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                                   NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement - Lung: National
Improvement Projects
Improving earlier diagnosis and
the long term management of
COPD: Testing the case for
Contents   3

NHS Improvement - Lung National Improvement Projects -
Improving earlier diagnosis and the long term management
of COPD: Testing the case for change

4   Introduction

    Case studies

9   Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust
    The introduction of direct access pulmonary function testing to support primary
    care in accurately diagnosing and managing respiratory patients, while reducing
    waiting times for clinic appointments and reducing costs

10 North East, North Central London and Essex Health Innovation and Education
   Cluster working with Walthamstow West Primary Care Commissioning Group
   Validating registers and reviewing patients to ensure an accurate diagnosis of
   chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and understand the region of
   error on GP disease registers and the variation between practices

12 Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Central London
   Community Healthcare NHS Trust
   An integrated respiratory team can make significant improvements
   across the entire COPD patient pathway

14 London Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Hammersmith
   and Fulham Primary Care Trust
   Using an innovative data warehouse development
   to improve respiratory services

18 The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
   Developing an integrated COPD disease register to support quality
   assured diagnosis and proactive chronic disease management

20 Leicester County and Rutland PCT
   How good is our management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

21 The Victoria Practice, Aldershot, Hampshire
   Reducing waste and increasing adherence in use of medicines for chronic
   obstructive pulmonary disease

23 NHS Blackpool
   Formalising self management planning in Blackpool

25 Veor Surgery, Camborne, Cornwall
   A systematic approach to implementing self management action plans

27 Breathe Easy North Staffordshire and NHS Stoke on Trent
   How support groups can impact on patients’ ability to self manage

29 Acknowledgments

30 References
4      Introduction

Case for change: the current position            A reduction in this variation would also     The aim of the managing COPD as a long
for chronic obstructive pulmonary                increase value for money of services as      term condition workstream was to
disease in the UK                                well as improving outcomes for people        explore how supported self-care and
                                                 with COPD in line with the Quality,          regular review can best be delivered in
There are around 835,000 people                  Innovation, Productivity and Prevention      order to improve the outcomes and
currently diagnosed with Chronic                 agenda.                                      quality of care offered to patients. The
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)                                                          aim also included related work to test the
in England and an estimated 2,000,000            During the first year of project work, NHS   optimisation of health resources towards
people with COPD who remain                      Improvement – Lung through the ‘Earlier      a reduction in emergency admissions. An
undiagnosed and are living with the              Diagnosis’ and ‘Managing COPD as a           important component of the work
disease1. The majority of these have mild        Long Term Condition’ national                incorporated medicines management by
or moderate disease but if they were             workstreams have focussed on                 ensuring all patients with COPD were on
diagnosed early, they could then take the        developing services that deliver efficient   the correct treatment in relation to the
necessary steps to improve the outcome           and high quality care and support for        severity and symptoms of their disease,
of their disease and modify its                  patients suspected to have COPD or living    and were regularly reviewed to help
progression. The disease is progressive          with the disease. This has been achieved     support them to use their medication
and cannot be cured, with one person             through working with and supporting          correctly. Project work included testing
dying every 20 minutes in England and            clinical teams to identify, test and         ways to develop and implement effective
Wales. However, timely and accurate              implement the changes needed to              self-care models and ongoing patient
diagnosis, with supportive ongoing               achieve this level of care and understand    review, and to identify the key challenges
management can help modify the impact            the key components that have the             and solutions for overall long term
of the disease, helping people to self-          greatest impact on the pathway and           condition management.
manage more effectively and thereby              benefit to patients.
reducing the need for hospital admission.                                                     This publication, which is aimed at
It is therefore vital that patients receive a    The aim of the earlier diagnosis             healthcare professionals, commissioners
quality-assured diagnosis at the earliest        workstream was to ensure that all people     and other key stakeholders involved in
opportunity in order to commence                 with suspected COPD receive an accurate      respiratory health, draws together the
appropriate treatment and to slow the            and quality assured diagnosis sooner and     evidence and learning from the past 12
progression of the disease for the               as a result, are placed on the correct       months and highlights the work
individual. This can also reduce the             treatment pathway. The aim also included     undertaken by the project sites within
impact on carers and on the burden of            ensuring that patients receive appropriate   both national workstreams.
long term management and its related             information about their condition and are
costs.                                           added to the practice disease register.      Improvement approach
                                                 With the right pathway in place, it was
The Outcomes Strategy for COPDi and              hypothesised that timely and quality         In July 2010, NHS Improvement - Lung
Asthma in England and the NCROP Auditii          assured diagnosis would lead to a            invited NHS organisations to work in
identified that there is significant variation   reduction in service costs by optimising     partnership on projects dedicated to
across England in the way in which               the treatment pathway for patients and       improving the COPD patient pathway and
people are referred, diagnosed and               initiating self-management at an earlier     to help address the variation in care that
treated. There is significant scope to           stage in the disease progression. Project    patients receive. Projects plans were
improve the quality and timeliness of            work included testing service models in      submitted from a number of sites
diagnosis, treatment and management,             both primary and secondary care,             including acute trusts, primary care trusts
including pharmacotherapy, and to                understanding and reviewing registers        (PCTs) and community organisations.
organise care in a more integrated way.          and the development of tools to improve
This would not only improve the quality          and monitor quality.
and efficiency of the service, but also
empower patients to manage their own
Introduction         5

The primary aims of the projects in the     Once the project teams were established,      • There appears to be extensive variation
two national workstreams were to:           a period of analysis followed to allow          in the quality of spirometry being
                                            teams to understand the patient pathway.        undertaken and interpreted, along with
• Define the patient’s pathway              This also helped dispel any assumptions         the quality of information being
• Identify and reduce variation in the      about the process, its challenges and the       collected. This includes the accuracy of
  delivery of care                          solutions. Potential solutions were tested      COPD registers.
• Challenge the system and test the         using the model for improvement and           • Taking time to understand what is
  components of care that lead to           plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles with            happening in the current system and
  consistent and effective diagnosis and    ongoing measurement to evaluate the             identifying who is doing what may
  management of the condition               impact of the interventions and refine          mean that change can occur more
• Identify the success principles that      where appropriate.                              quickly, safely and reliably without the
  other organisations and teams could                                                       need for additional resources
  learn from and adopt                      Common challenges and solutions               • Significant variation across primary care
• Distil the learning to inform future      Clinical teams at all sites have been           may not be immediately apparent.
  ‘prototyping’ work.                       focussed on specific aims which have            Identifying low prevalence, high
                                            included:                                       admission rates and prescribing
Focus was also given to improving the                                                       performance can help target efforts for
patient’s experience and outcomes along     • Identifying the current state of practice     improvement
with removing duplication and waste           and any gaps, duplication, waste or         • Consistent recording of data across the
from the pathway or specific processes        opportunities to improve the quality of       practice team is essential to allow
through different ways of working and         care                                          stratification, monitoring of
service redesign. Productivity gains        • Increasing the number of patients             deterioration and impact of changes in
achieved by sites were measured to            whose treatment is optimised by               care, and highlights any increasing
identify the impact of the work.              identifying the right patients, providing     frequency of exacerbations early in
                                              appropriate information and support,          order to initiate targeted intervention
During the ‘testing’ phase of the             and ensuring they are on the right            where appropriate
programme, project teams have explored        treatment path                              • Data is essential for improvement.
the reality of making this happen by        • Identifying ways to ensure that their         There is plenty of it available but it is
taking stock of current practice and          systems for diagnosis and management          important to identify what is most
understanding the process of                  are consistent and effective.                 useful and how best to present it.
implementation to ensure patients receive                                                   Targeting patients or practices with
optimal care in a challenging               Whilst each project site has worked on a        high resource use can help towards
environment. The project sites adopted a    different part of the diagnosis and             demonstrating benefits more quickly
systematic approach to quality              management pathway, a number of               • There can be a significant impact on
improvement to ensure that any changes      themes have emerged across all sites:           admissions by targeting moderate
implemented were thoroughly tested and                                                      COPD patients and increasing their
measured. Prior to commencing the           • Although clinicians understand the            confidence in self management, while
work, the project sites were required to      components of optimal COPD care,              ensuring work is undertaken to
establish their service baseline through      there is widespread variation in practice     correctly identified patients’ severity in
analysis of local data and to understand      in the way in which diagnosis and             the first instance
the variation in services.                    management are provided. This
                                              includes aspects such as spirometry,
                                              support for self care and optimising
6      Introduction

• Where there are no formal systems in         • People are motivated by different
  place for risk stratification, it is still     things. Taking time to find out what      Project Outcomes: Emerging
  possible to start the improvement              will motivate someone to change           Success Principles from Project
  process by exploring which patients            behaviour will lead to an increased       Learning
  account for the greatest use of                chance of helping them
  resources – for example, appointments,       • Teams may have concerns about the         Through problem solving and a
  accident and emergency attendances,            practicalities of offering longer         systematic approach to
  admissions or medicines. Using the             appointments, including the impact of     improvement, all teams worked
  Pareto principle – the principle that          patients not attending. Group sessions    through a number of challenges in
  20% of people or problems may                  for review or patient education can       order to achieve their project aims.
  account for 80% of resources – can             limit the impact on resources and may     Across the sites, a number of success
  help target effort more effectively            enhance the patient experience            principles have been identified that
• It is important to work together to          • Taking time with patients to explore      represents improvement
  improve the management of COPD by              how the care they receive affects their   opportunities towards effective
  both gaining common agreement with             health or their ability to self-manage,   service provision in the diagnosis and
  stakeholders, and developing                   using a tool such as the COPD             management of COPD:
  integrated and consistent approaches           Assessment Test (CAT) or similar, can
  to patient pathway management                  lead to improved outcomes and overall     • Defining and gaining a good
• Good management and self-care                  experience                                  understanding of the whole
  support requires 30–60 minutes and a         • Providing patients with information,        pathway of care supported by
  patient-led approach. Patients with            advice and contact names and numbers        robust data to demonstrate
  more than one long term condition              can result in improved management           current processes, performance
  (LTC) may benefit from a holistic              along with earlier recognition of and       and variation is essential when
  assessment and review, which may also          action on symptoms, thereby reducing        embarking on improvement work.
  reduce total demand for healthcare             the need for emergency care and             This allowed organisations to
  resources over any twelve month                admission                                   identify priorities for change and
  period. Shorter appointments may             • Providers should systematically address     also to benchmark themselves
  mean there is little time to listen to the     the way they work to find consistent        with others locally and nationally
  patient and establish their needs and          and sustainable pathways that deliver     • Issues and challenges viewed in
  may lead to repeat appointments                proactive and holistic care.                isolation without due
• Inhaler technique is a key area for                                                        consideration to the whole patient
  improvement in the management of                                                           pathway were less likely to lead to
  COPD. Many patients do not maintain                                                        sustainable improvements in care
  the correct technique and many staff                                                       provision
  may not be demonstrating correctly.                                                      • Effective working relied on the
  There is evidence of the cost                                                              commitment of teams in primary,
  effectiveness of using trainer devices to                                                  secondary and community care to
  improve technique, and regular                                                             improve communication across the
  checking can ensure patients receive                                                       patient pathway. Integrated
  the maximum benefit from their                                                             working helped to build positive
  medication                                                                                 relationships with health care
                                                                                             professionals, departments and
                                                                                             organisations, and improve the
                                                                                             critical interface between these
Introduction          7

