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                   21st Century Learning Committee
                                  Information Technology Solutions
                   Blueprint for Change – Progress Review May 2012

                                                 Towards 2020
                                           Connecting with our Students
                                                                                               Stewardship of
                               Success for Students             Success for Staff

  VISION               Our vision is one where all staff and students in the Ottawa Catholic School
                       Board have the skills they need to excel in the 21st century. We will achieve
21st Century           student success by meeting the diverse needs of 21st century learners.
                   The Need for Change
                   Today’s students are different from the students that our system was created to educate.
                   The new digital learners are immersed in technology and they expect to use digital tools
                                as part of their educational experience. Brain based research provides
     “As we enter the new
                                evidence that today’s generation of students are “wired” differently than
     age, the future won’t      previous generations. Instructional strategies are evolving to reflect the
      just happen. It will      needs of 21st century learners. The question we need to ask is not about
       be created – and         what equipment to purchase or install, but rather what skills do our students
      primarily by them.”       need to succeed. The class of 2020 is currently sitting in our primary
                                classrooms. These students will graduate from a learning environment and
         Don Tapscott
      “Grown Up Digital”        culture that espouses 21st century skill sets and tools.

                                  In order to create a learning environment that engages our students, we are
                   in the process of: updating our infrastructure, introducing new tools, creating professional
                   digital learning communities, building leadership capacity, and removing procedural
                   barriers (see appendix for a list of information technology initiatives).

                   Information Communication Technology (ICT) Tipping Point
                                        Technology is now reaching the point where it is available almost
                                        everywhere. The cost of technology is rapidly decreasing while the
                                        processing power is increasing. Convergence between a variety of
                                        devices and the Internet is becoming common place. A recent Media
                                        Technology Monitor (MTM) survey examined the media habits and
                                        technology usage of Canadians. The survey found that household
                                        penetration of broadband services continues to grow year after year.

                      Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)      Page 1
The significance for our schools is that more and more students have access to rich media
                                            resources when they are outside of school. Weekly Internet usage by
                                            Canadians has tripled since 2007. According to Internet World Stats,
                                            there were 361 million Internet users in the year 2000; there are now
                   There are over 3         over 2 billion users accessing over 1 trillion unique URLs.
               billion searches on
               Google every day!
                                              Worldwide there are over 3 billion searches on Google every day!
                                              YouTube launched in 2005 and now there are over 3 billion YouTube
                                              videos are watched daily. According to, there are over
                         294 billion emails sent per day with this number expected to hit over 507 billion by the
                         year 2013. Blog Pulse indicates that there are over 152 million blogs available on the
                         Internet. There are over 37.4 trillion page views on Facebook each year. There are over
                         5 billion cell phone connections worldwide. The increasing prevalence of Smart Phones is
                         creating opportunities for learning both in and out of school. The iPhone came out in
                         2007. There are now over 650,000 apps available for various “i-devices”, many of them
                         educational, and many of them free. Apple has had over 10 billion apps downloaded. The
                         Gartner group predicts 185 billion app downloads for all devices by the year 2014.
    Milestones           Implication
• Wireless               Ubiquitous access to technology cannot (and should not) be stopped. OCSB staff needs
• Bring your own         to be prepared to leverage technology to engage students and increase student success.
  device (BYOD)          Leaders in the OCSB need to model the use of new technologies and their positive
• Leadership             benefits to both staff and students.

                                              Core Priorities
                                              Technology within the Ottawa Catholic School Board will be viewed as
              Success for Students            a tool to support research based instructional strategies. The core
                Success for Staff
                                              priorities of student success, success for staff, and stewardship of
                 Stewardship of
                   Resources                  resources, within a Catholic framework will be enhanced by digital
                                              learning opportunities. Instructional practice should change with the
                                              proper use of technology.
                         Interdepartmental planning and communication are essential to ensure that stewardship of
                         resources is being achieved. Initiatives that are not supporting our Board core priorities
                         should be challenged and resources allocated to other areas. Departmental budgets
• Learning in the 21st
  Century, now part of
                         should include provisions to prioritize 21st century teaching and learning. The provision of
  Board Priorities       infrastructure and tools will not result in improved student success without the alignment of
• New Digital            curriculum resources, instructional practices (inquiry based, student-centered,
  Resources Budget       differentiated instruction), and professional learning.
  line, ↓textbook
                            Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)    Page 2
• New Innovative Fund
                           Several Board policies and procedures may have unintentionally restricted students and
                           staff from accessing digital resources over our secure network (for example, blocking
                           teacher and student access to YouTube, not allowing personal devices on the network).

                           The OCSB will strive to find a balance between safety/security and access to resources.
    Milestones             Procedures will be created that will be flexible in nature to allow for changing technologies
• Personal devices         to be readily implemented within the system.
  allowed on network
• YouTube unblocked        Implication
  at Principal’s request
                           A Board policy has been released to clarify how staff can use emerging technologies such
• Staff laptops can be
  taken home
                           as social media for instructional purposes. The implementation of a wireless environment
• Many staff are           throughout the Board will coincide with school practices that allow student use of devices
  blogging and using       to connect to the Internet for academic purposes. Teachers will be encouraged to teach
  social media             students the appropriate use of social media and safe online activity. Restrictions blocking
                           teacher access to the Internet will be relaxed with more emphasis on classroom
  SEA equipment is         management. Staff will have more flexibility in bringing Board devices home to continue
  now being used at        their learning by accessing just-in-time online learning modules.
  school and home

                           Capacity Building and Teacher Preparation
                      The new cohort of teachers will enter our system with an understanding of the required
                                         changes in instructional practice in order to relate to today’s digital
                Simply inserting         learners. Problem solving, or inquiry learning, with the teacher
                technology into          facilitating individualized student learning will continued to be
                classrooms and           emphasized. Differentiated instruction through the use of a variety of
                schools without          technologies and tools should be a standard component of all teacher
              considering how the        preparation programs.
              contexts for learning
               need to change, will
                                                OCSB leaders from all generations need to model the effective use of
                   likely fail.
                                                information technology skills with the goal of achieving student
                 Allan Collins                  success.

