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                                              NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement - Lung: National Improvement Projects
Improving adult asthma care: Emerging
learning from the national improvement

NHS Improvement - Lung National Improvement Projects -
Improving adult asthma care: Emerging learning from the
national improvement projects

Foreword by Professor Martyn Partridge                                       4
Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College London and Senior Vice
Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore (A joint school by
Imperial College London and Nanyang Technological University)

Introduction                                                                 5
The case for improvement work and a summary of the emerging
learning from the sites

Case studies                                                                 9

Acute Trusts

Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust                                    10
Reducing re-attenders at Accident and Emergency

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust                                 12
Asthma Care Bundles

University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust                         14
An Integrated Care Pathway for Accident and Emergency

Community Respiratory Teams

Sandwell Community Respiratory Team                                          17
Reducing admissions and increasing community support

Clinical Commissioning Groups and Primary Care

Durham Dales Clinical Commissioning Group                                    20
Pharmacists and Medicines Use Reviews

ESyDoc Clinical Commissioning Group                                          22
An integrated approach to asthma care

NHS South West Essex Primary Care Trust                                      24
Targeted Medicines Use Reviews through a Local Enhanced Service

References                                                                   26

Acknowledgements                                                             27

    Martyn R Partridge

    At a time of financial stringency, it    if there were one simple answer
    is important that we deliver care in     we would have implemented it
    the most cost effective manner           some time ago. However, I have
    and this will often involve us           found the observation of these
    thinking outside the box and             projects at this mid-point stage to
    assessing new methods of                 be incredibly stimulating and
    delivering care. When doing so it is     invigorating, and I congratulate all
    important that a full needs              who have been involved in this
    assessment is undertaken and that        work. I look forward to the project
    all stakeholders are involved and        end in the summer when the full
    where ever possible the innovation       extent of the learning can be
    has to be undertaken with a clear        shared.
    expectation that the enhancement
    will be extrapolable, deliverable,
    and sustainable.

    In the first round of the NHS
    Improvement - Lung asthma                                                       Martyn R Partridge
    projects, colleagues have shown
    remarkable innovation,                   Martyn R Partridge
    perspicacity, and above all              Professor of Respiratory Medicine,
    determination to improve the care        Imperial College London and
    which they are delivering to their       Senior Vice Dean, Lee Kong Chian
    patients with asthma.                    School of Medicine, Singapore (A
    It is inevitable that over the years a   joint school by Imperial College
    number of asthma projects have           London and Nanyang
    had varying degrees of success, for      Technological University)


Background – the case for               waste) to the NHS of these types of        The improvement work
improvement                             medications in the UK is high.             In May 2010, NHS Improvement –
Asthma is a respiratory condition       Unlike COPD, asthma is not a               Lung invited NHS organisations to
which affects between 3 and 5.4         condition in which patients will           work in partnership on projects
million people in the UK                deteriorate over time, but                 dedicated to improving the asthma
(Department of Health Outcomes          unfortunately it cannot yet be cured.      patient pathway and to help address
Strategy for Chronic Obstructive        With optimal self-management the           the variation in care that patients
Pulmonary Disease and Asthma:           goal for nearly all people with            receive. Projects plans were
2011) with approximately 80% of         asthma should be to lead a normal,         submitted from a number of sites
those being over 18 years of age        healthy and active life, but this relies   including acute Trusts, primary care
(Asthma UK). It is characterised by     on a partnership approach between          Trusts (PCTs) and community
inflammation of the airways leading     the healthcare professional and the        organisations to work in four key
to acute episodes known as              patient in order to be truly               areas of the pathway: improving
‘attacks’. These exacerbations can      successful. The Outcomes Strategy          asthma diagnosis and medicines
often be managed by the patient         for COPD and Asthma (DH: 2011)             optimisation, transforming acute
through medication and lifestyle        noted that asthma is a condition           care, chronic disease management
modification but from time to time      which is very poorly controlled. It        and integrated care.
can require treatment in Accident       also highlighted the high number of
and Emergency or an admission to        preventable admissions and lack of         The primary aims of the projects in
hospital. In 2008/09 there were 49      adherence in published guidelines          the national work stream are to:
054 emergency adult admissions for      (the gold standard is the BTS- SIGN
asthma at a cost of £61 million to      Asthma Guideline: 2011), despite           • Define the patient’s pathway
the NHS, however it is currently        the UK being a world leader in this        • Identify and reduce variation in the
estimated that three quarters of        field.                                       delivery of care
these are preventable (Right Care                                                  • Challenge the system and test the
Atlas of Variation: 2011).              The aim of the NHS Improvement –             components of care that lead to
                                        Lung asthma work stream is to test           consistent and effective
Because asthma symptoms have            which interventions have the biggest         management of the condition
many similarities with other            impact on patient outcomes and             • Identify the success principles that
respiratory conditions there is often   experience. This will help to ensure         other organisations and teams
dual or misdiagnosis with other         that people with asthma are                  could learn from and adopt.
illnesses such as COPD. Asthma is       managed optimally in both primary
treated through a mixture of inhaled    care and secondary care, to improve
‘preventer’ steroids which are taken    patient outcomes and reduce the
on a constant basis and ‘reliever’      demands placed on emergency care.
bronchodilators which are inhaled in
the event of worsening symptoms.
Due to the plethora of drugs and
different combinations available for
respiratory patients the cost (and

    During the ‘testing’ phase of the
    programme, project teams are
    exploring the reality of making this     COMPONENTS OF CARE THE WORKSTREAM IS TESTING
    happen by taking stock of current
    practice and understanding the           1. Supportive self-management
    process of implementation to ensure      Hypothesis: A written self-management plan with ongoing support
    patients receive optimal care in a       increases a patient’s ability to better self-manage by providing
    challenging environment. Prior to        information on what to do when feeling unwell to mitigate symptom
    commencing the work, the project         escalation. This should lead to better patient outcomes, more patient
    sites have been required to establish    control when exacerbations occur and reduced need for a GP
    their service baseline through           appointment or an attendance at a hospital.
    analysis of local qualitative and
                                             Testing sites: All
    quantitative data and to understand
    the variation in services and quantify
                                             2. Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) by appropriately
    the aims they are working towards.
                                             trained pharmacist
    The project teams were trained in
                                             Hypothesis: The MUR ensures optimal treatment and effective use of
    service improvement tools and
                                             medication with the patient. This should reduce medicines waste and
    techniques including the ‘model for
                                             spend as well as improving patient outcomes and reducing the need
    improvement’ methodology and
                                             for emergency primary or secondary care interventions.
    held local events to process map
    their current pathways.                  Testing sites: Durham Dales, NHS South West Essex

    At this half-way point the teams         3. Defining and standardising care in the pathway according
    have begun to remove duplication         to the BTS-SIGN Guideline
    and waste from the pathway or            Hypothesis: The standardisation of care according to national
    specific processes through different     guidelines in an acute setting supports patient safety and quicker
    ways of working and service              patient recovery from illness which reduces the risk of re-attendance
    redesign. They are testing small scale   or readmission.
    innovations using a Plan, Do, Study,
    Act (PDSA) approach and are              Testing sites: ESyDoc, University Hospital of North Staffordshire
    measuring productivity gains on a        NHS Trust, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Guy's
    monthly basis to identify the impact     and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
    of the improvements. During the
    final six months the sites will          4. Access to assessment and review
    continue to evaluate, learn and          Hypothesis: Patients who receive education in self-management from
    retest to refine models of care.         clinically trained staff who have training in asthma are able to self-
                                             manage more effectively and this will reduce the need for additional
                                             primary care appointments and potentially reduce emergency
                                             attendances and admissions.

                                             Testing sites: All

Summary of emerging learning             • There is significant variation in the   • There is recognition amongst
The emerging learning from the             delivery of care and the                  both primary and secondary care
project sites to date demonstrates         configuration of and access to            clinicians that there are many
some of the practical challenges           asthma care services around the           opportunities for meeting the
around implementing those                  country. One example of this was          productivity and prevention
elements of good asthma care that          significant disparity in proactive        agenda whilst improving the
we already know to be effective.           follow up by GPs following receipt        quality of services and outcomes
This highlights not only what works        of discharge summary issued from          for asthma patients. Data from
and how people are doing it, but           the acute Trust (which in itself          sites has identified opportunities
also what barriers still exist and         varied from within 24 hours to            for reductions in use of resource
where we still need to find solutions      two weeks), which ranged from             across the pathway, for example,
to enable people to adopt best             every patient to none.                    in primary care - through
practice.                                                                            systematic management of the
                                           Every pathway contains differences        asthma patient register and in
• Data is essential for improvement        with varying adherence to the best        secondary care, through targeted
  and there is plenty of data              practice national recommendations,        intervention on those who
  available to understand the current      for example some GP practices in          frequently re-attend or who are
  circumstances and drive change.          the projects supply limitless repeat      readmitted.
  However, it is important to take         prescriptions, others only supply       • A fundamental part of asthma
  time to identify what data are           one script to those patients who          care is evidence-based supportive
  most useful and to understand the        are overdue for review and then           self-management. Core
  best way to present and use the          no more until a healthcare                components of this consistently
  information. Consistently                professional has seen the patient.        include a primary care annual
  recording and collecting relevant                                                  review, the delivery of education
  data is also needed to allow             Defining the current pathway with         for patients (including inhaler
  monitoring of the impact of              any issues or gaps is essential to        technique) by clinical staff with
  changes in care and to highlight         understanding the current state of        specialist asthma knowledge in
  any areas to target interventions        the local services and along with         appropriate healthcare settings
  where appropriate.                       data provides the foundation for          and the clear explanation and
• Managing a condition such as             future improvement work.                  documentation of a self-
  asthma successfully often requires                                                 management plan.
  patients to draw on both primary       • Standardised care – for example,
  and secondary care. Testing sites        through the use of templates,
  are broadly supportive of the            proformas, care bundles, CQUINs
  emerging principle that integration      (Commissioning for Quality and
  between services is one way to           Innovation payments) and
  maximise use of local resources          pathways – is strongly advocated
  and manage patients more                 by all the project sites as a
  effectively, however there are still     potential solution to variation in
  barriers around the practical steps      the management of asthma and
  needed to help organisations work        a way of improving patient
  more closely together.                   outcomes and experience of care.

