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                                   NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement - Lung: National
Improvement Projects
Improving end of life care in
chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD): testing the
case for change
Contents   3

NHS Improvement - Lung National Improvement Projects -
Improving end of life care in chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD): testing the case for change

Introduction                                     4

Key Learning                                     6

Section 1-3: Case studies
One - Breathing Space, Rotherham
Two - Solihull Community NHS Care Trust
Three - Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust
4      Introduction

National position and workstream                The projects in the NHS Improvement -
context                                         Lung End of Life Care workstream are a      Advance Care Planning – Giving
                                                major step towards achieving these aims.    people the opportunity to discuss
Around half a million people die                They represent a wide variety of clinical   their wishes around issues such as
every year in England. The end of life is       staff who are focused on addressing the     resuscitation and representation on
inevitably something everyone must face,        key issues of: prognostic indication,       loss of capacity is important and
but it is perhaps the most difficult and        Advance Care Planning and palliative        should be undertaken when the
sensitive issue within society today. Even      care registers.                             patient is as well as possible.
for healthcare professionals it is widely
acknowledged that it can represent one          The following sections in this document     There is a plethora of published
of the most challenging clinical areas in       describe each of the NHS Improvement -      patient information available to
which to specialise.                            Lung sites, aims, objectives and details    clinical staff to aid them in their
                                                the learning and progress that has          discussions with patients but staff
In 2008, the Department of Health               emerged.                                    confidence around advanced
published the End of Life Care Strategy                                                     communication skills was very low.
in response to the significant variation in     Summary of site projects                    There is a considerable variation
service provision across the country. It                                                    between the training which cancer
highlighted the need for the NHS and            There were three End of Life                clinicians receive and which is
social care services to provide holistic,       improvement projects running in the         available for staff managing patients
high-quality care for all adults at the end     following organisations:                    with a long-term condition.
of life, and their families and carers, and
advocated the value of supported care           • Solihull Community NHS Care Trust         Raising awareness – The issue of
pathways to help make this a reality. Care        (West Midlands)                           death and dying is a sensitive topic
pathways have been successfully                 • Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust         but lack of awareness amongst
developed for a number of potentially             (North East)                              patients and more surprisingly
terminal illnesses, such as dementia, heart     • Breathing Space, Rotherham Primary        amongst staff about the potentially
disease and stroke, and should now be             Care NHS Trust (Yorkshire and the         life threatening nature of the
evolved for chronic obstructive pulmonary         Humber).                                  condition impacts on the care COPD
disease (COPD) which accounts for                                                           patients receive in the final stages of
around 23,000 deaths a year.                                                                life.
                                                  Summary of key learning
Currently, less than 50% of clinical                                                        The tendency to continue with
services for COPD in the NHS have a               The key learning (see next section        proactive management of symptoms
formal arrangement for users of these             for more details) is centred on the       and maintain a positive prognosis
services to gain access to specialist end of      following themes:                         means seriously ill patients are at risk
life care. In order to meet this challenge,                                                 of not being able to plan ahead at
clinical staff must ensure that COPD is           Prognostic indicators – Sites were        the right time with full
recognised as a cause of death amongst            testing two different indicators; the     understanding of their condition.
patients. It is also vital to give people the     Gold Standards Framework
opportunity, and to help them to plan for         Indicators and the BOD (Body Mass         End of life registers – Currently,
their future care. In conjunction with this,      Index, Obstruction, Dyspnoea score)       palliative care Quality Outcomes
commissioners and providers should                which is an abbreviated form of the       Framework (QOF) registers are
ensure access to end of life care services,       BODE index (Body Mass Index,              utilised in GP practices to identify
in line with care provided to those with          Obstruction, Dyspnoea and Exercise        those people approaching the end of
other life threatening illnesses such as          – Celli et al, 2004). Evidence            life, thereby helping ensure that their
cancer.                                           suggests there was variability in the     needs are met. However, they are
                                                  reliability and validity of using         generally incomplete and biased
                                                  indicators to accurately predict the      towards the care of those with
                                                  last six to 12 months of life.            cancer.
Introduction     5

                                             together across boundaries to spot the        Finally, it is hoped that this work will
  The Department of Health End of            opportunities and manage the change.          provide an enhanced recognition of
  Life Care Strategy (2008) advocated        And third, to act now, for the long term.     COPD across the medical community as a
  the development of ‘End of Life Care                                                     serious and invariably life-threatening
  Locality Registers’ as a means to          The ambition is to achieve efficiency         disease to ensure healthcare professionals
  support the provision of high quality      savings of up to £20 billion for              start having discussions with people
  coordinated care and to address the        reinvestment over the next four years.        about their wishes at end of life. This will
  shortcomings in the current practice       This represents a very significant            ensure patients receive care appropriate
  registers. The locality registers are      challenge to be delivered through the         to their specific needs.
  electronic records containing              detailed work the NHS has already
  important details about care               undertaken on Quality, Innovation
  provision and the preferences of           Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) and the
  patients identified as being at the        additional opportunities presented in the
  end of life. This information can be       Equity and Excellence: Liberating the
  then easily accessed by all healthcare     NHS.
  professionals that the patient comes
  into contact with. Key to the              Many of the measures outlined in this
  effective implementation of a locality     document are designed to support the
  register is ensuring effective             NHS to meet the QIPP challenge, either
  mechanisms are in place to identify        by identifying where resources might be
  all patients approaching the end of        released or by improving understanding        Hannah Wall
  life, whether this be a GP, a member       of the key interventions that have            National Improvement Lead,
  of the community team, or other            greatest effect.                              NHS Improvement – Lung
  health and social care professional,
  and ensuring that effective                Considerations for future working
  education and training is in place for
  all the relevant professionals around      All the projects within this work stream
  identification, communication and          have been building the evidence for the
  advance care planning. An                  creation of a gold standard pathway for
  evaluation of the pilots undertaken        COPD end of life patients but it is
  by Ipsos MORI is available at:             apparent that more work is still needed.
  publications/localities-registers-report   There is limited evidence over the validity
                                             and reliability of different types of         Phil Duncan
                                             prognostic indicator and this should form     Director,
                                             the basis for future work to address          NHS Improvement -Lung
Quality, Innovation, Productivity            dominance of certain indicators over
and Prevention (QIPP)                        others and at what point in the patient
                                             trajectory they should be used.
Demand for healthcare is increasing and      The use of Advance Care Planning at the
there are areas where we could increase      appropriate time has yielded positive
the quality, efficiency and value for        feedback from patients and carers
money of services as well as improving       therefore it is hoped that adoption and
outcomes for people with COPD. Three         spread throughout other parts of the
things need to be determined to make         country may occur.
this possible. First, improving quality
whilst improving productivity, using
innovation and prevention to drive and
connect them. Second, having local
clinicians and managers working
6       Key learning

Key learning

The end of life care pathway which                 Prognostic indicators                          There can be many such exacerbations
features in the Department of Health End           Central to commissioning a high quality,       during the more severe stages of the
of Life Strategy (2008) contains all the           cost effective service is a better             disease and this make prognosis
components of a gold standard approach             understanding of the end of life phase of      extremely difficult.
to care and is the model against which             COPD and one of the most challenging
NHS organisations should aim to plan               areas within this is the patient trajectory.
their services.                                                                                       Trajectory of malignant disease
                                                   In malignant diseases, such as cancer, it is
End of life care in chronic obstructive            easier to predict the rate of deterioration             100
pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex              and the amount of time which the
process but good care is essential as              patient may have left to live because of                      80

                                                                                                    Function %
nearly 23,000 deaths occur each year               the nature of the condition and gradual
from the disease which is approximately            worsening of symptoms.                                        60
5% of all deaths.
                                                   In COPD, the steady downward decline is                       40
The three projects within the end of life          replaced with a relatively unpredictable
care workstream have focused on testing            series of stable periods dispersed with
key elements of this pathway and to                troughs. The troughs represent an acute                        0
examine what a pathway adapted                     exacerbation (attack of breathlessness)                             Time >
specifically for patients with COPD might          from which the patient may recover back
begin to look like.                                to a relatively good degree of health.

                                                                                                      Trajectory of COPD

    End of Life Care Pathway (End of Life Care Strategy)
                                                                                                    Function %

     Discussions   Assessment                      Delivery of                                                   60
     as the end    care             Coordination   high quality    Care in the     Care after
     of life       planning         of care        services in     last days       death                         40
     approaches    and review                      different       of life
                                                   settings                                                                         Death

    What could this like for COPD specific patients?                                                                   Time >

     Prognostic    Advance Care     End of Life    Acute/         Liverpool       Support for
                                                                                                  Understandably, clinicians do not wish to
     Indication    Planning         Care GP        Community      Care            Carers
                   (Preferred       Practice       Palliative     Pathway                         initiate end of life care until it becomes
                   Priorities of    Registers      Care Teams     Achievement                     entirely appropriate but equally want to
                   Care,                                          of Preferred
                   resuscitation,                                 Priorities of
                                                                                                  give patients realistic information on the
                   Advance                                        Care                            severity of their condition and time to
                   Decisions)                                                                     plan ahead.

