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The University of Zambia 
School of veterinary medicine 
Department of paraclinical studies 
Name: Musalo Brian 
Computer #: 10008047 
Course code: VMP-4400 
Lab: identification of ticks and mites 
Attention: Mr.chota 
Date: 10/03/14
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Title: identification of ticks and mites 
Aim: To be able to identify the following organisms: 
Parasitiformes (ticks) 
 Suborder Ixodida: Amblyoma spp, Hyalomma spp, Rhipicephalus spp. 
 Suborder Argasidae: Argas spp 
Acariformes (mites) 
 Suborder Astigmata: Psoroptes spp, Sarcoptes spp. 
 Suborder Prostigmata: Demodex spp, Tunga penetrans 
Ticks and mites are organisms that are in the class Arachnida, subclass Acarina or Acari, order 
Acariformes (mites) and Parasitiformes (ticks). These are different from insects in the way that 
they have two divisions, which are cephalothorax, and abdomen; they four pairs of legs and they 
have no wings. 
The order Parasitiformes has the suborder Ixodida in which Ixodidae and Argasidae family 
belong. All hard ticks, which are of veterinary importance, belong to this family while soft ticks 
belong to Argasidae. Ixodidae family has the following characteristics: have a hard chitinous shield 
or scutum that extends over the while dorsal (male) or much portion behind the head in the larvae, 
nymph and female; the mouthparts are anterior and well visible from the dorsal aspect, Eyes when 
present are situated on the lateral margin of the scutum (Monning H.O (1950). The genera ixodidae 
Rhipicephalus spp i.e. Rhipicephalus boophilus spp (blue tick) has anal groove obsolete in the 
female, faint in male, surround the anus posteriorly; in ornate, eye present, festoons absent and 
palps and hypostome short. It is one-host tick.
Hyalomma is in ornate, sometimes ornate, eye present, festoons present or absent. Hypostome 
and the palps are long. The males have a pair of adanal shield and sometimes accessory adanal 
shield; frequently a pair of chitinous protrusion behind the adrenal shields. Spiracles are comma 
shaped in males and triangular in females. It is known as a bont-legged tick. It is a parasite of 
cattle, goats, equines, dogs, cats and wild animals. 
Amblyoma is usually ornate, eyes and festoons present, hypostome and palp long and usually large 
and broad. For instance, A. variagatum is called bont-tick or variegated tick and is an African 
species. Haemaphysalis is in ornate, eyes absent, festoons present and palps or short and conical 
Rhipicephalus spp such as R. appendiculatus is in ornate, eyes are present, hypostome and palp 
short; coxa I with two strong spurs. R. appendiculatus is widely distributed in Africa, parasites of 
cattle, equines, sheep goats; wild antelope even dogs (Monning H.O (1950). It is a three-host tick 
and known as brown-ear tick. Rhipicephalus evertsi is also known as the red- leg tick and common 
in Africa south of equator, parasites of many species of domestic and animals. Rhipicephalus 
evertsi is distinguished from other members of this genus by its red legs and the shield is black 
and densely pitted. The larvae and nymphae are usually found in ears or the inguinal regions, the 
adults mainly under the tail. 
Demodex spp lives in hair follicles and sebaceous glands of various animals causing demodectic 
mange or follicular mange. Examples of Demodex spp are D. canis, D ovis, and D caprae. They 
are elongate, about 0.25mm long, have head and thorax that bear four pairs of stumpy legs; 
elongate abdomen that is transversely stricted on the dorsal and ventral surfaces (Monnig). 
Psoroptes are oval and tarsal suckers have jointed pedicles. They live on the skin of the parts of 
the body that are well covered with hair or wool or ears of the host and it causes scab in sheep or 
mange in other animals. 