    Barriers and Issues                     • Traditional organisational
    Clinical teams in each of the sites       boundaries are often a barrier to
    have been working on different            completing the information loop
    parts of the asthma pathway. Each         to enable optimal patient
    site has faced individual challenges      management for example, follow-
    and barriers however a number of          up within 48 hours of discharge.
    common themes have begun to               Mapping the patient pathway with
    emerge.                                   all stakeholders present can often
                                              reconcile differing procedures and
    • Although clinicians understand the      technologies between healthcare
      components of optimal asthma            providers to allow information
      care and are familiar with the BTS/     exchange to be more timely and
      SIGN Guideline there is                 effective.
      widespread variation in adherence
      to recommended practice. For          Focus for the next six months
                                                                                    Phil Duncan
      example, in the administration of     This mid-term guide represents the
                                                                                    Director - NHS Improvement Lung
      written self-management plans.        halfway point in the progress of the
      Although recommended, one             project sites within the asthma work
      project site found that less than     stream. For the remainder of the
      five per cent of their diagnosed      time left the project teams will be
      asthma patients had documented        focussed on small testing of
      and read-code recorded plans.         innovation and improvement using
    • Variation also exists amongst         PDSA cycles in the four different
      healthcare professional in the        areas of the pathway: improving
      management of the patient             asthma diagnosis and medicines
      journey specifically in secondary     optimisation, transforming acute
      care and in many cases no current     care, chronic disease management
      care pathway was available or         and integrated care.
      known to staff in the emergency
      departments.                          The challenge will be to identify
    • There is a difference amongst         models of evidence-based best
      organisations involved in the         practice in each of these areas along
      improvement work in the               with practical solutions for            Hannah Wall
      understanding and the utilisation     overcoming barriers and issues. The     National Improvement Lead
      of different healthcare providers     final Asthma Improvement Guide
      and the role they can take. For       with all of the findings will be
      example, in the use of pharmacists    published in Autumn 2012.
      and the sharing of information to
      and from primary care around
      Medicines Use Reviews.

Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

Reducing adult asthma re-attenders at
Accident and Emergency

Set in the heart of the capital city St        Re-attenders - May 2010 to April 2011
Thomas’ A&E is one of the busiest and
largest departments of its kind in                         30
England, seeing hundreds of emergency
patients every day.                                        25

Early in 2010 the respiratory nursing

team at St Thomas’ undertook a
snapshot audit of asthma attendances to
A&E, and this revealed a surprisingly high                 10
30 day re-attendance rate of just below
30% and this highlighted a problem                          5
which they wanted to improve upon.
                                                                MAY    JUN   JUL   AUG   SEP   OCT    NOV    DEC   JAN    FEB   MAR    APR
Karen Newell, Respiratory Nurse                                 2010                                               2011
Specialist and project lead, felt that in                                                       Month
order to reduce re-attendances they
needed to work more proactively with
their asthma patients on discharge and
help healthcare professionals in A&E
increase their knowledge to feel more        Data                                                    Ethnically most patients were white and
confident about working with asthma.         A significant amount of quantitative and                geographically most patients had a
                                             qualitative data has been sourced in                    London postcode. In terms of method of
This project is supported by a myriad of     order to help the project understand the                presentation from the data available a
stakeholders including: the respiratory      problem it is aiming to solve prior to                  significant proportion were brought in by
nursing team, Accident and Emergency         implementing any potential solutions.                   ambulance and then went on to be
staff, the London Ambulance Service                                                                  discharged from the A&E (60%).
(LAS), Lambeth and Southwark GPs and         Quantitative data was derived from the
Asthma UK.                                   hospital’s electronic patient systems. This             Qualitative data was gathered by use of
                                             revealed that in 2010/11, 94 patients re-               semi-structured telephone interviews
Project aims                                 attended at A&E for primary diagnosis of                with a random sample from the 75
The primary aim of this project is to        asthma. Of these, 19 were deliberately                  patients cohort. This revealed fascinating
reduce adult asthma re-attendances at        excluded form the targeted cohort                       data around individual approaches to
A&E within 30 days by 20% of 2010/11         because they were always admitted due                   self-management, sources of information
baseline by May 2012 as an indicator of      to the severe nature of their asthma (and               and guidance, why patients attended
better control and quality of life.          therefore not a suitable cohort for this                A&E and what they felt they needed
                                             type of intervention).                                  from healthcare professionals.

                                             The 75 remaining had made 218                           Reason for attending A&E was mainly
                                             attendances in the period. Of these, 143                because of an exacerbation (87%).
                                             were re-attendances (16.1% of total                     However, 14% of the attendances
                                             asthma attendances) and just over half                  document the patient had run out of
                                             of these were re-attendances within 30                  inhaler medication although the timings
                                             days of previous visit (52%). The majority              around this require further investigation.
                                             who had two or more attendances                         Other reasons cited include: inability to
                                             within 30 days were always discharged                   access GP and lack of knowledge of
                                             from A&E.                                               other out of hours providers.

Achievements to date                        Successes and challenges
• 84 (of 94) A&E nursing staff have been    • Bureaucratic process and time scales         What’s next?
  trained in inhaler technique so that        e.g. setting-up the internal referral        • Further analysis of the data to
  they feel confident teaching and            pathway involved many conversations            understand the reasons behind the re-
  assessing inhaler technique                 and favours from people                        attendance so that they can be even
• This has also led to the implementation   • Unforeseen delays e.g. the asthma              more responsive to the patient
  of a placebo box and an updated             proforma launch in A&E was delayed             population
  asthma folder, which includes the           until the arrival of a set of drawers that   • PDSA results from small scale testing
  recently updated local asthma               housed and paper form, the letter and          of proforma, discharge letter and
  guideline                                   the leaflet in one place                       action plan and monitoring of
• An A&E asthma proforma (following a       • Highlights have included: re-                  implementation e.g. audit of usage of
  PDSA cycle) has been introduced back        introducing the proforma in A&E, co-           proformas
  into use within the department to           branding on the letter and the action        • Work with the LAS to further
  ensure that patients are cared for as       plan, working with enthusiastic people         understand ambulance call-outs for
  per BTS/ SIGN Guideline, which              and the gems revealed in the data.             asthma.
  includes a discharge checklist with
  referral to GP within 48 hours, an        Patient and Public Involvement                 Contact details
  Asthma UK co-branded ‘Asthma              A patient representative was present at        Karen Newell
  Patient to GP’ letter and blank self-     the process mapping event and three            Specialist Respiratory Nurse
  management plan for the patient to        patient representatives are sent the 
  take to a GP follow-up appointment        monthly project report. The telephone
  and an Asthma UK’s After Your             interviews from the 75 re-attenders
  Asthma Attack leaflet                     cohort involved eliciting the views of the
• The internal referral pathways into the   patients.
  severe/ difficult asthma clinic when
  patients have experienced an acute
  severe asthma attack or have difficult    “I am really looking
  asthma have been reviewed
• The external referral pathway has been    forward to seeing the
  reviewed and updated by way of an         outcome of this project, as I
  electronic flag on the patient record
  that prompts the hospital staff to give   think the impact will be
  information on discharge including the    extremely positive for a lot
  GP referral letter
• A bespoke Asthma Action Plan has          of people.”
  been designed and sent to local GPs
  for use - triple branded with Asthma      Guy’s and St Thomas’ asthma patient
  UK and NHS Improvement - Lung.            (2011)

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Asthma care bundles

Pinderfields General Hospital is one of      Baseline re-admissions for Pinderfields 2010/11
three district general hospitals in the
region (along with Pontefract General                               8

and Dewsbury General Hospital). The                                 7
hospital has recently moved into a new
                                               Number of Patients

building which has created the
opportunity for respiratory patients to                             5
enjoy state-of-the art facilities.

The respiratory team recently decided to                            3
look at ways in which they could
improve care for asthma patients. They
had already established a designated                                1
difficult asthma service and wanted to
impact upon admissions (Wakefield has                                   APR   MAY   JUN   JUL   AUG   SEP     OCT   NOV    DEC   JAN   FEB   MAR
the highest admission rates in the                                                                     Month
region). Therefore the respiratory                                       Patients
programme manager for NHS Wakefield
and District, Lisa Chandler, and a new
respiratory consultant, Dr James
McCreanor, considered this an ideal time
to implement a new asthma ‘bundle’         Project aims                                                     In 2010/11 there were 210 admissions to
(supported by a Commissioning for          The high level aims of the project are:                          Pinderfields. Of these 60 (29%) were
Quality and Innovation payment -           • To reduce asthma readmissions within                           readmitted for acute exacerbation of
CQUIN) to streamline and standardise         28 days of discharge by 20% from                               asthma within 28 days of previous
care asthma patients received at A&E, on     2010/11                                                        discharge. A more recent audit (June and
the ward and at discharge.                 • To increase compliance with asthma                             July 2011) reviewed the performance
                                             discharge through the bundle, in                               before the introduction of the care
                                             particular: review of inhaler technique,                       bundle. From the 24 patients coded as
                                             record of completed self-management                            having been seen for an exacerbation of
                                             plan, record of recommendation for                             asthma in these two months, only 14
                                             GP and/or specialist follow-up.                                were completed admissions. One patient
                                                                                                            self discharged, one patient died, one
                                           Data                                                             was an incorrect diagnosis and seven
                                           A 2009 BTS asthma audit highlighted                              sets of notes were not available. Of these
                                           that Pinderfields General Hospital re-                           14, only one had a record of inhaler
                                           admissions (within one month) were                               technique review (7%) and none had a
                                           more than double that of the national                            self-management plan.
                                           average (19%). The same audit also
                                           highlighted a lack of education and
                                           instruction to patients. Only 19% were
                                           asked to see their GP following
                                           admission and only 16% received a
                                           written action plan, compared to the
                                           national figures of 34 and 38%

The Mid Yorkshire project team (l-r) Jacqui Pollington,
Lisa Chandler and Dr James Creanor

Achievements to date                        Successes and challenges                   Patient and Public Involvement
• Diagnostic work around data including     • The team found it difficult to get the   Asthma UK patient representatives were
  review of admissions, readmission and       protected time needed to develop and     part of the process mapping event.
  length of stay                              pilot the care bundle
• A process mapping exercise and            • Working with A&E staff to educate        What’s next?
  discharge case note audit to establish      them on asthma and to implement the      • An audit of records of patients
  the cohort to focus on – 28                 bundle has paved the way for future        readmitted within 28 days is being
  readmissions (more than one                 joint working                              undertaken to identify any themes that
  admission and less than 10 admissions)    • Process mapping afforded the chance        appear to contribute to their
• Education for staff in A&E and on the       to bring clinicians from different         readmission
  wards around the discharge checklist        backgrounds and patients together to     • The impact of the closure of Pontefract
• Agreement on universal patient              envisage the whole pathway for             A&E resulting in the majority of
  information to be used across the Trust     asthma sufferers                           patients being redirected to the
• A care bundle was piloted prior to        • The support from the information           Pinderfields site will need to be
  launch (using a plan, do, study, act        team is vital and excellent                considered in terms of effect on data
  approach) to allow for evaluation and     • Using data and root cause analysis to    • Monitor compliance with the care
  refinement prior to widespread launch       diagnose the right ‘problem’ was key.      bundle at Pinderfields with regular
  in November                                 The data from previous years revealed      reviews to identify and resolve risks or
• A patient satisfaction questionnaire is     some concerns around length of stay        issues.
  now in use                                  but more recent data showed this was
• A discharge letter for patients from        no longer an issue. Further              Contact details
  A&E (adopted from St Thomas’                investigation revealed this has been     Lisa Chandler
  Hospital) is now in use.                    recently mitigated by a new hospital     Respiratory Programme Manager –
                                              wide in-reach team and so the focus      Public Health NHS Wakefield
                                              returned to readmissions.      