                                           Future ‘prototyping’ work                     • Service models that support diagnosis
• Access to and effective use of data                                                      across the whole pathway (for COPD,
  through collaboration between            In the forthcoming year of project work         Asthma, Home Oxygen and Sleep
  clinical and managerial staff            sites will be building on the learning from     Apnoea)
  enabled the project teams to             the ‘testing’ phase of work. Sites will be    • Opportunities for diagnostic bundle
  better understand the patient            refining the components attributed to the       approaches
  pathway and demonstrate the              emerging care models and success              • Workforce skills and competency
  impact of any change. The routine        principles that demonstrated the greatest       requirements.
  collection and review of data was        impact on the patient pathway during the
  important in implementing                past year. The prototyping work will          Managing COPD as a long term
  sustainable improvements and             define the chronic care model for patients    condition workstream
  understanding outcomes of any            with COPD, representing an efficient and      It is known that patients who understand
  service improvements                     high quality care model that reflects not     what to do in the event of an
• Identifying the key levers and           only best practice, but also demonstrates     exacerbation are more confident to seek
  drivers in the system by integrating     examples of practical approaches towards      help earlier and can avoid admissions,
  local and national priorities into       sustainable implementation. The evidence      while regular medication reviews and
  the work such as Quality,                and learning from the diagnosis               inhaler technique checks can help reduce
  Innovation, Productivity and             workstream will inform its scoping work       waste in prescribing. It is also
  Prevention (QIPP) raised the profile     prior to commencing the prototyping           acknowledged that while it is critical to
  and priority of the project work         phase.                                        have access to tools like plans, reviews
  with decision makers and helped                                                        and templates to help patients manage
  to achieve improved engagement           Earlier diagnosis workstream                  their condition, effective management
  from senior management teams             Using national data currently available,      needs to be underpinned by a set of
• There was a need to identify and         a national scoping exercise will be           skills, an approach and an infrastructure
  understand the gaps, duplication         undertaken to determine the current           that will allow delivery. These
  and waste in the patient pathway         diagnostic pathways for patients with         components can be considered as:
  in order to make best use of             suspected COPD. This will also define the
  available resources. It was essential    optimum pathway and identify best             • The resources that patients need
  to work and communicate with             practice case study examples. Following       • What professionals need to do
  colleagues, commissioners and            analysis, service gaps between the            • The infrastructure that needs to be in
  other stakeholders in service            ‘current’ state and ‘future’ state              place to facilitate to delivery.
  provision in order to maximise           pathways, common themes and
  these resources and to ensure a          principles, challenges and potential          For patients to be effectively supported to
  consistent and co-ordinated              solutions will be pulled together in order    self care and for professionals to deliver
  approach to care.                        to inform future priorities for               chronic disease management successfully
                                           improvement and prototype work.               each of these components needs to be in
Many of the issues and challenges                                                        place. The challenge now is to identify
met by the project teams were              In summary, the key aims of the scoping       how best to implement this consistently,
similar to those faced in other            work will be to identify:                     reliably and cost effectively. Further work
specialities and several of the success                                                  is also required to identify the essential
principles have been demonstrated          • Sustainable and innovative service          elements and most effective means to
to be effective in other disciplines. It     models (including direct access to          put these into practice, including:
was important for sites to recognise         secondary care, GP provision and
areas where common principles and            secondary care provision)                   • Planning for early intervention in the
practice meant that learning could         • Models to support earlier diagnosis and       event of exacerbation
be transferred across specialities.          improved primary care access                • Medicines management and good
                                           • Models to support diagnosis of all            inhaler technique
                                             severities and associated conditions
8      Introduction

• Adequate time for regular review that      • Ensure a supportive self management
  encompasses what is important to both        approach to care that incorporates a
  the clinician and the patient/carer and      regular structured review
  supports self management                   • Ensure a medicines management and
• Skills to deliver support, education and     review approach that optimises
  treatment.                                   treatment.

As a result the workstream will now focus    It is the aspiration of the national
on demonstrating how to improve              programme to deliver a QIPP reduction in
management and self care for people          emergency admissions by 20%, a             Catherine Blackaby
with COPD to reduce admissions,              reduction in readmissions at 30 days by    National Improvement Lead,
                                                                                        NHS Improvement – Lung
optimise medicines use and enhance           20% and reduction in prescription spend
patient experience by prototyping:           by 10% to which effective diagnosis and
                                             management can contribute. In addition,
• The optimal time and components of         the workstream will continue to identify
  an effective review from both patient      the key components of care that improve
  and clinician perspective                  the overall patients’ experience and
• Practical ways of implementing this and    outcomes, and further develop the
  delivering it within existing resources    learning and key success principles that
• How to optimise medicines use and the      support effective commissioning of
  impact of doing so on cost, experience     respiratory services in England.
  and use of other health care resources
• The key components that need to be in                                                 Zoë Lord
  place for patients to be able to           Catherine Blackaby,                        National Improvement Lead,
                                                                                        NHS Improvement – Lung
  effectively self-manage and the benefits   National Improvement Lead,
  of doing so.                               NHS Improvement - Lung

This will allow the production of a model    Zoë Lord,
that demonstrates what needs to be in        National Improvement Lead,
place for care to be delivered effectively   NHS Improvement - Lung
and how to implement it, to ensure that
every minute of contact is used to           Phil Duncan,
maximum effect, every time.                  Director,
                                             NHS Improvement - Lung
In summary, the key aims of prototype
project sites will be to:                                                               Phil Duncan
• Define the exemplar model of care                                                     NHS Improvement -Lung
• Demonstrate an integrated care model
  to identify and manage acute episodes
• Demonstrate an approach to improving
  other condition management
Introduction        9

Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust

The introduction of direct access pulmonary function
testing to support primary care in accurately diagnosing
and managing respiratory patients, while reducing
waiting times for clinic appointments and reducing costs
Project summary                                                                                  • 15% classified as restrictive by GP
Historically, most patients referred to the                                                        were normal
secondary care consultant-led respiratory                                                        • 15% classified as obstructive by GP
clinic via Choose and Book received                                                                were normal
detailed pulmonary function testing prior                                                        • 69% classified as normal by the P were
to their appointment with the consultant.                                                          obstructive
However, an audit highlighted that 30%                                                           • 54% of patients referred needed to be
of referrals did not require intervention                                                          added to the practice COPD disease
and were immediately discharged back to                                                            register and 7% needed to be removed
the GP as these patients could have been                                                           to the register
diagnosed and managed in primary care         Dr Robert Buttery, Lorraine Leech, Kelly Backler
                                                                                                 • Out of the total GP referrals which
(estimated saving of £10,000).                (Hinchingbrooke Hospital), Dr David Roberts (GP)     were classified as obstructive, 32% of
                                                                                                   patients had their Global Initiative for
This led to the introduction of a direct      Project aim                                          Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease
access service to provide full pulmonary      • Improve the accuracy of diagnosis,                 (GOLD) disease severity changed:
function testing for those GPs who              especially chronic obstructive                   • 43% maintained their severity as
required support diagnosing and                 pulmonary disease (COPD), in primary               classified by GP spirometry
managing their respiratory patients in          care                                             • 20% changed by one GOLD stage
primary care.                                 • Ensure all patients are on the                   • 38% changed by two GOLD stages.
                                                appropriate management pathways
The new service provided detailed               with appropriately identified patients           Learning
pulmonary function testing (spirometry,         being managed in primary care,                   • Meaningful patient engagement
static lung volumes, gas transfer +/-           resulting in:                                      presents valuable insights into a current
reversibility testing) for all referred         • Earlier access to smoking cessation              service provision. Patient engagement
patients. Where there is diagnostic             • Improved access to COPD respiratory              was highly beneficial resulting in a
certainty, the patients receive information        nurse specialists                               direct impact on the project:
from the physiologist about the outcome         • Earlier access to pulmonary                      improvements included the way in
of their test and a British Lung                   rehabilitation services                         which the patient invitation letters are
Foundation (BLF) leaflet; where this          • Appropriate referrals into the hospital            structured and written along with the
certainty does not exist, patients receive      respiratory clinics for specialist guidance        information leaflets that are given out
more general information about lung             (a reduction in unnecessary referrals for          to patients at the time of their tests
health, based upon leaflets from the BLF.       patients who can be managed in                   • GP engagement can be challenging.
GPs receive fully interpreted Pulmonary         primary care)                                      Use data to target high volume
Function Tests, with chest physician          • To create a measurable effect on GPs’              referrers. Only providing written
guidance as necessary. Depending on the         decision to refer a patient to hospital            information about a new service does
outcome of the tests, patients no longer        clinics with the aim to reduce referrals           not instigate a change in referral
automatically see the consultant                by 25%.                                            patterns. Newsletters, emails and letters
respiratory physician, although advice                                                             have a limited effect. Building
may be given to refer the patient in to the   Highlights and achievements                          relationships and using personal
respiratory clinic where deemed               Reduction in unnecessary consultant                  mediums of communication like
appropriate.                                  appointments by 78% for those patients               face-to-face meetings can have a
                                              referred in to the service:                          positive effect.
                                              • Saving of £144 per patient who does
                                                not require a consultant appointment             Contact
                                              • Reduction in waiting times – from eight          Dr Robert Buttery
                                                weeks to one week                                Consultant Respiratory Physician,
                                              • 32% of patients have had their                   Papworth Hospital and
                                                diagnosis changed following detailed             Hinchingbrooke Hospital
                                                Pulmonary Function Tests:                        Email:
10    Case studies

North East, North Central London and Essex Health Innovation and
Education Cluster working with Walthamstow West Primary Care
Commissioning Group
Validating registers and reviewing patients to ensure an
accurate diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) and understand the region of error on
GP disease registers and the variation between practices

Project summary
North East, North Central London and          Quality of COPD diagnosis measures at practice level
Essex Health Innovation and Education
Cluster (NECLES HIEC) have been working
with nine practices in Walthamstow West
Primary Care Commissioning Group with
support from GlaxoSmithKline UK to
quantify the region of error in the
diagnosis of COPD and the recording of
information on disease registers.

Project aim
• Quantify the region of error in
  diagnosis of COPD, by understanding
  the proportion of patients with an
  incorrect diagnosis (following National
  Institute for Health and Clinical
  Excellence (NICE) 2010 guidelines for
  confirming COPD diagnosis)
                                                        Practice 1     Practice 2     Practice 3     Practice 4     Practice 5
• Quantify the variation between
  practices                                             Practice 6     Practice 7     Practice 8     Practice 9
• Establish a comprehensive and accurate
  disease registers that capture all
  elements of the diagnostic and severity
  assessment, enabling healthcare           Highlights and achievements                   • Up to 36% of records on the registers
  professionals to take a proactive         • A baseline from the practices was             had no documented spirometry which
  approach to the identification and          extracted using GSK POINTS tool along         would suggest that spirometry has not
  management of people with COPD, in          with a list of COPD patients on each          been performed or the result had not
  line with the NICE COPD guideline           disease register                              been documented on the register
  2010                                      • Any patient without a recorded              • Between 3% and 100% of records in
• Reduction in waste, improved                spirometry result or with an FEV1/Ratio       the nine surgeries had incomplete
  productivity and quality of services        recorded >0.7 was invited for a review        spirometry results which could indicate
  provided locally, by reducing               with the respiratory nurse specialist –       that these patients have not had a
  inappropriate administration of             using NICE COPD 2010 guidelines. The          validated diagnosis and that there is the
  medicines                                   review was based on and included a            possibility that these patients are not
• Prevent inappropriate treatment due to      full patient history and spirometry with      being treated effectively
  inaccurate diagnosis or incorrect           reversibility testing                       • 18% to 100% of records in the nine
  assessment of severity.                   • Following a clinical review, the practice     practices did not document ‘percentage
                                              registers were updated and the GP             of predicted FEV1’ to assess severity of
                                              informed. If any medication changes           the disease and monitor disease
                                              were necessary, the patient notes were        progression over time
                                              also updated along with dialogue with       • Between 21% and 47% of records had
                                              the GP                                        a ‘FEV1/FVC ratio ≥ 0.7’ which could
                                                                                            indicate that the patient does not suffer
                                                                                            from COPD and there is an issue with
                                                                                            poor technique or interpretation of
                                                                                            spirometry results
Case studies   11

• Four out of the nine practices had 60%      Contact
  or more patients with a dual diagnosis      Dr Gabby Ivbijaro
  of asthma                                   GP Waltham Forest
• Evidence from the practices confirmed       Email:
  that patients on both COPD and
  Asthma registers receive two reviews        Professor Mike Roberts
  which is costly to the health service and   HIEC Facilitator
  confusing to patients                       Email:
• Results following a review with the
  respiratory nurse specialist to confirm     Anne O'Malley
  diagnosis highlighted 50% of patients       Respiratory Nurse Specialist
  had a confirmed diagnosis of COPD
  and 50% did not have COPD.                  Kirsty Barnes
                                              HIEC Fellow
Learning                                      Email:
• A standardised register which
  incorporates the requirements for
  Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF)
  and NICE diagnosis and management is
  required to drive up quality
• Variation occurs in the patient
  information collected on the practice
  templates. This occurrence is due to
  different software companies (EMIS,
  VISION etc) and variations within each
  version of the software
• Education and training for practice staff
  is imperative to the quality of COPD
  diagnosis and the recording of
  information. Both individual and group
  education and training session are
  required ensure all new diagnoses are
  quality assured and the correct
  information is added to the COPD
• A standardised register would assist l
  earning for healthcare professional who
  are new to COPD
• Collecting data is time consuming but
  important to understand the current
  reality and the variation in clinical
  practice so that action can be taken to
  improve quality and patient care.
12     Case studies

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Central London
Community Healthcare NHS Trust
An integrated respiratory team can make significant
improvements across the entire COPD patient pathway