Sarcoptes spp fall under the family Sarcoptidae in the order Siphonaptera. It is a minute parasite, 
roughly circular in the outline, suckers present with un jointed pedicles of the first two pairs of 
legs in the male and female, and on the fourth pair in the male, third and fourth pair of the legs are 
short in the both sexes and do not project beyond the margin of the body. Dorsal surface covered 
with fine folds and grooves that are transverse in arrangement and small scales (Monning H.O, 
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Tunga penetrans is representative in mammals of the burrowing fleas and occur in man and rarely 
in pigs. Its popular name is flea, in humans its jigger. Its present world-wide except in Europe. It 
is a skin burrowing parasite. 
Argas spp and Ornithodorus spp are soft tick in the family Argasidae. They have no scutum and 
the mouthparts are not visible from the dorsal aspect. The integument (for argasidae) is leather 
like, frequently mammilated and there is no dorsal shield. Eyes present or may not be present 
(Monning H.O, 1950). Ornihodoraus moubata is an eyeless tampan while Argas a fowl tick, is a 
common parasite in many warm and temperate climates, attacking fowls, turkey, pigeons, ducks, 
geese, and wild birds. The edge of the body are sharp. The engorged tick has a slaty-blue color, 
while the starved animal is yellowish-brown with the dark intestine showing through. As in other 
sexes there is little difference between the male and female; the sexes can be distinguished only 
by shape of the genital opening, which is situated anteriorly on the ventral surface and is larger in 
the female than males. 
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 Microscopes 
 Glass slide 
 Cover slip 
 70% preservative alcohol 
Parasitiformes (ticks) 
• Suborder Ixodida: Amblyoma spp, Hyalomma spp, Rhipicephalus spp. 
• Suborder Argasidae: Argas spp 
Acariformes (mites) 
• Suborder Astigmata: Psoroptes spp, Sarcoptes spp. 
• Suborder Prostigmata: Demodex spp, Tunga penetrans 
The preserved specimens of different species and genera were examined microscopically and 
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Observation Characteristics 
Parasitiformes (ticks) 
Suborder Ixodida: Amblyoma spp 
 (3-HOST) 
 bont ticks, large brightly colored, 
Legs banded and long mouth parts
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Parasitiformes (ticks) 
Suborder Ixodida: Hyalomma spp 
 (2-host) 
 Bont legged ticks, legs banded, long 
mouth parts, secrete toxins (Ht) 
Observation Characteristics 
Parasitiformes (ticks) 
Suborder Ixodida: Rhipicephalus spp 
 Brown ticks (others colored), found 
south of Sahara (R. sanguinius 
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Parasitiformes (ticks) 
Suborder Argasidae: Argas spp 
 (multihost ticks) 
 Commolnly known as fowl ticks, 
 The edge of the body are sharp. 
 The engorged tick has a slaty-blue 
color, while the starved animal is 
yellowish-brown with the dark 
intestine showing through. 
 As in other sexes there is little 
difference between the male and 
female; the sexes can be 
distinguished only by shape of the 
genital opening, which is situated 
anteriorly on the ventral surface and 
is larger in the female than males. 
Observation Characteristics 
Acariformes (mites) 
Suborder Astigmata: Psoroptes spp 
Family Psoroptidae 
 Skin parasites of mammals 
 Live in parts of body well covered 
by wool or hair or in the ears of 
their hosts. 
 Cause scab on sheep and mange in 
other animals 
3 genera of vet importance 
 Psoroptes, Chorioptes and 
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Acariformes (mites) 
Suborder Astigmata: Sarcoptes spp. 
Family Sarcoptidae 
 Spp of vet importance are 
Sarcopties scabiei and Notoedress 
Scarcoptes scabiei: 
 Commonly referred to as itch mite. 