Key learning            7

There are several sets of prognostic           Two workstream projects looked                Advanced Care Planning
indicators which are in use at present.        specifically at the use of prognostic         A key component of any end of life care
The most prolific is the Gold Standards        indicators. Breathing Space in Rotherham      service, regardless of disease, is that of
Framework indicators for COPD and              assessed the Gold Standards Framework         Advanced Care Planning. This is where
current guidelines recommend that              indicators with patients on admission and     the patient is given the opportunity to
patients who exhibit one or more of the        those outpatients attending pulmonary         document future wishes on a number of
following symptoms may be entering the         rehabilitation to determine how many          areas such as:
end of life stage.                             indicators may be present and how this
                                               may relate to time until death. Learning      • Their Preferred Priorities of Care e.g.
Another indicator widely used is the           in the project suggested that overall at        their chosen place of death
BODE index (Celli et al, 2004) which takes     least three were needed to accurately         • Their views on resuscitation and
a score from a collection of                   predict when the initial discussion was         treatment through the use of an
measurements (Body Mass Index, FEV1            warranted. The findings support this as it      advance decision and do not attempt
obstruction, MRC dyspnoea score and            was witnessed from the 83 patient               resuscitation documentation
exercise). Alternatively many clinicians use   deaths which occurred during the project      • Who they would like to appoint in the
evidence based judgments to determine          18 had three or more indicators present         event they loose capacity e.g. a Lasting
when the threshold is reached. However,        at the time of death.                           Power of Attorney.
the validity of all these indicators and the
evidence of their effectiveness are still in   In contrast Hartlepool Primary Care NHS       The use of supplementary written
the process of being gathered.                 Trust used an adaptation of BODE which        information to aid clinicians when having
                                               was the ‘BOD’ score. From data analysed       these discussions with patients is useful
                                               the project lead discovered that BOD may      but selecting which information to use,
                                               be a predictor for the very early stages of   when to use it and how much to use is a
  • Disease assessed to be severe              decline amongst patients – perhaps those      complex and sensitive area which requires
    e.g. (FEV1 <30% predicted –                with more than the traditional six to 12      careful judgement on the part of the
    with caveats about quality of              month timescale which normally defines        clinician involved.
    testing)                                   the end of life. This may be extremely
  • Recurrent hospital admission               important learning as it may signal a         The project sites found there was no
    (>3 admissions in 12 months                phase where changing interventions are        shortage of available information they
    for COPD exacerbations)                    considered and regular reviews may need       were able to use or adapt. Some of the
  • Fulfils Long Term Oxygen                   to become more frequent in order to           popular choices included information
    Therapy Criteria                           maintain stability in disease control and     produced by: the National End of Life
  • MRC grade 4/5 – shortness of               slow the rate of disease progression.         Care Programme, the National Council
    breath after 100 meters on the                                                           for Palliative Care, The Whittington NHS
    level or confined to house                 Two of the sites (Solihull Community NHS      Foundation Trust, St Christopher’s
    through breathlessness                     Care Trust and Breathing Space) also          Hospice and the British Lung Foundation.
  • Signs and symptoms of right                tested use of the ‘surprise’ question,        Breathing Space in Rotherham were
    heart failure                              which basically asks the clinician to         trialling the British Lung Foundation
  • Combination of other factors               consider whether they would be surprised      literature but have decided that ultimately
    e.g. anorexia, previous                    if the patient was still alive in 12 months   they would like to produce their own
    ITU/NIV/resistant organism,                time. Both sites felt this very simple tool   literature which has information patients
    depression                                 to be highly effective as a predictor of      can add to depending on their needs and
  • >6 weeks of systemic steroids              death and both advocated its accuracy as      how much information they feel they
    for COPD in the preceding 12               on a par with or above the more formal        would like.
    months.                                    prognostic indicators they tested.
  Gold Standards Framework Prognostic
  Indicator Guidance
8      Key learning

Some sites have found that there are           The first step the project sites took was in      Primary care end of life registers for
patients who do not wish to talk about         determining the understanding and                 patients with end stage COPD
death, dying or end of life care in relation   knowledge of staff in order to audit both         It is widely acknowledged that patients
to their COPD. They accept these patients      the awareness and the skills of individuals       with COPD should be regularly reviewed
will always exist and that the wishes of       on end of life care they had in the clinical      in primary care. Patients who are deemed
the individual must be respected.              teams. There is some excellent                    to be at the end of life should be added
                                               information on undertaking skills audits          to the practice end of life register (which
Breathing Space also found that a small        and determining what level of                     could also be named ‘the palliative care’
number of their patients were distressed       competency and training staff need. The           or ‘the Gold Standards Framework’
when the subject of Advance Care               sites carried out a training needs analysis,      register). This enables them to be placed
Planning was broached. Staff at the            reviewed existing provision and                   on the correct pathway to access
facility considered that for some patients     benchmarked it against national                   treatment and support.
timing of the discussions is very important    competences. They then used a needs
and as such an inpatient facility after an     based approach to develop new training            Two of the projects looked at increasing
acute episode may not be right for them.       plans. For more information visit                 the numbers of COPD patients on the
Some staff and experts in end of life care          end of life registers (which nationally
believe that the right time is when the        ations/talking-about-eolc                         averages at about 14%). Solihull
patient is feeling relaxed and well,                                                             Community NHS Care Trust spent a
perhaps at an earlier stage in the             Once the improvement projects had the             considerable amount of time and effort
diagnosis. This can often be less              baseline they were then able to initiate          undertaking some ‘leg work’ amongst
distressing and potentially more positive      any training e.g. advanced                        their GP surgeries to generally raise
with regard to planning.                       communication skills, and clinical                awareness of COPD as a life threatening
                                               supervision which was needed. Within              condition and also undertook training for
Raising staff awareness                        the projects some staff had already               primary care staff in using prognostic
Raising the awareness of COPD as a             received training through Association of          indicators and undertaking Advance Care
terminal illness amongst clinical staff is     Respiratory Nurse Specialists (ARNS),             Planning when COPD patients were
one of the key imperatives in improving        some staff had in-house training                  moved onto the end of life registers.
end of life care for sufferers of this         arranged for them which was delivered
condition.                                     through small groups by a visiting                Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust
                                               palliative care specialist, and others were       worked with two practices to review their
Respiratory staff understand that COPD is      the need has been identified are now              current COPD registered patients using
a very serious illness and will be familiar    waiting to attend future courses.                 the BOD prognostic indicator tool. Some
with patients who have suffered severe                                                           of learning identified the need to engage
exacerbations and have been very ill.          The National End of Life Care Programme           primary care in this process to determine
However, the overriding evidence from all      launched a new e-learning package in              if the correct codes on the patient records
project sites was felt that some staff were    January 2010: e-End of Life Care for All.         system are being used to record a
hesitant to acknowledge when proactive         It is freely available to all healthcare staff,   diagnosis of COPD – as this will
treatment in a COPD patient may not be         with some public-facing modules for               significantly affect how the patient is
appropriate anymore and were thus              volunteers/carers, and currently contains         managed and ensures that the patient is
reluctant to engage in the projects. They      several sections on communication                 on the correct clinical pathway in
were also unsure of their competence to        skills (for more information visit                accordance with their condition.
treat COPD patients when end of life 
became a possibility. The desire to return
patients to full health and the messages
which patients received from clinical staff
around prognosis and recovery was often
based on this premise.
Breathing Space, Rotherham              9

One - Breathing Space, Rotherham
Prognostic indicators and advance care planning in chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

The background to the service
Breathing Space is a unique nurse led
facility in the heart of Yorkshire which
was built in 2007 as a result of a
partnership between the Coalfields
Regeneration Trust, Rotherham Primary
Care Trust and Rotherham Metropolitan
Borough Council.

It is the largest multidisciplinary
community based chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) rehabilitation
programme in Europe. Originally the sole
aim was to care for patients with COPD
and this has now been extended to other
chronic respiratory conditions. Its facilities
include clinics for assessment and
accurate diagnosis, pulmonary
rehabilitation (for more than 400 patients
a year) and a 20 bed inpatient unit
dedicated to providing care for acute

At the time of joining NHS Improvement -         The project aims and objectives                • Do patients who have had Advance
Lung, the Nurse Consultant and Project           The main aim of the project was to               Care Planning achieve their preferred
Lead, Gail South, had identified that            advance the service delivery model for           place of care and other goals?
many of the COPD patients at Breathing           end of life care at Breathing Space as a       • Do senior staff feel competent and
Space had at least one of the Gold               choice for COPD patients and to support          confident at having these dscussions
Standards Framework prognostic                   the carers of these patients during this         after appropriate training?
indicators often used to determine the           difficult time.
last 12 to six months of life. This provided                                                    What they did
the catalyst for the service to look at the      The project hoped to answer some of the        A baseline audit was undertaken to
provision of end of life care and how this       following questions:                           determine whether there was any
part of the pathway for patients at the                                                         evidence to suggest prognostic indicators
facility could be improved.                      • Are Gold Standards Framework                 would be found amongst previous
                                                   prognostic indicators for COPD               patients who were admitted to Breathing
                                                   predicting death within 12 months?           Space. This revealed 60% already had at
                                                 • Are COPD patients with at least one          least one prognostic indicator.
                                                   Gold Standards Framework prognostic
                                                   indicator (and their carers) interested in
                                                   participating in Advance Care
                                                 • Do staff feel that patients with at least
                                                   one Gold Standards Framework
                                                   prognostic indicator are appropriate for
                                                   Advance Care Planning?