Project summary                              • To support patients post discharge after
A consultant led integrated respiratory        acute exacerbation
team in Hammersmith and Fulham (H&F),        • To improve communication and joint
working across Imperial College                working by clinicians looking after
Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHT) and Central        COPD patients in primary, secondary
London Community Healthcare NHS Trust          and community teams.
(CLCH) has been working to improve the
quality of services for patients with COPD   Highlights and achievements
and other long term respiratory              • Improvements across the patient
conditions.                                    pathway have led to a reduction of
                                               admissions by 19% and readmissions
The project was part of a broader review       by 66%
to reconfigure and re-commission services    • Reduction in first and follow up            Learning
to deliver an integrated COPD patient          outpatient appointments equating to         • Shared aims and joint working across
pathway, supported by the primary care         approximately £170k savings                   primary, secondary and community
trust and local stakeholders. The project    • Reduction in the proportion of patients       care, with engagement of
was commenced after a gap analysis             presenting with an acute exacerbation         commissioners is critical to the success
showed that H&F had among the worst            of COPD who do not have a previous            of an integrated service
outcomes for COPD patients in London,          GP diagnosis                                • Changing traditional patterns of
with high admissions costing over £1m        • 145 patients have had a quality review        working is challenging and takes time
per year and an estimated 5,000 patients       with a respiratory specialist as a result     to implement
with as yet undiagnosed COPD.                  of which:                                   • Data is crucially important; robust
                                               • Quality of recording of FEV1,               timely data is difficult to obtain and
Service developments have included               exacerbations and breathlessness            clinicians need to take ownership and
specialist support to primary care               have improved in line with National         responsibility for it
delivering quality assured spirometry,           Institute for Health and Clinical         • Managing change can be slow and
workplace based training and quality             Excellence (NICE) quality standards in      difficult. Communication
reviews; community based pulmonary               a practice audit exercise                   throughout the process is vital
rehabilitation; a COPD discharge bundle        • 30% additional referrals to               • Implementation of the chronic care
with community follow-up; and                    smoking cessation advice were made          model in COPD pathway can deliver
community clinics.                             • 41% of patients received rescue             improved outcomes. Working across
                                                 medication packs                            traditional boundaries to deliver an
Project aim                                    • 23% of patients were referred to            integrated pathway is one way to
• To review practice disease registers and       pulmonary rehabilitation                    achieve these outcomes and deliver
  support primary care clinicians to           • 44% of patients underwent                   value for money.
  confidently diagnose and manage                changes to prescribed
  respiratory patients                           pharmacotherapy                           Contact
• Ensure all reviews include quality           • 5% of patients had their diagnosis        Dr Irem Patel
  assured spirometry to confirm                  changed from Asthma to COPD.              Consultant Respiratory Physician,
  diagnosis, with an assessment of           • A real time ‘COPD Report’ tool has          Integrated Care
  disease severity, and patients receive       been developed in liaison with Public       Email:
  written information about their              Health to capture patient and practice
  diagnosis                                    level data on COPD care and outcomes
• To support patients to self manage           and to monitor progress of the
• To facilitate NICE standard                  pathway.
  pharmacological and non
  pharmacological management of COPD
  and asthma
Case studies   13

Example of the GP practice reports and progress made

                                             PRACTICE A

                                             PRACTICE B

                                             PRACTICE C

Number of admissions by patients who are on and not on the GP COPD disease register

                 Patient on GP condition register

                 Patient not on GP condition register
14     Case studies

London Community Healthcare NHS Trust and
Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care Trust
Using an innovative data warehouse development
to improve respiratory services

Project summary                                ‘COPD’ or ‘asthma’ report at patient,        • Data is automatically extracted from GP
In all quality improvement projects, access    practice or Primary Care Trust (PCT) level     practices and aggregated by Apollo
to data is a crucial part of identifying the   as required which also can track               Software
areas for improvement and for                  improvements over time. A key                • The data is then downloaded from
monitoring progress.                           component of this is measuring                 Apollo and linked into the PCT data
                                               compliance with locally agreed and             warehouse
An integrated respiratory team in              National Institute for Health and Clinical   • The data warehouse combines
Hammersmith and Fulham working                 Excellence (NICE) standard care, rather        individual patient level data from
across Imperial College Healthcare NHS         than Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF)          Secondary Uses Service (SUS), the local
Trust and Central London Community             targets, and focusing on important data        RIO database and the extract from
Healthcare NHS Trust started their             such as smoking prevalence in the              primary care, matching patients on NHS
improvement project by working with            respiratory population.                        number
local GP practices. Using the                                                               • An innovative, interactive document is
GlaxoSmithKline POINTS (GSK) audit tool        Project aim                                    produced for viewing and sharing the
to assess the quality of chronic               • Improve joint working across primary,        data, using Tableau software. Tableau
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)             secondary and community care to              software provides an intuitive
management in their area, a respiratory          deliver and monitor an integrated            dashboard style interface that enables
specialist team worked with practices to         pathway                                      practices to have an overview of the
review COPD and asthma patients to             • Improve the collection and analysis of       key measures for their practice, and
deliver workplace based training aimed at        primary and secondary care data to           click into the detail for patient level
primary care clinicians. Data from               support local services and the decision      information if they require
enhanced COPD and asthma reviews was             making processes                           • This data is shared with practices and
entered on read code linked templates          • Improve monitoring of the local              the integrated respiratory team to
and progress was followed up with a              integrated COPD pathway, through             facilitate appropriate intervention and
second audit.                                    monthly monitoring across primary            monitor progress.
                                                 care and secondary care
Significant improvements were made to          • Improve local monitoring of asthma         Highlights and achievements
reduce the variation between practices           patients                                   • This innovative approach enables the
and improve the quality of diagnosis and       • Provide greater feedback on admissions       PCT to access and merge the data from
management. To sustain the                       data to local GP practices                   the local acute services and general
improvement in the area, a multi               • Create useful performance measures to        practices to provide a whole system
disciplinary team from Central London            support clinicians and managers in the       picture of the care received by COPD
Community Healthcare NHS Trust,                  area.                                        and asthma patients in the area
Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care                                                         • Data is collected on compliance with
Trust (PCT) and General Practice initiated     Data extraction and matching process           locally agreed and NICE standards of
a project to build a near a real-time audit    A multidisciplinary team made up of an         care as opposed to QOF targets (e.g.
tool.                                          integrated care consultant, primary and        stop smoking support, pulmonary
                                               community clinicians, public health            rehabilitation referrals etc)
The tool can baseline and monitor              specialists and commissioners built the      • The architecture of the data warehouse
information recorded on practice               warehouse based on primary and                 is owned by the PCT and is available for
computer systems, monitor out patient          secondary care read codes relevant to          other healthcare providers to use and
appointments, admissions and re-               COPD and asthma. The 30 practices in           implement in their local area. No
admissions, along with highlighting those      NHS Hammersmith and Fulham agreed to           additional software is required as the
admissions coded as COPD or asthma             share a generic monthly extract of data        warehouse is based on the commonly
who are not on the GP practice disease         from their practice systems to the PCT.        used Microsoft SQL database
register. This then generates a local
Case studies   15

• The database structure and definitions    Learning
  of the read code extractions are          • There is a cost associated with
  available to share with other PCTs or       extracting data using Apollo, which is
  clinical commissioning groups               low when considered on a per extract
• The extracts from Apollo software are       basis, but may limit implementation in
  automated for the practices and the         larger PCTs over longer periods
  PCT. No further user input is required    • The reports are dependent on the
  once the extract is set up                  quality of coded data. The data
• Matching the data from GP practices to      extracted is very useful, but data coding
  secondary care allows for some useful       issues can sometimes report
  measures to be calculated. For              unexpected results, which require local
  example, each month the PCT reviews         investigation
  the COPD and asthma patients who          • Risk stratification has been difficult
  have had an admission for their             from the initial extracts due to an
  respiratory condition who do not have       incorrect level of read code data, but
  a diagnosis in Primary Care and are not     there are plans to fix this in future
  on the practice disease register            extracts.
• The practice list data is refreshed
  monthly, compared to the previous         Contact
  annual QOF practice list which the        David Sayers
  practice received                         Public Health Intelligence Analyst
• Practices receive admissions and re-      Email:
  admissions data on a monthly basis
• The data is obtained from the practices   Dr Irem Patel
  each month providing a timely update      Consultant Respiratory Physician,
  on performance unlike annual data         Integrated Care
  sources such as QOF                       Email:
• The tableau interface provides a
  tailored approach depending on the        Alide Petri
  audience’s requirements; it can output    Consultant in Public Health Medicine
  to a pdf or word document, or using       Email:
  the tableau browser interface. This
  enables practices to drill-down to the    Dr Clare Graley
  individual patient level data             General Practitioner
• Transferability – current work has        Email:
  piloted reports for COPD and asthma.
  The same data warehouse could be
  used for other disease areas.
16    Case studies

Example of COPD and asthma reports produced for GP practices
Case studies   17
18     Case studies

The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Developing an integrated COPD disease register to
support quality assured diagnosis and proactive
chronic disease management

Project summary                                • Enables assessment of the impact of          Contact
The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust           the disease on the patient                   To receive a copy of the register,
developed a standardised Chronic               • Facilitates assessment of disease            supplementary documentation or to
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)             progression over time to identify the        request to use the register in your area
register designed to proactively support         indications for all interventions with the   contact:
diagnosis and chronic disease                    impact on the patient and their chronic
management across both Primary and               disease                                      Dr Doychin Dimov
Secondary Care.                                • Consistent with the current clinical         Consultant Physician in
                                                 evidence and the recommendations of          Respiratory Medicine
Project aim                                      the national and international               Email:
To produce an integrated standardised            guidelines
register to ensure all the necessary patient   • Data format will be compatible with          Further information including the register
information is collected and recorded in         the different information technology         is also available on the following website:
one system. Thus improving the                   systems used in NHS                
communication and information flow             • The process of collecting, recording and
between Primary and Secondary Care               analysing the data will be acceptable
which is highly beneficial for both patient      and feasible for both patients and
outcomes and efficiency, and to act as a         health care organisations
platform where diagnostic information          • Support continuous audit of all
(e.g. current smoking status) triggers           requirements of Quality and Outcomes
patient referral for treatment (e.g.             Framework (QOF), Quality Standards
smoking cessation).                              for COPD and National Institute for
                                                 Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)
Highlights and achievements                      standard CG101.
• Development of an integrated register
• A decision making pathway has been           Learning
  developed to sit alongside the register      • The consultation with patients was
  and support a care planning                    invaluable to understand their
  consultation                                   experiences, expectations and needs of
• Fully implemented register in Leeds            a COPD service
  Teaching hospitals with work ongoing         • Support from the primary care
  to convert the register into an                computer systems is of paramount
  electronic format for primary care.            importance for the full implementation
                                                 of the integrated register. The process
Benefits of using this disease register          of engagement and decision making is
include:                                         slow and requires perseverance
• Standardised register for both primary       • A barrier to the implementation of a
  and secondary care                             disease register is the lack of widely
• Standardised collection of data                accepted and robust standards for
• Mechanism for improved                         management of patients with COPD.
  communication between primary and              QOF has limited clinical value, however,
  secondary care                                 this disease register can facilitate the
• Improved the information flow                  establishment of such standards.
  between primary and secondary care
• Supports the assessment of severity
  of disease
Case studies   19

   Disease Register for COPD - Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

    Summary of thre consultation:

    Patient’s goals: (enter in patient’s own words)

  The Disease Register for COPD is developed in the department of Respiratory Medicine at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
  Correspondence: Dr Doytchin Dimov, Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine, St Jamesʼs University Hospital,Beckett
  Street, Leeds LS9 7TF Tel: +44 113 2064523 Fax: +44 113 2064158 E-mail:

More documents are available on the NHS Improvement at:
20     Case studies

Leicester County and Rutland PCT
How good is our management of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease?

Project summary                               Highlights and achievements                    Learning
Leicester County and Rutland Primary          OPC software was used to extract               Existing data sets and Quality Outcomes
Care Trust worked with Optimum Primary        routinely recorded data from participating     Framework measures give only a limited
Care (OPC) using software to extract          practices. The data is automatically           understanding of quality. The marked
primary care data. In order to target         compared with the National Institute for       variation in recording of FEV1, COPD
education and intervention appropriately      Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)          severity, exacerbation recording, smoking
an evaluation was conducted to                COPD rule sets to identify any                 history, medicines use, referral for
determine how well asthma and chronic         discrepancies between current and              pulmonary rehabilitation and other
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)          suggested optimal care for each patient.       aspects of care potentially indicates
were being diagnosed and managed.             This is automatically fed back into the        significant difference in quality of care
Following the results of this evaluation it   practice system forming personalised           and related impact on secondary care and
was evident that a significant variation in   recommendations for that patient; this         prescribing. Making this visible helps to
quality and consistency existed, which        information will also inform the patient’s     target appropriate intervention to
was not routinely visible through the         next review as well as creating                improve management.
current standard measures and reports.        aggregated reports. Those patients with a
                                              recorded diagnosis of COPD of                  As patients with moderate or severe
Project aim                                   approximately 10% did not have COPD            disease account for significant numbers
• Develop an accurate baseline of current     on spirometric criteria:                       of admissions, there is scope for improved
  performance in primary care                                                                management of these patients to have
• Provide practices with individualised       • Over 50% of patients had no FEV              considerable impact on acute activity.
  patient reports on their system to            (Forced Expiratory Volume) or FVC
  support improved management                   (Forced Vital Capacity) values within        Contact
• Stratification of patients by disease         two years of diagnosis. The cost of          Dermot Ryan
  severity                                      therapy for misdiagnosed COPD                COPD Lead
• Identification of high risk patients          patients could amount to £86k pa –           Leicestershire County and Rutland PCT/
• Assist in the planning of service             this represents a potential saving,          Woodbrook Medical Centre
  development                                   depending on what their accurate             Email:
• Identify scope for targeted intervention      diagnosis would be
  to optimise therapy and reduce              • 30% of patients required optimisation
  admissions.                                   of therapy, which could reduce the
                                                likelihood of admission
                                              • Approximately 7% of patients were
                                                identified as high risk patients using
                                                the DOSE index.

