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Vol. 11 | Issue 05
Leadership Par Excellence
How the Directorial
Prominence is Transforming
the Global Corporates?
Srividhya R
Director at SVAAS and
Managing Director
toFollow in 2023
A Monumental Odyssey of an HI-TECH Engineering
Mind Direc ng the Success Saga
Srividhya R
Change Makers
Challenges and Opportuni es
for Most Prominent
Directors to Drive Global
Business Success
Editor’s Note
n the intricate world of corporate leadership, the
Itrajectory is often steered by the vision and acumen of
the individuals at the helm. As 2023 unfolds, the
spotlight shines on a cadre of distinguished directors, whose
strategic brilliance and innovative thinking are reshaping
industries and driving progress. These trailblazers aren’t
just emblematic figures in boardrooms; they are visionaries,
heralding a new era of business dynamics, market
disruptions, and inclusive growth.
Renowned for their pioneering leadership style, these
visionaries have catalyzed paradigm shifts within the
industry, leveraging a unique blend of innovation and
strategic foresight. Their transformative initiatives and
disruptive strategies have propelled their company toward
unprecedented growth and market dominance. Known for
steering their organization through uncharted territories,
these directors have exemplified resilience and adaptability
in the face of evolving market landscapes. Their emphasis
on sustainable business models and technological
innovation has positioned their company as a beacon of
Regarded as mavens of strategic governance, they have
masterfully orchestrated their companies journey by
instilling a culture of resilience and agility. Their adept
navigation through challenges and commitment to ethical
leadership has earned admiration and acclaim in the
industry. With indomitable spirits and futuristic approaches,
these leaders have carved an indelible mark in the corporate
realm. Their unwavering commitment to excellence,
coupled with a forward-thinking mindset, has propelled
their company toward sustained growth and innovation.
Catalysts of change and advocates for inclusivity, they have
redefined the paradigm of corporate leadership. Their
emphasis on diversity, equity, and ethical governance has
not only fostered a positive work culture but has also led to
remarkable business outcomes.
In a dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, these
directors stand out as beacons of inspiration, steering their
organizations toward resilience, innovation, and sustainable
growth. As we navigate through the complexities of 2023,
their leadership serves as a guiding light, illuminating the
path toward a progressive and inclusive future.
To celebrate their outstanding journey, Insights Success has
brought this exclusive edition of ‘The 5 Most Prominent
Directors to Follow in 2023,’ to let you witness
inspirational sagas to amaze at. Dive in and enjoy!
Cover Story
A Monumental Odyssey of an HI-TECH Engineering
Mind Direc ng the Success Saga
Srividhya R
Leadership Par Excellence
How the Directorial
Prominence is Transforming
the Global Corporates?
Change Makers
Challenges and Opportuni es
for Most Prominent
Directors to Drive Global
Business Success
A Mightily Compassionate and
Effective Brand Marketing
Bhiju Raj
P rofiles
Spellbinding You in the Highly
Immersive Woodcraft Events & Entertainment
Deepak Chaudhary
Insights Success Media Tech LLC
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Dublin, OH 43017, United States
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Vol. 11 | Issue 05
Leadership Par Excellence
How the Directorial
Prominance is Transforming
the Global Corporates?
Srividhya R
Director at SVAAS and
Managing Dir
toFollow in 2023
A Monumental Odyssey of an HI-TECH Engineering
Mind Direc ng the Success Saga
Srividhya R
Change Makers
Challenges and Opportuni es
for Most Prominent
Directors to Drive Global
Business Success
Featuring Brief
Deepak is an experienced Director of Woodcraft with a
demonstrated history of working in the events services industry.
Atul Gupta is the Director of CloudVandana Solutions, a
salesforce registered consulting partner and ISV partner for the
last seven years.
With the largest medical coding staff in the world combined with
Technology/Automation/Analytic driven capabilities, Bhiju Raj is
leading Omega, the provider of end-to-end RCM and Clinical
Solutions in Healthcare.
Deepak Chaudhary,
Atul Gupta,
Bhiju Raj,
Director of Marketing
and Corporate
Woodcraft Events
& Entertainment
Omega Healthcare
Management Services
Sabyasachi is Executive Director and Head of Growth Sectors,
Digital Transformation, and Strategy Lead for Project
Management Business at JLL, India.
Sabyasachi Chatterjee,
Executive Director JLL India
Srividhya R is the Director of SVAAS INFRAMAX SOLUTIONS
OPC PVT LTD, the Managing Director of HI-TECH ENGINEERING
SOLUTIONS, and the Regional Manager at CADS Software India
Pvt Limited.
Srividhya R,
Director and
Managing Director
toFollow in 2023
A Monumental Odyssey of an HI-TECH Engineering
Mind Direc ng the Success Saga
Srividhya R
Srividhya R's story is a
testament to the limitless
poten al of individuals to
challenge norms, sha er
stereotypes, and lead the
way toward a more inclusive
and equal future.
Srividhya R
Director at SVAAS and
Managing Director at HI-TECH
The cause of gender equality in every field,
especially fields like realty, civil construction, and
high-tech engineering, needs more role models like
Srividhya R, Director of SVAAS INFRAMAX
SOLUTIONS OPC PVT LTD and Managing Director of
In industries traditionally perceived as masculine, such as
realty, civil construction, and high-tech engineering, her
presence is a testament to the indomitable spirit of women
challenging the status quo.
These fields, laden with laborious on-site work and
technical intricacies, have long been regarded as male-
dominated bastions. Yet, it's not just the visible barriers but
also the intangible wall of perception that Srividhya
confronted. Through unwavering determination and
relentless efforts, she has carved a niche in these industries,
defying convention and prevailing against all odds.
Pioneering Gender Equality in Industry Leadership
Recognized for her remarkable contributions, Srividhya has
received accolades such as the 'Most Admirable
Engineering Solutions Provider to the Construction
Industry' by Business Connect Group and Indo Global
Entrepreneurship Conclave in October 2023. She was also
honoured with the 'Women Leadership at Work' award at
the Asian Woman Leadership Awards in the same month.
These achievements underscore her trailblazing journey and
signify her emergence as one of 'The Most Prominent
Directors to Follow in 2023.’
Srividhya R's story is a testament to the limitless potential
of individuals to challenge norms, shatter stereotypes, and
lead the way toward a more inclusive and equal future. Her
journey embodies the spirit of resilience and the belief that
true progress lies in empowering and recognizing the
contributions of women in every field.
As we delve deeper into her remarkable accomplishments
and vision for the future, we unveil a narrative of
inspiration and transformation that goes beyond borders and
redefines industry leadership.
Through Life's Twists and Turns
Life's grand tapestry creates stories that inspire, stories that
transcend boundaries and redefine what's possible.
Srividhya's journey is an extraordinary narrative marked by
personal triumphs that resonate with the indomitable spirit
of resilience. Born into a middle-class Tamil Brahmin
family in Chennai, where societal expectations often cast a
predetermined outline for life, Srividhya's story is an
odyssey of breaking barriers and forging her unique path.
Her father, a dedicated school teacher, instilled values of
disciplined growth, academic excellence, and a grounded
approach in her. This upbringing laid the foundation for her
to secure the first position in every educational endeavour.
Her exceptional dedication and perseverance were
recognized by the government, earning her a merit
certificate for being a state rank holder during her school
education under the Tamil Nadu Education Board. This
distinction paved the way for her engineering studies under
the 100% scholarship of the Meritorious Student Scheme.
However, the journey of personal triumphs was not without
its formidable challenges. The most poignant chapter of
Srividhya's life unfolded when she lost her mother at a
tender age, a moment of profound grief and loss that can
have lasting repercussions on the well-being of young
The absence of her mother's support, guidance, and love
left a chasm in her life, an emptiness that seemed
impossible to fill, leading her into a realm of loneliness and
The 5 Most Prominent Directors to Follow in 2023
Having visited many of the
construc on projects, I wished to
create a unique solu on to the rising
steel waste crisis across all
construc on sites, which had
impacted a major por on of
construc on costs and hence delays
in comple ng the work.
Finding Her Mettle
Yet, even in the face of such adversity, Srividhya's inner
strength and resilience shone through. Inspired by words of
wisdom, she embarked on a path of self-affirmation, a
practice that breathed new life into her mornings. The
affirmations became a powerful force that drove her to a
string of successful moments, each paving the way for her
career's ascension.
As her education continued, the entrepreneurial spirit
within her began to stir. Recognizing the burgeoning real
estate industry in Chennai, she decided to create a portfolio
of building elevations and flat plans meticulously crafted to
incorporate Vastu principles. This bold step disrupted the
construction industry, earning her projects to design from
concept to completion.
The void of a role model in her early engineering days was
filled by someone impressed with her work, who later
became her idol and nurtured her early development in the
industry. This strong foundation laid the groundwork for
numerous successful construction projects in Tamil Nadu,
establishing her as a profound entrepreneur.
Winning Over a Personal War
Yet, the journey of a first-generation entrepreneur is seldom
without its trials, both financial and mental. Srividhya
encountered her share of challenges but persevered with
unwavering determination. She soon realized that the
support of other family income sources was not a necessity
when she possessed the power to handle things
independently. Armed with a resolute will and a positive
mindset, she turned struggles into sources of empowerment.
Her children emerged as her unwavering pillars of strength,
bolstering her professional journey with an unwavering
In the 1990s, when the concept of startups was still in its
infancy, Srividhya took a leap of faith. She embraced the
power of a positive approach as her only investment and
converted a room in her house into a workspace and office.
Back then, most business owners were successors of family-
run enterprises, but Srividhya, unlike others in the industry,
was entirely self-made. She built her company from scratch,
understanding that success often requires managing
personal and professional life with finesse.
Learning from Loosing
While her first business may not have yielded immediate
commercial success, she refused to let discouragement
cloud her vision. Instead, she persisted with grit and
determination. She realized that the initial steps may
appear futile or laborious, but to grow, every avenue must
be explored. Srividhya firmly believes that viewing business
challenges as hurdles makes them exactly that.
She advocates for a collective mindset, emphasizing that
those who have supported her from the very beginning have
complemented her attributes. She acknowledges that
learning is a two-way street, and true growth is achieved
when an organization collectively learns and evolves.
Srividhya's journey is a testament to personal triumphs that
inspire and captivate. Her story is a vivid reminder that
while life may present formidable challenges, it is our
unwavering resolve and relentless determination that pave
the path to remarkable success.
Srividhya's Saga of Success
In the annals of success, there are those whose journeys not
only defy the odds but also shatter long-standing gender
norms. Srividhya R, a civil engineer by education and
profession, is one such trailblazer who embarked on a
remarkable odyssey within the confines of a traditionally
male-centric field. Her story is a testament to resilience,
determination, and a relentless pursuit of her dreams,
regardless of the challenges that came her way.
As a female civil engineer, Srividhya faced a multitude of
hurdles and uncharted territory. The male-dominated sphere
of realty, civil construction, and high-tech engineering was
riddled with erratic working hours and frequent conflicts
among labourers. She distinctly recalls when she
inaugurated her first professional venture, HI-TECH Group,
in Chennai in 1998. It was a pivotal milestone that marked
the beginning of her journey in the industry.