University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust

An integrated care pathway for A&E

University Hospital of North Staffordshire     Reason for A&E attendance
NHS Trust is currently spread across three
sites in Stoke-on-Trent serving a
population of approximately half a
million people in urban and semi-rural                         12%      6%
                                                                                                    Increased symptoms

Within North Staffordshire a ‘Fit for the                                                           Viral
Future’ transformation project and an
exciting move into a new Private Finance                                                            Infection
                                                     25%                           38%
Initiative hospital have been developed
to improve people’s access to high                                                                  Out of meds
quality healthcare. As part of the
reorganisation of emergency services an                                                             Severe patients
Urgent Care Centre has been embedded
within the A&E department and the
Clinical Decision Unit is expanding with                          19%
the move with the potential to change
the usual care for adult asthma patients.

The UHNS emergency department was
one of 147 departments that took part
in the College of Emergency Medicine         Project aims                                Casualty card data between 1 May and
(CEM) Asthma Audit in 2009/10. The           The high level aims of the project are:     30 September 2011 revealed there were
results of the audit showed there were       • To understand the current adult           48 attendances for asthma at A&E in
areas for improvement and the asthma           asthma patient journey through A&E,       that period. Thirty patients had not
clinical nurse specialist, Angela Cooper,      the Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) and      accessed a medical review immediately
and consultant physician, Dr Martin            the Urgent Care Centre                    prior to attending the emergency
Allen, felt that the modernisation of the    • To identify delays in patient care,       department, 14 had experienced a mild
hospital facilities signalled the              including those that can increase         exacerbation, 33 experienced a
opportunity to begin looking at ways in        length of stay and lead to admission      moderate/severe exacerbation and one
which asthma care within acute                 to the Clinical Decision Unit             had a life threatening exacerbation.
medicine, respiratory wards and the          • Introduce a new adult asthma care
community as well as A&E could be              pathway for use in A&E and across the     The majority of attendances were female
improved by using better communication         organisation                              which correlates with national findings.
and knowledge of patient flow.               • To identify interventions which will      The main reason for attendance was for
                                               produce a 10-20% reduction in length      an infective exacerbation or increase in
                                               of stay.                                  asthma symptoms. All patients attending
                                                                                         the emergency department received
                                             Data                                        nebulised bronchodilator as opposed to
                                             The results of the CEM audit from           metered dose inhaler and spacer delivery
                                             2009/10 showed that A&E at UHNS was         (contrary to BTS-SIGN Asthma
                                             below the national average for several      Guideline). Through reviewing casualty
                                             key indicators such as measuring PEF and    cards peak flows were recorded in most
                                             respiratory rate on arrival. It was also    patients but were not consistently done.
                                             15% above the national average for

  Accessing healthcare professional prior to attending A&E


   Number of Patients





                                                         4                 1
                               Not      Same           Earlier         >One week
                             accessed    day          in week

Achievements to date                           • Early results from the patient            • A&E attendances to be referred to the
• A process map of the patient journey           satisfaction questionnaire who have         respiratory nurse
  through the emergency portals has              already had intervention from the         • Collate data from the care pathway
  been completed                                 asthma service are positive.                and data analyst regarding
• A review and analysis of the A&E                                                           attendances, admissions and ength of
  casualty card attendance data has            Patient and Public Involvement                stay to assess for changes and
  been completed                               A patient has viewed and commented on         improvements in care
• A patient focus group has elicited           the process map (patient journey) and       • Evaluate the success of the patient
  comments, suggestions and themes             written a report for NHS Improvement –        forum; if beneficial consider
  for areas of improvement                     Lung. Patient satisfaction questionnaires     developing as a regular programme.
• The Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) has        have been completed and returned by
  been designed and a PDSA cycle has           58 of 100 patients who since May 2011       Contact details
  refined the final version launched in        have had support and intervention from      Angela Cooper
  January.                                     the asthma team and a patient forum         Asthma clinical nurse specialist
                                               meeting was held on the 18 January
Successes and challenges                       2012 for those who had attended A&E
• The management of change and                 within the past 12 months.
  moving into a new building has been
  challenging                                  What’s next?
• Locating casualty cards for analysis         • The creation of an adult asthma
  proved difficult                               patient database from A&E data
• The engagement of emergency care             • Staff education and training sessions
  staff along with acute respiratory             on asthma for A&E staff
  physicians and specialist nurses has         • Audit of the use of the ICP in A&E
  been encouraging                             • Semi-structured interviews with adult
                                                 asthma attenders

Sandwell Community Respiratory Team

Reducing admissions and increasing
community support

“I was eventually referred
                                              Baseline data on referrals 2010/11
to the CRS and since then, I
have received a brilliant,                                            Inhaler check
personalised service by
various members of the
                                               Number of Patients

team. Their skills and                                                  SMP issued

professionalism performed                                            Result - COPD

with a seven day per week                                           Result - Asthma

home-visit service, has                                                Sprirometry
enabled me to manage the
                                                                     Total Referrals
condition and lead a
                                                                                       0        20     40        60         80        100        120
relatively normal life.”                                                                                    Interventions

Sandwell CRS Patient (2011)

Background                                  Although the CRS were well utilised by                          Data
The Community Respiratory Service (CRS)     the NHS for other respiratory conditions                        Sandwell’s GP registered population is
in Sandwell is a multidisciplinary team     they felt that the time was right to do                         approximately 320,000. The borough
providing assessment, treatment and         more to support the management of                               has a large ethnic minority population
management to those with respiratory        asthma patients in the locality.                                with high levels of deprivation. There are
illnesses. The aims of the service (which                                                                   69 practices including three new Darzi
is now part of Sandwell and Birmingham      Project aims                                                    practices and a walk in centre.
Hospitals NHS Trust) are to: reduce         The three high level aims of the
avoidable admissions, minimise hospital     project are:                                                    Sandwell and West Birmingham
length of stay and provide care closer to   • To reduce adult hospital admissions of                        Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provide
home for respiratory patients.                asthma by 10% from 2010/11 baseline                           health care services for around 300,000
                                            • To ensure that by May 2012, 80% of                            people, seven out of 10 who are Black or
Previously the majority of the referrals      the patients on the CRS asthma                                Asian.
were for patients with COPD and low           register will:
numbers of referrals for asthma were          • have a confirmed asthma diagnosis                           In 2010/11 there were 106 referrals to
received from GPs and secondary care -          using spirometry                                            CRS. Baseline data showed room for
despite Sandwell having high prevalence       • have a self management plan in                              significant improvement as:
(over 7% as measured by the Quality of          place                                                       • Only 44 had diagnosis confirmed by
Outcomes Framework) and high                  • receive appropriate education                                  spirometry
admission rates for asthma.                   • have a review and ensure correct                            • 19 were given a self-management plan
                                                inhaler technique                                           • 62 had their inhaler technique checked
Initial thoughts were that high asthma        • regular reviews to ensure patients                             and were given education
attendance and admissions at the acute          are managing their asthma                                   • 0 had scheduled follow up.
Trust may be due to healthcare              • To increase the referral rate of asthma
professionals in the area not referring       patients into the service by 50%.
their patients to the team due to lack of
awareness of the service available.

The number of admissions between 1           Successes and challenges                      • Electronic care plan to be uploaded to
May 2010 and 30 April 2011 at Sandwell       • Creating electronic templates to ease         SystmOne (electronic patient record)
General Hospital was 236, with 171             data collection and extracting data           for all clinicians to use which will
admissions lasting for two days or less.       that is actually a true representation of     enable the team to report outcomes
Between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2011           what has happened was challenging           • Begin to audit case notes of the CRS
there were 638 A&E attendances due to          and work is still in progress to ensure       from May 2011 onwards to ensure
asthma.                                        data is accurate                              compliance with the 80% BTS/ SIGN
                                             • Manual review of case notes for               Asthma Guideline compliance e.g.
Achievements to date                           baseline data was time consuming              inhaler technique, self-management
• A process mapping session has been         • Using the media to advertise the              plan etc.
  held and actions identified                  project.                                    • Explore possible future models of care
• Baseline data on previous year’s                                                           based on a higher demand and begin
  referral has been completed and            Patient and Public Involvement                  to PDSA clinic sessions.
  analysed                                   Asthma UK and a patient and carer were
• An electronic asthma project data          an integral part of the process mapping       Contact details
  collection tool has been developed         event and a patient satisfaction              Kelly Redden-Rowley
• Electronic care plans for SystmOne         questionnaire ‘before’ and ‘after’ as part    Respiratory Physiotherapist/ Clinical Lead
  have been developed and are waiting        of the project work.                
  for final approval
• The team has been trained in the use       What’s next?
  of the Professor Martyn Partridge self-    • Complete the demand and capacity
  management plan for all patients             exercise and analyse data
• The referral criteria for the service is   • Develop GP awareness
  finalised                                    poster/algorithm for GP’s consultation
• A meeting has been arranged with             room inclusive of referral criteria and
  A&E to develop pathways for referring        process to encourage greater referrals
  to the CRS team                              from primary care and target the GP
• A demand and capacity exercise has           practices with high admission rates,
  been instigated                              high prevalence and high medicines
• Spirometry is now being conducted on         spend to raise awareness of the service
  all those who meet criteria within         • Meet with the A&E department
  project scope                                lead nurse to develop awareness of
• A GP information leaflet has been            service and referral pathway and
  developed and printed.                       explore options for referral process

Durham Dales Clinical Commissioning Group

Pharmacists and Medicines Use Reviews

Durham Dales Clinical Commissioning           Process mapping event at the Durham Dales
Group are a consortia of 12 GP surgeries
in the North East serving a population of
over 90 000.

In 2010, a small scale pilot between one
GP practice and one pharmacy was
undertaken over a three month period in
Bishop Auckland where pharmacists
offered a Medicines Use Review (MUR)
to asthma patients who had missed their
annual review and were over using
reliever inhalers. The initial data
suggested that over half of the patients
benefited from the service and this
evidence supported a bid to roll the
project out in other surgeries in the
consortia as an improvement project.

In May 2011, seven practices agreed to
take part and a joint working agreement
was established with pharmaceutical
company GlaxoSmithKline as a result of      Project aims                                 Achievements to date
their previous work in the locality on      The high level aims of the project are:      • This project was greatly aided by the
COPD. The lead pharmacist, Patricia         • To up skill health care professionals in     introduction of the new national
King, from the original pilot work then       the participating practices in their         pharmacy contract which came into
approached pharmacists which                  understanding and management of              force on 1 October 2011 which meant
neighboured participating practices and       asthma patients consistent with the          that respiratory patients became one
as a result 15 pharmacies are now taking      BTS/ SIGN Guidelines and to ensure all       of four key groups pharmacists are
part.                                         those involved in delivering MURs are        now asked to specifically target for
                                              trained and competent to do so               MURs.
                                            • For participating pharmacists - to
                                              undertake 500 MURs in total                The main achievements of the project to
                                            • For patients to have increased             date are:
                                              awareness and understanding of their       • Process map completed with
                                              conditions and be able to be                 stakeholders
                                              responsible for their own disease          • Three cohorts identified for
                                              management.                                  pharmacists to target: those who
                                                                                           missed their last annual review, those
                                            Data                                           on more than 1000mg of inhaled
                                            There are currently 56,172 patients            corticosteroids and those who have
                                            registered with the seven participating        been prescribed more than six blue
                                            GP surgeries with a total of 3,698             reliever inhalers in one year (from
                                            patients on their asthma register (a           pharmacist own records)
                                            prevalence of 6.6%).