                                                The DOSE index
                                                The DOSE index (MRC Dyspnoea Scale, airflow obstruction, smoking status and
                                                exacerbation frequency) is a simple, validated tool for assessing the severity of COPD
                                                and guiding management, for use in routine clinical settings.
Case studies      21

The Victoria Practice, Aldershot, Hampshire
Reducing waste and increasing adherence in use of
medicines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Project summary
Victoria practice employed a clinical            Change in consecutive CAT score by patient
pharmacist to conduct reviews for asthma
and COPD patients that has reduced                             35
prescribing costs and improved patient's
COPD assessment test (CAT) scores.
Project aim
                                                   CAT Score

• Review asthma and COPD patients' use                         20
  of medicines
• Identify opportunities to improve                            15
  quality and reduce waste in prescribing
• Evaluate the cost effectiveness of a
  clinical pharmacist as part of the                            5
  primary care team.
                                                                    1   2   3       4        5      6     7       8        9   10
Highlights and achievements
The pharmacist sees COPD and asthma
patients routinely for review. These                                        Original CAT Score          Second CAT Score
consultations are specifically structured
around previous National Prescribing
Centre (NPC) concordance training, using
open questions which help to understand        Patients complete a CAT at their first
the patients' current attitude to their        appointment with the pharmacist which              CAT scores
medicines and to set realistic goals for       is then repeated at follow up where an             The COPD assessment test (CAT) is
improvement for the future.                    intervention has been made in order to             a simple validated test of 8
                                               measure and document the effects and               questions that objectively measures
During these consultations inhaler             outcomes. Patients who do not need a               the impact of COPD on the person’s
technique is evaluated and an InCheck          face to face follow up appointment are             life. A high score indicates the
Dial trainer device is also used in order to   contacted by phone two to three weeks              condition is having greater impact
determine that patients are achieving the      after their appointment. Where a                   on the person’s life; a low score
optimal inspiratory flow for their device.     significant intervention such as change of         indicates less impact. Patients are
Patients using metered dose inhalers           medication was made during the course              encouraged to complete it
(MDIs) are also given a 2Tone Trainer          of the project, 8 out of 10 patients               independently, as the test allows
device and advised to check their              showed reductions in CAT score of                  them to express themselves in a
inspiratory flow once a month at home.         between 5 and 17 points.                           way that permits a common
                                                                                                  understanding of the issues
The pharmacist is an independent                                                                  affecting them. Ongoing use and
prescriber, who holds COPD and clinical                                                           comparison of consecutive scores
pharmacy diplomas. This ensures that                                                              can reveal whether impact is
the pharmacist is able to review and                                                              changing over time, providing a
revise current medication, but working in                                                         useful framework for discussion to
the practice she also has the opportunity                                                         help optimize treatment.
to discuss any significant concerns with
the practice's lead GP.                                                                           More information is available at
22      Case studies

     Victoria Practice prescribing costs

The practice has demonstrated a               Ensuring that repeat prescriptions for         Contact
sustained reduction in prescribing costs of   different medications are synchronized in      Clare Watson
£1300 per month on respiratory chapter        terms of quantity prescribed can reduce        Clinical Pharmacist Victoria Practice,
medicines when other practices in its         over or under ordering. This also              Medicines Management Pharmacist
group were showing an increase.               increases the reliability of patients having   NHS Hampshire
                                              the medication and taking it correctly.        Email:
Allowing 30 minute appointments               Process mapping at the practice has
provides sufficient time with the patient     revealed scope to work more closely with
so all aspects of the consultation can be     the local pharmacies to reduce potential
covered. Making this time available for       waste in repeat prescribing systems.
the patient is important to establish a
rapport with the patient.                     Enhancing the skill mix in the practice
To reduce ‘do not attends’ (DNAs) the         team has brought more general
receptionists phones the patient the day      knowledge and sharing into the practice
before their appointment with a               such as an increased awareness of
reminder; this also allows time to contact    medication costs, benefits waste of
other patients if there is a cancellation.    different medication and additional cover
                                              within the team.
Looking at the total prescribing picture
for the patient can help identify waste.
Case studies       23

NHS Blackpool
Formalising self management
planning in Blackpool

Project summary
With high prevalence of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
within the region along with high rates of
smoking, high mortality and high
spending, improving care planning and
patients' ability to self manage were seen
as priorities by the Primary Care Trust
(PCT). At that time there was no
formalised self management plan in use
locally so a format was developed in
conjunction with patients. This initiative is
now in use across all 22 Primary Care
teams and in the acute unit, with over
1000 plans distributed by October 2011.

Project aim
• Develop consistent written self
  management care plans for all patients,
  as a key component of an integrated
  COPD pathway
• Develop patient education materials
  and/or programmes together with               Highlights and achievements                  Plans were distributed to all GP practices,
  educational support for clinicians            A comprehensive plan was developed in        community matrons, case workers,
  adopting new ways of working                  conjunction with patients and adopted        pulmonary rehabilitation, acute trust,
• Identify and promote the evidence base        across primary and secondary care. The       early supported discharge team and the
  for self management plans to gain             plan was tested with clinicians and          relief nursing team. When a plan is issued
  clinical commitment for their use             patients to check terminology, content       in secondary care, the named contact in
• Agree an integrated approach to               and the process of delivery before rolling   the patient's practice is informed to
  implementation, including promotion           out, which both improved quality and         facilitate seamless follow up. The plan
  of the plans and embedding their use          increased buy-in from clinicians.            also formed part of the Commissioning
  in clinical and social care practice and                                                   for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN)
  other care settings                           Training and education sessions were         payment framework with the acute trust
• Develop structured education                  provided to participating practices to       to help embed its use as best practice.
  programmes appropriate to local needs         ensure that the plan was delivered           This helped reduce confusion for patients
  and skilling healthcare professional to       appropriately and consistently, to           by standardising the information they
  deliver the plan                              maximise effectiveness.                      were given and also helped assure
• Evaluate the impact on patient                                                             continuity.
  confidence and outcomes.                      Educational events and training sessions
                                                supported the roll out of the plan which     Training sessions were also run for social
                                                embedded the ethos and methodology           care workers to equip them with
                                                necessary to deliver it successfully.        additional skills to support patients in
                                                Training included the whole team so that     their own homes by using My Breathing
                                                everyone was aware of and engaged in         Book as an information tool. Community
                                                the process.                                 pharmacists also have access to the plan
                                                                                             as a reference tool.
24     Case studies

The impact is being evaluated by a
patient questionnaire, approved by
Clinical Governance and funded by
Partnerships and Patient Engagement
through local commissioners.

Strong links and good personal working
relationships help build bridges and
develop a consistent approach to delivery.
Clinical education is important to ensure
the plan is used properly and consistently
and to promote both behavioural and
cultural change. Pulmonary rehabilitation
referral rates improved with
implementation of the plan, with
awareness of the educational component
and additional time staff can offer

A simplified version of a written self
management plan is useful for those
patients or carers who are less confident
or literate.

It can be difficult to evaluate or attribute
impact in the short term. Information
governance issues made it difficult to
track impact by NHS number as originally
planned. Alternative process measures
may help in the interim, or individual sites
may be able to monitor their own
patients, but it is important to get
acknowledgement that impact on high
level admission data will take longer to
work through. Total resource use per
patient per year may be a better indicator
of integrated care that includes self
management planning. Self management           Contact
planning may be best seen as an integral       Ros Ince
component of a care bundle approach to         Lead Nurse Respiratory NHS Blackpool
delivering holistic, best practice care.       Tel: 01253 651316
It takes time!
Case studies     25

Veor Surgery, Camborne, Cornwall
A systematic approach to implementing
self management action plans

Project summary                              Consultations included discussing with
To ensure all chronic obstructive            the patient general health and wellbeing
                                                                                                         Think ‘ABC’ to self-manage
pulmonary disease (COPD) patients could      (using a COPD computer template), what
                                                                                                                 your COPD
recognise and respond appropriately to       to look out for when becoming unwell,
any worsening of their condition the         prescribed medicines and their use,
                                                                                                         Able to do usual activities ?
practice wanted to discuss a self            inhaler technique, spirometry check and
management action plan with each of          recording a COPD Assessment Test (CAT)
                                                                                                       Bit more breathless than usual ?
them before winter set in. In spite of a     score, sent to the patient for completion
significant rise in exacerbations, the       in advance.
                                                                                                            Coughing up coloured
proportion of reported exacerbations
                                                                                                             sputum or phlegm?
resulting in admission was only 5% that      Patients were encouraged to start
winter compared to 8% the previous           antibiotics in line with local guidelines
                                                                                                            Don’t delay, start your
year, and patients made greater use of       and to contact the practice for advice and
                                                                                                               tablets today.
planned appointments and telephone           follow up.
support to manage changes in their
condition.                                   Exacerbations during the severe winter
                                             period were 117 (60 in previous year) but
Project aim                                  admissions and GP appointments
• Ensure every COPD patient is reviewed      remained stable. Patients made more use
  and has discussed self management          of telephone consultations and planned
  action for exacerbations in the run up     nurse appointments rather than urgent
  to the winter period                       contacts, indicating early intervention
• Issue antibiotics and steroids in line     gave better control and outcomes.
  with local guidelines to all appropriate
• Evaluate the safety and impact of
  issuing rescue medication to patients in      Proportion of exacerbations seen by GP or nurse
  relation to untoward incidents,
  admissions and use of primary care.                         0.9
Highlights and achievements                                                                             Seen by doctor     Seen by nurse
The team reviewed existing resources and                      0.7
re-allocated time to set up 20 specific                       0.6

COPD self management clinics, each                            0.5
offering six 30 minute appointments.122
patients were reviewed for the project,                       0.4
and 100 patients agreed self                                  0.3
management action plans during a three
month period.
Receptionists contacted patients the day                       0
before their appointment with a reminder                            October 2009 - March 2010             October 2010 - March 2011

to reduce the chance of them not                                                                Year
26     Case studies

Inviting patients to discuss self            Patient exacerbation pathway
management in August and September
meant there was less likelihood of illness                                         BEFORE
or bad weather affecting patients’ ability
to attend.
                                                               Urgent                                    Start       Review after
                                              Exacerbation                       Prescription          medication
                                                             appointment                                              two weeks
The professional conducting the review
should be able to prescribe antibiotics
and steroids, and be confident to
examine and assess the patient, including                    Delay and stress when patient is unwell
distinguishing between exacerbation and
heart failure. This helps avoid additional
referrals back to the GP.

Allowing 30 minute appointments gives
                                                                                                         Start       Review with
adequate time to address the patient’s       Annual review
                                                             Prescription       Exacerbation                            nurse
                                               wih plan                                                medication
concerns and ensures their understanding                                                                             practitioner
when discussing self management.
Setting up specific clinics to reach all
patients initially was time consuming, but                                   Prompt access to advice and treatment
did not create the backlog of other work
that the nurses had expected. Once the
system is established, new patients can
be booked in for appropriate
appointments on diagnosis.