Shattering Gender Norms in a Male-Centric Field
The transition from working under a male boss to
establishing herself as a female leader, especially in
fieldwork, was fraught with difficulties. Initially, she
encountered threats and discouragement, suggesting she
should revert to desk jobs or consider further studies to
avoid potentially dangerous situations. However,
Srividhya's intrinsic passion and her unwavering vision for
the success of her business ventures propelled her to take
'good risks.' With determination as her compass, she
fearlessly undertook large-scale construction projects across
Chennai and Tamil Nadu.
Srividhya's saga of success serves as an inspiration not only
for women but for anyone striving to break through societal
norms and carve their own path in a challenging and
unconventional field. Her journey is a testament to the
power of passion, resilience, and the courage to undertake
challenges that pave the way for transformation and set new
standards of excellence.
Thus, she received her first Award of 'Successful Women
Entrepreneur of the Year' from IOB, Women Entrepreneur
Branch, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, in 2001. She also received
opportunities to build and deliver many Duplex Houses in
and around Chennai. Due to her success, she has been
affectionately nicknamed Duplex Vidhya among her
professional admirers.
Later, when the family situation forced her and her family
to move from Chennai to New Delhi, Srividhya decided to
launch a similar concept of researching the Industry needs
firstly in New Delhi and Delhi-NCR locations. "Having
visited many of the construction projects, I wished to create
a unique solution to the rising steel waste crisis across all
construction sites, which had impacted a major portion of
construction costs and hence delays in completing the
work," she informs. Thus, the HI-TECH Journey began
again in 2006 from New Delhi, covering all major turn-key
contractors in India as their premium clients.
Due to the company's recognition by numerous associations
and organisations, such as the Bureau of Indian Standards
(BIS), the Structural Engineering Forum, Builders
Association, IITs, other Government bodies like Metro Rail,
NHAI, CPWD, NTPC/NHPC, AAI etc. categorically
approve HI-TECH's products as an accredited vendor to all
their Premium Projects. "Thus, it increased our customer
base. With several branch offices and stockyards, our group
is currently able to provide great coverage throughout all of
India and South Asia. Our HI-TECH group has expanded
its horizons into various key solutions by Steel Products of
HI-TECH-Reinforcement Couplers to minimize steel
wastage and scrap for more than 15% of Overall
Construction Cost, Specialized Foundation Supportive
Bolts, Earthquake preventive Products, etc. We have also
introduced Another Vertical of Construction Chemicals to
maintain all Infrastructures from Water Seepages,
Leakages, Corrosion, Fire, Abrasions etc.," she informs.
Surmounting Challenges
According to Srividhya, in the construction industry, one
knows all too well the fragility and turbulence that used to
define the landscape. It was a world where contractors and
vendors often found themselves at the mercy of these ever-
volatile conditions. Srividhya, a name synonymous with
perseverance, understands this reality all too well. She
recalls the daunting experiences of facing severe losses
during the tumultuous periods of demonetization and the
introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India,
which sent shockwaves through the industry.
At HI-TECH Group, we aim
to deliver the highest
levels of customer service
and value across a range
of our Exclusive Product
solu ons.
Demonetization marked a significant shift in the financial
landscape of India, and the introduction of GST ushered in
a new taxation system that was entirely uncharted. The
transformation from cash-based transactions to an online
framework was particularly challenging for construction
labourers and had a profound impact on the civil industry in
2017 and 2018. It was a trying time, but Srividhya's
unwavering resilience and strong mindset propelled her to
navigate the tumultuous tides of both life and business
She notes, "We successfully managed those remarkable
changes in the industry with a systematic approach and
proceeded toward a brighter future." Her unyielding
commitment to overcoming these hurdles became the
bedrock upon which she built her path to success.
Resilience in the Face of Turbulent Tides
Then, the world was thrust into the uncharted territory of a
global pandemic in 2020. It was a hurdle of unprecedented
proportions, especially for an industry like construction,
where remote work was simply not an option. Every aspect
of business was disrupted, and lives were at stake.
Srividhya recounts how her entire HI-TECH Group
confronted this unforeseen challenge with courage and
meticulous safety measures.
They navigated the complex landscape, striving to complete
existing projects while adhering to government regulations
and travel restrictions. Supply chain interruptions and
project suspensions further compounded the challenges.
Yet, they persevered, and when the government eased its
stay-at-home norms, they swiftly resumed their work.
Health and safety were prioritized over all other business
commitments, underscoring Srividhya's unwavering
dedication to the well-being of her team and the
Srividhya's journey is a testament to her resilience and
adaptability. She demonstrated how she surmounted
formidable challenges and emerged stronger, reflecting the
spirit of an indomitable leader confronting adversity with
courage and conviction.
Aiming for the Highest Level of Perfection
Today, HI-TECH is a certified SSI unit qualified with ISO
9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and OHSAS 45001:2018. It is
known for its cost-effective solutions not only pan India but
also has a strong presence in Asia. Srividhya feels that it is
a genuinely astonishing and humbling accomplishment in
her professional career to have won honours from many
Seminars among industry pioneers and availing 'Best
Technical Support to Their Key Projects' from the
Builders Association of India (BAI) and ACE, Premium
Exhibitors of the Construction Engineering. The
significance of technical expertise and problem-solving
abilities in fostering positive change and reaching project
objectives is reinforced by this award.
"At HI-TECH Group, we aim to deliver the highest levels of
customer service and value across a range of our Exclusive
Product solutions," says Srividhya, adding that they focus
on continuous improvement in every area to ensure that
their staff and processes are always developing to create a
niche in the industry.
She furthers that they want their customers to think first of
HI-TECH and join them in collaboratively promoting best
practices in the industry. "We strongly believe that our true
business partners are our supportive team, family and
friends who always believed in our choices and supported
us in tough times," adds Srividhya.
With the advancements in technology and infrastructure, the
construction industry has become extremely competitive.
Srividhya inspires aspirants not
only to dream but to take bold
steps towards making those
dreams a reality, crea ng their
path to success in the ever-
evolving entrepreneurship
However, she believes that 'competition creates winners
and helps one define their meritorious areas.' The
competition in the market pushes an entrepreneur to come
up with higher or better-performing products and keeps
them on their toes at all times.
Forging Your Path to Success
Srividya, an ideal of resilience and entrepreneurship, has
journeyed through the riveting roller coaster of emotions
that define the path of an entrepreneur. She understands the
tremendous highs and daunting lows that come with the
territory, but her steadfast belief in forging one's path and
creating opportunities rather than waiting for them to knock
on your door has been her guiding light.
She imparts a message of empowerment to aspiring
entrepreneurs, emphasizing the importance of connecting
with some of the greatest minds in the field. Srividya's
journey is a testament to the idea that one can indeed craft a
unique entry into the world of business, defining one's
trajectory and destiny.
Inspirational quotes have played a pivotal role in her
journey, serving as beacons of motivation during moments
of uncertainty and challenges. A few of her favourite quotes
encapsulate her entrepreneurial spirit:
“The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter
“Winners never quit, and quitters never win." - Vince
Lombardi. "Maintain a positive attitude. That's essential
for success. And having a positive attitude is a conscious
These quotes echo the essence of Srividya's message to
aspiring entrepreneurs:
Ÿ Seize the opportunities.
Ÿ Persist in the face of adversity.
Ÿ Let a positive attitude be your guiding star.
She inspires them not only to dream but to take bold steps
towards making those dreams a reality, creating their path
to success in the ever-evolving entrepreneurship landscape.
Howthe Directorial
Leadership Par Excellence
16 |November, 2023
n the expansive cosmos of corporate governance, the
Irole of directors has undergone a transformative
evolution, transcending beyond traditional boundaries
to become the vanguards of organizational success. As the
dynamics of global business continue to evolve, the
emergence of directorial prominence has become a defining
force shaping the ethos of modern corporations.
The position of a director in contemporary corporate
structures is no longer confined to conventional oversight
but has evolved into a pivotal role that navigates
complexities, drives innovation, and steers strategic
decisions. Directors now wield an unprecedented level of
influence, offering a visionary perspective that extends
beyond profit margins to encompass social responsibility,
sustainability, and ethical governance.
Unveiling the Evolution of Directorial Eminence in
Global Corporations
In today’s globalized economy, the significance of directors
as custodians of corporate culture and strategy is
paramount. They serve as stewards, guiding organizations
through turbulent market landscapes, disruptive
technological advancements, and ever-changing consumer
preferences. Their leadership is instrumental in fostering a
culture of adaptability, resilience, and innovation within
The hallmark of directorial prominence lies in the ability to
foster an environment that values diversity, inclusion, and
ethical conduct. Visionary directors lead by example,
championing initiatives that prioritize environmental
stewardship, social impact, and stakeholder engagement,
thereby amplifying the organization’s reputation and brand
Amidst this transformative era, the rise of directorial
prominence in global corporates signifies a shift toward a
more holistic and sustainable approach to business.
Directors are no longer just custodians of profit; they are
architects of change, spearheading initiatives that not only
drive financial growth but also contribute positively to
society and the planet.
This exploration delves into the multifaceted dimensions of
directorial prominence, shedding light on the strategic
prowess, visionary leadership, and ethical governance that
propel these directors to the forefront of global
corporations, shaping the contours of contemporary
business paradigms.
17 |November, 2023
Redefining Corporate Dynamics
In the ever-evolving landscape of global corporations, the
role of directors has transcended conventional boundaries,
evolving into a pivotal force driving transformative change
and setting new benchmarks for corporate governance. This
paradigm shift has heralded an era where directorial
prominence is not merely about overseeing operations but
embodies visionary leadership, strategic acumen, and
ethical stewardship, redefining the essence of corporate
dynamics worldwide.
The Emergence of Directorial Prominence:
Directorial prominence today represents an amalgamation
of leadership traits that extend far beyond the boardroom.
Visionary directors, armed with a deep understanding of
market dynamics and a keen eye for innovation, spearhead
organizations through complex challenges and
uncertainties. Their role is no longer limited to profit
generation but encompasses a holistic approach that
integrates ethical practices, sustainability initiatives, and
social responsibility into the fabric of corporate decision-
Navigating Complexity and Driving Innovation:
Directors operating in today’s global corporates are tasked
with navigating an increasingly complex business
landscape. They are catalysts for innovation, fostering a
culture of creativity and adaptive thinking within
organizations. By leveraging technological advancements
and embracing disruptive trends, these leaders propel their
companies towards future readiness, ensuring agility and
relevance in rapidly evolving markets.
Strategic Prowess and Ethical Governance:
At the helm of global enterprises, prominent directors
exhibit unparalleled strategic prowess. They formulate and
execute long-term visions while fostering an environment
that encourages diversity, inclusivity, and ethical conduct.
These leaders champion initiatives aimed at environmental
sustainability, social impact, and stakeholder engagement,
aligning corporate strategies with societal needs and
Cultivating a Culture of Excellence and Adaptability:
Directorial prominence is intrinsically linked to cultivating
a culture of excellence and adaptability. By fostering a
dynamic work environment that encourages innovation,
collaboration, and continuous learning, these leaders
empower their teams to overcome challenges and seize
opportunities. Their commitment to building resilient
organizations that can navigate disruptions while staying
true to their core values is pivotal in achieving sustainable
Transformative Impact on Corporate Governance:
The influence of directorial prominence extends beyond
financial performance to encompass broader societal
impact. With an unwavering commitment to corporate
governance and ethical practices, directors set precedents
that inspire industry-wide change. Their focus on
transparency, accountability, and responsible decision-
making elevates the reputation of their organizations,
earning the trust of stakeholders and investors.