• All participating pharmacists have been      Patient and Public Involvement
  trained by GSK on delivering asthma          An asthma patient representative is part
  MURs e.g. inhaler technique, self-           of the Project Steering Group which
  management plans, use of the Asthma          meets monthly and has been at all other
  Control Test questions etc.                  events associated with the improvement
• A patient satisfaction questionnaire is      work e.g. process mapping day.
  being given to the patient prior to an
  MUR and then sent to the patient six         What’s next?
  months after                                 • Continue to engage with the
• Letters are being sent out to patients         pharmacies on a monthly basis to
  on the surgery asthma registers who            ensure data is being returned to the
  are identified as have not attended            project team and sufficient numbers of
  their last annual review asking them to        MURs are being done
  see either their GP or pharmacist            • Visit each pharmacy to discuss the
• A schematic is available for                   project and process and offer further
  pharmacists in the delivery of an MUR          support
  and for any follow up                        • Organise and deliver educational
• A monthly MUR reporting form has               session for all pharmacists and
  been designed and trialled for                 dispensing practice lead to distribute
  pharmacists to use in order to record          lung models and train on how to use
  how many MURs they have                        them
  undertaken to send back to the               • Work with practices to extract their
  relevant GP surgeries and the Durham           data, analyse and collate information.
  Dales CCG Project Manager
• A monthly newsletter is sent out to all      Contact details
  participating GPs and pharmacies.            Vikki Reed
                                               Project Manager – Durham Dales Clinical
Successes and challenges                       Commissioning Group
• Confidentiality issues with GP practices
  sharing patient identifiable information
  with pharmacists has resulted in an          Kathryn Kemp
  opportunistic rather than proactive          Integrated Healthcare Manager –
  approach to patient lists                    GlaxoSmithKline
• Another pharmacy contract          
  requirement – the New Medicines
  Service – is impacting on pharmacists’
  capacity to undertake the MURs with
  targeted asthma patients
• The engagement and enthusiasm of
  the participating pharmacists has made
  joint working easy and the GSK
  mentoring of pharmacists has been
  very well received.


An integrated approach to asthma care

ESyDoc is a Clinical Commissioning
Group of 19 practices in Surrey covering
a population of around 170,000.

Dr Vijay Kumar, a GP at Birchwood
Practice, had already led a successful
project on improving COPD care within
the consortia during 2009. Through
further analysis of the COPD data they
discovered that variation in asthma care
existed across the ESyDoc patient
population and felt the time was right to
address the issues.

Given the success of their earlier joint
work in 2010 they decided to undertake
an improvement project in conjunction
with Sussex and Surrey Hospitals NHS
Trust. The project is also supported
through a formal joint working
agreement with pharmaceutical
company AstraZeneca.
                                              As an extension of these beliefs the         Data
Project aims                                  project is focussed on four key work         ESyDoc have 18 practices which each
ESyDoc and their partners firmly believe      streams with their own aims. These are:      hold an asthma register. The registers
that: asthma is controllable, there should                                                 have been searched for patients who are
be no unnecessary deaths from asthma          1. Diagnosis – increasing the prevalence     aged 18 years or over and potentially fall
and that a secondary care respiratory            of asthma from 5.3 to 5.8% through        into one or more of the four cohorts (see
clinician should be consulted if there is a      proactive case finding and analysis of    pyramid above – red, amber or green
decision to admit an asthma patient who          practice registers                        denotes priority to be seen in clinic).
presents at A&E.                              2. Chronic Disease Management –
                                                 inviting cohorts one, two and three       Surrey and Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust is
                                                 (see pyramid above) in for a structured   the main acute site for the area and
                                                 review in line with the BTS/ SIGN         services a total population of 400,000
                                                 Asthma Guideline, and ensuring that       patients. Last year there were 86
                                                 at least 75% of all those invited are     admissions with a primary diagnosis of
                                                 seen in asthma clinics and that 50%       asthma.
                                                 of those seen leave with an up-to-
                                                 date action plan
                                              3. Medicines Optimisation –
                                                 optimising medication for patients
                                              4. Transforming acute care –
                                                 standardising care pathways and
                                                 reducing admissions by 10% in the
                                                 acute Trust.

                                                                                        • The A&E attendance data is not easily
  The ESyDoc project team                                                                 visible which has made it difficult to
                                                                                          create a baseline
                                                                                        • All constituent practices have signed
                                                                                          up to the project.

                                                                                        Patient and Public Involvement
                                                                                        All patients that have attended the pilot
                                                                                        clinics as part of this project have
                                                                                        received and completed a questionnaire
                                                                                        pre and post appointment and this will
                                                                                        continue when further clinics are run
                                                                                        until the end of May 2012. Patient
                                                                                        representatives were present at the
                                                                                        process mapping events and attend all
                                                                                        the project steering group meetings.

                                                                                        What’s next?
                                                                                        • Focused communication for all
                                                                                        • Newsletter for all practices
                                                                                        • Re-run and analysis of the data from
                                                                                          the registers
Achievements to date                          • A pre and post clinic patient           • Continue with post clinic evaluations
• Three process mapping events have             questionnaire has been launched         • Acute Integrated Care Pathway
  mapped the diagnosis pathway, the           • A&E attendance data is being              monitoring and evaluation
  routine care pathway and the acute            identified and compiled into an         • Identification of work stream
  pathway                                       information format to ascertain the       monitoring i.e. what data to capture,
• The identification of patients within         baseline position, understand the         when and how
  defined cohorts and inclusion criteria        demand/need and set goals for           • Host clinical workshop to highlight
• A clinical lead has been identified in        reduction                                 aims, objectives and to raise awareness
  each constituent practice                   • A new asthma care pathway has just      • Development of an asthma data
• A small scale pilot of review clinics         been launched at the acute Trust.         dashboard
  (using a PDSA approach) has been                                                      • Appropriate and timely education for
  undertaken to evaluate a standard           Successes and challenges                    clinicians
  template and the use of the Professor       • Variability in the use of self-         • Review lessons learned and refine
  Martyn Partridge or Asthma UK self-           management plans with patients has        patient pathways.
  management plan                               prompted the project team to ensure
• Specific asthma clinics in every              all practices are using either the      Contact details
  constituent practice throughout               Professor Martyn Partridge or the       Dr Vijay Kumar
  ESyDoc have been created                      Asthma UK self-management plan          GP - Birchwood Practice
• The care planning approach has been         • Initial register searches showed
  agreed with both patients and                 conflicting data regarding numbers of
  clinicians                                    asthma patients on QOF and what the
• Training opportunities have been              Quintiles search had extracted (as
  advertised to all clinical staff in the       requested by AstraZeneca). This was
  practices                                     remedied by re-running the data set
                                                with improved filters to enable
                                                increased data integrity

NHS South West Essex

Targeted Medicines Use Reviews (MURs)
using a Local Enhanced Service (LES)

Background                                   Project aims                                 • Generated, proofed and prepared
There is currently a high prevalence of      The overarching aims are to: improve           standard proformas for the directed
asthma and significant asthma related        care, reduce morbidity and impact on           MUR, generation of a care plan
secondary care activity within the           secondary care resource use through            (Professor Martyn Partridge version),
primary care Trust borders. Access to        service delivery via community                 recording of data, patient consent,
medical practitioners is variable and        pharmacies.                                    collection of data (electronically)
there is significant potential opportunity                                                  around current medication and
to improve asthma care.                      The specific aims with regard to the 400       reporting back to the LPC.
                                             MURs and the LES agreement are to:
This work was initiated at the request of    • Improve patients’ adherence to their       Successes and challenges
medicines management driven by                 asthma treatment regimen through a         • Since the initial project plan in May
feedback from GP practices and                 number of extended education and             2011 there have been changes in the
community providers regarding the sorts        support interventions                        community pharmacy national contract
of problems they were having in              • Reduce asthma medicines waste,               (introduction of the New Medicines
reviewing and following up some hard-          including through poor compliance            Service and the MUR targets in
to-reach asthma patients.                      and prescription management                  October 2011). This development has
                                             • Reduce inappropriate prescribing,            delayed the start of the asthma project
It was suggested that pharmacist               including unconventional regimen and         but there have been some benefits:
engagement - through use of Medicines          over-prescribing                             much of the original training outcomes
Use Reviews - would ease difficulties        • Reduce avoidable unscheduled and             planned for project sites are met by
practices were having in accessing             secondary care activity for primary care     the training workshops and
certain patients. Pharmacists have a high      asthma patients.                             accreditation requirements for NMS,
level of contact with residents in the PCT                                                  and as asthma is one of the eligible
area and are engaged in a whole range        Data                                           clinical conditions for both NMS and
of service delivery. They also speak a       In 2009/10 there were 400 056 people           targeted MURs participants will have
range of languages which will assist in      registered with the 78 GP surgeries in         completed relevant continuing
targeting some of the hard to reach          South West Essex. The asthma                   professional development on this topic
groups.                                      prevalence in the PCT was just over 6%       • The inclusion of South Essex as a
                                             and there were 309 emergency                   Healthy Living Pharmacy Pathfinder site
The project itself is a collaborative        admissions.                                    has again delayed the implementation
between the Local Pharmaceutical                                                            of the project but it does mean that
Committee (LPC), the PCT, Medicines          Achievements to date                           the sites involved in both projects will
Management, GP practices, community          • Process mapping of current pathway in        have Health Champions among their
services and consultants from the acute        June 2011                                    support staff who may be well placed
hospital. Eight pharmacies in the local      • Undertaken a ‘world café’ (a method          to approach customers and initiate
area who are already part of the               which makes use of an informal cafe          conversations about the service, and
Department of Health ‘Healthy Living’          for participants to explore an issue by      the pharmacists involved will have
initiative have signed up to a local           discussing in small table groups) with       completed appropriate leadership
enhanced service (LES) agreement to            community pharmacists to canvass the         training to consider best use of skill
deliver at least 400 MURs to asthma            level of interest and willingness to         mix
patients collecting scripts.                   engage in this work                        • The prescribing and admissions data
                                             • Identified eight pharmacies who are          obtained from the PCT information
                                               part of the ‘Health Living Initiative’       team is not suitable for the size and
                                               with track record of service delivery,       scope of this project, and therefore a
                                               particularly extra-contractual, centred      greater emphasis will need to be
                                               around cardiovascular health checks,         placed on pharmacy Patient
                                               for further training and support             Medication Record (PMR) data and
                                             • Delivered a training session and             patient follow-up interviews for
                                               resource pack to up-skill pharmacists        meaningful reporting and evaluation
                                               and staff to undertake the enhanced          of the project.

Patient and Public Involvement
The service has a built in element for
both patient satisfaction and data
capture of patient reported outcome
measures (e.g. shortness of breath,
difficulty with normal activities, number
of times patient has had to resort to use
of rescue plan) as part of the MUR+

What’s next?
• To deliver training to staff and
  pharmacists in time for January
  initiation of project
• To continue to monitor performance
  monthly and feedback to practices of
  practitioner’s progress and learning
  derived from project delivery, and to
  feed these into the QIPP agenda.