 World-wide distribution and 
parasitizes humans, domestic and 
several wild animals 
 Adults about 250 μm long. Both 
male and females burrow in skin of 
Observation Characteristics 
Acariformes (mites) 
Suborder Prostigmata: Demodex spp 
 Follicle mite, likes inhibiting in the 
 Causes demodectic mange 
 Worldwide in distribution 
 Example: Demodex canis 
 Present in all dog breeds
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Acariformes (mites) 
Suborder Prostigmata: Tunga penetrans 
 Occur in man 
 Burrowing flea 
 Cosmopolitan in distribution except 
in Europe 
 Causes flea bite allergy/ 
Family: Argasidae 
Ornithodorus spp 
 soft tick 
 no larval stage 
 hatched from the eggs but the nymph 
Ticks have direct and indirect significant negative impact on domestic and wild animals. Ixodids 
and argasids are responsible for the transmission of pathogens such as Ehrlichia ruminantium that 
cause heart water by Amblyoma variagatum. The genera ambylomma and Hyalomma, produce 
wounds that damage the skin of the animal or may lead to loss of teats or infection by blowflies 
(Monning H.O, 1950). 
Theileria parva (Anaplasma marginale for anaplasmosis) cause East coast fever transmitted by 
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Babesia bigemina (B. bovis, A. marginale for anaplasmos is) 
that cause babesiosis or red water is transmitted by Rhipicephalus boophilus microplus and
decolaratus; African swine fever virus that cause African swine fever disease in pigs by 
Haemaphysalis transmits Babesia canis and Rickettsia conori. In addition to pathogen 
transmission, ticks cause tick worry, tick toxicosis, tick pain and anemia and result in low 
production (meat, milk, wool, hide etc.). Rhipicephalus evertsi is distinguished from 
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus in such that the latter is brown almost the whole body while the 
other one the legs are red. Rhipicephalus boophilus is distinguished from other Rhipicephalus spp 
in that Boophilus has pale legs unlike the species in the same genus. 
Treatment and control of tick infection is principally in the parasites themselves, and control 
measures are, as a rule are directed against the disease of which the ticks and mites are the vectors, 
and therefore depending on the epizootology of these diseases as well as on the habits of the ticks 
and mites. (Monning H.O, 1950). 
The life cycles or history of the hard ticks are similar, however; there are differences in the number 
of host involved. There are one-host ticks such as Rhipicephalus boophilus (which requires one 
host for them to complete the life cycle); two-host ticks such as Rhipicephalus evertsi (requires 2 
hosts) and three-host tick needs 3 host to satisfactorily complete the cycle e.g. Amblyoma 
variagatum. In general, the life cycle starts by the female mating and female can lay about 3000- 
5000 eggs. The eggs hatch into a six-legged larvae that is the seed tick. The larvae seek the 
vegetation and climb in waiting for attacking the host. After attacking the host, the larvae molt into 
the nymph that molt into the adult. Upon engorgement, the female ticks fall on the ground to lay 
eggs and the die. The male ticks live longer than the female tick on the host. The life cycle of 
Argasidae is different from that of Ixodidae on nymphal stages. The genera under Argasidae have 
nymphal stages. In Ornithodoras moubata, the life cycle is unique because there is no larval stage 
hatched from the eggs but the nymph. This tampan transmits African swine fever virus and 
spirochaetea dutton, the causative agent of African relapsing fever of human. 
The life cycle of mites, in general, eggs hatch into 6-legged larvae, and larvae moult to the 
nymphae, which have four pairs of legs. Nymphae progress through a series of moults, which 
ranges from one to three, depending on the species, before the production of an adult mite. The 
nymphal stages are known as to as protonymph, deutonymph and tritonymph. For instance, in 
Sarcoptes scabiei, the fertilized female creates a winding burrow or tunnel in the upper layers of 
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the epidermis, feeding on liquid oozing from the damaged tissues. The eggs are laid in these 
tunnels, hatch in 3-5 days, and the six-legged larvae crawl on to the skin surface. These larvae, in 
turn, burrow into the superficial layers of the skin to create small molting pockets in which the 
moults to nymph and adult are completed. The adult male then emerges and seeks a female either 
on the skin surface or in molting pockets. After fertilization the females produce new tunnels, 
either de novo or by extension of the molting pocket. The entire life cycle is completed in 17-21 
days (Urquhart, 2007). Female does not live longer than 3-4 days. The mites cause irritat ion, 
intense itching and scratching which results into dermatitis, crusts, scabs, skin wrinkling and 
alopecia. Disinfection, dipping/spraying and treatment with ivermectin is used to control mites. 