      Milestones           Board staff will continue to contribute to provincial dialogue around the re-design of
    • Input provided
                           teacher education programs, principal qualification programs, and supervisory officer
      to SOQP and
                           qualification programs. A focus on 21st century learning and teaching skills should
      PQP courses
    • 21st Century
                           become embedded as tools for achieving student and staff success. Board mentorship,
      Learning now
      part of
      Leadership              Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)    Page 3
leadership training, and new teacher induction programs will include 21st Century teaching
                        and learning support.
                        Standards of basic technology competency should be shared with teachers and
                        administrators. These standards can then be used as objectives within personal learning
                        plans. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has created a series
                        of National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). These NETS shall form the basis
                        for our competency references and benchmarks.
  • Some Principals     The OCSB Leadership Journey should include technological competencies that promote
    have received       the use of digital tools for learning opportunities. Central staff will continue to use digital
    copies of NETS      tools as a means of modeling to other leaders in the system.
    as part of ISTE
                        The Catholic Leadership Framework provides a reference for Vice-Principals, Principals,
  • Leadership
    training includes
                        and Supervisory Officers to set direction and priorities. Leaders should receive support
    digital tools       and training in the use of digital tools to ensure that they can model 21st century skills.

                                        Devices and Applications

      ... powerful software
                                        The focus should not be on any particular device or application. Teachers
       and hardware often               and students will focus on transferable skill sets as opposed to skills
        get used in limited             related to learning a particular application. Personalized learning will
           ways to simply               continue to be a goal in each learning environment.
      maintain rather than
      transform prevailing         Software and computer devices will continue to change at a rapid pace.
     instructional practices       The OCSB infrastructure should be flexible enough to leverage advances
       Clayton Christensen         in technology. As a starting point, teachers and students need access to a
                                   wireless environment with high speed bandwidth. Teachers should have a
                                   laptop or other device that will allow them to personalize their learning and
                   instruction. Teachers and students should have access to an LCD projector and an
                   interactive whiteboard for display, interaction, and engagement purposes.

                        Other devices for student and staff access such as netbooks, document cameras,
                        response systems, teacher voice amplification systems, tablets, iPods, iPads, etc. may
  Milestones            supplement core resources. The continued differentiation of instructional practice should
• Bandwidth
                        supplement the use of these resources in order to maximize the impact on learning.
• Wireless installed    Implication
• 80% of classes re-    The OCSB infrastructure should be in place in order to leverage the digital resources that
  tooled with           are available to students. This includes a balance between textbooks and digital
  LCD/SmartBoard        resources once access and reliable connectivity is no longer an issue.
• Tablets in most
                           Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)           Page 4
Learning Environment

                   The traditional classroom will continue to adapt as the main learning environment for most
                                         students; however, digital tools of the day should expand the learning
        Perhaps above all other          environment to a more global perspective. Within the changing
        aspects of Web                   classroom, students will participate in learning activities through a
        utilization, the power
                                         variety of media. Students will learn the skills to work with partners in
        of choice is what sets
        the Web of Learning              class and with others who may not be physically
        apart from other forms           Where possible (recognizing Ministry guidelines), time constraints should
        of learning.                     be removed from traditional credit based instruction at the high school
                                         level. The amount of time that a student should spend in any one
        Curtis J. Bonk                   class or required to complete a “course” should change.
                                         Differentiated instruction and individualized learning should lead to
                   anytime learning. Students should have access to the resources they need in order to
                   meet content expectations as opposed to timeline expectations. Students should have
                   input into the speed and pace of their own learning.
• D.I. focus for
                       Students should have increased choice in the instructional model that best suits their
• Credit Recovery
                       learning style. Options should include: face to face learning, hybrid or blended learning
                       opportunities that combine online learning and face to face learning, and virtual learning.

                       The Board will develop a secure and stable online learning portal for staff and student
Minimal change in      access. The online learning portal shall serve as an object repository that allows the
                       sharing of resources. The selected platform should be easy for staff to use and flexible
course timelines or
options for delivery
                       enough to allow for varied levels of staff use (example, virtual learning, blended learning,
                       credit recovery).

                       Instructional Practices - Higher Order Thinking Skills

                        Teachers are changing from a focus on providing facts to a new focus on higher order
                        thinking skills. Assessment strategies that focus on memorization and recall are
                        changing to new assessment strategies that focus on higher order thinking skills such as
 • Blackboard
   Learning Portal
                        evaluating and creating. Electronic response systems are being used to provide
   continued            immediate feedback and to inform instruction. Student use of digital tools such as social
   development          media will provide them with the opportunity to engage in higher order thinking skills.
 • BlackBoard           There should be a cross-curricular focus on 21st century learning skills including:
   includes Object      communication and collaboration (both with students inside and out of the school),
   Repository           creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking.
 • Single Sign-On to
   be completed by
   year-end               Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)        Page 5
Teachers should continue to challenge beliefs and strategies that have been based on a
                        left-brain (logical and analytical) society to one that recognizes and assesses right-brain
                        (creativity and problem solving) activities. Bloom’s revised Taxonomy of Thinking Skills
                        clearly demonstrates the required evolution in instruction and assessment.