Contact details
Balbir (Bill) Singh Sandhu
Associate Director /Head of Medicines


     COPD and Asthma Outcomes Strategy for England and Wales (DH: 2011)

     Asthma UK

     NHS Atlas and NHS Right Care (Problems of the Respiratory System, Atlas of
     Variation: 2011 version)

     British Guideline on the Management of Asthma (BTS/ SIGN: 2011)

     Professor Martyn Partridge asthma action planning software

NHS Improvement - Lung would like to thank all national improvement project sites
for their hard work and dedication to improve quality and care for people with
asthma, and for their contributions to this document.

In addition, the following people have provided a source of expertise and support
and their help is gratefully acknowledged:

Professor Martyn Partridge

Professor Sue Hill – National Clinical Director for Respiratory Services

Dr Robert Winter - National Clinical Director for Respiratory Services

Members of the Asthma Clinical Project Steering Group: Dr Bernard Higgins,
Jan Gould, Dr Dermot Ryan, Dr Mike Thomas and Simon Selo (Asthma UK)

Kevin Holton, Department of Health Head of Policy for Respiratory Services

Bronwen Thompson, Department of Health Policy Lead for Asthma

Phil Duncan, Director, NHS Improvement - Lung

Catherine Blackaby, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung

Ore Okosi, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung

Catherine Thompson, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung

Zoë Lord, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung

Alex Porter, Senior Analyst, NHS Improvement - Lung

For more information please contact
Hannah Wall, National Improvement Lead for Asthma
                                                                                                NHS Improvement





NHS Improvement

NHS Improvement’s strength and expertise lies in practical service improvement. It has over a
decade of experience in clinical patient pathway redesign in cancer, diagnostics, heart, lung and
stroke and demonstrates some of the most leading edge improvement work in England which
supports improved patient experience and outcomes.

Working closely with the Department of Health, trusts, clinical networks, other health sector
partners, professional bodies and charities, over the past year it has tested, implemented, sustained
and spread quantifiable improvements with over 250 sites across the country as well as providing
an improvement tool to over 1,500 GP practices.

NHS Improvement
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                                                                                                                  ©NHS Improvement 2012 | All Rights Reserved
                                                                                                                  Publication Ref: IMP/comms031 - April 2012

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NHS Improvement
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NHS Improvement
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Improving adult asthma care: emerging learning from the national improvement projects