The Evolution of Directorial Prominence in Global
Directorial prominence has emerged as a transformative
force, shaping the trajectory of global corporates. By
embodying visionary leadership, strategic foresight, and
ethical governance, these directors are not only steering
their organizations towards success but also leaving an
indelible mark on the corporate world, heralding a new era
of sustainable and responsible business practices.
The future of directorial prominence will be shaped by
leaders who embrace technological innovation, prioritize
sustainability and societal impact, champion diversity, and
resilience, and navigate complexities with ethical
governance. As global enterprises evolve, these visionary
directors will steer organizations towards sustainable
growth, ethical practices, and inclusive leadership
paradigms, defining a new era of corporate governance and
leadership excellence.
18 | October, 2023
18 |November, 2023
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Along with their farsighted vision, Directors are
strategic planners with proficiency in streamlining
business processes, defining continuous improve-
ment, accelerating employees’ strengths, and building
robust teams to conquer any obstacles in managing
Operations, Marketing, and Clients.
They are pioneers in transition management with a flair for
generating/mining new business channels while stabilizing
operations/service delivery across various projects in
multiple geographic locations.
Bhiju Raj as the Director of Marketing and Corporate
Communications at Omega Healthcare Management
Services, Florida, United States, aptly fits the profile
described earlier.
A double MBA holder from Symbiosis Institute of
Management Studies in Customer Relations Management
& Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta, in
Advanced Sales and Marketing Management, a certified
Lead Six Sigma Black belt certified professional who is
also a Project Manager certified by PMI, Pennsylvania,
U.S; Bhiju Raj has a vast experience of over two decades
and expertise ranging from Operations, Sales and Market-
ing at Quess Corp, QuSicent Technologies, Engage2Serve,
Minglebox; to his present Directorship position at Omega.
The mighty leader and one of the top-most valuable
Directors globally, Bhiju Raj, spoke in an exclusive
interview with CIOLook India, discussing his profession-
ally transformative career and his and Omega’s future. The
highlights of the interview are given herein.
Sir, please tell us about the saga of your leadership from
the beginning and how you have made Omega excel in
its niche.
I have always been passionate about leveraging effective
communication to build brand equity, credibility, and
stakeholder trust. Starting my career as a customer service
representative in 2000, I grew to join Omega Healthcare as
a Director of Marketing Communications.
Throughout my 23-year career, I have juggled various roles
and handled multiple global locations. Tech and automation
have always been close to my heart, owing to my stint as a
PMP -certified Project Manager. Still, I have never been too
far from my love for Operations and Marketing/Revenue
Operations. The role at Omega Healthcare was the perfect
fit for me to create an impact.
With a good understanding of building brands and a keen
eye on achieving business objectives by effectively
leveraging marketing and communication channels, my role
entails being a trusted advisor to the Senior leadership in
India and the U.S.
My work involves working closely with the Senior
Leadership team and leading critical change communica-
What inspired you to venture into the business area, and
what new dreams are you nurturing to keep you
Creativity and growth have motivated me throughout my
career. I am always seeking new ideas and concepts.
Handling Marketing Communications for an IT-led
A Mightily Compassionate and Effective
Brand Marketing Communicator
20 |November, 2023
Bhiju Raj
Director of Marketing and
Corporate Communications
Omega Healthcare Management Services
21 |November, 2023
The 5 Most Prominent Directors to Follow in 2023
Healthcare organization, I have been fortunate enough to
build a career in a challenging and rewarding field. My
inspiration for venturing into the business area was two-
fold: first, a desire to make a positive impact on people's
lives, and second, a passion for marketing, innovation and
problem-solving. This field's tangible impact on people’s
lives excites me, and I am confident in using my skills and
knowledge to make a difference.
I love the idea of using creativity and strategic thinking to
develop solutions to complex challenges. The healthcare
industry has many opportunities for innovation and
improvement, particularly in revenue cycle management.
We are already making a difference in the industry. Still, I
want to expand my organization’s reach and impact by
expanding the services to new regions and collaborating
with other organizations to develop new solutions.
What leadership skills, values and qualities do you think
your clients admire most in you and your company?
Effective leadership is essential to any business’s success. I
encourage my team to set high standards for work, hold
themselves accountable for their performance and continu-
ously strive to improve.
Please brief our audience about Omega Healthcare, its
USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of
the best product/service/solution providers.
Omega Healthcare is a trusted partner, helping improve
financial outcomes through technology and clinically
enabled transformational solutions for healthcare and life
sciences organizations. The company’s platform-based
services are tailored to the unique needs of our clients.
Solutions encompass point/bundled solutions and fully
managed services and help increase revenues, decrease
costs, and improve the overall patient-provider-payer
Omega Healthcare has over 32,000 employees across 12
delivery centres in the United States, India, and the
Philippines. We are committed to creating true partnerships
that deliver on the goals of every healthcare company we
Our ability to scale, innovate and deliver is how we help
our healthcare client organizations improve their bottom
line. We are proud of the following:
• 32,000+ Skilled employees.
• $10 Billion in Accounts receivable collected
• 500+ Bots designed and delivered to leading
healthcare companies.
• 118+ Million Medical charts coded annually.
• 650,000+ Patient support calls handled per month.
• 145 million transactions handled.
• Omega Healthcare codes 16% of all emergency
medicine charts in the U.S.
• Nearing 20 years of continued delivery excellence.
We strive to recruit and develop the best talent into
exceptional employees through our internal training
programs. It allows us to retain a high percentage of our
team, capturing their expertise and passing it on to our
clients. Omega recruits and trains our coders through our
in-house training academy, OMCA, to ensure that only the
highest quality talent works with our clients.
As an experienced leader, share your opinion on how
adopting modern technologies like A.I. and ML impacts
your industry and how your firm adapts to the change.
The right technology can reduce waste and improve
financial, clinical, and administrative outcomes. However,
buying, managing, and maintaining the latest technology
can be too complex, costly, and resource intensive for many
organizations. Omega Healthcare believes in innovation,
including extensive use of A.I. and ML, enabling our
services and clients' successes. We invest in technology so
our clients don't have to.
With technology, we have Increased efficiency as
automation reduces manual workflows and optimizes
staffing. Greater productivity: Streamlined workflows
improve the speed and output of core processes. Data and
analytics help reveal actionable insights, and automation
gets it right the first time, reducing waste and complexity
and improving accuracy.
I love the idea of using
creativity and strategic
thinking to develop solutions
to complex challenges.
22 |November, 2023
Considering the current industry scenario, what
challenges do you face, and how do you drive your firm
to overcome them?
A few challenges that Healthcare faces today include
embracing digital transformation, suitable audience
segmentation, brand reputation management, and quantifi-
able ROI measurement.
To overcome these challenges, we infuse the latest industry
trends and technologies for handling end-to-end Revenue
Cycle Management for Provider health systems, Payer,
Pharma and other clinical offerings to stay ahead of the
curve. We leverage data and analytics to gain insights into
customer behaviour and preferences.
Identifying each audience segment's unique needs and
preferences, we tailor our messaging accordingly.
What would be your advice to budding leaders who
aspire to excel in their career graph like you?
All I can advise to budding leaders who aspire to excel in
their career graph is that:
- Keep developing your skills and stay updated with
industry trends and technologies.
- Building a strong network will help you gain valuable
insights and establish new partnerships.
- It is essential to be adaptive and flexible, open to new
ideas and willing to adapt to any changes.
- Take on new challenges and step outside your comfort
- Finding a mentor will be incredibly beneficial as they can
guide you and offer industry insights.
- Effective communication is essential.
- Set clear goals and track your progress. The focus should
be on delivering results.
How do you envision scaling Omega’s operations and
offerings in the future?
I would want us to focus on the following major areas like:
Ÿ Innovation
Ÿ Expansion
Ÿ Strategic partnerships
Ÿ Digital transformation
Ÿ Talent acquisition
Ÿ Brand positioning
23 |November, 2023
Change Makers
24 |November, 2023
Challenges and Opportuni es
for Most Prominent
n the contemporary landscape of global business, the
Irole of directors has evolved into that of change
makers who navigate complexities, drive strategic
vision, and steer organizations towards success. However,
amidst this transformative journey, prominent directors face
a myriad of challenges and opportunities that shape the
trajectory of global enterprises.
Complex Geopolitical Dynamics: Directors operate in a
global landscape influenced by geopolitical uncertainties,
trade tensions, and shifting regulatory frameworks.
Navigating these complexities while maintaining
international business operations poses a significant
Rapid Technological Disruptions: The rapid pace of
technological advancements introduces both opportunities
and challenges. Directors must navigate digital
transformations, cybersecurity threats, and data privacy
concerns while harnessing technology for innovation and
competitive advantage.
25 |November, 2023
ESG Integration: Environmental, Social, and Governance
(ESG) considerations are gaining prominence. Directors
face the challenge of integrating sustainability practices,
ensuring ethical governance, and meeting stakeholder
expectations while driving profitability.
Talent Acquisition and Retention: Amidst a competitive
global talent market, attracting and retaining skilled
professionals is a persistent challenge. Directors must
devise strategies to nurture a diverse and agile workforce
aligned with the organization’s objectives.
Disruption and Innovation: Disruptive business models
and agile startups challenge established industry norms.
Directors need to foster a culture of innovation,
encouraging agility, and embracing change to stay ahead of
Digital Transformation: Embracing technological
innovations presents opportunities for directors to drive
digital transformations, harness big data, AI, and
automation to enhance operational efficiency and customer
Sustainability Leadership: Prominent directors can
champion sustainability initiatives, integrating ESG
principles into business strategies, fostering corporate
responsibility, and building trust among stakeholders.
Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations, alliances, and
strategic partnerships open avenues for market expansion,
knowledge exchange, and synergistic growth, enabling
directors to tap into new markets and technologies.
Agility and Resilience: Promoting organizational agility
and resilience allows directors to navigate uncertainties
effectively. Agile practices enable swift responses to market
changes, crises, and disruptions.
Diversity and Inclusion: Directors can leverage diversity
and inclusion initiatives to drive innovation and creativity
within organizations, fostering an inclusive environment
that celebrates diverse perspectives.
Ethical Governance: Upholding ethical governance and
integrity can be a differentiator. Directors demonstrating
ethical leadership build trust, enhancing brand reputation
and stakeholder confidence.
The challenges and opportunities faced by prominent
directors are intertwined in today’s global business
landscape. However, the future of the evolution of
directorial prominence in global enterprises is poised for
dynamic transformations, heralding a new era of leadership
dynamics, technological integration, and ethical
Technology-Infused Leadership: Directors will
increasingly harness technological advancements to drive
strategic decision-making. The integration of artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data
analytics will enable more informed and agile decision-
making processes, empowering directors to navigate
complexities and uncertainties effectively.
26 |November, 2023
Emphasis on Sustainability and Social Impact: Future
directors will prioritize sustainability, environmental
consciousness, and societal impact. ESG (Environmental,
Social, and Governance) considerations will become central
to corporate strategies, fostering a responsible approach
towards social and environmental stewardship. Directors
will champion initiatives aligned with global sustainability
goals and societal well-being.