Gail South (left) – Project Lead
10     Breathing Space, Rotherham

A paper audit form was then designed by        Issues and challenges                          Key learning
senior staff to be used to capture any         Department of Health policy aimed at           The majority of patients who died during
prognostic indicators present in patients      transforming community services meant          the period of the project had more than
attending assessment as an outpatient to       that Breathing Space integrated with           three Gold Standards Framework
the pulmonary rehabilitation programme         Rotherham Foundation NHS Trust in              indicators present on their last admission,
and at time of admission during an acute       March 2011. This represented a challenge       although overall staff felt the surprise
exacerbation. The final page of the audit      in terms of the continuity for the project     question was perhaps a better predictor
form asked the staff member responsible        as the then current provision of services      of death within a six to 12 month period.
for admission to decide whether to             was reviewed by the new host                   The ‘surprise’ question asks the clinician
initiate an Advance Care Planning              organisation. In order to mitigate this the    to consider whether they would be
discussion with the patient. This included     senior team at Breathing Space involved        surprised if the patient were still alive in
giving information to the patient, notably     in the integration ensured that staff at       12 months time.
the British Lung Foundation ‘Guide to          Rotherham Foundation NHS Trust were
Coping with the Final Stages of Lung           fully aware of the aims and objectives of      Advance Care Planning materials used in
Disease’ and an adapted version of The         the study and its progress by that date.       this project received mixed responses
Whittington Hopsital NHS Trust patient                                                        from both staff and patients. The British
leaflet on ‘Do Not Attempt Resuscitation’.     Locally the project lead spent a significant   Lung Foundation booklet contained too
                                               amount of time working on engagement           much information for some patients and
Patients and their carers were also given      and ownership of the project by the            was difficult for staff to use. Breathing
information about their ‘Preferred             whole team. Continuing to have regular         Space have decided to create their own
Priorities for Care’ (PPC) and asked if they   monthly meetings and emailing feedback         patient folder which can be personalised
wanted to complete any of the                  to all team members has helped                 with bite size information on different
documents either on their own or with          overcome communication barriers with           elements of care which can be provided
assistance from staff.                         staff who rarely spend time together due       to the patient over a staggered period of
                                               to changing shift patterns. Staff were also    time.
Breathing Space used a PDSA (plan, do          continually encouraged to comment on
study, act) approach during August 2011        the project and data collection successes      Not surprisingly many clinical staff felt
to trial the form and they found quite         and difficulties.                              very uncomfortable with end of life care
quickly that one prognostic indicator was                                                     discussions. Even when patients had
not necessarily an appropriate prompt for      Respiratory services also face their busiest   three prognostic indicators present on
initiating this kind of discussion and         time over the winter months and high           admission, there were a sizeable number
therefore staff were documenting ‘not          admission rates and bed pressures have         of audit forms where staff had indicated
appropriate’. The form was changed to          impacted on the progress of the project        an Advance Care Planning discussion did
use three indicators as the trigger point,     where the time could be dedicated to           not take place. This could have been for
and if senior staff felt it was not            some of the data collection and                many reasons, some included: previous
appropriate to initiate this discussion at     administrative functions.                      bad experiences, lack of confidence in the
this point, they were asked to document                                                       skill to address this subject, a pre-
their reasons as to why.                       Talks with staff indicated that many of        perception that it was not necessary and
                                               them felt a certain level of unease when       a fear of worsening the patients mental
A spreadsheet recorded all the data            asked to engage in an end of life care         state by introducing the topic of dying.
inputted from the paper audit forms            discussion with patients. In order to          Although these issues are still apparent
collected. In conjunction with this project    ensure staff felt empowered and skilled        they are being addressed through
ten staff on the inpatient unit attended a     to undertake this sensitive and                supervision and training.
preliminary training session on advanced       challenging task, ongoing training in
communication skills delivered by a            communication skills and the
palliative care specialist. This followed a    development of clinical supervision
baseline audit of training skills amongst      strategies have given support to staff
all staff.                                     which has enabled reflective practice.
Breathing Space, Rotherham           11

Perhaps less surprisingly, many COPD
patients felt uncomfortable with the idea      Breathing Space - Number of GSF                                    GSF use in deaths in January -
of end of life planning and some patients      indicators on death                                                March 2011
were distressed when the offer of                                   60
Advance Care Planning was made
available. Staff reflected on these
                                               Number of Patients

incidents and concluded that in some
cases an acute inpatient admission may                              40

not be the most appropriate time to
initiate this kind of discussion. They are
now considering the introduction of some                            20
general end of life care information
during the weekly pulmonary
rehabilitation sessions open to in and                                                                                 1 GSF              2 - 3 GSF
outpatients of the service.                                         0
                                                                          NR          1      2 to 3   3 or more        Over 3 GSF         GSF not
                                                                                 Number of indicators                                     recorded
Between 1 September 2010 and 31 July
2011, a total of 683 patients with COPD
were either admitted to the inpatient unit   However, there was a substantial
                                                                                                                  GSF use in deaths in April - June 2011
(606) or attended an assessment for          improvement in the recording of the
pulmonary rehabilitation (77).               number of GSF indicators in patients who
                                             died as the project term went on.
Overall 186 (27%) patients had at more
than three prognostic indicators at time
of admissions.
                                               GSF use in deaths in October -
                                               December 2010
83 patients died since 1 September 2010
(76 inpatients and seven outpatients).
Where recorded 18 out of 76 inpatients
who died had more than three prognostic
indicators, nine had two to three                                                                                      1 GSF              2 - 3 GSF
indicators and six had one indicator. Of
                                                                                                                       Over 3 GSF         GSF not
the seven outpatients who died, three                                                                                                     recorded
had two to three prognostic indicators
and two had one indictor where it had
been recorded.
                                                                         1 GSF                2 - 3 GSF

                                                                         Over 3 GSF           GSF not
12                         Breathing Space, Rotherham

     Breathing Space - Comparison of pognostic indicators and end of life practice

     Number of Patients

                                  8      9      10      11    12      1        2    3      4       5     6      7
                                               2010                                      2011

                               GSF >3 and surprise =N        ACP appropriate       BLF completed       PPC completed

Full year data from August 2010 to July
2011 is shown below with regard to the
number of patients with three or more
GSF indicators deemed appropriate for
Advance Care Planning and those who
went on to have the British Lung
Foundation booklet given and a Preferred
Place of Care recorded.

Project lead contact details

Gail South
Respiratory Nurse Consultant
Breathing Space, Badsley Moor Lane
Rotherham S65 2QL

Tel: 01709 421700
Fax: 01709 421701
Solihull NHS Care Trust        13

Two - Solihull NHS Care Trust
Improving identification of end of life care needs and Advance Care
Planning to support preferred place of care for patients with COPD
The background to the service
Solihull Community NHS Care Trust had
already adopted the Gold Standards
Framework in end of life care across all of
its 31 GP practices. Patients identified for
the Gold Standards Framework palliative
register access community services
through a supportive care pathway which
supports holistic assessment, Advance
Care Planning and proactive care

To date the pathway has improved the
provision of proactive coordinated care
for patients with end of life care needs in
                                               Sandy Walmsley – Project Lead               Helen Meehan – Project Lead
the community. However, it was
recognised that the number of patients
with chronic obstructive pulmonary             The main objectives for the project         A letter of introduction was sent to the
disease (COPD) accessing the pathway           were to:                                    practices to be involved. The project team
was limited.                                                                               also attended primary care meetings,
                                               • Increase number of patients with COPD     such as a GP learning event in order to
It was felt the time was right to support        on Gold Standards Framework register      raise the profile of their work and spent
clinicians working in primary care and in        from 8% (baseline) to 14% (the            time in practices with community teams
community services with improving                national average)                         sharing information on the Gold
identification of patients with end stage      • Increase the number of patients           Standards Framework prognostic
COPD for the Gold Standards Framework            supported in the community on the         indicators. They were also supported by
palliative registers.                            supportive care pathway                   some concurrent care of the dying and
                                               • Monitor the number of patients: with      communications skills training for staff in
The project aims and objectives                  COPD on the GP practice Gold              the region which had been funded
The project team worked with 12 out of           Standards Framework register, who are     through the Strategic Health Authority
the 31 GP practices in the geographical          offered Advance Care Planning             (SHA) and delivered by Education for
area. The main aim was to improve                discussions and who have Preferred        Health.
identification of patients with end stage        Priorities of Care recorded
COPD in primary care, to enable proactive      • Monitor achievement of preferred place    The information provided within the
coordinated care and support preferred           of death and place of death for           training sessions was formalised into local
place of care at the end of life.                patients with COPD.                       prognostic indicator guidance which
                                                                                           along with the ‘My LIFE’ booklet was
Patients were supported by practices and       What they did                               shared amongst GPs, community matrons
community teams using the Gold                 Baseline data was collected to establish    and community respiratory teams.
Standards Framework, the local                 an overview of the current position with
supportive care pathway and Advance            end of life care amongst the 12 GP          Guidance on read codes was pulled
Care Planning materials devised by local       practices part of the improvement           together as part of the preliminary work
services (MY COPD and MY LIFE                  project. This revealed that approximately   needed before the use of ‘Graphnet’
booklets).                                     9% of the total number of patients          which is an electronic audit tool which
                                               currently on the Gold Standards             can be used to search GP registers for
                                               Framework registers had an unconfirmed      patients with certain diagnoses, as well as
                                               or confirmed diagnosis of COPD.             auditing patient outcomes relating to
                                                                                           specific read codes.
14     Solihull NHS Care Trust