                         Higher Order Thinking Skills                        Research indicates that digital learners
   Milestones                                                                are not motivated by a teacher standing
• Increased focus                                                            at the front of a classroom lecturing and
  on higher order        Creating                                            requiring students to copy notes.
  thinking skills as
                         Evaluating                                          Fortunately this practice is no longer the
  identified in many
  school SIPs            Analyzing
                                                                             norm in the Ottawa Catholic School
• Increased use of                                                           Board. The majority of digital learners
  Digital Resources
                         Applying                                            are visual learners who are “wired” for
  and use of             Understanding                                       video and audio engagement.
• Increased use of                                                      In an environment where information
  OERB resources,        Lower Order Thinking Skills                    and facts are readily available, teachers
  Education, and
                                                                        have an important role to play in helping
  Learn 360                                                             students challenge, question, and
                        create, based on the myriad of information available to them.

Greater changes have
    taken place in      OCSB staff should continue to support teachers as they transition away from traditional
elementary classes as   skills to higher order thinking and 21st century learning skills. The introduction of the
  compared to high
 school classes but     technological tools without changes in instructional practice will not result in significant
   changes are in       gains in student achievement or engagement. The Student Success Department is
                        supporting teachers with resources to reflect revised curriculum. These resources
                        should continue to be aligned with 21st century teaching and learning skills (Information
                        media and technology skills, learning and innovation skills, life and career skills, core
                        subjects and 21st century themes).


                         Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)        Page 6
                          In an age where information is readily available, it has become increasingly important for
                          teachers to guide students towards value based judgments. Students and staff have the
                                                                       ability to create and add to the wealth of
                                                                       positive information available on the World
                                                                       Wide Web.
 • Increased focus
   on curriculum
                                                                           The Catholic Graduate Expectations will have
   integration for                                                         an increasingly important place in the
   healthy                                                                 preparation of our students. The Catholic
   relationships and                                                       Graduate Expectations are inherently higher
   Internet Safety                                                         order, focused on communication,
   within Religious                                                        collaboration, creativity, and lifelong learning.
   studies courses

                                                                         The OCSB is well positioned to play an
                           important role in developing comprehensive digital citizens. Safety within digital
                           environments, Cyberbullying prevention, and healthy relationships are all components of
   Need to ensure
consistent delivery of
                           the Religious and Family Life courses. Teachers will continue to create learning
 Internet safety and       activities that require students to apply value based judgments and to critically analyze
Cyberbullying topics       and validate facts and arguments.
  early in each year

                           Professional Development – Generation Gaps
                           As a Board, we need to recognize that the majority of decision makers currently come
                           from those who would be considered baby boomers and some who would be considered
                           generation X. The students that we serve are generation Y, generation Z, and those
                           students who were born in 2010 and later are being referred to as generation alpha.
                           Our teaching staff is comprised of individuals from a variety of generations. Job
                           embedded training and in-service opportunities should be differentiated for our staff in a
    Milestones             manner similar to the differentiated instruction that we provide to our students. Decision
 • Variety of
                           makers should recognize the generational differences when making decisions.
   including: face to
   face, in-school, in-    A new phase of digital professional learning communities is being initiated to provide
   class, online,          just-in-time delivery to our new generation of teaching staff. The focus will shift away
   recorded                from text based instruction and move to media rich environments where staff can refine
   tutorials, Adobe        their instructional practices both in the classroom and in the new global classroom that
   Connect sessions,       extends beyond traditional classroom walls.
   Saturday sessions,
   Summer sessions
                             Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)         Page 7
It is important to recognize both traditional text based skills that many
                                            staff value and the digital audio and video based skills that many of
       The Net Generation, the
      biggest ever, is coming of
                                            our students and younger staff value. The achievement chart
      age. As they go to college            (Knowledge / Understanding; Thinking / Inquiry; Communication,
          and begin jobs, Net               and; Application / Making Connections) can be used as a framework
       Geners are beginning to              to provide a focus as part of professional learning opportunities. The
        use remarkable digital              four areas of the achievement chart apply regardless of the selected
      tools that give individuals           medium.
      the power that in the past
         was reserved for the
                                            Contrary to statements that we are preparing students for jobs that
                                            don’t exist, we should recognize and validate that we are preparing
               Don Tapscott                 students for both jobs that do exist today and providing our students
                                            with skills for jobs that are yet to be invented.

                         The OCSB should expand its current online delivery model to include opportunities for
                         staff to learn and develop 21st century skills. Staff should have opportunities to learn
                         digital skills that will assist them in engaging their students. Recognition of the varying
                         needs of different generations of teachers is important in providing a variety of learning
                         opportunities including just-in-time delivery of resources in rich media formats. The
 The Dept. has not       development of personalized portals, anywhere access, combined with access to
been able to keep up
 with the help desk
                         digital devices will support success for staff.
 tickets resulting in
    long waits for       Help desk tools will be developed and support will become available in a timely
                         manner. As digital tools become key components in achieving our Board core
installs and issues to
     be resolved
                         priorities, it is important that the tools are maintained and supported so that staff can
                         focus on the instructional strategies and not on the technology.