  • 1. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement Lung DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement - Lung: National Improvement Projects Improving adult asthma care: Emerging learning from the national improvement projects
  • 2.
  • 3. CONTENTS 3 NHS Improvement - Lung National Improvement Projects - Improving adult asthma care: Emerging learning from the national improvement projects Contents Foreword by Professor Martyn Partridge 4 Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College London and Senior Vice Dean, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore (A joint school by Imperial College London and Nanyang Technological University) Introduction 5 The case for improvement work and a summary of the emerging learning from the sites Case studies 9 Acute Trusts Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust 10 Reducing re-attenders at Accident and Emergency Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 12 Asthma Care Bundles University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust 14 An Integrated Care Pathway for Accident and Emergency Community Respiratory Teams Sandwell Community Respiratory Team 17 Reducing admissions and increasing community support Clinical Commissioning Groups and Primary Care Durham Dales Clinical Commissioning Group 20 Pharmacists and Medicines Use Reviews ESyDoc Clinical Commissioning Group 22 An integrated approach to asthma care NHS South West Essex Primary Care Trust 24 Targeted Medicines Use Reviews through a Local Enhanced Service References 26 Acknowledgements 27
  • 4. 4 FOREWORD Foreword Martyn R Partridge At a time of financial stringency, it if there were one simple answer is important that we deliver care in we would have implemented it the most cost effective manner some time ago. However, I have and this will often involve us found the observation of these thinking outside the box and projects at this mid-point stage to assessing new methods of be incredibly stimulating and delivering care. When doing so it is invigorating, and I congratulate all important that a full needs who have been involved in this assessment is undertaken and that work. I look forward to the project all stakeholders are involved and end in the summer when the full where ever possible the innovation extent of the learning can be has to be undertaken with a clear shared. expectation that the enhancement will be extrapolable, deliverable, and sustainable. In the first round of the NHS Improvement - Lung asthma Martyn R Partridge projects, colleagues have shown remarkable innovation, Martyn R Partridge perspicacity, and above all Professor of Respiratory Medicine, determination to improve the care Imperial College London and which they are delivering to their Senior Vice Dean, Lee Kong Chian patients with asthma. School of Medicine, Singapore (A It is inevitable that over the years a joint school by Imperial College number of asthma projects have London and Nanyang had varying degrees of success, for Technological University)
  • 5. INTRODUCTION 5 Introduction Background – the case for waste) to the NHS of these types of The improvement work improvement medications in the UK is high. In May 2010, NHS Improvement – Asthma is a respiratory condition Unlike COPD, asthma is not a Lung invited NHS organisations to which affects between 3 and 5.4 condition in which patients will work in partnership on projects million people in the UK deteriorate over time, but dedicated to improving the asthma (Department of Health Outcomes unfortunately it cannot yet be cured. patient pathway and to help address Strategy for Chronic Obstructive With optimal self-management the the variation in care that patients Pulmonary Disease and Asthma: goal for nearly all people with receive. Projects plans were 2011) with approximately 80% of asthma should be to lead a normal, submitted from a number of sites those being over 18 years of age healthy and active life, but this relies including acute Trusts, primary care (Asthma UK). It is characterised by on a partnership approach between Trusts (PCTs) and community inflammation of the airways leading the healthcare professional and the organisations to work in four key to acute episodes known as patient in order to be truly areas of the pathway: improving ‘attacks’. These exacerbations can successful. The Outcomes Strategy asthma diagnosis and medicines often be managed by the patient for COPD and Asthma (DH: 2011) optimisation, transforming acute through medication and lifestyle noted that asthma is a condition care, chronic disease management modification but from time to time which is very poorly controlled. It and integrated care. can require treatment in Accident also highlighted the high number of and Emergency or an admission to preventable admissions and lack of The primary aims of the projects in hospital. In 2008/09 there were 49 adherence in published guidelines the national work stream are to: 054 emergency adult admissions for (the gold standard is the BTS- SIGN asthma at a cost of £61 million to Asthma Guideline: 2011), despite • Define the patient’s pathway the NHS, however it is currently the UK being a world leader in this • Identify and reduce variation in the estimated that three quarters of field. delivery of care these are preventable (Right Care • Challenge the system and test the Atlas of Variation: 2011). The aim of the NHS Improvement – components of care that lead to Lung asthma work stream is to test consistent and effective Because asthma symptoms have which interventions have the biggest management of the condition many similarities with other impact on patient outcomes and • Identify the success principles that respiratory conditions there is often experience. This will help to ensure other organisations and teams dual or misdiagnosis with other that people with asthma are could learn from and adopt. illnesses such as COPD. Asthma is managed optimally in both primary treated through a mixture of inhaled care and secondary care, to improve ‘preventer’ steroids which are taken patient outcomes and reduce the on a constant basis and ‘reliever’ demands placed on emergency care. bronchodilators which are inhaled in the event of worsening symptoms. Due to the plethora of drugs and different combinations available for respiratory patients the cost (and
  • 6. 6 INTRODUCTION During the ‘testing’ phase of the programme, project teams are exploring the reality of making this COMPONENTS OF CARE THE WORKSTREAM IS TESTING happen by taking stock of current practice and understanding the 1. Supportive self-management process of implementation to ensure Hypothesis: A written self-management plan with ongoing support patients receive optimal care in a increases a patient’s ability to better self-manage by providing challenging environment. Prior to information on what to do when feeling unwell to mitigate symptom commencing the work, the project escalation. This should lead to better patient outcomes, more patient sites have been required to establish control when exacerbations occur and reduced need for a GP their service baseline through appointment or an attendance at a hospital. analysis of local qualitative and Testing sites: All quantitative data and to understand the variation in services and quantify 2. Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) by appropriately the aims they are working towards. trained pharmacist The project teams were trained in Hypothesis: The MUR ensures optimal treatment and effective use of service improvement tools and medication with the patient. This should reduce medicines waste and techniques including the ‘model for spend as well as improving patient outcomes and reducing the need improvement’ methodology and for emergency primary or secondary care interventions. held local events to process map their current pathways. Testing sites: Durham Dales, NHS South West Essex At this half-way point the teams 3. Defining and standardising care in the pathway according have begun to remove duplication to the BTS-SIGN Guideline and waste from the pathway or Hypothesis: The standardisation of care according to national specific processes through different guidelines in an acute setting supports patient safety and quicker ways of working and service patient recovery from illness which reduces the risk of re-attendance redesign. They are testing small scale or readmission. innovations using a Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) approach and are Testing sites: ESyDoc, University Hospital of North Staffordshire measuring productivity gains on a NHS Trust, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Guy's monthly basis to identify the impact and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust of the improvements. During the final six months the sites will 4. Access to assessment and review continue to evaluate, learn and Hypothesis: Patients who receive education in self-management from retest to refine models of care. clinically trained staff who have training in asthma are able to self- manage more effectively and this will reduce the need for additional primary care appointments and potentially reduce emergency attendances and admissions. Testing sites: All
  • 7. INTRODUCTION 7 Summary of emerging learning • There is significant variation in the • There is recognition amongst The emerging learning from the delivery of care and the both primary and secondary care project sites to date demonstrates configuration of and access to clinicians that there are many some of the practical challenges asthma care services around the opportunities for meeting the around implementing those country. One example of this was productivity and prevention elements of good asthma care that significant disparity in proactive agenda whilst improving the we already know to be effective. follow up by GPs following receipt quality of services and outcomes This highlights not only what works of discharge summary issued from for asthma patients. Data from and how people are doing it, but the acute Trust (which in itself sites has identified opportunities also what barriers still exist and varied from within 24 hours to for reductions in use of resource where we still need to find solutions two weeks), which ranged from across the pathway, for example, to enable people to adopt best every patient to none. in primary care - through practice. systematic management of the Every pathway contains differences asthma patient register and in • Data is essential for improvement with varying adherence to the best secondary care, through targeted and there is plenty of data practice national recommendations, intervention on those who available to understand the current for example some GP practices in frequently re-attend or who are circumstances and drive change. the projects supply limitless repeat readmitted. However, it is important to take prescriptions, others only supply • A fundamental part of asthma time to identify what data are one script to those patients who care is evidence-based supportive most useful and to understand the are overdue for review and then self-management. Core best way to present and use the no more until a healthcare components of this consistently information. Consistently professional has seen the patient. include a primary care annual recording and collecting relevant review, the delivery of education data is also needed to allow Defining the current pathway with for patients (including inhaler monitoring of the impact of any issues or gaps is essential to technique) by clinical staff with changes in care and to highlight understanding the current state of specialist asthma knowledge in any areas to target interventions the local services and along with appropriate healthcare settings where appropriate. data provides the foundation for and the clear explanation and • Managing a condition such as future improvement work. documentation of a self- asthma successfully often requires management plan. patients to draw on both primary • Standardised care – for example, and secondary care. Testing sites through the use of templates, are broadly supportive of the proformas, care bundles, CQUINs emerging principle that integration (Commissioning for Quality and between services is one way to Innovation payments) and maximise use of local resources pathways – is strongly advocated and manage patients more by all the project sites as a effectively, however there are still potential solution to variation in barriers around the practical steps the management of asthma and needed to help organisations work a way of improving patient more closely together. outcomes and experience of care.
  • 8. 8 INTRODUCTION Barriers and Issues • Traditional organisational Clinical teams in each of the sites boundaries are often a barrier to have been working on different completing the information loop parts of the asthma pathway. Each to enable optimal patient site has faced individual challenges management for example, follow- and barriers however a number of up within 48 hours of discharge. common themes have begun to Mapping the patient pathway with emerge. all stakeholders present can often reconcile differing procedures and • Although clinicians understand the technologies between healthcare components of optimal asthma providers to allow information care and are familiar with the BTS/ exchange to be more timely and SIGN Guideline there is effective. widespread variation in adherence to recommended practice. For Focus for the next six months Phil Duncan example, in the administration of This mid-term guide represents the Director - NHS Improvement Lung written self-management plans. halfway point in the progress of the Although recommended, one project sites within the asthma work project site found that less than stream. For the remainder of the five per cent of their diagnosed time left the project teams will be asthma patients had documented focussed on small testing of and read-code recorded plans. innovation and improvement using • Variation also exists amongst PDSA cycles in the four different healthcare professional in the areas of the pathway: improving management of the patient asthma diagnosis and medicines journey specifically in secondary optimisation, transforming acute care and in many cases no current care, chronic disease management care pathway was available or and integrated care. known to staff in the emergency departments. The challenge will be to identify • There is a difference amongst models of evidence-based best organisations involved in the practice in each of these areas along improvement work in the with practical solutions for Hannah Wall understanding and the utilisation overcoming barriers and issues. The National Improvement Lead of different healthcare providers final Asthma Improvement Guide and the role they can take. For with all of the findings will be example, in the use of pharmacists published in Autumn 2012. and the sharing of information to and from primary care around Medicines Use Reviews.
  • 10. 10 CASE STUDIES - ACUTE TRUSTS Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust Reducing adult asthma re-attenders at Accident and Emergency Background Set in the heart of the capital city St Re-attenders - May 2010 to April 2011 Thomas’ A&E is one of the busiest and largest departments of its kind in 30 England, seeing hundreds of emergency patients every day. 25 20 Early in 2010 the respiratory nursing Patients team at St Thomas’ undertook a 15 snapshot audit of asthma attendances to A&E, and this revealed a surprisingly high 10 30 day re-attendance rate of just below 30% and this highlighted a problem 5 which they wanted to improve upon. 0 MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR Karen Newell, Respiratory Nurse 2010 2011 Specialist and project lead, felt that in Month order to reduce re-attendances they needed to work more proactively with their asthma patients on discharge and help healthcare professionals in A&E increase their knowledge to feel more Data Ethnically most patients were white and confident about working with asthma. A significant amount of quantitative and geographically most patients had a qualitative data has been sourced in London postcode. In terms of method of This project is supported by a myriad of order to help the project understand the presentation from the data available a stakeholders including: the respiratory problem it is aiming to solve prior to significant proportion were brought in by nursing team, Accident and Emergency implementing any potential solutions. ambulance and then went on to be staff, the London Ambulance Service discharged from the A&E (60%). (LAS), Lambeth and Southwark GPs and Quantitative data was derived from the Asthma UK. hospital’s electronic patient systems. This Qualitative data was gathered by use of revealed that in 2010/11, 94 patients re- semi-structured telephone interviews Project aims attended at A&E for primary diagnosis of with a random sample from the 75 The primary aim of this project is to asthma. Of these, 19 were deliberately patients cohort. This revealed fascinating reduce adult asthma re-attendances at excluded form the targeted cohort data around individual approaches to A&E within 30 days by 20% of 2010/11 because they were always admitted due self-management, sources of information baseline by May 2012 as an indicator of to the severe nature of their asthma (and and guidance, why patients attended better control and quality of life. therefore not a suitable cohort for this A&E and what they felt they needed type of intervention). from healthcare professionals. The 75 remaining had made 218 Reason for attending A&E was mainly attendances in the period. Of these, 143 because of an exacerbation (87%). were re-attendances (16.1% of total However, 14% of the attendances asthma attendances) and just over half document the patient had run out of of these were re-attendances within 30 inhaler medication although the timings days of previous visit (52%). The majority around this require further investigation. who had two or more attendances Other reasons cited include: inability to within 30 days were always discharged access GP and lack of knowledge of from A&E. other out of hours providers.