However, because of delays in being able     Advance Care Planning is vital to              Data on place of death showed that for
to implement the Graphnet tool the           supporting patients at end of life. The        the entire Primary Care Trust area (31
project team reverted to using the           team benefited from already having the         practices in total) the number of patients
community care electronic records system     locally designed and readily available ‘My     dying of COPD at home rose from 20%
(ePEX) to manually extract information on    LIFE’ booklet which incorporates all the       in 09/10 to 23% in 10/11.
patients they had identified through         relevant information and is just for
practice registers who were eligible but     patients with COPD.                            The patient satisfaction survey revealed
not currently on the Gold Standards                                                         that of those questioned 90% were very
Framework register.                          The project team were also been                satisfied with the overall experience of
                                             supported by two GP champions and              care they had received to date.
A successful bid was entered to the          increased much needed awareness of
Strategic Health Authority which resulted    COPD end of life issues by providing           Project lead contact details
in funding for two GP champions for          training to GPs and community teams.           Helen Meehan
COPD and end of life who were able to        This was further reinforced with               Lead Nurse Palliative Care
work for half a day per week with local      information on the palliative intranet site,   Solihull NHS Care Trust
practices.                                   which can be accessed by all GPs and           Tel: 0121 712 8471
                                             community services.                            Email:
The team also developed a carer survey
which was completed on bereavement.          The integration of the community services      Sandy Walmsley
                                             and the acute Trust had some unforeseen        Lead Respiratory Nurse Specialist
Issues and challenges                        benefits for the project, mainly improved      Solihull NHS Care Trust
The main issue that delayed progress was     communication between the respiratory          Tel: 0121 329 0179
the implementation of the Graphnet tool.     community team and the end of life             Email:
There was recognition early on in the        provision on the wards. Overall
project that baseline data from Graphnet     relationships have been improved with all
could not be captured retrospectively and    stakeholders and especially hospices,
that some GP practices were using            which now have greater awareness of
variable read codes which would have         terminally ill patients with respiratory
made data extraction very difficult. The     disease.
only solution for the team was to revert
to manually collecting patient information   Data
through their own community electronic       For the 12 GP surgeries the baseline data
record (ePEX) rather than interrogate        at the start of the project demonstrated
individual practice registers in primary     that 214 patients were currently on the
care. The team then faced further            end of life practice registers, of which 20
disappointment in that due to                patients had a (confirmed and
organisational changes due to the            unconfirmed) diagnosis of COPD. This
transforming community services national     represented 9% of patients.
work the IT department was subsequently
disbanded and the Graphnet tool could        Midterm data showed the number of
not be implemented.                          COPD patients on the register had
                                             increased to 28 – with 247 patients on
Key learning                                 the register overall. This represented an
Anecdotal evidence from practice staff       increase of COPD patients to a proportion
suggested that the Gold Standards            of 11%.
Framework indicators were not as
effective as the surprise question ( which   End of project data was only available
asks the clinician to consider whether       from 11 practices and showed there were
they would be surprised if the patient       266 patients on the end of life register
were still alive in 12 months time) as a     with 19 having a primary diagnosis of
predictor of death at six to 12 months.      COPD (7%).
The project team are undertaking an
audit amongst GPs to determine more
robust evidence for this.
North Tees and Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust               15

Three - North Tees and Hartlepool
Primary Care NHS Trust
The implementation of BOD in primary care

The background to the service
The respiratory nursing care community
team have a well established service
which operates out of the heart of
Hartlepool in new facilities – ‘One Life’.
The current team have a well established
link to the palliative care community team
and as part of their commitment to
develop effective and quality care
pathways for patients they wanted to
address the particular challenges of the
end of life pathway in chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD).

A multidisciplinary end of life group
adapted an existing set of indicators
including: body mass index, FEV1
obstruction and MRC dyspnoea score
(originally including exercise and known
as BODE – Celli et al, 2004) which
became known as BOD.

The project team led by a British Lung         Left to right: Dr Niall Kearney and Dorothy Wood
Foundation nurse and supported by a
respiratory and a palliative care consultant
trialled BOD within two GP practices in        A process of staff awareness raising and     improve shared decision making,
the Hartlepool locality.                       training on BOD as a prognostic indicator    autonomy and access to resources for
                                               tool and end of life care discussions took   COPD patients. It is hoped that all of the
The project aims and objectives                place alongside the case finding in order    GP practices in Hartlepool will be
To improve recognition of the                  to embed the new practice with staff and     approached and agree to record the BOD
deteriorating COPD patient and their end       ensure sustainability.                       Index.
stage / end of life potential by utilising
the BOD tool as a prognostic indicator         To date five practices are routinely         Staff shortages in community respiratory
and trigger tool to facilitate end of life     recording BOD scores during routine          services made the project challenging,
discussion and referral to resources.          COPD patient reviews. Scores are             however, it is envisaged that once GP
                                               recorded on a template and an increase       practices understand the philosophy they
What they did                                  in score at future consultations will        will be able implement the project
Two GP surgeries were approached and           indicate a deteriorating patient.            without intensive project team
baseline data collected on the number of                                                    involvement in the future. Input would
patients on the COPD registers.                Issues and challenges                        then be more of a supportive role.
                                               Despite a positive start with the two GP
The BOD index was then used by the             practices more practice recruitment is       Originally there was difficulty in obtaining
project manager (Dorothy Wood) in              required to demonstrate an evidence          a template for recording BOD scores as
conjunction with the practice teams to         based benefit from a qualitative             well as obtaining a read code from
identify patients on the COPD register         perspective and because of this a gradual    information technology. Both were
who were eligible for discussion around        approach to recruiting GP practices has      eventually made available in April 2011.
their condition and given the opportunity      been adopted. The implementation is          Practices that do not have this system will
for Advance Care Planning.                     considered part of an on-going plan to       be able to develop their own template.
16     North Tees and Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust

The Trust covers two main urban areas:      nurses to enable them to improve their                                   Project lead contact details
Hartlepool and Stockton. There was a        communication skills and confidence in                                   Dorothy Wood
lesser degree of engagement from the        managing planning ahead discussions                                      BLF Lead Respiratory Nurse
Stockton area and although three            effectively.                                                             ONE LIFE HARTLEPOOL
surgeries voiced an interest in                                                                                      Park Road, Hartlepool TS24 7PW
implementing BOD due to pressure of         Data
work the support required to carry this     The number of patients on the COPD                                       Tel: 07917 172464
interest through has not been available.    register for both practices remained                                     Office: 01429 285712
                                            relatively static throughout the project                                 Email:
Key learning                                period. Overall, by the end of the project
Learning on the use of BOD suggests it is   189 patients had been reviewed using
a good predictor of the intermediary        the BOD scoring system which
stage between the start of decline in the   represented about 85% of the total
patient condition rather than of death at   number of patients on the register at
six to 12 months.                           June 2011 (223).

BOD was used as a trigger to facilitate
discussion about how the patient was           Month                                        No of patients on          No of patients          Cumulative
managing their condition and what the                                                       COPD register              reviewed                Total
patients concerns were. It also allowed
the professional to gather all of those        July 2010                                    229                        14                      14
                                               August 2010                                  229                        15                      29
concerns together and engage in shared         September 2010                               229                        19                      48
decision making with the patient about         October 2010                                 228                        22                      70
their future.                                  November 2010                                225                        16                      79
                                               December 10                                  225                        15                      93
Practice nurses recognised that those          January 2011                                 225                        19                      102
                                               February 2011                                223                        14                      116
patients with the highest BOD scores           March 2011                                   223                        20                      136
were predominantly those with the              April 2011                                   222                        23                      159
highest morbidity and this ensured the         May 2011                                     223                        18                      177
patient had the opportunity to plan for        June 2011                                    223                        13                      189
their death when they were feeling well
(if they wished to) and had more timely
access to available resources.
                                              Progress in reviewing COPD patients in two GP practices in Hartlepool using BOD
As with other projects it was identified                              250
that not all staff were confident in
starting a planning ahead discussion with                             200
patient. The Foundation Trust has now
                                                 Number of Patients

invested in training two members of staff                             150
to become facilitators in delivering SAGE
and THYME™ training. (SAGE and                                        100
THYME™ is a communication model for
health and social care professionals to                                50
enable them to communicate effectively
with concerned or distressed people and                                 0
respond in a way that empowers the                                          Jul 10 Aug 10 Sep10 Oct10 Nov10 Dec10 Jan11 Feb11 Mar11 Apr11 May11 Jun11
distressed person). The two-day course                                                                             Month
will gradually be delivered to practice                                          Total patients on COPD register           Patients reviewed using BOD this month
Acknowledgements   17


NHS Improvement - Lung would like to
thank all national improvement project
sites for their hard work and dedication
to improve quality and care for people
with COPD, and for their contributions to
this document.