                         Libraries and Equity of Access
                         Today a vast collection of resource materials is available online in a digital format. The
                         model of collecting information and securing it in a central location is changing.
    Milestones           Libraries will evolve into Learning Commons. Learning Commons do not need to
 • Transition of
                         occupy the same footprint as libraries. The Learning Commons will become a central
   Library to
                         gathering location for students and staff to continue learning whether that is text
   Commons in 37         based, or rich media based. Access to online information and spaces for collaborative
   schools               and creative work should be central to the media center. Library staff will model web
 • Increased             2.0 search and collaboration skills in a welcoming, energy-rich environment.
   training for
   library staff
                         Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)        Page 8
Traditional library staff are refining their skills to become adept at navigating the rich
                                          digital resources available on the Internet. Library staff will serve as
                The librarian, or         digital literacy coaches to support staff and students. Access to digital
                 Cybrarian, may           collections need to be extended beyond the traditional school day.
                have the most to          Ideally, evening and weekend access to digital tools should be made
               gain from this open        available in the Learning Commons to bridge the digital divide for those
                 learning world:          who do not have the tools in their home.
                 witness e-books,
               online portals, open
               access journals, and
                 online video to             Allowing students to bring their own devices to school will provide
                accompany many               increased access for those students who do not have their own device
                  publications.              (example – if a class has access to 5 devices, and 10 students bring in
                                             their own device, then the 5 school devices can be shared with those
                     Curtis J. Bonk          who do not have their own).This synergy will provide good stewardship
                                             of resources.

                         The Board practice of replacing older devices needs to be supplemented with additional
                         devices being introduced into the system. The move to virtualization and web based
                         applications will allow less powerful and older devices to serve educational purposes.

                         Learning for all

    Milestones           Investments will be made in technology that provides students with curriculum
 • BYOD has              modification and accommodations for individualized or personalized learning. Following
   resulted in more      the principles outlined in Learning for All, the use of information communication technology
   devices in all        will aim to be provided in an inclusive setting. Technologies that facilitate learning will be
   schools               made available to students in system classes. Language based applications will be used
 • Netbooks are          to support ELL and ESL learners.
   available to take
   home in many
                         Interdepartmental cooperation will ensure that stewardship of resources is focused on
                         equality of opportunity for all students in our system. Resources should be allocated in
Investment in
additional devices       order to provide digital tools to assist with modifications and accommodations to meet
for ESL and ELL          special needs in the system. Staff should stay current with research in the area of
learners                 assistive technologies to take advantage of advances in this area. Staff should receive
                         job embedded learning opportunities in order to provide support to language learners
                         including ELL and ESL learners.

                            Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)     Page 9
Communication Technology
                         Parental involvement in education has proven to result in increased student success.
                         Emerging technologies may be used to supplement traditional communication tools.
                         Investments may be made to provide a communication channel that is differentiated for
                         each family (example, email, text message, voice message, etc.). New technologies
                         should also be used to offer messages in a variety of languages to respect our
     Milestones          increasingly diverse community. Technologies will be explored and used to improve
  • New student          student safety and security.
    system is being      Implication
    implemented –        Investments should be made to provide improved communication. The development of a
    includes a parent    parental portal should complement the development of a teacher portal. Static website
                         delivery of information should evolve into interactive web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies along
  • Introduction of
                         with mobile access to school and Board information.
    Google Apps is a
    move to web 20
                         Business and Management Applications
                         New technologies are allowing for easier access to personal data such as payroll and
                         other human resources information. As access increases it is important that safeguards,
                         contingency planning, and disaster recovery plans are put in place. Privacy of personal
                         information must be maintained and communicated across the system.

                         The design of new learning spaces and schools should take into account current research
                         on 21st century learning. Introducing digital tools along with flexible learning spaces will
                         result in the greatest impact on student learning.
  • 21st Century         Implication
    Learning             Staff should receive training on the proper storage and access to data.
    committee is         Disaster recovery systems must be put into place as non-electronic means to accomplish
    involved in new      business tasks are eliminated. Electronic tools should be seen as mission critical as they
    school design
                         contribute to key priorities and, as such, should be kept online with minimal disruption.
  • Off-site Disaster
    Recovery Site is
    being developed      Interdepartmental collaboration will contribute to the development of holistic and
                         comprehensive plans to ensure that each area of the Board is focusing on student
                         success regardless of job function.
More staff training
in the area of privacy
of information is

                            Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)   Page 10
The Ottawa Catholic School Board is a successful school Board in Ontario with a clear
focus on student and staff success. We will continue to innovate and adapt to reflect the
changing needs of 21st Century learners. We recognize that we are no longer preparing
students for the world that we grew up in; we are preparing them to be contributing digital
citizens in a new 21st Century environment.

21st century learning needs to move away from a focus on equipment and technology and
instead focus on our priorities: success for students, success for staff, and stewardship of
resources, all within a Catholic framework.

Digital tools and individualized learning paths will enable us to continue to be a successful
Catholic School Board. As we transition through the second decade of the 21st Century,
we will implement the necessary changes to ensure that our students are well prepared to
be contributing digital citizens when they graduate.

Key Resources for creating a 21st Century Learning/Teaching Environment
Technology for Learning: A Guidebook for Change

The Mile Guide – Milestones for Improving Learning and Education

21st Century Fluency Series

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

The Partnership for 21st Century Learning

Vision: K-20 – Software and Information Industry Association

   Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)   Page 11
Appendix 1: Creating a 21st Century Learning Environment

                         Board                 and Infra-
                                               structure                 Political
                       and Vision

         Shared                                                                           Social
        Funding                                                                         Media and
       and Inter-                                                                       Increased
      department                                                                        Commun-
        support                                                                          ications

 Learning                                                                                        - Support -
Commons                                        Student                                          Policies and
Transition                                     Success -                                        Procedures

    Digital                                                                                  Leadership
  Resources                                                                                   Support
   and Ease                                                                                     and
  of Access                                                                                   Training