Demodex spp is in follicles and sebaceous glands and it results in chronic inflammat ion, 
proliferation and thickening of the epidermis and alopecia. Secondary bacterial infections result. 
Ticks are generally controlled chemically through dipping, spraying/hand-dressing and other 
integrated strategies such as cultivation of land, starvation, grass burning. The use of insectic ides 
on the infested hosts is effective against mites this may be successfully be done by integrat ing 
Hygiene practices in order to control the mites effectively. 
Tunga penetrans is representative in mammals of the burrowing fleas and occur in man and rarely 
in pigs. It is a skin burrowing parasite. The female burrows into the skin, where the abdomen is 
distended and filled with eggs, forming a distinct nodule. The flea commonly occurs on the feet of 
humans, causing severe irritation. In pigs the reported sites are the feet and scrotum, but these 
animals tolerate the infection with no sign of distress. It’s associated with mild pruritis and flea - 
bite allergy which is a profound clinical sign (Urquhart, 2007). 
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Identification of Amblyoma spp, Hyalomma spp, Rhipicephalus spp, Argas spp, Psoroptes spp, 
Sarcoptes spp, Demodex spp and Tunga penetrans was successful and their life cycles, medical 
and veterinary importance together with their possible methods of control were explained.
12 | P a g e 
 Monning H.O (1950), Veterinary Helminthology and Entomology, 3rd Edition, the Williams 
and Wilkins Company, Baltimore. 
 Soulsby E.J.L (1968). Helminthes, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. Pp. 
368-410.6th edition. London, Tindall and cassell. 
 Urquhart, G.M, Armour, J, Duncune, J.L, Dunn. J.L and Jenning, F.W (2007). Veterinary 
parasitology .pp191-200. 2nd edition. Blackwell publishing.

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Identification of ticks and mites

  • 1. 1 | P a g e The University of Zambia School of veterinary medicine Department of paraclinical studies Name: Musalo Brian Computer #: 10008047 Course code: VMP-4400 Lab: identification of ticks and mites Attention: Mr.chota Date: 10/03/14
  • 2. 2 | P a g e Title: identification of ticks and mites Aim: To be able to identify the following organisms: Parasitiformes (ticks)  Suborder Ixodida: Amblyoma spp, Hyalomma spp, Rhipicephalus spp.  Suborder Argasidae: Argas spp Acariformes (mites)  Suborder Astigmata: Psoroptes spp, Sarcoptes spp.  Suborder Prostigmata: Demodex spp, Tunga penetrans INTRODUCTION Ticks and mites are organisms that are in the class Arachnida, subclass Acarina or Acari, order Acariformes (mites) and Parasitiformes (ticks). These are different from insects in the way that they have two divisions, which are cephalothorax, and abdomen; they four pairs of legs and they have no wings. The order Parasitiformes has the suborder Ixodida in which Ixodidae and Argasidae family belong. All hard ticks, which are of veterinary importance, belong to this family while soft ticks belong to Argasidae. Ixodidae family has the following characteristics: have a hard chitinous shield or scutum that extends over the while dorsal (male) or much portion behind the head in the larvae, nymph and female; the mouthparts are anterior and well visible from the dorsal aspect, Eyes when present are situated on the lateral margin of the scutum (Monning H.O (1950). The genera ixodidae contains: Rhipicephalus spp i.e. Rhipicephalus boophilus spp (blue tick) has anal groove obsolete in the female, faint in male, surround the anus posteriorly; in ornate, eye present, festoons absent and palps and hypostome short. It is one-host tick.
