to come. As we celebrate their achievements, it’s clear that the gender divide is gradually narrowing, and the path to gender equality is becoming more defined. However, the journey is far from over. Modern women business leaders are acutely aware that much work remains to be done. They are unwavering in their commitment to creating a world where gender equality is not a distant aspiration but a lived reality. Their efforts, both within their organizations and beyond, are a testament to the transformative power of leadership, and they serve as a beacon of hope for a future where gender equality knows no bounds. As they continue to lead, mentor, and advocate, these women are not just shaping industries; they are shaping a brighter and more equal future for all. (18)
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