              SmartBoards                                                        Capacity -
                and LCD                                                        Focus Groups,
               projectors                                                       modelling,
                                    Laptops                   Pilot              In-service
                                   and Tools
                                                           Devices for
                                      for                   Student
                                   Teachers                   Use

                Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)           Page 12
Appendix 2 - Initiative Snapshot

     Board Portal ––                  Increased                      Reliable
         increased                 bandwidth and                  network – core
                                                                                                environment at
     communications                redundancy to                     switches,
                                                                                                all Board Sites
     with parents and               process rich                 storage, backups
                                                                                                  to support
      between staff –                   media                    including Cloud
     multimodal and                  connections                   architecture

    Communications                                             Reliable Network                    Wireless

        eLearning –                 Creation of a                    Change in                     Decreased
          Blended                  data warehouse                   policies and                  reliance on
       Learning – all             to allow all users             practice – allow                computer labs
     students exposed              easy access to a                social media,                 and increased
       to blended or               data dashboard                    and allow                   use of Mobile
      online learning                                             student use of                    devices
                                                                 Mobile devices

   Blended Learning              Data Warehouse                Remove Barriers                 Internet Devices

                                     Re-tool our                 Build Capacity –
      Google Apps –               classrooms and                                                   Improved
                                                                   job embedded                  efficiencies –
     increased use of                 libraries -                learning, leaders
        web based                    Interactive                                                  workflow,
                                                                  modeling use of                 integrated
     applications and              White Boards,                    ICT, online,
     cloud computing              LCD projectors,                                                systems and
                                                                       PLCs                     Single-Sign-On
                                  digital resources

        Web Apps                 Re-tool classrooms              Build Capacity              Improved workflow

Note: This is only a sampling of major department initiatives.

                    Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review)          Page 13

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Learning Technology BluePrint for Change - Review