Angie Bennetts,
Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Case studies     27

Breathe Easy North Staffordshire and NHS Stoke on Trent
How support groups can impact on
patients’ ability to self manage

Project summary                             Highlights and achievements
NHS Stoke on Trent and Breathe Easy         • 75% of members say they are more              Since joining Breathe Easy…
North Staffordshire (BENS) demonstrated       confident and 90% have a better
how patient support groups can be             understanding of their condition since        75% said they felt more confident
integrated into the patient pathway, with     joining the group                             in managing their condition
a 25% increase in attendance at the local   • A member of the local community
group and 70% of members reporting            respiratory team attends each meeting         88% indicated they felt more
greater awareness of what to do when          to answer questions and concerns, and         hopeful about the future
they become unwell. The area has high         to promote relevant self management
deprivation along with high smoking and       messages. If any common themes are            94% said they had a better
COPD prevalence; increasing patients’         identified this can then be addressed at      understanding of their lung
understanding of how to manage their          an organisational level                       condition
own health is an important part of the      • Enquiries and membership have
local strategy to address this.               increased, with a 25% increase in             70% felt they had more
                                              attendance at meetings, as a result of        knowledge of what to do if they
“…seeing the way other                        making the referral process more              become unwell
                                              consistent across a number of practices
sufferers cope with their                     and ensuring that Breathe Easy and            76% felt they had more
illness has made me feel                      British Lung Foundation (BLF) support         awareness of the support
                                              are highlighted at diagnosis                  available to people living with a
that I can do the things I                  • Information packs on the local support        lung disease
previously felt I could not.”                 group and BLF are provided to practices
                                              to give to patients on diagnosis and
Project aim                                   increase the reliability of referral to the
• Analyse current membership of groups        group. Information is also included in
  and referral sources to identify gaps       discharge information packs
• Increase the total number of patients     • BENS members now provide input to
  involved in the group and                   the local pulmonary rehabilitation
  representation from a wider group of        programme, promoting the role of the
  practices by raising awareness and          local support group
  clarifying referral routes                • Representation from BLF at the local
• Develop effective patient and carer         respiratory implementation group has
  information to support self                 enhanced understanding and
  management                                  awareness of what Breathe Easy and
• Increase patients’ healthy behaviour        BLF can offer to enhance patient
  and confidence to self manage by            experience and self management
  providing appropriate messages,           • A quarterly newsletter and a welcome
  information and support                     pack are provided to members.
• Identify the impact that group            • Group members completed a
  membership has on patient outcomes.         questionnaire on the impact of the
                                              group on their confidence and self
                                              management (see box).
28     Case studies

• If health professionals are to
  consistently promote membership of a
  local support group, they need to be
  convinced that the programme and
  advice it offers are appropriate and
  valuable. This can be achieved
  through engagement at both a
  strategic and operational level
• Personal contact with local practices
  can help raise awareness of the support
  available via the local group and
  increase referrals to the group. This is
  helpful because patients often report
  receiving only limited information at
  diagnosis, whereas referral to the BLF /
  Breathe Easy group can provide another
  early source of information and
  support, to enhance the opportunities
  for understanding their condition and
  what they can do to manage it
• It is not easy to measure impact on
  health care resource use for small
  group numbers, but patient-reported
  measures and personal stories
  emphasise the value of group support
  in enhancing quality of life and
  confidence which provides a powerful

Rebecca Gowers
Development Officer,
Midlands Region (BLF)

Sharon Maguire
Service Improvement and
Development Manager,
Long Term Conditions
(NHS Stoke on Trent)
Acknowledgements   29

NHS Improvement - Lung would like to
thank all national improvement project
sites for their hard work and dedication
to improve quality and care for people
with COPD, and for their contributions to
this document.

In addition, the following people have
provided a source of expertise and
support and their help is gratefully

Phil Duncan, Director,
NHS Improvement - Lung

Ore Okosi, National Improvement Lead,
NHS Improvement - Lung

Catherine Thompson, National
Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement -

Alex Porter, Senior Analyst,
NHS Improvement - Lung

For more information please
contact: Catherine Blackaby,
National Improvement Lead, NHS
Improvement - Lung, Email:
or Zoë Lord, National Improvement Lead,
NHS Improvement - Lung, Email:
30    References

iAn Outcomes Strategy for Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
and Asthma in England, Department of
Health, July 2011

iiThe National COPD Resources and

Outcomes Project Final Report, Clinical
Effectiveness & Evaluation Unit, Royal
College of Physicians, London, May 2009
                                                                                                NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement

NHS Improvement’s strength and expertise lies in practical service improvement. It has over a
decade of experience in clinical patient pathway redesign in cancer, diagnostics, heart, lung and
stroke and demonstrates some of the most leading edge improvement work in England which
supports improved patient experience and outcomes.

Working closely with the Department of Health, trusts, clinical networks, other health sector
partners, professional bodies and charities, over the past year it has tested, implemented, sustained
and spread quantifiable improvements with over 250 sites across the country as well as providing
an improvement tool to over 1,000 GP practices.

NHS Improvement
3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB
Telephone: 0116 222 5184 | Fax: 0116 222 5101

Delivering tomorrow’s
                                                                                                                  Publication Ref: IMP/comms029 - November 2011
                                                                                                                  ©NHS Improvement 2011 | All Rights Reserved

improvement agenda
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Improving earlier diagnosis and the long term management of COPD: testing the case for change