Agility and Adaptability: Given the rapidly changing
business landscape, directors will focus on fostering
organizational agility and adaptability. They will champion
a culture of innovation, encouraging experimentation, and
embracing change to ensure organizations can swiftly
respond to disruptive forces and emerging trends.
Diverse and Inclusive Leadership: The future of directorial
prominence will witness a greater emphasis on diversity
and inclusion. Directors will champion diverse
perspectives, recognizing the value of varied experiences,
backgrounds, and skill sets, creating more inclusive
workplaces that drive innovation and creativity.
Resilience in Crisis Management: Directors will prioritize
building resilience in organizations, focusing on crisis
management, risk mitigation, and contingency planning.
The ability to navigate crises effectively while upholding
ethical standards and sustaining business continuity will be
a hallmark of future directorial prominence.
Stakeholder-Centric Governance: Future directors will
adopt a stakeholder-centric approach, considering the
interests of all stakeholders, including employees,
customers, investors, communities, and regulators. This
approach will lead to more holistic decision-making that
balances the needs of various stakeholders.
Adoption of Ethical AI and Big Data Governance: As AI
and big data continue to drive business strategies, directors
will ensure ethical governance frameworks are in place.
They will advocate for responsible use of data, ensuring
privacy, security, and ethical considerations are integrated
into AI-driven decision-making processes.
Global Collaboration and Partnerships: Directors will
increasingly engage in global collaborations and strategic
partnerships to expand market reach, share best practices,
and drive innovation. These partnerships will facilitate
cross-border exchanges of ideas, technologies, and
resources, fostering growth and sustainable development.
By embracing these challenges as opportunities, directors
can drive change, foster innovation, and lead organizations
towards sustainable success, steering them through
turbulent times and capitalizing on emerging trends to
achieve enduring global business excellence. The trajectory
of directorial prominence in the future will be influenced by
leaders who adopt technological advancements, prioritize
sustainability and societal contributions, advocate for
diversity and resilience, and navigate complexities with a
strong focus on ethical governance. These forward-thinking
directors will play a pivotal role in guiding organizations
toward sustainable expansion, ethical conduct, and fostering
inclusive leadership models, setting the stage for a
transformative era in corporate governance and leadership
27 |November, 2023
Spellbinding You in the
Highly Immersive Woodcra
Events & Entertainment
28 |November, 2023
n imaginative mind remains curiously filled to the
Abrim with a thousand alluring ideas. Only an
equally indomitable and resolute willpower can
create reality from the most significant ideas. These people
with a simmering desire hold the potential to transform
dreams into a reality of mesmerizingly vibrant and enter-
taining events of their lifetime for the lively audience.
Highly entertaining events can engulf everyone who loves
entertainment, immersed completely in that enchanting
experience of a lifetime. Although, at its core, amusing
others is an art of the highest degree, if crafted by those
who innately resonate with all the subtle elements of love,
passion, compassion, artistry, craftsmanship, and enticing
ideas, the events will live in the participants’ hearts forever
as memories to be cherished for eternity. Deepak
Chaudhary, the Director of Woodcraft Events &
Entertainment, always believed in the power of ideas and
personal ambitions to turn those ideas into reality.
In an exclusive interview with CIOLook India, Deepak
spoke about how he and his woodcraft team have
entertained audiences for the last eleven years. Highlights
of that candid discussion are given herein.
Please tell us about the saga of your leadership from the
beginning and how you have made Woodcraft excel in
its niche.
I started WoodCraft in 2012 with a few thousand rupees. At
16, I entered this creative industry as I awaited my class 10
results. I first started travelling while wearing the hat of a
freelancer in 1999. After falling head over heels for it, I
decided to make this industry my career. In the Varanasi
suburbs, I ran my first outdoor advertising campaign. I
made sure I grasped hold of anything that could help me
develop my adaptability toward the strength of my goals.
Woodcraft has developed into more than just an event
management firm, with a combined 101 years of experience
in the events sector. We design and execute unique concepts
with the highest level of perfection. By putting clients and
their brand persona at the centre of the planning process, we
conceptualize and carry out a variety of staged events and
brand launches, corporate conferences and seminars, road
shows, brand activation, trade activation, and activation.
Serving several small- to medium-sized demand generation
companies, such as GIOIA, Petronas, Allana, Lokmat,
Velvetcase, Danone, KidZania, INOX, Davidoff, Naturals
Salon, Ajmal Perfume, Telus International, Dr Vaidya,
President Butler, and many others, has overwhelmed me.
Empowered by the priceless experience and know-how of
more than a decade, and different geographies of PAN
India, I grew WoodCraft into one of the well-reputed and
well-known BTL activation and event management solution
providers in the capital city of Bollywood. I just pursued
my happiness and eventually realized my dream to have a
small, bespoke yet passionate and experienced team with a
strong creative twist.
What inspired you to venture into the business area, and
what new dreams are you nurturing to keep you
‘It’s not about IDEAS. It’s about making IDEAS Happen.’
The famous quote has made me believe in 'Making IDEAS
Happen and Hunger for Making a Difference in others' life.
I believe that every challenge out there is an Opportunity.
When you see things through different lenses, you find
opportunities in every life situation. Maybe this is why I
never considered any situation challenging; rather, I have
focused on finding a solution rather an IDEA which is
nothing but a Hidden Opportunity.
During my freelancing time, I was at the Hotel for the ITC’s
Capstan Cigarette rural campaign project when the manager
gave orders on what needed to be done for the execution,
and the manner he had control over the room impressed me.
I yearned to have a similar command over the room and
Since 2012, Woodcraft has been
an accepted leader in the listicle of Events
and Entertainment Companies in India.
29 |November, 2023
The 5 Most Prominent Directors to Follow in 2023
direct the people on going about things. And that's what
motivated me to work in this industry.
One thing that keeps me inspired is how rapidly technology
is evolving. We used to shoot on Kodak reels in the past,
but thanks to technological advancements, we can now use
HD/4k cameras. I'm continuously searching for opportuni-
ties to produce moments that will shock and amaze our
clients because of the environment's constant change. This
field is not monotonous because technology is always
What leadership skills, values, and qualities do you
think your clients admire in you and your company the
In contrast to working for our clients, my team and I believe
our primary objective is meeting their demands. The
guiding concept ensures that we take ownership of the
project and hold us accountable for our actions. This way of
thinking also motivates us to make timely and cost-effective
deliveries. The client admires us the most for making things
simpler and taking care of their challenges and inconve-
niences. Passion, Dedication, Professionalism, an Eye for
Detail and Thinking Out of the Box; are the few traits I
imbibe daily to create meaningful differences in our
customer's life.
Please brief our audience about Woodcraft, its USPs,
and how you are currently positioned as one of the best
product/service/solution providers.
For our clients, we tell the story of their business, brand or
ethos through events. We start by sitting down with them to
understand the objective of their event and then help
achieve that by providing creative, exciting and ‘spot-on’
solutions. I guess that is one unique aspect of our business
which sets us apart from our Competition. Also, good
networking within Industry gives the best opportunity to be
abreast of trends. Having a talented team like ours onboard
makes it easier for the individual to identify hidden
opportunities and trends.
As I mentioned, we mainly work for corporates and brands,
so our target group is Corporate, and our USP is a team of
young, creative, enthusiastic, and dynamic professionals
with a sparkling stream of ideas having vast experience in
the field of Events and Entertainment.
As an experienced leader, share your opinion on how
adopting modern technologies like AI and ML impacts
your industry and how your firm adapts to the change.
Change is the most constant thing, and even though we may
sometimes like it or not, I have seen change as an
opportunity to do something different and better; I'm sure
that AI will.
With the changes in market dynamics, we have added a
complete 360-degree angle to our services, which is
comprehensive enough to cater to all our customer's needs.
The genre that we are currently focusing on apart from
regular Event management services is primarily the events
such as:
• Live video streaming/Webcasting/ (Multi and Cross-
Platform Solution)
• Virtual Events/Web Conferencing System
During the wake of the pandemic, Live Streaming/Virtual
Presence are playing a major role in every industry to
generate more business. It is helping organizations to
sustain and upgrade business consistently during these
uncertain times.
We started offering different and customized Virtual
solutions which can benefit the organization monetizes their
revenue with the latest technology.
Considering the current industry scenario, what
challenges do you face, and how do you drive your firm
to overcome them?
Being a top event management company, we have special
traits, such as faultless preparation, while also considering
the likelihood of unforeseen circumstances that might
enhance the success of an event from a logistical, opera-
tional, and functional perspective.
Along with those, as mentioned earlier, we also create a
checklist for every stage and assign entire accountability to
every team member for every function. Without a doubt,
one needs the highest level of execution clarity.
Additionally, using this method enables Woodcraft to divide
difficult projects into smaller modules that, when combined,
create a whole substantially greater than the sum of its
parts. The best evidence of this is that each project has been
carried out efficiently and admirably.
What would be your advice to budding leaders who
aspire to excel in their career graph like you?
I advise anyone who wishes to pursue a career in event
management: "Follow your Heart and Dreams, and you will
end up at the place you are intended for. Never give up, no
matter what difficulties or barriers you may encounter. It
30 |November, 2023
has worked for me, and it always succeeds for those who
follow their paths.
Always be quick to respond and flexible to new ideas. Our
line of work demands that you maintain an open mind.
Every person you encounter and every chance you are
given can inspire you to create something no one could
have imagined; for instance, when you visit a piece of
architecture, you can draw inspiration from it. Everyone
would work with you to obtain your goals in the most
creative way possible.
Follow your Heart and Dream, and you will end up being at
your destined destination. Never give up, irrespective of
any challenges or Obstacles that may come your way. It has
worked for me, and this always works for someone who
chooses to walk his path.
How do you envision scaling Woodcraft’s operations
and offerings in the future?
Speaking of my expectations for the advancement of
Woodcraft in the modern era, the best course of action is to
develop independent platforms in the form of intellectual
property for various target audiences and market segments.
Our penetration strategies look perfect as we focus on
strengthening the inventory by creating intellectual
properties (IP) to enhance success in the void.
With comprehensive plans to take things to the next level,
we are approaching our mission in 2024, wherein IT,
FMCG, and E-Learning Platforms sectors are the predomi-
nant and immediate targets. Our company is all set to
embrace and expand the operations to these demanding
sectors, as the requests are coming in huge numbers. Our
penetration strategies look impeccable, as our focus is on
strengthening the inventory by developing Intellectual
Properties (IP), which will bolster aces in the hole.
Foreseeing the burgeoning requirements in the segments
like IT, FMCG, Consumer Durable and other categories,
our company will be doing IP events for the brands as well
– manifesting a lucid sign of flexibility. Our vision of
professionalism in charting the roads of informative and
entertaining events, and giving every event a different
meaning and identity, will be a boon to the E-Learning
Platforms/IT industry - beyond any reasonable doubt.
Making a difference by providing cost-effective, creative
experiences to businesses
And we know we are making a difference, as reflected in
the words of encouragement we receive from our
Rishi Darda of Lokmat Media Pvt. Ltd, said, “I want to
personally Congratulate and thank you for putting up a
splendid show last night. Your planning was impeccable.
The effort taken by your team was excellent. You Worked
out every detail very well, and I was happy to see that the
set-up was complete in time. It was a pleasure working with
WoodCraft Events.”