  • 1. = 21st Century Learning Committee Information Technology Solutions Blueprint for Change – Progress Review May 2012 Towards 2020 Connecting with our Students Stewardship of Success for Students Success for Staff Resources VISION Our vision is one where all staff and students in the Ottawa Catholic School Board have the skills they need to excel in the 21st century. We will achieve 21st Century student success by meeting the diverse needs of 21st century learners. Teaching Learning The Need for Change Today’s students are different from the students that our system was created to educate. The new digital learners are immersed in technology and they expect to use digital tools as part of their educational experience. Brain based research provides “As we enter the new evidence that today’s generation of students are “wired” differently than age, the future won’t previous generations. Instructional strategies are evolving to reflect the just happen. It will needs of 21st century learners. The question we need to ask is not about be created – and what equipment to purchase or install, but rather what skills do our students primarily by them.” need to succeed. The class of 2020 is currently sitting in our primary classrooms. These students will graduate from a learning environment and Don Tapscott “Grown Up Digital” culture that espouses 21st century skill sets and tools. In order to create a learning environment that engages our students, we are in the process of: updating our infrastructure, introducing new tools, creating professional digital learning communities, building leadership capacity, and removing procedural barriers (see appendix for a list of information technology initiatives). Information Communication Technology (ICT) Tipping Point Technology is now reaching the point where it is available almost everywhere. The cost of technology is rapidly decreasing while the processing power is increasing. Convergence between a variety of devices and the Internet is becoming common place. A recent Media Technology Monitor (MTM) survey examined the media habits and technology usage of Canadians. The survey found that household penetration of broadband services continues to grow year after year. Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 1
  • 2. The significance for our schools is that more and more students have access to rich media resources when they are outside of school. Weekly Internet usage by Canadians has tripled since 2007. According to Internet World Stats, there were 361 million Internet users in the year 2000; there are now There are over 3 over 2 billion users accessing over 1 trillion unique URLs. billion searches on Google every day! Worldwide there are over 3 billion searches on Google every day! YouTube launched in 2005 and now there are over 3 billion YouTube videos are watched daily. According to, there are over 294 billion emails sent per day with this number expected to hit over 507 billion by the year 2013. Blog Pulse indicates that there are over 152 million blogs available on the Internet. There are over 37.4 trillion page views on Facebook each year. There are over 5 billion cell phone connections worldwide. The increasing prevalence of Smart Phones is creating opportunities for learning both in and out of school. The iPhone came out in 2007. There are now over 650,000 apps available for various “i-devices”, many of them educational, and many of them free. Apple has had over 10 billion apps downloaded. The Gartner group predicts 185 billion app downloads for all devices by the year 2014. Milestones Implication • Wireless Ubiquitous access to technology cannot (and should not) be stopped. OCSB staff needs • Bring your own to be prepared to leverage technology to engage students and increase student success. device (BYOD) Leaders in the OCSB need to model the use of new technologies and their positive • Leadership benefits to both staff and students. Core Priorities Technology within the Ottawa Catholic School Board will be viewed as Success for Students a tool to support research based instructional strategies. The core Success for Staff priorities of student success, success for staff, and stewardship of Stewardship of Resources resources, within a Catholic framework will be enhanced by digital learning opportunities. Instructional practice should change with the proper use of technology. Implication Interdepartmental planning and communication are essential to ensure that stewardship of resources is being achieved. Initiatives that are not supporting our Board core priorities Milestones should be challenged and resources allocated to other areas. Departmental budgets • Learning in the 21st Century, now part of should include provisions to prioritize 21st century teaching and learning. The provision of Board Priorities infrastructure and tools will not result in improved student success without the alignment of • New Digital curriculum resources, instructional practices (inquiry based, student-centered, Resources Budget differentiated instruction), and professional learning. line, ↓textbook funds Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 2 • New Innovative Fund
  • 3. Governance Several Board policies and procedures may have unintentionally restricted students and staff from accessing digital resources over our secure network (for example, blocking teacher and student access to YouTube, not allowing personal devices on the network). The OCSB will strive to find a balance between safety/security and access to resources. Milestones Procedures will be created that will be flexible in nature to allow for changing technologies • Personal devices to be readily implemented within the system. allowed on network • YouTube unblocked Implication at Principal’s request A Board policy has been released to clarify how staff can use emerging technologies such • Staff laptops can be taken home as social media for instructional purposes. The implementation of a wireless environment • Many staff are throughout the Board will coincide with school practices that allow student use of devices blogging and using to connect to the Internet for academic purposes. Teachers will be encouraged to teach social media students the appropriate use of social media and safe online activity. Restrictions blocking teacher access to the Internet will be relaxed with more emphasis on classroom SEA equipment is management. Staff will have more flexibility in bringing Board devices home to continue now being used at their learning by accessing just-in-time online learning modules. school and home Capacity Building and Teacher Preparation The new cohort of teachers will enter our system with an understanding of the required changes in instructional practice in order to relate to today’s digital Simply inserting learners. Problem solving, or inquiry learning, with the teacher technology into facilitating individualized student learning will continued to be classrooms and emphasized. Differentiated instruction through the use of a variety of schools without technologies and tools should be a standard component of all teacher considering how the preparation programs. contexts for learning need to change, will OCSB leaders from all generations need to model the effective use of likely fail. information technology skills with the goal of achieving student Allan Collins success. Implication Milestones Board staff will continue to contribute to provincial dialogue around the re-design of • Input provided teacher education programs, principal qualification programs, and supervisory officer to SOQP and qualification programs. A focus on 21st century learning and teaching skills should PQP courses • 21st Century become embedded as tools for achieving student and staff success. Board mentorship, Learning now part of Leadership Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 3 training
  • 4. leadership training, and new teacher induction programs will include 21st Century teaching and learning support. Standards of basic technology competency should be shared with teachers and administrators. These standards can then be used as objectives within personal learning plans. The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) has created a series of National Educational Technology Standards (NETS). These NETS shall form the basis for our competency references and benchmarks. Milestones • Some Principals The OCSB Leadership Journey should include technological competencies that promote have received the use of digital tools for learning opportunities. Central staff will continue to use digital copies of NETS tools as a means of modeling to other leaders in the system. as part of ISTE memberships The Catholic Leadership Framework provides a reference for Vice-Principals, Principals, • Leadership training includes and Supervisory Officers to set direction and priorities. Leaders should receive support digital tools and training in the use of digital tools to ensure that they can model 21st century skills. Devices and Applications ... powerful software The focus should not be on any particular device or application. Teachers and hardware often and students will focus on transferable skill sets as opposed to skills get used in limited related to learning a particular application. Personalized learning will ways to simply continue to be a goal in each learning environment. maintain rather than transform prevailing Software and computer devices will continue to change at a rapid pace. instructional practices The OCSB infrastructure should be flexible enough to leverage advances Clayton Christensen in technology. As a starting point, teachers and students need access to a wireless environment with high speed bandwidth. Teachers should have a laptop or other device that will allow them to personalize their learning and instruction. Teachers and students should have access to an LCD projector and an interactive whiteboard for display, interaction, and engagement purposes. Other devices for student and staff access such as netbooks, document cameras, response systems, teacher voice amplification systems, tablets, iPods, iPads, etc. may Milestones supplement core resources. The continued differentiation of instructional practice should • Bandwidth supplement the use of these resources in order to maximize the impact on learning. increased • Wireless installed Implication • 80% of classes re- The OCSB infrastructure should be in place in order to leverage the digital resources that tooled with are available to students. This includes a balance between textbooks and digital LCD/SmartBoard resources once access and reliable connectivity is no longer an issue. • Tablets in most schools Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 4