  • 3. Hyalomma is in ornate, sometimes ornate, eye present, festoons present or absent. Hypostome and the palps are long. The males have a pair of adanal shield and sometimes accessory adanal shield; frequently a pair of chitinous protrusion behind the adrenal shields. Spiracles are comma shaped in males and triangular in females. It is known as a bont-legged tick. It is a parasite of cattle, goats, equines, dogs, cats and wild animals. Amblyoma is usually ornate, eyes and festoons present, hypostome and palp long and usually large and broad. For instance, A. variagatum is called bont-tick or variegated tick and is an African species. Haemaphysalis is in ornate, eyes absent, festoons present and palps or short and conical Rhipicephalus spp such as R. appendiculatus is in ornate, eyes are present, hypostome and palp short; coxa I with two strong spurs. R. appendiculatus is widely distributed in Africa, parasites of cattle, equines, sheep goats; wild antelope even dogs (Monning H.O (1950). It is a three-host tick and known as brown-ear tick. Rhipicephalus evertsi is also known as the red- leg tick and common in Africa south of equator, parasites of many species of domestic and animals. Rhipicephalus evertsi is distinguished from other members of this genus by its red legs and the shield is black and densely pitted. The larvae and nymphae are usually found in ears or the inguinal regions, the adults mainly under the tail. Demodex spp lives in hair follicles and sebaceous glands of various animals causing demodectic mange or follicular mange. Examples of Demodex spp are D. canis, D ovis, and D caprae. They are elongate, about 0.25mm long, have head and thorax that bear four pairs of stumpy legs; elongate abdomen that is transversely stricted on the dorsal and ventral surfaces (Monnig). Psoroptes are oval and tarsal suckers have jointed pedicles. They live on the skin of the parts of the body that are well covered with hair or wool or ears of the host and it causes scab in sheep or mange in other animals. Sarcoptes spp fall under the family Sarcoptidae in the order Siphonaptera. It is a minute parasite, roughly circular in the outline, suckers present with un jointed pedicles of the first two pairs of legs in the male and female, and on the fourth pair in the male, third and fourth pair of the legs are short in the both sexes and do not project beyond the margin of the body. Dorsal surface covered with fine folds and grooves that are transverse in arrangement and small scales (Monning H.O, 1950). 3 | P a g e
  • 4. Tunga penetrans is representative in mammals of the burrowing fleas and occur in man and rarely in pigs. Its popular name is flea, in humans its jigger. Its present world-wide except in Europe. It is a skin burrowing parasite. Argas spp and Ornithodorus spp are soft tick in the family Argasidae. They have no scutum and the mouthparts are not visible from the dorsal aspect. The integument (for argasidae) is leather like, frequently mammilated and there is no dorsal shield. Eyes present or may not be present (Monning H.O, 1950). Ornihodoraus moubata is an eyeless tampan while Argas a fowl tick, is a common parasite in many warm and temperate climates, attacking fowls, turkey, pigeons, ducks, geese, and wild birds. The edge of the body are sharp. The engorged tick has a slaty-blue color, while the starved animal is yellowish-brown with the dark intestine showing through. As in other sexes there is little difference between the male and female; the sexes can be distinguished only by shape of the genital opening, which is situated anteriorly on the ventral surface and is larger in the female than males. 4 | P a g e MATERIAL Material:  Microscopes  Glass slide  Cover slip  70% preservative alcohol Specimens: Parasitiformes (ticks) • Suborder Ixodida: Amblyoma spp, Hyalomma spp, Rhipicephalus spp. • Suborder Argasidae: Argas spp Acariformes (mites) • Suborder Astigmata: Psoroptes spp, Sarcoptes spp. • Suborder Prostigmata: Demodex spp, Tunga penetrans PROCEDURE
  • 5. The preserved specimens of different species and genera were examined microscopically and macroscopically. 5 | P a g e RESULTS Observation Characteristics Parasitiformes (ticks) Suborder Ixodida: Amblyoma spp AMBLYOMMA  (3-HOST)  bont ticks, large brightly colored, Legs banded and long mouth parts