In addition, the following people have
provided a source of expertise and
support and their help is gratefully

Eleanor Sherwen, End of Life Care
Programme Manager, End of Life Care

Phil Duncan, Director,
NHS Improvement - Lung

Catherine Blackaby, National
Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement -

Ore Okosi, National Improvement Lead,
NHS Improvement - Lung

Catherine Thompson, National
Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement -

Zoë Lord, National Improvement Lead,
NHS Improvement - Lung

Alex Porter, Senior Analyst,
NHS Improvement - Lung

For more information please contact:
Hannah Wall, National Improvement
Lead for End of Life Care and Asthma
18     References


COPD and Asthma Outcomes Strategy for
England and Wales (DH: 2011)

Consultation on a Strategy for COPD
Services in England and Wales (DH: 2010)

End of Life Care Strategy (DH: 2008)

End of Life Care Strategy (Department of
Health: 2008)

The Gold Standards Framework

The BODE Index
Celli BR et al (2004): New England
Journal of Medicine 350 p1005-1012

The National End of Life Care Programme

National Palliative Care Council

The Whittington Hospital NHS
Foundation Trust

St Christopher’s Hospice

British Lung Foundation
                                                                                                NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement

NHS Improvement’s strength and expertise lies in practical service improvement. It has over a
decade of experience in clinical patient pathway redesign in cancer, diagnostics, heart, lung and
stroke and demonstrates some of the most leading edge improvement work in England which
supports improved patient experience and outcomes.

Working closely with the Department of Health, trusts, clinical networks, other health sector
partners, professional bodies and charities, over the past year it has tested, implemented, sustained
and spread quantifiable improvements with over 250 sites across the country as well as providing
an improvement tool to over 1,000 GP practices.

NHS Improvement
3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB
Telephone: 0116 222 5184 | Fax: 0116 222 5101

Delivering tomorrow’s
                                                                                                                  Publication Ref: IMP/comms026 - November 2011
                                                                                                                  ©NHS Improvement 2011 | All Rights Reserved

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Improving end of life care in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): testing the case for change