  • 5. Learning Environment The traditional classroom will continue to adapt as the main learning environment for most students; however, digital tools of the day should expand the learning Perhaps above all other environment to a more global perspective. Within the changing aspects of Web classroom, students will participate in learning activities through a utilization, the power variety of media. Students will learn the skills to work with partners in of choice is what sets the Web of Learning class and with others who may not be physically apart from other forms Where possible (recognizing Ministry guidelines), time constraints should of learning. be removed from traditional credit based instruction at the high school level. The amount of time that a student should spend in any one Curtis J. Bonk class or required to complete a “course” should change. Differentiated instruction and individualized learning should lead to anytime learning. Students should have access to the resources they need in order to meet content expectations as opposed to timeline expectations. Students should have input into the speed and pace of their own learning. Milestones • D.I. focus for instruction Students should have increased choice in the instructional model that best suits their • Credit Recovery learning style. Options should include: face to face learning, hybrid or blended learning opportunities that combine online learning and face to face learning, and virtual learning. Implication The Board will develop a secure and stable online learning portal for staff and student Minimal change in access. The online learning portal shall serve as an object repository that allows the sharing of resources. The selected platform should be easy for staff to use and flexible course timelines or options for delivery enough to allow for varied levels of staff use (example, virtual learning, blended learning, credit recovery). Instructional Practices - Higher Order Thinking Skills Teachers are changing from a focus on providing facts to a new focus on higher order thinking skills. Assessment strategies that focus on memorization and recall are Milestones changing to new assessment strategies that focus on higher order thinking skills such as • Blackboard Learning Portal evaluating and creating. Electronic response systems are being used to provide continued immediate feedback and to inform instruction. Student use of digital tools such as social development media will provide them with the opportunity to engage in higher order thinking skills. • BlackBoard There should be a cross-curricular focus on 21st century learning skills including: includes Object communication and collaboration (both with students inside and out of the school), Repository creativity, problem solving, and critical thinking. • Single Sign-On to be completed by year-end Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 5
  • 6. Teachers should continue to challenge beliefs and strategies that have been based on a left-brain (logical and analytical) society to one that recognizes and assesses right-brain (creativity and problem solving) activities. Bloom’s revised Taxonomy of Thinking Skills clearly demonstrates the required evolution in instruction and assessment. Higher Order Thinking Skills Research indicates that digital learners Milestones are not motivated by a teacher standing • Increased focus at the front of a classroom lecturing and on higher order Creating requiring students to copy notes. thinking skills as Evaluating Fortunately this practice is no longer the identified in many school SIPs Analyzing norm in the Ottawa Catholic School • Increased use of Board. The majority of digital learners Digital Resources Applying are visual learners who are “wired” for and use of Understanding video and audio engagement. multimedia Remembering • Increased use of In an environment where information OERB resources, Lower Order Thinking Skills and facts are readily available, teachers Discovery Education, and have an important role to play in helping Learn 360 students challenge, question, and create, based on the myriad of information available to them. Greater changes have Implication taken place in OCSB staff should continue to support teachers as they transition away from traditional elementary classes as skills to higher order thinking and 21st century learning skills. The introduction of the compared to high school classes but technological tools without changes in instructional practice will not result in significant changes are in gains in student achievement or engagement. The Student Success Department is progress supporting teachers with resources to reflect revised curriculum. These resources should continue to be aligned with 21st century teaching and learning skills (Information media and technology skills, learning and innovation skills, life and career skills, core subjects and 21st century themes). Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 6
  • 7. Catholicism In an age where information is readily available, it has become increasingly important for teachers to guide students towards value based judgments. Students and staff have the ability to create and add to the wealth of positive information available on the World Wide Web. Milestones • Increased focus on curriculum The Catholic Graduate Expectations will have integration for an increasingly important place in the healthy preparation of our students. The Catholic relationships and Graduate Expectations are inherently higher Internet Safety order, focused on communication, within Religious collaboration, creativity, and lifelong learning. studies courses The OCSB is well positioned to play an important role in developing comprehensive digital citizens. Safety within digital environments, Cyberbullying prevention, and healthy relationships are all components of Need to ensure consistent delivery of the Religious and Family Life courses. Teachers will continue to create learning Internet safety and activities that require students to apply value based judgments and to critically analyze Cyberbullying topics and validate facts and arguments. early in each year Professional Development – Generation Gaps As a Board, we need to recognize that the majority of decision makers currently come from those who would be considered baby boomers and some who would be considered generation X. The students that we serve are generation Y, generation Z, and those students who were born in 2010 and later are being referred to as generation alpha. Our teaching staff is comprised of individuals from a variety of generations. Job embedded training and in-service opportunities should be differentiated for our staff in a Milestones manner similar to the differentiated instruction that we provide to our students. Decision • Variety of makers should recognize the generational differences when making decisions. training including: face to face, in-school, in- A new phase of digital professional learning communities is being initiated to provide class, online, just-in-time delivery to our new generation of teaching staff. The focus will shift away recorded from text based instruction and move to media rich environments where staff can refine tutorials, Adobe their instructional practices both in the classroom and in the new global classroom that Connect sessions, extends beyond traditional classroom walls. Saturday sessions, Summer sessions Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 7