  • 6. 6 | P a g e Parasitiformes (ticks) Suborder Ixodida: Hyalomma spp HYALOMMA  (2-host)  Bont legged ticks, legs banded, long mouth parts, secrete toxins (Ht) Observation Characteristics Parasitiformes (ticks) Suborder Ixodida: Rhipicephalus spp RHIPICEPHALUS  (2 AND 3 HOST TICKS)  Brown ticks (others colored), found south of Sahara (R. sanguinius cosmopolitan)
  • 7. 7 | P a g e Parasitiformes (ticks) Suborder Argasidae: Argas spp ARGAS  (multihost ticks)  Commolnly known as fowl ticks,  The edge of the body are sharp.  The engorged tick has a slaty-blue color, while the starved animal is yellowish-brown with the dark intestine showing through.  As in other sexes there is little difference between the male and female; the sexes can be distinguished only by shape of the genital opening, which is situated anteriorly on the ventral surface and is larger in the female than males. Observation Characteristics Acariformes (mites) Suborder Astigmata: Psoroptes spp Family Psoroptidae  Skin parasites of mammals  Live in parts of body well covered by wool or hair or in the ears of their hosts.  Cause scab on sheep and mange in other animals 3 genera of vet importance  Psoroptes, Chorioptes and Otodectes
  • 8. 8 | P a g e Acariformes (mites) Suborder Astigmata: Sarcoptes spp. Family Sarcoptidae  Spp of vet importance are Sarcopties scabiei and Notoedress cati Scarcoptes scabiei:  Commonly referred to as itch mite.  World-wide distribution and parasitizes humans, domestic and several wild animals  Adults about 250 μm long. Both male and females burrow in skin of host. Observation Characteristics Acariformes (mites) Suborder Prostigmata: Demodex spp  Follicle mite, likes inhibiting in the follicle  Causes demodectic mange  Worldwide in distribution  Example: Demodex canis  Present in all dog breeds
  • 9. 9 | P a g e Acariformes (mites) Suborder Prostigmata: Tunga penetrans  Occur in man  Burrowing flea  Cosmopolitan in distribution except in Europe  Causes flea bite allergy/ hypersensitivity Family: Argasidae Ornithodorus spp  soft tick  no larval stage  hatched from the eggs but the nymph DISCUSSION Ticks have direct and indirect significant negative impact on domestic and wild animals. Ixodids and argasids are responsible for the transmission of pathogens such as Ehrlichia ruminantium that cause heart water by Amblyoma variagatum. The genera ambylomma and Hyalomma, produce wounds that damage the skin of the animal or may lead to loss of teats or infection by blowflies (Monning H.O, 1950). Theileria parva (Anaplasma marginale for anaplasmosis) cause East coast fever transmitted by Rhipicephalus appendiculatus and Babesia bigemina (B. bovis, A. marginale for anaplasmos is) that cause babesiosis or red water is transmitted by Rhipicephalus boophilus microplus and
  • 10. decolaratus; African swine fever virus that cause African swine fever disease in pigs by Ornithodorus. Haemaphysalis transmits Babesia canis and Rickettsia conori. In addition to pathogen transmission, ticks cause tick worry, tick toxicosis, tick pain and anemia and result in low production (meat, milk, wool, hide etc.). Rhipicephalus evertsi is distinguished from Rhipicephalus appendiculatus in such that the latter is brown almost the whole body while the other one the legs are red. Rhipicephalus boophilus is distinguished from other Rhipicephalus spp in that Boophilus has pale legs unlike the species in the same genus. Treatment and control of tick infection is principally in the parasites themselves, and control measures are, as a rule are directed against the disease of which the ticks and mites are the vectors, and therefore depending on the epizootology of these diseases as well as on the habits of the ticks and mites. (Monning H.O, 1950). The life cycles or history of the hard ticks are similar, however; there are differences in the number of host involved. There are one-host ticks such as Rhipicephalus boophilus (which requires one host for them to complete the life cycle); two-host ticks such as