  • 1. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement Lung DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement - Lung: National Improvement Projects Improving earlier diagnosis and the long term management of COPD: Testing the case for change
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents 3 NHS Improvement - Lung National Improvement Projects - Improving earlier diagnosis and the long term management of COPD: Testing the case for change Contents 4 Introduction Case studies 9 Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust The introduction of direct access pulmonary function testing to support primary care in accurately diagnosing and managing respiratory patients, while reducing waiting times for clinic appointments and reducing costs 10 North East, North Central London and Essex Health Innovation and Education Cluster working with Walthamstow West Primary Care Commissioning Group Validating registers and reviewing patients to ensure an accurate diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and understand the region of error on GP disease registers and the variation between practices 12 Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust An integrated respiratory team can make significant improvements across the entire COPD patient pathway 14 London Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care Trust Using an innovative data warehouse development to improve respiratory services 18 The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Developing an integrated COPD disease register to support quality assured diagnosis and proactive chronic disease management 20 Leicester County and Rutland PCT How good is our management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? 21 The Victoria Practice, Aldershot, Hampshire Reducing waste and increasing adherence in use of medicines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 23 NHS Blackpool Formalising self management planning in Blackpool 25 Veor Surgery, Camborne, Cornwall A systematic approach to implementing self management action plans 27 Breathe Easy North Staffordshire and NHS Stoke on Trent How support groups can impact on patients’ ability to self manage 29 Acknowledgments 30 References
  • 4. 4 Introduction Introduction Case for change: the current position A reduction in this variation would also The aim of the managing COPD as a long for chronic obstructive pulmonary increase value for money of services as term condition workstream was to disease in the UK well as improving outcomes for people explore how supported self-care and with COPD in line with the Quality, regular review can best be delivered in There are around 835,000 people Innovation, Productivity and Prevention order to improve the outcomes and currently diagnosed with Chronic agenda. quality of care offered to patients. The Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) aim also included related work to test the in England and an estimated 2,000,000 During the first year of project work, NHS optimisation of health resources towards people with COPD who remain Improvement – Lung through the ‘Earlier a reduction in emergency admissions. An undiagnosed and are living with the Diagnosis’ and ‘Managing COPD as a important component of the work disease1. The majority of these have mild Long Term Condition’ national incorporated medicines management by or moderate disease but if they were workstreams have focussed on ensuring all patients with COPD were on diagnosed early, they could then take the developing services that deliver efficient the correct treatment in relation to the necessary steps to improve the outcome and high quality care and support for severity and symptoms of their disease, of their disease and modify its patients suspected to have COPD or living and were regularly reviewed to help progression. The disease is progressive with the disease. This has been achieved support them to use their medication and cannot be cured, with one person through working with and supporting correctly. Project work included testing dying every 20 minutes in England and clinical teams to identify, test and ways to develop and implement effective Wales. However, timely and accurate implement the changes needed to self-care models and ongoing patient diagnosis, with supportive ongoing achieve this level of care and understand review, and to identify the key challenges management can help modify the impact the key components that have the and solutions for overall long term of the disease, helping people to self- greatest impact on the pathway and condition management. manage more effectively and thereby benefit to patients. reducing the need for hospital admission. This publication, which is aimed at It is therefore vital that patients receive a The aim of the earlier diagnosis healthcare professionals, commissioners quality-assured diagnosis at the earliest workstream was to ensure that all people and other key stakeholders involved in opportunity in order to commence with suspected COPD receive an accurate respiratory health, draws together the appropriate treatment and to slow the and quality assured diagnosis sooner and evidence and learning from the past 12 progression of the disease for the as a result, are placed on the correct months and highlights the work individual. This can also reduce the treatment pathway. The aim also included undertaken by the project sites within impact on carers and on the burden of ensuring that patients receive appropriate both national workstreams. long term management and its related information about their condition and are costs. added to the practice disease register. Improvement approach With the right pathway in place, it was The Outcomes Strategy for COPDi and hypothesised that timely and quality In July 2010, NHS Improvement - Lung Asthma in England and the NCROP Auditii assured diagnosis would lead to a invited NHS organisations to work in identified that there is significant variation reduction in service costs by optimising partnership on projects dedicated to across England in the way in which the treatment pathway for patients and improving the COPD patient pathway and people are referred, diagnosed and initiating self-management at an earlier to help address the variation in care that treated. There is significant scope to stage in the disease progression. Project patients receive. Projects plans were improve the quality and timeliness of work included testing service models in submitted from a number of sites diagnosis, treatment and management, both primary and secondary care, including acute trusts, primary care trusts including pharmacotherapy, and to understanding and reviewing registers (PCTs) and community organisations. organise care in a more integrated way. and the development of tools to improve This would not only improve the quality and monitor quality. and efficiency of the service, but also empower patients to manage their own condition.
  • 5. Introduction 5 The primary aims of the projects in the Once the project teams were established, • There appears to be extensive variation two national workstreams were to: a period of analysis followed to allow in the quality of spirometry being teams to understand the patient pathway. undertaken and interpreted, along with • Define the patient’s pathway This also helped dispel any assumptions the quality of information being • Identify and reduce variation in the about the process, its challenges and the collected. This includes the accuracy of delivery of care solutions. Potential solutions were tested COPD registers. • Challenge the system and test the using the model for improvement and • Taking time to understand what is components of care that lead to plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycles with happening in the current system and consistent and effective diagnosis and ongoing measurement to evaluate the identifying who is doing what may management of the condition impact of the interventions and refine mean that change can occur more • Identify the success principles that where appropriate. quickly, safely and reliably without the other organisations and teams could need for additional resources learn from and adopt Common challenges and solutions • Significant variation across primary care • Distil the learning to inform future Clinical teams at all sites have been may not be immediately apparent. ‘prototyping’ work. focussed on specific aims which have Identifying low prevalence, high included: admission rates and prescribing Focus was also given to improving the performance can help target efforts for patient’s experience and outcomes along • Identifying the current state of practice improvement with removing duplication and waste and any gaps, duplication, waste or • Consistent recording of data across the from the pathway or specific processes opportunities to improve the quality of practice team is essential to allow through different ways of working and care stratification, monitoring of service redesign. Productivity gains • Increasing the number of patients deterioration and impact of changes in achieved by sites were measured to whose treatment is optimised by care, and highlights any increasing identify the impact of the work. identifying the right patients, providing frequency of exacerbations early in appropriate information and support, order to initiate targeted intervention During the ‘testing’ phase of the and ensuring they are on the right where appropriate programme, project teams have explored treatment path • Data is essential for improvement. the reality of making this happen by • Identifying ways to ensure that their There is plenty of it available but it is taking stock of current practice and systems for diagnosis and management important to identify what is most understanding the process of are consistent and effective. useful and how best to present it. implementation to ensure patients receive Targeting patients or practices with optimal care in a challenging Whilst each project site has worked on a high resource use can help towards environment. The project sites adopted a different part of the diagnosis and demonstrating benefits more quickly systematic approach to quality management pathway, a number of • There can be a significant impact on improvement to ensure that any changes themes have emerged across all sites: admissions by targeting moderate implemented were thoroughly tested and COPD patients and increasing their measured. Prior to commencing the • Although clinicians understand the confidence in self management, while work, the project sites were required to components of optimal COPD care, ensuring work is undertaken to establish their service baseline through there is widespread variation in practice correctly identified patients’ severity in analysis of local data and to understand in the way in which diagnosis and the first instance the variation in services. management are provided. This includes aspects such as spirometry, support for self care and optimising treatment
  • 6. 6 Introduction • Where there are no formal systems in • People are motivated by different place for risk stratification, it is still things. Taking time to find out what Project Outcomes: Emerging possible to start the improvement will motivate someone to change Success Principles from Project process by exploring which patients behaviour will lead to an increased Learning account for the greatest use of chance of helping them resources – for example, appointments, • Teams may have concerns about the Through problem solving and a accident and emergency attendances, practicalities of offering longer systematic approach to admissions or medicines. Using the appointments, including the impact of improvement, all teams worked Pareto principle – the principle that patients not attending. Group sessions through a number of challenges in 20% of people or problems may for review or patient education can order to achieve their project aims. account for 80% of resources – can limit the impact on resources and may Across the sites, a number of success help target effort more effectively enhance the patient experience principles have been identified that • It is important to work together to • Taking time with patients to explore represents improvement improve the management of COPD by how the care they receive affects their opportunities towards effective both gaining common agreement with health or their ability to self-manage, service provision in the diagnosis and stakeholders, and developing using a tool such as the COPD management of COPD: integrated and consistent approaches Assessment Test (CAT) or similar, can to patient pathway management lead to improved outcomes and overall • Defining and gaining a good • Good management and self-care experience understanding of the whole support requires 30–60 minutes and a • Providing patients with information, pathway of care supported by patient-led approach. Patients with advice and contact names and numbers robust data to demonstrate more than one long term condition can result in improved management current processes, performance (LTC) may benefit from a holistic along with earlier recognition of and and variation is essential when assessment and review, which may also action on symptoms, thereby reducing embarking on improvement work. reduce total demand for healthcare the need for emergency care and This allowed organisations to resources over any twelve month admission identify priorities for change and period. Shorter appointments may • Providers should systematically address also to benchmark themselves mean there is little time to listen to the the way they work to find consistent with others locally and nationally patient and establish their needs and and sustainable pathways that deliver • Issues and challenges viewed in may lead to repeat appointments proactive and holistic care. isolation without due • Inhaler technique is a key area for consideration to the whole patient improvement in the management of pathway were less likely to lead to COPD. Many patients do not maintain sustainable improvements in care the correct technique and many staff provision may not be demonstrating correctly. • Effective working relied on the There is evidence of the cost commitment of teams in primary, effectiveness of using trainer devices to secondary and community care to improve technique, and regular improve communication across the checking can ensure patients receive patient pathway. Integrated the maximum benefit from their working helped to build positive medication relationships with health care professionals, departments and organisations, and improve the critical interface between these organisations
  • 7. Introduction 7 Future ‘prototyping’ work • Service models that support diagnosis • Access to and effective use of data across the whole pathway (for COPD, through collaboration between In the forthcoming year of project work Asthma, Home Oxygen and Sleep clinical and managerial staff sites will be building on the learning from Apnoea) enabled the project teams to the ‘testing’ phase of work. Sites will be • Opportunities for diagnostic bundle better understand the patient refining the components attributed to the approaches pathway and demonstrate the emerging care models and success • Workforce skills and competency impact of any change. The routine principles that demonstrated the greatest requirements. collection and review of data was impact on the patient pathway during the important in implementing past year. The prototyping work will Managing COPD as a long term sustainable improvements and define the chronic care model for patients condition workstream understanding outcomes of any with COPD, representing an efficient and It is known that patients who understand service improvements high quality care model that reflects not what to do in the event of an • Identifying the key levers and only best practice, but also demonstrates exacerbation are more confident to seek drivers in the system by integrating examples of practical approaches towards help earlier and can avoid admissions, local and national priorities into sustainable implementation. The evidence while regular medication reviews and the work such as Quality, and learning from the diagnosis inhaler technique checks can help reduce Innovation, Productivity and workstream will inform its scoping work waste in prescribing. It is also Prevention (QIPP) raised the profile prior to commencing the prototyping acknowledged that while it is critical to and priority of the project work phase. have access to tools like plans, reviews with decision makers and helped and templates to help patients manage to achieve improved engagement Earlier diagnosis workstream their condition, effective management from senior management teams Using national data currently available, needs to be underpinned by a set of • There was a need to identify and a national scoping exercise will be skills, an approach and an infrastructure understand the gaps, duplication undertaken to determine the current that will allow delivery. These and waste in the patient pathway diagnostic pathways for patients with components can be considered as: in order to make best use of suspected COPD. This will also define the available resources. It was essential optimum pathway and identify best • The resources that patients need to work and communicate with practice case study examples. Following • What professionals need to do colleagues, commissioners and analysis, service gaps between the • The infrastructure that needs to be in other stakeholders in service ‘current’ state and ‘future’ state place to facilitate to delivery. provision in order to maximise pathways, common themes and these resources and to ensure a principles, challenges and potential For patients to be effectively supported to consistent and co-ordinated solutions will be pulled together in order self care and for professionals to deliver approach to care. to inform future priorities for chronic disease management successfully improvement and prototype work. each of these components needs to be in Many of the issues and challenges place. The challenge now is to identify met by the project teams were In summary, the key aims of the scoping how best to implement this consistently, similar to those faced in other work will be to identify: reliably and cost effectively. Further work specialities and several of the success is also required to identify the essential principles have been demonstrated • Sustainable and innovative service elements and most effective means to to be effective in other disciplines. It models (including direct access to put these into practice, including: was important for sites to recognise secondary care, GP provision and areas where common principles and secondary care provision) • Planning for early intervention in the practice meant that learning could • Models to support earlier diagnosis and event of exacerbation be transferred across specialities. improved primary care access • Medicines management and good • Models to support diagnosis of all inhaler technique severities and associated conditions
  • 8. 8 Introduction • Adequate time for regular review that • Ensure a supportive self management encompasses what is important to both approach to care that incorporates a the clinician and the patient/carer and regular structured review supports self management • Ensure a medicines management and • Skills to deliver support, education and review approach that optimises treatment. treatment. As a result the workstream will now focus It is the aspiration of the national on demonstrating how to improve programme to deliver a QIPP reduction in management and self care for people emergency admissions by 20%, a Catherine Blackaby with COPD to reduce admissions, reduction in readmissions at 30 days by National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement – Lung optimise medicines use and enhance 20% and reduction in prescription spend patient experience by prototyping: by 10% to which effective diagnosis and management can contribute. In addition, • The optimal time and components of the workstream will continue to identify an effective review from both patient the key components of care that improve and clinician perspective the overall patients’ experience and • Practical ways of implementing this and outcomes, and further develop the delivering it within existing resources learning and key success principles that • How to optimise medicines use and the support effective commissioning of impact of doing so on cost, experience respiratory services in England. and use of other health care resources • The key components that need to be in Zoë Lord place for patients to be able to Catherine Blackaby, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement – Lung effectively self-manage and the benefits National Improvement Lead, of doing so. NHS Improvement - Lung This will allow the production of a model Zoë Lord, that demonstrates what needs to be in National Improvement Lead, place for care to be delivered effectively NHS Improvement - Lung and how to implement it, to ensure that every minute of contact is used to Phil Duncan, maximum effect, every time. Director, NHS Improvement - Lung In summary, the key aims of prototype project sites will be to: Phil Duncan Director, • Define the exemplar model of care NHS Improvement -Lung • Demonstrate an integrated care model to identify and manage acute episodes /exacerbation • Demonstrate an approach to improving other condition management