Jaydeep Chatterji of Danone said, “It was an absolute
pleasure to work with the team at Woodcraft. We were all so
impressed with the staging and lighting and the way you
turned the show. The feedback has been fantastic.”
31 |November, 2023
network connection
network connection

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The 5 Most Prominent Directors to Follow.pdf

  • 1. Vol. 11 | Issue 05 Leadership Par Excellence How the Directorial Prominence is Transforming the Global Corporates? Srividhya R Director at SVAAS and Managing Director at HI-TECH The 5Most Prominent DIRECTORS toFollow in 2023 A Monumental Odyssey of an HI-TECH Engineering Mind Direc ng the Success Saga Srividhya R Change Makers Challenges and Opportuni es for Most Prominent Directors to Drive Global Business Success
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 5. n the intricate world of corporate leadership, the Itrajectory is often steered by the vision and acumen of the individuals at the helm. As 2023 unfolds, the spotlight shines on a cadre of distinguished directors, whose strategic brilliance and innovative thinking are reshaping industries and driving progress. These trailblazers aren’t just emblematic figures in boardrooms; they are visionaries, heralding a new era of business dynamics, market disruptions, and inclusive growth. Renowned for their pioneering leadership style, these visionaries have catalyzed paradigm shifts within the industry, leveraging a unique blend of innovation and strategic foresight. Their transformative initiatives and disruptive strategies have propelled their company toward unprecedented growth and market dominance. Known for steering their organization through uncharted territories, these directors have exemplified resilience and adaptability in the face of evolving market landscapes. Their emphasis on sustainable business models and technological innovation has positioned their company as a beacon of progress. Regarded as mavens of strategic governance, they have masterfully orchestrated their companies journey by instilling a culture of resilience and agility. Their adept navigation through challenges and commitment to ethical leadership has earned admiration and acclaim in the industry. With indomitable spirits and futuristic approaches, these leaders have carved an indelible mark in the corporate realm. Their unwavering commitment to excellence, coupled with a forward-thinking mindset, has propelled their company toward sustained growth and innovation. Catalysts of change and advocates for inclusivity, they have redefined the paradigm of corporate leadership. Their emphasis on diversity, equity, and ethical governance has not only fostered a positive work culture but has also led to remarkable business outcomes. In a dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape, these directors stand out as beacons of inspiration, steering their organizations toward resilience, innovation, and sustainable growth. As we navigate through the complexities of 2023, their leadership serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path toward a progressive and inclusive future. To celebrate their outstanding journey, Insights Success has brought this exclusive edition of ‘The 5 Most Prominent Directors to Follow in 2023,’ to let you witness inspirational sagas to amaze at. Dive in and enjoy!
  • 6. 08 Articles 16 Cover Story A Monumental Odyssey of an HI-TECH Engineering Mind Direc ng the Success Saga Srividhya R 24 Leadership Par Excellence How the Directorial Prominence is Transforming the Global Corporates? Change Makers Challenges and Opportuni es for Most Prominent Directors to Drive Global Business Success
  • 7. C O N T E N T A Mightily Compassionate and Effective Brand Marketing Communicator Bhiju Raj 20 P rofiles 28 Spellbinding You in the Highly Immersive Woodcraft Events & Entertainment Deepak Chaudhary
  • 8. Insights Success Media Tech LLC 555 Metro Place North, Suite 100, Dublin, OH 43017, United States Phone - (614)-602-1754 Email: For Subscription: Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Survey No.133/134, Brand Square, Office No. 512, Kunjir Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411027 Phone - India: +91 7410079881/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85 Email: For Subscription: Corporate Offices: NOVEMBER, 2023 Editor-in-Chief Pooja M. Bansal Managing Editor Gaurav PR Wankhade Assisting Editor Prajakta Zurale Visualizer Sandeep Tikode Art and Design Head Rashmi Singh Sr. Graphic Designer Sonam Vishwakarma Asst. Vice President Swapnali Vasaikar Sr. Sales Manager Tejaswini Whaval Team Leader Nitin Patil Sr. Business Development Executive Gayatri Borkar Technical Head Prachi Mokashi Technical Specialist Rajeshwari Avhad Digital Marketing Manager Renuka Kulkarni SME-SMO Executive Nikita Khadalkar Circulation Manager Tanaji Fartade Copyright © 2023 Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd., All rights reserved. The content and images used in this magazine should not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission from Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Reprint rights remain solely with Insights Success. Printed and Published by Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Follow us on : https:/ / RNI NUMBER: MAHENG/2018/75953 We are also available on Vol. 11 | Issue 05 Leadership Par Excellence How the Directorial Prominance is Transforming the Global Corporates? Srividhya R Director at SVAAS and Managing Dir ector at HI-TECH The 5Most Prominent DIRECTORS toFollow in 2023 A Monumental Odyssey of an HI-TECH Engineering Mind Direc ng the Success Saga Srividhya R Change Makers Challenges and Opportuni es for Most Prominent Directors to Drive Global Business Success
  • 9. Featuring Brief Company Deepak is an experienced Director of Woodcraft with a demonstrated history of working in the events services industry. Atul Gupta is the Director of CloudVandana Solutions, a salesforce registered consulting partner and ISV partner for the last seven years. With the largest medical coding staff in the world combined with Technology/Automation/Analytic driven capabilities, Bhiju Raj is leading Omega, the provider of end-to-end RCM and Clinical Solutions in Healthcare. Deepak Chaudhary, Director Atul Gupta, Director Bhiju Raj, Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications Woodcraft Events & Entertainment CloudVandana Omega Healthcare Management Services Sabyasachi is Executive Director and Head of Growth Sectors, Digital Transformation, and Strategy Lead for Project Management Business at JLL, India. Sabyasachi Chatterjee, Executive Director JLL India Srividhya R is the Director of SVAAS INFRAMAX SOLUTIONS OPC PVT LTD, the Managing Director of HI-TECH ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS, and the Regional Manager at CADS Software India Pvt Limited. Srividhya R, Director and Managing Director SVAAS INFRAMAX SOLUTIONS OPC PVT LTD and HI-TECH ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS (INDIA) The 5Most Prominent DIRECTORS toFollow in 2023
  • 10. A Monumental Odyssey of an HI-TECH Engineering Mind Direc ng the Success Saga Srividhya R Srividhya R's story is a testament to the limitless poten al of individuals to challenge norms, sha er stereotypes, and lead the way toward a more inclusive and equal future.
  • 11. Srividhya R Director at SVAAS and Managing Director at HI-TECH
  • 12. The cause of gender equality in every field, especially fields like realty, civil construction, and high-tech engineering, needs more role models like Srividhya R, Director of SVAAS INFRAMAX SOLUTIONS OPC PVT LTD and Managing Director of HI-TECH ENGINEERING SOLUTIONS. In industries traditionally perceived as masculine, such as realty, civil construction, and high-tech engineering, her presence is a testament to the indomitable spirit of women challenging the status quo. These fields, laden with laborious on-site work and technical intricacies, have long been regarded as male- dominated bastions. Yet, it's not just the visible barriers but also the intangible wall of perception that Srividhya confronted. Through unwavering determination and relentless efforts, she has carved a niche in these industries, defying convention and prevailing against all odds. Pioneering Gender Equality in Industry Leadership Recognized for her remarkable contributions, Srividhya has received accolades such as the 'Most Admirable Engineering Solutions Provider to the Construction Industry' by Business Connect Group and Indo Global Entrepreneurship Conclave in October 2023. She was also honoured with the 'Women Leadership at Work' award at the Asian Woman Leadership Awards in the same month. These achievements underscore her trailblazing journey and signify her emergence as one of 'The Most Prominent Directors to Follow in 2023.’ Srividhya R's story is a testament to the limitless potential of individuals to challenge norms, shatter stereotypes, and lead the way toward a more inclusive and equal future. Her journey embodies the spirit of resilience and the belief that true progress lies in empowering and recognizing the contributions of women in every field. As we delve deeper into her remarkable accomplishments and vision for the future, we unveil a narrative of inspiration and transformation that goes beyond borders and redefines industry leadership. Through Life's Twists and Turns Life's grand tapestry creates stories that inspire, stories that transcend boundaries and redefine what's possible. Srividhya's journey is an extraordinary narrative marked by personal triumphs that resonate with the indomitable spirit of resilience. Born into a middle-class Tamil Brahmin family in Chennai, where societal expectations often cast a predetermined outline for life, Srividhya's story is an odyssey of breaking barriers and forging her unique path. Her father, a dedicated school teacher, instilled values of disciplined growth, academic excellence, and a grounded approach in her. This upbringing laid the foundation for her to secure the first position in every educational endeavour. Her exceptional dedication and perseverance were recognized by the government, earning her a merit certificate for being a state rank holder during her school education under the Tamil Nadu Education Board. This distinction paved the way for her engineering studies under the 100% scholarship of the Meritorious Student Scheme. However, the journey of personal triumphs was not without its formidable challenges. The most poignant chapter of Srividhya's life unfolded when she lost her mother at a tender age, a moment of profound grief and loss that can have lasting repercussions on the well-being of young women. The absence of her mother's support, guidance, and love left a chasm in her life, an emptiness that seemed impossible to fill, leading her into a realm of loneliness and depression. The 5 Most Prominent Directors to Follow in 2023 Having visited many of the construc on projects, I wished to create a unique solu on to the rising steel waste crisis across all construc on sites, which had impacted a major por on of construc on costs and hence delays in comple ng the work.