  • 1. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement Lung DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement - Lung: National Improvement Projects Improving end of life care in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): testing the case for change
  • 2.
  • 3. Contents 3 NHS Improvement - Lung National Improvement Projects - Improving end of life care in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): testing the case for change Contents Introduction 4 Key Learning 6 Section 1-3: Case studies 9 One - Breathing Space, Rotherham 13 Two - Solihull Community NHS Care Trust 15 Three - Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust 17 Acknowledgments 18 References
  • 4. 4 Introduction Introduction National position and workstream The projects in the NHS Improvement - context Lung End of Life Care workstream are a Advance Care Planning – Giving major step towards achieving these aims. people the opportunity to discuss Around half a million people die They represent a wide variety of clinical their wishes around issues such as every year in England. The end of life is staff who are focused on addressing the resuscitation and representation on inevitably something everyone must face, key issues of: prognostic indication, loss of capacity is important and but it is perhaps the most difficult and Advance Care Planning and palliative should be undertaken when the sensitive issue within society today. Even care registers. patient is as well as possible. for healthcare professionals it is widely acknowledged that it can represent one The following sections in this document There is a plethora of published of the most challenging clinical areas in describe each of the NHS Improvement - patient information available to which to specialise. Lung sites, aims, objectives and details clinical staff to aid them in their the learning and progress that has discussions with patients but staff In 2008, the Department of Health emerged. confidence around advanced published the End of Life Care Strategy communication skills was very low. in response to the significant variation in Summary of site projects There is a considerable variation service provision across the country. It between the training which cancer highlighted the need for the NHS and There were three End of Life clinicians receive and which is social care services to provide holistic, improvement projects running in the available for staff managing patients high-quality care for all adults at the end following organisations: with a long-term condition. of life, and their families and carers, and advocated the value of supported care • Solihull Community NHS Care Trust Raising awareness – The issue of pathways to help make this a reality. Care (West Midlands) death and dying is a sensitive topic pathways have been successfully • Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust but lack of awareness amongst developed for a number of potentially (North East) patients and more surprisingly terminal illnesses, such as dementia, heart • Breathing Space, Rotherham Primary amongst staff about the potentially disease and stroke, and should now be Care NHS Trust (Yorkshire and the life threatening nature of the evolved for chronic obstructive pulmonary Humber). condition impacts on the care COPD disease (COPD) which accounts for patients receive in the final stages of around 23,000 deaths a year. life. Summary of key learning Currently, less than 50% of clinical The tendency to continue with services for COPD in the NHS have a The key learning (see next section proactive management of symptoms formal arrangement for users of these for more details) is centred on the and maintain a positive prognosis services to gain access to specialist end of following themes: means seriously ill patients are at risk life care. In order to meet this challenge, of not being able to plan ahead at clinical staff must ensure that COPD is Prognostic indicators – Sites were the right time with full recognised as a cause of death amongst testing two different indicators; the understanding of their condition. patients. It is also vital to give people the Gold Standards Framework opportunity, and to help them to plan for Indicators and the BOD (Body Mass End of life registers – Currently, their future care. In conjunction with this, Index, Obstruction, Dyspnoea score) palliative care Quality Outcomes commissioners and providers should which is an abbreviated form of the Framework (QOF) registers are ensure access to end of life care services, BODE index (Body Mass Index, utilised in GP practices to identify in line with care provided to those with Obstruction, Dyspnoea and Exercise those people approaching the end of other life threatening illnesses such as – Celli et al, 2004). Evidence life, thereby helping ensure that their cancer. suggests there was variability in the needs are met. However, they are reliability and validity of using generally incomplete and biased indicators to accurately predict the towards the care of those with last six to 12 months of life. cancer.
  • 5. Introduction 5 together across boundaries to spot the Finally, it is hoped that this work will The Department of Health End of opportunities and manage the change. provide an enhanced recognition of Life Care Strategy (2008) advocated And third, to act now, for the long term. COPD across the medical community as a the development of ‘End of Life Care serious and invariably life-threatening Locality Registers’ as a means to The ambition is to achieve efficiency disease to ensure healthcare professionals support the provision of high quality savings of up to £20 billion for start having discussions with people coordinated care and to address the reinvestment over the next four years. about their wishes at end of life. This will shortcomings in the current practice This represents a very significant ensure patients receive care appropriate registers. The locality registers are challenge to be delivered through the to their specific needs. electronic records containing detailed work the NHS has already important details about care undertaken on Quality, Innovation provision and the preferences of Productivity and Prevention (QIPP) and the patients identified as being at the additional opportunities presented in the end of life. This information can be Equity and Excellence: Liberating the then easily accessed by all healthcare NHS. professionals that the patient comes into contact with. Key to the Many of the measures outlined in this effective implementation of a locality document are designed to support the register is ensuring effective NHS to meet the QIPP challenge, either mechanisms are in place to identify by identifying where resources might be all patients approaching the end of released or by improving understanding Hannah Wall life, whether this be a GP, a member of the key interventions that have National Improvement Lead, of the community team, or other greatest effect. NHS Improvement – Lung health and social care professional, and ensuring that effective Considerations for future working education and training is in place for all the relevant professionals around All the projects within this work stream identification, communication and have been building the evidence for the advance care planning. An creation of a gold standard pathway for evaluation of the pilots undertaken COPD end of life patients but it is by Ipsos MORI is available at: apparent that more work is still needed. publications/localities-registers-report There is limited evidence over the validity and reliability of different types of Phil Duncan prognostic indicator and this should form Director, the basis for future work to address NHS Improvement -Lung Quality, Innovation, Productivity dominance of certain indicators over and Prevention (QIPP) others and at what point in the patient trajectory they should be used. Demand for healthcare is increasing and The use of Advance Care Planning at the there are areas where we could increase appropriate time has yielded positive the quality, efficiency and value for feedback from patients and carers money of services as well as improving therefore it is hoped that adoption and outcomes for people with COPD. Three spread throughout other parts of the things need to be determined to make country may occur. this possible. First, improving quality whilst improving productivity, using innovation and prevention to drive and connect them. Second, having local clinicians and managers working
  • 6. 6 Key learning Key learning The end of life care pathway which Prognostic indicators There can be many such exacerbations features in the Department of Health End Central to commissioning a high quality, during the more severe stages of the of Life Strategy (2008) contains all the cost effective service is a better disease and this make prognosis components of a gold standard approach understanding of the end of life phase of extremely difficult. to care and is the model against which COPD and one of the most challenging NHS organisations should aim to plan areas within this is the patient trajectory. their services. Trajectory of malignant disease In malignant diseases, such as cancer, it is End of life care in chronic obstructive easier to predict the rate of deterioration 100 pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex and the amount of time which the process but good care is essential as patient may have left to live because of 80 Function % nearly 23,000 deaths occur each year the nature of the condition and gradual from the disease which is approximately worsening of symptoms. 60 5% of all deaths. In COPD, the steady downward decline is 40 Death The three projects within the end of life replaced with a relatively unpredictable 20 care workstream have focused on testing series of stable periods dispersed with key elements of this pathway and to troughs. The troughs represent an acute 0 examine what a pathway adapted exacerbation (attack of breathlessness) Time > specifically for patients with COPD might from which the patient may recover back begin to look like. to a relatively good degree of health. Trajectory of COPD 100 End of Life Care Pathway (End of Life Care Strategy) 80 Function % Discussions Assessment Delivery of 60 as the end care Coordination high quality Care in the Care after of life planning of care services in last days death 40 approaches and review different of life settings Death 20 0 What could this like for COPD specific patients? Time > Prognostic Advance Care End of Life Acute/ Liverpool Support for Understandably, clinicians do not wish to Indication Planning Care GP Community Care Carers (Preferred Practice Palliative Pathway initiate end of life care until it becomes Priorities of Registers Care Teams Achievement entirely appropriate but equally want to Care, of Preferred resuscitation, Priorities of give patients realistic information on the Advance Care severity of their condition and time to Decisions) plan ahead. INFORMATION
  • 7. Key learning 7 There are several sets of prognostic Two workstream projects looked Advanced Care Planning indicators which are in use at present. specifically at the use of prognostic A key component of any end of life care The most prolific is the Gold Standards indicators. Breathing Space in Rotherham service, regardless of disease, is that of Framework indicators for COPD and assessed the Gold Standards Framework Advanced Care Planning. This is where current guidelines recommend that indicators with patients on admission and the patient is given the opportunity to patients who exhibit one or more of the those outpatients attending pulmonary document future wishes on a number of following symptoms may be entering the rehabilitation to determine how many areas such as: end of life stage. indicators may be present and how this may relate to time until death. Learning • Their Preferred Priorities of Care e.g. Another indicator widely used is the in the project suggested that overall at their chosen place of death BODE index (Celli et al, 2004) which takes least three were needed to accurately • Their views on resuscitation and a score from a collection of predict when the initial discussion was treatment through the use of an measurements (Body Mass Index, FEV1 warranted. The findings support this as it advance decision and do not attempt obstruction, MRC dyspnoea score and was witnessed from the 83 patient resuscitation documentation exercise). Alternatively many clinicians use deaths which occurred during the project • Who they would like to appoint in the evidence based judgments to determine 18 had three or more indicators present event they loose capacity e.g. a Lasting when the threshold is reached. However, at the time of death. Power of Attorney. the validity of all these indicators and the evidence of their effectiveness are still in In contrast Hartlepool Primary Care NHS The use of supplementary written the process of being gathered. Trust used an adaptation of BODE which information to aid clinicians when having was the ‘BOD’ score. From data analysed these discussions with patients is useful the project lead discovered that BOD may but selecting which information to use, be a predictor for the very early stages of when to use it and how much to use is a • Disease assessed to be severe decline amongst patients – perhaps those complex and sensitive area which requires e.g. (FEV1 <30% predicted – with more than the traditional six to 12 careful judgement on the part of the with caveats about quality of month timescale which normally defines clinician involved. testing) the end of life. This may be extremely • Recurrent hospital admission important learning as it may signal a The project sites found there was no (>3 admissions in 12 months phase where changing interventions are shortage of available information they for COPD exacerbations) considered and regular reviews may need were able to use or adapt. Some of the • Fulfils Long Term Oxygen to become more frequent in order to popular choices included information Therapy Criteria maintain stability in disease control and produced by: the National End of Life • MRC grade 4/5 – shortness of slow the rate of disease progression. Care Programme, the National Council breath after 100 meters on the for Palliative Care, The Whittington NHS level or confined to house Two of the sites (Solihull Community NHS Foundation Trust, St Christopher’s through breathlessness Care Trust and Breathing Space) also Hospice and the British Lung Foundation. • Signs and symptoms of right tested use of the ‘surprise’ question, Breathing Space in Rotherham were heart failure which basically asks the clinician to trialling the British Lung Foundation • Combination of other factors consider whether they would be surprised literature but have decided that ultimately e.g. anorexia, previous if the patient was still alive in 12 months they would like to produce their own ITU/NIV/resistant organism, time. Both sites felt this very simple tool literature which has information patients depression to be highly effective as a predictor of can add to depending on their needs and • >6 weeks of systemic steroids death and both advocated its accuracy as how much information they feel they for COPD in the preceding 12 on a par with or above the more formal would like. months. prognostic indicators they tested. Gold Standards Framework Prognostic Indicator Guidance