  • 9. Introduction 9 Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust The introduction of direct access pulmonary function testing to support primary care in accurately diagnosing and managing respiratory patients, while reducing waiting times for clinic appointments and reducing costs Project summary • 15% classified as restrictive by GP Historically, most patients referred to the were normal secondary care consultant-led respiratory • 15% classified as obstructive by GP clinic via Choose and Book received were normal detailed pulmonary function testing prior • 69% classified as normal by the P were to their appointment with the consultant. obstructive However, an audit highlighted that 30% • 54% of patients referred needed to be of referrals did not require intervention added to the practice COPD disease and were immediately discharged back to register and 7% needed to be removed the GP as these patients could have been to the register diagnosed and managed in primary care Dr Robert Buttery, Lorraine Leech, Kelly Backler • Out of the total GP referrals which (estimated saving of £10,000). (Hinchingbrooke Hospital), Dr David Roberts (GP) were classified as obstructive, 32% of patients had their Global Initiative for This led to the introduction of a direct Project aim Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease access service to provide full pulmonary • Improve the accuracy of diagnosis, (GOLD) disease severity changed: function testing for those GPs who especially chronic obstructive • 43% maintained their severity as required support diagnosing and pulmonary disease (COPD), in primary classified by GP spirometry managing their respiratory patients in care • 20% changed by one GOLD stage primary care. • Ensure all patients are on the • 38% changed by two GOLD stages. appropriate management pathways The new service provided detailed with appropriately identified patients Learning pulmonary function testing (spirometry, being managed in primary care, • Meaningful patient engagement static lung volumes, gas transfer +/- resulting in: presents valuable insights into a current reversibility testing) for all referred • Earlier access to smoking cessation service provision. Patient engagement patients. Where there is diagnostic • Improved access to COPD respiratory was highly beneficial resulting in a certainty, the patients receive information nurse specialists direct impact on the project: from the physiologist about the outcome • Earlier access to pulmonary improvements included the way in of their test and a British Lung rehabilitation services which the patient invitation letters are Foundation (BLF) leaflet; where this • Appropriate referrals into the hospital structured and written along with the certainty does not exist, patients receive respiratory clinics for specialist guidance information leaflets that are given out more general information about lung (a reduction in unnecessary referrals for to patients at the time of their tests health, based upon leaflets from the BLF. patients who can be managed in • GP engagement can be challenging. GPs receive fully interpreted Pulmonary primary care) Use data to target high volume Function Tests, with chest physician • To create a measurable effect on GPs’ referrers. Only providing written guidance as necessary. Depending on the decision to refer a patient to hospital information about a new service does outcome of the tests, patients no longer clinics with the aim to reduce referrals not instigate a change in referral automatically see the consultant by 25%. patterns. Newsletters, emails and letters respiratory physician, although advice have a limited effect. Building may be given to refer the patient in to the Highlights and achievements relationships and using personal respiratory clinic where deemed Reduction in unnecessary consultant mediums of communication like appropriate. appointments by 78% for those patients face-to-face meetings can have a referred in to the service: positive effect. • Saving of £144 per patient who does not require a consultant appointment Contact • Reduction in waiting times – from eight Dr Robert Buttery weeks to one week Consultant Respiratory Physician, • 32% of patients have had their Papworth Hospital and diagnosis changed following detailed Hinchingbrooke Hospital Pulmonary Function Tests: Email:
  • 10. 10 Case studies North East, North Central London and Essex Health Innovation and Education Cluster working with Walthamstow West Primary Care Commissioning Group Validating registers and reviewing patients to ensure an accurate diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and understand the region of error on GP disease registers and the variation between practices Project summary North East, North Central London and Quality of COPD diagnosis measures at practice level Essex Health Innovation and Education Cluster (NECLES HIEC) have been working with nine practices in Walthamstow West Primary Care Commissioning Group with support from GlaxoSmithKline UK to quantify the region of error in the diagnosis of COPD and the recording of information on disease registers. Project aim • Quantify the region of error in diagnosis of COPD, by understanding the proportion of patients with an incorrect diagnosis (following National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) 2010 guidelines for confirming COPD diagnosis) Practice 1 Practice 2 Practice 3 Practice 4 Practice 5 • Quantify the variation between practices Practice 6 Practice 7 Practice 8 Practice 9 • Establish a comprehensive and accurate disease registers that capture all elements of the diagnostic and severity assessment, enabling healthcare Highlights and achievements • Up to 36% of records on the registers professionals to take a proactive • A baseline from the practices was had no documented spirometry which approach to the identification and extracted using GSK POINTS tool along would suggest that spirometry has not management of people with COPD, in with a list of COPD patients on each been performed or the result had not line with the NICE COPD guideline disease register been documented on the register 2010 • Any patient without a recorded • Between 3% and 100% of records in • Reduction in waste, improved spirometry result or with an FEV1/Ratio the nine surgeries had incomplete productivity and quality of services recorded >0.7 was invited for a review spirometry results which could indicate provided locally, by reducing with the respiratory nurse specialist – that these patients have not had a inappropriate administration of using NICE COPD 2010 guidelines. The validated diagnosis and that there is the medicines review was based on and included a possibility that these patients are not • Prevent inappropriate treatment due to full patient history and spirometry with being treated effectively inaccurate diagnosis or incorrect reversibility testing • 18% to 100% of records in the nine assessment of severity. • Following a clinical review, the practice practices did not document ‘percentage registers were updated and the GP of predicted FEV1’ to assess severity of informed. If any medication changes the disease and monitor disease were necessary, the patient notes were progression over time also updated along with dialogue with • Between 21% and 47% of records had the GP a ‘FEV1/FVC ratio ≥ 0.7’ which could indicate that the patient does not suffer from COPD and there is an issue with poor technique or interpretation of spirometry results
  • 11. Case studies 11 • Four out of the nine practices had 60% Contact or more patients with a dual diagnosis Dr Gabby Ivbijaro of asthma GP Waltham Forest • Evidence from the practices confirmed Email: that patients on both COPD and Asthma registers receive two reviews Professor Mike Roberts which is costly to the health service and HIEC Facilitator confusing to patients Email: • Results following a review with the respiratory nurse specialist to confirm Anne O'Malley diagnosis highlighted 50% of patients Respiratory Nurse Specialist had a confirmed diagnosis of COPD and 50% did not have COPD. Kirsty Barnes HIEC Fellow Learning Email: • A standardised register which incorporates the requirements for Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) and NICE diagnosis and management is required to drive up quality • Variation occurs in the patient information collected on the practice templates. This occurrence is due to different software companies (EMIS, VISION etc) and variations within each version of the software • Education and training for practice staff is imperative to the quality of COPD diagnosis and the recording of information. Both individual and group education and training session are required ensure all new diagnoses are quality assured and the correct information is added to the COPD register • A standardised register would assist l earning for healthcare professional who are new to COPD • Collecting data is time consuming but important to understand the current reality and the variation in clinical practice so that action can be taken to improve quality and patient care.
  • 12. 12 Case studies Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust An integrated respiratory team can make significant improvements across the entire COPD patient pathway Project summary • To support patients post discharge after A consultant led integrated respiratory acute exacerbation team in Hammersmith and Fulham (H&F), • To improve communication and joint working across Imperial College working by clinicians looking after Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHT) and Central COPD patients in primary, secondary London Community Healthcare NHS Trust and community teams. (CLCH) has been working to improve the quality of services for patients with COPD Highlights and achievements and other long term respiratory • Improvements across the patient conditions. pathway have led to a reduction of admissions by 19% and readmissions The project was part of a broader review by 66% to reconfigure and re-commission services • Reduction in first and follow up Learning to deliver an integrated COPD patient outpatient appointments equating to • Shared aims and joint working across pathway, supported by the primary care approximately £170k savings primary, secondary and community trust and local stakeholders. The project • Reduction in the proportion of patients care, with engagement of was commenced after a gap analysis presenting with an acute exacerbation commissioners is critical to the success showed that H&F had among the worst of COPD who do not have a previous of an integrated service outcomes for COPD patients in London, GP diagnosis • Changing traditional patterns of with high admissions costing over £1m • 145 patients have had a quality review working is challenging and takes time per year and an estimated 5,000 patients with a respiratory specialist as a result to implement with as yet undiagnosed COPD. of which: • Data is crucially important; robust • Quality of recording of FEV1, timely data is difficult to obtain and Service developments have included exacerbations and breathlessness clinicians need to take ownership and specialist support to primary care have improved in line with National responsibility for it delivering quality assured spirometry, Institute for Health and Clinical • Managing change can be slow and workplace based training and quality Excellence (NICE) quality standards in difficult. Communication reviews; community based pulmonary a practice audit exercise throughout the process is vital rehabilitation; a COPD discharge bundle • 30% additional referrals to • Implementation of the chronic care with community follow-up; and smoking cessation advice were made model in COPD pathway can deliver community clinics. • 41% of patients received rescue improved outcomes. Working across medication packs traditional boundaries to deliver an Project aim • 23% of patients were referred to integrated pathway is one way to • To review practice disease registers and pulmonary rehabilitation achieve these outcomes and deliver support primary care clinicians to • 44% of patients underwent value for money. confidently diagnose and manage changes to prescribed respiratory patients pharmacotherapy Contact • Ensure all reviews include quality • 5% of patients had their diagnosis Dr Irem Patel assured spirometry to confirm changed from Asthma to COPD. Consultant Respiratory Physician, diagnosis, with an assessment of • A real time ‘COPD Report’ tool has Integrated Care disease severity, and patients receive been developed in liaison with Public Email: written information about their Health to capture patient and practice diagnosis level data on COPD care and outcomes • To support patients to self manage and to monitor progress of the • To facilitate NICE standard pathway. pharmacological and non pharmacological management of COPD and asthma
  • 13. Case studies 13 Example of the GP practice reports and progress made PRACTICE A PRACTICE B PRACTICE C Number of admissions by patients who are on and not on the GP COPD disease register Patient on GP condition register Patient not on GP condition register
  • 14. 14 Case studies London Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care Trust Using an innovative data warehouse development to improve respiratory services Project summary ‘COPD’ or ‘asthma’ report at patient, • Data is automatically extracted from GP In all quality improvement projects, access practice or Primary Care Trust (PCT) level practices and aggregated by Apollo to data is a crucial part of identifying the as required which also can track Software areas for improvement and for improvements over time. A key • The data is then downloaded from monitoring progress. component of this is measuring Apollo and linked into the PCT data compliance with locally agreed and warehouse An integrated respiratory team in National Institute for Health and Clinical • The data warehouse combines Hammersmith and Fulham working Excellence (NICE) standard care, rather individual patient level data from across Imperial College Healthcare NHS than Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) Secondary Uses Service (SUS), the local Trust and Central London Community targets, and focusing on important data RIO database and the extract from Healthcare NHS Trust started their such as smoking prevalence in the primary care, matching patients on NHS improvement project by working with respiratory population. number local GP practices. Using the • An innovative, interactive document is GlaxoSmithKline POINTS (GSK) audit tool Project aim produced for viewing and sharing the to assess the quality of chronic • Improve joint working across primary, data, using Tableau software. Tableau obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) secondary and community care to software provides an intuitive management in their area, a respiratory deliver and monitor an integrated dashboard style interface that enables specialist team worked with practices to pathway practices to have an overview of the review COPD and asthma patients to • Improve the collection and analysis of key measures for their practice, and deliver workplace based training aimed at primary and secondary care data to click into the detail for patient level primary care clinicians. Data from support local services and the decision information if they require enhanced COPD and asthma reviews was making processes • This data is shared with practices and entered on read code linked templates • Improve monitoring of the local the integrated respiratory team to and progress was followed up with a integrated COPD pathway, through facilitate appropriate intervention and second audit. monthly monitoring across primary monitor progress. care and secondary care Significant improvements were made to • Improve local monitoring of asthma Highlights and achievements reduce the variation between practices patients • This innovative approach enables the and improve the quality of diagnosis and • Provide greater feedback on admissions PCT to access and merge the data from management. To sustain the data to local GP practices the local acute services and general improvement in the area, a multi • Create useful performance measures to practices to provide a whole system disciplinary team from Central London support clinicians and managers in the picture of the care received by COPD Community Healthcare NHS Trust, area. and asthma patients in the area Hammersmith and Fulham Primary Care • Data is collected on compliance with Trust (PCT) and General Practice initiated Data extraction and matching process locally agreed and NICE standards of a project to build a near a real-time audit A multidisciplinary team made up of an care as opposed to QOF targets (e.g. tool. integrated care consultant, primary and stop smoking support, pulmonary community clinicians, public health rehabilitation referrals etc) The tool can baseline and monitor specialists and commissioners built the • The architecture of the data warehouse information recorded on practice warehouse based on primary and is owned by the PCT and is available for computer systems, monitor out patient secondary care read codes relevant to other healthcare providers to use and appointments, admissions and re- COPD and asthma. The 30 practices in implement in their local area. No admissions, along with highlighting those NHS Hammersmith and Fulham agreed to additional software is required as the admissions coded as COPD or asthma share a generic monthly extract of data warehouse is based on the commonly who are not on the GP practice disease from their practice systems to the PCT. used Microsoft SQL database register. This then generates a local
  • 15. Case studies 15 • The database structure and definitions Learning of the read code extractions are • There is a cost associated with available to share with other PCTs or extracting data using Apollo, which is clinical commissioning groups low when considered on a per extract • The extracts from Apollo software are basis, but may limit implementation in automated for the practices and the larger PCTs over longer periods PCT. No further user input is required • The reports are dependent on the once the extract is set up quality of coded data. The data • Matching the data from GP practices to extracted is very useful, but data coding secondary care allows for some useful issues can sometimes report measures to be calculated. For unexpected results, which require local example, each month the PCT reviews investigation the COPD and asthma patients who • Risk stratification has been difficult have had an admission for their from the initial extracts due to an respiratory condition who do not have incorrect level of read code data, but a diagnosis in Primary Care and are not there are plans to fix this in future on the practice disease register extracts. • The practice list data is refreshed monthly, compared to the previous Contact annual QOF practice list which the David Sayers practice received Public Health Intelligence Analyst • Practices receive admissions and re- Email: admissions data on a monthly basis • The data is obtained from the practices Dr Irem Patel each month providing a timely update Consultant Respiratory Physician, on performance unlike annual data Integrated Care sources such as QOF Email: • The tableau interface provides a tailored approach depending on the Alide Petri audience’s requirements; it can output Consultant in Public Health Medicine to a pdf or word document, or using Email: the tableau browser interface. This enables practices to drill-down to the Dr Clare Graley individual patient level data General Practitioner • Transferability – current work has Email: piloted reports for COPD and asthma. The same data warehouse could be used for other disease areas.
  • 16. 16 Case studies Example of COPD and asthma reports produced for GP practices
  • 18. 18 Case studies The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Developing an integrated COPD disease register to support quality assured diagnosis and proactive chronic disease management Project summary • Enables assessment of the impact of Contact The Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust the disease on the patient To receive a copy of the register, developed a standardised Chronic • Facilitates assessment of disease supplementary documentation or to Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) progression over time to identify the request to use the register in your area register designed to proactively support indications for all interventions with the contact: diagnosis and chronic disease impact on the patient and their chronic management across both Primary and disease Dr Doychin Dimov Secondary Care. • Consistent with the current clinical Consultant Physician in evidence and the recommendations of Respiratory Medicine Project aim the national and international Email: To produce an integrated standardised guidelines register to ensure all the necessary patient • Data format will be compatible with Further information including the register information is collected and recorded in the different information technology is also available on the following website: one system. Thus improving the systems used in NHS communication and information flow • The process of collecting, recording and between Primary and Secondary Care analysing the data will be acceptable which is highly beneficial for both patient and feasible for both patients and outcomes and efficiency, and to act as a health care organisations platform where diagnostic information • Support continuous audit of all (e.g. current smoking status) triggers requirements of Quality and Outcomes patient referral for treatment (e.g. Framework (QOF), Quality Standards smoking cessation). for COPD and National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Highlights and achievements standard CG101. • Development of an integrated register • A decision making pathway has been Learning developed to sit alongside the register • The consultation with patients was and support a care planning invaluable to understand their consultation experiences, expectations and needs of • Fully implemented register in Leeds a COPD service Teaching hospitals with work ongoing • Support from the primary care to convert the register into an computer systems is of paramount electronic format for primary care. importance for the full implementation of the integrated register. The process Benefits of using this disease register of engagement and decision making is include: slow and requires perseverance • Standardised register for both primary • A barrier to the implementation of a and secondary care disease register is the lack of widely • Standardised collection of data accepted and robust standards for • Mechanism for improved management of patients with COPD. communication between primary and QOF has limited clinical value, however, secondary care this disease register can facilitate the • Improved the information flow establishment of such standards. between primary and secondary care • Supports the assessment of severity of disease
  • 19. Case studies 19 Disease Register for COPD - Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Summary of thre consultation: Patient’s goals: (enter in patient’s own words) The Disease Register for COPD is developed in the department of Respiratory Medicine at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust Correspondence: Dr Doytchin Dimov, Consultant Physician in Respiratory Medicine, St Jamesʼs University Hospital,Beckett Street, Leeds LS9 7TF Tel: +44 113 2064523 Fax: +44 113 2064158 E-mail: More documents are available on the NHS Improvement at:
  • 20. 20 Case studies Leicester County and Rutland PCT How good is our management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? Project summary Highlights and achievements Learning Leicester County and Rutland Primary OPC software was used to extract Existing data sets and Quality Outcomes Care Trust worked with Optimum Primary routinely recorded data from participating Framework measures give only a limited Care (OPC) using software to extract practices. The data is automatically understanding of quality. The marked primary care data. In order to target compared with the National Institute for variation in recording of FEV1, COPD education and intervention appropriately Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) severity, exacerbation recording, smoking an evaluation was conducted to COPD rule sets to identify any history, medicines use, referral for determine how well asthma and chronic discrepancies between current and pulmonary rehabilitation and other obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) suggested optimal care for each patient. aspects of care potentially indicates were being diagnosed and managed. This is automatically fed back into the significant difference in quality of care Following the results of this evaluation it practice system forming personalised and related impact on secondary care and was evident that a significant variation in recommendations for that patient; this prescribing. Making this visible helps to quality and consistency existed, which information will also inform the patient’s target appropriate intervention to was not routinely visible through the next review as well as creating improve management. current standard measures and reports. aggregated reports. Those patients with a recorded diagnosis of COPD of As patients with moderate or severe Project aim approximately 10% did not have COPD disease account for significant numbers • Develop an accurate baseline of current on spirometric criteria: of admissions, there is scope for improved performance in primary care management of these patients to have • Provide practices with individualised • Over 50% of patients had no FEV considerable impact on acute activity. patient reports on their system to (Forced Expiratory Volume) or FVC support improved management (Forced Vital Capacity) values within Contact • Stratification of patients by disease two years of diagnosis. The cost of Dermot Ryan severity therapy for misdiagnosed COPD COPD Lead • Identification of high risk patients patients could amount to £86k pa – Leicestershire County and Rutland PCT/ • Assist in the planning of service this represents a potential saving, Woodbrook Medical Centre development depending on what their accurate Email: • Identify scope for targeted intervention diagnosis would be to optimise therapy and reduce • 30% of patients required optimisation admissions. of therapy, which could reduce the likelihood of admission • Approximately 7% of patients were identified as high risk patients using the DOSE index. The DOSE index The DOSE index (MRC Dyspnoea Scale, airflow obstruction, smoking status and exacerbation frequency) is a simple, validated tool for assessing the severity of COPD and guiding management, for use in routine clinical settings.
  • 21. Case studies 21 The Victoria Practice, Aldershot, Hampshire Reducing waste and increasing adherence in use of medicines for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Project summary Victoria practice employed a clinical Change in consecutive CAT score by patient pharmacist to conduct reviews for asthma and COPD patients that has reduced 35 prescribing costs and improved patient's 30 COPD assessment test (CAT) scores. 25 Project aim CAT Score • Review asthma and COPD patients' use 20 of medicines • Identify opportunities to improve 15 quality and reduce waste in prescribing 10 • Evaluate the cost effectiveness of a clinical pharmacist as part of the 5 primary care team. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Highlights and achievements Patient The pharmacist sees COPD and asthma patients routinely for review. These Original CAT Score Second CAT Score consultations are specifically structured around previous National Prescribing Centre (NPC) concordance training, using open questions which help to understand Patients complete a CAT at their first the patients' current attitude to their appointment with the pharmacist which CAT scores medicines and to set realistic goals for is then repeated at follow up where an The COPD assessment test (CAT) is improvement for the future. intervention has been made in order to a simple validated test of 8 measure and document the effects and questions that objectively measures During these consultations inhaler outcomes. Patients who do not need a the impact of COPD on the person’s technique is evaluated and an InCheck face to face follow up appointment are life. A high score indicates the Dial trainer device is also used in order to contacted by phone two to three weeks condition is having greater impact determine that patients are achieving the after their appointment. Where a on the person’s life; a low score optimal inspiratory flow for their device. significant intervention such as change of indicates less impact. Patients are Patients using metered dose inhalers medication was made during the course encouraged to complete it (MDIs) are also given a 2Tone Trainer of the project, 8 out of 10 patients independently, as the test allows device and advised to check their showed reductions in CAT score of them to express themselves in a inspiratory flow once a month at home. between 5 and 17 points. way that permits a common understanding of the issues The pharmacist is an independent affecting them. Ongoing use and prescriber, who holds COPD and clinical comparison of consecutive scores pharmacy diplomas. This ensures that can reveal whether impact is the pharmacist is able to review and changing over time, providing a revise current medication, but working in useful framework for discussion to the practice she also has the opportunity help optimize treatment. to discuss any significant concerns with the practice's lead GP. More information is available at .htm
  • 22. 22 Case studies Victoria Practice prescribing costs The practice has demonstrated a Ensuring that repeat prescriptions for Contact sustained reduction in prescribing costs of different medications are synchronized in Clare Watson £1300 per month on respiratory chapter terms of quantity prescribed can reduce Clinical Pharmacist Victoria Practice, medicines when other practices in its over or under ordering. This also Medicines Management Pharmacist group were showing an increase. increases the reliability of patients having NHS Hampshire the medication and taking it correctly. Email: Learning Allowing 30 minute appointments Process mapping at the practice has provides sufficient time with the patient revealed scope to work more closely with so all aspects of the consultation can be the local pharmacies to reduce potential covered. Making this time available for waste in repeat prescribing systems. the patient is important to establish a rapport with the patient. Enhancing the skill mix in the practice To reduce ‘do not attends’ (DNAs) the team has brought more general receptionists phones the patient the day knowledge and sharing into the practice before their appointment with a such as an increased awareness of reminder; this also allows time to contact medication costs, benefits waste of other patients if there is a cancellation. different medication and additional cover within the team. Looking at the total prescribing picture for the patient can help identify waste.
  • 23. Case studies 23 NHS Blackpool Formalising self management planning in Blackpool Project summary With high prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) within the region along with high rates of smoking, high mortality and high spending, improving care planning and patients' ability to self manage were seen as priorities by the Primary Care Trust (PCT). At that time there was no formalised self management plan in use locally so a format was developed in conjunction with patients. This initiative is now in use across all 22 Primary Care teams and in the acute unit, with over 1000 plans distributed by October 2011. Project aim • Develop consistent written self management care plans for all patients, as a key component of an integrated COPD pathway • Develop patient education materials and/or programmes together with Highlights and achievements Plans were distributed to all GP practices, educational support for clinicians A comprehensive plan was developed in community matrons, case workers, adopting new ways of working conjunction with patients and adopted pulmonary rehabilitation, acute trust, • Identify and promote the evidence base across primary and secondary care. The early supported discharge team and the for self management plans to gain plan was tested with clinicians and relief nursing team. When a plan is issued clinical commitment for their use patients to check terminology, content in secondary care, the named contact in • Agree an integrated approach to and the process of delivery before rolling the patient's practice is informed to implementation, including promotion out, which both improved quality and facilitate seamless follow up. The plan of the plans and embedding their use increased buy-in from clinicians. also formed part of the Commissioning in clinical and social care practice and for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) other care settings Training and education sessions were payment framework with the acute trust • Develop structured education provided to participating practices to to help embed its use as best practice. programmes appropriate to local needs ensure that the plan was delivered This helped reduce confusion for patients and skilling healthcare professional to appropriately and consistently, to by standardising the information they deliver the plan maximise effectiveness. were given and also helped assure • Evaluate the impact on patient continuity. confidence and outcomes. Educational events and training sessions supported the roll out of the plan which Training sessions were also run for social embedded the ethos and methodology care workers to equip them with necessary to deliver it successfully. additional skills to support patients in Training included the whole team so that their own homes by using My Breathing everyone was aware of and engaged in Book as an information tool. Community the process. pharmacists also have access to the plan as a reference tool.
  • 24. 24 Case studies The impact is being evaluated by a patient questionnaire, approved by Clinical Governance and funded by Partnerships and Patient Engagement through local commissioners. Learning Strong links and good personal working relationships help build bridges and develop a consistent approach to delivery. Clinical education is important to ensure the plan is used properly and consistently and to promote both behavioural and cultural change. Pulmonary rehabilitation referral rates improved with implementation of the plan, with awareness of the educational component and additional time staff can offer patients. A simplified version of a written self management plan is useful for those patients or carers who are less confident or literate. It can be difficult to evaluate or attribute impact in the short term. Information governance issues made it difficult to track impact by NHS number as originally planned. Alternative process measures may help in the interim, or individual sites may be able to monitor their own patients, but it is important to get acknowledgement that impact on high level admission data will take longer to work through. Total resource use per patient per year may be a better indicator of integrated care that includes self management planning. Self management Contact planning may be best seen as an integral Ros Ince component of a care bundle approach to Lead Nurse Respiratory NHS Blackpool delivering holistic, best practice care. Tel: 01253 651316 Email: It takes time!
  • 25. Case studies 25 Veor Surgery, Camborne, Cornwall A systematic approach to implementing self management action plans Project summary Consultations included discussing with To ensure all chronic obstructive the patient general health and wellbeing Think ‘ABC’ to self-manage pulmonary disease (COPD) patients could (using a COPD computer template), what your COPD recognise and respond appropriately to to look out for when becoming unwell, any worsening of their condition the prescribed medicines and their use, Able to do usual activities ? practice wanted to discuss a self inhaler technique, spirometry check and management action plan with each of recording a COPD Assessment Test (CAT) Bit more breathless than usual ? them before winter set in. In spite of a score, sent to the patient for completion significant rise in exacerbations, the in advance. Coughing up coloured proportion of reported exacerbations sputum or phlegm? resulting in admission was only 5% that Patients were encouraged to start winter compared to 8% the previous antibiotics in line with local guidelines Don’t delay, start your year, and patients made greater use of and to contact the practice for advice and tablets today. planned appointments and telephone follow up. support to manage changes in their condition. Exacerbations during the severe winter period were 117 (60 in previous year) but Project aim admissions and GP appointments • Ensure every COPD patient is reviewed remained stable. Patients made more use and has discussed self management of telephone consultations and planned action for exacerbations in the run up nurse appointments rather than urgent to the winter period contacts, indicating early intervention • Issue antibiotics and steroids in line gave better control and outcomes. with local guidelines to all appropriate patients • Evaluate the safety and impact of issuing rescue medication to patients in Proportion of exacerbations seen by GP or nurse relation to untoward incidents, admissions and use of primary care. 0.9 0.8 Highlights and achievements Seen by doctor Seen by nurse The team reviewed existing resources and 0.7 re-allocated time to set up 20 specific 0.6 Percentage COPD self management clinics, each 0.5 offering six 30 minute appointments.122 patients were reviewed for the project, 0.4 and 100 patients agreed self 0.3 management action plans during a three 0.2 month period. 0.1 Receptionists contacted patients the day 0 before their appointment with a reminder October 2009 - March 2010 October 2010 - March 2011 to reduce the chance of them not Year attending.
  • 26. 26 Case studies Learning Inviting patients to discuss self Patient exacerbation pathway management in August and September meant there was less likelihood of illness BEFORE or bad weather affecting patients’ ability to attend. Urgent Start Review after Exacerbation Prescription medication appointment two weeks The professional conducting the review should be able to prescribe antibiotics and steroids, and be confident to examine and assess the patient, including Delay and stress when patient is unwell distinguishing between exacerbation and heart failure. This helps avoid additional referrals back to the GP. NOW Allowing 30 minute appointments gives Start Review with adequate time to address the patient’s Annual review Prescription Exacerbation nurse wih plan medication concerns and ensures their understanding practitioner when discussing self management. Setting up specific clinics to reach all patients initially was time consuming, but Prompt access to advice and treatment did not create the backlog of other work that the nurses had expected. Once the system is established, new patients can be booked in for appropriate appointments on diagnosis. Contact Angie Bennetts, Advanced Nurse Practitioner Email:
  • 27. Case studies 27 Breathe Easy North Staffordshire and NHS Stoke on Trent How support groups can impact on patients’ ability to self manage Project summary Highlights and achievements NHS Stoke on Trent and Breathe Easy • 75% of members say they are more Since joining Breathe Easy… North Staffordshire (BENS) demonstrated confident and 90% have a better how patient support groups can be understanding of their condition since 75% said they felt more confident integrated into the patient pathway, with joining the group in managing their condition a 25% increase in attendance at the local • A member of the local community group and 70% of members reporting respiratory team attends each meeting 88% indicated they felt more greater awareness of what to do when to answer questions and concerns, and hopeful about the future they become unwell. The area has high to promote relevant self management deprivation along with high smoking and messages. If any common themes are 94% said they had a better COPD prevalence; increasing patients’ identified this can then be addressed at understanding of their lung understanding of how to manage their an organisational level condition own health is an important part of the • Enquiries and membership have local strategy to address this. increased, with a 25% increase in 70% felt they had more attendance at meetings, as a result of knowledge of what to do if they “…seeing the way other making the referral process more become unwell consistent across a number of practices sufferers cope with their and ensuring that Breathe Easy and 76% felt they had more illness has made me feel British Lung Foundation (BLF) support awareness of the support are highlighted at diagnosis available to people living with a that I can do the things I • Information packs on the local support lung disease previously felt I could not.” group and BLF are provided to practices to give to patients on diagnosis and Project aim increase the reliability of referral to the • Analyse current membership of groups group. Information is also included in and referral sources to identify gaps discharge information packs • Increase the total number of patients • BENS members now provide input to involved in the group and the local pulmonary rehabilitation representation from a wider group of programme, promoting the role of the practices by raising awareness and local support group clarifying referral routes • Representation from BLF at the local • Develop effective patient and carer respiratory implementation group has information to support self enhanced understanding and management awareness of what Breathe Easy and • Increase patients’ healthy behaviour BLF can offer to enhance patient and confidence to self manage by experience and self management providing appropriate messages, • A quarterly newsletter and a welcome information and support pack are provided to members. • Identify the impact that group • Group members completed a membership has on patient outcomes. questionnaire on the impact of the group on their confidence and self management (see box).
  • 28. 28 Case studies Learning • If health professionals are to consistently promote membership of a local support group, they need to be convinced that the programme and advice it offers are appropriate and valuable. This can be achieved through engagement at both a strategic and operational level • Personal contact with local practices can help raise awareness of the support available via the local group and increase referrals to the group. This is helpful because patients often report receiving only limited information at diagnosis, whereas referral to the BLF / Breathe Easy group can provide another early source of information and support, to enhance the opportunities for understanding their condition and what they can do to manage it • It is not easy to measure impact on health care resource use for small group numbers, but patient-reported measures and personal stories emphasise the value of group support in enhancing quality of life and confidence which provides a powerful message. Contact Rebecca Gowers Development Officer, Midlands Region (BLF) Email: Sharon Maguire Service Improvement and Development Manager, Long Term Conditions (NHS Stoke on Trent) Email:
  • 29. Acknowledgements 29 Acknowledgments NHS Improvement - Lung would like to thank all national improvement project sites for their hard work and dedication to improve quality and care for people with COPD, and for their contributions to this document. In addition, the following people have provided a source of expertise and support and their help is gratefully acknowledged: Phil Duncan, Director, NHS Improvement - Lung Ore Okosi, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Catherine Thompson, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Alex Porter, Senior Analyst, NHS Improvement - Lung For more information please contact: Catherine Blackaby, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung, Email: or Zoë Lord, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung, Email:
  • 30. 30 References References iAn Outcomes Strategy for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and Asthma in England, Department of Health, July 2011 iiThe National COPD Resources and Outcomes Project Final Report, Clinical Effectiveness & Evaluation Unit, Royal College of Physicians, London, May 2009
  • 31.
  • 32. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement NHS Improvement’s strength and expertise lies in practical service improvement. It has over a decade of experience in clinical patient pathway redesign in cancer, diagnostics, heart, lung and stroke and demonstrates some of the most leading edge improvement work in England which supports improved patient experience and outcomes. Working closely with the Department of Health, trusts, clinical networks, other health sector partners, professional bodies and charities, over the past year it has tested, implemented, sustained and spread quantifiable improvements with over 250 sites across the country as well as providing an improvement tool to over 1,000 GP practices. NHS Improvement 3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB Telephone: 0116 222 5184 | Fax: 0116 222 5101 Delivering tomorrow’s Publication Ref: IMP/comms029 - November 2011 ©NHS Improvement 2011 | All Rights Reserved improvement agenda for the NHS