  • 13. Finding Her Mettle Yet, even in the face of such adversity, Srividhya's inner strength and resilience shone through. Inspired by words of wisdom, she embarked on a path of self-affirmation, a practice that breathed new life into her mornings. The affirmations became a powerful force that drove her to a string of successful moments, each paving the way for her career's ascension. As her education continued, the entrepreneurial spirit within her began to stir. Recognizing the burgeoning real estate industry in Chennai, she decided to create a portfolio of building elevations and flat plans meticulously crafted to incorporate Vastu principles. This bold step disrupted the construction industry, earning her projects to design from concept to completion. The void of a role model in her early engineering days was filled by someone impressed with her work, who later became her idol and nurtured her early development in the industry. This strong foundation laid the groundwork for numerous successful construction projects in Tamil Nadu, establishing her as a profound entrepreneur. Winning Over a Personal War Yet, the journey of a first-generation entrepreneur is seldom without its trials, both financial and mental. Srividhya encountered her share of challenges but persevered with unwavering determination. She soon realized that the support of other family income sources was not a necessity when she possessed the power to handle things independently. Armed with a resolute will and a positive mindset, she turned struggles into sources of empowerment. Her children emerged as her unwavering pillars of strength, bolstering her professional journey with an unwavering commitment. In the 1990s, when the concept of startups was still in its infancy, Srividhya took a leap of faith. She embraced the
  • 14. power of a positive approach as her only investment and converted a room in her house into a workspace and office. Back then, most business owners were successors of family- run enterprises, but Srividhya, unlike others in the industry, was entirely self-made. She built her company from scratch, understanding that success often requires managing personal and professional life with finesse. Learning from Loosing While her first business may not have yielded immediate commercial success, she refused to let discouragement cloud her vision. Instead, she persisted with grit and determination. She realized that the initial steps may appear futile or laborious, but to grow, every avenue must be explored. Srividhya firmly believes that viewing business challenges as hurdles makes them exactly that. She advocates for a collective mindset, emphasizing that those who have supported her from the very beginning have complemented her attributes. She acknowledges that learning is a two-way street, and true growth is achieved when an organization collectively learns and evolves. Srividhya's journey is a testament to personal triumphs that inspire and captivate. Her story is a vivid reminder that while life may present formidable challenges, it is our unwavering resolve and relentless determination that pave the path to remarkable success. Srividhya's Saga of Success In the annals of success, there are those whose journeys not only defy the odds but also shatter long-standing gender norms. Srividhya R, a civil engineer by education and profession, is one such trailblazer who embarked on a remarkable odyssey within the confines of a traditionally male-centric field. Her story is a testament to resilience, determination, and a relentless pursuit of her dreams, regardless of the challenges that came her way. As a female civil engineer, Srividhya faced a multitude of hurdles and uncharted territory. The male-dominated sphere
  • 15. of realty, civil construction, and high-tech engineering was riddled with erratic working hours and frequent conflicts among labourers. She distinctly recalls when she inaugurated her first professional venture, HI-TECH Group, in Chennai in 1998. It was a pivotal milestone that marked the beginning of her journey in the industry. Shattering Gender Norms in a Male-Centric Field The transition from working under a male boss to establishing herself as a female leader, especially in fieldwork, was fraught with difficulties. Initially, she encountered threats and discouragement, suggesting she should revert to desk jobs or consider further studies to avoid potentially dangerous situations. However, Srividhya's intrinsic passion and her unwavering vision for the success of her business ventures propelled her to take 'good risks.' With determination as her compass, she fearlessly undertook large-scale construction projects across Chennai and Tamil Nadu. Srividhya's saga of success serves as an inspiration not only for women but for anyone striving to break through societal norms and carve their own path in a challenging and unconventional field. Her journey is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and the courage to undertake challenges that pave the way for transformation and set new standards of excellence. Thus, she received her first Award of 'Successful Women Entrepreneur of the Year' from IOB, Women Entrepreneur Branch, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, in 2001. She also received opportunities to build and deliver many Duplex Houses in and around Chennai. Due to her success, she has been affectionately nicknamed Duplex Vidhya among her professional admirers. Later, when the family situation forced her and her family to move from Chennai to New Delhi, Srividhya decided to launch a similar concept of researching the Industry needs firstly in New Delhi and Delhi-NCR locations. "Having visited many of the construction projects, I wished to create a unique solution to the rising steel waste crisis across all construction sites, which had impacted a major portion of construction costs and hence delays in completing the work," she informs. Thus, the HI-TECH Journey began again in 2006 from New Delhi, covering all major turn-key contractors in India as their premium clients. Due to the company's recognition by numerous associations and organisations, such as the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), the Structural Engineering Forum, Builders Association, IITs, other Government bodies like Metro Rail, NHAI, CPWD, NTPC/NHPC, AAI etc. categorically approve HI-TECH's products as an accredited vendor to all their Premium Projects. "Thus, it increased our customer base. With several branch offices and stockyards, our group is currently able to provide great coverage throughout all of India and South Asia. Our HI-TECH group has expanded its horizons into various key solutions by Steel Products of HI-TECH-Reinforcement Couplers to minimize steel wastage and scrap for more than 15% of Overall Construction Cost, Specialized Foundation Supportive Bolts, Earthquake preventive Products, etc. We have also introduced Another Vertical of Construction Chemicals to maintain all Infrastructures from Water Seepages, Leakages, Corrosion, Fire, Abrasions etc.," she informs. Surmounting Challenges According to Srividhya, in the construction industry, one knows all too well the fragility and turbulence that used to define the landscape. It was a world where contractors and vendors often found themselves at the mercy of these ever- volatile conditions. Srividhya, a name synonymous with perseverance, understands this reality all too well. She recalls the daunting experiences of facing severe losses during the tumultuous periods of demonetization and the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India, which sent shockwaves through the industry. At HI-TECH Group, we aim to deliver the highest levels of customer service and value across a range of our Exclusive Product solu ons.
  • 16. Demonetization marked a significant shift in the financial landscape of India, and the introduction of GST ushered in a new taxation system that was entirely uncharted. The transformation from cash-based transactions to an online framework was particularly challenging for construction labourers and had a profound impact on the civil industry in 2017 and 2018. It was a trying time, but Srividhya's unwavering resilience and strong mindset propelled her to navigate the tumultuous tides of both life and business persistently. She notes, "We successfully managed those remarkable changes in the industry with a systematic approach and proceeded toward a brighter future." Her unyielding commitment to overcoming these hurdles became the bedrock upon which she built her path to success. Resilience in the Face of Turbulent Tides Then, the world was thrust into the uncharted territory of a global pandemic in 2020. It was a hurdle of unprecedented proportions, especially for an industry like construction, where remote work was simply not an option. Every aspect of business was disrupted, and lives were at stake. Srividhya recounts how her entire HI-TECH Group confronted this unforeseen challenge with courage and meticulous safety measures. They navigated the complex landscape, striving to complete existing projects while adhering to government regulations and travel restrictions. Supply chain interruptions and project suspensions further compounded the challenges. Yet, they persevered, and when the government eased its stay-at-home norms, they swiftly resumed their work. Health and safety were prioritized over all other business commitments, underscoring Srividhya's unwavering dedication to the well-being of her team and the community. Srividhya's journey is a testament to her resilience and adaptability. She demonstrated how she surmounted formidable challenges and emerged stronger, reflecting the spirit of an indomitable leader confronting adversity with courage and conviction. Aiming for the Highest Level of Perfection Today, HI-TECH is a certified SSI unit qualified with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, and OHSAS 45001:2018. It is known for its cost-effective solutions not only pan India but also has a strong presence in Asia. Srividhya feels that it is a genuinely astonishing and humbling accomplishment in her professional career to have won honours from many Seminars among industry pioneers and availing 'Best Technical Support to Their Key Projects' from the Builders Association of India (BAI) and ACE, Premium Exhibitors of the Construction Engineering. The significance of technical expertise and problem-solving abilities in fostering positive change and reaching project objectives is reinforced by this award. "At HI-TECH Group, we aim to deliver the highest levels of customer service and value across a range of our Exclusive Product solutions," says Srividhya, adding that they focus on continuous improvement in every area to ensure that their staff and processes are always developing to create a niche in the industry. She furthers that they want their customers to think first of HI-TECH and join them in collaboratively promoting best practices in the industry. "We strongly believe that our true business partners are our supportive team, family and friends who always believed in our choices and supported us in tough times," adds Srividhya. With the advancements in technology and infrastructure, the construction industry has become extremely competitive. Srividhya inspires aspirants not only to dream but to take bold steps towards making those dreams a reality, crea ng their path to success in the ever- evolving entrepreneurship landscape.
  • 17. However, she believes that 'competition creates winners and helps one define their meritorious areas.' The competition in the market pushes an entrepreneur to come up with higher or better-performing products and keeps them on their toes at all times. Forging Your Path to Success Srividya, an ideal of resilience and entrepreneurship, has journeyed through the riveting roller coaster of emotions that define the path of an entrepreneur. She understands the tremendous highs and daunting lows that come with the territory, but her steadfast belief in forging one's path and creating opportunities rather than waiting for them to knock on your door has been her guiding light. She imparts a message of empowerment to aspiring entrepreneurs, emphasizing the importance of connecting with some of the greatest minds in the field. Srividya's journey is a testament to the idea that one can indeed craft a unique entry into the world of business, defining one's trajectory and destiny. Inspirational quotes have played a pivotal role in her journey, serving as beacons of motivation during moments of uncertainty and challenges. A few of her favourite quotes encapsulate her entrepreneurial spirit: “The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker. “Winners never quit, and quitters never win." - Vince Lombardi. "Maintain a positive attitude. That's essential for success. And having a positive attitude is a conscious choice.” These quotes echo the essence of Srividya's message to aspiring entrepreneurs: Ÿ Seize the opportunities. Ÿ Persist in the face of adversity. Ÿ Let a positive attitude be your guiding star. She inspires them not only to dream but to take bold steps towards making those dreams a reality, creating their path to success in the ever-evolving entrepreneurship landscape.