  • 8. 8 Key learning Some sites have found that there are The first step the project sites took was in Primary care end of life registers for patients who do not wish to talk about determining the understanding and patients with end stage COPD death, dying or end of life care in relation knowledge of staff in order to audit both It is widely acknowledged that patients to their COPD. They accept these patients the awareness and the skills of individuals with COPD should be regularly reviewed will always exist and that the wishes of on end of life care they had in the clinical in primary care. Patients who are deemed the individual must be respected. teams. There is some excellent to be at the end of life should be added information on undertaking skills audits to the practice end of life register (which Breathing Space also found that a small and determining what level of could also be named ‘the palliative care’ number of their patients were distressed competency and training staff need. The or ‘the Gold Standards Framework’ when the subject of Advance Care sites carried out a training needs analysis, register). This enables them to be placed Planning was broached. Staff at the reviewed existing provision and on the correct pathway to access facility considered that for some patients benchmarked it against national treatment and support. timing of the discussions is very important competences. They then used a needs and as such an inpatient facility after an based approach to develop new training Two of the projects looked at increasing acute episode may not be right for them. plans. For more information visit the numbers of COPD patients on the Some staff and experts in end of life care end of life registers (which nationally believe that the right time is when the ations/talking-about-eolc averages at about 14%). Solihull patient is feeling relaxed and well, Community NHS Care Trust spent a perhaps at an earlier stage in the Once the improvement projects had the considerable amount of time and effort diagnosis. This can often be less baseline they were then able to initiate undertaking some ‘leg work’ amongst distressing and potentially more positive any training e.g. advanced their GP surgeries to generally raise with regard to planning. communication skills, and clinical awareness of COPD as a life threatening supervision which was needed. Within condition and also undertook training for Raising staff awareness the projects some staff had already primary care staff in using prognostic Raising the awareness of COPD as a received training through Association of indicators and undertaking Advance Care terminal illness amongst clinical staff is Respiratory Nurse Specialists (ARNS), Planning when COPD patients were one of the key imperatives in improving some staff had in-house training moved onto the end of life registers. end of life care for sufferers of this arranged for them which was delivered condition. through small groups by a visiting Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust palliative care specialist, and others were worked with two practices to review their Respiratory staff understand that COPD is the need has been identified are now current COPD registered patients using a very serious illness and will be familiar waiting to attend future courses. the BOD prognostic indicator tool. Some with patients who have suffered severe of learning identified the need to engage exacerbations and have been very ill. The National End of Life Care Programme primary care in this process to determine However, the overriding evidence from all launched a new e-learning package in if the correct codes on the patient records project sites was felt that some staff were January 2010: e-End of Life Care for All. system are being used to record a hesitant to acknowledge when proactive It is freely available to all healthcare staff, diagnosis of COPD – as this will treatment in a COPD patient may not be with some public-facing modules for significantly affect how the patient is appropriate anymore and were thus volunteers/carers, and currently contains managed and ensures that the patient is reluctant to engage in the projects. They several sections on communication on the correct clinical pathway in were also unsure of their competence to skills (for more information visit accordance with their condition. treat COPD patients when end of life became a possibility. The desire to return patients to full health and the messages which patients received from clinical staff around prognosis and recovery was often based on this premise.
  • 9. Breathing Space, Rotherham 9 One - Breathing Space, Rotherham Prognostic indicators and advance care planning in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) The background to the service Breathing Space is a unique nurse led facility in the heart of Yorkshire which was built in 2007 as a result of a partnership between the Coalfields Regeneration Trust, Rotherham Primary Care Trust and Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. It is the largest multidisciplinary community based chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) rehabilitation programme in Europe. Originally the sole aim was to care for patients with COPD and this has now been extended to other chronic respiratory conditions. Its facilities include clinics for assessment and accurate diagnosis, pulmonary rehabilitation (for more than 400 patients a year) and a 20 bed inpatient unit dedicated to providing care for acute exacerbations. At the time of joining NHS Improvement - The project aims and objectives • Do patients who have had Advance Lung, the Nurse Consultant and Project The main aim of the project was to Care Planning achieve their preferred Lead, Gail South, had identified that advance the service delivery model for place of care and other goals? many of the COPD patients at Breathing end of life care at Breathing Space as a • Do senior staff feel competent and Space had at least one of the Gold choice for COPD patients and to support confident at having these dscussions Standards Framework prognostic the carers of these patients during this after appropriate training? indicators often used to determine the difficult time. last 12 to six months of life. This provided What they did the catalyst for the service to look at the The project hoped to answer some of the A baseline audit was undertaken to provision of end of life care and how this following questions: determine whether there was any part of the pathway for patients at the evidence to suggest prognostic indicators facility could be improved. • Are Gold Standards Framework would be found amongst previous prognostic indicators for COPD patients who were admitted to Breathing predicting death within 12 months? Space. This revealed 60% already had at • Are COPD patients with at least one least one prognostic indicator. Gold Standards Framework prognostic indicator (and their carers) interested in participating in Advance Care Planning? • Do staff feel that patients with at least one Gold Standards Framework prognostic indicator are appropriate for Advance Care Planning? Gail South (left) – Project Lead
  • 10. 10 Breathing Space, Rotherham A paper audit form was then designed by Issues and challenges Key learning senior staff to be used to capture any Department of Health policy aimed at The majority of patients who died during prognostic indicators present in patients transforming community services meant the period of the project had more than attending assessment as an outpatient to that Breathing Space integrated with three Gold Standards Framework the pulmonary rehabilitation programme Rotherham Foundation NHS Trust in indicators present on their last admission, and at time of admission during an acute March 2011. This represented a challenge although overall staff felt the surprise exacerbation. The final page of the audit in terms of the continuity for the project question was perhaps a better predictor form asked the staff member responsible as the then current provision of services of death within a six to 12 month period. for admission to decide whether to was reviewed by the new host The ‘surprise’ question asks the clinician initiate an Advance Care Planning organisation. In order to mitigate this the to consider whether they would be discussion with the patient. This included senior team at Breathing Space involved surprised if the patient were still alive in giving information to the patient, notably in the integration ensured that staff at 12 months time. the British Lung Foundation ‘Guide to Rotherham Foundation NHS Trust were Coping with the Final Stages of Lung fully aware of the aims and objectives of Advance Care Planning materials used in Disease’ and an adapted version of The the study and its progress by that date. this project received mixed responses Whittington Hopsital NHS Trust patient from both staff and patients. The British leaflet on ‘Do Not Attempt Resuscitation’. Locally the project lead spent a significant Lung Foundation booklet contained too amount of time working on engagement much information for some patients and Patients and their carers were also given and ownership of the project by the was difficult for staff to use. Breathing information about their ‘Preferred whole team. Continuing to have regular Space have decided to create their own Priorities for Care’ (PPC) and asked if they monthly meetings and emailing feedback patient folder which can be personalised wanted to complete any of the to all team members has helped with bite size information on different documents either on their own or with overcome communication barriers with elements of care which can be provided assistance from staff. staff who rarely spend time together due to the patient over a staggered period of to changing shift patterns. Staff were also time. Breathing Space used a PDSA (plan, do continually encouraged to comment on study, act) approach during August 2011 the project and data collection successes Not surprisingly many clinical staff felt to trial the form and they found quite and difficulties. very uncomfortable with end of life care quickly that one prognostic indicator was discussions. Even when patients had not necessarily an appropriate prompt for Respiratory services also face their busiest three prognostic indicators present on initiating this kind of discussion and time over the winter months and high admission, there were a sizeable number therefore staff were documenting ‘not admission rates and bed pressures have of audit forms where staff had indicated appropriate’. The form was changed to impacted on the progress of the project an Advance Care Planning discussion did use three indicators as the trigger point, where the time could be dedicated to not take place. This could have been for and if senior staff felt it was not some of the data collection and many reasons, some included: previous appropriate to initiate this discussion at administrative functions. bad experiences, lack of confidence in the this point, they were asked to document skill to address this subject, a pre- their reasons as to why. Talks with staff indicated that many of perception that it was not necessary and them felt a certain level of unease when a fear of worsening the patients mental A spreadsheet recorded all the data asked to engage in an end of life care state by introducing the topic of dying. inputted from the paper audit forms discussion with patients. In order to Although these issues are still apparent collected. In conjunction with this project ensure staff felt empowered and skilled they are being addressed through ten staff on the inpatient unit attended a to undertake this sensitive and supervision and training. preliminary training session on advanced challenging task, ongoing training in communication skills delivered by a communication skills and the palliative care specialist. This followed a development of clinical supervision baseline audit of training skills amongst strategies have given support to staff all staff. which has enabled reflective practice.
  • 11. Breathing Space, Rotherham 11 Perhaps less surprisingly, many COPD patients felt uncomfortable with the idea Breathing Space - Number of GSF GSF use in deaths in January - of end of life planning and some patients indicators on death March 2011 were distressed when the offer of 60 Advance Care Planning was made Outpatients available. Staff reflected on these Inpatients Number of Patients incidents and concluded that in some cases an acute inpatient admission may 40 not be the most appropriate time to initiate this kind of discussion. They are now considering the introduction of some 20 general end of life care information during the weekly pulmonary rehabilitation sessions open to in and 1 GSF 2 - 3 GSF outpatients of the service. 0 NR 1 2 to 3 3 or more Over 3 GSF GSF not Number of indicators recorded Data Between 1 September 2010 and 31 July 2011, a total of 683 patients with COPD were either admitted to the inpatient unit However, there was a substantial GSF use in deaths in April - June 2011 (606) or attended an assessment for improvement in the recording of the pulmonary rehabilitation (77). number of GSF indicators in patients who died as the project term went on. Overall 186 (27%) patients had at more than three prognostic indicators at time of admissions. GSF use in deaths in October - December 2010 83 patients died since 1 September 2010 (76 inpatients and seven outpatients). Where recorded 18 out of 76 inpatients who died had more than three prognostic indicators, nine had two to three 1 GSF 2 - 3 GSF indicators and six had one indicator. Of Over 3 GSF GSF not the seven outpatients who died, three recorded had two to three prognostic indicators and two had one indictor where it had been recorded. 1 GSF 2 - 3 GSF Over 3 GSF GSF not recorded
  • 12. 12 Breathing Space, Rotherham Breathing Space - Comparison of pognostic indicators and end of life practice 18 16 14 Number of Patients 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2010 2011 Month GSF >3 and surprise =N ACP appropriate BLF completed PPC completed Full year data from August 2010 to July 2011 is shown below with regard to the number of patients with three or more GSF indicators deemed appropriate for Advance Care Planning and those who went on to have the British Lung Foundation booklet given and a Preferred Place of Care recorded. Project lead contact details Gail South Respiratory Nurse Consultant Breathing Space, Badsley Moor Lane Rotherham S65 2QL Tel: 01709 421700 Fax: 01709 421701 Email:
  • 13. Solihull NHS Care Trust 13 Two - Solihull NHS Care Trust Improving identification of end of life care needs and Advance Care Planning to support preferred place of care for patients with COPD The background to the service Solihull Community NHS Care Trust had already adopted the Gold Standards Framework in end of life care across all of its 31 GP practices. Patients identified for the Gold Standards Framework palliative register access community services through a supportive care pathway which supports holistic assessment, Advance Care Planning and proactive care planning. To date the pathway has improved the provision of proactive coordinated care for patients with end of life care needs in Sandy Walmsley – Project Lead Helen Meehan – Project Lead the community. However, it was recognised that the number of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary The main objectives for the project A letter of introduction was sent to the disease (COPD) accessing the pathway were to: practices to be involved. The project team was limited. also attended primary care meetings, • Increase number of patients with COPD such as a GP learning event in order to It was felt the time was right to support on Gold Standards Framework register raise the profile of their work and spent clinicians working in primary care and in from 8% (baseline) to 14% (the time in practices with community teams community services with improving national average) sharing information on the Gold identification of patients with end stage • Increase the number of patients Standards Framework prognostic COPD for the Gold Standards Framework supported in the community on the indicators. They were also supported by palliative registers. supportive care pathway some concurrent care of the dying and • Monitor the number of patients: with communications skills training for staff in The project aims and objectives COPD on the GP practice Gold the region which had been funded The project team worked with 12 out of Standards Framework register, who are through the Strategic Health Authority the 31 GP practices in the geographical offered Advance Care Planning (SHA) and delivered by Education for area. The main aim was to improve discussions and who have Preferred Health. identification of patients with end stage Priorities of Care recorded COPD in primary care, to enable proactive • Monitor achievement of preferred place The information provided within the coordinated care and support preferred of death and place of death for training sessions was formalised into local place of care at the end of life. patients with COPD. prognostic indicator guidance which along with the ‘My LIFE’ booklet was Patients were supported by practices and What they did shared amongst GPs, community matrons community teams using the Gold Baseline data was collected to establish and community respiratory teams. Standards Framework, the local an overview of the current position with supportive care pathway and Advance end of life care amongst the 12 GP Guidance on read codes was pulled Care Planning materials devised by local practices part of the improvement together as part of the preliminary work services (MY COPD and MY LIFE project. This revealed that approximately needed before the use of ‘Graphnet’ booklets). 9% of the total number of patients which is an electronic audit tool which currently on the Gold Standards can be used to search GP registers for Framework registers had an unconfirmed patients with certain diagnoses, as well as or confirmed diagnosis of COPD. auditing patient outcomes relating to specific read codes.
  • 14. 14 Solihull NHS Care Trust However, because of delays in being able Advance Care Planning is vital to Data on place of death showed that for to implement the Graphnet tool the supporting patients at end of life. The the entire Primary Care Trust area (31 project team reverted to using the team benefited from already having the practices in total) the number of patients community care electronic records system locally designed and readily available ‘My dying of COPD at home rose from 20% (ePEX) to manually extract information on LIFE’ booklet which incorporates all the in 09/10 to 23% in 10/11. patients they had identified through relevant information and is just for practice registers who were eligible but patients with COPD. The patient satisfaction survey revealed not currently on the Gold Standards that of those questioned 90% were very Framework register. The project team were also been satisfied with the overall experience of supported by two GP champions and care they had received to date. A successful bid was entered to the increased much needed awareness of Strategic Health Authority which resulted COPD end of life issues by providing Project lead contact details in funding for two GP champions for training to GPs and community teams. Helen Meehan COPD and end of life who were able to This was further reinforced with Lead Nurse Palliative Care work for half a day per week with local information on the palliative intranet site, Solihull NHS Care Trust practices. which can be accessed by all GPs and Tel: 0121 712 8471 community services. Email: The team also developed a carer survey which was completed on bereavement. The integration of the community services Sandy Walmsley and the acute Trust had some unforeseen Lead Respiratory Nurse Specialist Issues and challenges benefits for the project, mainly improved Solihull NHS Care Trust The main issue that delayed progress was communication between the respiratory Tel: 0121 329 0179 the implementation of the Graphnet tool. community team and the end of life Email: There was recognition early on in the provision on the wards. Overall project that baseline data from Graphnet relationships have been improved with all could not be captured retrospectively and stakeholders and especially hospices, that some GP practices were using which now have greater awareness of variable read codes which would have terminally ill patients with respiratory made data extraction very difficult. The disease. only solution for the team was to revert to manually collecting patient information Data through their own community electronic For the 12 GP surgeries the baseline data record (ePEX) rather than interrogate at the start of the project demonstrated individual practice registers in primary that 214 patients were currently on the care. The team then faced further end of life practice registers, of which 20 disappointment in that due to patients had a (confirmed and organisational changes due to the unconfirmed) diagnosis of COPD. This transforming community services national represented 9% of patients. work the IT department was subsequently disbanded and the Graphnet tool could Midterm data showed the number of not be implemented. COPD patients on the register had increased to 28 – with 247 patients on Key learning the register overall. This represented an Anecdotal evidence from practice staff increase of COPD patients to a proportion suggested that the Gold Standards of 11%. Framework indicators were not as effective as the surprise question ( which End of project data was only available asks the clinician to consider whether from 11 practices and showed there were they would be surprised if the patient 266 patients on the end of life register were still alive in 12 months time) as a with 19 having a primary diagnosis of predictor of death at six to 12 months. COPD (7%). The project team are undertaking an audit amongst GPs to determine more robust evidence for this.
  • 15. North Tees and Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust 15 Three - North Tees and Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust The implementation of BOD in primary care The background to the service The respiratory nursing care community team have a well established service which operates out of the heart of Hartlepool in new facilities – ‘One Life’. The current team have a well established link to the palliative care community team and as part of their commitment to develop effective and quality care pathways for patients they wanted to address the particular challenges of the end of life pathway in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). A multidisciplinary end of life group adapted an existing set of indicators including: body mass index, FEV1 obstruction and MRC dyspnoea score (originally including exercise and known as BODE – Celli et al, 2004) which became known as BOD. The project team led by a British Lung Left to right: Dr Niall Kearney and Dorothy Wood Foundation nurse and supported by a respiratory and a palliative care consultant trialled BOD within two GP practices in A process of staff awareness raising and improve shared decision making, the Hartlepool locality. training on BOD as a prognostic indicator autonomy and access to resources for tool and end of life care discussions took COPD patients. It is hoped that all of the The project aims and objectives place alongside the case finding in order GP practices in Hartlepool will be To improve recognition of the to embed the new practice with staff and approached and agree to record the BOD deteriorating COPD patient and their end ensure sustainability. Index. stage / end of life potential by utilising the BOD tool as a prognostic indicator To date five practices are routinely Staff shortages in community respiratory and trigger tool to facilitate end of life recording BOD scores during routine services made the project challenging, discussion and referral to resources. COPD patient reviews. Scores are however, it is envisaged that once GP recorded on a template and an increase practices understand the philosophy they What they did in score at future consultations will will be able implement the project Two GP surgeries were approached and indicate a deteriorating patient. without intensive project team baseline data collected on the number of involvement in the future. Input would patients on the COPD registers. Issues and challenges then be more of a supportive role. Despite a positive start with the two GP The BOD index was then used by the practices more practice recruitment is Originally there was difficulty in obtaining project manager (Dorothy Wood) in required to demonstrate an evidence a template for recording BOD scores as conjunction with the practice teams to based benefit from a qualitative well as obtaining a read code from identify patients on the COPD register perspective and because of this a gradual information technology. Both were who were eligible for discussion around approach to recruiting GP practices has eventually made available in April 2011. their condition and given the opportunity been adopted. The implementation is Practices that do not have this system will for Advance Care Planning. considered part of an on-going plan to be able to develop their own template.
  • 16. 16 North Tees and Hartlepool Primary Care NHS Trust The Trust covers two main urban areas: nurses to enable them to improve their Project lead contact details Hartlepool and Stockton. There was a communication skills and confidence in Dorothy Wood lesser degree of engagement from the managing planning ahead discussions BLF Lead Respiratory Nurse Stockton area and although three effectively. ONE LIFE HARTLEPOOL surgeries voiced an interest in Park Road, Hartlepool TS24 7PW implementing BOD due to pressure of Data work the support required to carry this The number of patients on the COPD Tel: 07917 172464 interest through has not been available. register for both practices remained Office: 01429 285712 relatively static throughout the project Email: Key learning period. Overall, by the end of the project Learning on the use of BOD suggests it is 189 patients had been reviewed using a good predictor of the intermediary the BOD scoring system which stage between the start of decline in the represented about 85% of the total patient condition rather than of death at number of patients on the register at six to 12 months. June 2011 (223). BOD was used as a trigger to facilitate discussion about how the patient was Month No of patients on No of patients Cumulative managing their condition and what the COPD register reviewed Total patients concerns were. It also allowed the professional to gather all of those July 2010 229 14 14 August 2010 229 15 29 concerns together and engage in shared September 2010 229 19 48 decision making with the patient about October 2010 228 22 70 their future. November 2010 225 16 79 December 10 225 15 93 Practice nurses recognised that those January 2011 225 19 102 February 2011 223 14 116 patients with the highest BOD scores March 2011 223 20 136 were predominantly those with the April 2011 222 23 159 highest morbidity and this ensured the May 2011 223 18 177 patient had the opportunity to plan for June 2011 223 13 189 their death when they were feeling well (if they wished to) and had more timely access to available resources. Progress in reviewing COPD patients in two GP practices in Hartlepool using BOD As with other projects it was identified 250 that not all staff were confident in starting a planning ahead discussion with 200 patient. The Foundation Trust has now Number of Patients invested in training two members of staff 150 to become facilitators in delivering SAGE and THYME™ training. (SAGE and 100 THYME™ is a communication model for health and social care professionals to 50 enable them to communicate effectively with concerned or distressed people and 0 respond in a way that empowers the Jul 10 Aug 10 Sep10 Oct10 Nov10 Dec10 Jan11 Feb11 Mar11 Apr11 May11 Jun11 distressed person). The two-day course Month will gradually be delivered to practice Total patients on COPD register Patients reviewed using BOD this month
  • 17. Acknowledgements 17 Acknowledgments NHS Improvement - Lung would like to thank all national improvement project sites for their hard work and dedication to improve quality and care for people with COPD, and for their contributions to this document. In addition, the following people have provided a source of expertise and support and their help is gratefully acknowledged: Eleanor Sherwen, End of Life Care Programme Manager, End of Life Care Programme Phil Duncan, Director, NHS Improvement - Lung Catherine Blackaby, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Ore Okosi, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Catherine Thompson, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Zoë Lord, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Alex Porter, Senior Analyst, NHS Improvement - Lung For more information please contact: Hannah Wall, National Improvement Lead for End of Life Care and Asthma
  • 18. 18 References References COPD and Asthma Outcomes Strategy for England and Wales (DH: 2011) Consultation on a Strategy for COPD Services in England and Wales (DH: 2010) End of Life Care Strategy (DH: 2008) End of Life Care Strategy (Department of Health: 2008) The Gold Standards Framework The BODE Index Celli BR et al (2004): New England Journal of Medicine 350 p1005-1012 The National End of Life Care Programme National Palliative Care Council The Whittington Hospital NHS Foundation Trust St Christopher’s Hospice British Lung Foundation
  • 19.
  • 20. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement NHS Improvement’s strength and expertise lies in practical service improvement. It has over a decade of experience in clinical patient pathway redesign in cancer, diagnostics, heart, lung and stroke and demonstrates some of the most leading edge improvement work in England which supports improved patient experience and outcomes. Working closely with the Department of Health, trusts, clinical networks, other health sector partners, professional bodies and charities, over the past year it has tested, implemented, sustained and spread quantifiable improvements with over 250 sites across the country as well as providing an improvement tool to over 1,000 GP practices. NHS Improvement 3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB Telephone: 0116 222 5184 | Fax: 0116 222 5101 Delivering tomorrow’s Publication Ref: IMP/comms026 - November 2011 ©NHS Improvement 2011 | All Rights Reserved improvement agenda for the NHS