  • 11. CASE STUDIES - ACUTE TRUSTS 11 Achievements to date Successes and challenges • 84 (of 94) A&E nursing staff have been • Bureaucratic process and time scales What’s next? trained in inhaler technique so that e.g. setting-up the internal referral • Further analysis of the data to they feel confident teaching and pathway involved many conversations understand the reasons behind the re- assessing inhaler technique and favours from people attendance so that they can be even • This has also led to the implementation • Unforeseen delays e.g. the asthma more responsive to the patient of a placebo box and an updated proforma launch in A&E was delayed population asthma folder, which includes the until the arrival of a set of drawers that • PDSA results from small scale testing recently updated local asthma housed and paper form, the letter and of proforma, discharge letter and guideline the leaflet in one place action plan and monitoring of • An A&E asthma proforma (following a • Highlights have included: re- implementation e.g. audit of usage of PDSA cycle) has been introduced back introducing the proforma in A&E, co- proformas into use within the department to branding on the letter and the action • Work with the LAS to further ensure that patients are cared for as plan, working with enthusiastic people understand ambulance call-outs for per BTS/ SIGN Guideline, which and the gems revealed in the data. asthma. includes a discharge checklist with referral to GP within 48 hours, an Patient and Public Involvement Contact details Asthma UK co-branded ‘Asthma A patient representative was present at Karen Newell Patient to GP’ letter and blank self- the process mapping event and three Specialist Respiratory Nurse management plan for the patient to patient representatives are sent the take to a GP follow-up appointment monthly project report. The telephone and an Asthma UK’s After Your interviews from the 75 re-attenders Asthma Attack leaflet cohort involved eliciting the views of the • The internal referral pathways into the patients. severe/ difficult asthma clinic when patients have experienced an acute severe asthma attack or have difficult “I am really looking asthma have been reviewed • The external referral pathway has been forward to seeing the reviewed and updated by way of an outcome of this project, as I electronic flag on the patient record that prompts the hospital staff to give think the impact will be information on discharge including the extremely positive for a lot GP referral letter • A bespoke Asthma Action Plan has of people.” been designed and sent to local GPs for use - triple branded with Asthma Guy’s and St Thomas’ asthma patient UK and NHS Improvement - Lung. (2011)
  • 12. 12 CASE STUDIES - ACUTE TRUSTS Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Asthma care bundles Background Pinderfields General Hospital is one of Baseline re-admissions for Pinderfields 2010/11 three district general hospitals in the region (along with Pontefract General 8 and Dewsbury General Hospital). The 7 hospital has recently moved into a new Number of Patients 6 building which has created the opportunity for respiratory patients to 5 enjoy state-of-the art facilities. 4 The respiratory team recently decided to 3 look at ways in which they could 2 improve care for asthma patients. They had already established a designated 1 difficult asthma service and wanted to 0 impact upon admissions (Wakefield has APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR the highest admission rates in the Month region). Therefore the respiratory Patients programme manager for NHS Wakefield and District, Lisa Chandler, and a new respiratory consultant, Dr James McCreanor, considered this an ideal time to implement a new asthma ‘bundle’ Project aims In 2010/11 there were 210 admissions to (supported by a Commissioning for The high level aims of the project are: Pinderfields. Of these 60 (29%) were Quality and Innovation payment - • To reduce asthma readmissions within readmitted for acute exacerbation of CQUIN) to streamline and standardise 28 days of discharge by 20% from asthma within 28 days of previous care asthma patients received at A&E, on 2010/11 discharge. A more recent audit (June and the ward and at discharge. • To increase compliance with asthma July 2011) reviewed the performance discharge through the bundle, in before the introduction of the care particular: review of inhaler technique, bundle. From the 24 patients coded as record of completed self-management having been seen for an exacerbation of plan, record of recommendation for asthma in these two months, only 14 GP and/or specialist follow-up. were completed admissions. One patient self discharged, one patient died, one Data was an incorrect diagnosis and seven A 2009 BTS asthma audit highlighted sets of notes were not available. Of these that Pinderfields General Hospital re- 14, only one had a record of inhaler admissions (within one month) were technique review (7%) and none had a more than double that of the national self-management plan. average (19%). The same audit also highlighted a lack of education and instruction to patients. Only 19% were asked to see their GP following admission and only 16% received a written action plan, compared to the national figures of 34 and 38% respectively.
  • 13. CASE STUDIES - ACUTE TRUSTS 13 The Mid Yorkshire project team (l-r) Jacqui Pollington, Lisa Chandler and Dr James Creanor Achievements to date Successes and challenges Patient and Public Involvement • Diagnostic work around data including • The team found it difficult to get the Asthma UK patient representatives were review of admissions, readmission and protected time needed to develop and part of the process mapping event. length of stay pilot the care bundle • A process mapping exercise and • Working with A&E staff to educate What’s next? discharge case note audit to establish them on asthma and to implement the • An audit of records of patients the cohort to focus on – 28 bundle has paved the way for future readmitted within 28 days is being readmissions (more than one joint working undertaken to identify any themes that admission and less than 10 admissions) • Process mapping afforded the chance appear to contribute to their • Education for staff in A&E and on the to bring clinicians from different readmission wards around the discharge checklist backgrounds and patients together to • The impact of the closure of Pontefract • Agreement on universal patient envisage the whole pathway for A&E resulting in the majority of information to be used across the Trust asthma sufferers patients being redirected to the • A care bundle was piloted prior to • The support from the information Pinderfields site will need to be launch (using a plan, do, study, act team is vital and excellent considered in terms of effect on data approach) to allow for evaluation and • Using data and root cause analysis to • Monitor compliance with the care refinement prior to widespread launch diagnose the right ‘problem’ was key. bundle at Pinderfields with regular in November The data from previous years revealed reviews to identify and resolve risks or • A patient satisfaction questionnaire is some concerns around length of stay issues. now in use but more recent data showed this was • A discharge letter for patients from no longer an issue. Further Contact details A&E (adopted from St Thomas’ investigation revealed this has been Lisa Chandler Hospital) is now in use. recently mitigated by a new hospital Respiratory Programme Manager – wide in-reach team and so the focus Public Health NHS Wakefield returned to readmissions.
  • 14. 14 CASE STUDIES - ACUTE TRUSTS University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust An integrated care pathway for A&E Background University Hospital of North Staffordshire Reason for A&E attendance NHS Trust is currently spread across three sites in Stoke-on-Trent serving a population of approximately half a million people in urban and semi-rural 12% 6% Increased symptoms areas. Within North Staffordshire a ‘Fit for the Viral Future’ transformation project and an exciting move into a new Private Finance Infection 25% 38% Initiative hospital have been developed to improve people’s access to high Out of meds quality healthcare. As part of the reorganisation of emergency services an Severe patients Urgent Care Centre has been embedded within the A&E department and the Clinical Decision Unit is expanding with 19% the move with the potential to change the usual care for adult asthma patients. The UHNS emergency department was one of 147 departments that took part in the College of Emergency Medicine Project aims Casualty card data between 1 May and (CEM) Asthma Audit in 2009/10. The The high level aims of the project are: 30 September 2011 revealed there were results of the audit showed there were • To understand the current adult 48 attendances for asthma at A&E in areas for improvement and the asthma asthma patient journey through A&E, that period. Thirty patients had not clinical nurse specialist, Angela Cooper, the Clinical Decision Unit (CDU) and accessed a medical review immediately and consultant physician, Dr Martin the Urgent Care Centre prior to attending the emergency Allen, felt that the modernisation of the • To identify delays in patient care, department, 14 had experienced a mild hospital facilities signalled the including those that can increase exacerbation, 33 experienced a opportunity to begin looking at ways in length of stay and lead to admission moderate/severe exacerbation and one which asthma care within acute to the Clinical Decision Unit had a life threatening exacerbation. medicine, respiratory wards and the • Introduce a new adult asthma care community as well as A&E could be pathway for use in A&E and across the The majority of attendances were female improved by using better communication organisation which correlates with national findings. and knowledge of patient flow. • To identify interventions which will The main reason for attendance was for produce a 10-20% reduction in length an infective exacerbation or increase in of stay. asthma symptoms. All patients attending the emergency department received Data nebulised bronchodilator as opposed to The results of the CEM audit from metered dose inhaler and spacer delivery 2009/10 showed that A&E at UHNS was (contrary to BTS-SIGN Asthma below the national average for several Guideline). Through reviewing casualty key indicators such as measuring PEF and cards peak flows were recorded in most respiratory rate on arrival. It was also patients but were not consistently done. 15% above the national average for admissions.
  • 15. CASE STUDIES - ACUTE TRUSTS 15 Accessing healthcare professional prior to attending A&E 35 30 30 Number of Patients 25 20 15 13 10 5 4 1 0 Not Same Earlier >One week accessed day in week HCP Achievements to date • Early results from the patient • A&E attendances to be referred to the • A process map of the patient journey satisfaction questionnaire who have respiratory nurse through the emergency portals has already had intervention from the • Collate data from the care pathway been completed asthma service are positive. and data analyst regarding • A review and analysis of the A&E attendances, admissions and ength of casualty card attendance data has Patient and Public Involvement stay to assess for changes and been completed A patient has viewed and commented on improvements in care • A patient focus group has elicited the process map (patient journey) and • Evaluate the success of the patient comments, suggestions and themes written a report for NHS Improvement – forum; if beneficial consider for areas of improvement Lung. Patient satisfaction questionnaires developing as a regular programme. • The Integrated Care Pathway (ICP) has have been completed and returned by been designed and a PDSA cycle has 58 of 100 patients who since May 2011 Contact details refined the final version launched in have had support and intervention from Angela Cooper January. the asthma team and a patient forum Asthma clinical nurse specialist meeting was held on the 18 January Successes and challenges 2012 for those who had attended A&E • The management of change and within the past 12 months. moving into a new building has been challenging What’s next? • Locating casualty cards for analysis • The creation of an adult asthma proved difficult patient database from A&E data • The engagement of emergency care • Staff education and training sessions staff along with acute respiratory on asthma for A&E staff physicians and specialist nurses has • Audit of the use of the ICP in A&E been encouraging • Semi-structured interviews with adult asthma attenders
  • 17. CASE STUDIES - COMMUNITY RESPIRATORY TEAMS 17 Sandwell Community Respiratory Team Reducing admissions and increasing community support “I was eventually referred Baseline data on referrals 2010/11 to the CRS and since then, I have received a brilliant, Inhaler check personalised service by Education various members of the Number of Patients team. Their skills and SMP issued professionalism performed Result - COPD with a seven day per week Result - Asthma home-visit service, has Sprirometry enabled me to manage the Total Referrals condition and lead a 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 relatively normal life.” Interventions Sandwell CRS Patient (2011) Background Although the CRS were well utilised by Data The Community Respiratory Service (CRS) the NHS for other respiratory conditions Sandwell’s GP registered population is in Sandwell is a multidisciplinary team they felt that the time was right to do approximately 320,000. The borough providing assessment, treatment and more to support the management of has a large ethnic minority population management to those with respiratory asthma patients in the locality. with high levels of deprivation. There are illnesses. The aims of the service (which 69 practices including three new Darzi is now part of Sandwell and Birmingham Project aims practices and a walk in centre. Hospitals NHS Trust) are to: reduce The three high level aims of the avoidable admissions, minimise hospital project are: Sandwell and West Birmingham length of stay and provide care closer to • To reduce adult hospital admissions of Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust provide home for respiratory patients. asthma by 10% from 2010/11 baseline health care services for around 300,000 • To ensure that by May 2012, 80% of people, seven out of 10 who are Black or Previously the majority of the referrals the patients on the CRS asthma Asian. were for patients with COPD and low register will: numbers of referrals for asthma were • have a confirmed asthma diagnosis In 2010/11 there were 106 referrals to received from GPs and secondary care - using spirometry CRS. Baseline data showed room for despite Sandwell having high prevalence • have a self management plan in significant improvement as: (over 7% as measured by the Quality of place • Only 44 had diagnosis confirmed by Outcomes Framework) and high • receive appropriate education spirometry admission rates for asthma. • have a review and ensure correct • 19 were given a self-management plan inhaler technique • 62 had their inhaler technique checked Initial thoughts were that high asthma • regular reviews to ensure patients and were given education attendance and admissions at the acute are managing their asthma • 0 had scheduled follow up. Trust may be due to healthcare • To increase the referral rate of asthma professionals in the area not referring patients into the service by 50%. their patients to the team due to lack of awareness of the service available.
  • 18. 18 CASE STUDIES - COMMUNITY RESPIRATORY TEAMS The number of admissions between 1 Successes and challenges • Electronic care plan to be uploaded to May 2010 and 30 April 2011 at Sandwell • Creating electronic templates to ease SystmOne (electronic patient record) General Hospital was 236, with 171 data collection and extracting data for all clinicians to use which will admissions lasting for two days or less. that is actually a true representation of enable the team to report outcomes Between 1 May 2010 and 30 April 2011 what has happened was challenging • Begin to audit case notes of the CRS there were 638 A&E attendances due to and work is still in progress to ensure from May 2011 onwards to ensure asthma. data is accurate compliance with the 80% BTS/ SIGN • Manual review of case notes for Asthma Guideline compliance e.g. Achievements to date baseline data was time consuming inhaler technique, self-management • A process mapping session has been • Using the media to advertise the plan etc. held and actions identified project. • Explore possible future models of care • Baseline data on previous year’s based on a higher demand and begin referral has been completed and Patient and Public Involvement to PDSA clinic sessions. analysed Asthma UK and a patient and carer were • An electronic asthma project data an integral part of the process mapping Contact details collection tool has been developed event and a patient satisfaction Kelly Redden-Rowley • Electronic care plans for SystmOne questionnaire ‘before’ and ‘after’ as part Respiratory Physiotherapist/ Clinical Lead have been developed and are waiting of the project work. for final approval • The team has been trained in the use What’s next? of the Professor Martyn Partridge self- • Complete the demand and capacity management plan for all patients exercise and analyse data • The referral criteria for the service is • Develop GP awareness finalised poster/algorithm for GP’s consultation • A meeting has been arranged with room inclusive of referral criteria and A&E to develop pathways for referring process to encourage greater referrals to the CRS team from primary care and target the GP • A demand and capacity exercise has practices with high admission rates, been instigated high prevalence and high medicines • Spirometry is now being conducted on spend to raise awareness of the service all those who meet criteria within • Meet with the A&E department project scope lead nurse to develop awareness of • A GP information leaflet has been service and referral pathway and developed and printed. explore options for referral process