  • 19. n the expansive cosmos of corporate governance, the Irole of directors has undergone a transformative evolution, transcending beyond traditional boundaries to become the vanguards of organizational success. As the dynamics of global business continue to evolve, the emergence of directorial prominence has become a defining force shaping the ethos of modern corporations. The position of a director in contemporary corporate structures is no longer confined to conventional oversight but has evolved into a pivotal role that navigates complexities, drives innovation, and steers strategic decisions. Directors now wield an unprecedented level of influence, offering a visionary perspective that extends beyond profit margins to encompass social responsibility, sustainability, and ethical governance. Unveiling the Evolution of Directorial Eminence in Global Corporations In today’s globalized economy, the significance of directors as custodians of corporate culture and strategy is paramount. They serve as stewards, guiding organizations through turbulent market landscapes, disruptive technological advancements, and ever-changing consumer preferences. Their leadership is instrumental in fostering a culture of adaptability, resilience, and innovation within corporations. The hallmark of directorial prominence lies in the ability to foster an environment that values diversity, inclusion, and ethical conduct. Visionary directors lead by example, championing initiatives that prioritize environmental stewardship, social impact, and stakeholder engagement, thereby amplifying the organization’s reputation and brand value. Amidst this transformative era, the rise of directorial prominence in global corporates signifies a shift toward a more holistic and sustainable approach to business. Directors are no longer just custodians of profit; they are architects of change, spearheading initiatives that not only drive financial growth but also contribute positively to society and the planet. This exploration delves into the multifaceted dimensions of directorial prominence, shedding light on the strategic prowess, visionary leadership, and ethical governance that propel these directors to the forefront of global corporations, shaping the contours of contemporary business paradigms. 17 |November, 2023
  • 20. Redefining Corporate Dynamics In the ever-evolving landscape of global corporations, the role of directors has transcended conventional boundaries, evolving into a pivotal force driving transformative change and setting new benchmarks for corporate governance. This paradigm shift has heralded an era where directorial prominence is not merely about overseeing operations but embodies visionary leadership, strategic acumen, and ethical stewardship, redefining the essence of corporate dynamics worldwide. The Emergence of Directorial Prominence: Directorial prominence today represents an amalgamation of leadership traits that extend far beyond the boardroom. Visionary directors, armed with a deep understanding of market dynamics and a keen eye for innovation, spearhead organizations through complex challenges and uncertainties. Their role is no longer limited to profit generation but encompasses a holistic approach that integrates ethical practices, sustainability initiatives, and social responsibility into the fabric of corporate decision- making. Navigating Complexity and Driving Innovation: Directors operating in today’s global corporates are tasked with navigating an increasingly complex business landscape. They are catalysts for innovation, fostering a culture of creativity and adaptive thinking within organizations. By leveraging technological advancements and embracing disruptive trends, these leaders propel their companies towards future readiness, ensuring agility and relevance in rapidly evolving markets. Strategic Prowess and Ethical Governance: At the helm of global enterprises, prominent directors exhibit unparalleled strategic prowess. They formulate and execute long-term visions while fostering an environment that encourages diversity, inclusivity, and ethical conduct. These leaders champion initiatives aimed at environmental sustainability, social impact, and stakeholder engagement, aligning corporate strategies with societal needs and aspirations. Cultivating a Culture of Excellence and Adaptability: Directorial prominence is intrinsically linked to cultivating a culture of excellence and adaptability. By fostering a dynamic work environment that encourages innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning, these leaders empower their teams to overcome challenges and seize opportunities. Their commitment to building resilient organizations that can navigate disruptions while staying true to their core values is pivotal in achieving sustainable success. Transformative Impact on Corporate Governance: The influence of directorial prominence extends beyond financial performance to encompass broader societal impact. With an unwavering commitment to corporate governance and ethical practices, directors set precedents that inspire industry-wide change. Their focus on transparency, accountability, and responsible decision- making elevates the reputation of their organizations, earning the trust of stakeholders and investors. The Evolution of Directorial Prominence in Global Enterprises Directorial prominence has emerged as a transformative force, shaping the trajectory of global corporates. By embodying visionary leadership, strategic foresight, and ethical governance, these directors are not only steering their organizations towards success but also leaving an indelible mark on the corporate world, heralding a new era of sustainable and responsible business practices. The future of directorial prominence will be shaped by leaders who embrace technological innovation, prioritize sustainability and societal impact, champion diversity, and resilience, and navigate complexities with ethical governance. As global enterprises evolve, these visionary directors will steer organizations towards sustainable growth, ethical practices, and inclusive leadership paradigms, defining a new era of corporate governance and leadership excellence. 18 | October, 2023 18 |November, 2023
  • 21. Subscribe Today CORPORATE OFFICE Insights Success Media and Technology Pvt. Ltd. Survey No.133/134, Brand Square, Office No. 512, Kunjir Chowk, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411027 Phone - India: +91 7410079881/ 82/ 83/ 84/ 85 Email: For Subscription: Cheque should be drawn in favour of : INSIGHTS SUCCESS MEDIA AND TECH PVT. LTD. Stay in touch. Subscribe to Insightssuccess Get Insightssuccess Magazine in print, & digital on
  • 22. Along with their farsighted vision, Directors are strategic planners with proficiency in streamlining business processes, defining continuous improve- ment, accelerating employees’ strengths, and building robust teams to conquer any obstacles in managing Operations, Marketing, and Clients. They are pioneers in transition management with a flair for generating/mining new business channels while stabilizing operations/service delivery across various projects in multiple geographic locations. Bhiju Raj as the Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications at Omega Healthcare Management Services, Florida, United States, aptly fits the profile described earlier. A double MBA holder from Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies in Customer Relations Management & Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Calcutta, in Advanced Sales and Marketing Management, a certified Lead Six Sigma Black belt certified professional who is also a Project Manager certified by PMI, Pennsylvania, U.S; Bhiju Raj has a vast experience of over two decades and expertise ranging from Operations, Sales and Market- ing at Quess Corp, QuSicent Technologies, Engage2Serve, Minglebox; to his present Directorship position at Omega. The mighty leader and one of the top-most valuable Directors globally, Bhiju Raj, spoke in an exclusive interview with CIOLook India, discussing his profession- ally transformative career and his and Omega’s future. The highlights of the interview are given herein. Sir, please tell us about the saga of your leadership from the beginning and how you have made Omega excel in its niche. I have always been passionate about leveraging effective communication to build brand equity, credibility, and stakeholder trust. Starting my career as a customer service representative in 2000, I grew to join Omega Healthcare as a Director of Marketing Communications. Throughout my 23-year career, I have juggled various roles and handled multiple global locations. Tech and automation have always been close to my heart, owing to my stint as a PMP -certified Project Manager. Still, I have never been too far from my love for Operations and Marketing/Revenue Operations. The role at Omega Healthcare was the perfect fit for me to create an impact. With a good understanding of building brands and a keen eye on achieving business objectives by effectively leveraging marketing and communication channels, my role entails being a trusted advisor to the Senior leadership in India and the U.S. My work involves working closely with the Senior Leadership team and leading critical change communica- tions. What inspired you to venture into the business area, and what new dreams are you nurturing to keep you motivated? Creativity and growth have motivated me throughout my career. I am always seeking new ideas and concepts. Handling Marketing Communications for an IT-led Bhiju Raj A Mightily Compassionate and Effective Brand Marketing Communicator 20 |November, 2023
  • 23. Bhiju Raj Director of Marketing and Corporate Communications Omega Healthcare Management Services 21 |November, 2023 The 5 Most Prominent Directors to Follow in 2023
  • 24. Healthcare organization, I have been fortunate enough to build a career in a challenging and rewarding field. My inspiration for venturing into the business area was two- fold: first, a desire to make a positive impact on people's lives, and second, a passion for marketing, innovation and problem-solving. This field's tangible impact on people’s lives excites me, and I am confident in using my skills and knowledge to make a difference. I love the idea of using creativity and strategic thinking to develop solutions to complex challenges. The healthcare industry has many opportunities for innovation and improvement, particularly in revenue cycle management. We are already making a difference in the industry. Still, I want to expand my organization’s reach and impact by expanding the services to new regions and collaborating with other organizations to develop new solutions. What leadership skills, values and qualities do you think your clients admire most in you and your company? Effective leadership is essential to any business’s success. I encourage my team to set high standards for work, hold themselves accountable for their performance and continu- ously strive to improve. Please brief our audience about Omega Healthcare, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the best product/service/solution providers. Omega Healthcare is a trusted partner, helping improve financial outcomes through technology and clinically enabled transformational solutions for healthcare and life sciences organizations. The company’s platform-based services are tailored to the unique needs of our clients. Solutions encompass point/bundled solutions and fully managed services and help increase revenues, decrease costs, and improve the overall patient-provider-payer experience. Omega Healthcare has over 32,000 employees across 12 delivery centres in the United States, India, and the Philippines. We are committed to creating true partnerships that deliver on the goals of every healthcare company we serve. Our ability to scale, innovate and deliver is how we help our healthcare client organizations improve their bottom line. We are proud of the following: • 32,000+ Skilled employees. • $10 Billion in Accounts receivable collected annually. • 500+ Bots designed and delivered to leading healthcare companies. • 118+ Million Medical charts coded annually. • 650,000+ Patient support calls handled per month. • 145 million transactions handled. • Omega Healthcare codes 16% of all emergency medicine charts in the U.S. • Nearing 20 years of continued delivery excellence. We strive to recruit and develop the best talent into exceptional employees through our internal training programs. It allows us to retain a high percentage of our team, capturing their expertise and passing it on to our clients. Omega recruits and trains our coders through our in-house training academy, OMCA, to ensure that only the highest quality talent works with our clients. As an experienced leader, share your opinion on how adopting modern technologies like A.I. and ML impacts your industry and how your firm adapts to the change. The right technology can reduce waste and improve financial, clinical, and administrative outcomes. However, buying, managing, and maintaining the latest technology can be too complex, costly, and resource intensive for many organizations. Omega Healthcare believes in innovation, including extensive use of A.I. and ML, enabling our services and clients' successes. We invest in technology so our clients don't have to. With technology, we have Increased efficiency as automation reduces manual workflows and optimizes staffing. Greater productivity: Streamlined workflows improve the speed and output of core processes. Data and analytics help reveal actionable insights, and automation gets it right the first time, reducing waste and complexity and improving accuracy. I love the idea of using creativity and strategic thinking to develop solutions to complex challenges. 22 |November, 2023
  • 25. Considering the current industry scenario, what challenges do you face, and how do you drive your firm to overcome them? A few challenges that Healthcare faces today include embracing digital transformation, suitable audience segmentation, brand reputation management, and quantifi- able ROI measurement. To overcome these challenges, we infuse the latest industry trends and technologies for handling end-to-end Revenue Cycle Management for Provider health systems, Payer, Pharma and other clinical offerings to stay ahead of the curve. We leverage data and analytics to gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences. Identifying each audience segment's unique needs and preferences, we tailor our messaging accordingly. What would be your advice to budding leaders who aspire to excel in their career graph like you? All I can advise to budding leaders who aspire to excel in their career graph is that: - Keep developing your skills and stay updated with industry trends and technologies. - Building a strong network will help you gain valuable insights and establish new partnerships. - It is essential to be adaptive and flexible, open to new ideas and willing to adapt to any changes. - Take on new challenges and step outside your comfort zone. - Finding a mentor will be incredibly beneficial as they can guide you and offer industry insights. - Effective communication is essential. - Set clear goals and track your progress. The focus should be on delivering results. How do you envision scaling Omega’s operations and offerings in the future? I would want us to focus on the following major areas like: Ÿ Innovation Ÿ Expansion Ÿ Strategic partnerships Ÿ Digital transformation Ÿ Talent acquisition Ÿ Brand positioning 23 |November, 2023
  • 27. Directors Challenges and Opportuni es for Most Prominent to DriveGlobal Business Success n the contemporary landscape of global business, the Irole of directors has evolved into that of change makers who navigate complexities, drive strategic vision, and steer organizations towards success. However, amidst this transformative journey, prominent directors face a myriad of challenges and opportunities that shape the trajectory of global enterprises. Challenges Complex Geopolitical Dynamics: Directors operate in a global landscape influenced by geopolitical uncertainties, trade tensions, and shifting regulatory frameworks. Navigating these complexities while maintaining international business operations poses a significant challenge. Rapid Technological Disruptions: The rapid pace of technological advancements introduces both opportunities and challenges. Directors must navigate digital transformations, cybersecurity threats, and data privacy concerns while harnessing technology for innovation and competitive advantage. 25 |November, 2023