Rhipicephalus evertsi (requires 2 hosts) and three-host tick needs 3 host to satisfactorily complete the cycle e.g. Amblyoma variagatum. In general, the life cycle starts by the female mating and female can lay about 3000- 5000 eggs. The eggs hatch into a six-legged larvae that is the seed tick. The larvae seek the vegetation and climb in waiting for attacking the host. After attacking the host, the larvae molt into the nymph that molt into the adult. Upon engorgement, the female ticks fall on the ground to lay eggs and the die. The male ticks live longer than the female tick on the host. The life cycle of Argasidae is different from that of Ixodidae on nymphal stages. The genera under Argasidae have nymphal stages. In Ornithodoras moubata, the life cycle is unique because there is no larval stage hatched from the eggs but the nymph. This tampan transmits African swine fever virus and spirochaetea dutton, the causative agent of African relapsing fever of human. The life cycle of mites, in general, eggs hatch into 6-legged larvae, and larvae moult to the nymphae, which have four pairs of legs. Nymphae progress through a series of moults, which ranges from one to three, depending on the species, before the production of an adult mite. The nymphal stages are known as to as protonymph, deutonymph and tritonymph. For instance, in Sarcoptes scabiei, the fertilized female creates a winding burrow or tunnel in the upper layers of 10 | P a g e
  • 11. the epidermis, feeding on liquid oozing from the damaged tissues. The eggs are laid in these tunnels, hatch in 3-5 days, and the six-legged larvae crawl on to the skin surface. These larvae, in turn, burrow into the superficial layers of the skin to create small molting pockets in which the moults to nymph and adult are completed. The adult male then emerges and seeks a female either on the skin surface or in molting pockets. After fertilization the females produce new tunnels, either de novo or by extension of the molting pocket. The entire life cycle is completed in 17-21 days (Urquhart, 2007). Female does not live longer than 3-4 days. The mites cause irritat ion, intense itching and scratching which results into dermatitis, crusts, scabs, skin wrinkling and alopecia. Disinfection, dipping/spraying and treatment with ivermectin is used to control mites. Demodex spp is in follicles and sebaceous glands and it results in chronic inflammat ion, proliferation and thickening of the epidermis and alopecia. Secondary bacterial infections result. Ticks are generally controlled chemically through dipping, spraying/hand-dressing and other integrated strategies such as cultivation of land, starvation, grass burning. The use of insectic ides on the infested hosts is effective against mites this may be successfully be done by integrat ing Hygiene practices in order to control the mites effectively. Tunga penetrans is representative in mammals of the burrowing fleas and occur in man and rarely in pigs. It is a skin burrowing parasite. The female burrows into the skin, where the abdomen is distended and filled with eggs, forming a distinct nodule. The flea commonly occurs on the feet of humans, causing severe irritation. In pigs the reported sites are the feet and scrotum, but these animals tolerate the infection with no sign of distress. It’s associated with mild pruritis and flea - bite allergy which is a profound clinical sign (Urquhart, 2007). 11 | P a g e CONCLUSION Identification of Amblyoma spp, Hyalomma spp, Rhipicephalus spp, Argas spp, Psoroptes spp, Sarcoptes spp, Demodex spp and Tunga penetrans was successful and their life cycles, medical and veterinary importance together with their possible methods of control were explained.
  • 12. 12 | P a g e REFERENCES  Monning H.O (1950), Veterinary Helminthology and Entomology, 3rd Edition, the Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore.  Soulsby E.J.L (1968). Helminthes, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals. Pp. 368-410.6th edition. London, Tindall and cassell.  Urquhart, G.M, Armour, J, Duncune, J.L, Dunn. J.L and Jenning, F.W (2007). Veterinary parasitology .pp191-200. 2nd edition. Blackwell publishing.