  • 20. 20 CASE STUDIES - CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS AND PRIMARY CARE Durham Dales Clinical Commissioning Group Pharmacists and Medicines Use Reviews Background Durham Dales Clinical Commissioning Process mapping event at the Durham Dales Group are a consortia of 12 GP surgeries in the North East serving a population of over 90 000. In 2010, a small scale pilot between one GP practice and one pharmacy was undertaken over a three month period in Bishop Auckland where pharmacists offered a Medicines Use Review (MUR) to asthma patients who had missed their annual review and were over using reliever inhalers. The initial data suggested that over half of the patients benefited from the service and this evidence supported a bid to roll the project out in other surgeries in the consortia as an improvement project. In May 2011, seven practices agreed to take part and a joint working agreement was established with pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline as a result of Project aims Achievements to date their previous work in the locality on The high level aims of the project are: • This project was greatly aided by the COPD. The lead pharmacist, Patricia • To up skill health care professionals in introduction of the new national King, from the original pilot work then the participating practices in their pharmacy contract which came into approached pharmacists which understanding and management of force on 1 October 2011 which meant neighboured participating practices and asthma patients consistent with the that respiratory patients became one as a result 15 pharmacies are now taking BTS/ SIGN Guidelines and to ensure all of four key groups pharmacists are part. those involved in delivering MURs are now asked to specifically target for trained and competent to do so MURs. • For participating pharmacists - to undertake 500 MURs in total The main achievements of the project to • For patients to have increased date are: awareness and understanding of their • Process map completed with conditions and be able to be stakeholders responsible for their own disease • Three cohorts identified for management. pharmacists to target: those who missed their last annual review, those Data on more than 1000mg of inhaled There are currently 56,172 patients corticosteroids and those who have registered with the seven participating been prescribed more than six blue GP surgeries with a total of 3,698 reliever inhalers in one year (from patients on their asthma register (a pharmacist own records) prevalence of 6.6%).
  • 21. CASE STUDIES - CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS AND PRIMARY CARE 21 • All participating pharmacists have been Patient and Public Involvement trained by GSK on delivering asthma An asthma patient representative is part MURs e.g. inhaler technique, self- of the Project Steering Group which management plans, use of the Asthma meets monthly and has been at all other Control Test questions etc. events associated with the improvement • A patient satisfaction questionnaire is work e.g. process mapping day. being given to the patient prior to an MUR and then sent to the patient six What’s next? months after • Continue to engage with the • Letters are being sent out to patients pharmacies on a monthly basis to on the surgery asthma registers who ensure data is being returned to the are identified as have not attended project team and sufficient numbers of their last annual review asking them to MURs are being done see either their GP or pharmacist • Visit each pharmacy to discuss the • A schematic is available for project and process and offer further pharmacists in the delivery of an MUR support and for any follow up • Organise and deliver educational • A monthly MUR reporting form has session for all pharmacists and been designed and trialled for dispensing practice lead to distribute pharmacists to use in order to record lung models and train on how to use how many MURs they have them undertaken to send back to the • Work with practices to extract their relevant GP surgeries and the Durham data, analyse and collate information. Dales CCG Project Manager • A monthly newsletter is sent out to all Contact details participating GPs and pharmacies. Vikki Reed Project Manager – Durham Dales Clinical Successes and challenges Commissioning Group • Confidentiality issues with GP practices sharing patient identifiable information with pharmacists has resulted in an Kathryn Kemp opportunistic rather than proactive Integrated Healthcare Manager – approach to patient lists GlaxoSmithKline • Another pharmacy contract requirement – the New Medicines Service – is impacting on pharmacists’ capacity to undertake the MURs with targeted asthma patients • The engagement and enthusiasm of the participating pharmacists has made joint working easy and the GSK mentoring of pharmacists has been very well received.
  • 22. 22 CASE STUDIES - CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS AND PRIMARY CARE ESyDoc An integrated approach to asthma care Background ESyDoc is a Clinical Commissioning Group of 19 practices in Surrey covering a population of around 170,000. Dr Vijay Kumar, a GP at Birchwood Practice, had already led a successful project on improving COPD care within the consortia during 2009. Through further analysis of the COPD data they discovered that variation in asthma care existed across the ESyDoc patient population and felt the time was right to address the issues. Given the success of their earlier joint work in 2010 they decided to undertake an improvement project in conjunction with Sussex and Surrey Hospitals NHS Trust. The project is also supported through a formal joint working agreement with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. As an extension of these beliefs the Data Project aims project is focussed on four key work ESyDoc have 18 practices which each ESyDoc and their partners firmly believe streams with their own aims. These are: hold an asthma register. The registers that: asthma is controllable, there should have been searched for patients who are be no unnecessary deaths from asthma 1. Diagnosis – increasing the prevalence aged 18 years or over and potentially fall and that a secondary care respiratory of asthma from 5.3 to 5.8% through into one or more of the four cohorts (see clinician should be consulted if there is a proactive case finding and analysis of pyramid above – red, amber or green decision to admit an asthma patient who practice registers denotes priority to be seen in clinic). presents at A&E. 2. Chronic Disease Management – inviting cohorts one, two and three Surrey and Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust is (see pyramid above) in for a structured the main acute site for the area and review in line with the BTS/ SIGN services a total population of 400,000 Asthma Guideline, and ensuring that patients. Last year there were 86 at least 75% of all those invited are admissions with a primary diagnosis of seen in asthma clinics and that 50% asthma. of those seen leave with an up-to- date action plan 3. Medicines Optimisation – optimising medication for patients 4. Transforming acute care – standardising care pathways and reducing admissions by 10% in the acute Trust.
  • 23. CASE STUDIES - CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS AND PRIMARY CARE 23 • The A&E attendance data is not easily The ESyDoc project team visible which has made it difficult to create a baseline • All constituent practices have signed up to the project. Patient and Public Involvement All patients that have attended the pilot clinics as part of this project have received and completed a questionnaire pre and post appointment and this will continue when further clinics are run until the end of May 2012. Patient representatives were present at the process mapping events and attend all the project steering group meetings. What’s next? • Focused communication for all stakeholders • Newsletter for all practices • Re-run and analysis of the data from the registers Achievements to date • A pre and post clinic patient • Continue with post clinic evaluations • Three process mapping events have questionnaire has been launched • Acute Integrated Care Pathway mapped the diagnosis pathway, the • A&E attendance data is being monitoring and evaluation routine care pathway and the acute identified and compiled into an • Identification of work stream pathway information format to ascertain the monitoring i.e. what data to capture, • The identification of patients within baseline position, understand the when and how defined cohorts and inclusion criteria demand/need and set goals for • Host clinical workshop to highlight • A clinical lead has been identified in reduction aims, objectives and to raise awareness each constituent practice • A new asthma care pathway has just • Development of an asthma data • A small scale pilot of review clinics been launched at the acute Trust. dashboard (using a PDSA approach) has been • Appropriate and timely education for undertaken to evaluate a standard Successes and challenges clinicians template and the use of the Professor • Variability in the use of self- • Review lessons learned and refine Martyn Partridge or Asthma UK self- management plans with patients has patient pathways. management plan prompted the project team to ensure • Specific asthma clinics in every all practices are using either the Contact details constituent practice throughout Professor Martyn Partridge or the Dr Vijay Kumar ESyDoc have been created Asthma UK self-management plan GP - Birchwood Practice • The care planning approach has been • Initial register searches showed agreed with both patients and conflicting data regarding numbers of clinicians asthma patients on QOF and what the • Training opportunities have been Quintiles search had extracted (as advertised to all clinical staff in the requested by AstraZeneca). This was practices remedied by re-running the data set with improved filters to enable increased data integrity
  • 24. 24 CASE STUDIES - CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS AND PRIMARY CARE NHS South West Essex Targeted Medicines Use Reviews (MURs) using a Local Enhanced Service (LES) Background Project aims • Generated, proofed and prepared There is currently a high prevalence of The overarching aims are to: improve standard proformas for the directed asthma and significant asthma related care, reduce morbidity and impact on MUR, generation of a care plan secondary care activity within the secondary care resource use through (Professor Martyn Partridge version), primary care Trust borders. Access to service delivery via community recording of data, patient consent, medical practitioners is variable and pharmacies. collection of data (electronically) there is significant potential opportunity around current medication and to improve asthma care. The specific aims with regard to the 400 reporting back to the LPC. MURs and the LES agreement are to: This work was initiated at the request of • Improve patients’ adherence to their Successes and challenges medicines management driven by asthma treatment regimen through a • Since the initial project plan in May feedback from GP practices and number of extended education and 2011 there have been changes in the community providers regarding the sorts support interventions community pharmacy national contract of problems they were having in • Reduce asthma medicines waste, (introduction of the New Medicines reviewing and following up some hard- including through poor compliance Service and the MUR targets in to-reach asthma patients. and prescription management October 2011). This development has • Reduce inappropriate prescribing, delayed the start of the asthma project It was suggested that pharmacist including unconventional regimen and but there have been some benefits: engagement - through use of Medicines over-prescribing much of the original training outcomes Use Reviews - would ease difficulties • Reduce avoidable unscheduled and planned for project sites are met by practices were having in accessing secondary care activity for primary care the training workshops and certain patients. Pharmacists have a high asthma patients. accreditation requirements for NMS, level of contact with residents in the PCT and as asthma is one of the eligible area and are engaged in a whole range Data clinical conditions for both NMS and of service delivery. They also speak a In 2009/10 there were 400 056 people targeted MURs participants will have range of languages which will assist in registered with the 78 GP surgeries in completed relevant continuing targeting some of the hard to reach South West Essex. The asthma professional development on this topic groups. prevalence in the PCT was just over 6% • The inclusion of South Essex as a and there were 309 emergency Healthy Living Pharmacy Pathfinder site The project itself is a collaborative admissions. has again delayed the implementation between the Local Pharmaceutical of the project but it does mean that Committee (LPC), the PCT, Medicines Achievements to date the sites involved in both projects will Management, GP practices, community • Process mapping of current pathway in have Health Champions among their services and consultants from the acute June 2011 support staff who may be well placed hospital. Eight pharmacies in the local • Undertaken a ‘world café’ (a method to approach customers and initiate area who are already part of the which makes use of an informal cafe conversations about the service, and Department of Health ‘Healthy Living’ for participants to explore an issue by the pharmacists involved will have initiative have signed up to a local discussing in small table groups) with completed appropriate leadership enhanced service (LES) agreement to community pharmacists to canvass the training to consider best use of skill deliver at least 400 MURs to asthma level of interest and willingness to mix patients collecting scripts. engage in this work • The prescribing and admissions data • Identified eight pharmacies who are obtained from the PCT information part of the ‘Health Living Initiative’ team is not suitable for the size and with track record of service delivery, scope of this project, and therefore a particularly extra-contractual, centred greater emphasis will need to be around cardiovascular health checks, placed on pharmacy Patient for further training and support Medication Record (PMR) data and • Delivered a training session and patient follow-up interviews for resource pack to up-skill pharmacists meaningful reporting and evaluation and staff to undertake the enhanced of the project. work
  • 25. CASE STUDIES - CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUPS AND PRIMARY CARE 25 Patient and Public Involvement The service has a built in element for both patient satisfaction and data capture of patient reported outcome measures (e.g. shortness of breath, difficulty with normal activities, number of times patient has had to resort to use of rescue plan) as part of the MUR+ process. What’s next? • To deliver training to staff and pharmacists in time for January initiation of project • To continue to monitor performance monthly and feedback to practices of practitioner’s progress and learning derived from project delivery, and to feed these into the QIPP agenda. Contact details Balbir (Bill) Singh Sandhu Associate Director /Head of Medicines Management
  • 26. 26 REFERENCES References COPD and Asthma Outcomes Strategy for England and Wales (DH: 2011) Guidance/DH_127974 Asthma UK NHS Atlas and NHS Right Care (Problems of the Respiratory System, Atlas of Variation: 2011 version) British Guideline on the Management of Asthma (BTS/ SIGN: 2011) Professor Martyn Partridge asthma action planning software
  • 27. References Acknowledgements NHS Improvement - Lung would like to thank all national improvement project sites for their hard work and dedication to improve quality and care for people with asthma, and for their contributions to this document. In addition, the following people have provided a source of expertise and support and their help is gratefully acknowledged: Professor Martyn Partridge Professor Sue Hill – National Clinical Director for Respiratory Services Dr Robert Winter - National Clinical Director for Respiratory Services Members of the Asthma Clinical Project Steering Group: Dr Bernard Higgins, Jan Gould, Dr Dermot Ryan, Dr Mike Thomas and Simon Selo (Asthma UK) Kevin Holton, Department of Health Head of Policy for Respiratory Services Bronwen Thompson, Department of Health Policy Lead for Asthma Phil Duncan, Director, NHS Improvement - Lung Catherine Blackaby, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Ore Okosi, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Catherine Thompson, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Zoë Lord, National Improvement Lead, NHS Improvement - Lung Alex Porter, Senior Analyst, NHS Improvement - Lung For more information please contact Hannah Wall, National Improvement Lead for Asthma Email:
  • 28. NHS CANCER NHS Improvement DIAGNOSTICS HEART LUNG STROKE NHS Improvement NHS Improvement’s strength and expertise lies in practical service improvement. It has over a decade of experience in clinical patient pathway redesign in cancer, diagnostics, heart, lung and stroke and demonstrates some of the most leading edge improvement work in England which supports improved patient experience and outcomes. Working closely with the Department of Health, trusts, clinical networks, other health sector partners, professional bodies and charities, over the past year it has tested, implemented, sustained and spread quantifiable improvements with over 250 sites across the country as well as providing an improvement tool to over 1,500 GP practices. NHS Improvement 3rd Floor | St John’s House | East Street | Leicester | LE1 6NB Telephone: 0116 222 5184 | Fax: 0116 222 5101 Delivering tomorrow’s ©NHS Improvement 2012 | All Rights Reserved Publication Ref: IMP/comms031 - April 2012 improvement agenda for the NHS