  • 28. ESG Integration: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) considerations are gaining prominence. Directors face the challenge of integrating sustainability practices, ensuring ethical governance, and meeting stakeholder expectations while driving profitability. Talent Acquisition and Retention: Amidst a competitive global talent market, attracting and retaining skilled professionals is a persistent challenge. Directors must devise strategies to nurture a diverse and agile workforce aligned with the organization’s objectives. Disruption and Innovation: Disruptive business models and agile startups challenge established industry norms. Directors need to foster a culture of innovation, encouraging agility, and embracing change to stay ahead of disruptors. Opportunities Digital Transformation: Embracing technological innovations presents opportunities for directors to drive digital transformations, harness big data, AI, and automation to enhance operational efficiency and customer experiences. Sustainability Leadership: Prominent directors can champion sustainability initiatives, integrating ESG principles into business strategies, fostering corporate responsibility, and building trust among stakeholders. Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations, alliances, and strategic partnerships open avenues for market expansion, knowledge exchange, and synergistic growth, enabling directors to tap into new markets and technologies. Agility and Resilience: Promoting organizational agility and resilience allows directors to navigate uncertainties effectively. Agile practices enable swift responses to market changes, crises, and disruptions. Diversity and Inclusion: Directors can leverage diversity and inclusion initiatives to drive innovation and creativity within organizations, fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates diverse perspectives. Ethical Governance: Upholding ethical governance and integrity can be a differentiator. Directors demonstrating ethical leadership build trust, enhancing brand reputation and stakeholder confidence. The challenges and opportunities faced by prominent directors are intertwined in today’s global business landscape. However, the future of the evolution of directorial prominence in global enterprises is poised for dynamic transformations, heralding a new era of leadership dynamics, technological integration, and ethical governance. Technology-Infused Leadership: Directors will increasingly harness technological advancements to drive strategic decision-making. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data analytics will enable more informed and agile decision- making processes, empowering directors to navigate complexities and uncertainties effectively. 26 |November, 2023
  • 29. Emphasis on Sustainability and Social Impact: Future directors will prioritize sustainability, environmental consciousness, and societal impact. ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) considerations will become central to corporate strategies, fostering a responsible approach towards social and environmental stewardship. Directors will champion initiatives aligned with global sustainability goals and societal well-being. Agility and Adaptability: Given the rapidly changing business landscape, directors will focus on fostering organizational agility and adaptability. They will champion a culture of innovation, encouraging experimentation, and embracing change to ensure organizations can swiftly respond to disruptive forces and emerging trends. Diverse and Inclusive Leadership: The future of directorial prominence will witness a greater emphasis on diversity and inclusion. Directors will champion diverse perspectives, recognizing the value of varied experiences, backgrounds, and skill sets, creating more inclusive workplaces that drive innovation and creativity. Resilience in Crisis Management: Directors will prioritize building resilience in organizations, focusing on crisis management, risk mitigation, and contingency planning. The ability to navigate crises effectively while upholding ethical standards and sustaining business continuity will be a hallmark of future directorial prominence. Stakeholder-Centric Governance: Future directors will adopt a stakeholder-centric approach, considering the interests of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, communities, and regulators. This approach will lead to more holistic decision-making that balances the needs of various stakeholders. Adoption of Ethical AI and Big Data Governance: As AI and big data continue to drive business strategies, directors will ensure ethical governance frameworks are in place. They will advocate for responsible use of data, ensuring privacy, security, and ethical considerations are integrated into AI-driven decision-making processes. Global Collaboration and Partnerships: Directors will increasingly engage in global collaborations and strategic partnerships to expand market reach, share best practices, and drive innovation. These partnerships will facilitate cross-border exchanges of ideas, technologies, and resources, fostering growth and sustainable development. By embracing these challenges as opportunities, directors can drive change, foster innovation, and lead organizations towards sustainable success, steering them through turbulent times and capitalizing on emerging trends to achieve enduring global business excellence. The trajectory of directorial prominence in the future will be influenced by leaders who adopt technological advancements, prioritize sustainability and societal contributions, advocate for diversity and resilience, and navigate complexities with a strong focus on ethical governance. These forward-thinking directors will play a pivotal role in guiding organizations toward sustainable expansion, ethical conduct, and fostering inclusive leadership models, setting the stage for a transformative era in corporate governance and leadership standards. 27 |November, 2023
  • 30. Spellbinding You in the Highly Immersive Woodcra Events & Entertainment Deepak Chaudhary 28 |November, 2023
  • 31. n imaginative mind remains curiously filled to the Abrim with a thousand alluring ideas. Only an equally indomitable and resolute willpower can create reality from the most significant ideas. These people with a simmering desire hold the potential to transform dreams into a reality of mesmerizingly vibrant and enter- taining events of their lifetime for the lively audience. Highly entertaining events can engulf everyone who loves entertainment, immersed completely in that enchanting experience of a lifetime. Although, at its core, amusing others is an art of the highest degree, if crafted by those who innately resonate with all the subtle elements of love, passion, compassion, artistry, craftsmanship, and enticing ideas, the events will live in the participants’ hearts forever as memories to be cherished for eternity. Deepak Chaudhary, the Director of Woodcraft Events & Entertainment, always believed in the power of ideas and personal ambitions to turn those ideas into reality. In an exclusive interview with CIOLook India, Deepak spoke about how he and his woodcraft team have entertained audiences for the last eleven years. Highlights of that candid discussion are given herein. Please tell us about the saga of your leadership from the beginning and how you have made Woodcraft excel in its niche. I started WoodCraft in 2012 with a few thousand rupees. At 16, I entered this creative industry as I awaited my class 10 results. I first started travelling while wearing the hat of a freelancer in 1999. After falling head over heels for it, I decided to make this industry my career. In the Varanasi suburbs, I ran my first outdoor advertising campaign. I made sure I grasped hold of anything that could help me develop my adaptability toward the strength of my goals. Woodcraft has developed into more than just an event management firm, with a combined 101 years of experience in the events sector. We design and execute unique concepts with the highest level of perfection. By putting clients and their brand persona at the centre of the planning process, we conceptualize and carry out a variety of staged events and brand launches, corporate conferences and seminars, road shows, brand activation, trade activation, and activation. Serving several small- to medium-sized demand generation companies, such as GIOIA, Petronas, Allana, Lokmat, Velvetcase, Danone, KidZania, INOX, Davidoff, Naturals Salon, Ajmal Perfume, Telus International, Dr Vaidya, President Butler, and many others, has overwhelmed me. Empowered by the priceless experience and know-how of more than a decade, and different geographies of PAN India, I grew WoodCraft into one of the well-reputed and well-known BTL activation and event management solution providers in the capital city of Bollywood. I just pursued my happiness and eventually realized my dream to have a small, bespoke yet passionate and experienced team with a strong creative twist. What inspired you to venture into the business area, and what new dreams are you nurturing to keep you motivated? ‘It’s not about IDEAS. It’s about making IDEAS Happen.’ The famous quote has made me believe in 'Making IDEAS Happen and Hunger for Making a Difference in others' life. I believe that every challenge out there is an Opportunity. When you see things through different lenses, you find opportunities in every life situation. Maybe this is why I never considered any situation challenging; rather, I have focused on finding a solution rather an IDEA which is nothing but a Hidden Opportunity. During my freelancing time, I was at the Hotel for the ITC’s Capstan Cigarette rural campaign project when the manager gave orders on what needed to be done for the execution, and the manner he had control over the room impressed me. I yearned to have a similar command over the room and Since 2012, Woodcraft has been an accepted leader in the listicle of Events and Entertainment Companies in India. 29 |November, 2023 The 5 Most Prominent Directors to Follow in 2023
  • 32. direct the people on going about things. And that's what motivated me to work in this industry. One thing that keeps me inspired is how rapidly technology is evolving. We used to shoot on Kodak reels in the past, but thanks to technological advancements, we can now use HD/4k cameras. I'm continuously searching for opportuni- ties to produce moments that will shock and amaze our clients because of the environment's constant change. This field is not monotonous because technology is always updating. What leadership skills, values, and qualities do you think your clients admire in you and your company the most? In contrast to working for our clients, my team and I believe our primary objective is meeting their demands. The guiding concept ensures that we take ownership of the project and hold us accountable for our actions. This way of thinking also motivates us to make timely and cost-effective deliveries. The client admires us the most for making things simpler and taking care of their challenges and inconve- niences. Passion, Dedication, Professionalism, an Eye for Detail and Thinking Out of the Box; are the few traits I imbibe daily to create meaningful differences in our customer's life. Please brief our audience about Woodcraft, its USPs, and how you are currently positioned as one of the best product/service/solution providers. For our clients, we tell the story of their business, brand or ethos through events. We start by sitting down with them to understand the objective of their event and then help achieve that by providing creative, exciting and ‘spot-on’ solutions. I guess that is one unique aspect of our business which sets us apart from our Competition. Also, good networking within Industry gives the best opportunity to be abreast of trends. Having a talented team like ours onboard makes it easier for the individual to identify hidden opportunities and trends. As I mentioned, we mainly work for corporates and brands, so our target group is Corporate, and our USP is a team of young, creative, enthusiastic, and dynamic professionals with a sparkling stream of ideas having vast experience in the field of Events and Entertainment. As an experienced leader, share your opinion on how adopting modern technologies like AI and ML impacts your industry and how your firm adapts to the change. Change is the most constant thing, and even though we may sometimes like it or not, I have seen change as an opportunity to do something different and better; I'm sure that AI will. With the changes in market dynamics, we have added a complete 360-degree angle to our services, which is comprehensive enough to cater to all our customer's needs. The genre that we are currently focusing on apart from regular Event management services is primarily the events such as: • Live video streaming/Webcasting/ (Multi and Cross- Platform Solution) • Virtual Events/Web Conferencing System During the wake of the pandemic, Live Streaming/Virtual Presence are playing a major role in every industry to generate more business. It is helping organizations to sustain and upgrade business consistently during these uncertain times. We started offering different and customized Virtual solutions which can benefit the organization monetizes their revenue with the latest technology. Considering the current industry scenario, what challenges do you face, and how do you drive your firm to overcome them? Being a top event management company, we have special traits, such as faultless preparation, while also considering the likelihood of unforeseen circumstances that might enhance the success of an event from a logistical, opera- tional, and functional perspective. Along with those, as mentioned earlier, we also create a checklist for every stage and assign entire accountability to every team member for every function. Without a doubt, one needs the highest level of execution clarity. Additionally, using this method enables Woodcraft to divide difficult projects into smaller modules that, when combined, create a whole substantially greater than the sum of its parts. The best evidence of this is that each project has been carried out efficiently and admirably. What would be your advice to budding leaders who aspire to excel in their career graph like you? I advise anyone who wishes to pursue a career in event management: "Follow your Heart and Dreams, and you will end up at the place you are intended for. Never give up, no matter what difficulties or barriers you may encounter. It 30 |November, 2023
  • 33. has worked for me, and it always succeeds for those who follow their paths. Always be quick to respond and flexible to new ideas. Our line of work demands that you maintain an open mind. Every person you encounter and every chance you are given can inspire you to create something no one could have imagined; for instance, when you visit a piece of architecture, you can draw inspiration from it. Everyone would work with you to obtain your goals in the most creative way possible. Follow your Heart and Dream, and you will end up being at your destined destination. Never give up, irrespective of any challenges or Obstacles that may come your way. It has worked for me, and this always works for someone who chooses to walk his path. How do you envision scaling Woodcraft’s operations and offerings in the future? Speaking of my expectations for the advancement of Woodcraft in the modern era, the best course of action is to develop independent platforms in the form of intellectual property for various target audiences and market segments. Our penetration strategies look perfect as we focus on strengthening the inventory by creating intellectual properties (IP) to enhance success in the void. With comprehensive plans to take things to the next level, we are approaching our mission in 2024, wherein IT, FMCG, and E-Learning Platforms sectors are the predomi- nant and immediate targets. Our company is all set to embrace and expand the operations to these demanding sectors, as the requests are coming in huge numbers. Our penetration strategies look impeccable, as our focus is on strengthening the inventory by developing Intellectual Properties (IP), which will bolster aces in the hole. Foreseeing the burgeoning requirements in the segments like IT, FMCG, Consumer Durable and other categories, our company will be doing IP events for the brands as well – manifesting a lucid sign of flexibility. Our vision of professionalism in charting the roads of informative and entertaining events, and giving every event a different meaning and identity, will be a boon to the E-Learning Platforms/IT industry - beyond any reasonable doubt. Making a difference by providing cost-effective, creative experiences to businesses And we know we are making a difference, as reflected in the words of encouragement we receive from our audiences. Rishi Darda of Lokmat Media Pvt. Ltd, said, “I want to personally Congratulate and thank you for putting up a splendid show last night. Your planning was impeccable. The effort taken by your team was excellent. You Worked out every detail very well, and I was happy to see that the set-up was complete in time. It was a pleasure working with WoodCraft Events.” Jaydeep Chatterji of Danone said, “It was an absolute pleasure to work with the team at Woodcraft. We were all so impressed with the staging and lighting and the way you turned the show. The feedback has been fantastic.” 31 |November, 2023
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