  • 8. It is important to recognize both traditional text based skills that many staff value and the digital audio and video based skills that many of The Net Generation, the biggest ever, is coming of our students and younger staff value. The achievement chart age. As they go to college (Knowledge / Understanding; Thinking / Inquiry; Communication, and begin jobs, Net and; Application / Making Connections) can be used as a framework Geners are beginning to to provide a focus as part of professional learning opportunities. The use remarkable digital four areas of the achievement chart apply regardless of the selected tools that give individuals medium. the power that in the past was reserved for the authorities. Contrary to statements that we are preparing students for jobs that don’t exist, we should recognize and validate that we are preparing Don Tapscott students for both jobs that do exist today and providing our students with skills for jobs that are yet to be invented. Implication The OCSB should expand its current online delivery model to include opportunities for staff to learn and develop 21st century skills. Staff should have opportunities to learn digital skills that will assist them in engaging their students. Recognition of the varying needs of different generations of teachers is important in providing a variety of learning opportunities including just-in-time delivery of resources in rich media formats. The The Dept. has not development of personalized portals, anywhere access, combined with access to been able to keep up with the help desk digital devices will support success for staff. tickets resulting in long waits for Help desk tools will be developed and support will become available in a timely manner. As digital tools become key components in achieving our Board core installs and issues to be resolved priorities, it is important that the tools are maintained and supported so that staff can focus on the instructional strategies and not on the technology. Libraries and Equity of Access Today a vast collection of resource materials is available online in a digital format. The model of collecting information and securing it in a central location is changing. Milestones Libraries will evolve into Learning Commons. Learning Commons do not need to • Transition of occupy the same footprint as libraries. The Learning Commons will become a central Library to Learning gathering location for students and staff to continue learning whether that is text Commons in 37 based, or rich media based. Access to online information and spaces for collaborative schools and creative work should be central to the media center. Library staff will model web • Increased 2.0 search and collaboration skills in a welcoming, energy-rich environment. training for library staff Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 8
  • 9. Traditional library staff are refining their skills to become adept at navigating the rich digital resources available on the Internet. Library staff will serve as The librarian, or digital literacy coaches to support staff and students. Access to digital Cybrarian, may collections need to be extended beyond the traditional school day. have the most to Ideally, evening and weekend access to digital tools should be made gain from this open available in the Learning Commons to bridge the digital divide for those learning world: who do not have the tools in their home. witness e-books, online portals, open access journals, and Implication online video to Allowing students to bring their own devices to school will provide accompany many increased access for those students who do not have their own device publications. (example – if a class has access to 5 devices, and 10 students bring in their own device, then the 5 school devices can be shared with those Curtis J. Bonk who do not have their own).This synergy will provide good stewardship of resources. The Board practice of replacing older devices needs to be supplemented with additional devices being introduced into the system. The move to virtualization and web based applications will allow less powerful and older devices to serve educational purposes. Learning for all Milestones Investments will be made in technology that provides students with curriculum • BYOD has modification and accommodations for individualized or personalized learning. Following resulted in more the principles outlined in Learning for All, the use of information communication technology devices in all will aim to be provided in an inclusive setting. Technologies that facilitate learning will be schools made available to students in system classes. Language based applications will be used • Netbooks are to support ELL and ESL learners. available to take home in many schools Implication Interdepartmental cooperation will ensure that stewardship of resources is focused on equality of opportunity for all students in our system. Resources should be allocated in Investment in additional devices order to provide digital tools to assist with modifications and accommodations to meet for ESL and ELL special needs in the system. Staff should stay current with research in the area of learners assistive technologies to take advantage of advances in this area. Staff should receive job embedded learning opportunities in order to provide support to language learners including ELL and ESL learners. Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 9
  • 10. Communication Technology Parental involvement in education has proven to result in increased student success. Emerging technologies may be used to supplement traditional communication tools. Investments may be made to provide a communication channel that is differentiated for each family (example, email, text message, voice message, etc.). New technologies should also be used to offer messages in a variety of languages to respect our Milestones increasingly diverse community. Technologies will be explored and used to improve • New student student safety and security. information system is being Implication implemented – Investments should be made to provide improved communication. The development of a includes a parent parental portal should complement the development of a teacher portal. Static website portal delivery of information should evolve into interactive web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies along • Introduction of with mobile access to school and Board information. Google Apps is a move to web 20 tools Business and Management Applications New technologies are allowing for easier access to personal data such as payroll and other human resources information. As access increases it is important that safeguards, contingency planning, and disaster recovery plans are put in place. Privacy of personal information must be maintained and communicated across the system. The design of new learning spaces and schools should take into account current research on 21st century learning. Introducing digital tools along with flexible learning spaces will result in the greatest impact on student learning. Milestones • 21st Century Implication Learning Staff should receive training on the proper storage and access to data. committee is Disaster recovery systems must be put into place as non-electronic means to accomplish involved in new business tasks are eliminated. Electronic tools should be seen as mission critical as they school design contribute to key priorities and, as such, should be kept online with minimal disruption. • Off-site Disaster Recovery Site is being developed Interdepartmental collaboration will contribute to the development of holistic and comprehensive plans to ensure that each area of the Board is focusing on student success regardless of job function. More staff training in the area of privacy of information is needed Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 10
  • 11. Summary The Ottawa Catholic School Board is a successful school Board in Ontario with a clear focus on student and staff success. We will continue to innovate and adapt to reflect the changing needs of 21st Century learners. We recognize that we are no longer preparing students for the world that we grew up in; we are preparing them to be contributing digital citizens in a new 21st Century environment. 21st century learning needs to move away from a focus on equipment and technology and instead focus on our priorities: success for students, success for staff, and stewardship of resources, all within a Catholic framework. Digital tools and individualized learning paths will enable us to continue to be a successful Catholic School Board. As we transition through the second decade of the 21st Century, we will implement the necessary changes to ensure that our students are well prepared to be contributing digital citizens when they graduate. Key Resources for creating a 21st Century Learning/Teaching Environment Technology for Learning: A Guidebook for Change The Mile Guide – Milestones for Improving Learning and Education 21st Century Fluency Series International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) The Partnership for 21st Century Learning Vision: K-20 – Software and Information Industry Association Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 11
  • 12. Appendix 1: Creating a 21st Century Learning Environment Wireless Network Board and Infra- structure Political Priorities Context and Vision Shared Social Funding Media and and Inter- Increased department Commun- support ications Governance Learning - Support - Commons Student Policies and Transition Success - Procedures Personalized Learning Digital Leadership Resources Support and Ease and of Access Training Building SmartBoards Capacity - and LCD Focus Groups, projectors modelling, Laptops Pilot In-service Projects and Tools Devices for for Student Teachers Use Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 12
  • 13. Appendix 2 - Initiative Snapshot Wireless Board Portal –– Increased Reliable learning increased bandwidth and network – core environment at communications redundancy to switches, all Board Sites with parents and process rich storage, backups to support between staff – media including Cloud BYOD multimodal and connections architecture multilingual Increased Communications Reliable Network Wireless Bandwidth eLearning – Creation of a Change in Decreased Blended data warehouse policies and reliance on Learning – all to allow all users practice – allow computer labs students exposed easy access to a social media, and increased to blended or data dashboard and allow use of Mobile online learning student use of devices Mobile devices Blended Learning Data Warehouse Remove Barriers Internet Devices Re-tool our Build Capacity – Google Apps – classrooms and Improved job embedded efficiencies – increased use of libraries - learning, leaders web based Interactive workflow, modeling use of integrated applications and White Boards, ICT, online, cloud computing LCD projectors, systems and PLCs Single-Sign-On digital resources Web Apps Re-tool classrooms Build Capacity Improved workflow Note: This is only a sampling of major department initiatives. Toward 2020 – OCSB Learning Technology Blueprint for Change (May 2012 Update/Review) Page 13